Why is 2n accidentally written in a word? Vocabulary "unexpected"

garden equipment 03.07.2020

Good afternoon. Is it worth writing one or two nn here? Quite a lot of people are sure that the law will simply not be enforced.

Right: Quite a few people are sure that the law will simply not be enforced.

Question #293715

Dear Diploma! Why in the sacrament "set" (honey) two nn? Is it really formed from the perfect verb "put" and not "put"? Why?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Adjective put (honey) goes back to the verb put(from put formed delivered). Writing an adjective with two n is outdated. Now it is preferable to write according to the rule - with one n.

Question No. 291194

Good afternoon, please explain why there are two nns in the word

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

This is a participle formed from a perfective verb. This is the reason for the two N.

Question No. 266207
Dear diploma, why are two nn written in the word "studded" (rubber)?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The reason for doubling H is the OVA suffix: studded, drawn, etc. (but: forged - here OB is at the root).

Question #264698
Dear Gramota.ru!
Why are the words slow, desirable, sacred,
unexpected, unseen, unheard, unexpected, written
after two HH?
If we follow the rule, then we must write them through one H. Why?
Thanks in advance.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In fact, these are exceptions to the rule.

Question #252432
Hello)))) so I asked myself a question: how to check and explain the spelling of the word ROADED (example: through a traveled forest). here it marks in red, and the teacher told us that two nn. how so? remember please)

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Spelling correct with one H: through the worn forest.

Question #245554
"All of them take out large construction debris, which is stipulated by the terms of state contracts"
The word "provided" one n or two nn?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right with one N.

Question #220666
Hello! how to write the word chopped ham, together or with a hyphen? one or two nn in both parts of the word?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

That's right: _chopped ham_.
Question #204392
1). "The bound man was sitting in the basement of an old abandoned house." Here "bound" and "abandoned" are adjectives correlated with the participle (write what is expressed by the adjective?)? 2). Yesterday I read the rule about the separate spelling of NOT with predicative adverbs that are not formed from adjectives. I understood it poorly - I figured out for myself that the predicative ones are those that are part of the predicate. For example: I couldn't help but agree. "Couldn't" - before. adverb. Could you write about predicate here. adverbs? I would also like to know if their number is limited? Give examples of writing a predicate. adverbs with NOT separately. 3). "The cars roll easily, even if they are loaded (n, n)." Here "loaded (n, nn) ​​s" participle IMHO - one n will fall, but I'm not sure about this: does it even count as a dependent word? four). Am I speaking correctly. Permanent - two n, because formed from constancy, i.e. stem ends with H + adjective suffix H = two HH.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. _Bound_ and _abandoned_ are participles, as they are formed from verbs and have prefixes.
2. Predicatives include words of different parts of speech, and not in all their lexical meanings, but only in those that are assigned to the use of these words in the function of the predicate. Of the adverbs, predicates include: 1) words in _-o_, correlative in meaning with qualitative adverbs, denoting a feeling, emotional or physical state, for example: _fun, sad, joyful, stuffy, bad_, etc .; 2) words that do not correlate with qualitative adverbs, denoting an internal state, for example: _ashamed, ashamed, nauseated_, etc.; 3) words with modal meanings of obligation, necessity, possibility, not correlative with qualitative adverbs, usually called modal predicatives, for example: _should, it is possible, it is necessary, it is impossible, it is necessary, it is necessary, it is necessary_. The question of the continuous or separate spelling of _not_ with predicative adverbs on _-o_ is decided, as it should be, by the writer himself.
3. _Loaded_ in this case, the adjective, since the word does not have a prefix and dependent words, is formed from an imperfective verb and is written with one _n_. The word _even_ is a particle, not a dependent word.
4. Historically, the word _permanent_ was formed from the verb _permanent_ (with the prefix _on-_, perfective), so two _n_ are written. From the point of view of the modern Russian language, it is difficult to explain the spelling.
Question #203714
Hello! I am very grateful to you for your answer to Question No. 203647. I read a lot and clarified it for myself. But here's the bad luck, I open my school textbook and the following is written there: With two n, prefixed formations are written that have the meaning of adjectives (aged wine, used books, worn dress, accelerated step). But: a named brother, a planted father, a smart child. What does it mean? After all, let's take the combination "aged wine" as an example. Why does the rule say it's an adjective? I understand this: (What to do?) real and CB hence participle. But there they say "has the meaning of an adjective." But even if we assume that "aged wine" is an adjective, why then two nn ??? After all, adjectives have a suffix an / yang with one n, except for exceptions to which our word does not apply. Maybe this is the author's nonsense? I don't know, please explain to me.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Forms of participles and adjectives correlative with them, formed from perfective verbs (the vast majority of which are prefixed), are written with HH. Even when used as an adjective, they retain this spelling. The _an/yan_ suffix rule does not apply to these words. The words _finished, named, planted_ are exceptions.
Question #201557
Please tell me, Mo (n) on Lisa is written two nn or one?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

That's right: _"Mona Lisa"_.

The correct spelling of the dictionary word "unexpected", which is spelled together, with dubious letters:


It should be remembered that the dictionary word "something" is written with the letters " ech", "I" and " nn".

Words-images for memorization:

disorderly - random

In image words, the letter that is doubtful in the dictionary word "unexpected" is under stress. Therefore, in order to correctly write the dictionary word "nechaya nny", it is necessary to remember the word-image "disorderly" and other similar word-images.

Phrases and sentences with other words:

Your unintentional lateness is simply unheard of insolence.

Combining a dictionary word into phrases and sentences with other dictionary words in which the same letter is doubtful allows you to remember the spelling of several words at once.

Phraseologisms and quotes with a dictionary word:

An unexpected meeting is the most hoped for in life ... (Aphorism,

Phraseologisms and quotes with the word "accidental" help to remember the spelling of a dictionary word in an interesting expression.

Poems with a dictionary word for memorization:

Ophelia sang a song of despair.
I looked around, running away from the stage:
Is the dress accidentally rumpled,
Curls - do they lie well?

Poem by V. Shimborska.

Reading poems using a spelling vocabulary word is a fun way to remember the spelling of a word.

See also in the spelling dictionary:

Unintentional - how the word is spelled, stressing
spelling or how to write a word correctly, stressed and unstressed vowels in it, various forms of the word "Unexpected"

See also in the explanatory dictionary:

Unexpected - what does the word mean, its interpretation and meaning
definition and meaning, explanation of the meaning and what the word means
Unexpected, th, th; -yang, -yanna. 1. Perfect unintentional...

Other vocabulary words on the topic "quality".

The well-known saying “for inadvertently they beat desperately” makes you think not only about the fact that due to mistakes made without malicious intent, there can be big troubles, but also suggests an obvious relationship of words similar in structure. And it’s quite difficult to understand how the word “accidentally” is spelled correctly.

The word "accidentally" is written together and with two letters "НН"

We cut off unnecessary questions

The question of how to spell "accidentally" or "accidentally" is solved very simply. This adverb is formed from the adjective "unexpected" with the suffix -O and retains a double consonant.

Deciding how to write the word "accidentally" - together or separately with NOT - is also not difficult. Here we apply the rule according to which the possibility of replacing a word with a synonym without “not” means that not is a prefix, not a particle, respectively, is written together.

This method of verification is usually applied to adjectives. But since this adverb is formed from the corresponding adjective, the spelling with "not" is preserved. Yes, and picking up a synonym without “not” is easy - by accident.

From the depths of centuries

The spelling of the word "accidentally" goes back centuries. The verb “cheat” (expect) has not been used separately for a long time, but its root has been preserved in the modern words “desperate”, “hope”. It is no longer possible to check the unstressed vowel in this case, but the vowel I is fundamentally preserved as a legacy from the root [y '] and the former verbal suffix [a]. This phonetic construction is typical for most Russian verbs.

Another element of historical spellings, which can no longer find a logical explanation in the modern language, is the combination CHA, in which after the letter CH, which always denotes a soft consonant, the vowel indicator of softness is not used. This is a tradition of Russian written speech, preserved in modern grammar in the form of a rule known to everyone from the first year of schooling - “cha, we write with the letter a”. The spelling of the word "accidentally" is also associated with the observance of this old grammatical norm, the secret of which lies somewhere in the mists of time.

You need to know the spelling of these words:

  • "In spite of"

d or s.
The old, vast garden stretching behind the house, overlooking the village and then disappearing into the field, overgrown and decayed, it seemed that alone refreshed this vast village and alone was quite picturesque in its picturesque desolation. Green clouds and irregular quivering domes lay on the celestial horizon, the connected tops of trees that had grown in freedom. A colossal white birch trunk, devoid of a top broken off by a storm or a thunderstorm, rose from this green thicket and rounded in the air, like a regular marble sparkling column; its oblique pointed break, with which it ended upward instead of a capital, darkened against its snowy whiteness, like a hat or a black bird. The hops, which choked the bushes of elderberry, mountain ash and hazel below, and then ran along the top of the entire palisade, finally ran up and twisted halfway around the broken birch. Having reached the middle of it, it hung down from there and already began to cling to the tops of other trees, or else hung in the air, tying its thin tenacious hooks in rings, easily swayed by the air. In places, green thickets parted, illuminated by the sun, and showed an unlit depression between them, gaping like a dark mouth.

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