Corporate party for March 8 in style. The script of the corporate party "March 8 in the fairy kingdom" in verse, contests and musical accompaniment to them

Garden equipment 24.09.2019
Garden equipment

The video screen for each participant is shown a portrait of a celebrity changed in Photoshop. Among the celebrities, you can insert photos of their bosses. After the participants' answers, the portraits return to their original form.

He. You have successfully completed the first task. The second stage - "Transport inspection".
During the next competition, we will name parts from some mechanism. Try to guess what kind of car you are talking about.
He. Steering wheel, trunk, bell, pedals, frame ... (Bicycle.)
She. Keel, periscope, kingstones, propeller, porthole ... (Submarine.)
He. Steering wheel, carburetor, brake, shock absorbers, headlights ... (Car.)
She. Steering wheel, wings, fuselage, propeller, autopilot ... (Airplane.)
He. Tower, barrel, tracks, tanks, hatch ... (Tank.)
She. Body, axle, wheel, shaft, box ... (Cart.)

He. Now name the brand of the car by the emblem. Julia, have you drawn the emblems? Carry it!
She brings out the sheets with painted emblems. There should be two units more than the number of participants. Participants take one emblem at random and name the brand of the car.
She. So our participants have shot ...

He. Julia, have you forgotten that the "Almost Professional" competition takes place in three stages. The third stage - "Sharp eyes"... Bring the machine gun.
She. Or maybe we will end on this?
He. Julia, we are working on the script. Carry it!
She brings out a fake gun.
He. What's this? And where is Kalashnikov or TT? Or at least gas?
She (almost crying). The medical board did not give me permission to carry weapons ...
He. Julia, don't cry! So! Take this backstage and bring it ... well, I don't know what. Now we'll figure it out.
She takes out colored paper airplanes and distributes them to the participants.

He. Madam, due to circumstances beyond my control, we have small changes in the script. Now the task will be like this: to launch airplanes into the hall so as to hit the target. Julia, we forgot to designate a goal!
She. For women, the goal is one - men.
He. Understood! If the plane reaches the jury - and there are only men - get 5 points.
launching airplanes in turn.
Competitive gaming moment

He. Madam, thank you. You can go backstage. (The participants leave.) Julia, get ready, now we need to advertise the competition and continue ...
Mobile phone ringing is heard. He takes a phone out of his pocket.
He. Hello! (To her.) It's you!
She. If it's Vitya, Yura or Pasha - I'm not there. And if it's Zhora or Misha, then I'll take it!
He. This name). Asks when her exit.
She. Now!
Concert number.
He comes out from behind the curtains alone, looks into the opposite curtains.
He. Julia, stop sulking. Let's go to.
She (offended). And I won't think about it.
He (goes to Her). Julia! The audience is waiting.
She. I do not want. And I can't ...
He brings Her to the stage.
Where will I go so upset. Who needs a sad presenter on stage? The presenter should smile, but I want to cry ...
He. Did someone hurt you? (Picture.) Where is he, scoundrel?
She (pokes him in the chest). Here it is! Here it is!
He. I AM?!
She (with boundless surprise). Don't you even understand? You men are so thick-skinned. For all the time that we are on the stage, you have never said a compliment to me.
He. I'm sorry, I'm sorry dear!
She. Look at me carefully (spinning in front of Him) ... But don't you notice anything?
He. No, why?
She. Everyone says that I have become a written beauty.
He. It is what it is. Only you were not told the main thing, Yulechka, you are not only a beauty, you are also smart!
She (thoughtfully, under her breath). Only they say there is something else to do ... with the face.
He. Well, if only a little.
She. Yes a little bit. Then all. Imagine, Andrei, I'm walking down the street, and the men are all with open mouths. Those that meet halfway stumble. Those behind are already lying. Here it is - beauty.
He. Yes ... a terrible force. Julia, Julia, don't be distracted. By the way, our next competition is called “Both clever and beautiful”.
Maybe, Julia, will you invite the participants to the stage? She walks towards the wings.
He (To catch up with her). Into the microphone! (To the audience.) In my opinion, I got excited with the “clever girl”.
She (comes back). A woman's mind is to hide it. Our dear members, we ask you to take the stage
Exit of the participants.

He. Competition "Both clever and beautiful" will take place in two stages. The first ethane is "Clever".
Each participant is given a marker and a sheet of whatman paper is issued.
He. I ask the participants to remember and write words in the letter A. The first word consists of two letters, the second of three, the third of four, and so on. Each subsequent word contains one letter more than the previous one. One minute is allotted to complete the task.
She. For each word the jury gives 1 point.
On the sheets, the participants write words in a column from top to bottom. But at the end of the competition, the presenters read out the words written by the participants.

She. We continue the competition. The second stage - "Beauty"
Men don't be afraid beautiful women! From a physical point of view, we represent a torso, on which a head is worn, two arms are attached to the sides, and two legs are attached from the bottom. But since our brain is enriched with extra stubs ... depleted ... by tanning ...
He. Julia, don't be smart anymore!
She (playfully). Well, coquetry! Therefore, we take care of the shell. Hence the outfits, lipstick on the lips and flicking eyelashes ... You have to be in shape! (To the participants) Really, girls?
He. By the way, the jury evaluates the "form" by a five-point system. She. Girls, let's start!
The presenter names the action, the participants portray. In the final, all actions are performed at the same time.

She. So that the waist is thin - in the morning we twist the hula hoop (circular movements with the hips).
So as not to be ashamed to go out to people - we sew our own outfits ( right hand as if we were turning a handle sewing machine). Sewn it? We put it on.
We do our own styling - we combed our hair, corrected our hairstyle (we correct our hair with our left hand, comb it with an imaginary comb).
We ran to the shops, bought ourselves some chic shoes, moreover, with stiletto heels - and already running in them ... (running on the spot).
Do not forget to look around - head left and right and shooting with your eyes.

He. How much effort is spent on maintaining beauty - our women are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.
And now all at once together - hula hoop, spin the car, fix the haircut, on the high heels in shops and on the sides ... on the sides - there are so many men around!

Participants perform all movements at the same time.
He. Yes ... If a man is made in the image and likeness of God, then a woman is incomparable! Really, Julia?
She is silent.
He. Julia!
She doesn't respond.
He. Folk omen: if a woman suddenly fell silent, it means that she wants to say something. While Yulia is thinking, the participants can go backstage.

The participants leave. He goes to Her.
Julia, if a thought does not come to mind, then it does not come anywhere at all. How long can you be silent?
She. Don't bother me, Andrei, I think.
He. Found the time and place! About what?
She. I think what to give mom on March 8th. Maybe you have any advice?
He. No-oo-oo! Maybe the audience will give you some advice? In-he is how many. Dear viewers, do you have any ideas for a gift for a woman on March 8?
Game moment with spectators.

He. Most often, flowers are a gift. But the male fantasy does not go beyond mimosas, roses and tulips. And here the women themselves come to the rescue.
She. I wonder how it is?
He. The choice of colors depends on the profession of the beloved.
She. Well, let's say your favorite dressmaker ...
He. You can give marigolds to a dressmaker.
She. And if a manicurist?
He. Marigold.
She. To the ophthalmologist?
He. Pansies.
She. The trainer?
He. Snapdragon.
She. To the hairdresser?
He. Cactus…
Julia, I have an idea! Try to write poetry to your mom.
She. I have already tried
He. So how is it? It turns out?
She. Half. It turns out to write, poetry - no.
He. Maybe then you will sing? Her favorite song ... What is your mom's favorite song?
She. The one that will now be performed for everyone ...
Concert number.
She (at the end of the number). She sings very well. I definitely won't be able to do it. What to give mom?
He. Maybe you will dance? A gypsy girl with an exit ... Or will you portray a scene? You know, a creative approach is needed here. She! We chatted with you! Attention! We announce the last competition - a creative one.

She. First his homework is…
Creative competition.
He. So the competition "Your Majesty the Woman!" The jury retires to the meeting.
The jury leaves.
She (after). Dear jury! Gentlemen, can I help you or not hinder?
He. Julia, here you are much more needed. Moreover, while the jury is summing up the results, it is necessary to somehow entertain the audience. Do you have any thoughts on this?
She. You will not believe. There is! On the eve of the women's holiday, I propose to think together how and with what we can also congratulate women.
He. Songs! I feel the voice has returned to me.
She. So maybe then you will sing something sincere?
He. There is. (Sings to the tune "Oh, frost, frost ...") Oh, wife, wife, kiss me, kiss me - your horse ...
She. Andrey, I'm serious, and you're kidding.
He. And I'm serious. O! There is! I can carry out an old Russian rite - the continuation of the family ... Although it is not worth showing, the rite is already widespread.
She. So what do you do?
He. Call ...
Concert numbers.

You can hold an audience choice contest. Viewers vote for the participants. The presenters will count the votes and record the results.
The jury returns.

She. Dear contestants, we ask you to take the stage.
Participants exit, formation for rewarding.
She. Andrey, tell our participants something good!
He. Women are the same men, only better!
She. Is that all?
He. Any foolishness for your sake
Our ancestors did it easily.
Because of your lovely eyes
Madness is not uncommon even now.
You are women! And your glory
You obey yourself ...
Oh delightful right -
Capture and drive everyone crazy.

Now we will find out how much the contestants managed to captivate the jury. The floor is given to the chairman. We ask for the microphone.
Summarizing- rewarding of the participants.

He. We congratulate the winners!
She. Not! We congratulate all the participants of the competition. We admire you! Good luck to you!
He. We congratulate the participants and all the women in the hall on the upcoming holiday!
Against the background of V. Meladze's song “I liked you”.
Dear women, we wish you that you always have many reasons to be proud of yourself ...
She. Even if someone doesn't appreciate you, even if it seems that the world around you is unfair. If you yourself sincerely believe that you have something to be proud of, this is already happiness!
He. And we say goodbye to you!
She. All the best!
Together. Until next time!
Music. Curtain.
Authors - M. Tyzova, Zh.Khmeleva. In preparing the script, materials from the programs of A. Zaitsev, A. Fomintsev, the magazines "How to entertain guests" and "Around laughter" were used.

As you know, March 8 is a holiday of spring and female beauty... And if this beauty is present in your team, you just need to arrange a bright, memorable holiday for the ladies in honor of.And for everyone to have fun and interest, it is imperative to include contests in the program. For a corporate event on March 8, this kind of entertainment is perfect. It will be a great addition to a traditional meal. So, consider the most interesting contests, with which you can organize a cool corporate party for March 8.

Contest "Second Half"

A fun corporate party for March 8 can be done as follows. All women in your team can participate. Prepare opaque ones before the start of the competition. These can be scarves, shawls. The culprits of the occasion should be placed in the center of the hall and blindfolded. Then around them you need to line up men, who, at the signal of the leader, must move in a circle or arbitrarily. And at this moment, the girls must catch their man. The result obtained can be presented in different ways: established couples can participate in other pair competitions, or the man who has been caught should say an interesting compliment to his girlfriend and congratulate her on the holiday.

Competition "Strongman"

Men must take part in this competition. Women will judge severely. So, the meaning of entertainment is that women need to determine the strongest man in the team. To demonstrate their strength, men will have to complete different tasks, for example, who will push up more from the floor or who will pull up. Well, friendly kisses of the beautiful half of the team will be a pleasant prize.

Contest "Creators"

The participants in this competition are men. You will need to prepare many balloons and inflate them, and the balloons must be of different diameters. Also prepare scissors and markers. The men should be divided into 2-3 teams and the necessary equipment should be given to each group. The task of the participants is to construct a female figure out of the balls. The team whose sculpture is closest to reality wins.

Contest "Guess"

You will need: printed letters, a gift box, surprises starting with the letters of the word that you write next.

On sheets of paper, you should print cards with letters from which you can add the word WOMAN. Each letter has its own surprise, which is in the box. For example, F - chewing gum, E - blackberry, H - manicure scissors, U - clothes brush, I - needles, H - handkerchief, A - accessory.

All the girls of the team take part in the competition. The task of women is to be the first to guess what kind of surprise is hidden behind the letter shown by the presenter. Such March 8 will not only diversify your event, but will also be an excellent workout for your ingenuity!

Competition "Super Prize"

You will need to prepare an interesting souvenir item that is packed in nice paper... A note with a riddle is attached to the souvenir, then it is wrapped in paper again and a note with a new riddle is attached. You can make any number of such layers.

According to the terms of the competition, the presenter reads out the first riddle, and the women’s task is to guess. The one who guesses has the right to guess the next riddle. But if she answers incorrectly or does not know the correct answer, any other participant can guess. The woman who guessed the last riddle, and gets a super prize.

Competition "Window dressing"

This competition will require various subjects that women enjoy in life. You must attach a note with their name to each item. Each participant takes a note and tries to portray the name of the item. All the other girls are guessing. The item is awarded to the girl who is the first to guess the name. You can prepare items so that they are related to each other, so women would get a scene for March 8 at a corporate party.

Best Smile Competition

You will need a ruler or meter. The entire female half of the team must participate in the competition. Women need to stretch their smile as wide as possible, and the presenter will measure it with a ruler. Having measured the smiles of all employees, the presenter finds the owner of the widest one, for which she receives the "Miss Smile" medal.

Competition "Rachki"

The following attributes are required for the competition: two pairs of fins and two pairs of mittens, the same amount of Rachki sweets for both teams, two chairs.

The competition must be held in the form of a relay race. Players of both teams, at the signal, must quickly put on mittens and fins and run to the chair that is on opposite side hall, take a candy from a chair, unfold and put it in your mouth, then return to its place. The winner is the team that eats all the candy from the chair faster. The winners get a kilogram of sweets.

Superfluous colleague competition

Props for the competition: 9 chairs, which must be placed with their backs inside the circle, and the same number of men sitting on them.

10 girls are participating in the competition. The girls walk in a circle to the cheerful music, and as soon as the music dies down, they must sit on the lap of the men. The girl who lacked a chair leaves the game with the chair and one man. The winner is the girl who gets the last man in the chair.

As you can see, the contests for the corporate event on March 8 are varied. You can use the entire set presented here, or even remember something from your childhood. After all, corporate contests on March 8 do not have to be adults! On the contrary, everyone will be only "for" fooling around.

For a fun feast, it is specially designed for a small (up to 40 people) team. The script is also focused on the feast.

Thus, if your task is to organize a fun feast with colleagues communicating in an informal setting, contests, congratulations on March 8 and several dance breaks, then this scenario is what you need.

Note that to organize such a fun feast on March 8, you will need a minimum of preparations (except for the table itself). All you need to take care of are the prizes for the contest winners on March 8th. Prizes can be any useful or memorable souvenirs of your choice.

According to the idea of ​​this corporate party for March 8, almost all the action takes place directly during the feast. Therefore, to organize a feast, you will need to appoint a person in charge, he is also the presenter, who introduces congratulations to the heroes of the occasion, leads contests and fills in the gaps between congratulations and actions.

As we said above, this scenario of a corporate party for March 8 is focused on a festive feast. Therefore, the presenter, as a rule, takes the floor before each new glass, having previously allowed colleagues to communicate and taste the festive dishes.

Our dear WOMEN!
Today you have the most favorable and happy day according to the "male" horoscope, ie:
March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty,
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers !!!
What a holiday without congratulations? And the first congratulations he expressed a desire to present to our dear women, our dear leader ... He has the first word.

Dear colleagues! If March 8 is a holiday for women, then for men it is most likely a headache!
After all, women have many worries
But dividing them by a year,
You will get three hundred times less
Than the load that fell on us! -
- Men this one day!

Although the blizzards have not yet shaken,
But after another glass,
Our souls have warmed up
And hearts made happy.
Let the winter be full of excitement
Spring has come to us today!
Today is the day of March 8
And we wish you happiness!

The third toast "For Love!" No wonder people say - "LOVE is a toothache in the heart!" And now the head of the transport department will share this love, or his pain with us, ...!

Dear ladies!
We could praise you until the morning!
However, it's time to get down to business.
The moment has come to present gifts!
As our most powerful argument!

(men give gifts to female colleagues).


Dear women, we have already presented some gifts to you today. But in order to receive our special gifts - you have to try. In order to win back on February 23, we tried to come up with contests for you. The winners will receive their legal prizes.

Let's get started!

Scenario of a fun feast for March 8 - contests

so first competition, not even a competition, but summing up the results of our survey conducted before the holiday itself.

(To do this, you need to write the below 5 questions on a sheet of paper and give them to women to answer questions asked and summarize preliminary results. You can change the questions at your discretion or add your own options)

Our dear women were asked to answer the following questions:

1. You came home and sleeps on your bed unfamiliar man... Your actions (of all the respondents, all but one expressed themselves to lie down next to, and only one decided to put him out the door, so the guys shake off whoever has it)

2. You come to work, and another worker sits in your place. Your actions
(There are many options in this direction, but you can group them into about three groups - 1. they want to get to know each other, 2. they’ll be surprised, but sit next to them, 3. they’ll ask to work for themselves, but for free)

3. You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your companion disappears without paying. Your actions
(50% expressed a desire to change the satellite, 30% decided to run away too, and the rest to take measures to pay for dinner, but in different ways)

4. You bought a hair dye, dyed your hair, but it turned out that it is green, but you do not have time to repaint before the gala reception. Your actions.
(here women wished to stay in socks or stockings, some only in shoes, in underwear, in one wig, but there were also modest ones - they wished to stay in dresses, but all these items of clothing must be in the same color as their hair. women would dare to go with one toothless smile, and only two decided to go in what is and as is, at the moment)

5. You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors have a big party that will keep you awake anyway. Your actions
(Some of the women remained indifferent and gathered to watch TV, but at the same time turn up the sound of the TV louder, 40% of women decided to take more radical measures - to score an arrow in their neighbors and conduct a debriefing, and - one decided on a "wet case" out of these 40%, and only two women don't need a neighbor's party - they just decided to relax)

6. You came to work and you were announced a 10-fold increase in wages. Your actions
(almost all women will be happy about what happened, and one will faint with joy, two women will not believe the salary and think that it is April 1, three decided to get drunk with joy, but only one decided to give her colleagues a drink, and two decided to get drunk alone, and only one of all said that she would work even better than before, in order to apparently earn even more), So ... think about whether it is worth raising wages for women, they can give it to men, who, on the other hand, are ready to work even better as one!

The summarized results of the survey are as follows: Our women have a sense of humor, although before the survey, some men believed the opposite. Our women are resourceful - they have their own argument for any situation and a way out of the current situation. Our women have not stopped loving us men - at least in their thoughts! And this is already good! Our women have a large margin of safety - the conclusion is that the department leadership needs to load them more with additional work.

Therefore, a toast is offered to our daring, resourceful, hardworking, abundant love and of course dear women!


Ladies and gentlemen! We all turn to women, but we turn to women. And let's turn to our men: "Dear men, tell me which of you is dissatisfied with the small salary you are getting now?" And I thought everyone was happy. I propose to those who are dissatisfied to give their salaries to our female colleagues, and to work for free themselves. So it always turns out how to share - so everything is in the bushes, not a single one was found! Therefore, we are smoothly moving on to another competition:

Theater competition: Jury all men
4-6 women are invited and asked to portray the following:
1.portate a feminist
2.P portray a man-hater
3. to portray a confused
4. to portray a woman - an official

A prize for the winner, and a consolation prize for the rest

I have a word for congratulations ...

Scenario of a corporate party for March 8 with contests: continuation

It all starts with a woman! Fun, laughter, duels, disappointments, Love, care, warmth and pain and much more, all this is because of you and for you, our dear ones! At whatever age you are, you will always remain the best half of humanity.

We propose to hold a Culinary Competition, for this I will now name each letter from the alphabet, and you dear women you will have to name the dishes, within one minute, which of you will name the most, that one won!

Let's start clockwise from me and alphabetically, skipping the vowels, and whoever lacks a consonant, let's give a vowel letter. Started: B, V, D, D, F, Z, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, Ts, Ch, Sh, Sh,

The winner is a prize.

We have expressed a desire to congratulate the winner personally ... and at the same time all the other women.


Dear men, the time has finally come for you. You are invited to draw Special attention at their neighbors. Our Ladies want to see filled glasses, your happy faces and ears hanging on the carnation of attention. While the glasses are filling, I propose to hold another competition called POPA(or any other word or words "I WANT A MAN")

All women in turn say the word "Popa" or "I want a man!" with increasing volume, i.e. the first speaks in a whisper, the second a little louder, the third even louder, etc. in a circle clockwise from me leading. The winner is the one who speaks the loudest, i.e. after it, no one dares to say (shout) to yell louder. If during the game someone enters the room where it is being played, you should say: "Hello, we called you."

The winner is a prize, and wishes to congratulate the rest ...

Dear women, now we want to determine which of you is the most agile, 4-6 people are invited

Competition "Tear a piece of paper"
With one hand, right or left, it is all the same - to tear a piece of paper into small pieces, while the hand is extended forward, you cannot help with your free hand. Who is the smallest will do the job.

And so they began. The most dexterous prize, I have not congratulated us yet ...


The prize is taken, wrapped in paper. The content of any riddle is glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And the riddle is glued again. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The host gives a prize wrapped in ten wrappers in the hands of one. The player removes one wrapper, sees a riddle, reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle, if not, he reads the riddle aloud, whoever guessed it, gets the right to further unfold the prize and everything continues according to the same scheme. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

For the game, sheets of paper and pencils are required according to the number of those present. Each guest is given this set of a young artist and a card with the concept - the funnier, the more interesting. For example: adultery; hellish tension; senility; second youth. In five minutes, players must draw their concept without using words and letters. Then each artist presents his masterpiece, and the rest guess the concept. The winner is the one whose concept was guessed.

RODHOME(the woman is given a note with the parameters of the child - weight, gender, height, and even a name)
Two people are playing. One is a wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The task of the husband is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the task of the wife is to explain all this to her husband in signs, since the thick double-glazed windows of the hospital ward keep sound out. See what gestures your wife will make! The main thing is unexpected and varied questions.

This game will help all your guests get to know each other. The guests at the table pass a roll of toilet paper in a circle. Each guest rips off as many pieces as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a pile of scraps, the presenter announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

Two volunteers are called in, preferably guys who know each other well. Others stand around and represent a support group. Players sit on both sides of a small table, a candle is placed in front of each, a lighter (or matches) and an apple are given in their hands. The task is simple - who will eat his apple faster. But an apple can be eaten only when your candle is on. And the opponent can blow out the candle and then the player, before biting the apple again, will have to light it again.


The players get in pairs. The host invites everyone to the "wild beach" where dances are announced. The dancers are given records (one for men, three for women) - “in order to intimate parts did not excite vacationers on the beach. " Music sounds, dances begin. Players need not to lose a single record during the dance, and for this they have to dance closely to each other.

How to hold a corporate party in a women's team on March 8, 2019 in order to create a fun atmosphere at the holiday, and none of those present got bored? The organizers of such celebrations will diversify them with fun contests, comic scenes, funny games... At the same time, they try to take into account the age of all participants.

It is important that all the ladies attending the event feel comfortable. We offer one of possible options of how you can organize a holiday on March 8 in a team, including interesting tasks that will appeal to the majority of those present.

Scenario of a corporate party for March 8 in the women's team

Decorate the room where the holiday will take place with garlands, balloons... You can draw 1-2 greeting posters or prepare a wall newspaper for this day.

–Hello, our dear guests! An amazing holiday comes again, when the sun shines brighter, and there are more smiles and louder drops. We are glad to welcome you to this hall, which looks like a flowering meadow. It is you, our lovely ladies, who filled it with the light of your beauty today!

The most beautiful and most beloved
Women are beautiful, unique
Congratulations on the women's holiday,
We wish you the very best in life!
Always be loved and desired
Affectionate and very long-awaited.
In life - wonderful and bright emotions!
Happy holiday, women, you! March 8!

Further, at the festive corporate party in honor of March 8, according to the script, congratulations will be heard from the company's management. At the same time, it is important to mention each employee, thanking them for their contribution to the common cause. You can present them with awards: "For the best report", "The most punctual", "Golden hands", etc.

Then the presenters will take the floor:
- The snow will melt the prankster March,
Hearts will thaw from winter.
Let's celebrate a women's holiday
As only we can!

- How unflattering men speak about the so-called female logic! At the same time, many of the fair sex in this regard not only keep up with them, but can give them a head start. Let's put your skills to the test and have a fun quiz.

Several participants are invited to the stage, who need to answer questions. Each offer contains superfluous word, which is not related to the rest in meaning. Girls and women must define it.

For example, in the list of "cotton, polyester and linen", extra is polyester, since it artificial material... In the phrase "henna, supra and basma" the word "supra" is superfluous, since it chemical composition, made in a laboratory, and henna and basma are natural dyes. Then the results of the competition are summed up and the winners are awarded.

- Well, you coped with this task brilliantly! And so that you don't get bored, I suggest you take a fun test.

You at least once in your life ...

  • got behind the wheel of a car?
  • hammered in a nail?
  • lifted luggage heavier than a handbag?
  • changed a car wheel?
  • fought with the sellers in the store?
  • did you buy your own jewelry?
  • do you know what the word "pliers" means?

The presenter will summarize:

  • for those who have never answered “yes”, men are simply necessary for survival in this complex world;
  • those who answered in the affirmative to half of the questions still have a chance to become independent and independent;
  • who answered yes to most questions, do not be discouraged: you are real Russian women who will stop a horse at a gallop and enter a burning hut!

The corporate event on the occasion of the 8 March celebration in the women's team will be continued by the scene "Harmful advice".

- They say that there is no female friendship, but about how quarrelsome it can be women's team, there are jokes. Everything is different in our company, so I want to give you some bad advice.

Tip 1:
- If your colleagues
Gave a big prize
And they completely forgot about you
And they did not give any,
Instead of paint
Pour into the printer
Strawberry jam,
And about you in the institution
They will never forget.

Tip 2:
- If at the workplace
Everything is littered with paper
And find there what they ask for
There is no hope -
Get it all down quickly
Flood from above with your feet
And leave such a job
Where there is no one to clean up the table.

Tip 3:
- If everything is in the office at once
Got sick with a terrible flu
And the work immediately got up,
And the customers are calling
You with some piece of paper
Approach the patient to them.
Let them get sick too
There will be no one to call!

The scenario of a corporate party for March 8 may include various fun contests.

In the "Hostess" competition, the participants will need to:

  • to cook tasty dish, for example, salad, in the allotted time;
  • determine by touch, with closed eyes, the types of cereals (buckwheat, barley, semolina, etc.);
  • answer the questions: "How much is a liter of milk, a kilogram of a doctor's sausage, a loaf of bread, a pack of washing powder, children's tights?"
  • sew on a button, etc. as soon as possible.

Teams consisting of two participants will take part in the next competition at the corporate celebration on March 8th.

One participant takes out cards from the box with the words “car”, “flowers”, “child”, “iron”, “cat”, “candy”, “dress”, “bracelet”, “vase”, “carcass of a chicken”, etc. . Another lady will take out in random order from another box cards with the phrases: "I will cook for dinner", "I will receive as a gift", "I will send to Kindergarten"," I'll put it on in the evening "," I'll go to a restaurant in this ", etc.

If the words match the meaning, the team will receive prize points. The winner will be the team with maximum amount points.

At this holiday, you can also talk about the achievements of employees at work and not only. After all, many have hobbies, which will be interesting for everyone to learn about. Surely one of your colleagues writes poetry, sews and knits beautifully, grows rare flowers at home or in his garden.

Organize a lottery with humorous gifts at the party: it can be a compliment from the boss or a prize in the form of a few free hours for shopping.

- Once again, with the women's holiday all of you! Let's wish each other happiness, spring, love, kindness!

- Dear colleagues,
Congratulations on the women's holiday!
I wish you a lot of love,
I wish you a lot of happiness!

A lot of joy and mood
Many new, wonderful ideas,
And I also wish you luck
And health, and memorable days!

I wish you flowers and gifts
And the attention of the best men
I sincerely congratulate you, friends!
Let your worries melt like smoke!

In a friendly team, any holidays are an excellent reason to have fun with colleagues. March 8 is no exception. Men, as a rule, take care of the preparation of this event in order to surprise their ladies-colleagues. In this article, we will introduce you better options scenarios and ideas on how to organize and hold a corporate party on International Women's Day.

There are many places where you can spend a holiday for ladies on their day. However, it should be chosen based on how friendly and easy the relationship in the team is:

  • If the atmosphere at work between employees is relaxed, everyone jokes at each other, finds common topics no problem, then you can not go far from the office, and celebrate the holiday right at work. It's enough just to decorate workplace every woman to organize a buffet table. To make the ladies interesting, offer them a dress code. Have them dress like they are about to attend an Academy Awards. For each employee, you can come up with a nomination - a quality that personally distinguishes her from other women at work.
  • If you work for a large company, international company, which can afford to buy trips abroad for the whole team, then do not hesitate and organize a holiday for your women on the seashore. By the way, a beach party can also be done in the office or country house if you rent it in advance.
  • Any woman likes to be photographed, so if you want your colleagues to get the most out of their day, rent a photo studio for them, where they will be provided with not only the services of a photographer, but also a make-up artist, stylist, and hairdresser.
  • You can act corny - order your ladies a restaurant with live music, beautiful flowers and a romantic atmosphere. If the collective young age then the ideal solution would be to rent a nightclub.

Listen to the wishes of your colleagues. Perhaps they will give you a hint of how they would like to celebrate Women's Day. It is very important here just not to leave the ladies unattended.

Cool script for a corporate party on March 8 in a team

Music about a woman is playing. You can pick up a song by a domestic artist that everyone knows, or a foreign one. To this music, the presenters appear on an impromptu stage (preferably men):

The text of the toast can be anything, but we suggest using the following poem:

After the toast, one of the hosts announces the solemn part of the event. Its essence is to award each employee with a medal and a nomination. If the relationship in the team is easy and simple, then the nominations can be comic. For example, "The longest legs in our company", "The sexiest lady in our company." If the relationship is serious, then the nominations should be appropriate, more laudatory. For example, "The most punctual employee", "The smartest".

The solemn part is followed by a congratulatory one. All bosses should speak, girls should be presented with flowers and gifts, if any, in this part of the event.

It is proposed to complete the game part with a disco, during which, if desired, you can also conduct various competitions.

Photos from corporate events on March 8

Chastooshkas for a corporate party on March 8

Fun contests

  1. Competition "Who owns this item?"

One of the women present is taken out of the premises where the event is taking place. At this time, the presenter collects different things that belong to different women. After that, the participant returns to the hall. She must guess which of those present, which thing belongs to.

  1. Competition "Are you a good hostess?"

From the audience you need to choose two girls who would like to compete with each other for speed. They may be offered the following relay races:

  • Who will peel a few potatoes faster;
  • Who will be able to dress the child to school faster;
  • Who will be able to get ready for work faster;
  • Who will quickly sew buttons, for example, to a dressing gown;
  • Who will quickly collect the child's portfolio for school.
  1. Competition "Best Dancer"

Several girls who can dance the waltz well are invited to participate. They will need to dance it to different musical styles. Participants need not to get confused and show originality. It's always a lot of fun.

  1. Competition "What kind of fruit is this?"

2-3 girls are invited to participate. They are blindfolded. The task of the girls is to guess only by the aroma which fruits and berries are in front of them. Among the fruits, you need to hide cucumbers and potatoes. Girls always give funny answers as to how they smell from these vegetables.

  1. Contest "Guess your colleague by characteristics"

This competition can be conducted while sitting, but you should prepare for it in advance. The boss needs to write a short description for each employee, but do not indicate her name. The one in the audience who reads the testimonial must guess who it is about.

  1. Competition "Iron Endurance"

Only one woman is invited to participate. She must put on leggings and, in this form, scold each woman, calling her on the carpet, pretending to be a boss. At the same time, the task of all women is not to laugh, to try to defend themselves. It is ridiculous enough to reprimand subordinates in leggings, it is almost impossible to restrain laughter at the same time. For the competition to go well, you need to choose the most artistic woman from all those present.

Funny scenes

Scene based on the tale of Tsar Saltan


Scene congratulations from men

It is assumed that one of the women should dress up as a "macho" man, and then pretentiously read out the following poem:

Games for corporate parties

At the very beginning of the event, while not everyone has time to get drunk, you can make riddles on the topic of women. Examples of such riddles are presented below, along with the answers:

During the event, you can have such short, but very funny and funny games in the pauses between toasts:

  1. "Dance with the Egg": Multiple pairs are selected. A man and a woman in a pair should have their backs to each other. Between their backs they must squeeze a raw egg... Their task is to lower the egg to the floor so that it remains intact. At the same time, you cannot correct the egg with your hands. The couple that will cope with the task will win.
  2. Clothespins: Couples of men with women are participating. Men are blindfolded, and women attach clothespins from the back. With his eyes closed, a man only needs to hook the clothespins from the back to the woman's chest with his teeth.
  3. "Find a wife by the leg": You need to find a couple in the hall who is her in life - husband and wife, ideally. The husband was taken out of the hall, and 5 women, including a wife, and 2 men, sit on the chairs for a while. Everyone bares one leg, puts on a stocking. A man needs to find his wife with his eyes closed, feeling his legs.
  4. "Dress your beloved": 3 couples are invited. Warm winter mittens are worn for men, and button-down robes for women. Men have to fasten their wife's robe at speed in mittens. Whoever copes faster will win.
  5. Round dance game: Absolutely everyone participates. The first person says: "I love in my neighbor, for example, the ear, and I do not like the elbow." A similar phrase is said by all in turn. The host then tells everyone to kiss the neighbor's place that he likes and bite for the one he doesn't like. It turns out to be a funny pause, which perfectly lifts the mood.

Jokes about corporate events on March 8

Win-win lottery

Any corporate party should end with the presentation of prizes - memorable symbolic gifts with a humorous accent. We offer you to hold such a win-win lottery for the women of your workforce:

  • If you know your coworker loves the thrill, give her hot peppers.
  • The most gentle and gentle employee can be given a small teddy bear or any other soft toy.
  • A dreamer girl can be given a decorative candle with some kind of pleasant aroma.
  • A girl who carefully monitors the order at work can be awarded home-made soap as a prize.
  • The most daring employee can be presented with a nail file with a hint that she loves to command and lament.
  • A whiny and touchy employee can be presented with a set of napkins or, conversely, something that will make her smile.

In general, give free rein to your imagination and take a closer look at your colleagues, you will immediately understand what you can present to whom.

Scenario: a tale of March 8 at a corporate party

We offer to hold a corporate party in a fabulous form. It is necessary that several people learn the words, change into the heroes they will play. They will be the main actors the whole holiday.

The culinary competition begins. It is necessary that all women divide into 2 teams and prepare different dishes from the same ingredients in the allotted time. Whoever copes with this task better will be the winner.

The heroes offer women to pull the rope using the same commands.

Women need to dance an erotic dance that men will appreciate. The team that copes with this task the best will be considered the winner.

Women's teams need to recruit participants from the audience and thread a 10 m ribbon through their clothes to make a kind of beads. Can be threaded through the leg, sleeves, underwear. The more original you can tie the beads, the higher the chances of winning.

All guests present in the hall pass the glass in a circle and everyone must add their own ingredient to it. The person who completes the circle must drink the resulting cocktail.

At the end of the event, you need to take a general photo for memory and announce the dance block.

Cocktail Party Ideas

If a corporate party is celebrated in a restaurant or in some nightclub, then the menu will be conditioned by what this institution can offer. It's another matter if the team celebrates a celebration at work. In this case, the process of preparing a buffet table must be approached very responsibly. What are the options:

  • You can simply make dozens of varieties of canapes and arrange many glasses of spilled drinks, so that it is convenient to immediately grab a glass, have a snack and calmly rest, have fun
  • You can, in addition to canapes, put on tables and sandwiches, hot snacks, as well as salads. Only all this should be immediately placed in small portioned tartlets so that a person does not have to stand over the dish for a long time, pouring it into his plate.
  • You can just have a themed party and order sushi, noodles and other food in this style at the restaurant.

Buffet in the office

Sample menu:

  • Sausage and cheese cuts;
  • Cold cuts;
  • Hepatic balls;
  • Tartlets with mushrooms, cheese and chicken;
  • Canapes with shrimp, tuna, cheese and fruit;
  • Omelet, chicken and vegetable rolls;
  • Dessert cakes and ice cream.
  • Any alcoholic drinks.

Photo of the buffet

Menu for a corporate party buffet

The menu will depend on which cuisine you choose:

  1. If you have chosen French cuisine, then the menu should include the following dishes:
  • Tartlets stuffed with cheese, egg and ham;
  • Meat quiche with spinach;
  • Shish kebab with cheese, grape berries and pineapple;
  • Julienne;
  • Eclairs.
  1. If you prefer Russian cuisine, then the following dishes should be on the table:
  • Pancakes with mushroom and meat filling;
  • Potato meatballs and pickled cucumber;
  • Jellied;
  • Pies;
  • Sandwiches;
  • Baked apples with honey and nut filling.

Buffet on outing, on a picnic

  • Different types of kebabs with sauces;
  • Fresh and grilled vegetables;
  • Bruschettes in pure form and with spread;
  • Hot salads in tartlets;
  • Sliced ​​cheese and sausage;
  • Fruits and berries;
  • Pies and muffins for dessert.

Be original and be sure to come up with your own scenarios and menus for March 8 in labor collective! Women should come home on holiday and feel refreshed in order to continue accepting gifts already in high spirits!

Video: "Corporate Party for March 8"

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