How does a viola grow? Viola flowers growing from seeds - important rules for planting and care

Engineering systems 13.06.2019
Engineering systems

Viola is a mysterious flower! The scientific name is Wittrock's Violet, and in the common people - pansies. There is an ancient legend why the people gave such a name. The girl Anyuta fell in love with a rich young guy who promised to marry her, but did not fulfill his promise. And Anyuta died of grief, and flowers grew on the site of her grave, which became known as "pansies." However, each nation has its own legends. In northern France, for example, the viola is a symbol of death. And in Germany they call her a stepmother, explaining this by the fact that the flower resembles the face of an evil woman.

Viola seeds germinate better in a dark place.

Since ancient times, the flower has been inherent mystery stories. For example, there is a belief that pansies have the ability to bewitch love. They believe that it is worth splashing the juice of a flower on the eyelids of a sleeping person and, upon awakening, he will fall in love with the first person he sees. But despite the superstitions of European peoples, the cultivation of Wittrock Violets is of great interest to gardeners. Growing is quite simple and the plant is unpretentious. It can easily decorate the site no worse than other flowers. It is worth knowing just a few simple secrets, thanks to which the viola will delight with its fabulous flowering from early spring to late autumn.

How to grow from seeds, where to start

Viola belongs to the violet family. It is a herbaceous bush with a height of 15 to 30 cm. Its cultivation is widespread in Europe. She took root well in Russia. Growing a flower can be annual and perennial. Many gardeners prefer to grow viola as a biennial plant. The diameter of the flower reaches an average of 5-7 cm. And in terms of the number of colors, the viola is in the forefront. The flower can be red, yellow, blue, purple and variegated. The flowers are quite frost-resistant, but in our latitudes it will not be superfluous to insulate the bushes with at least a snow cover.

Sowing seeds of pansies can be done in different dates, depending on when you need to get flowering. February is considered the earliest date. Sowing in this case takes place in closed ground. So, for this planting ritual, you will need: containers, soil, fertilizer, water and a lot of tiny viola seeds.

The containers are filled with soil, which was previously fertilized with superphosphate or ammonium nitrate and moderately moistened.

Viola seeds are evenly spread on the ground and moistened with a spray bottle, then tightly covered with cellophane or glass and placed in a cool place (usually up to 22º C) for 7-9 days.

Since the sowing is superficial, the seeds are evenly spread on the ground and moistened with a spray bottle. Then you need to give the seedlings from the seeds the effect of a greenhouse. To do this, the containers are tightly covered with cellophane or glass and placed in a cool place (usually up to 22º C) for 7-9 days.

Viola has features that are worth considering when growing from seeds - its seeds sprout better in a dark place. Of course, while waiting, you need to monitor the soil moisture and carefully loosen it without damaging the sprouts. After 9 days, shoots should appear from the seeds. And when the first leaves appear, it's time to dive. There is nothing complicated in this procedure either. The main thing is to keep a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. And all the same care: moisture, soil loosening, nitrogen-containing fertilizer, coolness and shade. At this stage, it is important to avoid stagnant water, because the roots can rot. As a result, a “black leg” is formed and all cultivation is down the drain.

Many experienced gardeners plant pansies immediately in open ground, but the seedling method of growing viola at home is no less common, making it possible to grow healthy plants that will bloom much earlier and most likely even more abundantly.

Caring for the viola is not so complicated and painstaking, so summer residents grow this flower on their plots with great desire.

Popular types and varieties of viola

When and how to plant pansies for seedlings: timing and methods

Viola planting dates vary depending on the method of their breeding. Thus, 3 ways to grow pansies can be distinguished:

  • Spring planting seeds for seedlings in late February - early March. The advantage of this method is that the plants will start blooming early and will decorate your garden this summer. Part of the seedlings can not be planted in the garden, but transplanted into pots or balcony boxes.
  • Viola can be planted with seeds and immediately in open ground in summer. This is usually done in late spring - in May-early June. Flowering should be expected by autumn or earlier (in August-September).
  • It is common to plant pansies with seeds in autumn or even at the end of summer (usually in August - early September). After a successful winter rooting seedlings will grow, and flowering will begin almost immediately after the advent of spring.

According to the lunar calendar

It can help you choose the best date for sowing seeds Moon calendar.

Viola can be either an annual (an annual) or a perennial plant, each of which has its own dates according to the lunar calendar. However, most often (in conditions of cold and harsh winters), it is grown as an annual plant.

So auspicious days for sowing annual viola in 2019 according to the lunar calendar are:

  • in January - 17-19, 23-27;
  • in February - 6-8, 11-17, 21-25;
  • in March - 12-17, 19-20;
  • in April - 6-8, 11-13, 15-17; 29-30;
  • in May - 8-17, 21-23, 26-28;
  • in June - 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 16-20;
  • in July - 8-10;
  • in November - 6-8, 13-18, 24-25.

Auspicious days for sowing perennial (biennial) viola in 2019 according to the lunar calendar are:

  • in January - 14-19, 23-27;
  • in February - 11-13, 20-25;
  • in March - 12-17, 19, 20, 27-30;
  • in April - 6-8, 11-13, 15-17, 24-26, 29, 30;
  • in May - 6-8, 10-17, 21-23, 26-28, 31;
  • in June - 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 16-20, 27-30;
  • in July - 8-12, 25-31;
  • in August - 2-6, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-28;
  • in September - 1-5, 7-10, 17-24;
  • in October - 4-7, 9-12, 19-21, 23-25, 27;
  • in November - 13-18.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2019 for sowing annual and perennial pansies, the following dates are:

  • in January - 5, 6, 21;
  • in February - 4, 5, 19;
  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17;
  • in August - 15, 16, 30, 31;
  • in September - 14, 15, 28, 29;
  • in October - 14, 28;
  • in November - 12, 13, 26, 27.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine "1000 tips for summer residents."

Video: step-by-step sowing of viola for seedlings - all about growing pansies

Capacity and soil mix

You can sow and grow viola seedlings in any landing tanks, it can be plastic and wooden boxes, cardboard and peat cups, disposable plastic cups, special trays and cassettes for seedlings, peat tablets. You can make a container yourself, for example, by cutting plastic bottles or milk cartons and other food containers.

When you think about the choice of soil, there are always exactly 2 ways. Buy ready mix for flower seedlings in the store or make it yourself. There is no fundamental difference, everything depends on your time and opportunities.

To prepare substrate for growing seedlings of pansies do it yourself the following components will be required in equal proportions:

  • sod land;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Then the resulting soil mixture must be well mixed and preferably sieved. You can disinfect the soil with the help of its steaming.

Do not forget! To successfully grow any seedling, including viola, you need proper drainage.

Preparation of seeds for sowing (processing)

To speed up seed germination and increase their resistance to disease, viola seeds are pre-treated before planting. treated with growth accelerators. The most popular means for soaking before sowing seedlings are "Zircon" and "Epin".

direct sowing

Step-by-step guide to planting viola seeds for seedlings at home traditional way as follows:

  1. Moisten (for example, you can still shed a 1% solution of potassium permanganate or to increase protection against rot and other dangerous diseases), and then lightly compact the soil in the planting container.
  2. Sow pansy seeds on the surface (some flower growers plant in shallow, maximum 5 mm grooves, and then lightly sprinkle with earth). Try to distribute the flower seeds as evenly as possible, for this, for example, use a small piece of white paper and slowly sow the seeds along the edge.
  3. Using a spray bottle, thoroughly moisten the crops again.
  4. Then cover or cover plastic wrap, You can also put the container directly into the bag or put shoe covers on it.
  5. Place the container with plantings in a dark and warm place where the average air temperature is kept at 22 degrees.

Video: sowing viola seeds for seedlings and germination results

By the way! Viola can be sown on the snow. To do this, lay a small layer of snow on top of the ground and lay the seeds on it. The snow will gradually melt and pull the seeds into the ground.

Video: sowing and picking viola

Viola care after planting seedlings

As practice shows, friendly shoots will begin to appear after 1 week or a week and a half. Now you need to move the container from a dark place to a sunny window (you can even directly to the south).

It is important that the soil near the seedlings is always slightly moist. So don't forget to do regular watering.

Important! The soil must be kept moderately moist, as excess moisture leads to plant disease with a black leg.

After 6-7 days from the moment of formation of the first shoots - cover will need to be removed., but first it is necessary to begin to ventilate the soil gradually, increasing the duration over time.

Pansies need 15 hour (+-1 hour) daylight hours, respectively, due to early sowing, young seedlings are recommended to be illuminated with fitolamps or conventional LED lamps otherwise it may stretch too much.


The time for picking seedlings of pansies comes when she has 2 true leaves.

Note! It must be admitted that the viola easily takes root after almost any transplant, not even the most accurate one. So, young seedlings, in which the roots were slightly damaged during picking, may at first slow down a little in development, but then go into steady growth. However you need to approach the procedure with all responsibility!

If possible, try to dive viola seedlings into separate planting containers (pots, cups), or into a common container according to a 5 by 5 cm pattern.

The requirements for the soil do not change, except that this time no steaming is required. However, it is recommended to add mineral fertilizer to the soil mixture, which can be used as nitrophoska or azofoska, at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. funds for 4 liters of land.

Important! Roots should be loose in the hole. It is impossible for them to bend when they are backfilled. If, however, they do not fit, then they should be pinched.

Viola seedlings that are too long should be deepened down to the cotyledon leaves.

After transplantation, watering is necessary. If after it the earth has settled excessively, then soil should be added.

Video: viola pick

That's all! Now you can again put the seedlings on the windowsill or any other bright place where the temperature will be kept at 16 (+ -1) degrees.

Once every 2 weeks maybe feed pansies with complex mineral fertilizers for seedlings, which include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

When about 2 weeks remain before planting, the seedlings of the viola should begin harden, gradually bringing to Fresh air. Try not to keep the pots in direct sunlight, otherwise young and fragile leaves can get burned.

If you did everything right when planting and grew seedlings of pansies at home according to the recommendations, then in the second half of May the violas will bloom, and they can be planted in open ground or transplanted into hanging balcony containers, planters or a high flower bed.

Video: how to grow good seedlings violas

How to plant viola seedlings in open ground: timing and methodology

It is necessary to start transferring seedlings of pansies to the soil or to a flower bed when the weather is consistently warm outside (no return frosts), that is, in the general case, this occurs in May.

Place for planting a viola, as a rule, it takes a good illuminated(but not open, otherwise the plantings will simply burn out), however, planting near trees is possible, through the crowns of which scattered sunlight will fall.

Priming for planting pansies should be fluffy and airy, so any will do and it doesn’t have to be the most fertile land on your personal plot. For example, if your soil is too heavy and clayey, then add peat with sand to it, as well as complex mineral fertilizer (about 35 grams per 1 sq. Meter). Then carefully dig the bed.

Recommended landing pattern and distance seedlings of pansies - 20 cm apart. If you want to plant flowers in 1 row, then the distance between the flowers should be reduced to 15 cm. During the direct planting of viola seedlings on the garden bed, it is necessary to deepen the root collar a little, by about 1 cm.

If you transplant pansies into boxes on the balcony or planters, then their volume should be about 1.5 liters per 1 flower.

final touch there will be abundant soil moisture around new plantings.

Video: planting a viola in open ground

Further care for viola in the open field

Caring for pansies consists of the following main points:

  • top dressing;
  • loosening;
  • watering.

most suitable fertilizers for pansies are complex mineral supplements containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, that is, it can be ammonium nitrate or superphosphate.

Worth knowing! Viola can not be fed with fresh manure. Flowers generally do not tolerate such top dressing.

Pansies very fond of regular loosening, which relieves planting of weeds and allows air to better penetrate to the root system of the plant. However, do this carefully so as not to damage the roots.

The long flowering of the viola is a guarantee of a permanent soil moisture. Accordingly, if there is not enough moisture, then you will not have to rely on stormy colors.

To increase the flowering time of a viola grown in a pot or balcony boxes, as well as in the garden, it is necessary follow and get rid of the set seeds in time.

By the way! Pansies are self-seeding. So don't be surprised if a lot of new flowers appear on the site next year.

Concerning pruning viola bushes, it is highly recommended. Say, after the pansies have faded, they should be cut to 4-5 cm. After half a month, fresh shoots will appear, and the flowers will open again. Moreover, such a procedure will have a particularly positive effect on flowering next year.

Video: growing and caring for pansies

A low viola will decorate any interior. It can be grown in boxes on balconies, flower pots, hanging planters, flowerpots. In summer cottages, pansies will decorate a flower bed, create a bright border along the paths. A few bushes will revive boring patches of empty land. Breeders have bred many varieties of this plant - a wide variety of shades. Given that the petals of each flower have a different color, then using pansies alone, you can create the most fantastic ornaments in the flower garden. Growing these flowers from seeds does not take much time and effort, they are unpretentious and hardy.

When is the best time to sow seeds?

Each grower finds his favorite breeding methods ornamental plants. Growing viola from seeds can be done in three ways.

  1. Planting seeds in open ground in early autumn. By winter, the grains will germinate, take root, the seedlings will winter under the snow and bloom in early spring.
  2. Planting seeds in open ground in May. The first year of flowers will have to wait a long time, they will bloom only by autumn. But next spring, the plants will bloom again.
  3. Growing seedlings at home. The method is good because no severe frosts and winters without snow will destroy the plants. Pansies will bloom early and will decorate the flower bed all summer. The remains of seedlings can be used for planting in boxes on the balcony and hanging planters.

The first option often occurs spontaneously. After flowering, seeds are formed that fall to the ground, germinate, and bloom in spring. Unpretentious varieties, not requiring special care, can grow like this for years, renewing from crumbled seeds, your task is only to feed and thin out pansies. Use this method for empty patches of soil, and with no extra effort, you will have green islands that bloom all summer.

To get early seedlings, start sowing seeds in late February. Purchase special soil or other loose, well-retaining soil. Viola will really like growing in. If you want to prepare the soil yourself, mix equal parts garden soil, humus and peat. Do not forget to spill the soil with a disinfectant composition so that pathogenic fungi and bacteria do not remain in it.

To make the sprouts hatch faster, hold the seed in a growth stimulator. Moisten the soil and place the seeds on the surface with a distance between the grains of 1-2 cm. The closer the seedlings grow, the sooner you will have to pick. You can sprinkle the sowing with a layer of soil about 0.5 cm, or you can leave it on the surface so that the sprouts do not have to break through the thickness of the earth. In the second case, cover the container with an opaque material or put it in dark place, because the light interferes with the emergence of seedlings from seeds. Cover the container with foil and keep at a temperature of 20-25⁰. Do not forget to remove the cover for a few minutes 2 times a day: long cultivation without ventilation favors the development of mold and pathogenic fungi.

You can sprinkle the seeds not with soil, but with loose snow and put them in a dark place. Melt water will moisten the earth, and under the influence of cold, the embryos will wake up faster and begin to develop.

Care of young shoots

On average, a week passes from sowing the seeds to the emergence of seedlings. If you have not waited for green sprouts even after 10 days, do not rush to sow again. Some varieties take longer to wake up than others, and if you put too much soil or the soil is very dense, it will take a long time for weak growth to look out into the light. Sometimes green stems appear after 20 days. For safety, if sprouts do not appear after 2 weeks, sow an additional portion in a separate container.

Further care for seedlings will be quite simple, all work comes down to 5 operations, they all begin with the letter P.

  1. Backlight.
  2. Watering.
  3. Top dressing.
  4. Pick.
  5. Pinching.

As soon as you see the first growth, move the seedlings to the light. Viola is not afraid of the sun, and in March the rays are not too scorching, let the seedlings enjoy the warmth on the southern windowsill. In early spring daylight hours are too short, and many biological processes cannot take place in the dark. Install a lamp over the plantings and keep the plants in the light for at least 14 hours, arrange more time for them to good development. For the first few days, let the seedlings live in the usual conditions under the film, but every day increase the ventilation time so that after a week you completely abandon the shelter. Pansies can be hardened from a very early age, at +15⁰ start taking them out into the open air, and when the seedlings mature a little, growing even at +8⁰ will not do harm, but will only strengthen young plants.

Summer sowing can also be done using seedlings. Highlight small plot and in June, sow the seeds there, and in August, transplant the seedlings into a permanent flower bed. Such a planting will help save space in the flower garden, and next year you will get lush flowers that do not fade for a long time.

Pansies are very demanding on proper watering. They love water, flowers need to be watered as soon as they begin to dry out. upper layer soil. At the same time, they also do not like growing in a constantly damp mass - the roots will quickly begin to rot. Water abundantly and make sure that excess moisture leaves the soil. If the pan is dry all the time, check if the drain holes are clogged.


When the third true leaf appears, it's time to dive the seedlings. Viola roots regenerate well, so do not be afraid if any shoots come off. Of course, you should not specifically spoil the root system, but when you accidentally injure a seedling, do not discard it. With severe damage for some time, the development of the plant may slow down, but soon everything will be restored, and the flower will catch up with its peers. It is desirable to grow each flower in a separate container. Seedling cups should not be too small, but a diameter of more than 10 cm is also not good.

Often the stems of young viola seedlings are too stretched. When picking, deepen the seedlings into the ground to the cotyledon leaves. Deep planting will encourage the emergence of new roots from a buried stem. The underground organs of the plant will become more powerful, and the upper part will be strengthened and will not lean down. Pinch the top of the stem so that the seedlings do not stretch upwards, but become more lush.

Both planting seeds and growing seedlings after picking should take place only in fertile soil, therefore, at an early age, there is enough nutrition for plants. Feed the pansies for the first time 3 weeks after germination with a complex fertilizer. Manure for viola is contraindicated, when using it, the stems can be affected by the black leg. The following top dressings need to be made every month.


Viola is a biennial plant, and in order for its flowers to decorate the flower bed for as long as possible, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings at the end of February, and in May, after spring frosts, relocate to a permanent place. Already at the beginning of summer, the site will be decorated with tricolor pansies, their flowering will continue until autumn. The bushes will overwinter under the snow and will release buds again next spring. Even if too many seedlings grow from seeds, it will not be superfluous: these flowers are suitable for decorating balconies, hanging planters, and flowerpots.

The pick is useful for viola seedlings. Them root system recovers quickly, and small injuries to the roots will not bring any harm to the plants. Deep planting, when the extended stem is buried in the ground, will help to form additional root shoots, the seedlings will receive more nutrition and develop better. Pinch off the top of the stem to keep the pansies from stretching out again. After that, all the forces will go not to growth in length, but to the formation of a lush bush.

Viola is not afraid of either sunlight or cool air. Seedlings can be kept on the south window and not shaded, and at + 15⁰ start taking them out into the street. Growing in cool conditions will harden and strengthen plants. Give seedlings enough light, proper watering and regular top dressing, and pansies will decorate your summer cottage all summer.

- the most familiar popular name for the viola, which she received from flower growers. For its tricolor, modest and innocent external image, it is sometimes called the flower of the Holy Trinity.

Rainbows originally lived in the mountains in the south, in the northern hemisphere and temperate climate, and now it is easily found in almost all latitudes. A number of species grow safely in the Brazilian, South African subtropical latitudes, even on the New Zealand islands.

Viola has been leading its history for almost two millennia. Delicate flowers decorated the halls in Ancient Greece and Rome on holidays making wreaths out of them. Breeding of fragrant viola and mountain viola began in 1683. Now the viola has, according to various sources, from four to seven hundred varieties and species.

The famous botanist P.S. Pallas, who studied the flora of the Altai region, brought it to St. Petersburg. Viola is sometimes called Altai in this regard. So the viola flower began its march across Russia.

Description and features of the viola flower

Viola is a member of the huge beautiful Violet family. Viola - flowers, in the form of a bush, related to herbaceous annuals, biennials or perennials height from 15 to 30 cm.

The flower itself is located on the peduncle and the spur in diameter can reach 7 cm. According to the shape and colors of the flowers, signs that amaze the imagination are distinguished: the petals can be of the same color, with spots or stripes, two or three colors, simple in shape or terry, the edges of all petals are even or wavy. A number of varieties are very similar to animals. There are many on the Internet photo of different images of viola flowers.

Viola looks gorgeous in borders, discounts, under low bushes, decorates rockeries, rock gardens. It is wonderfully fragrant with separate mono meadows from different violas in sunny areas and even in the shade, only the size of the flowers is a little smaller and paler.

Viola bushes are very undemanding in content, they are calmly transplanted even during the period of active flowering. Viola blooms in spring or autumn until frost. It depends on the time of the room. viola seedlings to a permanent place of growth.

The roots of the viola are fibrous in shape, at a depth of up to 20 cm. The stalk is straight in most species. The leaves are arranged alternately or form a rosette at the root. The leaf blade is simple or pinnately dissected.

A dry box is a fruit in which viola seeds ripen, they retain their germination properties well for up to 2 years. They are collected at the very beginning of autumn in order to avoid self-seeding and have their own seed. We list the well-known and actively bred types of violas with their varieties:

    varieties of viola Wittrock, which have one color: white, Blue Boy, Rua de Negri, red;

    In the photo, the viola is red

    varieties of viola Wittrock, which have two colors: Jupiter, Lord Beaconsfield, St. Knud;

    Pictured is a two-tone viola lord

    violas that have multi-colored spots: Shalom Purim, Eyes of the tiger, Cassis;

    Viola the eye of the tiger

    horned viola, or ampelous viola with a creeping branched rhizome: Arkwright Ruby, Balmont Blue, Purple Duet;

    Pictured ampelous (horned) viola

    fragrant viola: Rosina, Charlotte, Tsar;

    Viola fragrant

    moth viola, or klobuchkovy: Freckles, Royal Robe, Red Giant.

    Viola moth

Scientists and botanists pay attention different types, displaying even more attractive specimens of the viola. Viola is a wonderful container plant that adorns a balcony or terrace.

The variety has become very popular ampel viola which looks good in hanging pots. These bushes have a spherical shape up to 20 cm in height. During rapid flowering the bush is completely covered with amazing fragrant inflorescences.

Beneficial features violas

Fine viols combine beauty and usefulness, healing properties known in the medicine of peoples for many centuries. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary diseases, colds and other physiological disorders recede before viola tincture. Viola infusions with honey taste good.

In the photo, viola seedlings

Viola Planting and Propagation

Viola prefers loamy soils, it is bred in moist and fertile lands in well-lit areas. Planting a viola either in spring or autumn in the open ground has no secrets. You can add bird droppings or manure and crushed coal. Avoid lowlands and adjacent groundwater.

The prepared grown-up is placed in the pits every 10 cm, while the soil is slightly crushed. Watering is done with soft water. Once every three years, if the viola is perennial, a transplant is shown with the simultaneous division of the bush. A number of viola species are also propagated by cuttings, this option is used more in greenhouses.

Viola seedlings are usually grown from seed starting at the end of winter. Seeds are placed in open ground in grooves or holes for seedlings, which are picked after 5-7 days when the first two leaves appear.

Experienced flower growers cover crops with film or glass for two weeks. If germination does not occur, you should pay attention to the causes and eliminate them:

    old seeds were taken,

    when sowing, the seeds were heavily sprinkled with soil,

    the soil is taken in itself heavy and dense.

In the room, the sowing of the viola according to the procedure is identical. Only be sure to close the container with glass or film and picking is necessary twice: on the 5th day, again on the 14th day.

Some flower growers are limited to picking once. At the age of 2 months, the seedlings are ready to move to flower beds or in separate pots for further growth.

In flower or garden stores, they purchase a substrate specifically for. The temperature during seed propagation is sufficient around 15ºC, the presence of bright but diffused light.

Viola Care

Feeding viola seedlings is recommended once every two weeks with a complex of minerals. Loosening the earth and removing weeds for viola is a must. perennial viola on the winter period be sure to cover, then frosts even at 30ºC will not be terrible for her.

Plantings with viola are watered as needed; in not hot summers, even rain is enough. When the viola is kept in a pot, the watering is moderate. Violating these simple rules in the content of the viola, you can get developmental problems. Possible diseases:

Clover caterpillar and violet mother-of-pearl are insects that love to devour viola bushes. Chlorophos or tobacco infusion will help get rid of them.

Reading: 6 minutes

Viola - unusual flower. There are many legends and stories about him. Humanity's love for given plant goes far into the past, even Shakespeare mentioned it in his play as a component of a love potion.

The flower has amazing shape and coloration resembling flowering faces. People associate it with youthful love. Viola has mass different names, we have pansies. The plant blooms for 2.5 months, it is planted in autumn with seeds or in spring through seedlings, which are easy to grow with your own hands.

Popular types and varieties

Thanks to high endurance, the will to live and quick adaptation, gardeners and breeders are very fond of growing and diversifying Pansies. That is why varieties given flower there are more than 800, and this number is constantly growing. A variety of flower shapes, colors and sizes are classified by species, and then into varieties.

Viola small seedlings.

Viola Wittrock. More familiar to us as Pansies. The most extensive species, having all sorts of colors: one, two and three colors, as well as spotted. Bud from 4 to 12 centimeters in diameter with even, wavy or double petals. The most common in our latitudes:

  • Alpensee- a mysterious, large, dark purple flower with wavy petals and a bright yellow center.
  • Bambini- a sunny, yellow bud with purple edges of the two upper petals. Medium flowered with a smooth margin and brown streaks from the center.
  • Crystal Bowl White- luxurious, very large flower with snow-white, wavy petals and a bright yellow center.
  • Delta Pure Deep Orange- joyful, red-orange color of the petals is completely monophonic, without inclusions and veins. The bud is large.
  • Firnengold- superb, large, yellow flowers with a dark purple "muzzle" in the center.
  • Majestic Giant II Sherry- the largest buds of cherry-pink iridescent color, with a purple core (sometimes in a gold rim).
  • Maxim Marina- a flower with a bright yellow center and a dark purple middle in a snow-white rim and a lilac edge.

Viola Horned (ampel). The root constantly sprouts and the plant spreads, covering everything with a dense carpet with small flowers 4-6 centimeters in diameter, with a pointed spur and a yellow center, of different colors.

Scattered seedlings of flowers.

Viola Fragrant. Everyone knows the garden violet, often found in wild forms. It forms a spherical bush with many small violets, most often purple in color, but there are varieties of white, blue, pink and yellow flowers.

Timing: when to plant seeds?

Viola is planted in 3 ways:

  • Sowing seeds in open ground in autumn. In this case, the plant blooms next year in the spring.
  • Seedling method, followed by planting in the ground in the spring. The plant blooms from May to the end of July.
  • Seed method with planting in the ground in the middle of summer. The plant blooms until the first snow.

For spring planting through seedlings, they begin to sow with the advent of February. In northern latitudes, this is the end of the month. In the southernmost regions, you can start sowing as early as the end of January in order to plant the plant in the ground in the second half of April. Viola does not like extreme heat and grows best in northern latitudes in the Urals or Siberia.

Growing at home

To please yourself and decorate the garden abundant flowering romantic flower, you should start by germinating seeds for seedlings. Following the instructions, the process will be easy and will bring only pleasure even to novice gardeners.

Before planting seedlings in open ground.

It’s worth starting with the preparation of seeds, containers and land. Then you need to correctly plant the seed and ensure necessary care young sprouts.

Before sowing

Most milestone, viola is very cheerful and unpretentious, so the main thing is to ensure its germination. In other words, you need to process the seeds, pick up the soil and provide food.

Capacity and soil mix

It is best to plant seeds in cassettes of 2-3 pieces, so picking is not required. Or in a common tray, the size of which depends on the quantity seed. You can buy the soil (there are special mixtures for violets) or arrange it yourself. Two-fourths of the earth, one - humus and the other - peat. It is important to have good drainage.

Seed preparation

To increase the germination and strength of young seedlings, they must be disinfected and fed before sowing. For the prevention of diseases, there is a simple way - the seeds are poured for five minutes with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, then washed well. And for better growth, they must be soaked in a biostimulator, following the instructions.

After 1.5-2 weeks, the first shoots will sprout in the greenhouse, some seedlings will be late, so you need to wait a couple more days. Next, the container with the seedlings is exposed to a bright place.

In this case, in the first week, the temperature must be reduced to 18-20 ° C and it is desirable to highlight around the clock. So the roots are especially well formed, and the seedling will not begin to stretch. Spray the soil regularly with a spray bottle, most importantly, do not overmoisten the soil and do it in the morning.

Photo of bright buds in the garden.

The second week, the temperature is reduced to 15 ° C (not higher) and bright light is provided for 12-14 hours. Slightly grown plants can be watered under the root with a syringe. The requirements for temperature and lighting are maintained for the entire stage of growing seedlings.

After the formation of the first pair of full-fledged leaves, the seedlings need to be fed, otherwise the bush will start up the peduncle and slow down its own development. You can use different stimulants, the simplest is nitrophoska.

Picking pansies

If the seeds are planted in a common container, then a pick is needed in the future. After the three true leaves have matured, the plants are planted separately. To do this, the earth is abundantly saturated with water and carefully (holding the sprout by the leaves) a single specimen is separated and transplanted into a prepared container with moistened soil.

It is necessary to press the seedling into the ground a little and, ideally, pour water with a root-forming stimulant. Divided seedlings the first day is best placed in a shaded place. Then you can bring it back to life.

We pinch correctly

To form a large and lush bush with multiple flowering, pinch it. After the formation of three pairs of adult leaves, the growth center with small young leaves is pinched off. This is a one-time event.

Also pinch the first 1-2 peduncles and flowers during flowering. This is done so that the plant does not have time to give seeds (thus it is forced to release all new flower stalks to continue the genus).

How to plant in open ground?

Two weeks before the planned planting in the ground, it must be fed with fertilizer. Seedlings are planted depending on the climate: in the south it is the end of April, the beginning of May; in the north - mid-May.

Healthy and strong seedlings.

Viola does not like strong sun, so a shaded area is best. For example, the north side of the garden. The distance between the bushes is usually made about 15 centimeters, but each gardener can apply his own method.

Advice! It is better to plant more densely so that adult bushes cover the area with a flowering carpet without gaps.

If seedlings are planted in pots on terraces or balconies, it should be taken into account that at least 1-2 liters of land are needed for 1 bush.

Useful video

Viola - extraordinary flower. His tenderness and radiance of love is admirable. The plant will become a nice decoration of the garden, terrace or yard. Grow it from seed seedling method you can do it yourself, while the number of seeds from one package of seeds is enough for an average lush flower bed.

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