Sketches are a cheerful congratulation on February 23 to colleagues. Video of fun competitions for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Engineering systems 24.09.2019


2 leading, Man, Man, Man.

1st Leader: In such a good and evening hour We have gathered together now!
2nd Leader: We want the lovely smiles to shine in this wonderful hall!
1st Leader: How good men are! Their eyes are the mirror of the soul!
2nd Leader: They are waiting for festive moments: Attention and entertainment!
1st Leader: Let's not waste time - It's time for us to congratulate men!
2nd Leader: Today is a man's day by right, He gives them honor and glory!


On the tablet is a greeting card with the following text:
Our _____________________ men,
We have reasons to congratulate you!
You ______________ and ________________
And for that we are very grateful!
Although February is snow-white outside the window, -
We love you heartily and tenderly!
You are welcome ___________, ____________, _________, __________ and ___________!
We celebrate this holiday with you,
We wish you happiness, peace, goodness!
Stay ___________, __________, __________, __________ and ___________!

The presenters ask the ladies present at the evening which representatives of the stronger sex attract them.

Answers fit into spaces with gaps on greeting card and then the entire text is recited.
(Suddenly, a Man in a paratrooper uniform lands on the stage from above with a parachute.)

1st Leader: It seems that in honor of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, a landing force is landing to us.
(The hosts raise the parachute, from under which the Man appears.)
2nd Lead: What a man! Man: (cheerfully) This is a good place to land!
1st Leader: Especially for real men. Man: That's right! (salutes)
2nd Leader: February 23 brings us the representatives of the stronger sex from the sky.
The male: I see a lot of them in the hall.
2nd Leader: You are right, there are enough heroes of the occasion here.
The male: In this case, they should be the center of attention.
1st Leader: We absolutely agree with you. (to the audience:) We invite real men to take the stage!


The contestants squat in a circle (the formed circle is fenced with pins), stretch their arms forward with their palms and, hitting the opponents' palms, try to push each other out of the pins. Contestants who touch the floor with their hands or leave the circle leave the stage.
The prize is received by the one who has not left the combat limits to the last.

2nd Leader: At one time, ladies adopted a lot from the male half.
Man: What do you mean?
2nd Leader: For example, in the ladies' wardrobe there are things that previously took place in the men's wardrobe.
1st Leader: I wonder if our ladies know about this?
2nd Leader: Let's get to know them.


The presenters invite the ladies present in the hall to name the things that have passed to them from the men's wardrobe (trousers, stockings, wig, etc.). The most active are invited to the stage. Man: I can hardly imagine myself in stockings and a wig. 1st Presenter: Surely, the ladies also hardly think of you in all this attire. 2nd Presenter: Actually, the fair sex understands men in their own way.


Ladies who excelled in the previous game receive a tablet with an album sheet, a marker and a card with one of the concepts (for example: “A man at a party”, “A man in a garage”, “A man on a fishing trip”, etc.) The concepts are not announced in advance.
Within five minutes, they must schematically depict the essence of their concepts, then the masterpieces appear for everyone to see.
The prize is given to the contestant whose drawing was understood by the audience in accordance with the given concept.

The male: Here, it turns out, how you, dear ladies, see us men. I want to offer you an amusing quiz called "A man through the eyes of a woman."


The ladies present in the hall choose one correct answer from the three given by the Man for each question of the quiz.

1. What will the man do with the candy?

a) will quickly eat it whole;
b) eat slowly, biting off a little, determining its filling;
c) refuse it, so as not to drop the dignity of the stronger sex.

2. What dishes would a man prefer in a restaurant?

a) exotic
b) ordinary;
c) what his mother used to tell him when he was a child.

3. What will a man do when he comes to the store to update his wardrobe?

a) before buying, consult with the seller, having learned his opinion;
b) immediately ask the seller for a model of a certain color and size;
c) after long viewings and fittings, without making a choice, he will leave with nothing, postponing shopping until the next time.

4. How will a man who travels in an unfamiliar area and suddenly go astray act?

a) ask for directions from the first person you meet;
b) will get angry in uncertainty;
c) will start looking for the way on his own, relying on his intuition.

5. What will the man behind the wheel do when the light comes on green light traffic light?

a) quickly rush forward, ahead of others;
b) slowly move off;
c) will create a traffic jam, fascinated by a lady in a nearby car.

1st Leader: Ladies and men are always unrevealed secrets for each other.
2nd Leader: And men are sometimes real surprises.
Man: It's probably because we love surprises.
1st Leader: Then you should deliver them.
2nd Leader: Surprises, fly to the hall!
(6 paper parachutes with cases from kinder surprises hanging from below land in the auditorium from above. Six men who caught the parachutes are asked by the presenters to go backstage.)
The male: Are the surprises over yet?
1st Lead: Men's surprises begin!


Six men become contestants. Backstage, they open cases hanging from parachutes and find a note with the name of an animal in them. Then the contestants, in order of priority, enter the stage and, with the help of pantomime, depict their animals. Before the exit of each contestant, the presenters announce: “The man is at work”; "A man at home"; "Man driving"; "The man in the restaurant"; "Man at the resort"; "Man with Friends"
Prizes are awarded to those whose animals are recognized by the public.

2nd Leader: No one expected such surprises from the representatives of the stronger sex.
1st Leader: It should be noted that men are always in a hurry somewhere.
The male: We are in a hurry not to miss our happiness.
2nd Leader: However, the lucky ones are speeding up.
1st Lead: I wonder where the happy man is in a hurry?
2nd Leader: There are many answers to this question today.
(Presenters with microphones descend into the auditorium and receive answers to this question from the representatives of the stronger sex.)
1st Leader: And I thought that happy men rush only to the garage.
The male: A man and a car are inseparable concepts.
2nd Leader: Our next competition for true motorists!


Contestants receive a balloon and a bicycle pump. Then, blindfolded, they begin to inflate their balloons with pumps.
The prize goes to the contestant who inflates the balloon the fastest and bursts it.

1st Leader: Men are happy when they have pumps in their hands, and ladies when they get two outfits out of turn.
2nd Leader: Usually it happens like this.
(The hosts and the Man go to the left side of the wings, with opposite side which the characters of the sideshow "Two outfits out of turn" appear.)


She:(demanding) I want two outfits out of turn!
He: Go, peel the potatoes and wash your socks - your wishes will come true.
She: These are not my desires! These are duties that an irresponsible husband forgets to fulfill!
He: And what duties, in your opinion, should a conscientious husband have?
She: The most ordinary ones: on weekdays - to serve coffee in bed, on weekends - to present flowers, and on holidays - to please with expensive gifts!
He:(dreamy) Why, then, was I not born a woman?
She: Now I understand why you always get yourself only blue shirts!
She: For your weakness!
He:(modestly) Actually, since I married you, my weakness stopped.
She: And you hid it from me?
He: Isn't it noticeable?
She: This immediately catches your eye if you enter our bedroom! No wonder my friends asked me one juicy question: why are our beds far apart!
He: And what did you answer them?
She: My husband has a pig!
He: Sounds convincing.
She: This is not your “mumps”, but you are a real boar!
He: Scream louder - people might think that we are celebrating the Year of the Boar.
She: I have been celebrating it ever since I married you!
He: Fine, fine. Now I'll go and make you gifts.
She:(enthusiastically) Finally, the Year of the Dragon begins for me! What do you want to give me?
He: Peeled potatoes and washed socks.
She:(excitedly) Now you will make such presents to yourself all the time!
He: After your hands, they look spectacular.
She: It seems like you just dreamed of being born a woman!
He: But he was not born.
She: Today I give you this happy opportunity!
He:(surprised) And then who will you become?
She: And I'll live your philistine life!
He: No wonder my friends asked me why our beds are far apart.
She: Did you do this with them in our bedroom?
He: No way. We are quite satisfied with the cuisine.
She:(sobbing) That's why the table's legs are loose.
He: Three bottles of beer for three is not a great load.
She:(excitedly) Then why are they wobbly?!
He: You always live in the kitchen - you know better.
She:(incredulously) What are you implying?
He: For your weakness.
She:(modestly) Actually, right after we got married, my weakness stopped.
He: Then why are you living in the kitchen?
She:(excitedly) I want to prove to you that I am a strong woman: indifferent to men, not glued to the bed!
He:(dreamy) Why wasn't I born a woman?
She: Your dream has come true - two outfits out of turn!
(The sideshow characters bow and move to the right side of the wings, from the left side of which the presenters enter the stage.)

1st Leader: The outfits have been awarded, now it's time to play!
2nd Leader: The most festive game for everyone... Together: "February guessing games"!


The hosts say quatrains with unfinished last lines. Those present in the hall must guess the corresponding rhymes. Game to activate the public.

1st Leader: February gave us all
Neither warmth nor freshness grew,
And such a wonderful day -
We call him... ("Male")

2nd Leader: Ladies in the evening in excitement
Prepared pickles,
For men's straight gait
We also bought ... (Vodka)

1st Leader: Strong sex without worries
The grocery store leads a trip:
They need one trifle -
Five-star... (Cognac)

2nd Leader: Ladies on their feet a little light
They induce their marafet;
They give in bundles of bright
Guys... (Gifts)

1st Leader: The men are not far behind
Near the mirror scurry:
Before taking a hundred grams,
They dream of conquering ... (Dam)

2nd Leader: The table is set, fun, laughter,
Men have great success -
In such happy moments
They get... (Compliments)

1st Leader: On a holiday, ladies will not refuse:
Respect with a word of affection,
Well fed vysusno -
Men will not be ... (Sad)

2nd Leader: Hour of fun is the best chance
Make a curtsey,
And then, no matter what,
To be under ... (Table)

1st Leader: The holiday is not to blame
That a detachment dived under the table -
The men are a bit tired
Very sweet ... (Drowsed off)

2nd Leader: In the morning the strong sex will wake up
Dive into weekdays again.
Oh, what a prankster he is -
Men's Day - February ... (Holiday)

(A peasant appears on the right side of the wings with a hammer in his hand, dressed in a working uniform.)

Man:(cheerfully) Good evening! Shouldn't something be nailed, screwed or repaired here ?! (pulls screwdriver out of pocket)
1st Leader: What a business man.
2nd Leader: Thanks, I do not need it now.
Man: Then I'll stay with you a little, - suddenly my help is needed!
1st Leader: Of course, stay - have fun with everyone in honor of the holiday.
Man: It's possible! After all, I know the business, and I do not forget the entertainment! (B balloons fly from above into the auditorium: 3 red and 3 yellow.)
2nd Leader: Surprises have arrived in our hall again! Dear men who caught air souvenirs, we invite you to the stage!
(Six men with balloons take the stage. The presenter bursts one of the red balloons in which there was a note.)
1st Leader: Now we will find out what a surprise is fraught with a red ball! (reads the text of the note)
“There are hands and a hammer,
Nails and sticks
So, the case will make sense
And the joy of the little ones!”
Man: This is just my part! (takes out 3 hammers, 3 bars and 18 nails from behind the scenes)


Men who catch red balls receive a hammer, a bar and 6 nails each. Their task is to drive nails into a bar with a hammer.
The winner is the one who copes with the task ahead of everyone (the quality of work is also taken into account).

2nd Leader: Now let's reveal the secret of the yellow ball!., (bursts one of the yellow balls and announces the note in it :)
"You need screws and a screwdriver
Definitely fit!
To keep the hooks straight
There are no better helpers!


The men who caught the yellow balls receive from the Peasant a screwdriver, a wooden plank with holes for screws and 6 household hooks each. Their task: to screw the hooks to the bar with a screwdriver.
The prize is given to the most agile and skillful contestant.

Man: Masters and hooks rejoice!
1st Leader: Russia has been famous for artisans from time immemorial. Whatever the city, then its craftsmen.
2nd Leader: And our cities, by the way, are named after male names.


The presenters invite the representatives of the stronger sex present in the hall to name cities with male names (Ivanovo, Vladimir, Borisoglebsk, etc.). The six most active are invited to the stage.
Man: In every city there are avid fishermen! Am I right? .. Then we'll have a fun fishing trip!


A peasant takes out three ropes from behind the curtains, tied together in the middle, where a dried vobla is suspended. The six men who took an active part in the previous game take the sticks that are at the ends of the ropes and diverge into different sides.
To cheerful music, they wind the rope around a stick, thus approaching the wobble, which will get the most agile.

1st Leader: Men, as you know, will never refuse to eat.
2nd Leader: Are they well versed in cooking?
1st Leader: This is easy to find out if you play the game "The Way to a Man's Heart".


The hosts ask the strong half of the audience to give names to what will be discussed below:
1. A dish prepared with the participation of a cow and a chicken. (Omelette)
2. Oriental dish, on solemn occasions crowned with a ram's head. (Pilaf)
3.Maxi cake. (Cake) 4. Pig layer. (Salo)
5. Apricot, who went on a dry hunger strike. (Dried apricots)
6. Bagel-undersize. (Drying)
7. Soft-boiled potatoes. (Pure)
8. The fruit boxers love. (Pear)
9. Ears with curd filling. (Vareniki)
10. Fruit kefir is not our way. (Yogurt)

The game assumes choral responses. The culinary savvy take the stage.
Man: Come on, food lovers, take apart the air sausages!


Those who distinguished themselves in the previous game form 2 teams, the captains of which the Muzhik gives a balloon in the form of a sausage to the captains. Standing in a column, the contestants pass each other the ball, sandwiched between their legs (it is forbidden to help with their hands). The winner is the team whose sausage was tested by all its participants in the minimum amount of time.

2nd Leader: Men have not only a good appetite, but also mental abilities.
1st Leader: Our game is proof of that.
2nd Leader: Representatives of the stronger sex, charge your brains!


The hosts read out the phrases, and the men present in the hall should name them in one word.
1. Jacket for a diaper. (Vest)
2. Folklore text for ingenuity. (Mystery)
3. Letters lined up for roll call. (Alphabet) t
4. Great-grandmother's audio system. (Gramophone)
5. The epicenter of the donut. (Hole)
6. The reverse side of the back of the head. (Face)
7. An occasion to publicly cuddle with a lady. (Dance)
8. An insect suffering from unrequited love for a person. (Mosquito)
9. Part of the face, which is sometimes hung. (Nose)
10. A plant that is responsible for the relationship between people with its head. (Chamomile)

The smartest are invited to the stage.

Man: For those who know how to charge their brains, there is a contest called "February Humor"!


The man offers the smartest men funny situations:

On February 1, 23, as a gift from your beloved, you will receive a funny souvenir - horns.
2. In the midst of the celebration, a pretty stranger suddenly appears and introduces herself as your mistress.
3. The wife calls the cat by your name, and calls you Murzik.
4. Alone with you, your beloved constantly faints.
5. On Sunday you were fixing your 1 year old son's crib and found an unused condom in it.
6. Your wife calls you Petya in the morning, Grisha in the afternoon, Dima in the evening, and Kolya at night, despite the fact that you are Aleksey according to your passport. Competitors answer all questions in order of priority. The winner (there may be several) is determined by the applause of the audience.

1st Leader:(to the Man) Tell me, what else can distinguish men?
Man: With his prowess and musicality!
2nd Leader: Can these concepts be compatible?
Man: And how! Now my friends will come here and together we will do something for you!., (shouts towards the right wings:) Hey, friends, your help is needed! (Four men come on stage, one of whom plays an accordion, and four women.)
1st Leader: Excuse me, we were talking exclusively about the representatives of the stronger sex.
Man: Ladies - the decoration of our daring quintet!
ladies: (roaringly) Wow!
2nd Leader: In that case, we are all aware.
Man: Men's ditties! (The peasant and his friends sing ditties. Women are located between the performers, “hoot” and dance to each tune.)


1st: We will sing to you now
Under the accordion ditties!
You arrange a dance
Wives and girlfriends!

2nd: We met with the cutie
Evening on the street!
So that no one touches her
I'm afraid to screw up!

3rd: What's up with the girlfriend
Blue eyes!
My gifts to her
Like any!

4th: Me wife for behavior
Suddenly announced a boycott;
Set a table for two people
Doesn't invite me to eat.

5th: I'm after my wife
Cared for a whole year
Cavaliers day-to-day
He dared her!

1st: Together my wife and I
We go fishing:
She sings songs,
No fish, sorry.

2nd: Invites you to visit
My sweetheart is not always:
If you need to arrange something -
Know me then!

3rd: I got lucky with my girlfriend
She doesn't need much!
And how they went to the registry office with her, -
Requires outfits.

4th: The accordion plays well -
Round buttons!
I recognize my cutie
I'm always on the ass!

5th: We cheered you up -
It became more fun!
clap us now
From the heart soon!

Man:(to the hosts) How do you like our daring quintet?!
1st Leader: It was unsurpassed!
Man: I won’t talk in vain! .. (glances at his friends, who show him in the direction of the wings) My friends let me know that I need to help somewhere! Have fun entertainment! (To the tune of an accordion, a peasant with friends and girlfriends heads towards the right wings.)
2nd Leader: Friends are wonderful, especially if they are male!


The hosts say quatrains with unfinished last lines. Everyone in the audience must guess male names rhyming to the end of the third lines. Choral responses are expected to activate the audience.

1. The musician is great:
And play and sing.
It will be fun in the world
If next to you ... (Petya)

2. Cavalier he is what you need.
There is no end to the girls.
Out on a date again
Daring handsome ... (Misha)

Z. Any business argues
In his "golden" hands.
Call - you soon
It always helps ... (Andrey)

4.0n - the soul of an honest company:
Say a toast, sing a verse.
If you hear "Great!" -
Without a doubt, this is ... (Vova)

5.Hiking - his element:
The expanse of native expanses beckons.
Can't sit at home
Romantic with a backpack... (Roma)

b. He is resourceful and courageous,
You won't get lost anywhere with it.
Everything has a sense of proportion
Serious... (Valery)

7. He is an excellent interlocutor,
You will be exposed to many topics.
Books to read amateur
At leisure, smart ... (Vitya)

8. “What a dandy is exquisite” -
He hears from all sides.
Do not find sweeter and more beautiful
Groom than dandy-... (Sasha)

9. Loves speed very much,
You will ride with the wind.
Will overtake everyone on the road,
He will only sit behind the wheel ... (Serge)

10. He loves home comfort,
The table will be set - the highest class.
Door open for friends
At the gallant ... (Nikita)

1st Leader: It is a pleasure to deal with an exquisitely polite and amiable man.
2nd Leader: Of course, with such a gallant gentleman, each of us will feel like a true lady.
1st Leader: But, unfortunately, the age of courtesy and courtesy remained in the distant past.
2nd Leader: Do not draw pessimistic conclusions. I see a very suitable candidate in the front row, (referring to a man of pleasant appearance:) May I invite you to the stage?
Man: Of course, (rises to the leaders)
1st Leader:(admiringly) He's just a man!
2nd Leader:(to the Man) Let me ask you one delicate question.
Man: I don't mind.
2nd Leader: Are you men always truthful?
Man: To be responsible for all the representatives of the stronger sex is in itself an untruthful act.
1st Leader: So, you should ask the men present in the hall.
2nd Leader: For sure funny game make their answers more truthful.


10 balloons fly from above into the auditorium. The hosts are asked to catch the balls exclusively for the male half and go on stage with them. Then those who came out in order of priority take out banknotes printed on a color printer from the wallets of the leaders, on the reverse side of which there is one question each:
. Do you compliment ladies?
. Do you watch erotic films?
. Does belly dancing turn you on?
. Do you suffer from jealousy?
. Do you enjoy Mogol Gogol?
. Is scrambled eggs and sausage your signature dish?
. Is the Kama Sutra considered your reference book?
. Are you a notorious ladies' man?
. Have you ever been in the role of a woman?
. Do you accept gifts from the gentle sex?

The answers to the questions are in balloons:
. There was not and will not be.
. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
. This is the most enjoyable for me.
. Every time I go to bed.
. This is my hobby.
. Once a day I allow myself this pleasure.
. When there are guests in the house.
. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.
. If there is no second half nearby.
. Not without it. The players pop their balloons and read out the notes with the answers.

For frankness, everyone receives sweet prizes. The presenters leave two strong men on stage, motivating that their answers seemed to them the most truthful.

1st Leader: Undoubtedly, only knights of ladies' hearts can be extremely truthful.
2nd Leader: And where are the ladies of our knights?
Man: The ladies are waiting for a special invitation.
(Two participants of the previous game go to different sides of the wings and bring 5 miniature girls onto the stage.)


Girls form 2 teams, both men become captains. To cheerful music, they pick up each member of their team in turn and carry them to the chair and back. The team wins, in which in a short period of time all the girls have been on their hands.
1st Leader: There are a great many men known for their achievements, and if you remember all of them, it will take more than one evening.
2nd Leader: Then let us pay attention to the glorious triples!
Man: I start: Athos, Porthos, Aramis.
1st Leader: Coward, Dunce, Experienced.
2nd Leader:(to the audience) And now, dear audience, let's play with you!


Those present in the hall name the men who make up the famous triples (you can do without names and surnames, for example: three heroes, three fat men, three princes).
The game provides for massive non-prize responses.

1st Leader: After such a game, I would like to invite three representatives of the stronger and fairer sex, who have shown competence in glorious triples, to the stage.
(Three men and three women enter the stage.)
2nd Leader:(to those who left) Remind everyone, please, the name of the festive evening ... Our next contest is called the same way!


Higher men and women form opposite-sex pairs. Men sit on chairs and put on wigs with shoulder-length hair (if the contestants have their own suitable hair, you can do without wigs), women take a card from the Men's tray with the inscription: "man"; "man"; "man".
To the tune of the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" they make their male assistants hairstyles with the given name (combs, invisible hairpins, elastic bands and small hairpins are given as improvised means).
The winner is chosen by audience applause. Male assistants receive sweet prizes for patience and endurance.

1st Leader:(to the Man) Let me know, is this your first time on stage or has your debut already taken place?
Man: I performed with the school theater studio.
2nd Leader: Have you played female roles?
Man: It happened once - instead of a sick girl, he dressed up as Baba Yaga.
1st Leader: Probably, you broke the thunder of applause.
Man: Some asked for an autograph.
2nd Leader:(to the hall) An incomparable spectacle when women are played by representatives of the stronger sex! Let's name these wonderful actors!


Those present in the hall say the names and surnames of the actors who played female roles (O. Tabakov, A. Kalyagin, A. Danilko, etc.).
Everyone who took part in the game is awarded a prize - a balloon, after which the men are left on the stage.

1st Leader:(to men) We will not ask you to try on women's dress, but you will have to show your artistic abilities!


The men who took part in the previous game are given markers. In 1 minute, they must depict female legs on their balloons.
The prize will go to whoever has them. the largest number.

2nd Leader:(to the Man) Tell me, could you perform something on this stage in honor of the holiday?
Man: Comic advice for the stronger sex!

(to the motive "Songs about the moonshine still" from the movie "Moonshiners")

1. If you don’t feel like getting up early,
And warmed up a soft bed,
So you are friends with her -
You can't break up!

2. If your wife sent you to the grocery store, -
Let the whole evening wait later:
Expectation in favor of her -
Will love you more!

Z. If your wife made an omelet for you
And she said that there were no more products,
So you are now a cock -
You can have two hens!

4. If you wash your own socks
And at the same time you die of longing, -
Smile out loud
And the longing will go to the socks!

5. If your wife is used to being jealous
And to get your nitpicks, -
Let him go to the circus, and that hour
Take a break from stupid phrases!

b. If a neighbor often began to drop in,
who has no wife yet,
Post a dossier about him -
He will welcome guests!

7. If your spouse brings you horns as a gift,
So, she will also be lucky with the present:
You hooves at the right time
Provide without embellishment!

8. If the mother-in-law was suddenly overstayed with you, -
Dress up at home, you, like a Papuan,
Beat loudly on the drum -
The sofa will not be nice to her!

9. If your wife gave you a concert, -
Give her back the bus ticket
Close the door behind you
She needs another viewer!

10. If a garage has become a mile of your apartment,
Do not constrain his modest surroundings, -
Can you live in peace
And don't worry about the past!

1st Leader:(to the Man) Your comic advice amused not only the representatives of the stronger sex, but also the female half of the audience.
2nd Leader: Thank you for the pleasure and please come to the auditorium. (The man takes his seat in the front row.)
1st Leader: All the day gave men's fun!
He provided a reason for entertainment
And left a good memory
He filled our hearts!
2nd Leader: So don't leave holiday us,
After all, there are real men,
With which the twists are unknown!
Let us say goodbye - in a good hour!

Idea : Celebrate with your classmates on February 23rd and choose the most worthy of the Queen's courtiers.

Do you want to be friends with your class even more and reward each boy with dignity? Then the script "Royal Decree" on February 23 in the classroom is exactly what you like.

The teacher in the class will act as a queen. It would be much more interesting and original if she was in the appropriate outfit, maybe there is a theater club at your school? Then there should be no problems with a suit and a crown.

"Idea : with the help of editors (PAINT,PHOTOSHOP), you make a collage for your colleagues".
February 23 corporate event scenario "Corporate collage" is suitable for firms or companies where there are many different structural divisions and departments, and a large number of men work, preferably of different professions.

On the eve of the holiday, female employees must find photographs of all male colleagues

"Idea : test men for military fitness, all competitions are related to military topics.
This scenario is suitable for a small office, consisting of several rooms, and most importantly employees with a sense of humor. Do you want to create a festive atmosphere for colleagues and organize a holiday in military style? Then the scenario for February 23 corporate "Military" will be very useful for you

"Idea : identify among the men "Real Colonel".
Do you want to congratulate your employees cheerfully and with a twinkle, identify real men among them and reward them for it? Then corporate scenarios for February 23" real colonel"will be a godsend for you. This scenario is well suited for a team in which there are many men. And men have a sense of humor, ingenuity

Idea : organize February 23 for dad at home.
Do you want dad to remember this holiday, so that he can rest all day and do what he wants? Then the scenario of February 23 "Dad can, dad can, anything" will definitely suit you.

A few days before the celebration of February 23, make a poster or photo collage for dad. The poster will include photographs of the pope, in which he is depicted in different versions.

Idea : To spend February 23 for sons, with the fulfillment of responsible tasks according to the plan from the "Secret Headquarters".
Do you want the children to remember this holiday, so that they don’t quarrel for at least one day, but play together and perform a responsible task? Then the February 23 script for children "Secret Mission" will suit you.

Prepare tasks for your sons and write them down on a piece of paper.

Idea : Choose among a classmate worthy of the title "Knight of my heart" through games and competitions.
Do you want to determine the most gallant and romantic guy in your class and give him the Order of the Midshipman? Then you will really like the scenario of February 23 in the class of the knight of my heart.

Engage in the preparation of your holiday, from writing invitations to the boys and from decorating the class

Idea : choose among classmates the most prepared for military service.
Do you want to determine which of your boys is worthy of the title of "Best Soldier" for a whole year? Then this scenario February 23 in class is exactly what you are looking for.

Gather with the girls after school and assign responsibilities. One girl will be leading, she will congratulate the boys

Idea : hold a military parade at the school with the participation of schoolchildren in grades 6-8.
Do you want to hold a military parade among schoolchildren and a review of military training and military drill songs? Then the script on February 23 at the Military Parade school is exactly what will help you in the implementation of your idea.

Write down the regulations for students in grades 6-8, which they must strictly follow in order to participate in a school-wide military parade and combat song contest

Idea : Divide the men into teams and hold games and competitions with them on a military theme.
This corporate scenario on February 23 is suitable for a company that celebrates holidays within the walls of its office.

Make invitations for your employees to a corporate holiday on February 23, which will take place on such and such date and at such and such time. On the eve of the holiday, distribute invitations to employees at their workplaces and put them in a conspicuous place on the table

Purpose: to organize a holiday for men, stylized as the 80s.

Girls organize a holiday for their boyfriends, the competition program will be dedicated on February 23, a script in the style of the 80s is being prepared especially for the holiday. Also, girls prepare invitations for men in advance, you can decorate them with cassette film and neon colors. The invitations indicate the time and place of the holiday, also the invitation should indicate that the holiday will be held in the style of the 80s, so you should dress appropriately

Idea : to organize a holiday in honor of the Defenders of the Fatherland Day in oriental style.

When preparing a holiday in the oriental style, the girls send out invitations in advance, in which they indicate the time and place of the event. Also in the invitation it is indicated that the party will be held in oriental style.
For the holiday, you should choose the right outfit. Girls can wear swimsuit tops, wide trousers or long skirts, a belt made of coins, bracelets, in general, everything that reminds of the East

Idea scenario: celebrate February 23 in the circle of employees, choosing during the holiday "Gentlemen".
Do you want to celebrate February 23 in the circle of employees with cool contests and funny anecdotes? Then funny scenario February 23 "Gentleman Show" is just what you need.

Make holiday invitations for all men. But the main condition of the holiday will be that you specify the main element of the "Dress Code" - a striped suit

Idea : Celebrate February 23rd with classmates and give them entrance exams to enter the police academy.
Do you want to do something fun for your boys and don't know what to choose? I propose to use the festive scenario on February 23 "Police Academy".

Get Started With Boys Party Supplies

Idea : To organize a school holiday on February 23 "A holiday for classmates in army style", which will reveal the boy and team most prepared for army life.

In advance, each boy is given an invitation by the girls indicating the date and time of the school holiday. The design of the invitations can be made in the style of "military". In invitations, you must indicate that military style is welcome at the holiday.

Idea : To organize a holiday in the style of childhood, dedicated to February 23, where adults can once again plunge into the children's world.

A list of invitees is drawn up in advance. Invitations will be sent to everyone, indicating the date, time and place of the event. It is also indicated that you need to dress like a child, since it is used for the holiday comic script on February 23

Idea : spend February 23 in the office, preparing a description for each man.
If you have a friendly team at work, consisting of a small number of men, then the corporate scenario for February 23 is exactly what suits you.

Start preparing for the holiday in a week, this time will be enough to buy gifts and for each girl to complete a responsible task, which I will now talk about

Idea : hold contests and games in which dad and son will participate.
If you want to arrange a competition between dads and their sons at school, then you will like the school script for February 23.

Announce to your boys that on February 23 they come with their dads. You can even draw an invitation for dads at the drawing lesson, in which write the place and time of the holiday

Idea : organize for middle school students on February 23 with competitions and games for army training.
Do you want your students to try military training in your classroom? Then make a little celebration for your young soldiers.

Gather with the girls a couple of days before the holiday and make a plan for your holiday. What do you need to buy for festive table? If you are using a soldier theme, then it is better to organize a field kitchen

Idea : Arrange school event passing between parallel elementary grades, among father-son couples.
If you want to celebrate February 23 at school, then use the script for February 23 "Me and Dad", it will help you choose the best men and mom's helpers.

For the celebration of school script"Me and dad" representatives are selected in advance from each class

Idea : Plunge into the life of the African people and become an African for one evening.
Are you tired of everyday life and standard scenarios? Do you want something out of the ordinary? Then organize a holiday according to the scenario on February 23 "Ah, Africa".

A list of guests is prepared in advance. They are sent invitations to a celebration in the style of Africa, which indicate the place, time of the event and that the invitees should look like African people

Idea : dad to devote the whole day to his son.

If your son needs your communication so much, and you absolutely do not have time to pay him due attention and want to do it on a holiday, then interesting scenario on February 23, "Daddy's Pride" is exactly what you are looking for.

Make sure that the child spends every minute of the holiday with you

Idea : organize ice fishing for grandfather on February 23rd.

Grandfather will be organized by his son and grandchildren. The son will take over part of the organization, which is directly related to fishing, and the grandchildren will prepare congratulations and a gift made by their own hands for their grandfather.
If there are people who are professionally engaged in ice fishing, then it is worth asking them for advice, or even paying them all the training, including searching good place and instructions for ice fishing

Idea : Organize a celebration on February 23 for a male company in the style of the Wild West.
If you want to make an original party dedicated to February 23, then spend a holiday according to the scenario for the holidays on February 23 "Country Style Holiday". Let your guests plunge into the atmosphere of the Wild West and be cowboys.

Make a list of men who will be present at the celebration, send an invitation to everyone indicating the time and place of the event

Idea : Give your little brother a whole day of love and attention, as well as a day of hiking and gifts.

If you have a younger brother whom you love madly, but you sorely lack the time to devote more time to him, then the scenario for February 23 for children will help you spend the holiday together and make up for the lack of communication.

Idea : Organize an unusual corporate party.
If you want to throw an original party and reveal the luckiest employee, throw a celebration on February 23 using the script corporate party by February 23 "Lucky".

Make a list of your employees, send an invitation to everyone indicating the place, date and time of the party

Idea : Organize a celebration on February 23 for hunting enthusiasts.
If your men love to go hunting, then the script for Defenders of the Fatherland Day “Bang-bang, oh, oh, oh ..” is what you need.

Make a list of invitees in advance, send invitations to everyone, in which indicate where, when and what time the event will take place. Since the holiday will be held according to the scenario for the Defenders of the Fatherland Day "Bang-bang, oh, oh, oh ...", then warn the guests that they should dress like hunters

Idea : Organize the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland in the style of a detective story.
If you want to hold an unusual corporate party on February 23, then the script of corporate parties on February 23 in the style of the “No Gifts” detective suits you best.

In advance, send out invitations to all employees indicating the time and place of the corporate party. Also indicate in them that, since the party will be held in the style of a detective, you need to dress appropriately

Idea : Arrange sports tests for your men at work.

Do you want to test your colleagues for speed, agility and strength? Then the corporate scenario for February 23 "Sports Marathon" is exactly what you need.

Organize a meeting with all employees to find out the opinion of each, how best to hold a competition, in which sports to invite men to test themselves, how to decorate an office

For congratulations, 4 women are needed.

One February evening three girls at the table

Maybe they ate, maybe they drank, well, in short, they talked.

Discussed in order: prices, dreams, hair styling,

Fashion, cats, movies, books and weather in Antarctica,

And men - where without them, all three of them were “dismantled”!

And since the ladies' conversation is still going on

We will not interfere with them, discuss and condemn.

If only I were a queen...

Says the first girl.

For a family without quarrels and troubles

ban the internet...

Who Invented This Network?

Let him hang there!

At the monitor screen

Time flies by soon.

I drag my husband to bed -

Honey, you need to sleep at night!

He shoots me in my dream

Again "tanks" finishes,

How alive to wait for the morning?

This is the Kamasutra!

If only I were a queen...

Girl friend says...

I so that there would be no trouble

Football would be banned!

At home - only about football:

Who today will "go out" into the field,

Kohl game - transfer to bed,

It is useless to even wait...

Lost, won, even if by zeros.

Husband as if "replaced"

He is there in body and soul!

Leave - again the game,

That's such nonsense!

He has a favorite - the Club!

Do you have a beloved friend?

If only I were a queen...

The third says the girl.

I would immediately - I do not mind

Fishing would be banned.

And along the way, and hunting -

I'd rather take my work home.

All week preparation

Shot and gunpowder and skimmer

The drill is sharpened, the wad is clogged,

And I'm already chilling.

Just remember how yesterday

In your fridge -

Not an apartment, but a madhouse.

We talked for three hours

Everything seemed to be discussed.

About children. about the harvests

About the health of aunt Rai,

They chuckled and parted ways.

With the idea that one for all:

"My favorite is the best."

Don't judge women harshly

That sometimes language is our enemy.

They are ready to forgive.

Only betrayal will not be forgiven!

They just want to be with them

You are like God's grace

To give their love

They carried her to bed in her arms.

To feel with all my heart

Near the heart is a sweet beat ...

And the maggot? What a bug…..

We'll pick it up somehow.

1. Comic scene from women: “Cucumbers”

Comic scene-congratulations on February 23 to colleagues
Awesome comic scene on February 23rd! Rzhach is guaranteed!


Girls, do you want congratulate your male colleagues in an original way use my scenario.

Presenter 1: today we will tell you fairy tale, and maybe not fairy tale, which called: « East, it's a delicate matter."

He lived and was in one West Siberian state, which is almost in the center of Yugra, almost on EAST, one padishah. He kept his state clean and tidy, regularly came to the service always with good mood because what:

All subjects and colleagues greet him;

With a 100% feeling that you will never be left without a job;

With the realization that raspberries are better than gooseberries.

Presenter2: Meet our padishah. As expected, he puts on his overalls and dances his ritual dance.

we put on a turban and a robe (to the music. "If I were a Sultan", put on the throne.

Smiling girls from his numerous harem danced for him Eastern dance, by the way, look, just here they are

Presenter2: But one day a delegation from the military registration and enlistment office came to him with agitation and offered their program for recruiting into the army.

We begin to sing ditties,

Please don't laugh.

Don't look at us like that

In our army in fashion

All soldiers are dressed.

My fiance Volodya is writing to me:

Every day they give an outfit!

My dear, my dear,

Take with you to the war

There you will fight

I am to supply ammo.

The major was walking along the road.

I looked at the major

Someone stole the lieutenant!

Red day of the calendar -

How many heroes are here!

Oh, lucky, women, nibble!

We sang a song to you -

Guys here and there!

They confessed their love to you.

If only they didn't get it!

Presenter 1: but our girls stood up for him with a mountain and have spoken their word:

“If necessary, we ourselves will go to serve in the army for him, this is also good for us.

Girl 1: OK it's all over Now. Goodbye civilian life! Now for two years my house is a barracks.

Girl 2: Yes, what I just didn’t do to get away from the army. And she mowed down like a pacifist, and turned to the society of soldier fathers, and made eyes at the doctor. Nothing helped.

1 : Why run away from the army? Here I am, volunteering.

2 : Yes, what a fool will go to the army herself now. Right now there is chaos! Babovshchina!

2 : What, you haven’t heard anything about Babovism? Well, nevermind, you'll soon find out.

1 : And my mother is like that said: "Lucy, if you want to become a real woman - go to the army, and don't be afraid of anything!".

2 : Yes, how! And wash your footcloths, clean your boots, stand on the bedside table! And run AWOL for deodorants!

1 : And I also heard that in the army you need to salute.

2 : Well, I do not! I will not give my honor to anyone. Well, except for the general.

1 : And there you also need to put on a gas mask in five seconds.

2 : What is it? I did my hair for three hours, did it, and then five seconds - and a gas mask!

1 : Nothing, they will cut it to look like Kotovsky, you will do your hair in five seconds!

2 : One pleases, soon a new form introduce: here are bows, here are ruffles, kirzachi with high heels and a decollete.

1 : In vain rejoice. All the same, the ensign will drink everything.

2 : How do you know everything?

1 : Yes, my sister recently came from the army. Biceps - in! Shoulders - in! On the back is a tattoo - DMB!

2 : We met for probably a week.

1 : Yes, we walked nicely on my wires. I put a bucket of moonshine for my girlfriends, so the three of us drank everything.

2 : And we invited the boys. Only they were weak. Everyone leaned on champagne. They drink two glasses, and walk: "Oh, how drunk I am, hold me!".

1 : And my boyfriend burst into tears on my chest. Like, how am I going to live here without you. Yes, I'm not going to look at other girls!

2 : Everyone says like that. And a month will pass, and you will not wait for a letter from them!

1 : Okay, cry, let's better clean the ensign's face!

2 : Exactly! In her face, in her face. (pictured by hands slap) And then he builds too much of himself!

Presenter2: We will not give the padishah to the army, he is to ourselves needed:

Who clears the paths and sprinkles sand? Our V.I.

Who fixes the sockets? Our V.I.

Who built a steam locomotive and a whole cart of cars? Our V.I.

And to whom what to beat, to repair the door in the hallway? Our V.I.

Presenter2: Thank you, kind padishah,

What have you got us!

your smile of kindness

She's like a light in a window!

We want you to be happy

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful

And the best padishah!

Lead 2: congratulations Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day and wish you to always be with us

and gift giving

Tale of the Rule, or A small poetic trick on how to teach kids to follow the rules. A little poetic trick on how to teach kids to follow the rules. It turned out something like "Bad Advice". in one kingdom.

Presentation “How they had fun with Yaga, they immediately found themselves in a fairy tale” A fun, fabulous evening of entertainment with Baba Yaga, who does not let children into a fairy tale. Scenario of entertainment But a kind one opposes her.

Congratulations script "Eastern tale on February 23" for male colleagues
Congratulations script "Eastern tale on February 23" for male colleagues


The script is made as a congratulation. If it implies both a table and a drink at the same time, turn on toasts and games into the script.

Choose games for YOUR men, based on the nature, complexes (or vice versa), and so on.

Be sure to decorate the room. It is possible like this:

1) Inflate balloons, after placing papers there with wishes. Balloons can burst at the end of the evening by announcing some contest "Best Shooter", or you can give them away, just with your wishes.

2) Don't be lazy, do it newspaper. Even if you just take a picture of men in a working environment and add some kind of military branch or some kind of comic situation to them, it will be interesting.

A cool scenario for a corporate party on February 23 “Elevation of Na. »

The scenario is designed for an organization of up to 50 employees and is designed for a fun celebration in the office. Includes a large number of funny contests and original congratulations from the female half of the team.

At the entrance to the office, the men are met by several colleagues who offer them to choose who they want to be today - a sailor or a paratrooper. Or you can distribute distinctive attributes by drawing lots so that each team has an equal number of people.

And to create a mood, each man, upon entering the room where the corporate party will be held, receives an Alenka chocolate bar as a gift, but instead of the girl’s face, the employee’s face should be depicted on the wrapper.


The place where the celebration is planned must be arranged in the color of military and sea wave.

1. Paper planes and ships should be hung from the ceilings on a fishing line.

2. For the photo zone, you need to make two large figures: a parachute and a submarine. Those who wish can choose: take a picture with a parachute soaring in the sky or explore the sea world on a submarine.

3. To save space, it is better to cover buffet tables- it will help to release more space for competitions and dances. You can add military-themed elements to the tables: toy tanks, airplanes.

Necessary props

1. Stickers in the form of stars.

2. List of songs for the contest "Guess the melody".

3. Two magnetic boards, two markers, two washing sponges.

4. Ten items for the "To the touch" contest.

5. Two suitcases with clothes, two matches.

6. Matchboxes, ribbons.

8. Musical blanks for competitions.

Leading: Our dear, brave sailors and handsome paratroopers! On this men's day - February 23 - our entire women's team congratulates you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and wishes you to always keep your eye on luck, good spirits, eternal youth of desires and feelings! And as an initial greeting, please accept our special musical gift!

Women's group performance

Two girls perform a song-alteration to the motive of the song "Fortuneteller", with them a small group of girls on the dance floor.

Fashion changes daily

But as long as there is a white light

Without men there is no good weather

There is no people without men.

Even in the cards of the old gypsy

Through times the king, then the jack.

Yes, and we will tell you without trickery:

There is a white light on men.

What can I say, what can I say.

Happy holiday to you, men,

And we want to wish you

And courage and strength.

You miss the stars in the sky

Hold a tit in your hands

Don't forget to dream sometimes

Store heat particle.

We wish you more happiness in life

Do not be sad for nothing.

Congratulations on this day

Although you were not in the army yourself.

We wish a fair wind

Your life ships.

We dedicate this song to you

Noble to their kings.

Leading: Applause to the charming sailors and paratroopers. And now the floor is given to the director of the company (full name).

(The director gives a short congratulatory speech).

Leading: At the beginning of our holiday, you had a choice: who to become - a paratrooper and a sailor. Divide now into groups according to your choice and let's see who is the most here.

(Men are divided into groups).

Leading: You were divided not by chance. Today we will not only determine who is cooler - the marines or the air cavalry, but also identify the strongest, most courageous - a real fighter!

(Each team can be tied around the neck with a scarf; blue - marines, green - foremen).

Leading: Let's start testing for strength and endurance.

For the competition, one participant from each team is invited.

Task: to collect as many girls as possible in a certain place, but you need to carry them to the gathering place on your hands, on your shoulder, and in any way, only so that they do not walk on foot.

The one who collects the largest number of girls receives a medal of honor - a sticker in the form of a star, which will be glued to each winner's clothes.

Leading: That's the first victory! But let's see if the winner brought our girls to their destination in general condition?

(Looks at the girls). Girls, do you feel good, do you feel dizzy, do you feel sick? Well, everything seems to be fine! And let's say hello to the first winner again. And the opponents do not despair, because there is still a chance to recoup. Sailors, paratroopers, choose your team of 3 girls!

From the teams again leave one participant.

3 girls are invited to help each of them.

Task: guess the melody.

The first person to raise their hand gives the answer.

Songs should be on a military theme.

Leading: A real soldier must be able to convey information in such a way that the enemy does not understand it. Now you have to turn on all your ingenuity, because you will not explain with words, but with drawings.

From each team, one person is selected to begin explaining the words first.

Each team has a magnetic board and a marker with which they can draw and, if necessary, erase the excess with a sponge.

Riddle words should display some kind of action. For example, military porridge. It is important to name this particular phrase, and not just “porridge” or “food”. The person who guesses the word gets a star.

Leading: Well, you don’t have to be a commander, but you always have to clean the roads from snow!

4 participants are invited.

Each is given a shovel. With it, they will have to imagine how they clean the roads from snow, but not just like that, but to the music.

Participants will have to demonstrate snow removal under 3-4 songs.

The best dancer is chosen by the audience with applause.

Leading: And they wear it on their hands, and they know the songs, but how beautifully they know how to move! How lucky our women are with such colleagues! Let's check, how do they navigate in the dark?

Two participants from each team are blindfolded.

They need to guess 5 objects by touch, and teams can suggest what kind of object is in front of him if the participant cannot determine the object for a long time.

But the hints should be suggestive - remotely describing the subject and not contain the same root words.

Leading: A real defender of the Fatherland must be fast, dexterous, courageous, and now we will find out who is the most exemplary soldier in your team.

Each team chooses a suitcase. It's closed so they don't know its contents.

The host offers to choose a captain and only then says the rules of the competition.

The task of the captains for a while, while the match is burning, is to put on all the clothes that are in the suitcase.

The one who puts on more things wins.

To be funny, the suitcase should contain funny and ridiculous things, for example, women's or children's clothes.

Leading: Aren't you guys tired of competing yet? While you rest, let's pass the baton to our beautiful ladies!

Competition for girls.

To the belt of 5-7 girls, one matchbox is tied to a fishing line or ribbon so that they touch the floor.

On the boxes you need to stick a photo of any male object.

Girls must trample on the boxes of their rivals as quickly as possible and at the same time prevent others from trampling on their own.

Those participants whose boxes were trampled on are eliminated from the game.

Leading: What, however, are your harsh conquerors of men's hearts. Let's congratulate the winner with thunderous applause and be careful with her, everyone saw how she took other people's guys away, beat and trampled!

Attention! Now there will be a very serious competition, which will determine who will come out of here today as a winner!

For the competition you will need a table and two glasses or two faceted glasses.

The contents of the glasses can be anything.

On both sides of the table are a paratrooper and a sailor.

The competition is like a duel. At the command of the facilitator, the participants should grab the glass, drink the contents and loudly put the glass on the table.

You can hold several of these "duels", but with different participants.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, in a fierce battle, in a hard struggle, we have a winner. The most active participant with the most stars. Let's count!

(Music turns on, everyone applauds.)

Host (announces the winner): You get a certificate to visit a real Russian bath! (The music turns on, the presenter addresses all the men). And the rest of the participants are not upset, because gifts have been prepared for you too!

(All participants who have stars receive memorable prizes as a gift, for example, a comic diploma with the inscription “The main thing is not victory, but confirmation that you are a real sailor!”)

Leading: Dear men! Today you showed your strength, skill, quick wits, but for what? After all, no matter how strong men are, their main incentive is to win the attention of a woman. In fact, today there are no winners and losers among you! I was approached by the female half of our team with a request to convey that you no longer need anything, because for your colleagues, you are the strongest, the bravest, the best!

Galina Panichkina
The script of the holiday for adults by February 23 in the spiritual and moral club "Vozrozhdeniye"

Movie stills on screen "Officers", the song from this movie sounds.

Presenter 1: Good evening, Dear friends! We are glad to see you today on the eve of a wonderful holiday- Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. And we really want to bow low to all the gray-haired veterans and young soldiers who are now on duty, and, to you, dear men, who gave their best young years to serve the Motherland. We want to wish you health, happiness, and most importantly, that no one will ever hear how bullets whistle and shells explode, or see how houses collapse under bombs, how soldiers die.

Presenter 2: WITH army holiday!

WITH holiday of warriors,

WITH brothers' holiday,

Fathers and husbands.

Their aspirations

Worthy of glory

Let's save the world on the planet of people.

Presenter 1: Defenders of the Fatherland Day! This solemn the holiday is celebrated on February 23. This is a tribute to all generations of Russian soldiers from ancient times to the present day, who courageously defended their native land from invaders. In that "male" day, male representatives, from boys to old people, accept congratulations and gifts, and military personnel are necessarily honored.

Presenter 2: Let's go back to history now. Tsarist times Russia: officers, cadets, cadets. How the oath sounded at the time "I swear on my honor!"

O! they were men - generous, noble, courageous, courageous. What do you think, to whom should a real officer give his soul, heart, life, honor? (answers of those present).

Yes, a real, dedicated officer gives back: soul - to God, heart - to a lady, life - to the Motherland, honor - to no one.

One of the clearest examples of such service to the Motherland was officer F.F. Ushakov.

(portrait of F. F. Ushakov on the screen).

Presenter 1: Holy righteous warrior Theodore - the founder of the Russian Black Sea Fleet - an outstanding Russian naval commander, admiral. He was the third son of his parents, who considered the development of high religious feelings and strict morality in them the main condition for raising children.

While still a teenager, Ushakov showed an innate fearlessness of character and disdain for danger.

Fyodor Fedorovich went to the admiral's flag, working hard, persistently mastering marine science and martial arts. Entirely and daily devoted to maritime affairs, he lived all his life as a bachelor. In his advanced years, staying on his estate, he became almost a hermit. He died at the age of 74 and was buried in the Sanaksar Monastery in the Tambov Region.

Many years later, in 2000, the outstanding naval commander was canonized as a saint of our Saransk diocese. In 2006, the church in Saransk was consecrated.

(on the screen is a temple in Saransk)

In memory of the holy righteous warrior Theodore in the history of the Orthodox Church, the temple was named after the naval commander, in honor of the Russian admiral.

Presenter 2: We want to bring to your attention a wonderful film about the life of this warrior.

(watching a movie).

Presenter 2 Let the memory of this man remain in our hearts, and his service to Russia be the brightest example for our men to follow. We are sure that each of you is worthy of the high title of a MAN.

There is a song for all of you "Gentlemen officers".

(clip performed by O. Gazmanov).

Presenter 1: We only want to live in the world. And we dream of those times when there will be no war on earth. But always, and in peacetime, we need strong, courageous, brave, noble men. Are there any among you? (Yes). These are the ones we invite to take part in our relay races.

Form 2 teams of 5-6 people.

Selected by the jury (3 persons).

Presenter 1: On the shoulder victory is brave

Waiting for that great success

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Join the fight, one for all.

Presenter 2: Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a miss

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle.

Task 1. Come up with a name for the team, a greeting to the opposing team.

Task 2. Walk through the swamp using 3 boards.

Task 3. Clear the field (1 person from the team - 2 circles on the floor, checkers are scattered in them. Blindfolded, you need to collect all the checkers).

Task 4. Running "kangaroo". (holding the ball between the legs, jump to the line, return to the team by running).

Task 5. Questions to the teams:

1. What is the name of a short stay of military personnel for training? (fees).

2. What is the name of the object guarded by sentries? (fast).

3. Which of the WWII generals was called the marshal of victory? (G.K. Zhukova).

4. This fortress was the first to take the fight against the Nazis, subsequently receiving the title "Fortress Hero". What is it called? (Brest)

5. The name of this man was kept secret for many years. He is the inventor of the best automatic weapons in the world. His last name sounds in the name of this weapon. Who is this? (M. T. Kalashnikov)

6. What is the name of the front side of the system? (front)

7. "Difficult to learn, easy to fight". “Where the deer passes, there the army will pass”. To which of the generals do these words belong? (L. V. Suvorov)

8. What order was awarded to a WWII soldier for bravery? How many degrees did he have? (Order of Glory I, II, III degree).

Task 6. Although the soldier's service is difficult, there will always be time for a soldier's song. (teams take turns singing lines from soldiers' songs).

Task 7. "Portrait of a Beloved".

It's no secret that men have always been inspired to exploits by beautiful ladies. And now we will find out who is your muse. (There are 2 easels in front of the men. Ovals of a woman's face are drawn on them. They blindfold the men and bring them to the easels, giving a felt-tip pen in their hands.) Now you will draw portraits of your beloved women at the prompt. We draw eyes, now eyebrows, a nose, a mouth, small gentle ears in which at night you whisper words of love. It remains to draw the curls of the beloved woman. Ready! Submit your painting.

You can remove the blindfold. Applause for the artists! For such work, you need to give kisses to these lovely ladies that you portrayed.

Task 8. Delivery of the envelope "commander"

Presenter 1: We rested well

And you rightfully won.

Praise worthy and rewards

And we are happy to give you prizes!

Jury word. Presentation of medals and wreaths of bagels.

Presenter 2: Thank you all for your attention.

For enthusiasm, cheerful laughter,

For the fire of competition

Ensuring success.

Sounds like a sport. march, participants make a lap of honor. They sit down.

Presenter 1: Our meeting has come to an end. We once again congratulate all of you on holiday. We wish you to always be in the ranks, always be where the family needs, where the Motherland needs, because you are the sons of the Russian land.

Presenter: Three girls under the window Dreaming in the evening ...
1st Maiden: I wish I could get married as soon as possible, I'm tired of being girls!
2nd Maiden: Only for anyone I would not marry!
3rd Maiden: I would marry a businessman, Like stone wall! My mother would love a son-in-law, But where can I get such a thing?
1st Maiden: Well, I would certainly Marry a sailor! And while he was swimming in the sea, I would live without knowing grief!
2nd Maiden: There are no sailors now, It's just a rarity! That would be to marry the military - Strong, extraordinary! I would be happy with a guy strong as a rock.
3rd Maiden: We were dreaming, girls ... All the guys were crushed, They would lie on the couch, but only play in tanks!
Leading: Oh, this youth, All of you are unbearable to marry! May I get into the conversation? I know where the guys are! Not one, not two, not three...
Girls (in chorus): Where is it?! Speak!!!
Presenter (points to the men sitting in the hall): Look here: There are guys anywhere! Not warriors - so what? Each stately and good! One per sister...
1st Maiden (runs up to one of the men): Chur, I take this!
2nd Maiden (runs up to another): I liked this one!
Zya Maiden (to the third): This one smiled at me!
(Girls together): All the guys are good, Just a holiday for the soul!
Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is a holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, stubborn and self-confident. So let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts.

Presenter: Boys, dads and grandfathers are cute,
Happy holiday to your men!
You are kind, smart, strong!
We want to congratulate you!
You always guard our happiness,
Don't let evil come to us.
Serve, you work and you dream -
Everything to keep us light!

Meet! our smallest members! (Chatushki - elementary school) How good the girls are, They tried from the bottom of their hearts! Congratulation - the highest class! Here it is, first class! Host: Today is not just a February day. Today is a special day. And we congratulate our men: fathers, sons, brothers, classmates. A good soldier is distinguished not only by dexterity and strength, but also by intelligence and ingenuity. This is what we will check now. Let's see how you can solve riddles. #1
This part of the army will take care of the land,
And all because her name is ...? (answer: infantry) No. 2
With them you will go miles of the way,
They are only helping, yours...? (answer: boots) No. 3
Shoots as accurately as a karateka hits,
And the name of this soldier will be ...? (answer: tanker) No. 4
She is always with her, hanging by the machine,
There is also a toy, but still ...? (answer: grenade) №5
Everyone says she's stupid
And it will only be...? (answer: bullet) No. 6 There are no clouds on the horizon,
And an umbrella opened in the sky.
A few minutes later, it descended .... (Parachute) No. 7 Takes off without acceleration, it resembles a dragonfly-
Takes flight
Our Russian .... (Helicopter) No. 8 At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries out his service in secret. (Border guard) No. 9 Who walks in the parade,
Ribbons are twisted behind the back,
Ribbons twist, and in the detachment
There are no girls. (Sailors)

No. 9 You can become a sailor,
To protect the border
And serve not on earth,
And on the military ... (Ship) Presenter: They guessed all the difficult riddles,
I was surprised, my mood was lifted!
Now I propose to dance
Dads will now invite "ladies"! (Dance "Father and Daughter") Host:
Still snow in winter sparkles,
The creak of the sleigh is still sharp,
But every morning the song of the tit
It becomes softer and longer. Leading:
So February is almost over.
More and more often we hear cheerful drops.
And the river ice is not so strong now,
And we are not afraid of a snow blizzard. (grade 11, song)
Host: You are heroes! you are in our class
Like at the front every day:
The rod in the attack time after time
Our passes and laziness;
But towards the formidable formation
The teachers are back...
We surrender to you without a fight!
Happy twenty-third of February!

(Grade 10 - “Oh God, what a teacher!” You suddenly burst into our lives Having changed our reality. Thoughts flicker like flashbulbs Cross run without a break It all started from the first grade, Then in the second also from foreign language You are a magician, you are on the other planets, you are from our dream! everything is friendly to you, you are like time, heal all sadness! We know our love is mutual, you are so beautiful and we love you, you are a magician, you are from another planet, you are from our dream. Chorus You are Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt in In one bottle you are cooler than Van Dam, Schwarzenegger and Stallone, You are wizards from another planet, You know the answers to all questions!
Set a goal in life, and, brushing aside fear,
Go, under the roar of donkeys, giving back to offenders,
And yet seeing - "the sky in the clouds"!
Value short term released by nature,
I. in any difficulty, be able to control yourself.
"Only he is worthy of life and freedom,
Who every day goes to fight for them!"
Know how to find love. And in her alone, beloved,
See the tenderness of women all over the Earth.
And you need to raise your son with dignity.
It is triple more beautiful if there are three sons!
I want to wish good luck now
Health to you, and may fate keep.
Yes, be a man difficult task,
But high is the honor, to those who solve it! Host: And what should a real man be like? What is he? We have the answer to these questions.. Attention to the screen! (through the mouth of a baby) Presenter: On a wonderful holiday for men, On the day of the strength and glory of the country, We wish you good happiness, sons of Great Russia! Meet Nigmatulina Gulmira, Grade 8! (verse "The boys play in the war)
LEADING: What kind of men are there in the world?
Male infants and eternal children,
Men who love chic and glitter,
Gourmets and those who are used to eating appendages,
Stupid men and men with brains
And there are even men with horns.
Men rich and without coins,
Men who never heard "no" in their lives
Men who are waiting for the ideal
Men who can not be removed from the pedestal
Freeloader men and scoundrels
But in general ... men are all GREAT! (Grade 11, song) Presenter: Man, he is the head in any business,
Everywhere he is senior in rank.
To all young men in life more than once or twice
Exam for a man.
Grow up, uproot every flaw,
Love your loved ones and school;
Always be reliable support friends
Defender of the weaker sex. (Scene “Boys through the eyes of girls”) Host: Although life is sometimes harsh, be strong,
And for yourself, quickly open a reliable path.
Do not know how to survive, but live, go ahead,
With luck always be friends and on the way
Catch your success soon, be healthy,
And you will comprehend the essence of love and life. (5th, 6th grade song) Host: I wish you a wonderful day
Less shaving foam
Which is so loved to give
For February 23rd. I want money and more!
Peace of mind with them;
Good health, live longer
More cars in the garage. Let whatever you wish be
May God help you in business.
Let people bring positive
Like this sweet little poem. (Grade 8, song “I am a sailor, you are a sailor) Host: You are the most important person!
You are dad, no more words are needed
And this holiday is yours forever!
You are a protector, a fence from troubles!
May luck go with you
And let you have enough strength
After all, every day is a tough fight
Be very happy, Dad, dear!
(grade 9, song) Presenter: Congratulations, men,
Since February 23!
What is the essence of all your power?
Guess it, friends!
Strength is in your tender looks,
In sweet quivering words
And in successful decisions,
In good righteous deeds.
We wish you good luck
And brilliant victories.
Smile more for us!
Happiness to you for many years!
(teachers, song) Leaders. Even though you have not served yet, You are persistent, strong, uncapricious, A vigilant eye and a firm hand, The defender of the future Fatherland! After all, if there is to be a war Bring fire, devastation into our house, You will not stand aside - You will protect your mother, sister, girlfriend! And to win again, You be healthy, smart, vigorous, Study diligently at "five" And do more sports! Host: Why do we need men? - We need them in order to give a surname to our children. You can’t imagine what it’s like to realize that the surname of a beloved man, like a particle, passes to beloved children. - They value our votes. Even knowing that we are not singers. - To entertain us! So that life is not boring. - Our past, our present and our future are connected with them. - They have cool t-shirts that they share with us if we ask. They are needed to keep us warm. Our hands are often cold. Men are great bastards. You can’t buy these in stores, you won’t find them on another planet. - To give us gifts. Without it, it's boring. - By car to ride! And they bought us cars! - To repair our computers, or rearrange the system in them. We rarely understand this. - So that we have someone to care for and love! - Take care of us, men! Final song "Take care of my heart"

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