Pelargonium royal vsphere. Royal Pelargonium is an original plant for a vibrant landscape! Pelargonium care at home

landscaping 06.06.2019

Very popular among flower growers and all lovers indoor plants uses pelargonium. Popularly, this type of flower is called geranium, the Royal geranium variety is considered the brightest and most beautiful. It is distinguished by its extraordinary flowering splendor, its size and an exceptional variety of color palettes.

Pelargonium is very popular among flower growers and all lovers of indoor plants.

The royal geranium is one of the most large varieties, its beauty does not leave anyone indifferent, it grows in a large, wide shrub, which, during flowering, seems to be strewn with dense flowers, often they reach 15 cm in diameter. Flowers may have various colors depending on the variety, a characteristic difference of this species is a dark blotch on the upper part of the petals; in appearance, many compare them with pansies.

So, it’s worth finding out in more detail what kind of care this beauty needs and how difficult it is to grow it.

The fact that this pelargonium is called Royal gives a certain definition to its appearance. Indeed, this variety is quite capricious and requires special care at home. His appearance corresponds to the name, it differs from other varieties in its size and shape. More large flowers it is difficult to find among this genus - perhaps this is its main difference.

Her leaves also have characteristic features: they seem to be covered with small hairs, which makes them rough to the touch, and rather large, their edges have a jagged shape.

It is worth noting that the Royal Geranium does not emit fragrance. Specialists are working hard on new varieties of this species, surprising each time with an extraordinary color and size of flowers.

The place where the Royal Geranium is placed should be well lit, many experts recommend providing it with additional lighting, fluorescent lamps are ideal for this. The plant does not like drafts and cold, so it is worth positioning it in such a way that the room can be ventilated without creating drafts.

Royal geranium is one of the largest varieties, its beauty does not leave anyone indifferent

The best place for this flower will be the south side, namely windows or a loggia. AT summer period the plant must be protected from direct hits sunlight to avoid leaf burns. If the flower pot is not rearranged from the windowsill, then it is possible to regulate the supply of light with the help of blinds. The temperature in the room where the flower is located should not be lower than + 10ºС and not higher than + 30ºС.

It blooms mostly for a short time, but with proper care and regular top dressing Royal geraniums can start their color from April to August. To form a bush, it is necessary to periodically pinch the branches, as well as carry out sanitary cleaning, removing faded flowers and dried leaves.

Trimming a geranium bush should be done regularly, this will significantly increase the number of flowers on it. Trimming is performed for lush flowering, since the plant redirects all its forces not to greening the branches, but to the density of flowers. Pruning is carried out several times a year. The first time it is performed before the winter period, as soon as the plant fades.

They remove half of the branches with flowers, this reduces the risk of developing diseases and makes it possible to successfully go into a state of hibernation. The main thing is not to apply fertilizer immediately, otherwise the flower, on the contrary, will actively begin its growth and restoration of the cuttings, and root system in this case, he will get stressed and exhausted.

The second time pruning is performed at the end of winter or early spring. If the bush has grown significantly, then it can be cut a little and give it a shape. The cut must be made obliquely and with an exceptionally sharp instrument, which is disinfected before starting work.

It is easiest to purchase the soil for a plant in a flower salon or store, you can prepare the substrate yourself, taking in the same proportions:

  • black soil from a greenhouse;
  • coarse river sand.

It should be borne in mind that purchased substrates have large quantity nutrients than ordinary black soil. The soil should be fertile, rather loose, not light. During planting, it is imperative to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot; expanded clay or small gravel is ideal for this.

Watering Royal geranium loves regular. For humidification, use only settled water at room temperature. It is necessary to water as the top layer of the earth dries out, but do not wait for the formation of soil crusts and cracks. Excess moisture is also undesirable for the southern beauty, stagnation of moisture in the flowerpot leads to a disease of the root system and death of the flower. In winter, if the room has enough humidity and low temperature, watering is reduced.

Royal geranium loves top dressing, you need to make it regularly. In winter and autumn period You can fertilize 1 time in 2 months, and in the summer and spring - 1-2 times a month.

Often flower growers start a special diary in which the Royal geranium is celebrated every day. After all, it is important to know when the flowers were fertilized and with what preparations. This helps not to get confused and fertilize according to the scheme. The best fertilizers for a flower are drugs that include:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • minerals.

Fertilizers can be applied only after the plant has been watered, moist soil will avoid possible burns of the root system.

Do not use organic fertilizers for top dressing, decorative look geraniums can even die from such substances.

If you properly feed the plant, it will allow it to bloom longer and more magnificently.

Gallery: Royal geranium (25 photos + video)

plant grafting

One of the most important points in the care of this plant species is the implementation of the so-called grafting. It is performed in order to obtain a new color on an adult bush and to form a crown. The process itself is a transplant of a young sprout or shoot from one plant to another. Young plants that are not yet 1 year old, as well as depleted and sick specimens, are not subject to grafting.

So, the first stage is the separation of a piece of a young sprout from a cutting. To do this, it is better to use a regular blade, it is thinner, and you can make a curly cut with it. The upper part of the sprout 2-3 cm long is cut out in a V-shape with the point down. For replanting, a cutting of the same width is chosen so that at least one side of the inoculum coincides. Insert the scion into the stock and, if desired, fix it.

The best place for this flower will be the south side, namely windows or a loggia.

Reproduction by seeds

You can propagate this decorative type of geranium in 2 ways:

  1. cuttings;
  2. Seeds.

Both methods are actively used by flower growers.

So, sowing seeds:

  1. The best time for sowing is winter or spring. A substrate enriched with useful minerals is placed in a special container. You can buy ready-made soil or mix the following components yourself: 2 parts of soddy land, 1 part of river sand and 1 part of peat.
  2. The next step is to prepare the seeds themselves. Initially, they are necessarily processed in solutions such as Zircon or Epin, this should be done strictly according to the instructions. After processing, they must be soaked in water at room temperature for at least 2-3 hours.
  3. Since the seeds are quite small, they are not deepened individually into the ground. Planting takes place as follows: seeds are carefully laid out in a container with soil and lightly sprinkled with a substrate on top. After that, the container must be covered with glass. In the future, every day it is necessary to carry out ventilation by opening glass lid and removing condensate. The container is placed in a warm and well-ventilated room with an air temperature of +20ºС.
  4. After 14 days, young shoots will appear. As soon as 2-3 leaves sprout on each of them, you can transplant into an individual pot. Its size should be small, no more than 10-15 cm, depending on the seedlings.

Of course, this method of reproduction is quite long and laborious, and not always everything can work out the first time.

Cutting method

This variety can be propagated by cuttings, for this you need to cut off young cuttings with branches at the top from the main branches. Length planting material must be at least 5-8 cm, the cut point must be treated with crushed coal, and when working, use a sterile and fairly sharp tool.

If you turn to specialized literature, you can find out that royal pelargonium is also known under a number of other names - royal geranium, large-flowered pelargonium. For scientists, the name of the plant is more familiar as - Regal Pelargonium, Pelargonium grandiflorum. Pelargonium is a member of the Geraniaceae family and can grow up to 25–50 cm in height. However, this plant is best known as indoor flower that can explain it long period flowering and unpretentious care. The reproduction of royal pelargonium is simple and effective, since cuttings are most often used for it.

Types and varieties of royal pelargonium

Zonal pelargoniums.

Tulip-shaped. Highly beautiful variety pelargonium. This subgroup got its name due to half-open flowers, shaped like mini-tulips. They are collected in dense inflorescences, resembling small boutonnieres. They were bred in the USA in the late 60s. Most of all I liked such varieties from this category as: Red Pandora, Lilian Andrea, Marbacka Tulpan, Emmafran Bengtsbo, Patricia Andrea.

Rosebud. The flowers of this variety look like roses, the petals of which are neatly folded into buds. BUT a large number of terry flowers in one inflorescence forms a beautiful, fluffy ball. Such rose pelargoniums appeared at the end of the nineteenth century, and since then a huge number of their varieties have been bred.

Carnations. The flowers of such pelargoniums are framed by petals with jagged edges. One gets the impression that the bush is dotted with tiny carnations.

Cactus. An interesting and extremely rare group of pelargoniums, which was released at the end of the nineteenth century. Their peculiarity is that each petal is wrapped in a kind of bundle, from which the flower caps take on a slightly disheveled look.

Ivy Pelargoniums.

Ivy (ampel) pelargoniums have long occupied their niche among numerous species and varieties. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that their stems are not erect, but long and hanging down (their height can vary from 30 to 100 cm).


Unique - "elder" among pelargoniums. In the second half of the 18th century, this specimen was bred with carved leaves, beautiful flowers and fragrant smell. The species became especially widespread in the Victorian era, when almost no garden of the nobility could do without several representatives of this variety.

Fragrant pelargoniums.

Not everyone will like the smell of pelargonium, which it emits if you accidentally touch its leaves. But there are varieties that simply smell fragrant, filling the house with a variety of wonderful aromas. At first glance, these are completely nondescript plants, with rare, modest flowers. But this group is valued not for beauty, but for the ability to refresh and flavor the air. If you want to smell spruce or pine, you can put a pot of Orsett, Clorinda, Fernleaf, Fair Ellen in the room.

Care for royal pelargonium at home

Pelargonium loves good lighting, but it should be protected from direct contact. sun rays. If there is little light, then its inflorescences will be small. It can be located in any bright place in the apartment with the exception of the north side.

In winter, due to lack of light, pelargonium is kept at a low temperature (about 15 degrees). It must be placed in the light in a cool room so that the pelargonium rests. If she is not allowed to rest in the winter, then her shoots will stretch, and she will stop blooming, which over time can lead to the death of the plant.

Growing royal pelargonium implies careful attention to watering the plant, because if the soil dries out strongly, it will stop blooming. If the soil is too wet, then the pelargonium may begin to hurt. For irrigation use settled water at room temperature. It is necessary to water the flower when the top earthen layer is already dry. Additionally, you need to spray the leaves of pelargonium before it begins to bloom.

Pelargonium is planted in sod land, to which peat and sand are added. As additional fertilizers, products that contain a smaller amount of nitrogen are used.

In spring and summer, the plant is fed once a month.

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Watering royal pelargonium at home

As for watering, the plant loves water. Therefore, water it abundantly, but do not let the water stagnate, she is very afraid of him. In addition, waterlogging is more dangerous than drying out the soil. If the soil dries out, then there is a better chance of saving the plant. But frequent waterlogging causes root rot. And if the roots began to rot, then the plant is almost impossible to save. And do not forget to regularly pamper your beauty with nutrients, especially during flowering. Therefore, during the active period, pelargonium is fed every 10 days. But during the dormant period, it is better to refuse top dressing.

Fertilizer for royal pelargonium at home

At home, geraniums can be fed with milk formula by dissolving 100 ml of milk in a liter of water. Use alternating with regular watering. Ash mixed dry with soil will help replenish potassium reserves; or ash solution added as an auxiliary top dressing. For the abundant flowering of the plant, complex means and feeding systems are not required. It is enough to provide the flower with nutrient soil, and in the spring and summer, give a full range of mineral fertilizers, paying close attention to watering with iodine. Reasonably dosed top dressing, which includes, in addition to the three main components, also magnesium, calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, iodine, will provide the owner of the geranium with abundant flowering at home, throughout the year.

Transplantation of royal pelargonium at home

First of all, we look at the state of the flower. If it is in the flowering stage, you should wait for the end of the process and replant 4-5 days after completion.

If the pelargonium does not bloom, we take new pot of a suitable size, since the plants are usually sold in small shipping containers and the flower is transplanted into it. We also replace the soil with a new one, because in stores they mainly use a temporary substitute in which the plant will not be able to fully develop.

Light is suitable for pelargonium fertile soil, it is best to mix sand, turf and leaf soil and humus in a ratio of 1:2:2:2. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to lay out a drainage layer of expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles or other coastal pebbles. Pelargonium is carefully removed from the old container, without rinsing and not strongly shaking off the roots, and placed in new ground. Sprinkle with earth on top, carefully closing the root system. At the end of the procedure, water the plant.

Reproduction of royal pelargonium

Like all types of geranium, the royal one is propagated by cuttings. But unlike other geraniums, the royal geranium does not tolerate reproduction and begins to act up. Therefore, certain conditions must be created.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in spring and summer. It is important that the air temperature in spring be 18–20 degrees, and in summer a maximum of 25. At other temperatures, rooting problems may occur.

Prepare the ground ahead of time. In soddy soil, add sand one to one or peat, sand and perlite, also in equal proportions. Pour the previously prepared soil with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. Using a sharp knife, cut the stems and leave a small margin under the bottom leaf. Cut the cuttings so that each has 2-3 buds. Trim the bottom sheet by making an oblique cut.

Dry the cutting and plant in the soil. After planting, the cuttings are usually not watered. You can just spray with warm water. After about 3 weeks, the cutting takes root. After that, pinch the central stem, and the plant will begin to branch. Top dressing can be carried out two weeks after rooting.

It is not necessary to repot the plant often. It does not like this because of its capriciousness.

So, here are the basic rules for caring for this beautiful geranium:

  • place geranium pots in well-lit areas;
  • do not overheat, observe the temperature regime;
  • do not expose to direct sunlight;
  • do not leave in the rain;
  • ventilate the room;
  • water moderately, avoiding getting water on the leaves and the flowers themselves;
  • feed before each flowering;
  • do not repot often;
  • The plant affected by the whitefly must be isolated from warm, dry air. If the flower is heavily infested, shed the soil with actara three times in 6 to 7 days. In the future, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to inspect the leaves from the underside.

    At the initial stage, the whitefly can be easily washed off with water. To prevent its spread, you need to wash the leaves with laundry soap, and then cover the flower with a bag for half an hour. To prevent soapy water from running into the pot, cover the surface of the soil with polyethylene.

    Among the diseases of royal pelargoniums, the black leg is most common. The reasons for its appearance may be: low temperature, dense, waterlogged soil, too large a pot. This disease is most susceptible to cuttings, as well as young plants that have not yet lignified stems. Since it is almost impossible to save the plant, it is necessary to re-root it.

Pelargonium royal differs from other species maintenance requirements and aristocratic and royal appearance.

She is a capricious plant, which blooms less than other varieties, does not tolerate being in the open air and breeds hard.

Despite all the difficulties, the royal flower has a lot of admirers. They are ready to make any sacrifice to see the flowering of the noble pelargonium.

Location and lighting

Royal Pelargonium need more illumination. It is placed on the windowsills of the western or eastern orientation.

You can also place a flower at the south window, then you will definitely need shading with curtains: the flower does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight leaving burns on the leaves.

In warm weather, a flower pot can be moved to a balcony, loggia or veranda. Here she will receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, and in the afternoon she will be covered with light partial shade.

Pelargonium afraid of precipitation, therefore, when placed on a balcony or veranda, it is protected from rain.

Tips for caring for the royal pelarogony:

Royal pelargonium is not planted in a flower garden in open ground. She cannot stand even a slight breath of wind and responds heavily to transplantation, so frequent transfer from one place to another can destroy the plant.

AT winter time the flower will need additional lighting organized with phytolamps. If this recommendation is neglected, during the winter months the plant will stretch out, will not lay buds and will not bloom in the next season.

During the dormant period, that is in winter, geraniums are placed in a cool place. There should not be batteries near the plant central heating drying the air.

It is not advised to put the plant next to the opening window: it afraid of exposure to drafts.


in spring and summer time in the room where the plant is kept, the temperature should be at the level of twenty-four degrees.

In winter, the plant provides a dormant period and contain at rates of ten to fourteen degrees.

Only if such a temperature is maintained in the room where the plant is kept, will it lay buds for subsequent flowering. Elevated temperature causes growth and development to stop.

Watering and humidity

The frequency of watering royal pelargonium depends on the temperature in the room where it is located. In spring and summer, when the flower is actively developing and blooming, it is watered regularly and moderately.

The plant is very fond of water, so in the summer months it is recommended to water it twice a day - in the morning and in the evening after sunset. In winter, watering is reduced to once a day.

Between waterings upper layer soil must be dry: check this before moistening the soil again. Excess fluid provokes rotting of the root system and the occurrence of infectious diseases.

It is impossible to allow overdrying of an earthen coma, this negatively affects subsequent flowering. On the mature plant consume about fifty milliliters at a time, this amount will just be enough to moisten the earthen mixture.

Hybrids of this species need more water because they are kept at a higher temperature.

In summer, the plant is watered twice a day, in winter - once.

for watering use soft settled, boiled or rain water at room temperature.

Some flower growers recommend not to do ordinary watering from above, but to pour water into the pan, because the flower reacts heavily to the strong compaction of the earth in a pot. This method allows the root system to take as much moisture from the pan as it needs.

If the air in the room is not too dry, do not resort to spraying procedure, because geraniums do not tolerate water on leaves and flowers. Bathing under a warm shower also harms the plant.

top dressing

Royal pelargonium is periodically fed. During the period of growth and flowering, that is, in spring and summer, the flower is fertilized once a week, using mineral supplements.

Additional nutrition is especially necessary for a young plant, which is just getting used to the new soil. At this time, a complex fertilizer is usually used, intended for young specimens.

Before flowering(the very first and subsequent) pelargonium is fed with food containing potassium and phosphorus. This top dressing begins to be applied two to three months before the first flowers appear, that is, at the end of March.

Application prohibited organic fertilizers especially fresh.


It is important to learn how to properly prune the royal pelargonium. Some growers resort to this procedure in the spring, not knowing that pruning done during this period will affect flowering and delay it for a year.

Form a bush after the end of flowering, around the end of the summer months or early autumn.

Pruning includes two procedures, which are performed at intervals of one and a half months, in order to injure the pelargonium less.

In autumn, the plant actively develops new shoots that pinch after the formation of the fourth or fifth pair of leaves. Pinching causes the emergence of new young shoots.

Professional flower growers who prepare their pelargoniums for exhibitions resort to pinching about three to four times. This helps the plant form into a compact bush and bloom profusely in the new season.

The last pinching must be carried out no later than the end of January. Pelargonium can stretch out a lot during wintering, then instead of pinching, the shoots are pruned.

The secret to forming a lush bush:

Choosing a pot, soil and transplant

With each transplant, a pot is used that is two centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one.

You can not plant a young plant immediately in a large container, this can lead to acidification of the soil, which the root system does not have time to master.

Soil for royal pelargonium is purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently, mixing humus, leaf and turf soil, sand and peat in equal proportions.

The plant does well in neutral or slightly alkaline soil. To reduce acidity, ash is poured into the pot, which at the same time is an excellent top dressing.

Must be in the pot lay high-quality drainage from pebbles or expanded clay.

Royal Pelargonium transplanted once every two to three years because the plant is hard to move to a new container. Frequent transplantation slows down flowering.

The most suitable time for this procedure is the spring months. Transplant the plant when the roots begin to crawl out of the drainage holes.

flower reproduction


The easiest way to propagate royal pelargonium is resort to cutting method. A cutting of small length is separated from the mother plant by cutting it below the internode at an angle of forty-five degrees.

The places of cuts are sprinkled with charcoal and the cuttings are left to dry for four to five hours.

Thereafter cuttings are planted in a specially prepared mixture of peat, which is mixed with sand or perlite. Peat tablets sold in a gardening store are also suitable for this purpose.

Each cutting is planted in a separate container, and after the roots appear, they are transferred to the earth mixture necessary for the royal pelargonium.

Propagation by cuttings:

How to care

After transplantation, manipulations are carried out that stimulate active branching and flowering: pinch the young plant above the third leaf. The following pinching is carried out as needed.

During the growth period, pelargonium is fed with fertilizers that contain no more than eleven percent nitrogen. An increased nitrogen content will provoke an increase in green mass, and not the appearance of buds.

Flowering stimulants are used only nine to ten months after the roots appear on the cuttings.

Can it be propagated by seeds?

It is also possible to propagate pelargonium with the help of seeds, but this is much more difficult. As a result of this method, more viable specimens with an extended flowering period grow.

Small elongated seeds are purchased at the store. In mid-February, they are planted in a container with peat and sand, deepening by half a centimeter.

A month later, sprouts are shown, which are planted in separate pots after the appearance of a pair of true leaves.

Diseases and pests

whitefly. The insect resembles a white butterfly, only one or two millimeters in size. Symptoms of an attack: the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves.

Fighting methods: the plant is removed from the room with dry warm air. A heavily infected specimen is shed with "Aktara" - three times with an interval of six to seven days.

If the pest has just begun subversion, it can be washed off with water by washing the leaves with laundry soap. Then the royal pelargonium is covered with a bag for half an hour.

Blackleg. Reason: excessive moisture, low temperatures, dense soil, large capacity. Symptoms: tissue softening. It is not possible to save the flower, so the plant is destroyed.

Aphid. Symptoms: twisting leaves, falling buds, the presence of chips white color. Get rid of pests by washing the back of the leaves with chamomile infusion or green soap.

Rust. Symptoms: the appearance of red-brown spots on the leaves, drying and falling off. Treatment: cutting out damaged parts of the plant, the use of fungicides: "Topaz", "Fitosporin-M".

Why doesn't it bloom? What to do to ensure flowering?

It often happens that the royal pelargonium (geranium) at home refuses to bloom. This is due to content errors. You should always follow the instructions on how to properly care for a flower as closely as possible.

Why does the large-flowered pelargonium not bloom? Flowers may not appear over showy green foliage due to insufficient lighting or inappropriate temperature readings.

Pot size affects flowering.: a plant in too large a container will not bloom. Fertilizers with the wrong composition also stop flowering.

Also pelargonium refuses to bloom due to delayed transplantation and improper care: Incorrect cropping or no cropping at all.

Trying to make pelargonium bloom, flower growers resort to the method of grafting onto other plant species. For this purpose, fragrant pelargonium and a variety called "unique" are suitable.

Vaccination is carried out as follows: prepare a twig with two leaves, make a cut one centimeter long on it.

An identical cut is made on the second plant, after which a branch is attached, combining two cuts and tying them with a woolen thread. The procedure is carried out in almost sterile conditions.

Pelargonium does not bloom if it is not provided with peace in winter. Lush and abundant flowering will please the grower only if all the conditions of detention were observed in winter, providing the plant with rest.

Pelargonium royal fully justifies its name. She looks like a truly royal person, blooming flowers of stunning beauty and demanding increased attention to her own person.

If you turn to specialized literature, you can find out that royal pelargonium is also known under a number of other names - royal geranium, large-flowered pelargonium. For scientists, the name of the plant is more familiar as - Regal Pelargonium, Pelargonium grandiflorum. Pelargonium is a member of the Geraniaceae family and can grow up to 25–50 cm in height.

However, this plant has received the greatest fame as an indoor flower, which can be explained by its long flowering period and unpretentious care. The reproduction of royal pelargonium is simple and effective, since cuttings are most often used for it.

Characteristics and description of the flower

Before mid-eighteenth century, Europe was unfamiliar with geraniums, however, everything changed when from South Africa the first samples of this plant were delivered. It became the basis for breeding new varieties from cuttings.

Along with other species, breeders managed to create Pelargoniums royal grandiflora, whose main decoration is their large flowers.

  • These plants usually grow as compact shrubs which are mostly hybrids. When grown at home, they are obtained in the form of small, dense bushes and fragile, highly branching stems.
  • Depending on the variety, pelargonium may have various forms and leaf size. Petioles of geraniums are long and do not differ from leaf blades. Many varieties of pelargonium grow round leaves, decorated with slightly lobed edges.
  • Geranium flowers grow on an elongated, thin stem, which is covered with spherical umbrellas. Often she has single flowers of large sizes, having a bright color.
  • The variety of pelargonium grown affects the color of the flowers, which can be white or any shade of pink and red.
  • When grown in room conditions you can get quite undersized pelargoniums that do not exceed a height of 25-50 cm. Top part The leaves are serrated and have a rough texture, while the edges are sharply wavy.

Types and varieties of flowers of royal pelargonium

The flowers are different simple, funnel-shaped, reaching a diameter of 5-8 cm. At the ends of the stems or young branches grows about 10 flowers that look like a cone.

Petals usually have a darker shade in the inner region, often in their front part dark lines appear. When providing the plant with appropriate care, you can enjoy pelargonium flowers from early spring until the very end of summer.

Features of care

When growing royal pelargonium at home, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for it, without which it is impossible to ensure its normal development.

This plant feels most comfortable in the lungs, air spaces. Individual owners are not limited to growing geraniums at home. If necessary, they can be planted in the garden, on a balcony or terrace, which has shelter from rain.

Often they are installed on the windowsill. But in this case, you have to take care of creating good ventilation, since the plant needs not only optimal temperature conditions, but also air humidity.

In general, in terms of illumination, geranium makes the following basic requirements:

  1. Ensuring maximum illumination, partial shading is necessary in the summer.
  2. If the plant is grown outside the home, then in the chosen place it is necessary to make a shelter from precipitation.
  3. Be sure to protect from direct sunlight.
  4. In winter, pelargonium should be grown in a lighted and cool place where a low temperature is maintained - no higher than 10-14 degrees Celsius. In this case, she will be able to form ovaries of buds.

Watering the royal geranium

For the normal growth of royal pelargonium, it is necessary to provide regular and proper watering . In summer, it should be done twice a day - in the morning (at about 10 o'clock) and in the evening, when the sun goes down. In winter, it is enough to water the plant once a day.

There are certain features when caring for hybrids of royal pelargonium. Because they are more accustomed to fever compared to zonal geraniums, water consumption is slightly increased during irrigation.

When watering adult bushes, adhere to the scheme - no more than 50 ml at a time. The amount of water used should be enough to slightly wet the soil.

Should avoid excess moisture, because in such conditions the likelihood of rot and infection is increased. This often explains the reluctance of royal pelargonium to bloom at home.

Required temperature

During the cultivation of royal pelargonium, it is necessary provide optimum temperature within 18−25 degrees Celsius.

To avoid these unpleasant situations, it does not hurt every grower to have a hygrometer, thermometer and weather station.

plant sleep period

In the dormant stage, which lasts for royal pelargonium from October to March, it is necessary to prevent overdrying of the earthy coma. The very same care at this time of the year the plant is almost not required.

Even before the pelargonium enters the dormant stage, you need cut off the flowers on it, buds and weak leaves. When pruning, it is necessary to remove the shoots by one third of the length.

Such a measure will not only give the plant more freedom, but also help it get more air. Another benefit of pruning is increased resistance to diseases and pests. Watering should be carried out only at those moments when it is required, taking into account the situation.

In the dormant stage, royal pelargonium is grown at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. However, individual flower growers may be prevented from properly caring for the plant in winter by the lack of space or time for this. In this case, proceed as follows:

  • the plants are removed from the pots, then the leading shoots are shortened, the root ball is cleaned of dirt, and the roots are also cut off;
  • at this stage of the life cycle, each plant is wrapped in a newspaper and wrapped in a film;
  • in the end, it remains to tie and hang it in the basement.

No doubt, many will like this method, because throughout the winter do not have to care for the flower. Pelargonium is remembered in March, when it is taken out of the package and transplanted back into pots.

Geranium pruning and fertilizer

During the entire growing season, once every two weeks, it is necessary to apply liquid fertilizer. From October to February, the plants are at rest, so fertilizing at this time of the year is not required.

Once again, I would like to repeat that compact bushes of royal pelargonium bloom most abundantly compared to overgrown ones. New branches are often formed in old, already lignified shoots.

If the geranium has been grown for many years, then it is enough to trim it once a year. And the timing doesn't matter.

How do geraniums reproduce?

Regardless of the variety of royal pelargonium, from which you want to get a new bush at home, it is recommended use cutting method. To do this, already in the first weeks of summer or autumn, cuttings should be prepared, which are cut below the internodes at an angle of 45 degrees.

If the shoot belongs to a dwarf variety, then it must be separated by about 5 cm, and for large ones - 10 cm. Having ready-made cuttings on hand, you need to cut off the lower leaves and flowers from them.

The process of propagation of royal geranium flowers at home takes place a little differently than in the case of other varieties. It is not recommended to allow high soil moisture, as this can lead to rotting of the plant.

For this reason, you should be very careful with the cuttings: when there are several days left before planting, you should refrain from placing them in water.

A more effective measure is to dry them for two hours. However, first you need a place to cut treat with charcoal and Kornevin.

To get new geranium bushes at home, you first have to prepare small diameter pot. As a drainage, you can use shards that fill the bottom of the pot.

It is not recommended to plant a cutting in wet or excessively dry soil, therefore, in such a situation, immediately after planting, watering can only be done along the edge.

What to do after landing

The popularity of the royal geranium cuttings method can be explained by the fact that harvested shoots take root quickly. Usually 3-4 weeks are enough for the first shoots to appear. This is a sure sign that it's time to increase your watering a bit.

However, here it is necessary be as careful as possible, as there is a danger of soaking the substrate.

When another 4 weeks have passed, the young bushes of royal pelargonium begin harden in the sun, and subsequently caring for them is carried out in the same way as for adult specimens.

After waiting for the formation of a well-developed root system in them, it is possible to transplant geraniums into the soil, which is prepared from compost.

Pelargonium transplant

Even against the background of the appearance of many flowers and leaves itself royal geranium often remains quite compact. The resulting root shoots look for additional growth space in the drainage hole, and when they succeed, they clog it.

This is one of common causes explaining why pelargonium does not bloom at home. With regard to geraniums, transplantation can be carried out no more than once every two years, always using a fresh earthen substrate.

First, you need to clean the rhizome from the old soil by gently shaking. Further, pruning of long, thick roots and shoots is carried out in order to remove part of them by half. Then the geranium is returned to the old pot, which fill with fresh soil.

Pests and Care Mistakes

The greatest danger to royal geraniums is the disease " blackleg". It can be identified by the fact that the stems turn black at ground level. But you need to be very careful, because this disease can quickly affect the entire plant.

Usually it occurs due to waterlogging of the soil or high humidity. To prevent this from happening, for royal pelargonium it is necessary create optimal conditions development, and they involve the provision of relatively dry air.

Rust is also a problem for geraniums. The harm from it is manifested in the yellowing of the leaves and their subsequent death. Geranium shoots and flowers are not protected from this disease.

Therefore, noticing potential signs of rust on the leaves of a flower, they are immediately need to cut off, which is an effective preventive measure against this disease.

Royal Pelargonium for many it sounds not very familiar, although this is not surprising, because this is the official name of geranium.

Beneath it hides quite beautiful plant, which can become a spectacular decoration not only in the apartment, but also on the garden plot. However, proper care involves creation favorable conditions for growth, otherwise even waiting for pelargonium to bloom will not be easy.

AT ordinary life, such a flower is often called geranium, only this is an unusual geranium - royal. characteristic feature from a simple geranium, is the presence of a large cap of flowers of various colors.

The flower looks like pansies, since dark blotches are clearly visible in the middle along with light petals, but the leaves themselves do not differ from ordinary geraniums.

Royal pelargonium blooms from the very beginning of spring until late autumn, a houseplant, heat-loving. The flower does not need special care, it is only important to water it once a week.

The plant propagates by cuttings. Varieties this plant quite a lot, each of them has a unique color, leaf size, flower shape.


Growing pelargonium at home in a bowl, you need to provide it good conditions so that she pleases with beautiful flowers all summer long. It is comfortable for the plant, in a room with enough air, the main thing is that there are no drafts.

In the summer, gardeners love to plant Pelargonium on the terrace in beautiful bowls. You can decorate flower beds with such a flower, after planting it also in bowls, which are placed near other plants.

It is also necessary to ensure sufficient watering of Pelargonium. The plant does not like excess moisture, it is unacceptable to fill the soil with a large amount of water, watering should be carried out as the soil dries. If you pour a flower with a large amount of water, mold will form, the flower may get sick, and soon die.

Leaving Pelargonium on outdoor terrace, you need to make sure that the sun does not fall on it all day, moderate shading is necessary for the plant. It is necessary to limit pelargonium from rain. It is watered in the summer twice a day, in the winter one watering per day is enough.

The temperature at which Pelargonium feels great, blooms profusely, should vary from 18 to 26 degrees.

From late October to mid-May, Pelargonium is in a state of sleep, it is not necessary to touch the ground, irrigate it.

Before dormancy, it is necessary to remove dried leaves, tired shoots, this will provide a greater supply of nutrients and oxygen.

During the flowering period, the soil must be fertilized with minerals. This should not be done during the rest period. Lush flowers can be found on young shoots, more mature shoots do not give such beauty, they just quickly stretch upwards.


The flower is propagated by cuttings. At the beginning of summer, cut off the tops of the stems. Place them in a jar of water. After some time, they will sprout, after which Pelargonium is planted in the ground.

High humidity in the soil should not be allowed, this leads to the death of the flower. Two days before transplanting the cuttings into the soil, you need to remove them from the jar, dry them a little, in order to avoid excessive moisture ingress.


To plant Pelargonium in a pot, you need to mix ordinary land with peat, or purchase ready-made soil in the store.

After harvesting the soil in a bowl, it must be moistened, then plant a plant. It is impossible to plant a flower in dry ground; in this case, you need to water the soil along the edges, without falling on the roots.

Planting cuttings pretty convenient way because the plant takes root quickly. At the beginning of the germination of a flower in the ground, it is not necessary to water much.

A month after landing in the ground, Pelargonium is taken out in the sun, not for the whole day, just for a couple of hours. This method perfectly prepares the plant for flowering outdoors.

Pelargonium is transplanted quite easily, you just need to carefully pull the plant out of the bowl, shake it off the old earth, and then place it in new soil. You need to transplant a flower in the spring, like most indoor plants.


A disease such as "black leg" can harm a flower. In this case, the stems begin to turn black close to the ground. It is necessary to eliminate this in a timely manner, since soon blackness will cover the entire plant.

Pelargonium can also be covered with rust, it appears on the leaves, rust, as a rule, does not touch the flowers.

Pelargonium is an unpretentious plant, with proper care it will delight with lush, beautiful flowers all sunny summer.

Photo of royal pelarnogy

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