Game program script where. Game programs for school children

Garden equipment 10.10.2019
Garden equipment

Leading: Anyuta, P r, and with about in I, And in, and n. Assistants: Frol, T and t, Ser, a f and ma, B, and with a.

Music. A perky Russian melody sounds. A cheerful gang appears on the stage.

Praskovya. Attention! Attention!
Adults and small residents!
Would you like to have some fun?
Anyuta. Then don't waste your time
Hurry to us!
For you games, dances,
contests are cool.
You will be satisfied!

Praskovya. Hello, gentlemen are good!
We are local guys -
Very interesting!
Not Tajiks, not Armenians,
Natural Slavs.
Let me introduce myself:
Praskovya from the Moscow region,
Anyuta from Surgut,
Seraphim from Sartym,
Vassa from Langepas,
And also Frol and Titus -
Two twin brothers
Identical from the face
Originally from Cherepovets.
Moreover, Ivan is from Buyan Island ... And where is Ivan?
Anyuta. There comes. Carries something.

Ivan comes out to the melody of the song "Korobeyniki". He carries a painted box and sings.

Ivan. Eh, the box is full
Various jokes and miracles.
Open up, sweetheart soul,
My mysterious chest.
Stop baiting stories, it's time people
I have a gift for you - the highest
The box is funny! There are games, fun
For different tastes and mores!
Well, open the box and nursery rhymes
take out!

The girls open the box and try to get something out of it.

Praskovya. What an interesting thing!
Anyuta. Wait, let the guys guess what lies there.
Praskovya. The sage in him saw the sage,
A fool is a fool, a ram is a ram.
A sheep saw a sheep in him,
And a monkey is a monkey.
But then they brought Fedya Baratov to him,
And Fedya saw a shaggy slob. (S. Marshak.)
Guys, what are we talking about? What did they bring the boy Fedya to? That's right, to the mirror! (Takes a mirror out of the box.) My light, mirror, tell me and report the whole truth ... By the way, when you look in the mirror, the reflection repeats all the movements behind you. You will become my reflection. Watch and repeat everything after me.

The game dancer "Humpty Dumpty" is held. The famous text is performed to the melody of a pop hit.

Right arm forward (the arm is extended forward and bent at the elbow. Circular rotation in the elbow joint),
And then her back,
And then forward again
And shake it a little.
We're boogie-woogie
We wrap circles
And clap our hands like this.

On a loss, we clap our palms, describing a circle with our hands clockwise, then counterclockwise. We clap over the head and behind the back.

Right foot forward (the leg is raised and bent at the knee, pendulum movements with the ankle),
And then her back,
And then forward again
And shake it a little.
We're boogie-woogie (arms bent at the elbows, legs together, squat slightly and twist our knees to the right and left),
We wrap circles
And we jerk our legs like this.

On a loss, we jump twice on the right leg, bringing the left forward, then change the legs.

Hands on their own (arbitrary swings to the sides),
Legs on their own (we squat a little, bring and raise our knees),
The head is either there or here. (We twist our head.)
While my legs are catching up (running in place with high knees),
While I'm catching up with my legs
Hands crawl to the sides. (Hands to the sides, performing wave-like movements.)
Right hand! (Raise your hand with an open palm up, lower it down.)
Left hand! (Raise your hand with an open palm up, lower it down.)
Right leg!
Left leg! (Raise the leg, bending at the knee, and swing it from side to side.)
Head! (We twist our head.)
Shoulders! (We shrug our shoulders.)
Stomach! (Circular motion of the hips.)
And all together!
Ivan. Well done! Well, we get the next nursery rhyme? .. Guys, guess what it is? At the edges of the gold is thick, and in the middle of the gold is empty. This thing has no beginning or end. Mom and Dad have it. It is given when they get married. Right! This is a ring. (Takes a ring out of the box.) Ring, ring, step out on the porch!

The assistants take out two large pyramids from rings, at least 15 pieces in each, and two meter pegs.

Here's how many rings we have. Enough for everyone. Guys, line up behind me and behind Anyuta in two columns at the starting line.

Leaders form teams and give them names. The assistants take the pegs on which the rings will be put on and move 6-8 meters away from the starting line.

Attention! At my signal, the first player removes the ring from the pyramid and runs to the peg. Puts the ring on the peg. Then he comes back, passes the baton to the next player, and he goes to the end of the column. The first team to wear all their rings wins. Is the task clear? .. Are the teams ready? .. Ready to start! Attention! March!

The relay race "Rings" is held.

Praskovya. And now we get up in one big ring, that is, in a round dance. See how huge the ring is. Earlier, rings, crowns and belts were amulets. It was believed that they protect from evil spirits, from evil spirits. In general, a circle is a symbol of the sun. In Russia, for a long time, they danced in round dances and played round dance games. Let us and you and I dance the round dance solar "Quadrille".

The dance "Quadrille" is held.

Let's go in a circle!

Have stopped!

8 bars - movement of the "flashlights" in place.
8 bars - children show playing the pipe.

Let's go in a circle!

8 bars - children go to the right.
8 bars - children go to the left.

Have stopped!

8 bars - jump in place, like over a rope.
8 bars - spinning in place.

Into the circle!

8 bars - go to the center of the round dance.

Out of the circle!

8 bars - go from the center.

Anyuta. Well done! We continue to play and dance. We make the round dance wider. We break up in pairs. Couples, holding hands, make a "collar", that is, raise their hands up.

The presenter tells, and the assistants clearly illustrate what has been said.

So, the collar is in a circle, and in a circle - in the yard - couples run. (Selects and displays 4-5 pairs.) Now music will play, and these couples, without unhooking their hands, will dive into any of the gates standing in a circle. In this way. We pierced and yourself become a gate in their place, and the former gate ends up in the yard and runs to change other gate. As the word "Stop!" Sounds, the collar closes, that is, hands drop. Those who were inside the circle were caught. The girls are spinning, and the boys are dancing squatting. Then the game resumes. Remember: you cannot go through the same gate twice in a row. The gate opens - the game begins!

The game "Vorotz" is underway.

Ivan. We have completely forgotten about the amusing box, and there are so many interesting things! Shall we open it? .. Guess what it is? Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a man, but a story. Book? Right! (He takes out a book of folk tales from the box.) There are different letters in the book. Who do you think came up with these letters? Who came up with the first Slavic alphabet? Let me give you a hint, choose the correct option. Was it Savka and Grishka, Cyril and Methodius, or Timon and Pumbaa? Right! Cyril and Methodius! Hence the name of the first alphabet - Cyrillic. With the advent of writing, they began to record songs, epics and fairy tales. This wonderful book of fairy tales will go to the one who guesses how many pages it contains. 100? No, less! 40? More! Applause to the winner!
Praskovya. Now it's my turn to get the nursery rhyme! Guys, guess what it is?
Blossoms white
Hanging in green
Ripe falls. (Apple.)

An apple is taken out of the box.

All for the harvest! The "Apple Relay" is announced. Guys, line up behind us in two teams at the starting line.

Behind Ivan and Praskovya, two teams are being built in columns. The assistants bring out two painted plates and two tennis balls, place hemp buoys at a distance of 6 m from the starting line.

We take the apple, put it on a plate. We remove the left hand behind the back and run to the stump and back. We pass the baton to the next player, and we ourselves go to the tail of the column. All about everything in two minutes. The team that does not drop the bull's-eye wins. Are the teams ready? .. Let's start! Attention! March!

The relay race is going on.

Ivan. We continue harvesting!
In this fairy tale, friends,
The family works together:
Bug, granddaughter, grandmother, grandfather ...
She was born gloriously ... (Turnip.)

A small sham turnip is removed from the box.

Here it is, a turnip - a unique plant. It has long been used in Russia to treat asthma, rickets, laryngitis. And they ate it fried, steamed, boiled, salted, raw - in a word, any. But before that, they first planted her, raised her, and then what did they do from the earth? That's right, they pulled. This is what we will do. One team stands to my right and the other to my left.

Helpers carry out the rope. A volumetric sham turnip is attached exactly to the middle of the rope.

Attention to the teams! Your task is to pull the turnip over to your side and hold it for five seconds. One, two, three, pull!

The Pull-Pull competition is taking place.

Anyuta. Are you tired? Nothing, now we will have a little rest with a new nursery rhyme.
She is inconspicuous in appearance
It is quite simple
But she has
Two with tail handles.
When you spin it
Once, then another,
Be more careful, friend,
Don't get caught in your foot.
What's this? Jump rope, of course. You can even dance with her. Look at us and repeat all the movements after us.

The "Skakalochka" game dancer is held. We take up imaginary ropes. We jump on one leg, on the other, on two at once. Legs criss-cross, turned around and again on one ...

Ivan. Now we get up in one big round dance and play with a rope. I will twist it, and you jump and try not to catch it with your foot. Whom the rope catches, he goes to Anyuta.

Ivan stands in the center of the round dance and, holding the rope by one end, spins it at the level of the feet of the players standing in the round dance. Anyuta and her assistants at a distance create two small round dances from the hooked players. The game ends when there are 6-7 people in small round dances.

Another funny round dance game called "Traps". Everyone who was not caught is being built by two locomotives behind me and Praskovya. Pay attention to the two round dances that turned out for Anyuta. These are traps. They know how to open and close. Traps, put your hands up! Now put it down. As soon as the music starts playing, the traps will open, and we, moving in a "train", will be able to pass through them. The music is interrupted - the trap is slammed shut. Whoever is caught gets into a round dance, that is, into a trap. Let's see whose trap will be bigger by the end of the game.

The game is being played. By the end of the game, two large round dances should be formed. In one of them stands Ivan, in the other - Anyuta.

Anyuta. It's time to braid the wattle. Guys, hold hands tightly and don't break the chains.

Anyuta and Ivan open the round dances, becoming the head of the chains, and begin, whirling in place, twist the chains around themselves. At the tail of the chains are helpers. At the moment of maximum twisting, the command to change the direction of movement sounds, and now the assistants are at the head of the chains.

Ivan. Where is my box? We get the next nursery rhyme!
Knitted trough
The slide is covered
Sheltered from the cold. (Hat.)

The cap is removed from the box.

There she is! Famous brave fun - "Shapkobros". Well, good fellows and red girls, come, show your daring. Who can throw a hat to the very top of the drin?

The assistants carry out a two-meter stick and hold it upright with a slight inclination towards the audience. A hat, cap or hat is given to everyone who wants to throw it. During the ride, the two most accurate players are selected.

We have identified two daredevils. Come on, people, disperse! Good fellows, come to me! Now the most important competition is "Funny fist fight".

The assistants bring out two caps and two pairs of giant foam palms. The palm is mounted on a lightweight wire frame and secured to a wooden handle, which is comfortable and safe to hold in the hand.

Put on these caps and wonder hands. You need to knock the cap off your opponent, but so that your cap remains on your head. Is the task clear?

The competition is taking place.

Applause to the dashing fighters! (To the loser.) You fought like a lion. Well done! Get the lollipop. And to the winner for a fair fight, we hand over a painted gingerbread.

Praskovya runs out with a box.

Praskovya. Oh, Vanechka, it's bad! Oh, Wan, trouble!
Ivan. What happened, where is the leak?
Praskovya. Not leaky, but rolled away.
Ivan. Yes, you speak plainly!
Praskovya. The nursery rhyme rolled away.
Ivan. What was there?
Praskovya. Well this one ... How is it?
It is mixed with sour cream.
At the window he is chilled.
And I left my grandmother,
And he left his grandfather ... Who is this?
Ivan. That's right, Gingerbread Man! The gingerbread man rolled, rolled and rolled towards us.

Helpers carry out a beach ball, two hoops with a lightweight fabric stretched over them, and a rope.

As you can see, now it is not simple, but sporty. Who wants to play with him? .. Then we'll split into two teams. All good fellows - to me, and red girls - to Praskovya.

A team of girls and a team of boys are on opposite sides of the playground. They are separated by a rope held by Ivan and Praskovya. Behind the backs of each team is an assistant with a hoop. The hoop is held above the head vertically to the floor. The ball, falling into the ring, does not fall.

On the left is the Fox team, on the right the Wolves are playing. A river flows in the middle. You cannot enter the river, that is, beyond the middle of the site. The task is as easy as a bun. You need to throw the ball into the hoop behind the opponents.

For more excitement, you can use three beach balls with a diameter of 40 cm in the game at once. Three matches are held for 30 seconds. The team with the most matches wins. Educational games for children. Collection. Many of the texts selected for the games can already be considered folk, but the form of their presentation ...

  • Music sounds. Leading girls - Autumn and Spring (Fig. 1a, b) appear on the stage. ...
  • Can be held before the first dance of the newlyweds. The presenter invites a young couple to the center of the hall. ...
  • Yard club "Iskra"

    Scenarios of the competition program

    Compiled by the teacher - organizer Zholdasova Zh.S.

    Lead 1: Good afternoon, dear guys. Today is not an easy job

    Lead 2: We'll have to have fun. For the benefit of yourself. After all, our today's game program is called "Merry Zamarochki"

    Lead 1: Our participants will have to fight in difficult contests. Lead 2: You are ready? Let's start then.

    First, you need to collect two teams and come up with a name.

    Lead 1: Are the teams ready? Then we will proceed to the first competition, which is called "String" each team is given a rope. Task: in 30 seconds you need to tie the largest number of knots.

    Host 2: The second competition is also called "Rope". The task : who will untie the knots faster.

    (Music sounds, teams complete the task)

    Lead 1: For the next competition, one representative from each team is invited.

    Small money on the table. Your task: to count the money while answering my questions at the same time. This competition has a hint system.

    (Time is counted.)

    Your full name?

    How many people are in your family?

    How many children are there in the family?

    What is your mom's full name?

    What street do you live on?

    Your phone number?

    How old are you?

    What floor are we on now?

    What is your father's name?

    Do you have a dog or cat?

    How many fingers are there on two hands?

    What's 2 2?

    What grade are you in?

    What is the cow drinking?

    Do you think you will win today?

    Lead 1: It's time for a competition "Guess." I have an item in the box. The teams take turns asking questions to which I answer either YES or NO. The team that guesses what's in the box wins.

    (Teams complete tasks)

    Lead 2: And now I want to invite our teams to "Bluff - club"... What is it, you ask? We answer.

    Lead 1: You need to answer the questions "Do you believe?" Choose one person to speak for the team.

      In Japan, students write on the chalkboard with a brush and colored ink. (Right)

      In Australia, the use of disposable blackboards is practiced. (No)

      The ballpoint pen was initially used only by military pilots. (Right)

      In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children. (Yes)

      For a lengthy writing, 2 - 3 goose feathers were needed. (right)

    Lead 2: Our next competition is called "Strong hand"

    One participant is invited from each team.

    Each is given a newspaper. The one who quickly gathers it into a fist, while not helping with the other hand and not bending the arm at the elbow, will bring victory to the team.

    Competition "Strong Hand"

    Lead 1: Now is the time to test how united our teams are. And do they have enough strength to make the last leap to victory.

    Our last competition is called "I + You". This competition is designed for quick response, orientation, team cohesion. With a clap of the palm, he offers to quickly line up:

    by hair color (from light to dark);

    in alphabetical order of the first letters of the names;

    by shoe size (from smallest to largest);

    by eye color (from dark to light).

    Lead 2: But now our today's program has come to an end.

    Lead 1: And the time has come for the main event.

    Lead 2: This is the rewarding of the winners. And the team ____________________ won the hard fight. Congratulations!

    Lead 1: And we ask the losing team not to worry, because you can still take part in other contests and be winners.

    Lead 2: Therefore, we do not say goodbye to you, but we say until we meet again!

    Needed: plaques with the names of the stations; hat for the dunno; white robe; white cap; phonendoscope; yellow tie; microbes on the head for 1-2 people; Toothbrush; soap dish; Toothpaste; draw the details of the sun, for the game;


    Leading. Hello guys! Guys, if we say hello to someone, what does that mean?

    Children: We wish him good health!

    Leading. What is health?

    Children's answers: It is strength, beauty, dexterity, purity, flexibility, good mood.

    Leading. Today I want to invite you on a trip around the country of health. Do you agree?


    To make you beautiful.
    So that they are not whiny.
    So that any business is in hand
    Amicably arguing, burning!
    To sing songs louder.
    Live to make it more interesting!
    You need to be strong, healthy.
    These truths are not new.
    Only you answer me:
    The path to a mysterious country.
    Where your health lives.
    Does everyone know?
    Let's say together ...

    Children answer:"Yes!"

    Leading. Then let's hit the road. Take your seats on our magic train.

    Children get up one after the other with a train, the leader in front follow each other through the hall, the leader changes direction (in a circle like a snake, etc.). They stop near an impromptu station. The host announces the station name loudly.

    Leading. Station "Charging". To be healthy, where to start your day.

    Children: From charging!


    Early in the morning, early in the morning
    Come out into the clearing.
    Spread your back together.
    We will do a warm-up
    Early in the morning we woke up.
    They stretched and smiled.
    It's time for everyone to get up.
    To charge the kids.

    Children do exercises, you can dance "BOOGIE-WOOGIE" or Physical minutes:

    Raise our hands up

    And then we omit them,

    And then we will separate them

    And soon we will press it to ourselves,

    And then faster, faster

    Clap, clap more fun

    Trample your feet and clap more.

    Leading. Station "Chistyulkino".

    Loud crying is heard outside the door.

    Leading. What happened?

    A disheveled Dunno enters with dirty spots on his face and hands. The shirt is buttoned up anyhow.


    The blanket ran away.
    The sheet flew away.
    And the pillow is like a frog.
    Galloped away from me.
    I'm for a candle, a candle in the stove!
    I’m for the book, that run
    And skipping under the bed.
    I want to drink some tea.
    I run up to the samovar.
    But pot-bellied from me
    I ran away like fire.


    Dunno only wets the nose.
    He doesn't want to wash.
    What are the guys called
    Someone who does not wash well?

    Children's answers: Dirty, slob, etc.

    Doctor Pilyulkin comes out.


    I follow your children
    What a year.
    I'll tell you frankly:
    You are a glorious people!
    Never have you guys
    Do not eat unwashed berries.
    They brush their teeth, wash their ears ...
    And now I want to listen?
    How did they learn it. Asks children how they learned hygiene? Do they always brush their teeth and wash their hands with soap, and wash fruits and vegetables?

    Dunno takes one of the children by the sleeve and says:


    You better listen to me.
    I live and I don’t know troubles:
    The soap does not get into the eye.
    The gum brush does not tear
    The sponge does not rub when wet.
    Cucumbers, Carrots are not mine ...
    If you want a friend, come with me.

    Pilyulkin snatches the boy out of the hands of Dunno. Harmful microbes jump out and, not finding other prey, they pounce on Dunno. Dunno cries and stretches out his hands to the guys. Pillkin saves him.


    We feel sorry for you, Dunno.
    We give soap and a washcloth.
    We give a toothbrush
    And toothpaste.

    Dunno takes gifts. Harmful microbes, seeing the soap in horror, run away.

    Pilyulkin: Now listen to the children, why do we need soap and a washcloth. Toothbrush and toothpaste. And who are the microbes?

    Pilyulkin: Guys , and you know what other items are needed in order to take care of your appearance.

    (Answers of children)

    Pilyulkin: We will check it now.

    Relay "Carry hygiene items"
    Children are divided into teams. Opposite each team, at the opposite wall, there are tables on which there are various objects (soap dishes, toothbrushes, combs, toys, etc.) Children need to run up to their table one by one, choose a hygiene item and go back. The winner is the team that completes its task faster and without errors.

    Pilyulkin: Well done guys, you did very well with this task, and I made sure that you all know the rules of hygiene.

    Leading: And now, guys, we will continue our journey to the solar station.


    How many of you guys know.
    What helps hardening
    And is it always useful to us?

    Children: Sun, air and water!


    Spring calls us for a walk
    The sun has been waiting for us for a long time!

    Relay "Collect the sun". Children, one by one from the team, run up to their table at the opposite wall, take one piece of the sun, resort to their command, and spread the sun in a hoop. The winner is the team that collects its sun faster.

    Leading: Station "Air"

    (Children stand in a circle.)


    We will strengthen our strength.
    Easy to train.

    We guys need air
    We took a deep breath
    We held our breath.
    Take your time, all the attention!

    Exercise for holding the breath "Freeze".

    Exercise 1 Bubbles

    Let the child take a deep breath through the nose, inflate "bubble cheeks" and slowly exhale through a slightly open mouth (2-3 r.)

    Exercise 2 SPOT

    The child puts his hands on the belt, squats slightly - inhale, straightens - exhale. Squats gradually become lower, inhalation and exhalation are longer. (3-4r)

    Get up, walk on tiptoes, raising your hands up. It is necessary to control the breathing of the child. Then raise your arms alternately up, while trying to stretch out as high as possible

    Leading. Station "Vitaminnaya".

    Pilyulkin: Guys, you know what foods you need to eat more to be healthy.

    Dunno: Of course we know! Sweets, soda, chocolates, gum. What is there to know something. (Answers of children)

    Pilyulkin makes riddles. Dunno is trying to guess.

    I grow in the ground in the garden.
    Red, long, sweet. (Carrot)

    I was born wonderfully well.
    The head is white, curly.
    Who loves cabbage soup
    Look for me in them. (Cabbage)

    Made everyone cry
    Although he is not a fighter, but ... (Onion)

    Little bitter - brother to onions. (Garlic)

    Round ruddy.
    I grow on a branch:
    Adults love me
    And little kids. (Apple)

    Competition "Cook borscht and compote".

    Two children are selected from each team. One team is instructed to select the products necessary for the preparation of borscht (vegetables). Another team to make compote (fruit).
    The winner is the team that quickly coped with their task and without mistakes.


    I'm very happy for you today
    And I will give you such advice -
    In the mornings and evenings!
    And for our happy holiday
    I thank you all.
    Your vitamin gift
    I give everyone good health.

    They make a wall newspaper with children !!!

    I. Strelnikova, T. Mikhailova, Moscow


    Scenario of a game entertainment program

    Cheerful music sounds. Clowns appear on the playground with the song “Get Together, Kids”. During the performance of the song, a game with the audience "Two claps" is held.

    Clown 1. Hello dear friends!
    Clown 2. Hello everyone!
    Clown 1. Well, how do you like the warm-up? Did you like it? This is just the beginning, and how many more interesting things await you today at our holiday.
    Clown 2... No wonder it is called "Spring Carousel", it is already breathtaking!
    Clown 1... How else! It's March, and we have holidays! And March is a song!
    Clown 2. And March is a fairy tale!
    Clown 1. And March is all miracles!
    Clown 2... And March is freshness!
    Clown 1. And March is a holiday of Peace, Spring and Good!

    Clown 2. Our holiday is opened by the ensemble ...
    Clown 1. We would like to share with you: today is the fun in our program.
    Clown 2... And which of you loves jokes, proverbs and jokes, riddles and sayings and funny tongue twisters?

    Clown 1... I can't hear the answer! Do you have any fans to play? (Children answer in chorus: "Yes!") There are three teams on our playground today. (The clown introduces the teams, the audience applauds) So, let's start the fun games competition. It's time to move a little and kick up a little.

    I offer you three games!

    "Spoon-potato" relay

    In hand - a spoon, in a spoon - potatoes. The players of each team run around the finishing piece with potatoes in a spoon. The winner is the team whose player finishes the relay first. (6-7 participants.)

    Race "Tyani-Tolkayev"

    Participants are divided into pairs, grappling with their elbows, they run a certain distance back and forth. (14 participants.)
    Relay "Kangaroo"

    It is believed that the best jumpers in the world are the Australian kangaroos. And why are we worse? Take the ball, squeeze it with your knees or ankles. We will not be able to go any more. One thing remains: to jump like Australian kangaroos, (from the participants.)
    Note: the composition of the team members for each relay can be changed.

    Clown 1. Well. The fun games contest is over. We congratulate all its participants and present you with a concert number.
    Performance by a choreographic or vocal ensemble

    Blitz-tournament of riddles

    Clown 2. And now a blitz-tournament of riddles. And riddles about our smaller brothers - animals and birds. Whoever loves them and knows their habits will solve my riddles.
    It has been known to us since ancient times

    That this bird is a postman. (Pigeon)

    That red, then gray,

    And in the paws, the lump is ripe. (Squirrel)

    Says he's a tailor
    Because like a tree

    He is in pins and needles from birth. (Hedgehog)

    This horse has striped clothes
    Her clothes look like a sailor suit. (Zebra)

    Who is in the den until spring
    (Does he dream at night? (Bear)

    Small stature, long tail,
    Collects crumbs, hides from the cat. (Mouse)

    She does not sit still,
    Carries news on the tail. (Magpie)

    Opening your mouth is a nightmare
    Only "kar-kar-kar" is heard. (Crow)

    Clown 1. Well done, you are smartly guessing. Riddles develop the mind, and laughing ditties raise the mood. Let's have fun with the Chastushechka ensemble.
    (Laughter chastooshkas are performed, merry music sounds. Pippi appears, walking backwards.)

    Clown 1... Oh who I see. It's Peppy - Long Stocking! Hello Peppy!
    Peppy. Hi guys! I hope I'm not late for the holiday?
    Clown 2... Not late, but why are you backing away like a cancer? Why don't you walk like all normal people?
    Peppy (indignantly). What? Why am I creeping like cancer? We, in fact, live in a free country, where everyone can walk as he pleases, and even more so during the holidays! And if you want to know, in Egypt everyone walks like that, and no one is surprised. "
    Clown 1. How do you know that? After all, you have never been to Egypt.
    Peppy. How? Was I not in Egypt? So, remember, I was in Egypt, and, in general, I traveled the whole world and saw enough of all kinds of miracles there.
    Clown 2. Let him lie.
    Peppy. Yeah, exactly, sheer lies. I just start differently
    forget what was and what was not. Therefore, if I lie again, you should not be angry with me for it. Clown 1. And we are not angry, we are very glad to see you, right guys?
    (The children answer in unison.)
    Peppy. Wonderful, wonderful. Thanks a lot! I also prepared a surprise for you with a gift, that is, a surprise gift. (He rummages in his pockets, saying: "So, where is he? Where did I put him?") Yeah, I found it! (Pulls out a folded piece of paper. The clowns, walking around Pippi and rubbing their hands with impatience, stop in bewilderment)
    Clown 1. What is this, a surprise?
    Clown 2. Is this a gift?
    A penny. That's it! This recipe passed to me from my great-grandmother next door.
    Clown 1. Not in the neighborhood, but by inheritance.
    Peppy. Well, by inheritance.
    Clown 1. Really, this recipe could fit on such a small piece of paper.
    Peppy. Wow on the little one! (Gradually unfolds the sheet to its actual size)
    Clown 2(admiringly). This is the legacy!
    Peppy(peering at the recipe). Only I can't make out anything. Apparently, my great-grandmother did not know how to write.
    Clown 1(looking at the recipe). It's just that some words have been erased since the time of your great-grandmother. And, in my opinion, these were adjectives.
    Peppy. We'll have to look for them. (He rummages through his pockets.) But the pockets are already empty. Klepa, do you know any adjectives?
    Clown 2... But what about, for example: big, smart, funny, gray-brown ...
    Clown 1. Guys, help! What adjectives do you know?
    (The children call, and Peppy pretends to write down.)
    Peppy. Everything, everything, enough, the recipe is restored! (Begins to read. The clowns hold the recipe on both sides.) Peppy. So, a hereditary recipe for a birthday cake from my great-grandmother. To make a holiday cake ... You need to take ... greetings from people from other countries ... add to them ... a delicious verse about a cake in rhyme. Mix the resulting mass ... with games with handles-legs. The cake should work! Bon Appetit!
    Clown 1. Wow recipe!
    Peppy. Yes, my grandmother knew how to write recipes. It was her hobby.
    Clown 2... Pippi, are you saying that this is the recipe we are going to bake the pies using?
    Peppy. Of course, my great-grandmother left no other. One, two, three, four, five - let's start playing! (Reads out the first lines of the recipe) To make a holiday cake, you need to take greetings from people from other countries ...
    Clown 2... Oh, I know that!

    Game "Greetings"

    Conducts a game "Greetings" with the audience, the task of the children is to repeat all the movements.
    Clown 2(together with Clown 1 and Peppy). Tibetans, greeting, take off their headdress with one hand. And they put the other behind the ear and stick out their tongue. (Repeat with children.) It is customary for European peoples to shake the right hand. (They shake hands.) In the East, Arabs greet each other by crossing their arms over their chests. (Repeat with the children.) And the Majori tribes say hello: turn your hands with your palms towards you, pretend that you are spitting on them. Turn right to your neighbor. Your palms should meet in cotton. Like this. (Show and repeat with the children.) And now again, as if spit on your palms and say hello to your neighbor on the left. And let's end with a greeting from the natives of North America. Show noses to each other. Now rub with them. So we said hello.
    Peppy. Wonderful. We have already received greetings from residents of other countries. We read the recipe further. Now you need to add to them a poem about a pie in rhyme. Fenechka, do you know that? Maybe some of the guys know?

    Game "Tell me a rhyme"

    One of the guests reads a poem by Daniil Kharms "Very, very tasty pie." The audience helps to finish the words in rhyme.

    I wanted to arrange a ball And guests to my place ... (Called)
    I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,
    I baked crumbly ... (Pie.)
    Pie, knives and forks are here
    But something guests ... (do not go)
    I waited until I had enough strength
    Then a piece ... (took a bite)
    Then he moved a chair and sat down And the whole pie in a minute ... (Ate.)
    When the guests arrived
    Even crumbs ... (Didn't find.)
    (This poem may be read by one of the clowns.)

    Peppy. Great, thank you very much. What do we have next? Yeah, playing with hands and feet.
    Clown 1. I suggest this game.

    Broomstick Racing Game

    Running on a broomstick zigzag past six towns, set at a distance of two meters from another. The winner is the one who quickly overcomes all obstacles without knocking down a single town.
    Peppy. Well, we mixed everything for our magic pie. Now let's add a little bit of good mood. And the ensemble will help us to do this ...
    (Peppy brings in a fake cake.)
    Peppy. So the magic cake is ready. And the filling with a surprise! Only the surprise must first be found.

    Find a surprise game

    Participants are blindfolded. The surprise is put under the bucket. Participants are given a scoop in their hand. Participants walk around the site, where there are buckets with hidden surprises under them, and with the help of a scoop they look for them. The game is played several times with different participants until all the prizes have been distributed. There may be a concert as a surprise.
    Peppy. Did you like our magic cake?
    Clown 1. Yes, it was the most delicious treat in my life!
    Clown 2. What a pity that the time has come to say goodbye. Our holiday is coming to an end. But I want to end it with a funny song. And I invite you all to sing with us the song "With Us Friend".
    Soloists take the stage. All spectators and clowns sing along with the song. Clowns and Peppy wave their hands and say goodbye to the guys.

    Cheerful music sounds.

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