Musical image of the Snow Maiden in the play by Ostrovsky presentation. Presentation "Snow Maiden" A.N

Water bodies 30.06.2020
Water bodies

She looks like a beautiful, pale, blonde girl. She is dressed in blue and white clothes with fur trim (fur coat, fur hat, mittens). She looks like a beautiful, pale, blonde girl. She is dressed in blue and white clothes with fur trim (fur coat, fur hat, mittens).

The image of the Snow Maiden goes back to elves, mermaids, pitchforks, who appear in spring under a light cover of clouds, warmed and illuminated by the bright rays of the sun, who appear to be light, shiny, white creatures ... " warmed and illuminated by the bright rays of the sun, who seem to be light, shiny, white creatures ... "

In 1873, A. N. Ostrovsky, under the influence of Afanasyev's ideas, wrote the play The Snow Maiden. In it, the Snow Maiden appears as the daughter of Santa Claus and Spring Red, who dies during the summer ritual of worshiping the sun god Yaril. In 1873, A. N. Ostrovsky, under the influence of Afanasyev's ideas, wrote the play The Snow Maiden. In it, the Snow Maiden appears as the daughter of Santa Claus and Spring Red, who dies during the summer ritual of worshiping the sun god Yaril.

The image of the Snow Maiden was further developed in the works of teachers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, who prepared scenarios for children's New Year trees. The image of the Snow Maiden was further developed in the works of teachers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, who prepared scenarios for children's New Year trees.

Even before the revolution, Snegurochka figurines decorated the New Year tree, girls dressed up in Snegurochka costumes, and fragments from fairy tales, Ostrovsky's play or the opera were staged. At this time, the Snegurochka did not play the leading role. Even before the revolution, Snegurochka figurines decorated the New Year tree, girls dressed up in Snegurochka costumes, and fragments from fairy tales, Ostrovsky's play or the opera were staged. At this time, the Snegurochka did not play the leading role.

The image of the Snow Maiden got its modern look in 1935 in the Soviet Union, after the official permission to celebrate the New Year. In the books on organizing Christmas trees of this period, the Snow Maiden appears on a par with Santa Claus as his granddaughter, assistant and mediator in communication between him and the children. The image of the Snow Maiden got its modern look in 1935 in the Soviet Union, after the official permission to celebrate the New Year. In the books on organizing Christmas trees of this period, the Snow Maiden appears on a par with Santa Claus as his granddaughter, assistant and mediator in communication between him and the children.

At the beginning of 1937, Santa Claus and Snegurochka first appeared together for a Christmas tree holiday in the Moscow House of Unions. It is curious that in the early Soviet images, the Snow Maiden is often depicted as a little girl, in the form of a girl they began to represent her later. At the beginning of 1937, Santa Claus and Snegurochka first appeared together for a Christmas tree holiday in the Moscow House of Unions. It is curious that in the early Soviet images, the Snow Maiden is often depicted as a little girl, in the form of a girl they began to represent her later.

In the post-war period, Snegurochka is almost an obligatory companion of Santa Claus in all festive celebrations, congratulations, etc. In the post-war period, Snegurochka is almost an obligatory companion of Santa Claus in all festive celebrations, congratulations, etc.

On New Year's Eve, students of theatrical universities and actresses often worked as Snow Maidens. In amateur performances, older girls and young women, more often fair-haired, were chosen for the role of Snow Maidens. On New Year's Eve, students of theatrical universities and actresses often worked as Snow Maidens. In amateur performances, older girls and young women, more often fair-haired, were chosen for the role of Snow Maidens.

The Snow Maiden is a New Year character in Russian legends, the granddaughter of Santa Claus, the main symbol of the New Year. However, it is interesting that since ancient times the Snegurochka was considered the daughter of Frost and the Snow Queen among the Slavs. Apparently later, for reasons of impossibility to explain the real origin of the Snow Maiden and due to the very large difference in age between her and Santa Claus, a variant took root, characterizing the Snow Maiden as a granddaughter. The Snow Maiden is a New Year character in Russian legends, the granddaughter of Santa Claus, the main symbol of the New Year. However, it is interesting that since ancient times the Snegurochka was considered the daughter of Frost and the Snow Queen among the Slavs. Apparently later, for reasons of impossibility to explain the real origin of the Snow Maiden and due to the very large difference in age between her and Santa Claus, a variant took root, characterizing the Snow Maiden as a granddaughter.

"Lesson Ostrovsky Snow Maiden" - A.N. Ostrovsky. The kingdom of the Berendey and the king Berendey in the play. But the play had real success only on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Problematic issues. What kind of conflict is already indicated in the prologue? Opera "Snow Maiden". Features of the play's conflict. The history of the creation of the play "Snow Maiden". In Ostrovsky's play, there are two main, independent, but united into a single whole conflict.

"Snegurochka" - Young ladies, daughters of a father, wives are well done. Old women! The last option is more indicative and, most likely, is the initial one. Divorce the son and daughter-in-law. What is the ancient world of the Slavs depicted by Ostrovsky? Rimsky-Korsakov. The Snow Maiden (Snezhevinochka) is so named because she was born from the snow.

“Speaking surnames in Ostrovsky's plays” - Savva gets a good education, but he cannot fully realize his abilities. Savva is an original Russian name. Gordey Karpych Tortsov. Year. Savva is, first of all, an integral nature, a spiritually pure person. Grisha has perhaps the most unflattering surname in the entire comedy. Pelageya Egorovna Tortsova. Mitya.

"Opera Snow Maiden" - Opera "Snow Maiden" (test). Question 10. (musical) Listen to the musical fragments and identify the heroine of the opera Snow Maiden by her voice. Question 4. What is the name of the dramatic work on which the opera is being created? 1. tale 2. libretto 3. monologue. Question 1. Name the author of the opera The Snow Maiden? 1. M.I. Glinka 2. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov 3. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

"Ostrovsky Plays" - The meaning of the name. Group 4. Features of revealing the characters of the heroes. Student messages (homework with additional literature). Childhood years were spent in Zamoskvorechye, a merchant and bourgeois district of Moscow. 1. Speaking surnames. Prove your point. Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. Ostrovsky's mother, Lyubov Ivanovna, nee Savvina, was the daughter of a priest.

Slide presentation

Slide text: A.N. Ostrovsky. The history of the creation of the play "Snow Maiden". A.N. Ostrovsky is a remarkable Russian playwright, the creator of 47 plays, which still do not leave the stage of many theaters. Among them, one of the most popular is Snegurochka. The playwright worked on the creation of the play in the spring of 1873, and immediately after the completion of the work, it was staged on stage. In 1900, at least four productions of the play took place. But the play had real success only on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater.

Slide text: Lesson topic: Heroes of the play-fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden". Folklore basis of the work. Goals and objectives: to know the features of the dramatic kind of literature, fairy tales as a genre of literature; to identify the folklore sources of the play; to reveal the features of the play's conflict.

Slide text: Fairy tale is one of the most popular and beloved genres in folklore and literature of all peoples of the world Fairy tale is not only a poetic fiction or a fantasy game; through the content, language, plots and images, the main cultural values ​​of the people who created it are reflected in it. The tale reflects the worldview of the people at different stages of its development. In addition to declaring values, a fairy tale still claims to be a lesson, however, unlike a simply expounded morality (as sometimes happens when angry adults reprimand children), a fairy tale narration always provides a rationale why it is necessary or not to do so (that is, it contains a ban on any or the actions of the heroes), and what these actions can ultimately lead to. There are folk and literary tales. Fairy tale as a genre of literature.

Slide text: "Snow Maiden" and Russian literary tale. The genre of literary fairy tales in Russian art was very popular; it was reflected in the work of V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, P.P. Ershova. However, unlike his brilliant predecessors, Ostrovsky created a fairy tale-drama.

Slide text: Folklore sources "Snegurochka". Folklore - 1. Folk art. 2. The totality of customs, rituals, songs and other phenomena of folk life. The source of Ostrovsky's fairy tales was "Russian folk tales" by A.N. Afanasyev (1826-1871), as well as his works on Russian mythology ("Poetic views of the Slavs on nature") Take the test

Slide text: Problematic issues. What in the views of the Snow Maiden and her behavior corresponds to the name of the daughter of Spring and Frost? What kind of conflict is already indicated in the prologue?

Slide text: Features of the play's conflict. In Ostrovsky's play, there are two main, independent, but united into a single whole conflict. The first is the collision of opposite natural phenomena - Cold and Heat, Frost and Yarila. The second is the own structure of the Berendei kingdom.

Slide text: The Snow Maiden and the Russian National Theater

Slide number 10

Slide text: Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Snow Maiden". The composer did not immediately understand the beauty of the piece. The kingdom of the Berendei seemed strange to him. "In the winter of 1879-1880, I again read" The Snow Maiden "and definitely saw its amazing beauty." Rimsky-Korsakov wrote the opera in just two and a half months in the summer of 1880.

Slide number 11

Slide text: V.M. Vasnetsov. Illustrations for the spring fairy tale "Snow Maiden". V.M. Vasnetsov said: “And this poem“ The Snow Maiden ”is the best there is. Russian prayer and wisdom, the wisdom of the prophet. " V.M. Vasnetsov, who was close to Ostrovsky in the spirit of creativity, defined the task characteristic of the artists of 1870-1880: "... with the perfection and completeness possible for us, we will depict and express the beauty, power and meaning of our native images - our Russian nature and man ..."

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Slide text: The kingdom of the Berendey and the king Berendey in the play. Ostrovsky refers the action of the play to "prehistoric time". Here, disregard for the traditions and laws of society is perceived as the gravest crime and severely punished. In the image of Tsar Berendey, the author's ideals about a wise ruler were embodied.

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Slide text: The lesson presentation is based on the presentation “A.N. Ostrovsky. "Snegurochka" (Introductory lesson. Grade 10) "teacher of Russian language and literature of Anninskaya secondary school №1 Konovalova N.I. from the repository of teaching materials of the Voronezh Regional Center for Distance Education .. Back to the project

A.N. Ostrovsky and his work in these materials are presented by presentations, text and visual materials using video, musical design, using Internet resources and individual fragments from the Forum of winners of NP "Education".



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Slide captions:

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden"

In 1873, A.N. Ostrovsky, under the influence of Afanasyev's ideas, wrote the play "Snow Maiden".

"Snow Maiden" The work "Snow Maiden" is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the world around us, love, nature, youth. The work is based on folk tales, songs, traditions and legends. Ostrovsky only combined fairy tales, legends and songs together and gave folk art a very peculiar flavor. In The Snow Maiden, the main place is occupied by human relations. At first glance, the plot looks absolutely fantastic. But then it turns out that living human characters are visible in this phantasmagoria.

The action takes place in a fabulous place - the kingdom of Berendey. Describing the laws of this country, Ostrovsky seems to be drawing his ideal of social structure. In the kingdom of Berendey, people live according to the laws of conscience and honor, they try not to arouse the anger of the gods. Beauty is very important here. The beauty of the surrounding world, the beauty of girls, flowers, songs are appreciated. It is no coincidence that the singer of love Lel is so popular. He kind of personifies youth, ardor, ardor.

Tsar Berendey himself symbolizes folk wisdom. He has lived a lot in the world, so he knows a lot. The king is worried about his people, it seems to him that something unkind appears in the hearts of people. Bendey is not worried about money and power. He cares about the hearts and souls of his subjects. Painting the tsar just like that, Ostrovsky wants to show the perfect picture of a fairy-tale society. Only in a fairy tale can people be so kind, noble and honest. And this intention of the writer in depicting a fabulous ideal reality warms the soul of the reader, makes him think about the beautiful and the sublime.

In the kingdom, simple but wonderful relationships have been developing between people for a long time. The deceived girl Kupava first of all appeals to the protector king with a request to punish the culprit of her grief. And having learned all the details from Kupava and those around him, the king renders his verdict: the guilty one must be punished. He orders to drive Mizgir out of sight. It is in exile that the Berendeis see the most terrible punishment for a guilty person. Honest people, worthy of the death penalty. Their guilt; but in our code of the Bloody there are no laws; let the gods Execute him as he transgressed, And we condemn Mizgir by the people's court For eternal exile.

The figure of the Snow Maiden is remarkable. She is completely different from everyone around. The Snow Maiden is a fairy-tale character. She is the daughter of Frost and Spring. That is why the Snow Maiden is a very contradictory creature. Coldness in her heart is the legacy of her father, severe and gloomy Frost. For a long time, the Snow Maiden lives in the wilderness of the forest, and her mansion is carefully guarded by a stern father. But, as it turned out, the Snow Maiden looks like not only her father, but also her mother, beautiful and kind Spring. That is why she is tired of living alone, locked up. She wants to see real human life, to know all its beauty, to take part in girls' fun, to listen to the wonderful songs of the shepherd Lel. "Life is not a joy without songs." In the way Snegurochka describes human life, one can see her genuine admiration for human joys. The cold heart of a fairy-tale girl does not yet know love and human feelings, but nevertheless she is already attracted, attracted by the bewitching world of people. The girl realizes that she can no longer remain in the kingdom of ice and snow. She wants to find happiness, and perhaps this, in her opinion, only in the kingdom of the Berendei.

The shepherd Lel rejects the Snow Maiden, and she decides to ask her mother for warm love. The one that burns the human heart, makes you forget about everything in the world: The Snow Maiden is deceived, offended, killed. Oh mother, Vesna-Red! I run to you with a complaint and a request: I ask for love, I want to love. Give the Snow Maiden a girl's heart, mom! Give love or take my life!

Spring gives her daughter a feeling of love, but this gift can be disastrous for the Snow Maiden. Spring is languishing with grievous forebodings, because the Snow Maiden is her daughter. Love turns out to be tragic for the heroine.

The Snow Maiden in love becomes surprisingly touching. A whole world opens up for her, completely unknown to her before. Now she understands all those who experience love yearning. She answers Misgir with consent to become his wife. But Misgir is not able to give up his intention to appear before all the Berendeys with his fiancée, considering the beauty's fears to be a whim. The first bright rays of the sun kill the Snow Maiden.

Misgir cannot put up with the death of his beloved, so he throws himself from a high mountain. But the death of Snegurochka seems natural to the Berendey. The warmth of the soul was alien to the Snow Maiden, so it was difficult for her to find her happiness among people.

The literary and aesthetic principles in the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden", while remaining common to the entire work of the playwright, acquire a unique originality in the "spring fairy tale", which made it possible to combine in the work the solution of the most important psychological problems of the time with the entertainment of a fairy tale.

One of the original features of the artistic method of "The Snow Maiden" is the combination of pictures of real life with a fairy tale and fantasy, poetry of nature with the drama of eternal human feelings and passions. In creating characters, the playwright boldly combines romantic and realistic techniques. Thanks to this special character of the typification of images, Ostrovsky not only achieves the reality and concreteness of the images of fairytale heroes, but also translates the fairytale conflict into a psychological plan, which allowed the playwright to raise the question of a person's moral ideas. Thus, the central conflict in The Snow Maiden is the same as in Ostrovsky's everyday plays, only it is resolved not in a concrete everyday, but in a generalized symbolic plane.

In accordance with his ideas about artistry, wanting to give the Russian theater an ideological, moral, highly artistic festive repertoire, Ostrovsky creates a new unique genre - "spring fairy tale", which combines elements of already known genres - the fantastic nature of the extravaganza, the symbolism of the "mask play", irony comedy, entertainment and at the same time the deep content of a folk tale.

A.N. Ostrovsky's appeal to the genre of a fairy tale is not accidental. The playwright not only retells the fairy tale, but, deeply processing the fairy-tale material, involving other genres of oral folk art (ritual poetry, folk song, tradition), subordinates the fairy tale to the solution of pressing problems.

"The Snow Maiden" is a poetic picture of the inner world of A. N. Ostrovsky and the world of his heroes in a subjective-lyrical refraction. In the "spring tale" Ostrovsky's aesthetic ideal was directly and openly expressed in the form of the creation of the Berendean kingdom. The fabulous character of the play, the lack of political specifics and closeness to folk utopian legends and fairy tales, in contrast to many utopias characterized by a high degree of theorizing and giving concrete solutions to the problems of the political and social structure of an ideal country, allow us to speak of the expression of the aesthetic ideal of the playwright in The Snow Maiden.

The presentation was made by T. Klyuchnikova and G. Peskov. Selection of information Yu. Mishina, G. Peskov, T. Klyuchnikova. The project is defended by M. Kruglova and I. Abramov.

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Presentation on the theme "" Snow Maiden "A. N. Ostrovsky - the history of creation" (Grade 10) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Literature. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 13 slide (s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

A.N. Ostrovsky. The history of the creation of the play "Snow Maiden".

A.N. Ostrovsky is a remarkable Russian playwright, the creator of 47 plays, which still do not leave the stage of many theaters. Among them, one of the most popular is Snegurochka. The playwright worked on the creation of the play in the spring of 1873, and immediately after the completion of the work, it was staged on stage. In 1900, at least four productions of the play took place. But the play had real success only on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater.

Slide 2

Lesson topic: Heroes of the play-fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden". Folklore basis of the work.

Goals and objectives: to know the features of the dramatic kind of literature, fairy tales as a genre of literature; to identify the folklore sources of the play; to reveal the features of the play's conflict.

Slide 3

A fairy tale is one of the most popular and beloved genres in folklore and literature of all peoples of the world. A fairy tale is not only a poetic fiction or a fantasy game; through the content, language, plots and images, the main cultural values ​​of the people who created it are reflected in it. The tale reflects the worldview of the people at different stages of its development. In addition to declaring values, a fairy tale still claims to be a lesson, however, unlike a simply expounded morality (as sometimes happens when angry adults reprimand children), a fairy tale narration always provides a rationale why it is necessary or not to do so (that is, it contains a ban on any or the actions of the heroes), and what these actions can ultimately lead to. There are folk and literary tales.

Fairy tale as a genre of literature.

Slide 4

"Snow Maiden" and Russian literary tale.

The genre of literary fairy tales in Russian art was very popular; it was reflected in the work of V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, P.P. Ershova. However, unlike his brilliant predecessors, Ostrovsky created a fairy tale-drama.

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Folklore sources "Snegurochka".

Folklore - 1. Folk art. 2. The totality of customs, rituals, songs and other phenomena of folk life. The source of Ostrovsky's fairy tales was "Russian folk tales" by A.N. Afanasyev (1826-1871), as well as his works on Russian mythology ("Poetic views of the Slavs on nature") Take the test

Slide 6

Problematic issues.

What in the views of the Snow Maiden and her behavior corresponds to the name of the daughter of Spring and Frost? What kind of conflict is already indicated in the prologue?

Slide 7

Features of the play's conflict.

In Ostrovsky's play, there are two main, independent, but united into a single whole conflict. The first is the collision of opposite natural phenomena - Cold and Heat, Frost and Yarila. The second is the own structure of the Berendei kingdom.

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Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Snow Maiden".

The composer did not immediately understand the beauty of the piece. The kingdom of the Berendei seemed strange to him. "In the winter of 1879-1880, I again read" The Snow Maiden "and definitely saw its amazing beauty." Rimsky-Korsakov wrote the opera in just two and a half months in the summer of 1880.

Slide 11

V.M. Vasnetsov. Illustrations for the spring fairy tale "Snow Maiden".

V.M. Vasnetsov said: “And this poem“ The Snow Maiden ”is the best there is. Russian prayer and wisdom, the wisdom of the prophet. " V.M. Vasnetsov, who was close to Ostrovsky in the spirit of creativity, defined the task characteristic of the artists of 1870-1880: "... with the perfection and completeness possible for us, we will depict and express the beauty, power and meaning of our native images - our Russian nature and man ..."

Slide 12

The kingdom of the Berendey and the king Berendey in the play.

Ostrovsky refers the action of the play to "prehistoric time". Here, disregard for the traditions and laws of society is perceived as the gravest crime and severely punished. In the image of Tsar Berendey, the author's ideals about a wise ruler were embodied.

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don't just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will allow you to better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
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  • It is important to rehearse your presentation, think about how you greet the audience, what you say first, how you end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently, and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
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