When sow white mustard. Mustard as fertilizer - the best way to organic food soil grass mustard like fertilizer

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

Plants Siderates contribute to restoration of fertility land plot and retain it in such a state a long period. Siderates use various cereal and legumes. But nevertheless, greater preference for gardens and gardeners are given by white mustard. This representative of the Cruccetic family has numerous positive qualities.

Benefits of mustard as a Siderate

  • Unpretentious in care and content.
  • Gives high yields.
  • It has an early gesture.
  • Green mass contains a large number useful substances.
  • It is a cold-resistant culture.
  • Dishes harmful insects.
  • It is capable of preventing the spread of most diseases of plants.

The process of planting mustard

Sowing seeds

Sowing mustard seeds at the autumn time is carried out in the same way as in the spring period. Seeds that no preparation required are needed to scatter on the prepared area and to dissolve the soil with the help of robble or sprinkle with a thin layer of sand. From the thickness of the upper layer, the speed of the first seedlings will depend on the appearance of the first seedlings, so you should not blindly plunge the seeds.

Out of sowing

To cover the garden before the appearance of sprouts is recommended only if they are not supervised. Open seeds with freshly seed seeds are an attractive "dining room" for various birds that are not averse to being taken to planting material. You can protect yourself from the fleet of non-crushed feathers with special covers from nonwoven material Or grids that can be removed when seedlings appear after 3-4 days.

Temperature mode

Young shoots are already cold-rescued and can fully grow even when night temperatures are lowered from 0 to 5 degrees of frost.

Dates of landing

Plants Siderats are desirable to plant in late August - in early September. This will contribute to the formation of a large amount of green mass (approximately 400 kg from 1 weaving). It can be used in different ways:

  • As mulch.
  • For compost preparation.
  • Close up in the soil as fertilizer.

Siderates sitting at the beginning of autumn, it is recommended not to scatter and not pull, but leave in beds to spring. The above-ground part of the plants after wilting will protect the soil from the cold, and the root part, gradually overloading, will enrich its structure.

Positive qualities mustard

The green mass of mustard is almost a quarter consists of a variety of organic substances, as well as from such useful elements as potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus.

The root rustic system is designed so that it can absorb many useful substances that are not available for other sites.

Deep-penetrating the roots of mustard (almost 3 meters) can accumulate and retain moisture.

Stems of plants - Siderates planted in autumn, so strong and powerful, which can be used on a plot for the detention of snow and as protection against a strong wind.

Garders on the note!

Mustard - weed

With numerous useful qualities, the mustard have one disadvantage - it can turn out of the useful seater to turn into a weed grass from which it will be very difficult to get rid of. So that this does not happen to rush mustard plantings in a timely manner before the start of flowering. Flowering cultures will leave after themselves great amount Seeds and distributed by self-sowing throughout. This applies to only those plantations that have grown after spring or summer landing seed. With autumn planting such a danger, there is no, because before the onset of strong cold weather, very little time and mustard simply will not have time to bloom.

Planting mustard and accounting of predecessor plants

Mustian autumn sowing It is not recommended to use as a fertilizer for sealing into the soil, if this area for the next season will be designed for turnips, radish or cabbage. All representatives of the satellite family are damaged by the same pests and diseases. For the cultivation of the above vegetable crops The best sites will be cereal or legumes.

All about mustard: use in the garden and garden (video)

Typically, the plant is cultivated in order to obtain seasonings for food or folk remedy against a variety of diseases. But mustard can be used for the garden and garden. Siderate is used to protect against infections and pests, increases soil fertility. At the same time landing and care in open soil differ from growing for food purposes.

Mustard as fertilizer for the garden

Culture is used to increase fertility, improving the structure of the Earth, the fight against weeds and attracting bees to the site. Its composition has a beneficial effect on the useful soil microflora. Often, white mustard is used as a seedrate, but permissible to dry out other varieties:

  • sheet;
  • black;
  • nautical;
  • srepts;
  • field.

The choice of white is justified by high frost resistance and unpretentious plants. The green mass enriches the soil with nitrogen and organic, the root system makes phosphates available to other crops, which in vegetable garden and gardening is used to improve the soil. Siderate cleans the beds from phytoophulas, pasta, pathogens of grinding and fungal diseases, allows for a short time to restore the fertility of the Earth.

Mustard along with yeast, salt, soda - natural fertilizer In the garden and garden. The plant can be used not only in the form of greenery, but also in the finished powder. In this case, culture acts as protective equipment From pests, not as fertilizer. The yellow mustard seed is white, in black - brown, but regardless of the color they can be applied as a ciderat.

Purchase green plantings need 2-3 weeks before landing the following crops. To speed up the garden process, it is necessary to water so that the plant mass turns into faster.

What is Sideration in Agrotechnology

This is the name of the injection of the above-ground part of plants to enrich the soil in the dacha nitrogen and organic components. On the site exhausted from the long-term cultivation of garden crops, seated with a wedge or slugs sow sites. When increasing sufficient green mass of the plant, you need to mock, smell into the ground or transfer to another place, add to compost.

Application in the garden and garden of such varieties makes it possible to improve the characteristics of the soil, get rid of weeds, attract bees. The technique increases bufferity, moisture intensity, soil absorption. When cultivated from the mustard of the Siderate, a developed root system is formed, capable of getting insoluble nutrients Of the deep layers, draining the structure of the Earth.

Dense seeding of culture, its property quickly promotes the scoring of weeds, which greatly simplifies the work on the weeding, retains nutritious nutrients in the soil. Mustard is a good madone, which has a beneficial effect on the fruiting of other garden and garden crops.

Use for plants

Soil rehabilitation contributes to the creation for subsequent landings favorable conditions For growing. The number of pests and weeds is reduced, the risk of infection with disease is reduced. Mustard as fertilizer enriches the ground with phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium necessary for the growth and development of the above-ground part and the root system of all kinds of plants. Accumulated organic substances equal to the value of the application to the garden bed.

Beneficial features This seater is manifested only with timely sealing into the ground. After the start of flowering and ripening seed material Plants guide all nutrients in inflorescences. In addition to the benefit of the mustard on the garden causes and harm if not to comply with the rules of the crop rotation. It can not be planted on the site before or after representatives of the family of cruciferous, since they have the same diseases and pests. After that, the Siderate can not land with cabbage (the cruciferous flea is striking both cultures) and root, since, except for useful nutrients in the soil, phytoncides are accumulated, overwhelming and developing vegetables.

Durations of culture of culture as a sider

The plant is permissible to plant from March to November, but as a fertilizer - in early spring or in the fall. The cultivation of the White mustard as a Siderate allows you to prepare the soil to landing other cultures in a short time. Seeds quickly spare, greens in sufficient quantities increase in 1-1.5 months.

Winter sowing is common to obtain spring feeding. It is more difficult to subjeate the deadlines here, since the sprouts appear very quickly.

In the case of late landing, 2 weeks are enough for the above-ground part to develop enough to protect the soil from infections and pests. As fertilizer such shoots are low, since they have accumulated an insufficient amount of nutrients.


Mustard is capable of bringing at a temperature of +2 ° C, to experience short-term freezers at -5 ° C. Despite this, spring sowing is recommended to start after establishing +10 ° C, and without waiting for the melting of snow. The sun warms the ground slightly, the return frosts are rare, the nights become warmer.

When using a white variety as a fertilizer, planting in the spring should be carried out in March or April. Depending on the region, the timing can be slightly shifted. At the age of 20-35 days, the mustard as the grass, soft and fading, easily drunk without mowing.

In autumn

The benefits for the vegetable garden during sowing at this time of the year is caused by nutritional value, improving the soil structure and using an overhead part as a mulch or component of the compost. In the fall, landing mustard is made immediately after harvesting from previous crops. If there is no desire to make a ready-made seder and close to the ground, no more than 1-1.5 months should be left to stable frosts. For the winter, shoots will be rotted on the surface of the soil, the spring will simply switch the fertilous area. Sowned for the winter mustard should not have time to germinate, so the seeds need to be laid out in advance prepared grooves when the soil will make a little. From above pour 1.5 cm of loose soil, leave to winter.

How to sow mustard

For cultivation of culture to obtain a spice, it is required to observe a specific landing scheme. When used as a Siderate, it is required only when weighing the seeding method, but the grooves for the seed material are made close to each other. In other cases, you can just scatter on the ground and sprinkle the earth a little.

How to sow mustard on fertilizer:

  • soil clean out plant residues previous culture, swing;
  • richly pour and wait until the water is fully absorbed;
  • scatter seeds along the surface of the soil, observing the level of seeding of white mustard on the Siderate - 2-3 g / m²;
  • putting a loose ground or to stick with robbles to a depth of 0.5-2 cm.

It is not necessary to water if the soil is well moistened, but in a dry ground, the culture will take a long time, which will delay the following landings. When sowing mustard for fertilizer soil should not worry, if some part of the seed material remains on the surface. The plant is unpretentious, so special care not required. In the arid regions, it is desirable to water it sometimes.

When mowing mustard

Culture should develop on a prepared plot of 1-1.5 months. At the beginning of bloom it is easy to understand that it has grown, has accumulated enough useful substances. While the plant is soft, herbaceous, you can pour. If a little late with the work, the stalks harde themselves, will become rigid. Then you have to rush mustard landings, grind and only then pull.

Late in the fall, it is permissible to leave twigs not older than 1 month right on the beds. If the plants are already large, beveled mustard can be meditated to the ground.

For with winter crops Shoots will independently appear after melting of snow. You need to leave them on the beds for 1-1.5 months. The following cultures It is allowed to plant no earlier than 2-3 weeks after Popile.

The mustard is widely used as a fertilizer due to frost resistance, the ability to create an optimal nutrient medium for the following plants and unpretentiousness. Dropping of plant residues enriches soil with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Cultivation of culture on the site replaces the introduction to the land of manure.

In the past few years, more and more gardeners plant on their dumart sites Green fertilizers. These are plants that are specifically grown to saturate soil with useful substances and microelements. Very often apply mustard for this purpose. It is characterized by rapid growth and suitable for fertilizer of the garden almost all year round.

Mustard is an annual herbal culture from the family of cruciferous. The height of the green mass reaches 80 centimeters. Plant has root system rod-type. The central root is powerful and long. It penetrates the ground to a depth of two meters. Side roots are small, weakly developed. Mid-sized leaves. Tight hairs are observed on both surfaces. Flowers are yellowish, combined into inflorescences. The fruits of the pod. Each of them contains 5-6 seeds.

The mustard tolerates cold well, even when the temperature drops below 0, its seedlings do not freeze. The growing season is 45-50 days.

What is the benefit of mustard

This green culture Contains useful elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as organic matter. In these microelements, young plants are especially needed, as they accelerate their growth.

The greens of mustard left for the winter will protect the ground from the winds and frosts. This plant is a good honey. It will attract bees to the country area.

Mustard are planted as a fertilizer for various garden cropsexcept cabbage, radish and radish, as they belong to one family. Also this plant You can land with rows near vegetables and fruit trees. It will accelerate their growth, increase yield and protect against pests.

How to grow mustard

Mustard grows well on fertile, wet soils. It does not like swampy and acid soils. Weather conditions practically do not affect the growth of green mass. Seeds even take place if the air temperature is +2 degrees. In this case, the seeds in the soil are withstanding up to -5 degrees.

Seeds of this fertilizer are small, rounded shape. Very often, the plant is evisted with rows, the distance between which should be approximately 15 centimeters. Culture is characterized by large bushes, which need enough space for good growth. Seeds are smelled to the ground to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters. With a deeper embelling, they will germinate for a long time. The mustard sprouts 3-4 days after sowing.

Also, the mustard can be sowed throughout the surface of the soil. To distribute it more evenly, the seeds are stirred with sand. A quarter of a glass of seeds add to the sand cup. Consumption rate - 20-25 grams of mixture on square meter Plot.

Spring mustard landing

As a fertilizer, the mustard is planting during the period when night frosts are no longer observed. Usually this is at least the beginning of April. At this time, the air temperature in the afternoon will be 8-10 degrees. This is enough to rapid green mass. The growing season of this culture is approximately a month and a half. Therefore, after this time you need to mow and plan the mustard in the ground. A week after the soil popling, you can plant the main garden crops.

Another option is plant landing between the growing green weighing of the mustard. For this, the greens are cut off and make holes in which planted main Culture. A week later, the green mass is mounted and lay it on the surface of the soil, between plants. It will play the role of mulch, protecting the ground from drying and suppressing the growth of weed herbs.

Landing in autumn

In the fall, this green fertilizer is planted after harvest when it remains at least a month before the onset of cold weather. Very often, the mustard is used for soil sewn after potatoes or cereals. Before sowing seeds, the soil is shred. Consumption rate - 300-400 grams per hundred square. To sow the culture most evenly, the seeds are mixed with sand. For 200 grams of sand, 50 grams of mustard are eaten.

After 20-25 days, when the height of the greenery is 15-20 centimeters, it can be mounted and smeared into the soil. Also, the plant can be left for the winter. Then it will delay the snow, and protect the soil from frosts.

Another option is sowing late autumn. In this case, the seeds will remain in sleeping condition until spring. As soon as the frost begin to fall, they will germinate. it good way The fertilizer of the soil before planting early crops.

Landing in the summer

In the summer, this plant is grown on the soils, which were given to relax and do not plan to plant anything else in this year. Since the landing of seeds to the maturity of mustard passes 40-50 days, for the season it can be raised three times.

For the first time, culture is sowing at the end of May or in early June. For a solid sowing, 300-400 g of seeds will be needed. To make it easier to sow, they are pre-mixed with sand. After a month and a half, the green mass is mounted or cut off with flattened and smeared into the soil. It is important to make it the appearance of flowers, since during flowering the stems sharply flashed, respectively, will be long detected.

After 10-14 days, sow mustard seeds for the second time. This method of soil processing helps to support it, destroy pests and weed herbs. In addition, in summer time Mustard can be sowed as a seedrate before planning seedlings of late vegetable crops.

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Sideration is the most effective method Recovery soil resources.

Even the fertilizer of manure does not have such a long-term result, like pegs in the fall in the fall.

This plant is able to release soil phosphates, save them.

In the leaves, roots, stems contain nitrogen in large quantitiesWhat provides excellent sedimentation.

Advantages or why sow mustard in the fall?

This Siderat is available to any gardener, easy to grow and effective. Its main appointment as fertilizer is the enrichment of soil phosphorus, nitrogen. Green mass, faded in the ground, transfers these important elements Subsequent plants, stimulating the process of their growth and development. In addition, the mustard has the following useful features:

    Fast germination and high yields. Green mass is a full fertilizer in composition.

    High cold resistance. The sprouts are withstanding cooling to -5 C. After a significant cooling plant, the plant is covered with the dynamage and contributes to the preservation of moisture in it until spring.

    Lack of seed preparation. They are placed in the soil, falling asleep with a small amount of land, sand or close up with robbles.

    Strong root system. Reaching 0.5 meters and breaks the ground to this depth. It can absorb elements that are weakly dissolving in water and inaccessible for this reason other plants.

    Increase the air permeability of the Earth. It is achieved as an increase in the number of rainwood after sowing mustard in the fall.

    Erosion prevention. Thick sowing is used where there is a risk of soil erosion, wind damage. Stems plants planted at the beginning of autumn, synthelacing function can be performed.

Cons of the autumn sowing mustard as a Siderate

The disadvantages of gardeners include:

1. Go to weed. If you don't rake until the last mustache, then it cuts it, blooms. Cutting the same seeds, most likely, fall into the ground and germinate. This garden weed is difficult to remove from the soil.

2. Limited application. White mustard should not be grown in the fall there, where the next season will have to plant other cruciferous, for example, radishes, turnips, cabbage. These cultures are subject to the same diseases, pests as mustard. Before them is better to plant cereals, legumes.

When exactly the falling mustard is carried out?

Time sowing depends on weather conditions In the region and the wishes of the gardener for the alleged germs and the period of the Sideration. Autumn planting Fertilizers are carried out in the following periods:

1. At the end of summer, early autumn. Sowing produced in wet soil, after harvesting. Siderat grows well on large squareswhere there was a potato, strawberry, cereal cultures. Usually enough time from the moment of sowing before the start of flowering to get the right amount Green mass. So, when making seeds immediately after cleaning, from 1 weaving you can get about 400 kg of fertilizer, which you need to mock and apply to the destination.

2. At the end of September. At late landing, the grown stems do not miserably, they die from frosts and save the soil from the cold in winter. The roots, being in the ground, are overloaded, handing, breaking the soil.

3. Under the winter. Sowing mustard in late autumn is carried out so that the fertilizer climbs in the spring. For this, the seeds are placed in a creened cold ground, leave there to winter. In order for the mustard does not frozen, he washed with her waters with soil layer, it is necessary to increase the depth of the seal.

How to sow mustard autumn

To create high-quality fertilizer, the cultivation of the Siderate should obey the next algorithm of action:

1. The beds should be released from residues of vegetables and weeds after harvest.

2. It is desirable to be preferably fought at the calculation of 1 bucket for 1 square meter. m.

3. The land must be switched, to dissolve with robbles, pour water.

4. Next, you should start landing the mustard in a row way. Seeds in size are similar to small beans, it is comfortable to capture and put it in the soil. The distance between them should be at least 15 cm, between the rows about 20 cm, since the plants grow.

5. About 250 g of seeds are planted for a hundred land. It should not be placed too far into the soil, it will slow down germination, the optimal depth should not exceed 1-1.5 cm. With a lack of time, the mustard can not be sowed, but to scatter in random order on the ground. The result will be worse than in the case of uniform introduction, but still noticeable.

6. After landing the mustard in the fall of seeds, they cheer a bit or harrowing ordinary rakes.

Plants ride about 4 days after sowing, after the month, their height is 15 cm. For full growth, the development of mustard should be abundantly watering, it does not need additional feeding. Side shoots are desirable to catch up to flowering for the following reasons:

Stems and cutters of leaves are coarse with the appearance of flowers, which slows down the processing of green mass, fertilizer formation;

Nutrients of plants are spent on flowering, which contributes to the loss of a seerful function;

Mustard with seeds will begin to multiply and can quickly turn into a difficult weed.

How to use mustard as fertilizer?

You can rinse with green mass by flat, chipping, oblique. After that, it must be embedded in the soil shovel to a depth of about 5 cm.

So mineral, organic elements fall into the ground, thereby restoring its structure. If for some reason it is not possible to burn greens possible, then you can leave it on the garden in the winter. The above-ground part overground, and the roots, decomposed, braid the soil.

Culting the process of formation of biohumus gardeners are trying with the help of the drug Baikal EM-1. It contributes to the formation of a favorable medium for breeding in the soil of bacteria, which is healing it and make more fertile. This product is really effective, but to completely replace organic fertilizers, such as compost, humus, nor it, or the Siderats will not be able to.

As for sandy, clay soil, the landing of the mustard will not affect the soil structure. The humus layer will slowly form, seasonal cultivation Vegetables will again destroy it. Therefore, unprepared lands are not suitable for sowing mustard in the fall under the poppopk. They must first improve, and then apply the method of alternating cultures in order to lift the yield.

Using siturates for recovery, soil nutrition should be borne in mind that plants consume, and then give followers a set of beneficial substances, trace elements. So, to ensure the balance of the nutrient medium only with the help of white mustard is quite difficult. For high-quality soil fertilizer to grow different types Siderative cultures and do not forget about the organic a complex approach Give the best results.

During the struggle for a good harvest, not all means are good. For example, it is unacceptably excessive use of pesticides, because it is almost unfulfilled poison.

Sideral cultures

Many experienced gardeners Already found simple and natural way Return the earth with nutrients, and at the same time get rid of pests.

These are the so-called Sideral cultures - seeds of various cereals and herbs that are not growing for harvesting, but as a fertilizer of universal action.

We are talking about plants that quickly germinate and build up a green mass. They do not give any products, but they reconcile the Earth for several years. The plants intended for fertilizer shade the soil, prevent its erosion and enhance biological activity, exhibit weeds. They are grown in place, flarely stick and close in the soil. Once in the soil, the remains of the plants are quickly decomposed.

Mustard as a Sideral Culture

Sideral culture is all famous mustard. As a fertilizer she plays an important role in crop rotation. This oilseed plant with yellow flowers And the strongest honey smell belongs to has a deep root system and an abundant green mass of up to 80 cm high.

Mustard as a fertilizer is not chosen. Its root discharge is contained by interacting with the soil, they translate some elements of the power supply from the inaccessible state into the shape easily digestible. In addition, they have a strong phytosanitary effect, preventing the spread of some diseases of vegetable crops and reducing the number of pests.

Benefit from sowing mustard

Mustard as fertilizer has a special value, because this plant is able to absorb some micro and macroelements from the soil inaccessible to others. With a spark, the mass becomes the source of all these elements in the composition of the useful for the development of soil microorganisms and food of cultures.

For many cottage and household sites, which are in odds or on the slopes, especially relevant mustache. As a fertilizer, she plays a minor role here. It is much more important that the mustard can significantly reduce or prevent the water and wind erosion of the soil, which are subject to such areas, especially if it sowed after harvesting, when the Earth remains open for erosion processes.

Dates of sowing and scale

This culture has come and in short term Gives a lot of green mass. When to sow mustard on fertilizer? Of course, as soon as possible, during the period of the spring, soil. Mustard shoots excellent freezing and cooling. Early crops are significantly better opposed both drought, and the likely damage to fleas, which are carrying serious danger to plants. Also sown in early deadlines Mustard effectively suppresses weeds.

It should be noted that plants on green fertilizer can be heated during the summer, after harvesting early crops, but not later than the 2nd decade of August. It is necessary to provide sufficient moisture to seeds and young shoots. Before the start of mass flowering, the plant is mounted and crushed with a shovel, and then leaving the bed along with the green mass.

Mustard as a fertilizer is the cheapest and convenient way Soils for further cultivation of crops.

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