Vegetable cultures. Community of green men which plants belong to pumpkin

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Pumpkin family

/ / Pumpkin /

Pumpkin Family (CUCURBITACEAE) This family has 130 genera and about 900 species growing preferably in tropical and subtropical areas from wetotropic forests to the desert. Especially rich in wild pumpkin Africa, as well as Asia and America. In moderate latitudes of representatives of this family, relatively little. Pumpkin annual or perennial, curly or peeling herbs, less often shrubs, with regular, finger or peristopal (less often separate) or simple leaves. Most of the representatives of the family are equipped with antennae, representing modified shoots. Flowers are usually same-sex, one- or doubtful, rarely garbage, actinorphic, single or collected in basin inflorescences - beams, brushes, panicles, umbrellas. The perianth, together with the base of the sticky threads, forms a floral tube that has grown to the ovary; Pyathamny cup. The crown of the aggressive, five-pointed or five-part (to the disseated), yellow or white, less frequently greenish or red. 2-3-5 stamens, very rarely 2, more often than 5, of which 4 are usually stroked; Sometimes all the sticky threads or the anthers of all the stamens are growing. Ginetsay consists of 3, less often from 5 or 4 rests; Zaurus Lower (sometimes midnight), more often, three-day, with numerous segments in each nest; Column with thickened fleshy stigmas.

Pumpkin - mostly insect potable plants. Large, well-developed nectar, filled with a very sweet nectar, have such a structure that are available to everyone. Therefore, the flowers of pumpkin are visited by about 150 types of insects. Flowers of many species do not have a strong aroma and embarrass pollinators or large bright yellow wrenches (like pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber, etc.), or their petals have the ability to reflect the ultraviolet rays invisible to our eye. The main pollinkers of the pumpkin are bees (especially honey bees) and steppe ants, as well as wasps and bumblebees. Insects more often attend men's flowers, since pollen serves insect with excellent feed; It discovered more than a hundred utilities, including proteins, fats and many vitamins. The overwhelming majority of representatives of the family of fruits in their structure are similar to the berry, but very peculiar who called "Tsyvina". A classic example of a similar type of fetus can serve a pumpkin, watermelon, melon and cucumber. At pumpkin sometimes some, the most ripe and viable seeds germinate inside the fetus. As a result, when a penis fresher cracks, not only seeds are falling out of it, but also quite developed seedlings whose roots are quickly introduced into loose soil and rooted. The most modern classification of the Pumpkin family belongs to the British botanic Ch.joffrey (1980). According to this classification, the family is divided into two submenses and 8 tribes.

The GUCURBITOIDEAE) contains 7 tribes, including 110 genera. One of the most primitive representatives of the Pumpkin Substitute is a Telfiiria (Telfairia), belonging to the Joliffieae tribe. To the same tribe include the Gothoma Momordica and Tladynate (Thladiantha). The Paleotropic genus Momordik includes about 45 species, most of which are annual curly lianas with a subtle stem and long-meshy leaves cultivated in the tropical countries of Asia. There are about 15 species growing in Eastern and Southeast Asia in the family of Tladyanta.

To another tribe (Beninkas - BenincaseAe tribe) include Childbirth Akantosicios (Acanthosicyos, 2 types), squirting cucumber (Ecballium. Monotype genus), watermelon (Citrullus) and others. Akantosicios is a typical deserted plant with antennae, turned into spines and with thick, sometimes very long root. From other births of the same tribe, it is necessary to mention primarily watermelons (Citrullus). This annual or perennial pubescent grazing herbs with dissected leaves. Flowers are large, single, same-sex or rigging; Chasselsters and petals of them are growing at the base. Yellow whine, stamens 5. Three-blade, ovary three-day. Fruit -mnogo-free juicy chuck with flat seeds. Watermelon is distributed in the tropical and subtropical areas of the globe. Rod has 3 types: Watermelon Edible, Colocidant, Watermelon, Supreme, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is limited by the village of Namib's desert in Southwest Africa. The mustache from this plant is completely reduced. In the same tribe, besides the watermelon, includes giving birth (Bryonia), Lagenarium, or Gorryanka (Lagenaria), Beninkaza (Benincasa) and some others. To the genus, the opening includes 12 species growing on the Canary Islands, in Mediterranean, Europe, Front and Central Asia. These curly perennial tall plants can be found in the Caucasus and in Central Asia among shrubs, forest edges, in ravines, as well as weeding in the hedges and walls. A mustache mustache have a particularly thin sensitivity to touch solid items that causes their very rapid growth and bending towards the stimulus. For comparative short term The mustache is firmly wrapped in support, reliably holding a heavy mass of the plant on the weight. Small ineffective flowers rebuilt, assembled into rigorous inflorescences, almost do not stand out on the background of leaves and very poorly smelling, but insects willingly appear to them attracted by an ultraviolet pattern of a whisk, invisible to our eye. In the family of pumpkin only among representatives of this kind, the fruit is a reserve berry. Numerous minor seeds are covered with durable and strong armor. The germ of the seed who passed through the digestive path of the bird remains intact and capable of germination. Overreed berries Pereptomy at the slightest touch to them are crushed, and the seeds are glued with mucus to the skin of the cristed animal, thus spreading too. Some species are poisonous plantsSome are used in a number of countries as medicinal. Especially poisonous berries and roots containing Glycosides Brionine and Brionidine.

Pumpkin tribe (Cucurbiteae) gives 12 clans, including the type of pumpkin (Cucurbita), which has about 20 species, wildly growing exclusively in America. Some of them have long been introduced into the culture. By now there is great amount varieties of food, fodder and decorative pumpkins. Representatives of the kind - perennial or annual herbaceous plants with a rounded or faceted stem, more often thanks, sometimes in love. A somewhat separate position occupies the pumpkin genus of Luffa in the tribe, having a lot in common with the next cyclant drive (CyclanthereEae). In kind 5 species.

The cyclant drive tribe (cyclanthereae) refers 12 genera growing mainly in the tropical and subtropical belt. All representatives of these clans of the t-shit threads have grown, the fruits are broken, often open. As an example, you can bring a large American genus Echinocystis (Echinocystis), combining about 15 species, with white small one-bedroom flowers. Another interesting genus of tribes is a cyclanthera (Cyclanthera), which includes about 15 species. All of them grow in central and tropical South America. These are herbaceous curly plants with stem and five-semi-blade leaves. Yellow, green or white flowers without nectars. Therefore, plants are pollinated in the main wind. Ripe fruits suddenly burst into two valves, each of which is rejected back. As a result, the seeds are scattered on quite considerable distances. The tribe Siciosova (SICYOEAE) is characterized by female flowers with one-minute, less often three-travelers; Male flower stamens have grown, with winding dust. The tribe belongs to 6 clans, of which the most interesting are Sicios (SICYOS) and tea (sechium). The genus Sicios includes about 15 species growing in the Hawaiian Islands, in Polynesia, Australia and Tropical America. Most of them are the Liano-like annual herbs with the next, slightly blade or angular thin leaves. Schizopepon schizopepon (Schizopepon) forming a separate schizopeponeae tribe (Schizopeponeae), there are only 5 species, common from Northern India to East Asia.

Trichozer tribe (Trichosaiitheae) refers 10 birth. All of them are characterized by long true flowers with fringeless or solid petals. The fruits are cylindrical or triangular, more often unscrewing or drop-down on three equal parts. The most famous trichonsangps (trichosanthes), to which about 15 species common in Southeast Asia and Australia belong. The morphological structure of these plants is usual for most pumpkin - Liano appearance, wide blade leaves, same-sex flowers; Men's collected in a rare brush, and women's single. Often the petals spirally bent inside, why long-treaddled flowers acquire a somewhat unusual look. Unfortunate fruits are edible, so some of these species are introduced into the culture. In addition, mature fruits are often very spectacular, which in aggregate with abundant lush greenery leaves makes plants very decorative. An interesting monotypical Indo-Malazian Rod Hodgsonia (Hodgsonia) is also interesting.

The Melotry Trebe (Melothrieae) includes 34 kinds, including the cucumber (Cucumis), presented by more than 25 species common in Africa. Only a few species are found in Asia. A number of species are cultivated as food plants for the sake of edible fruits. Among other bodies of the Treba, you can call more interesting childcarpus (Corallocarpus), Melotry (Melothria) and Kedrostis (Kedrostis). The cedrostis genus (about 35 species) is common in the tropical and subtropical areas of Africa, Madagascar, in Tropical Asia and in the Malseia. In steppes South Africa Often it is possible to meet the straggings on the ground of the Liano-arms, densely, gray-green, grassy plants belonging to the genus Kedrostis.

The subfamily Zanonioideae includes 18 genera, which are combined into one tribe. Most plants of this subfamily dwells in the countries of the tropical and subtropical belt. The most fully characterizes the entire subfamily Monotype Ioido-Malaysian Rod Zanony (Zanonia). Its flowers are two-year-old with two-three-beam urging; Fruits - hairy mace-shaped boxes, when ripening revealed by a cover, scattering light winged fightered seeds that extend to the wind over long distances. Rod Aktinostemma (Actinostemma), numbering about 6 species, is common in East Asia and in Himalayas. All of them are perennial herbaceous lianas with dazing stems. One species occurs within Russia.

Pumpkin plants.

Pumpkin family.
This group of plants include cucumber, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, zucchini and patisson. Cultural varieties of pumpkins belong to three botanical species: a large-scale, hard, and nutmeg.
Pumpkin - one of the largest families of coated plants, including over 100 genera and about 1,100 species. Widden in the tropical and subtropical regions of the globe, only individual representatives of the pumpkin are found in moderate latitudes. The ecological range of the family is huge. Its representatives can be found in the wet tropical forest, and in anhydrous desert. The family is predominantly annually or perennial species, curly or flutter herbs, shrubs or semi-departments are very rare.
Among the cultivated forms of pumpkin in Russia are the greatest economic importance: cucumber, melon, watermelon, pumpkin, zucchini, patisson. Lefta, Lagenarium, Teatuit, Momordika are less well known.

I myself grown almost all the well-known cultures, but now only pumpkin, zucchini and cucumbers. Patsssonsonsons and Lagenarium I did not like, because there are no own taste. Also, nothing good in pickled or canned patissons and zucchini.
Watermelons and melon grow well in our climate only in greenhouses, and this I consider the luxury to do greenhouses for melons and watermelons. True, Melon grows well in the open soil, but only on a null ridge. Watermelon In general, culture is capricious. Now we grow in the open soil pumpkins of all three species (Large, hard, nutmeg) and zucchini different types. Pumpkins and zucchini grow well in our climate. For example, pumpkins grew up to 35 kg!
From the family of pumpkin the most useful and therapeutic properties possesses the pumpkin, so I will start with the agricultural machinery growing pumpkin.

Pumpkin consider one of the most ancient cultures, she grew in America for another 3 thousand years ago. After the opening of the new light, the seeds of this plant together with others were brought to Europe. Now in many southern regions of Russia, it is considered an original Russian culture, although it was taken to Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.
Pumpkin fruits, like watermelons, nerds are called berries. Both cultures are close "relatives" and refer to the family of pumpkin. They are similar not only to the structure and development, but also because in addition to the fruits of the medium size, they are hardly formed by the most huge "berries" in the world. The press reported on pumpkins weighing 284 and 287 kg grown
Farmers Canada. And in the USA a few years ago, a fruit giant was raised by weight of 302 kg.
The huge sizes and weight of the fruits are important for the feed pumpkin, and for the table, and they have other requirements: a small or even small pumpkin, which can be used entirely for one time. Two other basic requirements for this vegetable - good taste and high nutrient content and healing substances.

Nutritional value and medicinal properties.
Pumpkin fruits are extremely helpful. Their flesh is rich in sugars, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, PR. Vitamin T was found in the pumpkin, which contributes to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body - intensive absorption of meat and other heavy food.
In the pulp of pumpkin fruits contain salts of phosphoric acid, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and by the amount of iron pumpkin - champion among vegetables. It is especially a lot of potassium and pectin, which prevent the occurrence of inflammation of the colon.
Connoisseurs assure that the frequent consumption of pumpkin cereal gives a wonderful effect in hypertension, obesity and metabolic disorders. At Besonia, it has long been recommended to drink at night. pumpkin juice or pumpkin decoction with honey.
Its seeds contain up to 52% oil and up to 28% protein, many zinc salts and vitamin E, so they are nutrient and useful sunflower. Based on pumpkin oil, a pumpkin is created, which stimulates the work of the liver. Pumpkin seeds - a harmless anthelmintic agent, and to taste the seeds of the seeds compete with nuts.
Pumpkin improves digestion, therefore it is included in dietary diet in obesity, reducing the function of the gallbladder, edema caused by cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis, gout, kidney disease, intestinal inflammation.
In the raw form, pumpkin is added to salads. They prepare soups, cereals, filling for pirogors, and marinate.

Large pumpkin The most cold-resistant, but later, which is hard. Stem is cylindrical plant. Fruits are distinguished by a large size, long-lasting, high taste
Qualities and multi-monthness (100-300 g). Seeds milky white, smooth, with an unclear rim around the edges.

Few pumpkin Well adapted to sharp fluctuations in temperature. The stem is sharply faceted, furor. Fruits small, with rustic crust and barbed cowlovoid input. Seeds are small and medium, yellowish, with a rim of the same color.

Muscat pumpkin The most heat-loving and late, mainly long-line, without bush forms. The stem is rounded. Fruits small and medium, elongated shape, narrowed in the middle. The flesh is orange, with a nutmeg aroma. Seeds elongated, with twisted or darous rim, the color of which is darker in the color of the seed.
In addition to these species, amateur vegetables are grown
dining room, feed, gone (Cinderella variety), decorative and dye pumpkins
. By biological features They are similar to the above.

Pumpkin - heat and light-affairs culture, its seeds begin to germinate at 13 ° C, and in some varieties at 10÷ 12 ° C. Normal growth of plants occurs at a temperature of 20÷ 30 ° C. Reducing the temperature to 14 ° C and below, especially at night, sharply affects fruits, as the fruits are mainly growing at night. Period from shoots to ripening of fruits 100÷ 160 days. When the plants are thickened and shading, the ripening of fruits is delayed, crop and taste quality decrease. The most intense light is needed by plants during the flowering and ripening of fruits.

Due to the powerful root pumpkin system more drought-resistant culture, but speaks well on the watering, especially during periods of formation of the root system and intensive growth in fruits. Especially moisture and thermal-loving nutmeg pumpkin.

The soil. Plot under Pumpkin Sowing should be well heated, with light fertile soils, outstanding. The predecessor of anyone except cucumber. The soil from the autumn is drunk to the depth 25÷ 30cm, under the rescopement is made by manure or humus at the rate of 10÷ 20kg to 1m 2. Spring Superphosphat - 40÷ 60g, potash Selitra 30÷ 40g and ammonium Selitra 10÷ 15g to 1m 2. Potash fertilizer can be replaced by wood ash in double quantities. Fertilizers can be made before sowing in the well: 2÷ 3kg Houring, 6G Superphosphate and 3g Potash and Ammoniac Selitra.

Growing. Sowing seeds under film shelters spend 10- May 15, planting seedlings - 15- May 20, in open soil - respectively 25- 30mm and 8 - 12 June. Pumpkin seeds retain to 10 years old. Sowing seeds can be carried out before - 18-25 may, since the pumpkin is more cold-resistant than cucumbers. Seed seeds in wells 2÷ 3pcs to a depth of 3 ÷ 5cm. The distance between the pumpkin holes is a vacant 140 * 70 or 140 * 140, for a bush 90 * 90 or 100 * 100cm. When the first real sheet, the plants are thinned, leave in the well one plant. Seedlings are grown in pots. Properly prepared seedlings should be hardened and healthy, have Low chunky stem with short interstices and two-three well-developed real leaves. During the season of vegetation, the plants feed 2 times. Especially effective feeding in phase 2÷ 3 leaves and in bloom. Useful feeders of the solutions of the Zhigi (1: 1) and chicken litter (1:15- twenty). During the vegetation period, the pumpkins pinch the side shoots, and when 5 on the main stem is formed- 7 fruits, then the top of the stem, leaving above the fetus 4- 5 leaves. Pumpkin watered abundantly, 1÷ 2 buckets of water under the bush, as optimum humidity Soil for her 70- 80%. The frequency of irrigation depends on weather conditions.

Growing on a compost pile.
To grow pumpkins, you can build a special greenhouse-house. The base of the greenhouse is made of boards and is a block of 1.5 m wide, a length of 2.5 m and a height of 45 cm. In the middle, at an altitude of 70 cm made of crossbar to throw a film into a greenhouse in spring time. On the perimeter vertically put bars with a height of 2 m, which are the similarity of the Trelliers (vertical culture).
From autumn you need to take care of a warm litter under the pumpkin. The basis is made up of tops, leaves, sawdust, crushed bark, kitchen waste, etc. The whole mass should fill the greenhouse about 2/3, it should be filled with lime or ash or ash in this form for the winter.
In the spring, at the first opportunity, the greenhouse is almost fair filled with fresh manure, speaking it with sawdust. Then the wells for pumpkin plants are prepared. In the above-described greenhouse, 12 holes are made with a diameter of about 50 cm. Each pouring buckets are hurt. Now it remains to close the entire surface of the old film and very carefully Put stones not only around the edges, but also in the middle. In this way, we increase the temperature in the pumpkin root system area, which is extremely important for all melting plants. The soil under the film and stones are well warmed up and is quite warm by the time of the seedlings landing. In addition, manure under the pumpkin matures well, as it is constantly moistened and covered with the leaves of the pumpkin itself.

Vertical culture
In small areas, pumpkin is successfully grown on a vertical chopper along the south side of the house or fence. This method is well suited for fine-free or decorative types of pumpkin. To do this, at a distance of 50 cm, the holes are digged apart from each other, they are stuffed with their manure, mixed with the ground, and watered potassium mangarteal solution. First Option: Near each plant, there are stakes and tie the cord to it, the other end of which is fixed in the roof cornice or from above. There are plenty on the cord. On each plant, there are two wounds, the growth points are pouring, the side shoots without fruits cut out, the lower side - cut.
Another option: At the time of removing the observed material, the pumpkin shoulder should be tied to vertical crossages, carefully distributing them at the same distance from each other. In the future, all the growing screens need to be removed from the thickness and take into the sun. As a result, the pumpkins give full-fledged flowers.
When the plants completely chase the tag, the type of green leaves, extraordinary colors and bright yellow fruits resembling melons, produces an indelible impression. It is likely that it will be the most beautiful corner of your garden.

Harvest. Pumpkin is also collected in early September, before the onset of frosts. Signs of maturity of fruits - drying and testing of the fruits (it is cut together with the fruit), well designated drawing of the crust and its hardening. Well-caused, healthy fruits dried, warmed in the sun for 8÷ 10 days and lay storage.

For long-term storage, the fruits of lying grades containing a lot of starch are suitable. During storage, starch is hydrolyzed, as a result, the amount of soluble sugars increases and the fruits become sweeter. Mandatory conditions for longer storage of pumpkin - good ventilation and defense OT sunlight. Therefore, it is better
Total to store in the ventilated rooms at a temperature of 3 ... 8 ° C and relative humidity of 60-75%. The fruits are laid on the racks in one row fruit up so that they do not come into contact with each other. Pumpkin can be placed in boxes with rows, moving straw. The fruits of some varieties do not deteriorate for a long time at a dark place at room temperature.

Pumpkin varieties:
The following varieties are recommended among the zoned assortment for the nonherninarian zone:

Estimated - Altai 47, XXXXRUCHUE 27, Mushroom bush 189, Ufa, Medical, smile, freckle.

Medium - Russian, crumb.

Mid-ripe - Donskaya, Hybrid 72, Large-door 1, record, Trojond, Farmers, Almond 35, CHELLEVSKAYA 49.

LateVest - Vitamin, Mushroom Winter, Winter Sweet, Muscat, Dining Room Winter 5.

Amateur varieties - Pineapple, honey and others.

Do not mention the "Yuzhanok" although compared with your relative, the pumpkin cucumber is less demanding about warmth, its southern origin makes itself felt. During our short and not always hot summer, and most importantly, because Cool nights that occur after August 10, many foreign, and the southern pumpkin varieties in the middle lane do not have time to crumble and gain enough nutrient and healing substances.
Most varieties of pumpkins who have greatly proven themselves somewhere in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Rostov, Belgorod or Kursk regions, with a rare exception, are very mediocre. At the same time, long and well-known fungi bush and mushroom winter and in the south also accelerates well as we have in the Urals. Mribovskaya winter is especially possible: it is perfectly saved for several months in Conventional room conditions, and over time it becomes tastier and sweeter, since the starch contained in the pulp turns into sugar.

Therapeutic properties of pumpkin.

Therapeutic effect When using pumpkin pulp provides such essential elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B12, RR, as well as vitamin K, which is almost no in other vegetables and fruits. The lack of vitamin K in the body causes bleeding from the nose, the gums and, which is especially dangerous, from the internal organs, including the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, in the pulp of pumpkins, many pectin - water-soluble dietary fibers, reinforcing intestinal motor functions, output from the organism of radionuclides and contributing to the rapid scarring of ulcers. The combination of biologically active substances contained in it contributes to the removal of cholesterol and improves the aqueous and salt exchange, so it is recommended in any form for diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular during atherosclerosis and edema caused by heart failure. And with the anemia and the exhaustion of the body, it is preferable to eat the raw pulp of pumpkin, which is rich in iron.

A good effect is observed when treating these vegetables of digestive organs. With inflammation and cirrhosis of the liver, chronic hepatitis and hepatic edema, along with the pulp in the raw form, the pumpkin porridges with rice, a militant or a gun are shown. With colitis accompanied by constipation, as well as vomiting overnight, drink half a cup of pumpkin juice.

Juice and pumpkin flesh are used in food for the prevention of caries.

With pyelonephritis, sharp and chronic cystitis, uragany stones, as well as pumpkin porridges are very useful in diabetes and gout. The pumpkin itself is a good diuretic.

In case of kidney disease and bladder from pumpkin and cannabis seeds prepare medicinal "Milk": 1 cup of each seed is triturated in a ceramic vessel, gradually pouring 3 glasses of boiling water, then faster and pressed the residue. The resulting "milk" drunk during the day. This agent is particularly shown in cases where blood is contained in the urine or when urination is delayed due to spasmodic phenomena. If "Milk" anniversary, it can be taken with a steep unsolved buckwheat pitch, sweeten with sugar or honey.

To strengthen the muscles of the bladder and the normalization of its functions, it is recommended to eat 2-3 tablespoons of purified pumpkin seeds every day. They can also be used as a concomitant means in the treatment of prostate diseases.

Due to the low caloric of the pumpkin is very useful in obesity.

Pumpkin juice or crude pulp is used with a cold cough and tuberculosis. BUT pumpkin porridge Promotes temperature reduction in bronchitis.

Fresh cashem from pumpkin pulp is applied to the affected places with eczema and burn, rashes and acne. It also accelerates the ripening of boils and glasses. People who, because of their profession, have a lot to stand throughout the day, it is recommended to apply a pumpkin cleaner to remove pain in the feet.

With insomnia, at night, you can take 1/3 cup of pumpkin decoction with honey.

Pumpkin bump. The dried seeds are cleaned of solid peel, be sure to leaving a thin green shell, rubbing into a mortar, adding them in small portions and slowly adding 10-15 drops of water. 300 g of seeds - up to 50-60 ml of water. To give a bash of a pleasant taste in it, you can put 10-15 g of honey or jam. Pitch taking an empty stomach on a teaspoon for an hour. After 3 hours it is necessary to accept the laxative (castor oil is not recommended), and then in half an hour to put the enema. Dose for adults - 300 g of seeds, for children 10-12 years - 150 g, for children 5-7 years old - 100 g, 3-4 years old - 75 g, 2-3 years - 30-50 g.

Broth of pumpkin seeds. 250 g of dry crude seeds are very crushed. 500 ml of water are added to the crushed seeds and are kept for 2 hours on light fire in a water bath, without bringing the decoction to a boil. It is then pressed, cooled for 10 minutes, filtered and removed the resulting oily film. 10-15 g of honey or jam are added to the decoction. Take 1 tablespoon for an hour. After 2 hours they drink saline laxative. Adults prepare a decoction of 500 g of seeds, children under 10 years old - 300 g, 5-7 years old - 200 g, up to 5 years old - 100-150 g.

Emulsion from pumpkin seeds. 150 g of purified seeds are triturated in a mortar with a gradual addition of 20-30 drops of water, bringing a total volume to 450 ml. 10-15 g of honey or jam can be added to the finished emulsion. Then drink 1 tablespoon for an hour. After 2 hours they take a saline laxative. Adult dose - 400-450 ml.

All means are non-toxic, well tolerated and there are no contraindications. Course treatment can be repeated several times with interruptions of 2-3 days.

So that treatment has passed successfully, it is necessary to properly prepare for it. On the day before the treatment is eating a rubbed and liquid food - soups, liquid porridge, vegetable puree, chopped meat, kissel, prostroprious, as well as white stale bread. In the evening - light dinner. At night, a laxative salt should be taken: adults - 25-30 g, children - depending on age. The next day, in the morning they put a cleansing enema and an empty stomach in the above doses of any drug from pumpkin seeds. After 2-3 hours they give a salt laxative - 40-50 g for an adult. Meal is allowed after 1-2 hours.

Pumpkin family

The family of pumpkin is climbing, sharpening, curly herbs (shrubs and trees are very rare). There is more than one hundred childbirth and eight hundred fifty species. Most often they grow in the tropics and subtropics. In our country, such cultural plants of the family of pumpkin, like cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, patisson, watermelon, melon are grown. The fruits of this family are uncompressed juicy Thavins. Pumpkin fruits are the largest by weight, their weight can reach 50 kg (this plant has a record for the mass of the fetus). The most popular vegetables of this family are cucumbers, pumpkin, table watermelon, zucchini.

Cucumber is a monodomal annual herb plant from the Pumpkin family. This culture began to be grown in the III millennium BC. e. in India.

The plant forms a branching long stem, sprinkling on the ground or clinging to the support, on which large leaves and separation, i.e., male and female, flowers. Some varieties are routine. In addition, the varieties are divided into self-polling and insects. Most often, the cucumbers are pollinated by bees, after which the fruits are tied.

Cucumbers are the most common culture worldwide. They contain 3% of sucrose consisting of fructose and glucose, 0.4% pectin, 0.8% protein and many alkaline salts.

Fruits can be removed after 7-10 days after the formation of the wound. Such cucumbers are called radicals.

This culture loves a lot of light, heat and moisture. The cucumbers in Russia are grown almost everywhere: in the central and southern regions in the open soil, in the non-black-earth zone - under the film, which is removed in good weather, in the northern regions - in a secure soil.

In crop rot, the cucumbers should be located after bean, early potatoes, onions, eggplants, peppers and medium-gray cabbage.

Cucumber varieties and hybrids

Upon use, all varieties of cucumbers can be divided into lightweight, canned (for pickling and salting) and universal.

Salad cucumbers have thick peel, permeable to penetrate the salt, so they are not suitable for conservation.

Canned cucumbers peel thin and gentle, they also have an increased sugars content, which is important for salting.

Universal varieties can be used in fresh form, and for salting.

When choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account the dates of ripeness and then for which soil it is intended.

In addition, all varieties can be divided into bee-pollinated and parthenocarpical. Beexious varieties for pollination and education are needed insects, or will have to use manual pollination. Parthenocarpic varieties have a female type of flowering and form fruit without pollination.

Altai early 186.- Early variety, beehustic, short-footed, strongly humble, which begins to be froning after 37-50 days after the appearance of germs. Yield is up to 6 kg / m 2. Fruits with a length of 6-9 cm, weighing 70-80 g, whiteish, small-baked, not yellow. The variety is quite resistant to mushroom disease and bacteriosis. Suitable for growing in the open ground, transfers short-term freezing, so you can plant and in nordic regions. Fruits are consumed in a fresh form.

Altai early 186.

Amur F1.- Parthenocarpic raven hybrid female flowering type. He is plentifully fruits, resistant to root rot, mildew and false torment. Suitable for growing in an open and protected ground. Zelenets grows up to 12-15 cm long and picks up a mass of 91 - 118 g, whiteish, fine-buggy. Fruits are consumed in a fresh form, but they are also suitable for canning and salting.

Amur F1.

Blike is a parthenokarpic hybrid. It begins to be froning after 56-57 days after germination, designed for growing in greenhouses. The yield is 24.5-25.6 kg / m 2. The plant is a medium-power, green golden, glossy, cylindrical, 14-16 cm long, weighing 88-102. The fruit has a good taste, without bitterness. The hybrid is medium resistant to gray rot, bacteriosis, mildew, ascohiticosis.

Blike F1.

Moscow Region Evenings F1.- Parthenokarpical early universal hybrid with a female blossom type. Suitable for growing in open ground, greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as on the balcony. The plant is shadowfully and can grow in thickened landings. Zelets cylindrical shape, low-rolled, 12-14 cm long. The hybrid is resistant to mildew, olive spottedness, false mildew.

Moscow Region Evenings F1.

Farmer F1.- a bee-peeped midverterous hybrid of universal destination, fruiting occurs after 42-45 days after the appearance of germs and continues to the most frosts. Suitable for all methods of cultivation. The yield in the open soil is 10-12 kg / m 2, in a protected ground - 20-24 kg / m 2. The plant is cold-resistant, transfers minor frosts, and therefore you can sow seeds in pretty early deadlines. Zelentsy whiteish, large-baked, up to 10-12 cm long. The hybrid is resistant to all types of mildew.

Farmer F1.

Nezhinsky 12.- Bee deurpusable late dealer. From shoots to fruiting - 47-67 days. Plant long-linelet, the main whip reaches 2 m. Designed for open soil and film shelters. Zelentsy elongated egg-shaped, black wool, large-baked, 10-12 cm long and a mass of 90-100 g. A variety is resistant to bacteriosis and olive spotting. Fruits are designed for salting.

Saltry 65.- Bee dexayable long-term lateral variety of universal destination, which begins to frig out of 58-60 days after the appearance of germs. The yield is 3.5-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ m 2. Zelets allen in size and shape, tuberculous, green with white stripes, a length of 11-13 cm and a mass of 114-120 g. A variety is resistant to false torment and mildew.

Saltry 65.

Growing cucumbers

Choosing a place for cucumbers, it must be borne in mind that they are very responsive to the light, heat and soil fertility. This is the thermal-loving culture among all vegetable plants. Shoots appear at a temperature of + 18-26 ° C, but if it is lowered to +15 ° C, then the growth of plants slows down sharply. At temperatures below +10 ° C, the cucumbers cease to grow and die. Therefore, planting this culture follows in beds protected from cold wind.

The cucumbers grow well on a drained high-grade soil. In the autumn, fresh manure must be made in front of the dawn plowing (1 m 2) or 40 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potash salt by 1 m 2. Spring should be harrowing and cultivation.

Plant plant seeds or seedy. In the open ground, they can be planted at the end of May, when the soil will warm up well. Seeds per month before landing it is necessary to warm up, starting at a temperature of + 18-20 ° C and increasing it in the first 2 days to +30 ° C, in the next 3 days - up to +52 ° C, and in the last day - up to + 78- 80 ° C. Then they should be moved with a mixture of TMTD and early in the ratio of 4 g and 5 g per 1 kg of seeds.

It is further important to calibrate seeds in 3% aqueous solution crash salt or ammonia nitrate. To do this, they must be omitted into the solution, mix and leave for 5-7 minutes, after which the solution and pop-up seeds merge. The seed seeds rinse in running water And to dry at a temperature not higher than +40 ° C.

For prophylaxis viral diseases Seeds should be soaked in a 1% potassium mangartee solution for 1 h, after which rinse them in running water. In addition, they are often preserved before planting, bay water temperature.

Seeds are planted with a depth of 2 cm, the distance between them should be 10-12 cm, and between the lines - 50-70 cm. From return freezers and cold matineers of the plant should be protected by film shelters.

When planting this culture, sediate should be remembered that the cucumbers are poorly transferred to transplant due to the fragility of their root system, so it is best to grow in the seedlings to grow in a peat-up potted pots, which are then lowered into the soil along with the plant.

Care behind the cucumbers includes soil loosenings, weeding, patching of shoots, regular watering and feeding. The first loosening is carried out after shooting. Then they repeat them every 10 days.

Above the third or fourth sheet, the plant should be adjusted, climbing or raising the top kidneys. It stimulates the rustling of fruiting side shoots. In addition, the cucumber vacuum can be copied to the ground, which contributes to the formation of the apparent roots, which will increase the nutrition of the plants.

The cucumbers must be regularly watering in the evening with warm water, however, remember that the oversupply of moisture can lead to the development of rot, and the death of the roots, and its disadvantage - to slowing the growth of Zelertov and the formation of bitterness in them. Every 2 weeks under the culture should be made mineral fertilizers, alternating them with organic liquid feeding.

Mulching is a good taking care of cucumbers. The soil between the rows is covered with manure, straw sharp, polyethylene film (black or light), kraft paper. This layer protects the plant from frosts, reduces water consumption during irrigation, soil clogs by weeds, which helps to avoid its seal and increases yields.

The cultivation of cucumbers in the protected ground has its own characteristics, although the main agrotechnical techniques are the same as when growing in the open ground. You can sow cucumbers in the middle of May. Inside the greenhouse along the series of seedlings, it is necessary to tighten the wire (a sleeper) and as shoots grow to tie them with twine. In the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain thermal regime, preventing sudden temperature drops. So, the temperature should be in the range of + 23-36 ° C, at night - + 19-20 ° C. In addition, in the heat it is very important to maintain high humidity in the greenhouse.

When growing cucumbers under the film, it should be removed gradually, first on just a few minutes, but then the time spent on the outdoors should be increased.

When growing cucumbers on the sets, it is necessary to raise the rustic screens in a timely manner. Be sure to carry out irrigation of plants.

During vegetation due to unfavorable conditions, the cucumbers may be affected by various diseases: milderous dew, bacteriosis, anthracnose, false mildew and muggy tle. For the fight against diseases, pesticides are used: Eufalum, Ridomyl (72%), Copper Chlorine (2-2.5 kg / ha), balleton (25%), quadris-250 SC.

Against Bakhcheva Tlima, karate (0.1 l / ha), Bi-58 (0.5-1 l / ha), anti-ants, wire, larvae of Rosthod, fury, fury (10% solution), Decis-Duplet, vs custom tick - accomplish (50% solution), Mitak (20% solution), Talstar (10% solution).

The cucumbers begin to collect in mid-July, every 1-2 days, and the more often harvest is harvest, the more fruits are formed. Collecting Zelentsa is better early in the morning, cutting off their knife or pressed his finger on the fruoz. It is impossible to turn over or lift the screens, as they are very easy to break.

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Pumpkin (lat. Cucurbitaceae) - Family of flower bipartal plants, numbering 130 genera and about 900 species. Most of the pumpkin - perennial and annual herbs, but there are among representatives of the semi-stabilia family and even shrubs. Pumpkin cultures grow in countries with a warm climate. Fruits of many pumpkin cultures (melons, watermelons, cucumbers, pumpkins) are edible, from some manufactured musical instruments (Lagenarium), sponges and filler (lufa), and there are species that are grown as medicinal or decorative plants.

Pumpkin Family - Description

The common botanical sign of pumpkin plant representatives is a lianovoid life form. Pumpkin long juicy stems, commonly called weavers, extending on the ground and climbing on supports using a mustache. Leaves from the representatives of the family of sweet, simple, palpat-disseated or blade, without hurry, hard or hair.

Pumpkin flowers - male, female or rich - are located singly in sinuses or collected in inflorescence. On most plants cultivated in culture, are also male and female flowers, and the proportion of female flowers can increase depending on the reduction in the length of the daylight, increasing the content in the air carbon monoxide or lowering the night temperature.

The fruit in pumpkin plants are berry, multifaceted, usually with solid crust and meaty content.

In total, the family of pumpkin thirteen delivery:

  • rod Pumpkin, which includes such types:
    • common pumpkin;
    • zucchini;
    • patchson, or pumpkin plate;
  • rod Cucumber:
    • cucumber ordinary;
    • melon;
    • anguria, or horned cucumber, or antillese cucumber, or watermelon cucumber, or cucumber-hedgehog;
    • kuvan, african cucumber, or horned melon;
  • roda Lufa:
    • lufa Egypt or Luofa Cylindrical;
    • lufa isolating;
  • girth tea:
    • tea edible, or Mexican cucumber;
  • roda Watermelon:
    • watermelon;
  • beninkaza:
    • beninkaza, or Wax Pumpkin, or Winter Pumpkin;
  • - Momordika:
    • momordika Charangery, or Chinese bitter pumpkin, or bitter cucumber;
    • momordik Domomnaya, or barbed pumpkin, or cantol;
  • roda Lagenarium:
    • lagenarium ordinary, or Calabas, or Gorryanka, or Kalabash, or a bottle pumpkin, or pumpkin, or a pumpkin;
  • cyclateter:
    • cyclaneter edible, or Peruvian cucumber;
  • truchoznet:
    • trito-seater snake, or snake pumpkin, or snake cucumber;
  • melotry:
    • melotry rough, or mouse melon, or mouse watermelon, or sour rootishon, or mexican acid cucumber, or Mexican miniature watermelon;
  • the genus of the Tladyanta:
    • tladyanta dubious, or red cucumber;
  • sikan family:
    • kassabanana, or sicana fragrant, or fragrant pumpkin, or a musky cucumber.

In our article, we will tell you about the most famous representatives of the family, which are grown in the garden and in the garden.

Fruit pumpkin plants


- the genus of grassy plants of the Pumpkin family, whose well-known representative is the ordinary pumpkin (Lat. Cucurbita PEPO), cultivated as food and aft culture. Aztecs were used to eat, except fruits, boiled flowers and the tip of the stems of the pumpkin, what are the records in " Common story Affairs of the New Spain ", compiled in 1547-1577 by Bernardino de Saugun.

Pumpkin Ordinary - Annual Muffin Culture With Miscellaneous Streaming Stem, with Wasps and Large Bandal Hard Leaves. Yellow large same-sex pumpkin flowers depending on the floor are located singly or beams. The fetus is the Thavor with a solid outer shell and numerous large bright seeds. In the culture there are about one hundred species of the pumpkin ordinary, which differ from each other by the magnitude, shape and painting fruit. Some of them cultivate as decorative plants, such as Cucurbita PEPO VAR. Cypeata or Depressa is a decorative plant with rigid-leathery ribbed fruits.

Pumpkin fruits contain fiber, potassium, a lot of vitamins - a, c, e, group B vitamins, rarely found vitamin K, affecting blood clotting, as well as vitamin T, which helps to absorb heavy food and with obese due to improvement and acceleration All metabolic processes in the body. And by the number of iron, the pulp pumpkin is even apples. Edible pumpkins eat in the food in the raw form by adding them to salads, and after heat treatment - the pulp of the fetus is baked, extinguished or boosted. Pumpkin is easily absorbed, quenching thirst, improves peristality. Dried pumpkin seeds are used as medicinal raw materials - they are used as a remedy for ribbon worms.

The fertility and mechanical composition of the soil of pumpkin is undemanding, only clay soils are unsuitable for growing this culture, but still preferably plant it on well-lit, draned, fertile sampling, medium cynical or light-coded soils with a neutral reaction, pre-fertilized with compost or manure. As predecessors, pumpkin is suitable for any plants, except related - cucumbers, patissons, zucchini and the like, but it is best grows after perennial herbs and such garden plantslike corn, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, potatoes and legumes.

The varieties of pumpkin ordinary are divided into large-scale, hard and nutmeg, as well as on bush and plenty, stern, dining and decorative. According to the time limits of the variety, there are early, early, medium, middle-air and late. The most popular dotable varieties are large-scale dawn pumpkins, Russian woman, marble, candy, Volga series, winter sweet, dining room winter, smile, Kherson, baby, medical, stand, centner, titanium, roller, Parisian gold, Big Moon, Amazon, Arina, Children's delicate. Axorn, spaghetti, freckles, gleolen, mushroom, almond, Altai, Bush Orange, Camera, also proved from hard screw varieties. Best muscat pumpkins Posted by varieties Batternat, vitamin, Palawa Kadu and Prikubanska.

As for the decorative pumpkins, which refresh and decorate country sites And our dwellings, such varieties such as stars, Turkish turban and baby cream-white from the Scherazade series may seem attention, as well as an orange ball, a wart mixture and a two-color ball from a kaleidoscope series.


- Bakhchy culture, annual herbaceous plant, view of the kind of watermelon. For the first time, the watermelon was described by Swedish naturalist Karl Peter Tunberg in 1794 as a species of Momordika, but in 1916, Japanese nerds Takenosin Nakhai and Nindzo Matsumura determined him in the genus Watermelon.

Root system Watermelon has a powerful and branched, having good suction. The main root can penetrate the depth of one meter, and the side extended underground horizontally to a distance of up to 5 meters. Stems in the plant are flexible, thin, curly or creeping, most often rounded-five-marked, branched, length of 3 or more meters, although there are short-liter varieties of plants. Young pieces of stalks are covered with thick, soft insertion. Leaves are regular, hairy, harsh, triangular-ovoid, strong-willed, on long stiffs, from 8 to 22 long and width from 5 to 18 cm. Single-sex flowers, and the male flowers are smallele. The fruit is a juicy multiferous tykiv. In shape, painting and size, the fruits of watermelon of different types and varieties can vary greatly, but in most cases they have a smooth surface.

Watermelon - the plant is thermal-loving, drought-resistant and heat-resistant, but this culture does not tolerate frosts. Grow watermelons on the sun well lit parts with light soil.

The flesh of the watermelon contains salts of iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive organs, blood formation, the domestic secretion glands and the cardiovascular system. The use of watermelon is shown in small-class, heart disease, gallbladder and urinary tract, and watermelon contained in watermelon and easily digestible sugars make it easier for acute and chronic liver diseases. The fiber of watermelon contributes to the removal of excess cholesterol and improves the digestion, and the foul and ascorbic acid included in the pulp and ascorbic acid protect the body from atherosclerosis. The watermelon juice quenches thirst with a fever, and alkaline compounds regulate acid-alkaline equilibrium in the body.

Watermelon ordinary is represented by two varieties: Tsamma Melon, which grows in nature in the territory of Lesotho, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and Watermelon, which is grown exclusively in culture. Currently, there are European, Russian, East Asian, South Ukrainian, Transcaucasian and American groups of woolly watermelon varieties. The most popular is the varieties of Astrakhan, Monastic, Kamyshinsky, Kherson, Melitopol, Uryupinsky, Mozdok, Apple, Raspberry Cream, Korean, Chernousk, a variety of Japanese densuke with a crust of black and others.


- Bakhchy culture, kind of cucumber genus Middle and Asia, where it happened about 400 years ago. Now in the wild, the melon will no longer meet, but in culture it is grown in all warm countries of the world. Mention of Melon can be found even in the Bible.

The melon is a grassy annual with grated hairs, long, creeping round-graded stem, the thickness of which is about 2 cm, and the length reaches 2 m. Sidelights depart from the main escape. The root system in melon melon, leaving in a depth of 2-2.25 m. Leaves in melons are regular, separate or solid, all-acy or gear, long-coal, rounded, heart-shaped, honest or angular, different shades of green. Flowers are found three types - female, male and rigging. The whine is a pryonkidoid, with severial petals of yellow. The fruit melon is a false berry, the size, the color and the shape of which varies depending on the variety: it can be flattened, round, extended, oval, with smooth or rough leather of white, yellow olive or brown, with white, cream or almost yellow flesh . Structure, consistency, density and taste of pulp also vary. In the mass of the melon can reach from 1 to 20 kg. Inside each fetus there is a large amount of light seeds - elongated, elongated or oval.

Melon is a plant for a warm climate, therefore it is grown on wind-protected solar sections preferably on the southern slope. Soil Plant prefers neutral, light, dry and well-haired. Melon varieties are chosen on the basis of the features of the region: early varieties are more suitable for the middle strip, and in warmer areas can be grown and middle-air, and even late melons.

Melon is represented by five subspecies:

Subspecies first - classic Melon (Cucumis Melo Subsp.melo) - The usual melon for all represents:

four varieties of Central Asian Melon:

  • redigi - Autumn-winter melons of varieties of Bezhek, Gulyabi Green, Torlama, Coy-Bash;
  • bukharki - early melons varieties Chogare, Assate, Tashlaki, Bos Valle and others;
  • handalyak - Estimated melons of varieties Handalyak Yellow, Collagurk, Cam, Coc Cola Pos and others;
  • ameri - Summer, the most sugary of all melons presented by the varieties of Ak-Kaoun, Ameri, Cockcha, Arbaisha, Barga, Vaharman and others;

western European Melon:

  • western European Cantaloupe, represented by the secondary sorts of Sharanta, Prescot, Galia and others;
  • american mesh cantaloupe Edistista, Rio Gold, Jambo and others;
  • eastern European melons: Eastern (Altai varieties, thirty days, lemon and yellow, early), summer (dessert varieties, Kubanka, Kolkhoznitsa, Kerch) and Winter (Village Bykovskaya, Caucasian, Dream, Tavriya);

oriental melons:

  • cassaba Winter varieties Valencia, Hani Dew, Golden Beauty, Temporian Roxet;
  • cassaba Summer varieties Honey dew, spotted, Zhukovsky.

and exotic melon:

  • second subspecies - Chinese melon (Cucumis Melo Subsp.chinensis);
  • the third subspecies - cucumber melon (Cucumis Melo Subsp.flexuosus);
  • fourth subspecies - wild melon, or weed-field (Cucumis Melo Subsp.agrestis);
  • fifth subspecies - Indian Melon (Cucumis Melo Subsp.indica).

Zucchini is an annual grassy plant, a bush variety of pumpkin ordinary with the fruits of green, yellow or almost white color. Right zucchini from Northern Mexico - there they are centuries, along with corn and pumpkin, accounted for a basic diet of aborigines. In Europe, Zucchini was imported by conquisites in the XVI century, and then spread, making a particularly important situation in Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. Today, zucchini is cultivated everywhere, where they allow them to grow climatic conditions.

In appearance, the zucchini is more reminded not pumpkin, but very large cucumbers. They are covered with dense, smooth skin, under which there is a fleshy light pulp with a large number of seeds. The foods are used in the phase of technical, and not biological maturity, since the ripe fruit seeds become large and rigid.

Spring zucchini follows open solar sites located on the southwestern or southern slopes. The soil should be a neutral reaction, light, soup or linous. For favorable conditions You can get the fruits of zucchini after a month and a half after the appearance of germs, but if the plant will lack light, it is possible to reduce yields up to the complete cessation of vegetation.

The zucchini contains a complex of vitamins - a, c, h, e, pp and group B, calcium microelements, sodium, iron and magnesium, fiber, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and structured water. Zucchini belong to dietary products and are distinguished by therapeutic properties.

Zucchini varieties are divided by such signs as the timing of ripening (early, middle-easier and late), the type of pollination (inexperienced and beeland), the place of cultivation (closed or open soil), the origin (grade or hybrid) and the purpose (for consumption of raw form or For processing). But the most convenient to divide the zucchini in maturation timing.

From the early banks, the grades of Chaklun, Belukha, Waterfall, Mavr, Aeronaut, Carama and Hybrid Belogor, Iskander, Areal, Cava and Carism were well established well. Popular medieval zucchini are represented by the Mushroom 37 and Hybrid Spaghetti-Spaghetti Tivoli, and from late varieties are good nuts and spaghetti ravio.

- Italian variety of white bubble. Translated from the Italian "Zucchini" means "small pumpkin". Fame This type of zucchini acquired only in the XIX century. The drops of Zucchini are more compact, the leaves have greater decorativeness, and the taste of pulp at the same time and more gentle, and more rich than that of the zucchini. In addition, Zuckini is still stored longer. In short, Zucchini is an improved zucchini. The peel at Zucchini may be a dark green or golden yellow, masonry or striped. Cuccini varieties and fetal shape differ. Growing conditions for this species are the same as for ordinary zucchini.

From the early sorts of Zucchini, the most famous are aeronaut, genesis, yellow-grade, white swan, golden cup, sir, zebra, mezzo lungo bianco, negritenok, black handsome man, digger, anchor and gold hybrid. Good rapid varieties of Pharaoh, Tsukesha, span, souvenir and hybrid Embessey. The secondary varieties include Zucchini TDDO Di Piaczo, Coast, Multi-Style, Milan Black, Golden, Diamond and Nephritis Hybrid. The middle-plant zucchini is represented by a variety of pasta. In general, the Zucchini group includes, as a rule, early and secondary-range varieties.


Patisson (lat. Patisson), or tarbed pumpkin - Grassy annual, a variety of pumpkin ordinary, which is cultivated worldwide. In the wild form, patissons are not found. In Europe, they were brought from America in the XVII century and quickly gained popularity. Slightly later, they began to grow in Ukraine and in the south of Russia, and two centuries later this type of pumpkin reached Siberia.

Patchson has a bush or semi-gun shape, he has large hard leaves, single single-sex yellow flowers, and the fruit is a laxer of a bell and a plate of white, green or yellow, sometimes monophonic, sometimes with stripes or stains. The taste of patissons is comparable to the taste of artichokes. Food is used both young wounds and mature fruits - they are extinguished, salted, fry, quasse and marinate, sometimes together with cucumbers and tomatoes. Patchson fruits contain mineral salts, pectins, fats, fiber, ash elements, vitamins and other useful substances.

Patchson is thermaluminous and demanding to moisture, therefore it is grown on open, well-lit and ventilated areas with loose, fertile neutral soil. The main condition for the cultivation of patissons is timely and sufficient watering.

The varieties of patissons, as well as the grade of zucchini, are divided into early, secondary and late. Early grades allow us to get a harvest after 40-50 days after the appearance of germs. The secondary patissons are necessary to achieve technical ripeness of 50-60 days, and late - 60-70 days. From the early patissons, the most popular varieties are white 13, disc, good orange, cheburashka, bingo-bongo, malachite, umbrella, patch, Gosh, Sannya Delight, Chartrez, Polo hybrids and sunny bunny. The middle-timed patissons are represented by Snow White, Chunga-Chang, Sun, UFO White, Tabolinsky and Hybrid Arbusinka.


Or sowing cucumber It is an annual herbaceous plant, a kind of cucumber Pumpkin family. Eating cucumbers in a misappropriate form, unlike pumpkin, which should mature for eating. In the culture of the cucumber appeared more than six thousand years ago. The ancient Greeks called this vegetable "Aguur", which means "unworked." The birthplace of plants - tropics and subtropics of India, the foot of the Himalayas, where it can still be found in the wild. Today, the cucumbers are grown around the world in an open and closed soil, and breeders without tired withdrawing all new and new varieties and hybrids of this popular plant.

The stem of the cucumber is rough, fluttering, ending with the assholes clinging behind the support. Leaves are five-pointed, heart-shaped. Fruit - juicy, emerald green multilayer pipple green, covered with white or dark ointment. The fruits of different varieties may differ in size, color and coloring.

Zelents contain 95-97% of structured water. The remaining few percent include a slight amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, macro- and trace elements, sugar, carotene, chlorophyll, vitamins C, B and PP. The substances included in the cucumbers excite appetite, contribute to the improvement of the digestion and the absorption of food, increasing the acidity of the gastric juice. The properties of the cucumbers were described in the ancient hospital "Cool Vertograd", which was compiled in the XVII century.

Exotic pumpkin plants


Or gorylyanka or pumpkin Gorryanka, or bottle pumpkin, or indian cucumber, or vietnamese zucchini, or kalabas It is the annual creeping Lian family Pumpkin. It is cultivated by this plant for the sake of its fruits, which are used in different purposes: the young scratches of long-lying forms are eaten, and ripe fruits, shape resembling bottles, are used as vessels and make musical instruments. The skill distinguish two subspecies:

  • lagenaria Siceraria Subsp. Asiatica - a plant with stretched bottles, common in Polynesia and Asia;
  • lagenaria Siceraria Subsp. Siceraria is a variety with elongated mining fruits growing in Africa and America.

In the culture of Gorryanka was used long before our era, even before the appearance of clay dishes. Motherland of Labenarium is considered to be Africa, from where it has spread to China through Central Asia, as well as having durable walls and buoyancy, and the ocean flow fell into America. They grow this culture in subtropical and tropical zones of Africa, China and South America. In a moderate climate, the lagenarium is grown in the greenhouses a seaside way.

The unripe fruits of the rustle, which have reached a length of 15 cm, is eaten - they are very similar to the zucchini. They are eating raw, they prepare dishes, they are preserved in the phase of dairy ripeness. Oil from the seeds of mature fruits. Seeds of lagenarium, as well as pumpkin seeds, have anthelmal action. Grylyanka can be used as a dot for melons and cucumbers. Mature rustic fruits are made of food and water storage vessels, drinking bowls and musical instruments such as a balaphone, guiro, a shekener, a bark that are usually decorated with cut or scorched patterns. In South America, they also make dishes for brewing Mate.


- The genus of grassy lian family pumpkin, whose representatives grow in tropical and subtropical zones. In the countries of South and Southeast Asia, snake-shaped triotheozant (Lat. Trichosanthes Cucumerina), which is the most popular view of the genus, cultivate for its fleshy fruits, stems and mustaches that are eaten.

Stem in triothots of a serpentine, or cucumber of the serpentine, or snake pumpkin

thin, length up to 3 m, the leaves are complex, three-seminal, root system lies shallow, like cucumbers. Women's flowers are single, male collected in busy inflorescences. Flowers' form is unusual and attractive: numerous elongated threads swirling at the ends are departed from white petals. By evening, the flowers begin to publish an amazing fragrance. The fruits of Trirtyozant are reminded chinese cucumbersAnd some of them are wriggled like snakes. They are from 50 to 150 cm long, and in diameter from 4 to 10 cm. The color of the fetus depends on the plant variety - it can be white, green, green in a white stripe or white in green. When ripening, the fruits gradually blush from the bottom up. Similar to pumpkin seeds in the fruits of Triogozant not more than 10 pieces. During the season from one plant, it is possible to remove up to two dozen fruits, which include carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. The food is used to the food of fruits in the raw form, adding soups-mashed potatoes into its salads, boils out of it, baked and extinguished. Some tricozer varieties have an unpleasant smell from which you can get rid of the heat treatment only.

To the conditions of cultivation, the trico dress is not demanding, but if you want from the plant maximum return, then pick up a plot with fertile, water and air-permeable light seashed or soup soil for it. Groundwater should not be closed too close to the surface of the site. The tricozer is grown through seedlings, which is planted into the ground under the film for about April 15-20. Trehirtsant varieties are popular, such as Cucumber with marble and white fruits, Snack Guad - Chinese grade with white fruits in a dark green strip, Petopa Ular - Malaysian variety with light green fruits in a dark strip and Japanese satellite variety with green striped fruits, Spiral twisted.


Or mexican cucumber - Cultural plant, well-known Maya, Aztecs and other ancient Indian tribes. Motherland tea - Central America. The main supplier teaboard is today Costa Rica, but it is cultivated in many countries with a warm climate.

Low-minded shoots of tea with longitudinal grooves reach a length of 20 m, clinging to the supports of the mustache. The root system is a fleece root, on which from the second year of growth is formed to a tent of the tuber weighing about 10 kg of yellow, yellow-green, light green, dark green or almost white with a white flesh, resembling a causta or potato flesh. Wide-edged, rigid hairs leaves a tea with a length of 10 to 25 cm, consisting of stupid fractions with a number of 3 to 7 pieces, are located on long stiffs. Greenish or cream flowers with a wedge with a diameter of about 1 cm. Single-sex - women's solitary flowers, and male collected in the brush. The fruit of tea is round or pear-like berries with a mass to a kilogram, a length of 7 to 20 cm with one plane seed of white in size from 3 to 5 cm. Peel in fruit shiny, thin, but durable, white, green or light yellowSometimes with longitudinal grooves or minor growths. White-green flesh, sweetish, starchy.

All parts of the tea - the leaves are edible, the tops of young shoots, which are used in stewed form, and misunderstanding fruits - stews added in the raw form in salads, baked, stuffed with meat or vegetables. Seeds tea time after roasting get a nut taste. Young tubers are preparing like potatoes, and the old cattle is fed. From the stems weave hats and other products.

Textile 7 amino acids, including arginine, lysine, methionine, leucine, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins, sugar, fiber, carbohydrate, starch, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc , Vitamins C, PP and Group B.

Since at temperatures below 20 ºC tea ceases to grow, it is grown it only in a warm climate or in greenhouses. Soil tea is needed loose, well-drained, neutral reaction and rich, although with proper care it can be grown even on clay soils. There are beds with tea in places protected from wind and well-warmed and sun-lit.


Loofah, or luffa or lUFFA (Lat. Luffa) It is a grassy liana family pumpkin. Lufa area - tropics and subtropics of Africa and Asia. According to various sources, there are from 8 to 50 species of the plant, but only two of them are grown in culture - cylindrical lufa and lufa isolating, more rarely and cold-resistant appearance, which grows well even in the northern regions. All of us are well known products from hubes - bathing washcloths that can be bought in economic storeBut much more interesting to grow them in the garden.

Liana Lufa reaches a length of 5 m. It has the leaves of the next, whole or five-semi-blade, large flowers, separate, white or yellow. Male flowers Form a cysterious inflorescence, and women grow singly. The elongated cylindrical flags of the hubs inside the fibrous and dry, with a large number of seeds. It is the fruits of certain types of hubs and are used for the manufacture of washcloths. And the fruits of such species like Lufa Egyptian and Ostrogry, are eaten. In plant seeds, more than 25% of oil suitable for technical purposes are contained. Make from the hubs also soap.

They grow lufa with a seaside way, while sitting down the past quenching seedlings on low ridges or beds in early May. The soil on the plot should be fertile, fertilous, neutral and preferably a suede. Choose a sunny and wind protected place for the lufa. If you are interested in edible fruits, it is better to grow a outer luifa, and if you need washcloths, then prefer the liquefy of cylindrical.

Momordika Charangery

Or bitter cucumber - a grassy annual monodomal liana growing in nature in the tropical areas of Asia, and in culture grown in the warm regions of the world - in China, in the Caribbean Islands, in South and Southeast Asia. The leaves of this species of MomaDiki have a scattering, flattened or rounded shape with a heart-shaped base. They are deeply trapped on 5-9 blades and are opposed on stiffs from 1 to 7 cm long. Moma-sex flowers, stubborn, with five yellow petals. The fruits are green, rough, with warts and wrinkles, cylindrical, oval or prehelovoid form. When ripening, they turn yellow or become orange. The pulp of fruit is sponge and dry, bitter, uneven shape, red-brown.

They grow a momigation sake of its fruits that are brought by immature, then they are soaked in salt water to remove bitterness, after which it stands or boasting. Also extinguished also young shoots, leaves and flowers of plants. Poisonous juice Momordiki is used to treat asthma, rheumatism and arthritis. To taste, the pulp of Momordika is similar to the flesh of tea or cucumber. It is nutritious and useful due to the content of a large amount of iron, beta carotene, potassium, calcium and other important for human organism Elements. Some compounds that are part of the fruit of momordics help treat HIV, malaria, diabetes of the second type, and plant juice is able to destroy pancreatic cancer cells.

The heat-loving plant is grown in greenhouses, greenhouses, on balconies and window sills. There are among the species of momordic and decorative plants for both indoor culture and growing along fences and arbors.


Or achchach's cucumber or peruvian cucumber - type of plants of the kind of cyclancher of the Pumpkin family, cultivated in countries with a warm climate for edible fruits. The birthplace of this species is the countries of South America - Peru, Ecuador and Brazil. In the culture, the plant was introduced by the Incas, then they forgot about him for a long time, but today the interest in the cyclane is increased again. Young fruits cyclates are used in cheese, stew, fried, pickled and salty form, and flowers and shoots of the plant are also edible.

The cyclanger is a powerful one-year liano up to 5 m long, clinging behind the assholes. Plant leaves are regular, finger-dissected almost to the base of 5-7 parts. They grow so thickly that under them you can hide from the Zhugogo Summer Sun. Flowers are yellow, small - up to 1 cm in diameter, separation. Women's flowers are single, male are collected at 20-50 pieces in the blurred inflorescences with a length of 10-20 cm. Extended-oval fruits of cyclates with a diameter of up to 3 and a length of 5-7 cm are narrowed to both ends, and the top is usually twisted. Green peel of fruits in maturation becomes light green or cream. Black seeds of cyclates in an amount of 8-10 pieces are enclosed in a cell inside the fetus.

Plant seeds contain 28-30 amino acids, and the composition of the pulp of fruits includes phenols, peptine, flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids, lipids, tanning substances, resins, terpenes, sterols, vitamins and minerals. The cyclanger has an anesthetic, diuretic, choleretic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, hypoglycemic effect.

It is grown by the cyclant seeds and seedlings, but it is very demanding of heat, so choose the sections protected from wind, well illuminated and warmed by the sun. The cyclateter is growing better on drained, loose loamy or sampling neutral reactions.


Or pumpkin wax, or winter pumpkin - Herbal liana, view of the genus Beninkase, which is widely cultivated for the sake of edible fruits reaching a length of two meters. The surface of the misappropriate fruit has a velvety texture, but as it becomes smooth and covered with a wax chain, which allows the fetus to persist for a long time after cutting. At first, Beninkaz was cultivated only in Southeast Asia, then spread to the east and south.

Beninkaza is a liananoid annual with a well-developed root system and graved stems thick with a pencil reaching for a length of 4 m. The leaves in the wax pumpkin are long-coal, blade, but not so big, like other pumpkins. Flowers are very beautiful, large - up to 15 cm in diameter, orange-yellow, with five petals. Beninkase fruits can be round or oblong, and their weight can reach 10 kg, although in middle lane They grow only to 5 kg.

The flesh of the fruit of wax pumpkin has medicinal properties and applied in chinese folk medicine For pain relief, lowering body temperature during fever and removal of excess water from the body. Seeds are used as a tonic and sedative.

Beninkaza loves well-lit places and nutritious air-permeable neutral reaction soil.


Sican fragrant (lat. Sicana Odorifera), or pumpkin fragrant, or kassabanana - a large liana cultivated for the sake of fruits. It is a plant from Brazil, she also grows in Ecuador and Peru in the wild, and in culture is grown in all the tropical countries of America and in the Caribbean. In the middle strip it can be cultured in greenhouses.

The length of the lianovid stem sican reaches 15 m, and the leaves covered with hairs are 30 cm. The fruit is elliptical sicken, slightly curved, up to 11 cm in diameter and up to 60 cm long. His skin is smooth, glossy, dark purple, dark burgundy, orange-red or black. The flesh is juicy, fragrant, yellow or orange-yellow, and in her middle there is a fleshy core with a large number of flat seeds up to 16 and up to 6 mm wide.

According to the biological composition and taste, Sican resembles the sweet pumpkin fruits. It is added to the salad, fry and extinguished.


Also represents a lyazing grassy plant that originates from the tropical forests of Central America. In the culture, it is grown for small fruits in size 1.5-2 cm, to taste with reminiscent cucumbers, and in appearance - tiny watermelons. The leaves of Melotry are also similar to the cucumber, but they don't shine smallest and very long. Bright yellow female flowers are located apart, and men are collected in inflorescences. Melotry's vacuum can reach the length of 3 m and cling to the supports of the mustache, like the stems of other pumpkin plants. In addition to edible fruits, melotry forms tubers weighing up to 400 g, resembling the form and size of the batt and used for the preparation of salads.

Grow melting through seedlings in balcony boxes, Lattices or fences.

Properties of pumpkin plants

The common features of pumpkin plants are a fluttering or curly stem with stunning stuffing, which are actually modified shoots.

Pumpkin in most of its plants insectopiles, so the flowers of many of them have a strong aroma, embarrassing pollinators - bees, OS, bumblebees and steppe ants. Representatives of different types of pumpkin crops are not crosslinked, so they can be grown in close proximity to each other. Exceptions are only zucchini, zucchini and pumpkin ordinary, however, cross-pollination of these crops, changing genetic code Seeds, the quality of vegetables does not affect.

As a rule, flowers in pumpkin crops separately: women are located singly, and men form a creeping or blurred inflorescence.

The overwhelming majority of pumpkin plants fruit on the structure are similar to the berry. An example of this can serve as watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin and melon. Sometimes the most ripe seeds begin to germinate inside the fetus, and when the frozen fruit cracks, not only seeds fall out of it, but the seedlings that are very quickly rooted.

The best pumpkin cultures are growing on wind protected from wind, well-lit and heated by the South South or South-Western sites with a sugary or subweam soil of a neutral reaction.

The best predecessors for pumpkin are perennial herbs, potatoes, as well as onions, cabbage and carrots. It is undesirable to grow pumpkin in one place for several years in a row - this leads to accumulation in the soil of pathogenic organisms and, as a result, to a sharp decrease in the crop. After cleaning pumpkin crops, it is advisable to spend plowing or at least a deep portion of the site to close the vegetable residues and fertilizers - this will allow the next season to reduce the number of weeds, pests and causative agents of infection and activate the course of microbiological processes.


In the structure of sowing areas of vegetable crops in the Donbass, the cucumber is 16-17% and ranks third after cabbage and tomato.

As the immigrants from the wet tropical zone, the cucumbers are very sensitive to the temperature and humidity of the soil and air. Optimal conditions for the growth and development of plants are the relative humidity of the air 78-80% and the temperature of 20-25 ° C. The optimal temperature of the soil for germination and appearance of shooters 25-30 ° C.

By virtue of a large evaporating surface of the leaves, horizontal location in the upper (often drying). The soil layer of the root system cucumbers are very demanding of moisture. We grow normally and develop when the moisture content of the soil before frolification is 80% of the PPV, during the period of fruiting - fruction - 85-90%.

In the Donetsk region for open soil, the following varieties and cucumber hybrids are zoned: from the earlyness - success 221, signal 235; Of the middle-varies - Nezhinsky 12, the yield 86, Don 175.

Success 221. and Signal 235. - Heterosexic selection hybrids of the Crimean pilot station Vir. These are early, short-flower, high-yielding (with a predominance of female flowering) hybrids, with friendly harvest in the initial period of fruiting. From the shoots to the first fee in the conditions of the Donbass runs 45-50 days. For the first 10 days of fees, according to the state testing, they give up to 136 c / ha products. The average yield of success 221 in the Donetsk region 250-400 c / ha; Signal 235 by 7-10% yields, slower yellowing during overheating, fruits more beautiful form Both the pattern exceeds the success of 221 by salinity qualities.

Early hybrids of the crop of medium-bed varieties, but their share in the crop until recently did not exceed 10-15%. IN last years Their products with success began to use not only in the fresh form, but also for canning and zero in the glass container. Therefore, it is advisable to increase the area under the early hybrids to 30-40%.

Not less than half of the area, reserved under the cucumbers, - in farms should occupy the best salinous varieties of Nezhinsky 12 and the yield 86; 10% of the area is more drought-resistant Don 175.

Nezhinsky 12. Medium-bed variety. From shoots to the first collection of 50-60 days. The period of fruiting is 40-60 days. Fruit from the second decade of July to autumn frosts. Middle-yield (yield 140-250 c / ha). Amazed with diseases and pests.

Harvest 86. Medium-bed variety, from shoots to fruiting 54-57 days. It is not different from Nezhinsky 12. Highly productive, over the years of variety tests (1974-1975) at the variety of the Donetsk region under irrigation, a commodity harvest amounted to 250-276 c / ha, which exceeds Nezhinsky 12 at 110 c / ha.

Taste qualities of fruits are high, 4.4-4.5 points. Inferior to Nezhinsky 12 at 0.5-0.6 points. Mildly dew and bacterial spottedness over the years of testing was affected by weakly.

Don 175. Late high-yielding grade (average yield 135-500 c / ha). Regarding the heat and drought-resistant, well opposed with mushroom and bacterial diseases. The fruits are not yellow for a long time, have a good taste, high marketability, salting quality average.

Place in crop rotation. The cucumbers grow better and develop on heavier soils, but for early grades it is necessary to choose light soils. Are unsuitable for cucumbers from saltwicted soils. Increased acidity also does not contribute to their development. The best predecessors For cucumbers: perennial herbs (no more than three-year use), early potatoes, corn and peas, satisfactory - tomato.

Soil processing, fertilizer. Depending on the predecessor, 1-2 discovers are carried out by a disc-loader LDH-10.

High cucumbers can be obtained only when applying fertilizers. According to the Donetsk, a vegetable, an experimental station, the optimal and economically appropriate doses and the ratios of mineral fertilizers under cucumbers are N i35 p 6O kg / ha on the background of 40 t / ha half-proverse manure or N 135 p 120 k 60 kg / ha d. on a non-barraged background. Semi-dried manure and phosphoric-potash fertilizers to be made under the zyab, nitrogen (in order to avoid leaching them in the winter-spring) - better under the first spring cultivation. In the absence of time sowing a sufficient number of nitrogen tanks, it is possible, by reducing the norm of the embossed, to fill the missing nitrogen by feeding or even all its norms to make during the growing season.

Organic fertilizers contribute to 1pt-4, RPN-4 or RUN-15, mineral - RUM-3, 1RMG-4, etc..

Spring soil preparation is ensured maintaining it to sowing in pure weeds, saving moisture. Early harrowing and two cultivations are carried out (the second to a depth of 6-7 cm) is carried out, after that - the looping, and then the soil rolling with rolling rollers. In the absence of precipitation, it is recommended that the pre-sowing irrigation of the norm 150 is 200 m 3 / hectare of water. Watering is somewhat compacted by the soil, it disappears the need for catabase after stlea.

Preparation of seeds and sowing. For sowing it is necessary to use 2-3-year-old varieties, the largest, well-performed seeds with an element of not lower than 90%. To do this, they should be sorted in advance by diving by immersion in a 5% solution of the cooking salt.

Annual seeds, if there are no 2-3-year-olds, before sowing it is necessary to warm up in a thermostat for 30-40 hours at a temperature of 20-25 ° C or for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. You can warm the seeds throughout the winter in the warm room at a temperature not lower than 18-20 ° C.

In the case of late acquisition of seeds, the absence of thermostats, effective air-thermal heating in the sun for 7-10 days.

The temperature when heating seeds must be raised to the desired level gradually (for 1-2 hours), to avoid overheating or blaming thermostats.

A wet seed treatment is recommended against mosaic - withstanding for 1 hour in a 15% solution of trinitium phosphate. Anti-mushroom and bacterial diseases are needed immediately before sowing seeds to move TMTD at the rate of 5-8 g of the drug per 1 kg.

Pre-processed and prepared seeds of early grades are sown in the third decade of April, medium-stage - in the first decade of May, when the soil temperature at a depth of 5-8 cm warms up to 12-15 ° C.

In order to maximize the use of machines when leaving for plants and with harvest, sow cucumbers with ribbon methods with wide arses. Early variety Sow according to the scheme 90 + 50 × 12-13 cm, leaving 110-120 thousand / hectares of plants after breakout. For the sowing of medium-bed varieties, schemes are used: 90 + 50 × 20-21 cm, 140 + 40 × 16-17 cm, 120 + 60 × 16-17 cm, leaving 60-70 thousand / hectares of plants after breaking.

Seed seeds of Skod-4.2 seeders, SCG-6, Son-2.8. In order to reduce the cost of production of cucumbers, you can soaring them with a pneumatic seed of SPCH 6. The dashed placement of seeds avoids breaking the plants, and limit ourselves to the test of crops during weeding in rows. Seed seed rate 6-8 kg / ha, sealing depth 4-5 cm.

Simultaneously with the seeds, snubs are seeded (sorghum or corn). The distance between the rows of Kulis from corn is 8.4 m, from a sorghum 12.6 m, that is, a multiple width of the seeder capture. The scenes improve the microclimate, contribute to increasing the yield of cucumbers by 20-30%.

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