Temple of Paraskeva Friday. Life and scientific-historical literature about the Monk Moses Murin

The buildings 28.07.2020
The buildings


Thy prophet (name) memory, Lord, celebrating, so we pray to Thee, save our souls.


We magnify you, prophet of God (name), and honor your holy memory. Pray for us Christ our God.



Holy Apostle (name), pray to the merciful God, that he will give forgiveness to our souls.


We magnify thee to the Apostle of Christ (name), and we honor your illnesses and your labors, you labored in the image of Christ in the gospel.

To the saint


The rule of faith and the image of meekness, the abstinence of the teacher, reveal the truth to your flock, even more than things; For this reason, Thou art rich in humility, high in poverty. Father (name), pray to Christ God to save our souls.


We magnify thee, saint father (name), and we honor thy holy memory: pray for us Christ our God for us.

To the reverend


In you, the Father, it is known that you will be saved * in the image: we accept the cross, you have followed Christ, and you taught you ** to despise the flesh: God passes away, but you should be diligent about souls, things that are immortal. The same and from the Angels will rejoice, reverend (name), your spirit.

* It is known that it was saved - it was definitely preserved.
** Deya taught you - actively, by the very deed he taught.


We bless you, venerable father (name), and we honor your holy memory, mentor of monks and interlocutor of Angels.



In you, mother, it is known that you have been saved in the image: having accepted the cross, you followed Christ, and you taught you to despise the flesh: God passes away, but you should be diligent about souls, things that are immortal. The same and from the Angels will rejoice, saint (name), your spirit.


We bless you, venerable mother (name), and we honor your holy memory: you pray for us Christ our God.



Thy Martyr, Lord, (name) in his suffering, the crown is delightful incorruptible from Thee, our God; have Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save our souls by prayers.


We magnify you, holy (name) passion-suffering, and we honor your honest sufferings, even for Christ you endured.



Your Lamb, Jesus, (name) calls with a great voice: I love you, my bridegroom, and those who seek you, I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, as if I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with By you; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, I will sacrifice to you with love. With those prayers, as if Merciful, save our souls.


We magnify you, the passion-bearer of Christ (name), and we honor your honest suffering, the hedgehog you endured for Christ.

Troparion In you, father, it is known that he has been saved in the image: / we accept the cross, you have followed Christ, / and the dey taught you to despise the flesh, it passes away, / you should be diligent about souls, things more immortal. / The same and from the angels will rejoice, venerable Roman, your spirit. Divinely armed with purity of soul, and having handed in obscene prayers like a spear firmly, behold the demonic militia, Roman our father, pray ceaselessly for all of us. First prayer O sacred chapter, venerable father, blessed Abvo Roman, do not forget your poor ones to the end, but remember us always in holy and auspicious prayers to God: remember your flock, you yourself have saved, and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, holy father, for your spiritual children, as if you have boldness to the Heavenly King: do not be silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Almighty Throne, and do not cease to pray for us to Christ God, for you have been given grace to pray for us. We do not think that the being is dead: even if you are dead from us in body, but you are still alive after death, do not depart from us in spirit, saving us from the arrows of the enemy and all the delights of the demonic and the wiles of the devil, our good shepherd, even if more and relics your cancer before our eyes is always visible, but your holy soul with angelic armies, with incorporeal faces, with Heavenly Forces, standing at the Almighty Throne, rejoices with dignity, leading you truly and after death is alive, we fall to you and pray to you: pray about us to the Almighty God, about the benefit of our souls, and ask for time for us to repent, may we pass without restraint from earth to heaven, from the bitter ordeals of the demons of the air princes and from eternal torment may we get rid of, and may we be heir of the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous from time immemorial that have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: all glory, honor and worship befits Him, with His Beginning Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. Magnification: We please you, venerable Father Roman, and we honor your holy memory, mentor of monks and interlocutor of angels. Second prayer (in infertility of parents) O Venerable Father Roman, hear us calling thee. Closed in a small cell, eating meagerly and having no fire, wearing a hair shirt, wearing heavy chains, until your death you dwelt there. For this, for the sake of Divine grace, having been vouchsafed, you have healed ailments of many people, and you have resolved many wives with your prayer from sterility. And now listen with reverence and zeal to those who fall and pray to you barren wives (the name of the rivers): pray the Lord God, that with all His mighty power He will resolve their sterility and give them children, for our God is good and humane, he looks upon us from above and fulfills our petitions. Amen.

Troparion, voice 8:
In you, mother, it is known that you have been saved in the image: having accepted the cross, you followed Christ, and you taught you to despise the flesh, it passes away, but to be diligent about souls, things are immortal. The same and with the angels will rejoice, Venerable Mary, your spirit.

Kontakion, voice 4th:

Escaping the darkness of the darkness, repentance illuminated your heart with light, glorious, you came to Christ, this all-blameless and holy Mother, you brought a merciful prayer book. You have found forgiveness from more and more sins, and from the angels you will always rejoice.


Hear the unworthy prayer of us sinners (names), Deliver us, Reverend Mother, from the passions that are at war on our souls, from all sorrow and finding adversity, from sudden death and from all evil, at the same time of separation of the soul and body, repudiate, holy saint, all sly thought and wicked demons, as if yes Our souls will receive our souls in peace in a place of light, Christ our Lord, our God, as from him the cleansing of sins, and that is the salvation of our souls, all glory and honor befit Him; and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

To the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her icon "The Assistant of Sinners"

Troparion, voice 4th:
Now all despondency is silenced and the fear of despair disappears, sinners in sorrow of hearts find consolation and Heavenly love illuminate with light: now the Mother of God extends to us a saving hand and speaks from His Most Pure image, saying: Az the Assistant of sinners to My Son, He gave Me for them I’ll take out me. The same people, burdened with many sins, fall at the foot of Her icon with crying crying: Intercessor of the world, sinful Companion, pray with Mother's prayers to the Redeemer of all, so that our sins will be covered with Divine forgiveness, and the bright doors of heaven will open to us, Thou art the intercession and salvation of the Christian clan ...

Kontakion, voice 1st:

Honest Dwelling of the former ineffable nature of the Divine is higher than the word and, more than the mind and sinners, you are the Confidant, give grace and healings, like the Mother of All Reigning, pray your Son to receive mercy on us on the Day of Judgment.


Oh, Most Blessed Lady, Protector of the Christian race, Refuge and salvation of those who come to You! We, verily, we, as if sinning and anger, have mercy on the Lady, the Son of God born in flesh from You, but the Imam have many images before those who angered His benevolence: publicans, harlots and other sinners, who were also given the forgiveness of their sins, repentance for the sake of and confession. Thou ubo the images of my sinful souls who have been pardoned by sight, presenting my soul to a bit of God's mercy, one who has received, looking, daring and I sinful to resort with repentance to Your benevolence. Oh, All-Merciful Lady, give me a helping hand and ask your Son and God for forgiveness through your mothers and your holiest prayers for my grievous sin. I believe and confess that the One who Thou hast given birth, Thy Son, is truly Christ, the Son of the Living God, Judge of the living and the dead, reward him according to his work. I believe the packs and confess to You to be the true Mother of God, the source of mercy, the consolation of the crying, the recovery of the lost, the strong and unceasing Intercessor to God, an exceedingly loving Christian clan, and the Confidant of repentance. Truly, there is no other help and protection for a person, unless you, Gracious Lady, and no one trusting in Thee will be ashamed when, and by Thee begging God, no one is left byst. For this sake, I pray Thy innumerable goodness: open the doors of Thy mercy to me who are deceived and fallen into the darkness of the depths, do not abhor me, the filthy one, do not despise my sinful prayer, do not leave me, accursed, as in death the evil enemy is looking for me to kidnap me, but pray Thy merciful Son and God, born of Thee, may he forgive my great sins, and deliver me from my harm; as if yes and I, with all those who received forgiveness, will sing and glorify the immeasurable mercy of God and your shameful intercession for me in this life and in the never-ending end. Amen.

Troparion, voice 8:

In you, father, it is known that the hedgehog is saved in the image: accept the Cross, you followed Christ, and the dey taught you to despise the flesh, it passes away, but to diligently about the soul, the things of immortality. The same and from the angels will rejoice, Monk Ephraim, your spirit.

Troparion, voice 8:

Thou hast cultivated fruitless tears with the currents of the desert, and even from the depths with sighs of a hundred labors you fertile, and you were a lamp to the universe, shining miracles, Ephraim, our Father, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2nd:

Foreseeing the judgment for an hour, you sobbed bitterly, Ephraim, as if you were silent, but you were a gentle teacher in business, reverend. The same, world father, lazy raise up to repentance.


O saint of Christ, our father Ephraim! Bring our prayer to the merciful and all-powerful God and ask us, the servants of God ( names), His goodness is all for the benefit of our souls and bodies: faith is right, hopeless hope, unhypocritical love, meekness and gentleness, courage in temptations, patience in suffering, perseverance in piety. Let us not turn the gifts of the All-Good God into evil. Do not forget, miraculous holy one, both this holy temple (house) and our parish: preserve and observe them with your prayers from all evil. To her, holy God, grant us a good end and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, but let us glorify God in His saints, all glory, honor and power, forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, voice 1:

Thou art the Church of Christ with the tongue of your tongue, with a touching song, you have exalted the glory of all with the theology of the Trinity Preaching glory to everyone, so like a secret verbalist, we sing, Andrew, the Shepherd of Crete, and magnify your memory, Christ glorifying the wondrous in His saints.

Kontakion, voice 2nd:

Having sounded the clear Divine sweet humming, Thou art the most luminous lamp of the world, shining with the light of the Trinity, Venerable Andrew. All the same, we all cry out: do not cease praying for all of us.


Oh, honorable and sacred head and filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the dwelling of the Savior with the Father, our great bishop, our warm intercessor, Saint Andrew! Standing at the Throne of all the Tsar and enjoying the light of the Consubstantial Trinity and cherubims with angels proclaiming the Trisagion Song, having great and unexplored boldness to the All-Merciful Lord, pray that the flock of Christ will be saved by people, affirm the welfare of the holy churches, strengthening the blessing of the splendor of sainthood , preserve this city and all the cities of the country for good and keep the holy faith immaculate, pray, die the whole world through thy intercession, save us from gladness and harm, and save us from the attacks of foreigners, old consolations, teach young people, mad wise, have mercy on widows, intercede orphans, babies grow up, return captive, heal the weak, and everywhere warmly calling thee and falling with faith and praying to you from all misfortunes and troubles by interceding for your freedom Pray for us the All-Merciful and Human-loving Christ of our God, and on the day of His terrible coming, he will deliver from his shuiyago standing the partakers will create us and the joy of the saints with all the saints forever and ever ov. Amen.

When you notice what a sin you have. Prayer of St. John of Kronstadt.

Lord! Nail our sins on the cross, nail to your cross and my real sin and have mercy on me according to your great mercy. ( And put the sign of the cross on yourself.)

Reverend Roman

Troparion, voice 8

In you, father, it is known that he has been saved in the image: we accept the cross, you followed Christ, and the dey taught you to despise the flesh, God comes, but be diligent about the soul, things more immortal. The same with the angel will rejoice, venerable Roman, your spirit.

Divinely armed with purity of soul, and having handed in obscene prayers like a spear firmly, behold the demonic militia, Roman our father, pray ceaselessly for all of us.

O sacred chapter, venerable father, blessed Abvo Roman, do not forget your poor ones to the end, but remember us always in holy and auspicious prayers to God: remember your flock, you yourself have saved, and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, holy father, for your spiritual children, as if you have boldness towards the Heavenly King: do not be silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Almighty Throne, and do not cease to pray for us to Christ God, for quick grace has been given to you to pray for us. We do not think that the being is dead: even if you are dead from us in body, but you are still alive after death, do not depart from us in spirit, saving us from the arrows of the enemy and all the delights of the demonic and the wiles of the devil, our good shepherd, even if more and relics your cancer before our eyes is always visible, but your holy soul with angelic hosts, with incorporeal faces, with Heavenly Forces, standing at the Almighty Throne, rejoices with dignity, leading you truly and after death is alive, we fall to you and pray to you: pray about us to the Almighty God, about the benefit of our souls, and ask for time for us to repent, may we pass without restraint from earth to heaven, from the bitter ordeals, demons of the air princes and from eternal torment may we get rid of, and may we be heir of the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous, from time immemorial pleasing our Lord Jesus Christ: all glory, honor and worship befits Him, with His Beginning Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

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