The celebration of March 8 in the women's team. Scenario of the corporate "March 8 in the fabulous kingdom" in verses, contests and musical accompaniment

The buildings 24.09.2019
The buildings
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08.02.2019 | We looked at the script 8366 human

In some kingdom
Rosinsky State
Duma thought King Artem -
Gravily merry is saddened.

Treasurer's bad news
Saving the honor of honor
Julia presented the king
Like, I say the whole truth:
"There is no money nor Shisha,
At least a stride to Nagish! "

Corporate on March 8 for women

06.02.2019 | We looked at the script 5460 human

1. Presenter _ in a strict suit
2. Yashka-arteller - boots, stick
3. Maiden No. 1 - Shawls, Aprons (Aprons)
4. Maiden โ„–2.
5. Maiden number 3.
6. Grandfall - Pillars
7. Garpina - scarf, bottle
8. Gritsyko - Military Wrong
9. Popandopulo ...

For adults

04.02.2019 | We looked at the script 10250 human

We eat in advance (bathrobes, dresses, handkerchiefs and from balls make Busts "Pretty Big")

- Today is a solemn day!
Joy day!
The day of unearthly beauty!
Let me give you our love and of course flowers!

Dear our fighting girlfriends!
Favorite, ...

Scene on March 8, Masha and Bear

04.02.2019 | We looked at the script 4695 human

Hi Mashunya want honey?
- Hi Mishunya, Mmm will not refuse!
- Then take the pot, it's worth the entrance.
- Yes, yes Mishun, let's dispel sadness!

I can destroy the pot into 3 approaches.
- Yeah, having launched a shaggy paw of microbes?!
- What ...

Scene "On the nose of the eighth of March!"

27.01.2019 | We looked at the script 10418 human

On the nose eighth of March,
In stores - Men
All pushed guys
They would find a gift!
Shuffle nice bouquets
From mimosa from carnations,
And in the other hand - candy-
Prove that man!
To lady to the cheek falling,
Ay Love Yu and all that
Compliments ...

An interesting script congratulations on March 8

26.01.2019 | We looked at the script 13339 human

Host: Dear girlfriends!
And again, spring, of course, Mart
Spring holiday your.
Winter gone, love - Fast and Furious!
And our feelings - start!
Spring and women are a single whole, inseparable. Let us ask yourself - why? The answer to it can only give ...

Theater Scenario Congratulations on March 8

25.01.2019 | We looked at the script 8886 human

"Voice behind the scene":
Hello, ladies, gentlemen!
How did you get here?
I tell you without cunning,
You got into our kingdom.
And the head of us, as insert,
Almighty, Terrible King.
Offend him not dare -
He calls - Yeremy!

It includes "Tsar Yeremy", majestically ...

Scenario congratulations on March 8

25.01.2019 | We looked at the script 7871 human

Huge shoes in our door are knocking a bright spring holiday on March 8, and of course, every man I want to shine with talent, making it for your (s) women (s) at least something pleasant. It's no secret that my page is often visited not only by my ...

Scenario congratulations on March 8

24.01.2019 | We looked at the script 7300 human

From March 8. (Variations on the topic "About Fedot Sagittarius, Deleted Well done")
The narrator:
Believe, Al do not believe me - the case was in the spring.
There was a sultan, had an oil fountain, one gas crane,
He adored all the ladies, had his clan and called him Ivan.
Flew past ...

Scenario of theatrical corporate party on March 8!

24.01.2019 | We looked at the script 5556 human

Congratulations from pioneers.
Under the drum fraction comes on stage a detachment of pioneers. Equipment corresponds to a speech, (T-shirt, shorts, white golf and red ties and blanks). In some in the hands of a bow for butterflies, other drums, and going ...

International Women's Day March 8 is a holiday, since the Soviet times enjoying great popularity in our country. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this day, despite the initial political color, remained out of politics, and maybe because this is the first spring holiday. Anyway, the 8th of March loves everything.

And begin in advance: in the office, in the workplace, it is there that first congratulations or toasts for women sound there, and sometimes the teams are arranged and real corporate holidays dedicated to this event. We want to offer script Ideas for March 8, this wonderful spring holiday, with a small remark, in the women's team.

Idea number 1. Screenplay March 8 in the women's team "Eight girls, one I .."

Perhaps some of you are familiar to this situation: the spring holiday is gaining momentum, men run on the streets with crafts of flowers to congratulate their employees, and you are a funny shrubbaching package you have a holiday yourself, the plenty of the only man who adds male halanery to your bachelorette party. Of course, our lovely women do not suffer especially about this, and yet ...

The script offered to your attention on March 8 in the women's team "Eight Girls, one I" is created solely for such a situation. Actually such a clear distribution of women and men is not at all necessary. According to this scenario, you can spend a party and in a more motley company, but in this case Men's representative is only one.

Italics highlighted tips for the lead, or, as in this case, Leading.

It is assumed to have one individual of the male floor, for example Peter Petrovich.

Leading: My dear colleagues, comrades and girlfriends! It so happened that both on weekdays and on all our holidays we carry heavy wear and for themselves and for that guy. If the favorite Peter Petrovich was not respected and all of us, it would be possible to feel like absolute amazons. Of course, women's society is pleasant and even useful: Our communication enriches us not only by professional knowledge, but also practical advice According to homework, or issues of raising children ... and men who, in essence, also our children.

But that the sin of Timing, the women's company sometimes gradually and spoils our family relationships, and even turns to a dead end. And we begin to see each other in the vest, and complain, what "all the men are ...!" I did not say the series is so called.

And today, as it does not seem strange, I would like to talk not about us, women, but about those in those walls sometimes, oh, how to get. Today is our holiday, and we have the right to choose any topic for conversation, and Peter Petrovich will forgive us in honor of such a day?!

So, the first contest that we will open our holiday evening:

First Competition "Male of My Dream"

Leading: Dear ladies, in our first competition it is proposed to draw a portrait of a man of your dreams. The paints will not need you, the portrait will be verbal, but there will be additional conditions.

The story should describe:

external features

inner world

and ... stomach. Pardon, taste addiction.

Competition is held: participants are in turn talk about their perfect men. Wins the most witty.

Leading:You see, my dear, we ourselves do not know what we want. Or we have overestimated, or logic and really female. And how can a man be able to deal with all this, not to mention to fit?

But since we are so smart let's prove that our claims on the ideal are quite substantiated, and that being an ideal man is not at all difficult. Moreover, it is very useful not only for us personally, but for himself. After all, we know with you that good, and what is bad, men, with their straightforward thinking, can not always see a light goal for the next turn of the winding path. And it is given ... no, before reading the condition of the task is small Intermediate contest.

Competition "Beautiful Galatia" or "Body Exchange"

Leading:Now we will have a pygmalion contest - you, my dear beauties, get honorable, but the temporary title of man, knight, gentleman, macho, etc.

The presenter can distribute to the participants of the male toilet details. The easiest way to provide all ties.

Our, or rather your hero, creative personality. And like any creative personality She, that is, he has, and if quite accurately, each of you have your own dream, ideal. And you are now such and blind. The competition for the title of the best Pygmalion is open. Only here is the model, unfortunately alone. Therefore, everyone will receive the right to one single blow to this piece of marble. Remember, as Michelangelo said: "I take a piece of marble and comparting everything too much." We will have everything up to the opposite. For women, unlike sculptors, you need a lot too much.

Well, here our beautiful lady is ready, now you, my dear knights will have to conquer her heart. At the end of our evening, Galatia necessarily calls the best.

Competition is held

After Galatia is ready, contests begin, who evaluates the new "woman" - Galatia (more precisely, our respected, transformed Peter Petrovich, if anyone forgot). And women acting on men become the main subjects.

Quiz woman from "A" to "I"

Leading: And let's start with the "trifles", important and not very for any woman. Who will give more correct answers in the quiz, will receive a prize.

(Leading asks a question, every time giving a fabric in the participant who gave the right answer, the winner is the one who in the final quiz will be the greatest number tokens)

A - an affordable creature with wings or a very kind woman (Angel).

B - best friends Girls, this .. (Diamonds).

B - elegant piece of fabric capable of turning a woman in an excellent stranger (Veil).

M - fur, worthy decorating the shoulders of a luxury woman (Ermine).

D - head decoration any princess (Diadem).

E - the name of the first woman (Eve).

E - ballet, in which no decent woman will not risk (EAPER).

Well - weakness that the strongest men can resist (Femininity).

Z - an animal with which they compare something annoying woman (Snake).

And - selected woman style (Image).

Th - a medicine that is in a home first aid kit of any woman (Iodine).

K - it makes a female gait attractive and irresistible (Heel).

L - What is the woman able to cure and without medicines? (Caress).

M - the main purpose of the woman (Maternity, Mom).

N - it protects the gentle female fingers during sewing (Thimble).

O - It is his woman who creates, keeps and protects (Family Forest).

P - Best Ballerina Theater (Prima).

R - Relationships in which the woman enters (Novel).

C - one of their brightest and desirable events in the life of every girl (Wedding).

W - What does a woman provide his man? (Comfort).

F - Food, perfectly suitable for love games (Fruits).

X - What is the name of the dish of frozen meat broth? (Jelly).

C - these women are ready to receive both on holidays and on weekdays (Flowers).

H - spice that prevents infections and kisses (Garlic).

W - she heats, and having received her as a gift, women's soul Milet (Fur coat).

Sh - a traditional dish Russian cuisine (Soup).

E - impressionable women do not know how to restrain ... (Emotions).

Yu is a very attractive pure female clothing detail (Skirt).

I - how jicely called 45-year-old birthday (Berry).

(The winner is awarded a prize)

After this competition, participants, as if oppose the face of men. And with them consistently you can spend contests:

Poetic Competition "Madrigal"

Competition "Romeo"

Then, according to the results of the competition "Newly "Woman" - Galatia "(Peter Petrovich) solemnly announce the winner and will encourage all the participants. And it will be especially good if at that moment he will say a beautiful toast in honor of all those present by the ladies already on behalf of a man.

Idea number 2. Scenario on March 8 in the women's team "Well, that, the girls, in a small!?"

The second option of the holiday in female companyMaybe - "purely female", in which the conviction of the celebration, on the contrary, will be happy to respond to their favorite themes: Fashion, beauty, men and most importantly, about themselves beautiful and unique. And if, at the same time, there is a small number of men, then let them be happy to participate or ... do not interfere.

- If the men are on the festival, then the presenter can start a holiday like this:

Leading:Good evening, dear men (if they are on the holiday), Despite the fact that each of you is of particular value, every exclusive on the "weight of gold", today is not dedicated to you, but beautiful and dangerous, weak and persistent, beautiful and cute, mysterious and unpredictable ... women! Therefore, the theme of our conversations and competitions will be mod, beauty, and our relationship with men.

- If there are no men, then:

Leading:Good evening, dear ladies! It so happened that this wonderful holiday we meet with you in a beautiful company, and therefore I suggest to spend it as we want, chat on your favorite topics and have fun from the soul!

( First toast: Congratulations on the onset of spring and the first spring holiday! Love you, joy, vivid impressions and unfading youth!)

Game "Appeal to Men"

Leaders:Dear girlfriends, let's admit, no matter how we try not to talk about it, but, after all, a little annoying to celebrate a holiday without men?! I suggest right here and right now write a message to the male half of humanity so that the universe will hear us and sent to our team of her representatives. So, let's start with the adjectives, what are the adjectives of you first remember, when mentioning the word "man"?

(Ladies call the adjectives, leading one after another fit them into the missed places of a pre-harvested template, then solemnly read what happened. It sounds pretty funny, because they are called, as a rule, either very flattering or, on the contrary)

Approximate appeal pattern

".......... Our men, ............Friend, ...... .. Sicklegie and ...... .. Protectors. Today in this ....... Jean and ..........Delite, we want to declare that you really need us! And we want everyone to ...... day and every ...... night, you were there, surrounding us with your ...... Care, ....... Durry and ...... .. Love, gave us ... .. .. ...... compliments and ... ... .. Job. Know that only yours ...... looks and ...... The arms make us truly happy. ....... Move, we love you!

Your ...... girlfriend "

(Second toast)

Comic music game "Between us girls"

Quiz "fabulous fashion"

Role Tale "Let's slightly"

Music game "My light, mirror say"

Idea number 3. Scenario thematic party

The third option of the spring holiday in the women's team may be the idea of \u200b\u200ba thematic party. In order not to feel discomfort about the fact that in such a holiday there is no male colleagues with you, it is best to arrange a holiday in no way connected with a purely female theme and enjoy the immersion in another era or reality. Select the topic: Fairy Tale, Cinema, 19th Century, Hats, Coffee, etc. And fully spent the evening in the style of the selected plot - it will be fascinating, and informative, and original.

Julia Ushakova
The scenario of the holiday by March 8 for the team Dow "Woman - Pedagogue!"

Sounds music: "ABOUT Womenยป .

1 master: Cute our women! You noticed that today the sun is shining, the men are especially smiling, and these festive spring days Everyone wants to do for you only good, bright, good?

2 master: These days in spring, we want to wish you love, smiles, happiness, success in your female, but far from Light Labor!

1 master: What else to wish you, our favorites? After all, all the wishes in no way reflect your kindness, loyalty, femininity.

2 master: And so we want to wish you so that you are always. Suggest that it would be if suddenly, one day, all women disappeared! You can imagine!

1 master: We can not imagine our kindergarten Without our main ladies. And first of all on our face team We congratulate the respected Jeanne Vladimirovna from 8 Martha! This beautiful holiday At the beginning of Spring comes to us when everything comes to life, blooms and blooms. Let the Eternal Spring be in your life, let the sun shine brightly, let the birds sing, let the days be blond and cloudless. Smiles have a good mood, joy, happiness! (fan headlights sound)

2 master: Let me congratulate you and Elena Vyacheslavovna, let your life be as sunny and warm as this first, spring month. Let it be as many colors, gifts, pleasant surprises, compliments and attention, as in today's International Women's Day. And let in your soul always reign spring and holiday. (fan headlights sound)

1 master: Sincerely congratulations to Elena Valeryevna from 8 Martha. Female - This is the most beautiful thing that is in this world, so continue to continue to do it the best, bringing good and love in this world. Smile more smile, then thereby you raise the mood to everyone around. Be always happy, satisfied, successful, and most importantly - loved ones! (fan headlights sound)

2 master: Our dear women - Beauty and clever, congratulations to you with this beautiful holiday March 8.! We wish you health spring mood, warm sun, smiles, joy, good luck. Let you always be surrounded by care, attention and love. (fan headlights sound) I suggest to fill and raise my glasses.

1 master: Not just so we divided our hall today into two halves. And the center put a durable administration. One team gathered to the right of us, and her opponents left to the left. And Jeanne Vladimirovna today will head the jury of our event. For a start, come up with the name of your team.

2 master: And for starters, we will spend a small quiz. It also has 8 questions. For each correct answer, members of the jury will put one point each team. Just agree not to shout, and respect each other.

1. In which chastushka is mentioned and women, and figure 8? (Eight girls, one I. Where girls, I am!)

2. What alcoholic beverage reminds his name about female festival? (martini)

3. Remember movies with the word FEMALE.

("Strange female", "Sweet female", "Favorite female

mechanics Gavrilova "," Woman as a gift "...)

4. And which movie names consist of some adjectives women? ("The most charming and attractive", "only")

5. In which songs are the female names mention?

("Lisa! Do not leave!" "Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanya!"

"Samovar I and my Masha", "Hello, Hello, Alena!" etc.)

6. What are the wines called women's names?

(Lydia, Isabella, Dunyasha)

7. What plants remind of women's names?

(Rose, Lily, pansies, Daisy, Ivan yes Mary ...)

8. What movie names are women's names?

("Masha", "Anna Karenina", "Valentin and Valentina",

"Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha", "Seraphim and Serafima")

And so I think the jury put decent grades with each team.

And we fill their glasses.

1 master: Children come to us who still do not know how to talk or do it very distorted. Now we suggest you play the game "Crocodile". From each team, we need 5 people who for a minute will have to show with gestures, absolutely without any sounds the word or the phrase that will come. And the remaining team members in turn should guess what they have shown.

The jury also estimates every word of the word one point.

1 master: And now we want you to imagine the sponsor of our event.

Do you want to receive postcards for the day of the preschool?

Want to celebrate carelessly holidays?

Want to receive new Year gifts And congratulations?

Want to know the latest news?

Join the trade union!

The trade union is always with you!

Fill wine glasses.

2 master: Let's continue. And the next game you know all 100%. (Screensaver sounds "Guess the melody"). Yes, we will guess the melodies. After a queue, the melody will be put for each team. The jury puts for each duled melody on one point.

And now the second part of this contest "SONGS OF PILLS". Conditions are the same.

We raise the glasses for a successfully conducted competition.

1 master: For the next competition, we will need two people from each team. One of them will have to sing a song, and another show this song with gestures, but to show it so that it guess one of the members of our jury, whose headphones will be dressed, completely with the other composition. And the example will be shown by Natalia Vitalevna and Diana Aleksandrovna. And it will try to guess their melody Elena Valerievna, on which we put on headphones.

The jury puts one score to the team that they could guess the song.

2 master: We hope that our evening does you have only positive emotions? But in the next competition you will need to sing a song with the help of different emotions, movements and voices that are written next to the text of the songs on your sheets. An example will be shown Julia Vladimirovna.

Fill the glasses.

1 master: Let's proceed to the next contest. And we invite you to our scene One person from each team. Before you, a sheet of paper on which you will need to portray a song that will lose in your headphones. The remaining members of your team must guess the song that you posted on paper. You can not use letters and of course pronounce words.

2 master: We provide the Word of our respected jury to summarize our contests.

1 master: So the official part of our event came to the end.

The most heart words

Full of spring warmth,

Congratulations on the first rays,

FROM holiday love and beauty!

2 master:

Rejoice yourself, dream, believe

Smile wider as now,

Let at any time of year the heart

Beats in the spring you have!

Every year, on the eve of the beloved of all the holiday on March 8, the same question arises: how to congratulate women so unusual, with humor, ignore, so that everyone liked, and at the same time, not a lot of time to prepare festive events.

And so that the program was not delayed: congratulated, handed gifts, and we ask for the table ... And already there, after a good snacks - contests, fun, laughter!

What come up with? What to surprise?

Do not break your head! We all invented for you: We offer 9 cool scenes For corporate party on March 8! It is also suitable for mini-presentation in the workplace, and for a holiday organized with a blank.

It will only be necessary to choose good gifts, Several contests for a feast (or buffet), and all - International Women's Day, can be considered, managed!

Scene โ„–1

"Lottery gifts"

7 men participate in the presentation, but the number of participants can be reduced.
Five men go out with a rose in the teeth, perform a small arbitrary dance for the song S. Mikhailov "Everything for you."
Then presented to women flowers and flags with ordinal number In terms of women.

Male 1.: Dear women, gifts are waiting for everyone today! But we have 5 super prizes, and we are ready to give them them to those who will smile today!

Male 2.: Everything is simple, my happy hand will look for here one numbers, and whose will fall out - he takes a super prize!

Twist the drum, takes out one number.

Male 1.: Hooray! Get out, please, to us! We declare a super prize, so he!

A man comes to the music to the hall, a big poster is attached on his chest, on which it is written "I do not work today! He does everything for me! "
Under the applause and laughter, a woman whose numbers stretched the lead, a poster is awarded.

Male 2, pulls out the next number. A man comes to the music, also with a poster on which it is written "ready to discuss it!"

Male 1 (handing a poster won a woman): Oh yes, he is ready to discuss with you anything! Up to discounts on tights in the store and a new manicure of the secretary!

Male 1.: Get the next number we invite our incomparable, courageous and wonderful chief (name)! He has a happy hand!

Once the number is stretched, a man comes out, on it a poster with the inscription "5 compliments from the chef!". The head tells the compliments of a woman whose number was stretched out of the drum.

Male 2.: I'll get the next number! Hurray, (the name of the winning woman)! Release, please! For you will be performed by your famous song "UPS!" Star of the global size of Britney Spears, which we invited specifically for this performance!

Three men leave, one of them plays Britney (brightly painted lips, on top of the trousers a short magnificent skirt), the rest are dressed as a dump (for example, in Triko). The group performs under the phonogram song "Oops!", The more funnish, the better, for example, standing still, folding his hands on the stomach, looking at one point on the ceiling, and only with a widespread mouth.

Male 1.: And, the last number in our festive lottery!

A man with zeal turns the drum, then, no matter how inappropriately pulls out all the numbers for the floor, at this time all the other men get clappers, blast them and shout: "This prize is all! Our confession in love! We just adore you! "
To the music of a song that has opened a holiday (S. Mikhailov "everything is for you"), hand in advance prepared gifts for women, and invite everyone to the table.

Scene number 2.

"Serious challenge"

Leading: Dear ladies! Let us briefly join you, feel what it is like to be a woman?! Our wilderness volunteers to edit you, agreed to become women today to get into the most nightmarish women's situations! Help them cope with it, cute ladies!

It turns out a dressed man 1, on the legs - shoes. It stumbles as if it breaks the heel. Fucks, in theatrical horror, bringing hands to the face.

Leading: So option 1: I'll go barefoot! What do you say?

Women shout: "No!", Male 1, also shaves his head negatively.

Leading: Option 2: I will call relatives and friends, let the other Labutenes hang me! Will go?

Women shout "no!" (or "Yes!"), But man 1 in any case shaves his head.

Leading: Can it come to Won's a pretty stranger and ask to pass?

A man 1 joyfully nods his head, runs up to any of the men, shakes his shoes in front of his nose, and, building eyes, says: "Save the lady, please!"

Leading: FUUU ... with one task we coped well, let's go further!

Male 2, dressed as a lady comes to the hall to the hall, to meet him usually dressed man.

Male 2.: Dear, give 5 thousand!

Man: Yes, where are you all the money of business?! I just gave you yesterday!

A man 2 sadly tupit eyes, the man looks at him.

Leading: We are looking for options for the correct answer: "Okay, do not let! But know that I spent all the money for charity! " - Will go?

Women shout "no!", Male 2 also winds his head.

Leading: And so: "You don't want your wife to look beautiful?! Nogot, hair, browch, cilia - all this beauty know what money worth it? !! "

Women shout their answer, and a man 2 shaves his head negatively.

Leading: Option is: "You! Me! Not! Love! "

Regardless of women's tips, a man 2 with these option agrees, vigorously shaking his head and the wall "does not like! Do not love! ", To which a man, in fright, shouts:" Of course, I love! Adore! Sorry! Everything agrees! " Men group to congratulate women to congratulate women

Male 1.:

We are not given to understand how you
Such gentle
Know how to be strong
Stronger us a hundred times!

Male 2.:

In the spring day wonderful, we
Ready to give you
Colors, compliments,
And do everything for you!


Please please,
Let never be sad
As well as an offhish, and an extra-kilogram-cliff
Will not meet you!

Native you, favorite,
You are the most beautiful,
So allow us today
Congratulate you!

Under the music of a man hand gifts, after which women are invited to the table.

Mini Scene number 3

Oh! What will we give?!

Participants in the scenes are sitting behind the tables or simply stand in a group, expressing full perplexation.

Male 1 (turmoil runs there, shouts): Colleagues! Colleagues! Well, what will we decide? Let's give proposals for gifts !! What will we give to our ladies?!

Everything: Candy!

Male 1.: Bental!

Everything: Postcard!

Male 1.: Generally sucks!

Everything: Diaries!

Male 1.: Already it was!

Everything: Shaving foam!

Questionfully look at the talked, talking between themselves: "No, well, what! They also need! "

Male 1.: I will not even comment!

Everything: Shower gels!

Male 1.: It was also!

Solemn music sounds (you can march), a man goes into the hall, a man, behind his back - wings.

Male Angel: I am a wonderful angel who flew to you from heaven, as I see that without me there is a tight thing! But your prayers are heard, and here are your gifts for your lovely women!

Angel puts a basket in front of men - in her flowers and gifts bouquet. Men shout "Hurray!", On joy, rushed into the dance, then hand the ladies flowers, gifts and invite to the table.

Scene number 4.

Beauty and Mel.

Suitable for a collective from 15 to 30 people.
Women are asking attention to attention, and invite the "Beauty and Mind" program.

The presenter presents the "Heroine Holiday": 2-3 disguised in women men, while the outfit can be quite conditional: the hat, apron, a fan paper, large beads - than absurd, the better.

1. Ivanova Daria Mikhailovna - Honored (profession to choose from).
2. Petrushkin Agraphen Muratovna - People's artist of movie lovers.
3. Listopadova Mirabella Ismailovna - Honored Consultant on any issues.

Presenter tellsToday, in honor of the holiday on March 8, these women will participate in the competition "Beauty and Mind", and that of them who will become the winner can be received early pension.

Competitive program:

1. Leading offers tasks on the topic "Who knows more".
For example, the theme "Flowers", "Cosmetic firms", "Decorations".
Task participants: Name words in random order related to this topic.
One point receives a participant who will call the last word.

2. Leading offers tasks for checking ability to think logical. Calls several items. "Women" must call the subject, superfluous on this list and explain why. The more serious questions and ridiculous, the non-copy of the answers will be funnier to observe.
For examples of tasks:
Hair color Basma, paint "Vella", henna. (Superior-paint "Vella").
Vanilla crackers, breadcrumbs, crackers with raisins (superfluous - breadcrumbs).
Viscose, cotton, polyester (polyester - more superfluous).
Toilet water, lotion, perfume (excessive-lotion).
Lock, machine line, overlock (noticeable).
In order for the competition to endure a completely style "out of logic", the victory and one point leads the participant who, in his opinion, "prettier than all."

3. Competitive task on the topic "Cosmeticichka".
Leading Cosmetics Items (Nail Polish, Eye Shadow, Eyelash Mascara, Lipstick Hygienic, Bright Lipstick, Lip Pencil, Eye Pencil, Eye Cream, Liquor Remover, Eyelash Brush, Cosmetic Milk, tone cream, fader, face tonic).
The leading each participant sets the task, according to which it must choose right subject "From cosmetics." Time is limited.
Proposed tasks:
wash off your makeup
Tining lips for business meeting,
hide your freckles
make up nails
wash off nail polish
Take the eye, etc.
The lead alone comments on its actions and actions of the participants.
For the correct answer - the participant receives the point.

4. The presenter offers non-standard situations to participants. You need to find the original output.
for example:
Suppose you got acquainted with an extraordinary man. It seems to you that he is "ears" in love with you and is about to make a proposal of hands and hearts. You come to your girlfriend to tell her his joy. But here you see a photo of your beloved on her desk. Your actions?
Before you have visited a hairdresser for you. As a result of a terrible mistake, you painted hair in green color. What will you do?
On a business meeting-buffet you came in a knitted dress. You communicate with a partner and suddenly notice that one of the visitors - guests clung to the jacket buttons for the thread of your dress. Returning from you further and further, he dismisses your dress. What will you do in such a situation?
The participant who won the leader receives one point.

According to the results, calculating the glasses, the lead announces the winner of the competition. And presents the prize: The right to turn into a man again and congratulate the present perpetrators of the celebration with the holiday of March 8!
"WOMAN" reincarnated in a man congratulates beautiful words The female team, the losers of the participants remain women and are used "on the blisters" - distribute gifts.
The presenter invites everyone for festive table .

Scene number 5.


Suitable for a collective 10-15 people.

1. Men should ask their children's photographs in advance. Each put into the frame and post in the form of the exhibition.
2. At the time of the time, men collect women and invite everyone to the opening day.
3. Slow music sounds, the assembled should guess in the children's photos of their colleagues.
4. After guessing, the photo is handed to women. On the reverse side of each photo depicted numbers.
5. Conduct a cool festive lottery.

Examples of prizes for drawing:
Personal archive room (photo album).
Without it, the photo desktop is empty. (Frame).
Disposable cosmetics (napkin set).
Necessary detail to mink coat (hanger).
Means for holding the shape in the desired tone (spoon).
Protigative potion (spices).
Universal gel from the past ( laundry soap).
Husband for her husband (enshik).
Insect (insect remedy).
3D gloves (rubber gloves).

It will be necessary to play all the numbers, so that every woman gets his gift.
In conclusion, men give flowers and everyone is invited to the table - to celebrate the holiday.

Short scene number 6

flying ship

1. Women are invited to the room for congratulations under the melon from the cartoon "Flying Ship".

2. If there is no such possibility, then men are changed in a secluded place and appear in the workplace already in right form Cheerful grandmothers Eugene: Sundars, Kosinki, brooms (brooms). In the hands of toy harmonica.

3. Performed song-greetings under the phonogram of the songs of Babok Hedgehog from the cartoon "Flying ship".


* * *
Stretching fur, harmonica,
Oh play fucking!
Women congratulations together
And do not talk!

* * *
Walked sideways
The holiday ran after me!
Spit on the shoulders him
And sent to Lesme!

* * *
I tell him: pour!
You are a holiday, not a villain,
Although I do not believe
I am in these superstitions!

* * *
Stretching fur harmonica
Eh, play Naiana!
Our women are beautiful
Look, do not persuade!

* * *
We know them for many years,
In this beauty secret!
Everyone will always be twenty -
Even at eighty years!

* * *
I went back home,
Holiday all runs after me!
What is the reason?
Well, hello?!

* * *
Stretching fur harmonica
Oh, play, nayari!
We congratulate all women!
Be sit behind the table!

Men accompany women for a festive table, pronounce toasts, congratulate, give gifts.

Congratulations โ„–7 Scene


Men pre-prepare a large box for gifts and colorfully design it.
When women appear, each is given a flower.

Men in turn say:

1. Congratulations, congratulations!
2. Quickly came tomorrow.
3. We have collected you today
4. To congratulate on March 8!
5. And our gift in the box,
6. So that you can guess
7. What was picked up for a long time
8. What we will hand out!
9. He is undoubtedly very cute!
10. Even let's give you a hint:
11. He will delight you for sure!
12. Because it is ... Tale?
13. No, I have not guess!
14. It is a housing decoration!
15. And today it will be useful!
16. Is it necessary ... bench?
17. They did not fall, well, it happens!
18. Where is your income?
19.This take guests, respect
20. A miracle (ships) a rolling pin?
21. Mimo, even very past
23.Vam it is needed
24.Kofe drink, visit guests
25.Stol Beautiful to cover
26.Gost of a neighbor in tea
24. Super - tablecloth we give you!
25. All together (or one congratulations): After presenting gifts, we invite you for a festive table!

Give gifts and invite you at the table.
The first toast for a festive mood, for the best owners, for covered tables and for women's hands, which can even create a miracle!

Scene number 8.


Men talk among themselves.

Male 1.: Hello everyone, well, on March 8 "on the nose". For gifts you need to drop out our women.

Male 2.: Yes, what is there to be discarded, let's read them verses, there are different songs there. Creative gifts After all, they are the most desirable and not spent!

Male 3.: Yes, well, let's buy flowers. Flowers all women love! Give the flower and enough. They did not "bother to us" with gifts. Again foam and socks!

Male 4.: What guys are you still Malkaltile. After all, we were so lucky with girls. And the beauties and clever, and the pies bake, and always treat, the word good will say, the mood will raise. We look at anyone and immediately want to sing.

Male 1.: Yes, yes, I agree with (Men's name 4). Our girls deserved that they give unusual gifts. But what to give something?!

Male 4.: Let's think! Need something beautiful and romantic!

Male 1.: Maybe each on a movie ticket?

Male 3.: And why each, let's reduce them on the evening session. Perch even romantic!

Male 2.: Yeah, and what wives will say? I can't even imagine how I will eat home after the joint watching!

Male 1.: Yes, and husbands will not be too glad. Another "on the header" nadae!

Male 4.: It is necessary that in the evening it was connected, and that every thing was delighted!

Male 1. (thoughtfully): I will give you a star!

Male 2.: For sure! Stars need to give! And cheap and beautiful and romantic!

Male 4.(Dreamy): Every our girl is a star! Or maybe even constellation! Let them give them a nightlock! Compare every girl with the constellation!

Male 1.: SOLVED! Speak!

Male 4. (Focusing): Dear our girls! You are for us - as if heavenly stars, united in constellations! Allow me on the eve of the International Women's Day on March 8 to identify you with beautiful heavenly luminais and hand each of our modest gift, forming the starfall!

Call the names of girls, consonant with their name of the constellation.


Irina - Polar Star (laudatory characteristic and compliments);
Anna - Andromeda (praise, compliments);
Maria - Big Dipper,
Ella - Capella,
Bella - Betelgeuse and so on.

After the announcement of the entire list and presentation of gifts, women are invited to the table.

Gaming mini scene number 9

Long live women!

It is suitable for a collective 15-20 people.

1. Men prepare in advance balloons of different shapes.

2. Invite women to the room where congratulations will be held (or they do it in the workplace).

3. The presenter announces that men are capable of their female colleagues on everything! And in the proof, now, immediately, accurate copies of the employees will be made!

4. Now men have to be for strictly a certain time, from the balls, with the help of a scotch to create women's figures. The more funnier and absurd of "creations" - the better.

5. Women out loud consider choir, help advice. Or turns on the music at the right time.

6. As soon as the time is over, the men take turns demonstrate their "masterpieces", telling the best thing about a woman whose "copy" seems to be a gift.

The presenter invites everyone to the table (or a small buffet). Where games and draws can be continued.

In conclusion, I would like to note that when preparing for the holiday, especially in small teams, you should pay attention to every woman using humor, smelting, but, in no case is offended and not insulting!

Try to joke, easily pronounce congratulations. Use the scenes in advance prepared by the program of drinking and moving games. Let small souvenirs are present in your congratulations.
The funnier of the scene, the greater the impression you will produce on the female half of the team.

For a fun feast, it is designed specifically for a small (up to 40 people) the team. The script is also focused on the feast.

Thus, if your task is to organize a merry feast with communication colleagues in an informal setting, contests, congratulations on March 8 and several dance breaks, then this scenario is what you need.

It should be noted that for the organization of such a fun feast on March 8, you will need a minimum of preparations (except for the table directly). All about what you need to take care is prizes for the winners of competitions on March 8. Prizes can be any useful or memorable souvenirs on your choice.

According to the idea of \u200b\u200bthis corporate, on March 8, almost all the action occurs directly during the feast. Therefore, for the organization of the feast, you will need to appoint a responsible, he is the lead that represents the culprits of the celebration of congratulations, leads contests and fills the gaps between congratulations and actions.

As we have already told above, this corporate scenario on March 8 is focused on the festive feast. Therefore, the lead, as a rule, takes the floor before each new wine glass, pre-allowing colleagues to chat and taste the festive dishes.

1 Ryumka
Dear our women!
Today you have the most favorable and happy day for you on the "male" horoscope, and that is:
March 8 - a solemn day
Day of joy and beauty
On the whole earth he gives women
His smiles and flowers !!!
What holiday without congratulations? And the first congratulations expressed the desire to present our expensive women, our respected leader ... Him and the first word.

2 glasses:
dear Colleagues! If for women March 8th holiday, then for men it is most likely a headache!
After all, women have a lot of worries,
But we divide them for a year,
You will get less three hundred times
What the cargo fell on us! -
- Men on this one day!

3 Ryumka.
Although no blizzard,
But after another winery,
Our souls are warm
And the hearts are lucky.
Let winter full of excitement,
Spring came to us today!
Today is March 8th day
And we wish you happiness!

The third toast "For Love!" No wonder they speak the people - "Love is a toothache in the heart!" And this love, or with her pain with us, now will be shared by the head of the transport shop, ...!

4 Ryumka.
Dear ladies!
We could praise you until the morning!
However, to go time
Hand gifts came a moment!
How our most weighty argument!

(Men hand gifts to women-colleagues).


Dear women, some gifts we have already been presented today. But in order to get our special gifts - you have to try. In order to recoup for February 23, we tried to come up with contests for you. The winner will receive their legal prizes.

Let's start!

Scenario of the Cheerful Feast of March 8 - Contests

so first Competition, not even a contest and summing up our survey conducted before the holiday itself.

(To do this, you must write below the 5 questions on the leaflet and give women to answer asked questions And summarize the preliminary results. Questions can be changed at your discretion or add your options)

Our expensive women were asked to answer the following questions:

1. You came home, and on your bed sleeps unfamiliar man. Your actions (of all respondents, everything except one was expressed to lie down next, and only one decided to put it out of the door, so that the men do on the mustache, who he has)

2. You come to work, and another worker is sitting in your place. Your actions
(In this direction there are many options, but you can group them about three groups - 1. Wish to meet, 2. Will be surprised, but will come alongside, 3. They will be asked to work for themselves, but for free)

3. You were invited to a restaurant, you have dinner and suddenly your satellite disappears without paying. Your actions
(50% expressed a desire to change the satellite, 30% decided to escape, and the remaining take measures to pay for dinner, but in different ways)

4. You bought paint for hair, painted your hair, and it turned out that it is green, but you have no time to repaint you in front of a solemn reception. Your actions.
(Here women wished to stay in some socks, or stockings, some only in shoes, in underwear, in one wig, but were modest - wished to stay in dresses, but all these garments should be necessarily under the color of the hair. And one of Women would decide to go with one tolerable smile, and only two decided to go what is and as it is, at the moment)

5. You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors have a big party that does not fall asleep in any case. Your actions
(Part of the women remained indifferent and gathered to watch TV, but at the same time add the sound of the TV Pogromic, 40% of women decided to take more radical measures - to score the arrow to the neighbors and make a pale, and - one decided to "wet" from these 40%, and Only two women are not a neighbor party - we decided to just relax)

6. You came to work and you announced an increase in salary 10 times. Your actions
(Almost all women are pleased to be happening, and one will faint from joy, two women will not believe the salary and think that it came on April 1, three decided to get drunk with joy, but only one decided to drink their colleagues, and two decided to get drunk alone, and two Only one of all said that it would work even better than before apparently earning even more), so ..., think, and whether women should raise a salary, can give her to men who opposite are ready to work!

The generalized survey results are as follows: Our women have a sense of humor, although before the survey, some men considered the opposite. Our women are resourceful - they have their own argument on any situation and exit from the current situation. Our women did not cease to love us men - at least in thoughts! And it is already good! Our women have a large margin of durability - the conclusion - the management of the department should need to load them more with additional work.

Therefore, a toast is offered for our remote, resourceful, hardworking, love of abundant and of course expensive women!

5 Ryumka.

Ladies and gentlemen! We are all to women, and we appeal to women. And let's turn to our men: "Dear men, tell me who of you is dissatisfied with a small salary you get now?" And I thought all satisfied. Displeased I propose to give my salary to our colleagues - women, and work yourself for free. That is always it turns out how to share - so everything is in the bushes, no one was found! Therefore, we smoothly go to another contest:

Theater competition: Jury all men
4-6 women are invited and they are invited to portray the following:
1. Pictulate feminist
2. Picture Hudgetary Mud
3. Pictulate confused
4. Deprike a woman - official

Winner prize, and the rest of the consolation prize

The word for congratulations has ...

Scenario corporate on March 8 with contests: continued

6 Ryumka.
It all starts with a woman! Fun, laughter, duel, disappointment, love, care, warmth and pain and much more all this because of you and for you our dear! In whatever age you will always be the best half of humanity.

We offer to conduct a culinary competition, for this I am now everyone will call the letter from the alphabet, and you dear women You will have to call the dishes, for one minute, which of you will call more, she won!

Let's start clockwise from me and alphabetically, skipping vowels, and someone will not be consonted, we will give a vowel beech. Began: b, in, g, d, g, s, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, sh, u,

Winner prize.

We have expressed a desire to congratulate the winner personally ..., and at the same time all other women.

7 Ryumka

Dear men, finally came for you. You are invited to draw special attention on their neighbors. Our ladies want to see the filled glasses, happy your faces and ears hanging on the carnation of attention. While the glasses are filled, I propose to hold another competition called Pop (or any other word or word "I want a man")

All women alternately say the word "ass" or "I want a man!" with increasing volume, i.e. The first one speaks in a whisper, the second is slightly louder, the third is even louder, etc. In a circle clockwise from me leading. Wins the one that will say louder than everyone, i.e. After her, no one will decide to say (shout) to run louder. If, in the process of the game, someone enters the room where it is held, it should be said: "Hello, and we called you."

The winner is a prize, and the rest wishes to congratulate ...

8 Ryumka.
Dear women now we want to determine what of you are the most deft, 4-6 people are invited.

Competition "Robby paper sheet"
One hand right or left is still to break the paper sheet into small pieces, the hand is stretched forward, it is impossible to help free hand. Who will work fine.

And so started. The most clever prize, we have not congratulated ...

Additional contests

Prize in riddles
The prize is taken, wraps into paper. The content of any riddle is glued on the wrap. Turns around again. And the mystery is glued again. And so ten times. Playing sit in a circle. The presenter gives one wrapped up the prize one wrapped in ten wrappers. The playing removes one wrapper, sees a riddle, reads him. If I guess - says a riddle, if not, reads a riddle out out loud who gave birth to her, gets the right to further deploy the prize and everything continues on the same scheme. Wins one who guessing the riddle will get to the very end.

Figure by concepts
For the game requires sheets of paper and pencils by the number of those present. Each guest is issued this set of a young artist and a card with a concept - the more funnier, the more interesting. For example: married treason; Hell voltage; senility; Second youth. In five minutes, players must draw their concept without using words and letters. Then every artist presents his masterpiece, and the rest guess the concept. The one wins, whose concept was guess.

Roddom (A woman is given a note with the child's parameters - weight, gender, growth, and even the name)
Two people play. One - just gave birth to the wife, and the other is the faithful husband. The task of the husband - how can you ask everything about the child as you can ask, and the task of my wife explains all this to her husband signs, because Thick double glasses of the hospital chamber do not miss the sounds out. You will see what gestures will be a wife! The main thing is unexpected and varied questions.

This game will help to meet all your guests. Guests sitting at the table are transmitted in a circle of a roll of toilet paper. Each guest takes off so much blocks as he wants, the more, the better. When each guest is a stack of Klochekov, the lead announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell so much facts as he has broken off bulls.

Candle Dui - Apple Fog
Two volunteers are called, preferably familiar with each other guys. The rest are around and depict a support group. Players sit on two sides of a small table, the candle is put before each, a lighter is given (or matches) and an apple. Task Simple - who will eat their apple faster. But the apple can only be used when your candle burns. And the adversary candle can blend and then the player before biting the apple again, it will have to light it again.


Playing get into the couple. The presenter invites everyone to the "wild beach", where dancing is announced. Dancers are issued by records (men alone, women three) - "In order to intimate parts Do not excite holidaymakers on the beach. " Music sounds, dancing begins. Players needed during the dance not to lose a single record, and for this purpose you have to closely clinging to each other.

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