The most common diseases of ficus benjamin. An overview of the most dangerous ficus diseases and their treatment

landscaping 12.06.2019

It was named after the British botanist who created a directory of flowering plants and described many types of ficus. This plant is native to the southeastern Asian countries with a tropical climate. In the wild, the plant is represented by a fairly large tree up to 30 meters, with a spreading crown covered with narrow oval fleshy leaves.

Ficus Benjamin attracted the attention of botanists with its beautiful appearance and work began on its selection. As a result of the work, decorative varieties flower, having a more modest size and the ability to grow in room conditions.

Ficus Benjamin is loved for its decorative effect and few people know that this plant has bactericidal properties and is able to purify the air of pathogens.

This plant has a huge varietal diversity with leaves of different colors and sizes. With proper care, an ornamental leafy plant can grow up to two meters. Due to the intensive growth, the ficus needs support, but you can not install it, but beautifully intertwine several shoots into one trunk. A flower can be formed as a tree or a bush.

Most popular in indoor floriculture acquired such varieties of ficus Benjamin:

  • "Natasha" is a bushy plant with dense branches covered with small oval green leaves. The size of the leaves does not exceed three centimeters, but this does not reduce the decorative qualities of the flower. The leaf plate has a clear depression in the center and a pointed tip.
  • "Anastasia" - a plant with larger leaves of moderately variegated colors. Glossy sheet plates have wavy edges and lighter veins that stand out against a dark green background.
  • 'Daniel' is a fast growing cultivar with dark rich glossy foliage. A rather lush plant, the leaves of which grow up to eight centimeters and have smooth edges.
  • "Kinki" is a motley bush with small tender leaves that grows up to forty centimeters and has a spherical shape. Green leaves are outlined along the edge with pale green or white borders.
  • "Mix" - a large variety of ficus with green glossy foliage. Reaches a height of two meters and needs to form a crown through pruning.
  • "Twilight" - grows up to one and a half meters and has an interesting foliage color, which combines green and white spots spreading over the surface of the leaf plate.

Whatever variety attracts the attention of the grower, the ficus needs the right complete care. Otherwise, the plant will lose its decorative effect and will soon die.

Benjamin's ficus must be properly cared for, given its tropical preferences. To do this, a number of conditions must be met:

  • correctly place the flower in the house
  • timely watering and spraying
  • keep the temperature
  • feed
  • form a crown

If you do not properly follow the rules of care, then the ficus will begin to wither and become not a decoration of the house, but a headache for its inhabitants. There are a number of the most common growing problems:

  • yellowing and spotting of leaves - a clear sign of a lack of light
  • rapid fall of foliage - insufficient and irregular irrigation
  • the appearance of dark spots on the leaves indicates excessive watering
  • ficus foliage acquires brown tones and falls off - this indicates non-compliance temperature regime or exposure to drafts
  • if the plant has a stunted underdeveloped appearance: weak and with small leaves, then attention should be paid to top dressing and add mineral fertilizers.

Restoring the health of a plant is quite difficult, and in some cases not possible. If maintenance errors are noticed in the early stages, then the plant can be saved by recreating natural conditions habitation and eliminating the causes of malaise. But if the conditions are met, and the plant withers, then the cause may be infectious diseases or harmful insects.

With improper care, namely from excess moisture, Benjamin's ficus can become covered with growths that are concentrated on the inside of the leaf plate - these are symptoms of dropsy. The plant can be saved by recreating favorable conditions, on the affected leaves will have to be removed, because they are not treatable.

But the ailments associated with improper care are not the only ones that the plant suffers from. Often ficus can infect infectious fungal diseases, which are very difficult to treat:

  • Anthracnose develops as a result of defeat by imperfect fungi. Signs of the disease are the formation of dark brown spots on the leaves, which develop into ulcerative formations. If you do not take drastic measures, the plant will soon die. During treatment, they get rid of all the affected foliage, and then they are treated with fungicidal preparations. Processing is carried out in several stages, according to the instructions. Throughout the entire period of treatment, you should often ventilate the room without creating drafts, limit watering and refrain from spraying.
  • Gray rot is also a fungal infection. The first symptoms are the appearance of a grayish coating on the leaves, similar to mold. Over time, the plaque spreads throughout the plant and suffocates it. The first step is to wash the plant with soapy water and remove the damaged parts. Then carry out the treatment with special preparations and keep in isolation from other plants. Treatments should be carried out until the disease has completely subsided, otherwise it will soon return and destroy the weakened plant.
  • Root rot occurs due to fungal infection of the roots. The impetus for the disease is excessive soil moisture. Signs of root rot are yellowing and wilting of the leaves, which rapidly begin to darken and fall off. It is possible to cure a flower only in the early stages of the disease by "surgical intervention". Ficus should be carefully removed from the pot and carefully examine the roots, if they are all dark and soft, then it will not be possible to save the plant, and if most of has roots White color then a cure is possible. All darkened and damaged roots should be cut off, and part of the crown with signs of illness is also cut off. Moreover, the percentage of removed ground and underground parts should be approximately equal. After that, the plant is planted in the prepared one.
  • There are also diseases that are bactericidal in nature and cannot be treated. They are expressed in ugly growths and blisters on leaf plates, as well as in various tumors on the stem sections of the plant. In case of disease, the plant must be isolated and treated with insecticides. And if there is no improvement, then the ficus should be destroyed.

To avoid trouble when growing a plant, you need to properly care for it:

  • Watering should be carried out regularly and not very plentifully, avoiding stagnation of moisture and drying out of the earthen coma. You also need to periodically spray the plant with warm water.
  • The location must be chosen so that Benjamin's ficus is not exposed to drafts and direct sun rays. There should be a lot of light, otherwise the plant will lose its decorative effect. AT winter time be sure to install additional lighting.
  • The temperature should be maintained at 22-26 degrees in summer time, and in winter - 15-18 degrees will be enough.

If you follow the recommendations experienced gardeners and pay enough attention to the flower, then Benjamin's ficus will please with its beauty and decorate any interior. In addition, this plant does not lose its decorative effect in winter and will delight the eye all year round.

More information can be found in the video:

Everyone knows that a plant like ficus is a favorite of many skilled gardeners and simple housewives. First, it's pretty undemanding plants, and secondly, there is nothing easier than growing it at home. One of the most common species of this tree is the notorious ficus Benjamin. However, despite the resistance to many influencing factors environment, even ficus can hit various diseases. Ficus Benjamin diseases arise from seemingly obvious omissions, such as inadequate prevention, infestations, and incorrect hygiene measures.

The article below will tell you what to do if your pet is struck by a particular disease, as well as what Benjamin's treatment is.

Disease Prevention Measures

Proper care can prevent a lot of problems and diseases. In order for your ficus to be healthy and strong, you need to take some precautions when transplanting Benjamin into new ground, or placing it next to other plants. The main and priority preventive measures include:

If the conditions provided for the flower are optimal, they will completely protect the flower from disease, infection, virus or fungus.

The main sources of disease

It happens that ficus Benjamin's diseases are associated with excessive or inappropriate care. Remember that its health depends on the conditions in which your flower is kept. Provide Ficus Benjamin with the following conditions:

  • proper lighting and temperature in the ficus room;
  • sufficient air humidity;
  • high-quality watering (do not allow a lack or excess of moisture);
  • strong mineralization;
  • the right amount of fertilizer;
  • balanced soil composition.

Ficus owners often complain that the leaves on their plants have begun to fade, turn yellow and even crumble, in such cases the main recommendations will be: increase or decrease the amount of watering, change the location of your color (for example, from a shady corner to the sun, and vice versa ), plant transplantation in new ground.

Information about possible diseases

Diseases and pests are the main enemies of any ficus. Since "you need to know the enemy by sight", every gardener needs to familiarize himself with all the existing diseases characteristic of this plant.

Yellowed leaves. This symptom is quite common among diseased ficuses. Often, excessive dry air in the room becomes the culprit, which often happens in winter, as well as when ficuses are located next to hot batteries. Due to the influence of hot air, the leaves may turn yellow, wither and fall off. The loss of leaves leads to the death of the plant. In order to solve the problem, move the flower to another place where it is installed special humidifier. Other the best option is covering the battery with a blanket and constantly spraying the flower. The leaf may also turn yellow due to the stress that occurs due to the frequent movement of the flower around the apartment. It is important to choose the best place for ficus immediately, so as not to lead to unexpected consequences after.

Leaves fall or shred. AT this case you can safely say that your plant lacks vitamins and nutrients. You can get rid of this at room conditions by transplanting into another, more balanced soil. When doing this, use only the substrate prepared according to the rules. It should include an equal amount of peat, sand and leafy soil. After transplanting the plant, water it with a moderate amount of liquid. Another reason for such a manifestation, as well as a change in a healthy appearance to a dry and faded appearance, is an excess of fluid in the soil. For watering to be successful, you must always allow the soil to dry completely. By not doing this root system rot and the plant will die. In the case when the ground is already flooded, wait for it to dry or transplant the ficus into another soil, while eliminating the damaged roots. A sign of poor watering is the appearance of dry and wrinkled leaves (you can see them on any photo of a diseased flower). Such neglect leads to the withering of the roots and subsequent death.

Pests of Ficus Benjamin! How to deal with Ficus pests!

Diseases and pests of Ficus "Benjamin" Houseplants.

Why do FICUSA leaves turn yellow and fall off. Problems with ficus benjamin and their solution

Are the leaves covered with brown spots? This means that the air temperature in your apartment is more than high for given flower or the plant lacks moisture. It is possible that you overdo it with top dressing. The leaves fall from the bottom of the ficus - sometimes the cause of the fall is not diseases at all, but the natural aging process. If this is really the second option, then the trunk should not be exposed, because this indicates the need for transplanting into another soil, or additional fertilizer. Leaves die off: dying off is attributed to a serious illness caused by various viruses and infections. Treatment in this case is carried out with insecticidal preparations after examining the flower.

About ficus pests and methods of control

Ficus Benjamin pests represent a whole list of representatives, the fight against which is necessary and mandatory. Consider the most famous, which are included in this list.

Not only pests are frequent "guests" of ficuses. Fungal diseases also periodically affect indoor flowers. Consider those who are classified as opponents of Benjamin's ficus in more detail.

Gray rot. The manifestation of the disease is to cover the leaves and stem with gray mold. When shaken, the mold takes off, forming "dust". The leaves often die. If signs are found, it is necessary to provide the ficus with proper care by removing each affected area. Try to ventilate the room regularly, while reducing the amount of watering. Sooty fungus appears as a gray-black bloom. Care for the affected flower consists in treating with soapy water and removing diseased leaves. The leaf fungus is represented by large black spots. For treatment, it is necessary to eliminate all diseased areas and use a fungicide. Root fungus occurs due to waterlogging and cannot be treated.

Diseases and pests of Benjamin's ficus are diverse, but measures to eliminate them in an apartment environment are not difficult. To grow a healthy flower, it is enough to observe proper care and take timely preventive measures.

Ficus - widespread indoor plant. Ficus diseases, in general, do not differ from other pathologies. indoor flowers and arise either due to improper care and an unfavorable microclimate, or due to infection by pests.

The most favorable for the growth of ficuses in room conditions are rooms where the temperature and lighting are moderate. AT summer period these plants need intensive watering and foliar spraying. But in winter, watering should be moderate. Every year, ficus requires transplanting into new soil, consisting of a mixture of sand, leafy and compost-turf soil.

It should be noted that if the care of the ficus is correct, then this plant can reach a considerable size, and therefore, when transplanting it, it is necessary to use a large capacity pot.

Treatment of diseases

Ficus diseases occur due to the defeat of various kinds of fungi. The main diseases of the species are:

  • true and downy mildew;
  • leaf spot;
  • gray rot;
  • soot fungus;
  • fusarium.

One of the most dangerous fungal diseases is powdery mildew. The disease manifests itself in the form of a gray coating on the lower or upper part of the leaf plate, or on both at once. The plaque quickly spreads to petioles, shoots and the main stem, oppressing the plant as a whole. The leaves dry, curl and die, and the ficus becomes lethargic and eventually dies.

To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to dust the plant with sulfur powder at a temperature of + 25 ... + 27 ° C in the open air.

Downy mildew also appears as a gray bloom that occurs only on the lower part of the leaf blades. On top of the leaf, above the affected areas, colorless, transparent and oily spots appear. After some time, the affected areas turn yellow, then turn brown and die, and the plant loses leaves.

The main measures to combat downy mildew are pruning and destruction of the affected leaves, proper watering and crown formation, plant ventilation. As a preventive measure, ficus can be sprayed with a 1% solution. Bordeaux mixture outdoors.

Leaf spot is also one of the fungal diseases. It is these microorganisms that cause spots on the leaves. various shapes. The latter can be both dotted brown and large sizes, and brown with light stripe. Over time, the spots increase and completely cover the surface of the leaves. The disease leads to the death of the first green mass, and then the entire plant. To combat spotting, diseased ficuses must be sprayed with a 0.5-1% solution of Bordeaux mixture in the open air. In addition, affected leaves and plants should be removed and destroyed in a timely manner.

In a variety such as Benjamin's ficus, diseases can be provoked high humidity due to excessive watering and lack of ventilation. As a rule, in such cases, a gray rot disease occurs, manifested by gray dust on young ficus leaves. The affected parts of the plant die.

The main means of combating gray rot is the removal and destruction of the affected parts of the ficus, moderate watering and airing. If the disease has just begun, you can pollinate the tree with sulfur in the open air at a temperature of + 25 ... + 27 ° С.

Soot fungus causes black plaque on the tops of the shoots or on young leaves. The fungus itself does not harm ficuses, but its presence makes it difficult for air and light to enter, which depresses the plant as a whole. Basically, soot fungus appears on plants affected by aphids, scale insects, etc. It is advisable to fight the infection in the course of a set of measures to destroy pests.

To destroy the soot fungus, it is enough to wipe the leaves with a soft cloth dipped in soapy water.

With the disease of ficus fusarium, the roots and root neck are damaged, which leads to yellowing of the leaves and stem. Ficuses wither and may die. The development of the disease contributes to the increased humidity of the soil and air.

To combat Fusarium, it is necessary to remove and destroy damaged plants or parts thereof, as well as regularly loosen the soil, ventilate the room and maintain a minimum level of humidity in it.

In addition to illness, different kinds ficuses are susceptible and negative impact from insect pests.

Ficus pests and their control

Thrips are small insects with brown-yellow wings. Pests live, as a rule, on the reverse side of the leaves, which leads to depletion and discoloration of the plates. The fight against thrips is the same as with the tick. You can spray the plant with water with the addition of pyrethrum powder.

An excellent remedy for ticks, aphids and thrips is a kerosene-soap emulsion, which is prepared according to the following proportion:

  • 0.5 l of hot water;
  • 50 g chopped laundry soap;
  • ¾ cup of kerosene.

Soap is dissolved in water and kerosene is added, then the mixture is shaken until it turns white. Next, this emulsion is diluted with 5 liters of water, cooled to room temperature, and then the plants are sprayed. When working with a soap-kerosene emulsion, it is necessary to ensure that the solution does not fall on the ground, so the soil in the pots should be covered with oilcloth, film, etc. 24 hours after spraying with the prepared preparation, it must be washed off by immersing the ficus crown in a bucket with clean warm water.

Ficus pests such as earthworms are often planted in pots and tubs with plants. In order to rid the plant of pests, the ficus pot must be placed in a deeper container filled with water heated to + 50 ° C. The warm ground will force the worms to the surface, where they can be easily collected by hand.

Preventive measures

The main measures for the prevention of ficus diseases are compliance with recommendations for care and maintenance optimal parameters microclimate in the room where the plants are located. It is better if the room where ficuses grow is dry. In addition, plants should be regularly inspected for emerging diseases and pests.

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Various diseases of ficus benjamin

Ficus Benjamin diseases are mainly associated with improper care of the flower. Ficus Benjamin at home (in India and China) reaches a height of 26 m, in room conditions its height is 2.5 m. It is known for its ability to filter air, but main value This plant is a magnificent green robe.

Ficus Benjamin loves diffused light, which is good for the leaves of the plant.

Causes of diseases

So, what are the reasons for the dissatisfaction of a magnificent plant? If the leaves turn yellow or become covered with pale spots, fall from the unlit side, then the ficus is not enough sunlight. In this case, you should put it closer to the window, where the rays of the sun will reach it and give vital energy to each of its leaves.

If dark spots on the foliage are noticed, then the ficus needs to be slightly moved away from the window where the sun shines, because the flower gets burned because of it.

Ficus leaves fall off insufficient watering or overflowing plants.

The leaves fall very quickly, if only occasionally remember to water the ficus. This whimsical flower requires frequent new portions of moisture and quickly withers if you forget about it at least once. water procedure, and its leaves begin to fade, the soil dries up, which can damage the root system, which leads to the death of the ficus. It is very difficult to restore the vitality of a beautiful plant. It is recommended to use a spray bottle to bathe the flower, or you need to put the flower pot on a pallet with wet gravel for indoor plants.

But at the same time, too frequent watering will harm the ficus. The flower will not have time to recycle a large number of water at a time, and its roots will start to rot. The smell of rot from the ground and dark spots on the leaves will tell about this problem. You can save the ficus only at the very beginning of the disease. To do this, remove the plant from the pot and carefully get rid of the earth on the roots.

If most of the roots have darkened, ficus treatment is impossible. But if the roots are mostly white and elastic, there is a chance to save the flower, but you need to act urgently and quickly. First you need to cut off the darkened areas of the roots and the crown of the plant to remove the parts infected with the disease. Next, the ficus is planted in new pot with fresh soil and watered with a solution of carbendazim fungicide. The plant must be placed in a bright place, but care must be taken that direct sunlight does not reach it. Watering the ficus is allowed after the appearance of new leaves.

Ficus periodically requires top dressing with mineral fertilizers.

Ficus was grown in warm countries, so now this plant requires a high temperature in the house, about 23-27 ° C. It does not tolerate drafts and cold soil, which will cause it to shed its leaves. At the same time, it must be kept away from air conditioners and other devices created by the air flow, preferably in another room. Otherwise, due to elevated temperature its leaves will turn dark brown and fall off.

When a flower lacks nutrition, its condition almost does not change, but the young shoots are very thin, and they grow completely small leaves. In this case, it is necessary to add mineral additives to the soil. And when the trunk becomes bare, you should pay attention to the size of the pot. Probably, the flower has grown up a long time ago, and now it is cramped in its old place.

Its soil includes 2 parts of the earth containing the remains of leaves, part of sod and greenhouse land, as well as rotted manure and some sand. For transplanting an adult plant, dense soil is used, which is obtained by adding humus.

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Ficus pests

Pests are another cause of ficus disease. Pests attack the plant at high temperatures and low humidity. At the same time, spots, cobwebs appear on the leaves, the plant becomes sticky. Such a pest mealybug, brings trouble, such as curling and wilting of sheets. At the same time, the growth of the ficus slows down, and then stops altogether.

Due to the mite, photosynthesis drops, which leads to a low level of yield, and then to the death of the plant. If aphids begin to feed on the plant, then the leaves will turn yellow, curl into a tube and then fall off, as a result of which the ficus itself will sharply lag behind in growth.

If brown spots appear on the ficus leaves, then the plant is spoiled by the scab. This pest sucks the juice, leaves a viscous coating on the stems, which serves as the basis for the appearance of soot fungus.

If at high temperatures the leaves turn yellow-white, and then dry and fall off after a while, you should carefully examine inner side sheets where you can find small white lumps-thrips. They carry many diseases, therefore, after their discovery, it is urgent to deal with the elimination of pests.

Pests such as spider mites and aphids can be eliminated by simply wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. But for more serious enemies, insecticide treatment is used.

Ficus is especially popular with lovers of home floriculture due to its decorativeness, compactness and unpretentiousness. However, like any plant, as a result improper care can get sick or be attacked by pests. For proper treatment ficus diseases, they need to be able to recognize them in time and know how to solve problems.

Major diseases and their treatment

Regarding its care, the ficus makes few requirements, and all of them are easily feasible: sufficient lighting without direct sunlight, infrequent but regular watering, usual for our climate zone temperature range that is comfortable for the flower. With their regular violation, the flower feels uncomfortable, which is signaled by changes in appearance - falling leaves, a change in its color. But this condition cannot be called a disease: the ficus, when proper care is established, quickly recovers itself.

If the plant suffers for a long time, its immunity drops and the likelihood of infection with fungal infections increases. Most ficus diseases are treatable, and their prognosis is favorable - the flower recovers completely.

leaf diseases

Exactly appearance The foliage of a flower is the first to signal its unhealthy condition.

The yellowing of the leaf plates of a plant indicates violations in the temperature or lighting conditions. Cause it's too dry warm air or an excess of light, especially sunlight on the leaves (also including through glass). In the latter case, the fired plates die.

The foliage may turn yellow, including when the flower is too close to a hot battery or other source of heating. You can increase the humidity in the room different ways:

  • turn on a special humidifier:
  • regularly put a damp towel on a heater in winter or a window sill heated by the sun in summer;
  • spray the flower more often (remembering that this should not be done if it is in the sun - in combination with drops after spraying, this will lead to burns).

The leaves fade, turn yellow even if the ficus changes its location too often. He perceives any permutations as additional stress.

Falling leaves are most often caused by the following reasons:

  • lack of nutrients - despite its unpretentiousness, on too poor soils, ficus lacks the substances necessary for development. The addition of exclusively fertilizers does not always bring results - the plant needs to be transplanted into a more nutritious soil;
  • excessive soil moisture - at the same time, before the leaves begin to fall, they become stained, yellowness appears at the edges. You should wait for the soil to dry by 1-3 cm and then resume moderate watering. If this does not change the situation, the process of root rot is likely. The bush should be urgently transplanted, removing the damaged part of the root system;
  • lack of watering - for a flower, both excess and chronic lack of water are painful.

The appearance of spots, dots on the leaves of ficus Benjamin is also caused by an excess of top dressing. The optimal mode of fertilization is in spring and summer once every two weeks - in the amount according to the recommendation on the package. In autumn, top dressing is cut, and in winter, when the flower is at rest, it is not fertilized at all.

The fall of Benjamin's ficus leaves when new ones grow is a natural process: on a healthy bush, the leaves live for three years, after which they are replaced by new, young ones. If it is noticed that new leaves do not appear to replace the fallen ones, you need to carefully examine the bush - both insects and diseases can be the culprits.

Many fungal diseases appear on the leaves in the first place. Spots of black, brown, white, yellow color.

fungal infections

These include powdery mildew, rust, gray rot. All of them pose a serious danger to Benjamin's ficus, since sometimes severely affected specimens cannot be saved. You can’t come up with a better prevention of any plant diseases than the fulfillment of simple requirements for its care. In addition, periodically - at least once a week - you should carefully inspect the bush, so that if there are problems, they can be resolved at the very beginning.

Gray rot (Botrytis)

The causative agent of the disease is fungi of the genus Botrytis. Their development in temperate climate begins in the spring, especially actively - in dampness and cold (the optimum temperature for it is -15˚C).

The main symptom of the disease is the blackening of the leaves, their fall. The trunk, foliage are partially covered with a gray bloom. To combat the disease, reduce the frequency of watering and air humidity, providing ventilation without drafts. Damaged leaf blades are removed. Usually these measures are enough for the Benjamin ficus bush to recover.

For prevention, nearby healthy bushes are treated with fungicides. Up to three treatments are carried out with an interval of 10-12 days.

sooty fungus

Another name for the disease is niello. Its causative agent is the fungus Aspergillus. It prevents the breath of ficus Benjamin by clogging its pores, and interferes with photosynthesis by shading the leaves. Sugar secretions left by aphids and some other insects are the best environment for its reproduction. Therefore, pest control is the most effective way to get rid of the fungus.

Phytophthora, pythium, rhizoctonia

With these fungal diseases, both the roots and the stem rot. They develop rapidly at normal room temperature. Infection with late blight and rhizoctonia usually occurs through the soil (if garden soil is used), unsterilized pots from diseased plants and drafts from the leaves of diseased specimens. Pythium - necessarily through the water.

The first sign - a slowdown in the growth of Benjamin's ficus - is usually not noticed. When obvious signs of disease are visible - spotting on the stem, leaves - the chance to save the bush is already minimal. You can try to treat the plant: remove the affected parts and transplant into clean soil, treat with fungicides. But it is often more expedient to destroy the diseased specimen so that the rest do not become infected.

For prevention, you can monthly shed the soil in pots with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

powdery mildew

Called by powdery mildew fungi. There are many varieties of them, each "specializes" in only one culture, without switching to others.

It appears in spots - like leaves, petioles, trunk sprinkled with flour. Provocateur of development is too warm and humid air. Treatment of ficus Benjamin is carried out by spraying with a solution of the following preparation:

  • soda ash take 10 g, laundry soap - 2-3 g. Dilute in water;
  • separately dissolve 2 g of copper sulfate and combine both mixtures;
  • add water to 2 liters and spray the bush.

rust disease

This is the colloquial name for the disease "anthracosis", which really looks like rusty spots on leaf plates. If the plant is severely affected, it is destroyed. If partially, the affected areas are removed and treated systemic fungicide(he does not cure fungal diseases, but stops them for a while, allowing the flower to cope with them on its own). The main thing is to establish proper care for the plant.

Insect pests and their control measures


The appearance of sticky leaves on Benjamin's ficus, their yellowing and deformation is evidence of the presence of aphids. Sticky white coating, similar to flour - food for soot fungus, the development of which almost always leads to the death of the entire bush.

Aphid infestation occurs in the air - with wind currents, drafts. Opponents of chemicals are struggling with it by repeated treatment with soapy water, radical flower growers - with purchased special insecticides. If an aphid appeared on Benjamin's ficus, all other bushes should also be examined: the pest quickly captures new territories.


The main sign of its appearance is like “swollen” spots on the leaves. Brown color. It is necessary to examine their back side and the entire stem. The shield on Benjamin's ficus sucks the juice of the flower, leaving behind a sticky coating. This is also an opportunity for the development of soot fungus.

The insect often infects flowers, in the pallets of which water accumulates, as well as thickened plantings.

The pest "gives out" its presence by the appearance of brown and gray spots on the leaf plates. In some places, a thin, barely noticeable cobweb appears. Insect-affected leaves dry and fall off. Too dry, warm air is the main causal factor in their appearance.

They fight spider mites on Benjamin's ficus by washing, rubbing the leaves with a solution of laundry soap and keeping them indoors sufficient level humidity.


The control of these small insects is difficult and requires the quarantine of infected flowers. Like spider mites, thrips "love" the high temperature of the air and its dryness. Insects suck out the juices of their plant, taking away its strength.

Used to kill pests special preparations- Aktar, Fufanon, Aktellik and others. However, only surface treatment may not be effective, since the main colony of thrips "hides" in the soil - it is necessary to transplant Benjamin's ficus into a new soil (preferably into a new clean pot - pre-treated with boiling water) with the obligatory treatment of the roots chemicals.

These microscopic worms are leaf, root and stem. They thrive in damp and cool environments. Leaves affected by the leaf nematode do not develop, become covered with necrotic dry spots and wither. Unfortunately, the affected plants have to be thrown away, because chemicals that destroy nematodes are not used at home due to their high toxicity. The pot and even the place where the infected plant stood are disinfected.

Prevention of infection with nematodes consists in the mandatory processing garden soil before its use - calcination or steaming.


The insect is quite large - about 5 mm in length, it is easy to notice it. The first sign of its presence on the flower is the massive fall of foliage. Upon careful examination of the plant, one can detect not only the worms themselves, covered with white bloom, but also their cocoons and the presence of sticky white juice.

After the initial treatment, the bush is sprayed with insecticides several times a week or special sticks and granules are used, which are placed in the soil - the substances that make up them are absorbed by the plant through the root system.

The diseases of ficus Benjamin given in the article are rare and only where the plant is not properly cared for. Fulfillment of simple requirements unpretentious flower- the best prevention of any problems associated with its cultivation. However, if infection with a fungal disease or insect pests has occurred, measures must be taken immediately to save the plant and prevent infection of its neighbors.

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