Recommended list of literature on the topic “The image of the mother in fiction. Essay "image of mother in Russian literature"

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I .Introduction……………………………………………………...…... page 2

II. Main part:

II .1 My guiding star………………………………............p. 3

II .2Women's images in literature………………………............p. 4

II .3 Immortality in time………………………………….....p. 5-7

II .4 Holy pages of poetry………………….…………....…p. 8-10

II .5 Literature that said so much about the mother…………..p. 11-12

II .6 The arts are different, but the theme is the same…………………... p. 13-14

III. Microstudy #1……………………………..…..… page 15

IV. Conclusion……………………………………………………p. sixteen

V. Bibliographic list……………………………….…p. 17

VI. Applications

I. Introduction.

The topic of my research work is "The Image of Mother in Fiction". I decided to write this work because I was interested to understand why writers, poets, as well as artists and musicians often dedicate their works to mothers and make them heroines of stories, short stories, poems, pictures...

Mom ... This is the most beautiful word that a child utters, and the mother's heart stops. "Mom, mommy," he repeats, and the woman is ready to fly, break out of her body, ready to scream to the whole world that the little man to whom she gave life, said her name. And this word sounds in all languages ​​of the world equally gentle: in Russian “mama”, Ukrainian “nenko”, in English “mother”, Uzbek “aba” ... Yes, now for many years the word “mother” in its various interpretations will become the name of a young woman.

The word "mom" is a special word. It is born, as it were, with us, accompanies us in our mature years, we leave life with it. Mom is the dearest, closest, dearest person. When Valentina Tereshkova returned from space flight, she was asked a somewhat unexpected question: “Who is your most favorite person?” Valentina answered with one short, precise, beautiful word: "Mom."*

I believe that this topic is relevant, since our time has added certain difficulties to the already difficult relationship of "fathers and children." I know not only loving sons and daughters, but indifferent and cruel, who often take offense at their mothers, push them away with their love. But it is the love given to us by mothers that makes us more sensitive, receptive. This love is pure and innocent, like a drop of dew in the morning, and it cannot be compared with any other feeling on Earth. It is in maternal love that the life-giving force lies, capable of performing miracles.Isn't that her strength?

Work tasks:

    To reveal a personal relationship with the mother.

    Describe the role of women in fiction.

    To determine what contribution writers and poets made by saying so many good words to our mothers, and what influence did the image of the mother have on artists and musicians?

    Show the immortality of the image of the Mother in time.

    Conduct a micro-study on the relationship of my peers with my mother.

1* Digest "Mommy, beloved, dear" p. 25.

1. My guiding star.

Mom is the dearest, closest, dearest person, this is the most sacred thing in my life both now and when I become an adult. I grow, being next to her, and this growth is not only physical, but also spiritual. Together, hand in hand, we are climbing the steps of perfection. Mom looks at the world from the position of a mature, more experienced person, and I grab onto everything that I see interesting in the world. I think that in our conversations some truth is born for both of us. And as soon as we learn something new, we share our knowledge with each other. My mother is constantly striving to learn something new, unusual, to discover the life processes that take place on Earth and in the Universe. And I walk along the path of life next to her, gaining the knowledge I aspire to. We learn together to experience life in all its manifestations.

We are part of something big and bright. We are one. It so happened that we were even mistaken for sisters, girlfriends, this unity makes us so happy. And I can firmly, proudly and confidently say that my Mom is not only my Teacher, but also a close Friend who will never let me down, who will always help and support. Thanks to her, I know that there is a way out of any situation, that you can look at everything from the other side and understand that minor human troubles are not worth spiritual energy. And I know that when I go out on the “high road” of life, I will not give up at the first failure, but I will remember the love and kindness that my mother gave me, and the most beautiful of flowers will bloom in my soul - gratitude.

There are wonderful lines of a poem by L. Konstantinova about my mother, which I often recall:

In the pink kingdom of distant childhood

I remember your mother's heart

Big heart - so reliable

It would be impossible to live without you!

I got older and you got closer

The beautiful image is full of love.

I am bound by this love to you,

I owe you every eyelash.

For such love - it is impossible for me

Do not pay, do not pay more dearly,

This love is maternal.

I know my debt will never be paid.

You taught me a lot in life

A good example, care raised!

Your path, like a feat, shines with courage,

How I want to meet you in eternity,

How I don't want to lose you

On the day when we meet the Lord,

But as long as my heart can beat

I will be stronger for you, I pray! *

2 * The air of childhood and the father's home ...: poems by Russian poets - M .: MOL. Guard p.337.

2. Women's images in literature.

What could be more sacred in the world than the name of the mother! ..

A person who has not yet taken a step on the ground and is just starting to babble, uncertainly and diligently adds up the syllables “ma-ma” and, feeling his luck, laughs, happy ...

Blackened from sleepless work, the grain grower presses to his dry lips a handful of the same dark earth, which has given birth to rye and wheat, and says gratefully: "Thank you, nurse - mother ...".

The soldier, who stumbled upon an oncoming fragment and fell to the ground, sends the last bullet to the enemy with a weakening hand: "For the Motherland!"

All the most precious shrines are named and illuminated by the name of the mother, because the very concept of life is connected with this name.

Happy is he who from childhood has known maternal affection and has grown up under the caring warmth and light of maternal gaze; and to death suffers and is tormented by the one who has lost the most precious creature in the world - his mother, and even ending his seemingly not in vain and usefully lived age, he cannot remember this unhealed pain without tears and bitterness, this terrible damage that burdened him merciless fate. It is no coincidence that we wholeheartedly respond to the final lines of Vasily Kazin's poem "At the Mother's Grave":

Oppresses and grief, and bewilderment,

My being is stuck with a nail,

I stand - your living continuation,

The beginning has lost its own.*

With what respect and gratitude we look at a man who reverently pronounces the name of his mother to gray hair and respectfully protects her old age. And with contempt we execute the one who forgot about the woman who gave birth and raised him, and in her bitter old age turned away from her, refused a good memory, a piece or shelter.

But in the relation of a person to his mother, the people measure their attitude towards a person ....

It is impossible not to notice that with all the understanding and frequent sympathy for childless women, folk literature, although without malice, does not miss the opportunity to make fun of such people. And often lonely old women, unfamiliar with maternal feelings, are portrayed as grumpy, suspicious, stingy, and callous. Probably, the poet S. Ostrovoy was right when he said: “The most beautiful woman in the world is a woman with a child in her arms.”*

Women's images in literature is a special topic. They play different roles in the works: sometimes they are direct participants in the events, often the plot without them would not have such an emotional mood, colorfulness. But of all female images, the most beloved by us is the image of the mother.

3* Hour of Courage p. 137.

4* Encyclopedia of thought p. 195.

3 . Immortality in time.

The people have always honored the Mother! In oral poetry since ancient times, her appearance has been endowed with the brightest features: she is the guardian of the family hearth, the protector of her own children, the guardian of all the destitute and offended.

It is no coincidence that the people also live a lot of good, affectionate words about the mother. We do not know by whom they were first said, but they are very often repeated in life and pass from generation to generation: “There is no sweeter friend than a dear mother”, “It is light in the sun, it is warm in mother”, “The bird is happy with spring, and mother’s baby”, “Whoever has a uterus, his head is smooth”, “Dear mother is an inextinguishable candle”, etc. *

How many things have been invented and written about the mother, how many poems, songs, thoughts! Is it possible to say something new?!

There are many examples when the heroism of a woman-mother saved her children, her relatives.

One such example is Avdotya Ryazanochka from a folk tale about the courage of a simple woman - a mother. This epic is remarkable in that it was not a man - a warrior, but a woman - a mother "won the battle with the horde." She stood up for her relatives, and thanks to her courage and intelligence, "Ryazan went to hell."

Here it is - the immortality of true poetry, here it is - the enviable length of its existence in time!

But in printed literature, which, for obvious reasons, was originally reserved only for the representatives of the upper classes, the image of the mother remained in the shadows for a long time. Perhaps he was not considered worthy of a high style, or perhaps the reason for this phenomenon is more simple and natural: after all, then noble children, as a rule, were taken to educate not only tutors, but also nurses, and children of the nobility, in contrast to the children of peasants. , were artificially separated from their mother and fed on the milk of other women. Therefore, there was, albeit not quite conscious, a dulling of filial feelings, which, in the final analysis, could not but affect the work of future poets and prose writers.

It is no coincidence that Pushkin did not write a single poem about his parent and so many lovely poetic dedications to his nanny Arina Rodionovna, whom, by the way, the poet often called tenderly and carefully - "mother". The most famous of the dedications to the nanny is called “Nanny”:

Friend of my harsh days,

My decrepit dove!

Alone in the wilderness of pine forests

For a long, long time you've been waiting for me.

You are under the window of your room

Grieving like clockwork

And the spokes are slowing down every minute

In your wrinkled hands.

Looking through the forgotten gates

On a black distant path;

Longing, forebodings, worries

They squeeze your chest all the time ...

5* Digest "Mommy, beloved, dear" p. 25.

6* A. S. Pushkin. Favorites. Poem "Nanny" - p. 28.

The theme of the mother sounded truly deep and strong only in democratic poetry. And here it is necessary, first of all, to name the name of the great Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, who created an amazingly integral and capacious type of peasant woman - mother. It is unlikely that anyone else sang a woman, mother and wife as reverently and reverently as Nekrasov. Suffice it to recall the titles of his works: “There are women in Russian villages”, “Rural suffering is in full swing”, “Orina, a soldier’s mother”, “Knight for an hour”, “Listening to the horrors of war”, the chapter “Demushka” from the poem “To whom Russ live well”, which alone constitute a kind of anthology…

His poems, addressed to an early dead mother ("Knight for an hour") *, perhaps the most penetrating in all world poetry:

See me, dear!

Appear as a light shadow for a moment!

You lived your whole life unloved,

You spent your whole life for others...

I sing you a song of repentance

So that your meek eyes

Washed away with a hot tear of suffering

All shameful spots are mine! …

I'm not afraid of regret friends

No offense to the enemies of the triumph,

Speak only the word of forgiveness

You, the purest love deity! …*

It is impossible without inner trepidation and deep complicity to read the lines filled with high meaning *:

Listening to the horrors of war

With each new victim of the battle

I feel sorry for not a friend, not a wife,

I feel sorry for not the hero himself ...

Alas! wife will be comforted

And a friend best friend will forget.

But somewhere there is one soul -

She will remember to the grave!

Among our hypocritical deeds

And all the vulgarity and prose

Alone I spied in the world

Holy, sincere tears

Those are the tears of poor mothers!

They can't forget their children

Those who died in the bloody field,

How not to raise a weeping willow

Of their drooping branches...*

7* Nekrasov N.A. Complete works in 15 volumes. T.2-L. "Science", 1981 - p.258.

8* Nekrasov N.A. Complete works in 15 volumes. Vol. 2- L. "Science", 1981 p. 26

Extra-curricular event on the theme "The Image of the Mother in Russian Literature"
for students 67kl
Russian language and literature teacher S.V. Bailov
Purpose: the formation and development of the artistic culture of students based on values
attitude to motherhood by means of literature.

trace how in Russian literature, true to its humanistic traditions,
the image of a woman is depicted
instill in students a respectful attitude towards women
to educate a patriot and a citizen aimed at improving society, in
where he lives
to develop the spiritual and moral world of students, their national identity
Equipment: projector, presentation
Event progress
1. Video “Ave Maria”
2. Introduction:
slide 2
MOTHER is a symbol of life, holiness, eternity, warmth and all-conquering love.
The most dear, dear, sacred is associated with this image: for all people, this is Mother
Earth, Motherland, Mother Nature, and the one who gave birth and lives in the name of the child
Motherhood has always been sacred and the highest value. In the art of all
peoples have the theme of motherhood. The art of European countries is impossible to imagine without
image of the Mother of God. AT Western Europe he is associated with the cult of the Madonna, and in Russia with
Mother of God.
Icon "Our Lady of Vladimir" (XII century) The baby gently presses his face
to the mother's cheek and wraps her arm around her neck. Children's eyes are fixed on the Mother, they
as if seeking protection from her. Anxiety and sadness lurked on her stern face. For all
maternal tenderness in her appearance is felt the consciousness of inevitable sacrifice.
A young woman with a child in her arms, lightly stepping through the clouds towards her
tragic fate, Mary must give her son to suffering and torment, so that everyone
people were happy. The beautiful eyes of the mother are sad. Raphael praises greatness
women, Mary is the ideal of motherhood. The artist sings of beauty, femininity,
tenderness and unselfishness of the mother.
The theme of motherhood is one of the most ancient themes in world culture.

Mom ... The dearest and closest person. She gave us life, gave us a happy
childhood. The mother's heart, like the sun, shines always and everywhere, warming us with its
warmth. She is our best friend, a wise adviser. She is our guardian angel.
Therefore, the theme of the mother has long occupied an important place in both classical and
modern literature.
Do not count the bright images of mothers who brought us fairy tales and legends,
poems and songs, stories and novels, novels and memoirs
Already in folklore - in wedding and funeral songs - there is an image
mother. In spiritual verses, this image appears through the image of the Mother of God, especially
revered in Russia.
The image of the mother is especially common in works for children.
The light of mother's eyes, the warmth of mother's hands, the gentle voice, the gentle smile, these expressions
do not get bored, do not seem beaten up, because they are authentic, organic, they do not
affectations. The soul with joy or with longing, but always responds to them.
slide 3, 4
AT 19th poetry century, the theme of the mother is primarily associated with the names of M. Yu. Lermontov and
N. A. Nekrasova.
slide 5
Lermontov, who lost his mother very early, recalls her image, her songs, which she
sang to him in her work.
"Angel" (an excerpt from a poem is read by students)
slide 6.7
The theme of the mother sounded truly deep and full in the poetry of Nikolai Alekseevich
Nekrasov. Closed and reserved by nature, Nekrasov literally could not find
bright words and strong expressions are enough to appreciate the role of a mother in her life. And
young men, and the old man Nekrasov always spoke with love and admiration about his mother
She taught him love and compassion for those “whose ideal is reduced grief,” that is,
The image of a woman - mother is vividly represented by Nekrasov in many of his works: in
the poem “Who in Russia should live well”, in the poems “In the full swing of suffering
rural”, “Orina, mother of a soldier”, “Listening to the horrors of war”, “Mother”
Great feeling! At every door
Whichever way we go
We hear children calling their mothers
Distant, but rushing to the children.
Great feeling! it to the end
We keep alive in our souls,

We love sister, and wife, and father,
But in agony we remember our mother! (student reads the passage)
Slide 8
We just got acquainted with one of the greatest works of the 19th century, created by N.V.
Gogol, "Taras Bulba".
Paying great attention to the description of the main characters of the work, the author of all
he devotes several pages to the image of the mother of Andriy and Ostap. But these lines
enough to feel sympathy for this small, fragile woman,
madly in love with their children.
(Students read about the image of the mother in the work)
(In the work, we first meet the mother when she meets her
sons. “... their pale, thin and kind mother, who stood at the threshold and had not yet had time
hug your beloved children.
Among the strong heroes of the story, we saw a weak, small woman who loves
her children and treats her husband with respect. When Taras asked the younger
why doesn’t he beat him, the mother said: “.. And such a thing will come into your head that the child
native beat father.
She was very worried that they would be home so little. "...and I won't be able to see enough
on them." She did not sleep all night, looked at her children and could not see enough. "My sons,
my dear sons! What will happen to you? What awaits you?.. "
Although she had a husband and two sons, she was lonely: she rarely saw children, and Taras
“... two or three days a year, and then for several years there was no rumor about him.” In her youth she
endured insults from Taras and even he beat her, she must have been very beautiful, but
aged quickly. All night the mother hoped that the trip would be postponed and her children would live
Houses. But this did not happen. "The poor old woman, deprived of her last hope, sadly
slipped into the house."
Before leaving, Taras asked his mother to bless her sons. "Mother, weak as a mother,
hugged them, took out two small icons, put them on, sobbing, around their necks ... Do not forget, sons,
your mother… send at least news about yourself…” When Taras, Ostap and Andrey were leaving,
she ran after them out of the gate, as if she knew that she would never see them again)
Slide 9
Nekrasov traditions are reflected in the poetry of the great Russian poet S.A.
Yesenin, who created surprisingly sincere poems about his mother, a peasant woman.
Yesenin was 19 years old when he sang with amazing penetration in
poem "Rus" the sadness of maternal expectation of the sons of soldiers.

"Oh, my patient mother!" this exclamation escaped from him not by chance: a lot
the son brings unrest, but the mother's heart forgives everything. So there is a frequent
Yesenin's son's motive of guilt.
On his trips, he constantly recalls his native village: it is dear to memory
youth, but most of all, the mother yearning for her son attracts him there.
The image of the mother for him is akin to the eco-painting - they are related by eternal patience, waiting,
hope for "help and joy." Yesenin created a real cult of the mother in literature.
“I have never seen anyone better than you,” the poet will say about his mother.
Listen to "Mother's Letter" performed by Malinin. (audio recording)
Slide 10
Following Yesenin, this theme was continued and continues by many writers and poets.
A lot has been written about what mothers had to endure during the war years.
penetrating works. There is nothing worse for a mother than the loss of herself.
dear and close to her creature in the world - her child. And how many tears did they have
shed only during the years of the war.
Presentation "Zakrutkin "Mother of Man") (presented by students)
(In 1969, Vitaly Zakrutkin wrote the story "The Mother of Man", about a simple
a peasant woman who managed to endure terrible trials during the war years and become
successor of the family and revive the native Earth. In front of the main character
works of Mary, the Nazis hanged her husband and little son, burned the village, and
residents were driven to Germany. She miraculously survived. But she believed that the Russian troops

Annotation: The article is of a review nature. Based on the material of Russian poetry, such an organically inherent phenomenon as the image of the mother (the theme of the mother) in historical development and its most important manifestations. Throughout the history of the existence of the theme of mother in Russian poetry from its inception to the present day, three main hypostases of the image of the mother can be distinguished - a real everyday one, associated with the personal mother of everyone, the highest ideal aspect, ascending to the image of the Mother of God, and - especially significant in in Russian poetry, the image of the mother as the motherland, ascending to the image of mate, the ri-earth, sacred in Russia.

Key words: theme, image of mother, Russian poetry, Mother of God, motherland, earth.

The theme of the mother has been so long and organically inherent in Russian poetry that it seems possible to consider it as a special literary phenomenon. Taking its source from the very birth of Russian literature, this theme consistently passes through all stages of its development, but even in the poetry of the 20th century it retains its main features.

The image of the mother passes into Russian folklore from the cult of the Great Goddess common to all peoples in the era of matriarchy, from Slavic pagan beliefs, and special reverence in Russia for mother earth. In folk beliefs, the female deity, associated with the “mother-raw-earth”, lived in both pagan and Christian forms until the 20th century, combined in Russia along with the main worship of the Mother of God afterwards.

We can observe the first manifestations of the mother theme in literature in folklore works, initially in everyday ritual folklore, in wedding and funeral songs. Already here are the main features of the image of the mother, characteristic of him and later - in special epithets at parting with the mother: As our daily intercessor, / Night and pilgrimage .... Such a characteristic was usually given by the people to the Mother of God, she was called

“an ambulance, a warm intercessor”, “our sadness”, “our intercessor and prayer house, protector of the whole Christian family”. Thus, the image of the personal mother of each correlated with the heavenly highest maternal image.

The funeral laments also expressed the mother's deep connection with the mother-damp-earth, and in the maiden's wedding lamentations at parting from

"mother" and home, just as in recruiting songs, the image of the mother stood in connection with the images of native places, homeland.

So, the three main hypostases of the image of the mother, which are preserved in poetry up to the present day, already existed at the dawn of the verbal art of Russia - the Mother of God, mother, homeland: “In the circle of heavenly forces - the Mother of God, in the circle - gu natural world- the earth, in the tribal social life - the mother, are at different levels of the cosmic divine hierarchy the carriers of one

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It is also necessary to emphasize the special role of N. A. Nekrasov in the formation of the mother theme in Russian poetry - the poets of the 20th century went in creating the image of the mother precisely from Nekrasov. His poetic legacy provides rich material for solving this image in both a romantic and a realistic way. So, everything that was connected with the poet's own mother constituted an area in his poetry, as if left untouched. general bias his creative path to realism ("Motherland", "Knight for an Hour"). The pinnacle of such development

The “ideal”, even deified image of the mother is the dying verse - Nekrasov’s writing “Bayushki-bayu”, where the mother is directly endowed with divine features and rises to the image of the Mother of God and at the same time another Nekrasov shrine - the motherland. But in the poetry of Nekrasov, as a realist, from the very beginning there is also the image of the mother, embodied "on reduced soil." This line in his work goes back to a parody of Lermontov's "Cossack Cradle" of the 1840s. Later, it will lead to the folk image of the mother (“Orina, the soldier’s mother”, the poems “Frost, Red Nose”, “Who should live well in Russia”), created according to epic laws, on the principles of objective reality. This is no longer the mother of the poet, whom he sings and perpetuates from his subjective positions, but a certain character that appears in the poem with its own history, personal characteristics and speech characteristics.

In the poetry of the 20th century, the embodiment of the mother theme can be divided first of all - according to the types of relations of the subject of speech, the lyrical I to the image of the mother, in connection with which there are three special ways of the existence of the mother theme in poetry: as a special orientation, the appeal of poetry to the image of the mother; as poetry is not - mediocre from the face of the mother; as an "objective" image of the mother, close to the character. Of all the poetic heritage of the 20th century, the theme of the mother is most fully and vividly reflected in the work of such authors as A. Blok, A. Akh - matova, A. Tvardovsky. Romantic roots of Blok's poetics, symbolization as its main principle, gradual appeal to reality, the influence of realistic (Nekrasov's) traditions, reduced vocabulary, prose, the entry of the theme of the city, the everyday sphere into poetry, images-characters from the nation, (along with the lyrical I and You), lead as a result to the lyrics of the third volume with the central image of the motherland. The result of the development of the theme of the mother in Blok -

"Kite". In a few lines, the main, iconic themes and motives of Blok are conveyed here - in the image of one, lost in the fields of a simple Russian mother, correlated with the image of the Virgin, and in the feminine image of Russia itself, the motherland: And you are still the same, my country, in tear-stained and ancient beauty….

The image of Blok's mother as a national symbol, connects religious and

Akhmatova's image of the mother, expressed in the first person, when her lyrical heroine is equal to the image of the mother, is the expansion of the personal, private to the universal, national, the elevation of the image of the mother from the real-life in the early period (Sleep, my quiet, sleep, my boy , / I am a bad mother ... ) to the image of the Virgin ("Requiem") and - the motherland in the late period of creativity, in poems addressed to the soldiers and "orphans" of the Great Patriotic War.

For Tvardovsky, the image of the mother appears in the poems-dedications to his own mother and develops in accordance with the strong epic beginning of his poetry: he is a character in his plot, narrative lyrics and is always closely connected with the image of the lost small homeland, and in war personifies homeland in general. The image of Anna from “House by the Road” is the image of a mother in the highest aspect of mother Russia - who survived, saved the children and even kept the soldier’s house in captivity: That house without a roof, without a corner, / Warmed to life - mu, / Your mistress cherished / A thousand miles from home, which means a common homeland. Tvardovsky's theme of the mother ends with the life of the poet's mother - that - with the cycle "In Memory of the Mother".

So, we are convinced that the main maternal images in Russian culture - the earth, the Mother of God and the mother - have been preserved from ancient times to the present day. The ways of their expression (romantic-elevating, opening the world of the mother's spiritual experiences on behalf of the mother herself and objective) also pass into the poetry of our days from ancient and classical poetry.

At all stages, the development of the mother theme in poetry went from the image of a person’s personal, own mother to the elevation and expansion of the private to the universal. The highest manifestation of the image of the mother, given at the very initial historical stage of Russian poetry in the image of the Mother of God, later finds its embodiment in the ideal image of the mother, often associated with the autobiographical relationship of the author to the mother. The features of the "democratization" of literature and the "decrease" of the image of the mother in the 20th century are still intensifying. The decline is due to the penetration into the literature of everyday realities and the socio-historical background. So the image of the mother becomes more concrete, real-everyday. It should be noted that initial stage literature is characterized by attempts to humanize and ground the divine (the Mother of God, mother-damp-earth), and subsequent periods are characterized, on the contrary, by a tendency to exalt and deify the earthly (native mother, native places, one's own hut, images of childhood).

In the poetry of the 20th century, the image of the motherland gradually becomes the highest aspect of the image of the mother. Taking its origins from the image of mother earth, now through the memory of a small homeland, home, through the prism of wars and social upheavals, the earthly image of a personal mother begins to rise precisely to the universally significant level of the image of the motherland. The evolution of the image of the mother in this direction is revealed both when considering the general course of development of Russian poetry, and within the creative path of each of the largest representatives of the mother theme in the poetry of the 20th century. Blok, associated at the beginning of the century with the search for the ideal feminine principle and elevating the female image to the divine in his work, ultimately through the reduction (even fall), concretization and prosaicization of the female image and all his poetic manner, comes to the image of the mother precisely in the meaning of the homeland (“On the Kulikovo field”, “Kite”).

Akhmatova's image of the mother, equal to her lyrical heroine, has gone from social to domestic early work, socio-historical in the period of the “Requiem” (with allusions to the image of the Mother of God) to the image of the universal motherland — Dina during the Great Patriotic War, on behalf of which she refers to the “children”. The work of Tvardovsky fully confirms such a transition: the female image as an object love lyrics he does not have it at all, but at the same time, the image of the mother from the earliest poems to the end is connected with the memory of his native places, and during the war he was raised to the height of the image of the motherland.

Material taken from: Vestnik MGOU. Series "Russian Philology". - № 2. - 2009

Essay "The image of the mother in Russian literature"

“Your image, which is so great and simple” - an essay based on the works of Russian poets

Spirina Anna Alekseevna

Autonomous educational institution of higher

vocational education

"Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin"

Boksitogorsk Institute (branch)


3 course

Speciality Preschool education

Lecturer: Zaitseva Zoya Aleksandrovna

We will forever praise

That woman whose name is Mother! M. Jalil

Mom is our best friend and wise adviser. That is why the image of the mother becomes one of the main ones in literature.

I believe that a woman is a miracle,

What on milky way do not find

And if "love" is a sacred word,

That is thrice sacred - "a woman is a mother."

Russian literature is great and diverse. Its civic and social sound and significance is indisputable. One of the holy pages in our literature, dear and close to any unhardened heart, is the work about the mother. What could be more sacred in the world than the word "mother"! ..

A person just starting to babble uncertainly syllables the word "ma-ma".

Blackened from sleepless work, the grain grower gratefully says: “Thank you, nurse-mother!”

The soldier sends the last bullet to the enemy: "For the Motherland!"

All the most precious shrines are named and endowed with the name of the mother, because the very concept of life is connected with this name.

Mother ... The dearest and closest person. Mother is our guardian angel. The loving heart of a mother always belongs to her children. "All love, all

feelings that are tender and passionate in a woman, everything turned into one maternal feeling in her, ”N.V. Gogol writes in the story“ Taras Bulba ”.

The theme of the mother is truly deeply illuminated by N.A. Nekrasov. In his works there is a certain ascending triad of the development of this image, moreover, the ideas of the mother: mother, mother-homeland, mother - the highest ideal principle.

In the poem “Bayushki-bayu”, the mother is the last refuge in the face of all losses, the loss of the muse, in the face of death itself. Mother consoles, forgives:

Just yesterday human malice

I offended you;

Everything is over, do not be afraid of the coffin!

You will know no more evil!

Do not be afraid of slander, dear,

You paid tribute to her alive

Do not be afraid of the unbearable cold:

I will bury you in the spring.

"Bayushki-bayu" together with the poem "Mother" were included in the collection, which became, as it were, a poetic testament of the poet.

In the work of M.Yu. Lermontov, the image of the mother occupies a special place. In the poem "Caucasus" he writes:

AT infancy I lost my mother.
But it seemed that in the pink evening hour

That steppe repeated a memorable voice to me.

And he puts words permeated with pain and suffering into the mouth of Mtsyri (poem "Mtsyri"):

I couldn't tell anyone

The sacred words "father" and "mother".

Nekrasov's traditions are reflected in the poetry of S.A. Yesenin, a remarkable Russian poet. The image of the mother begins to manifest itself most clearly in Yesenin in the last years of his work. Disappointed in a number of his own beliefs and ideals, the poet turns to the image of his mother and home as the only refuge for a person in the gloomy world of harsh reality. It is here that the hero of his works seeks peace and harmony. In the poem "Letter to Mother" Yesenin writes:

Are you still alive, my old lady?

I'm alive too. Hello you, hello!

Let it flow over your hut

That evening unspeakable light.

The filial feelings of the lyrical hero are expressed with piercing artistic power:

You are my only help and joy,

You are the bottom of my inexpressible light.

And what heartfelt poems about the mother writes Rasul Gamzatov, a Soviet and Russian poet:

The prophet spoke:

There is no god but God!

I'm talking:

There is no mother, except for mother! ..-

No one will meet me at the door

Where paths converge like scars.

Who will now kindle a fire in the fireplace,

To keep me warm from the road in winter?

Who, loving me, will forgive my sins now

And pray for me in anxiety?

Rasul Gamzatov advises us, the generation of the 21st century:

Don't leave mothers alone

They grow old from loneliness.

Among worries, love and books

Remember to be kind to them.

……….Poet Dmitry Kedrin in his poem "Heart" showed that a mother's heart can forgive everything:

He is her heart on a colored towel

Kohane brings in a shaggy hand.

On the way, his eyes blurred,

Climbing onto the porch, the Cossack stumbled.

And mother's heart, falling on the threshold,

I asked him: “Are you hurt, son?”

Nikolai Zabolotsky dedicates the poem to the sweetest and dearest image - the image of the mother. In it, the poet calls on everyone:

Listen, while there are mothers,

Come to them without telegrams.

The poetess L. Tatyanicheva teaches us to take care of the most valuable thing in the world - the mother's heart, to always remember her, not to hurt, to be grateful:

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

Buteveryone upsets her so often,

And a good mother forgives all this.

Yes, indeed, a mother knows how to forgive and love sincerely and tenderly, without asking for anything in return.

It's great that there is a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. ATIn our country, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. On November 30, 1998, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, an annual holiday was approved - Mother's Day, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, we can once again express our gratitude to all the mothers who love us, take care of us, give us warmth, tenderness and affection. A mother is life, hope and love.

The image of the mother in the works of Russian literature.

Malkova Zumara Sagitovna.

MBOU "Bolshetarkhanskaya secondary school" of the Tetyushsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Lesson Objectives:

  • trace how in Russian literature, true to its humanistic traditions, the image of a woman-mother is depicted
  • develop the spiritual and moral world of students, their national identity
  • instill in students a respectful attitude towards a woman-mother
  • to educate a patriot and a citizen aimed at improving the society in which he lives

During the classes:

I. Introductory speech of the teacher


Russian literature is great and diverse. Its civic and social sound and significance is indisputable. From this great sea you can draw incessantly - and it will never become shallow. It is no coincidence that we publish books about comradeship and friendship, love and nature, soldier's courage and the Motherland... And any of these topics has received its full and worthy embodiment in deep and original works of domestic masters.

But there is another holy page in our literature, dear and close to any unhardened heart - these are the works about mother.

With respect and gratitude, we look at a person who reverently pronounces the name of his mother to gray hair and respectfully protects her old age; and with contempt we will execute the one who, in her bitter senile time, turned away from her, refused a good memory, a piece or shelter.

By the attitude of a person to his mother, the people measure their attitude towards a person.

II. Determination of the purpose of the lesson.

SLIDE #4 To trace how in Russian literature, true to its humanistic traditions, the image of a woman - a mother is depicted.

III. The image of the mother in oral folk art

Teacher's word. The image of a mother, already in oral folk art, acquired the captivating features of a keeper of the hearth, a hard-working and faithful wife, a protector of her own children and an unfailing guardian of all the destitute, offended and offended. These defining qualities of the mother's soul are displayed and sung in Russian folk tales and folk songs.


IV. The image of the mother in printed literature

teacher's word . In printed literature, which for obvious reasons was at first reserved for the upper classes, the image of the mother remained in the shadows for a long time. Perhaps the named subject was not considered worthy of a high style, or perhaps the reason for this phenomenon is more simple and natural: after all, then noble children, as a rule, were taken to educate not only tutors, but also nurses, and children of the nobility, in contrast to peasant children were artificially separated from their mother and fed on the milk of other women; therefore, there was a - albeit not quite conscious - dulling of filial feelings, which ultimately could not but affect the work of future poets and prose writers.

It is no coincidence that Pushkin did not write a single poem about his mother and so many lovely poetic dedications to his nanny Arina Rodionovna, whom, by the way, the poet often called tenderly and carefully - “mummy”.

Mother in the work of the great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov

Mother ... The dearest and closest person. She gave us life, gave us a happy childhood. The mother's heart, like the sun, shines always and everywhere, warming us with its warmth. She is our best friend, a wise adviser. Mother is our guardian angel.

That is why the image of the mother becomes one of the main ones in Russian literature already in the 19th century.

Truly, deeply, the theme of the mother sounded in the poetry of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Closed and reserved by nature, Nekrasov literally could not find enough bright words and strong expressions to appreciate the role of his mother in his life. Both the young man and the old man, Nekrasov always spoke of his mother with love and admiration. Such an attitude towards her, in addition to the usual sons of affection, undoubtedly followed from the consciousness of what he owed her:

And if I shake it off easily over the years
From the soul of my pernicious traces
Correcting everything reasonable with your feet,
Proud of the ignorance of the environment,
And if I filled my life with struggle
For the ideal of goodness and beauty,
And wears the song composed by me,
Living love deep features -
Oh, my mother, I am inspired by you!
You saved a living soul in me!
(From the poem "Mother")

Question to the class:

How did his mother "saved the soul" of the poet?

Student performances (reading and analysis of works).

Pupil 1 - First of all, being a highly educated woman, she introduced her children to intellectual, in particular literary, interests. In the poem "Mother" Nekrasov recalls that as a child, thanks to his mother, he became acquainted with the images of Dante and Shakespeare. She also taught him love and compassion for those “whose ideal is reduced grief,” that is, for serfs.

Pupil 2 - The image of a woman - a mother is vividly represented by Nekrasov in many of his works "In full swing, the village suffering"

Village suffering is in full swing...

Share you! - Russian female share!

Hardly harder to find.

No wonder you wither before the time

All-enduring Russian tribe

Long-suffering mother!

The heat is unbearable: the plain is treeless,

Fields, mowing and expanse of heaven -

The sun is beating down mercilessly.

The poor woman is exhausted,

A column of insects sways above her,

Stings, tickles, buzzes!

Lifting a heavy roe deer,

Baba cut her naked leg -

Once to calm the blood!

A cry is heard from the neighboring lane,

Baba there - kerchiefs were disheveled, -

Gotta rock the baby!

Why did you stand over him in a daze?

Sing him a song of eternal patience,

Sing, patient mother!

Are there tears, is she sweating over her eyelashes,

Right, it's wise to say.

In this jug, stuffed with a dirty rag,

They sink - anyway!

Here she is with her singed lips

Eagerly brings to the edges ...

Are the tears salty, my dear?

With sour kvass in half? ..

(Beginning 1863)

Nekrasov's poem “In full swing the village suffering ...” tells about the difficult lot of a Russian woman, mother, peasant woman. This theme is generally characteristic of Nekrasov's work, its occurrence is explained biographically. The poet grew up in a family where his father was a "domestic tyrant" who tormented his mother. From childhood, Nekrasov saw the suffering of his beloved women, mother and sister, whose marriage, by the way, also did not bring her happiness. The poet was very upset by the death of his mother and blamed his father for it, and a year later his sister died ...

"Orina, mother of a soldier"

Pupil 3 - Poem "Listening to the horrors of war"

The poem “Listening to the horrors of war ...”, dedicated to Crimean War 1853-1856, sounds amazingly modern.. The work is amazingly timely, it reminds the living of the enduring value of life, it seems that only mothers who give life understand its sacred purpose. And the madmen who draw new generations into wars do not want to understand anything. They don't hear the voice of reason. How many Russian mothers are close and understand this poem:
A small, only 17 lines, poem strikes with the depth of humanism contained in it. The poet's language is concise and simple, there are no detailed and complex metaphors, only precise epithets emphasizing the artist's intention: deeds are “hypocritical”, since they do not lead to an end to wars, only tears are “sincere”, and sincerely they are “alone”, everything else is a lie . The poet's conclusion is terrible that both the friend and the wife will forget - he also ranks them among the "hypocritical" world.
The poem ends with a comparison in the folklore style of mothers with a drooping weeping willow. Usage folk image gives the work a generalizing meaning: it is not about one Crimean war - about all, after which mothers and nature itself sob:

Teacher's word. "Who will protect you?" - the poet addresses in one of his poems.

He understands that, besides him, there is no one else to say a word about the sufferer of the Russian land, whose feat is irreplaceable, but great!

Nekrasov traditions in the image of the bright image of the mother - a peasant woman in the lyrics of S.A. Yesenin

(During the teacher's lecture, Yesenin's poems about the mother are performed by students (by heart))

Nekrasov's traditions are reflected in the poetry of the great Russian poet S. A. Yesenin, who created surprisingly sincere poems about his mother, a peasant woman.

A bright image of the poet's mother passes through Yesenin's work. Endowed with individual traits, it grows into a generalized image of a Russian woman, appears in the youthful poems of the poet, as a fabulous image of the one who not only gave the whole world, but also made happy with the gift of song. This image also takes on the specific earthly appearance of a peasant woman, busy with everyday affairs: “Mother cannot cope with grips, bends low ...”

PRESENTATION "A LETTER TO A MOTHER" Yesenin(read by M. Troshin)

Fidelity, constancy of feelings, cordial devotion, inexhaustible patience are generalized and poeticized by Yesenin in the image of a mother. "Oh, my patient mother!" - this exclamation escaped from him not by chance: the son brings a lot of unrest, but the mother's heart forgives everything. So there is a frequent motive for Yesenin's son's guilt. On his trips, he constantly recalls his native village: it is dear to the memory of youth, but most of all, the mother yearning for her son attracts her there.

"Sweet, kind, old, tender" mother is seen by the poet "at the parental dinner." The mother is worried - the son has not been at home for a long time. How is he in the distance? The son tries to reassure her in letters: “There will be time, dear, dear!” In the meantime, "evening unspeakable light" is streaming over the mother's hut. The son, "still as gentle", "dreams only of how soon from the rebellious longing to return to our low house." In the "Letter to the Mother" filial feelings are expressed with piercing artistic power: "You are my only help and joy, you are my only inexpressible light."

Yesenin was 19 years old when, with amazing penetration, he sang in the poem "Rus" the sadness of maternal expectation - "waiting for gray-haired mothers."

The sons became soldiers, the royal service took them to the bloody fields of the world war. Rarely-rarely come from them "doodles, deduced with such difficulty", but everyone is waiting for their "frail huts", warmed maternal heart. Yesenin can be placed next to Nekrasov, who sang "the tears of poor mothers."

They can't forget their children
Those who died in the bloody field,
How not to raise a weeping willow
Of their drooping branches.

Poem "Requiem" by A.A. Akhmatova.

These lines from the distant 19th century remind us of the mother's bitter cry, which we hear in Anna Andreevna Akhmatova's poem "Requiem". Here it is, the immortality of true poetry, here it is, the enviable length of its existence in time!

The poem has a real basis: Akhmatova spent 17 months (1938-1939) in prison queues in connection with the arrest of her son, Lev Gumilyov: he was arrested three times: in 1935, 1938 and 1949.

The poem "Requiem" is a tribute to the memory of those terrible years and to all those who have passed this difficult path with her, to all those who were noticed, to all the relatives of the condemned. The poem reflects not only the personal tragic circumstances of the author's life, but also the grief of all Russian women, those wives, mothers, sisters who stood with her for 17 terrible months in prison lines in Leningrad.

(Excerpts from the poem are performed by masters artistic word. Phonochrestomathy. Grade 11)

But this is not only the fate of one mother. And the fate of many mothers in Russia, day after day standing idle in front of prisons in numerous queues with packages for children arrested by the bearers of the regime, the Stalinist regime, the regime of cruel repressions.

Mountains bend before this grief,
The great river does not flow
But the prison gates are strong,
And behind them "convict holes"
And deadly sadness.

Mother goes through the circles of hell.

The theme of intercession for millions of mothers sounded from the lips of Akhmatova. The author's personal experience is drowning in the nation's suffering:

Audio recording, read by Akhmatova:

No, it's not me, it's someone else suffering.

I couldn't do that, but what happened

Let the black cloth cover

And let them carry the lanterns ...

The fate of mother and son passes through the whole poem, the images of which are correlated with gospel symbols. Here before us is a simple Russian woman, in whose memory the crying of children will forever remain, the candle that has swollen near the goddess, the sweat of death on the forehead of a loved one who is taken away at dawn. And she will also cry for him, as the archery "wives" once cried under the walls of the Kremlin. Then, in the image of the lyrical heroine, the features of Akhmatova herself appear, who does not believe that everything is happening to her - the “mockery”, “the favorite of all friends”, “the Tsarskoye Selo sinner”. Poet Akhmatova fulfilled her duty with honor - she sang and glorified the suffering of thousands of mothers who became victims of bloody arbitrariness.

"Requiem" is a universal verdict on an inhuman system that dooms a mother to immeasurable and inconsolable suffering, and her only lover, her son, to non-existence.

The tragedy of the image of the mother in the works about the Great Patriotic War.

teacher's word

The image of the mother has always carried the features of drama. And he began to look even more tragic against the backdrop of the great and terrible in its bitterness of the past war. Who more than a mother endured suffering at this time? About this are the books of mothers E. Kosheva "The Tale of the Son", Kosmodemyanskaya "The Tale of Zoya and Shura" ...

Can you tell me about it -
What years did you live in!
What an immeasurable heaviness
On women's shoulders lay down!
(M, Isakovsky).

Our mothers not only lost their sons, survived the occupation, worked to the point of exhaustion, helping the front, but they themselves died in Nazi concentration camps, they were tortured, burned in the ovens of crematoria.

Question to the class

Why are the people to whom it was the woman-mother who gave life so cruel to her?

(Answers-speech, reflections of students)

Vasily Grossman's novel "Life and Fate"

In Vasily Grossman's novel Life and Fate, violence appears in different types, and the writercreates vivid, poignant pictures of the threat it poses to life.

A student reads a letter from Anna Semyonovna, the mother of the physicist Shtrum, written by her on the eve of the death of the inhabitants of the Jewish ghetto. READ MOTHER'S LETTER

"Vitya, I'm sure my letter will reach you, although I'm behind the front line and behind the barbed wire of the Jewish ghetto. I'll never get your answer, I won't be there. I want you to know about my last days With this thought, it is easier for me to leave this life.

Vitenka, I am finishing my letter and will take it to the ghetto fence and give it to my friend. This letter is not easy to cut off, it is my last conversation with you, and having forwarded the letter, I am finally leaving you, you will never know about my last hours. This is our very last parting. What will I say to you, saying goodbye, before eternal separation? These days, like all my life, you were my joy. At night I remembered you, your children's clothes, your first books, I remembered your first letter, the first school day, everything, everything, from the first days of your life to the last news from you, a telegram received on June 30th. I closed my eyes, and it seemed to me - you shielded me from the impending horror, my friend. And when I remembered what was happening around, I was glad that you were not near me - let the terrible fate blow you away.

Vitya, I have always been lonely. On sleepless nights, I cried from longing. After all, no one knew this. My consolation was the thought that I would tell you about my life. I’ll tell you why your dad and I broke up, why I lived alone for such many years. And I often thought how surprised Vitya would be when he learned that his mother made mistakes, went crazy, was jealous, that she was jealous, was like all young people. But my fate is to end my life alone without sharing with you. Sometimes it seemed to me that I should not live away from you, I loved you too much, I thought that love gives me the right to be with you in my old age. Sometimes it seemed to me that I should not live with you, I loved you too much.

Well, enfin... Be always happy with those you love, who surround you, who have become closer to your mother. Forgive me.

From the street you can hear the crying of women, the cursing of the police, and I look at these pages, and it seems to me that I am protected from scary world full of misery.

How can I finish my letter? Where to get strength, son? Are there human words that can express my love for you? I kiss you, your eyes, your forehead, hair.

Remember that always in the days of happiness and in the day of grief, motherly love is with you, no one can kill her.

Vitenka... Here is the last line of my mother's last letter to you. Live, live, live forever... Mom."

Students' impressions of what they heard (sample answers)

Student 1 - It cannot be read without a shudder and tears. Horror, a feeling of fear seize me. How could people endure these inhuman trials that fell to their lot. And it is especially scary, it becomes uncomfortable when the mother, the most holy creature on earth, feels bad.

Disciple 3 - Mother is capable of any sacrifice for the sake of children! Great is the power of mother's love!

teacher's word

Vasily Grossman's mother died in 1942 at the hands of fascist executioners.

In 1961, 19 years after his mother's death, his son wrote her a letter. It was preserved in the archive of the writer's widow.


Dear mother, I learned of your death in the winter of 1944. I came to Berdichev, entered the house where you lived, and understood. That you are not alive. But as early as September 8, 1941, I felt in my heart that you were gone.

At night at the front, I had a dream - I entered the room, clearly knowing that this was your room, and saw an empty chair, clearly knowing that you slept in it: hanging from the chair was a handkerchief with which you covered your legs. I looked at this empty chair for a long time, and when I woke up, I knew that you were no longer on earth.

But I didn't know what terrible death you died. I found out about this by asking people who knew about the mass execution that took place on September 15, 1941. I tried dozens of times, maybe hundreds, to imagine how you died. As you went to your death, I tried to imagine the person who killed you. He was the last one to see you. I know you've been thinking about me a lot all this time.

Now for more than nine years I have not written letters to you, I do not tell you about my life and affairs. And during these nine years, so much has accumulated in my soul. That I decided to write to you, tell you and, of course, complain, since, in essence, no one cared about my sorrows, only you cared about them. I will be frank with you... First of all, I want to tell you that in these 9 years I have been able to for real to believe that I love you - since my feeling for you has not diminished one iota, I do not forget you, I do not calm down, I do not console myself, time does not heal me.

My dear, it's been 20 years since you died. I love you, I remember you every day of my life, and my grief has been relentless for all these 20 years. You are human to me. And your terrible fate is the fate of a man in an inhuman time. All my life I keep the faith that all my good, honest, kind - all this is from you. Today I re-read several of your letters to me. And today I cried again, reading your letters. I cry over the letters - because you are your kindness, purity, your bitter, bitter life, your justice, nobility, your love for me, your concern for people, your wonderful mind. I am not afraid of anything, because your love is with me, and because my love is always with me.

And that hot tear shed by the writer for his old mother and for the Jewish people burns our hearts and leaves a scar of memory on them.

v. Final word teachers. Summarizing.

Your Mom is always with you: she is in the whisper of the leaves when you walk down the street; she is the smell of your freshly laundered socks or bleached sheets; she is a cool hand on your forehead when you are not feeling well. Your Mom lives inside your laughter. And she is a crystal in every drop of your tears. She is where you arrive from Heaven - your first home; and she is the map you follow with every step you take.

She is your first love and your first grief, and nothing on earth can separate you. No time, no place...not even death!

Watching an excerpt from the movie "Moms", 2012.

VI. Homework(differentiated):

  1. prepare an expressive reading (by heart) of a poem or prose about the mother
  2. essay "I want to tell you about my mother ..."
  3. composition - essay "Is it easy to be a mother?"
  4. monologue "Mother"
  5. Screenplay "The Ballad of a Mother"

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