Indoor New Year's games for children. Competition "Who am I?"

Landscaping and layout 10.10.2019

New Year's games in elementary school.

New Year's party in the 1st grade.

Primary school New Year's Eve script.

Interesting new year performance for first graders.

New Year's Scenario "Winter Adventures".

Games and entertainment.

Contests and riddles.

Meeting with heroes of fairy tales and cartoons.

Hello kids!
Boys and girls!
Lessons are over, business is over
The winter has brought you a merry vacation,
And the New Year's tree, and a friendly round dance.
And you are happy today, meeting New Year!

Our festive New Year greetings
Everyone is from six to eight years old!
Fun and jokes await you today,
You will not be bored here for a minute!

1. There are no lights on our Christmas tree!

So that the tree flashes with lights

You use words:

“Surprise us with beauty,

Christmas tree, light the lights! "

There are no friends in the world!

You are ready? Three four!

2. Another game that will be interesting for children of any age , called "Different Trees".

The presenter pronounces the words:"We have decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different Christmas trees growing: wide, and thin, and low, and high." If I say:

"high" - raise your hands up;

"low" - squat and lower your arms;

"wide" - make the circle wider;

"thin" - do the circle already. "

The guys perform tasks, and the leader tries to confuse them. What's this? What a mess!

3. Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..." (select "Christmas tree"). Children represent the Christmas tree, who is the funniest of all - the Christmas tree.

In the meantime, so as not to get bored,
I suggest you play!

4. Children should take part in the survey by saying the words "True" or "False."


Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?
He arrives at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
Wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus is coming soon, right?
He'll bring gifts, right?

The trunk is good for our tree, right?
It was felled with a double-barreled gun, right?

What's growing on the tree? Bumps, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbreads, right?
The view is beautiful from our tree, right?
Red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well the answers are given to the questions
Do you all know about Santa Claus? (Yes)

5. Game "Santa Claus"

I wrote a text for you here,
Learn to get started!

"Santa Claus is coming to us,
Santa Claus is coming to us.
And we know that Santa Claus
He brings us gifts. "

Now repeat with us!

After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures.
The first words to be replaced are words "we" and "us".
Instead of these words, everyone shows themselves.
With each new performance, there are fewer words and more gestures.
Instead of words "Santa Claus" everyone points to the door.
Word "walking" is replaced by walking on the spot.
Word "we know" - to touch the forehead with the index finger.
Word "gifts" is a gesture representing a large bag.
At the last performance, all words disappear, except for prepositions
and the verb "will bring."

6. Terms of the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."
- Who walks to school in a merry band every day?
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
- It's me, ...
- Who is not afraid of frost, flies like a bird on skates?
- It's me, ...
- Who of you, as you grow up, will only go to astronauts?
- It's me, ...
- Who among you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
- It's me, ...
- Who of you, so good, went to sunbathe in galoshes?
- It's me, ...
- Who does their home lesson right on time?
- It's me, ...
- How many of you keep books, pens and notebooks in order?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you kids walks dirty from ear to ear?
- It's me, ...
- How many of you walks upside down on the pavement?
- It's me, ...
- How many of you come to class one hour late?
- It's me, ...

- How many of you, I want to know, with the diligence of the "five"?
- It's me, ...

7. Can you guess riddles?

1) Our silver dagger
I did not lie at home for long.
We wanted to raise it,
And he ran to the threshold!

2) Two snub-nosed girlfriends
They did not lag behind each other.
Both are running in the snow
Both songs are singing
Both ribbons in the snow
Leave on the run.

3) Friends waited for winter;
They run along the river, gliding.
Ice is cut like knives
Performing turns.

8. Postman:
OH.! I brought you telegrams
Not from dad, not from mom.
From whom - not to make out,
You have to guess.

(Reads telegrams to Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and the guys)

New Year telegrams

We wish without hindrance
You gnaw nuts for a whole year,
Jump and play burners
Happy New Year! Your (squirrels)
I do not know the point in the tree
This is a tree for a wolf.
What kind of tree, tell me
Explain everything in detail.
Address simply: Nile.
Happy New Year! (Crocodile)
Snowing. Wonderful day!
I'm flying out, your (deer).

Took a plane ticket.
Let's celebrate together (New Year)
The tail is shorter than the ear
Fast habits.
I rush, which is the spirit,
For a holiday without looking back.
Who is he, guess!
Well, of course, (bunny)


9. "Carry the Snowball" - 2 teams

Task: carry a "lump" of snow on a spoon without dropping it.

10. "Snowballs" - all children

Music sounds, players dance.

As soon as the music stops, the player raises the snowball.

If a player does not have enough snow, he is eliminated from the game.

11. "Magic thread" - 1 player

Blindfolded, choose your prize!

12. "Snowman" - 2 teams

With your eyes closed, "draw" a snowman. Whoever succeeds better gets a prize!

    "Magic toy" - all children

To the music, the players pass the toy, trying not to drop it.

The music dies down - the player who has the toy in his hands is eliminated from the game.

13. Play for attention. (the prize lies in front of each student on his chair)

I'll tell you a story

In a dozen phrases

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike,

Considered what's inside

We saw small fish,

And not one, but as many as ... five!

Dreams of a hardened guy When you want to memorize poems,

Become an Olympic champion They are not crammed until late at night,

Look at the start, don't be cunning, And repeat them to yourself,

And wait for the command: "One, two ... march!" Once, twice, or better ... seven!

One day train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you took the prize,

I give you a five!

14.Game"It's the other way around." The host speaks phrases, and the audience must answer "yes" or "no" regardless of the rhyme.

We have one secret
Are we going to reveal it?
- The hall is warmed with smiles,
So there will be a holiday?
(Yes.) - You guessed it without difficulty!
Autumn is coming.
- We will celebrate when
Let's say boredom together ...
(Not.) - Santa Claus went to the buffet.
Will we wait for him?
(Yes.) - When he comes back,
Shall we scold Grandfather?
(Not.) - Very correct answer!
Does Grandpa love us?

- Forgets sometimes
Grandfather gifts at home?
- At school we are always friendly
Let's just say "deuces" ...
- And the "fives", it's not a secret,
We always say ...
- Mom for a bag of sweets
Shall we say "thank you"? ...
(Yes.) - Past the urn without difficulty
Shall we throw candy wrappers?
- We forget sometimes
"Hello" we say ...
- We will be the eldest in response
Tell a lie?

15. Giving gifts.

Encrypt the surprise under the "codename". The presentation of gifts can be organized in the form of a kind of competition.

(Cards with numbers of surprises are attached to the board with magnets)

The teacher takes out a gift and announces: "This prize will be awarded to the one with the longest name!" Naturally, the one who has already received the gift does not participate in the further competition. The options for nominations in such a game are varied, for example, who has:

    the thinnest waist;

    longest braid;

    the rarest name;

    largest (or smallest) foot size;

    the highest (or lowest) height;

    the heaviest portfolio, etc.

You can simplify the game a little. The presenter simply announces that the gift is received by the one who, for example, has a "textbook in a green cover" or a "red bow", etc. The main thing is not to forget anyone, and if there are still students who have not of the named categories, then individual nominations should be selected for them.

Better to prepare ahead of time and come up with a few "fallbacks" that will work for everyone.

16. Game "Snowball". Students take turns taking out of the box (pulling out of the bag, etc.), two folded pieces of paper with the names written on them different parts human body. After that, they must take turns "cleaving" to each other with these body parts. When the whole class "sticks" to each other, it is advisable to photograph the children. Such a photo will decorate any wall newspaper or class album.

And today, and now
Listen to my story:
Another beautiful year has passed
In which you have worked gloriously.
And what they did not have time to do,
Let everything happen in the new.

May the New Year be on the doorstep
Will enter your home as a new friend.

Let them forget the road to you
Sadness, adversity and illness!

And may he be the best
And the most joyful for everyone!


Loud music sounds
He orders to enter the round dance!
Take the hands of your friends
Start dancing with them!
May we have fun
On New Year's Birthday!

He tells everyone to dance
Will make you sing songs
He amuses everyone in a row,
Tired does not know.
It has been living with us for centuries
Friendly, noisy
Together: a round dance.

Each participant in turn receives a card with a certain phrase, which will need to be portrayed so that the rest can guess what exactly the participant has shown. Thus, the participant shows, the rest guess, then change to a new participant, until everyone tries themselves in the role of an actor. Sample phrases that cards may contain:
- Losers at the blackboard;
- a crying child who wants to eat;
- angry dog;
- Santa Claus brought gifts;
- dance of little ducks;
- it's slippery on the street, and so on.

What is he, this Santa Claus?

Shootout game. All participants stand in a circle. And, starting with any (which will be considered the first after), the guys call one word of praise for Santa Claus. So, what is our Santa Claus like? Kind, magical, funny, beautiful, wise, sincere, generous, strong, good, bearded, mysterious, unusual, and so on. Let the children show their imagination and tell everyone how they see a kind wizard. And who does not name, he is eliminated. And a few guys who stay in the game until the end will receive titles of winners and prizes.

And New Year is not New Year

Children sit or stand in a circle. Santa Claus or the presenter announces that now is the time to remember all the necessary things and items that are elements of the holiday. In a circle, each of the participants in turn names one subject. For example, a clock, a TV, a tree, a garland, Santa Claus, snow, a gift, and so on. A participant who cannot name an item is eliminated. The winner is the one for whom the last word remains.

Smart answer

The presenter asks questions that relate to New Year's heroes and school subjects at the same time, and the children answer, and the smarter and more interesting the answer, the better. For example: how is the Snowman related to geometry? (it consists of balls). How is Santa Claus related to geography? (he flies all over the world and delivers gifts to children to every point, so he must know geography for a solid 5). How is the Snow Maiden related to the Russian language? (she signs Greeting Cards for children and must do it competently). The more interesting a participant answers such questions, the more chances he has to become a winner.

Secret for Santa Claus

The guys are divided into teams of about 10 people. Each team is in a row, one by one. The first participants receive a sheet - a letter, the information of which must be conveyed to Santa Claus, for example, on December 31 in the evening hares and squirrels, deer and wolves, children and adults are waiting for you at the Christmas tree! On the “start” command, the first participants transmit information, as they remembered to the second participant in the ear, trying to do it quickly and not loudly so that the rivals do not hear, and so on along the chain. The team that is faster than the rest and, most importantly, will correctly convey the information to Santa Claus (that is, the last participant must say the original text of the letter), and will win.

Happy New Year

The guys are divided into teams of 11 people, each participant is given a felt-tip pen or marker. Easels with a drawing paper are located at the same distance for each team. Each participant must jump in the bag, like the wolf in the cartoon "Well, Wait!" to the easel and write one letter at a time so that at the end you get the phrase "Happy New Year." So, at the start command, the first participants jump in the bag to the easel and write the letter "C", then jump back and pass the baton to the second participants, the second write the letter "H", the third - "O" and so on. The team that finishes the relay race faster and writes "Happy New Year" will win.

When it's cold outside

The guys are divided into teams of 5 people. Each participant must wear mittens. Each team receives the same puzzle sets (preferably with a New Year theme) for a small amount of parts. At the start command, the teams start to put the puzzle in mittens. The team that copes faster will win and receive a prize.


Children stand in a circle, and to the music they begin to pass the New Year's cap around. When the music stops, the participant, who still has the cap in his hands, puts it on his head and performs the task of Santa Claus. Usually, children prepare poems or songs for Grandfather in advance, so overlays are excluded here.

Pluck all the needles from the tree

Two participants, who are blindfolded, stand in a circle of fans. 10 clothespins are attached to the participants' clothes. At the command of the leader, the guys should help each other get rid of the clothespins and as quickly as possible. Everyone takes part in turn, while clothespins are hooked to different places each time.

New year on one leg

All the children are standing by the tree and, at the command of the leader, assume the "standing on one leg" pose. A New Year's merry song turns on and the guys start jumping - dancing on one leg without changing it. Whoever surrenders is eliminated, and whoever holds out until the end of the song will win.

(5 votes: 4.2 out of 5)

It is difficult enough to have a good holiday among school children. They already know everything and can do a lot, therefore, in order to attract their attention, to intrigue, you have to try. The contests presented below will help make the New Year's scenario more meaningful.

I'm still that actor

Each participant in turn receives a card with a certain phrase, which will need to be portrayed so that the rest can guess what exactly the participant has shown. Thus, the participant shows, the rest guess, then change to a new participant, until everyone tries themselves in the role of an actor. Sample phrases that cards may contain:
- Losers at the blackboard;
- a crying child who wants to eat;
- angry dog;
- Santa Claus brought gifts;
- dance of little ducks;
- it's slippery on the street, and so on.

And New Year is not New Year

Children sit or stand in a circle. Santa Claus or the presenter announces that now is the time to remember all the necessary things and items that are elements of the holiday. In a circle, each of the participants in turn names one subject. For example, a clock, a TV, a tree, a garland, Santa Claus, snow, a gift, and so on. A participant who cannot name an item is eliminated. The winner is the one for whom the last word remains.


Children stand in a circle, and to the music they begin to pass the New Year's cap around. When the music stops, the participant, who still has the cap in his hands, puts it on his head and performs the task of Santa Claus. Usually, children prepare poems or songs for Grandfather in advance, so overlays are excluded here.

Happy New Year

The guys are divided into teams of 11 people, each participant is given a felt-tip pen or marker. Easels with a drawing paper are located at the same distance for each team. Each participant must jump in the bag, like the wolf in the cartoon "Well, Wait!" to the easel and write one letter at a time so that at the end you get the phrase "Happy New Year." So, at the start command, the first participants jump in the bag to the easel and write the letter "C", then jump back and pass the baton to the second participants, the second write the letter "H", the third - "O" and so on. The team that finishes the relay race faster and writes "Happy New Year" will win.

Pluck all the needles from the tree

Two participants, who are blindfolded, stand in a circle of fans. 10 clothespins are attached to the participants' clothes. At the command of the leader, the guys should help each other get rid of the clothespins and as quickly as possible. Everyone takes part in turn, while clothespins are hooked to different places each time.

Find a letter from Santa Claus

For this competition, you need to prepare a beautiful letter in an envelope from Santa Claus, where, for example, it will be written, I congratulate you, dear, Happy New Year. Get more A's and sweets for you. And if you behave well and study as well, I will fulfill your cherished desires. The letter needs to be hidden in one of the offices or in the gym and make up a small quest, for example, you will find the answer where the current and voltage are, and the team runs to the physics office, and there is again a hint on the desk: find what can attract iron, and the guys are looking for a magnet, there is a note on the magnet again: follow to the person who is responsible for cleanliness here, and the team runs to the technicians, there they get another hint: look where they won't let you die of hunger, it is clear that this is a canteen, and so on. To search for guys, you can divide into several teams and whose team will cope faster and find a letter from Santa Claus, that team will win.

Save the Christmas balls

Participants are divided into 2 teams of the same number of people. Each team has a basket with the same number of balls, which are about to be kidnapped by an evil wizard, and they must be rescued. All participants stand in a row: two teams - two rows. A basket with balls stands next to the first participant, and next to the last one there is an empty basket, into which the team will put the saved balls. According to the word "start", the first participants take one ball and pass it to the second participants, the second - to the third, the third - to the fourth, and so on until the last. When the last participant puts the ball in the basket, he shouts: "there is," and then the first participant takes the second ball and passes it. The team that saves all the balls faster and wins.

New Year's race

The guys are divided into 2 teams with an even number of participants. Then each team is divided into their pairs. Each pair is tied one leg of the participants, that is, the left of one and the right of the second. There are gifts (snowflakes, candies) by the festive tree. And on the command "start" the guys start their New Year's race. The couple runs to the tree, picks up the gift and returns to their team, passes the baton to the next couple, and ends up at the end. The game continues until all the gifts from the tree have been collected. And the team that turned out to be faster and collected more gifts will win.

New Year's song (for kids)

They form a circle of chairs, with the seats outward, there should be 1 less of them than the participants. Children stand in a circle and walk in a circle to New Year's songs. When the music stops, children should sit on chairs. A chair will not be enough for one hero, the Snow Maiden takes it as an assistant. One chair is removed, the competition continues.

The neighbor's got better!

The already traditional New Year's competition, nevertheless, is loved by children, because here you can fool around. So, everyone stands around the tree. The host asks: "Do you have ears?" Children answer in chorus: "Yes!" Again the question: "Are your ears good?" Children: "Good!" presenter: "What about a neighbor?" And the enthusiastic kids scream: "Better!" And grabs a neighbor on the right and left by the ears. And then the round dance begins. It is so fashionable to sort out all parts of the body, and the children will rejoice.


Need pins or plastic bottles as well as rubber balls. You can divide everyone into teams, you can conduct an "individual test". The task of each - from a certain distance to knock down with one blow of the "snow" ball as many "icicles" as possible, which have grown out of the ground. If the children are older, then you can use heavier basketballs, and for preschoolers, regular rubber ones are better suited.

Deputy Santa Claus

Each of the children in turn names what he asked for Santa Claus, and the rest of the children should give this to their friend, that is, depict this object with the power of arms, legs and possible objects that are nearby. It will be interesting how a group of guys will make a car, for example, or one of the guys will become a telephone, or a dog, or something and someone else. There will be where to roam the children's imagination.

Guess the hero

Children are seated in a circle. The host invites everyone to take turns to continue the name. fairytale hero, for example Red ..., Baba ... Snowy ... Anyone who cannot find the answer is out of the game. The rest continue to carry out the task in a circle. More often than not, the host in this competition simply runs out of questions, be prepared.

Choosing a Christmas tree

Santa Claus invites the children to stand in a circle and asks what kind of Christmas trees there are.If they are tall, then all the children raise their hands up, if they are low, they squat and lower their hands, if they are wide, they make the circle as large as possible, and for a narrow Christmas tree, they narrow it down. Now Santa Claus walks and "chooses" a tree. "Oh, how tall!" or "No, this one is too narrow!" And the children, having heard the parameters, represent “the Christmas tree seen by Grandfather. At the same time, Moroz himself is trying to confuse the children by making the wrong movements.

Make Santa Claus laugh

Here the guys will need to use all their imagination. The task is this: to make Santa Claus laugh with everyone available means, for example, anecdote, dance, funny song, funny parody, and so on. From whose "trick" Santa Claus laughs louder, he will receive a prize.

Collecting snowballs

Several teams need to be created. Prepare sooo many white balls - these will be snowballs. Take the largest garbage bags, cut off the bottom corners of them, so that the legs fit through. Now one team member gets into this huge bag, and the rest, at the command of the leader, collect "snowballs" and put them in the bag. The team with the most snowballs wins.

New Year's movies are my thing

New Year's is a time to watch family fun winter comedies and fairy tales. Therefore, it's time for the children to remember the names of good movies and share with the rest. For excitement, children can be divided into two teams. As a result, each of the participants takes turns calling their favorite New Year's movie. First, the participant of the first team, then the second, again the first - the second, etc. The participant who does not give an answer is kicked out of the game. The team with more participants left becomes the winner. If children know very little about films, you can give hints to them. After all, there are a lot of such films: "Poor Sasha", "Irony of Fate", "Home Alone" all parts, "Curly Sue" and others. In extreme cases, you can use the names of cartoons.

make a wish

This is a romantic entertainment that will take so much balloons how many guests came to the ball. They say that on New Year's Eve all dreams come true. Each invitee is invited to write his most cherished wish on a piece of paper, then these pieces of paper are attached to the thread that ties the ball. And so all the guests of the ball go out onto the street or onto the balcony and, at the command of the presenter, after his fairy spells, release their balls and innermost dreams into the sky. The spectacle is amazing.

New year castle

Several applicants are invited to participate in the competition. They are invited to carefully study the drawing of the New Year's castle. Then everyone is given a set of plastic cups and their eyes are blindfolded. Further, the "builders" of the castle get down to work. Whoever reproduces the drawing faster and more accurately won the competition.

My number

Gifts for children should be wrapped in the same paper and numbered. In the room, in visible places, attach the Christmas tree tokens, on the back of which the number is written. Children are invited to find a Christmas tree for themselves. And when Santa Claus comes with a bag, he will give the children numbered gifts.

Carnival costumes protection

As a rule, children of the younger and middle school age gladly put on New Year's costumes. The task of the holiday organizer is to warn everyone in advance that the best costume will be chosen. But in order for your outfit to be among the winners, it must be "protected", in other words, to show your artistic inclinations and enter the role of your hero by performing his song, reading his monologue, etc.

Guess who it is?

For this competition, you need to prepare various pictures (3 pieces for each of the items). And these objects must be guessed by children. For example, the presenter shows 3 pictures: a spider web, slippers, a skyscraper. If you think carefully, the child will guess that this is Spider-Man, or, for example, pictures of a beard, sleigh and gifts, it is clear that this is Santa Claus. Whoever guesses first raises his hand and answers. For the correct answer, the participant receives a point, and whoever has more points will win.

Comic tasks, coupled with bright images and a festive mood will create a positive background for the holiday. Even an uncomplicated collective game will be exciting if played with a friendly company. Children will be especially pleased with the competitions, the victory in which will bring New Year's gifts.

Tiger tail

Participants line up and take the person in front by the shoulders. The first competitor in the line is the tiger's head. The end of the column is the tail. After the signal, the "tail" seeks to catch up with the "head", which is trying to escape. The "torso" must remain in the hitch. After a while, the children change places.

Cheerful round dance

The usual round dance can be significantly complicated. The presenter sets the tone by constantly changing the direction and speed of the movement. After several circles, lead a round dance with a snake, moving between pieces of furniture and guests.


Team play involves the use of blindfolds and pins. Place the pins like a snake in front of the participants of the two teams. Team members join hands and cover the distance blindfolded. All pins must remain upright. The team whose members hit fewer pins wins the game.

Magic words

Divide the participants into teams and hand over a set of letters that make up a certain word. Each team member gets only one letter. In the story read by the presenter, words from these letters are encountered. When such a word is pronounced, the players with the corresponding letters come forward and rearrange in the desired order. The team that is ahead of the opponents earns a point.

What changed

Visual memory will help you win the game. Each participant certain time carefully examines the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree. After the children leave the room. Several toys are outweighed or new ones are added. When the children return, they need to voice what has changed.

Gift in a circle

Participants stand in a circle face to face. The presenter gives one of the players a gift and turns on the music. After that, the gift moves in a circle. After stopping the music, the transfer of the gift is stopped. The player who has the gift left is eliminated. At the end of the game, there will be one participant who will receive this memento.

Bright entertainment for the New Year for children in kindergarten with contests, prizes and gifts - exactly what kids expect from the holiday. Musical and dynamic games will make the New Year's party fun and interesting. Simple and funny contests will delight children and their parents.

    Hibernating Bear game

    To carry out the game, you will need 3 gymnastic hoops. A group of children plays the role of bunnies, and one child plays the role of a hibernating bear. When the music starts playing, the bunnies go out for a walk. They jump near the bear, trying to wake him up. They can sing, dance, laugh, clap and bang their feet on the floor as long as the music is playing. When musical accompaniment calms down, the bear wakes up, and the bunnies hide in the hoop houses lying on the floor. If the group of guys is big, and there are only 3 hoops on the floor, you can hide in them in twos or threes. The bunny caught by the bear (which did not have time to hide in the hoop) begins to play the role of a bear. The game continues until the interest disappears.

    All children participate in the competition. Participants are divided into 2 teams equally. One team will be wolves. For children, red kerchiefs are attached to the belt of their clothes, which play the role of tails. The second team will be the dogs. They are attached to the belt of blue handkerchiefs.

    The wolves decided to sneak into the village to feast on chickens. Guard dogs should prevent them from doing this. Energetic music turns on. A team of dogs runs after the wolf cubs, pulling handkerchiefs from their belt and vice versa. After the music stops playing, the players caught are counted by the number of handkerchiefs of a certain color. The winner is the team with the most scarves left in the belt.

    Game "Christmas icicle"

    All children stand in a circle. Organizer new year holiday hands over to one of the players artificial icicle(it can be made from foil). Music turns on. The kids take turns passing the icicle to each other. After the end of the music, the icicle is in the hands of one of the players. The child who did not have time to pass the icicle to his neighbor must tell a New Year's poem or sing a song. For successful performance, he receives a gift.

    For the competition, you will need 3 pairs of plastic skis for children and 3 chairs. Chairs must be placed in a row at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other.

    All children are divided into 3 teams equally. In each of them, a captain is selected. The game begins with the captain. He puts on his skis, runs to the chair. Having run around it, takes off the skis and returns to the place. Having run to the starting point, he passes the skis to the next participant. Each player on the team must pass the relay. The winner is the team whose members complete the task faster than the others.

    Snowball Fight

    To carry out the game, you need to prepare 80 pieces of cotton wool the size of a tennis ball in advance.

    The room where the party is held is divided into 2 equal parts. On each of them, 40 snowballs are placed on the floor. All children are divided into 2 teams equally and put on their own field.

    After the start signal, each participant must raise a snowball and throw it at half of the opposing team. The whole game is given 3 minutes. At this time, a children's New Year's song sounds. After the stop signal, snowballs are counted. The team with the fewest snowballs wins.

    The competition is attended by 3 children. For the competition, you need to take 3 easels. On them it is necessary to attach sheets of paper with an unfinished drawing of a snowman. The kids go up to the easels, study the drawing carefully and receive a colored felt-tip pen or marker. The leader of the holiday explains that the snowman needs to be finished with a nose, eyes and a smile. Children are blindfolded with scarves or headbands, and they begin to paint. During the competition, a merry New Year's song for children is played. The author of the most "accurate" and beautiful drawing becomes the winner.

These games can be used in the nursery New Year's party, on the New Year's holiday.

Dry land - water

Children stand in one line. As soon as Santa Claus says: "Dry land!", Everyone leaps forward; will say: "Water!" - back. The competition is held at a fast pace. Santa Claus can pronounce other words instead of the word "water", for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - coast, land, island. The one who jumped inappropriately is eliminated.

The last player, the most attentive, becomes the winner.

Borrow your house

Santa Claus divides children into pairs. They join hands - these are "houses". The rest are "birds", there are more of them than "houses". "Birds" fly. When Santa Claus announces: "The rain is falling," the birds should take the "houses". Those who have not had enough are eliminated from the game.

Sparrows, chirp!

One child sits on a high chair with his back to the rest of the children. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden choose a "sparrow", which comes up from behind to the seated one and puts his hands on his shoulders. He says: "Sparrows, chirp!" "Sparrow" says: "Chick-tweet!" The seated person guesses who it is. If you guessed right, the one who played the role of a sparrow sits on a chair. And the presenter chooses a new "sparrow".

Surprises on a string

Santa Claus and Snegurochka are pulling a string between two chairs, on which the same foil "candies" hang. Each child comes up and has a "candy" cut. Inside is a note indicating what he will receive as a gift. And Santa Claus immediately takes this gift from his magic bag and hands it to the player.

Funny monkeys

Santa Claus reads rhymes and shows movements:

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stamp our feet

We puff up our cheeks

We jump on tiptoes.

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues.

Let's jump to the ceiling

We will bring our finger to the temple.

Let's stick out our ears,

A ponytail at the top of the head.

Open your mouth wider

Let's make grimaces.

As I say the number "three"

All with grimaces freeze.

Children repeat the movements after Santa Claus, and then freeze with grimaces. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden choose the grimace that they like best.

Who is bigger?

Santa Claus invites children to name what they can more items starting with one letter. The winner is the one who names the last item. Santa Claus and Snegurochka help children find the right words - give them little tips.

Faithful horse and home elephant ...

Santa Claus invites children to choose definitions for words. For example: fox - cunning, red; cat - affectionate, soft, etc. Whoever picks up more definitions, he won. If there are many children, you can divide them into two teams - let them compete.

What is, who is?

This is a "reverse game". Now Santa Claus gives different definitions, and the children must guess what is at stake. For example: a small, grayish, shy - mouse; ruddy, ripe, liquid - apple; bright, golden, shining - the sun, etc.

Pull out the string

Two guys sit on chairs with their backs to each other. There is a rope or cord under the chairs. At the signal of Santa Claus, each player runs around the chair of the other, sits on his own chair and tries to quickly grab the end of the rope and pull it out.

Where is your nest?

Moms and dads get the roles of trees. Everyone freezes in a pose corresponding to the nature of the tree: a slender herringbone, gnarled elm, mighty oak, etc. Wonderful forest!

Children get the roles of animals and birds. All of them in groups of 3-4 people are located under the trees. There are their nests and holes.

At the command of Santa Claus: "The day is coming - everything comes to life!" animals and birds leave their nests. They run, jump, enjoy the sun. But the command sounds: "Night comes - everything freezes!", And the children must immediately return to their houses. Whoever hesitates is eliminated from the game. The one who moved while under his tree "at night" also loses. He will be immediately noticed by an owl of prey, the role of which is played by the Snow Maiden. Trees make sure that only their inhabitants hide under them.

In the second round, the game becomes more difficult: after the command "The day is coming ..." the trees change places, take different poses. Now the guys need to be very careful not to get lost.

Who is the most agile?

Father Frost: You guys are funny, friendly. But are you clever? I have two magic wands... They will show me who is the cleverest here.

Children receive round sticks with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm and a length of 25-30 cm in their hands. A long ribbon is stretched between these sticks, at least 4 m. Exactly in the middle between the players, a bow is tied on the ribbon. The task of the players is to wind the tape around the stick as soon as possible. Whoever hits the bow faster will win. The condition of the competition is that while winding the tape, the stick must be held with both hands. In this competition, it is important to organize the audience correctly. The facilitator should invite the audience to show how they will support the players. The more energetically the audience will be "sick" - the better. This simple competition turns into a vibrant emotional spectacle. In terms of the intensity of passions, he sometimes is not inferior to a football or hockey match.

Winter landscape

Snow Maiden: I so like, grandfather, how you paint windows in winter with fancy patterns. You are a wonderful artist. And children will be able to make a winter pattern, do you think?

Father Frost: We will see this now. Here, children, are parts of winter pictures. Whoever gets the picture together faster will win.

Teams or individual players are given reproductions of a winter landscape, cut at random into unequal pieces. At the signal, everyone should make a picture as quickly and correctly as possible.

After that, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden invite the children to play charades.


There are words that consist of two or three words. For example: bar-bitch, collection-lecture, count-bass-a.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden can play charades with children. You can split into two teams. Santa Claus with his children makes a word for the Snow Maiden's team and vice versa.

Children will become actors. They will need to show scenes that use words included in a given word. And then another show, showing the whole word.

And the audience should try to guess this word. How many parts will the words consist of - so many performances will have to be shown.

My first syllable is a sea animal

Sometimes they hunt for him.

And the interjection is the second.

Everything is the state. But which one? (China)

The preposition is at my beginning

At the end there is a country house.

And the whole we decide everything

Both at the blackboard and at the table. (Task)

The first syllable is forest,

The second is a poem.

And the whole grows, though not a plant. (Beard)

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