A scene about fun for children. Sketches about a family are funny for children

Decor elements 29.09.2019
Decor elements

FROM family holiday scenario "Our friendly family"

Development of family creativity and cooperation between family and school.
Raising a sense of love and respect for elders, their parents, pride in their family.
Cohesion of the class team, creating a friendly atmosphere in communication between children and parents.


The grain grows clear in the earth,
The child begins to see clearly in the family.
In a family, a person grows up
And everything that then gains,
It does not come to him from outside.

(against the background of music)

“Once upon a time, many centuries ago, so many stars in the sky,

As it is now, it wasn't. On a clear night, only one star could be seen, the light of which was either bright or very dim. One day the Moon asked Asterisk: “Asterisk, why is your light so different: sometimes bright, showing the way even at night; then dim and inconspicuous? The star was silent for a long time, and then, with a sigh, she answered: “My light becomes dim when I am lonely. After all, next to me there is not a single star that looks like me. And so I want to see and hear someone next to me!

“And on what nights does your light become bright?” Luna asked.

“My light becomes bright when I see wanderers hurrying.

I was always interested to know what attracts them so much on the road, where they are in such a hurry?

“Have you learned the secret of the hurrying wanderers?” Luna asked.

“Yes,” answered the Star. “Once I asked this question to a wanderer,

Who has been on the road for a long time. He looked exhausted and very tired from a long journey, each step was given to him with great difficulty, but his eyes ... "

"And what were his eyes?" Luna asked in bewilderment.

“They glowed in the dark with happiness and joy,” answered Asterisk, sighing heavily, and continued. “What are you happy about, wanderer”?

And he answered: “Frozen in the snow, starving without a piece of bread, suffocating from the heat, I strode forward, overcoming all obstacles, because I knew that warmth and comfort awaited me at home, my care and cordiality. families - wives, children, grandchildren. For the sake of their happy eyes, I am ready to do even the impossible.

The star fell silent, and then answered:

“Since that very time, I have been trying to give as much light as possible to those travelers who bring happiness to their home, to their family.”

The moon looked at Star and asked: “My little helper! Would you like to have your own family loving people that would help you make people happy”?

“Is that possible?” Asterisk asked hopefully.

Moon, without saying another word,

waved the sleeve of her golden robe, and at the same moment thousands of new stars shone in the sky, which blinked their unique twinkling light to a small star, as if saying: “We are near, we are here, dear, we are now one Family!”

Teacher. I welcome everyone to our holiday!

Today we dedicate the meeting to Her Majesty - FAMILY! There is nothing for every person on earth more important than the world, comfort, mutual understanding in the family. Only mutual love in the family makes a person truly happy. For every parent, there is no task more important than raising a loving, attentive, healthy, hardworking child. What can bring any family together? Of course, communication, joint work and joint rest.

In the family circle, we are growing,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.
In the family circle, all your roots,
And in life you leave the family.
In the family circle we create life,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Family is a strange word

Although not foreign.

How did the word come about?

It's not clear to us at all.

Well, "I" - we understand

Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess

two grandfathers,

Two grandmothers,

Plus dad, mom, me.

Folded? That makes seven people.

A family"!

- And if there is a cat?

Eight "I" come out?

- No, if there is a cat,

Comes out! - a family.

Family is us. Family is me.
The family is my father and mother,
Family is Vladik, dear brother,
Family is my fluffy cat.
The family is two dear grandmothers,
Family - and my sisters are mischievous.
The family is the godmother, aunts and uncles,
The family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.
Family is a holiday at the round table,
Family is happiness, family is home
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil.

Song to the motive "Good mood"

If you feel sad about something today,

If you are not happy

morning time,

Prepare breakfast:

Coffee, sandwiches

And sit down at the table

Friendly family.

And all sorrows will recede

From warmth.

Let him meet you with a smile

Your friendly family.

If you are tired -

All day at work

And no longer happy

Quiet evening.

Prepare dinner:

Tea and sandwiches

Let it warm you

Your family light.

And fatigue will instantly recede:

Children's laughter, warmth, comfort

It's good when you know:

“There is a family where they love, they are waiting”

TEACHER: Which beautiful word! A family. How heart warming is this word! It reminds us of the gentle voice of our mother, the caring strictness of our father, the tenderness in the sparkle of our grandmothers' eyes, the thoughtfulness and patience of courageous grandfathers.

And when was her Majesty's family born? It turns out a long time ago. Once upon a time, the earth did not hear about it, but ...

The facilitator, student and student read a poem in roles.
Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
“Now I will ask you seven questions.
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve quietly answered: "Me!"
"Who will bring them up, my queen?"
And Eve quietly answered: "Me!"
"Who will prepare the food, O my joy?"
And Eve quietly answered: "Me!"
"Who will sew the dress? Wash the linen?
Will I be cuddled? Decorate your home?"
"I, I," Eve echoed again, "I, I..."
From that time on, a family was born!


And today, the most dear and beloved relatives of our children have gathered here - these are their relatives, wonderful, attentive, kind mothers and grandmothers, who with their warmth create coziness and comfort in every home, in any family. And of course our fathers and grandfathers. What is a house without men?

Look, we have

There's a whole class here

Mom and dad are with us.

Dads abandoned sofas

Moms threw the pots

Wanted to chat

Joke and laugh.

well we live
Or we live badly
There is one thing that is always
And caresses and warms.
And of course this is
parental home:
Nothing is sweeter.
There is nothing dearer.

Loved you for no reason
For being a grandson
Because you are a son
For being a baby
For what you grow
Because he looks like mom and dad,
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.

Where there is a friendly family
Head spinning with happiness!

Where there is a friendly family
Faces are lit up with smiles
It's like the stars are on fire!

Where there is a friendly family
All things are going great.

Where there is a friendly family
Good luck, the path is clear.

The magic symbol of life is the family,
There is a drop of the Fatherland in it, in it - I
It has mom, dad, grandmother, sister,
In it is my beloved grandfather,
small square in the yard.

The song is my family

Radiant childhood, Russian banner

This is my family

The rainbow is bright, the army is brave

This is my family

Favorite school, strong homeland

This is my family

Kremlin stars, Moscow churches

This is my family

1. Family is children's songs.

The family is a circle of friends.

Family is a sea of ​​constellations.

Family is what they live by.

Family is a constant debate.

Family is genuine laughter.

Family is an important role.

Family is important for everyone.


2. Family is mother's hands.

Family is home and comfort.

Family is childhood without boredom.

And bright fireworks for the holiday!

The family is mom and dad.

Family is brother and sister.

Stories our milestones

Source of love and kindness.

Chorus 2 times.

Friendship, peace and tranquility in the family is the most precious thing.
As they say, a treasure is not needed, if the family is in harmony.

“Peace in the family is the most precious thing”

Lived - there were a grandfather and a woman.
Lived - did not grieve.
Rusk was washed down with tea
They chewed sausage once a month.
And everything would be fine, but the chicken is small
She took and laid an egg.
The testicle is difficult.
golden egg
Now for our prices.
it is absolutely priceless.
For family advice
Collected granddaughter with grandmother grandfather

Anyway. Such a thing
What are we going to do with the egg?
Can eat or sell?
Or change to dollars?
Maybe for the walls to fall
We will buy a modern center

What, you grandfather, be afraid of God!
Music doesn't cost much!
Better buy a TV
Vacuum cleaner or transistor
Or let's take a cart of soap,
To keep the house clean.

Well, I didn't expect
Be the cause of a scandal.
To stop it
I need to crack an egg.

Grandma is crying
What have you done, Ryaba?
Grandfather did not cry, oddly enough,
Turned out pockets with holes.

I don't have money, so what?
Peace in the family is more precious than anything.

Yes, peace in the family is the most precious thing.

Leading. Friendship, peace and tranquility in the family is the most precious thing. As they say, a treasure is not needed, if the family is in harmony.

The song about the family is sung by Anastasia Zalesskaya

Children sing a song

Song to the melody "Songs about Bears" from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

Somewhere in the world
Our family lives
He does not know grief and troubles,
Reputed to be friendly.
We read books together.
We go to the cinema together.
On holiday we sing and dance,
We'll find things on weekdays.

We have a friendly family!

Mom is washing clothes
We're sweeping the floor
Dad is cooking dinner
Listening to football.
Work is arguing in a moment,
Everyone is used to work!
And we can rest
Let's barbecue in the forest!

We have a friendly family!

We all live in one friendly school family.
But what it is, we will now find out.

Get comfortable

Watch and participate

You don't have to be discouraged

We will present the class!

Gathered here in all its glory

We are all together in our class:

We're worried, we're embarrassed

We blush, we stumble ...

We stand and tremble in this place,

The only plus is that we are all together!

All together, what is there to say

And dad is even easier to beat ...

But you parents, don't be afraid

Fathers, don't worry!

Who will beat you? Well this is nonsense!

To offend you is to your own detriment!

After all, we all remember how many times

With a belt you walked us ...

We do not get angry and do not take revenge on you,

A belt in school is the first incentive!

We are a friendly class, we are a strong class!

Nothing is impossible for us!

And if we only want

Then we will be invincible!

However, it often happens

That laziness still wins us.

But there is a rule for laziness -

All the same leather belt!

Strive to be on top

We do not like to lag behind,

We all want to be smart

We revere the learning process!

Well, this is it - our class,

But is it a class - without you?

We will tell everyone honestly and directly,

That in this school you are to us - MOTHER!

You are our class leader -

And our demon, and our keeper!

You scold us for pranks

And always keep from adversity!

Sometimes we think to ourselves:

How do you manage with us?

After all, your fate is so difficult:

We are a whole class, and you are one!

Although mom is cool, it happens

Calls for help to school

And rush to the rescue at the same time

Native mother and father - "special forces"!

You, our mother are cool,

In every aspect - great!

The whole class earnestly asks you

Become the class in charge now!

Now let me introduce you -


Leading: This is our high school family. She is already four years old. And from year to year it will be more friendly, stronger! Both me and your parents, guys, the main concern is that you grow up good people. And for this we make every effort. With the love and patience of your parents, family harmony is achieved, with unceasing work - prosperity and well-being. Remember the wise commandment: "Honor your father and mother, and you will be well, and you will live long!".

As soon as you hear your name, wave your hand and sit down.

There are three Vanyushas in our class,

Kira, Lera and Tanyusha.

Nastya three, there is Igor, Sasha,

Two Nikitas, Kolya, Masha.

We also have Maxim,

Shamil also appeared.

Dima, Vika and Polina,

Veronica, Vitalina,

Xenia, Evgenia,

Danya, Anya and Andrey.

There is Eugene, Vladislav,

Here is our composition!

Teacher's song

The hour of parting will come soon,
But it's impossible to separate us.

Your wonderful and beloved edition
I will fondly remember you with love.

Let the waltz spin, we all love you.
May there always be happiness beyond the threshold.
I release you, at this farewell hour,
Like doves in peace, fly, fly.

How imperceptibly the years run here,
And childhood will never return.
Let the kids bring you all
Today we proudly look at you children.

Our school family is very athletic! (watching the video "We are a sports family")

3 boys come out.

1 boy : Parents have stereotypes,

That we are hooligans, loose types,

That we are only interested in the virtual world ... .

Dear parents, how banal you are!

2 boy : And we are not only a soccer ball

school windows beat tirelessly!

Yes we are, if you want to know

We can defend our homeland in battle!

3 boy : We can be fast, smart, agile

It’s a pity that they don’t give us a rifle yet ... .

Hey, fathers, come out soon -

We will prove in practice who is stronger and bolder!

(Competition between dads and sons "Collect proverbs")

    A skilled fighter is well done everywhere.

To study military affairs is always useful.

    An officer in valor is an example.

Disguise is a trick and skill.

3 girls come out

1 girl : And mothers had an opinion,

That their daughters are white-handed,

We don't have the patience

Miscellaneous things to learn:

2 girl : Darning, ironing, cooking…

Everything is going wrong for us!

It's embarrassing to hear!

We will convince you otherwise!

3 girl : We will prove that in the economy

You can't keep up with us!

We can do a lot

If only to try!

(Competition between mothers and daughters "Cooking dinner")

Both teams (5 people each) stand with their backs to the audience. Pictures are attached to their backs depicting the sequence of preparing dinner: going to the grocery store, peeling and cutting vegetables, cooking on the stove, lunch itself, washing dishes after dinner. At the signal of the facilitator, the participants examine the pictures on their backs and stand in the desired sequence. The team that does it faster wins.

A boy and a girl come out

Boy : We compete in agility, strength,

But we forgot about intelligence a little!

At school, we increase our IQ,

What about parents? We do not know….

Parents are a storehouse of knowledge and life wisdom. Now we'll check it out.

    The sum of the means and techniques with which you can make Vasilisa the Beautiful out of Baba Yaga. (Cosmetics)

    A plant that is responsible with its own head for the relationship between dad and mom in his youth. (Chamomile)

    A reason for mom to publicly cuddle with dad or another gentleman. (Dance)

    A body part that dad offered to mom, complete with a heart. (Hand)

    A household item that escaped from a certain woman named Fedora. (Tableware)

    The place where the curious Barbara lost a body part . (Bazaar)

    One of the obligatory activities of mom, nail art in a scientific way. (Manicure)

    The one that many mothers sit on. (Diet)

    Part of the body through which moms paved the way to the heart of dads. (Stomach).

Do you know proverbs about home, family, friendship?

Say the proverbs:

In your house and walls help.

My home is mine fortress.

In tightness not offended.

Away well and home is better.

Whole family together so the soul is in place.

Warm in the sun , with the mother - good.

The Grin family is invited to the stage.

1. When our friendly family was born,

I wasn't with my mom and dad.

Often I look at their beautiful photos,

And a little angry, and a little jealous.

I ask my dad: Where was I then?

Dad answers: “There was no you!

How can it be that without me

Was such a friendly family born?

Curious I grew small,
This passion is not melting
I once asked: "Mom,
Where did you take me?
Mom answered: “Any,
My beloved shot,
Where did you take it? Plucked: from oak,
There you were hanging like an acorn."
Surprise not hiding
I thought, “That's it!
It's good that it's not a stranger
My aunt found me there.
So that with me then it was:
No regrets, no love
Maybe not annoyed
In a man would me?
Well, I found myself happy
Well, since I was an acorn.
Brother, heard from the nettle
Mom brought a stork.
An interesting case is
But I can't understand
How could he in the stinging nettle
Sit, do not scream?
I marveled at his strength
Never been rude to him.
Sit on the nettle
This, brother, is not an oak for you ...
Well, I'll tell you straight,
No matter how things go:
When mothers find us -
It is very good!"

Teacher: And now I propose to play the game "Applause"

The game"Applause"

Who looks like dad? Applause.

Who looks like mom? Applause.

Who misses their parents when they leave home? Applause.

Whose family does sports? Applause.

Who doesn't have secrets from their parents? Applause.

Who do friends come to visit? Applause

Who helps parents around the house? Applause.

Who loves his family, cherishes her! Applause.

Who likes to listen to funny songs? Applause.

Whose mothers sing beautifully? Applause.

Teacher: - A word to our mothers!


Children are wonders of the world
And let's count this miracle
To the most wondrous miracles
We are in front of the future in the answer:

Our joy, pain and sadness.
Our future is children
It's hard with them, so be it

Our children are our strength
extraterrestrial worlds lights
If only the future was
as light as they are...

1 verse
We gave birth to you in the 21st century
They brought you home from maternity hospitals,
And it was not more wonderful than you in the world,
We are all proud of this joy!

We suddenly decided to give birth to you
Then surround with care
You are the happiness of our youth,
You are the children we cannot live without.
We decided to send you to school,
After all, you need to gain knowledge
The hope of our youth
You are the children we cannot live without.

verse 2
The years flew by like a rocket
But time can not be appeased and not restrained,
We see that there is nothing more wonderful than you in the world,
Oh, how hurry you become adults

All paths are open to you
How long do you have to go
You are the support of our old age
You are the children we cannot live without.
We tell teachers
Bow to you low, to the ground
Raise our children,
Children without which it is difficult to live

Teacher: - Let's remember what you were like when you looked through the family album.

Family album (presentation)

I have a father!

Ask what is he?

The strongest dad

The BRAVEST Warrior!

Kind. The smartest one.

How not to brag?

dad only with mom

Well, who will scold us, cry about us?

You are our mothers, nannies - take care,
you are ours guardian angels, goddesses,
You are our life, and glory and fortune!


Mom and dad are the most important people in our lives. Dads, may you always easily manage to support your family, and you, dear mothers, just be with us always!!!

The song "Mom, always be by my side ..."

I kiss your hands, my dear,
You are more tender than anyone in the world, I know for sure.
In the world you are not dearer in my heart you are,
Hold me tight - I want to warm up.

Mom, don't be sad

Do you hear?

Mom, I don't need more.
Mom, don't be sad
You me for everything, mommy, forgive me.

Only you will always support and reassure,
And you will hide me from envy and anger.
I love you, you are an angel
I live by you.
With gratitude I hands
Kiss yours.

Mom always be by my side.
Mom, I don't need more.
Mom, don't be sad
You me for everything, mommy, forgive me.
Do you hear?
Mom, always be by my side.
Mom, I don't need more.
Mom, don't be sad
You me for everything, mommy, forgive me.

Light in the window, we are together
It's light in my heart.
Mommy dear, how warm it is with you
I pray at night that you live
So that you are healthy, mommy, be.
My mother gave me life
More than anything in the world, I love you.


What could be more precious than a family?

Warmly meets the father's house.

Here they are always waiting for you with love,

And escorted on the road with good!

Father and mother and children together

sit for festive table,

And together they are not bored at all

And five of them are interesting.

The kid is like a pet for the elders,

Parents are wiser in everything

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love! And value happiness!

It is born in the family

what could be more precious than a family

On this fabulous land.

Well, our holiday has come to an end. So that only love, mutual understanding and friendship will always live in your house, the guys made amulets with their own hands. The amulet made by a child has great power, let it keep your family hearth

Scenario of a family holiday "We are one family"

B. Good afternoon, dear guests, parents, children! On May 15, International is celebrated all over the world. And today you came to visit us on "We are one family." So what is a family? This word is understood by everyone as the words "bread" and "water". A family is a home, it's dad and mom, grandfather and grandmother, it's love and care, sorrows and joys, habits and traditions. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the family consisted of several generations. It included not only dad, mom, grandfather, grandmother, but also great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. They lived together, helped each other, the elders protected the younger ones, respected old age. Families were large and strong. This is evidenced by folk proverbs. Let's remember them! I will start and you will continue!

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better);
Treasure is not needed when ... (in the family way);
When the family is together, so ... (and the soul is in place);

B. Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is summer trips to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive insults and quarrels away,
We want your friends to talk about you:
What a good family!

We decided to spend our holiday today in the form of a meeting -
meeting our valued guests. Our family is here today:

1. Uzhikenovs (Anastasia Viktorovna and Ruslan Serikovich)
2. Minnekaev)
3. Zemlyanushins
4. Paitsevs (Maria Alexandrovna)
5. Chukhvachevykh (Evgenia Mikhailovna)
6. Proskuryakovs (Natalia Nikolaevna)
7. Roubaix (Nadezhda Sergeevna and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich)
8. Bogomolovs (Anna Borisovna and Sergei Anatolyevich)

Q. Your families are not alike. But one thing unites them: they are all strong and happy! And although the famous classic said that everything happy families are similar to each other, but it seems to us that each of the families present here has its own special, proprietary recipe for family happiness. And we hope that at the end of our meeting we will be able to identify these components and draw up universal recipe entitled "Happy family".

Let the light of this meeting burn in your hearts, let jokes and laughter sound, let funny Games and competitions create a joyful mood.
Let's disperse the last gloomy thoughts with a wonderful drink, whose name is tea! You won’t drink tea - where will you get the strength from?
Forces for competitions and dances today will require a lot. Dear guests, you are welcome to taste our tea.
In the meantime, you are drinking tea, a musical gift for you.

Don't let the lights go out

C. At the heart of every family is love. Robert Rozhdestvensky also wrote:
Everything starts with love...
They say: “In the beginning was the word…”
And I proclaim again
Everything starts with love:
And illumination, and work,
The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child
Everything starts with love.
And if love lives in a family, then there are many children in it. We acknowledge that the state cannot always help all families with many children to the full extent. And how wonderful that there are people who are not indifferent to the difficulties and problems of such families.
We express our deep gratitude for the help in holding our holiday to the specialist in social work Naumenko Elena Vladimirovna of the Novopokrovsky Village Council (speech, presentation of a diploma).

And now let's get acquainted with our families, who are visiting us today.

1. So, today we have the Uzhikenov family (Anastasia Viktorovna and Ruslan Serikovich).
(Family introduction)
Please tell us about your family, how you met, how many years you have been together, what talents your children have.
2. Today our guest is the Minnekaev family.
What is interesting about your family? How do you like to spend your leisure time? (business card of the family)
3. The Zemlyanushins family is present today.
Under what circumstances did you meet? Do you use your parents' advice when making family decisions? (Family's story about themselves)
4. The Paitsev family (Maria Alexandrovna) is with us today.
What are your children doing? What is your family's signature dish?

B. So, Dear guests, we got to know four families and before continuing our acquaintance with the rest of the families, we suggest you take a short break. We have prepared a few questions for our guests. But the questions are not simple, but with a twist, funny. So please be careful. You can answer directly from the spot. The family that answered most of the questions will receive a diploma as the "Most Fun Family".

So: What is the pair usually compared to? (with two boots)
Who are husband and wife personified? (with Satan)
What is the name of the specialist in "shooting" the unloved (Cupid or Cupid)
What awaits the dear ones in the hut? (paradise)
What do men usually eat? (pears)
Without whom no family can do? (no freak)
Which geometric figure can destroy a family? (triangle)
When can a husband legally count on only a quarter of his wife? (when the wife is a treasure)
The desire to marry appears when the desire disappears ... (learn)
Continue the proverb “A wife is not a harp - after playing, on .... (you can’t hang a wall)


Q. And now it's time to announce a musical pause.

Imagine this

C. Let's continue our acquaintance with the families who came to visit us.
1. So, we welcome the Chukhvachev family (Evgenia Mikhailovna).
What family traditions do you have? What is the secret of your family happiness? ( Business card families)
2. Today we have the Proskuryakov family (Natalya Nikolaevna).
Tell me, please, what family traditions did you bring from your parental home? What do you think is the secret of family happiness?
(Family introduction)
3. We welcome the Roubaix family (Nadezhda Sergeevna and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich).
Who is the head of your family? Who should be the first to yield in family disputes?
4. And finally, let's welcome the Bogomolov family (Anna Borisovna and Sergey Anatolyevich).
Does your family have their own traditions? A distinctive feature of your family?

Q. There are many children present at our meeting. As you know, children are the flowers of life. Without them, the family cannot be for real happy. If children's laughter sounds in the house, it means that life goes on. After all, children are our future. And our present. Now we will ask each family to come up with one child. Every family dreams of their own home. Your task is to draw the house of your dreams. In the meantime, the children will draw, we will find out how well men know women, and women-men. First, we will ask our strong half to answer simple questions.

Questions for men:

1. Why do women drip nail polish on their tights? (so that the "arrow" does not crawl)

2. When threading a needle, what should be motionless: a thread or a needle? (needle)

3. What is highlighting? (lightening individual strands of hair)

4. Why do we need floss and canvas? (for embroidery)

5. What is the name of a small purse that stores makeup items? (beauty bag)

6. Do they put yeast in shortbread dough? (No)

7. Do I need to wash off the dye from my hair after dyeing it? (Yes)

8. What process can wax, cream, laser and mechanical devices be used for? (for depilation)

9. What is permanent makeup? (this is a "permanent" makeup applied for a long time)

10. What is a curling iron? (hair curler)

11. What is a clutch? (this is a small handbag that should be carried mostly in the hand)

Men did well with women's issues. And now questions for women in the "man's language."

Questions for women:

1. Integral part what is a carburetor? (motor)

2. Where is the concept of "octane number" used? (in gasoline)

3. What is the difference between a chisel and a chisel? (This is the same)

4. What is a bullet? (penalty in ice hockey)

5. In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards you or away from you? (Push)

6. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)

7. What is a puncher for? (for drilling holes, for scraping walls….

8. Which company's products have a checkmark logo? ("Nike")

9. The best four-legged "friend" of a man (sofa)

The women also did a good job with the men's issues.

And now it's time to see what your children have drawn. Attention! Now we will show the drawings of children, and you, dear parents, will have to guess which drawing your child has drawn.
(Then the leader asks each child to stand up with his drawing). If the parents correctly guessed the drawing of their child, the family is awarded the diploma "The most creative family".



Q. I want to tell you a parable. One morning the fisherman went fishing with his two sons. The catch was good, and by noon the three men were ready to return home. But as they began to pull out the nets, a storm suddenly came up and completely hid the coastline. And at the same time, the storm did not spare them small house. It caught fire, the fire burned to the ground their homes and all their property. When the fisherman and his sons got ashore, a weeping wife was waiting for him, who told her husband and children about the misfortune that had befallen them. But the fisherman did not raise an eyebrow. The wife was indignant: “Husband, we have lost everything that we had, and you don’t care.” Then the fisherman replied: "The fire that destroyed our house turned out to be the light that showed us the way to the shore in the fog."
You see how sometimes important in the family, despite any adversity, mutual understanding and mutual assistance.
And now I'm announcing our next competition. And it's called

"The most charming and attractive family"

Only mothers are invited to participate in the competition. Task: the participants move to the music, at the signal of the Leading participant, they must quickly sit on a chair and say loudly: “I am the most charming and attractive!” (According to the results, the winning family is awarded a diploma).


And don't tell your heart

Q. Our next competition is called “The Most Erudite Family”.

I tell you the concept of some thing, an object, and you have to guess what it is about.
 Clothes for potatoes; military uniform; but the soldiers do not wear it. (uniform)
 They sometimes sit there; now they are not fashionable; I used to wear them in the rain. (galoshes)
 It grows in the field; there is such a game; sometimes her nose looks like her. (potato)
 It lies on the floor; it is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner; he is called to the chief. (carpet)
 Every book has; the tree also has; fall off the tree. (leaf)
 It is part of the human hand; they draw with it; paint doors and windows. (brush)
 This thing is necessary for every person; products are carried in it; kangaroos have it. (bag)
 Tool of labor in the village; the girl has it; they braid it. (braid)
 Container for a bribe; clothes for the little ones; in which letters are sent. (the envelope)
 They like to eat it; the driver turns it; this is the wife of a ram. (steering wheel)
 It happens when the sun; there is such an animal; it turns gray in spring. (bunny)
 Part of the phone; the captain smokes it; Sherlock Holmes never parted with her. (a tube)


Kalina rowan

AT. Our next competition "The most theatrical family"

(The host distributes the roles that the guests will play in an impromptu production of the fairy tale "Turnip". Each participant remembers the phrase that he must say when he hears the name of his character, and also remembers a certain movement).

 Turnip (spreading his arms to the sides, jumping from foot to foot): Both - on!
 Grandfather (rubbing his palms): So, sir!
 Grandmother (bowling): The meal is served!
 Granddaughter (waving): Hello everyone!
 Bug: Woof-woof!
 Cat (washing himself): Meow - meow!
 Mouse (running in place): Pee-pee-pee!

The facilitator reads the text; when he names the hero of the tale, he must play his part.

Fairy tale: Grandfather planted a turnip, the turnip grew big, big. Grandfather grabbed the Turnip, pulling, pulling, he couldn’t pull it out. Grandfather called Grandma, Grandfather called for Turnip, Grandma called for Grandfather, they pulled, pulled, they couldn’t pull it out. Grandma called her granddaughter. Grandfather for Turnip, Grandmother for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother, they pull, pull, they cannot pull. The Granddaughter called the Bug, the Grandfather for the Turnip, the Grandmother for the Grandfather, the Granddaughter for the Grandmother, the Bug for the Granddaughter, they pull, they pull, they cannot pull it out. Called Bug Cat. Grandfather for Turnip, Grandma for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Bug for Granddaughter, Cat for Bug, they pull, pull, they cannot pull. Called Cat Mouse. Grandfather for Turnip, Grandma for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Bug for Granddaughter, Cat for Bug, Mouse for Cat, pull, pull, pulled the Turnip.


Ball blue

AT. The next competition is called "The Most Musical Family"

Participants recall old songs that they sang in their youth and perform them.


Q. Well, sing, let's play now. I propose a competition with balloons (who will hold the balloon the longest to the music, the nomination "The most athletic family").


Q. I see you are in a good mood. What's the fun today?
Let's say loudly: "We are one family." (Whoever shouts the loudest receives a diploma in the nomination "The most friendly family."


B. You can sing and dance,
And eat candy
Everyone can joke, play,
And, of course, dance!

dance block.

And love was there
Oh how I like you
Where was

Q. Thank you all! We hope you had fun, interesting and joyful today.
And I would like to end our meeting today with the words:

What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love,
And escorted on the road with good!

Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more precious
In this fabulous land?

We bring to your attention a series of sketches about a family for children and schoolchildren.

Humorous scene - "Family Auction"

Wife, husband and two children are in the kitchen. The wife is standing by the stove, the men are sitting.
Wife: So, lot number one is borscht! The starting price is to wash the dishes after you.
Husband: I will wash the dishes for myself and for you!
Wife: Washes dishes for two - once!
Son: I'll wash all the dishes!
Wife: Wash all the dishes - once!
Second son: I will wash all the dishes and take out the trash!
Wife: Eldest son, smart girl! Once! Take out the trash and wash all the dishes! Two! Take out the trash and wash all the dishes...
Husband: And I'll give you a salary!
Wife: Sold! The man in the gray shirt!

Humorous scene about wife and husband

A woman pours soup from a pot into a man's bowl.
Woman: How are you? Why are you silent? Do you like how I cook?! I do not like?!! What are you wheezing?! Tell me like a human?! If you don't like it, you can leave! What's up?!!!
A man lies under a table with severe poisoning.

Family scene - "Male tantrum"

The husband is lying on the couch, watching TV. The wife enters the room.
Husband: I need a new T-shirt!
Wife: Why?
Husband: Look what I'm wearing!
Wife: in a T-shirt ...
Husband: In a T-shirt?! Is this a T-shirt?! Look, Seryoga from the 42nd wife bought a T-shirt - so this is a T-shirt! And I bought new sweatpants! Lying on the couch like a prince! And I?! I have nothing to lie on the sofa?
Wife: Honey, but we can't right now...
Husband: Oh right? I'm going to my dad!

Video: funny scene for children about a family

Friendly family. Mini-sketch for children

Vladimir Kozhushner

In the room there are: a table covered with a tablecloth, a sofa (couch), a TV and a bedside table. On the bedside table there is a vase of flowers, a magazine, a dry cloth, a carafe of water and an empty glass.
The furniture is arranged so that you can run around the table. A squabble of two voices, male and female, can be heard from the TV.
Brother and sister, Vova and Tanya, sit on chairs at the table and watch TV. A blouse hangs on the back of Tanya's chair.

Vova: Switch the TV to another channel.
Tanya: Why?
Vova: I don't want to listen to my aunt and uncle arguing with each other.
Tanya: This is not an aunt and uncle, but a husband and wife. Italians. Here.
Vova: I still don't want to. Switch, please.
Tanya: Okay. Only then let's play husband and wife.
Vova: How are we going to play?
Tanya: Very simple. You will do whatever I ask you.

Tanya gets up from her chair, turns off the TV (the quarrel stops), goes to the bedside table, takes a magazine, goes to the sofa, lies down and pretends to be watching a fashion magazine. Silence in the room. Vova looks at her sister and waits for her command.

Tanya: Bring me some water.

Vova gets up, goes to the bedside table, pours a glass of water and silently gives it to her.
Tanya casually puts the magazine aside, rises, takes the glass from Vova, drinks it, and gives it back.

Vova puts the glass on the bedside table, goes to the switch and turns on the light.
Tanya lies down on the sofa again, straightens her hair, shudders and pretends to be cold.

Tanya: Give me a blouse. Something got cold.
Vova: I won't give you a blouse. Get up and take it. You are already big.

Tanya jumps up from the sofa.

Tanya: That's not fair. You promised to do whatever I ask you.

Papa enters and, smiling, turns to Tanya.

Dad: Why are you commanding your brother?
Tanya: But because I am a wife and everything is possible for me.

Dad makes a menacing look and, waddling from foot to foot like a bear, goes to Tanya.

Dad: We'll spank you now! Is it possible to command men!

Tanya runs away from her father with a squeak. Vova also rushes after her. They are trying to catch her. The room begins to stir. Fast music is playing. Heroes run around the table, and joyfully squeal and squeak. On the way, Tanya accidentally knocks over the chair and pulls the tablecloth off the table. Then he runs to the exit and runs into his mother on the threshold. Hiding behind her back. On the face of a smile. It is clear that she loves the game.
Mom: What's the noise?
The music stops.
Tanya: They want to spank me!
Mom puts her hands on her hips, makes a serious face.
Mom: Two for one? It's not fair! Now we'll show you!

Now dad is running away, and mom and Tanya are chasing after him. Everyone runs around the table and Vova, who stands like a pillar. Fast music is playing again. Papa yells, “Oh! Ai! ”, Mom - “Now we will catch you!”, Tanya - “Catch him! Catch! Mom catches up with Dad at the couch and they fall on him. Tanya jumps from above. Then Vova comes running and also jumps on dad. It turns out a bunch - small!
Dad: Enough! Enough! You crush me!

The children are reluctant to let their father go. Breathing heavily, everyone sits down on the couch. The music stops. Mom looks at dad.

Mom: Explain what happened?
Dad: Daughter, had seen enough of the series and began to command Vova. I decided to protect him.
Mom: Yes, you came up with a good upbringing - to spank a child!
Tanya: Mom! So he pretend.
Mom: I already told you that you don’t need to watch adult films. Eyes go bad, head gets clogged unnecessary information and time is wasted.
Tanya: Okay, Mom. Can I watch children's shows?

Mom hugs her daughter. Gently strokes the head.

Mom: You can.

Mom and dad get up. They take hands. Children jump up. Vova hugs dad. Tanya hugs her mother.

Mom: My pranksters. How I love you!
Mom lets go of daddy's hands and tries to free herself from Tanya's hugs. Children hug their parents even tighter. Mom speaks kindly.
Mom: Everything. All. We played. And now, my dears, put the room in order, and I will go to the kitchen.

Children let their parents go. Mom comes out. Everyone starts cleaning up. Tanya takes a rag from the bedside table, wipes the dust and spreads the tablecloth on the table. Vova picks up the chairs and puts them in their place. Dad opens the curtain on the window.
Mom enters.

Mom: How clean! What good fellows! You deserve lunch! Come on, I'll feed you.
The children run to their mother. Mom hugs them and heads for the exit. Dad walks behind and smiles.

Sketches about a family are funny for children in kindergarten

Sketches about a family are funny for schoolchildren

Evening of rest “Together we feel good”, dedicated to Family Day.


  1. Raising love and respect for one's family;
  2. Development and formation of a friendly team of children and parents.
  3. Development creativity children.

Hall decoration: Balloons, birch with leaves, on each of them - a photo of the family of each child. Exhibition creative works families. Baby photos of mothers.

Equipment: for competitions - 2 aprons, 2 scarves, 2 pans, a rope, 2 chairs, 2 newspapers, 2 threads, 2 needles, potatoes, knives. Music Center.

Event progress:


Good evening, dear children and dear parents!

A glorious holiday in our house,

I don't think it's more important.

Your dads and moms are here today.

Is there anyone in the world

Closer and dearer.

Our meeting is dedicated to Family Day. But what is a family?


Family is what we share for everyone,
A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.
Family is what is always with you.
Let seconds rush, weeks, years,
But the walls are dear, your father's house -
The heart will forever remain in it!


I love my family very much
Hello to her hot slut:
Dad, mom and sister,
An old granny and ... me!


I congratulate all those present on this holiday. I wish your families happiness, health, prosperity and all the best.

Thank you for putting aside all your affairs and worries and coming here with your children.

Welcome to our family holiday"Together we are good."

We are gathered for an evening that we hope will give you good mood. Be active, play, participate in contests and just relax!

And now, I will ask you a few questions, to which I think I will get honest answers (an impromptu microphone is passed; the question is answered by the one who has the "microphone" in his hands after a certain signal)

  • Were you begged to go to the party or did you agree right away?
  • When was the last time you were at school?
  • Are you interested in your child's life at school?
  • Do you remember your first lesson?
  • Which subject was your favorite?
  • Do you communicate with your school friends?
  • Have you always behaved well in class?
  • Were you punished? If yes, then why?
  • What did you dream of being as a child? Has your dream come true?
  • How often do you spend free time with your children?

Thanks to parents. Now guys, guess who these words are about:

There are many of them in the world
Children love them with all their hearts.
Only, for everyone, she is alone,
She is dearer to you than all
Who is she?
I will answer: THIS my mommy.

Mom ... What a short and important word! Without it, life on earth is impossible. Years pass, mothers grow old, but still remain the most faithful and reliable friends and helpers in all matters.

Do you know what your mothers were like as a child?

Now we will check you .

Task for children: recognize mom from baby photo, name mom's birthday.


Mom's smile
Brings happiness into the house
Mom's smile
Needed everywhere, in everything!


Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But that's not why I love my mom.
She sings happy songs
We are never bored together!

Task for moms: Play a lullaby.

Competition " Hostess"

Mothers put on an apron, a scarf. Children tie an apron. After mom gets dressed - pick up a pan. Who is faster?

Competition for children.

Thread the needle.


Now we want to give our mothers some advice on how to behave with their children:

Student 1:

Must be mother's character

Necessarily humane very humane:

If I get three

Don't sigh all evening.

Student 2:

And say: "Go to the cinema,

Walk together -

Clear your head from your geometries!”

Student 3:

Must be mother's character

Definitely humane!

Must not be gloomy!

Student 4:

I will forget the promise

Take a bag of vegetables

On the dacha plot -

Mom must take it

Might pull up

Let her not groan:

"It's hard as hell!" —

Let him show courage.

Student 5:

That's the nature of my mother,

No doubt humane!

He is human friends!

And quite comfortable!


Moms, do you agree?

They want to hear: "Yes" in response

And, of course, you hear "no"!


Now guess who these words are about:


He can do anything, he can do anything
All braver and stronger
Barbell for him, like cotton wool
Well, of course it's PAPA


Children wrote essays about dads. I will read excerpts from them. (Appendix).

Task for dads- recognize yourself by the description.


What is our house without dad!

Is it true guys?

Who will mend the stool

Will take you by car

Marks in my diary

Knows everything!


That's the miracle, that's the way things are!

Our newspaper came to life:

She's on daddy's nose

And in the tone of his snoring rustles!


Cape dad decided to do some cleaning.

"My friend!" Dad said.

"It's time to get used to it!"

"The idea is great!" - mom said

And then she ran away from home.

For three hours, my mother has been sitting in the park, Looking at her mobile with fear:

When will the cleaning end?

Will I finally be able to return home?!”


We joke of course

But very nice

When next to you

Your smart dad!

Blitz. survey of children:

- Dad's favorite dish?

- shoe size?

- Favorite place in the house?

- Dad's birthday?

Dad Contest:

The child carries a newspaper, dad unfolds it, puts on glasses, sits in a comfortable position and reads.


And now friends attention!

I propose a competition.

Who is strong here, who is dexterous here,

Show your skill!

Exercise: dads and children pull the rope.

The winner is awarded the medal "The Strongest Family".


How not to tell us warm words about dads,

Who love us so much

Who only sometimes quarrel,

And praise, praise a lot of times.


Thank them for their masculine severity,

For restraint, for will and comfort,

For strong and faithful male hands,

That they love us and take care of our house.


We are our moms and dads

We wish you good luck.

Success in business, and warmth in the family.

We want everyone to know

That our mothers

That our dads.

The best ever!

Parent's response:

Host: Who is smarter than everyone in the world?

Leading: Who is dearer to us all in the world?

Parents: Our children, our children!

Host: Who heals our hearts with love?

Parents: Our children, our children!

Leading: Who so longs for our meeting?

Parents: Our children!

Host: Your children!


How our moms and dads love us.


They dress us, put on shoes, wash us, cook food for us.


They worry when we get sick.


And sometimes they don't pay attention to how we behave.


Can we show how it happens?


What, let's. Although there are none among us, it will not hurt our parents to see this.



Daughter, daughter!

Do me a favor!

feed your little brother

Butter Cookies!


Tired, mom, I have to deal with my brother.

On the swing I want to swing in the park!


Daughter, dear!

Clean up the apartment!

On your table for a long time

Mountains of garbage and dust!


If you really need-

Decoration: balloons, exhibition of family photos “My home! My family!”, posters.

  • "It's great that we're all here today."
  • “When the family is together, the soul is in place.”
  • “The child learns
    What he sees in his house.
    Parents are an example of this.”

Musical accompaniment: songs “Parental House”, “Bend of the Yellow Guitar”.

The course of the holiday

Time is like vicious circle:
The year flashed by like a month, a day like an hour.
Somehow listen to each other
We don't have enough time.
Maybe we should stop
Among this eternal turmoil?
Maybe take a closer look at the faces
Will we still have time for each other?

So we invited you today so that you can take a little break from everyday affairs, see how wonderful, talented your children are; so that your children can see how interesting it is for moms and dads to be around them, so that you feel like a family. For the first time, children discover the world for themselves in the family.


When did the word "family" appear?
Once upon a time, the Earth had not heard of him.
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
- Now I will ask you seven questions -
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve answered softly, "I am."
- Who will bring them up, my queen?
And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."
- Who will cook the food, my joy?
And Eve still answered: "I am."
- Who will sew the dress, wash the linen,
Caress me, decorate the house?
“I, I,” Eve said softly. - "I, I" ...
She said the famous seven "I".
This is how a family appeared on Earth!

1st presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you at the family holiday.

2nd presenter: Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. The family is close and dear people, those whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.

1st host:

In the family circle, we are growing,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.
In the family circle, all your roots,
And you came into life from the family.

2nd host: Since ancient times, home and family have been spoken of with great respect. Probably because the families in Russia were large and friendly. I found a lot of evidence for this. Let's at least remember folk tales, proverbs, sayings ... They talk about the family. Now I will start the proverb, and you try to remember and finish it to the end ...

  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).
  • The hut is not red with corners ... (but red with pies).
  • The hostess in the house ... (like pancakes in honey).
  • Lead the house ... (do not shake your beard).
  • Treasure is not needed ... (when there is discord in the family).
  • A guest on the threshold - happiness in ... (at home).
  • A house without an owner... (orphan).
  • An apple from an apple tree... (does not fall far).
  • How rich are... (that's what we're happy about).
  • Away well… (and home is better).

3rd leader: A hundred years ago, the population of Russia was rapidly increasing, economic well-being was also growing by leaps and bounds, and at a faster pace than in other countries. At that time in our country they lived in such families, which could have 10, 20 or more people ... Imagine a house in the village of the early twentieth century: grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - all together and everyone helps each other. One keeps up with the housework, the other in the field, the third teaches lessons ... Such a house was a real fortress and stronghold. The sisters looked after the kids, and the older brothers protected the younger ones from the neighbor's bullies ... They lived happily. Old age was respected, youth was pitied and protected. And they worked in such a way that they fed the whole of Europe with bread, butter, lard, eggs.

4th leader: And now a mystery about one family. Try to count how many people there are.

I'll give you a task.
Listen, here's my family:
Grandpa, grandma and brother.
We have order in the house, okay
And purity, why?
We have two mothers in our house.
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter,
And the youngest is me
What kind of family do we have?

Teacher: There are many relatives around each of us, we are connected with them by invisible threads - by blood: grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles and aunts ... There are relatives who are younger, there are also much older than us. And that kind is strong, which remembers and honors its ancestors. This genus can be compared to a large and strong tree that has deep and strong roots.

May I ask you guys something? Try to answer not to me, but to yourself, only honestly, frankly.

  • Some of your relatives live far, far away. Do you write letters to them, do you send them Greeting Cards?
  • Traditionally new family takes her husband's surname. Whose last name do you bear: mother's or father's? If your father's, what was your mother's maiden name?
  • Do you know where your parents are from? What about grandma and grandpa?
  • Who suggested that you give the name that you have? Who were you named after?
  • Recall a time when you managed to help someone close to you and thereby brought him and yourself joy.

... Mom, mom. How warm is this word! Mother's love is able to warm us always, because children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom is the first teacher and friend, she will always understand, console, help.

For some reason I'm sure it's rare homework you were done without the help of moms. Or I'm wrong? (The Isakov family plays a scene.)

A storm covers the sky with darkness, twisting snow whirlwinds,
A storm covers with darkness, twist the snow twirls ...
Dark storm...
A storm covers the sky, it is dark...

Something wrong! ( Thinking.) Mgloet? What it is? Gloomy - there is no such word ... ( Looks at the book.) Well, it is… closes the book.)

Morning howls the sky with mist ...

Something is wrong again! But what's the point, after all?

Mom: It's simple, the storm covers the sky with its haze and at the same time spins a snow whirlwind with all its might.

Student: Hurrah! A storm covers the sky with darkness, twisting snow whirlwinds!

Teacher: And it also happens that one of the guys seems to decide to do a good deed - to take care of the house, for example, but no one knows what comes of it. (The scene “Home composition” is played by children.)

Vitek leaned over the table
And squeezed the temples with his hands.
He writes an essay:
How do I help my mom?

Then Vitek will gnaw the pen,
Then the gloomy one will fall asleep.
There is a name. And then what?
Try it, come up with it!

But then from the kitchen mom suddenly
Silently calls his son:
- Vityunchik, run to the store.
We would have salt and matches ...

- Idea! Vitek jumped up.
And I shouted to my mother: - What are you!
After all, I'm struggling with the essay!
Still a lot of work!

Mom shut up.
And the son in a notebook brought out the phrase:
buy something for mom
I'm always ready!

Mom opened the door:
- Vityunya! I need you. I'm going to the shop.
Clean for now
Potatoes for dinner.

- What more? Vitek exclaimed.
"I'm sick of even listening to it!"
Here is an essay, and you
With some potatoes.

Mom is gone
I summed up my son in a notebook:
I cook my own breakfast at home
Lunch and dinner too...

- Five plus! - He rejoices. -
I can't wait for others!
What about you guys?
Bet for it?

Teacher: Again mother helped Vityuna. The essay is ready. Five with a plus is provided. But after all, not all children “help” their mothers, like our Vityunchik?

(They act out a scene.)

The son is sweeping the floor, singing a song. Mom enters the door, a bag in her hands, a bunch of keys in her teeth. He looks at his son with round eyes, the keys fall to the floor ...

Mother: Roma, what happened?

Roma: Nothing!

Mother: Like nothing! But you're sweeping the floor!!

Roma: And he's dirty!

Mother: Roma, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept was when you got a D for behavior...

Mother: (looks around the room and gets even more frightened). Have you wiped the dust?

Roma:(happily). Wiped!

Mother: Myself?

Roma: Myself!

Mother: What have you done!? Did they leave you for a second year?

Roma: (helping mom take off her hat and coat). Yes, I say nothing. It was dirty, so I removed it.

Mother: (suspicious). And did you make the bed?

Roma: Just like that, removed everything!

Mother: (wraps his head in a towel and sits on a chair). I'm being called to the principal of the school?!

Roma: Don't be afraid, mom! Everything is fine. I did my homework, had lunch and brushed my teeth.

Mother: Myself!?

Roma: Myself! ( Mom faints.)

Roma: Mommy! What happened to you? Now I will bring water. ( Pouring into a glass of water. But then a classmate appears at the door.)

Dasha: Well, Kovalev, how is the day of helping parents? Removed the apartment?

Roma: Help Day, Help Day!!! Here, enjoy...

Dasha: (taking out the first aid kit). How nervous we have become! ( Dripping mom valerian.) Shame on you, Kovalev! What did the mother bring! Couldn't tell her right away that the whole idea was for one day!?

Mother: (raises his head). So tomorrow everything will be the same?

Dasha and Roma: Yes! Old way, old way! ( Mom faints again.)

Teacher: This is, of course, a joke. But how great it is when a kind, smart, loving mother is next to you. And next to her is a son or daughter worthy of her love.

Now let's play a little.

1. "We rhyme names."

(This game is a creative task. It can be played as a competition or just for fun.)

Condition of the game: you need to compose a couplet in your name, which begins with the words: “My name is ...”

For example:

* My name is Tatyana -
I play the piano!

  • My name is Stesha -
    I love entertaining children.

* My name is Oksana -
I get up very early.

  • My name is Luba
    In winter I wear a fur coat.

* My name is Elena -
My dream is to go to Vienna.

  • My name is Galina -
    I love eating raspberries.

* My name is Katyusha -
I love listening to songs.

  • My name is Sveta -
    I love eating candy.

* My name is Anya -
I love taking a bath.

2. Train ( parent team and children team of 5).

- Stand tall;
– Stand according to the size of the shoes (from small to large);
- Stand along the length of the hair (long - short);
- Stand up according to the color of your hair (light - dark);
- Along the length of the shirt sleeve (from short to long);
- According to the length of the legs (from short to long);
– By completeness (from full to thin);
Who has the thinnest waist?

Let's get some rest. Calm competition. Are invited couples: child and parent.

3. You need to solve a simple crossword puzzle on the topic of family relationships.

1. Son of my mother.
2. My parent.
3. Brother of the father or mother.
4. A girl who has parents like mine.
5. The one that gave us life.
6. "Holy blood" - the mother of the husband.
7. Mom's or dad's sister.
8. The son of my child.
9. My heir.
10. The son of my sister or brother.
11. Husband's father.

4. Collect grades for your child.

Children receive marks every day and sometimes parents are not always satisfied with the result. Let's see how they cope with this task. Family couples are invited: a child and a parent.

The parents are blindfolded, unwound and taken to the other side of the room. At this time, the children stand at the table on which each has a box. Parents must take a mark from the opposite table, go to the child and put their child in the box. Children help their parents by calling them and guiding them only with their voice. The team with the most points wins.

5. Joint staging of a fairy tale - impromptu (participants are parents and children).

An old fairy tale in a new way.

To participate in the fairy tale, heroes are determined who themselves choose assistants: Puzanchik-Grandfather chooses big spoon,

Hostess-Grandma - Slippery Window,

Bunny-Kid - Carrot-Neskladukha,

Volchok Bandyuga - False Jaw,

Little Medvedik - Small Komarika.

The naughty Chanterelle will help Golden Money,

a Cheerful KolobokAutomatic Bespredelschik.

In a certain kingdom, in an overseas state, there is a painted tower, in the tower Grandfather Puzanchik lives business. Once he sits on a mound, mosquitoes and flies drive away. And next to him Big Spoon strumming, swaggering, tapping with his heels, in a word, vykabluchivaetsya. Took Puzanchik-Grandfather my big spoon and on the table break-break! Ran into the noise Hostess-Grandma. She herself walks from fatigue, staggers, but clings tightly to Slippery Window. looks Puzanchik-Grandfather on the Mistress-Grandmother licks, climbs to hug, but for what? Kolobok asks to bake. And they set to work together: they began to cook Kolobok. Went to fame Kolobok: he is appetizing and ruddy, with a sparkling smile and a golden crust. shouldered Puzanchik-Grandfather Kolobok on the shoulders yes and put it on Slippery Window let it cool down! I took my hand Hostess Bubusya and went to rest.

BUT Slippery Window does not sleep: butts, bites, angrily tosses Kolobok- about to drop! Oh oh oh! Didn't hold back! flew Merry Gingerbread Man down slippery window! BUT Slippery Window- crack! It is broken in half and quietly swears, with a fist Kolobok threatens. Pays no attention to it Merry Gingerbread Man, he himself knows how to swear no worse! Yes, but he has no time! Work awaits him in the forest! Rolls to have fun Kolobok! Sniff-sniff-sniff!

Look ahead jumping Bunny Kid, jump yes lope! He spread his paws, spread his legs, he is overgrown! And what jumps - he does not understand! Rolled up Happy Kolobok to Bunny Kid. Sniff-sniff-sniff! Bunny Kid paws spread, wants to eat Kolobok. But not confused Merry Gingerbread Man, took out Carrot-Neskladukha and treated Bunny Kid. Bunny shaking with greed, half at once Carrots-Unskladukhi swallows, and hides half under the arm. But here's the problem: overeat Bunny Kid! He had indigestion from greed. You need to run faster and straight into the woods! grabbed Bunny-Kid Carrot-Clumsy and jumped - only they saw him!

Rolling - have fun Kolobok, and towards him Bandyuga-Volchok! He himself is small, he scoops up his paws, his nose is like a hatchet! saw Bandyuga-Volchok Kolobok how to rush at him! BUT Merry Gingerbread Man does not sleep: he has for such cases Automatic Bespredelschik tucked away! On the Bandyugu-Vochka instructs so that Bandyugi-Vochka and beloved False Jaw Down with! surprised Bandyuga-Volchok, paws rakes, False Jaw picks up the bushes! Finds! Inserts into place: still come in handy! Runs Bandyuga Volchok into the woods: he himself is small, he scoops up his paws, his nose is like an axe, and False Jaw with him again! Rolling - have fun Kolobok! Sniff-sniff-sniff! I did not have time to look back, how to meet him Baby-Medvedik runs out of the forest. The belly strokes, sniffs, rumbles loudly! Why is he going to Cheerful Kolobok getting closer and licking at the same time? Suddenly, straight out of the swamp flies Little Komarik! He waves his wings, pulls his antennae: “And I would like to drink blood! Is it really poured in the forest in the morning!” But Little Komarik not confused: to Little Medvedik flies up and the tsap-scratch in his paw! Bitten! Got upset Baby-Medvedik, sniffs his nose, but no longer rumbles. And come on away Little Komarik run into the woods! And Komarik flies after him.

Rolling - have fun Kolobok! And towards him Naughty Chanterelle. Gait cast, hips wags! But to buy Merry Gingerbread Man on this? Much more interesting Kolobok that u Naughty Chanterelles hidden under a coat. Golden Money under her coat! Ringing - strumming! Golden Money, to naughty fox squeeze harder! Apparently robbed. Naughty Chanterelle bank. But here Merry Gingerbread Man takes out his cherished Automatic Bespredelschik and well, let's shoot salt on a fox fur coat. BUT Automatic Bespredelschik know saying: “Ta-ta-ta-ta!” scared Naughty Chanterelle, golden money drops on the grass, covers his fur coat! BUT Merry Gingerbread Man picks up. All the heroes of the fairy tale came running to the noise. hobbling Puzanchik-Grandfather hand in hand with hostess-grandmother. In hand Grandpa's Big Spoon. Bryak! Bryak! In hand Granny - Slippery Window. Wow! Wow! galloped Bunny Kid. Jump and jump! Under his arm Carrot-Crazy perched: hrum-khrum-khrum! limp and Volchok Bandyuga. False Jaw with him grist-grit! came running Baby-Medvedik, followed by Little Komarik: “I want to drink blood! Is it really poured in the forest in the morning!”

Animals gathered in a circle, in the middle Merry Gingerbread Man With Bespredelschik automaton. Are going to share golden money: "This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!" even naughty fox something has slipped. Divided by the beasts golden money, and then put it back together and bought a car. Now Merry Gingerbread Man sits behind the wheel and neatly in the evening carries all the inhabitants of the fairy tale.

5th leader: What is a family? A family is not just relatives who live together, they are people who are united by feelings, interests, attitude to life. There is nothing more precious than a family.

Family is what we share for everyone,
A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.
Family is what is always with you.
Let seconds rush, weeks, years,
But the walls are dear, your father's house -
The heart will forever remain in it!

6th host: And now, dear children and their parents, ending tonight, I want to say thank you very much to everyone and express the hope that the family holiday helped us get to know each other better, unite, take one more step towards mutual understanding and unity. Let's join hands and all together sing a song, the words of which are the motto of our holiday “The bend of the yellow guitar…”

The bend of the yellow guitar you hug gently,
A string with a fragment of echo will pierce the tight heights,
The dome of the sky will sway - large and starry-snowy ...

Like a reflection from the sunset, a fire dances between the pines.
Are you sad, tramp, but smile!
And someone very close to you will quietly say:
It's great that we are all here today!

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