What does it mean if a person likes the color green. Character by favorite colors - how to determine

Encyclopedia of Plants 21.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The symbolism of color originates from ancient times. From time immemorial, people have endowed colors with a special semantic meaning, which is reflected in various religious and mystical teachings, myths, folk tales, and legends.

In astrology, for example, the seven primary colors of the spectrum correspond to the 7 planets: blue is the color of Venus, red is associated with Mars (the red planet), green is Saturn, yellow is the color of Mercury, purple is identified with the Moon, and orange with the Sun. In esoteric practice, blue is often used for concentration, meditation, in the process of self-knowledge.

The symbolism of the blue color began to appear already in ancient times. In Egypt, this color had a special meaning. Sacrifices and gifts to the gods were depicted in shades of blue. The same color was used to depict the wigs of gods, pharaohs, queens, in order to emphasize their higher, divine origin. Blue wigs were worn during various ceremonies.

Among the ancient Maya, blue was the color of sacrifice. Objects made of wood and ceramics, wall frescoes, aromatic resins, everything that was associated with ritual sacrifices, were painted and covered with blue paints. Since the Maya sacrificed even people who were doomed before death, they painted them with blue paint.

In the Christian tradition, blue symbolizes the eternity of divine power and the greatest sacraments. At the same time, among many Slavic peoples, blue was the color of sorrows and sorrows, associated with the demonic world. In ancient folk tales, blue and black demons are mentioned.

For many peoples of the world, blue symbolizes the sky, eternity, constancy, fidelity. It is considered the color of stability, tranquility, deep reflection. In heraldry, blue is used to represent chastity, honesty, good reputation, and fidelity.

The inhabitants of the East believe that the blue color scares away evil spirits, protects from negative influences, the evil eye and damage.

The duality of blue

The meaning of blue has both positive and negative aspects:

  • the positive meaning of blue: spirituality, wisdom, patience, truth, tranquility and peace; this color inspires great achievements, purifies the soul, intuition and craving for higher knowledge are associated with blue;
  • negative manifestations of blue shades: weakness, emotional coldness and imbalance, rancor, complacency; blue color can lead to a loss of a sense of reality, drug addiction, depressive states.

Blue color in psychology


As a rule, at a certain point in time, a person prefers one, less often two or three colors that prevail in his environment, environment, clothing, etc. Over time, color preferences may change. But in any case, your favorite color can tell a lot about the features of your character and emotional state.

Psychologists use various color tests for these purposes. The most reliable of them is the Luscher color test, according to which blue color symbolizes calmness and contentment.

The main characteristics of blue in terms of psychology:

  • self-confidence, determination, purposefulness, diplomatic approach to conflict resolution;
  • inflexibility, inner core, the qualities most characteristic of businessmen, people with an analytical mindset;
  • perfectionism, the tendency to idealize everything, is characteristic of philosophers, writers, creative personalities;
  • fortitude, strong-willed leadership qualities - are manifested in politicians, orators;
  • organization and responsibility - blue tones subconsciously help a person to concentrate on important goals, structure the information received;
  • blue color in human psychology speaks of a tendency to intuitive decision-making, calmness and the ability to find reasonable compromises;
  • in the psychology of relationships, blue means loyalty, stability, a sense of duty, adherence to traditions. Character

Blue is a shade of the sky, peace, relaxation. If you like the blue color, then this may mean that a person is characterized by modesty, melancholy, it is very important for him to feel self-confidence, as well as the favor of those around him. The choice of this color speaks of the desire for peace and stability. The greatest need for this color is manifested during periods when a person is sick or offended, with overwork.

If a person does not accept the blue color, this can be a manifestation of a thirst for change and constant movement, a rejection of the routine and monotony of life, an unwillingness to take responsibility and make serious decisions. Such people often dream of easy money and fame.

Color and functionality. The psychology of blue in action

Despite the fact that the color perception of each person is purely individual, scientists are making active attempts to influence the psychological state of a person for commercial and domestic purposes, in advertising, clothing, and interiors.

So, the predominance of a certain color, or their combinations, in the design of office or residential premises creates a special emotional atmosphere. Not all businessmen are aware that the color scheme of the interior can have a significant impact not only on the performance of company employees, but also affect the results of business negotiations.

  • in meeting rooms it is recommended to use light blue tones, as they contribute to the establishment of friendly relations, mutual understanding, better assimilation of information;
  • the abundance of blue in the room, on the contrary, reduces efficiency, can cause depression and unwillingness to work among employees;
  • contemplation of a rich blue color slows down the heartbeat, stabilizes blood pressure, calms nervous tension, but in large quantities blue causes a feeling of depression;
  • natural stones of rich blue tones (sapphire, topaz, lapis lazuli) - help to cope with stress and protect from unnecessary experiences, relieve uncertainty;
  • stress relief technique: pour a glass of water and place it in front of you on a sheet of blue paper; sit back and for 10 minutes just look at the "blue" water; after that, you need to slowly drink some water, so the “charged blue water” has a beneficial effect on our subconscious.

Blue color in clothes

If your wardrobe is dominated by clothes in shades of blue, you are smart and independent enough, you often feel the need for warmth and attention. You are distinguished by patience, endurance, restraint in emotions.

Those who choose blue and cornflower blue shades for their wardrobe are dreamers and romantics, they believe in true love, and in everything they try to prove themselves and be noticed by others. Blue clothes radiate freshness and coolness and are ideal for hot summers.

If you prefer to wear jeans, be aware that denim clothing gives the impression of nobility and quality.

Image makers also advise both business women and businessmen to wear a dark blue suit more often. It not only slims the figure, but emphasizes your reliability as a business partner.

Shades of blue in psychology

Psychology studies not only the influence of primary colors on the psychological state of a person, but also their shades. Hues of primary colors also affect human perception and are often used in NLP techniques as an additional stimulus. The main shades of blue and their meaning:


Looking at it, it is almost impossible to concentrate your attention on a particular object; the color of dreams and dreams, serenity, peace and tranquility; the color of serenity, naivety and purity; reassures, inspires hope for a brighter future.

Indigo (deep blue)

It can lead to a depressed and apathetic state, causes sadness, melancholy, melancholy, deep immersion in one's inner space.

Psychologists and psychiatrists, based on color preferences or love for certain colors, draw conclusions about a person’s character, his inclinations, mindset, mental state and state of health.
Color preferences are based on formed associations and directly depend on national traditions, education, temperament and gender. Some researchers say color preferences are biologically innate.


Answers under the cut.

About the character of those who love white

This color symbolizes purity and majesty. It is chosen by open and self-sufficient people. In general, the nature of white adherents can be very different, because in this color both the sun's rays illuminating the sands of hot deserts and the cold of snow. However, white lovers themselves can rarely be called changeable natures. They, as a rule, always know what they need from life.

But if you chose white, the main thing is not to get hung up on one thing, because life becomes more interesting if you fill it with colorful colors from time to time!

On the nature of those who love orange

Orange lovers love to be the center of attention. As a rule, they succeed quite well. They are assertive, talented and independent.

True, independence often turns into impermanence, especially in love. But all the shortcomings of people who prefer orange are usually compensated by the fact that they know how to turn even the most ordinary day into a holiday and infect those around them with their cheerfulness.

About the character of those who love the color red

In mythology, red is associated with Mars, the god of war. And the people who chose this color are conquerors by nature. They are distinguished by courage, willpower, activity in various areas, but also by authority, irascibility and impatience.

Red lovers are sociable and self-confident. They know how to be successful. As a rule, they leave no one indifferent: they are either adored or hated. But it is red lovers who make our planet not such a boring corner.

About the nature of those who love the color blue

This is the color of the clearest sky. That is why the pilots love him so much, and the paratroopers also have blue berets. Blue is for those who can dream. And if you have chosen this color and your work coincides with your calling, then you can move any mountains!

Those who prefer blue are open to life, its joys and adventures. The worst thing for them is loneliness. But in most cases, these are very sociable people, and loneliness does not threaten them :)

About the character of those who love the color purple

Purple is a mixture of colors as different as red and blue. And lovers of purple can be contradictory, mysterious, but invariably they are creative people who can bring a fresh stream even to the most routine activities.

Those who prefer purple, as a rule, are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence and a special outlook on the world. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with them, but it is very difficult to really get to know them.

On the character of those who love gray

This color is rather inconspicuous. In the same way, those who like him are not prone to showing off, prudent and not too trusting.

Lovers of this color are non-conflicting and always strive for compromises. Sometimes this results in excessive compliance, although sometimes among those who prefer this color there are real "gray cardinals" who manage to outwit everyone.

In any case, if you chose gray, then in life it is not bright impressions that are more important to you, but inner peace, and you know how to achieve it.

On the character of those who love yellow

This color is often associated with the sun and is chosen by optimists. Yellow lovers are sociable and witty. They know how to be really reliable friends. They are attracted by everything new and interesting. Yes, and they themselves are able to attract others.

And if you chose yellow, it means that you live in harmony with the world and with yourself, even if you have many different small problems, because you know that sooner or later they will be resolved.

About the nature of those who love pink

It is the color of romance and dreams. The people who choose it love to dream and are sophisticated, vulnerable natures.

Lovers of pink, like few others, are able to appreciate art and beauty. They are usually very pleasant people to deal with. But they especially need someone who understands and is able to support them in difficult times.

On the character of those who love the color green

Green is considered to be the color of life. It is no coincidence that even nature is associated with him.

Lovers of this color, as a rule, are self-confident and balanced people. They are not indifferent, kind and generous. In most cases, those who choose green are open to everything new, but they themselves rarely take risks, preferring proven ways to achieve the goal.

These are very nice people, as well as the green color itself :)

About the nature of those who love the color blue

It is the color of a calm sea. And people who prefer it, as a rule, are distinguished by calmness and depth. They are trusting and humble. They tend to avoid big companies. But in a close circle, they often become the soul of the company.

Blue lovers are very responsible, sometimes they can seem boring, because they carefully consider every step they take. But on the other hand, they rarely make wrong steps, and these are one of the most reliable friends who can help not only in word, but also in deed.

About the character of those who love brown

It is the color of tree bark and earth. People who choose brown have an even and calm character. Often they are conservative and love loneliness and silence.

From a person who loves brown, it is unlikely that a mass entertainer will turn out. But on the other hand, such people can be entrusted with any business, where success will depend on their ability to control themselves and others.

Those who prefer brown are true friends. The main thing is not to be offended for them by the fact that they will always tell you in your face exactly what they think.

About the character of those who love black

This color is as ambiguous as white. It is often associated with something dark. But it is with him that black limousines, black caviar, black pearls are also associated :)

People who choose black tend to be quite determined. And there are far fewer pessimists among them than is commonly believed. They just know the value of life and sometimes look down on it. Sometimes black lovers are selfish, but at the same time they know how to appreciate true friends.

Why does green mean "go" and red means "stop"? Black is the color of sadness and mourning, but is the bride always in white? You say that this is a tribute to tradition and partly be right. Since the emotional perception of colors is primarily influenced by physiological factors, and then by tradition. All colors are perceived by a person through an association, for example, blue is cold.

The meaning of blue in psychology

A person who loves the color blue has the following characteristics: honesty, modesty, melancholy, a strong need for peace. He loves to read, is prone to self-sacrifice, prefers to give rather than receive. This person does not know how, and does not like to scandal. He feels lonely even among people.

When exposed to blue, a person is less anxious, his tension decreases. However, with prolonged exposure, fatigue, fatigue occurs, calming actions turn into depressing. Blue color is a dream, a loss of reality,. Blue reduces the manifestation of emotionality (if you want business negotiations to be successful, then it is better to wear a blue suit). A person who prefers this color tries to systematize everything, put it in order. He is dedicated to what he does and always has his own point of view, as well as reserved, conservative and reliable.

Dark blue color in psychology

Dark blue (indigo) is a very serious color. It can bring a person to depression. If a person likes to draw in dark blue, then most likely he needs a good rest, strong discharge and complete satisfaction. A person who prefers dark blue is thoughtful, thoughtful, and stable. This color awakens in him a desire for the supersensible, calls a person to infinity, causes serene peace.

The color of the sea wave in psychology

The color of the sea wave is both the unwillingness of external changes, and the thirst for power, and the underestimation of the difficulties in life, and the conviction of one's own usefulness.

A person who likes the color of the sea wave is principled, pedantic, strong-willed, serious, attentive. He is afraid of compromising himself, arousing criticism in his address, making mistakes and losing the successes achieved.

The preference for the color of the sea wave means that the person is ambitious and overestimates his own strengths.

Blue color in clothes and its psychology

Each person has his own preference for the color of clothes, but not everyone knows about the psychology of color in clothes.

Every time you choose an outfit to wear, you don't think that you are expressing your feelings. The color indicates the emotions that you are experiencing, and also speaks about your character.

And so choosing clothes of different colors, you feel different, for example - blue clothes bring peace and tranquility.

In clothing, blue is considered the most pleasant color, it gives a feeling of stability, order and trust. He is preferred - mostly by people who are reasonable, conservative, idealistic and devoted friends. This is the color of a classic business suit. The blue color in clothes means that the employee is conscientious and responsible. However, a person in blue will feel better as a subordinate than a boss.

The blue color in clothes shows that a person is closed and immersed in himself. People who wear blue clothes are true to their principles, but remain patient and restrained in any situation.

Color affects the psychological state of a person and his physiological processes. Knowing the features of color, you can form an image, evoke emotions and associations. The blue color in psychology is coolness, water, moisture, heaviness, calmness, silence, trust, harmony, security, masculinity. These are purity, heaven, honor, glory, sincerity, loyalty, peace, thinking, conservatism, order, depression, and an appetite suppressant.

Red is the most powerful color of all available colors. In Old Slavonic, the name of this color sounds like “black to new”, that is, “the best”. This color is considered the color of men, because it symbolizes Yang - energy.

Scarlet. Alizarin. Crimson. Pink. Scarlet. Carmine. Cardinal. Burgundy. Crimson. Fiery. Red-brown. Dark red. Cherry.

Red color in mythology

The color red is very often used: leaders and kings were dressed, in Africa, in red and only they were able to pass a death sentence; in Africa, this color used to mean crazy, crazy love. This color was also associated with a complete loss of self-control and with the hot season.

Red speaks of power, the will to win, leadership.

Red is the color of strong energy.

He symbolizes passion: passionately hates, very passionately loves, waits passionately.

This color is a manipulator of sexual relations. He pushes for intimate relationships, even if there are no true feelings.

Red "wanders" in the eternal search for justice. People who are not indifferent to this color always speak directly, without hints. "Red" people are excellent leaders and bosses. They have endurance, openness and courage.

In the psychology of relationships, this color also plays an important role. It is always associated with love, with feelings, with comfort, with warmth, and with the beginning of life. Red is the "guardian angel" of all female representatives. It is used to fight against rivalry and the evil eye. Red is the color of eroticism and everything erotic.

What can lead to a deficiency of red in the human body?

To nervous disorders, to illnesses and to headaches.

If you are usually very cold in winter, then this color should be present in your wardrobe. Red color perfectly warms, radiating heat.

An excess of this color will lead to misunderstanding, quarrels, disagreements and aggression. This color, in abundance, leads to fuss, anxiety, inattention to important (and any) matters, and to a complete lack of endurance.

Red color is fully consistent with choleric temperament, fire, modernity. It stimulates vital and creative energies, awakens passion and unexpected bold actions.

What wonders does red food do?

First of all, it removes all harmful substances from the body and activates the liver. Compensates for the lack of iron and saves from constipation. It also saves from melancholy and depression (at any stage of manifestation of these conditions). Helps in the treatment of smallpox, scarlet fever and hyperesthesia (the initial stage of neurasthenia). Red color is used in the treatment of apathy and anemia (childhood): the child has an appetite, he gains weight. Due to its ability to penetrate deep into the skin, this color helps to heal wounds.

This color, chosen mainly, is popular among young people. The older a person becomes, the less his craving for a given color.

People who reject this color suffer from mental and physical exhaustion. This color irritates those people who are distinguished by an inferiority complex, who experience great fear of any quarrels, who love solitude and inexorably strive for stability in everything.

Who loves this Red color? What does it mean?

Is your favorite color red? You are amorous, sexy, emotional, optimistic, cheerful. You are distinguished by courage, irascibility, sociability, altruism.

If you dream of being noticed, just buy a red bag or shoes (any of these accessories or both) and you will surely not go unnoticed.

Psychology and the meaning of red in clothes

Now let's talk a little about what red means in the world of clothing. Undoubtedly, this color is sympathetic to many people. However, not everyone dares to wear red clothes.

If, in your closet, a lot of red things “live”, then psychologists say the following about you: you are an impulsive and cheerful person, although sometimes you can be very aggressive. It is difficult for you to accept someone else's opinion if it does not coincide with yours.

You should not wear red outfits when you are depressed and stressed.

Red color in the interior. What does this color mean?

In the interior - red - the "king" of all colors. It creates, around itself, a cozy and warm atmosphere. However, even with such a cute color, you should be careful: it can also be very exciting.

Red is the color of the holiday. It is certainly associated with fun and joyful mood. It is not for nothing that, in the calendar, significant dates are marked with this particular color, and not with any other.

Don't look too long at this color. Long admiring it can lead to irritability and a negative mood.

At the very beginning of the article, we talked about what shades of red are found in nature. Do they have any meaning in the world of symbolism? Now you will know.

If you prefer a raspberry shade, then you are not one of those who throw words to the wind. You are sincere, impulsive and extremely unpredictable.

Love burgundy? You cannot imagine life without deep reflection, you have great willpower, you often get hung up on events that have long been left in the past.

If you sympathize with the fiery hue, then you are a very diligent and patient person. You always achieve what you want, while overcoming, at the same time, any obstacles and obstacles.

Do you love scarlet? Your motto is "All or Nothing". Unfortunately, you have an incorrigible tendency to make rash decisions. In addition, you always stand your ground, often without understanding why you even need it.

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