How to make a big boat in minecraft. How to make your own boat in minecraft

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.07.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Minecraft is endless - it contains not only land, but also large expanses of water. To move on the water, it is best to use a special vehicle in the form of a boat. By means of this water transport, one can cross the seas and move along the riverbeds.

Note that the speed of water travel in minecraft is much higher than if your game character moves on foot on land. When swimming, care must be taken, if the craft at high speed collides with any block other than water, then it will simply decompose into a drop: into two blocks of boards and three wooden sticks. Only from minecraft version 1.3.1 and higher, if your character breaks the boat, then a new watercraft drops out.

On this watercraft it will be good to fish, for this it is enough to craft a fishing rod.


To board a boat, just right-click on it; to exit, you need to press the same mouse button again while hovering over this transport. It is controlled by the keyboard buttons: - W, A, S, D. The boat floats in the direction your game character is looking.


In order to make this useful vehicle, you will need 5 boards (almost the most affordable material), which you need to lay out on a workbench as follows.

Boards can be made in minecraft from any type of tree. The crafting recipe is shown in the picture.

Minecraft users need to remember that only one game character can get into the boat (unlike the trolley). If you decide to build a port for boats, it is best to do it from "sand for the soul" or sheep's wool. Soul sand can only be mined in the nether world. In this case, if the boat collides with the blocks of this building at high speed, it will remain safe and sound.

Please note that when you quickly move the boat in minecraft out of water, splashes will still appear.

Use in the game

In Minecraft before the version of the game Beta 1.6, the boat could quickly rise up the waterfall with the help of a special bug. What was used by users in the Minecraft gaming process when creating water elevators.

An interesting feature in minecraft is the use of a boat (by destroying it) for the extraction of oak planks. In this case, it will not matter that it was built from a different type of wood. Only 40% of the oak planks will be in the drop after the destruction of the remaining 60% of the oak sticks.

When traveling with a boat in minecraft, you need to follow basic safety measures. Do not allow the watercraft to collide with the land. In the event of a minecraft crash, your character will end up in the water. When swimming, you should not encounter fire-breathing lava, which will destroy this vehicle (fire resistance does not affect the boat) and you will have to make a new watercraft.

Experienced gamers of the craft world know that using a boat it is possible to swim through any doorway, even a locked one or a deadbolt.

Good evening. The sailor editor is with you and today I will tell how to make a boat in minecraft.

How to make a boat in minecraft

The boat is currently the only water vehicle in minecraft (without mods). Crafting it is very simple and will not take you a lot of resources.

At the moment, it can lag and break from the slightest touch to the ground. Hopefully the developers will fix this bug soon.

Let's move on to crafting. We need only five boards. They are made from wood that can be cut down in any forest. And so, open the workbench and lay out the following craft: In the fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth slot, one board each.

The boat is ready. It remains only to place it in the water and sit down.

If you are wondering what other boats can be in the game with mods, then go to our forum. I advise everyone to go there, because there you can find the answer to any topic that interests you. Just select the desired game or enter a query in the right search engine on the site. I also advise you to come to our store, because there you can find a lot of goods on different topics at very low prices. You can also ask your question and our editors will be happy to answer it.

Hello dear friends, fans of this exciting and mysterious minecraft game. Today I will talk about one interesting and useful item, such as a boat. Perhaps you have not yet thought about this opportunity in our fascinating world of minecraft. But it is unlikely that you have not come across water, in minecraft it is everywhere. We often have to swim through water in our searches, and you know from your own experience how slow and therefore tedious it is without a boat. Therefore, I want to analyze in detail the questions that will also interest you.

How to craft a boat in minecraft?

In order to make a boat, we need five boards. They can be obtained from any type of tree. You probably already know about craft boards in minecraft. They need to be made on a workbench, on which boats are also crafted. Arrange the boards on the workbench as in the photo:

And that's it, our boat is ready!

Now we can safely cross any sea and swim along the rivers in search of new resources. I want to warn you, my friends, you need to move with a certain degree of caution, because in a collision with blocks, the boat can break. In this case, three sticks and two blocks of boards will fall out, not counting the time we spent on crafting, and we will have to do it again.

By the way, you can make excellent water slides for them, and you can also make high-speed water roads. If you have already made rails and trolleys, and try to ride on them with a boat, you will not succeed: it can only float on water. And it does it faster than we can walk on land. Although it must be admitted, the trolley moves along the rails much faster.

How to drive a boat?

In order to jump into our ship, you need to right-click on it, and at the end of the voyage, click again and get out.

To move, use the W, A, S, D keys.

If you turn the camera towards the rear with the mouse and press the W key, the ship itself will turn with the front part in the direction where the camera is looking. When meeting with other players or mobs, the boat changes its direction.

As I already warned: when swimming in the world of Minecraft, you must follow safety measures, and if you still crashed, then we will be thrown into the water. And you will have to swim to the shore and again you will have to make craft! Also, be careful, dear friends, and don't run into lava on it. Since there your ship can receive huge damage and quickly break down, because fire resistance does not affect it.

One of the most important and useful items in Minecraft is the boat. There is no player in the game who does not have to deal with water, because it is everywhere. In search of resources, minerals or treasures, you often have to swim through obstacles. Of course, doing this without a boat is very difficult and irrational from the point of view of spending time.

In order to craft this item, you need to find five boards. Getting them in the game will not be a problem - just go to the forest and cut down a few trees. Boards, like the boat itself, are created on a workbench.

We arrange the ingredients in the correct order and get our boat.

Now you can safely go on a journey, cross the seas or swim along the rivers. Please note that you need to move with extreme caution, because if you collide with a block, the ship may crash. But the positive is that after the destruction of the boat you will receive your blocks of boards. After spending a little time again, you can create a new boat.

For such an item in the game, you can create water slides or expressways. If you already have rails or roads, then try riding them with a boat. Of course, you will not succeed, because the boat can only move on water. Plus, she does it pretty much faster than your character can walk on land. However, on the other hand, the use of a trolley that moves on rails is more efficient.

Boat Rules

In order to be in the boat, you need to right-click on it. If you want to exit it, just click on it again.

Please note that when encountering mobs or other hostile players, the boat will automatically change direction. You can return it by turning the camera.

As already noted, caution must be exercised when using this item. Otherwise, you may crash and have to swim to land. In addition, you need to beware of lava, which can cause great damage to the ship and destroy it.

If you are a fishing lover, you can go fishing right in the game. And the boat in this case will be very handy. Note that in Minecraft there are fish in any water, even in a shallow pond. What's more, you can fish while the boat is moving. Now you can kill time while you get to your destination.

Thus, we learned how to craft a boat in Minecraft. This item is very useful, because only on it you can move through the water.

It will hardly surprise anyone that Minecraft is still one of the most popular computer games. Of course, it was very unusual at the very beginning, when the project was just born, because it had specially simplified graphics, and also there was no plot at all. The only thing he could boast of is a fully interactive environment, because the game belongs to the "sandbox" genre. Few would have thought that this project would cause such an unprecedented stir. Most likely, people are tired of being led by the hand through the storyline in every game and not given any freedom of action. And if she does appear, then it becomes very quickly clear that she is very limited or even feigned. As a result, Minecraft is still attracting more and more new players. And they should definitely know about crafting various things. For example, how to make a boat in Minecraft. Many novice players explore only the land, but forget about the water, but it can also be fraught with various surprises.

Craft boats

This is very sad, because the boat is incredibly easy to craft. In fact, a player can go through an entire game without knowing that they had a ready water vehicle right under their noses. So, in Minecraft? You don't even need any rare materials for this - you only need five planks. You should arrange them on the workbench in the following way - the entire bottom row should be filled with boards, and in the center row they should be on the right and left. Once you have finished arranging the items in the workbench and activate it, you will have a vehicle that will open up a new water world for you. Now you know how to make a boat in Minecraft, but this is only half the battle. Now you need to learn how to manage it.

Boat management

So, you know how to make a boat in Minecraft, and nothing will stop you from using it. But for this you need to deal with the management of this vehicle. You should start by placing your boat on the surface of the water - that is where it will move. To get into the boat, you need to right-click on it, and as soon as you want to get out of it, right-click on it again. Now it's time for the management itself, and everything is pretty simple here. You control this vehicle with the movement buttons. For more accurate and accurate driving, you can use the mouse, as the direction in which the camera is turned will be taken by the boat as the front. Even if you stand still in the boat, turn the camera in the opposite direction and press the "forward" button, the boat will instantly turn around and swim in the direction you specified. Another useful key is Shift. If you click on it, your character will stand in the boat, which will give you the ability to perform various actions, while in the process of controlling the boat you cannot do anything else. Now it should be quite clear to you why it is important to know how to make a boat in Minecraft.

Boat destruction

Your new vehicle is moving through the water at a fairly high speed. It is significantly higher than that of a character that moves on foot, but still less than that of a minecart that moves on rails. However, this speed will be enough for the boat to break if it hits any solid obstacle. Then three boards and two sticks will fall out of it at the crash site. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that if you decide to break your boat yourself, then the boat itself will fall out of it! You can take it and move it to another place.

The simplicity of the boat

In fact, this vehicle does not have any other important features - it is one of the simplest in the Minecraft game. - this is a much more complex issue with many different aspects, and an ordinary boat does not have special important characteristics.

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