H inn in various parts. "Spelling H and HH in participles and adjectives

Landscaping and planning 19.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Spelling Н and НН in different parts of speech



1. Nouns ending in -NICK, -NITSA and OST, formed from adjectives withnn also written withnn : society nn th - society nn ik - society nn itz-society nn awn.

2. Cnn nouns are also written with suffixes

-NICK, -NICA from nouns with stem onn: tribute - yes nn ik - yes nn itza .


1. In nouns formed from an adjective withn , are written withn : Yu n y - y n awn.


prida n oh, but shameless nn itza

brought up nn ik

elect nn ik

sacred nn ik

setting nn ik

drowned nn ik

brew n ik

smoked n awn

ice cold n oh

muche n ik

harder n ik

study n ik



1. In adjectives formed with a suffixn from nouns with stem onn: kame n b - kame nn oh, with n -so nn oh, ba n I am - ba nn th.


bar n uy

saza n uy

tulle n uy

This also includes adjectives formed from neuter nouns inme : name- name nn oh, flame - flame nn th, tribe - tribe nn Oh .


green n th (but green tent)

blush n th

svi n Oh

Yu n th. They are formed without the help of suffixes.

nameless nn th

mean nn th.

2. In adjectives formed from nouns using the suffixes ENN, ONN:revolution - revolution he N th, society - society enn th .

3. In adjectives: tin nn oh, tree nn oh, glass nn th.

4. In adjectives in -OVANNY, -ЁVANNY, formed from verbs: take risks -risky nn th , uproot -korcheva nn th.

Exceptions : kova n oh, chew n th.

5. In a few adjectives formed from verbs without prefixes or with negation not (in these adjectives nn are clearly heard ): wish - wish nn oh, no wait - waiting nn oh, ugly nn oh no nn oh, gem nn oh, holy nn th .

6. In adjectives formed from verb stems with prefixes:lost nn th (view), worn nn th (suit) .

7. Short adjectives are writtennn , if they are formed from complete, havingnn : length nn th - length nn a, tse nn th - tse nn a, celebration nn th - celebration nn s .

8. In the first stem of complex adjectives, it is writtennn , if it is formed from an adjective withnn : vago nn o-locomotive park (vago park nn th and locomotive).


1. In non-prefixed adjectives formed from imperfective verbs (these verbs answer the question what to do ?): rage - rage n oh, cook - cook n th.

Remember: Non-prefixed adjectives of the type in question must be distinguished from participles similar to them, which are written with nn . Such participles carry dependent words:

Gruzhe n th (adjective) platform – heavier nn th (communion) stone platform.

2. Adjectives with the suffix IN:chickens in oh, guest in th.

3. Adjectives with the suffix AN, YANG:silver yang ouch, cannabis yang ouch, ice yang Oh. Exceptions: tin nn oh, glass nn oh, tree nn th.

4. Adjectivewindy. Prefix adjectives formed from the wordwind , are written with nn:no wind nn oh, tomorrow nn oh, downwind nn th .

5. In the first stem of complex adjectives, n is written if the first stem is formed from a noun on n: wave n construction plant (machine building plant) n ).

We need to distinguish:

wind en weather - windy yang oh engine

oil en th pancake - oil yang oh cookies

silver yon th spoon - silver yang th bowl

Sol yon th fish - salt yang oh pole



1. In the full passive past participles formed from verbs with prefixes:With break - break nn th, on sow - sow nn th .


name n yy (brother)

planted n yy (father)

smarter n th (boy)

2. In full participles formed from non-prefixed verbs of the perfect form (these verbs answer the question what to do ?): buy - purchase nn oh, captivate - captivity nn th.


nezhda nn th

bad luck nn th

unheard nn th

unseen nn th

Affairs nn th

desire nn th

not tea nn th

3. In participles on -OVANNY, -ЁVANNY:organization ovated .


kova n th

chewing n th

smoother n th - smoother n th

washing n th - rewash n th

writing n oh beauty

Simpler n oh sunday

smoother n th

domotka n th

little traveler n th

4. If the sacrament has a dependent word:sowing nn through a sieve flour.


1. In short participles:heard n uh, story n s, treason n s.

2. If the sacrament does not have a dependent word, prefixes:scrap n th line



1. If nn is written in the suffix of a full adjective or participle, then nn is also preserved in the adverb:scattering nn th man - I look scattering nn oh fright nn th facial expression - fear nn oh subdued .

The suffixes -n- and -nn- refer to those difficulties of Russian grammar that require memorizing a large amount of material and mastering not only the rules, but also exceptions to them. The main part of these rules concerns adjectives, as well as adverbs and participles. The writing of these suffixes in nouns also has its own characteristics.

Spelling н and нн in adjective suffixes

If an adjective is formed from a noun using suffixes such as -an-, -yan- and -in-, then it is written with one n, for example, as in the word clay. And there are three exceptions to this grammatical rule: tin, wood, glass. If such suffixes as -onn- and -enn- participated in the formation of the adjective, then you need to write double n, as in the word related.

But this rule also has exceptions are two words windy and oily.

If an adjective is formed from a word with a base on -n with the help of the suffix -n-, then a word with a double n is obtained, although one letter is part of the base, and the second is a suffix - picture.

Adjectives can also be formed from verbs - and this makes them related to participles, so the spelling rules н and нн in suffixes in this case will be common.

So, if an adjective or participle has a prefix or a dependent word, then the suffix should be doubling n: plowed, boiled in water. The same applies to cases where the word contains such suffixes as -ova-, -eva-, -irova-: marinated.

In addition, if the word is formed from a verb without a prefix, but it belongs to the perfect form, n should also be doubled: deprived.

exception from this rule is the word wounded.

At the same time, one n will always be written in short participles, and in short adjectives there are as many of these letters as in full ones, with the exception of one form - this is the only masculine number, in which, as in participles, one n is written.

It is necessary to distinguish between the participle and the verbal adjective, which often coincide. For example, the word “educated” can be both, but if the participle has a short form in the feminine gender, then the adjective will have it. It is not difficult to do this - before the “suspect” you need to put the word more. If it is inappropriate, then it is a participle, and if it is appropriate, then it is an adjective.

Other difficulties with the -n- suffix

This derivational unit is used in different parts of speech. So, in adverbs and nouns formed from adjectives, the same number of letters n are written as in the original word: pupil (from educated), organized (from organized).

What have we learned?

The main difficulty in choosing between н and нн in suffixes concerns adjectives. It is on their spelling that the spelling of those nouns and adverbs that are formed from them is based. Adjectives can be formed from nouns and verbs in different ways, which explains the use of н or нн. It is necessary to distinguish between verbal adjectives and participles.

1. Suffix -N- it is written:

In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -AN-, -IN-, -YAN-: leather - leather, goose - goose, silver - silver.EXCEPTIONS: wood, tin, glass.

· In adjectives and participles formed from imperfective verbs that do not have dependent words: forged, loaded, baked, gilded, smoked.EXCEPTIONS:

seen, given, done, desired, cutesy, slow, pecked, sacred, heard, conceited.

In adjectives with the prefix NE-: unused, uninvited, uncut, unbleached, unworn. EXCEPTIONS:

unexpected, unexpected, unheard of, unseen, unexpected, unseen.

· In short forms of the passive past participles: sown, filled, given, agitated.

· In short adjectives and in adverbs formed from full adjectives with -Н-: confused - confused, mad - furious, gilded - gilded, ruddy - blush, young - young.

In adjectives related to non-derivatives: crimson, green, blue, ruddy, youthful, and also in some other adjectives: lamb, single, swine, smart.

2. Suffix -НН- it is written:

· In adjectives formed from nouns ending in -Н: long, valuable, captive, picturesque.

· In adjectives with suffixes -ONN-/-ENN-: propaganda, station, cranberry, straw.

In adjectives formed from perfective verbs, usually with prefixes or dependent words: frozen, mowed, forged, smoked, bought, dried in the sun. EXCEPTIONS: named brother, planted father, dowry.

· In adjectives formed from verbs ending in -OVATE/EVAT: uprooted, motivated.

· In adjectives formed from nouns ending in -MY: nominal, seminal, temporary, parietal.

In short adjectives and adverbs formed from full adjectives with -НН-: inspired, excited, educated(those. literate).


1. In some cases, the spelling of adjectives with -Н- or -НН- is determined by the semantics of the word.

wind have:

suffix -YAN- if they define an object powered by wind (windmill);

suffix -EN- if they define an object containing wind (windy day, windy girl);

suffix -ENN- in all prefixed formations (still, leeward, weathered).

Generating adjectives butter have:

suffix -YAN- if they define something cooked in oil or something that runs on oil (oil paint, oil pump);

suffix -EN- if they define something that is specially buttered (butter pancakes, butter cakes, hence Maslenitsa, this also includes a metaphorical epithet buttered eyes);

suffix -ENN- in participles and adjectives with dependent words (hands oiled with cream, oily sweatshirt).

2. It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of a short adjective and a short participle in the function of the predicate: the girl is brought up - the girl was brought up by her grandmother; the woman is educated - the department was formed last year; the group is organized in all matters - the conference is organized by the department.

Questions to control:

Related tasks:

Exercise 1. Form verb forms in the suffixes of which the vowel of the infinitive is preserved.

Depend, fold, knead, interfere, deflate, roll out.

Task 2. Explain how the words in the pairs are different. Using reference material, explain their spelling.

To decorate - to paint, to be late - to participate, to count - to advise, to manage - to advise, to confess - to educate, to dance - to sing.

Task 3. Write off, highlighting spellings and grouping words into columns:

1) action. incl. present vr., 2) suffering. incl. present temp., 3) action. incl. Ave., 4) suffering. incl. ave. Explain the spelling of words according to the scheme (see "Reference material").

Creeping, barking, barking, chasing, noticing, noticed, kneaded (in dough) - kneaded (dough), sawing, stabbing, fighting, developed, cherished, pumped out (oil from a barrel) - pumped out (barrel from the basement), secured, hung (in the gallery of the picture), hung (sugar per kilogram), circled, well-worn, fanned, secured, healing, gluing, glued, enduring, loving, dispelled, traveled, dependent, breathing, flowing.

Task 4. Fill in the missing letters, justify your choice.

Corrected ... work by someone, dumped ... cargo, cleared ... paths; the building is about to be built...but; alarmed ... by unpleasant news, crowned ... with laurels, scattered ... rays, no one noticed ... a friend, tangled ... hare footprints strewn ... with leaves alleys of a coastal park, offended ... by someone then a girl, lost ... time; the snow melted ... unexpectedly, without offending anyone ...

Task 5. Insert the missing letters.

Taken ... ny, kneaded ... (dough), vypa ... ny, noticed ... ny, engaged ... schisya, meaning ... my, studying .. my, cherish ... my, mele. ..shchy, incomplete ... nee (grain), incomplete ... nye (curtains), independent ... my, hated ... my, resentment ... my, justify ... my, noting ... my, thrown ... shot ... shot ... shot (deer), shot ... shot (gun), shot ... shot (traitors), scattered ... shot, scattered ... heard ... my , creeping ... dragging ... dragging, dragging ... losing ... my, crowned ... ny.

Task 6. Explain the difference in spelling of words in paired phrases.

The woman is smart and educated. - The commission was formed the other day.

The children were inattentive and distracted. - The troops are scattered throughout the forest. Speaks depressed. - The uprising was suppressed. The decision hastily, ill-conceived. - The decision is not thought out by anyone. Sauerkraut - sauerkraut for the winter. Uncut meadow. - Mowed meadow. Come to a dinner party. - Uninvited guests. named brother. - Named after you. Windy day. - Windless day.

Remember:nezva n oh, name n oh, invisible nn oh, unheard nn oh, bad luck nn oh no nn O

Task 7. Insert missing letters instead of dots. Explain why in some cases we write H, in others - HH.

Bees...th honey, wheat...th porridge, with condensed...th milk, butter...th spot; painting, rice: .. oil paints; clay...th vase, wooden...th building, located as a guest...nice, noticeable...deficiencies, sowing...th rust...th field, not yet cat...th meadow, somehow racial ... th things, hanging ... th in a dressing ... closet, about the goal ... th harvest, the girl is very educated ... ah, far fog ... ah, draw a broken line, silver and gilded ... th jewelry, wounded ... th man, seriously wounded ... th fighter, in the morning ... her dawn.

It is written -НН-:

In participles:

In adjectives:

if the stem of the word ends in -N-

(Н + suffix Н = НН)

mist + H = misty

picture + H = picture

if the word is formed with suffixes

Onn-, -enn-

straw + enne = straw

station + onn = station

in three words, which are the exception:

In verbal adjectives ending in -ovanny, -evanny

(exceptions: forged, chewed.

BUT! Forged (with what?) Copper chest,

chewed (perfect view)


In some verbal adjectives formed from non-prefixed imperfective verbs (they must be remembered):

seen, given, desired, unseen, unexpected, minted, unexpected, unheard, unintended, pecked, sacred, promised, desperate, deprived, counted

An exception:

Adjective windy spelled with one -N-.

BUT! Windless.

It is written -N-:

In participles:

In adjectives:




if adjectives are formed without a suffix

youthful, spicy

in relative adjectives formed with suffixes -an-, -yan-

leather + en = leather

wool + yang = woolen

pewter, wood, glass

In possessive adjectives formed with the suffix -in-

swan + yin \u003d swan

eagle + in \u003d eagle

In adjectives formed from non-prefixed imperfective verbs with suffixes -n-, -en- and without dependent words

laden (wagons)

knitted sweater)

roast potatoes)




unheard of

In the exception windy

(BUT! windless)


(BUT! windless)

In adjective oil, i.e. "consisting of oil", "made in oil", "working on oil"


In short adjectives, in nouns and adverbs, as many N are written as in the full form of the adjective from which they are formed:

Cloudy morning - cloudy morning, it was cloudy.

Speech is long - speech is long, speak long, original.

Modern language - she is modern, contemporary, dress modern.

The topic of the Russian language "Spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives" is familiar to every student. However, after graduating from a general education institution, many people begin to forget the simplest rules and make a large number of mistakes when creating any text. In this regard, we decided to remind you of the cases in which the suffixes "n" and "nn" are written in adjectives. Also, some exceptions to the existing rules will be presented to your attention. They should be remembered.

Part of speech definition

They call the significant, which denotes a non-procedural feature of the subject, and also acts in the sentence as a definition or nominal part of the predicate and answers the following questions: “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, And also “whose?” and what?".

general information

"The spelling of 'n' and 'nn' in adjectives" is a very important topic in Russian. Indeed, without knowledge of such simple rules, it is quite difficult to compose a competent text or even a letter.

It should be especially noted that adjectives can be formed both from nouns and from verbs. Knowing these basics will allow you to better understand how many letters "n" you need to write in a particular case.

Spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives derived from nouns

So, let's figure it out together, in what cases should you put -nn-:

Which adjectives that are derived from nouns use "n"?

Now you know in what cases the suffixes -nn- are written in adjectives (-onn-, -enn-, etc.), if they are formed from nouns. However, this is not enough for a competent drafting of the text. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the spelling rules for the suffixes -in-, -yan- and -an-:

  1. In adjectives that are derived from nouns using the above suffixes, only 1 letter "n" is always written. Let's give an example: leather (leather), sparrow (sparrow), clay (clay), pigeon (dove), waxed (wax), crane (crane), wood (firewood), nightingale (nightingale), etc. However, all rules have your exceptions. In this case, these are the words "glass", "wood" and "tin". 2 letters "nn" are written in them, and they should be remembered.
  2. In the names of adjectives that are formed without the use of any suffixes. Let's take an example: green (green). It is also necessary to remember the following words: spicy, ruddy, pig, young and united.

How many letters "n" are written in the names of adjectives that are derived from adjectives?

2 letters "n" are written if adjectives are formed from adjectives by adding the suffix -enn-, which indicates a large measure of any feature. Let's give an example: hefty, tall or wide.

Important notes regarding the rules described

The spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives has the following features:

Spelling "nn" in adjectives and participles derived from verbs

So, 2 letters "n" should be written if:

  1. Adjectives are formed from verbs with prefixes. Moreover, the prefix non-almost never affects the spelling of "n" or "nn". Thus, in the adjective with, one should not write the same number of letters “n” as in the adjective without this prefix. Let's give an example: (connected, beveled, built).
  2. If there are suffixes such as -eva- or -ova-. Here is an example: an organized excursion, uprooted forest, etc.). Exceptions are the following words: chewed and forged. In this case, ov- and ev- are included in the root, and are not suffixes.
  3. If the sentence contains any dependent word (for example, woven from twigs).
  4. If the adjective is formed from a verb that has a perfect form (for example, solved). The exception is the word "wounded".

Spelling "n" in adjectives derived from verbs

One letter "n" is written in adjectives that are derived from verbs without the use of prefixes. Let's give an example: uncut, knitted. Exceptions are the following words: sacred, slow, unprecedented, unexpected, desired, unheard of, unexpected and unexpected.

Letters "n", "nn" in short adjectives

In addition to the full names of adjectives, there are also short forms in Russian. To understand how "n" and "nn" are written in short adjectives, you should remember the rules about full ones. After all, they are the same for both forms.

Here's an example:

Important notes on the material covered

To finally figure out how to write adjectives (with "n" or "nn"), you need to consider the following features:

1. Usually the suffixes -yang- and -an- give the meaning "intended for something" or "made from a certain material." For example: wood, clothes; sandy, clay.

2. In order to correctly compose a text, one should distinguish between adjectives whose spelling is related to their meaning.

Windy, that is, "with the wind" (windy weather). Windmill, that is, “driven by the power of the wind” (wind pump). In the phrase "chicken pox" the adjective is written 1 letter "n". This is due to the fact that this word comes from "windmill".

Buttered, that is, “soaked in oil” (buttered porridge). Oily, that is, "flattering" (oily voice). Butter, that is, “diluted in butter” (butter cookies).

Silver, that is, "subjected to silvering" (silver device). Silver, that is, "made of silver" (silver bottle).

Salty, that is, "containing salt" (salted fish). Salt, that is, "consisting of salt" (salt column).

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