Lithuania travel guide download pdf. All about holidays in Lithuania: reviews, tips, guide

reservoirs 28.12.2021

And what if you don't turn onto Akropolis? The navigator with surprise draws up a new route and leads further into the depths of this country. Brackish air is blowing from the Baltic, storks walk around the fields after tractors: sometimes for Belarus, sometimes for John Deere. Lithuania is familiar in the same way as a neighbor in the stairwell: it does not make noise and sometimes helps to get something for little things. But what is it really like? The team took part in the 24 Hours of Stories Without Borders project for the second time and went to Lithuania to get to know it again.

The teams participating in the match were determined to win. To do this, it was necessary to visit the maximum number of locations scattered throughout the country in 24 hours, simultaneously completing simple tasks. Let's let them figure out who is the best in motorsport orienteering, and we'll go on a short tour of the places that we found the most attractive. This is the real Lithuania, where, however, Belarusians rarely go. And it's worth getting there. Here's a good itinerary for the whole weekend.

Where will we go

The project "24 Hours of Stories Without Borders" was launched in Vilnius, in the courtyard of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus

Sesikai Castle

Location: Vilnius county, Ukmergė district, Sesikai township.

How to get there: The castle is located about 100 km from Vilnius. By car, you need to go to the north-west, to the central part of Lithuania. Most of the way - to the city of Ukmergė - will pass along the A2 highway.

Navigator coordinates: 55.2864355 24.5135558.

Everyone who went to Lithuania for the weekend knows that one of the most difficult puzzles is to successfully choose a checkpoint in order to stop standing at the border less. Sometimes you are lucky, but at the height of the tourist season or on the eve of a big weekend, you stand in line for hours.

If many people know the road from the border to Vilnius well, then Belarusians go farther than the Lithuanian capital much less frequently. And if they go, then mainly to well-known places: Palanga, Kaunas, Druskininkai. We were looking for the real Lithuania, so we went to a place where cars with foreign numbers are rarely seen.

On the A2 highway we go to the north-west, in the direction of the city of Ukmergė. A2 is a freeway, it is unusual for Belarusians to see the corresponding green sign at the edge of the road. The speed limit here is 130 km/h. And you need to know about this - information about the speed limits in force in Lithuania hangs at the entrance to the country next to the border checkpoints. Speed ​​limit signs are only found on the freeway in special cases, such as when the road is being repaired. Then you will be sequentially slowed down to 110, 90, 70, and if necessary, to 50 km/h. We found ourselves in such a situation more than once, but each time the speed reduction occurred in the normal mode: no one urgently slowed down, each driver had the opportunity to calmly choose the speed of movement, we did not see any dangerous situations.

There were no questions about the quality of highways either. This also applies to the road surface, and road signs, and reflective elements on the fences on both sides of the carriageway (these elements are white on the left, orange on the right). Lithuanians themselves are generally satisfied with their roads, but the opinion of drivers from Belarus is definitely interested. The question is the same: who has better roads?

From Ukmergė we turn west and very soon we find ourselves in a picturesque place on the shore of Lake Sesikai. Here, for 500 years, the castle of the same name has been reflected in the water. He, of course, knew better times, although you cannot call him abandoned. The lower floor was recently plastered. The windows are boarded up. Above you can see the brickwork - old, but not medieval, like the vaults of this castle. In addition to them, perhaps, almost nothing remains from the time when it was built. The castle suffered from numerous wars, burned, rebuilt.

Once upon a time, as scientists have established, there was a rich library in the castle, which was plundered at the beginning of the 18th century - then they fought with the Swedes. Another massive looting happened during the Second World War - unique manuscripts, archives, art objects disappeared. It is not known whether they were destroyed or are in private collections.

In former times, the castle was protected from enemies by water: a lake on one side and a deep moat on the other. There is no moat, but there is a ditch where the mother duck took her ducklings, basking in the sun. The ditch is still a frontier line today. The dogs on the other side raised a howl - guests in cars are rarely seen here.

We didn’t meet anyone else on the weekend in Sesikai. People were swimming in the lake overlooking the frozen time. Lithuanians come here from nearby towns and villages to spend time in nature.

This place does not look abandoned. Someone is carefully mowing the lawn in front of the castle, the access road is in perfect order, besides, it was noticeable that some restoration work is being carried out in the castle itself, albeit very slowly. As we have learned, Seshikai, like many other historical sites, was transferred to a private person - on the condition that funds are invested in its maintenance and reconstruction. They say that the current owner strives to preserve the authenticity of the castle, despite the fact that there is practically no information about its original form. If everything works out, then the owner will have to expand the entrance and equip the parking lot. In the meantime, this is a very quiet, cozy place on the shores of a beautiful lake. Come to rest in the shade of the ancient walls, have a picnic on the shore or take a walk in the garden.

Windmill near the town of Šeduva

Location: Siauliai county, Radviliskis district, Šeduva town.

How to get there: the mill is located halfway between Panevezys and Siauliai - these cities are about 35 km away. Vilnius is about 170 km away.

Navigator coordinates: 55.760674 23.7414903.

Panevezys remains on the sidelines, we move west, in the direction of Šiauliai. We leave the motorway, the speed drops to 120 or to 90 km/h, depending on the road class.

Car owners are not charged for driving on Lithuanian highways, only truck and bus drivers pay.

Speed ​​control is carried out both automatically (as in Belarus, in this case, warning signs are pre-installed, although they look a little different), and manually - police officers “shoot” with a radar. Responsibility for violation of the speed limit a year and a half ago: for exceeding 30 km / h or more in Lithuania, they are deprived of a driver's license. However, in some cases, the fine can reach 550 euros.

In addition, there are sections of roads where radars are installed that measure not the current speed of the car, but the average one, that is, measurements are made over a fairly long segment - you won’t slow down in time. The system is undergoing a testing phase, until there was information that, based on this data, motorists are already being held accountable.

Lithuanian drivers do not drive fast. So much so that a foreigner always has doubts: does he himself exceed? But there are also reckless drivers - those who blink their headlights on the highway and rush along the extreme left lane faster than the prescribed 130 km / h.

Halfway between Panevezys and Siauliai, not far from the road, there is another location. This is a stone windmill, which was built, as they say, in 1905 - rather late. Therefore, after 60 years, the practical need for the object has disappeared. But it was not destroyed, but adapted to the needs of the time: they arranged a restaurant inside. To this day, visitors are fed in the mill.

In some places there is a story about an evil spirit that lived in a mill and from time to time repaired all sorts of outrages - as a rule, in relation to girls. There is no documentary evidence for these cases, but eating zeppelins under the arches of a haunted building is even more delicious.

Speaking of zeppelins. A pair of these prepared according to a national recipe will cost 4.5 euros. Soup costs about 1.5-2 euros. Meat and fish dishes - from about 8.5 euros.

The mill has three floors, which is convenient when, for example, a large company is celebrating something. They are given a whole floor, and stone walls and thick ceilings provide fairly good sound insulation: no one interferes with anyone.

There is a public breathalyzer at the exit of the restaurant. You pay 1 euro, insert a tube, exhale and find out your own ppm. By the way, doctors advise even after drinking kvass to take a walk in the fresh air before driving.

In summer, you can also have a snack under a canopy on the street. In general, the territory is equipped and disposes to organizing celebrations - there is even a separate building for them. In addition, there is a pond with goldfish nearby, romantic swings, funny idols in the garden - everything you need for romantic photo shoots. You can ride horses or even stay for a few days - there is a motel.

We did not notice cars with Belarusian license plates in the parking lot, but Lithuanians often come to this place: to celebrate an anniversary, have a wedding, or just have a snack, and then take a walk in nature. The atmosphere is conducive.

Mountain of Crosses

Location: Siauliai county, Siauliai region.

How to get there: this place is located about 12 km north of Šiauliai, you need to go along the A12 motorway, which leads towards Riga. From Vilnius to the Hill of Crosses is about 225 km.

Navigator coordinates: 56.0161449 23.4185031.

One of the most amazing places in Lithuania is located 12 km north of Siauliai. Many have heard about it, but even having been there, it is difficult to decide on your own impressions. In the same way, it is difficult to get to the bottom of the history of the appearance of this mountain - the mountain of crosses.

A narrow road leads to the location, and at first it was difficult to imagine what awaits us on the spot. From afar, it looked like a hill overgrown with shrubs and trees, although it was known that these were crosses. But it is impossible to imagine how many of them are here: large, small, installed in the ground and simply hung one on one. They say that about 100 thousand crosses fit in. It is possible, although hardly anyone will undertake to count them.

This place resembles a cemetery, although it is not. There are several versions of when crosses began to appear on the hill. Some argue that it all began during the baptism of these lands. According to another version, the crosses were erected in the 19th century, in memory of the Lithuanians who died during the uprising against the Russian Empire. There is, of course, a legend about a temple that went underground, and a legend about a miraculously healed child.

In Soviet times, they tried to destroy the mountain four times (!) Bulldozers came, crosses were pulled out of the ground. There were even fires. Each time, the hill grew again as a symbol of faith, although surely those who carry crosses here perceive this faith in their own way.

In 1993, Pope John Paul II visited the Hill of Crosses. He celebrated mass here and erected another cross. Following the pontiff, pilgrims from different parts of the world came here. On some crosses there are tablets with names, someone leaves a rosary or pectoral crosses here. Swayed by the wind, they touch, creating a special chime of this place.

The cemetery is not a cemetery, and walking here is creepy even in good weather. The already narrow paths are constantly overgrown with new crosses. You turn the wrong way and instantly find yourself in a dead end, surrounded on all sides by crosses. It is better for impressionable people not to come here in the evening, and even more so at night, so as not to be overly impressed - the atmosphere is too inviting.

Nearby is a modern building. Many are initially frightened, mistaking it for a crematorium. In fact, this is a functioning monastery.

Deep believers say that the place has a sacred meaning, and the one who left the cross here finds good luck and blessings. Therefore, there are more and more crosses on the hill. And there are not only Christian symbols - here in this matter there is complete tolerance, by the way. In any case, it is worth coming here, because it is unlikely that you will see something like this anywhere else. If you want, bring your own cross or just look at the hill from the side. You will certainly not remain indifferent.

Observation tower Šiaulės

Location: Siauliai county, Radviliski district.

How to get there: this tower will have to be looked for a bit, it is located away from settlements, about 35 km south of Šiauliai. Vilnius is about 240 km away.

Navigator coordinates: 55.6455652 23.4192118.

In the settlements of Lithuania, the maximum permitted speed is 50 km/h. On country roads - 90 km / h, unless otherwise indicated by signs. These small secondary roads in the neighboring state can be divided into two categories: new and old. The old ones are very similar to Belarusian ones. They are not bad, but with their own characteristics - shakes, in short. There is trouble with designations, it throws up on speed bumps.

New roads are a completely different matter. And it's not just about excellent asphalt. The road is marked with reflectors as an expressway. Speed ​​bumps are as wide as in the city and are also marked on the sides with columns with reflectors. Even in the dark they can be seen from a great distance - there is time to slow down.

Speed ​​bump in Lithuania

Villages in Lithuania, as well as in Belarus, are not crowded. But on the roads you can easily meet some kind of living creature - either near the settlement, or directly in it. So, in one of the villages we met a hedgehog crossing the road. While talking about life, a tractor arrived. Tractor drivers in all countries are harsh people - this was not particularly embarrassing for people on the road, but it seems that he did not see a hedgehog at all. I had to urgently grab the prickly one and carry it off the road.

Storks nest all over Lithuania. The chicks have grown up and sit in the nests, as a rule, in threes: two large birds and one smaller one. The best thing for them is plowing in the field. Dozens of storks regularly take care of the equipment - they get food.

We noticed that along many, many sections of high-speed roads throughout Lithuania, a protective net has been installed to prevent animals from entering the roadway.

Moving along the corn field, we noticed a couple of small boars on the road. They didn’t go out - their mother could be nearby, what should I explain to her later? Yes, and the pigs instantly rustled between the thick stems. Already in Vilnius, a fox met - it was also going to cross the roadway.

At sunset we arrived at the Šiaulės observation tower south of Siauliai.

There are many similar towers in Lithuania, they are made in different styles, sometimes they look like something futuristic, and sometimes they have familiar outlines. For example, one of the towers is made in the form of a canoe.

The Šiaulės tower has 119 steps. From its top, a wonderful view of typical Lithuania opens up.

At sunset, this is the right place for a romantic date. Couples look at the sun for a long time or arrange impromptu photo shoots here. Again, we did not meet Belarusian cars here on the day off, and it is unlikely that foreigners will go here on purpose. But when driving somewhere nearby, do not be too lazy to make a detour and visit the observation tower. Entrance to it is free, and a little physical education is good for health, and definitely worth the view that will open before you.

Liduven railway bridge

Location: Kaunas county, Raseina district.

How to get there: the bridge will also have to be looked for, since there are no large settlements nearby. It is located 15 km north of Raseiniai and offers a beautiful view from the road bridge over the Dubysa River. Vilnius is approximately 190 km from here.

Navigator coordinates: 55.505430 23.086143.

This bridge is by far the largest in Lithuania, if not even in the Baltics. Its length is almost 599 meters, height - 42 meters. It spreads across the valley of the Dubysa River, and trains still run along it.

By the way, the Ministry of Culture of Lithuania also takes care of the maintenance of this building, since the object is a cultural value. In general, they even plan to lead excursions to the Liduvensky Bridge - 200 people at a time. The program is currently being worked out and some issues are being coordinated with the railway: it is necessary to decide when tourists walk on the bridge and when trains run.

But it all started back in 1912, when the Germans built a flyover at this place, then still made of wood. Soon a metal railway bridge appeared, but in 1944 it was blown up. The bridge that still stands today was built in 1952.

But this story is not only about the railway bridge. In search of it, we got lost on some forgotten gravel paths in the middle of agricultural land. It got dark. The bridge was nowhere to be seen, although the navigator happily reported the arrival. Something didn't fit.

An Audi with Lithuanian license plates drove by. Out of the darkness, two people stepped towards the car. Not every driver would slow down at the request of two strangers in a field at night. But the Lithuanian slowed down. Behind the wheel was a strong guy who spoke neither Russian nor English. We happily wished him a good day at this late hour (laba diena) and showed him a picture of the bridge we were looking for. The driver nodded his head confidently, but communication still did not work out: he diligently explained everything in Lithuanian, but how was he to be understood? The guy called the one who speaks Russian to enlist his support, but we stubbornly did not understand where we should go. If our assistant had business that evening, he put it aside for a while. In the end, unable to cope with the navigator, the Audi driver waved his hand, inviting them to follow his car. After a fairly long trip, we drove onto an asphalt road, which eventually led us to the bridge.

To talk about how Belarusians are treated in Lithuania. Nowhere have we encountered aggression or hostility towards us, no matter what language we speak. People more often sincerely tried to help.

Lighthouse at Cape Vente

Location: Klaipeda district, Silute region, Vente cape.

How to get there: in fact, this is one of the most remote points in Lithuania. The lighthouse is located on Cape Vente in the Curonian Lagoon - a lagoon of the Baltic Sea. Not far away, the Neman flows into the bay - the border between Lithuania and the Kaliningrad region of Russia runs along the river. To Klaipeda from this cape about 40 km, to Vilnius - all 320 km.

Holidays in Lithuania can be a good option for travelers who prefer a mild, cool climate, families with children, and especially for older people. The latter will be able to improve their health in one of the many healing resorts in Lithuania. Again - paying for it noticeably less than in other European countries. In addition, Lithuania will not let demanding lovers of sights get bored either: the country has something to see both in terms of historical “excursions” and natural beauties. Other pleasant bonuses that Lithuania welcomes tourists with are the lack of a language barrier, non-extreme cuisine (“acclimatization” is not required even for delicate stomachs) and a short flight. In a word, if you are still wondering whether Lithuania is suitable as a vacation destination - put aside your doubts and buy a tour!

The capital is Vilnius. Large cities - Trakai, Kaunas, Siauliai.

The main medical resorts: Birštonas, Druskininkai, Neringa, Palanga.

Beach resorts: Klaipeda, Palanga, Neringa and the entire Curonian Spit.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Lithuania

First of all, it is worth visiting the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius. In the second - Kaunas or Trakai. Kaunas, the second largest and most important city in Lithuania, was founded in 1280 at the confluence of the two largest Lithuanian rivers: Nemunas and Neris. The buildings of the Gothic style here include the Kaunas Castle and the house of Pärkunas. The Palace of Princes Masalsky is a creation of the Renaissance. And in the baroque style, the Camaldolian monastery in Pažaislis, the city hall and the Jesuit church were built.

Trakai is the famous ancient capital of Lithuania, where in the Middle Ages the residence of the rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was located, Trakai Castle was built as a defensive fortress, used as a prison, and in the 17th century it was completely neglected. Now the island castle (the only one in all of Eastern Europe) is one of the most visited historical and architectural monuments of Lithuania. Since 1962, the historical museum has been located here, republican events, festivals and concerts have been held here. In Trakai itself, you can also see a lot of interesting things: the Dominican monastery, the Church of the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God, residential houses of the Karaites, an ethnographic exhibition of the Karaites, Kenesa (the cult building of the Karaites) and the column of St. Jan Nepomukas, protector of the local lakes.

Užupis (District) - the abode of artists, musicians and poets - is called the "Vilnius Montmartre". Not so long ago, its inhabitants (not that seriously, but not entirely in jest) declared themselves an independent republic.

Kernavė is the oldest known capital of Lithuania, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2004. In Kernavė, the prehistory of the Balts and the origins of the Lithuanian state are best traced. The local historical and archaeological museum-reserve presents all eras, starting from the 10th millennium BC. e. and ending with the early Middle Ages. In July, “Days of Living History” are held in Kernavė: at this time, medieval artisans work there again, warriors test weapons, and women treat idle tourists with old dishes.

There are five national parks in Lithuania: Aukstaitia, Dzukia, Samogitia (all three were created in original ethnic regions), the Curonian Spit and the Trakai Historical National Park. Plus - 30 regional parks.

Vilnius on the map

The Cathedral Square in Vilnius is located in the Old Town at the foot of the Castle Hill at the intersection of the main streets - the ancient Piles Street and Gediminas Avenue. Cathedral Square is the main square of the city, where holidays are celebrated, military parades, concerts and celebrations are held.

The most significant building on the square is the Vilnius Cathedral, which is the basilica of Saints Stanislav and Vladislav. It received the status of a cathedral in 1922; it is the main temple of Lithuania, where all state, folk and Christian holidays are celebrated.

From the side of the facade at the top of the cathedral there are three statues: in the middle - St. Helena with a gilded cross, along the edges - St. Stanislav and St. Casimir. The facade is also decorated with:

  • In the niches are the figures of the four evangelists, made by the Italian sculptor Tommaso Righi.
  • Above are four bas-reliefs with scenes of the acts of the apostles.
  • In niches on both sides of the portico - sculptures of Moses and Abraham
  • Gypsum sculptures can be seen in the niches of the side porticos.
    • on the south side - the seven kings of the Jagiellonian dynasty
    • from the north - five saints of the Jesuit order, made by the sculptor Kazimir Yelsky.


It is assumed that the Christian church was erected by the great Lithuanian prince Mindreg after his baptism in 1251. Later, the prince returned to paganism, destroyed the church building and in 1261 built a pagan temple. In 1387, the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello erected a Christian church of St. Stanislaus on this site.

During its history, the temple was repeatedly subjected to fires, destruction and after that it was restored and rebuilt.

During the Second World War, divine services were held in the cathedral, and later a warehouse was arranged in it. In 1950, the statues of saints were removed and destroyed from the roof of the temple, and in 1956 an art gallery was opened in the building. On Sundays, organ music concerts were held here.

Since 1985, services have been held weekly in the temple, although an art gallery was still located here.

In 1989, the cathedral was returned to the church - it was consecrated and the relics of St. Casimir were transferred to it, and sculptures of saints were again installed on the facade.

The basement of the Cathedral served as the tomb of the great people of the Principality of Lithuania - princes, bishops and nobles. Under the chapel of St. Casimir rests the Grand Duke of Lithuania, King Alexander of Poland. This is the only ruler buried in.

The cathedral also houses:

  • Lithuanian prince Vitugas the Great, grandson of Gediminas with his wife Anna.
  • Two wives of Sigismund August - Queen Elizabeth of Habsburg and Barbara Radvilaitė, who was considered the most beautiful woman in Europe.
  • An urn with the heart of King Vladislav Vasa is immured in the wall of the cathedral.
  • Like any ancient building, the Cathedral keeps its secret and everyone who tries to get into it is punished. An inscription on one of the chapels reads: "Whoever defiles a holy place will be unhappy." In life, this prediction comes true: everyone who led the excavations soon died. Among the reasons are called special microbes, the curse of the Lord and just coincidences. In any case, the cathedral in Vilnius keeps a secret, which everyone is afraid to understand.
  • On the square, one of the plates has the inscription Stebuklas, which means “miracle” in Lithuanian, the author of the idea is the Lithuanian artist Gityanis Umbrasis. There is a belief that if you stand on this stove and make a wish, and then turn around yourself three times, then the wish will surely come true.
  • It is believed that it was from this plate that a living chain about 600 kilometers long lined up in 1989. Two million inhabitants of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, joining hands, formed the world's longest human chain, thus trying to draw attention to the events taking place in the Baltics.
  • The brown stripe on the square indicates the boundary of the ancient defensive wall.
  • Previously, on the Cathedral Square there was a square, which was unofficially called Telyachy. The garden was landscaped for the 100th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin in 1899, there was a monument to the poet and the square was called Pushkin.

Bell tower on Cathedral Square

Near the Cathedral there is a bell tower 57 meters high. At its base lies a tower built in the 13th century and part of the defensive complex of the Lower Castle.

In 1522, under the guidance of the Italian architect Annus, two octagonal tiers for bells were built on the defensive round tower, and the third upper tier was built at the end of the 16th century and later a clock was installed on it. The lower round part of the tower belongs to the Gothic style, the two middle tiers have baroque features, and the upper part is built in the classicist style.

A clock with a diameter of two meters was installed in the 17th century. Four dials have only hour hands. The rim, numbers and hands of the watch are covered with gilding.

During wars and fires in the 17th - 19th centuries, the bell tower was destroyed several times, after which it was rebuilt. In the 19th century, it was covered with tin, an eight-meter-high spire with a gilded ball and a five-meter-high cross was installed.

In 1967, 17 bells of various sizes were installed on the bell tower, which rang during holidays and celebrations, and also announced the noon time.

Monument to Gediminas

On the square there is a monument to the founder of Vilnius - the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas. The pedestal of the monument is a gift to the city from the Ukrainian government, and the sculpture itself is made of bronze confiscated at customs.

lower lock

The lower castle was located at the foot of the Castle Hill and was a complex of buildings, including the Palace of the Grand Duke. The beginning of its construction dates back to the first half of the 14th century. The lower castle was surrounded by stone walls with four towers and gates, bridges and defensive moats. On the territory of the castle were:

  • Palace of the Grand Duke of Lithuania
  • Palace Services
  • Houses of monks and merchants
  • Warehouses of goods and products.

From the middle of the 14th century, the Lower Castle became the residence of the Lithuanian prince. In the years 1520-1533 the Great Palace was built in the Renaissance style, it was the heyday of the Palace of the rulers of Lithuania. In the 16th century, Grand Dukes Sigismund August and Sigismund the Old, Queens Barbara Radvilaitė and Bonna Sforza lived in the castle.

The palace was badly damaged during the war with the Muscovite state, and at the end of the 18th century, during the expansion of the city, the building was almost completely destroyed. At the beginning of the 19th century, the tsarist authorities gave the order to demolish the palace and plant trees on this site.

After the independence of Lithuania, it was decided to re-create the Palace of the Rulers, and in 2002 work began on the construction of a historic building. In July 2009, its official opening took place, timed to coincide with the 1000th anniversary of the first mention of Lithuania. The National Museum of the Historic Residence began to operate in the Palace, where historical artifacts are stored. Various events are also held here, including a representative function - during the opening of the Palace, it was visited by the heads of 15 states.

From the fortress wall of the Lower Castle, only the western tower remained, on the basis of which a bell tower 57 meters high was built, on the upper tier of which there is an observation deck, from where a beautiful view of the city opens.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Lower Castle Palace became the place where opera was performed for the first time in Europe. In other European cities at that time, almost no one knew about this genre of art.

Address of the Lower Castle (Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania)

Katedros a. 4, LT-01143 Vilnius

Opening hours of the Lower Castle (Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania) in 2019

  • June to August
    • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00
    • Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 20:00
  • September to May
    • Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00
    • Thursday from 10:00 to 20:00
    • Sunday from 10:00 to 16:00
    • Monday - day off
  • The box office closes an hour early
  • The museum is closed on January 1, April 21 and 22, May 1 and 5, November 1, December 24, 25 and 26

The cost of tickets to the Lower Castle (Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania) in 2019

  • For adults - 7 euros
  • For schoolchildren, students and pensioners - 3.50 euros
  • For children under 7 years old - free of charge
  • The ticket price is indicated for visiting the entire palace. It is also possible to purchase a ticket for a separate route costing from 2 to 4 euros

Official website of Vilnius Lower Castle (Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania)

Upper castle

The Upper Castle is located on the Castle Hill, you can go to it along the path that you will see next to the Lower Castle in the Šventaragis square. The upper castle is located on a hill overgrown with bushes and trees, and on its top rises the tower of Gediminas, the only surviving fortification.

The Gediminas Tower is a symbol and example of Gothic architecture. At the top of the tower on a flagpole is the national flag of Lithuania.

The height of the tower, built of unhewn rubble stone and red brick, is 20 meters.

Upper Castle - observation deck on the tower of Gediminas

At the top of the Gediminas Tower is an observation deck, located at a height of 48 meters from the base of the mountain and 142 meters above sea level. 78 steps of a spiral staircase lead to the observation deck.

The observation deck offers a beautiful view of the Old Town, the valley of the Vilnius River, as well as modern skyscrapers.

Currently, the tower houses a branch of the Lithuanian National Museum. Among the exhibits of the museum are the weapons and combat armor of the Lithuanian warriors of the XIII-XVIII centuries.

Tourists can climb to the observation deck not only on foot, but also by funicular, the entrance to which is located in the courtyard of the National Museum in the Lower Castle.

Address of Gediminas Tower (Upper Castle)

st. Arsenalo, 5, LT-01143 Vilnius

Opening hours of the Tower of Gediminas (Upper Castle) in 2019

  • The mountain is surrounded by a fence that is locked at night. You can climb to the castle:
    • From May to September from 10:00 to 21:00
    • From October to April from 10:00 to 18:00
  • Museum and observation deck in the Upper Castle are open:
  • Funicular:
    • From April to September daily from 10:00 to 21:00
    • From October to March daily from 10:00 to 18:00
    • The ticket office closes half an hour earlier

Ticket prices for Gediminas Tower (Upper Castle) in 2019

  • Museum ticket price
    • For adults - 5 euros
    • For schoolchildren, students and pensioners - 2 euros
    • For preschool children - free of charge
  • Funicular to the Castle Hill
    • Round trip - 2 euros
    • One way (up or down) - 1 euro
    • We recommend not to use the funicular - a person with average health can climb the mountain, and even more so go down
    • Ticket offices are located only at the foot of the mountain. There are no ticket offices at the top of the mountain, so when traveling only downhill, you will have to pay for the ticket at the ticket office upon arrival

From the history

According to historians, the first wooden castle on Castle Hill was built in the 10th-13th centuries. The stone fortress was built later by the Lithuanian prince Gediminas in the 14th century. In the XV century, under the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas, the castle was significantly strengthened - the width of the fortress wall was 3 meters and guard towers were built. The Crusaders attacked the castle several times, but were never able to take it.

During the war between Poland and Lithuania and Russia, Russian troops unsuccessfully tried to capture the fortress for 16 months. During prolonged attacks, the castle was partially destroyed.

Over time, the fortress lost its defensive value, besides, it began to collapse. Therefore, in the 19th century, it was decided to demolish the remains of the southern and northern towers.

Optical telegraph

In the 19th century, an extension was made to the surviving western tower with a beacon for an optical telegraph between St. Petersburg and Warsaw. It was the longest telegraph line in the world - 1200 km long. Only reflective mirrors and lamps were used to transmit signals.

It took 22 minutes to transmit 45 prearranged signals from St. Petersburg to Warsaw, and 2,000 people served the line. Also, by optical telegraph, it was possible to transmit signals from to Gatchina and St. Petersburg, Warsaw and Pskov.

This type of communication was expensive and dependent on the weather and therefore did not become popular.

Legend of the Upper Castle

According to an ancient legend, Prince Gediminas and his entourage hunted in these places, and when the tired hunters scattered around the tents and went to bed, the prince dreamed of a huge wolf howling on a high hill. The prince began to shoot arrows at him, but they all bounced off him. The ferocious beast turned out to be dressed in iron armor. The pagan priest interpreted this dream in this way: the prince must build a castle on a hill at the mouth of the Vilnia River, which will be formidable and impregnable, and next to it, establish a city that will glorify Lithuania to the whole world. The prince liked the words of the soothsayer and, returning to Trakai, he ordered a fortress to be built on the hill, and a city to be built in the valley. Since that time, the mountain on which the fortress was built is called Castle and Gediminas Mountain, and the symbol of the city is a wolf dressed in armor.

Official website of the Tower of Gediminas (Upper Castle)

Mountain of Crosses

Vilnius University is the oldest institution of higher education in Lithuania with 12 faculties, eight institutes and 10 research centers. It has over 20 thousand students. Vilnius University is the only one in the Baltic States included in the world ranking of universities.

Vilnius University is a whole scientific city, it includes:

  • oldest library
  • Three university hospitals
  • astronomical observatory
  • Botanical Garden
  • Computing center
  • Church of Saint John

The history of the emergence of the University is connected with the period of the reformation, when the Jesuits were invited to fight against its ideas, who settled in houses near the Church of St. John.

In 1569, they organized a collegium - a school where, in addition to church subjects, they taught ancient Greek and mathematics, history and geography, rhetoric and poetry. Basically, the children of the nobility studied at the school.

In 1579, the educational institution received the status of the University. Initially, it had two faculties - philosophy and theology, then two more were opened - law and medicine. Soon an astronomical observatory was organized, which became the fourth in Europe and the first in Eastern Europe. Vilnius University was known in all European countries - people came here to study and work from Denmark, Italy and Scotland, England and other countries of Western Europe.

In 1832, Tsar Nicholas I ordered the closure of the educational institution, believing that it was a hotbed of free-thinking and love of freedom. The university reopened after the First World War.

Vilnius University can be seen in the mini-Europe miniature park in the Belgian capital Brussels, which presents the main sights of Europe.

The University complex includes 13 courtyards, the most notable of which is the Great Courtyard with open galleries built in the 17th century. There you will see memorial plaques with the names of prominent graduates of the educational institution.

The oldest part of the University is the inner courtyard of Sarbeviy, located to the north of the Great Courtyard and named after the Polish Latin poet Matvei Casimir Sarbeviy. For his services, Pope Urban VIII awarded the poet a medal and crowned him with a laurel wreath. A memorial plaque made of white marble installed here tells about the merits of Sarbeviy,

Through a covered passage on the western side of the Great Courtyard, one can go to the Observatory courtyard, where the observatory building is located with cylindrical towers crowned with domes and signs of the zodiac.

In addition to the above courtyards, the university complex includes:

  • Library courtyard
  • Courtyard of Dauksha, one of the creators of the Lithuanian alphabet
  • Courtyard of Daukantas - Lithuanian historian and writer-educator
  • Yard Arcade
  • Courtyard of Stuoka-Gucevičius – graduate, university professor and architect
  • Courtyard of Mickiewicz - Polish poet
  • Courtyard of Sirvydas - compiler of the Polish-Latin-Lithuanian dictionary and one of the founders of Lithuanian writing
  • Yard of the Old Printing House
  • Courtyard of Bursa
  • Yard of Stanevičius – Lithuanian poet and historian

The University in is the largest and most complex architectural complex of the Old Town, in the creation of which the best Lithuanian architects took part. This is a monument of culture and history, created over four centuries, which reflects such styles as Gothic and Classicism, Renaissance and Baroque.

Town Hall Square is one of the oldest squares. It has a triangular shape and is located between the streets of Didzhei, Vokechyu and Aushros Vartu, in the place where trade routes crossed in the old days and the market was located.

In the 15th century, inns, houses of merchants and artisans were built next to the market. The town hall was built in the 16th century. It was considered prestigious to have your house next to the square, since it was here that the center of social life was located, and on the square there was a market and executions took place.

Here was a pillory, to which the guilty were tied for execution of corporal punishment. For the execution of criminals, a gallows and a scaffold were installed, which were moved outside the city in the middle of the 17th century.

According to legend, it was here that the murder of seven Franciscan monks took place, in memory of which the Three Crosses were erected on Bald Mountain.

In the middle of the 19th century, a theater began to be located in the Town Hall, and the market was closed. The area was fenced off, trees were planted on it and it was named Theatrical.

After the Second World War, the City Hall housed the Art Museum and the square became known as the Museum Square.

During the reconstruction of 1961 - 1962, a monument was erected to the communist leader of Lithuania Vincas Mickevicius-Kapsukas. After the country gained independence, the sculpture was removed and then moved to Grutas Park.

A large-scale reconstruction was carried out in 2005-2007. Lamps and benches were installed, maples brought from Germany and bushes from Holland were planted.

The area is surrounded by old houses, including:

  • The house of the famous sculptor Mark Antokolsky, who lived in this building while passing by. And although it is written on the memorial tablet that he was born in this house, in fact he was born on Subachiaus Street, but that building, unfortunately, has not been preserved.
  • The Versme bookstore is located in a house built in the 16th-17th century and rebuilt after a fire in 1748. The building combines the features of the Renaissance, Gothic and late classicism. The design of the Versme store was done by the artist Petras Rapshis
  • Opposite you will see a complex of Guild buildings. The Small Guild is a building in the Gothic style, erected in the 15th century. Later it was restored and rebuilt several times.

Nearby is a building built in 1968 by architect Vytautas Čekanasukas, which houses the Museum of Modern Art.

Currently, the Town Hall Square is the venue for festive events, folk festivals and concerts. On New Year's Eve, a Christmas tree is set up here, and a New Year's fair is held on DJYi ​​Street.

The Church of St. Anne is an outstanding monument of Gothic architecture and one of the main attractions of Vilnius. The main facade of the church is considered the greatest masterpiece of architecture. Its main feature is the lancet arches, which form many letters A of different sizes.

A survey of the temple showed that 33 types of bricks were used in its construction, and only temperature-resistant and moisture-resistant yellow bricks were taken, which were then painted red.

From the history

According to historians, the first wooden church of St. Anne was built in 1394, and the stone church was built in 1495-1500 and consecrated on May 22, 1501. Presumably, the church was created by the Polish architect Nikolai Enkinger.

The temple was badly damaged during the fire of 1564 and was restored only in 1581. Then he acquired a form that has survived, basically, to our time.

Inside the church there are three baroque altars made by one of the most famous Lithuanian architects, Johann Christoph Glaubica.

Due to the large flow of cars along Maironio Street, where the temple is located, and the resulting vibration, cracks formed in the wall and bricks began to fall out. In 2008, the outside of the temple was partially covered with scaffolding and repaired.

In 1646, a bell tower was erected next to the temple at the expense of the Milkeviches, which was demolished during the construction of the street in 1872. Later, under the guidance of the architect Nikolai Mikhailovich Chagin, a new bell tower was built, imitating the Gothic style.

Not far from the Church of St. Anne, a monument to the Polish-Lithuanian poet Adam Mickiewicz was erected.

  • There is a legend that Napoleon, admiring the temple, regretted that he could not place it in the palm of his hand and transfer it to Paris. However, his soldiers burned all the wooden utensils of the church in 1812.
  • Nearby is the Bernardine Church - one of the largest Gothic churches in Vilnius. The Church of St. Anne forms a single architectural ensemble of this church and monastery.

Gate Aushros - Vartai - this is the only surviving gate that was part of the fortress defensive walllocated on the outskirts of the city. Also, the gates of Aushros-Vartai are called the gates of Dawn.

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the gate:

  • According to one of them, the name "Gate - Aušurus", translated as Sharp Gate, appeared due to the fact that they were located on the outskirts of Vilnius, which was called acute
  • According to another version, the gate faces east, which is why they are called the Gates of Dawn.
  • It is possible that the gate was named after the Virgin Mary - the star of the Dawn.

In medieval fortresses, chapels were installed at all gates, the shrines of which protected from enemy attacks and took care of travelers leaving the city.

At the Aushros-Vartai gate there is a chapel of the Virgin Mary, the merciful mother. Her icon was specially painted for this temple on oak boards in the 17th century. The icon is considered miraculous; around it on silver trays you can see hundreds of hearts of different sizes. The icon is worshiped by Orthodox, Catholics and Uniates who observe Greek Catholic rites.

Interesting Facts

  • In total, there are five icons in Vilnius dedicated to the Virgin Mary, who is also called the Madonna of the Gate of Dawn, and only on the icon in the Dawn Chapel is she depicted without a child in her arms.
  • According to tradition, each new bishop, before starting the service in the Vilnius Cathedral, must pass through the Aushros gate and pray to the Vilnius Madonna. Pope John Paul II, who arrived in, first of all passed through the gates of Aushros - Vartai and visited the chapel with the icon of the Virgin Mary.

Trakai is a small town located 27 kilometers from, surrounded on all sides by lakes. Numerous tourists come here to admire the beauty of the castle and Lake Galvė.

How to get to Trakai Castle

  • By bus from Vilnius bus station, st. Sodu 22. Buses depart up to 50 times a day on weekdays and 40 runs on weekends. Platforms No. 6, 7 and 8, 28 and 29, bus schedules can be found on the website

In Trakai, a walk from the bus station to the castle will take at least 20-25 minutes

  • By train from the railway station, located at st. Gelezinkalö 16, train schedule can be found on the website

Trakai castle address

Kestucio Str. 4, LT-21104, Trakai

Opening hours of Trakai Castle in 2019

  • From May to September daily from 10:00 to 19:00
  • In October from 10:00 to 18:00, Monday is a day off
  • From November to February from 9:00 to 17:00, Monday is a day off
  • From March to April from 10:00 to 18:00, Monday is a day off
  • Ticket offices close half an hour before the specified time
  • The museum closes one hour earlier on the days leading up to national holidays

The cost of tickets to Trakai Castle in 2019

  • For adults - 8 euros
  • For students and pensioners - 4 euros
  • The last Sunday of the month admission is free for all categories of visitors

From the history

The first settlement on the site of modern Trakai appeared in the XIII century, when there were battles with the Crusaders. According to legend, Grand Duke Gediminas hunted in these places and liked the picturesque place with deep lakes and dense forests so much that he ordered the construction of a castle-fortress that could block the way for the crusaders.

The construction of the fortress began, including the construction of two large castles - Island and Peninsular.

Trakai castle on the island

The construction of the Island Castle was completed under the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas at the beginning of the 15th century.

The island castle was practically inaccessible to enemies. There were often fierce battles for the Peninsula Castle. But even when the crusaders managed to break into the castle, they could not hold it.

Due to the inaccessibility of the fortress to enemies, the Grand Duke of Lithuania used Trakai as his residence and thus the city served as the capital of Lithuania.

Receptions of foreign ambassadors and numerous gentlemen were held here. The guests of the castle surprised with its external appearance and beauty of the interior decoration.

At the beginning of the 15th century, after the Battle of Grunwald, in which the crusaders suffered a crushing defeat, the fortress lost its defensive significance. From the 16th century, Lithuanian princes began to live in, and Trakai became an ordinary provincial town.

At the same time, the buildings and decoration were kept in good condition all these years. Foreign guests were received here and important documents were signed.

The year 1665 became tragic, when the fortress was taken and partially plundered by the troops of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The soldiers tried to find valuables, but all the wealth was taken out in advance or hidden in forests, cellars and at the bottom of the lake. Therefore, all searches for values ​​were in vain.

Over time, the Trakai castle was destroyed and by the beginning of the 20th century it was a ruin with the remains of frescoes, from which artists made sketches.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the buildings were mothballed. In the 30s of the last century, the restoration of the Island Castle began. But the main restoration work was carried out only after the Second World War. In the 80s, it was completely restored - it became what it was in the 15th century.

Currently, there is a historical museum on its territory, the exhibits of which will tell about the history of the region. Here you will see kitchen utensils and hunting trophies, antique items made of glass and ceramics.

During the restoration and archaeological excavations, treasures were found, 25 of which are included in the museum's exposition. In total, the museum collections contain more than 100 thousand original exhibits.

According to experts, the found treasures are just a small part of those treasures that were hidden in the ground and in the lake, forests and castle cellars.

At present, Trakai Castle has become a place for receiving delegations, heads of government, as well as a place for signing agreements and treaties. It has been visited by monarchs, presidents and prime ministers of many countries.

Legend of Trakai Castle

According to legend, if on a full moon from the opposite shore of the lake, standing in front of the southwestern tower, you stare at the castle wall, then shortly before dawn, you may see the ghost of the Lithuanian prince Vitovt. If you manage to see a ghost, then during the year you will have good luck and great prosperity.

Especially this place attracts those who are interested in the underground - a creative direction in contemporary art.

From the history

In the Middle Ages, Uzupis was a poor area, mainly small artisans and the urban poor lived here. In Soviet times, an industrial zone appeared next to the quarter and Užupis became the backyard of the industrial area, one might say, a gangster outskirts. On the wall in the center of Užupis there was even an inscription "Death Street".

At the end of the 80s of the last century, a new building of the Academy of Arts was built on the banks of the Vilnius, and representatives of the creative intelligentsia began to move to the area. Much began to change - creative people began to hold various art events, graffiti and drawings appeared on the walls of houses, and in 1997 the Republic of Užupis was proclaimed.

Užupis State

The state has its own flag and president, constitution and even an army of 12 people, and April 1 is considered the independence day of the republic. On this day, checkpoints appear on the borders of a small self-proclaimed state and everyone can put visas in their passports.

The President of the Republic Užupis is the director, poet and musician Romas Lileikis, there is also the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Information and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

You can get to Užupis via the Bernardine Bridge, which leads to Malunu or Melnichnaya Street. The street got its name thanks to the royal mills, located in the Middle Ages next to this bridge. On the left is a long two-story building that belonged to the Bernardine monastery in the 15th century. Now private apartments are located in this house, and its walls are painted with graffiti. Having reached the end of the street, you can see the Church of the Bernardines.

At the intersection of Malunu Street with Užupe Street, there is an 8.5-meter-high obelisk with an angel on top, erected in 2001 and being a symbol of the Republic of Užupis. The total height of the monument is 12.5 meters. The angel symbolizes the rebirth and artistic freedom of the republic.

Near the Bernardine Bridge is the Tibetan Square, in which colored flags are hung. Užupis has four flags, each season has its own flag, but all of them feature the coat of arms of the republic - an open palm with a hole in the middle, which symbolizes openness and selflessness.

In the summer, water sports enthusiasts raft along Vilna in kayaks, and those who wish can relax on the banks of the river, admiring its course.

  • The area of ​​Užupis is sometimes compared to the well-known Danish Christiania and to the Parisian Montmartre, which has become twinned with the Republic. In spirit, perhaps, Montmartre is similar to Užupis, but there is no external resemblance at all
  • The state has three commandments - Do not win! Don't defend yourself! Do not give up!
  • Since Soviet times, many famous people have lived and had workshops in Užupis, and now the mayor of Vilnius Arturos Zuokas lives here, taking part in some of the events of the quarter.

Uzupis is located very close to the historical center of Vilnius, not far from the Gediminas Tower, and visiting this extravagant place will be interesting for those who appreciate naturalness and calmly perceive unkempt, unpolished quarters, and also appreciate a sense of humor.

Resort town of Neringa

The sights of Lithuania are hard to imagine without the resort town of Neringa. This rather young tourist corner of the country is especially recommended by guides, answering the question of what to visit in Lithuania in the first place.
The resort town of Neringa was founded in 1961. However, the history of the origin of this wonderful place goes far back centuries.
Neringa is located on the Curonian Spit. The resort city is rightly called the pearl of Lithuania. The town is a haven for artists, as well as an attractive place for tourists from all over the world. You can really relax and unwind there.
The beaches of Neringa are distinguished by the highest level of organization and ecological cleanliness. Numerous hotels and private inns welcome visiting guests all year round. In these places you can fish, actively relax or just enjoy walking to places of interest and relaxing by the water. Neringa is famous for its tall pines, unique vegetation, clean air and mild climate. This is the place where you can heal the body and relax the soul.

4. Curonian Spit National Park (between Klaipeda and Kaliningrad)

Dunes of the park-reserve Curonian Spit

The sights of Lithuania occupy a vast territory. Literally every corner of the country is interesting in terms of tourism.
Not far from the city of Klaipeda, there is a unique area - the Curonian Spit. Part of this area is located on the territory of Lithuania - Neringa, and part of the Curonian Spit belongs to the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation - a national park.
The territory of the park is washed by the salty waters of the Baltic Sea and the freshwater Curonian Lagoon.
The colors of the dune landscapes are truly impressive. In this place, a combination of fir and birch forests is collected. Vegetation will surprise not only biologists. The brightness of local plants and the uniqueness of the geographical picture will inspire ordinary tourists to feel the spirit of genuine natural beauty. Ecotourism is widespread here. People come to this park to relax their souls, breathe in the fresh air to the fullest and enjoy the untouched beauty of wildlife.
Not far from the Curonian Spit there are three residential villages and several tourist bases.

Feel the atmosphere of Lithuania in this beautiful video!

5. Kaunas Castle (Kaunas)

Ancient Kaunas castle

The sights of Lithuania, such as the Kanua Castle, are a must-see as part of an introductory tour of the country. After all, this is something that is especially interesting to see in Lithuania, from the point of view of historical interest, as well as in terms of acquaintance with the unusual architecture of past times.
So far, almost a third of the buildings have survived. The castle is represented by the Gothic architectural style. The round building is made of stone. Around the preserved main part of the castle there are two turrets, fragments of a fortification wall and other small buildings with intricate shapes.
The history of this Lithuanian attraction can be found in the museum, organized in one of the towers. It is noteworthy that colorful theatrical performances are regularly held on the territory of the castle. This place hosts many recreational activities that may interest tourists. Guides in Kaunas recommend visiting the annual operetta festival, medieval music concerts, costume shows.

6. Amber Museum in Palanga (Palanga)

Amber Museum in Palanga

What to visit in Lithuania? Of course, the Amber Museum, located in the city of Palanga! This is a unique museum that colorfully tells the story of the "sun stone". Having visited the walls of this attraction, you can plunge into the bright colors of a stone fairy tale.
The Amber Museum was opened in 1963 in a building that once belonged to a famous historical figure - Count Tyszkiewicz. The count's palace was built in 1897. Today, the walls of the building have been restored, and the surrounding areas are adapted for comfortable walks and recreation. But the most interesting is in the 15 halls of the palace. A unique collection of amber appears before the eyes of visitors as soon as they cross the threshold of the museum. To consider the “living” beauty of the stone, to feel the attractiveness of amber, to listen to fascinating stories about the extraction of Lithuanian “gold” - all this is offered as part of a visit to the museum. Here, tourists are told about the life of the founder of the city of Palanga - Count Tyszkiewicz. After visiting the museum, you can take a walk in the park located near the palace.

7. Hill of Crosses (near Siauliai)

Christian Landmark of Lithuania Hill of Crosses

The sights of Lithuania, related to local shrines, are especially interesting and impressive! For example, the famous Hill of Crosses is a must-see in Lithuania.
An unusual hill is located about 12 kilometers from the city of Siauliai. More than 50 thousand crosses of various sizes and shapes are installed on the hill. In some ways, it remotely resembles a cemetery, but there are no burials in this place. This accumulation of creeds is explained by legend. It turns out that people, by setting up a cross on a hill, hope to call for good luck. This is the reward that everyone who erects his cross on the mountain will receive, according to the prediction.
In this place you can see crosses of various types. Huge wooden crucifixes and small crosses are also collected here. There are whole sculptures created in the form of the holy image of Christ, and there are also simple wooden crosses without additional patterns and inscriptions.
The atmosphere of this place is strange, but light. This is what is really worth visiting in Lithuania. Memories after visiting the holy hill will remain vivid. And, who knows, maybe luck really smiles.

8. Kernavė (35 km from Vilnius)

Kernavė Museum-Reserve

The sights of Lithuania fascinate with a huge number of reserved places of nature. The Kernavė Museum-Reserve is a tourist destination that is especially popular with visitors.
Kernavė is the first capital of Lithuania. The complex of five hillforts is located 35 kilometers from Vilnius on the banks of the Neris River.
In this amazing place, the memory of the history of the development of the country and the Baltic peoples is preserved. Traces of civilizations that lived here in the 10th century BC have been found in this reserve.
This place is especially attractive in early July. In honor of the holiday - the Day of the State, the festival "Days of Living Archeology" is held in Kernavė. During this period, grandiose performances can be seen here, demonstrating the features of ancient crafts. Also, ancient music sounds everywhere, and a special local flavor is felt in every detail of the holiday. Participants of the holiday can try various medieval amusements. For example, compete in martial arts or touch the skill of medieval military affairs.

Landmarks of Lithuania: what else to visit while in Lithuania

The list of historical monuments, parks and places that may be of interest to travelers in this state is extremely extensive. Below you will find photos and descriptions of tourist sites that are included in many, and you can decide whether to include them in your excursion route or not.

9. Old part of Kaunas city (Kaunas)

Old town of Kaunas

The sights of Lithuania are crowned, perhaps, by the most impressive part of the country - the old city of Kaunas. A huge number of unusual architectural monuments are concentrated in the old part of the city of Kaunas. There is a rich atmosphere here. The area is simply mesmerizing.
It is worth starting a trip through the old part of the city from the Town Hall Square. Here you can see the former Wedding Palace, and now the White Swan of Kaunas - the City Hall. Further along the way you can see the Kaunas Cathedral of Peter and Paul. Vilniaus pedestrian street deserves special attention. Here you can take a walk, enjoy the beauties of the old part of the city. The street is very busy and bright. Walking along it you can see many strange buildings. Some of the buildings have been given over to residential premises, but most of the buildings are occupied by cozy cafes, souvenir shops, and shops. After walking along the Vilaniaus pedestrian street and visiting shops and cafes, it is worth heading to Laisvės avenue - this is the widest pedestrian boulevard in the old town.

10. Cathedral (Vilnius)

Cathedral Basilica of St. Stanislaus and Vladislav in Vilnius

The list of places that you must visit as part of your acquaintance with Lithuania would be incomplete without such an attraction as the Vilnius Cathedral. This is the most important Roman Catholic cathedral in Lithuania. The temple was given the status of a "small basilica".
The history of the cathedral goes back centuries. The temple building literally “remembers” the days of the founding of Vilnius. This is the oldest temple in Lithuania, where the great Lithuanian princes were crowned.
The cathedral is located in the very center of Vilnius, at the foot of the Castle Hill.
The building has gone through many changes, including destructive ones. Nevertheless, today the cathedral retains the status of the most beautiful architectural monument in Lithuania. The building is made in the style of classicism. Externally, the cathedral resembles an ancient Greek temple. Inside, the cathedral is no less attractive in terms of decoration. Unique paintings, frescoes and other works of art create a unique flavor of the interior of the temple. A museum has been organized on the lower tier of the cathedral, which carefully preserves history from the time of paganism.

11. Mountain of Witches (Curonian Spit)

Wooden sculpture on the Hill of Witches

The sights of Lithuania not only impress with beauty, but also amaze with mystery. Mountain of Witches is a must-see in Lithuania!
A mystical place is located in the area of ​​the Curonian Spit. Mount Witches is represented by a beautiful dune, which has a parabolic shape.
Mysterious rumors and curious legends circulate around this amazing sight. It is believed that this mountain appeared thanks to the giantess Neringa.
Arriving in these places, you can enjoy the fabulous landscapes of the local nature. Intricate sculptures of heroes of Lithuanian folklore are installed on the mountain. Walking along the mountain, you can literally feel the mystical atmosphere of this place.
If you can see the mountain from afar, you can understand why there is an opinion that the mountain is divided by light and dark forces. Visually, the hill is divided into two colors. One half of the mountain is lighter than the other.
Even those who do not believe in fairy tales will be curious to visit the Mountain of Witches. Clean air, beautiful nature, a special local relief - this is what in itself fascinates the eye even without being accompanied by fabulous legends and mysterious tales.

12. Church of St. Anne and Bernardine Church (Vilnius)

Church of St. Anne

The sights of Lithuania are represented by a variety of local shrines. One of the most interesting architectural monuments located in Vilnius is St. Anne's Church and Bernard's Church.
The temple is located in the Old Town on Mayrone Street. The building was created in the classic Gothic style. The architecture of the shrine impresses with its forms and depth of style.
Going to this landmark of Lithuania, you can enjoy not only the unique architectural design of the building, but also touch the history. The temple has an exhibition showing the history of the oldest building of the cathedral, from the time when there was a pagan sanctuary to the present day.
In the lower tier of the temple are the tombs of famous personalities: princes, bishops, nobles. In the main building of the temple there are fourteen altars with wooden sculptures of saints.
The beauty and attractiveness of this temple is difficult to convey in words. It is better to see once and see for yourself how beautiful the architectural image of the capital of Lithuania is.

13. Tyszkiewicz Palace (Palanga)

The Tyszkiewicz Palace of the end of the 19th century in the middle of a green garden on the banks of the Renzhi River in Palanga

One of the most popular Lithuanian resorts is Palanga, where people go to enjoy the purest pine air, relax in the sands of the Curonian Spit and plunge into the waters of the Baltic Sea. Palanga owes much of its well-being to the Tyszkiewicz family, who made a significant contribution to the improvement of the resort town, the development of a network of roads and local beaches. And the symbol of the resort was the count's estate Tyszkiewicz, an elegant and noble palace. Once it was wooden and served as the summer residence of the counts, and years later one of the heirs of the eminent family decided to settle here for a long time, so he commissioned a German architect to design a new stone building. The new two-storey palace acquired features of baroque, renaissance and classicism, and after restoration in the 50s of the last century, it was opened to the public. Today, the world-famous Museum of Amber, a precious stone that is rich in the coast of the Baltic Sea, operates in the halls of the palace.

14. Lithuanian Maritime Aquarium Museum(Klaipeda)

Maritime Museum of Lithuania in the building of the old fort Kopgalis in Klaipeda Algirdas
Water shows with Black Sea dolphins and sea lions at ViršuLF Marine Aquarium Museum

The Maritime Museum in the city of Klaipeda can be called one of the best options for what to see in Lithuania in winter. This cozy and fascinating place is located on the northern tip of the Curonian Spit in the premises of Kolgalis - a defensive fortress of the 19th century. In total, the museum complex includes several departments - in addition to the Maritime Museum itself, there is a natural museum of the Curonian Spit, an aquarium and a dolphinarium. On the way to the fortress, the first place is the Maritime Museum, where you can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the life of local fishermen and see a ship built by an amateur fisherman based on ancient drawings. The fort building is equipped with a complex of aquariums - 34 small and one huge, which contains more than a hundred species of fish and other inhabitants of the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. Finally, the main pride of the museum is the dolphinarium, which regularly hosts performances and highlights interesting facts about the life of dolphins.

15. Sharp gate (Vilnius)

Chapel for the Icon of the Mother of God of Ostrobrama over the gates of the city wall in Vilnius Marcin Białek Ostrobrama Icon of the Mother of God of the 19th century Alma Pater

Sometime at the beginning of the 16th century, Vilnius was surrounded by a powerful fortress wall with five gates, one of which has survived to our time - this is the Gate of the Sharp Gate. Such an unusual name is associated by some with the surname of the princes Ostrozhsky, others - with long metal awns, with which the fortress wall was seated. One way or another, today the Sharp Gate is an architectural monument in which the Gothic style and the Renaissance are mixed. The attic of the gate is decorated with the Lithuanian coat of arms and the image of Hermes in a winged helmet, the outer side of the tower is crowned with the coat of arms of the Principality of Lithuania, under it is a fresco depicting the Savior, and to the right of the tower a small section of the restored fortress wall has been preserved. The chapel of Our Lady of Ostrobrama was erected right above the gate - this is one of the most famous and revered icons in Lithuania. It is believed that the icon of the Virgin Mary, located inside, has miraculous powers.

16. Gediminas Tower (Vilnius)

Top view of the western tower of the Upper Castle in Vilnius

The historical centers of the Baltic capitals are real treasuries of antiquities with narrow cobbled streets, odious cathedral spiers, mysterious lanes and mystical cellars of old houses. The sights of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will clearly tell about the centuries-old heritage of the Baltic States, among which a special place is given to medieval castles and historical towers. So, the Old Town of Vilnius is decorated with the Gediminas Tower, which bears the name of the founder of the capital - Prince Gediminas. The 48-meter tower rises on the Castle Hill, from its top a beautiful view of Old Vilnius opens up. Once the tower was part of the Upper Castle, built in the 14th-15th centuries, and today among the fortifications only Gediminas has been preserved in its original form. The tower was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt, and in its modern form it is an octagonal building, within the walls of which is a branch of the Lithuanian National Museum.

17. Laisves alley (Kaunas)

Laisvės alėja — a place of rest and unhurried walks in Kaunas Phillip Capper

Laisves is the Lithuanian Freedom Avenue in Kaunas, which is a pedestrian street over 1.5 km long and up to 27 meters wide. This is a great place for walking and relaxing, located not far from the Old Town, so looking around the historical center, you can sooner or later get to Laisves. A beautiful green boulevard is framed by slender rows of lindens, maples and chestnuts, and along it there are many shops and souvenir shops, bars and cafes, museums and theaters, monuments and fountains. So once you get to this alley, you can always find something to your liking - be it shopping, a cultural program or even a bike ride. Laisves is a kind of mirror of the life of the city - it regularly becomes a venue for festivals and various processions, festive and tragic events. The latter include the act of self-immolation as a protest against the Soviet occupation, which Romas Kalante committed in 1972 - a memorial plaque was installed in the alley in memory of this hero.

18. Park of Europe (19 km from Vilnius)

Open-air space of unknown height of Magdalena Abakanovic in Europa Legionas Park
Sculpture Sol Le Witt Double Negative Pyramid in the Europa Park Dan

The tourist map of Lithuania shows that just 20 km from Vilnius there is an open-air art museum where the beauty of nature and the charm of modern art are wonderfully intertwined. Europa Park is located right in the middle of the forest, and its origins date back to the early 1990s. It was then that it became known that the geographical center of Europe is located in this place, which it was decided to designate through art. The initiator of the arrangement of the park was the sculptor Gintaras Karosas, who turned to colleagues from all over the world with an offer to participate in the design and place his works here. The sculpture park began its existence with the installation of a stone pyramid, on which there is a distance indicator to all the capitals of Europe. Later, the collection was replenished with hundreds of art objects, which were donated to the park by artists and sculptors from many world countries.

19. IX Fort of the Kovno Fortress (Kaunas)

Fort IX of the Kovno Fortress is one of the largest sights of Kaunas
Prison cell in the ninth fort of the Kovno fortress in Kaunas Andrius Vanagas

For those who are interested in the military sights of Lithuania, the presentation recommends visiting the city of Kaunas. It is here that the Kovno fortress is located - a masterpiece of fortification, which could become one of the centers of tourism, if not for a gloomy milestone in its history: during the Second World War, this fort became the site of the mass extermination of Jews and Poles. Tens of thousands of people were killed in forts 7 and 9, among them it was the 9th that was used as a prison for prisoners. When the prison was overcrowded, its prisoners were herded into a ditch and shot, and their bodies covered in slaked lime and burned to destroy any evidence of a massive murder. However, 60 prisoners of the prison still managed to escape, and the atrocities of the Nazis became known even before the end of the war. Today, among all the fortifications, the 9th fort has been preserved better than the others, it has been restored, and within its walls there is a museum dedicated to the tragedy of the Holocaust.

20. City of Druskininkai (South of Lithuania)

View of the resort town of Druskininkai from Lake Druskonis in Lithuania Juliux

Magnificent pine forests, wide sandy beaches, emerald sea, ancient estates, health-improving rest and effective treatment - all this is resort Lithuania. Cities resorts, although they can not always boast of clear and warm weather, but the local sea air, mixed with the aroma of pine needles, is extremely pleasant and good for health. One of the most famous and popular balneological resorts in the country is Druskininkai - a number of mineral springs are concentrated here, on the basis of which local healing sanatoriums operate. In addition to waters of varying degrees of mineralization, local soils are also valued for therapeutic peat mud, which is used in the treatment of various diseases. In addition to sanatoriums, the resort has a number of spa centers, hotels, clinics, entertainment centers for adults and children. Druskininkai also regularly becomes a venue for interesting events - festivals and master classes.

21. Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (Vilnius)

Facade of the reconstructed palace overlooking the Cathedral Square to the monument to Gediminas Poznaniak

The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania is not an ordinary historical castle: on the one hand, it is the most important national symbol of the country, on the other hand, it is a new building, recreated today according to the model of a 15th century building. In the 4th-8th centuries, the first settlement was located on this site, and the buildings were wooden, in the 13th century the first stone fortifications appeared. The ancient lower castle was built in the 15th century, but over the next 3 centuries it was rebuilt, changing the architectural style, and by the 17th century it was dilapidated after the invasion of Russian troops. The idea to restore the original building appeared in the 80s of the last century, and only in the early 2000s did it begin to be implemented. After 7 years, the castle was erected and officially opened, and after another 6 years, it received its first visitors. Today, there are expositions that reveal the role of the ancient residence and demonstrate various historical finds.

The Old Town is a tourist part of Klaipeda on the left bank of the Dana River jo.sau

If m the route of travel in Lithuania captures the western part of the country, you can visit the ancient city of Klaipeda, divided by the Dange River into two parts: on the right side is the modern city center, on the left - the Old Town of Klaipeda, which has preserved the old outlines and atmosphere of past centuries. On the narrow streets of the Old Town, Lithuanian houses were located next to German buildings - after all, since the 13th century the city belonged to the Germans, and the Lithuanians themselves, who were forbidden to settle here, lived in the city's environs. During the Second World War, when Soviet troops occupied the city, the Germans were expelled to their historical homeland, and after a while, the city began to settle in, as well as Russians and Belarusians - approximately the same population remains today. Of the historical monuments of Klaipeda, a part of the fort on the Curonian Spit, the remains of the Memelburg Castle, and among the German heritage - numerous houses of burghers and merchants have been preserved.

23. Aukstaitsky National Park (Northeast Lithuania)

View from Ladakalnisna hill to the lake in Aukstaitija national park in Lithuania

In the 1970s, the first National Park appeared on the territory of Lithuania, later renamed Aukstaitsky. It is located about a hundred kilometers north of Vilnius, covers an area of ​​about 400 square meters. kilometers, and most of its area is covered with forest. The rest of the territories are occupied by mirror lakes, picturesque rivers and streams. Among the lakes, the largest is Kretuonas, the deepest is Tauragnas, the most unusual is Baluošas, it has 7 islands, one of which has its own lake. The abundance of forests and reservoirs creates excellent conditions for the life of hundreds of species of birds and animals. Local reservoirs attract visitors not only with their beauty, but also with excellent conditions for fishing - dozens of species of fish are found here, there are boat and equipment rentals. There are about 120 villages on the territory of the reserve - these are interesting places favored by tourists, where you can admire mills and wooden churches.

24. Dzukija National Park (South of Lithuania)

Magnificent natural landscape of Dzukija National Park in Lithuania

A serene holiday in the Druskininkai resort can be diversified by a trip to nearby attractions. In search of what to see in the vicinity of Druskininkai, you can stop at the picturesque landscapes of the Dzukija National Park. It was once created to preserve the local forests and villages, as well as to protect the natural landscape of the region. The vast territories of the park with an area of ​​almost 600 square kilometers stretch along the Neman River and represent the land of pine forests, crystal clear rivers, lakes and continental dunes. Among the most attractive places, the unique villages of borovy dzuks stand out, where you can go on a trip at any time of the year - on foot, by bike or swimming in a kayak. Visitors are very interested in the hollow pines encountered along the way - ancient relics for beekeeping, in which passages for bees have been artificially made.

25. Rumsiskes Ethnographic Museum (Lithuania)

Outdoor outbuildings at Rumsiskes Ethnographic Museum in Lithuania Phillip Capper

Rumšiškės is located about 30 kilometers from Kaunas - a vast open-air ethnographic museum, where all the natural beauty of the Lithuanian region is revealed. It is here that you can fully feel the spirit of Lithuania, plunge into the atmosphere of the past and hear a story about Lithuania in the 18th-20th centuries. On 174 hectares of the museum, there are almost 200 buildings brought from different regions of the country, while the age of some buildings exceeds 200 years. Huts, farm buildings, mills, chapels, farms and front gardens are located against the backdrop of natural landscapes. Along all this splendor there is a circular walking route about 6 kilometers long. The central place in the park is occupied by a square paved with paving stones, where the atmosphere of an old county is recreated. Here, in an old tavern, you can taste dishes of national cuisine, and in the Museum of Folk Life you can see how clay pots are made, lace is woven, jewelry is made from amber, leather and wood.

In the neighborhood of Lithuania is a country that is famous for its wide beaches and huge dense forests - Latvia. When traveling in Lithuania, think about visiting Latvia. Read about and get inspired for your further journey through Europe!

Many have heard about Trakai, the ancient capital of the Lithuanian state, mainly thanks to the famous Trakai Castle, which attracts thousands of tourists to Lithuania with its picturesque beauty every year. Here we are, intending to visit this cozy town for a very long time, one sunny autumn day we did it. In the article that we invite you to read, we tried to convey the impressions that Trakai Castle and other sights of Trakai made on us, which are not so many, but we found them.

Everyone who has ever booked a tour, whether it is a tour of Vilnius or in some other city, knows that no travel agency will tell the way the locals tell about their hometown. Therefore, in this article we have prepared a selection of unusual excursions around Vilnius from the residents of the city who were born and raised in it. Non-standard excursion programs in Russian, acquaintance with the old city, tasting of Lithuanian beer and much more await you.

Renting an apartment in Vilnius, at first glance, may seem quite simple and not intricate. It would seem that it is worth renting an apartment in Vilnius for a day, but when it comes to the very process of choosing an apartment in the capital of Lithuania, in practice it turns out that renting an apartment is inexpensive, no matter for a day or a longer period, is not so easy. The thing is that there are not so many inexpensive rental housing in Vilnius, and even less that would be located in the center of the old city. That is why, in this article, we propose to understand the housing issue and find out how to rent an apartment in Vilnius inexpensively.

Lithuanian cuisine was not a discovery for us, because the dishes of this cuisine are very similar to Slavic ones and have much in common with each other, differing only in names in their own way. Lithuanian dishes are not distinguished by any culinary delights, but are prepared from simple ingredients, mainly pork and potatoes. And of course, every tourist who visits Lithuania for the first time wants to try something from the national cuisine, which is why in this article you will learn not only what to try in Vilnius restaurants, but also get acquainted with the prices for these dishes so that when you go to a cafe you already know how much does this or that Lithuanian dish cost.

Repeatedly going to Vilnius, we rented various hotels, both in the center of the Old Town and in other areas, which is why each time we accumulated useful information, formed from hundreds of read reviews on the Internet, about a particular hotel in Vilnius. That is why we decided to structure everything and write a detailed article about Vilnius hotels: the best, inexpensive and most popular among tourists. And as a bonus - a detailed photo review of the Corner Vilnius hotel.

This article will be useful primarily to Belarusians, as more and more citizens of Belarus choose Vilnius Airport for their independent air travel around the world. This is explained primarily by the proximity of Vilnius and the airport itself to Belarus, as well as the opportunity to fly cheap by buying a low-cost airline ticket, the most popular of which fly from Vilnius airport all over the world. Therefore, in this article we have prepared a detailed photo review of Vilnius Airport, from which you will also find out how much parking costs at the airport, hotels nearby, what shops, restaurants, cafes are and how to get to the center of Vilnius.

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