Poroshenko who is he. Petro Poroshenko: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Engineering systems 21.09.2019
Engineering systems

In 2014, the figure of Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko, who recently became the president of Ukraine, is of particular interest. Let's see who is Petro Poroshenko.


The birthplace of the Ukrainian politician and successful entrepreneur is the district town of Bolgrad, Odessa region, which practically borders on Moldova. It was there that in 1965 the second son, who was named Peter, was born in the family of the general director of CJSC Ukrprominvest Alexei Ivanovich (Poroshenko's younger brother tragically died in a car accident in 1997).

At school, the future billionaire studied mainly for five and was fond of judo (the title of the CCM). After graduating from school, he applied to the KNU. T. Shevchenko and the higher nautical school of Odessa. Entered both institutions, but the choice fell on the faculty international relations in Kyiv, which he graduated with excellent marks. Then he studied at graduate school and defended his Ph.D., but already at the Odessa National Academy of Law. He speaks excellent English.

Family and nationalities

By nationality Peter the Jew. As for the family, being a university student, Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko married the daughter of the Deputy Minister of Health of the Ukrainian SSR, Marina, who was studying to be a cardiologist. The couple met at a disco in the dormitory of the university. Their stormy romance lasted a year. But immediately after submitting an application to the registry office, Peter is taken to serve in the army on the border with Kazakhstan, then transferred to Kyiv. After serving, he returned to study.

Poroshenko has four children: two sons (29 and 13 years old) and two daughters (twin girls, 14 years old). The eldest son is a deputy of the regional council in the city of Vinnitsa. By the way, Peter Alekseevich will soon become a grandfather. This is the family of the new president of Ukraine.


While still young, at the age of 25, Poroshenko holds the position of Deputy General Director of the Respublika Association of Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs. During the collapse of the Union, he was the director of the Exchange House Ukraine, after a while he was the general director of CJSC Ukrprominvest.


Poroshenko started his own business even after graduation. Selling cocoa beans. In the future, it outgrew the well-known Roshen confectionery corporation. Now business politics is not only candy factories, but also other enterprises, automobile and bus factories, as well as the Ukrainian TV channel Channel 5. Experts estimate the state of the new president of Ukraine at $1.3 billion. In general, the business is developing well.

Who is Poroshenko in politics?

Petro Poroshenko was a member of many parties and collaborated with both the authorities and the opposition. He was a deputy in the Vinnitsa region. For the first time, he got into the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the lists of the SDPU (o) party. He worked in the party of the united social democrats for 2 years, then he created his own center-left party "Solidarity". After a while, he brings her into a new political structure - the "Party of Regions", which until 2001 was called the "Party of Regional Revival" Labor Solidarity of Ukraine ". At the end of 2001, Solidarity became part of the Our Ukraine opposition bloc of the third President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, which received its official name in 2002. Poroshenko is the head of the election headquarters.

After the Orange Revolution and Yushchenko's victory in the presidential election, Poroshenko becomes Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council. After numerous scandals, Yushchenko dismisses the Cabinet of Ministers, including him.
Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko takes a break from work in the political field and only in 2009 took up the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. A year later, he left the post, and two years later he became the Minister of Economy in the government of Azarov. I worked there for exactly 8 months. In 2014 he became a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine.

He did not show any results in more than one position, which is why many people have a question - who is Poroshenko and why should he be the president of Ukraine?


The fifth president of Ukraine is fond of tennis and loves painting.

Compromising evidence

No matter how hard they try to compromise Poroshenko as politician, but no one has succeeded. He seems to be too careful. In business, he acts tough and becompromisingly, many say that he went into politics only to promote his business. The family seems to be without excesses, everything is quite calm, he was not noticed in family scandals.


Poroshenko stands for a united Ukraine, reducing tax pressure from the state, reducing the share of imported products, fighting corruption, creating Public Television, and constitutional reform.

To the question “Do you have a personal formula for success?”, he confidently answers “Work plus determination. And also to be better than others.

People's opinion

Yes, who is this, the litter and the American rat, this Petro Poroshenko. The punitive operation was not stopped, and this already says a lot.

I did not steal hats and it's good. In general, this person inspires, if not trust, but respect for sure.

Very interesting, Poroshenko causes distrust, but respect, how is it? As for the hats, nobody knows what he stole and how much. It is only known that in the government he worked only for the prosperity of his business.

Alex, even if not trust - distrust. It's not the same thing.

As for the hats... known fact from the biography of Yanukovych. I cited him as a comparison with Poroshenko, who at least had no criminal convictions.

And what did Poroshenko do for Ukraine to inspire respect. can i have the facts?

Lisel, in Ukraine, apparently, if the politician didn’t steal, it’s already good. I heard today that Poroshenko is going to stop the punitive operation, I don’t know if this is true or not. If so, then Peter will earn himself a couple of pluses in his reputation. The war must be stopped, and the rest will gradually improve in Ukraine. Regarding the Poroshenko family, the article does not say anything about the father. As far as I know, he was far from poor. So Peter the golden child, made a fortune with the help of his father? Or is it just rumors?

And why read his biography, be interested in family, business and wonder who Poroshenko is? I think that in a year or two everything will be clear, and maybe earlier. By the way, at the inauguration of Peter the soldier dropped his gun, then the wreath fell on him, something else was there. It was not for nothing that the fortuneteller told him that it was not necessary to carry out the inauguration on this day.

When I watched the video with the soldier, it was clear that he could hardly stand on his feet, he didn’t just drop, he was in poor condition - he was thrown from side to side, then he was completely taken away.

No idea who Petro Poroshenko is. I personally did not vote for him, and I do not have confidence in him, as in general in any other politician. But I hope that, God forbid, he can fix something for the better in Ukraine. After all, as they say, Hope dies last, and besides hope, there is nothing left.

Poroshenko is a new type of politician, the whole country is pinning hopes on him. In his speech at the inauguration, he touched on many issues that await resolution. The most important thing is to stop the bloodshed in the east, and then build the country according to new principles, without corruption of officials, create a transparent system in society so that the income declaration matches the income itself. Tired of looking at snickering officials who, having warm places, make their capital

And what does a new type of politician mean? So far, no one can really say who he is and what kind of president Peter will be. How did you determine that it has some new type?

Majestic, because Ukraine will live in a new way. How, we will see. And if you live in Ukraine, then too.

It will really live in a new way, without income from transit gas, without the people of Donbass, with the destroyed cities of the East, without Crimea and without friendly neighbors ... an amazing time, recent history... then it will be necessary to compare life before the Maidan and after the Maidan.

Petro Poroshenko will go down in history, he can safely be attributed to bloody Poroshenko. For 23 years of ruling in Ukraine, no one has yet fought with his own people, calling them terrorists and separatists.

Petro Poroshenko has already shown his incompetence. He had a chance to negotiate with the seceding provinces, to promise to solve the problems that, in fact, caused these provinces to secede. Instead, he immediately turned them against him.

Now it is obvious that real specialists are fighting against the Ukrainians, if there were no aviation, everyone would be killed in battle. And Petro Poroshenko has been an American agent for a long time and he will not give anything good to the country, shale gas production has already begun near Kharkov, but the Ukro-American media are silent.

Yes, you rightly said a “new type” politician, a murderer of his own people, a bloody president of a new generation! He ordered the National Guard to clean up the cities and towns, but so far they have not succeeded, because the people of the Southeast are fighting desperately. You just listen to these words-CLEAR !!! Whom - civilians, the elderly, children, women. Phosphorus bombs are dropped on them, they are destroyed from various installations, they are bombed day and night, and the people stand, and such Slavic people not even break Petro Poroshenko. Yugoslavia was bombed by the Americans, and His Majesty Poroshenko is a KILLER, he bombs and destroys the Ukrainian people, including Ukraine.

Naturally. Glad you don't believe in civil uprising, but you understand that well-trained mercenaries who are supplied with weapons from Russia are in charge of everything there now. Pushilin just recently drove off to Moscow for instructions to the owners.

The problem is now different, as someone correctly wrote, and I support this: If the Ukrainian army lays down its arms, there will be no war in Donbass, but if the militias lay down their arms, there will be no people of Donbass. So it’s too late to call on anyone to give up, but it’s obvious that America will still be squeezed, another unpleasant surprise for the Americans was Iraq, where it’s very, very restless now, and American oil magnates are in charge there. Europe has learned the truth about Ukraine, therefore it is pointless to engage in Ukrainian propaganda, all the same, drugged people will find out the truth about the bombing of the Ukrainian army, and that it is not terrorists who kill civilians, but their own people who kill women and children. We all understand that it is necessary to put pressure on America and then it will be possible to fairly judge this entire current Kyiv gang.

Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko is a Ukrainian statesman and political figure, businessman and oligarch, one of the five richest people in Ukraine (a fortune of $ 1.8 billion), the fifth president of Ukraine (since June 7, 2014).

Childhood, family

Poroshenko Petr Alekseevich was born on September 26, 1965 in the city of Bolgrad, Odessa region. Father - Alexei Ivanovich Poroshenko (b. 1936), a native of the village of Safyany (Bessarabia, the Kingdom of Romania, now the Izmail district of the Odessa region). Mother, Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko (nee Grigorchuk, 1937−2004), originally from the village of Kugurlui-Matroska, Bessarabia, the Kingdom of Romania (now the Izmail district of the Odessa region). Elder brother Mikhail (1957-1997).

Petro Poroshenko in childhood

In 1974, the Poroshenko family moved to the city of Bender, Moldavian SSR, where Peter graduated from high school. Despite excellent studies, Petro Poroshenko did not receive a medal. As he himself said, "for bad behavior" - because of conflicts with teachers who did not like caustic injections and Peter's exorbitant self-confidence. At school, Poroshenko was always a leader, went in for sports (he fulfilled the standard of a candidate for the master of sports of the USSR in judo). He speaks Russian, Ukrainian, English, Romanian.

After graduating from school in 1982, Poroshenko decided to enter the Faculty of International Relations and international law Kyiv State University. His father was skeptical about the choice of Peter, and even advised him to prepare to join the army. But still he helped his son get the necessary recommendation documents for admission to a prestigious university.

In his second year, Peter got married, and almost immediately was called to Soviet Army. He served far from home at the Air Force Research Institute in Kazakhstan. Subsequently, Poroshenko was proud that he "took part in hostilities." However, the service was - one can envy - "carried the head of the institute." And when Peter had a child, he was transferred closer to Kyiv.

Petro Poroshenko in his youth (Photo: vesti-ukr.com)

Demobilized in 1986, Poroshenkoch returned to his third year. In 1989 he graduated from the university, becoming a specialist in international economic relations.

Business Poroshenko

Having received higher education, Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko began own business selling cocoa beans. In the 1990s, he acquired several confectionery enterprises, which were later merged into the Roshen group.

The business empire of Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko is great. After the transformation of its enterprises in 2006, PJSC “Closed non-diversified corporate investment fund “Prime Assets Capital” (ZNKIF), CEO, was organized. 100% of its shares belong to Mr. Poroshenko.

A truck near the warehouse of the ROSHEN confectionery factory (Photo: TASS)

These included the ROSHEN confectionery factory, communications (the Ekran company), the media (Channel Five, TRT, Your Radio, Pilot-Ukraine, Radio Next, Radio Niko FM, Radio 5), shipbuilding - the Sevastopol Marine Plant (nationalized by the Russian authorities Sevastopol) and the plant "Lenin's Forge". As well as Ukrprominvest-Agro, Bogdan Corporation, Peskovsky glassware plant, starch production enterprises, Kraina insurance company, Energoavtomatika software, services (Monitor Sports and Fitness Complex, 5th Element Sports Club), etc.

Petro Poroshenko succeeded in everything in business, his material well-being was steadily growing.

Poroshenko's political career

With such efficiency, P. And Poroshenko could not help but become interested in politics. He was well aware that in Ukraine this promised additional profits.

"The owner of factories, newspapers, ships" Poroshenko actively involved in Ukrainian political games. And here Pyotr Alekseevich felt himself in his midst.

For the first time, a young politician Poroshenko received a seat in the Verkhovna Rada (parliament of Ukraine) in 1998 as a member of the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (united) (SDPU (o). Then he created his independent center-left parliamentary faction Solidarity.

2004 Petro Poroshenko at the dawn of his political career (Photo: vesti-ukr.com)

During the "parade of resignations" of the Ukrainian governments, Petro Poroshenko was on the side of Viktor Yushchenko. Later he became the head of the campaign of the opposition block of Viktor Yushchenko "Our Ukraine". After the parliamentary elections in March 2002, when Our Ukraine received the largest share of the vote, Poroshenko headed the budget committee in parliament. In 2000-2004, P.A. Poroshenko is Deputy Chairman of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine.

2006. Candidates for the post of speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Petro Poroshenko (Our Ukraine) (left) and Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT) in the meeting room (Photo: Vladimir Sindeev / TASS)

His successful promotion, of course, was facilitated by indefatigable ambitions, determination and the ability to win the sympathy of the "right" people. Until his highest achievement in politics, Pyotr Alekseevich served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister economic development and trade - in this post he was under President Viktor Yanukovych.

2009 Ukrainian Foreign Minister Petro Poroshenko and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left to right) during a press conference following the talks at the MFA mansion on Spiridonovka (Photo: Valeriy Sharifulin/TASS)

Finally, after the Euromaidan and the removal of Viktor Yanukovych from the presidency of Ukraine, new presidential elections were scheduled for May 25, 2014. On March 29, Petro Poroshenko announced that he would run for president. Poroshenko's campaign was carried out under the slogan "To live in a new way." He vowed to break the oligarchic bond where rich Ukrainians buy political influence to get even richer. We will not claim that Petro Alekseevich, in fact, one of the oligarchs, was believed, but there was no one to choose from, and Poroshenko became president.

On June 7, 2014, the inauguration of the new president took place, during which Petro Poroshenko spoke about his main goals in office: he promised to return Crimea, guaranteed the free use of the Russian language, gave his word that Ukraine would receive a visa-free regime and membership in the European Union, pledged to strengthen the military the power of the country.

But it soon became clear that the new president was not going to keep his promises. Petro Poroshenko unleashed a bloody massacre in the South-East of Ukraine, became a pathological opponent of the Russian language, and quarreled the fraternal Ukrainian and Russian peoples.

From the first presidential steps, Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko began to show his true face. On September 25, 2014, Petro Poroshenko announced that it was time to resolve at the state level the issue of the status of the soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA *) as defenders of Ukraine.

October 14, 2014 by decree of Petro Poroshenko, the day of the celebration of the Intercession Holy Mother of God proclaimed the holiday "Day of the Defender of Ukraine". This day is also considered the date of the creation of the UPA.

Minister of Defense of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko (from left to right) during an inspection of modern weapons and equipment "Force of the Unconquered" on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of Ukraine on Mikhailovskaya Square (Photo: Nikolay Lazarenko / press service of the President of Ukraine / TASS)

The real essence of President Poroshenko was revealed in many of his actions. Petr Alekseevich is an opponent of the rapprochement of the peoples of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The president of a multinational country, in which about 20% of the Russian population and almost 80% of Russian-speaking people, is a staunch opponent of the Russian language in the state.

Positioning himself at all international meetings as the president of the world, Petro Poroshenko not only failed to fulfill his promise to end the war in Donbas, but, on the contrary, only achieved an escalation of the conflict. He ignores the implementation of the Minsk agreements, constantly calls Russia an aggressor. Whatever Poroshenko does, hatred of Russia runs like a red thread in all his deeds.

Poroshenko got into a difficult position after Donald Trump won the US elections. Always cautious, he was so sure that he would win Hillary Clinton that he imprudently allowed himself offensive remarks about Trump, even on social networks. Now he proclaims in every possible way his respect for the newly elected American president.

According to media reports, Petro Poroshenko was a parishioner of the Kyiv Ioninsky Monastery, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. There Poroshenko was ordained a deacon.

Nevertheless, it was precisely on the fight against the UOC that Petro Poroshenko decided to build his election campaign in 2018.

On December 15, 2018, the so-called “unification council” was held in Kyiv, at which Metropolitan Epiphany (Sergey Dumenko), who is a follower of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC-KP), was elected head of the non-canonical Ukrainian church. Only two representatives of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) participated in the council.

"Free Press" reported that on January 5, Patriarch of the Church of Constantinople Bartholomew signed a tomos on granting autocephaly to the so-called Orthodox Church Ukraine (OCU). Metropolitan Hilarion, head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, compared 2018 with 1054, the year of the Great Schism in Christian Church.

Elections of the President of Ukraine-2019

According to one of the polls at the end of 2018, Poroshenko, with 8.6%, ranks third in the ranking of candidates. The leader of the Batkivshchyna, Yulia Tim Oshenko, is in the first place with 14.2%, the comedian-showman Vladimir Zelensky is in the second place - 9% of respondents are ready to vote for him.

The head of the presidential administration of Ukraine, Igor Rainin, was threatened with dismissal in early 2019 after he suggested that his associates create their own party due to the lack, in his opinion, of Petro Poroshenko's election prospects.

Poroshenko has no chance in the presidential elections in Ukraine, says the leader of the Batkivshchyna party, Yulia Tymoshenko, based on the results of regional elections in this country.

“Local elections have shown the whole distribution of votes. The deputies of the Batkivshchyna party received 34 percent, the Petro Poroshenko bloc - 23 percent, and then there is no one for a long, long time. The choice of people suggests that in the second round of elections our team and Poroshenko's team will meet with approximately the same result, 34 percent to 23 percent. That is why I can firmly say that in the second round my opponent does not have a single chance, ”Tymoshenko was quoted as saying by the news of Ukraine.

Vladimir Shapovalov, deputy director of the Institute of History and Politics of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, believes that in the current situation, the head of Ukraine, Poroshenko, has very little chance of getting into the second round of the presidential election, but he has one trump card. According to Shapovalov, the only way to raise Poroshenko's rating is the escalation of the armed conflict in the Donbass.

Poroshenko himself at the beginning of 2019 said that he would minimize the risks of Russia's influence in the upcoming Ukrainian presidential elections. He clarified that he would do everything in his power. According to Poroshenko, Russia allegedly launched some kind of campaign to influence the outcome of the elections. The politician even said that she was moving forward "at full speed."

Income of Petro Poroshenko

Despite the war and the rapid poverty that has swept over Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko is getting richer as president. In 2014, only in the first year of his presidency, Petro Poroshenko's income increased; his income increased by 7 times. According to the 2016 Forbes rating, against the backdrop of declining incomes of Ukrainian oligarchs, Poroshenko managed to increase his fortune by $100 million, he now has 858 of them.

In April 2017, Poroshenko filed an electronic declaration for 2016, in which he showed his salary - more than 13.5 thousand dollars.

In the fall of 2018, the Unified Register of Declarations of Ukrainian Officials indicated that over the three weeks of October, the income of the President of Ukraine amounted to 34.8 million hryvnias (about $1.2 million). The head of the Ukrainian state received 28.8 million hryvnias (about a million dollars) from the sale of securities and corporate rights, another 6 million hryvnias (210 thousand dollars) - as dividends from the work of the Prime Assets Capital investment fund.

As the news wrote, since the beginning of 2018, Poroshenko has filed 15 declarations. The total amount of income from them amounted to about 125 million hryvnia (4.4 million dollars). This was almost eight times his 2017 earnings.

Internet memes Poroshenko, alcoholism and fainting

According to rumors, President Poroshenko, despite his illness (they say he has diabetes), likes, as they say, to “use” and, in a state of drunkenness, surprise with his speeches. The video of Poroshenko during his visit to Mariupol in 2014 caused a lively discussion on the network, according to the speech of the president and his gestures, it could be assumed that the head of state was in a state of alcoholic intoxication. I also remember Poroshenko's Freudian slip when he called those who robbed and killed Ukrainians “cynical Bandera”. In the environment of the president, however, they are trying to monetize such dubious cases, for example, T-shirts with the inscription "cynical Bandera" were produced. Of Poroshenko’s last cryptic statements, I remember what was said in the same Mariupol “Ukrainian occupation is temporary”, local residents, who are still part of Ukraine, could cheer up.

Former adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, Ilya Kiva, on the fifth anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity, remembered how the current president of the country, Petro Poroshenko, and the mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, got drunk during protests.

However, in Poroshenko's camp from time to time they come up with their own versions, struggling with rumors about the alcoholism of the President of Ukraine. Journalist Yuriy Butusov told his version of the appearance of the "myth" about the drunkenness of Petro Poroshenko. According to him, in 2015, Poroshenko arrived in Novi Petrivtsi, where a demonstration of new samples took place. military equipment purchased for the National Guard. The president was offered to fire a rifle, and although there were many military men in various ranks nearby, plus Poroshenko’s bodyguards, no one warned him about the recoil, and the Ukrainian president received a sensitive blow to the eye, clinging too close to the optical sight.

Allegedly, then he pulled a cap over his eye and went out to the press, after which a widely disseminated photo appeared.

Another feature of President Poroshenko is fainting during his speeches. Even his son fainted during a prayer service for Ukraine. The episode with the fainting of a soldier at the inauguration of Petro Poroshenko is also well known. In the summer of 2017, the head of the State Border Service of Ukraine, Viktor Nazarenko, lost consciousness right during a briefing by the presidents of Ukraine and Belarus.

On Independence Day in the summer of 2018, Poroshenko set a record for fainting soldiers listening to him - two of them collapsed without strength.

In December 2018, the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights, Lyudmila Denisova, fainted during a speech by Poroshenko.

Property Poroshenko

Mr. Poroshenko in 2009 completed the construction of his grandiose estate in Koncha-Zaspa at the former recreation center for the workers of the Kyiv confectionery factory named after Karl Marx "Seagull". In social networks there is a photo of this palace, reminiscent of its architecture White House.

No luck and the recreation center of the Ukrainian Society of the Blind "Ivushka". Two plots of her land were seized. Petr Alekseevich is also the owner of a luxurious villa in Spain, where he recently transferred part of his assets. Photos of the President of Ukraine in Spain periodically appear in the media.

Poroshenko family

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with his wife Marina (right) and children Alexandra, Yevgenia and Mikhail during a prayer for Ukraine in Sophia Cathedral(Photo: Mikhail Palinchak/TASS)

Petro Poroshenko has four children, daughters Evgenia and Alexander and two sons Alexei and Mikhail. Grandson Peter and granddaughter Elizabeth are the children of Alexei. God-parents daughters - Viktor Yushchenko and Oksana Bilozir.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with his wife Marina (Photo: FA Bobo/PIXSELL/PA Images)

Wife - Marina Anatolyevna Poroshenko (nee Perevedentseva), daughter of Anatoly Perevedentsev - Deputy Minister of Health of the Ukrainian SSR. Graduated from Kyiv Medical Institute, cardiologist. She worked as a doctor in the cardiology department of the October Clinical Hospital in Kyiv. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Now she is a housewife. Chairman of the board Charitable Foundation Petro Poroshenko. Her photos can often be seen in glossy magazines.

The father of our President was not a “Tsekhovik” and a Jew by passport. And he ended up behind bars because he received two spools of enameled cable from the director of the Moldselkhozmontazh plant and thought of buying himself 64 liters of alcohol and two knives. Skeletons from the closet of our Guarantor should be looked for in connections with Savlokhov's organized crime group and Moldovan businesses.

About it KV became known from posts on your facebook page well-known journalist Vladimir Boyko.

“I constantly stumble across social networks on stories that real name Mr. President - Valtsman, and Poroshenko - this is the name of the mother, which the father of Peter Alekseevich, Alexei Ivanovich, took after he served his sentence for the theft of socialist property on an especially large scale. And all sorts of “investigators” write that Poroshenko’s father was allegedly the first “guitar” in the Soviet Union and ended up in a penal colony for stealing the property of the Bendery Research Experimental and Repair Plant of the Moldavian SSR he heads,” the journalist wrote.

Boyko cites a typical quote from a typical message that was massively circulated shortly before the presidential elections in May: “44-year-old Moldovan Jew Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko (born Valtsman, who took his mother’s surname) - a native of the Odessa region - is eager for the presidency.”

Petr Alekseevich is 49 years old. And he allegedly never changed his last name, but all his life he uses his parent's. And his father, who, indeed, was convicted, ended up in prison under his current surname and with the entry "Ukrainian" in the 5th column of his passport. Moreover, at the time of his arrest, he worked not in Bendery, but in the city of Tiraspol, and not as a plant director, but as the head of SPMK-7 (that is, a construction and assembly column) of the Moldselkhozmontazh trust.

In fact, the criminal case, in which Poroshenko Sr. sipped the prison gruel, does not represent anything outstanding. Back in 2005, I managed to find and copy the materials of this case, which is now stored in Chisinau. But I (Boyko. - Ed) did not make it public because of the ridiculousness of the accusation.

The President's father was not a “guild worker”, and he ended up behind bars because he received two reels of enameled cable from the director of the Moldselkhozmontazh plant, which he kept in his garage. And also - for having acquired 64 liters of alcohol from a driver unidentified by the investigation, “obviously obtained by criminal means” (because in the Soviet Union alcohol in such quantities in legal way was impossible to obtain).

And A.I. Poroshenko was found guilty of having acquired two homemade knife, which he kept at home, and which were recognized, God forgive me, as edged weapons. There were also accusations of postscripts, unjustified receipt of bonuses, etc., but in the end Poroshenko was acquitted on these episodes.

Compared to what this Hero of Ukraine later committed on the territory of Vinnytsia, the crimes he is accused of are just a child's toy.

However, for such toys in those years they were punished mercilessly - by the verdict of the collegium for criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Moldavian SSR of July 20, 1986 in case No. , was sentenced to 5 years in prison to be served in a correctional labor colony of general regime, confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold leadership positions for 5 years.

In the next Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Moldavian SSR (this, by the way, many commentators of the “Poroshenko case” do not know), as a protest, reviewed the verdict and, by resolution No. 4u-155/87 of September 10, 1987, removed charges of theft enameled cable and other thefts of state property, having reduced the term of imprisonment to 2 years, A.I. Poroshenko at that time had actually served this term.

In the materials of the case, the father of the current President goes by the name of Poroshenko, and not Valtsman. Of course, those who like to count the percentage of “wrong” blood will say that he could have changed his last name before. Indeed, he could. But nationality is not.

The nationality of citizens of the USSR was determined at the time they received a passport: at the choice of the citizen himself, he was assigned the nationality of either his father or his mother - for life. The following change was allowed only in order to correct errors in the documents.

In the photo - a card of the prisoner Poroshenko Alexei Ivanovich, Ukrainian, 06/11/1936 year of birth.

“I would advise critics of the President to take an interest in his connections with the former Savlokhov criminal gang, or look for Poroshenko’s business in Moldova, and not find out the nationality of his great-grandmother,” Boyko summed up.

President Poroshenko (Waltzman) is the end of the rest of Ukraine. Thieves' dynasty

44-year-old Moldovan Jew Pyotr Alekseevich Poroshenko (nee Valtsman, who took his mother's surname) - a native of the Odessa region - is eager for the presidency. There is nothing wrong with the fact that a Jew can become president, of course, no. For example, in Israel, all the leaders of the state are Jews, and at the same time we see a successful state. But why does Peter Valtsman hide his nationality? Why does he declare himself a Ukrainian, and even a Ukrainian nationalist? Why does he support anti-Semitic Nazis from the Right Sector and other nationalist organizations?

The answer is obvious - it's a bastard, a thief and a scoundrel. And so he was born, unfortunately for everyone ...

Every Jewish family has its own secret, one or more. In this sense, the Poroshenko-Waltzman family is no different from others. Its members do not like to remember the events of the mid-80s of the last century. And not because Petya Poroshenko, who entered the Faculty of International Relations and International Law of Kyiv State University in 1982, studied poorly. That's not why at all.

In 1956, Alexey Valtsman, the father of Petro Poroshenko, married Yevgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko and changed his last name from Valtsman to Poroshenko. And this, of course, is not a crime, although it already clearly characterizes Alexei Valtsman ...

It is no secret that petty theft of state property flourished in the USSR in the 1980s - the so-called "non-bearers" appeared. And Alexei Ivanovich became known to the competent authorities for his "resourcefulness" and "enterprise".

June 11, 1986, a native of the village of Sofyany, Izmailovsky district, Odessa region, Ukrainian SSR, Valtsman A.I., a Jew, a citizen of the USSR, expelled from the members of the CPSU in connection with the present case, having a higher education, liable for military service, married, who worked from September 26, 1977 to December 9 In 1983, the director of the Bendery Experimental Repair Plant, was arrested and was under investigation awaiting a verdict.

What did our Alexey Ivanovich Valtsman do?

He was accused of committing crimes under Articles 155, 123, 184 Part 1, Art. 220 h. 2, Art. 227 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR and the Criminal Code of the RSFSR:

- "intentionally making additions to the state statistical reporting and providing distorted reporting data on the implementation of plans", which was then considered "anti-state actions that cause harm national economy USSR" (Article 155 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR);

- "theft of state property by abuse of one's official position, embezzlement and embezzlement, by prior agreement by a group of persons, repeatedly in the amount of 2,235 rubles 91 kopecks" (Article 123 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR, as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the MSSR of December 24, 1982 .);

- "illegal acquisition of property obtained by knowingly criminal means, committed on a large scale" (Article 220 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR);

- "illegal possession of weapons" (Article 227 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR).


This is such a petty provincial scam.

As in 1982 in the prestigious Kyiv State University could the son of the director of a small factory from provincial Bendery enter the most prestigious faculty of international law and international relations? Probably, for this, the Valtsman-Poroshenko family needed a lot of money. Most likely, in late December 1981 - early January 1982, Waltzman Sr. decided to "play" with the state statistical reporting in order to mislead the state and thus "slightly" get rich.

In 1983, Alexei Poroshenko moved to work as the head of SPMK-7 of the Moldselkhozmontazh trust and moved to Tiraspol.

Little Tiraspol, little SPMK, little salary.... And the sons are growing up!

Therefore, nothing prevented the conscience of Alexei Poroshenko from taking out two coils of enameled cable from his native enterprise in the amount of 204 rubles. 16 kopecks, buy cheaply 64 liters of stolen rectified alcohol for total amount 1629 rub. 48 kopecks, dilute it with water and open it small business for the sale of alcohol surrogate.

By similar labors, I got FIVE YEARS in prison with confiscation of property ...

So, little by little, our great mighty Soviet Union was torn apart by all sorts of parashenki.

The son of Alexei Valtsman - Pyotr Poroshenko - went all in his father. Only a different time has come, and it flourished in independent Ukraine, like mold on a spoiled loaf of bread. He stole anything and everything. This rogue had nothing sacred. As they say, genes have taken their toll.

Now this thief has a new super-task in line - now he intends to steal Ukraine and privatize the post of President for himself. True, his Ukraine has already shrunk to the size of Kyiv and the region, but Peter Valtsman is ready to go all the way. If it is necessary to destroy the entire people of Ukraine for the sake of his own self-interest, he is ready for this. And it's been ready for a long time. Perhaps, even from the very times when Valtsman Sr. became an example in this matter.

Sergey Kotvitsky,
Central information Agency Novorossiya

The tense political situation, which has been observed at the international level for more than a day, draws public attention to the circle of people who are at the top of the ruling elite of Ukraine. Western countries and the United States have long made Petro Poroshenko their protege, but many Russians still do not know who this person is.


The list of some of the richest people in the country is successfully supplemented by Petro Poroshenko. Biography, nationality, parents of a politician are of interest to many, we will talk about this below. To date, his fortune totals about 1.8 billion dollars, which allows him to be listed as the fifth richest person in Ukraine. The man who is considered the sponsor of the Maidan, oddly enough, was born and spent his childhood in the Odessa region. Now Poroshenko is a major businessman, a well-known political and statesman, and the founding president of the Ukrprominvest concern.


Father, Alexey Ivanovich Valtsman, and mother, Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko, got married in 1956. At married couple in 1965, a son was born in the city of Bolgrad, Odessa region. The family lived in a house with a patio. Aleksey Ivanovich was always considered the owner, the children were brought up in strictness, since the father was a little harsh. Despite this, everyone lived together and tried not to argue with the head of the family. As the biography testifies, Petro Poroshenko always respected his elders.

Father is a mechanical engineer. Until 1974, he worked at the Bolgrad Association of Agricultural Machinery. At the beginning of perestroika, he began to work entrepreneurial activity. It was the head of the family who became the founder of everything that Petro Valtsman-Poroshenko owns. Alexey Ivanovich by decree of Yushchenko awarded the order Powers and the title of Hero of Ukraine.

family secrets

In 1986, Alexei Poroshenko received a criminal record. The Supreme Court of Moldova found him guilty of embezzling property by a group of persons, of illegally acquiring property that was obtained by fraud, of acquiring, storing and carrying weapons. After the process, the future businessman went to prison for five years. The parents of Petro Poroshenko (the biography confirms such information) had a hard time experiencing this moment. The oligarch's father was serving his sentence in a corrective labor colony. The convict was deprived of property and the right to hold leadership positions for a period of five years. This is the only known fact about the criminal record that the father's biography contains.

Petro Poroshenko lost his mother in 2004. During her lifetime, Evgenia Sergeevna was a teacher by profession and worked at a technical school. The elder brother Mikhail died in a crash under unclear circumstances - his biography ended in such a sad way.

Petro Poroshenko in childhood had the nickname "fluffy puffy." This was a handsome boy with and black hair. He was distinguished by complaisance, kindness, diligence. His gaze was always a little offended and sad. Despite such character traits, Peter, according to the recollections of his peers, always fought, protecting others.

The boy studied very well, which was also inherent in his older brother. However, due to the circumstances, the family had to leave their home and move to Moldova.

The beginning of the way

The young man graduated from Kyiv University. Taras Shevchenko, having received a diploma in international economics. A little later, he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. However, the educational process was interrupted by military service.

After the aspiring businessman received his higher education, he opened his own business. Biography (Peter Poroshenko himself stated this) during this period was replenished with very successful events. The company founded by a man was engaged in the sale of cocoa beans. And already at the dawn of the 1990s, the businessman took ownership of several large confectionery enterprises, which in the future merged into the Roshen concern. It was this business that allowed today's oligarch to form a multi-million dollar fortune and acquire the unspoken nickname "chocolate king." Before the rift between the two countries, about half of Roshen's confectionery exports went to Russia.

In 2011, Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko, together with B. Lozhkin, acquired a large media company from one of the American businessmen. It included Internet sites, a magazine edition, and several radio stations. In the same year, after the sale of some assets, the oligarch buys a manufacturing plant in Germany and receives permission to buy out a stake in the Ekran company.

Milestones of Petro Poroshenko's career

  • 1990-1991 commercial association "Respublika".
  • 1991-1993 Job title CEO Exchange House "Ukraine".
  • 1993-1998 Position of the General Director of the concern "Ukrprominvest".

To date, the empire of the oligarch consists of many enterprises in different areas business.

A family

The entrepreneur is married, his wife gave him four children (two sons and two daughters). The wife of the politician received a higher education as a cardiologist. Her father served as Deputy Minister of Health.

The godparents of two children (twin girls) were Oksana Bilozir and Viktor Yushchenko. It is noteworthy that Poroshenko was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine for services to the Maidan, which took place in 2004. Some people believe that in this case kinship with Yushchenko played a role.

Petro Valtsman-Poroshenko married quite early - at the age of eighteen, the bride was three years older than him. The newlyweds lived in the house of Marina's parents, who at that time were on a long trip abroad. The wife began to earn money before Peter, having settled in the cardiology department. The young husband received an increased scholarship.

According to the stories of the oligarch himself, the family had financial difficulties (which is very doubtful).

Titles and awards

  • Orders II and III degree "For Merit"
  • Grand Cross of the Order of Civil Merit (Spanish award).
  • Title of Honored Economist of Ukraine.
  • Laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology.
  • PhD in Law.
  • Author of several monographs and a number of scientific publications.
  • Knight of the Order of Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Co-author of textbooks in the field of modern international economic relations.
  • In 2009, the politician was ordained a deacon.

Deputy career

In 1998, Poroshenko was elected to the country's parliament. He spoke from the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine, which at that time supported the incumbent President Leonid Kuchma. Two years later, Poroshenko left the ranks of the party members and created the center-left Solidarity faction. In 2001, he takes an active part in the activities of the Party of Regions, but soon changes his political vector and joins the V. Yushchenko bloc, which at that time was considered oppositional. A year later, Yushchenko's faction won the parliamentary elections, and Peter himself became head of the budget committee.

Orange Revolution

Unofficially, Petro Poroshenko (the president of Ukraine in the near future) was named as a sponsor of the revolutionary events that took place in the country in 2004. Viktor Yushchenko said that the elections were rigged and secured the appointment of a third round. The last vote led to his victory, and he did not fail to appoint Poroshenko as Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of the country. But the president's protege did not last long in this post. At the height of the 2005 crisis, the entire government, headed by Tymoshenko and the oligarch himself, was dismissed.

A year later, Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko reappeared in the Verkhovna Rada in the ranks of the Our Ukraine party, and in 2007 he began to head the council of the National Bank of the country. While Yushchenko remained in office (in 2009-2010), he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Subsequently, he was dismissed by Yanukovych along with the entire cabinet of ministers. However, this was only a short break for Poroshenko in the development of his political career. Already in 2012, a decree was signed on his appointment as Minister of Trade and Economic Development. When the revolution overtook the country, the politician actively spoke out and supported the protesters. This led to the spread of the opinion that he is an active supporter of the Maidan.

In one of his interviews, Petro Poroshenko, biography, nationality, whose parents were under scrutiny at that time, admitted that he actually supplied the revolution with financial resources.

In 2013, the oligarch expressed his intention to participate in the elections for the post of mayor of Kyiv, but only if he enlisted the support of the opposition.


In a troubled time for Ukraine, current President Petro Poroshenko supported the protesters and often spoke at the podium. During the aggravation of the Crimean political crisis, the politician came to Simferopol as a representative of the new government. Local residents greeted him with unfriendly shouts and threw papers at him. The oligarch retired in a taxi, in which the police put him.

In March 2014, Petro Poroshenko registered with the CEC as a presidential candidate. The oligarch won the early elections, and in June the inauguration was held.

The new president outlined his priorities as follows:

  • Strengthening and maintaining the unity of the country, the return of the selected territories, in particular, the Crimea.
  • The state language is exclusively Ukrainian.
  • Ukraine is a unitary state.
  • Early elections should be held in Donbass.
  • Membership in the European Union, visa-free regime for citizens of the country.
  • Strengthening the military potential.

Approximate circle

The oligarch's associates are David Zhvania, V. Skomarovsky, V. Korol, O. Bilozir. Some time ago, the politician worked closely enough with businessman and deputy N. Martynenko. This duet took control of the activities of the Niko radio station, where Petro Poroshenko became a co-owner. Ukraine began to implement custom radio broadcasting.

Dirty Spots Biography

In 2001, M. Brodsky, the leader of the Ukrainian Yabloko faction, announced the fact that Poroshenko sent threats to him in response to criticism of N. Azarov. The politician completely denied such accusations. Brodsky was also among those who accused Poroshenko of corruption four years later.

The oligarch was not spared by rumors about the falsification of the budget. Allegedly, he redistributed funds in favor of the district where he was elected. Petr Alekseevich himself also denied these attacks, calling them misinformation. But the most burning issue remains the nationality of Petro Poroshenko. Against the background of the tense situation in the country, this is of paramount importance.

In addition, the politician was accused of in 2003, the relevant services opened a criminal case, according to which the leadership of LuAZ was charged with a financial crime. During the proceedings, the court ruled that such claims were unlawful. However, it was at this time that the oligarch was in the position of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

In 2001, the country's Prosecutor General's Office accused the director of Lenin's Forge (Poroshenko's controlled enterprise) of embezzlement. According to the investigation, the head received seventeen million hryvnias from the Baget company and spent them on the same day. Some time later, in the course of the proceedings, it was revealed that the company in question had been liquidated and was not included in the public register at all. The case was closed.


The activities of the 48-year-old Moldovan Jew Petr Alekseevich Valtsman, whose mother is Poroshenko, are controversial around the world. The leader of the ruling elite zealously supports the Right Sector and skillfully hides his true origin. The parents of Petro Poroshenko, the nationality of the political figure, the dirty facts of the biography continue to be actively discussed in the press.

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