Interesting design of a children's room for a boy of different ages: photos, ideas. Renovation of a children's room: ideas with a photo for a boy Children's room for a boy 2 years old

Engineering systems 30.08.2019
Engineering systems


Separate room for a 10-year-old boy, this is not just a part of an apartment or house allotted to him, but a personal space in which he is comfortable, where he can relax and gain strength.

Design should not only contribute to a pleasant pastime, but also comply with certain rules.

What should be a child of a child of 10 years old?

Interesting and inspiring ideas in the video:

It is unlikely that fanciful styles will be appropriate here, but rather practical functionalism. It is especially relevant, where an abundance of flowers or decorative elements will lead to a visual reduction in the room.

Tip: laconic forms of furniture and accessories will make the room more spacious.

Such a room for a teenager no longer looks completely childish.

In the choice of design, the child will probably want to participate himself, reflecting his current hobby or favorite characters in the design.

Still, it should be borne in mind that this is a place in which the child will have to study and relax, so you should avoid flashy flowers that will interfere with concentration or relaxation.

Tip: walls of neutral shades: gray, beige, milky will create an emotionally calm atmosphere, and you can add brightness with the help of individual color accents: for example, a bright sofa, table, shelving or.

At the age of 10, boys are already quite mature and conscious, so there is no need to choose extremely practical materials and furniture. You can put a long-pile carpet on the floor without worrying about deterioration quickly.

Slate boards and bright accessories create a stylish and modern interior.

If your child does not want to part with their favorite toys, find a place for them. You can also place one or two baby photos there.

Choosing furniture

A children's room for a boy of 7-10 years old should be as functional as possible. After all, there should be a place for sleeping, and for meeting friends, and workplace.

If the area of ​​the room allows, then it is worth highlighting separate zones in it:

  • for study and work;
  • for sleep;
  • sports section or a place for a hobby.

IN small room they can be combined with multifunctional solutions. For example, such as:

  • …loft bed. A work table, a separate sofa or a wardrobe can be located under it.

  • …. Such furniture will help to significantly save space, leaving space for games. Before buying, think about what kind of bed you are going to buy: after 10 years, boys begin to grow actively, and soon the child will need it.

  • ... chest of drawers, which, in the case of using an attic bed, will also become a convenient storage for things or even a place where you can sit with a book or laptop.

Tip: Many manufacturers offer modular systems for the nursery that can be modified to suit the space available.

Often children school age very busy with studies and various additional activities. Therefore, the wall bars or horizontal bar are very desirable for the boy's room, so that in between lessons he can warm up. Even if the child does not play sports professionally, she will give him the opportunity to throw out excess energy, relax after class. It is better to install the sports corner even during the renovation so that it organically fits into the overall interior.

Decor and accessories

They will help to make the nursery for the boy not only comfortable, but also cozy. decorative elements... If the owner of the apartment has an interesting hobby or hobby, it may well be reflected in the interior by decorating the bedroom walls with posters of your favorite athletes or actors. If you love tinkering to decorate your child's room.

Children's room for a boy is a wonderful world for the embodiment of the wildest fantasies. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about its design so that your child would be pleased to play there, sleep, do homework and just relax. If girls are most important beautiful furniture and classic accessories, while boys prefer modern solutions in design. It is better to make the room more interesting and bright, then the child will definitely be grateful for your efforts.


So, the basic requirement for the arrangement is clear, one should please the preferences of the baby. But in order for the room to be beautiful, functional and safe, you should adhere to some more rules. For example, when choosing furniture, one of the important conditions is the absence sharp corners that the child can hit during the game. As for the set of furniture, there is still more than one nuance.

Bed. This item should be chosen based on the child's tastes and interests. Today's assortment allows you to choose not an ordinary bed for your baby, but one that will suit his interests. Does the boy love cars? So it is worth looking for a bed in the form of a sports car. Is he fond of space and dreams of becoming an astronaut? Then it's worth looking for a rocket-shaped bed. But the mattress is even more important. To save correct posture it is recommended to buy only orthopedic mattresses... This is especially important for a growing child, since the developing spine is especially sensitive to deformities.

Also important is the table at which the kid can draw or, if he has already gone to school, study and do homework... In addition to functionality, its placement is also important. Natural color is very beneficial for the eyes, so this object should only be placed near a window.

Just like an adult, a child needs a wardrobe. However, there is no need to take a bulky chest of drawers or even a wardrobe. A compact small cabinet will be enough. For a child, space is important and furnishing furniture to the detriment of the free play area is wrong. To further save space, the various bedside tables for books and toys can be replaced with hanging shelves.

The floor covering is also important. It is desirable that it be moderately soft. The best option there will be cork floors. Carpets or carpets are not recommended. This kind of flooring is difficult to clean. As a result, it becomes a real collector for dust and bacteria.

Of course, no children's room is complete without decorations. The main thing is to take into account the tastes of the child.

Basic themes for the design of the boy's room

  • A sports theme is suitable for almost every boy, especially if he is fond of sports. In such a room, he will not only have fun, but also very comfortable, since he will feel only positive emotions. For such a design, you will need not only special wallpaper, but also various accessories, such as a punching bag, diplomas in frames, a sports corner with exercise equipment, and more. You can also put a bed in the shape of a car or a chair in the shape of a soccer ball.
  • Nature and travel theme. Surely, this design of a room for schoolchildren will appeal to all boys, since such a topic is interesting to every child. Particular attention should be paid to the color of the room, as it should be neutral, such as green, yellow, beige and others. It is also very important to pay attention to the little things that perfectly complement your idea. You can purchase the following accessories: vivid photos of nature and animals, houseplants large sizes, make the starry sky and set the aquarium. Being in such a room, the child will be charged with peace and tranquility.
  • Marine theme. Every boy at least once in his life could imagine himself as a mischievous pirate or captain of a huge ship. In this case, this topic is perfect for him. Of course, the design of such a room requires the use of all shades. of blue color... To make the little captain's dream come true, you need to set the right accents. Accessories such as a globe, a rope, a map, a chest for storing toys and other treasures, a steering wheel or a lighthouse clock, and much more will help perfectly with this. But you should not overdo it, as an overabundance of your ideas may make the child a little seasick!

In such a room there will be very interesting details that will make it completely unique and comfortable. You can put an original beanbag chair, hang bright posters, purchase large toys and, of course, do not forget about homemade wooden models of equipment, especially if your child is fond of such a hobby.

Color spectrum

If your son prefers dark colors, then it is worth suggesting to zone the room: one dark-colored wall (there are several options: photo wallpaper, original drawing on the whole wall, stickers on wallpaper or posters), three walls in a neutral color. It is stylish to use gray tones in the interior, as well as black decorative elements.

Do not overload the room with an abundance of red, purple, black and dark gray. An overabundance of white, pink and yellow is not too pleasant. Themed decoration of the children's room will help avoid conflicts. But if your son prefers the gothic style, you should suggest that he use this style in decoration, and arrange the room itself in a neutral way.


In a teenager's room, you need to provide a lot seats, because he wants to receive guests. You can use armchairs, chairs or ottomans, as well as a carpet (if there are a lot of guests, but there are not enough chairs and armchairs). There must be a study place: a computer and a desk, ideally, should be separate. If there is not much space in the room, then computer desk replace the written one (make sure that the child is comfortable sitting at the table) or the desk will be the main one, and the teenager will use a laptop instead of a computer.

3 basic rules

It is always important to consider your child's opinion. After all, you equip his room - a place where your son will spend a significant part of his time, a place where he will rest, study, play, receive guests and enjoy life. Remember, the most important thing is general atmosphere... The design of curtains and bedspreads in the room, furniture and flooring materials should be harmoniously combined. Choose only environmentally friendly, safe Decoration Materials and furniture. Thoughtful design will help you create a comfortable and pleasant environment in your child's room.

Design of a room for a boy depending on age

The first and most important aspect for creating a comfortable, comfortable and functional interior children's room - the age of the child. For each period of your baby's life, different priorities are important. At first, he does not have his own preferences and the design of the room should mainly be liked by the parents, set them up in a calm, pacified manner. If the parents are satisfied and happy, then the baby, feeling their mood, will enjoy life. As they grow older, the child develops favorite activities, preferences in games and creativity.
Characters from cartoons and fairy tales become an integral part of a child's life, and he wants to see them in the interior of his room. Further, games are gradually replaced by activities, the preschooler is already engaged in a lot and he needs storage systems not for toys, but for books and sports accessories. In the future, the school will completely replace toys from the children's room. Well, in the teenager's room, parents generally have little to decide - the child has his own opinion not only about the layout of the room, the color of the wallpaper, but also the drawing of the bedspread, covers for decorative pillows and not only.

Room for a child up to 3 years old

In the early years of the baby, the design of the room is important primarily for the parents. As a rule, for a newborn, a room is decorated in gentle, pastel colors, using bright accents as toys and stickers in the baby's recreation and play area. The child begins to crawl, and then walk, therefore, the priority of the children's room setting is safe furniture, a minimum of decor and a simple but warm carpet that is easy to wash at home.

Rounded corners on furniture, a table and a highchair commensurate with the child's height, convenient storage systems without doors and sliding mechanisms - all these design techniques will help create a comfortable and safe atmosphere in a child's room.

"From 3 to 5" - the golden time of childhood

During this period of life, your baby begins to actively show his own individuality, he can already tell about his desires and preferences. The child will be grateful for the comfortable and comfortable atmosphere of his room. And it is important for parents that furniture is made from safe materials, is easy to clean and does not pose a danger. Therefore, it is better for the time being to restrict yourself to open shelves for toys and books, or use drawers with limiters.
In the period of development after 3 years of age, it is important to use bright accents in the design of a room for a child. If you did not plan to make the repairs that the baby met in his first days of life, then the easiest way would be to use textiles and toys to raise the brightness level of the room. A colorful bedspread or bright curtains, original frameless poufs or a colorful color of a children's table can radically change the image of a room.

Ages 3 to 5 most children spend their time in games and creative activities, which means that the parents are faced with the task of providing a comfortable and safe place for the baby's entertainment. If the space of the room allows - be sure to install sports equipment - a wall bars or a crossbar with rings, a rope. The physical development of the child at this stage is extremely important.

If the child is over 6 years old

The boy still spends a lot of time in games, but activities are becoming an important part of his life. Therefore, the acquisition writing desk and an adjustable chair or chair with a backrest becomes a priority for parents. There are still a lot of toys in the preschooler's room and they need appropriate storage systems, but open shelves with books are already taking up a lot. useful space rooms.

Why limit yourself to a board for creativity or practice when you can use an entire wall? There are enough goods in stores for this - you can install magnetic blocks to which elements of creativity are easily attached and the surface is erased with an ordinary damp sponge, black-painted boards on which it is convenient to draw and leave notes, as well as fabric segments to which you can attach anything -or with Velcro. Children love these areas for creativity and playful activities are more fun and effective.

If there is a bay window in the baby's room, then the arrangement of this zone can become a secluded corner for the child - in this segment you can organize a place for privacy by hanging curtains and providing seating in the form of frameless poufs or ordinary pillows in bright colors.

The space around the window is rarely used rationally in the homes of our compatriots. This is mainly due to the location of the heating radiators under the windowsill. If you move the radiator a little, then you can organize a full-fledged workplace with a natural light source and many storage systems located around the window opening.


Not all parents can afford a spacious nursery for their child. However, with the right purchase of wallpaper and furniture, even a room of 10 squares can turn out to be quite functional, and even there will be room for active games.

To achieve the desired result, you should start with the walls. No, they do not need to be demolished to enlarge the room. It is enough to visually expand it. Wall coverings give a spacious effect light colors... Gloomy and dark colors, on the contrary, narrow the space. In addition, a dark environment even in a spacious room will be inappropriate.

Having decided on the walls, you can proceed to the choice of furniture. To save space as much as possible, it should be compact but functional at the same time. For example, beds that have built-in drawers for linen and other things are perfect. It is also better to abandon various bedside tables, which can be easily replaced with shelves attached to the wall.

The floor can also contribute to the expansion of the room. Usage floor covering in a children's room with a straight striped pattern will make the room visually longer.


Thinking over the design of a children's room for two boys will be a little more difficult. After all, placing two small children in one room is not always so easy. But the task is quite feasible.

The first thing to do is to divide the room into at least two zones:

  • A playroom where children will play, learn and have fun with friends
  • A bedroom where brothers can rest and gain strength the next day

This can be done with partitions or various furniture. You can also designate zones with walls, floors and lighting.

Free space is doubly important. Therefore, multifunctional furniture is a must. An excellent option would be bunk or roll-out beds. Moreover, a children's room for boys who are not yet 7 years old, for safety reasons, it is better to use roll-out beds. In addition to the bed, the sleeping area should be equipped with separate lockers or dressers for each boy. No more furniture is needed in this area.

But before deciding on the furniture, you need to paint the walls or glue the wallpaper. In the recreation area, the walls should be in gentle tones (olive beige and others). The entertainment area can be safely painted in bright color... What it will be, it is already worth asking the children.

To equip a children's bedroom for a boy, parents will have to make a lot of effort and imagination.

After all, not only should the room be comfortable, functional, but also please its owner, be stylish and modern.

You can easily combine all these qualities in one room, knowing several simple rules and recommendations.

Often, most parents believe that a bedroom for a boy under 10 years old is a rather simple and childishly cute room.

However, this is not entirely correct, because it is at a very early age that the child begins to form taste and style.

That is why, if in his childhood he will be surrounded by an atmosphere of functionality and comfort, it will help him develop a sense of style that will be useful to him throughout his life.

Also important is the fact that from early childhood, children begin to develop Creative skills and it is up to the parents to support it.

Therefore, it is important to leave enough space in the baby's room for creativity and the realization of their abilities.

Children's color scheme

According to numerous photos of the boy's bedroom, it seems that the most optimal color design is blue, since it is this shade that is considered purely masculine. This tone can indeed be used for decoration, but it is far from the only one.

So, given the temperament and character of the boy, you can use the following shades and their combinations:

  • orange - stimulates active behavior, for a passive baby it will contribute to the development of potential, while for an active one it can become a provocateur of irritation;
  • light green tones - an optimistic and positive attitude to the child is provided;
  • yellow shades - a sunny color will set the owner of the room for a positive and good mood;
  • lilac tones - will bring harmony to the room and thoughts.

Room decoration

Decorating a boy's bedroom often comes down to wallpapering the walls with boy's drawings - cars, airplanes, etc.

This is really convenient, since the wallpaper for the bedroom can be quickly and easily changed if necessary, and the design meets the preferences of the kid.

Another interesting creative solution can be covering one wall with pure white wallpaper, on which the boy can draw and create as he wishes, without fear of being punished.

For the floor, the best option would be a non-marking practical linoleum... If the floor is cold, then you can add a carpet cloth, but it will often have to be cleaned of dirt.

Ceilings can be simply painted, suspended or suspended. If desired, they can be decorated with stars and other patterns.

Children's furniture

Furniture filling of children's bedrooms for boys should be safe and functional, so it is better to purchase items without sharp corners.

The filling should be as follows:

  • bed that can have various forms, for example, in the form of a typewriter, a house or a hut. The main thing is that it fits the baby in size and has protective sides. For the older generation, a sofa will be relevant,
  • a table with a chair, this is a workplace where the child will do homework, read. Create and assemble your favorite constructor,
  • a wardrobe in which various things will be stored,
  • baskets, which are necessary to accommodate numerous toys,
  • chest of drawers for storing bedding, cosmetics and other personal items.

Lighting for a child's room should be comfortable, both for play and for work. In addition, it should not interfere with the interior of the boy's bedroom.

Styling a bedroom for a boy

To design a bedroom for a boy, you can use several style directions design.

Vanguard is pretty unusual style, which is dominated by bright shades and their combinations. It is characterized by intricate furniture. Materials are suitable for decoration, inexpensive, but bright. But the decoration is very creative.

Sports style is suitable for a boy athlete. The furniture is very comfortable and the decor is sporty.

Loft is a rugged style with beige, brown and gray shades dominated in the decoration. The walls, as a rule, are plastered or brick, the ceiling is painted, and on the floor there are boards. Posters, unusual tools, extravagant graffiti are used as decor.

Minimalism in the bedroom and its stylization implies restraint and seriousness. Accessories and furniture items are practically absent.

High-tech is more suitable for the bedroom for a teenager boy who is interested in modern technology and technology. Mirrored surfaces, gloss, chrome and glass: all this is typical for high-tech. An obligatory addition is modern technology and functional furniture.

Kitsch is suitable for bright and extraordinary personalities. The combination of tones and furniture is the most daring and unusual.

A child's boy's bedroom must be divided into functional areas: sleeping, playroom, work and wardrobe. To do this, you can use the technique with lighting, using various materials, and if possible, use screens and partitions.

Boy's bedroom design photo

A child's room is not just a place where he sleeps and spends most of his time. When a guy is about 10, she turns into a small world where he dreams, grows up, learns the world. Therefore, the design of a nursery for a boy should be special, but at the same time as comfortable as possible.

Of course, the easiest way is to use the services of an experienced designer. As the photos of children's rooms for boys show, it will create perfect interior taking into account all safety requirements and the wishes of the child himself. However, the work of a professional requires a serious investment, and therefore parents prefer to personally equip the children's room. Advice from experts will help in this.

Children's room for a boy must be placed on sunny side at home. This step will provide the best daylight possible.

Competent electric lighting of the interior will make it possible to read, play, practice after sunset and on cloudy days without harm. In addition to the main chandelier under the ceiling, it is necessary to supplement the room table lamp, a small sconce above the bed, a night light. The lighting installed in the cabinet will not be superfluous.

For cladding surfaces, decorating walls, ceilings and floors, it is necessary to use exclusively safe and most environmentally friendly materials. It is better if the surfaces are decorated with coatings that can be washed and cleaned.

The main criterion in choosing furniture is its complete safety. All cabinets, bed, and other structures must have rounded corners and be securely fastened. At the age of 7-10, kids love active games, and therefore they will certainly run, jump and climb.

The same rule applies to cornices, suspended structures, sconce. It is unnecessary to say that the interior of the nursery should be equipped with electrical wiring in perfect condition.

The table and chair must be fully age-appropriate. Other furniture (wardrobe, bed, shelving) can be purchased "for growth", but within reason.

The furnishings should be arranged so as to leave enough space for active games and sports. Ideally, the interior should include a sports corner or a spacious seating area. When the boy is only 10, it makes a huge difference.

The room should contain exclusively children's things. Any adult decor, bulky sofa, tall wardrobe - all this should be removed away from the space where the boy lives.

It is advisable to divide the interior of the room into a recreation, entertainment and work area. In a small space, color zoning, movable screens and other design techniques that the photos demonstrate will help to do this.

A few words about furniture

Special attention in the interior of a children's room for a boy of 7-10 years old should be given to furniture. Since children grow up very quickly, it makes sense to purchase items of furniture that are adjustable in height. The ideal solution would be furniture of the "transformer" type or a wardrobe with the possibility of installing shelves at different heights. There are many examples, and interesting options are shown in the photo.

The main element in the boy's room is a comfortable bed. It can be performed both in classic version, and have a thematic direction. For the student great importance have a comfortable table and chair. You will also need a wardrobe, shelves for storing small items, a book rack.

When a child is from 7 to 10 years old, these can already be quite "adult" objects, but with an original design.

Cabinets should be as spacious as possible, because the guy already has enough things and they need to be stored somewhere. In addition, at the age of 7-10, the child is still happy to play with toys, which should certainly be put away somewhere at night.

Even if the financial situation allows, buying very expensive furniture is not worth it. Most likely, the child will not appreciate it, but he can spoil it with his arts. When choosing a wardrobe, bed and other items for the interior of a nursery, the emphasis should be on quality, reliability, the possibility of simple maintenance and quick repairs without calling professionals.

Choosing the right color

Now is the time to talk about color. Psychologists say that he is of paramount importance in the life of a little person. Indeed, with its help, you can easily adjust the mood of a 10-year-old boy, and the room itself, as the photos show, takes on an absolutely incredible look.

  • The interior of red color excites, activates the child. It's great for a few sluggish, passive kids who need a little wiggle up.
  • A room for a boy, decorated in yellow or orange tones helps to enhance concentration and attention. In such a room, the easiest way to learn, to remember something new.
  • And here green color on the contrary, it soothes and relaxes the psyche well. This color can be used to decorate the sleeping area, but it is categorically not suitable for the work, because it can cause boredom.
  • Designers welcome light green color in children's interiors. Combining green and yellow, it stimulates the craving for new knowledge.
  • All shades of blue are a great option for hyperactive kids. They can be used in play areas.
  • Brown gives confidence to the young man, gives him peace of mind. But if there is too much of it, then the child may become sad. This color is appropriate to use in details. For example, a brown wardrobe or bed will become a kind of shelter that a 7-10 year old baby still needs.

Which design to choose

The most crucial moment is the final choice of design. The design of a child's room for a boy must fully comply with all the listed conditions, and, of course, please the owner himself.

You should not think about an interior that will require a fabulous investment of money. After a couple of years, the boy will definitely get tired of its design and will have to start all over again. But the use of homemade parts is only welcome.

Loves to dream and often gazes at the stars? The best option would be a room with a space theme.

In fact, there are a lot of ideas, because a favorite book, a cartoon character, a hobby and much more can serve as the basis for decorating.

How to embody a fashionable style

Boys really like minimalism. Indeed, thanks to its characteristics, it leaves most of the space free. In addition, the presence of bulky furniture and unnecessary decor is not to the liking of guys at all. All ethno-directions make it possible to unfold in full force. They are characterized by juicy details, unusual shapes and non-standard combinations. That's all that boys just adore.

When decorating a nursery, it is appropriate to use any stylistic directions... Moreover, this is much easier to do than it seems at first glance. It is enough to add a couple of fashionable pear-shaped armchairs, cover the wardrobe with bright self-adhesive film, and hang several posters on the walls and now the modern "kitsch" is ready.

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