Where to get a million in a short time. How to earn a million rubles in a short time? How to earn a million rubles in one day, in a month, in a year? How to quickly earn a million rubles

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TOP 5 profitable ideas

Don't know how to make a million in a year? Our site will help you with this. In this article, we decided to offer for the most ambitious 5 ideas for earning money, which after 12 months will bring you the first million.
By the way, you have already set yourself a specific goal (earn a million rubles) and set yourself a deadline (one year). This is a great start! After all, achieving the goal by 50% depends on how specific it is. In turn, the time frame makes you work in the mode they set, and not stretch the execution of tasks indefinitely. More ideas on earning a million, read the article:

How to make a million in a year?
Idea number 1. Boom goods

In order to earn quickly and a lot, you can sell products that are wildly popular. Remember the talking hamster that repeats all the words after the person? Many pages on the Internet were full of advertisements for this toy, and after 2-3 months the boom subsided.

Such things bring quickly and a lot, but then you have to look for a new “fashion peep” and sell it already.

Idea number 2. Working with legal entities

Any business develops gradually. But working with sales individuals, you increase your profits more slowly than it happens with wholesale sales. After all, for their own needs, a person buys one product. Working with wholesalers, you sell a lot and at once.

The best wholesale niches are found in two environments: industrial and consumer. In the first case, you sell goods to businesses. Most of the time it's the raw material. Examine all the enterprises in your city: they may have waste from their production that they do not use. But this waste may be needed by another company.
In the second case, your attention should be directed to the shops and services of your city. You can offer wholesale deliveries of goods for sellers or auxiliary material for service centers.

Idea number 3. Resale of real estate

You can make a lot of money selling real estate. But you will have to invest heavily in this business. Therefore, if you have no experience with such a market, start small. For example, try working as a realtor. First, you will study the real estate niche. And secondly, you will know about the most tasty morsels faster than others.

By the way, we have already written about buying real estate at auctions. Many bankrupt firms, in order to pay off accounts payable, sell their real estate at a reduced price. You can buy it at such auctions and resell it at exorbitant prices. And sometimes you can buy real estate here for only 10% of its real price.

Idea number 4. Buying an existing business

Many businessmen in different reasons sell business. Of course, no one will simply sell an existing and profitable business, there are reasons for everything. Most often, such a business is unprofitable for its owner. But if you can see the prospects and growth paths in it, then you can earn millions in a year, as you dreamed.
The disadvantage of this option is that it requires a large investment. But there is an alternative option, which we will describe in the next idea.

Idea number 5. Purchase and development of sites

Many startups do not know how to grow their website to high profits. For this reason, online sites are sold by the hundreds on special exchanges and forums. It is quite possible to find in this mass a dozen sites that can bring you money in a couple of months.
The pros of this option is that the sites are one of the highest profitable businesses. Try it too!


We have already said that specifics and time frames are important to achieve the goal. True, this may not always work, because there are two more components of success: the reality of the goals set and action. And the last one is the most important. Get started today and don't be afraid to fail. Failure is more valuable than profit, because it brings useful experience.

How to prepare a business plan for small cinema on one's own? Business on creation and development mobile applications(without technical knowledge)

AT real life and on the Internet you can find many suggestions on how to quickly earn a million rubles. But as you know, free cheese is found only in a mousetrap. To become a wealthy person, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. There are several real ways to earn a million rubles for short term in an honest way. We will talk about them in this post. Perhaps the proposed options will help you realize your plans and get closer to a prosperous life.

Sales area

Do you want to know how to earn a million rubles? If you know how to communicate with people, try your hand at sales. Here, without special knowledge and experience, you can earn good money. In addition, many companies send newcomers to special courses, after which they become real sales specialists.

Before you get a job, you need to determine. For example, in the field of telecommunications (Internet, television), you can earn 500 thousand rubles in just a couple of months. You can also earn good money by taking out car insurance.

Sufficiently big money is received by experienced realtors. By closing just a few big deals a year, you can secure a comfortable life for a long time.


Recently, professional consulting services have become very popular. The main task of consulting is to help clients achieve certain goals or solve specific problems.

Most often, people who want to get rid of debts and loans in order to live a happy life seek advice. rich life. In addition, many want to learn how to earn good money, so the demand for consulting services is constantly growing.

Your own consulting company is a great option for how to earn a million rubles a year. The cost of one hour of consultations ranges from 3,000 to 30,000 rubles. The price largely depends on the experience and professionalism of the financial advisor. Consultations can be provided in the office or online via Skype. This is a serious way of earning, requiring a responsible approach and high qualifications.

Own website

Looking for ways to make a million rubles from scratch? To do this, you need to create some kind of asset that can generate money, for example, your own resource on the Internet.

Many site owners who managed to promote their project, after some time, sold it for 1 million rubles or even more. All you need to do is create your own resource, promote it and successfully sell it for good money. But for this you need to have knowledge in the field of site building.

Anyone can try their hand at this field. If you manage to create a resource that brings a good profit, you can not sell it, because your brainchild will already bring a good constant income.

To create a good resource, you do not need to invent anything. It is enough just to choose an interesting topic, fill the site with high-quality unique content, monetize it in various ways, and after the attendance increases and a stable income appears, put it up for sale. If you are thinking about how to make a million from scratch in Russia, we advise you to carefully look at this method.

Network marketing

Multilevel marketing is great way how to earn a million rubles in 2018 on the sale of goods or services. This business is based on building a network of sales agents or distributors. They buy goods for further distribution and receive their commissions for the work.

For many citizens of our country, network marketing resembles financial pyramids. In fact, they are mistaken. Of course, there are companies that offer fraudulent schemes, but if you are a sane person, you can certainly distinguish a pyramid scheme from a real network company.

In our country, network marketing is still poorly developed, but in Western countries many people who think about their future are engaged in this business. They begin to create assets at a young age so that they do not experience money problems in old age. If you manage to build a network of distributors, you can do nothing and get a decent passive income.

Own business

At all times the most promising direction activity is business. Entrepreneurs always earn much more than ordinary people. If you open your own profitable business, you can no longer worry about how to earn a million rubles in a month.

To receive such a high income, you need to choose the right one. Experts advise to turn Special attention to the area of ​​innovation. Offer consumers unique products and services that have no analogues. If you open a regular grocery store or a car service, the investment will pay off for at least 3 years, so it will take too long to earn your first million. Therefore, before starting your own business, consult with experts and choose the appropriate option.


This way of earning is very popular all over the world. To become a freelancer, you need to have some specific knowledge or skills. For example, to create websites you need to master the science of programming, and to make money from tutoring, you need to study some subject in order to share knowledge with students.

Freelancing is the easiest way to earn a million rubles in a crisis without a work plan, an annoying boss and a busy work schedule, because you can work without leaving your home. It should also be noted the disadvantages of freelancing. The first is instability. Today you have a lot of orders, and tomorrow you can sit all day without work. Therefore, if you decide to become a freelancer, you should not immediately quit your main job. Build your customer base first to get regular orders. After that, you can safely go to free swimming.


If the idea came to your mind, I want to earn a million rubles, you should not postpone the implementation of this idea for the future. The easiest way to open your own profitable business from scratch without financial investments is to organize an information business. But this option is only suitable for those people who have certain knowledge or skills. There are other options that allow you to earn good money selling someone else's information:

  • Partnership programs. You find a high-quality information product on the Internet, negotiate a partnership with its author, sell someone else's information and get a certain percentage for this;
  • Producing. If you know a person who has valuable information, but does not think that it can be sold, offer him a joint job. Write down this information product, provide competent design, present it to the target audience and lead sales. As the organizer of the case, you have every right to 50% of the total profit. You can offer people any information. For example, one of your friends managed to lose weight according to some unusual scheme. How he did it, other overweight people will probably want to know. Or maybe some successful entrepreneur can tell you because he built his own profitable business on it;
  • Information products can be sold on forums or with the help of your own promoted blog. Another option is posts in communities on social networks. Don't forget to also advertise your products and promote them.

Trust management

Many people who have their own savings are interested in where to invest 1 million rubles to earn. Investments are the easiest way that allows you to receive a stable passive income. In addition to bank deposits, there are many other investment methods that allow you to earn decent amounts in the shortest period.

So, let's take a closer look at where to invest one million rubles in order to earn at least another million.

Among the traditional types of investment, I would like to highlight:

  • Shares and bonds;
  • Deposits in banks;
  • Real estate;
  • currency;
  • Private lending.

The more you risk, the higher the return. If you are well versed in the investment instrument in which you invest your money, you can consistently earn good money. A person who does not have experience and certain knowledge in the world of finance can lose his capital. Therefore, many novice investors give their funds to trust management. All you need is to find a professional manager who knows how to get the maximum benefit from investment accounts. If you do everything right, the investment will bring excellent returns.

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Show Business

This is the easiest way to quickly earn a million rubles. Many people who have managed to realize their Creative skills they make good money doing it.

If you are good at singing or composing music, dancing well, or good at acting, you need to go to auditions more often. In this case, sooner or later you will be noticed, and the dream of a million will become a reality. Huge money is spinning in show business, but, unfortunately, this way of earning is suitable only for talented people.

Earning at home

Anyone can earn good money, even if he lives in small town and has no own start-up capital. This will help you a little home business. Experts advise you to open your own business in the area in which you are an expert. In addition, you need to choose the demanded direction of activity. Therefore, before starting work, find out which business is relevant in 2018 during the crisis. The most successful entrepreneurs are former employees who have worked in this niche for more than one year and received great experience- lawyers, teachers, cooks, photographers and other professionals.

People who own their own home may ask,

Everyone would like to become a millionaire, but there is a misconception that only politicians or businessmen can do it. Or their children. However, for over 200 years developed countries discovered an easy way to become a millionaire from scratch. And for this you do not have to manage a state corporation or create an international IT company. But first things first.

What is the probability of becoming a millionaire from scratch?

Let's start with simple question What is the probability that you will become a millionaire? It is not at all necessary to own the tools of deep probabilistic analysis in order to assume that the probability of such a 50/50 is either you will or you won’t. Or maybe you know about variance and mathematical expectation and will be able to calculate more accurately?

Don't stress. 158 thousand dollar millionaires live in Russia. And this is with the total population of the country 143 million 600 thousand people. With the help of simple arithmetic, it turns out that this is only 0.11% of the country's population.

Those. the probability of becoming a dollar millionaire is 0.11%. And the probability of NOT becoming one is 99.89%. No luck, almost everyone in Russia thinks. In vain. Why?

How to become a dollar millionaire

Every Russian can become a dollar millionaire. And there is the only proven way in the world how to create a guaranteed capital of a million dollars or more.

What is not needed for this? No, you don’t need to earn too much, be talented or gifted, you don’t even need luck. There are simple, but working and proven technologies for creating capital that have been working in developed countries for more than 200 years and that Russians can safely use.

So how do you become a millionaire if you don't have a million? Vicious circle from which there is only one way out. If you are looking for how to become a millionaire from scratch, then start investing regularly, and you will have a million, and two, and three, and as many as you like, moreover, in dollars!

5 terms that add up to your million

  1. Keep track of income/expenses on a daily basis. So you calculate the amount that you can painlessly invest every month.
  2. It is necessary to invest strictly regularly, strictly planned amount. Those. First of all, every month you must set aside the amount that you planned to invest every month, and only after that make other expenses.
  3. You need to have a financial reserve. For a minimum of 3 months, ideally 6. Let me remind you that a financial reserve is the amount of monthly expenses multiplied by 3 or 6 months, which is stored in a bank account
  4. You need to choose the right currency to create capital. Do you think rubles will do? Definitely not. The currency is not stable, inflation is colossal. To create capital, it is worth choosing world stable currencies of developed countries, such as: dollars, pounds, euros. Inflation of these currencies has been up to 3% per year for many decades.
  5. You need to choose time-tested reliable ways investment. Verified means that it has been "checked" hundreds of millions of people on the planet in the developed and developing countries of the world over a long time distance.

An untested method is the one that “friend Vasya advises”, who was lucky in some way even 5 times in a row or was lucky for 5-7 years before the next crisis, and then he lost at best 30-40% of the value of his assets or generally turned out to be bankrupt, or even a debtor. Proven and reliable means proven and reliable throughout the world, and not something new, incomprehensible, “invented” in Russia.

Do not forget that investments must first of all be affordable. So that you can start investing with small amounts - even from 100-200 dollars a month.

How to determine the right investment options

Proven ways of investing are provided only by companies with a high international rating. Such investments are currently provided by insurance companies. The benefit for you is that the investment in them is universal and reliable. Everyone will be able to start investing there, for everyone there is an opportunity to choose the right solution - personal financial plan so that you can create guaranteed capital evenly.

By the way, I already talked about this in my articles “Investing on Autopilot”, “”. These are the same methods that have been used by more than 80% of the population in the developed countries of the world for more than 200 years.

I told the only real 100% way to become a millionaire. And you will definitely become one if you stick to the strategy and invest regularly or ahead of schedule. You may not be lucky in life, but you will still create capital. Because the main thing is discipline, not luck.

Look at the chart and decide for yourself how much you need to invest each month to create a million dollars? When you determine the amount, just start investing. Today. Now. NOW!

If you have any questions and want to get a deeper understanding of investment issues, then sign up for a consultation with me. Leave your details and I will contact you within a day

How to make a million rubles: 8 ways to become a millionaire + 4 business ideas for beginners + 4 tips on how to make a million quickly.

The famous "millionaires" say that the most difficult thing for them was to get their first big money (the first million).

World practice shows that the implementation of this idea requires a willingness to work day and night with full dedication.

As a rule, the first million does not come quickly, even if you have a particularly original idea.

After all, there is not always enough start-up capital for its implementation.

You have to think about attracting investors or ways to accumulate funds.

So, how to make a million dollars fast or where to get the money to start?

Where to earn a million rubles?

There are traditional earning schemes that allow you to become the owner of a lot of money.

Real ways where to earn a million rubles is really possible:

    Classic business.

    Of course, this is one of the main opportunities to earn millions in income.

    But for such an undertaking, start-up capital is always needed.

    Moreover, profits are not always quick.

    However, when the work is put on stream, even such a question as how to earn a million in a month ceases to be something from the category of fantasy.

    High paying job.

    There are in demand today highly paid professions, which will allow you to accumulate the required amount.

    Programmers earn from 150,000 to 250,000 rubles a month.

    Given the cost of living, this way of making money will fully answer the question of how to earn a million rubles in a year.

    Almost any computer skill today can help you earn impressive money.

    This list includes: graphic design, photo editing, website development, etc.

    Network marketing.

    Exist real examples that you can earn a million rubles a month by doing network marketing.

    Choose any network that is promising in your opinion, and buy a starter package, draw up an agreement.

    Effective promotion of products today is possible with the help of the Internet.

    Exchanges, PAMM accounts.

    Playing on the stock exchanges, on the difference in the price of stocks and currencies, brings quick profits.

    But this will still require investment.

    Also be sure to understand this issue.

    If you do not have the necessary knowledge about working with, it is better to trust professionals from a brokerage firm.

    After all, the risks of losing money are no less than the chances of increasing capital.


    An intermediary can have a solid profit without starting investments.

    True, for this you need to develop a customer base and be well versed in business.

    It's not like that fast way earnings.

    But if you choose worthy idea, to earn a million will still be real.

    Investment in various projects.

    You need to have the skills of financial analytics, as well as the funds that you are going to invest.

    Sometimes the contribution of investors can be collective.

    It can even be done.


    A good way to generate income is the information business.

    Its essence is the sale of information.

    It is implemented by creating thematic blogs, training courses, information portals.

    This is another way to make money on the World Wide Web.

    Another million can bring a "bird of luck" if you won the lottery or received an inheritance.

    We do not advise anyone to look for fraudulent ways to get a lot of money.

P.S. It should be noted that in Russia the number of millionaires Last year decreased. But this does not mean that there are no more chances to get into the "gold club"!

How to quickly earn a million rubles in business?

The most important task for you should be to find your niche. Many millionaires have succeeded precisely because of the unique idea that they offered to people.

It's not always the most important things.

Sometimes these are just ideas of something that has not been implemented before by others (the Facebook social network), someone has offered the necessary, in-demand service (the idea of ​​control for agricultural machinery navigators, proposed by Russian student Olga Nazarova), etc.

And someone (Australian company Smart Lid Systems) earned his million on plastic lids, which change their color depending on the temperature of the drink.

It would seem that the idea is simple.

And the producers ended up having to conclude a contract with a third-party company, because they themselves could no longer cope with the volume of orders!

Consider 4 good ideas how to earn a million rubles in domestic open spaces:

    Mini-production of bricks.

    The idea is simple: to form a brick without leaving your yard.

    This case is suitable for people living in their own home.

    To implement the project, it is necessary to purchase equipment for firing the product.

    You can arrange your mini-workshop in the utility room.

    To sell products construction companies, you will need official business status.

    Of course, the profit from such employment will be small.

    But the costs are minimal!

    If you correctly approach the promotion and scaling of your business, a million rubles becomes a very real figure.

    Production of pallets for solid fuel boilers.

    They can be made from seed husks or wood shavings, that is, cheap and affordable raw materials.

    There are composition options with the inclusion of peat or coal.

    Additionally sell shavings fruit trees for smokehouses.

    Again, one cannot do without investing in equipment and registering the status of an entrepreneur.

    Nevertheless, the idea is in demand and relatively simple to implement.


    Earn a million rubles quite quite realistic in social networks.

    To do this, you will need to create a public page with interesting information, quotes, photos.

    You can't do without investment!

    The page needs to be promoted, i.e. start-up capital required for advertising.

    You can also do this for free, but then it will take more than a few years to earn a million, that's for sure.

    If you achieve an audience of at least 100,000 people, then the monthly income from advertising can be about 50,000 rubles.

    If you have chosen an interesting and relevant topic for your public, customers will be happy to pay for advertising on the page.

    Establishment of a cleaning company.

    To implement this business idea, you will need to acquire a tool for putting things in order in houses, offices, washing windows, etc.

    Although this is not a very fast way to get your million rubles a year, it is very popular today.

    This idea can be combined with the provision of the “husband for an hour” service.

These are just some of the options for how you can make a million in a year or two in business.

The main thing is that it prompts you to think that you can make a profit on very simple things.

You just need to take a closer look.

Save a million in a year will help psychological attitudes that you need to set for yourself: do not be lazy, work hard, do not be disappointed, improve your financial literacy, plan earnings for a month / quarter / year.

Save, do not spend unplanned funds.

Unfortunately, experience shows: to understand how to earn a million in a month, you can only have a million on hand.

Or, at least, just a large amount to invest.

But still there are a few secrets to speed up the process of accumulating your first capital.

And if you want to quickly earn your first million rubles, we recommend watching the video:

There is no single recipe for wealth.

    One of effective ways rapid accumulation of capital is the occupation of a narrow niche.

    The narrower your specialization, the more targeted actions and investments.

  • Try to find a passive source of income in addition to your main job.
  • Invest part of the profits in the business, and do not spend it on day-to-day expenses that you can do without.
  • Set aside 10-15% of your monthly income.

    To save a million rubles in a year, you need to save about 84,000 rubles a month.

  • With the deduction of everyday needs and expenses, in order to hold a million in your hands in a year, you need to achieve earnings of 100,000 per month.

Many successful people started their promotion with such hard planning of current income and expenses.

They made a calendar of monthly income, and stubbornly went to their goal.

Although at first many of them had to combine the usual activities at work with some kind of personal hobby, which later became unique idea business as a source of passive income.

The secret of how to earn a million rubles, consists in infinite perseverance.

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How to make a million in a month: 9 different ways to earn big money + 3 stories of millionaires who became such before they were 20 years old.

We envy the rich, we dream of being in their place, joining the community of the rich and successful people who can afford any pleasures sold for money.

The desire to get rich is so great that some begin to look for ways how to make a million fast.

But is it possible for a simple hard worker without good education, connections and special talents to become a millionaire?

Realistically, of course, but very, very difficult.

If you want to get rich instantly, but do nothing, then you will definitely not like this article, because here you will not find spells and magical recipes.

Only helpful tips with examples from the richest people peace.

How to earn a million in a month and is it even possible?

At one of the financial trainings, a member of our group asked the coach “How to make a million in a month?”.

The coach replied: "In order to earn a million in a month, you must already have".

That's what our coach seemed to be joking about, but there is a lot of truth in this joke, because it's stupid to hope to earn a million in a month, having neither money nor assets for investment.

How do you want to achieve this?

Make a wish on a magical fairy?

True, there are ways to make a million in a month, but they are not very likely for unlucky, unadventurous people:

    Previously, there was a program "Lotto Zabava" on Ukrainian television.

    My grandmother always watched it and always wondered why we don't want to buy lottery tickets, because people earn a lot of money.

    Indeed, sometimes the participants managed to earn, if not a million, but also quite a decent amount of money.

    If you want a million to fall on you as a gift, start buying lottery tickets.

    Maybe you'll be lucky.

    Here are a few lotteries that do not deceive their customers: "Ukrainian National Idea”, “Russian Lotto”, “Megamillions”, “KENO-sportloto”, “Euromillions” and others.


    This is an even less real chance than the lottery, especially if you do not have rich relatives in mind who can make you happy with an inheritance.

    And yet in life there is a place for a fairy tale, so you can hope and believe, especially if you don’t want to work.

    If you like adventure novels and know history well, then you can try your luck and look for treasures that were once hidden by pirates on deserted islands or Cossacks after their sea voyages, or the Incas before the collapse of their civilization.

    The method is fantastic, but - fascinating.

How to earn a million in three months for those who have assets?

If you have a decent amount of money, for example, $100,000, or if you have earned / inherited assets in the form of real estate, business, land, etc., then becoming a millionaire will be much easier.

You can even look for ways to make a million in 3 months.

But I repeat, in order to realize this idea, you need to have good assets, otherwise the path to millionaires will be more difficult, long and winding.

Method number 1. Implementation of the idea.

The asset does not have to be monetary.

Sometimes an innovative idea is enough to become a millionaire.

Earn a million in three months is quite real on:

  • a business plan that you can profitably sell to an interested businessman;
  • scientific discovery (just imagine how much a person would earn if he invented a cure for AIDS or cheap fuel - an alternative to gasoline);
  • script or book manuscripts, etc.

Let's look at all this using the example of successful writers.

You can earn a million dollars on the currency exchange if:

  1. Have a sufficient amount for capital investments (taking into account your requests for income, the amount of investments must be at least 300,000 rubles).
  2. Be able to work on the stock exchange or find a good trader who will help you make a million.
  3. Do not be afraid of risk - in this form of earnings, there is no way without it.
Invested amount
(in rubles)
Amount of income
(in rubles)
1st month300 000 rub.50% 450 000 rub.
2nd month450 000 rub.50% RUB 675,000
3rd monthRUB 630,00060% RUB 1,080,000

Method number 3. Sale of an asset.

Here we mean a tangible asset: real estate, a profitable Internet project, industrial production, yacht, land plot etc.

Sell ​​it, you can earn a million rubles and even dollars in less than 3 months.

But where to get such an asset is another question.

It can be inherited, sued in a divorce from a rich person, created from scratch - but you never know the possibilities.

Do not believe that you can create a company from scratch that will sell for a million?

But 18-year-old Joshua Dziabak had no doubts when he created the hosting company Mediacatch.

It only took him a year to make this business a success and then sell it for $1,000,000.

The million that he managed to earn by selling the asset, he did not spend right and left, but invested in a new profitable project.

How to make a million in a year: 3 ways

If requests on how to earn a million in a month seem unrealistic to me, then in a year it is quite possible to become the owner of such an amount.

Of course, you cannot do without start-up capital.

But you don't have to be in control of your money.

In the end, the required amount can be borrowed, share the costs with a partner, win a grant, find a sponsor, etc.

1. Business.

There is such a wonderful book by Evgeny Gordeev "How to make a million?".

By the way, judging by the number of sales, it probably helped the author earn good money.

The idea of ​​the book is simple but creative.

This is what the content looks like:

100 pages - repetition of the word "Work", and then there are blank pages that can be used to write a business plan.

If you come up with good idea for business and carefully consider its implementation, you will be able to achieve what you want in a year.

2. Investment.

To make a million quick for a year with the help of investment, you need to solve two problems:

    Find a decent amount to invest.

    For example, even if you manage to get an annual profit of 100% (and it’s not so easy to find such a profitable project for investment), then you must invest 500,000 rubles in order to earn a million at the end of the year.

    Find the most profitable project for investment.

    If you are not well versed in the issue, then it is better to speak with a financial adviser beforehand or entrust your money to a reliable hedge fund.

3. Gathering.

We will not collect mushrooms or berries, but money.

And we will collect them not in the forest or in the field of miracles, but in our bank account.

To earn a million rubles a year with the help of gathering, you need to fulfill three conditions:

  1. Start earning at least 100,000, or even better - 150,000 rubles a month.
  2. Enable austerity for a year.
  3. Find a reliable bank that offers a profitable annual interest rate on deposits: 11–12%.
    For example, in Russia such a percentage is offered by banks: Vostochny Express, Finprombonk, AktivKapitalBank and others.

Let's say you deposit 75,000 rubles a month.

Here is what you will have at the end of the year:

Well, add a thousand already somehow to get a million.

They know how to make a million from scratch...

No one will tell you better about how to make a million from scratch, the millionaires themselves.

They built their empires, earned six-figure sums, increased capitals.

Here are three short stories of people who managed to become millionaires before the age of 20.

1. Adam Hildreth

This young genius from the UK at the age of 14 created social network exclusively for teenagers.

The launch of his Internet project coincided with the desire of the international giant Coca-Cola to involve in the development marketing strategies youth.

The agency that handled such projects was led by Adam Hildreth.

Already at the age of 19, he not only thoroughly studied marketing, but also increased his fortune to $ 4,000,000.

2. Jan Purkayastha

This American teenager already at the age of 15 signed a contract with restaurants and shops for the supply of truffles.

He sold 1 kg of truffles for $12,000.

Gradually building up momentum, he opens the first commercial-scale truffle farming company in the United States.

Even before Jan Purkayastha was 20 years old, the turnover of his company was more than 1,000,000 rubles.

3. Fraser Doherty

You must have seen your grandmother making jam more than once, right?

But the 14-year-old Scot did not just follow his grandmother and write down her recipes, but he himself began to cook preserves and jams in his parents' kitchen, and then sell it.

He even had to drop out of school at the age of 16 because Fraser Doherty couldn't balance running a growing jam company with his studies.

Gradually, his company conquered the British market, and the account young man filled with millions.

What do you need to do to make a million

says a successful entrepreneur and investor Pavel Bagryantsev in a video:

People who are trying to find the answer to the question " how to make a million in a month?”, they simply set themselves the wrong task.

It's not the speed that matters.

It is important to come up with an idea that is as simple as possible to implement, in demand among consumers and gives the opportunity to grow.

So you can earn not one million, but much more.

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