Modern technologies in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the middle preschool age. Workshop "Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children through play"

Site arrangement 10.10.2019
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Topic: "Using FEMP gaming technologies in working with children"

“Learn to think by playing” - said the famous psychologist E. Zaika, who developed a whole series of games aimed at developing thinking. Play and thinking - these two concepts have become fundamental in the modern system of mathematical development of preschoolers. Famous scientists (Vygotsky P.S., Davydov V.V., J. Piaget, Zaporozhets) have established that the mastery of logical operations takes an essential place in the general development of the child. Thus, Piaget considered the level of formation of classification and serialization operations as the central indicator of the level of a child's intellectual development.

I set myself the task: to organize work on the mathematical development of children on the basis of games that develop thinking to such a level that the child could successfully study mathematics and other sciences in the future.

I build work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in accordance with the Program "From birth to school", which defines the sections, goals and objectives of working with children, builds the child's mathematical development on the basis of educational games, using the main game technology, thereby echoing the modern concept mathematical education of preschoolers.

The child develops in activity. Activity is the only way of self-realization, self-disclosure of a person. The preschooler strives for vigorous activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, to contribute to its further development.

The main ways of implementing the program for the mathematical development of children are cognitive and developmental games (play activities), as well as independent children's activities, mathematical competitions, leisure evenings, etc.

She identified the following areas of work:

  • selection of gaming technologies in the formation of mathematical representation of preschool children;
  • drawing up a long-term plan of work on the intellectual development of children through the use of game technologies, methods and techniques in direct educational activities in the educational field "Cognitive development" in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts;
  • selection and production of didactic materials and manuals, selection of didactic games, games with rules aimed at the development of intellectual abilities from modern gaming technologies for the intellectual development of preschoolers B.N. Nikitina, V.V. Voskobovich, T.A. Sidorchuk, G.S. Altshuller;
  • creation of a subject-developing environment that ensures the development of cognitive interests, conducive to the creative self-expression of each child;
  • development and implementation of a methodology for conducting GCD for intellectual development in the process of forming mathematical representations using game techniques.

Forms of work organization:

  • specially organized training in the form of GCD for the formation of elementary mathematical representations (complex, integrated, providing visibility, consistency and accessibility, change of activity);
  • joint activity of an adult with children, built in a relaxed form (subgroup, individual work);
  • joint independent activity of the children themselves;
  • work with parents.

I began my work on creating conditions for the successful intellectual development of pupils: a corner of mathematical games is being replenished, equipped with the necessary educational and game aids for organizing educational activities in the field of mathematical development of children. The material in the math corner is varied. These are plot pictures and didactic, desktop-printed, logic-mathematical games, geometric puzzles, labyrinths, notebooks on a printed basis, books for the classes themselves, number loto, calendars, measuring instruments and tools: scales, measuring cups, rulers; magnetic numbers, counting sticks; sets of geometric shapes, etc. The variety of visual and didactic material in the mathematical corner contributed to the assimilation of a large volume of material, and the timely change of the manuals supported the children's attention to the corner and attracted them to perform various tasks.

Thus, a properly organized subject-developing environment in the group helped not only to develop the child's creative abilities, his individual characteristics, to activate his independent thinking activity, to develop an understanding of mathematical speech, but also helped to develop the child's intellectual abilities.

I successfully implement the plan with the use of the most effective game and educational-game aids, such as Dienesh logic blocks, Kuisener sticks.

Gyenesh's logic blocks are the most effective tool among a huge variety of didactic materials. This manual was developed by the Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Gyenes, primarily to prepare the thinking of children for the assimilation of mathematics. A set of logical blocks consists of 48 volumetric geometric shapes that differ in shape, color, size and thickness. Thus, each shape is characterized by four properties: color, shape, size and thickness. The set of the game includes cards with conditional indication of block properties and cards with negation of properties. The use of such cards allows children to develop the ability to substitute and model properties, the ability to encode and decode information about them. Cards-properties help children to move from visual-figurative thinking to visual-schematic, and cards with negation of properties - a bridge to verbal-logical. Logic blocks help the child master mental operations and actions, which are important both in terms of pre-mathematical preparation and from the point of view of general intellectual development. Such actions include: identification of properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization, encoding and decoding. Moreover, using blocks, you can develop in children the ability to act in the mind, master the idea of ​​numbers and geometric shapes, spatial orientation. Working with blocks takes place in three stages:

  1. Development of skills to identify and abstract properties.
  2. Development of the ability to compare objects by their properties.
  3. Development of the ability to logical actions and operations.

Games and exercises, with the exception of the 3rd group, are not addressed to a specific age. In the process of studying the system of working with Dienesh Blocks, it became clear that they can be used in working with children of the middle group, since the blocks are standards of color, shape, size. I drew up a long-term plan for the games for the middle group. Their use helps to diversify the content of the developing environment in the group, to make classes more exciting. Cuisener's Stick games as well as Gienesch Blocks have also taken a firm place in the group's developing environment. From a mathematical point of view, the Kuisener rods are a set on which equivalence and order relations are easily found. There are numerous situations hidden in this multitude. Color and size, modeling a number, lead children to understand various abstract concepts that arise in a child's thinking as a result of his independent practical activity (search, research). The use of "numbers in color" allows preschoolers to develop an idea of ​​number based on counting and measurement. Children come to the conclusion that number appears as a result of counting and measuring on the basis of practical activity. As you know, this is the concept of number that is the most complete.

In addition to games and exercises with logic blocks and Kuisener's Sticks, I widely use Nikitin's Cubes and Pythagoras-type puzzles in my work. In order not to fade away children's interest in these fascinating intellectual activities, you can give them an unexpected form. For example, the floor version "Pythagoras" and "Fold the pattern" (Nikitin's cubes). The unusual version of the familiar familiar game was very interesting for the children and caused a new stream of imagination and fantasy.

The technology of developing games by B. P. Nikitin. The game activity program consists of a set of educational games. Each game is a set of tasks that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares or plastic, parts from the construction set - mechanics, etc. structures.

Playing lessons is one of the main ways to implement the program of mathematical development, proposed by "Childhood". Since the main technology of the "Childhood" program is game technology, then in the lesson the main place is played by the game, we can say that the lesson is the game, since the structure of the lesson itself is several developmental games, differing in complexity and degree of mobility, related in content. When planning and organizing GCD, to activate mental activity, to increase children's interest, I took into account the topic of joint work in mathematics, came up with various educational and play situations, each directly educational activity was devoted to one topic or plot, all parts of it are interconnected, complement each other or follow one from the other and are aimed at the emotional, speech, intellectual development of the child.

The guests of the NOD were fairy-tale heroes, heroes of their favorite cartoons, whom the children helped to understand in a fairy-tale situation: they counted objects, compared numbers, named geometric figures, laid out paths along the length, solved logic problems, etc., the method of intentional errors was also used, i.e. incorrect answers from the guests of the lesson, which helped to develop thought processes.

In such joint work, the motivational basis for the further development of the personality was laid, cognitive interest was formed, a desire to learn something new, and intellectual activity was manifested.

In educational activities in mathematics, she constantly paid attention to speech work (many children showed violations of coordination in gender, number, mixing of case forms, due to the poverty of vocabulary, underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech when composing arithmetic problems, children made gross violations of the logic of presentation, it was noted stereotype in the choice of the plot, the construction of phrases, etc., in the learning process I tried to enrich the speech of children with mathematical terms, taught the children to clearly express their thoughts, draw conclusions, explain, prove, use full and short answers.

She led the children to the understanding that a complete answer is necessary when it is necessary to draw a conclusion, inference, to explain why this or that result is obtained.

Varying questions and tasks, she ensured the inclusion of new words in the active vocabulary of children. So they were asked to tell on questions what they did, how they completed the task, for what. We patiently listened to the answers of preschoolers, slowly with a hint. If necessary, we gave samples of answers, sometimes we would start a phrase and the child would finish it. The children were asked to repeat the correct answer (instead of the wrong one).

Consequently, if you constantly pay attention to the speech, correct it, the guys themselves learn to follow their speech, it becomes richer, more meaningful.

During the OOD, an individual and differentiated approach was carried out as one of the optimal conditions for identifying the abilities of each child. Timely assistance was provided to children who were experiencing difficulties in assimilating mathematical material, and an individual approach was provided to children with advanced development.

Interaction of children with peers was also encouraged. She specially seated the children in such a way that a high-level child and a low-level child were at the same table. Such interaction of children with each other contributed to the development of cognitive interest, overcoming fear of failure (on the part of a weak child), the emergence of the need to seek help, the desire to help a friend, control over their actions and the actions of other children. Here, such important qualities as mutual respect and empathy were brought up.

As a result of mastering practical actions, children learn the properties and relationships of objects, numbers, arithmetic operations, quantities and their characteristic features, space-time relationships, and a variety of geometric shapes.

A lot of time was devoted to organizing games in their free time. All games were conditionally divided according to the time periods of the day regimen in kindergarten. For example, situations of "waiting" between regime moments, pauses after games of great physical activity can be used to play "Smart minutes" games. Such games are held with all children with any level of speech and intellectual development. These can be word-logical games and exercises such as:

  1. Recognition of objects according to the given characteristics.
  2. Comparison of two or more items.
  3. Analyze three logically related concepts, highlight one that differs from the others in some way. Explain the line of reasoning.
  4. Logical tasks.
  5. The most complete and coherent explanation of what is the ambiguity, implausibility of the situation.
  6. According to the drawing or according to the content set forth in the poem. "Wise" questions:
  • Can a table have 3 legs?
  • Is there a sky under your feet?
  • You and me, yes you and me - how many of us are there in total?
  • Why is snow white?
  • Why do frogs croak?
  • Can it rain without thunder?
  • Can you reach your right ear with your left hand?
  • Maybe the clown looks sad?
  • What does a grandmother call her daughter's daughter?
  • Can I wear panties in winter?

Logic endings:

  • If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ... (below the table)
  • If two are more than one, then one ... (less than two)
  • If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then Seryozha ... (left after Sasha)
  • If the river is deeper than the brook, then the brook ... (shallower than the river)
  • If a sister is older than a brother, then a brother ... (younger than a sister)
  • If the right hand is on the right, then the left ... (left). Riddles, counting rhymes, proverbs and sayings, problems-poems, poems-jokes Such games and game exercises give the teacher the opportunity to spend time with children more lively and interestingly. Almost all games are aimed at solving many problems. You can return to them several times, helping children learn new material and consolidate what they have passed or just play.

In the morning and evening periods of time, we organize both games aimed at individual work with children with low development indicators and, conversely, games for gifted children, as well as general plot-role, dramatization of verses with mathematical content. In the Childhood program, the main indicators of a child's intellectual development are indicators of the development of such thought processes as comparison, generalization, grouping, and classification. Children who have difficulty in choosing objects according to certain properties, in their grouping, usually lag behind in sensory development (especially at a younger and middle age). Therefore, games for sensory development take a large place in working with these children and. usually give good results. Outstanding foreign scientists in the field of preschool pedagogy: F. Frebel, M. Montessori, O. Decroli, as well as famous representatives of domestic preschool pedagogy and psychology: E.I. Tikheeva, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.P. Usova, N.P. Sakulina rightly believed that the ability of children to perceive an object, its quality, aimed at ensuring full sensory development, is one of the important aspects of preschool education.

In addition to traditional games aimed at sensory development, games with Gienesh Blocks are very effective. For example, such:

  • Make a pattern. Objective: to develop the perception of form
  • Balloons. Purpose: to draw the attention of children to the color of the object, to teach to select objects of the same color
  • Remember the pattern. Purpose: to develop observation, attention, memory
  • Find your house. Purpose: to develop the ability to distinguish colors, shapes of geometric shapes, to form an idea of ​​the symbolic image of objects; teach to organize and classify geometric shapes by color and shape.
  • Complimentary ticket. Purpose: to develop the ability of children to distinguish geometric shapes, abstracting them in color and size.
  • Ants. Purpose: to develop the ability of children to distinguish between the color and size of objects; to form an idea of ​​the symbolic image of objects.
  • Carousel. Purpose: to develop children's imagination, logical thinking; exercise in the ability to distinguish, name, organize blocks by color, size, shape.
  • Multicolored balloons.

Purpose: to develop logical thinking; learn to read the code designation of logical blocks.

The further order of games is determined by complication: the development of skills to compare and generalize, analyze, describe blocks using symbols, classify according to 1-2 signs, encode geometric figures through negation, etc. These and further complications translate games into the category of games for gifted children. The "lagging" children themselves can move to the same category, thanks to the attentive and competent attitude of the teacher to the success of the kids and their problems. It is important to make the necessary transition of children to the next step in time. In order not to overexpose children at a certain stage, the task should be difficult, but doable. To work with gifted children, we use games and exercises by A.Z. Zak and Gogoleva. Nikitin Cubes are equally good for both of the above categories of children.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that, as you know, the development of verbal-logical thinking is only concomitant in preschool age, but games with the Gienesh Blocks and Kuizener's Sticks very effectively contribute to the development of this type of thinking, because in the process of these games and exercises, children can freely reason, justify the legality of actions as a result of their own search, manipulations with objects. Thus, trying to take into account the interests of each child in the group, striving to create a situation of success for everyone, taking into account his achievements at the moment of development.

Requirements for the developing environment in the group:

  • The presence of games with a variety of content - to give children the right to choose.
  • The presence of games aimed at advancing development (for gifted children).
  • Compliance with the principle of novelty - the environment must be changeable, renewable - children love new things.
  • Compliance with the principle of surprise and unusual. All of the above requirements ensure the effective interaction of the child with this environment and do not run counter to the requirements for the developing environment by the Childhood program - the subject-developing environment should be:
  • ensuring the full and timely development of the child;
  • encouraging children to be active;
  • contributing to the development of independence and creativity;
  • ensuring the development of the child's subjective position. Organized in line with gaming technologies, work on the mathematical development of children meets the interests of the kids themselves, contributes to the development of their interest in intellectual activity, meets the current requirements for organizing the educational process for preschoolers and stimulates teachers to further creativity in joint activities with children.

Used Books:

  1. Beloshistaya A.V. Preschool age: formation and development of mathematical features // Preschool education. - 2/2000.
  2. Beloshistaya A.V. Classes in mathematics: developing logical thinking // Preschool education - 9/2004.
  3. Gutkovich, I. Ya. Program for the Development of Creative Imagination (RTV) and Teaching the Dialectical Way of Thinking Using Elements of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) for Preschool Children / I.Ya. Gutkovich, I.M. Kostrakova, T.A. Sidorchuk. - Ulyanovsk, 1994, - 65 p.
  4. Karelina S.N. "Different types of activities with developing games Voskobovich VV"
  5. Kolesnikova E.V. Development of mathematical thinking in children 5-7 years old. - Publishing house "AKALIS", 1996.
  6. Logic and mathematics for preschoolers. E. A. Nosova, R. L. Nepomnyashchaya
  7. Mathematics in problem situations for young children. A.A. Smolentseva.
  8. Mikhailova Z.A. "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers"
  9. Nikitin B.P. "Steps of creativity or educational games"
  10. T.N. Shpareva, I.P. Konovalov "Intellectual games for children 3-7 years old"
  11. Sidorchuk, T.A. On the use of TRIZ elements in working with preschool children / T.A. Sidorchuk. - Ulyanovsk, 1991 .-- 52p.

It is in the first years of life that a child has the opportunity to assimilate a huge amount of important information. There is a special technique for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, with the help of which a small person gains the skills of logical thinking.

Features of psychological and pedagogical research

Diagnostics, repeatedly carried out in state preschool institutions, confirm the possibility of forming the foundations of mathematical thinking at the age of 4-7. The information that falls on the child in a huge volume involves searching for answers using logical skills. Various FEMP role-playing games in the middle group teach preschoolers to perceive objects, compare and generalize observed phenomena, and understand the simplest relationships between them. Intellectual and sensory experience is the main source of knowledge at this age. It is difficult for a child to independently correctly build logical chains, therefore, the leading role in the formation of thinking belongs to the teacher. Any FEMP lesson in the middle group is aimed at the development of children, preparation for schooling. Modern realities require the educator to apply the foundations of developmental education, actively use innovative techniques and methods of developing the foundations of mathematical thinking in their work.

The history of the emergence of FEMP in preschool education

The modern methodology of forming the simplest mathematical skills in kids has a long history. For the first time, the question of the methods and content of preschool teaching arithmetic was considered in the 17-18 centuries by foreign and domestic teachers and psychologists. In their educational systems designed for 4-6-year-old children, K. D. Ushinsky, I. G. Pestalozzi, Ya.A. ...

Children in preschool age, taking into account the peculiarities of physical and mental development, show an unstable interest in the following mathematical concepts: time, form, quantity, space. It is difficult for them to connect these categories with each other, to organize them, to apply the knowledge gained to specific life situations. According to the new federal educational standards developed for kindergartens, FEMP in the middle group is an obligatory element.

Developmental teaching has a special place in preschool mathematics education. Any synopsis on FEMP in the middle group implies the use of visual aids (manuals, standards, paintings, photographs), thanks to which the kids get a complete picture of objects, their properties and characteristics.

Requirements for a preschool educational institution

Depending on the educational tasks, individual and age characteristics of children, there are certain rules that must be fully met by visual mathematical materials:

  • variety in size, color, shape;
  • the possibility of using in role-playing games;
  • dynamism, strength, stability;
  • aesthetic external characteristics;

E.V. Serbina in her book offers "pedagogical commandments", which are applied in the work of a preschool teacher:

  • "Do not rush with the result." Each child develops according to his own "scenario", it is important to direct him, and not try to accelerate the desired result.
  • "Rewarding is the best way to success." GCD for FEMP in the middle group involves the encouragement of any efforts of the baby. The educator must find moments for which the child can be rewarded. The situation of haste, created by me for each pupil, contributes to the early development of logical skills, an increase in interest in mathematics.

The specifics of working with preschoolers

Preschool age does not imply the use of negative marks, censures from the educator. It is impossible to compare the achievements of one kid with the results of another pupil, only an analysis of the individual growth of a preschooler is allowed. The teacher must use in his work those methods and techniques that arouse genuine interest in his wards. Classes "under compulsion" will not be useful, on the contrary, they will lead to the formation of a negative attitude towards mathematics and computational skills. If there is personal contact and a friendly relationship between the child and his mentor, a positive result is guaranteed.

Sections of preschool mathematics education

The program of preschool mathematical education is supposed to study the following sections: size, quantity, geometric shapes, orientation in space in time. At the age of four, the guys master the skills of counting, use numbers, and carry out the simplest computational operations orally. During this period, you can play games with cubes of different sizes, colors, shapes.

During the game, the teacher develops the following skills and abilities in the kids:

  • operating with properties, numbers, objects, identifying the simplest changes in shape, size;
  • comparison, generalization of groups of objects, correlation, isolation of patterns;
  • independence, hypothesis, search for an action plan


The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool institutions contains a list of those concepts that should be formed in kindergarten graduates. Future first graders should be aware of the shapes of objects, the structural parts of various geometric shapes, the size of bodies. A 6-7 year old child uses speech and cognitive skills to compare two geometric objects. Research and design methods help to develop curiosity in toddlers. When developing mathematical activities, the teacher selects such forms and methods of work that would contribute to the all-round development of preschoolers. In the first place is not the content of the classes, but the formation of the personality of the future student.

Means for the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children in kindergarten

The process of forming elementary mathematical concepts is carried out under the guidance of a teacher as a result of systematic work in the classroom and outside of them, aimed at acquainting children with quantitative, spatial and temporal relationships using a variety of means. Didactic means are a kind of teacher's tools and tools for the cognitive activity of children.

Currently, in the practice of preschool institutions, the following means of forming elementary mathematical representations are widespread:

Sets of visual didactic material for classes;

Equipment for independent games and activities for children;

Methodological aids for a kindergarten teacher, in which the essence of work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children in each age group is revealed and approximate lecture notes are given;

A team of didactic games and exercises for the formation of quantitative, spatial and temporal representations of preschoolers;

Educational and cognitive books to prepare children for mastering mathematics at school in a family environment.

When forming elementary mathematical representations, teaching aids perform various functions:

Implement the principle of clarity;

Adapt abstract mathematical concepts in a form accessible to kids;

Help preschoolers master the methods of action required for the emergence of elementary mathematical concepts;

They contribute to the accumulation in children of experience of sensory perception of properties, relationships, connections and dependencies, its constant expansion and enrichment, help to carry out a gradual transition from the material to the materialized, from the concrete and the abstract;

They give the teacher the opportunity to organize the educational and cognitive activity of preschoolers and manage this work, develop their desire to acquire new knowledge, master counting, measurement, the simplest methods of calculation, etc.;

Increase the volume of independent cognitive activity of children in mathematics classes and outside of them;

Expand the teacher's capabilities in solving educational, educational and developmental tasks;

Rationalize and intensify the learning process.

Thus, teaching aids perform important functions: in the activities of the teacher and children in the formation of their elementary mathematical concepts. They are constantly changing, new ones are being constructed in close connection with the improvement of the theory and practice of pre-mathematical training of children in preschool institutions.

The main teaching tool is a set of visual didactic material for classes. It includes the following: I - objects of the environment, taken in kind: Various household items, toys, dishes, buttons, cones, acorns, pebbles, shells, etc .;

Images of objects: flat, outline, color, with and without supports, drawn on cards;

Graphic and schematic tools: logical blocks, shapes, cards, tables, models.

In the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the classroom, real objects and their images are most widely used. With the age of children, regular changes occur in the use of individual groups of didactic means: along with visual means, an indirect system of didactic materials is used. Modern research refutes the assertion that generalized mathematical concepts are inaccessible to children. Therefore, in the work with older preschoolers, visual aids that model mathematical concepts are increasingly used.

Didactic means should change not only taking into account age characteristics, but depending on the ratio of the concrete and the abstract at different stages of the assimilation of program material by children. For example, at a certain stage, real objects can be replaced with numerical figures, and they, in turn, with numbers, etc.

Each age group has its own set of visuals. This is a complex didactic tool that provides the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the context of purposeful learning in the classroom.Thanks to it, it is possible to solve almost all program problems. Visual didactic material is designed for a certain content, methods, frontal forms of organization of education, corresponds to the age characteristics of children, meets various requirements: scientific, pedagogical, aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic, economic, etc. It is used in the classroom to explain the new, to consolidate it , for repetition of the passed and when checking the knowledge of children, that is, at all stages of learning.

Usually, two types of visual material are used: large, (demonstration) for showing and working of children and small (handout), which the child uses while sitting at the table and performing simultaneously with everyone the teacher's task. Demonstration and handouts differ in purpose: the former serve to explain and show the ways of actions by the teacher, the latter make it possible to organize the independent activity of children, in the process of which the necessary skills and abilities are developed. These functions are basic, but not the only ones and are strictly fixed.

Demo materials include:

Typesetting canvases with two or more strips for laying out different planar images on them: fruits, vegetables, flowers, animals, etc.;

Geometric shapes, cards with numbers and signs +, -, =,>,<;

Flannelgraph with a set of planar images glued to the flannel with the pile outward, so that they adhere more firmly to the flannel-covered surface of the flannelgraph board;

An easel for drawing, on which two or three removable shelves are attached for demonstrating voluminous visual aids;

Magnetic board with a set of geometric shapes, numbers, signs, flat object images;

Shelves with two and three steps for demonstration of visual aids;

Sets of objects (10 pieces each) of the same and different colors, sizes, volumetric and planar (on stands);

Cards and tables;

Models ("numerical ladder", calendar, etc.);

Logic blocks;

Panels and pictures for composing and solving arithmetic problems;

Equipment for didactic games;

Devices (ordinary, hourglass, pan scales, floor and table abacus, horizontal and vertical, abacus, etc.).

Certain types of demonstration materials are included in stationary equipment for educational activities: magnetic and ordinary boards, flannelegraph, abacus, wall clocks, etc.

Handouts include:

Small objects, volumetric and flat, the same and different in color, size, shape, material, etc .;

Cards consisting of one, two, three or more stripes; cards with objects depicted on them, geometric figures, numbers and signs, cards with nests, cards K with sewn buttons, lotto cards, etc.;

Sets of geometric shapes, flat and volumetric, of the same and different colors, sizes;

Tables and models;

Counting sticks, etc.

The division of visual didactic material into demonstration and handouts is rather arbitrary. The same tools can be used for both display and exercise.

The size of the benefits should be taken into account: the handouts should be such that the children sitting next to them can conveniently place it on the table and not interfere with each other while working. Since the demonstration material is intended to be shown to all children, in all respects it is larger than the handout material. The existing recommendations regarding the size of visual didactic materials in the formation of elementary mathematical representations of children are empirical and are based on an experimental basis. In this respect, some standardization is extremely necessary and can be achieved as a result of special scientific research. So far there is no uniformity in the indication of sizes in the methodological literature and in those produced by the industry

sets, you should practically establish the most acceptable version of Yves in each specific case, focus on the best pedagogical experience.

Handouts are required in large quantities per child, demonstration material - one per group of children. At a four-group kindergarten, the demonstration material is selected as follows: 1-2 sets of each name, and handout - 25 sets of each name for the entire child

garden to fully provide for one group.

Both materials should be artistically designed: attractiveness is of great importance in teaching kids - it is more interesting for children to study with beautiful manuals. However, this requirement should not become an end in itself, since the excessive attractiveness and novelty of toys and aids can distract the child from the main thing - the knowledge of quantitative, spatial and temporal relationships.

Visual didactic material serves to implement the program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts

in the process of specially organized exercises in the classroom. For this purpose, use:

Manuals for teaching children to count;

Aids for Exercises in Recognizing the Size of Objects;

Manuals for children's exercises in recognizing the shape of objects and geometric shapes;

Aids for children to exercise in spatial orientation;

Manuals for the exercise of children in orientation in time. These sets of benefits correspond to the main sections

programs and include both demonstration and handouts. Educators make the didactic means necessary for conducting classes themselves, involving parents, chiefs, senior preschoolers in this, or take them ready-made from the environment. Currently, the industry has begun to produce individual teaching aids and whole kits that are intended for teaching mathematics in kindergarten. This significantly reduces the amount of preparatory work on equipping the pedagogical process, frees up the teacher's time for work, including the design of new didactic tools and the creative use of existing ones.

Didactic tools that are not included in the equipment for organizing educational activities are stored in the methodological office of the kindergarten, in the methodological corner of the group room, they are kept in boxes with transparent lids or on dense lids they depict the objects that are in them with an application. Natural material, small toys for counting can also be found in boxes with internal partitions. This storage makes it easier to find the right material, saves time and space.

Equipment for independent games and activities may include:

Special didactic tools for individual work with children, for preliminary acquaintance with new toys and materials;

Various didactic games: board-printed and with objects; educational, developed by A. A. Stolyar; developing, developed by BP Nikitin; checkers, chess;

Entertaining mathematical material: puzzles, geometric mosaics and constructors, labyrinths, joke problems, transfiguration problems, etc. with the attachment, where necessary, of samples (for example, the game "Tangram" requires samples of dismembered and undivided, contour) , visual instructions, etc .;

Separate didactic tools: blocks 3. Dienesh (logical blocks), sticks X. Kuzener, counting material (different from what is used in the classroom), cubes with numbers and signs, children's computers and much more; 128

Books with educational and cognitive content for reading to children and viewing illustrations.

All these tools are best placed directly in the zone of independent cognitive and play activities; they should be periodically updated, taking into account children's interests and inclinations. These funds are used mainly during game hours, but can also be used in the classroom. It is necessary to ensure free access for children and their widespread use.

Acting with a variety of didactic means outside the classroom, the child not only consolidates the knowledge gained in the classroom, but in some cases, assimilating additional content, can get ahead of the requirements of the program, gradually prepare for its assimilation. Independent activity under the guidance of a teacher, taking place individually, in a group, makes it possible to ensure the optimal pace of development for each child, taking into account his interests, inclinations, abilities, and peculiarities.

Many of the teaching aids used outside the classroom are extremely effective. An example is the "colored numbers" - the didactic material of the teacher from Belgium H. Kuesener, which has become widespread in kindergartens abroad and in our country. It can be used from day nursery to upper secondary school. Colored Numbers are a set of sticks in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds and cubes. All sticks are painted in different colors. The starting point is a white cube - a regular hexagon measuring 1X1X1 cm, i.e. 1 cm3. White stick is one, pink is two, blue is three, red is four, etc. The longer the stick is, the greater the value of the number it expresses. Thus, a number is modeled by color and size. There is also a planar version of colored numbers in the form of a set of stripes of different colors. Laying out colorful rugs from sticks, making trains from carriages, building a ladder and performing other actions, the child gets acquainted with the composition of a number of ones, two numbers, with a sequence of natural numbers, performs arithmetic operations, etc., that is, prepares for assimilation of various mathematical concepts. Sticks make it possible to construct a model of the studied mathematical concept. / Blocks 3. Dienes (logical blocks), Hungarian psychologist and mathematician (this didactic material is described in the chapter, § 2) are the same universal and very effective didactic tool.

One of the means of forming elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children is entertaining games, exercises, tasks, questions. This entertaining mathematical material is extremely diverse in content, form, developmental and educational influence.

At the end of the last - the beginning of our century, it was believed that through the use of entertaining mathematical material, it was possible to develop in children the ability to count, solve arithmetic problems, develop their desire to study, to overcome difficulties. It was recommended to use it when working with children up to school age.

In subsequent years, there was a decline in attention to entertaining mathematical material, and interest in it increased again in the last 10-15 years in connection with the search for new teaching aids that would most contribute to the identification and implementation of the potential cognitive capabilities of each child.

Entertaining mathematical material, due to its inherent amusement, hidden in it a serious cognitive task, captivating, develops children. There is no single, generally accepted classification of it. Most often, any task or group of homogeneous tasks is named, which reflects either the content, or the game goal, or the mode of action, or the objects used. Sometimes the title contains a collapsed description of a task or game. From entertaining mathematical material, the simplest types of it can be used in working with preschoolers:

Geometric constructors: "Tangram", "Pythagoras", "Columbus egg", "Magic circle", etc., in which it is required to create a plot image from a set of flat geometric shapes based on a silhouette, contour pattern or by design;

- Rubik's "Snake", "Magic Balls", "Pyramid", "Fold a Pattern", "Unicub" and other puzzle toys consisting of three-dimensional geometric bodies rotating or folding in a certain way;

Logic exercises that require reasoning based on logical schemes and rules;

Tasks for finding a sign (signs) of difference or similarity of figures (for example: "Find two identical figures", "How do these objects differ from each other?", "Which figure is superfluous here?");

Tasks for finding the missing figure, in which, analyzing object or geometric images, the child must establish a pattern in the set of features, their alternation and, on this basis, make the choice of the necessary figure, completing a row with it or filling in the missing place;

Labyrinths are exercises performed on a visual basis and requiring a combination of visual and mental analysis, accuracy of actions in order to find the shortest and correct path from the start to the end point (for example: "How can a mouse get out of a mink?", "Help fishermen to untangle fishing rods" , “Guess Who Lost The Mitten”);

Entertaining exercises for recognizing parts as a whole, in which children are required to establish how many and what figures are contained in the drawing;

Entertaining exercises to restore a whole from parts (to assemble a vase from fragments, a ball from multi-colored parts, etc.);

Tasks-ingenuity of a geometric nature with sticks from the simplest ones to reproduce according to a pattern and to drawing up object pictures, to transfiguration (change the figure by shifting the specified number of sticks);

Riddles that contain mathematical elements in the form of a term denoting quantitative, spatial or temporal relationships;

Poems, counting rhymes, tongue twisters and sayings with mathematical elements;

Tasks in poetic form;

Joke tasks, etc.

This does not exhaust all the entertaining mathematical material that can be used in working with children. Some of its types are listed.

Amusing mathematical material in its structure is close to children's play: didactic, plot-role, construction-constructive, dramatization. Like a didactic game, it is primarily aimed at developing mental abilities, qualities of the mind, ways of cognitive activity. Its cognitive content, organically combined with an entertaining form, becomes an effective means of mental education, unintentional learning, best suited to the age characteristics of a preschooler. Many tasks-jokes, puzzles, entertaining exercises and questions, having lost their authorship, are passed on from generation to generation, like folk didactic games. The presence of rules organizing the order of actions, the nature of clarity, the possibility of competition, in many cases a pronounced result, make entertaining material akin to didactic game. At the same time, it contains elements of other types of games: roles, plot, content reflecting any life phenomenon, actions with objects, solving a constructive problem, favorite images of fairy tales, stories, cartoons, dramatization - all this testifies to the multifaceted connections of entertaining material with the game. ... He, as it were, absorbs many of its elements, features and characteristics: emotionality, creativity, independent and amateur character.

The entertaining material also has its own pedagogical value, making it possible to diversify didactic means in working with preschoolers to form their simplest mathematical concepts. It expands the possibility of creating and solving problem situations, opens up effective ways to enhance mental activity, contributes to the organization of communication between children and adults.

Research shows the availability of certain math problems from 4-5 years of age. Being a kind of mental gymnastics, they prevent the emergence of intellectual passivity, from an early age they form persistence and purposefulness in children. Nowadays, there is a widespread craving of children for intellectual games and toys. This desire should be used more widely in work with preschoolers.

Let's note the main pedagogical requirements for entertaining mathematical material as a didactic tool.

1. The material should be varied. This requirement follows from its main function, which is the development and improvement of quantitative, spatial and temporal representations in children. Interesting tasks should be varied in terms of solutions. When a solution is found, then similar problems are solved without much difficulty, the problem itself from non-standard becomes stereotyped, its developmental influence is sharply reduced. The forms of organizing work with this material should also be diversified: individual and group, in free independent activity and in the classroom, in kindergarten and at home, etc.

2. Entertaining material should not be used occasionally, accidentally, but in a certain system, which implies a gradual complication of tasks, games, exercises.

3. When organizing the activities of children with entertaining material and guiding it, it is necessary to combine methods of direct teaching with the creation of conditions for independent searches for solutions.

4. Interesting material should correspond to different levels of general and mathematical development of the child. This requirement is realized by varying tasks, methodological techniques and forms of organization.

5. The use of entertaining mathematical material should be combined with other didactic means for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children.

Entertaining mathematical material is a means of complex influence on the development of children, with its help mental and volitional development is carried out, problems in learning are created, the child takes an active position in the very process of learning. Spatial imagination, logical thinking, purposefulness and purposefulness, the ability to independently seek and find ways of action to solve practical and cognitive problems - all this, taken together, is required for the successful mastering of mathematics and other academic subjects at school.

Didactic tools include manuals for a kindergarten teacher, in which the system of work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts is revealed. Their main purpose is to help the educator to put into practice the pre-mathematical preparation of children for school.

High demands are placed on manuals for the kindergarten teacher as a didactic tool. They must:

a) build on a solid scientific and theoretical foundation, reflect the main modern scientific concepts of the development and formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers, put forward by teachers, psychologists, mathematicians;

b) correspond to the modern didactic system of pre-mathematical training: goals, objectives, content, methods, means and forms of organizing work in kindergarten;

c) take into account advanced pedagogical experience, include the best achievements of mass practice;

d) be comfortable to work with, simple, practical, specific.

The practical orientation of the manuals serving as the teacher's handbook is reflected in their structure and content.

The age principle is most often the leading one in the presentation of the material. The content of the manual may be methodological recommendations for organizing and carrying out work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers as a whole or in individual sections, topics, questions; outlines of the lessons of the games.

A synopsis is a short description containing a goal (program content: educational and educational tasks), a list of visual aids and equipment, coverage of the course (main parts, stages) of a lesson or game. Usually, the manuals give a system of abstracts that consistently reveal the main methods and techniques of teaching, with the help of which tasks from different sections of the program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts are solved: working with demonstration and handouts, showing, explaining, demonstrating samples and methods of action by the teacher, questions to children and generalizations, independent activities of children, individual and collective tasks and other forms and types of work. The content of the abstracts consists of a variety of exercises and didactic games that can be used in mathematics classes in kindergarten and outside them in order to form quantitative, spatial and temporal representations in children.

Using the notes, the teacher specifies, clarifies the tasks (educational tasks are usually indicated in the notes in the most general form), can change the visual material, at his own discretion determine the number of exercises and their parts in the lesson or in the game, attract additional methods of enhancing cognitive activity, individualize the questions , assignments according to the degree of difficulty for a particular child.

The existence of abstracts does not mean direct adherence to the finished material, they leave an opportunity for creativity in using a variety of methods and techniques, didactic tools, forms of work organization, etc. The teacher can combine, choose the best options from several, create a new one by analogy with the existing one.

The abstracts of classes in mathematics and games are a didactic tool successfully found by the methodology, which increases, with the right attitude to it and using it, the effectiveness of the teacher's pedagogical activity.

In recent years, such a didactic tool as educational and cognitive books has become more widely used to prepare children for mastering mathematics at school. Some of them are addressed to the family, others to both the family and the kindergarten. As teaching aids for adults, they are simultaneously intended for children as a book for reading and viewing and lustration.

This didactic tool has the following characteristic features:

A sufficiently large volume of cognitive content, which generally meets the programmatic requirements for the development of quantitative, spatial and temporal representations in children, but may not coincide with them;

A combination of cognitive content with an artistic form: heroes (fairy-tale characters, adults, children), plot (travel, family life, various events in which the main characters become participants, etc.);

Amusement, colorfulness, which are achieved by a set of means: artistic text, numerous illustrations, a variety of exercises, spontaneous ”, an appeal to children, humor, bright design, etc .; all this is aimed at making the cognitive content more attractive, meaningful, interesting for the child;

The books are designed for the minimum methodological and mathematical preparation of an adult, contain specific, clear recommendations for him either in the preface or in the afterword, and sometimes in parallel with the text for reading to children;

The main material is divided into chapters (parts, lessons, etc.), which are read by an adult, and the child looks at the illustrations and performs the exercises. It is recommended to work with the child several times a week for 20-25 minutes, which generally corresponds to the number and duration of mathematics classes in kindergarten;

Educational and educational books are especially necessary in cases where children enter school directly from the family. If a child is attending a kindergarten, then they can be used to consolidate knowledge.

The process of forming elementary mathematical concepts requires the complex use of a variety of didactic tools and their correspondence to their content, methods and techniques, forms of organizing work on the pre-mathematical training of children in kindergarten.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers / ed. A.A. Joiner. - M .: Education, 1988.



"Using gaming technologies in FEMP lessons"

Currently, preschool education is actively using a variety of innovative technologies, including games. For a child, play is a natural form and means of learning about the world. For the educator, a properly organized game is an effective pedagogical tool that allows you to comprehensively solve a variety of educational and developmental problems.

Using the game in the educational process, it is necessary to have goodwill, be able to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, and encourage the child's inventions and fantasies. Only in this case will the game be useful for the child's development and creating a positive atmosphere of cooperation with the adult.

Classes are structured in such a way that children learn something new every time. In mathematics classes in junior and middle groups, I often use fairy tales, the so-called classes, with mathematical plot content, for example: "Travel", "Birthday", "Guests have come to us", "Tale about a kolobok in a new way", where children performed tasks that were offered to them by the heroes of the fairy tale. The meaning of such lessons is that all the tasks of this lesson are united by one common plot. Children like this math tale, they are happy to complete tasks and solve problems.

In senior groups I use research and experimental activities, problem solving. Children in the preparatory group for school in the lesson "sit in a rocket" and get to the mathematical planet, where they are greeted by various geometric shapes. In addition, children perform various motor exercises: "Exercise on cards", "Draw a figure", including motor games are offered: "Hide the frogs from the heron", "Telephones", "Connect the cars", perform creative tasks "Lay out with chopsticks" , "How can you play", "Draw a picture."

Gradually, in each age group, the tasks become more difficult. The child is asked not only to state the intended decision, but also to explain why he thinks so. The relationship between the teacher and the child is built in the form of a dialogue of cooperation.

During classes, children not only communicate with the teacher, but also interact with each other. First of all, this is done during didactic games. For example, young children lay dominoes on the floor. Their games are still in the nature of joint action. Middle-aged children receive cards with the image of phones that need to be paired, find the same shape. The children get up from the tables and start comparing the cards, gradually forming the necessary pairs. At the same time, children are forced to communicate, sometimes to prove or explain the correct decision to each other.

I offer multifunctional games such as: "Today for a walk", "What we saw in the forest", etc. Such games are multifunctional, since each time returning to the game, the child receives a new individual task (for example, children who have already completed the task, you can offer to exchange cards).

By the age of five, the preschooler moves from individual play to play in the company of peers. Therefore, starting from this age, I offer team games. So in the game "Living Numbers", to master quantitative counting in the older group, children receive mixed cards with numbers and line up in order. The first team to line up correctly wins. At the same time, children, striving to win, not only complete the task faster, but also teach each other during the game, helping the players of their team. I put the teams against each other on purpose, so that everyone can clearly see the numerical series of the opposite team, while making a check, the children clearly fix the order of the numbers.

Another type of didactic games used in working with children are games that do not require any didactic aids, which is very convenient for organizing the pedagogical process. For example, the game "Days of the Week". Seven people are selected from the group of children, who are arranged in order. The first player is Monday, the second Tuesday, and so on. Asking questions, the appropriate day of the week is taking a step forward. For example, "the second day of the week," "the day of the week before Friday," "the day of the week is the middle of weekdays," and so on. The rest of the children closely monitor the correctness of the tasks by the players. Such a visual game not only helps to remember the order of the days of the week, but also clarifies the meaning of their names, gives a greater effect than with simple memorization.

In preschool childhood, the child perceives information in motion better. For example, children show figures with their hands, or draw with their fingers in the air. For example, in the game "Geometric Shapes", children, to the music, depict figures with movements-symbols, which I show with the help of cards.

At the same time, the educational environment is organized in such a way that it is easy to change different types of activity: children sit on the carpet, perform exercises or play motion games, sit at tables, memorize various information in poetic form with movements. At the same time, they get a psychological mood to the calm music that accompanies the process of completing some tasks.

Of all the variety of entertaining material when organizing GCD with children according to FEMP, I often use didactic games. Their main purpose is to provide children with ideas in distinguishing, highlighting, naming a set of objects, numbers, geometric shapes, directions. Didactic games are one of the means of implementing software tasks.

Board-print games: "Find the Differences", "Compare and Match", "In One Word", "Pick by Shape", "Pick by Color", "Logic", "The Fourth Extra", etc.

Play sets for experimenting on restoring the whole from parts, on dividing the whole into parts. Play sets "Cubes". Logic dominoes.

I will name the ones that my children and I love to play.

« Geometric mosaic "(Make a picture)

... "Name the figure" - find the same one with a cube.

Find your way home - using coded information, reading landmarks.

"Find the next figure" - search for patterns.

Topic: "The use of gaming technologies in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers" interested me and prompted me to develop and manufacturegame manual "Amusing cards" onthe formation of elementary mathematical concepts. The set of cards is constantly updated. Each card contains tasks, for example: "Find 10 differences", "What comes first, what then", "Arrange by size", etc.

In my pedagogical practice in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts I use"Tangram", Gyenesh block technology,kyusner's sticks that let mecombine one of the basic principles of learning - from simple to complex. Choosing one or another gaming technologyI try to take into account the individual characteristics of the child's development, which ensures the effectiveness of the assimilation of the material.

I have created a card index of games that allow me to consolidate the ideas in mathematics that I use. She organized a "center of cognitive activity" in the group, where mathematics games are kept.

Game pedagogical technology is the organization of the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. This is a consistent activity of a teacher in: selection, development, preparation of games; the inclusion of children in play activities; the implementation of the game itself; summing up, results of game activity.It is the game with learning elements that is interesting for the child that will help in the development of the cognitive abilities of the preschooler. Entertaining material not only entertains children, but also makes them think, develops independence, initiative, directs them to search for unconventional solutions, stimulates the development of non-standard thinking, develops memory, attention


Slide captions:

Seminar - practical work The use of modern educational technologies as an effective tool for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers EM Kazakova, Art. Educator, d / s "Solnyshko" SP MBOU "Ustyanskaya Secondary School" March 2016

Purpose: development of professional competence, the formation of personal professional growth of teachers in the use of modern educational technologies (technology "Situation"). The plan of the seminar: 1. Introductory word "The effectiveness of work on FEMP in preschool children" 2. Formation of EMP in speech therapy classes (from the experience of the teacher - speech therapist Kim L. I.) 3. Technology "Situation" as a tool for the implementation of modern goals of preschool education " 4. Reflection.

To digest knowledge, you need to absorb it with appetite (A. France).

Conditions for teaching mathematics at a preschool educational institution Compliance with modern requirements Interaction with families of pupils The nature of interaction between an adult and a child Maintaining a child's cognitive interest and activity Overcoming formalism in mathematical concepts of preschoolers Using various forms of organizing cognitive activity

Game "In the right place, at the right time, in the right doses"

2. Formation of EMF in speech therapy classes (from the experience of the teacher - speech therapist Kim L. I.)

3. Technology "Situation" as a tool for the implementation of modern goals of preschool education "


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Slide captions:

Technology "Situation" as a tool for the implementation of modern goals of preschool education "Prepared by: Kazakova E. M., senior educator, d / s" Solnyshko "SP MBOU" Ustyanskaya secondary school "March 2016

“The task of the education system is not to transfer the volume of knowledge, but to teach to learn. At the same time, the formation of educational activity means the formation of the spiritual development of the individual. The crisis of education lies in the impoverishment of the soul while enriching it with information. " A.G. Asmolov, head of the working group on the creation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, Director of FIRO

The activity-based approach is understood as such an organization of the educational process in which the student learns the culture not by transferring information, but in the process of his own educational activity.

The Situation technology is a modification technology of the activity method for preschoolers. The teacher creates conditions for the "discovery" of new knowledge by children

The structure of the technology "Situation" 1) Introduction to the situation. 2) Updating. 3) Difficulty in the situation. 4) "Discovery" of new knowledge by children. 5) Incorporation into the knowledge system and repetition. 6) Comprehension.

I. Introduction to the game situation: - situationally prepared inclusion of the child in cognitive activity; a situation that motivates children to didactic play. Didactic task: to motivate children to engage in play activities. Recommendations for conducting: - good wishes, moral support, motto, riddle, conversation, message, etc. (Do you like to travel? Want to go to .. etc.). The key phrases for completing the stage are questions: "Do you want?", "Can you?"

2. Actualization: - actualization of the knowledge necessary for the study of new material, and the objective activity of children. Didactic tasks: update the knowledge of children. Requirements for stage 1. Reproduced knowledge, skills, skills that are the basis for the "discovery" of new knowledge or necessary to build a new way of action. 2. A task is proposed that requires a new way of acting from the children.

3. Difficulty in a game situation: - fixing the difficulty; - establishing the cause of the difficulty. Didactic tasks: create a motivational situation for the "discovery" of new knowledge or a way of action; develop thinking and speech. Requirements for the stage Using the system of questions "Could you?" - "Why couldn't you?" the difficulty that has arisen is recorded in the speech of children and is formulated by the teacher.

4. "Discovery" of new knowledge: - a new method of action, a new concept, a new form of records, etc. are proposed and accepted. Didactic tasks: to form a concept or idea of ​​what is being studied; develop mental operations. Requirements for the stage Using the question "What should you do if you don't know something?" the educator encourages children to choose a way to overcome the difficulty. The educator helps to make assumptions, hypotheses, ideas and justify them. 3. The teacher listens to the answers of the children, discusses them with others, helps to draw a conclusion. 4. Subject actions are used with models, schemes. 5. The new mode of action is recorded in verbal form, in the form of a picture or in a symbolic form, subject model, etc. 6. With the help of the educator, the children overcome the difficulty that has arisen and, with the help of a new method of action, draw conclusions.

5.Inclusion of new knowledge in the child's knowledge system - assimilation of a new way of action; - consolidation of a new concept, new knowledge, new registration of records, etc .; - ensuring the expression of knowledge in different forms; - deepening understanding of new material. Didactic tasks: train thinking skills (analysis, abstraction, etc.), communication skills; organize active recreation for children. The questions are: “What are you going to do now? How will you complete the task? "

6. The result of the lesson (comprehension): - fixation of new knowledge in the speech of children; - analysis by children of their own and collective activities; - helping the child to comprehend his achievements and problems. Didactic tasks: understanding by children of activities in the classroom. Stage requirements. 1. Organization of children's reflection and their self-assessment of their activities in the classroom. 2. Fixation of the achieved result in the lesson - the acquisition of new knowledge or method of activity. Questions: - “Where have you been?”, “What did you do?”, “Who did you help? "Why did we succeed?", "You succeeded ... because you found out .." It is important to create a situation of success ("I can!", "I can!"

Work in groups Create an algorithm for the lesson in stages and select the corresponding didactic tasks for the parts. Working with notes. The task of the teachers: to analyze the lesson, highlight the stages, write didactic tasks for each stage.

Thanks for your work! Reflection. Method "Determine the distance"


Seminar - workshop

"The use of modern educational technologies as an effective tool for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers"

Target: development of professional competence, the formation of personal professional growth of teachers in the use of modern educational technologies in their work (technology "Situation").

Workshop plan:

1. Introductory word "The effectiveness of work on FEMP in preschoolers"

2. Formation of EMF in speech therapy classes (from the experience of the teacher - speech therapist Kim L. I.)

3. Technology "Situation" as a tool for the implementation of modern goals of preschool education "

4. Reflection.

An example solution:

1. To increase the level of development of children's cognitive abilities in the field of mathematical development, use effective forms of organizing joint educational activities with children both in the classroom and in regime moments. Term - constantly, otv. - group educators.

2. In parental corners to post information on the problem of the formation of mathematical concepts in children (including a selection of mathematical ones). Term - regularly until the end of the year and beyond. Resp. - educators.

3. Continue to study and use in work the modern educational technology "Situation" (the discovery of new knowledge) as one of the effective means of teaching preschoolers. The term is permanent. Resp. - educators.

1. You all know that in preschool age, under the influence of education and upbringing, there is an intensive development of all cognitive mental processes - attention, memory, imagination, speech. At this time, the formation of the first forms of abstraction, generalization and simple inferences, the transition from practical thinking to logical thinking, the development of arbitrariness of perception takes place.

Today, the rigid educational and disciplinary model of upbringing has been replaced by a personality-oriented model based on a careful and sensitive attitude towards the child and his development. The problem of individually differentiated education and correctional work with children has become urgent.

Does the content and technology of the implemented program correspond to modern requirements?

The main task was not to communicate new knowledge, but to learn how to independently obtain information, which is possible through search activity, and through organized collective reasoning, and through games and trainings. It is important not just to give the amount of knowledge, butteach the child to think creatively, keep his curiosity, instill a love for mental effort and overcoming difficulties.

Let us highlight several important conditions for teaching mathematics in preschool age.

Condition one ... Education must meet modern requirements. The child's readiness for school, which allows him to be included in the education system, occurs for each individual on an individual basis. At the same time, it becomes necessary to combine what the child can learn with what is advisable to develop, using a variety of means of preschool didactics.

Condition two ... It is possible to ensure that the needs for the mathematical development of the child are satisfied with the interaction of preschool teachers and parents. The family, to a greater extent than other social institutions, is capable of making an important contribution to the enrichment of the child's cognitive sphere.

Condition four... It is necessary to maintain the child's cognitive interest and activity. Scientists have noticed that in the dictionary of a five-six-year-old child, the most used word is “why”. This is where the discovery of the world begins. Reflecting on what he saw, the child seeks to explain it using his life experience. Sometimes the logic in children's reasoning is naive, but it allows you to see that the child is trying to connect disparate facts and make sense of them.

Fifth condition ... It is important to learn to recognize the emerging formalism in mathematical concepts of preschoolers and overcome it. Sometimes adults are amazed at how quickly a child learns some rather complex mathematical concepts: he easily recognizes a three-digit bus number, a two-digit apartment number, focuses on “zeros” on banknotes, can count abstractedly, calling numbers up to a hundred, thousand, million. This in itself is good, but it is not an absolute indicator of mathematical development and does not guarantee school success in the future. At the same time, a simple question may cause difficulty in a child, where it is necessary not only to reproduce knowledge, but to apply it in a new situation.

Condition six ... When teaching mathematics, it is necessary to use various forms of organizing cognitive activity and methodological techniques, enrich game communication, diversify everyday life, provide partner activities, and stimulate independence.

At the same time, the activity of the preschooler himself is important - survey, subject-manipulative, search. The child's own actions cannot be replaced by looking at illustrations in mathematics textbooks or by a teacher's story. The teacher skillfully guides the learning process, leads the child to a result that is meaningful for him. The use of modern pedagogical technologies allows you to expand the ideas of children, transfer knowledge and methods of activity to new conditions, determine the possibility of their application, update knowledge, develop perseverance and curiosity.

To digest knowledge, you need to absorb it with appetite.(A.France).

The content of elementary mathematical concepts, which preschool children acquire, follows from science itself, its initial, fundamental concepts that make up mathematical reality. Each direction is filled with specific content accessible to children and allows you to form ideas about the properties (size, shape, quantity) of objects in the surrounding world; to arrange ideas about the relation of objects according to individual parameters (characteristics): shape, size, quantity, spatial location, time dependence.

On the basis of detailed practical actions with objects, visual material and conventional symbols, the development of thinking and elements of search activity occurs.

The key of pedagogical technology in the implementation of our program is the organization of purposeful intellectual and cognitive activity. It includes latent, real and mediated learning, which is carried out in a preschool educational institution and in the family.

Latent (hidden) learning provides the accumulation of sensory and informational experience. Let's list the factors contributing to this.

Enriched subject environment.

Specially thought out and motivated independent activity (household, labor, constructive, educational non-mathematical).

Productive activity.

Cognitive communication with adults, discussion of questions that arise in the child.

Collecting remarkable facts, observing in various spheres of science and culture for the development of ideas that are of interest and accessible to today's understanding of the preschooler.

Reading special literature that popularizes the achievements of human thought in the field of mathematics and related sciences.

Experimentation, observation and discussion with the child of the process and results of cognitive activity.

Real (direct) learning occurs as a specially organized by adults cognitive activity of the entire group or subgroup of children, aimed at mastering basic concepts, establishing the relationship between conditions, process and result. Heuristic methods help a child to establish dependencies between separate facts, independently "discover" patterns. Problem-seeking situations enrich the experience of using different methods in solving cognitive tasks, allow you to combine techniques and apply them in non-standard situations.

Mediated learning involves the inclusion of widely organized pedagogy of cooperation, didactic and business games, joint performance of tasks, mutual control, mutual learning in the created game library for children and parents, the use of various types of holidays and leisure activities. At the same time, an individual dosage is easily achieved in choosing the content and repeatability of didactic influences. Mediated learning involves enriching parenting experience in the use of humane and pedagogically effective methods for the cognitive development of preschoolers.

The combination of latent, real and mediated learning ensures the integration of all types of children's activities. It is the complexity in the approach to the education of preschoolers that makes it possible to make full use of the sensitive period.

An important teaching tool is widely used in the mathematical development of preschoolers - the game. However, it becomes effective if it is applied "in the right place, at the right time and in the necessary doses." A game that is formalized, strictly regulated by adults, protracted in time, devoid of emotional intensity, can do more harm than good, as it dampens the child's interest in both play and learning.

Replacing the game with monotonous exercises in teaching mathematics is often found in home and public education. Children are forced to practice counting for a long time, perform tasks of the same type, assume monotonous visual material, use primitive content that underestimates the intellectual capabilities of children. Adults, leading the game, get angry if the child gives the wrong answer, is absent-minded, shows outright boredom. Children have a negative attitude towards such games. In fact, quite complex things can be presented to a child in such a fascinating way that he will ask him to work out with him more.

We talked about the use of mathematical games in joint educational activities with children at the consultation.

2. Formation of EMF in speech therapy classes (from the experience of the teacher - speech therapist Kim LI) The text of the speech is attached.

3. Technology "Situation"

Method "Determine the distance".The theme "Situation technology" (the discovery of new knowledge) "is exposed on the easel

Educators are encouraged to stand at a distance from the easel that can best demonstrate their proximity or remoteness to the topic. Then the teachers explain the chosen distance in one sentence.

The practice of preschool education shows that the success of education is influenced not only by the content of the proposed material, but also by the form of its presentation.

The organization of the educational process is based on the technology of the activity methodLyudmila Georgievna Peterson.

Its main idea is to manage the independent cognitive activity of children at each educational level, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities.

The activity approach puts the child in an active position of a doer, the child changes himself, interacting with the environment, other children and adults when solving personally significant tasks and problems for him.

In the educational process, the educator has two roles: the role of the organizer and the role of the assistant.

As an organizer, he models educational situations; chooses ways and means; organizes the educational process; asks children questions; offers games and tasks. The educational process should be of a fundamentally new type: the educator does not give knowledge in a ready-made form, but creates situations when children need to “discover” this knowledge for themselves, and brings them to independent discoveries through a system of questions and tasks. If the child says: "I want to learn!", "I want to learn!" and the like, which means that the educator managed to fulfill the role of the organizer.

As an assistant, an adult creates a benevolent, psychologically comfortable environment, answers children's questions, in a situation of difficulty helps each child understand what he is wrong about, correct a mistake and get results, notices and records the child's success, maintains faith in his own strength. If children are psychologically comfortable in kindergarten, if they freely turn to adults and peers for help, are not afraid to express opinions, discuss various problems, it means that the teacher has succeeded in the role of an assistant. The roles of organizer and facilitator are complementary.

One of these technologies istechnology "Situation",with which we will get acquainted today.

Presentation is used.

The structure of the "Situation" technology

The holistic structure of the "situation" technology includes six successive stages. I want to highlight them briefly.

Stage 1 "Introduction to the situation".

At this stage, conditions are created for the appearance in children of an internal need (motivation) for inclusion in activities. Children record what they want to do (child's goal). The teacher includes children in a conversation that is personally meaningful to them, related to their personal experience.

The key phrases for completing the stage are questions: “Do you want? Can you? " By asking "you want" the teacher shows the possibility of the child's freedom of choice of activity. It is necessary to make sure that the child has the feeling that he himself has made a decision to join the activity, on the basis of this, an integrative quality is formed in children, as an activity. It happens that one of the children refuses the proposed activity. And this is his right. You can offer him to sit on a chair and watch the other guys play. BUT when giving up activities, you can sit on a chair and watch others, but there should be no toys in your hands. Usually such "strikers" return, as sitting on a chair and doing nothing is boring.

Stage 2 "Actualization".

Preparatory for the next stages, at which children must "discover" new knowledge for themselves. Here, in the process of didactic play, the educator organizes the objective activity of children, in which mental operations are purposefully actualized (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification). Children are in the game plot, move towards their "childish" goal and do not realize that the teacher is leading them to new discoveries.

The stage of actualization, like all other stages, should be permeated with educational tasks, the formation of primary value ideas in children about what is good and what is bad.

Stage 3 "Difficulty in the situation".

This stage is key. Within the framework of the chosen plot, a situation is modeled in which with the help of the questions "Could you?" - "Why couldn't" the educator helps children gain experience in fixing difficulties and identify its causes. This stage is concluded with the words of the educator, "So what do we need to find out?"

Stage 4 "Children discovering new knowledge (mode of action).

The educator involves children in the process of independently solving problems of a problematic nature, searching for and discovering new knowledge. With the help of the question “What should you do if you don’t know something?” The educator encourages the children to choose a way to overcome the difficulty.

At this stage, children gain experience in choosing a method for solving a problem situation, putting forward and substantiating hypotheses, and independently "discovering" new knowledge.

Stage 5 Inclusion of new knowledge (mode of action) in the system of knowledge and skills of the child.

At this stage, the educator suggests situations in which new knowledge is used in conjunction with previously mastered methods. At the same time, the teacher pays attention to the ability of children to listen, understand and repeat the instructions of an adult, apply the rule, and plan their activities. Questions are used: "What will you do now? How will you complete the task?" At this stage, special attention is paid to the development of the ability to control the way of performing their actions and the actions of their peers.

6 stage "Comprehension" (summary).

This stage is a necessary element in the structure of reflexive self-organization, since it allows you to gain experience in performing such important universal actions as fixing the achievements of the goal and determining the conditions that made it possible to achieve this goal.

With the help of the questions "Where were you?", "What did you do?", "Who did you help?" the educator helps children to comprehend their activities and record the achievements of the child's goal. Further, with the help of the question "Why did you succeed?" the educator leads the children to the fact that they have achieved the children's goal by learning new things and learning something. The teacher brings the child's and educational goals together and creates a situation of success: "You succeeded because you learned (learned)."

Given the importance of emotions in the life of a preschooler, special attention should be paid here to creating conditions for each child to receive joy, satisfaction from a well-made conclusion.

So, the technology of the situation is a tool that allows preschoolers to systematically and holistically form the primary experience of performing the entire complex of universal educational actions, while maintaining the originality of the preschool educational institution as an educational institution, the priority of which is play activity.

View a video of the activity.

Practical work of teachers.

1. Dividing into 2 commands "Select a strip" method.Work at the easel.

Available in short and long strips. Teachers choose a strip, form a team (all long ones - one team, all short ones - the second).

Group work. Make up an algorithm for the lesson in stages and select the corresponding didactic tasks for the parts.

Envelopes with stages and didactic tasks.

Control : the presenter reads out the correct answer, the commands check the implementation.

2. Division into 4 teams using the "Find the number" method.Teachers choose a card with the image of objects from 1 to 4. Find a table with a number corresponding to the number of objects.

Group work. Working with notes.Teams are given lecture notes based on this technology, but without marking the stages of the lesson. The task of the teachers: to analyze the lesson, highlight the stages, write didactic tasks for each stage.

Control: after completing the assignment, the teams are given a sample synopsis with marked stages and didactic tasks. Teams test themselves.

4. Reflection.

Method "Determine the distance".Again, teachers are invited to stand at such a distance from the easel with the topic of the seminar,which can best demonstrate their proximity or remoteness to a given topic. Then the teachers explain the chosen distance in one sentence.

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