Letter to Tatiana Yakovleva Mayakovsky's analysis is brief. Mayakovsky's Love Lyrics: Letter to Tatiana Yakovleva

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Poem by V.V. Mayakovsky is autobiographical, like almost all of the poet's lyrics. met in Paris a very beautiful young woman - Tatyana Yakovleva, fell in love with her and invited her to go with him back to Soviet Union. They corresponded, and Mayakovsky wrote one letter in verse.
Even if you do not know these facts of the poet's biography, after reading the poem, you can immediately feel that it differs from the poet's lyrics as a whole. There are no hyperbole, rumbling metaphors, fantasy in it that amaze the imagination. The poet himself promises in the "Letter ...": "... I will be long, / I will simply / I will speak in verse." "Letter ..." is addressed mainly to Tatyana Yakovleva, the poet strives to be understood by his beloved, he is ready "... to tell about this important evening / like a human being." This poem strikes with its sincere, confidential tone, it looks like a confession of a lyrical hero.
In "Letter ..." Mayakovsky manages, with the help of just a few lines, to create the image of Tatyana Yakovleva, to describe both her appearance and her inner world. The poet's favorite is "long-legged", but, more importantly, she is "level in height" to him. Mayakovsky feels that this is a guarantee of understanding between them, meaning growth not only physical, but also spiritual, it is no coincidence that he asks Tatyana Yakovleva to stand with him "next to him, with an eyebrow," before a conversation that has for him great importance. She is not "any female", adorned with silks, who cannot kindle the flame of passion in the poet's heart. Tatyana Yakovleva had to go through a lot before she settled in Paris. The poet appeals to her, to her memory: "Not to you, in the snow and in typhoid / walking with these feet, / here for caresses to give them out / to dinner with oilmen."
The whole poem seems to be divided into two parts: it depicts and contrasts two worlds, both of which are very important for the poet. This is Paris and the Soviet Union. These two worlds are huge and draw the heroes of the poem, their thoughts and feelings into their orbit.
Paris is described as a city of love, luxury and pleasure unacceptable for a poet ("I don't like Parisian love"). The populated city seems to be extinct already at "five o'clock", but there are "females" in silks and "dinners with oilmen" in it. Everything is different in Soviet Russia: "... there are patches on their shoulders, / their consumption licks with a sigh", because "a hundred million were bad."
In the poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, the voice of the lyrical hero organically merges personal and civil. The intimate lyrical “I” at the beginning of the poem turns into a public “we” where the poet begins to talk about the Motherland: “I am not myself, but I am jealous / for Soviet Russia.” The theme of jealousy, which runs through the entire poem, is closely related to his "civil" plan. Critics even suggested renaming the "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva" into "Letter on the Essence of Jealousy." The lyrical hero of Mayakovsky himself is characterized not by jealousy, but by “inexhaustible joy”, love as the main law of life, the universe.
The poet depicts “personal” jealousy as a universal cataclysm: “In the black sky of lightning, the tread, / the thunder of curses in the heavenly drama, / is not a thunderstorm, but it’s just / jealousy moves mountains.” So Mayakovsky conveys his inner state, the titanic force of passion boiling in his chest. However, the poet is ashamed of personal jealousy, calls it the feeling of "offspring of the nobility", considers passion to be measles, dangerous disease. He asks his beloved not to believe "stupid words ... raw materials."
Words dictated by love are stupid because they come from the heart, express personal feelings, but they take on a different meaning, rise in status as soon as the poet begins to speak not for himself personally, but for "Soviet Russia". It turns out that the need for beauty is felt not only by the lyrical hero, but also by his homeland: "... we need you in Moscow, / there are not enough long-legged ones." The poet is offended that Tatyana Yakovleva remains in Paris, while in Moscow “you can’t straighten out many with sports.” He admits that after many years of wars, illnesses and hardships in Soviet Russia, they begin to appreciate true beauty, they become “tender”.
In "Letter ..." Mayakovsky reflects on the essence of love. He not only opposes love to jealousy, but also distinguishes two types of love. The first, "Parisian" love, "dogs of brutal passion", he rejects, does not believe in its sincerity. Together with her, he rejects “personal” love, feelings “for himself”: “Jealousy, wives, tears ... well, them!” Another kind of love, in which love for a woman and love for the Motherland merge together, he recognizes as the only true one. It seems that the choice is so obvious that Tatyana Yakovleva does not even have to think, "squinting simply / from under straightened arcs."
However, the poet and his beloved belong to two different worlds: she is entirely the world of Paris, with which images of love, the night sky, European space are associated in the poem (the lyrical hero hears the “whistle dispute / trains to Barcelona”), He belongs with all his heart to his young republic. The theme of jealousy, hardships and hardships, snow-covered space, along which Tatyana Yakovleva once walked with “these feet”, is connected with Soviet Russia. Even the poet shares insults with his Motherland, lowers them "to the common account." With resentment in his voice, he allows his beloved to “stay and spend the winter” in Paris, so they give a break to the besieged enemy. The theme of hostilities, the "capture of Paris", which flashes at the end of the poem, brings to mind Napoleon and the resounding victory of Russian troops over the French in Patriotic war 1812. The lyrical hero seems to hope that the Parisian winter will weaken the impregnable beauty, as the Russian winter once weakened Napoleon's army, and will force Tatyana Yakovleva to change her mind.
The lyrical hero himself, in the face of love, looks like a big child, he paradoxically combines strength and touching defenselessness, a challenge and the desire to protect his beloved, to surround her with “big and clumsy” hands. The poet compares the embrace not with the ring, as usual, but with the crossroads. On the one hand, the crossroads is associated with openness, insecurity - the poet does not seek to protect from prying eyes his love, on the contrary, combines the personal with the public. On the other hand, two paths join at the crossroads. Perhaps the poet hopes that the "personal", loving embrace will help connect two worlds - Paris and Moscow, which have no other points of intersection yet. But until this happens at the behest of his beloved, the poet challenges - not so much to her, but to the very movement of life, history, which divided them, scattered them across different countries and cities: "I'll take you anyway - / alone or together with Paris."
In the poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, two plans of the lyrical hero merge - intimate, intimate and public, civil: “In the kiss of the hands, or in the trembling of the body of those close to me / the red color of my republics / should also burn.” Is the poet sincere in desiring beauty and love not for himself alone, but for all of Soviet Russia? In this poem, love appears to him as akin to duty. Mayakovsky writes not only about his duty - to return the beautiful Tatyana Yakovleva to her homeland, but also reminds her of her duty - to return to where there is snow and disease, so that Russia also finds a piece of beauty, and with it hope for rebirth.
In the "Letter ..." feelings and duty, spiritual storms and civic position are paradoxically combined. The whole of Mayakovsky is expressed in this. Love for the poet was a unifying principle: he wanted to believe that the coming of the revolution would put an end to all conflicts; for the sake of love for the idea of ​​communism, Mayakovsky was ready, as he later wrote in the poem “Out loud”, “to step on the throat of his own song” and fulfill the “social order”.
Although at the end of his life the poet will be disappointed in his former ideals and aspirations, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” conveys the very essence of the poet’s worldview: everything is one in love, it represents the meaning of being and its main idea, which, according to Dante, “moves the suns and luminaries ".

Poem Mayakovsky Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva

In our days, when moral, moral problems are gaining all greater value and sharpness, it is important for us to “see” Mayakovsky as the greatest lyricist more fully and more clearly. Here he is a pioneer of world poetry of the 20th century. A pioneer not only in political, socially naked, civil lyrics, but also in poems about the revolution, its heroes ...

Rejecting back in pre-October period"chirping" bourgeois poets who "chirping with rhymes, from loves and nightingales" boil "some kind of brew", Mayakovsky, in best traditions Russian and world lyric poetry, acts as a passionate singer and defender of true love, which uplifts and inspires a person:

And I feel -

Not enough for me.

Some of me break out stubbornly.

Who is speaking?

Your son is very sick!

He has a heart of fire.

Mayakovsky jokingly said that it would be good to find reasonable use for human passions - at least to make turbines rotate - so that energy charges would not be wasted. The joke turned out to be things for at least one of the passions - love. Salvation for the poet was creativity and inspiration, lurking in underground depths this passion.

Not heaven but bushes

Buzzing about it

What's again

Put into work

Exhausted motor.

famous lines about creative power love (“To love is from sheets, torn insomnia, to break loose, jealous of Copernicus ...”) were truly Mayakovsky’s great artistic discovery. In them, his talent was freely and widely revealed, triumphing over his victory over “chaos” and “inertia”. As if freed from the force that humiliated him, the poet opened up completely to meet a new emotion that reconciled the heart and mind. Characteristic in this regard is the poem "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva". Surprisingly unusual is the beginning of a poetic message addressed to a beloved woman. At the same time, it is characteristic of Mayakovsky, for whom everything is inseparable from the revolution both in poetry and in life, in the fate of the Motherland and the fate of each of its fellow citizens:

In the kiss of hands

In body trembling

close to me

my republics


The addressee of the letter is a person really close to the poet:

You are the only one for me

level growth,

Get close

With an eyebrow,

About this

important evening


More human.

But everything is not so simple. Rejecting jealousy with his mind - “feelings of the offspring of the nobility”, - the poet is jealous of his beloved for Paris: “... it’s not a thunderstorm, but it’s just jealousy that moves mountains.” Realizing that jealousy can offend the woman he loves, he seeks to calm her down, but at the same time to say what she means to him, how dear and close:

Passion measles will come down with a scab,

But joy


I'll be long

I'll just

I speak in verse.

And suddenly a new twist on a deeply personal theme. As if returning to the beginning of the poetic message, the poet excitedly says:

I'm not myself

For Soviet Russia.

Again, at first glance, such a statement may seem, to put it mildly, somewhat strange and unexpected. After all, we are talking about a deeply personal, intimate feeling, about love and jealousy for a woman from Russia, who, due to circumstances, found herself far from her homeland - in Paris. But the poet dreams that his beloved was with him in Soviet Russia...

Don't you think

squinting just

From under straightened arcs.

Go here,

Go to the crossroads

my big

And clumsy hands.

Beloved is silent. She is still in Paris. The poet returns home alone. But you can't tell your heart. Again and again he recalls with excitement everything that happened in Paris. He still loves this woman. He believes that in the end his love will win:

Do not want?

Stay and winter

And this is an insult

We will lower it to the general account.

I don't care

Someday I'll take

Or together with Paris.

To open a person of the future means to open oneself, to open, to really feel this future in one's soul and heart. Thus, some of the best love poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky were born in our poetry.

The original work of V. Mayakovsky was filled with extraordinary and very exciting works. He was quite an ideological person and believed in socialism. In his opinion, a person cannot have personal happiness if there is no happiness in society. He was a desperate patriot, and would never betray his homeland because of his love for women.

Once, while traveling in Paris, Mayakovsky met a Russian woman Tatyana Yakovleva there. Having visited such a romantic city, she did not want to return to Russia and remained to live abroad. Vladimir was madly in love with a woman, he proposed marriage to her, he asked her to return to her homeland. But, Tatyana refused him, hinting that she would be his wife only if they stayed in Paris. Of course, Mayakovsky did not agree to such conditions and went home.

Already on the territory of his homeland, he writes a poetic work in the form of a sharp letter and sends it to Tatyana. At the very beginning of the poem, the author says that his feelings of a patriot are much stronger than love. He says that he does not believe in the love of French women at all. He does not like those who hide their true nature behind cosmetics and outfits.

Turning to Tatyana, Vladimir asks her to stand next to him, on a par with him. He persuades the woman to return, he writes and reminds her of the real life, which is not possible to cross out their lives. Mayakovsky is insanely jealous of Tatyana, because he understands that such a beauty has a lot of fans even without him. He also writes that he is gnawed by all-Russian jealousy for the fact that such beautiful women simply leave their homeland.

Mayakovsky has absolutely nothing to offer Yakovleva. He has nothing but love. He understands that he will be rejected. And this causes anger in his soul.

The last lines of the poem are filled with sarcasm and rudeness. He calls Tatyana a traitor. And, with all this, anyway, promises to achieve her consent. But, these two people were no longer destined to meet. Soon, Mayakovsky left this world by committing suicide.

The lyrics of Vladimir Mayakovsky are very peculiar and are distinguished by their special originality. The fact is that the poet sincerely supported the ideas of socialism and believed that personal happiness cannot be complete and comprehensive without public happiness. These two concepts are so closely intertwined in the life of Mayakovsky that for the sake of love for a woman he would never betray his homeland, but on the contrary he could do it very easily, since he could not imagine his life outside of Russia. Of course, the poet often criticized the shortcomings Soviet society with his inherent sharpness and straightforwardness, but at the same time he believed that he lived in the best country.

In 1928, Mayakovsky traveled abroad and met in Paris with a Russian emigrant Tatyana Yakovleva, who in 1925 came to visit relatives and decided to stay in France forever. The poet fell in love with a beautiful aristocrat and invited her to return to Russia as a legal wife, but was refused. Yakovleva was reserved about Mayakovsky's courtship, although she hinted that she was ready to marry the poet if he refused to return to his homeland. Suffering from an unrequited feeling and from the realization that one of the few women who understands and feels him so well is not going to part with Paris for him, Mayakovsky returned home, after which he sent his beloved a poetic message “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” - a sharp, complete sarcasm and, at the same time, hope.

This work begins with phrases that love fever cannot overshadow feelings of patriotism, since “the red color of my republics should also burn”, developing this theme, Mayakovsky emphasizes that he does not like “Parisian love”, or rather, Parisian women, who behind the outfits and cosmetics skillfully disguise their true nature. At the same time, the poet, referring to Tatyana Yakovleva, emphasizes: “You are the only one with my height, stand next to the eyebrow”, considering that a native Muscovite who has lived in France for several years compares favorably with cutesy and frivolous Parisians.

Trying to persuade the chosen one to return to Russia, Mayakovsky, without embellishment, tells her about the socialist way of life, which Tatyana Yakovleva is so stubbornly trying to erase from her memory. After all new Russia- this is hunger, disease, death and poverty, veiled under equality. Leaving Yakovlev in Paris, the poet experiences an acute feeling of jealousy, as he understands that this long-legged beauty has enough fans even without him, she can afford to go to Barcelona for Chaliapin's concerts in the company of the same Russian aristocrats. However, trying to formulate his feelings, the poet admits that "I am not myself, but I am jealous for Soviet Russia." Thus, Mayakovsky is much more gnawing at the fact that the best of the best leave their homeland than ordinary male jealousy, which he is ready to bridle and humble.

The poet understands that apart from love, he can offer nothing to the girl who struck him with her beauty, intelligence and sensitivity. And he knows in advance that he will be refused when he turns to Yakovleva with the words: “Come here, to the crossroads of my big and clumsy hands.” Therefore, the finale of this love-patriotic message is filled with caustic irony and sarcasm. The tender feelings of the poet are transformed into anger when he addresses the chosen one with a rather rude phrase “Stay and winter, and we will lower this insult to the common account.” By this, the poet wants to emphasize that he considers Yakovlev a traitor not only in relation to himself, but also to his homeland. However, this fact does not in the least cool the romantic ardor of the poet, who promises: “I will take you all the time someday - alone or together with Paris.”

It should be noted that Mayakovsky never managed to see Tatyana Yakovleva again. A year and a half after writing this letter in verse, he committed suicide.

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Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva

love lyrics Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky is also not simple and original, like his life and party creativity. The poet had many women who were muses for him, he dedicated his poems to them, but among all of them, the most interesting Russian emigrant living in Paris is Tatyana Yakovleva.

Their acquaintance took place in 1928, Mayakovsky almost immediately fell in love with Yakovlev, at the same time offering her a hand and heart, but, most importantly, was refused, because Tatyana did not want to return to her homeland and chose Paris, and not a poet in love. It must be said that she feared not without reason, since the waves of arrests, one after another, drowned Russia in blood and shame. She could have been brought to trial without the slightest reason, like her husband, because such troubles always hit the whole family.

Returning to Russia, Mayakovsky wrote the well-known sarcastic, poignant and ardent poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, where he vividly and furiously expressed his emotions towards his beloved. For example, in the first lines of the poem, Mayakovsky wants to say that he will not exchange his native country for anything, emphasizing that he is a patriot. The fever of feeling is unable to break his iron will, but it is heated to the limit.

The poet is not only far away from Paris. He no longer loves “Parisian love” and women who are trying in every possible way to hide themselves behind silks and cosmetics, but Mayakovsky singles out Tatyana among all of them: “You are the only one who is my height” - showing her beautiful and desirable, as if proving that she should not be among those unnatural and miserable.

With all this, Mayakovsky is jealous of Tatyana for Paris, but he knows that he cannot offer her something other than his love, because in Soviet Russia there have come such times when hunger, disease and death equalized all classes. Many people, on the contrary, sought to leave the country, as did the woman who won his heart. “We need you in Moscow too: there are not enough long-legged ones,” Mayakovsky shouts about the desire of Russian people to leave the country, go abroad and live in clover. He is offended that the best leave the country and do not leave in vain, not out of an empty whim. What would happen to this sophisticated aristocrat at home? Endless humiliation from the mere sight of the streets littered with misfortunes. Alas, her easy step cannot be only with him at the crossroads of "big and clumsy hands."

The finale is cruel: "Stay and winter, and we will lower this insult to the common account." It so happened that the lovers were different sides barricade. Mayakovsky ridicules Tatyana as an ideological opponent, a coward, to whom he scornfully threw "Stay!", Considering this an insult. Where should she, from Paris, spend the winter in Russian latitudes? However, he still passionately loves a woman in her who has nothing to do with politics. His internal conflict between the free creator and the party poet escalated to the extreme: Mayakovsky begins to realize what sacrifices he is making on the altar of the party. For what? The fact that nothing, in fact, has changed as a result of the revolutionary struggle. Only the scenery and slogans were reincarnated in other tinsel and falsehood. All the vices of the previous state are inescapable both in the new state and in any state. Maybe it was Tatyana Yakovleva who gave rise to doubt in him about the correctness of his lonely path.

It is interesting that Tatyana had many suitors, among whom, perhaps, were noble, rich people, but Mayakovsky cannot imagine Yakovleva having dinner with them, and speaks of this in his poem. He sees her only next to him and in conclusion writes: “I will take you anyway - alone or together with Paris” - but a year and a half after writing such an ironic and at the same time touching poem, Mayakovsky takes his own life, never got what he wanted so badly. Perhaps the loss of his beloved marked the beginning of a painful reflection of the author, which undermined his mental health. This makes the poem "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva" even more tragic and sad.

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