Dangerous situation: OBZH. Dangerous and emergency situations

Landscaping and planning 28.12.2021
Landscaping and planning

Topic: The city as a source of danger. Features of the city as a habitat.

Goals and objectives:

To acquaint students with the sources and danger zones of the modern city.

Learn to anticipate and explain the causes of dangers

Cultivate a serious attitude towards life and health.

Time: 40 minutes

Teaching method:

Verbal (story, explanation)

Visual and demonstration

Material support: blackboard, posters, task cards

During the classes

1. Organizational moment:

Greeting students;

Checking those present according to the list;

Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

2. Psychological and emotional mood: Whatever the weather outside the window, it is always warm and cozy in our class, because such wonderful children study here.

3. Introduction to the topic:

Children listen to the poem and say what it is about.

I'll tell you friends
About the green glorious city!
This is where my family lives
This city is dear to all of us!

We love the park
It's fun to walk
colorful foliage
Shower each other!

How beautiful is our city
Clean, bright and comfortable!
In summer he pleases the eye,
And in the winter frosty, blizzard!

Today, as you may have guessed, we will talk about the city, since the city is the place of residence for most of us, our small Motherland, which we must protect and preserve.

4 . So! Open your notebooks and write down the date and the topic of the lesson: “The city as a source of danger. Features of the city as a habitat.

Guys, what do you think the city is?(student answers)

A city is a locality whose inhabitants, as a rule, are not engaged in agriculture.

Do you know when the first cities appeared?(student answers)

The first mention of cities dates back to 4-3 millennia BC. These are Babylon, Memphis and Thebes in Egypt, Sparta and Athens in Greece. The first mention of cities dates back to 4-3 millennia BC. These are Babylon, Memphis and Thebes in Egypt, Sparta and Athens in Greece

What do you think attracts a modern person in urban life?

In cities, for the convenience of a person, water, gas, and electricity are supplied to residential buildings;

In the cities there is a whole network of trade organizations;

Urban transport ensures the movement of people to the areas they need;

A system of educational institutions of various levels has been created;

The population is served by medical institutions;

There is a system of cultural, scientific and sports institutions;

Services have been created to ensure the safety of the population.

In order for the system to work smoothly, there are certain rules of conduct for the entire population of the city. Violation of these rules entails the emergence of dangerous situations for human life and health.

Let's see what dangers the citizens most often face:

1. Situations related to violation of traffic rules;

2. Situations related to violation of fire safety rules;

3. Situations related to violation of public security measures and public order

4. Situations related to violation of the rules for the use of various household appliances, gas and electricity;

5. Situations associated with various natural phenomena.

Now guys look at the picture and find The figure shows ten signs of dangerous situations. What precautions do you think should be taken on a case-by-case basis to keep people out of trouble? (conversation with students)

5. Lesson Summary:

So what conclusion can we draw from this topic? (student answers)

The city creates favorable conditions for human life and activity, but multifunctional life support systems carry a certain danger for the city dweller and require special behavior from him to ensure his safety.


Homework: drawing "our city"

Find ten signs of dangerous situations in the picture.


Chapter 1. Zones of increased danger…………………………………... 4

      The outside……………………………………………………………………….. 4

      Modern dwelling……………………………………………………... 4

      Places where people congregate……………………………………………………... 5

      Transport………………………………………………………………….. 6

Chapter 2 Negative impact of the urban environment…………………. 7

2.1 Technogenic hazards………………………………………………...... 7

2.2 Environmental hazards…………………………………………………. 8

2.3 Social dangers………………………………………………...... 12

Chapter 3 Security system………………………… 14




At the present stage of development, the problems of large cities are acute for mankind.

The city, as an artificial habitat created by man, is significantly different from the natural environment. If in nature a person is faced with the influence of external natural conditions, then in society, the most complex phenomenon of which is the city, external influences come primarily from people or from the circumstances caused by them.

The city includes components that include natural components (relief, climate, water, flora and fauna), an artificially created component - the technosphere (industrial enterprises, transport, residential buildings) and an obligatory part of the urban environment - the population.

During a long historical development in cities, a special habitat has been formed for a person. In the process of life, a person is inextricably linked with the urban environment, making up an interacting system with it. This interaction gives both positive (life comfort) and negative results. The negative result of human interaction with the city is determined by hazards - negative impacts that suddenly arise, periodically or constantly acting in the "human - urban environment" system.

A positive result determines that the city, as an artificial habitat created by man, allows a person to be less dependent on extreme natural factors than before. The city provides ample opportunities to improve the comfort of living conditions, to develop the spiritual and creative activity of each person.

In connection with the special role of cities in the development of mankind, the question arises of how to do so in order to maximize the positive and minimize the negative impact of the city on a person. Solving this issue will be the goal of this work. To solve this issue, it is necessary to identify areas of increased danger in the city, to talk about the negative impacts of the urban environment on a person, their consequences and ways to deal with them. And also indicate the services included in the city's security system.

Chapter 1. Zones of increased danger.

Knowing and taking into account areas of increased danger allows you to predict the development of a possible extreme situation, provide appropriate rules of conduct and thereby ensure your safety.

1.1. The outside

This danger zone includes non-residential houses, back streets, deserted streets, wastelands, lanes.

Later, at night, it is better to bypass such dangerous places: let the path lengthen, but the degree of danger will decrease. But if you had to go down the alley, you need to stay close to the edge of the sidewalk and away from the dark entrances, where a sudden intruder can drag you. You should walk with a confident look, just in case, holding an umbrella or a lantern in your hands.

When walking along the highway, you need to keep to the side where the traffic is moving towards - so you can not be dragged into the car that drove up from behind.

If possible, try to avoid contact with anyone. When threatened, it is best to flee. If it was not possible to escape, it is necessary to fight back, using the available means at hand for self-defense. Having become a victim of a robber, rapist, you should try to remember his face, clothes and other signs and immediately report to the police.

Also on the street, you should carefully look at only the sides, but also under your feet. City roads and sidewalks can become slippery for a number of reasons and, as a result, there are a large number of injured people, especially the elderly.

1.2.Modern housing.

In the city, even the houses themselves are potentially dangerous, especially multi-storey ones, from the roofs of which icicles break in winter and spring, and various objects can fall out of windows and balconies.

The entrances and elevators of apartment buildings, where attacks are most often committed, also pose a danger. In order not to become their victim, you should follow certain precautions:

You should not enter with strangers, suspicious people into the entrance, the elevator;

Once alone with a stranger in an elevator, you should immediately exit;

When attacked, you need to call for help, ring someone's door.

modern dwelling- the focus of various networks of communal and individual household support. In a modern well-appointed apartment, a closed, branched electrical wiring has been laid, networks of pipes for water supply, heating, as well as sewerage have been laid. for removal of various household waste. Many kitchens are equipped with gas stoves, the gas to which is supplied through pipelines. Under these conditions, a variety of extreme situations are possible. All pipelines in which, as a result of long-term operation, exposure to the environment, are susceptible to corrosion, wear out. Sometimes it is not at all necessary to be a specialist in order to deal with a particular situation, to try to prevent serious consequences.


Each section of the pipeline has a central, intermediate and terminal cocks (valves). In case of water leakage from the tap, it is necessary to close the intermediate one, and in the event of a serious accident, close the central valve, which is usually located in the basement of the entrance, the terminal and intermediate taps in the apartment. The same should be done in the event of an accident in the heating system. All emergencies must be reported to the house management, call in specialists and try to prevent severe flooding of the apartment, since flooding can lead to a short circuit in the electrical wiring, and this, in turn, to electric shock and fire in the house.


This situation is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences. In the event of a fire, it is necessary to localize the source of ignition, preventing the access of air to the fire. If a fire is caused by a short circuit in the electrical wiring, turn off the electrical distribution switch located on the landing of each floor, then, if possible, turn off the central switch of the entrance. Next, you need to call the fire brigade and start extinguishing the fire with available improvised means (water, sand, etc.). The main thing in this situation is to notify the neighbors of the fire and save the people caught in the fire.

Building destruction.

This extreme situation can occur as a result of an explosion or due to the destruction of building structures. In this situation, it is necessary to show determination, courage, and most importantly, restraint, to properly organize the rescue of people, to prevent panic (often people in a panic state rush from the windows of the upper floors). When buildings are destroyed, flooding, fire, and electrical wiring can occur. In any case, the most important thing in this situation is to organize the rescue of people, especially from the upper floors.

1.3. Places where people gather.

Congested places, where it is easy for criminals to commit crimes and hide, are areas of increased danger. It can be railway stations, parks, cinemas, places of various festivities, underground passages, etc..

At train stations, a criminal can hide, getting lost among people, sitting on any train. Stations with their crowds attract mainly thieves and swindlers, “homeless people”, since among a large number of people there will always be simpletons who are easy to deceive. While at the station, the following safety rules should be observed:

Do not leave things unattended;

Do not trust your things, luggage to strangers;

Do not exchange large bills for smaller ones without special need;

In order not to become a victim of fraud, you should not play various lotteries, "thimbles", take part in draws and draws. After standing for a few minutes and looking closely at who is constantly playing and winning, you can see for yourself that these are the same faces.

parks- favorite gathering places for young people, teenagers, various companies, places for drinking alcohol, and a person in a state of intoxication loses control over himself, attracts robbers and criminals of all stripes. It is easy for a criminal to hide in the park, so you should not go into secluded wilderness places, you should stay near people.

city ​​markets are also high risk areas. These are possible places of accumulation of thieves, robbers, swindlers. Here it is also easy for a criminal to hide, lost in the crowd.

Later, at night, it is better to bypass dangerous places: let the path lengthen, but the degree of danger will decrease. If possible, try to avoid contact with anyone. When threatened, it is best to flee. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to use all available improvised means for self-defense. Having become a victim of a robber, a rapist, you should try to remember his faces, clothes and other signs and immediately report to the police.

It's no secret that a person is exposed to many dangers every day. Even while at home, you run the risk of injury or death, and dangerous situations in the city lie in wait for you at every corner. "How scary to live, it turns out!" - You say. Not really. If you follow the simplest safety rules, then such situations can be prevented and avoided. In addition, knowing how to behave, you can minimize unpleasant consequences.

What is a dangerous situation? Definition

First, let's look at what kind of situation can be called really dangerous. If we asked a five-year-old child, he could subjectively answer that a dangerous situation is when, for example, a favorite toy breaks. Well, we will give an exact definition.

A hazardous situation is a circumstance in which there is a serious threat to human health or life, the environment or property. They can happen suddenly and require an immediate response.

What is an emergency?

In this article, we will talk not only about dangerous, but also about emergency situations. The latter occur as a result of an accident at a large enterprise. They can cause or have caused multiple deaths of people, huge material damage, and a sharp deterioration in natural conditions.


All dangerous situations can be divided into three groups depending on the cause of their occurrence:

1. Natural character.

2. Technogenic character.

3. Public nature.

Rampant elements

Natural hazards can be divided into 8 groups. The classification is made according to their origin. Consider examples of dangerous situations. In addition, we divide them according to types.

1. Cosmogenic disasters will open our list called "Dangerous Natural Emergencies". They probably have the biggest impact. Cosmogenic hazards include meteor showers, as well as the collision of our planet with comets and meteorites. The consequences of such phenomena are really terrifying, but, fortunately, scientists are able to track the trajectories of celestial bodies and will be able to warn people about the danger. In addition, small meteorites can be knocked out of orbit and change their course, so that death from "stones from space" is not yet in danger for humanity.

2. Geophysical. The city of Pompeii was wiped off the face of the earth, and Japan is constantly suffering precisely because of geophysical phenomena. Guessed? In this category we include volcanic eruptions, as well as earthquakes. The painting by the artist Karl Bryullov, which became the peak of his career, will help to feel the full horror of the geophysical catastrophe.

3. Meteorological. These are strong storms, hurricanes, storms and tornadoes. Until now, there is no single definite theory about why hurricanes and tornadoes occur. This happened due to the fact that the processes that occur inside the "funnel" are very difficult to study. However, scientists suggest that this happens at the junction of warm and cold Tornadoes have a serious destructive power, and it was not for nothing that ancient people considered them to be God's punishment.

4. Geological. This category includes landslides, landslides, avalanches, subsidence of the earth's surface, karst, erosion. The threat of "white death", as avalanches are called, will always exist for those who like to relax in ski resorts.

An avalanche can form from dry snow after a snowfall in the cold, the snow at such a time practically does not adhere to each other, and a powder-like mass will be ready to fall down with great speed from a small ground vibration or a loud sound. The air will be filled with dust from the snow, and the skier will die painfully, suffocating.

An avalanche of wet snow will occur if the thermometer shows 0 degrees Celsius. If you love skiing or snowboarding in the mountains, then remember the golden rule: where an avalanche came down once, it will come down again.

Hazardous situations of a natural nature are very predictable, be sure to use the above information.

5. Hydrometeorological. These are showers, snowfalls, large hail, severe drought, a sharp drop in temperatures, unbearable heat, a blizzard. Such situations seriously threaten the crop and can also contribute to the development of diseases. If abnormal heat, cold, precipitation are announced in your region, then try not to leave the house, otherwise you risk spending the nearest time in the hospital.

6. Hydrological. These situations are directly related to water, you guessed it. These are floods, flooding, early appearance of ice on the rivers on which ships go, lowering and rising water levels. It sounds, of course, not as scary as a volcanic eruption, but that's just no less dangerous in reality. It threatens with crop loss, material losses, and soil damage.

7. Marine hydrological. These include typhoon, tsunami, severe storm, ice drift, and icing of ships.

Why can ships freeze? The main reason is the so-called spattering of the vessel. Sea water is in the air for some time due to wind or wave impacts against the side, it quickly cools in the cold, so over time an ice crust appears on the skin, which then only grows and grows, and then covers more and more areas.

This immensely interferes with movement: controllability deteriorates greatly, a roll occurs, and speed decreases. This phenomenon is fraught with many dangers.

8. Natural fires. Why do they arise? Sometimes this happens due to severe drought, the trees and soil dry up to the point that they catch fire. But often peat bogs flare up. In addition, peat tends to spontaneously ignite and burn under water! Dangerous situations of a natural nature often develop according to an unpredictable scenario.

technogenic world

We have learned what dangerous natural ones are; now we will consider man-made emergencies. They are always associated with human production activities, and most often their consequences are environmental damage and a large number of deaths. Consider categories and examples of dangerous situations.

1. Transport accidents. The number of people killed on the roads is steadily increasing. As of 2013, the grim figures are: one and a half million deaths per year. According to preliminary estimates of experts, unfortunately, by 2030 there is a chance that the death rate will be almost 3.5 million people a year! In developed countries, traffic accidents rank fifth in terms of the number of deaths, along with tuberculosis, malaria and HIV. It is also worth mentioning the crashes of planes and trains, accidents on ships and submarines. As a result, the number of deaths in transport is appalling.

2. Sudden collapse of buildings, structures. This happens when the materials lose their former strength or the building is built of poor quality, in the wrong place.

If you notice cracks on the facade of your own house, we recommend that you contact the relevant services, for example, housing and communal services. There are special programs for the resettlement of people from emergency buildings.

Fires and explosions

We are all prone to error. Similarly, electronics cannot last forever without any deviations. In a building, in storage facilities for combustibles, in the subway, next to an unexploded ordnance... There are many places where something can catch fire, explode and cause often irreparable damage. This is a really dangerous situation. OBZH teaches us from primary school what to do in case of a fire in a building, how to behave, where to go. Recall these simple rules again:

  • Call the fire department immediately by dialing 112 or 01.
  • Don't panic. In this state, you can do stupid things.
  • Proceed to extinguish the fire with water only if there is no danger of electric shock.
  • If the concentration of smoke is high, cover the respiratory organs with a damp cloth or handkerchief, move on all fours, as the harmful substances in the smoke are lighter than air and rise up.
  • If there is a risk of electric shock, turn off the power and appliances.
  • Flammable liquids must not be filled with water! Use sand, fire extinguisher, wet rag or cloth.
  • Never open windows. Fire needs oxygen to burn even more.
  • If you are unable to extinguish the fire on your own, leave the premises urgently, inform others, wait for the firemen.
  • If the way out of the building is cut off for you, go out onto the balcony, tightly closing the door, wait for help, call passers-by.
  • Do not enter the premises if the concentration of smoke is high, i.e. visibility is less than ten meters.
  • Once you leave the building, do not go back. Wait for the rescuers to arrive.

The Chernobyl accident

Now let's move on to the most destructive and dangerous. Accidents at nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, power plants and wastewater treatment plants. There are very few such disasters, but each of them cuts into memory. The consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants are the release of harmful chemicals that are life-threatening. Emergencies at hydroelectric power plants threaten with floods, dam breaks. An accident at a power plant threatens to cut off power to the area it serves. And many of these disasters claim tens, hundreds, thousands of lives.

Perhaps such things are not forgotten. Everyone remembers the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986. A huge amount of poisonous and radioactive substances was in the air. The level of radiation in some areas still exceeds the permissible by thousands of times. This catastrophe became the most severe lesson for all mankind. It is recognized as the largest in the history of nuclear energy.

This is what the turbine hall of the fourth power unit looks like today. Here, the highest level of radiation, being even in special suits is extremely dangerous. After a failure in the reactor and the release of the most harmful substances, a day passed before people began to be evacuated from the danger zone. Everything around was covered with a white coating, but the children continued to walk in the streets, as if nothing had happened. It was unbearably hot, people went fishing, the beach, until everything around was almost lit up from radiation. As a result of this negligence, thousands of people died from severe radiation sickness.

Pripyat has become a ghost town. No one has lived here for several decades. Everyone knows the sad consequences of this dangerous situation. OBZh already in high school considers the consequences and causes of such global catastrophes, so that from childhood we realize the horror of such situations and do everything that depends on us to prevent them. Surprisingly, rare species of flora and fauna have settled in Pripyat and nearby areas. By the way, even people live here.

These include extremely unfavorable phenomena and processes occurring in society that pose a direct threat to human life, his rights and freedoms, as well as property.

Cause of social dangers

Let's look at the source of these problems. Such situations occur due to the fact that people cannot solve any important problems of politics, economics, culture, ethics, and so on. Mankind has not justified the hopes of philosophers, humanists, for example, about the victory over hunger and helping those in need. These problems become more acute with time and cause resonance in society. The starting point of dangerous situations of this type can be unemployment, inflation, nationalism, crises, low living standards, corruption, etc. Further. Some enterprising people come up with the following thought: "Something needs to be changed. But since the government does not listen to me, we will have to move on to radical actions." And then they organize a revolution. Well, at worst, some fanatic with mental disabilities comes up with the idea of ​​uniting the whole world under his command, creating an ideal race, reducing the population of the earth, etc. No less destructive is the banal desire to "take this tidbit of land for yourself" or the desire to kill others.

Hazard types

Thus, dangerous and are divided into two types:

1. Actually social. They can be directed at the health of a particular person (suicide, drug addiction, social diseases, zombification by sects, blackmail, hostage-taking, violence, terror). This once again confirms the fact that dangerous situations in the city await us at every turn.

2. Military. Situations during which conventional, nuclear, or the latest weapons are used, such as biological, genetic, and radiation.


Dangerous and emergency situations happen everywhere, but in the overwhelming majority of cases they occur precisely through the fault of the person himself. You need to think logically, learn to make quick and correct decisions, foresee the possible consequences of your own actions, otherwise all of humanity will die from its own short-sightedness. Be prudent!

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….3

Chapter 1. Zones of increased danger…………………………………... 4

1.1 Street……………………………………………………………………….. 4

1.2 Modern housing……………………………………………………... 4

1.3 Places where people congregate…………………………………………………... 5

1.4 Transport………………………………………………………………….. 6

Chapter 2 Negative impact of the urban environment…………………. 7

2.1 Technogenic hazards………………………………………………...... 7

2.2 Environmental hazards…………………………………………………. 8

2.3 Social dangers………………………………………………...... 12

Chapter 3 Security system………………………… 14

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………........16

Bibliography ………………………………………………………...17


At the present stage of development, the problems of large cities are acute for mankind.

The city, as an artificial habitat created by man, is significantly different from the natural environment. If in nature a person is faced with the influence of external natural conditions, then in society, the most complex phenomenon of which is the city, external influences come primarily from people or from the circumstances caused by them.

The city includes components that include natural components (relief, climate, water, flora and fauna), an artificially created component - the technosphere (industrial enterprises, transport, residential buildings) and an obligatory part of the urban environment - the population.

During a long historical development in cities, a special habitat has been formed for a person. In the process of life, a person is inextricably linked with the urban environment, making up an interacting system with it. This interaction gives both positive (life comfort) and negative results. The negative result of human interaction with the city is determined by hazards - negative impacts that suddenly arise, periodically or constantly acting in the "human - urban environment" system.

A positive result determines that the city, as an artificial habitat created by man, allows a person to be less dependent on extreme natural factors than before. The city provides ample opportunities to improve the comfort of living conditions, to develop the spiritual and creative activity of each person.

In connection with the special role of cities in the development of mankind, the question arises of how to do so in order to maximize the positive and minimize the negative impact of the city on a person. Solving this issue will be the goal of this work. To solve this issue, it is necessary to identify areas of increased danger in the city, to talk about the negative impacts of the urban environment on a person, their consequences and ways to deal with them. And also indicate the services included in the city's security system.

Chapter 1. Zones of increased danger.

Knowing and taking into account areas of increased danger allows you to predict the development of a possible extreme situation, provide appropriate rules of conduct and thereby ensure your safety.

1.1. The outside

This danger zone includes non-residential houses, back streets, deserted streets, wastelands, lanes.

Later, at night, it is better to bypass such dangerous places: let the path lengthen, but the degree of danger will decrease. But if you had to go down the alley, you need to stay close to the edge of the sidewalk and away from the dark entrances, where a sudden intruder can drag you. You should walk with a confident look, just in case, holding an umbrella or a lantern in your hands.

When walking along the highway, you need to keep to the side where the traffic is moving towards - so you can not be dragged into the car that drove up from behind.

If possible, try to avoid contact with anyone. When threatened, it is best to flee. If it was not possible to escape, it is necessary to fight back, using the available means at hand for self-defense. Having become a victim of a robber, rapist, you should try to remember his face, clothes and other signs and immediately report to the police.

Also on the street, you should carefully look at only the sides, but also under your feet. City roads and sidewalks can become slippery for a number of reasons and, as a result, there are a large number of injured people, especially the elderly.

1.2.Modern housing.

In the city, even the houses themselves are potentially dangerous, especially multi-storey ones, from the roofs of which icicles break in winter and spring, and various objects can fall out of windows and balconies.

The entrances and elevators of apartment buildings, where attacks are most often committed, also pose a danger. In order not to become their victim, you should follow certain precautions:

You should not enter with strangers, suspicious people into the entrance, the elevator;

Once alone with a stranger in an elevator, you should immediately exit;

When attacked, you need to call for help, ring someone's door.

modern dwelling- the focus of various networks of communal and individual household support. In a modern well-appointed apartment, a closed, branched electrical wiring has been laid, networks of pipes for water supply, heating, as well as sewerage have been laid. for removal of various household waste. Many kitchens are equipped with gas stoves, the gas to which is supplied through pipelines. Under these conditions, a variety of extreme situations are possible. All pipelines in which, as a result of long-term operation, exposure to the environment, are susceptible to corrosion, wear out. Sometimes it is not at all necessary to be a specialist in order to deal with a particular situation, to try to prevent serious consequences.


Each section of the pipeline has a central, intermediate and terminal cocks (valves). In case of water leakage from the tap, it is necessary to close the intermediate one, and in the event of a serious accident, close the central valve, which is usually located in the basement of the entrance, the terminal and intermediate taps in the apartment. The same should be done in the event of an accident in the heating system. All emergencies must be reported to the house management, call in specialists and try to prevent severe flooding of the apartment, since flooding can lead to a short circuit in the electrical wiring, and this, in turn, to electric shock and fire in the house.


This situation is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences. In the event of a fire, it is necessary to localize the source of ignition, preventing the access of air to the fire. If a fire is caused by a short circuit in the electrical wiring, turn off the electrical distribution switch located on the landing of each floor, then, if possible, turn off the central switch of the entrance. Next, you need to call the fire brigade and start extinguishing the fire with available improvised means (water, sand, etc.). The main thing in this situation is to notify the neighbors of the fire and save the people caught in the fire.

Building destruction.

This extreme situation can occur as a result of an explosion or due to the destruction of building structures. In this situation, it is necessary to show determination, courage, and most importantly, restraint, to properly organize the rescue of people, to prevent panic (often people in a panic state rush from the windows of the upper floors). When buildings are destroyed, flooding, fire, and electrical wiring can occur. In any case, the most important thing in this situation is to organize the rescue of people, especially from the upper floors.

1.3. Places where people gather.

Congested places, where it is easy for criminals to commit crimes and hide, are areas of increased danger. It can be railway stations , parks , cinemas , places of various festivities , underground passages, etc. .

At train stations, a criminal can hide, getting lost among people, sitting on any train. Stations with their crowds attract mainly thieves and swindlers, “homeless people”, since among a large number of people there will always be simpletons who are easy to deceive. While at the station, the following safety rules should be observed:

Do not leave things unattended;

Do not trust your things, luggage to strangers;

Do not exchange large bills for smaller ones without special need;

In order not to become a victim of fraud, you should not play various lotteries, "thimbles", take part in draws and draws. After standing for a few minutes and looking closely at who is constantly playing and winning, you can see for yourself that these are the same faces.

parks- favorite gathering places for young people, teenagers, various companies, places for drinking alcohol, and a person in a state of intoxication loses control over himself, attracts robbers and criminals of all stripes. It is easy for a criminal to hide in the park, so you should not go into secluded wilderness places, you should stay near people.

city ​​markets are also high risk areas. These are possible places of accumulation of thieves, robbers, swindlers. Here it is also easy for a criminal to hide, lost in the crowd.

Later, at night, it is better to bypass dangerous places: let the path lengthen, but the degree of danger will decrease. If possible, try to avoid contact with anyone. When threatened, it is best to flee. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to use all available improvised means for self-defense. Having become a victim of a robber, a rapist, you should try to remember his faces, clothes and other signs and immediately report to the police.

1.4 Transport.

All people, regardless of age and position, use different types of vehicles. But not everyone thinks that modern transport is a zone of increased danger. A feature of modern transport is its high saturation with energy. The most energy-intensive types of vehicles are trams, trolleybuses, subway and railway transport.

Fundamentals of life safety in transport

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Fundamentals of life safety. Security in the city and public transport.

Bus safety.

The bus system is the most developed transport connection in our country. Not a single settlement can do without this species.
transport. Buses are constantly used both within settlements and between them.
The inexperience of drivers, the poor quality of roads, the deliberate violation of traffic rules become the causes of unforeseen accidents in which people die or are injured.

Safety rules when using bus transport:

Avoid desert stops at night;
do not stand in the front row of the crowd when a car, electric train, etc. arrives - you may be pushed under the wheels;
do not fall asleep in transport - you can oversleep a stop or be injured during sudden braking;
do not ride on steps and footboards;
avoid empty vehicles, and if you failed, sit closer to the driver, but not by the window, but closer to the aisle;
do not make contact with suspicious or aggressive passengers, do not make eye contact with them.

The sequence of actions in an emergency situation:

1. Try to remain calm and reasonable, in no case do not give in to panic, as far as possible, prevent it from starting.
2. Using the main or emergency exits, leave the bus and help injured passengers evacuate. The emergency exit opens as follows: it is necessary to pull out the cord from the rubber window seal and squeeze out the glass. If it is impossible to open the side exits, evacuate through the upper ventilation hatches.
3. Using a first aid kit and improvised means, provide first aid to the injured.
4. Notify the police and the ambulance about the incident through the cars passing along the road.
When the bus rolls over or brakes hard, try to hold on tightly to the handrails and fix your torso in a rigid position so that you are not thrown around the cabin.
In case of flooding of the bus, for example, when it falls into the river, it is necessary to open the upper hatches and leave the passenger compartment while the bus is still afloat. If the interior is already filled with water, open all exits and get to the surface of the water.

In the event of a fire in the passenger compartment:

Don't panic;
notify the driver;
protect your respiratory organs with a handkerchief, scarf, hollow jacket, etc.;
open the doors with the emergency door release button or break the side windows with your feet while holding on to the handrails;
if possible, extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher in the cabin;
after getting out of the burning cabin, help others evacuate.
Subway safety. The subway occupies an important place in the urban transport system. The location of stations with the necessary equipment, the movement of underground trains create a number of difficulties for metro workers and passengers.
In addition to fire safety measures, measures to prevent electric shock, it is necessary to provide measures for the evacuation of passengers in the metro in case of flooding of underground stations and tunnels.

Rules for the safety of citizens when using the subway:

On the escalator, stand on the right side (facing in the direction of travel), and pass on the left;
when moving on the escalator, hold on to the handrail and do not touch the fixed parts of the escalator;
hold the things that you put on the steps of the escalator;
when leaving the escalator, do not linger, lift the long skirts of clothing, hold the child by the hand or in your arms;
if the escalator began to accelerate, and the brakes did not work, the only right decision is to jump over the balustrade to the next staircase;
on the platform while waiting for the train, place yourself evenly along the length of the train;
if before your eyes someone fell between the cars of a standing train, immediately give a sign to the driver with circular movements of the hand, then call any subway employee;
if you find yourself on the way, do not try to climb the platform yourself: it is under it that the 825-volt contact rail is located;
if you are on the way, and the train has not yet entered the station, run to the "head" of the platform - to the clock;
if the train has already appeared, lie down between the rails;
noticing a suitcase, box, bag left on the platform or in the car, inform the metro worker about it, and move away from the found object as far as possible - it is possible that there is a bomb in it;
leaving your belongings in the car, tell the duty officer the route number of the outgoing train (it is written on the windshield of the last car) and the number of the car in which you were traveling;
if the car stands in the tunnel for a long time and the passengers begin to suffocate, faint, open or break the windows (for example, with a fire extinguisher).

In the subway it is strictly forbidden:

Go beyond the boundary line at the edge of the platform and approach the car until the train stops completely;
sit on the steps of the escalator, lean on and put things on the handrails, run along the escalator and platform;
descend on the paths and walk on the paths;
open the doors of the car during the movement, delay the closing and opening of the doors of the cars at stops;
enter the station and ride on trains in a state of intoxication;
smoking at stations and in carriages;
transport flammable, explosive, toxic, poisonous substances and objects, household and gas cylinders;
without extreme need to walk on a non-working escalator - it can start moving.

City safety.

Under unfavorable circumstances, a modern city becomes unsafe for a person. Threat to the health and life of citizens
represent public transport, cinema visits, late-night entertainment. A large crowd of people, dulling the attention of a person, also makes it easier for attackers to fulfill their criminal intentions.
In the city, with a large crowd of people and rather close buildings, natural bad weather and natural disasters are much more dangerous than in the countryside. If there is a violation of the timeliness of medical care, uninterrupted supply of water, electricity and gas, reliable operation of transport, the city dweller experiences a feeling of discomfort and often becomes helpless.

In order to avoid extreme situations in the city, adhere to the following rules:

Avoid poorly lit and sparsely populated places;
keep money or jewelry in your inner pocket, do not show it to strangers;
do not open your wallet in front of strangers;
if you need to travel around the city at night, use a taxi, do not agree to be picked up by strangers;
when searching for the required address, contact different people, since the only answer may be wrong;
avoid large crowds of people;
do not approach, out of curiosity, a place where any meeting is taking place or something has happened;
be careful on the road, regardless of whether you are a pedestrian or a driver.

Safety in crowded places.

Remember that if a rally is banned, then it turns into an extreme situation even before it starts. At the rally, observe the following safety rules:
leave the children at home;
do not take with you piercing and cutting objects, as well as a bag;
do not wear a tie, scarf;
without extreme necessity, do not take posters on poles and sticks;
remove various signs and symbols from your clothes;
if you are not a correspondent, do not take your camera and camera with you;
take your ID with you;
stay away from the police;
do not approach aggressive groups;
do not try to get closer to the podium or microphone;
if there is a conflict with the police, do not lose your temper, do not make sudden movements, do not shout, do not run;
if you are detained, do not try to argue on the spot and prove that you are here by chance;
if tear gas is used to disperse a demonstration, protect your mouth and nose with a handkerchief soaked in any liquid, blink your eyes often;
never move against the crowd, avoid its center, as well as the edge, dangerous proximity to shop windows, bars, etc.;’
dodge everything that is still on the way, otherwise you may simply be crushed;
do not cling to anything with your hands - they can be broken;
do not try to pick up fallen things;
if you fall, quickly pull your legs up to you, protect your head, group up and try to stand up with a jerk;
get out of the dense but motionless crowd by pretending to be sick, drunk, crazy or pretending to be sick.

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