How to update the old chest of hand. How to enclose wardrobe with wallpaper, simple decor methods

Reservoirs 04.03.2020

We continue to fill a piggy bank of the ideas to update the chest to become a spectacular decoration of any room of your home. We showed different options for using this small furniture item, and also offered 3 thematic plots to update the chest, which does not suit you in appearance, + about 40 ideas in pictures.

And here we collected practical guidelines, thanks to which you can update the chest of drawers in just a few simple steps.

According to materials and techniques used, they can be divided into several parts:

  • methods 1 and 2 can be implemented from wallpaper remnants or tissues;
  • for 3 and 4, there will be stickers or stencils;
  • method 5 is possible with the help of various materials (paints, fabric, wallpaper);
  • 6, 7, 8 - How to give the Komot "AGED" view and add original handles in colonial style;
  • method 9 is another small contribution to update options;
  • guide-10 is a solution for fans of exquisite style with the budget imitation of luxurious "mirror" facades (a simple food foil is used).

Each manual you will see in pictures. A large photo is the result of creativity. The first of the small - the "original kind" of the chest + materials and tools. The rest are consistent steps.

Find among our ideas the one that will make your standard (or just old) chest of drawers in a unique copyright. Enjoy your creativity and excellent results!


how to update the dresser, Method number 1: Summer meadow

This dresser in the style of "Summer Luga" will especially well look at the backdrop of a smooth wall and next to the vintage chair.

You will need:

  • the remains of floral wallpaper with a large pattern or a pair of large sheets of wrapping paper (not foil!);
  • furniture handles in tone - from glass or acrylic;
  • pencil, ruler, scissors (cutter), transparent or white PVA glue.

Clean the battery wallpaper about 5-10 cm, then glue them to the facades of the boxes, gently converting the edges on the inner surface. Smoothing the wallpaper with dry winds to avoid "wrinkles" and "air bubbles". For practicality, after complete drying of the adhesive, you can cover the surface with a thin layer of transparent acrylic varnish.

After the facades are readily from the inside, find a hole for the handles and carefully cut through the coating outside. If the knobs are fundamentally different, - drill new holes. This technique can also be used for linen fabric or bosy.


how to update the chest of drawers, method # 2: Japanese motives

The plot, inspired by Japan, therefore it will be great to look in the neighborhood with a suitable poster on Japanese theme or fan.

The technology is almost identical to the previous one, but recommended for a wooden chest that you can paint. So you, in addition to the materials described above, you will need paint (translucent glaze) for wood to the tone of the main surface of the wallpaper + flat brush.

All the surface of the chest, with the exception of those that are stuck with wallpaper, you need to paint. After drying, the paint goes through all the steps described in the method number 1.


how to update the chest of drawers, method # 3: Cafe Shantant

The chest updated in this way will decorate a concise interior.

You will need:

  • stencils with letters folded in words, chopped font (in the photo they are made manually using drawing tools and special paper), light and dark paint for wood and brush (wide - for painting of the chest and short tough - for drawing) - if a wooden chest ;
  • stickers from promotional vinyl film, contrasting background - if the chest is made of MDF or chipboard.

If the dresser needs to be painted, "make a" glaze ": Mix the paint with a little water and slightly removing the paint from the brush, cover the entire surface of the chest. It should be a bit vintage (uneven) effect.

After complete drying of the main surface of the chest, scorch the letters on the stencil, dropping the tip of the brush into the paint. Then slightly walk the sandpaper to get a vintage effect.

If the dresser is made of composites, simply place stickers on it without removing the "middle" letters. Smooth cloth stickers to avoid "air bubbles". If you manage to acquire a special mounting paper with marking, it will be much faster.


how to update the chest of drawers, method number 4: People's Glamor

This method is similar to the previous one, but a different style is selected. The gentle "romantic tones" of paints and stickers + a slightly known proportion of humor will help create such an original chest of chest of children or the girl's room.


how to update the dresser, Method number 5: Spring garden

The lightweight plot in Eco-style is created by a composition of an updated chest and canvas stretched on the frame (such frames are sold in IKEA).

You will need:

  • cotton fabric with a large pattern in natural colors;
  • very sharp cutter for fabric, scissors, glue, acrylic varnish, hammer, minor carnations.

You need to cut the elements of the pattern from the fabric part and glue them to the chest. From above, the drawing is covered with varnish of practical considerations. A large cut of the same fabric tensioned on the frame and attach with cloves.


how to update the chest of drawers, method # 6: Spanish classics

Another composition of several items. This time is large and luxurious. Wooden chest, chair and mirror in a wooden frame participate in Trio.

Details - in a special issue "" (Master class No. 2)


how to update the dresser, Method number 7: Sea Wolf

Sometimes you want something completely unusual. This colonial-style chest will especially effectively look at the trophies from distant (or simply maritime) travels. We use wooden chest, you can even very old.

You will need:

  • white and light gray paint for wood,
  • brushes, wire mesh, sandpaper;
  • cut of the present thick rope (2-3 cm in diameter);
  • natural wax for finishing coating.

Get paint for a tree that dries not too quickly, apply a coating for each piece of furniture. Alternate white and gray paint strokes, and then create a more uneven surface of the surface, grinding it with a twisted wire mesh.

After complete drying, go through all the surfaces with transparent wax or first pearl icing, and then - wax.

Remove with old wooden handles varnish and paint the same paint as the chest. Tie a rope "sea" by a node and grind a handle to it so as to hide it almost completely. Return the updated handle to your previous place. From above, cover the chest of chest natural wax.


how to update the chest of drawers, Method number 8: French Boo

This is a variation on the topic of technology No. 7, but the chest becomes a table for the bathroom in an old style. In addition to the dresser in the creation of this subject, the mirror and a bowl of the overhead shell participate.

Look more in a special issue "" (master class number 3)

Furniture of Soviet times - walls, cabinets, dressers - no beauty, but reliable and strong. Well, just a hand not rises to attribute it to the landfill. And right. It is very easy to update, giving a completely new sound and a modern look. The alteration of cabinet type furniture can be not very difficult: there are materials that allow minimal effort to significantly change the appearance. The easiest way is to change the color and accessories. Everything is clear with the fittings - you will pick up what is more suitable for style, and the color changes in two ways - paint and punish the film (or wallpaper).

Alteration of the old wall: change the design

Keep old furniture by self-adhesive film - the easiest option of changing the decor. Film is today both monophonic and color, different colors, textures and shades. To glue the film with a tree pattern does not make sense: not today in the trend. But one-photon or with a pattern is something that can turn the old wall into new furniture. Actions are simple, but work requires accuracy. But the result is excellent. See two photos. On the first old Soviet wall from before the update, on the second - after.

Updating the old furniture wall - before and after

Now about how it was updated. A compacted furniture self-adhesive film, the color of "cream", the surface of the matte was used. The open part of the old wall was closed with glass doors, a translucent matte film was taken for glass. Edging - furniture layout (self-adhesive) chrome color. The order of work is:

  • All that can be removed, take off, disassemble. Remove the old fittings.
  • Surfaces must be clean and low-fat. It is easier to achieve this with a soft cloth moistened in the cleaning facility. Then everything is washed off with warm water with a small amount of vinegar. Slipped with a dry cloth.
  • Cut details. The film is better to cut off 8-10 mm more. The remains are then cut off with a paper knife.
  • The resulting item splashes with water from the sprayer. On the wet surface, the film can be moved if something went wrong. You can even spare without damaging it.
  • After removing the protective layer from the film, you neatly post. Aligning, begin to smooth up a soft cloth from the middle to the edges. Try to not be bubbles. To do this, you need to move gradually, not jumping from place to place.
  • If there is still a bubble, you can pierce with a thin needle approximately in the middle. Then from the edges of the bubble to drive out of the air and sweep the place of the puncture.
  • By gluing the film, we take clean thin cotton fabric, spread from above and stroke the warm iron (the heating is medium).
  • We glue the finish, install new handles.

Such a sequence of work with every detail. With glass, everything is also, only glued to the inner surface. After assembly, have an updated wall. This technique can be used for any items: chest of drawers, bedside tables, wardrobe, etc.

For example, after a successful experiment with the wall in the same way, the old closet was redested and add it to the right. Now the whole wall is busy. Similarly, you can also update the kitchen set: Bloom the self-adhesive film and replace the handles.

There is a second way. It is a modification of the proposed method, but easier and not so time-consuming. Only doors and not a film, but wallpaper on a fliesline basis. Wallpapers are glued on PVA glue. So that the edges do not go out, the parts are cut on 5 mm less on all sides. It turns out a kind of edging. It looks not bad (example in the photo below).

What is good this way: it is easy to change the decor. Tired of an old appearance, broke the wallpaper, stuck new. Despite the fact that the method seems frivolous, the appearance is preserved for several years. His author tried him even on the kitchen headset. Only wallpaper on top twice are covered with PVA glue. In this case, lockers can be washed. It is important to apply a layer of varnish smoothly, without influx, there are no other difficulties.

Sometimes the wallpaper is covered with varnish. But before doing this, try to do it on an unnecessary piece: see how they react to it.

Choosing a varnish, it must be remembered that acrylic and cellulosic varnishes after drying remain transparent, the polyurethane turns over time. Also, polyurethane almost does not softened with solvents: it can only be removed mechanically (from wood - believed by sandpaper).

Chest update

Old dresser stood unknown how many years in the attic, but very strong and reliable, not a gram of failure, only polished crackled. In the fortress, he is much superior to modern products. This is the trait that is inherent in the old, still Soviet times, furniture. It is not very saturated with details (to put it mildly), but stood for several decades in bad conditions, remains strong. Alteration of the chest is more complicated: two techniques are used: painting, and then decoration using moldings from polyurethane and wallpaper.

Step 1. Remove the accessories, remove the old coating. Plots blocked by places, grinded by sandwich. Squares smeared with a putty on the tree, waited until he dried. At the end stage, everyone was cleaned with a skin with a thin grain. At the same time, the chest of drawers is such as in the photo below.

This is after it is covered and lined with sandpaper

Step 2.. Installing moldings from polyurethane. Choosing moldings, see that they are not surround: too thick on a small dresser will look very rude. They should be not wider than 5 cm and as possible, if you look at them into the profile.

Bought polyurethane moldings are neatly cut, the angles were washed under 45 °. (). The matching pattern must be perfect. We are glued to PVA. For reliability, you can additionally secure on the screws with wide hats. Under them make a slight recess, after the self-tapping screw is spinning, the hole is smelted to putty. Try to put the putty immediately lay down perfectly (you can be spinning with a wet finger), as you can clean it problematic.

Moldings are glued and planted on the self-tapping screw

Step 3. Everything is processed by primer. You can use diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 PVA glue. After the primer is dry, paints (two layers). For this occasion, acrylic water-based paint is selected. Color - coffee with milk, although in the photo he looks completely different. Color reproduction inaccurate.

This is already after the second paint applied. Suit

Step 4. For decorating, wallpapers are chosen, in which the coating is made in the technique of silk screen. Slices are cut on the size of the inside of the molding frames, glued on PVA. After drying the glue, the entire chest of drawers twice is covered with water based lacquer.

Step 5. And the latter are installed new legs (furniture wheels) and handles.

Install the handles and legs)) The updated dresser is not at all like the one you saw on the first photo.

As you can see, there is no complex work. Everything is really elementary. But all processes require accuracy - the appearance depends on it. Similarly, you can also update the old Chiffonier. It turns out a set for the room. Stylish and original.

When updating the furniture worse, it is necessary if the surface is lacquered. Varnish is considered long and difficult. If the surface is smooth and polished is not damaged, you can apply soil for complex surfaces, and after drying, you can paint. This greatly accelerates the process of painting lacquered furniture.

If you have children and cottage or yard, you may be interested to read with a lot of photos. And Ob.

How to update the old bedside table

In the photo gallery, you can see the process of restoration of the old polished bedside table. At first, it was removed from it the old polishing, they were covered, polished and after processing it twice painted acrylic paint. Then it was glued to the doors with an interesting pattern (it was a gift paper package). After drying, it was all together was covered with two layers of a coolant acrylic varnish.

The sequence of work is simple, if you know how to do. All processes will be given the sequence of actions that you have seen on the example of the chest update. The result is also impressive.

The alteration of furniture with their own hands is a painstaking case, but the result is worth it. Below the photo is renovated on a simple method of bedside tables: it is saved with relief wallpaper, and on top twice applied varnish.

Stamp alteration

By the same technology, a banal coffee table can be turned into a modern subject of the interior. In this case, it was saved by wrapping paper. It is dense, gluits well and does not rush when applied.

Before starting work on decorating countertops, the legs of the old table and the edges of the table top painted in a light color: it is so more suitable for a new design style. Next began the process of its transformation.

When pasting, the cloth is cut significantly more than the sizes of the countertop. So need. Paper glued on PVA, rolled with roller so that there are no lumps and swolves. The surface must be absolutely smooth.

After stuck, take sandpaper with small grain (it is more convenient to work if it is attached to the bar). By holding it around the edge, the surplus of paper is separated along the edge.

Even cutting on the guillotine you will not get a fairly level edge. And with this method, it is obtained professionally. Independence and does not smell.

After drying the glue, the surface is twice with a thin layer of varnish. It is necessary to apply it with a soft brush in a small amount. The layers are applied in different directions: first along the long side, then across.

Alteration of furniture: photo ideas

The alteration of furniture do it yourself - the matter is creative. Even the boring can make a great thing. And it is not necessary to repeat the seen exactly. Many useful ideas comes during the implementation of the project. It is a pity that something of the conceived turns out to be not so attractive as it seemed. Try, experiment. Before modern technologies allow it to do with minimal costs.

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How to Pliste Wall Cabinet: Furniture Restoration Ways

Good old furniture can be updated with their own hands. Cabinet Casting Wallpaper is the most accessible design receipt that does not require skills and attachments. I'll tell you about budget ways to restore furniture.

The essence of the problem

Over time, the furniture loses novels, looks old-fashioned, does not fit into the interior of the room, has defects: scratches, cracks, chips. You can update the cabinet with your own hands in one day. There are ways of furniture design, even newcomer, without skills and knowledge.

The most popular reception - pasting wallpaper. Using the trimming of honeycloths, which remained after repair, you decorate the closet and update the interior. You can accumulate the wardrobe with the same canvases or combine pieces of different types. In any case, your furniture will become an exclusive.

Choice of wallpaper

A good result depends on the quality of wallpaper. Thin paper should not be taken - they quickly twist, they are torn and cause difficulties in the work.

Take vinyl, and better fliseline. This category has a dense, elastic foundation that can reach. Such species are convenient to trim the corners and cut the canvas.

Color, drawing and texture must be harmonized with the setting and selected individually. I offer a few examples:

  • For rooms in light colors, the cabinet is made bright or on the tone of the walls, but with a catchy pattern.
  • Colorful wall cover pattern - the cabinet is necessarily monophonic.
  • In small rooms are used by the reception of one-window. Furniture facade is done in unison with walls.
  • For kitchen cabinets, choose options for marble or wood structure.
  • Lovers of non-standard interiors use photo wallpapers.
  • Self-adhesive wallpaper greatly simplifies the work and relevant to the decor of the facades.

It is important to take into account performance. On the roll label schematically displays moisture resistance, tolerance to UV rays. Large defects, potholes on the outdoor panels manage to "hide" under the canvas with thick color, small pattern, vinyl spraying.

Cabinet salary

Any wardrobe can be decorated. Stocking is applied not only on facade panels. Restoration can affect all parts that you will be periodically before your eyes: all internal space, including retractable boxes.

Decor facade, doors and side walls

If partial pasting is planned, the facade cannot be excluded. This is a central element that is constantly in sight. You can exclude updating internal boxes, side walls.

Decorative design has several options: a single coating or alternation of several materials. Many prefer to apply a bulk patchwork. Such a technique consists of alternating different wallpapers, sliced \u200b\u200bwith squares or rectangles. The finished product pleases brightness and variety.

Color and stylistic solutions depend on your taste, desire and general design of the room. Experiment with shades, contrast, drawing. In a monoton room with pastel walls, make a creative wardrobe with rainbow bright doors.

Decor of the rear wall of the rack

There is no door in the rack, the rear wall is visible through the open shelves. An excellent solution will be the internal panel pasting. On a beautiful background, any items mounted on the shelves will be wondering: dishes, figurines, vases, souvenirs, etc.

Decorating the rear wall of the rack, choose wallpapers, contrasting with walls. Your task is to designate and highlight the cabinet. I wonder the walls with patterns and geometric pattern.

You can use a factory monophonic fliesline or vinyl, which remains from the repair of the neighboring room. This reception connects the premises and creates a comfort.

If the rack has a sectional design, then for each part, select different wallpapers. You will get a large-scale imitation of patchwork sewing.

Decor inside the cabinet: boxes, walls, doors

The facade of the cabinet estimates the guest, only the owner looks into the inside, so not everyone decorate the inner space. If a good appearance is important for the interior, then the filling pleases only households.

Wallpaper you can decorate the opposite side of the door, shelves, the inner walls of the cabinet, boxes. Hidden from foreign explosions of the cabinet, will create a neat look. There are no special recommendations here, it all depends on your preferences or the presence of wallpaper residues.

Some like it when the open-red outdoor door, someone makes a tone with an outdoor finish. The predominance in the wardrobe is a monotonous thing, it will be good to complement the interior with an ornament or with bright flower. For any options, two colored stripes or a small cell will suit.

Self-tech is applied only on a clean and low-fat surface (alcohol, solvent). If it turned out bubbles, they are poured with a needle and smoothed with a dry cloth.

Required tool and material

  • Rule / Roulette,
  • pencil,
  • brush / roller,
  • scissors,
  • sharp knife
  • pVA glue or bulk,
  • sandpaper,
  • putty knife,
  • wood Plotchevka,
  • primer,
  • napkin / rag,
  • wallpaper.

During the restoration of the furniture, it is advisable to change the handles, lining on the locks. This is an important point in the exterior update.


First of all, handles, moldings and other fittings, located on the working surfaces, are dismantled. Free the cabinet from the filling: lingerie, shelves, boxes.

We prepare the surface under pasting - it should turn out to be smooth and matte. On a wooden surface, slightly walk the eye.

If the closet is lacquered, then it needs to be cleaned from varnish. A grinding machine will help, the second option is sandpaper and physical effort. In conclusion, remove the dust with a wet cloth and dry.

We look at the subject of defects. If there are chips, damage, cracks - smear the twin. After drying, skin sandpaper and soil. The cabinet is ready for sticking.

Sticking wallpaper

The stilt process is the final stage and the most responsible, the appearance of the updated cabinet depends on the quality of the stick. The work consists of several stages.

  1. Remove the froze the selected item.
  2. We carry on the canvas, make the pattern or cut off the desired length.
  3. We smear the resulting segments with glue and apply to the selected part. If the basis of the wallpaper is fliseline, then the glue is applied to the closet surface.
  4. For fixation, use a dry rag or roller.
  5. After drying, the next day, install accessories.

When using the wallpaper glue, add a little PVA to it (per 1 liter of art. Spoon). During drying, do not make drafts, with open windows, the wallpaper crackle or disperse on the seams.

Budget restoration of products

You can turn the old furniture to a new one without special investments. Desire, fantasy, skill and knowledge of several ways of budget restoration. About sticking with wallpaper you already know, there are other techniques, you can

  • cloth
  • paint
  • true artificial leather
  • apply the decoupage technique,
  • stick pictures
  • use painting on glass
  • decorative plaster
  • convenient option - self-adhesive and stained glass film.

These methods are suitable not only for a wardrobe, they are used for chest of drawers, bedside tables, bonders, kitchen cabinets, shells, servants, for furniture located in the corridor, hallway.

Furniture, decorated with wallpaper or having a decoupage, tissue surface should be placed in dry rooms. On the unheated dacha, the coating can spoil from excessive humidity.

Application of volumetric drawings

Restoration can be with the effect of the volume image. This is not 3D pictures, but stencil painting and decorative plaster. Today, this method in fashion is often used in the interiors, to create decor elements, wall paintings.

The painted / plastered surface is not afraid of moisture, and protects furniture from negative impacts. Can be used in the bathroom, toilet, in country houses.

For work, no expensive materials are needed. Square meter of decorative plaster will cost 300 rubles.

At the same time, there is a huge range of colors and effects: suede, mosaic, velvet, provence, marble, rustic, milling cutter, etc. For internal works, take silicone and rubber, they do not crack.

Decorative plaster

For drawing, you will need stencil, paint, spatula, brush, furniture varnish. The actions algorithm consists of 10 points:

  1. Removes accessories.
  2. We consider the coverage.
  3. In the presence of cracks, we eliminate them with putty.
  4. We pass by sandpaper.
  5. Fix with painting scotch stencil.
  6. We break the plaster and apply it to the spatula.
  7. After partial burrow, remove the stencil.
  8. The injured contour corrected the knife. We leave for complete drying.
  9. The next day, grinding fine-grained n / paper.
  10. Apply paint.

A good effect gives furniture varnish. After applying paints become saturated, the product longer retains the updated view.

Stencil drawing

The plaster is effectively, but requires great effort, it is easier to work with paint. Under the stencil you create a masterpiece much faster. Here are some tips for staining the furniture:

  • The drawing will last longer, if the surface is cleaned from old paint, dust and fatty spots.
  • On a white background, the pattern will be more contrasting. To do this, the product is painted in white, and then stencils.
  • Additional beauty make gold / silver handles, accessories.
  • The screen image is preferably carried out with the help of aerosol cartridges.
  • The base background can coincide with the walls of the walls, and the drawing is made in contrast.

Polished furniture coloring

Chipboard, natural wood that has an arranged polished application, you can paint. To do this, use matte acrylic paints. From the surface, you should remove the top layer (coarser-grained skin), chips / cracks to sharpen, and degrease the White Spirit.

Paint is applied in 2-3 reception. Each layer after drying is polished with shallow sandpaper. At the end of the work, if you wish to get an exclusive, a facade point painting will be done. Thin marker to make a drawing and paint acrylic paint (a brush is used).

How to update kitchen cabinets

The kitchen is different from the room with a microclimate. Here often arises pairs, moisture, the furniture is subjected to aggressive temperatures, fat evaporation. Kitchen furniture, in such conditions, faster losing pristine, require washing or restoration.

Refresh kitchen cabinets can be painted, self-taking film or rathana. The paint should be taken moisture-resistant acrylic or alkyd enamel, oil paint. These compositions have good coating and give a glossy shine.

Before working, the door is removed from the loops if the coupe is dismantled, cleared, degreased. The roller is applied primer.

Start dyeing from the edge and reverse side of the doors. It will be necessary to create two layers. The first tassel, the second painting pad or roller. If the color saturation does not satisfy you - Kraft for the third time.

In this way, not only kitchen cabinets can be painted, but also room furniture (bedside tables, dressers, compilation).

When staining in several layers, the coating must dry, see the instructions on the bank. New fittings are bought for an updated cabinet, moldings, religions.

To update the furniture, you can use the tips of the designers:

  • The wardrobe in the children's room is bright, using children's pictures performed by point painting.
  • Glass / mirror doors of a wardrobe decorate with vinyl stickers or stained film.
  • Chiffonier transform artificial formation, decoupage.
  • The ancient servant is painted in white and apply a contrast pattern. Decorative plaster is appropriate.
  • The cabinet in the living room can be done unique with the help of collage from family photos.
  • On large doors, photo wallpapers are perfect.

Before coloring, on wooden facades, you can cut the cutter and other decorative elements on the wooden facades.


Now you know how to save the budget and renovating the old furniture. Applying any way, you will create a new colorful object in the interior.

In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic. In the comments, share the restoration experience.

June 15, 2018.

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In the article, I will tell you how to give a new life to the old chest. How to renovate it, update and paint at home, how to separate fittings, about the pros and cons alteration. I will describe the methods of restoration, the preparation process. I'll tell you about the materials and tools you need.

Pros and Cons Restoration of the Chest

Restoration of antique furniture is a painstaking work that requires quality materials.

Depending on the dimensions used, the materials used, and the status of the chest process of recovery takes from 2 to 10 days.

Restoration prolongs the use of use, transforms visual dresser.

Cons in the restoration of dresser:

  • high price for high-quality material;
  • lack of experience in restoration;
  • careful selection of materials;
  • long recovery time.

Positive parties in the recovery of the chest:

  • extra furniture;
  • in the process of restoration it is possible to change the functioning of the chest;
  • updated the view of the interior;
  • the value of the chest increases;
  • a wide range of restoration material;
  • it extends the use of furniture.

How to update at home

In the presence of free time, you can not go buy a new item in the room, but to redo the old chest.

To begin with, it is necessary to accurately visualize the final result of the work, clean the room for work and, acquire the necessary materials.

For the transformation of the chest:

  • degreased and wash the surface, give a dry tree;
  • okrug the sandpaper old paint;
  • apply primer to damaged places;
  • degreased with alcohol covered places in the primer;
  • apply acrylic soil and paint;
  • they give dry the first layer, cover the second and, waiting for complete drying.

This is a standard instruction that would restore the old furniture. Depending on the material from which the chest of drawers is made using suitable tools.

In the process of reconstruction, you will need:

Necessary materials and tools

From materials needed:

  • sandpaper, logsik;
  • machine for grinding, hammer;
  • hacksaw, spatula;
  • fire, nails, selflessness;
  • glue, roller, brushes and paints;
  • Chipboard, fiberboard or plywood.

Preparatory work

It is necessary to prepare space where the furniture will transform. On the floor, the chalk of newspapers or thick polyethylene.

The furniture needs to wipe the dry cloth from dust and, carefully examine the presence of defects.


  • swollen coating;
  • deep cracks;
  • dents;
  • sticking nails;
  • traces of pests of rodents and insects.

Next, they remove the old coating layer, get rid of swollen places - remove, if necessary, the top layer of wood. Rights on wooden surfaces are eliminated by the electrolabank. Sometimes you have to use foreign items to get rid of dust that scored in a gap - an old toothbrush. The handles are unscrewed, not restored replaced with new fittings. Then wash, give dry, covered with primer. If the material is not a tree, then putty.

No need to use high alkali or acid washing.

Process of coloring

After complete purification and coating of the primer, the surface is covered with the first layer. The coating is selected resistant to mechanical damage and abrasion. Emalevy is not used for restoration, but the oil is also not suitable. An acceptable option is acrylic.

This is an expensive material, but the price is justified by:

  • there is no caustic smell;
  • does not harm;
  • it is not required to breed a solvent;
  • changes color when adding a kolacher;
  • reaches a reaction with water, which contributes to an increase in paint volume.

To repaint, you need to remove the old coating, handle the tree to the putty and polish, then make painting. On the surface there may be a pattern or discovering finish. These parts are painted with a thin brush. The upper and side pieces are painted with a roller, with its absence, the surface is painted with a wide brush along a wooden sleeper.

Painting of the chest perpendicular to the speaker leads to visible strips after drying the layer. You can paint white, blue, gold and other colors.

Painting acrylic erratants spend several times. After drying the layers, covered with varnish. Low quality varnish has a short shelf life. Dresser cracks regardless of whether the sun rays fall on it or not.

High-quality varnish meets the requirements:

  • composition on water basis;
  • there is no sharp smell;
  • it is used without means of protection for a person.

Ship and floor varnishes will spoil the surface.

Restoration methods

Restore the old furniture is possible by several methods:

Collecture method

One-step cracker is characterized by small cracks, which are difficult to make ordinary paint. If necessary, cover with a layer of paint, then crockel lacquer. Varnish should be applied in 2-3 layers. For quick drying, use hairdryer. Next apply the last layer. You don't need to drive a brush in one place in one place, paint with a varnish rolls in lumps.

The peculiarity of this method is that the cracks are not formed from paint. The last layer of varnish is a catalyst for the formation of cracks. The tree is covered with the first layer of varnish and paint, give to dry. Then covered with decorative crockel lacquer.

As part of varnish there is a pigment that, when drying, varnish is tightened with paint. The first cracks are watched by oil paint, pastel. It is possible to use cosmetics. To complete the chest of drawers are coated with a conventional layer of varnish.

Decoupage method

Decoupage combines the formation and adhesive scenery.

For scuffs, the veil is used, which is applied with a dry brush. Following the layer of dark-colored acrylic, the dried layer is treated with wax, the last layer of coating is applied. The surface dries 3-4 hours. For scenery, stencils or large paper prints are used. Small pictures glue PVA glue in chaotic order. Covered by a layer of varnish.


The surface in this case is purified, the dark color of the coating is applied to the accent sections. Proceed with wax, and covered with varnish. Instead of wax, you can use sandpaper. Then the layer of varnish is applied twice.

It is not difficult to transform, it does not take much time.

Do not save on materials to restore the chest.

Restoration of old furniture includes decor. You can decorate various fittings.

Qualitatively done work guarantees the long-term mining service in a new image. The value of renovated furniture increases, and it becomes the center of attention of the furniture owner.

Old dresser is step by step, so that it looks like a new one. As well as give 10 class examples as craftsmen give storage systems. We are sure that after that you want to take paint, brushes and highlight the weekend for alterations.

How to renovate the old chest of hand: 5 steps

1. Remove the coating


For this we will need a solvent, a spatula, and ideally a grinding machine.

What does the process of removing the old coating manually looks like: we remove the material with a spatula if we need to use the solvent - it may be acetone or any other store. With it, the decorative coating will go much easier. Take an unnecessary tissue (or rag), soak the solvent and wipe the surface. The old finish should go almost completely. And the remains after you can remove the spatula.

By the way, if you work with solvents, do not forget the mask and gloves - as it is toxic substances and from vapors you can feel bad and damage the skin.

And what if working with a grinding machine? Suddenly you have friends who can borrow technique. Grinder should be with a nozzle - for stripping with abrasive. It is such a nozzle that helps to completely remove the paint coating and leave the pure wooden surface. For perfectly smooth coverage after the machine, you can "walk" with a wood grinding circle.

Of course, this option is faster and easier, but keep in mind that when working with the machine there may be a large amount of dust. Bursting the respirator and glasses.

Plastic film

Furniture was cut by films under the tree. If you need to remove it, the easiest way is to use a construction hairdryer. Hot air will help to easily separate the plastic coating from the base. Follow the simple instructions: first herald one of the parts of the structure - for example, a worktop or door, then picker the film and gently separate it. Repeat the procedure with other details.

If you want to to do It is without a construction dryer, the process will be the same as with paint.

2. Close up cracks and other flaws

Despite the fact that the restoration of the chest with their own hands at home is a simplified version, candid deficiencies cannot be left. Moreover, it is not so difficult to correct them.

It will take a putty for a tree. Please note that it is better to choose a special putty, since conventional building materials may contain large abrasive particles, and eventually damage the coating. And the material for the tree will fall smoothly and neatly.

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