Functions and structure of the game. Educational game features

garden equipment 15.10.2019

The game is now getting into the system of the most urgent human needs. Without it, the normal development of the brain and body is impossible.

To understand the nature of play, its amazing educational potential, is to understand the nature of a happy childhood.

Children's games educate and develop in the child everything that makes up the wealth of the human personality.

The American psychologist George Mead saw in the game a generalized model of the formation of what psychologists call the "self" of a person - the collection of one's "I". The game is the most powerful sphere of "selfhood": self-expression, self-determination, self-examination, self-rehabilitation, self-realization. Through games, children learn to trust themselves and all people, to recognize what should be accepted and what should be rejected in the world around them. That is why the change of childhood in games is a great achievement of civilization, there is an opportunity, in the words of one of the best therapists in Europe, a world-famous Polish writer, teacher and psychologist Janusz Korczak, "to find oneself in society, oneself in humanity, oneself in the Universe." For this reason alone, there is a deeper truth in the playful worldview of children than in the rational view of the world.

From the disclosure of the concept of play by philosophers, educators, cultural historians, educators and psychologists of various scientific schools, one can tentatively isolate a number of general provisions reflecting the essence of the game phenomenon.

Game is a multifaceted concept. It means occupation, rest, entertainment, fun, fun, joy, competition, exercise, training, in the process of which the educational requirements of adults for children become their requirements for themselves, which means an active means of education and self-education. The game is an independent type of developmental activity of children different ages, the principle and method of their life activity, the method of knowing the child and the method of organizing his life and not gaming activity.

Children's games are the freest, most natural form of manifestation of their activity, in which the world.

The game, having a synthetic property, absorbs many aspects of other types of activity, acts as a multifaceted phenomenon in the life of a child. The game is the first stage of the activity of a preschool child, the original school of his behavior, the normative and equal activity of younger schoolchildren, adolescents and youth, which changes its goals as students grow older.

Play is the need of a growing child: his psyche, intellect, biological fund. Play is a specific, purely childish world of a child's life. The game is the practice of development. Children play because they develop and develop because they play.

Games are a way for a child to find himself in groups of associates, in general in society, humanity, in the Universe, access to social experience, culture of the past, present and future, repetition of social practices that are understandable.

The game is the freedom of self-disclosure, self-development based on the subconscious, mind and creativity. The product of the game is the enjoyment of its process, the end result is the development of the abilities realized in it.

Play is the main area of ​​communication for children; it solves problems interpersonal relationships, compatibility, partnership, friendship, partnership. In the game, the social experience of people's relationships is learned and acquired. The game is social in nature and directly saturated, being a reflected model of behavior, manifestation and development of complex self-organizing systems and a "free" practice of creative decisions, preferences, choices of a child's free behavior, a sphere of unique human activity. Since children's play is a universal phenomenon, and children in games copy surrounding life, its functions are varied.

Consider the most important features of the game:

The learning function allows you to solve specific tasks education and training, which are aimed at mastering certain program material and the rules that players must follow. Educational games are also important for the moral and aesthetic education of children.

The entertaining function contributes to an increase in an emotionally positive tone, the development of motor activity, nourishes the child's mind with unexpected and vivid impressions, and creates favorable ground for establishing emotional contact between an adult and a child.

The communicative function consists in the development of the need to exchange knowledge and skills with peers in the process of games, communicate with them and establish friendly relations on this basis, and show speech activity.

The educational function helps to identify the individual characteristics of children, allows you to eliminate undesirable manifestations in the character of your pupils.

The developing function consists in the development of the child, the correction of what is inherent and manifested in him.

The relaxation function is to restore the physical and spiritual strength of the child.

The psychological function is to develop creativity children.

Having such a variety of functions, the game deserves to be included in the educational and extracurricular processes, because it stores and inherits a huge range of spiritual, emotional values ​​of human manifestations.

Under internal features refers to the skills of a person and his mental functions that are involved in the game, as well as the presence of improvisation, risk, the intensity of behavior in the game.

A. Physical and psychological games and trainings:

Motor (sports, mobile, motor);

Ecstatic, impromptu;

Ecstasy (Greek ekstasis - exit from tranquility) - a state of delight.

Impromptu (lat. expromtus - ready, fast) - a work performed without preparation.

we are talking about dancing games, extreme fun, as well as children's intellectual ecstatic games - fortune-telling, "challenging devils", etc.);

Liberating games - pantomime, humorous fun, tricks and tricks, games of random winning);


B. Intellectual and creative games:

Subject fun;

Story-intellectual games;


Construction, labor, technical;

Electronic, computer, automatic games;

Game teaching methods.

B. Social games:

Creative plot-role-playing (imitative, dramatization games, dream games);

the most common plots are creative (construction, creation), search (discoveries), professional, military, related to art (film studio, circus, theater), ethnic, fabulous, fantastic (based on films and books);

Business games.

D. Complex games (collective creative activity, the method of a long game).

By definition, a gameis a type of activity in the conditions of situations, aimed at recreating and assimilation of social experience, in which develops and improves the self-government of the denium.

Most games have four main features (according to S.A. Shmakov):

    free developing activity, taken only at the request of the child, for the sake of pleasure from the process of activity itself, and not just from the result (procedural pleasure);

    creative, largely improvisational, very active Ha rakter this activity (“the field of creativity”);

    emotional high activities, rivalry, competitiveness, competition, attraction, etc. (sensual nature of the game, "emotional tension");

    Availability direct or indirect rules reflecting the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

Into the structure of the game activities organically includes goal setting, planning, goal realization, as well as analysis of the results in which the person fully realizes himself as a subject. Motivation of gaming activity is provided by its voluntariness, opportunities for choice and elements of competition, satisfaction of the need for self-affirmation, self-realization.

Into the structure of the game process includes: a) the roles assumed by the players; b) game actions as a means of realizing these roles; c) game use of objects, i.e. replacement of real things with game, conditional ones; d) real relations between the players; e) plot (content) - an area of ​​reality conditionally reproduced in the game.

The value of the game cannot be exhausted and assessed by entertainment and recreational opportunities. Its phenomenon lies in the fact that, being entertainment, recreation, it is able to grow into education, creativity, therapy, a model of the type human relations and manifestations in work.

Game Features … An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the theory of play allows us to present the range of its purposes for the development and self-realization of children in their play activities, reflecting the diversity of the world around us and the richness of human relations. The functions of the game are its various usefulness.


The game changes the emotional state, as a rule, in the direction of improving it, raising the mood, inspires, arouses interest in something. The palette of feelings awakened by the game is extremely diverse. This is both pleasure and a sense of pride from a victory, a feeling of fear, a feeling of unknown and mystery ... But the game is not just entertainment, but a special method of involving students in creative activity, a method of encouraging them to be active


The game is predictive, it reveals the truly childish, personal in children. It is more diagnostic than any other human activity, since in the game the participant behaves at the maximum of manifestations (physical strength, intelligence, creativity). A careful observer can learn a lot about the players from their behavior during the game. There are even games specially developed by teachers and psychologists that allow us to draw some conclusions about the personal characteristics of the players and the characteristics of the group as a whole.

Relaxation (restoring)

The game relieves the physical and intellectual stress caused by the stress on the nervous system by active learning, physical labor, strong feelings. Games are used to restore the balance of power, to improve health. A person plays, and in the process of playing, tension recedes, strength is restored.


In the game, a person can get what he lacks in life, realizes what is not in it, an adult "tries", "experiences" in the game already unused opportunities; the child "trying on" still inaccessible, unselected possibilities. "Otherness" allows a person to compensate for what is not in his life. But some things become available over time, others remain inaccessible forever (for example, a girl in a game tries a male role, and a boy tries a female one, or a girl plays a princess, although she will never become one, just as she is not given to become a man).


The game always introduces the child into the real context of the most complex human relationships, since the game is a communicative activity, although according to purely game rules it is quite specific. The game compensates for the lack of development of creative forms of interaction between the teacher and students, brings them to true cooperation. It is also important that the game is a wider factor of communication than speech.


The game process is always a space for self-realization of its participants, a unique opportunity for the human practice of a child, reality as a field of application and verification of accumulated experience.


The game is the strongest means of socialization of the child, which includes both socially controlled processes of purposeful influence on the formation of the personality, and spontaneous, spontaneous processes that affect the formation of the child.


Based on Burn's conclusion, people who have lost their mental balance play most intensively; game therapists use games to remove the troubles of life, to correct moral relationships, to encourage and approve the child, to overcome various difficulties that the child has in behavior, in communicating with others, in learning.

Types of games and their classification.

Starting attempts to classify games, it is necessary to take into account that, starting from the game of nature to global computer games, all play activity takes place in two main types: natural (games that arose without conscious intervention, such are the games of animals and children under 3 years old) and artificial play (all other games), the first causing the second, being, as it were, the source of the subsequent "tree "games. Further, the classification concerns the actual artificial games, that is, games created with the participation of a person. Then the basis for classifications can, first of all, be the main constants of the game - its outwardly obvious signs.

The basis for classification can be: 1. Space A) Size: games on the palm of your hand (forty-crow, patties); desktop; near the wall; floor; office (one room); several rooms; yard (one yard); street (a space limited by several streets); urban; on rough terrain. B) Quality: static and dynamic C) Surface quality: earth, sand, grass, air, water, asphalt

2. Props: A) without props B) simple props (ball, sheet of paper and pen) C) specially made (technical devices) D) computer E) attractions 3. Time A) day (day, night) B) season (summer) , winter, off-season)

4. Participants A) By number: individual, pair, group (small group 3-7, large 8-15), collective (16-40), organizational (more than 40), planetary. B) By gender: female (traditionally fashion), male (war, politics), unisex (games with pushed back gender) many sports C) Level of participants: beginner, amateur, professional

5. Rules: rigid, free, conventions

6. According to the game strategy A) Competition strategy. Win games. Be sure to have something that players compete on, and it can be trained (all sport games). B) Chance strategy. Working with uncertainties, including numerical ones. (Casino, cards, fortune-telling.) C) Dramatization (imitation) strategy. Role play. Theatricalization, center - the concept of the role (role-playing games). D) Movement strategy. The main thing is the pleasure of movement, there is no goal to win. (Swings, carousels, slides, waves, skis, skates, bicycles.) E) Positioning strategy. Analysis of the situation from a position, organizational and activity games, it is assumed that the game is entered from a certain position, there is no prescribed role, there is only a value position (debate). E) Play strategy.

7. According to the leading type of activity: games for the body (physical), games for the mind (intellectual), games for the soul (social).


1. Motor games. a) outdoor games (turn, Alibaba, Cossack robbers ...) b) sports games (football, volleyball, tennis ...) c) motor games (patterns, fabrics, printing house, letters, factory) 2. Ecstatic games - ecstasy from movement which you make yourself, or which you observe. (This includes watching fire and water, The game of girls who hold hands and start spinning, and then let go of their hands and fly beautifully to the sides ...


1. Manipulation games(Rubik's cube, pyramid, ...) 2. Travel Games("Goose" 1560) 3. construction games(mosaics, constructors, words) 4. Psychotechnical games(aimed at the development of logic, memory, attention) (Typewriter, dictation on the contrary, find the mistake, snowball)


These games are aimed at solving didactic problems. 1. Collection of relevant information a) Contests (generation of ideas, there is no limit to competitive units) b) Auctions (there is a limit to competitive units) c) Dialogue (impossibility of initial rightness) 2. Decision making based on information a) Choice, decision making based on available information b) Creation of text (summary on the topic - symbol, verbal text, graphics, etc.


Social games necessarily require a partner. one. Role-playing games.

2. Business games

3. Complex games (club activities). 5 signs of complex games: - The presence of a leading idea - The presence of a variety of activities of gaming and non-gaming (tourism, travel, search, finance). - Allocation in space and time - Variety of roles and opportunities. - Sufficient duration (at least seven days)

The nature of the game - it is her "atmosphere",real values, everything that is somehow connected with the mood that arises during the game: cheerfulness,joyful well-being,active vitality. Elements of the nature of the game are inherent in the game intuition, improvisation, emotionality, symbolism. One of the main components of the nature of the game is its duality. Personality in the game is in two planes: real and conditional. On the one hand, the player performs real actions in real conditions to solve a variety of creative or utilitarian gaming tasks. On the other hand, in this reality there is necessarily convention, irrationality. If one of the plans is violated, the game is always upset. Violation of the game, conditional plan makes the game meaningless, too similar to everyday life. The loss of a real plan translates the game into a purely fantasy plan. A person voluntarily plunges into a conditional game world in order to start looking at real objects through the eyes of a player who has conceived his game and selects the necessary equipment for it. Game structure - this is a composition, a procedural and operational basis, the presence of structural game units necessary for a particular game, their relative position. Thinking about the main terms, structural units of the game, we are actually trying to answer the question: "Without what is the game impossible?" And then it becomes clear that the main constants should be called: - Member or members who expressed their desire and willingness to play - Rules of the game, defining the givenness and meaning of the game; in its simplest form - the rule of a move, a specific game action, for the successful implementation of which points can be awarded - Game chronotope(play space and play time) - The plot of the game- what the game displays, what the player reproduces as a central characteristic moment, the plot of the game. - game props(from simple to very complex) - Outcome of the game as the greatest result of game actions, achieved by the players according to all the rules.

Today there are quite a large number of collections of games, but everyone who uses them has probably noticed that often, when trying to play a game on such a collection, you encounter some problems. They are connected with the fact that in the description the author missed any little things that are important during the game. And the game "slows down", the presenter tries "on the go" to come up with answers to questions that arise during the game. Therefore, before starting the game, think about whether you understand everything in its description, whether there are any questions regarding the evaluation of game actions, the moment the game ends, the number of players and their employment at each moment of the game action, etc. It is important for teachers who use the game as a tool of education, upbringing, development to understand what the game is intended for, when it is appropriate to conduct it, with how many participants and at what age, what should be discussed with the players after the game is over. Keeping this in mind will help.

METHODOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE GAME 1. The benefits of the game (what teaches, what develops). 2. Game functions. 3. Props. 4. Game progress, game task, rules, move rule and score rule, goal, result. 5. Questions to discuss with the participants that will allow them to understand what the game has taught them. 6. Place of the game in various classifications. 7. Number and age of participants.

Very important!!! After completing the methodological description, make sure that even a person who has never heard of it before can play the game on it!

Game Design!!

These options will help you come up with not only a game, but something in general, just take these methods as a method of activating the brain !!!


The work of creating a game with this method begins with the choice of an abbreviation. It can be any well-known letter abbreviation (for example, GAI, KPD, USSR, KGB, PE, UN, etc.) or a short (three-four-letter) word. 1. We decipher the well-known abbreviation in the maximum number of ways. For example, we took the abbreviation GAI. Deciphering, we get the following options: Heroic Vanguard Goes Grotesque Alternative Interview Sad Alternative History Coat of Arms of Aristocrat Amazed Voice of Academician Ivanov Burns, Already Sparks Proud Adventurer Interested Graceful Adam Disappeared Bitter Alphabetical Truth Gopnik Argo Uses Group of Anonymous Foreigners Nail Gently Bent Newspaper Illustration City of Absolute Idyll Ideas City: Archives of History A guest from Antique History America's Frontier Investigated by the State Information Agency Vowels A and I and promising (at the same time, we can mean the learning goals that we will set, the entertainment opportunities that are embedded in the game, the educational aspect, etc.) poor entertainment program for a friendly party; Bitter elementary Truth - a game aimed at education; City: History Archives, America's Frontier Explored, Alien Anonymous Group - games that will allow you to solve some educational problems. 3. The third step is to try to decide what exactly we want to put into the game. What goals will we set, what ways will we go to achieve them, what rules will regulate the actions of the players, how the game should end. Here, too, it is important to consider that the game may not work out, no matter how much we like the chosen name. In that case, let's start over.


    When creating a game with this method, we can start in several ways: write down the names of three small items that might end up in a bag; pull any three items out of your bag or ask someone to do it for us. Suppose we have a pen in front of us, mobile phone and a tube of lipstick. 2. Now our task is to choose from these three objects the one that, in our opinion, contains the greatest opportunities in terms of building a game around this object (we do not take into account existing games with these objects, and also try to come up with game ideas for which the qualities of this object are important ... You can play with an apple like a ball, but we are interested in a game in which the ball could not replace the apple, since we pulled it out of the bag.) 3. Then we come up with as many options for the game using the object that came across to us, writing down the ideas that came to mind. (For example, a pen: - twist it between your fingers; - take a pen in your mouth and write something; - assemble a pen from parts for speed; - recognize your pen among blindfolded strangers; - spit chewed paper at a distance ... mobile phone: - hide and seek with mobile phones; - find out by voice who called you - play "Guess the melody" lipstick: - draw something with lipstick, for example, the well-known landscape "White birch under my window" - build color scheme from the very light tone to the darkest - a picture with a central red figure ("Bathing a red horse") 4. From the ideas written down, we choose the most attractive and promising the most interesting game opportunities for us and try to simulate the game. Pen: I like the idea of ​​writing something when you hold the pen in your mouth instead of your hand. First, the facilitator takes the pen into his mouth, all participants do this too, and repeat the head movements that the facilitator shows, remembering them. For example - the leader shows the movement up and down, then right and left, then draws three concentric circles in the air. Participants repeat. Remember? Fine! We approach the walls of the audience, on which sheets of paper are fixed, and everyone repeats these movements so that the trace of the pen remains on the paper. It should turn out the drawing conceived by the presenter, in this case- target. You can praise those who got the drawing conceived by the presenter, as well as those who managed to do it most accurately. You can write words on the sheet. Vocabulary, English, the rule that needed to be learned, answers to examples of oral counting, and so on ... Then the correctness of the written down and accuracy are evaluated. Together or separately… 5. When the idea has taken shape in a kind of game venture, we think over the course of the game in more detail, think about what each participant will do, what will be the rules that should regulate the activities of the players, the rule of motion and the rule of score, the results… And draw up idea finally in the form of a methodical description of the game. Note: you need to remember that at any moment our work can stall - for example, we couldn’t come up with game ideas for the subject that we liked, or from the idea to get a more or less interesting game idea - we don’t give up, but start on a new one or with another object, or with an arc idea.)))


1. In any randomly selected printed publication on a randomly open page, find the first word that comes across - a noun (common noun in the nominative singular). Let's write it out. For example, in a chemistry textbook, our eyes fell on the word "solution". 2. Come up with and write down any few associations to this word and phrases with it. Here the following series arose: chemical solution, cloudy solution, saturated solution, milk, paint thinner ... 3. Now you need to try to use the obtained associations as hints on the way to create a game idea, trying to interpret the possible actions that you can do, starting from each of them . Chemical solution - mix reagents, search among them for the one you need according to its properties ... Muddy solution - pull out from many parts corresponding to some parameters, create many parts that differ from each other in some parameters ... Saturated solution - see how much of something becomes so critical for the rest of the mass that this mass can no longer accept the like…etc. 4. Separately, for each association, we are looking for a game plot, the main game rule, the form (individual, pair, group) of the game, we will think about what the game result will consist of, how points will be calculated during the game, etc. 5. If the result does not suit you, do not despair and start over)

Whatever method of creating a game idea you use, you should always take into account some aspects: for example, the name of the game should be pleasant and not cause negative associations (therefore, we will think about the name after the game is invented), players should not be bored, which means , you need to carefully consider their game tasks, and in any case, the game may not be so interesting for objective reasons, for example, if mobile phones are involved in the game, they quickly sit down, which you will only find out during the game, so you should always try to play the game with your friends and only then transfer it to school.

game behavior pedagogical lesson

In modern educational institution, which relies on the activation of the educational process, gaming activity is used as the plot of the lesson, lesson or part of them (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercises, control).

But unlike games, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of training, education and corresponding to it. pedagogical result, which can be substantiated, explicitly identified and characterized by educational and cognitive activity.

The game form of classes is created in the classroom, extracurricular activities with the help of playing tricks and situations that act as a means of inducing, stimulating students to learning activities.

If we bring the points of view of students and teachers, then it will be possible to understand why it is more interesting to comprehend science through the game.

From the student's point of view:

* freedom of choice of action and argument;

- the right to make a mistake;

- lack of fear of getting a bad grade;

From the teacher's point of view:

- the mental and speech activity of students is liberated;

ѕ the most important personality traits are developed: independence of thinking, creative initiative;

- there is an emotional, intellectual and moral development of the personality;

* provides knowledge and assimilation of reality itself;

* the presence of cognitive interest;

* the pace of work increases.

The place and role of pedagogical games in the educational and cognitive process, the combination of elements of the game, teaching and education largely depend on the teacher's understanding of the classification of pedagogical games.

First of all, it is necessary to understand what games are at our disposal and how it is customary to divide them, of course, there are different approaches to the systematization of games, based on their essential features that differ from one another. In modern pedagogical literature, a fairly wide range of approaches to the classification of games is presented, but there are no clear classifications yet, so we will focus only on a few.

Pedagogical practice is increasingly turning to gaming activities when teaching a particular profession, and this naturally expanded the classification of games (business, role-playing, organizational and activity, training, intellectual, etc.).

A special approach to the classification of pedagogical play was made by G. K. Selevko. The author classifies educational games according to the following parameters gaming technologies:

ѕ by field of activity: physical, intellectual, labor, social, psychological;

* by nature pedagogical process: teaching, training, controlling, generalizing, cognitive, educational, developing, reproductive, productive, creative, communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical;

ѕ according to the game method: subject, plot, role-playing, business, imitation, dramatization;

ѕ by subject area: mathematical: mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, environmental, musical, theatrical, literary, labor, technical, industrial, physical culture, sports, military applied, tourist, folk. Social science, management, economic, commercial;

ѕ according to the gaming environment: without objects, with objects, desktop, indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer, television, technical means training (TCO), technical with vehicles.

The same game can act in several functions, for example:

  • 1. teaching function - the development of general educational skills, attention memory;
  • 2. entertainment function - creating a favorable atmosphere in the classroom, turning a lesson from a boring event into an exciting adventure;
  • 3. communicative function- uniting groups of students, establishing emotional contacts;
  • 4. Relaxation function - withdrawal emotional tension.

Spectrum of target orientations:

ѕ Didactic: expanding horizons, cognitive activity; application of ZUN in practice; the formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities; development of general educational skills and abilities; development of labor skills.

ѕ Educators: education of independence, will; the formation of certain approaches, positions, moral, aesthetic and worldview attitudes; education of cooperation, collectivism, sociability, communication.

ѕ Developing: the development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, contrast, find analogies, imagination, fantasy, creativity, empathy, reflection, the ability to find optimal solutions; development of motivation for learning activities.

ѕ Socializing: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society; adaptation to environmental conditions; stress control, self-regulation; communication training; psychotherapy.

The main goal is the formation of the interpersonal component of future professional activity through the development of the psychodynamic properties of a person and the formation of his emotions, intellect, metacompetencies. The following tasks are implemented during the training:

ѕ practical use knowledge, skills and abilities of professional interaction;

ѕ discovery, awareness and demonstration of behavioral patterns, manners, individual style of communication, etc.

Unlike the theoretical schemes offered in lecture courses, which, as a rule, have few options, in the process of training, its participants form the most productive methods and methods of interaction based on the individual characteristics of a person and on his communicative competence. High educational performance is also determined by the fact that the training, being built on the simulation of real professional situations, requires its participants to be actively involved in the process of communication and mobilization of intellectual and analytical potential.

An essential feature of the training is also that it allows you to "lose" the process of interaction between people when searching for and putting into practice. decisions taken, selected actions and deeds. The activating effect of the training is also due to the creation of a special educational and experimental environment that provides participants with an understanding of what individual and group psychological events unfold in the process of interpersonal communication, intensive feedback, and the formation of practical skills necessary in everyday work.

For learning and developing competencies in modern training, almost all intensive technologies, namely:

* information, message, mini-lecture;

* structured and guided discussion;

* brainstorming;

ѕ analysis of a case and a case study;

ѕ role-playing game and "acting out" situations in roles;

- communication tasks and exercises;

- presentations and self-presentations;

* analytical exercises;

- stimulation games, simulation games;

- fragments of business games;

ѕ Video demonstrations and video analysis of the behavior of participants in the training.

In order to achieve the pedagogical and developmental tasks set before the training, it is important to create such an environment in the classroom. In which learners will feel comfortable and, therefore, will be able to learn and develop. This is an important function of a teacher-facilitator, since many of the technologies used in the training involve a public presentation, specific actions, including in front of an audience. Such training is undoubtedly associated with anxiety, sometimes personal risk of the participants in the lesson and experimentation. Accordingly, this requires the creation of an atmosphere of mutual trust, understanding and confidentiality, assistance and emotional support to participants during the training.

In practice vocational training different types of training are used:

Some of them can be attributed to the group of socio-psychological, they are often used in the educational process. For example: training in social skills, behavior prediction, communicative, development of presentation skills and abilities, creativity, communication training, public speaking, sensitive (behavior prediction).

Other trainings can be classified as managerial. For example: leadership training, competition and power; collective decision making; training for the winner; team building, corporate training - work with a client, product promotion, etc. .

Depending on the tasks set, training takes on different forms, all the variety of which experts conditionally divide into two forms. large groups:

ѕ focused on the acquisition and development of professional skills of business interaction, contributing to an increase in effective organizational activities (training for partnership conversations, business negotiations, resolution interpersonal conflicts, counseling, etc.);

ѕ aimed at deepening the experience of analyzing situations of communication (correction, formation and development of attitudes and value orientations, motivational training, leadership training, etc.).

In the process of conducting the training, the procedures of classes are described and protocols are kept, special visual aids and multimedia support are prepared and created. At the end of the training, questionnaires for feedback and diagnostics are developed, reports are written, and the results of achieving the goals are analyzed.

In order for the teacher to achieve the effectiveness of training training, the teacher must follow the following recommendations:

ѕ keep track of time to finish the time;

* Avoid lengthy discussions general issues or returning to questions left “for later”;

ѕ ask a series of sharp short questions, to which all participants in turn must answer;

ѕ offer a collective task for 3 - 5 minutes and complete it with a public presentation;

ѕ leave at the end of the game lesson some important information or offer the necessary handouts;

* receive feedback from the participants;

Remind learners of what they have achieved or write questions on the board to tackle in the next class.

* thank everyone for their cooperation in achieving the objectives of the curriculum.

Role-playing games

In modern pedagogical practice, the role-playing method is a valid diagnostic method. prognostic and corrective means of socio-pedagogical training. Role-playing games can be used quite widely also in the system of vocational training and advanced training - both independently and as part of a training or business game. The role-playing method is usually used in programs for the study of human relations: the interaction of business partners, interpersonal communication, mutual understanding. This helps the participants become more receptive to the feelings of others.

Based on the foregoing, a role-playing game is a way to expand the experience of participants by presenting them with an unexpected situation in which it is proposed to take a position (role) in order to achieve mutual understanding, choosing an effective scenario of behavior.

As practice shows, the essence of a successful role-playing game is to create a situation that is as close to real as conditions allow. If the group feels that the scenario is unrealistic or does not take into account several details of the practical activity. Then the value of the game will be lost and the learning objectives will not be achieved. If the objectives of the role-play exercise are not fully explained and the importance of demonstrating behavior (rather than acting ability) is not emphasized, then there is a danger that the role-play will be perceived as something fun.

Like any training method that involves the active participation of participants, role-playing involves some risk. The game brings results only when the group is ready to join it. If group members are afraid to “lose face” while participating in the game, or are embarrassed by the process of role-playing communication. This exercise will not work. The fact that the exercise is controlled further increases the tension. If the teacher has weak psychological or communicative competence, he can cause the performers of roles to feel anxiety and concern for their reputation and self-esteem. Lack of psychological support for trainees also enhances this condition and reduces the motivation to learn.

The advantage of role-playing games is "learning by doing". Own experiences are remembered vividly and persist for a long time. In most cases, role-playing offers a relatively painless and enjoyable way to acquire knowledge and skills. Because it allows participants to understand how people feel when faced with certain situations. Role play provides participants with a chance to learn or reinforce a variety of behaviors. The advantage here is a communicative training environment that is free from the dangers associated with the use of one or another model, which could arise in a natural situation. Competently conducting a role-playing game brings invaluable benefits to its participants.

It is advisable to conduct staged games after the group has overcome stiffness, resistance and psychological discomfort.

Role play is used as independent technology training, and also used in communicative trainings. Aimed at developing skills of interpersonal interactions. If games are played at every opportunity, then their value as an interactive technology will be minimal.

Overcoming the stiffness of the group members will become easier if you limit its number to ten. A small number of participants helps to create a calm, informal environment necessary for the success of training.

business games

A business game is understood as a model of interaction between people in the process of achieving economic, political or prestigious goals. A business game is a form of people's activity that imitates certain situations, one of the means of activating the educational process in the education system.

The main characteristics of DI that distinguish it from other interactive learning technologies are as follows:

ѕ modeling of the process of work (activity) of managers and specialists in the development of professional decisions;

ѕ the presence of a common goal for their gaming team;

- collective development of decisions by the participants of the game;

* distribution of roles between the participants of the game;

ѕ the difference in role goals in the development of decisions;

- interaction of participants performing certain roles;

* implementation of the chain of decisions in the gameplay;

* multi-alternative solutions.

* the presence of controlled emotional stress;

In almost any business game, a real professional situation is simulated that requires a managerial decision. In addition, DI have such components that specifically distinguish them from other technologies, primarily topics. That they have an operating script or block structure. In which there is a more or less rigid algorithm for the "privacy" and "incorrectness" of the decision being made, i.e. the participant of the game sees that impact. Which his decisions had on future events.

Depending on the target orientation, business games can differ in types: production, research, qualifying or attestation, didactic.

The positive qualities that CI gives in the process of learning and development:

* increased interest in training sessions and to those problems that are modeled and played out in business games;

* cognition grows in the learning process, characterized by the fact that students learn more information based on examples of concrete reality.

* the motivation of trainees to master innovative knowledge changes;

- the self-esteem of trainees grows, and for those who had an overestimated self-esteem at the beginning of the game, it becomes more objective;

¾ the experience of a business game accumulated in the process makes it possible to more correctly assess possible correct situations and use them in professional activities;

ѕ participation in DI develops innovative, analytical, economic and psychological thinking of students, and ultimately affects the mentality of the participant in the game;

* in the process of DI is implemented systems approach to the solution of the problem, since it is possible to trace the course of this solution from beginning to end in terms of compressed time.

The target orientation of the business game is associated with the motivation system. Since DI, like any simulation game, is two-dimensional in nature, the structure and technology of the game can provide the implementation of two kinds of motives - real and conditional. As well as gaming and pedagogical. In this regard, in DI it is expedient, as experience shows, to set both pedagogical and game goals.

When preparing a business game, the following elements should be considered: game sources, game content, composition and number of participants, regulations. Game rules, scenarios or its block structure, feedback. The system for evaluating the results of the game, auxiliary material, organization of the spatial environment. It is also advisable to provide for the procedure for conducting DI, i.e., the sequence of steps for conducting it.

Thus, from the foregoing, we can conclude that DI is a complex and interactive technology that allows, based on the analysis of a modeling situation, to develop multi-alternative solutions and projects based on a variety of interaction and cooperation of students in conditions of conflicting role interests, intellectual and emotional tension. Competitions and peer review.

Organizational - activity game

In his work, a person faces many problems. Very often he cannot solve these problems himself. For permission common problems organize meetings, seminars, conferences. But organizational-activity games (OGI) have the greatest efficiency. The basis of such games is to ensure the mental activity of all participants in resolving the problem posed. If the game is properly organized and used frequently in teaching, then a positive impact on needs can be expected. Norms and abilities of students. As a result, they change (cultivate), that is, human development.

The sequence of actions that ensure the conduct of the game:

  • 1. Formation of creative groups. Presentation of teams (name, motto, emblem).
  • 2. Introduction to the problem situation. Actualization of the goals of the forthcoming activity, discussion and choice of methods for achieving them.
  • 3. Work on teams. Preparation of decisions, presentation of results. Work in creative groups consists in creating real conditions for independent search in solving problems and developing individual and group positions on the problem under discussion.
  • 4. Presentation of results. Discussion. A common position is being developed. When discussing, the main speaker of the first group speaks first, he is supplemented by other members of the same group (additional clarifications). Then the members of other groups perform.
  • 5. Evaluation of the activities of teams, its results. Reflection.

An important condition ensuring the effectiveness of gaming learning technologies are the principles of organization and rules that contribute to the achievement of the goals and objectives:

  • 1. organization of a reasonable, adequate to the type of game activity, spatial environment, "playing field";
  • 2. playing various game roles by trainees - taking into account the individual (intellectual and creative) abilities of each participant, manifested in the process of game interaction;
  • 3. strict observance norms formulated by the teacher, rules of the game, "encouragements" and "punishments" for demonstrated positive and negative results;
  • 1. compliance with fairly strict regulations and the presence of information uncertainty, as well as the development of progressive approaches to collective decision-making;
  • 2. obligatory participation of trainees in the entire cycle of game lessons;
  • 3. provision of novelty by the teacher. To maintain the activity of training participants, it is necessary to provide in each subsequent technology game learning, exercises, discussions, novelty both in terms of content and in the choice of teaching technology.

As in any activity, a game can have a preparatory phase, a technological phase (actually playing the game), and a final (reflexive) phase.

In some cases, the preparatory phase can be quite long and complicated, in other cases it can be very short, in third cases the game (most) starts without prior preparation.

A separate issue is the final, reflexive phase of the game. Its most important moment is the moment of self-esteem. Moreover, in the reflexive phase of the game, reflection of the first kind is also important (what I myself am, what was my behavior in this game, etc.) and, in the case of a group game, reflection of the second kind as an understanding of interpersonal communication, as an understanding a player of other players, as well as finding out how other players understand him, his behavior in the game, personality traits, etc. This allows the student to further correct not only his behavior in the game, but all his activities in general. That is, the reflection of the game is a powerful means of self-education. .

The concept of gaming activity and its differences from other types of activity

The definition of the concept of "game" is one of the most difficult issues in psychology, both human and animal. Referring to dictionaries, you can find the following answers:

- this is one of the types of human and animal activity that occurs at a certain stage in the evolution of the animal world.

- this is an activity, occupation of children and an occupation, due to a set of certain rules, techniques, serving to fill leisure, for entertainment, which is a sport (sports games, war game).

- this is a type of unproductive activity, where the motive lies not as a result of it, but in the process itself.

is the performance of certain roles.

Thus, the concept of the game is very capacious and complex.

Play as a type of activity is not inherent in all representatives of the animal world, but only in those species in whose ontogeny there is such a period as childhood. In particular, these are representatives of vertebrates. Vertebrates are the most highly organized and diverse group of animals, numbering about 40-45 different species.

Scientists have observed play activity in many mammals, in particular, in representatives of all families of predatory mammals, in primates, and also in birds. Game activity is also inherent in man.

All forms of play among any representatives of the animal world are fundamentally different from "serious" activities, but at the same time, they show a clear resemblance to specific, quite serious situations - and not just similarity, but imitation. This is true even in relation to the abstract games of adults - after all, poker or chess allows them to give vent to certain intellectual abilities.

The main difference between play and other activities is that this species activity is focused not so much on a specific result, but on the process itself - the rules, the situation, the imaginary environment. The game does not result in the production of any material or ideal product.

The peculiarity of the game is also in its voluntary nature. Thus, an animal cannot be forced to play by positive or negative reinforcement. The condition for the emergence of the game is the comfortable state of the body; lack of hunger, thirst or adverse conditions environment. Play behavior has a high positive-emotional component - animals clearly like to play. So it is with children. The child will not play if he is not interested in this game.

Thus, play activity is a phenomenon characteristic only of those representatives of the animal world, in whose ontogeny there is a period of childhood. The main difference between the game and other types of activity is its "conditional" nature, as well as the occurrence only in conditions of emotional comfort.

Game Features

One of the most difficult questions in the study of the game is the definition of its functions. The first attempts to determine the functions of the game were made in the works of G. Spencer and K. Gross - the first studies of the play activity of animals.

According to Spencer's theory, gaming activity is seen as the expenditure of some kind of "excess energy". In other words, it arises when the animal has no need for other forms of behavior essential to survival, such as feeding or escaping from predators. An animal cannot be idle.

A different opinion is shared by K. Gross, who interprets play activity as “practice for adult behavior”. The game is an exercise in especially important areas of life. It allows the young animal to exercise without risk in vital actions, because under these conditions mistakes do not entail detrimental consequences: in the course of the game, it is possible to improve hereditary forms of behavior even before the flaws in behavior fatally "appear before the court of natural selection."

Thus, the main function of the game is to "prepare for adulthood." There is a formation of hunting behavior, the skills of future social interaction are being worked out.

All subsequent studies agreed either with the first point of view or with the second. As a result, the following functions of the game were determined:

Approximately - research or cognitive. It consists in the fact that with the help of the game there is an accumulation of knowledge about the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, their diversity and properties.

developmental function. The game helps representatives of the animal world to develop the qualities that are characteristic of this species: reactivity, speed, dexterity, etc.

The function of socialization, which is expressed in the acquisition of communication skills through the game.

These features reflect great importance games in the development of an animal or a person.

The study of play activity has been one of the most difficult questions of science for many decades. It is addressed not only by representatives of psychology and pedagogy, but also by scientists - sociologists, zoopsychologists, etiology and a number of other fields of knowledge.

So, in psychology, the first fundamental concept of the game was developed in 1899 by the German philosopher and psychologist K. Gross. Before him, the questions of the game were partially touched upon by the English philosopher G. Spencer. Subsequently, theories of foreign and domestic researchers appeared - K. Buhler, F. Beitendijk, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonina and others.

During the 20th century, a lot of research appeared devoted to the study of play activity in various representatives of the animal world. The main purpose of studying play in animals is to explain its nature, compare it with human play, and also determine its functions and role in the development of animals and humans. Among such studies are the works of N.N. Ladygina-Kate, L.A. Firsova, D. Fossey.

As a model of interpersonal communication, the role-playing game causes the need to communicate in a foreign language, and in this sense, it performs a motivational and incentive function. During the educational game, students independently choose language tools that contribute to the development of skills and abilities of speech activity. The selected language tools allow you to consolidate the acquired knowledge of lexical or grammar topics. The skills and abilities of dialogical and polylogical speech are also developed in the process of communicative communication. Here the game performs a learning function.

It is difficult to overestimate the educational value of the educational game, its comprehensive impact on the younger student. Games bring up conscious discipline, diligence, mutual assistance, activity of the child, readiness to engage in various activities, independence, the ability to defend one's point of view, take the initiative, find optimal solution under certain conditions. Here we are talking about the educational function of educational games.

Game activity in the learning process performs the following functions Figure 1:

Let's take a closer look at the features of all these functions.

The learning function consists in the development of memory, attention, perception of information, the development of general educational skills and abilities, and it also contributes to the development of foreign language skills. This means that the game is organized occupation, requiring tension of emotional and mental strength, as well as the ability to make a decision (how to act, what to say, how to win, etc.). The desire to solve these questions sharpens the mental activity of students, i.e. The game contains rich educational opportunities.

The educational function consists in cultivating such qualities as an attentive, humane attitude towards a partner in the game, and a sense of mutual assistance and mutual support also develops. Students are introduced to clichés speech etiquette for improvisation of speech appeal to each other in a foreign language, which helps to cultivate such a quality as politeness. The entertaining function is to create a favorable atmosphere in the lessons, turning the lessons into an interesting and unusual event, an exciting adventure, and sometimes even into a fairy-tale world.

Figure 1 Functions of game activity in the lesson

The communicative function is to create an atmosphere of foreign language communication, unite a team of students, establish new emotional and communicative relationships based on interaction in a foreign language. Relaxation function - removal of emotional stress caused by stress on the nervous system during intensive training foreign language.

The psychological function consists in the formation of the skills to prepare one's physiological state for more effective activity, as well as the restructuring of the psyche for the assimilation of large amounts of information. It should also be noted here that psychological training And psychocorrection various manifestations of personality in game models that can be approximated life situations(in this case we can talk about a role-playing game).

The developing function is aimed at the harmonious development of personal qualities to activate reserve capabilities personalities.

All of the above functions of the game help not only in teaching a foreign language, but also develop the personal qualities of the student. . The educational game forms the ability of schoolchildren to play the role of another person, to see themselves from the position of a communication partner. It focuses students on planning their own speech behavior and the behavior of the interlocutor, develops the ability to control their actions, to give an objective assessment of the actions of others. Therefore, the educational game performs an orienting function.

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