Formation of ideas about the world of work and professions. Game: the formation of preschoolers' ideas in the world of professions Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of early child's ideas about professions Prepared

The buildings 29.09.2019
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© N.V. Naumova © O. G. Makarova © O. G. Sharakhova

Natalia Valentinovna candidate psychological sciences

Head of the Department of General and Social Psychology; Scientific director of the Laboratory for moral and ethical education of preschoolers Samarskaya

Humanities Academy e-mail: [email protected]

The article discusses the relevance of early vocational guidance activities with the age of young children, describes the main principles, provisions and structure of a complex program for vocational guidance and school children; There is a list of psycho-lithological methods for accompanying the implementation of the program; The prepolatable results of professional education of schoolchildren will be welcomed.

Key words: psychological and pedagogical principles, early career guidance, professional competencies, older preschoolers, adult labor, psychological diagnostics.

The relevance and necessity of complex psychological and pedagogical work with children to form the foundations of labor education and familiarize themselves with the world of adult professions is obvious. Professional education and early career guidance are a modern request of the Russian government, which is spelled out in the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

The implementation of this direction at the preschool level is not an easy task. Talk about formation professional competencies preschoolers do not have to, since at such an early age only prerequisites can be formed. But, it is the early career guidance activity that forms these prerequisites in such a way that in adolescence and adolescence a person will not experience problems in self-determination.

The Bulletin of the Samara Humanitarian Academy. A series Psychology. 2016.No 2 (20)

Makarova Olga Grigorievna Head of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 172" Samara

e-mail: elochka [email protected]


Oksana Gennadievna senior educator of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 172" Samara

e-mail: [email protected]

What the child experiences through play and interaction in purposeful activity with adults in preschool childhood is embedded in long-term memory through involuntary perception and bright emotions, and can be learned at any age throughout life, as one of the most vivid and pleasant memories. This is the basis for the statement about the need for early acquaintance of children with the professions of adults.

Early career guidance is carried out through the cognitive, speech, artistic and creative, musical development of children. The work of a preschool educational institution in this direction is based on the following principles:

The principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils;

The principle of supporting the initiative of children in various activities;

The principle of assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant in educational relations;

Construction principle educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child;

The principle of full-fledged living by a child at all stages of childhood, enrichment (amplification) child development;

The principle of the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activity;

The principle of age-appropriateness of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics);

The principle of developmental education (consistency and consistency);

The principle of novelty (using the latest information technologies.

This work is organized through the following activities:

1. Joint activities of an adult with children:

Educational activities with children (classes) carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities: play, communication, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic (group, subgroup, individual activities with children);

Educational activities carried out during regime moments (observations, excursions, viewing illustrations, reading fiction, game activities: role-playing, didactic, board-printed games, etc.)

2. Independent activities of children.

When building the educational process with children, such forms of work are used as:

Organized educational activities;

Joint labor activity of an adult and a child, the organization of practical labor actions;

Independent activity of the child;

Cognitive research, project activities of the child;

Observation of the work of adults;

Communication activity;

Reading fiction;

Artistic and creative activity;

Game activity;


Targeted walks and excursions;

Cultural and leisure activities;

Excursions and meetings with people of popular professions;

Meetings with people of rare professions;

A living example of the surrounding adults.

Introducing children to the work of adults aims to give children specific knowledge and ideas about the profession of people.

In their work, preschool educational institution uses various methods of work:

Symbol cards (pictograms that help the child compose a story about any profession according to the scheme,

Modeling the pedagogical situation,

Games (verbal, didactic, plot-role),

Carousel of children's questions.

If younger preschoolers get acquainted with the work of adults on the basis of direct observation of labor actions (profession in kindergarten), then older preschoolers are more attracted to the work that takes place outside the walls of the kindergarten. The work of a kindergarten has its own difficulties in the implementation of labor education: a significant part of the work of adults does not take place in front of children, the possibilities of observing the work of adults are limited. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways and forms of bringing preschoolers closer to the work of adults, showing its social significance, essence, labor actions, results of labor, to determine the conditions for the most effective influence of adult labor on the formation of figurative ideas about it.

Most effective ways acquaintance with the work of adults - observation of the labor process, excursions, conversations and meetings with representatives of professions that provide the greatest clarity of ideas, the maximum effectiveness of the knowledge acquired by children. However, visual perception requires interpretation. In the process of further conversations, through the stories of the educator, the information obtained during the observations is clarified, consolidated, supplemented.

Acquaintance with professions, in the course of specially organized educational situations, when children are faced with a problem that must be solved in direct educational activities, also contribute to the expansion, consolidation and systematization of the knowledge of children obtained in the course of direct communication with representatives of professions. During such situations, various educational areas, a variety of methods and techniques are used (visual, verbal, practical, problem-search, game). Solution of pedagogical situations

can develop into a project form of work with children. It arouses a lively response and interest in children to conduct accessible research on topics of professions (emergence, relevance in the world, content of activity), which contributes to the development of cognitive and creative activity of children, the formation and systematization of knowledge about human labor.

Play is central to pedagogical work. One of the main types of the game is the role-playing game. It makes it possible to concretize and expand children's ideas about the various activities of adults, their relationships with other people, about professions, and the tools of labor used.

Preparation for games in the profession is carried out wherever only a child can get acquainted with certain qualities of specialties, accumulate the necessary amount of information, even minimal, but on the basis of which, it is already possible to recreate in the game a distant semblance of this type of human life activity.

The collective of the preschool educational institution has developed a program-guide for senior preschoolers by profession, based on the classification of E.A. Klimov.

"Man - Man". Representatives of professions of this type are able to lead groups, collectives, communities of people (to give some order public processes in accordance with the goals set), to teach and educate people of a particular age, to heal, to carry out useful actions to serve the various needs of people (material, spiritual, social). The subject of interest, recognition, service, transformation here are social systems, communities, population groups; people different ages... Examples are a grocery seller, hairdresser, production manager, doctor, traffic police inspector, teacher.

"Person - artistic image". Representatives of professions of this type are able to embody an idea or a certain mood in a concrete, directly perceived holistic image, as well as evaluate and analyze this embodiment. These are such professions as an artist, painter, musician, director, fashion designer.

"Man - Technology". Representatives of professions of this type produce (participate in production) material products of labor, types, forms of energy, create (invent and build) material means of activity, many conditions and objects of an artificial environment for people, means of their existence and development. They create and maintain in working order machines, mechanisms, devices, process various materials.

Children get acquainted with such professions as a builder, engineer, assembly fitter, auto mechanic, inventor.

"Man is nature." Representatives of professions of this type are able to do, create, adjust biotic (associated with life in the biological sense of the word) means, conditions for the existence and development of people. We are talking about plants, animals, microorganisms and the conditions of their environment as a subject of labor. They create conditions for the reproduction and development of living organisms in to the right person direction, control these processes and

manage them. In this case, a variety of technical means are used, but this is subject to the logic of biological laws.

Children are given ideas about professions, for example, those related to agriculture: tractor driver, agronomist, landscape designer, livestock breeder, forester, florist, livestock technician, veterinarian.

Guided by the psychological and pedagogical principle "from simple to complex", taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children, it is recommended to observe the following sequence when introducing preschoolers to the professions of adults.

In the younger group, children are introduced to the professions of people in their immediate circle: educator, assistant educator, music director, nurse (doctor, cook, salesman). The knowledge of children is consolidated through role-playing games, conversations, observation of the choice of games and toys by kids. V middle group- chauffeur, postman, doctor and parenting professions. V senior group- teacher, employee Agriculture, transport, communications, trade. The labor of people of creative professions - artists, writers, masters of folk applied art. Such concepts as "Programmer", "Designer", "Agronomist" are introduced into the active vocabulary of children.

In the preparatory group for school, popular and rare professions that are in demand in their native land are added to the previous professions. This is consistent with the territorial and marginal component included in the PLO.

When implementing a professional education program for preschoolers, it is very an important component is comparative psychological diagnostics. In this case, a battery of diagnostic tools has been selected that helps to reliably investigate the dynamics of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies in certain adult professions. This psychodiagnostic complex includes the following techniques:

1) EI Klimov's differential diagnostic questionnaire (modification of the vocational guidance of older preschoolers);

2) children's questionnaire L. V. Kutsakova "Professional activity of adults", 3) children's questionnaire V. P. Kondrashov "Diagnostics play activities"(Games of a professional nature);

5) TAS - symbol apperception test, A.P. Afanasyeva.

This diagnostic complex should be used before the start of the program implementation and after its completion. Then carried out comparative analysis objectively showing the dynamics of knowledge, skills, abilities and professional competencies in children.

With systematic psychological and pedagogical support of older preschoolers in the development of the prerequisites for their professional competence, the following results can be expected:

The child masters the main cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activity - play, work, communication, cognitive research, construction, etc.;

The child is able to choose his own occupation, participants in joint activities;

The child has a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, other people and himself, has a sense of his own dignity; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint affairs;

Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself, tries to resolve conflicts;

The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of activity, and above all in the game; the child owns different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conventional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms;

The child has a good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;

The child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and peers;

Possesses initial knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives;

The child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities.

Thus, the work on the formation of early career guidance competence of preschoolers is relevant, timely, fruitful and promising. If you have an early career guidance program that accompanies psychological diagnostics and specially trained teaching staff, it should be recommended for implementation in preschool institutions on a regular basis, as part of the main structure educational program and in the system of additional education.


1. Aleshina NM Acquaintance of preschoolers with the surrounding and social reality. Moscow: Education, 2005.

2. Klimov EA Psychology of professional self-determination. Rostov-on-Don,

3. Kozlova SA Moral and labor education of preschoolers. Moscow, 2002.

4. Kondratov VP Introduction of preschoolers into the world of professions. Moscow: Publishing house "Nikolaev", 2004.

5. Federal state educational standard of preschool education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155).

1. Aleshina N. M. Oznakomlenie doshkol "nikov s okruzhajushhej i social" noj dejstvitel "nost" ju. Moscow: "Prosveshhenie", 2005 (in Russian).

2. Klimov E. A. Psihologijaprofessional "nogo samoopredelenija. Rostov n / D, 2006 (in Russian).

3. Kozlova S. A. Nravstvenno-trudovoe vospitanie doshkol "nikov. Moscow, 2002 (in Russian).

4. Kondrashov V. P. Vvedenie doshkol "nikov v mir professij. Moscow: Izd-vo" Nikolaev ", 2004 (in Russian).

5. Federal "nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel" nyj standart doshkol "nogo obrazovanija (utv. Prikazom Ministerstva obrazovanija i nauki RF ot 17 oktjabrja 2013 g. No. 1155) (in Russian).


N. Naumova, O. Makarova, O. Sharakhov

The article discusses the relevance of early career guidance activities to pre-school children, describes the main principles, regulations and structure of the comprehensive program of vocational guidance for preschool children; A list of psycho-diagnostic methods is provided to accompany the implementation of the program; The expected results of professional education of preschool children are given.

Key words: psychological and pedagogical principles, early career guidance, professional competences, senior preschoolers, adult work, psychological diagnostics.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 88"

municipality of the city of Bratsk

Article on the topic:

Formation of ideas about the world of professions in the conditions of play activity of preschoolers

Compiled by:

Serkova Elena Stepanovna


Professional activity occupies an important place in the life of every person. From the very first steps of the child, parents think about his future, closely follow the interests and inclinations of their child, trying to predetermine his professional destiny. The problem of the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the world of work and professions has not been sufficiently developed in pedagogy, although it would seem that everyone understands the huge role of children's ideas about professions and work. In kindergartens, the formation of ideas about the world of work and professions is sometimes carried out insufficiently purposefully and systematically, since preschoolers are not faced with the problem of choosing a profession. But since professional self-determination is interconnected with the development of the personality at all age stages, the preschool age can be considered as preparatory, laying the foundation for professional self-determination in the future. The child's ideas about the professions are limited by his so far not rich life experience - the work of a mother and father, a kindergarten teacher, the profession of a pilot, a policeman, a salesman, but children, as a rule, know little about these familiar professions, as a rule, and very superficially. Meanwhile, in the modern world there is great amount types of labor. Orientation in this ocean of human activities is the most important link in the child's social adaptation. Thus, the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the world of work and professions is a necessary process that is relevant in the modern world.

Formation of ideas of preschool children about the world of work and professions will be effective if:

Familiarization of preschoolers with the world of work and professions through a plot-based role-playing game is carried out;

A variety of methods and means of forming the ideas of preschoolers about the world of professions are used

An accessible, comfortable subject-developing environment has been created.

Thus, the goal is to form children's ideas about the world of professions in the conditions of the play activity of preschoolers.


Taking into account the age characteristics of children;

Adaptation of the material to age.

Consistency and consistency:

Constant supply of material from simple to complex;

Frequent repetition of learned rules and norms.

Professional activity occupies an important place in the life of every person. From the very first steps of the child, parents think about his future, closely follow the interests and inclinations of their child, trying to predetermine his professional destiny.

The problem of the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the world of work and professions was studied by domestic teachers (N.N. Burmistrova, T. Guseva, N.N. Zakharov, I.V. Zabolotnaya, M.V. Koroleva, N.P. Kubaychuk, T.V. . Pasechnikova, I. V. Savina, T. A. Shorygina, etc.), but in modern socio-economic and socio-cultural realities remains relevant and acquires new semantic aspects.

In preschool educational organizations, the formation of children's ideas about the world of work and professions is often carried out insufficiently purposefully, haphazardly, since preschoolers do not face the problem of choosing a profession. However, professional self-determination is interconnected with the development of personality at all age stages, which allows us to consider preschool age as preparatory, laying the foundation for professional self-determination in the future.

It should be noted that many Soviet teachers raised the issue of labor education of preschoolers and the formation of ideas about adult labor. N.K. Krupskaya said that work on the formation of ideas about the work of adults in kindergarten should be carried out systematically.

S.A. Kozlova emphasized the role of visual methods in the formation of ideas about professions in children: examining illustrations, showing films, showing a sample. She adhered to the principle of gradualness in expanding the ideas of preschoolers about professions.

T.A. Markov and V.G. Nechaev attached great importance to the excursion, believing that a "living" example is the best way to form preschoolers' ideas about professions.

In the modern world, the problem of finding effective ways of forming ideas about the world of professions among preschoolers has increased. The question of how teachers predict the professions of the future that are in demand is more complicated, which is undoubtedly associated with the rapid pace of scientific and technological progress and constant transformations of the socio-cultural space.

The child's ideas about the professions are limited by his so far not rich life experience - the work of a mother and father, a kindergarten teacher, the profession of a pilot, a policeman, a salesman, but children, as a rule, know little about these familiar professions, as a rule, and very superficially. Meanwhile, in the modern world there is a huge number of types of labor. Orientation in this ocean of human activities is the most important link in the child's social adaptation. Thus, the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the world of work and professions is a necessary process that is relevant in the modern world.

Conducted within the framework of the innovative research activities of MKDOU, a kindergarten of general developmental type No. 2 "Bear" of the settlement of Karsun (Ulyanovsk region), the diagnosis showed insufficient knowledge of preschoolers in the field professional activity adults. Taking into account the data obtained, work was planned aimed at improving the quality of the educational process in the field of forming the ideas of older preschoolers about the world of professions and the value attitude to work in general, and to each profession in particular.

Taking into account that the main activity of children is play, the following hypothesis was put forward: the formation of ideas of preschool children about the world of work and professions will be effective if:

- familiarization of preschoolers with the world of work and professions is carried out through a role-playing game;

- a variety of methods and means are used to form the ideas of preschoolers about the world of professions;

- an accessible, comfortable subject-developing environment has been created.

Thus, the goal of educational work was the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the world of professions based on gaming technologies.

Organization of work to achieve this goal included:

- analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature,

- creation of a subject-developing environment,

- development of preschoolers' interest in the professions of parents and the most common professions of the immediate environment;

- the formation in children of the ability to reflect in a plot-role-playing game the features inherent in various professions,

- fostering in children a conscientious and respectful attitude to work and the results of work of people of different professions.

The work on the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the world of professions was based on general didactic principles:

- accessibility (taking into account the age characteristics of children; adaptation of the material to age);

- systematic and consistent (constant presentation of material from simple to complex; frequent repetition of learned rules and norms);

- visibility (taking into account the peculiarities of thinking);

- dynamism (integration into different types activity);

- differentiation (taking into account age and individual characteristics).

- - creation of a favorable environment for the assimilation of norms and rules.

In the course of the work, a variety of teaching methods were used: conversations, reading fiction, didactic and outdoor games, simulation of situations; observation; collection and examination of illustrations, photographic materials, theatricalization, an example of adults.

Of particular importance in the organization of the educational process is the creation of a developing environment in accordance with the task at hand. That's why in promising direction work in the field of forming the ideas of older preschoolers is seen as the creation of a toy library, mobile exhibitions, a mini-museum "All works are good", as well as an educational center "World of Professions".

Acquaintance of children with the work of adults is not only a means of forming systemic knowledge, but also a significant social and emotional means of introducing them to the world of adults, acquiring the experience of communicating with people by children. The attitude to the profession is developed in the process of socialization of the individual, which also covers the preschool period. Big influence children are affected by the emotional attitude of an adult to work. The accumulation of vivid emotional impressions is facilitated by purposeful observations, excursions outside the group, acquainting children with the work of adults, reading children's fiction, encyclopedias. Children get the opportunity to expand and refine their knowledge of professions and enrich their vocabulary.

It all has crucial for the upbringing of a value attitude towards adult labor in preschoolers, promotes rapprochement between children and adults, a greater understanding by the child of the world of adults.

Thus, the formation of the ideas of preschool children about the world of professions is a necessary process, which is undoubtedly coordinated by the teacher, using in his activities all the possibilities of the educational process, taking into account the age and psychophysical characteristics of preschoolers. The organization of purposeful, systematic work in the field of familiarizing preschoolers with the world of professions and the formation of a value attitude to work seems to be a relevant and promising direction of scientific and pedagogical search.


1. Vinogradova N.A. Role-playing games for older preschoolers: a practical guide / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Pozdnyakov. - 3rd ed. - M .: Ayris-press, 2009 .-- 128p.

2. Education of a preschooler in labor / V.G. Nechaeva, R.S. Bure, L.V. Zagik and others. Comp. R.S. Bure, ed.

V.G. Nechaeva. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Education, 1983 .-- 207s.

3. Kozlova S.A. Preschool pedagogy: Textbook for students. wednesday ped. study. institutions / S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikov. - 5th ed., Rev. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - 416 p.

4. Koroleva M.V. Formation of older preschoolers' ideas about the world of modern professions [Text] / M.V. Queen // Young scientist. 2015. - No. 7. - S. 788-791

5. Krupskaya N.K. About polytechnic education, labor education and training / Comp.

F.S. Ozerskaya. - M .: Education, 1982 .-- 223 p.

6. Nesterova A.A. Early career guidance as a direction of socio-cultural development of preschoolers / Modern technologies v preschool education: realities and prospects. Materials of the interregional scientific-practical conference. - Ulyanovsk: Publisher Kachalin Alexander Vasilievich, 2015 .-- P. 110 - 113.

7. Traveling around the world: a methodological guide. Ed. A.A. Nesterova. - Ulyanovsk: UlGPU, 2014 .-- 237p.

8. Shorygina T.A. Professions: What are they ?. - M .: Gnom and D, 2006 .-- 96 p.

The early vocational guidance of a child in adult labor is a condition of his mental development Vocational guidance activities for preschool children are components of early vocational guidance, the purpose of which is pre-vocational self-determination of preschoolers. Early career guidance is designed to: give the child an initial and maximally diverse understanding of professions; to form an emotionally positive attitude towards work and the professional world in the child; provide an opportunity to use your strength in the available activities; so that later, in adolescence, the child could analyze the professional sphere more meaningfully and feel more confident when choosing a profession.

Stages of development of "early vocational guidance" A significant contribution to the development of the concept of "early vocational guidance" was made by Ye.A. Klimov, suggesting the age periodization of pre-professional development: 1. The stage of pre-game - the era of early childhood, up to 3 years old - 2. Stage of the game - the period of preschool childhood, from 3 to 7-8 years

To form initial ideas about some types of adult labor, the simplest labor operations and materials; teach to isolate the work of adults as a special activity aimed at caring for people; draw children's attention to positive fairytale heroes and characters of literary works who work; develop ideas about the use of safe ways to perform professional activities of people in the immediate environment. Tasks for children of primary preschool age (3-4 years)

Tasks for children of middle preschool age (4-5 years old) to form an idea of ​​the professions aimed at meeting the needs of a person and society; to form an idea of ​​complex labor operations and mechanisms; to form primary ideas about the motives of people's labor; to form ideas about the types of work activities that benefit people and are described in fiction; teach to compare professions; to teach to isolate the goals, the main content of specific types of labor that have a result that the child can understand; to acquaint with the most common types of professional activities related to emergencies.

Tasks for senior preschool children (5-6 years old) to expand and systematize ideas about adult work, material and non-material results of work, its personal and social significance; to expand and systematize ideas about various types of technology that facilitate the performance of human labor functions; form initial ideas about work as economic category; to form ideas about the various aspects of the labor activity of children by means of fiction; systematize knowledge about the work of people at different times of the year; to acquaint people of creative professions with work: artists, writers, composers, masters of folk arts and crafts.

Tasks for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old) to expand and systematize ideas about various types of work of adults associated with meeting the needs of people, society and the state (the goals and content of the type of work, some labor processes, results, their personal, social and state significance, ideas about labor as an economic category); expand and systematize ideas about modern professions; to expand the understanding of professions related to the specifics of local conditions; to expand ideas about the role of mechanization in labor, about machines and devices - human helpers; to form an idea about the types of production labor (sewing, food production, construction) and service labor (medicine, trade, education), about the relationship between the results of the activities of people of different professions.

Should be given Special attention assimilation by children: the concepts of “profession” (what is this?), “representative of the profession” (what is the name of a person in this profession?), “tools of labor” (how does a person work?), “labor actions” (what does a person do?), “result labor ”(what happened?), the social benefit of labor (who needs it?). attitude to work

Game is the leading type of activity in preschool age. Didactic games model the structure of the labor process: the purpose and motive of labor, the subject of labor, tools and equipment, labor actions, the result of labor. In preschool pedagogy, didactic games are divided into three main types: games with objects; board games; word games.

Games with objects We use toys and real objects to introduce adults to the professions. "Collect the cook's set" "Who was here and what they forgot", "Let's dress the doll for work", "Let's collect the toolbox". A child is important about an object that will push him to play: binoculars, a steering wheel, a handbag, a hat, etc.

Word games, educational and game situations "The fourth extra", "Guess the profession according to the description" The word chain "Cooking compote" "We will teach you how to wash a cup (set the table, dust off)", "Paddy cooks", "Let's play in the store". Finger gymnastics Outdoor games

The results of early vocational guidance, the child knows about the purpose of technology and materials in the work of adults; names the professions in different spheres of the economy; distinguishes between professions according to essential characteristics; names professionally important qualities of representatives of different professions; highlights the structure of labor processes (purpose, materials, tools, labor actions, result); explains the relationship between different types of work and professions; explains the role of labor in human well-being; has an idea of ​​the family budget and the purpose of money; simulates in the game the relationship between people of different professions; participates in the feasible labor activity of adults; emotionally positively relates to work, work in general; demonstrates a conscious way to behave safely in everyday life.

MOU Staromaklaushinskaya sosh ARTICLE Formation of initial ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren Teacher primary grades Basyrova R.R. 2015 1
Introduction ... ……………………………………………………………………… ... 3 Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the formation of initial ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren ... ………… .............................................. ... 5 1.1. The psychological and pedagogical essence of the formation of initial ideas about the world of professions among younger students ..................................... .................................................. ................................. 5 1.2. Analysis of the practical experience of the formation of initial ideas about the world of professions in a younger student in the educational process ... ... ... ... ........................... .................................................. ..9 1.3. Criteria, indicators and means of diagnostics of the level of formation of ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren ……… ................. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… .................................................. ............... 14 Conclusions on the first chapter ... ……………………………………………… ... ……… 19 Chapter II. Pedagogical ways and means of forming initial ideas about the world of professions among younger students in the learning process .................................. .................................................. ....................................... 20 2.1. Introducing younger students to the world of work and professions .......................................... .................................................. ............................. 20 2.2. Methods and means of forming the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions in the learning process .................................. 24 Conclusions on the second chapter ... ……………………………………………… ... ………… .28 Conclusion ................ .................................................. .................................................. .29 References ... ………………………… ... ………………………… .31 Appendices ... ……………………… ... …… ……… .. ……………………………… ..33

The transition to the labor market not only made adjustments, but also significantly changed the approaches to the development of the theory and practice of professional self-determination of young people. In a tough market, not all workers will have a permanently paid job throughout their working life, especially those associated with the same profession, specialty. In this regard, each specialist needs not only to constantly improve in the profession, but also to be ready to change the type of professional activity, to show economic activity; be able to self-actualize. The stage of concrete-visual representations of the world of professions originates at the age of formation of self-awareness as such - at 2.5-3 years and continues until the beginning of adolescence (10-12 years). In the process of development, the child saturates his consciousness with a variety of ideas about the world of professions. He symbolically tries to play the actions of a chauffeur, nurse, teacher, accountant, etc., based on the observation of adults. In elementary school, when educational and cognitive activity becomes leading, that is, determining the development of a student, it is important to form his ideas about various professions and about work. It is still difficult for him to understand some elements of professional activity, but in every profession there is an area that can be represented on the basis of visual images, specific situations from life, stories, and impressions of the employee. At this stage, a certain visual basis is created on which the further development of professional self-awareness is based. That is why it is very important to create the most diverse palette of impressions about the world of work and professions, so that then, on the basis of this material, the child can analyze the professional sphere more meaningfully and feel more confident. The problem of forming the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions has not been sufficiently developed in pedagogy, although it would seem that everyone understands the enormous role of ideas about professions and work. In schools, the formation of ideas about the world of professions is sometimes carried out insufficiently purposefully and systematically. While it is the school that should become the decisive link in the process of professional self-determination of students, to have an effective impact on the purposeful formation of ideas about the world of professions. 3

This problem determined the choice of the research topic: "Formation of the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions."
Purpose of the study
: to identify and scientifically substantiate pedagogical ways and means of forming initial ideas about the world of professions among younger students.
Object of study
: the process of forming initial ideas about the world of professions.


: pedagogical ways and means of forming the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions.
Research hypothesis
: the formation of the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions will be effective if: - the younger student is introduced to the world of professions; - a variety of methods and means are used to form the ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions in the learning process.
Research objectives:
1. Determine the psychological and pedagogical essence of the formation of the initial 2. Analyze the practical experience of solving the problem of the formation of initial ideas about the world of professions in elementary school. 3. To develop diagnostics of the level of formation of ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren. 4. To develop pedagogical ways and means of forming the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions.
Research methods:
   analysis of scientific psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research topic;    analysis of the practice of teachers in this area, familiarity with the educational and extracurricular plans of teachers.    pedagogical observation;    testing.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the formation of initial ideas about

the world of professions among junior schoolchildren.

1.1. Psychological and pedagogical essence of the formation of the initial

ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren.
Professional activity occupies an important place in the life of every person. From the very first steps of the child, parents think about his future, closely follow the interests and inclinations of their child, trying to predetermine his professional destiny. Studying at school reveals the selective attitude of the student to various academic subjects; some children very early show an interest in some of them, a tendency to a certain type of activity: visual, musical, constructive, etc. Younger schoolchildren are not faced with the problem of choosing a profession. But since professional self-determination is interconnected with the development of the personality at all age stages, the primary school age can be considered as preparatory, laying the foundation for professional self-determination in the future. The ideas about the professions of a 7-10 year old child are limited by his so far not rich life experience - the work of a mom and dad, a kindergarten teacher and a teacher at school, the profession of a pilot, policeman, intelligence officer, but children usually know about these familiar professions, as a rule , is small and very superficial. Meanwhile, in the modern world there is a huge number of types of labor. Orientation in this ocean of human activities is the most important link in the child's social adaptation. E.A. Klimov believes that extracurricular activities, devoted to the formation of ideas about the world of work and professions, should be regularly held in all schools, starting from the first year of study. Information about professions and the world of work, presented in accessible and interesting forms, will help children choose books for reading, circles, sections, creative teams for extracurricular activities. 5
In our opinion, such guidance in the perception of the labor process will allow children to trace the entire process of professional labor from start to finish, to establish logical connections between the components, to comprehend the significance of each component, that is, to understand the essence of a particular type of professional labor. A.I. Kochetov notes that early acquaintance with various types of human activity not only broadens the general horizons of the child, but also, which is especially important, opens up opportunities for early manifestation and concretization of his interests and inclinations. “My pedagogical experience suggests that a person who, from childhood, sets for himself specific (albeit many times changing) goals related to his future profession, tries to realize his future place in society, is unlikely to join the army of“ difficult ”teenagers and socially disadvantaged contingent of youth ”. S.N. Chistyakova defines the formation of interest in professional activity in younger schoolchildren as the main goal of the propaedeutics of professional self-determination. Achievement of this goal presupposes the fulfillment of the following tasks: - formation of conscious ideas about the world of professions; - development of the intellectual and emotional-volitional sphere; - development of reflection and teaching self-knowledge skills; - development of realistic self-esteem. Psychological features elementary schoolchildren are derived from the leading type of activity - study. According to L.I. Bozhovich, for a junior schoolchild, learning is not just an activity for the assimilation of knowledge, it is perceived and experienced as his own labor activity. " Educational activities there is, first of all, such an activity as a result of which changes occur in the student himself. It is an activity towards self-awareness; its product is the changes that have occurred in the course of its implementation in the subject itself. " In addition, learning is the first type of social activity that a student encounters. Therefore, activity in learning is simultaneously a condition, and a result, and a means of shaping the personality of a younger student.
Thinking develops in a peculiar way during this period. Psychologists and teachers note that visual-active thinking is characteristic of students in grades 1-2, the specificity of which lies in the close connection of mental and practical actions. Only by about the 3rd grade, the concrete, objective nature of thinking is enriched with a visual-figurative one, which makes it possible to generalize, abstract, the ability to represent an object without operating it. The work of a teacher, a psychologist-practitioner on vocational guidance and vocational counseling inevitably presupposes one or another understanding of the categories "labor", "profession", "specialty". It should be noted that in scientific literature, and in practical usage they are understood in different cases differently. So, using the word "profession", they mean either the objective area of ​​application of a person's forces, or the community of people engaged in a certain type of labor, or the preparedness system inherent in a given person, or a kind of activity. All the indicated variants of the meanings of this concept are legitimate if it is clearly remembered what is being discussed in each case. We will consider the following as the main meaning: profession - a type of labor activity that requires special training (acquisition of relevant knowledge and practical skills). The readiness of students for work, for life is the result of the work of the school as a whole. In our opinion, this is quite logical, since upbringing is primarily the upbringing of a person who is focused on social values, that is, a person who can, in particular, consciously and independently plan and actively build his specific life and work path. "For younger schoolchildren, the choice of a profession is associated with the desire to participate in the life of adults and usually acts as an element of a role-playing game that satisfies this need in a peculiar way." HELL. Kopytov believes that the main task of a primary school teacher is to form children's ideas about the professions and work of adults, taking into account their interests, inclinations, individual characteristics and society's needs for personnel. “The teacher must foster interest in the future profession in order that 7
later this interest grew into inclination and enthusiasm. " The school and teachers do not have well-functioning methods by means of which it would be possible, if not unmistakably, then with a high probability, to reveal the abilities and inclinations of schoolchildren for professions. “Techniques such as a map of interests, diagnostic questionnaires are time-consuming to collect and process data; they are more often used by specialist consultants. " In mass school practice, the main methods of diagnosing the inclinations and abilities of schoolchildren are conversation, written compositions, observation. "They are aimed at identifying a favorite subject, occupation, social assignment." Therefore, the student's abilities and inclinations for the humanities, natural sciences, for organizational activity, for working professions are judged mainly by their success in learning and participation in social work. Thus, the formation of the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions is a necessary process, which is undoubtedly controlled by the teacher, using all the possibilities of the learning process in his activities, taking into account the age and psychophysiological characteristics of younger students.

1.2. Analysis of practical experience in the formation of initial ideas about

the world

professions for a younger student in educational

In the work of elementary school teachers, there is a certain practical experience in the formation of ideas about the world of professions in a younger student in the educational process. In the course of the study, publications on this topic presented in the journals "Primary School" and "School Psychologist" were analyzed, on the basis of which the following experience was revealed. The main tasks of vocational guidance in primary school: the formation of love and a conscientious attitude to work in children, an understanding of its role in the life of a person and society, the development of interest in the professions of parents and the most common professions of the immediate environment. E.N. Zemlyanskaya (Moscow) proposes to include vocational guidance game procedures in the structure of primary school lessons, which will diversify lessons and make them more emotionally saturated. For example, in a natural history lesson, children are asked to solve a crossword puzzle in which the word denoting a profession is encrypted vertically, and the objects of the professional's labor are encrypted horizontally. 1. What fruit will live to winter? (Rowan) 2. On a thin flexible branch Grown candy For a boy and a girl, And for a red squirrel. (Nut) 3. Everyone avoids the toothy ant: Both the tsar and the queen, And the clerk of the Duma, And Ivan the fool. (Nettle) 4. There was a flower 9
Like honey to the young. And when he grew old, Became like smoke. (Dandelion) 5. The doctor grew up by the road, He heals the sick feet. (Plantain) 6. It looks like a musical instrument, But there is no musical sound in it. (Bell) Thus, having guessed the objects of labor of a given professional, children vertically receive a word denoting his profession: a botanist. During the lessons on the development of speech, E.N. Zemlyanskaya proposes to give schoolchildren a game-essay "Beginning Journalist". When preparing material for an essay, a student acts as a journalist, prepares questions and interviews an adult (one of the parents, neighbors): what does he do at his job, in what conditions he works, what he produces, how he got his profession. Significant career guidance potential, according to E.N. Zemlyanskaya, have role-playing games, such as "Shop" (in a math lesson), "Library" (a reading lesson), "Guide" (a lesson in local history). In such games, as a rule, the didactic task of the lesson is integrated with the vocational guidance. For example, in the "Shop" game, students are asked to play the roles of a cashier, salespeople of various departments, an administrator, but at the same time, during the game, both a didactic task (consolidation of oral counting skills) and educational (communication culture) are solved. The career guidance games that are offered to schoolchildren both during lessons and after school hours include a whole class of games, united by the name "Guess the profession". These are: "Profession with a letter ...", "Who uses it at work?" (name the professions that use a given tool or material, for example, a mirror or a needle), "Association" (guess the intended profession using associative questions such as "What is the smell (color) of the profession?", "Is the work connected with communication with people?" "). In the game "Human Resources", the teacher explains to the children that the best results are achieved by people (creatures) whose individual qualities best meet the requirements of the profession. In this game, schoolchildren are invited to choose a profession for aliens who have visited our planet, as well as to invent and tell
about the way of life of these creatures. (Option for the assignment: he looks like a person, but can change his shape, almost like plasticine. He is able to read minds and loves to be praised. Answer options: dummy; policeman; trainer; educator, tunneller in narrow tunnels; scout, actor in cartoon or horror films. The career guidance game "Oh, lucky!" contains questions about the content of professions, working conditions and objects of work, as well as about the work and qualities of professionals. , c) educator. A tree is valued for its fruits, and a person for ... a) money, b) deeds, c) eyes. What professionally important quality does an accountant need? a) ear for music, b) sleight of hand, c) accuracy. The analysis of this experience allows us to conclude that such lessons show students what professions exist, what subjects of work are used by representatives of various professions, in what conditions they work. In the future, these ideas of students, developing and enriching, lay the foundation for the choice of their future professions. T.V. Vasilieva shares her experience in the development of such qualities in children as independence and self-control, as well as the development of cognitive processes in children. The teacher proposes to use the career guidance game "Journey through the City of Masters", in the process of which children are introduced to the world of work and professions. The game is played as a journey through the districts of a fictional city. The collective form of training with elements of competitiveness enhances the learning effect. Play exercises not only contribute to the assimilation of knowledge, but also help to develop independence, arbitrariness of behavior, self-control, elements of introspection, cognitive processes (memory, attention, thinking). eleven
To systematize knowledge about the world of professions in this game, a game plot is used - a journey through a city consisting of six districts. Each district corresponds to one of the professional areas, identified on the basis of the classification of J. Holland. In the process of studying each district of the city, children are asked to investigate the life of its inhabitants: - draw up a plan of the district; - come up with the names of streets and lanes; - think over what enterprises and institutions should be located in this area, place them on the plan; - "populate" houses with famous fairy-tale characters; - talk about their lifestyle; - describe a typical day for a resident of the area. In addition, students are involved in diagnostic and developmental exercises that are consistent with the logic of the area. 1. District "Skillful hands" (practical professional environment in the terminology of J. Holland) 2. District "Znayki" (research professional environment). 3. District "Help" (social professional environment). 4. District "Kantselyarsky" (conventional professional environment). 5. District "Enterprising" (entrepreneurial professional environment). 6. District "Artistic" (artistic professional environment). A special place in the pedagogical experience is occupied by the work on the formation of the ideas of younger students about the world of professions in the learning process. S.V. Yakovleva (Moscow) shares her experience in shaping the ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions in reading lessons. The teacher uses in his
work unfinished phrases that students must continue, and the result is a poem. For example: The tractor drives .... By train - ... Painted walls ... I cut the board .... I spent the light in the house ... Working in the mine ... In a hot forge - .... Who knows everything - .... At the lessons of the Russian language S.V. Yakovleva invites children to come up with 10 professions, for example, with the letter P (carpenter, baker, salesman, writer, cook, postman, etc.). Also, in Russian lessons, the teacher gives children cards with various names of professions, and students must write in their notebooks 5-7 objects of labor of this professional (for example, a doctor: bandage, tablets, cotton wool, iodine, heating pad, brilliant green, etc.). T.V. Tambovkina proposes to spend classroom hours in elementary school dedicated to the formation of students 'ideas about the world of professions, for example, such as "Who I want to be" (goal: to form an initial interest in children in a particular profession), "Parents' professions" (goal: to expand children's ideas about professions), "New professions" (goal: to acquaint children with new professions) and others. An analysis of pedagogical literature shows that in the formation of ideas about the world of professions in the educational process, younger schoolchildren have rich opportunities that are embodied in the work of primary school teachers. thirteen

1.3. Criteria, indicators and diagnostic tools for the level of formation

ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren.
In the pedagogical process, there is a need to study the level of formation achieved by students. For this purpose, diagnostics are used, which is a general way of obtaining advanced information about the object or process under study. According to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov's criterion is defined as a measure of assessment, judgment. An indicator is something by which one can judge the development and progress of something. Level - the degree of the magnitude of development, the significance of something. N.S. Pryazhnikov believes that the leading criteria are cognitive, motivational-need-based and activity-practical. In his opinion, the manifestations of the criteria for the formation of ideas about the world of work and professions among junior schoolchildren are: ;    motivational-need-based - the presence of interest in the field of labor, educational and professional activities, attitude to the work of people and professions, the desire to master any profession;    activity-practical - the manifestation of industriousness in the classroom, discipline, activity, conscientiousness, responsibility in educational work. Each of the criteria includes a number of indicators that concretize the manifestation of the criterion. Measuring the level of formation of the ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions is carried out through the use of methods
diagnostics. In this study, the criteria, indicators and diagnostic methods presented in Table 1 were used. Table 1. Criteria, indicators and means of measuring the level of formation of ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren Criteria Indicators Diagnostic methods 1. Cognitive 1. Knowledge about the world of work of people; 2. Knowledge about the world of human professions; Testing. 2. Motivational and need-based 1. The presence of interest in the field of labor, educational and professional activities; 2. Attitude towards the work of people and professions; 3. Desire to master a profession. Observation. Unfinished sentence technique. 3
Activity-practical 1. Demonstration of diligence in the classroom; 2. Activity, conscientiousness, responsibility in educational work. Observation. Analysis of the products of labor activity. S.V. Yakovleva identifies the following means of forming ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren:    Testing Test "Do you know a profession?" include questions and three answer options, from which students choose one that best suits their 15
representations. Each answer option is evaluated with a certain number of points. The resulting average score allows the student to be classified according to this criterion to one of three levels of manifestation of the cognitive criterion (Appendix 1).    Conversation Conducted individually. The student is invited to tell about what kind of profession he would like to choose, what he knows about this profession, what are its features.    Incomplete Sentence Method Students are presented with unfinished sentences that they must continue. The student's attitude to labor activity, interest in a particular profession, the presence of a need to participate in labor activity are revealed (Appendix 2).    Analysis of the products of activity Analysis of the products of activity is carried out in the lessons of labor training, in socially useful labor and includes the assessment of the following labor skills of children: - the accuracy of the work; - conformity of the activity product to the proposed sample; - the presence of elements of creativity in the product of activity; - a manifestation of diligence in the process of work.    Observation Observation is carried out at the lessons of labor training, in the process of socially useful labor. Attention is drawn to the active participation of junior schoolchildren in socially useful work, work in labor training lessons. The manifestation of conscientiousness, diligence, independence, initiative, manifestation of a creative approach to work, responsibility, ability to work in a team is noted. In the course of the research, we have identified three levels of formation of ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren: high, medium, low.
Characteristics of the levels of formation of ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren 1. High level. Students have a conscious knowledge of how people work. Students know the main professions offered by the test, their features, understand the importance of this profession for people. Students have a positive attitude towards the labor activity of adults and their professions, as well as children have expressed interests in educational and professional activities, they dream of getting some kind of profession in the future, they can explain their choice. Students actively participate in work, show diligence in the classroom. Children are active, responsible, help classmates in the labor process. 2. Average level. Students have knowledge about the work activities of people. Students name the professions offered by the test, but they do not always know their main features, they understand the importance of this profession for people. Students show a positive attitude towards the work activities of adults and towards their professions, but their interests in educational and professional activities are unstable and shallow. Students dream of getting some kind of profession in the future, but they cannot explain their choice. Students participate in labor when required by the teacher. They faithfully carry out assignments, but do not show initiative, activity, or creativity. 3. Low level. Students have little understanding of how people work. Students cannot characterize the main features of the professions offered by the test, they do not understand the importance of this profession for people. Students do not show interest in educational and professional activities, as well as in the work activities of adults and in their professions. Students participate in community service under the supervision of a teacher. They do not work conscientiously enough, do not have the simplest skills of work. 17
Ascertaining experiment Purpose: to reveal the level of formation of the initial ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren. Experimental research base: Municipal educational institution Staromaklaushinskaya secondary school of Mainsky district. The experiment was carried out in grade 3. There are 16 people in the class. The ascertaining experiment was carried out in accordance with the criteria, indicators and measuring instruments presented in Table 1. The results of the experiment are presented in Table 2. Table 2 Levels of formation of the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions Levels Cognitive criterion Motivational-need criterion Activity-practical criterion High 26, 9% 38.4% 15.4% Average 53.9% 46.2% 57.7% Low 19.2% 15.4% 26.9% As the results of the ascertaining experiment show, more than half of the students have an average level of formation of ideas about the world of work and professions. The highest results were revealed according to the motivational-need criterion, the lowest results - according to the activity-practical criterion, which allows us to conclude that the students have the most developed interest in labor and professional activity, a positive attitude towards it, but labor skills are insufficiently formed, insufficient developed industriousness.

Conclusions on the first chapter.
In the course of the theoretical analysis of the literature, the following conclusions were made: 1. The formation of the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions is a necessary process that is controlled by the teacher, using all the possibilities of the learning process in his activities. The formation of ideas about the world of professions in children is carried out through the knowledge of students about the working life of people, about the diversity of the world of professions of adults, and is accompanied by the formation of such personality traits as hard work, honesty, responsibility. The age characteristics of a younger student, which consist in emotionality, curiosity, special susceptibility, contribute to the formation of ideas about the world of professions. 2. An analysis of the practical experience of the formation of ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren in the educational process, shows the rich possibilities of various educational subjects in this direction. In the work of elementary school teachers, problem situations, game forms of learning, developmental tasks and others are widely used. 3. In order to identify the level of formation of the ideas of younger students about the world of professions, diagnostics is used, which is a general way of obtaining advanced information about the object or process under study. Diagnostics was carried out according to certain criteria: cognitive, motivational-need-based and activity-practical. The means of measuring the formation of the ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of work and professions are determined - testing, the technique of unfinished sentences, observation, analysis of the products of activity. The levels of formation of the ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions - high, medium, low - have been determined and their characteristics have been compiled. On the basis of the third grade of secondary school, an ascertaining experiment was carried out, which showed the prevalence of the formation of ideas about the world of professions among students of the middle level. nineteen

Chapter II.

Pedagogical ways and means of forming the initial

ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren in the learning process.

2.1. Introducing younger students to the world of work and professions.
In the learning process, students receive a variety of knowledge about the world of work, about a variety of professions, about the importance of work in the life of each person and society as a whole. Subjects in the primary grades contain rich material in this direction. Taking into account the peculiarities of the content of subjects in elementary school, it is possible to familiarize students with the world of work and professions in reading lessons, natural science, labor education, and also include vocational guidance material in the content of Russian language and mathematics lessons. So, in reading lessons, thanks to the special emotionality that the artistic word carries in itself, students acquire a certain moral experience of a positive attitude towards working people who honestly and professionally perform their work. Drawing the attention of students to the fact that favorite heroes of fairy tales, stories studied in the classroom, achieve success in life, happiness and prosperity due to their high moral qualities, and above all - hard work, the teacher contributes (due to the special susceptibility of younger students, their desire to imitate ) the development of a desire for work in schoolchildren, a positive attitude towards working people. Works of oral folk art contain especially fertile material for the development of a respectful attitude towards work in students. It is necessary to pay attention of children to the attitude of the people to honest, conscientious work "They lived - they were not lazy, they worked all day, plowed arable land, sowed bread" (Tale "Ivan - a peasant's son and Miracle Yudo"). In reading lessons, students get acquainted with the works, the heroes of which are people of a certain profession. Taking into account the fact that younger schoolchildren still have poor life experience and their ideas about the world of professions are limited, the teacher expands their knowledge of professions in the process of getting acquainted with works of art.
When analyzing works, the teacher draws the students' attention to how the author characterizes these people, how the profession is reflected in their appearance, behavior, manner of speaking, explains incomprehensible words and terms. The peculiarities of the content of the works studied in reading lessons is that for the most part they do not contain a pronounced career guidance orientation. Therefore, the teacher expands, complements the material being studied. Reading works in which representatives of different professions act, the teacher finds out whether the students are familiar with this profession, how they imagine it. The students' ideas are limited by their still poor life experience - they know mainly about the work of their parents, about the work of a teacher, educator, doctor, and salesperson. Therefore, the study of some works is a kind of acquaintance of students with the world of various professions. When reading a poem by V.V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" students get acquainted with the professions of a carpenter, driver, doctor, pilot, sailor, while reading the works of V. Bianki, M. Prishvin - with the professions of a forester, a huntsman. Russian language lessons contain ample opportunities for acquaintance with the world of professions. Textbooks on the Russian language contain many terms and concepts of a professional nature, the names of various professions, industries, labor actions, objects of labor, materials, tools. I.N. Skudarnova notes that great opportunities to prepare children for life and work, such sections of the Russian language as "Spelling", "Vocabulary", "Culture of Speech" are given. When studying vocabulary, you can offer students, using a dictionary, compile a dictionary of the professions of their native land, write down the professions of people who work at a construction site, factory, factory, etc. ... In order to develop students' ideas about the world of work and professions, various tasks can be used. For example, to pick up to the word denoting a profession, a number of adjectives denoting the properties, qualities necessary for a representative of this profession: driver - attentive, responsible, vigilant; the doctor is kind, caring, merciful; the seller is polite, helpful, knowledgeable. 21
At the same time, students' attention is drawn to why these qualities are necessary for a representative of the characterized profession. You can offer students a task with which they become more deeply familiar with the content of labor of common professions: - How are the following words formed: telegraph operator, telephone operator, glass blower, glassmaker? Highlight roots and suffixes. Write down words for professions that help people communicate with each other. In Russian lessons, you can use the material to familiarize students with the work activities of people when studying different topics... For example, during the repetition of the alphabet, students are offered an exercise - competition in knowledge of not only the alphabet, but also professions for each letter of the alphabet: A - agronomist, b - accountant, c - driver, etc. Carrying out vocational guidance in the lessons of the Russian language, it is necessary to take into account the local history orientation, pay attention to which professions are most common in their area, city, village. You can invite students to compose sentences that include knowledge about the professions of their native land, choose words for parsing, etc. Creative works take a special place in Russian language and reading lessons. These can be compositions "Labor around us", "Where do our dads and mothers work?", "Who do I want to be?" The development of students' ideas about the world of professions can be carried out in mathematics lessons when solving word problems. These are tasks, the content of which reflects the labor activity of people and preparation for it, the achievements of science and technology. A short conversation can be used to familiarize students with the world of work and professions. Tasks of the type: “According to the plan, the plant should produce 84 sewing machines per day. But the workers increased labor productivity and began to produce ... "- are the basis for psychological preparation children to work, help to understand its creative power. Solving problems about agricultural production, students get acquainted with concepts related to production techniques, forage procurement, and tillage. They are instilled with respect for the work of grain growers, for example: “The collective farm sold 364 tons of wheat to the state ... At a bakery from 171 kg of flour
baked bread ... "and others. While solving such problems for 2-3 minutes, you can have a small conversation with the students aimed at expanding the concept of work, about professions. On the lessons visual arts students get acquainted with the works of famous artists, with their life, master the skills of artistic creativity. In music lessons, students gain insight into musical activities. That is, these subjects contribute to the development of students' elementary ideas about the professions of art. The teacher can supplement the content of the lesson with information about such professions as graphic artist, designer, fashion designer, accompanist, music teacher and others. The labor education program in primary school includes a variety of types of work, in the process of which students are engaged in the processing of various materials. The teacher can supplement the knowledge of students with a story about professions related to these materials, showing pictures, slides, etc. T.L. Denisova believes that each lesson in labor training in primary grades should contain certain career guidance information. This is an introduction to students various materials, ways of processing them, methods of work, various tools. Children receive initial information about professions, production processes, the names and purpose of machines and mechanisms. It is important that this information is correct and that the volume is feasible for a given age. Thus, the content of various lessons allows for the development of concepts about the work of people, about the world of various professions.


2.2. Methods and means of forming the initial representations of minors

schoolchildren about the world of professions in the learning process.

The formation of the ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions is carried out in the learning process using various methods and teaching aids. This can be a story, conversation, discussion, during which students master some concepts, phenomena related to the labor, professional and career guidance topic. For example, in a Russian language lesson, students perform vocabulary work, during which they become familiar with the spelling of the word "joiner". The teacher, paying attention to the spelling of this word, offers students a short story about the carpenter's profession, about what a person in this profession does, how much it is in demand in modern society. Conversation is a dialogical teaching method in which the teacher, by posing a system of questions, leads the students to understand the content of the material. For example, when reading V. Mayakovsky's poem "Who to be?" the teacher asks the students questions: - What professions did you learn from the poem? - What profession attracted you the most? Why? - Have you asked yourself the question: who to be? How did you solve it? Etc. Taking into account such features of primary school students as the visibility of cognitive processes, lack of attention, visual teaching methods are effective. From the point of view of preparing junior schoolchildren for life and work, the use of illustrative aids, posters, tables, pictures, demonstration of experiments, films, etc. will allow students not only to more firmly assimilate the necessary concepts, but also create more vivid image the future that awaits students. The most effective is the process of forming the ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions with a combination of individual methods and means of teaching. For example, when studying the topic "A tree in a person's life" in a natural science lesson, a conversation "Workers of the Forest" can be held, accompanied by slides, transparencies with views of the forest, and a phonogram of forest sounds.
The use of play methods... The game is close and understandable to the younger student, he still gives it a lot of free time. Therefore, the teacher's story about professions can be supplemented with a career-guidance game. For example, students are offered words related to these professions: pilot, scalpel, plane, chisel, cockpit, autopilot, porthole, boarding, medicine, electrocardiogram, propeller. They need to divide them into groups according to the profession and explain their meaning. The winner in the game is the one who successfully completed the task first. Career guidance games can be included in labor education lessons. These can be non-traditional lessons such as "An hour of profession on the TV screen", "All professions are needed, all professions are important", "Who to be?" and others. Thus, in the form of a career guidance game, an unconventional labor training lesson on the topic “All professions are important” can be conducted. The class is divided into several groups, each of which represents professions in different activities. These can be airport workers (pilot, dispatcher, flight engineer, flight attendant), medical workers (surgeon, pediatrician, nurse), railway workers (driver, trackman, conductors), workers of a metallurgical enterprise (steelmaker, steelmaker's assistant, programmer). Preliminarily, students are encouraged to get acquainted with the professions that they will represent in the lesson. The game can take place in the form of a press conference, TV show, meeting with interesting people, etc. During the lesson, one group replaces another, as a result, students have the opportunity to get acquainted with several professions - not only those they represent. The teacher acts as a TV reporter, asking students various questions. For example: -What is the most difficult thing in your profession? -What attracts you to your profession? -What results have you achieved in your activities? -What qualities are needed for people in your profession? Etc. Students not only answer the questions of a journalist, but also communicate with each other as representatives of the same professional industry, complementing, clarifying each other's answers. 25
When acquainting students with professions related to interaction in the “person-person” system (professions of a teacher, educator, salesman, policeman, etc.), the use of problem situations and business games is especially effective. The difficulties of these professions are associated with the fact that their representatives have to communicate a lot with a variety of people, while being always polite, benevolent, and able to resolve conflict situations. You can invite students to try themselves in the role of representatives of these professions and resolve difficult situations. For example, in the situation "Seller and buyer", students can simulate communication with a customer who cannot choose to buy in any way; hope for recovery, etc. ... The formation of the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions is effectively carried out in lessons of a non-traditional type. It can be an integrated lesson on the topic "Professions of the native land", which includes material of natural science and humanitarian-artistic content. The interconnection of various branches of knowledge, carried out in the process of integrated lessons, helps not only to develop students' ideas about certain professions in their native land, but also to instill in schoolchildren an interest in the working life of their region, in its main professions. Of interest are such non-traditional lessons as KVN lessons, travel lessons, holiday lessons. Career guidance excursions, which not only concretize students' ideas about adult labor, about various professions, but also deepen their knowledge, broaden their horizons, influence the emotional sphere of students, and foster a moral attitude to work, are of important educational, educational, developmental value. An excursion is understood as such a form of organization of training in which students perceive and assimilate knowledge by going to the location of the objects under study and direct acquaintance with them. The special role of excursions in the formation of the ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions is that they are most accessible to students; in the process of their implementation, the principle of visibility is implemented, which is of particular importance in teaching children of this age. Younger schoolchildren are dominated by visual thinking and
memory, and during the excursion they can visually get acquainted with various industries, equipment, see with their own eyes how people work. Excursions perform the following functions:    implementation of the principle of visualization of teaching.    increasing the level of scientific teaching and strengthening its connection with life, practice.    acquaintance of students with production, with the application of scientific knowledge in industry and agriculture.    vocational guidance of students. In order for the excursion to become an effective tool in shaping the ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions, it is necessary to take into account a number of conditions. Many teachers, organizing an excursion, use entertaining material, poems, riddles, proverbs in its content, which makes the excursion more exciting and emotionally rich. During the excursion, it is necessary to organize meetings with people of various professions, to give the opportunity to students, to ask them questions. The teacher can supplement the information given by people working in this enterprise, tell about the qualities that representatives of these professions should have. During the years of study in elementary school, students should visit the district enterprises located near the school - at the post office, in the bus depot, at a construction site, in a library, etc. ... Thus, in the process of teaching younger schoolchildren, a variety of methods and means can be used that contribute to the expansion of ideas about the work activity of adults. The success of using certain methods, means of forming initial ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren largely depends on the teacher's creativity, on his ability to present the necessary information to children in an accessible and meaningful way. 27

Conclusions on the second chapter
Analysis of pedagogical ways and means of forming initial ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren made it possible to draw the following conclusions: 1. Familiarization of junior schoolchildren with the world of professions. In the learning process, students receive a variety of knowledge about the world of work, about a variety of professions, about the importance of work in the life of each person and society as a whole. It is necessary to strengthen this aspect in the process of teaching in the lessons of reading, Russian language, natural science, labor education, mathematics, using for this the specific features of these subjects. 2. Methods and means of forming the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions in the learning process. In order to form in younger schoolchildren ideas about the world of professions, a story, conversation, discussion can be used, during which students learn some concepts, phenomena associated with a labor, professional and career guidance topic. Effective use of illustrative aids, posters, paintings, films, etc. will allow students not only to more firmly assimilate the necessary concepts, but also create a more vivid image of the future that awaits students. Of particular importance in the process of forming students' ideas about the world of professions is the use of game methods, non-traditional lessons, problem situations. Career guidance excursions, which not only concretize students' ideas about adult labor, about various professions, but also deepen their knowledge, influence the emotional sphere of students, and educate a moral attitude to work, are of important educational, educational, developmental value.

The urgency of the problem of the formation of the initial ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of professions is due to the fact that in pedagogy, the huge role of students' ideas about professions and work has not been sufficiently developed. In schools, the formation of ideas about the world of professions is sometimes carried out insufficiently purposefully and systematically. While it is precisely the school that should become the decisive link in the process of professional self-determination of students, to have an effective impact on the purposeful formation of ideas about the world of work and professions. In the course of the study, the goal was put forward: to identify and scientifically substantiate pedagogical ways and means of forming ideas about the world of professions among younger students. The object of the research is the process of forming the initial ideas about the world of professions, the subject of the research is the pedagogical ways and means of forming the initial ideas of younger schoolchildren about the world of professions. schoolchildren about the world of professions is a necessary process that is controlled by the teacher, using all the possibilities of the learning process in his activities; analysis of practical experience 29
the formation of ideas about the world of professions in a junior schoolchild in the educational process, in the work of primary school teachers, the use of game forms of learning, problem situations, developmental tasks, and creative activity is reflected. In order to identify the formation of students' ideas about the world of professions, criteria, indicators have been developed, measuring instruments, levels of formation of ideas of younger students about the world of work and professions have been determined. Analysis of the diagnostic results made it possible to conclude that the level of formation of ideas about the world of professions among students is average. An analysis of the ways and means of forming ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren in the learning process made it possible to reveal that the process of forming ideas about the world of professions among younger students in the learning process will be effective if the younger student is familiarized with the world of work and professions; a variety of methods and means are used to form ideas about the world of professions among junior schoolchildren in the learning process. Thus, the goal of the study was achieved, the tasks were completed, the hypothesis of the study was confirmed in the course of theoretical analysis.

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Appendix 1. Test "Do you know the profession?" 1. What is the name of the profession whose representative is engaged in painting work? a. Artist b. Designer v. House painter - 1 point 2. What does a grain grower do? a. Bakes bread b. Grows bread - 1 point c. Sows grain 3. What is the name of the profession whose representative designs buildings? a. Builder b. The draftsman V. Architect - 1 point 4. What profession treats animals? a. Doctor b. Livestock breeder V. Veterinarian - 1 point 33
5. Name the professions that you know. What do people - representatives of these professions - do? Each correct answer is worth 1 point. High level - 15 or more points Medium level - 10-14 points Low level - 9 or less points

Appendix 2. Methodology for unfinished sentences. Supplement the proposals with your views and attitudes towards work and profession. I believe that people should work because ___________________ __________________________________________________________________. Labor should bring people ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________. I would like to choose a profession ___________________________ because ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________. High level. The student understands that work should benefit people, a sense of self-satisfaction. The student has certain professional interests. Average level. The student presents work as a means of achieving material well-being. The student has certain professional interests. Low level. The student has no idea of ​​the meaning of labor for himself, for those around him. There are no conscious professional interests.
Appendix 3. "Building a house!" (excursion) The excursion is conducted at the construction site of a residential building. Preparatory work. A few days before the excursion, the teacher chooses the route of the excursion, stopping places for explanations, conversations, objects that students will observe. The teacher meets people of several construction professions, who will then show the children the construction site and tell them about their professions (the stories are discussed with the teacher beforehand). The children are given a task - to pick up poems, riddles, illustrations, interesting information about construction and builders. The teacher tells the children about safety. Scenario of the excursion: 1. Introductory word of the teacher (repetition of safety measures and rules of conduct at a construction site). 2. Acquaintance with construction sites, supervision over the work of builders. The teacher conducts the conversation using the following questions, verses and riddles: 35
- The first object to be monitored is a leveled construction site, because it is from there that the construction of a house begins. The site is prepared using special equipment. Where a new house is being built, A warrior with a shield walks. Where he will go - it will become smooth, There will be a flat platform. (Bulldozer) Teacher: - What is the name of a person working on a bulldozer? (Bulldozer driver) The guys are watching the work of the bulldozer. Teacher: - A bulldozer is a small tractor. In front of him is a steel shield, the sharp part of which cuts into the ground and levels the site. After the bulldozer at the construction site, another car is required: A cat climbed into our yard, Digs the ground at the gate. He replaces hundreds of hands, digs with a "Spoon" with teeth. (Excavator) An excavator approaches the children. He talks about his work and his car, answers the guys' questions. Schoolchildren go through the construction site to a place where the work of the crane is clearly visible. Teacher: - What construction vehicles did you see while walking? The guys call, then the teacher, together with them, reads poems about these cars, interesting facts, and remembers riddles. There is a car in the yard - Its cabin is as tall as the house, And the wheels are higher than the door ... If you don't see it, you won't believe it! (Dump Truck) When School Children Examine crane, the teacher can offer them the following riddle: I will turn it with a long neck - I will pick up a heavy load,
Where they order - I will put it, I serve a Man. (Crane) The teacher gives the task: - Look and tell me how the crane can move? (Forward, backward, turn, raise and lower the boom) During the observation, the teacher and the builders ask the children questions:    Why do you need a crane on a construction site? (The crane is used to unload the building materials, supply parts and other materials to assemble the building.)    What parts does the tower crane consist of? (Boom, mechanisms for its movement; tower, fixed in the upper part of the boom; cabin for the crane driver) The teacher can provide the following information: - Using the levers, the driver controls the crane, or otherwise - the crane operator. He works while sitting in a chair. The driver must know well the device of the crane, be able to troubleshoot. The teacher finds out what, in the opinion of the children, the qualities of a tower crane operator. Then he complements the guys' answers: the work of a crane operator requires good vision, hearing, stability of the vestibular apparatus (there should be no fear of heights), a good eye, and the ability to quickly respond to construction commands. The guys are watching the work of the crane operator. Closing conversation. The children are invited to write and decorate with drawings home essays about working at a construction site, about the profession they like. Appendix 4. Professions of light industry (KVN) Preparation. 1. Two teams are organized from the students in the class. 2. Teams prepare homework:    name, motto, greeting;    business card    musical number;    team members find information about professions in light industry (fabric painters, tailors, fashion designers, cutters, etc.) 3. Prepare all the necessary items for competitions, scoreboards. 4. A jury is selected. 5. Awards are being prepared. Approximate move of the game: 37
1. Presentation of teams (maximum score - 3 points) 2. Business card(3 points) Each team introduces its members: fabric painters (4 people), tailors (4 people), fashion designers (4 people), cutters (4 people). 3. Warm-up (5 points) Teams exchange questions about the professions represented in the teams. For example:    determine which of the fabrics is hand-painted (batik) and which is machine-painted;    Name the tools and materials used by the fabric painter (brushes, glass tubes, aniline and oil dyes, wax, etc.);    what is a sketch? (preliminary drawing of the style);    list the types of clothing (raincoat, coat, jacket, etc.)    when did the first sewing machines appear? (in the 18th century);    What tools do tailors use? (needle, scissors, chalk, mold, ruler, compasses, cardboard, sewing machine, iron, pins, thread, mirror);    what proverb should every cutter know? (measure seven times, cut once) 4. Competition for captains (5 points) Captains must accuse the enemy of being unskilled workers and defend their own (in a humorous manner). 5. Competition for team members "Fabric painters" (5 points, quality and artistry are taken into account). Task: in 3 minutes. come up with a pattern for the fabric and apply it to the fabric (paper). "Tailors" (5 points). Assignment: each tailor receives a button and a patch, a needle and thread; who will sew the button faster and more correctly. "Fashion Designers" (5 points). Assignment: each team's fashion designers create sketches of school uniforms (4 min.). Fashion designers present their sketches to the jury with comments. "Cutters" (5 points). Assignment: cutters cut out the details of the models presented by the designers from paper "by eye". The tailors help them to pin the resulting model with pins on the model. 6. Demonstration of models 7. Auction of songs, poems (musical football) Teams take turns performing lines from songs, the titles of which are given the names of professions. For example, “People in white coats”, “High-altitude assemblers”, “Three tankmen”, etc. The team that completed the last line wins. 8. Summing up, awarding the winners.

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