What does the letter d mean. The meaning of the ordinal number of the letter in the name

Decor elements 29.09.2019

The special meaning of the letters.

Do you know that all letters in a word carry a special semantic and emotional load? Compare the exclamations “Ah! Oh! Wow! Eh! " They differ only in the sound "x", but cause completely dissimilar feelings. Likewise, the meaning of each letter in a person's name gives him its own unique shade. Only the interpretation of the meaning of all letters of the name gives a complete picture of its value. Knowing this, one can feel the full depth of the name, suggest what impact it will have on fate.

Characteristics of the letters of the Russian alphabet.

A - symbolizes power, strength, the desire for mental and material comfort. Leadership letter. In a negative manifestation - egocentrism.

B - is characterized by constancy and is aimed at financial well-being... He is not afraid to overcome difficulties and takes the initiative into his own hands.

B - gives courage in choosing new paths, is easy to communicate, has a close connection with nature.

G - "lover" of thrills, seeks to learn something mysterious. Boldly goes the unbeaten path.

D - loves beauty and tries to make a stunning impression. Capricious, but without hesitation comes to the rescue.

E - calls on the road, loves travel. Symbolizes simplicity and charm.

Yo - emotions are often overflowing. Intolerance and violent passions are hidden under the veneer.

F - gives passion and stability in various unpleasant situations. Requires increased attention.

Z - questions everything and prefers a secluded lifestyle. Introduces notes of pessimism into life.

And - strives for harmony with the world around him, is distinguished by kindness and romance. Sometimes prone to loneliness and asceticism.

Y - indicates isolation and inability to find mutual language with people. There is pettiness in the character.

K - a clear distinction between the concepts of "white" and "black". Endurance and fortitude. Excessive specifics and lack of halftones.

L - a subtle understanding of the beautiful, loyalty in love and the ability to win people over to oneself. In the worst case, narcissism, dissatisfaction with others.

M - kindness and compassion, a desire to help. Stubbornness under the guise of complacency and even inner rigidity.

H is a symbol of protest and denial of everything. The presence of a critical mind and a categorical rejection of routine work.

O - carries solar energy and cheerfulness. The pursuit of excellence. Changeable mood from delight to despondency.

P - passivity in actions. Ability to summarize details and see the big picture.

P - the tendency not to trust other people's opinions, loyalty to one's own judgments, which often leads to dogmatism. The ability to take risks for the sake of a goal.

C - the desire for stability and material independence. Ability to adapt to circumstances.

T - creative inclinations. Demanding to others and to yourself. Striving for the search for truth. Reassessing your capabilities.

U - a tendency to see the mysterious and mysterious in everything, which gives rise to unnecessary fears. Lack of a sense of proportion.

F - the desire to always be in the center of attention and delight others. Discontent, grumbling and doubt.

X - lack of flexibility and lack of sensitivity. Dependence on people's opinion.

C - a sober outlook on life and business acumen. Ability to adjust and lack of individuality.

H - "I" as a part of the whole. The tendency to see "extraordinary circumstances" in everything and worry about it.

Ш - the ability to remain in the shadows, to exercise authority. Good sense of humour.

Щ - gives generosity and magnanimity. Sometimes - vindictiveness.

B - oddly enough, denotes softness and complaisance.

S - earthiness and lack of striving for the sublime.

B - the desire to examine everything "under a microscope", to detail.

E - cunning and charm. Excessive desire for elitism.

Yu - has ingenuity and resourcefulness. An invaluable sense of humor.

I am mental faculty. Leadership and Activity.

Nothing is accidental, and even the combination of letters in our name has some symbolic meaning... The influence of each letter in the name is certainly not the same in strength. The most pronounced letter is the beginning of a word, followed by the most audible and repeating more than once. Here's what the letters in your name mean:

A - the desire to be the first, leadership and organizational skills, a great tendency to action.

B - spiritual romanticism, constancy, strength, penetrating abilities, the desire to financially provide for their lives.

B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. A creative person looking to the future.

G - the desire for knowledge, the introduction into a hidden secret, the ability to understand everything in an inseparable connection with life, attention to detail and the need to do everything in good faith.

D - thinking, thinking before starting a business, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes capriciousness. Often - the ability of a psychic.

E - the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight through the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Talkativeness is possible.

Yo - vigor of self-expression, emotionality. A person does not always manage to contain his passions.

3 - all-round defense "I" from outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes takes the position of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand.

And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.

K - endurance, derived from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life credo "all or nothing."

M - caring person, willingness to help, shyness is possible. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is a part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to "pull the blanket over himself." Predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.

H - a sign of protest, do not accept inner strength, a dog in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind. Health interest. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor".

O - deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For the completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the task has been prepared for him and that he needs to use his rich intuition to distinguish it from the bustle of existence.

P - wealth of ideas, established stable opinions, taking care of one's own appearance... This letter directs the human mind to generalizations, comprehension of reality in its entirety.

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

C - common sense, striving for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.

T - intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, not always balancing desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not postpone until tomorrow what can be done today - to act effectively using every minute.

Y is an active imagination, a generous empathic person, a philanthropist. Strives to rise to the highest spiritual level... At the same time, a reminder to the owner not to make utopian plans and to remember that not every truth can be announced at every crossroads: there is the unpronounceable in life!

F - the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, at first glance chaotic, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. Internal contradictory views - a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to use an allegedly necessary lie with the best intentions.

X - Attitude - Succeed in Life on their own, gain credibility, an independent position in life. A person is sensitive to what people say about him. This letter in the name reminds that the owner must behave in such a way as not to violate a single law of morality.

C is a leader, not devoid of ambition, arrogance, self-conceit, but welded to the whole, with traditions, unable to exist alone.

H - a part that feels itself an inseparable part of the whole. The daughter clings to her mother, the night to days. "Away" - separation of a part from a whole, without losing sight of it.

W - attentiveness to life, the ability to assess the situation at the slightest hint, whisper, rustle. Modesty and the ability to arrange their affairs quietly. Developed sense of humor.

Ш - generosity, generosity, ability to penetrate, expand, strive forward, driving force.

B - the ability to classify, divide, put on shelves.

S - a sense of belonging, a practical sense, a gravitation towards materialism, a down-to-earth spirit.

B - softness of nature, the ability to smooth out sharp corners relationships. The danger of becoming a slave to a strong-willed partner.

E - the ability to see the background of events, the wrong side of people, good command of the language in oral speech and in writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, sneakiness. The desire to show their belonging to the "good society".

Y - striving for truth, the ideals of universal equality and brotherhood, the ability to sacrifice and at the same time to cruel acts, allegedly dictated by higher considerations.

I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve respect and love from the environment and the ability to receive them.

If we talk about name compatibility, then there is such a rule - the more similar letters, the better.

The name, like any word, consists of separate sounds. Sounds are waves of different, but strictly defined frequencies. Each sound wave affects human body in my own way. When others call a person by name, he experiences the influence of the same sound waves that can form certain qualities in him - hardness, tenderness, irritability, insolence, etc.

The influence of each letter in the name is unequal: greatest value has the first, and then the most sonorous and repeated more than once.

We decrypt the name

A - symbolizes the start, the beginning in the very broad sense... It goes well with other sounds, does not create difficulties in pronunciation. The sound "A" in a person's name inspires him with vigor, gives him strength to deal with difficulties.

B - means "penetrating" ability, preference for a solid material base. However, some prudence inherent in people whose name contains the letter "B" is compensated by the desire for spiritual communication.

B - speaks of sociability, the ability to live in harmony with nature and people, as well as some laziness. A person with a name starting with this letter is endowed with a striving for lofty feelings, for everything beautiful.

G - predetermines the desire for knowledge, practicality, the ability to correctly assess the situation and quickly respond to what is happening. But also "G" means touchiness, vulnerability and subtle mental organization.

D - speaks not only of a tendency to reflect, pondering both philosophical and everyday problems, but also about stubbornness, pride and independence. As a result - making mistakes, not always a correct assessment of their strengths and capabilities.

E - symbolizes the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, as well as diplomatic ability and discernment. This letter suggests the possibility of nervous breakdowns on the basis of relationships with loved ones. "E" speaks of easy adaptability and sexuality.

Z - symbolizes the desire to isolate oneself from the outside world, high intuition, developed imagination, painful sensitivity. But at the same time it also means devotion, benevolence, religiosity.

And - gives a person refinement, romance, sentimentality. Some of the detachment and uncertainty contained in the "I" interferes with making decisions quickly and slows down the reaction. The letter "I" in the name informs the character of diplomacy as a defensive reaction to rudeness, pressure from the outside.

K - symbolizes endurance, insight, secrecy in personal affairs, as well as the desire for power. Excessive pride of the bearers of the name with "K" prevents them from carrying out their plans. From rebellion, many come to religion.

L - gives nature artistry, rich imagination, literary ability... The disposition to laziness and contemplation makes it difficult to find your life purpose. But the desire for material wealth spurs, prompts to action.

M - speaks of caring, willingness to help, some shyness, gentleness. The most common vice that a person with the letter "M" in their name is subject to is greed. Only by suppressing the desire for hoarding, he will be able to fully realize his potential.

H - means a protest, an internal attitude not to accept everything that happens indiscriminately, the ability to “filter” the information received. Such people always have their own opinion and know how to defend it.

O - informs the owner of a name in which there is this letter, developed intuition, the ability to experience deep feelings, as well as the ability to set goals and move towards them. The presence of this letter in the name speaks of a constant striving for self-improvement and self-realization, a desire to make the fullest use of one's abilities.

The meaning of letters in a person's life

P - defines such personality traits as self-confidence and a tendency to philosophical reflections... Holders of the letter "P" in their name are brave and persistent. They know how to defend their views, but try to avoid conflicts.

P - symbolizes decisiveness, high efficiency, the ability to correctly analyze the situation. Very often a person with this letter in his name is harsh and intemperate in his statements. It is difficult for him to climb the career ladder, and therefore he sometimes looks for an opportunity to be realized in free creativity.

C - speaks primarily of the desire for stability and material security. But it also testifies to imbalance, frequent mood swings, excessive demands on oneself and others. Life promises many trials for such people, but common sense and a positive attitude help them to easily experience adversity.

T- indicates a sensitive nature, creatively gifted, with a well-developed intuition, but arrogant and ambitious. A name with the letter "T" makes a person envious and vindictive, these people do not tolerate competition. For women, this letter inspires confidence in the irresistibility of their own charms and often turns them into coquettes.

U - means a developed imagination, generosity, benevolence and, perhaps, excessive straightforwardness. People with the name on "U" are neat and pedantic, prudent and thrifty.

F - speaks of the need to be the first, to shine in high society, to enjoy all the benefits of life, to always be in the center of attention. But the inconsistency of character prevents the simple-minded owner of the name with the letter "F" from carrying out half of the adventures he had conceived. Nevertheless, such people are flexible and diplomatic, they think over their every action to the smallest detail.

X - speaks of the desire to win universal recognition of others, which means strict adherence adopted laws in society, moral foundations. Meanwhile, stubbornness and overestimated self-esteem prevent the owner of the letter "X" in the name from correctly assessing their relationships with others, and a predisposition to depression leads to nervous breakdowns.

Ts - in the name is a symbol of a leader, a purposeful person, speaks of an extraordinary personality, especially gifted in the field of exact sciences. As a rule, the owners of names with "C" have a difficult relationship with their parents.

H - symbolizes a sense of duty, loyalty to principles, caring attitude towards others. The sound has a beneficial effect on the subconscious, associated with the words "daughter", "honor", "honesty".

Ш - speaks of calmness and stability, a subtle sense of humor, an analytical mindset. People with “hissing” names are gifted in the field of fine arts, have good artistic qualities, and have an innate sense of tact. They love to travel, preferring to travel by car.

B - means gentleness and even some spinelessness of nature, increased vulnerability, but at the same time kindness and altruism in relation to loved ones. People whose name is soft sign, have a rare talent for avoiding quarrels and conflicts, they often have no enemies at all.

E - speaks of a well-developed intuition, curiosity, the ability to single out the main thing from a set of disparate facts. The letter "E" in the name makes people temperamental, energetic, sexy. They make good businessmen and journalists.

Yu - symbolizes stubbornness and perseverance, explosive temperament, unpredictability, the desire to stand out from the crowd. These people have a tendency to self-admiration. In their personal lives, they are not very lucky, they may not have harmony in the family.

I - symbolizes a sense of superiority, speaks of narcissism, the desire to win universal love, respect and recognition. Its carriers sometimes annoy others with excessive ambition.

We put it into practice

How to tie together the characteristics of the letters in the name? Let's analyze the female character using the example of the name Marina.

In childhood and adolescence, she is distinguished by kindness and curiosity. Sometimes she is shy (letter "M"), not inclined to laziness, willingly fulfills any assignment (letter "A"). The second syllable is formed by the letters "P" and "I". Having matured, Marina becomes bold and self-confident. He does not hover in the clouds, but tries to grasp the essence of the matter, to bring it to the end. True to her word (letter "P"). The second letter of the syllable gives it an exquisite taste, a sense of harmony. The consonant "N" makes her prudent, selective in words and deeds. Marina is capable of much for the sake of her goal. The second vowel "A" enhances this character trait by working capacity. As a result, Marina achieves the desired spiritual comfort and material well-being.

Name is a set of letters and sounds pronounced with a certain timbre, and each letter has an individual sound. The great Russian actor Mikhail Chekhov said: “He who is looking for meaning listens to words. Those who want to hear the essence listen to the sound. "
Various names- different sets of sounds and, accordingly, different stimuli, which, in turn, affect different structures of the brain. The sounds of one name evoke a feeling of lightness and softness, as they say, “caress the ear”, while the sounds of another name can cause tension and anxiety. This is the so-called "name melody", and since the musical influence occurs subconsciously, it has the greatest influence on the psyche.
And what character this music has, in many respects determines the attitude of others to the owner of the name, as a result, developing certain qualities in him.

When decoding a name, patronymic, surname, the first is taken into account more capital letter- it determines the leading qualities of a person, the rest are secondary. The number of identical letters also matters - the more there are in the name, surname and patronymic combined, the more pronounced are the qualities inherent in them.

The symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort. You do not have to force people to work, in whose names the vowel A is found: work is their natural need. But not any work, but only in the field that they independently choose. What does this cornfield look like? This is dictated by other letters in the name. In which area these qualities will be applied, you can judge by the rest of the letters of the name.

Spiritual romanticism, constancy, strength, penetrating abilities, the desire to financially provide for their lives. This consonant introduces a need for thrills into a person's character. Dizzying love, risk in commerce or on the tourist trail - this is the flavor of his life. The presence of this letter speaks of the highest patronage and protection of the person in whose name it is present.

Sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, aspirations for the future. Consonant B forces a person to first carefully plan their future, and then fight for the scrupulous fulfillment of their fantasy.

Striving for knowledge, entering a hidden secret, the ability to understand everything in an inextricable connection with life, attention to detail and the need to do everything in good faith. Try to remember your friend, in whose name there is a consonant G. Remember? Now you must admit that he is distinguished from your other friends by such a trait as disgust.

Reflection, deliberation before starting a business, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes capriciousness. Often - the ability of a psychic. If the enterprise has distributed land for plots, he will be the first to peg his lawn around. True, at first he will enclose, and only then will he think about whether he is able to cultivate this land. And if it turns out that it is not, it is not able to, it will still regularly update the pegs around the area overgrown with weeds.

The need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight through skill enters the world of secret affairs. Talkativeness is possible. Two mutually opposite features: ingenuity and the desire for power. Maybe that's why the power-hungry thoughts of these people are visible to the naked eye. Vigor of self-expression, emotionality are characteristic. A person does not always manage to contain his passions.

It carries rudeness, covered by external refinement, internal harshness, intolerance, assertiveness, rigidity, but also the ability to control oneself.

Gives passion, striving for aesthetic completeness in clothing and in everyday life, striving for significance, exaggerated attention to oneself, strengthens vitality. In the worst case, pettiness, too much activity and harshness, striving for leadership through suppression of others, intolerance, arrogance, shamelessness.

All-round defense of "I" from the outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes takes the position of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand. Some are sawing themselves, others - those around them. It all depends on the presence of other letters in the name.

Subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature. Do not promise him half a kingdom for just a horse, he will not believe. He knows what and how much is worth in this life. And he also has a wonderful sense of harmony.

Nothing good promises a person. She provokes impulsive attacks of fear for the well-being of her body. Fear is usually completely unfounded.

It is associated with clarity, distinction, fitness for life, great firmness. In the worst case, pettiness, too much concreteness, lack of ideals.

Caring person, willingness to help, shyness is possible. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is a part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to "pull the blanket over himself." Predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself. The desire to go everywhere and try everything on your own experience.

A sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but cannot stand the "monkey labor". Strictly selective in affection of the heart, as well as in words and deeds.

Deep feelings, ability to handle money. For the completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The goal is prepared for him and he needs to use his rich intuition to distinguish it from the bustle of existence. it limited people, a conservative way of thinking and adherence to principles constrains their possibilities.

A wealth of ideas, established strong opinions, care about your appearance. This letter directs the human mind to generalizations, comprehension of reality in its entirety. To outline an impregnable peak and conquer it, and without giving out all the interviews and autographs, go to storm a new one - this is their distinctive feature.

The ability not to deceive by appearance, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments. If this person borrowed money from you before payday, do not worry, he will return it on time. Fidelity to the word, as well as to the chosen goal, is his distinguishing feature.

Common sense, striving for a strong position and material security, in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life. Shine, sparkling - this is the impression that a person with the letter C in his name leaves behind.

Intuitive, sensitive, creative person, seeker of truth, not always proportioning desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless, and one should not postpone until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively. "Today I am not the same as yesterday" is the motto of this man. A passion for diversity, especially in the little things, is the leitmotif of his life.

An active imagination, a generous empathic person, a philanthropist. It is trying to ascend to the highest spiritual level. At the same time, a reminder to the owner not to make utopian plans and to remember that not every truth can be announced at every crossroads: there is the unpronounceable in life! Cunning, or in other words, the ability to carefully hide the true purpose of their intentions.

The need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, at first glance chaotic, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. The internal inconsistency of the view is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to use an allegedly necessary lie with the best intentions. Those who have a consonant F in their name are tough nuts. They can defend their interest.

Setting to succeed in life on your own, to gain authority, an independent position in life. A person is sensitive to what people say about him. This letter reminds the owner that he must behave in such a way as not to violate a single law of morality. But you will not meet a more responsive person. Even if you consider him of little interest to your person, still keep him among your friends for every "fire" case.

A leader, not devoid of ambition, arrogance, self-conceit, but welded with the whole, with traditions, unable to exist alone. In a difficult social situation, they personify hope for the best.

A part that feels itself an inseparable part of the whole, without losing sight of it. The desire to help others, and disinterestedly.

Attentiveness to life, the ability to assess the situation at the slightest hint, whisper, rustle. Modesty and the ability to organize their affairs in a quiet way. Developed sense of humor. This is a cold-blooded person. In an extreme situation, he does not give in to panic, maintains clarity of thought.

Generosity, generosity, ability to penetrate, expand, strive forward, driving force.

The softness of nature, the ability to smooth out the sharp corners of the relationship. The danger of becoming a slave of a strong-willed partner.

A sense of belonging, a practical sense, a gravitation towards materialism, a down-to-earth spirit. Striving for justice. Moreover, for the sake of her triumph, a person can commit any evil and any violence.

The ability to classify, divide, organize. Even in the most balanced character, he instills an element of uncertainty. These are Natalia, Olga, Ilya, Tatiana, Albert.

Ability to see the background of events, the wrong side of people, good command of the language in oral speech and writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, sneakiness. Striving to show their belonging to the "good society". "Let the hand that is not rowing to itself dry up" - this is how these people reason.

Striving for truth, the ideals of universal equality and brotherhood, the ability to self-sacrifice and at the same time to cruel acts, allegedly dictated by higher considerations. Purposefulness and, at the same time, an overly romanticized idea of ​​both oneself and the people around him.

Self-esteem, the desire to achieve respect and love from the environment and the ability to receive them. The greatest pleasure comes from your own thoughts.

The Slavic alphabet is a unique phenomenon among all known methods of letter writing. It differs from other alphabets not only in the perfect embodiment of the principle of uniqueness of graphic display: one sound - one letter. In this alphabet, and only in it, there is content. And now you will see for yourself.

To begin with, let's remember the phrase: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting." It is known to everyone from childhood and makes it easy to remember the sequence of colors of the rainbow. This is the so-called acrophonic way of memorizing.
Each word of the phrase begins with the same letter as the name of the color: each is red, the hunter is orange ...

Before the reform of the language in 1918, each letter of the alphabet also had its own name. Each letter stood in its place.

The Russian alphabet is not only a set of letters corresponding to sounds, it is also a whole message to the Slavs, deciphered for the first time by our author.

Let's read the message of our ancestors to us now living. Consider the first three letters of the alphabet - Az, Buki, Vedi.
Az - me.
Beeches - letters, letters.
Lead - knew, the perfect past tense from "lead" - know, know.

Combining the acrophonic names of the first three letters of the alphabet, we get the following phrase: Az buki vede - I know the letters.

Please note: Az - I is the first letter in the alphabet (and not the last, as in the modern alphabet). Because it is with me that my World, my Universe begins.

Az is the foundation, the beginning. The basis for everything is the knowledge of God and one's ancestors. That is, their parents, their roots.

The verb is Good - say, do good. Remember, as in Pushkin: "Burn the hearts of people with a verb." A verb is both a word and a deed at the same time. Verb - speak. I say to the verb. I say - then I do. What should be done? Good.

Good is Live - to do good is to live in labor, and not to vegetate.

Zelo - diligently, with zeal.

Earth - planet Earth, its inhabitants, earthlings. Live Zelo Earth. Live perfectly on the ground and on the ground. For she is our mother-nurse. The earth gives life.

And Kako People Think - He is Our Peace. That is, how you people think - this is your world. Here is the law of reflection. What goes around comes around.

Rtsy The Word Is Firm. Speak the word firmly. Your word must be firm. He said and did.

Oak Firth Her. Uk is the basis of knowledge. Compare: science, teach, skill, custom.

Ferth - fertilizes.

Her - divine, given from above. Compare: German Herr - lord, God, Greek - hiero - divine. English - hero - hero as well Russian name God - Horse. Knowledge is the fruit of God, the gift of God.

Tsy - tochi, penetrate, penetrate, dare.
Tsi is a vital energy, a higher structure. Hence the meaning of the word "fathers" - coming from "Tsi" - coming from God.

The worm is the one who sharpens, penetrates.

Shta - what does it mean "to".

B, b (ep, er) - variants of one letter, it meant an indefinite short vowel, close to "e".
The word "ъръ" meant existent, eternal, secret. Space-time, inaccessible to the human mind, a beacon, the Sun. "Bb" is, in all likelihood, one of the most ancient words of modern civilization. Compare the Egyptian Ra - Sun, God.

The word time itself contains the same root, since the initial "v" developed precisely from aspiration, with which one must pronounce "b" at the beginning of the word. Many primordially Russian words contain the same root, for example: morning - from the Sun (the root "ut" - from there, there), evening - century R - century Ra, the expiring time of the Sun.
In the sense of "space, universe" the Russian "frame" comes from the same root.

The word "paradise" means: a multitude of suns, i.e. the abode of the god Ra. The self-name of the gypsies "rum, rum" is free, free, God is in me, I am the Universe. Hence the Indian Rama. In the sense of "light, luminary, source of light": the cry "Hurray!" means "To the Sun!" Bright means similar sunlight, rainbow, etc.

Yus small - light, old Russian yas. In modern Russian, the root "yas" is preserved, for example, in the word "clear".

Yat (yati) - to comprehend, to have. Compare: withdraw, take, etc.

Tsy, worm, shta Ъra yus yati! Which means: dare, tochi, worm, to comprehend the Light of Jehovah!

The combination of the above phrases makes up the alphabetical message:
Az buki vede.
The verb is good natural.
Live well, earth,
And, like what people.
Our thought is peace.
Rtsy word is firm.
Uk fert her.
Tsy, worm, shta ya yus yati!
In modern translation it sounds like this:
I know the letters.
A letter is an asset.
Work hard, earthlings!
As befits reasonable people.
Comprehend the universe.
Carry your word with conviction!
Knowledge is a gift from God.
Dare, delve into ...
To comprehend the Light of Jehovah!

Until recently, it was believed that the ABC is just the letters of the language, arranged in a certain order. That is, just icons. And that's it! Perhaps that is why they so easily and simply removed the letters from the Russian Alphabet. Why do we need so much. The British get along with 26 letters, and that's enough for them. Why do we need 33? And even more so 49, as it was originally.

Scientists who seek to cut the ABC do not understand a lot (or understand, but deliberately do evil).

Even in ancient times, our ancestors considered the ABC as a cipher of creation. For many peoples, the ABCs were deified. The word has always been perceived as the beginning of creation, and the letter was a unit, an atom of creation. Each letter had its own meaning, its own image, its own meaning.

Recently, a group of Russian scientists (G.S. Grinevich, L.I.Sotnikova, A.D. Pleshanov and others) have proved that our ABC contains encrypted knowledge of the laws of the universe.

What is a letter? A letter is a unit, it is an atom of meaning. The letters have a certain shape, graphics. Each letter has its own number, its own number. Even Pythagoras argued that the letter and the number have the same vibration.

With the discovery of torsion fields, one more component of the letter became known. Since each letter has its own shape, and the shape creates a torsion field, the letter contains certain information of the field of Consciousness.

That is, cutting off the ABC, we disconnect from one or another area of ​​the general information field of the Universe, from the general field of Consciousness. And this leads to human degradation.

Each letter of the Russian Alphabet is a symbol of something.

For example, the letter "Ж" is a symbol of life. It means a combination of masculine and feminine principles. And it had the appropriate name - "You live".

That is, behind each letter, our ancestors had certain images. And through images they created. After all, we already know that in order to create something, it is necessary to form an image.

What is the current ABC? What are the images behind the letters now?
A - watermelon.
B - drum.
B is a crow.

Why did Turgenev write about the great and mighty Russian Language? Yes, because even at that time he was like that, until December 23, 1917, the next "circumcision" was made to the Russian ABC. And there were several such "reforms". The first reform of the Russian ABC was made by Cyril and Methodius in the 10th-11th centuries. Then in 1709 at the time of Peter the Great, then in 1735.

There is one more interesting moment... Until 1700, each letter in the ABC had its own numerical value. For example: A - 1, D - 4, C - 200, etc. Arabic numerals were introduced by Peter the Great. Prior to that, all numbers were designated by letters with a special sign on top - "titlo".

The connection between letters and numbers is not accidental. Scientists are trying to figure it out. This is another facet of the ABC that our ancestors knew. It turns out that the ABC is a system of numeric codes. And, pronouncing words, we communicate with the Cosmos, with the Universe. And the Universe responds to our vibrations. The language is given to a person not only for communication with each other, but also for communication with the Cosmos.

It has long been proven that everything living and even inanimate in this world reacts to sounds. Sounds can improve or inhibit plant growth, affect the growth of microorganisms. With the help of sound, you can change the consciousness of a person.

Our ancestors used the ABC, given by God, and therefore could create objects with the help of words and sounds. They accurately conveyed the vibrations of this object with their voice. The Indian Vedas say that in ancient times there was a special language "Devagari" - the Language of the Gods. Remember the famous oriental tale about Ali Baba and 40 robbers. In it, a magic cave was opened with a special spell. With the reforms of the language we have lost great strength, the ability to have a direct impact on Nature.

There is also a physical explanation for the effect of sounds on a person and the surrounding space. Sound is a high frequency vibration. In the brain, these vibrations are converted into electromagnetic vibrations. In addition, the sound wave causes the curvature of space, thereby generating torsion fields.

All sounds are divided into noises and tones. Sounds with periodic fluctuations- these are tones, with non-periodic ones - noises. In speech, only vowel sounds are tones, all consonants are mixed with noise.

If you look at the spectrogram, you can see that vowel sounds have a greater amplitude and energy.

It turns out that the more vowels in the ABC, the more the energy of the language, and hence the energy of the people.

For comparison: in Old Russian language there were 19 vowels. And now it is 10. The energy of the language and the people has almost halved. Who needed it? And they are trying to remove one more vowel from the ABC - the letter E. It is simply omitted when writing. As if it should be so.

And further. Each vowel sound has its own color. Because color is also vibrations, waves. For example, "A" - red, "E" - light green, "I" - blue, "O" - yellow. "U" - green, "Y" - brown, "E" - orange, "U" - turquoise, "I" - pink-red.

Together with color, vowel sounds affect our internal organs, since each organ works at a certain frequency. No wonder Indian mantras contain almost all vowel sounds. And chanting them is beneficial for the body.

So, you and I could see how important it is to know your language, your history, the images that stand behind the letters. And how important it is not just to pronounce the words. And to put bright positive images in them. It will make your life immeasurably richer.

People use the word very casually, let it go in the wind, break it and remake it without thinking. Some Words are lost and simply forgotten. Many Words are directed to the destruction of a person, his soul.

Only Man is given the right to choose - to create or destroy. We have been given the most precious gift from birth - the gift of the Word. This gift must be fully utilized.

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