Game techniques for automating sounds in speech therapy support for preschoolers. The structure of a speech therapy lesson at the stage of sound automation

Encyclopedia of Plants 29.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Wrong, careless babble

Inaccurate pronunciation of speeches

Still a heartbeat

Will produce in my soul.

A.S. Pushkin.

Prepared Soloydenko Olesya Anatolyevna

Speech is the most important creative mental function of a person, the area of ​​manifestation of the inherent ability of all people to cognition, self-organization, self-development, to build their personality, their inner world through dialogue with other personalities, other worlds, other cultures. Dialogue, creativity, cognition, self-development - these are the fundamental components that are involved in the sphere of attention of the teacher when he addresses the problem speech development preschooler. These are the foundations on which modern didactics is built. preschool age.

Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is necessary condition solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner training starts mother tongue, the more freely the child will use it in the future.

The idea of ​​the patterns of speech development of preschool children was put forward in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, A.A. Leontiev, F.A. Sokhina, A.M. Shakhnarovich. The views of the authors of studies of the directions of speech development are reflected in the following provisions:

  • the child's speech develops in the course of generalization of linguistic phenomena, perception of adult speech and one's own speech;
  • the child's orientation in linguistic phenomena creates conditions for independent observations of the language, for the self-development of speech, gives speech a creative character;

Research by psychologists, educators, linguists created the prerequisites for integrated approach to solving problems of speech development of preschoolers.

V last years there is a significant decrease in the level of speech development of preschoolers. When examining the speech of children 4-5 years old by speech therapists in different regions countries showed that 79% of children had various speech defects. What is the reason for this? First of all, this is due to the deterioration in the health of children. According to the leading neuropathologist of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences I.S. Skvortsov, at present, 70% of newborns have perinatal lesions of the brain, the central organ of speech function. Such deviations can negatively affect the subsequent development and learning of the child, and since the development of speech is directly dependent on the maturation and development of the brain, one of the first suffers from diseases of the latter.

Recently, the problems of speech correction are of particular relevance. The number of children with speech disorders is constantly increasing. Timely detection of children with speech disorders, the conduct of specially organized training can correct the primary defect.

The stage is indicated in the method of speech therapy influence on correcting sound pronunciation as the stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities (according to L.S. Volkova). Its purpose is to teach the child to pronounce the already delivered sound correctly. As you know, pronunciation is first fixed in isolation, then in syllables, words, phrases.
In parallel, work continues, begun in the preparatory period, to develop the skills of sound analysis, the ability to determine the position of a sound in a word, to select words with a given sound. To automate sound, the techniques of reflected repetition and independent naming of language units from pictures, diagrams, and symbols are used. The work proceeds sequentially and gradually, from simple to complex.
With severe speech disorders, the automation stage is delayed, the child cannot pronounce the set sound correctly for a long time in syllables and words, not to mention phrases. Repeated repetition of the same speech material tires the child. The matter is further complicated by the fact that for some sounds the speech material is very limited (for example, [g], [d], [d], [u], etc.). If the child is "stuck" on the automation of an isolated sound, then there is no need to talk about a variety of techniques. He loses interest in classes, the desire to visit the speech therapist's office disappears.

I often face the need to diversify the methods of my work and keep the attention of children in the course of the lesson. For kids, speech therapy classes on automating sounds are often difficult, monotonous, and besides, children with speech disorders have unstable attention and they get tired quickly.

To increase the interest of children in speech therapy classes, we need a variety of creative tasks, new approaches to strengthening exercises. correct pronunciation.

At the stage of automation the main objective - to achieve the correct pronunciation of the set sound in all forms of speech: in syllables, in words, in sentences and in free speech, and easier, most accessible of all this happens in the game, game exercises - the leading form of activity for preschool children.
Game Methods, as well as exercise and modeling, are necessarily included in speech therapy practice.

This allows you to solve several tasks:

  • to awaken in the child the desire to actively participate in the process of correcting sound pronunciation;
  • expand and enrich the range of gaming skills and abilities;
  • increase the cognitive activity and performance of children;
  • activate the processes of perception, attention, memory;
  • smoothly regulate the behavioral difficulties of children, gradually accustoming them to obey the rules of the game;
  • increase the amount of corrective action by including game exercises at various regime moments.

Work on the automation of sounds is carried out in stages from simple to complex: First, in syllables, words, sentences, in coherent speech and in spontaneous speech.
The most difficult in terms of variety of exercises is work on syllables. The fact is that a single syllable, like a sound, does not evoke a specific image in the child, is not recognized by him as a structural component of a speech statement. And if a sound can sometimes cause an auditory association (z-z-z - a mosquito rings, rr - a dog growls), then a syllable for a preschooler is a very abstract concept.

When the work on automation reaches the stage of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds in words and phrases, you can significantly diversify the lessons using picture material. The use of game techniques will help to effectively carry out the stages of automating an isolated sound and fixing the correct pronunciation of this sound in syllables.
And speech therapy games help to make tasks for children interesting, emotionally colored, developing and cognitive.

To learn to speak well, to speak the sound correctly, you need to be friends with your tongue, then it will be obedient, and will clearly pronounce all sounds. To prepare the articulatory apparatus of children for the correct pronunciation of sounds, fairy tales-games about the “Merry Tongue” are very suitable. 5 and 7 year olds like to do useful things while traveling with Tongue, the right exercises. For this I use “Tales of the Merry Tongue” and visual aid "Merry Tongue". It is good to understand and remember that vowel sounds are easy to sing, helps "Sound field".

When the sound is already good, it sounds right in the child in isolation, but you need to fix, automate this correct pronunciation in syllables, in words, sentences and coherent, independent speech. And this is at least 10-15 lessons. And I want this difficult and milestone speech corrections were easy and interesting.

When automating sound in syllables when it is not yet possible to use subject and plot pictures with a given sound, to attract the interest of children, I practice using:

  • "Magic Wand" which, with her light or knock, exercises the children in counting and asks to repeat the syllable several times.
  • Exercises "Piano playing", when, imitating playing the piano, the child pronounces the given syllable 5 times:



And then all 5 “songs” - syllables “play” together: RA-RO-RU-RE-RY.

  • The exercise is done in the same way. "Flower", when syllables and words are pronounced with extension and bending of the fingers (the petals open and close).
  • Games “Swipe a syllable along the audio track” one path is even and, walking along it, the syllables must be pronounced in a calm, quiet voice, the other path leads over bumps and the syllables are pronounced either loudly or quietly, but the third path leads uphill, and at the beginning of the path the syllable is pronounced very quietly, then everything louder and louder, and at the top of the mountain - very loud.

When automating sound in words, children really like games:

  • "Fishing", in the aquarium there are fish on which letters are attached, and with the help of a fishing rod with a magnet, we pull the fish out to a given sound. Having caught “fish” - words, children learn not only to pronounce the sound correctly, but also to divide words into syllables, determine the position of this sound in a word, learn to ask questions “Who is this? What is it?”, form plural and much more can be done with these “fish”.
  • More interesting game “Happy Harvest”(put the name of a vegetable or fruit on a given sound) ,
  • “Decorate the Christmas Tree” dressing her up with toys (with sound C).

After a few lessons, it is easy for children to say the sound correctly if it is the very first in a word or at least the last one, but if it is in the middle of a word, it is difficult, because children with impaired phonemic perception do not always know exactly where the right sound is located. For the development of phonemic perception of sounds, playing with sound-eater, which “steals” the sound from the word, and the children must save the sound - return it to the word and say this word correctly: eye ... a - eyes, to ... from - mole, Alyona ... ka - Alyonushka ... This is very difficult, but it gives children the pleasure of being in the role of rescuers and coping with the villain Sound Eater. Children look forward to new meetings with him.

Working on automating sound in sentences, I often use effective and useful game Live offer when the children themselves become “words” and, holding hands, form a “sentence”. This game allows children to learn that sentences consist of words, the words in a sentence should be in order, separately, but be “friendly” (coordinated), at the end of the sentence you need to put some kind of sign:. ! ? Children remember the gestural display of signs: a dot - a clenched fist, an exclamation mark - a straight hand is placed on the fist, a question mark - a hand curved in the form of a question is placed on the fist. Thus, not only is the correct pronunciation of sound in sentences fixed, but work is also being done to prevent dysgraphia.

At this stage of automation, guests “come” to classes, most often these are Karkusha, the girl Masha, the bear cub “Tishka”, who become heroes travel games, games - dramatizations, etc.

Heroes make mistakes all the time - in their sentences the words are not friendly ( Roma chop wood. Egor somersault down the hill), or the words are out of place: The mouse ate the cat. The coat has a beautiful Masha. Children help the characters correct their mistakes, explaining what they did: they “made friends” the words in the sentence, put the words in order. They make riddles for them and ask them to complete difficult tasks: finish the sentence by suggesting the last word from the picture, independently come up with a sentence from the picture or with the given word, assemble the cut picture and come up with a sentence, make a sentence scheme.

And finally, children pronounce sound quite well in words and sentences, and the last stage of automation comes - in coherent and independent speech. At this stage of the work, various retellings are used, making up stories based on a picture and a series of pictures. These types of work are tedious for children and therefore, in order to generate interest, I use retelling and stories using figurines on flannelgraph dramatizations, dramatizations.

In order to correct speech defects in children, I widely use didactic games in my work. After all, it is known that in the game the development of the child goes much faster than when using only traditional methods of education and training. For children studying at speech therapy centers, this is all the more important, because, as speech therapists are well aware, our children are often characterized by low cognitive activity. But even with the use of a didactic game, a speech therapist is not always able to achieve activity and high performance of children throughout the lesson. The reason is that the majority of pupils are somatically weakened, they have an incorrect posture, there are violations of the vegetative and central nervous system, there is a lack of mental processes, emotional instability. In my classes, I always combine speech therapy tasks and didactic games with movement, which relieves stress, increases the efficiency of children, and improves the quality of learning. In addition, outdoor games contribute to the development of the motor sphere (here, speech pathologists have some lag) and independence, which is the bottleneck in the field of preschool education.

The game method gives greatest effect with a skillful combination of play and learning. The game is considered the leading activity of a preschooler. The game is one of the types of children's activities that is used by adults in order to educate preschoolers, teach them various activities with objects, ways and means of communication. In the game, the child develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of his educational and educational activities will subsequently depend. labor activity, his attitude towards people.

A great influence on the development of children's speech is provided by games, the content of which is the staging of a plot, they contribute to the development of expressiveness of speech, form an arbitrary memorization of texts and movements. In this regard, I developed abstracts of speech therapy holiday games and collected them in the album “Holidays of Talkers”, which was presented at the second regional festival of psychological and pedagogical ideas. We spent holiday games with children to consolidate lexical topics. For example, to fix the season “Winter”, we held a festive game “Journey to the Kingdom of Zimushka-Winter”. The children really enjoyed this fascinating journey, they became interested in further education. At the end of the school year, we held a festive, final performance "The Holiday of Correct Speech" with the participation of parents.

I developed, tested and presented at the methodological teaching hour, an album of speech therapy outdoor games, for use by educators in the pedagogical process.

Two file cabinets were made - physical culture speech minutes and grammar games.

As for children with speech disorders, along with the general course of play, it has a specific effect on the development of speech throughout the entire course of their mental development. Children should be constantly encouraged to communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech, improve colloquial speech, vocabulary enrichment, the formation of the grammatical structure of the language, etc.

Studying the works of E. I. Tikheeva, I came across the opinion that if the development of children proceeds normally, then speech errors will gradually and consistently become obsolete. She argues that compulsory pedagogical measures should be not to repeat the mistakes of children, but to always speak to children with perfect correctness.

It is necessary to protect children from the perception of speech forms that can spoil their language; take care that the child's hearing perceives images of only perfect speech. But the most important thing is to tirelessly work with children. First of all, one should carefully register the most important, predominant mistakes of children and pay special attention to them, come up with appropriate oral and written exercises, influencing the minds of children in the same direction, and help eradicate these mistakes.

But these exercises should not be abused, and most importantly, they should be conducted in a fun, lively way, allowing children to diversify their content at their discretion.

Correcting hastily, in passing, in the midst of a game or work, when the children are passionate about something, is in no case impossible. At best, it will go unnoticed; at worst, it will irritate children.

From what Tikheeva has said, the idea logically follows that it is best to work on eradicating errors in a game, and a didactic game.

Didactic gameseffective remedy automation of sounds, because due to the dynamism, emotionality of the conduct and interest of children, they make it possible to exercise the child many times in repeating the necessary sounds. Didactic games can be played both with toys, objects and pictures, and without visual material - in the form of word games based on the words and actions of the players.

Didactic games develop children's speech: the vocabulary is replenished and activated, correct pronunciation is formed, coherent speech and the ability to express one's thoughts develop. The didactic tasks of many games are designed in such a way as to teach children to independently compose stories about objects and phenomena. Some games require children to actively use generic and specific concepts. Finding synonyms, antonyms, words similar in sound is the task of many word games.

1. Games with objects very diverse in terms of game materials, content, and organization of the event. Toys and real objects (household items, tools, works of arts and crafts, etc.), natural objects (vegetables, fruits, cones, leaves, seeds) are used as didactic materials.

2. Board games varied in content, teaching tasks, design. They help clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes. These games help develop logical thinking, concentration, attention and fixing the correct sound pronunciation.

This is a rather incomplete list of games and game techniques that I use in speech therapy classes on automating sounds. Their number and variety in each lesson depends on the goals of the lesson and the stability of the attention of children. And the benefits of using them are undeniable.

The development of speech, the consolidation of the set sounds, involves the active interaction of the teacher - a speech therapist and the educator of the group. Moreover, the smaller the children, the more direct participation from adults should be in their games. With children with speech disorders, educators conduct individual work in notebooks for evening speech therapy classes, which helps to consolidate the results achieved, effectively correct speech defects.

To master the correct methodology for performing speech therapy exercises (articulatory breathing exercises), educators visit frontal exercises speech therapist. And we, in turn, are also present at the classes on the development of the speech of educators.

In the process of classes, we recommend that educators draw the attention of children to the correct pronunciation of the set sounds, to monitor the correct speech of children. To this end, I developed, tested and presented at the methodological teaching hour, an album of speech therapy outdoor games, for use by educators in the pedagogical process.

Card indexes were made - physical culture speech minutes and grammar games.

One of the conditions for the development of correct speech is the correct figurative speech of parents, which should be a model for children. Every word of the parents should be meaningful, help the child to learn the world and learn the language. The active participation of the children themselves in the correctional process and the comprehensive support and assistance of their parents is the key to success in this work.

Starting, I explained to them that their participation in the child's speech development should not be one-time, it should be systematized. If parents do not follow the recommendations given by me (speech game, fixing the set sound), then the integrity of pedagogical process, as a result of which the child suffers. A difficult problem for us was the search for forms of involving parents in the speech development of their children. Effective forms in this direction are: workshops, business games, conferences, presentations didactic games, competitions and exhibitions, joint holidays and entertainment.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that in-depth work on automating sounds using game methods and techniques, with the assistance of parents and educators, allows you to speed up the process of automating sounds, arouses interest in speech therapy classes, increases the level of speech development of older preschoolers and allows you to qualitatively prepare them for school .

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In speech therapy practice, it is often difficult not only to set the sound, but also to introduce the delivered sound into speech (automation process), especially in children with manifestations of dysarthria of varying degrees, ZPR. The period of automation can be difficult and long, because at the initial stage the position of the organs of articulation is still unstable, and it takes time to find the desired articulation mode. Therefore, the correct isolated pronunciation of a sound is not enough for a child to be able to use the delivered sound in words and phrases. There is a need to extend the period of automation of the delivered sound in syllables.

The proposed methods of speech therapy work on the automation of sounds in syllables are based on the method of visual modeling. Tasks are offered for sound reproduction in isolation, in syllables, syllable series based on symbols. Such tasks make it possible to diversify automation classes, increase motivation for speech therapy classes and increase the activity of the child’s speech during classes, and contribute to the development of self-control speech skills. The child can independently reproduce the speech material after memorizing the symbols.

First, a symbol is selected that indicates the sound needed for automation, for example, an object or creature that makes a similar sound: “tiger” - means the sound [r], “steamboat” - the sound [l], “snake” - the sound [w], “beetle ”- sound [g], etc.

When pronouncing the set sound in isolation, the symbol is drawn as many times as it is required to pronounce the given sound (how many times the child manages to reproduce this sound correctly). Turning to the automation of the set sound in syllables, we add to the existing consonant symbol, which the child has already memorized, the symbols of vowel sounds. The symbols of vowel sounds are similar to their oral image and clearly show which sound should be pronounced after the trainee: for example, a round ball is the sound A, an oval ball is the sound O, a pipe is the sound Y, a piece of cheese is the sound Y. (Picture 1)

After 1-2 lessons, depending on the capabilities of the child, suggest repeating syllabic rows up to 4 identical syllables in each row according to models. (Picture 2) Models can be sketched in the child's notebook or a card can be prepared that can be used to work with other children.

When the child remembers the syllable patterns well, you can move on to other tasks. Suggested exercises:

1. Pronunciation of syllable series consisting of three different syllables (according to models). (Figure 3)

Here you can already do without naming syllables by adults. Each syllable model can be performed on a separate card and from these cards make up different syllable series by combining cards with syllables. The syllable series can be a speech therapist, a parent at home, or the child himself. The ability to create tasks for yourself increases the child's interest in exercises and his activity.

2. Pronunciation of syllables in pairs, where the first syllable is the same, and the second syllable in a pair changes in order (the order is given at the very beginning when syllables are reproduced according to models for one syllable in Figure 1).

The first variants of the pairs are given based on the models from which such pairs of syllables are obtained: (Models are shown in Figure 4)

Or like this (Figure 5):

How many options for couples to offer in one lesson depends on the capabilities of the child. The child can be invited to choose which syllable will be the first in pairs. These pairs can also be laid out from separate cards with depicted syllable models. In this case, the cards should be enough for the entire option. The child reproduces the first variants of the pairs according to the models, and when he understands the pattern, you can suggest naming the pairs of syllables according to the idea, first adding the second syllable in the third and fourth rows of the third option (for example, practicing the sound [l], these will be the syllables lu-lu, lu- ly), and in the fourth option, it is possible to suggest finishing the second syllable in each pair: ly- ... (la), ly - ... (lo), ly - ... (lu), ly - ... (ly). Such exercises contribute to the formation of self-control skills for correct pronunciation.

In addition, the syllable model allows the child to learn the composition of the syllable-fusion, because the fusion is difficult to dissect into its constituent sounds, and this model clearly represents this. By replacing the symbol of a consonant sound in syllable models when automating the next delivered sound, the child feels and visually represents the presence of a vowel sound, which contributes to the prevention of skipping vowels when writing. And the symbol of the vowel sound itself clarifies the articulation, helps to strengthen the connection between the phoneme and the articulum and, thereby, the differentiation of sounds and letters o-u, a-o, prevention of substitutions on the letter of the corresponding letters.

Depending on the capabilities and desire of the child, when automating the following delivered sounds, for a change, it is possible to suggest changing the symbols of vowel sounds, which will also resemble the oral image of the vowel sound: ball, sun or chamomile - sound A, oval - sound O, small circle ( cherry) - sound U, melon or fungus with a wide hat - sound Y.

How many exercises are obtained for the automation of sound in syllables! And it’s not boring, and you can fix the pronunciation of the set sound in syllables and thereby prepare for pronouncing the sound in words.

  1. Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P.
  2. Learn to read and write without errors. M., Arkti, 2007
  3. Smyshlyaeva T.N., Korchuganova E.Yu.
  4. Using the method of visual modeling in the correction of general speech underdevelopment of preschoolers.//Speech therapist for preschool educational institutions. Collection of materials. M., 2005
  5. Novotortseva N.V.
  6. Workbook on the development of speech for the sounds [z], [z "], [c] (Logopedic notebook). Yaroslavl, Academy of Development. 1996

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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The stage of automation of sounds is indicated in the method of speech therapy for correcting sound pronunciation as the stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities (according to L.S. Volkova). Its purpose is to teach the child to pronounce the already delivered sound correctly. As you know, pronunciation is first fixed in isolation, then in syllables, words, phrases. In parallel, work continues, begun in the preparatory period, to develop the skills of sound analysis, the ability to determine the position of a sound in a word, to select words with a given sound. The work proceeds sequentially and gradually, from simple to complex.

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With severe speech disorders, the automation stage is delayed, the child cannot pronounce the set sound correctly for a long time in syllables and words, not to mention phrases. Repeated repetition of the same speech material tires the child.

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I often face the need to diversify the methods of my work and keep the attention of children in the course of the lesson. For kids, speech therapy classes on automating sounds are often difficult, monotonous, and besides, children with speech disorders have unstable attention and they get tired quickly. To increase the interest of children in speech therapy classes, we need a variety of creative tasks, new approaches to exercises to consolidate the correct pronunciation.

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The goal is to achieve the correct pronunciation of the set sound in all forms of speech: in syllables, in words, in sentences and in free speech, and easier, more accessible than all this happens in the game, game exercises - the leading form of activity for preschool children. Correction and educational goals: Exercise the correct pronunciation of automated sound in syllables, words, tongue twisters, sentences, in coherent speech, in tongue twisters. Improve lexical and grammatical categories. Develop coherent speech and thinking. Correctional and developmental goals: To develop general, fine motor skills, articulation apparatus. Remove muscle clamps, create a favorable psychological mood. Develop phonemic awareness, sound analysis and synthesis skills, ability to navigate in space.

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Description of the slide:

Game methods awaken in the child the desire to actively participate in the process of correcting sound pronunciation; - expand and enrich the range of gaming skills and abilities; - increase the cognitive activity and performance of children; - activate the processes of perception, attention, memory; - smoothly regulate the behavioral difficulties of children, gradually accustoming them to obey the rules of the game; - increase the amount of corrective action by including game exercises at various regime moments.

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To learn how to speak a sound well, correctly, you need to be friends with your tongue, then it will be obedient, and will clearly pronounce all sounds. To prepare the articulatory apparatus of children for the correct pronunciation of sounds, they are suitable articulation exercises: "Swing", "Malyar", "Watch", "Horse", "Mushroom", etc.

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When the sound is already good, it sounds right in the child in isolation, you can fix it in a long pronunciation. Sound track game

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When automating sound in syllables. Exercise “Playing the piano”, when, imitating playing the piano, the child pronounces the given syllable 5 times: RA-RA-RA-RA-RA, RO-RO-RO-RO-RO RU-RU-RU-RU-RU RE -RE-RE-RE-RE RY-RY-RY-RY-RY

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Description of the slide:

When automating sound in words and sentences, children really like games: “Say a word in rhyme” Ra-ra-ra - the GAME begins, Ra-ra-ra - high mountain Ro-ro-ro - I found a FEATHER, Ro-ro-ro - an iron BUCKET, Ro-ro-ro - the KANGAROO jumps, Ro-ro-ro - we continue the GAME.

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it is time to introduce a new sound into the speech of the child. In ontogeny, with the normal development of the child’s speech, each new sound goes through this stage: “Say Shhhh” - “Shhhh”, - the child hisses. training so that the child can accurately pronounce "hat". Why is this happening?

The answer to this question was given by Academician I.P. Pavlov, who studied conditioned reflex connections that are formed not only in animals ("Pavlov's dogs"), but also in the human cerebral cortex. Any automated movement of the muscles (that of the arms and legs, that of the tongue and lips) is first performed with the participation of consciousness (transfer weight to one leg, bend the other at the knee, push it forward ...), repeated repetition of the same movement allows you to perform this movement unconsciously, without spending a lot of energy on it. This is called "dynamic stereotype", "automatism".

Violation of sound pronunciation (phonetic violation) can manifest itself both in the omission of a sound (“uka”), and in its replacement with another, often simpler, sound (“bow”). In the first case, sound automation is somewhat easier - because. some conditioned reflex connections are missing in the cerebral cortex, they just need to be created. In the case of distorted pronunciation or sound replacement, conditional connections already exist, and they need to be slowed down, while reinforcing a new dynamic stereotype of correct pronunciation. Therefore, automation takes longer.

Setting and automating sounds are the basis of corrective work in , and .

In the process of automation, the sound sequentially goes through several stages, and in no case should this sequence be violated. If the pronunciation of sound in words at a slow pace has not yet been established, with possible clues, the child will definitely not be able to pronounce either a rhyme or a tongue twister. In mild cases (physiological age-related dyslalia), each stage can take 3-5 minutes: “growled”, 5 pronounced syllables, 5 words for each combination said - you can immediately recite poetry. BUT - all these syllables and words are still pronounced, the adult is convinced that in all possible combinations the sound is obtained, all stages are present.

Sound Automation Sequence.

1. Isolated sound automation.

2. Automation of sound in syllables.

7. Automation of sound in independent speech.

1. Automation of isolated sound.

First, the sound must be fixed in isolation, i.e. separately from all other sounds (because in the flow of speech, sounds are mutually influenced - compare the pronunciation of the sound C in the words "cheese" and "bag"). Both during staging and early stages automation, additional analyzers are necessarily used - visual, tactile ... “For the formation of new speech connections, the most effective ones are used in this case analyzers. It is not uncommon for children with normal hearing to mispronounce certain sounds because they cannot distinguish them by ear. Then, at first, they mainly use the visual analyzer, i.e. show the child the articulation of sound and at the same time pronounce the sound. Thus, on the basis of visual stimuli, which the child had little or no use in speech before, new, correct visual-motor and related auditory-speech reflexes are formed ”(M.E. Khvattsev“ Speech therapy: work with preschoolers). we sit in front of the mirror so that the child sees the face of an adult and his own face, and we control the correctness of articulation. Of course, you need to automate the sound in isolation in a playful way: “How does the snake hiss? And whose snake hisses longer - yours or mine? SHSHSHSHSH. It is not enough just to pronounce the sound for the baby to repeat it correctly to us - in some cases it is necessary to explain in detail how to put the organs of articulation for a particular sound, in other cases it is better to use analogies (“make a fence out of teeth”), or we imitate hand movements (up or down, wide or narrow tongue). And for some time it is necessary to remind the child with the same gestures and words (which are called “irritants”) how to pronounce this difficult sound.

“The more complex the dynamic stereotype (word, sound), the more difficult it is to assimilate. When it has been assimilated, the action of one of its stimuli is sufficient for it to re-emerge completely. The old, unreinforced stereotype is held in the cerebral cortex for some time, then gradually gives way to a new, reinforced one.

So, if the sound Ш was evoked by such stimuli as the educator pronouncing this sound, showing articulation in front of a mirror, and imitating the movement of the tongue with his hand, then subsequently only such a movement of the hand is enough for the child to pronounce this sound. But when one of the group of new stimuli of the stereotype is not applied for some time, and then it is tried again, then the old stereotype arises. Thus, different dynamic stereotypes (correct and wrong words and sounds) seem to be layered one on top of the other and mutually compete. Therefore, to consolidate a new word or sound, systematic training is required ”(M.E. Khvattsev “Speech therapy: working with preschoolers”). That is why speech therapists insist on doing homework every day - this is how the human brain works.

2. Automation of sound in syllables.

After the child freely performs the necessary articulation movements, and the sound is obtained correctly, we proceed to automation in syllables. Considering that the syllable does not make any sense for the child, figure out in advance how to captivate him with this business - combining two sounds into one.

Automation in syllables can be started both with direct (consonant + vowel) and reverse (vowel + consonant) syllables. This will depend on what sound is introduced into speech, on the method of staging and on the capabilities of the child.

It should be borne in mind that the vowels O and U give the adjacent consonant an additional labialization (rounding). Therefore, first they work out syllables like SA, SE, SY, and only then CO and SU. By the way, hard consonants are worked out in syllables with vowels A, E, Y, O, U, and soft ones - in the syllables СЯ, SE, SI, СЁ, СУ. But syllables with a confluence of consonants (SHKA, PSHA ...) or they don’t work out separately at all, because. there is enough automation in words, or (in the case of general underdevelopment of speech) syllables with confluence are worked out after words with open syllables.

7. Automation of sound in independent speech.

Independent speech is the final stage of automation. Here, too, some rules must be observed.

For some time, the child cannot think about two things at the same time - what to say and how to say. He runs home and begins to excitedly talk about some event. The event, of course, is more important than any sounds there. It is difficult enough to force the child to turn on self-control over sounds in such a situation. And even if you succeed - believe me, you will spoil the baby all the joy of communication. Therefore, it is better to first consider only the slightly artificial situations created by you as an independent speech: “Tell me, what happened in the kindergarten?”. And if there was nothing particularly emotionally significant for the child, he will calmly begin to answer your leading questions, and you can slowly correct his pronunciation. At first, only the parent will follow the sound pronunciation - he develops the so-called. “Watch reflex”, when an adult learns to follow two things at once: keep up the conversation and note all pronunciation errors. In order for the child to learn to use a new correct sound, after each error, give the child a word sample and insist on the correct repetition of the word. “Mom, buy me a mask” - “MashShShinku” - “Yes, maShShShinku” - “Well done!”. Usually, after two weeks, the child begins to track where it sounded wrong and corrects himself. Then adults are required to reinforce the new stereotype with approval and praise. It is believed that the entire automation of a new sound - from syllables to independent speech - as a replacement for one habit with another, takes an average of 35-45 days. Please note that these terms apply only to Dyslalia, with more serious disorders (dysarthria, rhinolalia) the terms of automation usually increase, moreover, with more complex disorders automation of sounds has its own characteristics (speech with movements, proper breathing ...).

Regardless of the stage, there are a few things to keep in mind:

The sound, syllable, word, rhyme is first shown by an adult, and only then the child pronounces. Ideally, the child should not make mistakes even once at the stage of sound automation - so that the old stereotype does not interfere with the consolidation of the new one. Therefore, an adult requires great attention in order to keep up. before a child show or suggest the correct sound. “When teaching pronunciation, it is necessary to ensure that the conditioned stimulus (pronouncing or showing articulation by the teacher) precedes the pronunciation of the sound by the child. Otherwise, when we correct what is already wrongly pronounced, the old wrong connections are further consolidated and delay the appearance of the correct sound. Prolonged use of such a vicious technique can turn a positive stimulus into an inhibitory one: the child gets tired of the teacher's annoying corrections, and he refuses to pronounce the required sound. If a mistake is made, one has to use such a technique ”(M.E. Khvattsev“ Speech therapy: work with preschoolers ”).

It is imperative to consolidate a new sound not only in the speech therapist's classes, but also at home, in the process homework, and if possible in kindergarten (if you have competent, understanding teachers in kindergarten, ask them to follow your baby's speech, select poems for the holidays, taking into account the child's speech capabilities). If a preschooler uses a new sound only in class, then the so-called “cabinet speech syndrome” is formed, when during the lesson all sounds are pronounced perfectly, and as soon as the baby goes beyond the threshold, it’s as if he had never learned anything! That is, a stereotype has formed - “ in the office I speak well, but in life I’m used to it. ”

Watch the quality of the presented material - there should not be two oppositional sounds in the words. For example, if we automate the sound P, which the child previously pronounced as L, in no case should there be words where both of these sounds occur simultaneously: role, mirror ... Almost any pair of sounds can turn out to be “conflicting” sounds: С - Ш, С - X, S - C, S - T, S - SC, S - H, S - Z. Therefore, a separate selection must be made for each child. If such a word or phrase comes across, do not insist on the correct pronunciation of both sounds. Oppositional sounds will need to be differentiated, and there are special techniques for this.

At first, you need to pronounce a new sound somewhat exaggeratedly (a little longer, stronger than other sounds). This is necessary in order for the auditory analyzer to fix the new sound as a sample, and later, when the new sound “aligns” with the others, it compares its sound with the sample. Do not be afraid that the new sound is so "loud" - this is temporary, in the flow of speech, the organs of articulation will be forced to evenly distribute efforts to all sounds.

- “I.P. Pavlov found that in a state of hunger, fatigue, strong emotions, inhibition sharply weakens and excitation increases. In this state, in children, if new speech stereotypes are not yet automated, the old ones reappear (burr, lisp, stuttering). In such cases, it is necessary to support new speech reflexes with prompts, reminders, etc. speech therapy classes cannot be carried out in such a state of the child.

In speech therapy classes, and in the automation of sounds, the motivation of the child is very important, i.e. how important it is for him, whether he himself needs it and why. Of course, sometimes there are wonderful children who themselves ask their parents to go to a speech therapist. But these are unique cases. More often, the initiative comes from parents - it is WE who understand why it is necessary to speak correctly, but the baby is still unknown, his life is already good. Without proper motivation, speech therapy classes can stretch for an indefinite period. ”, and“ you want to study well at school \ read poetry at a holiday \ be an adult ... ”and many other options that are right for your child. Therefore, the attitude of others, not only mothers and fathers, to the child's activities is very important. In these cases, other stimuli often help, one way or another connected with this sound, for example, a reminder of the need to speak correctly, setting others on the child’s clear speech, their exactingness regarding pronunciation, and finally, setting the child himself to a certain interlocutor.

At first, you need to support new sounds by all means, and not allow the baby to pronounce them without reinforcement and control. In this regard, homework that is not supervised by elders is a great danger. Even if a child goes to school and reads himself, he should not be allowed to read the words “from a sheet” himself, an adult needs to read the word to him, after which the child can repeat it. In the same way, it is necessary for an adult to listen and monitor the correct pronunciation. Sometimes this rule also applies to adults involved - they also need a "listener".

Many thanks to Badertdinova Gulnaz Yunusovna, speech therapist at MBDOU "CRR" Kindergarten No. 89 Republic of Tatarstan from Nizhnekamsk, which
Helped with vocabulary building.

2.Game techniques3




The stage of automation of sounds is indicated in the method of speech therapy for correcting sound pronunciation as the stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities (according to L.S. Volkova). Its purpose is to teach the child to pronounce the already delivered sound correctly. As you know, pronunciation is first fixed in isolation, then in syllables, words, phrases. To automate sound, the techniques of reflected repetition and independent naming of language units from pictures, diagrams, and symbols are used. The work proceeds sequentially and gradually, from simple to complex.

Game tricks

"Who is longer?" The child and the speech therapist compete in the correct and prolonged pronunciation of the sound. The winner is marked with some symbol (star, circle, etc.). The game can be used to automate whistling, hissing, sonorous sounds.

"Who is bigger?" Any counting material is used (dogs, mushrooms, squares, etc.). For each correct pronunciation of a sound or syllable, the speech therapist and the child take one figurine for themselves. The game can be played with two or three children with the same type of pronunciation disorder. In this case, the speech therapist evaluates its correctness and rewards the participants.

"Teach Parsley" The speech therapist takes a finger puppet and asks the child to teach her to pronounce this or that sound or syllable correctly. The child acts as a teacher, Petrushka as a student.

"Let's go by car" The game is used to automate isolated sound [p]. In a notebook for individual lessons a child and a speech therapist draw a car, from which a winding path leads to a house (tree, garage, bench, etc.). The child puts his finger at the beginning of the route and, pronouncing [r] for a long time, leads his finger along the path. As a result, he must "get" to the object of interest. For the first time, it is allowed to make 2-3 stops along the way. To automate the sound [l], the image of a humming steamer or aircraft is selected; for [h] - mosquito; for [g] - beetle, etc.

"Repeat for the bear" Toys are displayed on the table. For each of them, the child pronounces a sound or a syllable (or a series of syllables). The speech therapist plays along with the child: How the bear liked it! The fox did not hear, repeat it again! etc.

"Let's check!" By doing homework the child must mark each correctly pronounced sound or syllable in a notebook with some kind of sign (cross, tick). By the number of characters affixed in the notebook, the speech therapist checks and notes the diligence and diligence of the student. At home, such a task is performed under the supervision of parents.

"Fingers say hello" Child thumb alternately touches the index, middle, ring, little fingers. At the same time, he pronounces a given sound or syllable. The speech therapist monitors the correct pronunciation and accuracy of the movements of the child's fingers.

"Little legs ran along the path ..." The child imagines that the index and middle fingers are legs, the thumb presses the ring and little fingers to the middle of the palm. With the index and middle fingers, the child “steps” along the table, pronouncing a given sound or syllable for each “step”.

"Talking hands" Sometimes a child fails to introduce a new correct sound into syllables for a long time. As soon as a vowel is added to a consonant, the pronunciation of the old defective sound is automatically switched on. Let's assume that we are talking about the automation of sound [w]. The speech therapist gives instructions: You and I will play "talking hands." We will teach the left hand to say [w], and the right hand - [a]. Let's try! The speech therapist takes with his hand left hand child and shows how to combine the pronunciation of [sh] with a light blow of the hand on the table, in the same way right hand“learns” to speak [a]. Alternately, lightly hitting the table with his hands, the child at a slow pace says: Sh - a, sh - a. Gradually, the pause between [w] and [a] is reduced, and the child moves on to continuous pronunciation.

"Steps" In the child's notebook, the speech therapist draws steps. You need to walk your fingers up and down the steps, repeating the sound or syllable correctly. Another option: the steps are laid out by the child himself on the table from counting sticks or matches. The task remains the same.

"Chamomile" In the child's notebook, the speech therapist draws a large chamomile, in the center of which he writes the necessary consonant letter (r, l, s, w, w, etc.) Vowels are written on the petals of the chamomile. The child, moving from one petal to another, reads direct and reverse syllables: ra, ro, re; ar, op, er, etc. The exercise is carried out with children 5-7 years old who know the letters, and is also used in teaching literacy.

"One - a step, two - another ..." The child is standing, hands on his belt. The speech therapist invites him to walk the whole room, repeating a given syllable or a series of syllables at each step. The exercise is logarithmic.

"Roll the ball" The speech therapist invites the child to roll the ball across the floor from one end of the office to the other, while pronouncing the given sound. Used to automate hissing, whistling and sonorous sounds. Also, the child can throw the ball up.

"Telegram" Children, holding hands, form a circle. The speech therapist, turning to the child, names a sound, a syllable or a pair of syllables. The child must repeat this syllable, turning to a friend. The telegram goes around the circle, returning to the teacher. If one of the children incorrectly repeats the sound sequence, then the telegram did not reach the addressee, and the game starts again. The exercise is used not only to automate sounds in syllables, but also to develop phonemic perception. For example, the syllables sha-sa, ko-go, zu-zhu-zu, etc. are transmitted in a circle.

When automating sound in syllables, when it is not yet possible to use subject and plot pictures with a given sound, to attract the interest of children, you can practice using:

“Magic wand”, which, with its spark or knock, exercises the children in counting and asks to repeat the syllable several times. The teacher hits the stick 3 times and pronounces the syllables SA-SA-SA - passes the stick to the child - he must also hit the table 3 times and repeat SA-SA-SA;

Exercises “Playing the piano”, when, imitating playing the piano, the child hits the table with each finger in turn and pronounces the given syllable 5 times:




RY-RY-RY-RY-RY And then all 5 “songs” - syllables “play” together: RA-RO-RU-RE-RY.

Similarly, the “Flower” exercise is performed, when syllables and words are pronounced with extension and bending of the fingers (the petals open and close).

Games “Take a syllable along the sound track” one track is even and, walking along it, the syllables must be pronounced in a calm, quiet voice, the other path leads over bumps and the syllables are pronounced either loudly or quietly, but the third path leads uphill, and at the beginning the way the syllable is pronounced very quietly, then louder and louder, and at the top of the mountain - very loudly.

When the work on automation reaches the stage of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds in words and phrases, you can significantly diversify the lessons using visual material. When automating sound in words, children really like games:

“Fishing”, in the aquarium there are fish on which letters are attached, and with the help of a fishing rod with a magnet, we pull out a fish and select words for this sound. Having caught “fish” - words (i.e. a fish with a picture), children learn not only to pronounce the word correctly with an automated sound, but also to divide words into syllables, determine the position of this sound in a word, learn to ask questions “Who is this? What is it?”, to form a plural, and much more can be done with these “fish”.

No less interesting is the game "Merry Garden". There are two baskets in the clearing, in which there are blue letters - consonants and red - vowels. The other two contain fruits and vegetables. We take any vegetable or fruit, put it in a clearing, and the children must lay out this word. You can mix vegetables and fruits, and the children should sort them into baskets.

For the development of phonemic perception of sounds, a game with a Sound Eater is useful - this is a hero (you can draw it or some kind of toy called “Sound Eater”) who “steals” the sound from the word, and the children must save the sound - return it to the word and say this word correctly : eye ... a - eyes, to ... from - mole, Alyona ... ka - Alyonushka ... It is very difficult, but it gives children pleasure to be in the role of rescuers and cope with the villain Zvukoed.


In speech therapy classes on automation and differentiation of sounds, for the exact repetition of a poetic text, a rather schematic representation of individual parts. The use of a mnemonic system allows you to speed up the process of automating and differentiating the set sounds, facilitating the memorization and subsequent reproduction of a holistic image in a rhymed form. Like any correctional work, work on mnemonics must meet certain requirements and rules:

Signs and symbols should be familiar to children;

Signs and symbols should display a generalized image of the subject;

Signs and symbols are pre-discussed with the children and accepted as leading;

The idea of ​​the graphic scheme should be familiar and understandable to the child.

To automate sounds at the stage of working with small poems, you can use pre-drawn mnemotables. For this, small poetic texts or riddles are selected to automate a certain sound or differentiate sounds. Then, with the help of simple and accessible symbols for the perception of the child, mnemonic tables are drawn. Working with such tables is very convenient, children are happy to memorize poems. The stage of automation of sounds is much more interesting and the effectiveness of corrective work increases.


The use of game techniques will help to effectively carry out the stages of automating an isolated sound and fixing the correct pronunciation of this sound in syllables.

And speech therapy games help to make tasks for children interesting, emotionally colored, developing and cognitive.

Playing techniques can be used both in individual and subgroup classes. Many of them are used at further stages of automation, contribute to the development of phonemic perception and can be purposefully used to differentiate certain sounds. All exercises are easy to change, are gladly accepted by children, help to eliminate speech negativism and can be offered for homework.


1. Bolshebratskaya E.E. Organization of speech therapy work in a general education preschool educational institution - Petropavlovsk, 2010. - 40 p.

2. Egorova O.V. Sounds P, Pb, B, B. Speech material and games for automation and differentiation of sounds in children 5-7 years old: - Dwarf; 2012, 32 pages

3. Epifanova O. Automation and differentiation of sounds. Exercises, tasks, games for children aged 6-9: - Teacher; 2010, 180 pages

4. Komarova L. A. Automation of the sound "L" in game exercises. Preschooler's album: - Dwarf; 2013, 32 pages

5. Komarova L. A. Automation of the sound "P" in game exercises. Album preschooler: - Dwarf; 2012, 32 pages

6. Komarova L. A. Automation of sound Z in game exercises. Album preschooler: - Dwarf; 2011, 32 pages

7. Komarova L. A. Automation of sound C in game exercises. Preschooler's album: - Dwarf; 2013, 32 pages

8. Komarova L. A. Sound automation Sh in game exercises. Album preschooler: - Dwarf; 2012, 32 pages

9. Nishcheva N. V. Pictures and texts for the automation of sounds different groups: - Childhood-Press; 2011, 112 pages

10. Nishcheva N. V. Card file of tasks for automating the correct pronunciation and differentiation of sounds of different groups: - Childhood-Press; 2009, 160 pages

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