Hosta for beginners: proper planting, care and reproduction. Hosta planting and care in the open field Hosta plant new species

Decor elements 17.06.2019
Decor elements

Caring for these plants is the most enjoyable and rewarding activity that does not take much time and effort.

Hosta - decorative perennial The main decoration of the plant are large leaves, which differ in different varieties in shape, color, size.

The host always looks beautiful, whether it blooms or has already faded, this is not the main thing.

At good care bushes can grow strongly, and the color of the leaves becomes pronounced for this variety.
The presence of hosts in the garden gives elegance and some mystery. Hosta is the "queen" of the shady garden.

Its luxurious green rosettes form dense basal leaves. The color of the leaves is amazing.

Nature in this plant gave preference not to flowers, but to leaves.Hosts with the most beautiful leaves have very inconspicuous flowers.

The leaves have literally all shades of green, and in some especially valuable varieties, the leaves are complemented by cream, golden, white, bluish-blue blotches.

Hosta flower - growing conditions

The flower is undemanding to the soil, the soil should be well supplied with moisture, but without stagnant water. Wet areas not suitable for hosts. Poor soils need to be improved by adding humus, sand, as well as various mineral fertilizers and growth activators.

Photo 1. Hosta Albomarginata - a variety with a white border

On purely sandy soils, hostas grow slowly, developing very poorly, but at the same time their leaves become brighter in color.


The ideal place for planting is shaded areas in the garden. Hostas love shade. Of course, for many of them a sunny place will not be a lethal factor, but in such conditions the plant loses its species and varietal characteristics, such as shape, color, leaf size.

Hostas with darker leaf color - dark green or blue leaves should be planted in dark areas.

But the presence of a lot of white on the leaves of a plant is a signal that the plant needs more light. You need to plant such a host in a more lit place.

Photo 2. Hosta Aureomarginata - varieties with a yellow border

In the sun, the leaves of the hosta will change their color from bluish blue or purple to a banal green color. This quality must be taken into account when landing.

Khosta: caring for her requires the fulfillment of one condition - mandatory provision light plants shadows in the hot afternoon hours. To do this, you can protect the plant from the sun by planting with sunny side sun-loving perennial. Hostas are winter-hardy.

Hosta: landing and care, photo

Planting a plant in some cases is carried out after growing seedlings from seeds. To grow hosta seedlings, it is necessary to plant the seeds in pots in early April, or in early May, the seeds are sown on a shady bed in the garden, covering it with covering material.

Shoots will appear in three weeks. Branches must be protected from direct sun rays. At the end of the summer season, young rosettes are planted in their permanent place.

Photo 3. Hosta White Feather (Yayt Fever) with raised creamy white narrow leaves

When planting a socket, the hosts place it at the same depth at which it grew before, then water it, lightly mulch it.

But more often, hostas are planted in the fall with cuttings or cuttings of a bush. When propagated by seeds, the flowers grow very slowly, and only after three to four years of their life they become decorative.

Host care

Plant care is very simple, it consists in weeding, watering, loosening and top dressing.

The main thing is to choose a variety that is most suitable for the conditions, as well as for the composition of the garden..

It is permissible to place these universal plants in any corner of the site. They are ideal both for borders and flower beds, and as tapeworms.

Photo 4. Blue host "Frosted_Dimples"

Hosta looks great along paths, paths, curbs. The compositions can combine several types of plants - in the foreground lighter, then darker and in the background dark large ones up to 90 cm high.

Hosta is beautiful in pots that can decorate any garden area. In one place, hostas grow for 15-20 years, growing into a powerful herbaceous bush.

Photo 5 Ivory with pointed blue leaves with wide white-yellow margins

The hosta also thrives in moist soils near water bodies. Due to their vitality and rather fast growth, these plants successfully restrain the growth of weeds.

This allows them to be used as ground cover plants.


Hostas are watered early in the day. Watering should be carried out in an average volume, but regularly, in hot weather, increasing the volume of liquid. Plants are very moisture-loving.

Fertilizers, top dressing

Hosta care requires fertilizing with certain fertilizers.

Photo 6. Hosta canadian blue with green-blue leaves

Throughout their lives, perennials are fed with mullein infusion, ammonium nitrate, compost, superphosphate, potassium sulfate.

Top dressing is carried out three times during the growing season:

  • at the beginning of the season
  • during the budding period
  • after flowering.

It is worth remembering that overfeeding is harmful to plants.

Diseases and pests

Hostas suffer from slugs. Other diseases and pests do much less harm than slugs.

Photo 7. Hosta Guacamole with large rounded yellowish-green leaves

Hostas are traditionally planted with ferns, kupenny, hellebore, astilba, lungwort, autumn anemone and many other plants, such as alpine aster or daisies.

This makes the plants look even better. To maintain adequate appearance it is worth regularly removing yellowed leaves, thus updating the outlet.

Hosta easily tolerates a transplant in autumn or spring. Choosing the right place to plant this plant is very important, as it depends on what type of hosta you have chosen. This video is about it:

Hosta is a charming and mysterious Asian woman. For more than a decade, she has been decorating the shady corners of our gardens, rightfully earning the title "queen of the shadow." Its bell-shaped flowers are quite modest, but the main advantage of the hosta is not they, but the leaves: green, light green, bluish-gray, golden yellow, almost white, spotted and striped.

They are heart-shaped and almost round, large and small, narrow and long, like samurai swords. Hostas can be like huge fountains of foliage, or they can remain barely visible bushes. But they all add to our Russian gardens the mysterious charm of their distant eastern homeland.

Once and for all, having fallen in love with these beautiful plants, I can no longer imagine my garden without them.

Hostas in my garden. Photo
Almost every spring, one or more new hostas settle in me: even now two rhizomes are waiting for the planting hour in the basement. And I'm sure they won't be the last - you can never have too many hosts!

The only sad thing is that the dry and hot air of our Kuban steppes is becoming an ordeal for a moisture-loving Asian woman. Climatic conditions middle lane with rainier and cooler summers - just what hosts need.

Growing hostas

I did not notice any particular difficulties in growing, so the recommendations will be brief - only what is really worth considering.

Landing time

Landing hostas is best done in early spring, before the leaves bloom on the plant. Or in early autumn (late August - early September), so that the seedlings have time to take root before the onset of cold weather and be able to successfully winter.

Carefully select healthy plants for planting

Carefully consider the choice of planting material.

The rhizome should have at least one growth bud (but better - with two or three). Well, if this kidney is not overgrown. The roots should be well developed, 10-12 cm long, lively, elastic, not dried (immediately discard specimens with the slightest signs of mold, rot and other signs of disease).

If the plant is bought, and it is too early to plant it, a cool and dark place with a temperature of +5 ... + 10 ° C is suitable for storage. For this purpose, you can use the basement, the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or an insulated loggia.

You can find hosts for shady corners of your garden in our catalog, which contains offers from various online stores of planting material and seeds.

Hosta hybrid Rainforest Sunrise 285 rub WATCH
Agrofirm Search

Hosta hybrid Pathfinder 285 rub WATCH
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Hosta hybrid Autumn Frost 198 rub WATCH
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Hosta hybrid Moonlight Sonata 198 rub WATCH
Agrofirm Search

Choosing a place to land

Hosta is a rather unpretentious plant, but it is still advisable to choose a place for planting taking into account its preferences. For species and varieties with green leaves - shaded areas.

Variegated plants can grow in the sun, but their shading is mandatory in the midday heat (from 11 am to 4 pm).

Soil Requirements

Preferably light, breathable, nourishing, moist. Hosta grows in both acidic and alkaline soils.

Disembarkation process

  1. We dig a wide landing hole, as the root system of the host grows horizontally. Considering that the plant will live in one place for several years, the depth should also be at least 30 cm.
  2. We add compost soil, rotted manure, peat, a little sand to the planting pit. If the soil in the area is acidic, add a handful of wood ash.
  3. We mix everything thoroughly, fill the landing hole with soil by about 2/3 of the height, spill it with water.
  4. Gently straighten the roots of the seedling over the surface of moistened soil (growth buds should be at the level of the soil) and sprinkle. Watering again.
  5. We mulch the earth around the planted plant with a layer of 1-2 cm.

Host Care

Providing proper care is not difficult. It is important to remember that in their homeland hostas grow along the banks of rivers, which means they love moist soil and high humidity air. Try to bring the conditions of its content to natural.


Timely and regular watering is important, but without waterlogging the soil. You can pamper her with an evening shower, and she will gratefully respond to care.

top dressing

Hosts are fed three times per season:
  • in spring, at the beginning of vegetation (growth);
  • during the flowering period;
  • at the end of flowering.
Top dressing is carried out by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. The dosage and method of application (in the form of a liquid solution or granules) is observed according to the instructions on the fertilizer packaging.

Loosening the soil under the hosts must be carried out very carefully and shallowly, because their roots are located close to the surface of the earth. And it’s better to replace loosening with mulching altogether: this way the soil retains moisture longer, which is important for weekend summer residents. Properly selected mulching material will at the same time protect plants from their main pest, which we will talk farther.

Pest protection

Diseases do not annoy hosts, but they suffer from pests. Rather, from one pest - a slug. These slow and outwardly defenseless creatures are immensely gluttonous and love to feast on young hosta leaves.

Plants after their invasion are covered with holes, look unattractive. You can get rid of this scourge with the help of mulching. Only you need to mulch not with peat, but with something sharp (wood chips, small gravel, crushed shell rock, coniferous litter, and so on), the slug avoids walking on such surfaces.

I fill the ground around my hosts with a broken shell, which I bring from the coast in the summer Sea of ​​Azov. I can’t say that the method is 100% effective, but the result can be considered very good.

Hosta breeding

There are three methods of propagation: seeds, cuttings and division of an adult plant. Most often, summer residents use the third method.
In this video, our author Tatyana shows how to properly divide and land.

Sometimes it's better to see once than to read several times, right?

Hosta in landscape design

You can place hostas near the pond: there the conditions are suitable for them, and they go well with other moisture-loving plants.

Hostas look very organic against the background of stones, wooden decor, masonry, on the lawn, like a curb by the path - the choice of landing sites is quite wide.

And I want to grow hostas in a large container. I dream of putting it at the entrance to the house. The place there is suitable, the sun does not show at all.

But I still can’t decide, I’m afraid that the plant will be too hot in summer, and in winter it has nowhere to put it. Hostas are not grown in the room, they need a cold period. So my dream remains unfulfilled.

More interesting ideas hosts can be found in the article:

Host types

Perhaps the most famous is the hosta. plantain.

Reaches a height of 60-70 cm. It blooms with white bell-shaped flowers. Prefers to grow in the shade. When this hosta grows excessively, thickened roots bulge out of the ground, so it can freeze in winter. It is necessary to plant the plant in a timely manner.

At hosta" Green Fontaine" less impressive dimensions: the bush can grow up to 50 cm in height.

Hosta "Green Fontaine"

This hosta looks great: the sultan of elegant foliage looks like someone carefully laid leaf to leaf - evenly, tightly, neatly. Flowering is quite plentiful, with small lavender flowers that look like bells.

Hosta white-bordered "Marginata". Attractive compact plant 25-30 cm tall, dark green leaves with a white border.

It looks very, very decorative, especially during the flowering period, which falls on July-August. Flowers are white, lilac, purple. This motley beauty will not refuse a portion of the sparing morning or evening sun.

As you can see, there are no special tricks in growing hostas. If you fell in love with it beautiful plant, be sure to settle in your garden a variegated piece of Asia.

Enliven your garden with colorful greenery, and take the host as an assistant for this. It is unpretentious when planting, in care and cultivation. This plant is popular in landscape design, because its leaves have different forms and color, depending on the variety.

Description, varieties and varieties

The beauty of this plant is in the leaves, not the flowers. From green to golden and white, from long to round and heart-shaped, this is what a hosta is. Landing and care open field behind it are very simple - another reason to pay attention to this perennial.

Hosta will be a wonderful decoration of the garden from early spring to late autumn.

Having decided to start growing hosta, see how it looks in the photo. Choose your favorite from over 3,000 varieties. By color scheme foliage they are combined into 5 groups:

  • green;
  • blue (with a bluish tinge);
  • yellow;
  • variegata (this includes hostas variegated and bordered in light color);
  • mediovariegata (leaves are light, with green edges).

There is a huge variety of types of hosta

Those who grow hostas in open ground are also familiar with the classification of varieties by size:

  • dwarf (up to 10 cm);
  • miniature (10-15 cm);
  • small (16-25 cm);
  • medium (30-50 cm), the most numerous group;
  • large (55-70 cm);
  • giant (from 70 cm).

The main species, which, among other things, are used for breeding:

Among the hosts there are chameleon varieties that change color during the summer season. Some species of this plant are difficult to classify, because their leaves have a blurry color. And foreign breeders brought tricolor hybrids. There are plenty to choose from!

Landing hosta

The optimal time for planting hostas in the open field is early spring or late August-early September. It is not worth postponing to a later time. Choose planting material carefully. The roots should be elastic, 10-12 cm long. It is best if the sprout has 2-3 buds.

Advice. If you bought a hosta, but it's too early to plant it, store the sprouts in a cool and dark place at t +5-10 °C. A basement, the bottom shelf of a refrigerator or an insulated balcony will do.

Traditionally, the hosta is considered a shade-loving perennial. But there is a pattern: the lighter the foliage, the more sun the plant needs. Dark green and blue varieties must be planted in the shade. Partial shade or even a sunny place is suitable for growing light hostas. Make sure that the plant is not under direct rays, otherwise burns on the leaves cannot be avoided.

Hosta can be planted in shade or partial shade.

Good for planting and propagation in open ground suitable light, drained, wet soil. Holes should be made wide, about 30 cm deep. The distance between them should be from 30 to 100 cm (depending on the size of the plant).

Fill each hole about 2/3 with compost, peat, form a mound. Place the roots of the seedlings on it, but so that there are no empty spaces. Spread them out, fall asleep fertile soil, compact. Finish planting with abundant watering. Mulch the roots with crushed bark or peat. This will help retain moisture. Repeat the watering procedure several more times every 3-4 days.

Advice. The buds of the plant during planting should be at ground level. If necessary, pour additional soil under the root.

plant care

Although not demanding hosta, planting and caring for her require compliance with the rules.

Fertilizer and fertilizing hosta

How plants look in your garden depends on care, including the intensity of fertilization. The hosta, which is fed 3 times per season, looks more decorative:

  • during the period of growth;
  • during flowering;
  • after him.

The hosta needs to be fed several times a season.

For these purposes, fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are most often used. Compost and humus are also useful for hosts. They are best applied in the fall. organic fertilizers preferably mineral. " Golden Rule» care - do not overdo it. Too frequent or heavy feeding can cause a burn.

Plant propagation

There are 3 ways to propagate hostas:

  • division;
  • cuttings;
  • growing from seed.

The bushes are usually divided in May or late summer. The smaller the split off part, the more time it will take for it to grow. Another method of propagation, cuttings, involves the separation of a sprout from an adult bush with a part of the rhizome. Cuttings are planted in open ground immediately, they are watered and shaded.

Division of the hosta bush

Growing hostas from seeds is a time-consuming and laborious process. The germination of the material is 70-80%, so before sowing it must be treated with growth stimulants. Another way is to keep the seeds in the cold for 30 days. It is also important to ensure the sterility of the soil and containers for planting. Before sowing hostas, pots must be disinfected with potassium permanganate or alcohol.

Propagation by seeds should begin in April or May. Pour drainage into containers, then soil mixture, water it. Spread the seeds, sprinkle them with soil on top (layer thickness - 5-7 mm). Slightly crush it, cover the container with glass or film and place in a shady place. The hosta germination temperature is + 18-25º C. Under such conditions, seedlings appear in 2-3 weeks.

hosta seeds

At this time, the care of young seedlings consists in moderate watering and removal of condensate. Keep the sprouts in a lit place, protecting from direct sunlight. When the first pair of leaves appears, dive the seedlings. The soil in new containers should be ¼ covered with sand. For watering, place the pots in a deep bowl and wait until upper layer won't get wet. Harden the sprouts: remove the glass or film for a while, and remove them altogether after about a week.

If the air temperature is already above +18º C, leave the containers with seedlings for a short time fresh air. Experienced gardeners warn: despite proper care, hosta develops very slowly. In addition, it often loses the signs of the variety.

Diseases and pests hostas

The host rarely gets sick, but one of its most characteristic ailments is phyllostictosis. Yellow-brown spots appear on the leaves. Affected plants must be burned, and the soil must be disinfected. If you notice gray mold or sclerotinia on the leaves, apply fungicides.

Phyllosticosis hosta

The pests that make big holes in the beautiful hosta foliage are slugs. To scare them away, mulch the soil with something caustic: rubble or broken shells. Help and beer bait. Place containers with this drink around the bushes, and in a day select slugs from them. Use insecticides to control insects (caterpillars, grasshoppers).

Hosta: combination with other plants

Hosta leaves create harmonious combinations with brunnera, geyhera and ferns. These plants look advantageous against the background of conifers. Also try compositions with geraniums, goryanka. Make a beautiful landscape with lungwort, anemone, foxglove,.

Hosta in the flowerbed

There is an opinion that you should not combine cultivation and hosts. This is explained by the fact that they have different lighting requirements. However, in landscape design. In these cases, gardeners recommend planting the host on the north side of the bush.

Hosta in landscape design

There are many options for using this perennial in landscape design. First of all, the hosta is a ground cover plant for shady places. She creates coziness in gardens stylized as natural nature. If you still decide to combine the cultivation of roses and hostas, decorate with them, for example, the shore of a reservoir.

Hosta in landscape design

Use this plant for decoration garden paths, framing lawns. Growing hostas in pots. It is also good for vertical flower beds. Phloxes or will be a good addition in this case.

Whichever way you choose to decorate your garden, the hosta is unlikely to disappoint you. Rather, on the contrary: seriously and for a long time will conquer with its charm and unpretentiousness.

Growing hosta: video

Varieties of hosts: photo

Decorative hostas have recently begun to rapidly gain popularity among summer residents. Hostas have become really trendy. The leaves of the hosta are shaped like a heart. As a rule, hosta leaves bloom from mid-summer to late August.

What you need to know when landing a hosta?

In the case of excellent hosta care, a person receives a return in the form of the beauty of the plant. Care and planting hosts - the process is not complicated, and short-lived.

This flower is beautiful by nature not with multi-colored coloring, but with special leaves. With good care, hosta leaves become more colorful over time.

Hosta is not demanding on the soil. So, the soil should be sufficiently moist, while without stagnant water. Excessive dampness will not benefit the plant, this is worth remembering.

Exhausted soil during planting should be fertilized with sand, humus, as well as a variety of mineral fertilizers.

If you want your hostas to look more colorful and bright, plant them in sandy soil, be aware that hostas grow quite slowly in such soil.

What place in country garden most beneficial for hosta planting? Shaded garden areas perfect place for this interesting plant. Keep in mind that hosts prefer shade. If you notice the advantage of white on the leaves of a plant, then know that the plant needs light. Such a hosta will be delighted with the sunlight.

When caring for hostas, it is worth remembering that it is preferable to block hostas from hot sunlight with perennials. Hosta is a plant that is not afraid of winters.

Sometimes hosta is planted after seedlings have grown from seeds. For successful seedlings, it is worth taking care of planting seeds in special small pots in April. The plant sprouts within three weeks. It is necessary to take care of the seedlings, to limit it from direct sunlight.

At the end of summer, the shoots are planted in a permanent place in the garden. The depth for the plant should be chosen the same as in the pot. During planting, the sockets of the hosts are watered and also mulched.

In fact, taking care of hosts is a simple process. The main operations necessary for caring for a plant are weeding, watering, top dressing, and loosening.

The main task before the summer resident is the selection of the optimal plant variety.

Also be guided when choosing a variety of hosts by the harmony that will come after planting a flower in the garden.

By itself, the host is a universal plant, since it can be planted along paths, curbs. The hosta will look very beautiful if it is planted in a flower bed.

Host composition is a great option for country house. In the forefront, hosts often land more than light colors, and then darkened. It is worth knowing that hosts can live in one place for twenty years.

How to fertilize the soil?

Properly selected fertilizers will make it possible to enjoy the beauty of plants for a long time. During life, the flower is fertilized with ammonium nitrate, mullein infusion, compost, potassium sulfate, superphosphate.

It is desirable to fertilize the soil three times during the entire growing season: at the beginning of the season, during budding, and also after the flower has faded.

When should hostas be watered?

Like many other plants, hostas prefer morning watering.

Please note that watering the hosta is done moderately, as excessive watering will lead to the death of the flower.

How does a flower reproduce?

Hostas can be propagated in two ways: division and seeds. The bushes are divided and transplanted often before the flower begins to show leaves.

Regarding the time of the year, the most suitable for the reproduction of a flower, let's say that this is the end of April - May.

For successful reproduction of the hosta, it is necessary to dig up the hosta bush, and then rinse the roots in water.

When spring comes to earth, the slopes and meadows are dressed in a green outfit. Wherever you look, everywhere we are surrounded by plants, among which the host is hiding. This unpretentious beauty able to grow rapidly, covering the ground with a magnificent carpet.

It was first discovered in countries Far East. It got its name in honor of the Australian scientist N. Host. Also, sometimes it is called in the old way - funkia, after the German biologist G.Kh. Funk.

When the hosta appeared in the British Isles in the 18th century, only a few appreciated its beauty. But, having migrated to America, she gained real popularity. Over time, the plant spread throughout the planet. In some Eastern countries the flower of functionia is considered sacred. And the leaves are edible.

Hosta loves moisture, so it grows on the coast of rivers and near small streams. It can be found on mountain slopes and forest clearings.

General description of the plant

Hosta belongs to the Asparagus family and is a perennial. ornamental plant. Its main decoration is leaves.

Depending on the variety, they differ:

  1. Dimensions. Small, from 5 cm long. Medium - 15 cm. Large - up to 40 cm.
  1. form. Narrow variants with pointed edges, long-petiolate, heart-shaped and rounded. Grow from the root.
  1. Different plate surface. The leaves are smooth or textured with bright veins. Some of them are glossy and with a metallic sheen. Matte options look original. In addition, there are wrinkled, wrinkled or waxy specimens.
  1. Color. In nature, there are hostas with leaves of all shades of green or of blue color. There are species in which white or cream leaves.

Due to its rapid growth, the host is often used as. Per a short time it can occupy an area of ​​1 m², therefore it is used for garden design.

The flower reaches a height of 50 cm to 80 cm. However, new giant varieties have already been bred - up to 2 meters. As well as dwarf species - 5 cm high.

Charming bell-shaped or funnel-shaped hosta flowers rise majestically above the plant.

They are located on stable peduncles in the center of the leaf rosette. Inflorescences are collected in one-sided brushes that bloom in mid-summer. Some of them are terry, others are simple. Found in color:

  • bluish;
  • white;
  • purple;
  • pinkish.

After flowering, fruits appear on the shoots. They are a three-sided chest in which many seeds are stored. Similarity is maintained up to 1 year.

Ornamental plant - hosta is considered unpretentious, because it tolerates cold and drought. Plus, it does well in the shade. It can stay in the same area for up to 20 years without losing its original beauty.

In landscape design, the host is often used as the main background for garden flowers or low shrubs.

A unique variety of curvaceous beauty

V natural environment there are more than fifty various kinds hosts. They are taken as the basis for many ornamental varieties bred by breeders. Some of them amaze with their elegance and beauty.

Hosta Wavy

A low plant, growing up to 30 cm, is distinguished by oblong ovoid leaves. Their length reaches 20 cm, width - 13. The edges are wavy. In the center of the sheet plate is painted in White color or mixed with green.

Inflorescences of light purple color grow up to 80 cm above the leaf rosette. They resemble a lily, which gives it elegance. In nature, hosta grows in forests where there is fertile soil.

Variety Fortune

This variety of flower grows over half a meter. Its original leaves resemble a heart. Along the edges they cast gold, and in the center - Green colour. Under certain lighting, a blue tint appears.

Hosta blooms in August. The peduncle rises above the foliage to a height of 50 cm.

lanceolate hosta

Sometimes this variety is called narrow-leaved beauty. A perennial grows up to 40 cm. The leaves are usually lanceolate. The edges are pointed. Glitter in the sun. The color is dark green.

Purple buds rise half a meter above the bush. It begins to bloom in August, throwing out the last inflorescences in mid-autumn.

Siebold variety

Low bushes 30 cm high, often pleasing to the eye in summer cottages. The originality of the species is that its leaves are dense and wrinkled. Their color is pale green, but the top of the plate is covered with a wax coating.

Peduncles rise above the bush to a height of 50 cm. The buds are pale purple. Bloom from June to September.

white-rimmed hosta

dwarf plant, which grows only up to 30 cm. The leaf plate is wide, but thin. The shape is lanceolate. Color is dark green with white trim.

The inflorescences rise above the plant to a height of 30 cm. The buds are purple, white or lilac. Begins to bloom in July. Last flowers at the end of August.

Hosta Plantain

This type of hosta reaches up to 50 cm in height. It has large, round, bright green leaves.

Huge buds are almost always white. Exude a pleasant persistent aroma. Begins to bloom in July, pumps in late summer. Heat-loving variety.

curly hosta

The plant grows up to 70 cm in height. The leaves have wavy edges. The color is two-tone. Green center, and the edges are painted with a white wide line.

Blooms in mid-summer. The inflorescences rise up to 50 cm above the bush. The color of the buds is light shades of purple.


Low bushes up to 45 cm look original on garden plot. The diameter of the plant is 55 cm. The leaves are distinguished by a sharp tip, about 15 cm long, and 8 cm wide. The color is rich green, painted with a white border along the edge.

Buds bloom on high peduncles (about half a meter), lavender color. Blooms mainly in summer.

bloated hosta

This garden giant has large heart-shaped leaves. Their length reaches 25 cm, and their width is 20. The tips of the plate are pointed. Color is rich green.

From the center of the leaf rosette, a slender peduncle rises up to 1 m. Delicate purple buds flaunt at its top.

All varieties of hosta are classified according to the color of the leaves and the size of the bushes. They come in colors: green, blue, yellow and two-tone. Size: miniature, dwarf, small, medium, large and giant.

Growing hostas

To grow the "Queen of Shadows" in a summer cottage, you will have to make a lot of effort. One way to plant hosta is by sowing seeds. Since the similarity of the seeds of the plant is only 80%, the matter should be taken seriously. Despite this, almost all hosta varieties can be grown from seeds. It is important to stock up on planting material in time.

Seeds are harvested in late August or early autumn. During this period, the boxes acquire a brown color and open. If you miss the moment, the seeds will scatter and you can be left with nothing.

Even before sowing the seeds, they must be thoroughly dried so that they completely lose moisture. Until the moment of planting, the seeds are stored at a temperature not lower than 2 degrees in a dry room.

So that caring for her is not in vain, it is important to adhere to the basic rules.

First of all, the soil and planting containers are sterilized. This makes it possible to destroy various harmful microorganisms and fungi. The prepared soil is watered with potassium permanganate diluted in water. Then, the mass is kept in a water bath for 30 minutes. After the procedure, cool the soil.

A steam bath can be built if you take a large pot. Pour liquid into it up to half, and attach a sieve with soil on top. Bring water to an active boil and keep this temperature for 30 minutes. It is advisable to cover the sieve.

Landing containers, as well as the tools necessary for work, can be wiped with alcohol.

To obtain good harvest hosts from seeds, planting stock should be treated with growth stimulants. Then we proceed to landing:

  1. We compact the prepared soil using a wide wooden plank.
  2. sow planting material, shallow embedding it into the soil. Approximately 7 mm deep.
  3. We sprinkle the surface with agroperlite (crushed volcanic rock) and again compact it with a wooden plank.
  4. We take the containers to a room where the temperature is not lower than 20 degrees.

The first shoots appear after 14 days. When the leaves are already visible, it is important to know how to plant the hosts in separate containers.

First you need to prepare a more nutritious composition of the soil, which is sprinkled with sand on top. Then one seedling is stuck into each pot, covering it with film or glass. Bottom irrigation is used to supply moisture. The containers are placed in a deep saucer with liquid so that the soil is wet to the very top.

How to care for the host during this period depends on whether the plant will take root in the open field or not. Therefore, it is important to gradually harden the plant.

When the seedlings grow up a little, the film or glass should be removed for 2 to 3 hours a day. After 10 days, it is completely removed, and the plant is taken out into the street.

With the gradual stabbing of hosts, the initial temperature should not be lower than 18 degrees.

When growing a green garden queen from seeds, it should be remembered that the plant grows and develops slowly. She also loses the main features of the variety. This will help with patience and right attitude to a young plant.

Planting hosts at their summer cottage and care

In order for the hosta in the garden to become a real decoration, you need to create for it ideal conditions. Most best option- semi-shaded, windless place. Some varieties love a lot of light, so this fact should be taken into account. For example, if there is a lot of white on the leaves or yellow color The plant loves light. Variegated varieties prefer the sun only in the mornings and evenings.

Given these points, you should wisely choose a permanent place for a shade-loving beauty. The hosta flowers shown in the photo, which are planted and cared for correctly, are beautiful. business card garden plot.

A wise florist understands that a plant wants to take a break from summer heat in the shadow. Therefore, he plants tall trees or shrubs nearby. Of course, one should not go to extremes. If there is very little light, the hosta will get sick and lose its attractiveness.

When the place is chosen and the soil is ready, holes of medium depth are made.

In order for the plant to take root well on the open ground, 2 or 3 hours before planting, the seedlings are poured with water.

Bushes are laid out at a distance of 30-60 cm from each other undersized varieties hosts. For giants - distance up to 1 m.

Spreading the seedlings in the pits, it is necessary to carefully straighten the roots so as not to damage them. It is important to keep some substrate from the pot on them.

Then the plant is covered with earth. It is important to remember: the host should be in a hole 2 cm below ground level. The planted plant after watering is mulched with crushed bark.

It is desirable to carry out work in mid-July so that the hosts take root and successfully endure cold times.

The hosta plant shown in the photo and caring for it does not require much effort. Growing the “queen of shadows” can be afforded by people who do not particularly like to engage in land works. And for those who do not have time for this at all, the host is a real find. When the plant grows, it requires minimal care. And with young seedlings you have to work a little.

Newly planted bushes should be watered twice a day - in the morning and late in the evening. You need to direct the stream of water under the root, since the leaves can turn black from moisture. The water pressure should not be strong so that the soil under the plant does not compact. If the tips of the leaf plate have darkened, then the plant lacks moisture. This feature is an indicator of the frequency of watering.

To save root system young seedlings and moisture near them, a little peat is poured around the plant. Periodically, the flower can be fertilized. It is best to do this in early spring or after the last flowering.

When a flower grows on a mineral-rich soil, you can feed it once every 3 years. For this, it is better to use humus. Apply fertilizer in late autumn as an element of mulching. scatter after a good downpour or thorough watering.

Fertilizers in liquid form are used only up to the middle summer period. If you make them longer, the flower will actively grow fresh leaves. As a result, he will not have time to switch to preparation for the cold period.

To make perennial bushes look attractive, experienced gardeners remove young peduncles and missing leaves. In this form, the flower looks well-groomed and decorates country cottage area. A matured plant tightly closes the soil around it, so it does not need regular weeding from weeds.

Diseases and pests of the charming hosta

If the "queen of shadows" has suffered from spring frosts, it is affected by a fungus. The disease manifests itself in dark yellow spots on the leaf plate.

Flower stalks sometimes suffer from pests. V this case, such specimens should be dug out of the garden to protect healthy flowers. The soil must be disinfected.

No less dangerous for a flower are caterpillars, which can destroy all leaves in a short time. In addition to them, the plant is affected by grasshoppers or beetles. After their invasion, the flower resembles a battered warrior returning from the battlefield. They can only be controlled with insecticides.

When a plant is provided with competent care and protection from pests, it will delight its owners for a long time. And the garden will turn into a favorite place of pleasure.

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