Where the mad cucumber grows. Mad cucumber and his healing properties

Encyclopedia plants 15.05.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Every time, resting in the south, I try to borrow there for giving some unusual plant. For example, in the year before, I brought Liana seeds from the Crimea with green oval fruits - "hedgehogs" (up to 6 cm), which are exploded during maturation.

Mad cucumber is a liana with spines

Already at home I learned that the plant is called a mad cucumber ordinary, or a barl. Belongs to the pumpkin family. Distributed in Middle and Asia Minor, in the Mediterranean, in the Caucasus and in the south of Russia and Ukraine.

This annual liana, very unpretentious, and therefore often found in the wild. Its stems reach the length of 1.5 m. Leaves are large, length up to 20 cm and width to IS cm. Flowers are pretty cute, yellowish, fragrant. In horticulture, the barls are used for landscaping terraces, arbors, arches, fences, walls, balconies.

Kabachka friend

As I was convinced, the mad cucumber grows well and in Middle lane Russia. Agrotechnical is the same as the zucchini and pumpkins.

Lian Seeds before boarding emery paperSo that sponsors easier to break through the hard shell. And then soak them in a weak solution of mangalls for a day and place in a wet width. Cover the package. Put the vessel to the fridge for a month. Then stop it in heat (not lower than 25). With the advent of the roots, put the seeds in the pot with a substrate from a humus, leaf land, peat and sand (2: 2: 1: 1). You can try to sow seeds and immediately into the ground, but only when stable heat will be established.

Radiant Cucumber Transplant

In late May - early June, land the seedlings in open sad At intervals of 35-50 cm. Fly in every planting hole at half the shovel by humus.

Liana is growing in the sun, and in a half. If only there were no drafts. Soils are preferred for her preferred, weakly acidic sampling or low-ray, well-drained. Watering is needed moderate. Fertilizer - Look in a month with a solution of a cowboy or avian litter (on a shovel on the water bucket).

Flowers on the plant are formed from July to autumn frosts. Fruits ripen in late August - early September. But I break them before, leaving only a couple of seeds. After all, with uncontrolled "explosions" of mad cucumbers, the seeds are flying around to the side of the distance to 20 m! Then dig seedlings all over the garden!

Before the "explosion" or after?

Fucking cucumber seeds I collect with all precautions. When the seeds are yellowing frozen, I wear glasses to protect your eyes, I take a cucumber and gently put it inside the polyethylene package. Then I sharply shake the fruit, it erupts the jelly-shaped mass with seeds into the package. This mass due to fermentation with gas isolation and causes high blood pressure Inside the envelope of the fetus, leading to the "explosion".

Having finished the operation, it remains only to choose from the package in the seeds of the seed, rinse them under the jet of water from the crane and dry on the napkin.

You can collect seeds also after the natural explosion of the fetus. It is simpler, but some seeds can operate in an unknown direction.

Therapeutic properties of mad cucumber

Mad cucumber is widely used in folk medicine For the treatment of liver, kidneys, colds, trophic ulcers, neuralgia. Fruits and leaves, and shoots go to the move. However, it is necessary to remember that the mad cucumber is a poisonous plant. None of his parts to taste it! Even the juice from the stems and leaves of the Liana, hitting the skin, is able to cause irritation, burns, ulcers.

It is necessary to be treated with self-made drugs from a mad cucumber under the supervision of a doctor, since an overdose of them is fraught with the increase in heartbeat, the appearance of dizziness, pain in the abdomen, vomiting. Such treatment is contraindicated with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 18.


Wild cucumber or spiny The people are considered a weed plant: Liana does not require much care and knows how to evolve itself. Long weaving stalks of annuals look like an overhead part of the ordinary cucumber and are endowed with a property quickly step over the ground and plane along the nearby supports. Due to active weaving and ability to grow shoots up to 6 m, wild cucumber is often used in landscape design To create a living hedge.

Wild cucumber - annolete plant belonging to the genus Lian and the pool family. It can be distinguished by the following signs:

The stem is covered with rigid short hairs. In one season, the precipitated stems of the barley can grow in length from 50 cm to 6 m.

Along the entire length of the Liana are evenly distributed on long stiffs leaves Similar to edible cucumber sheet plates: Heavily disperse into several blades.

The lower part of the light green leaf plates is covered with short white hairs. Behind the leaf plates are the mustache, which it clings for support.

In the flowering phase joins in June and blooms before the beginning of autumn. White-green female liana flowers grow alone or pairwise, men's - collected in small inflorescences.

Regardless of the floor flowers consist of 6 petals and are located in the sinus sheet. Over the flowering of inflorescence, a pleasant sweet scent comes.

After the end of flowering, the fruits are tied on Liana, reminiscent of the usual cucumber, only their form is larger, and the spikes are much longer than that of the fetus of the cultural plant.

Relief fruits painted in muffled green color, but to achieve maturity become brown. The fetal skin changes closer to the ripening changes its delicate structure on her rigid.

Inside a barbed fetus in two compartments are located 4 brown or black seeds, in shape resembling pumpkin. As soon as the fruit matures, it explodes and scatters around his seeds.

If a lot of precipitation dropped out during the vegetation, water splashes out of the fetus, which carries seeds a few meters away from the parent plant.

In order to avoid uncontrolled samoshev Fruits need to be overtaking until their cracking.

Use in folk medicine

From dried stems, fruits and rhizomes Prepare healing decoctions, tincture, powders.

  • preparations from it have antibacterial, laxative and diuretic effect;
  • the drug-based drug-based drug is used as anthelminth and antitumor agents;
  • wild cucumber infusions are appointed by folk gear for the treatment of malaria, inflammatory liver diseases, reducing swelling;
  • powder is used for diseases of fungal origin.

Before applying drugs, you must consult with your doctor.

Despite the use of it in many therapeutic purposes, plant is very poisonous. The skin in contact with the juice of the Liana is covered with burns and wounds.

The use of fresh fruits or an overhead green part will cause strongest poisoningwhich manifests itself with vomiting, headaches, diarrhea with blood, drowsiness.

The origin of the wild cucumber

Exotic Lian curious gardeners brought from North America total century ago.

For this a short time The wild cucumber moved from European botanical gardens to free spaces of all of Europe, and quickly spread throughout the continent. Now it can be found in Siberia, the Caucasus, China and even Japan.

Application in the country

Due to the features of the Liana to quickly grow the stems and braid the space around themselves, it is often used to landscap the country areas, as well as to obtain honey.

In the last century, they often decorated social places. Now from the plant create live hedge, They decorate the balconies and terraces, as well as the walls of high rooms.

Liana is planted near a special tag, the purpose of which to hide the boxes from guests, household premises, inventory. It looks especially beautiful in the period of flowering and ripening the fruits that change the color.

Lian flowers make a pleasant fragrance that attracts bees, so the plant can often be found near the hives.

On the use of wild cucumber in the country area:

Difficulties in growing

Each plant in the garden requires care from the owner. To grow wild cucumber benefits and joy of gardener, you need to care for the plant.

Since Liana is very unpretentious in care and does not require creating special conditions, the main thing in care is to control its distribution.

The fact is that the plant is able to independently evolve in the nearby territory. Therefore, the plant is recommended to be found near the fences, which are located away from their own and neighborhood gardens.

If you do not look after a wild cucumber, it is able to capture most Plot.

To prevent abundant self-sowing it is recommended to tear the fruits until their maturation. Or pour the seedlings in the spring, which in their own way are very similar to pumpkin.

To cleanse the plot from adults Lian, in front of the winter enough just cut off the stem. Digging the rhizome is not needed - it itself dies before the onset of spring.

Wild cucumber is an amazing combination of beauty, healing substances and dangerous poison . Annestly stretched plant is used to decorate summer cottages and troubleshooting health problems.

The cultivation of the plant is practically deprived of any difficulties, except for controlling the Samoshev and to give the desired form.

Wild Cucumber: Description

Wild cucumber, or echinocystis padded - annual plant. It refers to the pool family.

Features of the structure of the plant:

  • This, the stem of which reaches 6 m. With the help of the mustache, it quickly crashes up using any support.
  • Wild cucumber leaves are similar to the present leaves. They are light green, slightly rough, rug-blade. The number of blades can be different: three, five or seven.
  • The mustache, which the plant clings to the support is modified leaves. Stems juicy, pubescent, branched. Liana, her mustache looks very tender and fragile, actually turn out to be very strong.
  • In June, the wild cucumber liana is covered with flowers. They are same-sex. Female flowers Single or pair-located, men's white and green colors collected in fragrant inflorescences. Everyone has six petals. Flowers are located in the sinus sheet. continues until September.
  • The fruits (Thavor) are also very similar to, only more rounded, and their spikes are much larger than the cucumber familiar to us. From here another name of the echinocystis is a barl. They start ripening in August. Gradually, their color varies from the sizo green to the bromot. Soft mild leather becomes tough. Inside each fetal in two sockets are 4 seeds similar to pumpkin. Color - from brown to black. After ripening, the fruit itself is revealed, and they fall out. If the summer was wet, then a lot of fluid climbs inside the fetus, which shoots along with seeds, carrying them into several meters.

The plant is widespread in medium latitudes. For its original fruits, it received many popular names: a needle cucumber (from the word needle), shooting ivy (his leaves are like the leaves), a bubble.

Motherland Echinocystis - North America.

In the last century, he hit the territory of Europe using collectors original plants. At first it was grown in European botanical gardens. Then he looked in nature, in many places even wild. Now it is distributed almost throughout Europe, Russia. The name of Echinocystis occurred from the Greek words, denoting hedgehog and bubble. It can be said that it is a spiny, like a hedgehog, bubble.

Wild cucumber loves well-lit plots. In the shaded grows, but weakly, the leaves forms little, does not bloom and does not form fruits. The soil should be loose, to pass the air and water well. It grows poorly on acidic soils. Therefore, in such sites it is necessary to apply lime. It can grow on rocky soil if it is wet enough.

May grow even in a swampy terrain, but you need to arrange drainage under the root system. Eshinocystis is seeded in early spring. In the soil can be made. Seeds are not afraid of frost. Not scared return freezers shoots and young shoots. Shoots that appeared from seeds exiled last year can be reworked or to a new place.

Wild cucumber does not like heat and drought and grows well in areas with temperate climates and humidity.

Watering, brings about 5 liters of water at one plant at a time. Special care does not require a plant, because it is quickly ahead of the growth of neighbors who could drown. Rising above the plants around him, the wild cucumber gets enough sun rayHelping it to develop. It is necessary to remove around with a decorative goal.

Crop plant is not necessary, because it is grown to create thick hedges. Seeds that are shot at a speed of 11 m / s are spread within a radius of 8 m. Fell to the ground, follow the next spring. But only where the soil is free from weeds.

It is not recommended to grow a barlet in one place for several years. Do not need to handle chemicals. Wild cucumber is not necessary. It is not amazed by any diseases. There are no pests capable of damaging him. This contributes to the spread of the plant.

Apply wild cucumber:

To dramatize buildings and fences, the wild cucumber was used from the middle of the XIX century. He came to us in the 70s of the last century. Widely used for landscaping public places. His advantage is rapid growth, unpretentiousness in cultivation. It quickly and tightly flies with any support with a height of 3 m and more. In addition, this support becomes quite attractive and during flowering, and when it is covered with fruits-hedgehogs. They do not lose the round shape until autumn. In winter, under the action of rain and wind, the stalks of the plant gradually droopate, and the beads of fruits cling to spines for other trees or bushes and continue to hang on them until spring.

You can grow wild cucumber on the balcony - in the summer he will increase the green mass and will create an original green garland.

The young fruits of wild cucumber can be eaten. They look like a real cucumber. Contain potassium salts, calcium. There are in the composition of fruits of pectins, useful enzymes for the body. Wild cucumber seeds can also be used as pumpkin. There is information that echinocystis is used in North America To brew a bitter tea that removes the headache. But on the territory of Europe medicinal properties Not studied. It was used as a guidance potion.

IN last years Wild cucumber again became a rather popular plant. But, to see it, it must be remembered that this plant has a tendency to quickly go beyond the territory of the territory allotted by the owners. Its seeds spread over long distances, they spare well. If they are not noticed on time, the uncontrolled growth can begin. In many regions, areas with an arbitrary scorched barrels occupy a large area. In some countries, European echinocystis is considered weed.

Wild cucumber can settle from your neighbors, and there is no guarantee that they like this acquisition. Therefore, it is better to suck it off the outside of the fence, from the street. Nearby should not be a bed, especially neighboring.

However, talking about the wild cucumber as a dangerous weed - exaggeration, its shoots are easily removed in the young period.

It is enough to trim the stalk of the plant so that it is dried. The roots of him completely disappear. Therefore, they will not need to dig for removal. In addition, germinate seeds will only be on wet loose soil.

Wild cucumber balls like children. In the summer, they build various figures from them. Thanks large quantity Bluffs, while still soft, connect them with each other quickly and comfortably. But in the fall of the spines become tough. Each touch of delicate children's handles threatens to them. Some gardeners offer to overturn the fruits of the wild cucumber until the moment they mature. But to realize this idea is unlikely to succeed, if more than one Lian grows in the garden.

More information can be found from the video:

Mad cucumber - two different plants with the same name.

I recently wrote about exotic momordic, which among other names is called "Mad Cucumber":

Let me remind you as it looks and at the same time I will answer numerous questions where to buy Momordic seeds:

Seeds by Mail: Momordik Buy Momordik Seeds 50 rubles. With delivery mail. Ferma2.ru.

In the process of correspondence with readers, I realized that there is another plant with the same name. I began to search on the Internet.
The case helped: I found an article, in the silence there was a ready answer: this plant is called a mad cucumber (Ecballium ELATERIUM). But about this everything is in order.


Mad cucumber (Ecballium), plant genus Pumpkin family. The only species is a mad cucumber (Ecballium Elaterium), a long-term grass with lying or rising stems and long-haired leaves, mostly with a heart-shaped plate. Flowers same-sex, monocotted, yellow, stool, male in brushes, women's single. Fruits 4-5 cm long, hairy, similar to cucumbers. Mature fetus with a touch instantly breaks away from the fruits, and a jet of adhesive mucus with seeds is thrown out of the hole in its base with force, sometimes up to 12 m from the parent plant.

It grows on dry places in the Mediterranean, in the south of Europe and in Western Asia, in the CIS - in the south of the European part and in the Caucasus.

Ripened fruit Ecballium ELATERIUM in a schematic longitudinal section (A) and at the time of ejection of the pulp of fetal with seeds (b). 1 - Green Outdoor Fabric of the Oil Blodborn, 2 - Anti-Fabric, 3 - Fruit

So briefly this plant is described in the biological dictionary:
And now I suggest you familiarize yourself with the text of the article, I mentioned above. I think this information will be interested.

"Last year, I was brought from the Crimea the fruit, which was called the Indian grenade, or a mad cucumber. I sowed this year the seeds and got fruit. I ask you to describe this plant and answer, whether his fruits are healthy.

L.V. Dordolan.

P. Bakhchevik Telmanovsky district of Donetsk region

Why mad?

Transfillment of many publications, mentioning the plant with the name of the mad cucumber only found in a small note in the "Big Soviet Encyclopedia" (vol. 3, p. 290). This information served as a starting point for searching for a plant description with such an unusual name. And the Latin name is helped in Encyclopedia - Ecballium Elaterium. Having such a solid "key", opened it description of this plant and the color of his pictures on the Internet.

This is a herbal perennial (or annual) plant of the pumpkin family. Stems stretched (sharpen on the surface of the soil) or ascending (curly) rigid-rough. The roots are fleshy, the leaves of the heart-shaped, from the bottom - serving. Flowers pale yellow, separately: men's - in the brushes, women - single. Plants are predominantly monodomal (that is, the diverse flowers are located on one plant). Fruits obliged, up to 6 cm long.

Plant has in the original way Scattering seeds, and therefore the spread of the plant itself. After the ripening of seeds in the fruits, the mucus accumulates, which, together with the seeds with force, is thrown out of the fruit and sticks to the animal or a person who touched to the ripened fetus. It seems as if mad shoots its seeds. For this original ability, the plant and got such a name.

In Ukraine, this plant has time to grow and give seeds mainly on the southern coast of Crimea.

Healing properties

The plant was very widely used by ancient physicians, as well as modern folk healers of a number of countries. The scientific medicine uses occasionally and is in the study phase.

The chemical composition of the plant is not sufficiently studied. In the fruits of the mad cucumber, A- and B-ELATERIRs are defined, Elatericin A, B, Vitamins C, B1. Alkaloids and vitamins were found in the grass.

Main properties: laxative, diuretic, anthelmintic.

His juice, according to Avicenna, mined so. The fruit of a mad cucumber is taken at the end of the summer, when he is already yellowing, and hang on the rag so that the juice flowed out of it.

Juice is filtering and dried. The squeezed juice of its roots and leaves is useful at jaundice, chasing urine and monthly. It lines and helps for migraine. TOO HERE HERE HERE: powder dry powder made of mad cucumber. Clamps with a decoction of mad cucumber help with Ishias. From it make a dressing with vinegar when goug. His juice helps with difficulty breathing. The oil soothes his ear pain, displays large and small worms. With external use, the juice treats vitiligo, deprived, tumors. If the juice of a mad cucumber is mixed with milk and drip into the nose will help with a black jaundice and old headache. If his juice is mixed with old olive oil, honey and bull joy and this lubricate the throat, will help with diphtheria. If the mad cucumber is welded in sesame oil and apply externally, dried with a hemorrhoidal bump. 0.8-1.6 g of mad cucumber is losing. But it is harmful to the lungs. Its dose to the reception is up to 3 g, and for the enema - until 4.4, it needs to be used with such medicinal plantslike Yatryshnik, Sabur, Anis, Seeds of Parsley.

In modern folk medicine countries Central Asia The juice of the immature fruits of a mad cucumber is used as a strong laxative, diuretic for edema, water, fever, Ishias, worms. Outward juice of mad cucumber is used in the treatment of abscesses, hemorrhoids.

In Chinese folk medicine, fruit rags, plant roots are used in the treatment of malignant diseases.

Research of modern scientific medicine has shown that elterree, the main active ingredient of a mad cucumber, in small doses, has a laxative, diuretic, anthelmal action. The external use of a mad cucumber juice has an irritant effect on the skin.

The Bulgarian Phytotherapist Stoyanov (1972) successfully applied rabid cucumber extracts in the treatment of viral hepatitis. The externally fresh juice of grass was used as a distracting agent for Ishias, neuralgia, rheumatism.

The plant is very promising. According to Chinese doctors, the extracts of fruits of mad cucumber have an antitumor impact. An encouraging results of a mad cucumber are obtained in the treatment of AIDS.


It should be noted that the plant is poisonous. With internal admission, even a small amount, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea with blood, drowsiness. "

So we got acquainted with two "mad" cucumbers, so unlike each other. Hope you will be able to do right choice When buying Momordik seeds. Only, I ask you, when buying, do not ask the seller the seeds of a mad cucumber in order to avoid dumbfounded.)) You all are good, my friends!
To new meetings.

Mad cucumber is a plant of a pumpkin family, which is a weakening herbaceous tropical Lian. Flowers yellow fragrant colors by smell resembling smell of garment. After flowering on the stems, fruits are formed - round, slightly elongated orange-red. At this time, the plant is very attractive.

As the fruits are ripening begin to crack and throw out seeds away from themselves (sometimes up to several meters). Therefore, this plant was given name - squirting cucumber. The most popular variety of such cucumber is Momordik, translated from the Latin language, this cucumber is also "biting". The fact is that when the mad cucumber grows, it will be burned like nettle. But when fruits appear, all burning disappears.

Flowers: July - August, ripen: August - September.

When and where to plant a mad cucumber?

To decorate the walls of the house, gazebo or fence weaponing stems, on garden plot Painted cucumber photo. In addition to the decorative qualities of Momordik possesses therapeutic and healing qualitiesSince the juice has poisonous. In folk medicine, the cucumber is popular, just to handle it is very careful.

This plant is easily multiplied by seeds that are pretty easy to shoot (like a pumpkin or zucchini). Therefore, some special attention He does not need to be given.

Application, treatment, beneficial properties

Preparations made of mad cucumber have strong diuretic and laxative, antitumor, antibacterial properties.

Decoction from this plant used in diarrhea, inflammatory kidney disease, hemorrhoid, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose.

Externally applied in trophic ulcers, with hymorite, treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, skin fungus.

Ecballium ELATERIUM.

Fruit tincture

You should collect young fruits of a mad cucumber, rinse together with the skin (not to cut it), cut into small pieces, fill them loosely three-liter bank. All pour full-liters of vodka or alcohol and put the jar in dark place for two weeks. Ready medicine strain.

Take the tincture of this plant three times a day on one teaspoon, an empty stomach. Treatment to spend no more than three days. Thus, it is possible to treat colds, psoriasis, rheumatism (externally). The tincture is good to enhance immunity.


Seeds are used for decoction. Approximately 25 g of seeds put in a saucepan, pour 200 ml of boiling water, tomorrow on low heat for about 10 minutes. Then the pan to bite for one hour. Ready decoction to strain and take a half package - three times a day. The decoction helps with hemorrhoids and is used as a diuretic.

Some recipes

For outdoor use

For internal use

  • We should not forget that the juice of a mad cucumber is poisonous, even small doses can cause vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, weakness. Baranies from this plant drink with jaundice, malaria and from worms.
  • Freshly squeezed juice can be used with angina, diphtheria, otitis, migraine, cold.
  • With an angina, the juice of the plant is mixed with honey and olive oil, the resulting theft is lubricated.


Mad cucumber is very poisonous plant and preparations made on its basis should be taken very carefully. Need to carefully monitor your well-being during treatment. In no case cannot take these drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When cooking juice from this plant at home should work in rubber gloves . Since when the juice hit the skin, burns, blisters or ulcers may form.

preparations from mad cucumber should be taken only strictly under the supervision of the doctor.

Application in cooking

The fruits of momordics can be eaten, their taste resembles the taste of persimmon. For use, you should take young ten-day (still green) fruits. If you take more mature, then they can not eatSince they are very bitter. Such fruits can be soaked in salted water for 12 hours. If after soaking, they are still puzzled, it is necessary to pour salt again and wait a bit.

After the care of the bitter need to remove the skirt, and the pulp can be used to extinguish or cooking salads. In addition, the fruits can be shed, marine - as well as ordinary cucumbers.

In addition to the fruits of this plant, food is used by tubers, leaves and fresh young stems. Of these, you can cook light vegetable soup or add to salads.

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