The most mysterious secrets. Unsolved secrets of stories

The buildings 29.09.2019
The buildings

Many decades scholars are trying to solve the secrets of the past, collecting pieces of puzzle together. But there are artifacts and historical moments that are still covered by secrets.

1. Geoglyphs of Naski.

Geoglyph - drawing on the surface of the earth. In Nask, similar images are made in the form of geometric shapes or animals. It seems that they were cut on a solid surface.

A man who is on earth, they seem to be a plexus of yellow lines. Only being in the air, you can see full-fledged figures: fifty-one meter monkeys and spiders, 120 meters width edges or lizards one and a half times longer.

How many geoglyphs are years old - no one can say for sure. They can only be approximate dating. It has been proven that all this was created at different times. The first of them appeared in the VI century. BC e. And the last - in the first century n. e.

2. Mummies from the marshes of Europe

Back in the XVII century, mentions appeared that in the peatings of Denmark, Germany, Ireland and neighboring countries, human mummies were found, which were perfectly preserved. Some even have a decent view to show in museums.

Each found body was carefully studied by many professionals. At all, traces of violent death were discovered: converted throats, affected by strokes and blows, broken basic bones, punched head. Sometimes all at once.

So, for example, the "man from Lindow" lost his life due to the ax that turned out in the skull. "Woman from Helling" died due to the letter V, which was found deep in the back of the back. "Teenager from Kaihausen", which was not more than 15 years old, found themselves so tight that he could not even move.

Until now, many experts argue that this was what was: execution or sacrifice. After all, with each of the foundations found cruelly.

3. Statues of Easter Island

It is known that graceful stone creatures are the remains of an ancient civilization. They differ significantly from those that can be seen in other parts of the Pacific Ocean.

For the first time, the structons were noticed by the Dutch traveler Jacob Rogheven, who was on the island on the day of Easter.

In 1955, Tour Heyerdal with the help of local residents in two weeks was able to put one such statue vertically. When they taking advantage of the bars, lifted a few meters of a bluer and put large stones under it. This was repeated until the sculpture was not in the right position. But, how exactly on the heads were hats in a few tons - it is not yet known.

4. Papes John

Medieval biographers report that Papals Ionna was born in 882. She had loved to learn from childhood and went to Athens in adolescence to get the necessary knowledge. Then any education associated with religion, for representatives of the beautiful half was not available. Therefore, she decided to give himself for the young man of John Englishman.

When the girl was in Rome, they paid attention to her due to scholarships, beauty and piousness. After some time, she managed to become a cardinal. And after Pope Lion IV was appointed successor. Nobody guessed the side of the trunk. But during the next festive procession, John suddenly, all the children gave birth to everyone. Soon she died.

After that, since the 1000 years and for five centuries, a mandatory rite was carried out, during which Paul was checked for the throne.

This story was considered genuine in the XIII century. Already in the XV century, it was decided to challenge. In XVI - historians practically did not doubt that this is all fiction. It was believed that the legend appeared as a result of someone's jokes, when women dominated the courtyard of Pope - 920-965.

Such phenomena were noted at the end of the XVI century, when Alexander VI Borgola appointed his mistress as a "medieval accountant". At the same time, her brother was 25 years old, having an appropriate Sana, became a cardinal-treasurer and a bishop of three dioceses. After he took the throne under the name Pavel III.

It is also known that during the military campaign of Alexander VI in his own appointment on the throne there was a younger daughter.

5. Grave of Chingiskhana

Until now, the best minds of the world could not solve where the grave of the famous Genghis Khan is located. This place attracts many. It represents a unique historical value. In addition, incredible riches are hidden in the earth along the legend in the ground. For some calculations in the grave, you can find precious stones, weapons and gold in the amount of two billion dollars.

After death, Genghis Khan's body returned to his birthplace. Now it is Aimak Handy. It is assumed that the Great Warrard is buried next to the Oneon River. Along the way, everyone who met funeral escort was killed. Slaves that committed burial were cut out. And then they died and the executioners who arranged execution.

There are several legends that explain why the seekers cannot find the grave. According to one of them, the adherents of Genghis Khan laid the river bed right above the burial. On the other, - in a plunged land, a thousand horses were driven, and then trees were planted on top.

6. Origin of Baskov

Basks are considered one of the most incredible historical mysteries. At one time, they occupied a small part of modern Spain and France. The first thing is noted - this people had a unique language, which did not intersect in any way with others present in the neighboring regions. Also, geneticians managed to establish that these are people who had the greatest percentage of the rhesv factor in the blood - 25. The difference between these people and other living in the neighborhood is noticeably allocated.

Most of the scientists believe that Baskov can be safely called indigenous people in Europe. They went from Krohanyonians who appeared in these places 35 thousand years ago. Presumably, this people decided not to change their location more, since it was not yet possible to find any evidence that refute it, up to the arrival of the Romans.

7. Time Travelers

Scientists recently are more and more confident that movement in time is possible. And the proof is numerous facts.

So, for example, this photo captures the opening of the South Fork Bridge bridge in British Columbia, which occurred in 1941. In the frame you can see a person clearly distinguished among the others.

He has a short hairstyle, darkened glasses, sweater over T-shirts, and in his hands a modern camera.

Such an image can be often found today. But for the 40s, he seemed strange. Specialists carried out their own investigation, during which they managed to find a person who participated in those events. But, unfortunately, he did not remember the "strange" stranger.

The authenticity of the photo was proven several times using various analyzes.

8. Ancient Swiss Watches

This small subject was found in the burial of the era of the Ming Dynasty. The tomb was opened in 2008, when they shot a documentary. To the surprise of the operator and archaeologists, the Swiss watches were found inside.

Former leader of the Guangxi Museum, who then took part in the expedition, shared: "We cleaned the soil from the surface of the lid, when suddenly bounced a small fragment of the breed and fell to the floor with a metal sound. The subject was similar to the ring. But when we cleared it from dust, they found a miniature dial. "

At the same time, inside even managed to consider the SWISS inscription. Ming dynasty supervised China until 1644. In those days, they did not even realize that such technologies would someday become a reality. At the same time, experts argue that this tomb was closed for the last 400 years and there was never anyone in it.

9. Ancient computer

In Kamchatka, a few hundred kilometers from the village of Tigil, St. Petersburg University of Archeology found inexplicable fossil remains.

According to the head of the excavation, this discovery surprised scientists, but can completely change the story. Special analysis showed that it was originally metallic parts that form a non-clear mechanism. The most amazing thing is that the find is dating from 400 million years.

10. Manuscript Warusich

Manuscript Warzic - the mysterious book of the XV century, which no one has yet been able to decipher. It was written in the period from 1404 to 1438 by an unknown author. In addition, words inside still failed to translate. They are composed of a strange alphabet, which no one knows about.

Book Size: 23.5 × 16.2 × 5 cm. In it is about 240 pages. The manuscript was repeatedly studied by many cryptographs, archaeologists and historians. No one could even get closer to decipher at least a single word.

After vain attempts, some experts came to the conclusion that there are random symbols on the pages, not related to each other. Others adhere to the theory that not only information tells on the paper that tells in detail about the time, but also the future data.

11. Jack Ripper

Jack Ripper is a serial killer (or killer), which in 1888 made several loud crimes in London. All his victims are girls of easy behavior from the poorest neighborhoods. The maniac cut them throat, after which she opened the abdominal cavity. He took some organs. It is believed that the killer had a good knowledge of anatomy.

Only recently a collector who acquired a shawl, allegedly belonging to one of the victims, gave it to those skilled in the art. With the help of thorough analyzes, the DNA of the alleged maniac was allocated. They turned out to be Polyak Aaron Cosmosky, who came to England to work with a hairdresser. Despite this, many criticized this method, since it definitely does not prove the involvement of the emigrant to kill.

12. Crystal skull

Many specialists are trying to solve the riddle of the origin of crystal skulls for a long time. No one else knows who could have created them and how?

Scientists tell about 13 heads of mountain crystal. All of them are stored in museums or private collections. Artifacts were found in Tibet and Central America. The exact time of their production has not yet been possible. In addition, the tools are not known with which you can do it.

13. Ancient aircraft

Inki, Aztecs and other nations living on the territory of Decolumbovy America are known not only by amazing pyramids and strange rites. They also left many small statuettes. Some of them were the so-called "ancient aircraft", which for similar elements resemble modern aircraft.

Initially, experts believed that it was simply a figurine of insects or birds. However, it turned out that they have details, more similar to modern aircraft: stabilizers, chassis, and so on. Large flying vehicles of that time failed. That the ancient tribes wanted to show it - it is not yet known.


The Festo disc is a small clay round plate, which was found in 1908 in the Minoan Palace in Italy. Her mystery still remains undisclosed.

There are different unknown characters on the plate. It is believed that this language was created in II p. BC. Some think that the drawings resemble the hieroglyphs of Crete. At the same time, they can not find the key to decryption. This disc is today is one of the most famous archeology mysteries.

15. Case "Taman Shud"

Until now, the best inspectors failed to reveal the case "Taman Shud". It also got the name "case with a mysterious man from Someton."

The case was openly when at half past morning in Australia in the city of Adelaide found a man's corpse. He was on Somerton Beach. Who was the deceased - to install it never succeeded. Then experts found out that death occurred as a result of medication poisoning.

In addition, the resonance caused a piece of paper, found in the secret pocket pants. Only two words were written on it - Taman Shud. These were the contaminated words from the rare book of Omar Khayama.

Police managed to still find the desired copy, in which there was no last page. On the back of the pencil, several words resembling cipher were applied. What exactly was written there, it was not possible to find out.

Until now, this business remains one of the most confusing and mysterious.

Cipher Bayla

Bale's cipher is a set of three encryptions that allegedly disclose the location of one of the greatest buried treasures in American history: many thousands of gold, silver and precious stones. The treasure was originally mined by a mysterious man named Thomas Jefferson Bale in 1818 during gold mining developments in Colorado.

The decrypted text indicated the terrain where the treasure is located: Bedford County, Virginia, but its exact location appears to be encrypted in one of the remaining encryption. To date, treasure seekers carefully searched (often illegally) Bedford County hills in search of this unpelled wealth.


Rongorongo is a system of mysterious signs, drawn on various artifacts found on Easter Island. Many believe that they are a lost system of writing or proto-letters, and may be one of the three or four independent invented letters in human history.

Signs still remain uncapped, and their true meaning - which is considered some of the prompts about the fate of the disappeared civilization that built the statue on Easter Island is most likely lost forever.

Manuscript Warsenich

Named in honor of the Polish-American merchant antique books of Wilfrid M. Dvanich, who acquired it in 1912, "MANUSUSPT Warsenich" is a detailed 240-page book written in an absolutely unknown language. Its pages are also filled with color drawings and strange diagrams, images of incredible events and plants that do not care for any known appearance that only adds intrigue to a document that cannot be decoded. The author of the manuscript is unknown, but the radio carbon analysis showed that his pages were made somewhere in the interval between 1404 and 1438. Manuscript was called the "most mysterious manuscript in the world."

There are many theories about the origin and nature of the manuscript. Some believe that it is a pharmacopoeia describing various knowledge of medieval and early modern medicine. Many pictures of herbs and plants make it also assume that he was something like a textbook for alchemists.

The fact that many charts seem to depict astronomical phenomena, coupled with unidentifiable biological sketches, even led some of the most intricate theorists to the assumption that the book has extraterrestrial origin.
But in one opinion there are almost all theorists - that this book is hardly a draw, given the amount of time, money and scrupulous work, which were required to create it.

Letters of Zodiac

The zodiac letters are a series of four encrypted letters, which are believed to be written by the famous zodiac, a serial killer who terrorized the residents of San Francisco in the second half of 1960 and early 1970s. Letters were probably written as a way to unintelligence journalists and the police, and although one letter was able to decipher, three others remain unsolvable.

The identity of the zodiac has never been established, although the killings of the zodiac was no longer identified since the 1970s.

Festo disc

The mystery of the Festo disk is similar to the story in the spirit of Indiana Jones. Received by the Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in 1908 in the ruins of the Mina Palace in Fest, the disk is made of burnt clay and contains mysterious symbols that may be an unknown form of hieroglyphs. It is believed that it is made somewhere in the second millennium BC.

Some scientists believe that these hieroglyphs resemble the symbols of "linear A" and "linear in" letters, in other words, written languages \u200b\u200bthat were once used in ancient Crete.

Business Tamam Shud.

The Tamam Shud is considered one of the largest mysteries of Australia, and revolves around an unidentified man who was found dead in December 1948 at Somton Beach in Adelaide, Australia. In addition to the fact that a person could not identify, it became even mysterious when in a secret pocket, a tiny piece of paper was found in trousers, a tiny piece of paper with the words "Tamam Shud" was found.

This phrase is translated as "completed" or "completed" and is used on the last page of the collection "Rubabyate" the Omar Khaiaam. In addition to this riddle, a copy of the "Rubai" was soon found, which contained a strange cipher, left allegedly by this dead man. By virtue of the content of Omar Khaiaam's poems, many believe that this message was a posthumous note of some kind, but it still remains unsolved, as well as the case itself.

Cryptos is a mysterious cipher covered sculpture created by the artist Jim Sanborne, which is located in front of the headquarters of the central intelligence department in Langley, Virginia. It is so mysterious that even the CIA itself could not fully decipher its code.

The sculpture contains four encryption in itself, and although three of them managed to decipher, open the code of the fourth fails until now. In 2006, Sanboron gave a hint that in the first encryption contained tips to the fourth, and in 2010 revealed another one: the symbols of 64-69 NYPVTT in the fourth part means the word Berlin.
Maybe you can decipher it?

Shaboro encryption.

Take a look from afar on the pasty monument of the 18th century in Staffordshire, Britain, and you can take it for sculptural reproduction of the famous picture of Nicolas Poussin "Arkady's shepherds". But look closer, and you will notice the strange sequence of letosvavvm letters - code that is not detected for more than 250 years.

Many of the greatest minds of our world tried to decipher this code and failed, including Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin.

Wow! signal

Once a summer night of 1977, Jerry Eman, a volunteer of the SETI program (a widespread program for finding an extraterrestrial mind; approx. Mixednews), it was probably the first person who received a message from another planet. Eman scanned radio waves from a deep cosmos hoping to accidentally stumble upon a signal that entails sent by a reasonable race when he noticed a leap in his dimensions.

The signal lasted 72 seconds - the maximum possible duration of the measurement, which was allowed by the equipment and the Eman scan range. He was loud and apparently passed from a place in which none of the people had never been: from the constellation Sagittarius from a point next to the star, called Tau Sagittar, in 120 light years from the ground.
Eman wrote the word "wow!" On the original listing of the signal, and therefore it was called "Wow! Signal.
All attempts to once again catch the signal were not crowned with success, which led to large debates regarding the nature of its origin and his meaning.

Georgia travel stones

Georgia travel stones, sometimes called American Stonehenge, is the granite monument, erected to Elbert County, Georgia, in 1979. Stones contain engraving at eight languages \u200b\u200b- English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian - and each concludes ten "new" commandments for the "Mind Era". Stones are also installed with some astronomical considerations.
And although the monument does not contain encrypted messages, its goal and origin remain a mystery. He was erected by a person whose identity did not manage to accurately, and who was hiding behind the pseudonym R.C. Kristian.

From among these ten commandments, the first is perhaps the most controversial: "Support the number of humanity below 500 million in the eternal balance with wildlife." Many believe that this vocation reduce the population of people to the specified number, and the criticism of guide stones even demanded their destruction. Some fans of conspiracy theories even believe that they were created by the "Lucifer Secret Society", calling for a new world order.

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Few stories have such a ability to attract our attention, like those that have not yet solved. Ciphers, riddles and encoded public messages tease us with their intrigue: Why is this message encrypted? What great secrets can it hide in themselves?

Look to discern

Despite the efforts of the best historians, brilliant cryptographs and the most selfless treasure hunters, the story is full of mysteries that continue to embarrass us and so on. Fictional stories, such as those described in the "Code of Da Vinci" book and the film "Treasure of Nation" have nothing to do with these secrets from real life. Take a look at our list of the ten most mysterious unresolved mysteries and unscrewed ciphers.

Manuscript Warsenich

Named in honor of the Polish-American merchant antique books by Wilfrid M. Dvanich, who acquired it in 1912, "MANUSUSPT Warsench" is a detailed 240-page book written in an absolutely unknown language. Its pages are also filled with color drawings and strange diagrams, images of incredible events and plants that do not care for any known appearance that only adds intrigue to a document that cannot be decoded. The author of the manuscript is unknown, but the radio carbon analysis showed that his pages were made somewhere in the interval between 1404 and 1438. Manuscript was called the "most mysterious manuscript in the world."

There are many theories about the origin and nature of the manuscript. Some believe that it is pharmacopy describing various knowledge of medieval and early modern medicine. Many pictures of herbs and plants make it also assume that he was something like a textbook for alchemists. The fact that many charts seem to depict astronomical phenomena, coupled with unidentifiable biological sketches, even led some of the most intricate theorists to the assumption that the book has extraterrestrial origin.

But in one opinion there are almost all theorists - that this book is unlikely to be a draw, given the amount of time, money and scrupulous work, which were required to create it.


Cryptos is a mysterious cipher covered sculpture created by the artist Jim Sanborne, which is located in front of the headquarters of the central intelligence department in Langley, Virginia. It is so mysterious that even the CIA itself could not fully decipher its code.

The sculpture contains four encryption in itself, and although three of them managed to decipher, open the fourth code until now. In 2006, Sanboron gave a hint that in the first encryption contained tips to the fourth, and in 2010 revealed another one: the symbols 64-69 Nypvtt in the fourth part means the word Berlin.

Maybe you can decipher it?

Cipher Bayla

Bale's cipher is a set of three encrypses that allegedly disclose the location of one of the greatest buried treasures in American history: many thousands of gold, silver and precious stones. The treasure was originally mined by a mysterious man named Thomas Jefferson Bale in 1818 during gold mining developments in Colorado.

Of the three ciphes, only the second was decoded. It is interesting, it seems that the key to the cipher is the American Declaration of Independence - an amazing fact, considering that Bale's name coincides with the name of the author of the Declaration.

The decrypted text indicated the terrain where the treasure is located: Bedford County, Virginia, but its exact location appears to be encrypted in one of the remaining encryption. To date, treasure seekers carefully searched (often illegally) Bedford County hills in search of this unpelled wealth.

Festo disc

The mystery of the Festo disk is similar to the story in the spirit of Indiana Jones. Received by the Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in 1908 in the ruins of the Mina Palace in Fest, the disk is made of burnt clay and contains mysterious symbols that may be an unknown form of hieroglyphs. It is believed that it is made somewhere in the second millennium BC.

Some scientists believe that these hieroglyphs resemble the symbols of "linear A" and "linear in", written languages \u200b\u200bthat were once used in ancient Crete. Then what is the problem? The fact that "Linear A" is not amenable to decipher.

To date, the disk is one of the most famous mysteries in archeology.

Encryption from Shaboro.

Take a look from afar on the pasty monument of the 18th century in Staffordshire, Britain, and you can take it for sculptural reproduction of the famous picture of Nicolas Poussin "Arkady's shepherds". But look closer, and you will notice the strange sequence of letosvavvm letters - code that is not detected for more than 250 years.

Many of the greatest minds of our world tried to decipher this code and failed, including Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin.

Business Tamam Shud.

Tamam Shud is considered one of the biggest mysteries of Australia, and revolves around an unidentified man who was found dead in December 1948 at Somton Beach in Adelaide, Australia. In addition to the fact that a person could not identify, it became even more mysterious when a tiny piece of paper was found in the trousers in a secret pocket, a tiny piece of paper with the words "Tamam Shud" was found.

This phrase is translated as "completed" or "completed" and is used on the last page of the collection "Rubabyate" the Omar Khaiaam. In addition to this riddle, a copy of the "Rubai" was soon found, which contained a strange cipher, left allegedly by this dead man.

Wow! signal

Once a summer night of 1977, Jerry Eman, a volunteer of the SETI program (a widely common program for finding an extraterrestrial reason signals; approx. Mixednews), it may became the first person to receive a message from another planet. Eman scanned radio waves from a deep cosmos hoping to accidentally stumble upon a signal that entails sent by a reasonable race when he noticed a leap in his dimensions.

The signal lasted 72 seconds - the maximum possible duration of the measurement, which was allowed by the equipment and the Eman scan range. He was loud and apparently passed from a place in which none of the people had never experienced: from the constellation Sagittarius from a point next to the star, called Tau Sagittar, in 120 light years from the Earth

Eman wrote the word "wow!" On the original listing of the signal, and therefore it was called "Wow! Signal.

All attempts to once again catch the signal were not crowned with success, which led to large debates regarding the nature of his origin and his meaning.

Letters of Zodiac

The zodiac letters are a series of four encrypted letters, which are believed to be written by the famous zodiac, a serial killer who terrorized the residents of San Francisco in the second half of 1960 and early 1970s. Letters were probably written as a way to unintelligence journalists and the police, and although one letter was able to decipher, three others remain unsolvable.

The identity of the zodiac has never been established, although the killings of the zodiac was no longer identified since the 1970s.

Georgia travel stones

Georgia travel stones, sometimes called American Stonehenge, is the granite monument, built to Elbert County, Georgia, in 1979. Stones contain engraving at eight languages \u200b\u200b- English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian - and each concludes ten "new" commandments for the "Mind Era". Stones are also established taking into account some astronomical considerations.

And although the monument does not contain encrypted messages, its goal and origin remain a mystery. He was erected by a person whose personality never managed to accurately, and who was hiding behind the pseudonym R. C. Christian.

From among these ten commandments, the first is perhaps the most controversial: "Support the number of humanity below 500 million in the eternal balance with wildlife." Many believe that this vocation reduce the population of people to the specified number, and the criticism of guide stones even demanded their destruction. Some fans of conspiracy theories even believe that they were created by the "Lucifer Secret Society", calling for a new world order.


Rongorongo is a system of mysterious signs, drawn on various artifacts found on Easter Island. Many believe that they are a lost letter of writing or proto-letters, and may be one of three or four independent of the invention of writing systems in human history.

Signs still remain uncapped, and their true meaning - which is considered some of the prompts about the fate of the disappeared civilization that built the statue on Easter Island is most likely lost forever.

Many people love to solve all sorts of riddles. And especially attracts those of them that are not yet solved. Ciphers, riddles and encoded public messages tease us with their intrigue: Why is this message encrypted? What great secrets can it hide in themselves?

There are plenty of similar mysteries, but we decided - in the spirit of time - to make a certain top 10 mysteries of the world, which still do not solve.

In the first place, of course, the manuscript Warsenich. Named so in honor of the Polish-American merchant antique books by Wilfrid M. Dvanich, who acquired it in 1912, "Manya Warwich" is a detailed book, quite fat - 240 pages written in absolutely unknown language.

Unknown so far! And there is not even any assumptions that it may be behind the language. Its pages are also filled with color drawings and strange diagrams, images of incredible events, as well as plants that are not similar to any known appearance that only adds intrigue to a document that cannot be decoded. The author of the manuscript is unknown, but radio carbon analysis, as well as several examinations showed that his pages were made somewhere in the interval between 1404 and 1438. Manuscript was called "the most mysterious manuscript in the world."

In second place in Cryptos, mysterious cipher covered sculpture, created by the artist Jim Sanborne, which is located in front of the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Department in Langley, Virginia, USA. It is so mysterious that even the CIA itself could not fully decipher its code.

The sculpture contains four encryption in itself, and although three of them managed to decipher, open the code of the fourth fails until now. In 2006, Sanboron gave a prompt that the first encryption contains tips to the fourth, and in 2010 revealed another one: the symbols of 64-69 NYPVTT in the fourth part means the word "Berlin".

In third place, Bale's cipher. Bale's cipher is a set of three encrypses that allegedly disclose the location of one of the greatest buried treasures in American history: many thousands of gold, silver and precious stones. The treasure was originally mined by a mysterious man named Thomas Jefferson Bale in 1818 during gold mining developments in Colorado.

Of the three encryptions, only the second was decoded. It is interesting, it seems that the key to the cipher is the American Declaration of Independence - an amazing fact, considering that Bale's name coincides with the name of the author of the Declaration.

The decrypted text indicated the terrain where the treasure is located: Bedford County, Virginia, but its exact location appears to be encrypted in one of the remaining encryption. To date, treasure seekers carefully searched (often illegally) Bedford County hills in search of this unpelled wealth.

In fourth place, the Festa drive. The mystery of the Festo disk is similar to the story in the spirit of Indiana Jones. Luigi Perne discovered by the Italian archaeologist in 1908 in the ruins of the Mina Palace in Fest, the disk is still one of the most famous mysteries in archeology. It is made of burnt clay and contains mysterious symbols, which may be an unknown form of hieroglyphs. It is believed that it is made somewhere in the II millennium BC.

Some scientists believe that these hieroglyphs resemble the symbols of "linear A" and "linear in" letters, in other words, written languages \u200b\u200bthat were once used in ancient Crete.

Then what is the problem? The fact that "linear A" is not amenable to decoding.

In fifth place encryption from Shaboro. In fact, this is the pasty monument of the XVIII century in English Staffordshire. If you look at it from afar, it can be accepted for the sculptural reproduction of the famous picture of Nicolas Poussin "Arkady shepherd". But it is worth looking closer, as the strange sequence of letters becomes immediately: Douosvavvm, the code that is not able to decipher more than two and a half centuries. And although the author of this cipher remains unknown, some believe that this code can be a tip left by knights, teleplates relative to the location of St. Grail.

Many of the greatest minds of our world tried to decipher this code and failed, including Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin.

On the sixth place the so-called business Tamam Shud.The Tamam Shud is considered one of the largest mysteries of Australia and revolves around an unidentified man who was found dead in December 1948 at Somton Beach in the Australian city of Adelaide. In addition to the fact that the person could not identify the fact, it became even mysterious when in a secret pocket, a tiny piece of paper was found in trousers, a tiny piece of paper was found with the words "Tamam Shud." This phrase is translated as "completed" or "completed" and is used on the last page of the meeting "Rubabyat" Omar Khayama poems. In addition to this riddle, a copy of the "Rubabyad" was soon found, which contained a strange cipher, left allegedly by this dead man.

By virtue of the content of Omar Khayam's poems, many believe that this message was a posthumous note of some kind, but it still remains unsolved, as well as the case itself.

At the seventh place is not an object - a signal. Once the summer night of 1977, Jerry Eman, a volunteer of the SETI program (a widespread program for finding an extraterrestrial reason), became the first person to receive a message from another planet. Jerry Emann scanned radio waves from a deep cosmos hoping to accidentally stumble upon a signal that bears signs of sent by a reasonable race when he noticed a leap in his dimensions. And came across. The signal lasted 72 seconds - the maximum possible duration of the measurement, which was allowed by the equipment and the scan range of Jerry Eman. He was loud and, apparently, was transmitted from a place in which none of the people had never been: from the constellation Sagittarius from a point next to the star, called Tau Sagittar, in 120 light years from the ground.

Jerry Eman wrote the word "wow!" On the original printing of the signal, and therefore it was called "Wow! Signal". All attempts to once again catch the signal were not crowned with success, which led to large debates regarding the nature of its origin and his meaning.

At the eighth place the so-called "letter of the zodiac"But it does not have a relationship to the signs of the zodiac. "Letters of the Zodiac" is a series of four encrypted letters, which are believed to be written by the famous zodiac, a serial killer who terrorized the residents of San Francisco in the second half of the 60s and early 70s of the last century. Letters are written with icons, partly resembling letters, partly runes. Branch of words from each other is not.

Letters were probably written as a way to unintelligence journalists and the police, and although one letter (more precisely, three fragments from it) managed to decipher, three others remain unsolvable. The decrypted message suggests that for three months Zodiac from the finished Aztec priest became a victim of his own addiction to human-boring, tearfully soaked to help him stop killing people (putting it, for example, in the gas chamber). In addition, the labeling of the Starlier ends with the offer "My Name - Lee Allen." By the way, the identity of the zodiac itself was also never installed, the killer was not caught, although the killings of the zodiac was no longer identified since the 70s.

On the ninth place of Georgia travel stones.Georgia's travel stones, sometimes called the American Stonehenge, are a granite monument erected to Elbert County, Georgia, in 1979. Stones contain engraving in eight languages \u200b\u200b- English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian - and each enter out ten "new" commandments for the "Era of Mind." They look like four steles, practically connected to the cross with the post in the middle and covered on top of the "cap" from a small square plate

Well, and that there is a mysterious, the majority will ask. The monument does not contain any encrypted messages! Yes, does not contain. It remains a mystery of his goal and origin. He was erected by a person whose identity did not manage to accurately, and who was hiding behind the pseudonym R.C. Kristian. Where he took these commandments, it is not known too, because no sources contain anything like that.

From among these ten commandments, the first is perhaps the most controversial: "Support the number of humanity below 500 million in the eternal balance with wildlife." Many believe that this vocation reduce the population of people to the specified number, and the criticism of guide stones even demanded their destruction. Some fans of conspiracy theories even believe that they were created by the "Lucifer secret society", calling for a new world order.

There is a version that these gigantic "letters" are also established taking into account some astronomical considerations - from here, actually, and the name: "American Stonehenge".

At the tenth place of the roll of Rongo Rongo. These mysterious wooden planks with the writers of the inhabitants of Easter Island. Currently it is not clear whether each character is a separate word or syllable. For today in the museums of the world, only about 25 "skies" have been preserved. Traditionally, they are numbered by the letters of the Latin alphabet, which, however, is not the only way to designate the "tables", among which one rod is present, two inscriptions on the breast decoration of the Reimiro, as well as the inscription on the tobackerka and on the figure of Tangat Manu.

The "signs" were found in 1864 by the Bishop of E. Eiro, who claimed that the smells were practically in every Aboriginal house, but the islanders had almost could not read them. Already two years later, almost all the signs that E. Eiro saw were died: whether he was from his own hands, or during civilian vehicles. It is believed that they are written in Rapanuan. The latter who knew Rongo-Rong Rapanunet, Vike, died in 1866.

Since then, scientists from all over the world are trying to decipher Rongo Rongo. Significant contribution to the study was made by T. Bartel, Yu. V. Knorozov and N. A. Butinov, I. K. Fedorov as well as many others. Nevertheless, there is no consensus even in determining the type of writing, not to mention specific readings. The famous theoretical of grammatology I. Gelb believed that this is not writing, but only magical drawings, arguing that by the fact that his signs are so similar to each other, distinguishing only with respect to small details that an attempt to differentiate them is encountered on tremendous difficulties.

Butinov and Knorozov prove that it is not pictography, but a morpheme-syllabic letter. New Zealand researcher S.R. Fisher (in the 1997 monograph) believes that the plate "for the most part reproduces the magic formula of fertilization recorded in the late version of the creation of the world, and are built on the repetition of the producing formula: the agent X has connected to the Y agent and spawned an object (s) z". On the ironic characteristics of linguists k.I. and I.K. Pozdnyakov, "Operations, in which everyone is copulated in the most incredible combinations."

In the world, there are still many unsolved secrets, despite all the development of science, technology, as well as numerous studies. Although it would seem, there must be logical explanations of these mysterious things, as before, people remain only to assume with what they face.

1. Gul Taos

In a small American town Taos, you can often hear the incomprehensible hum that can be compared with the remote sound of the diesel engine. Despite the fact that the sound can be perfectly to hear the naked ear, various sound devices are not able to fix it. So far, no one knows where this sound comes from.

2. Manuscript Warvic

The Waruscript of War was written on an incomprehensible language, which people are unsuccessfully trying to decipher for centuries. The only thing is that it is clear in the manuscript, these are drawings (but they look like something unearthly).

3. Jack Ripper

Jack's name Ripper can be found in many serials and films related to serial killers. He killed 11 women in the eastern part of London in the late 1800s, but his personality was never revealed. Most of the victims of the maniac were prostitutes whose bodies were worn to unrecognizable, and the throat is cut.

4. Bermuda Triangle

The legendary Bermuda Triangle can be found between Miami, Bermuda Islands and Puerto Rico. Pilots often suggest that their devices denied in this place, and numerous ships were missing here. Although there are many theories, from gas bubbles, stand out from the bottom, to aliens, no one knows what stands behind strange phenomena.

5. Letters of the zodiac

During the 1960s - 1970s, a certain criminal who became known as the killer of Zodiac thanks to the mysterious encrypted letters, which he sent the police and the press, was performed in the San Francisco Bay. Despite the fact that one of the four letters was decrypted (any maniac or psychopath would be launched), the remaining three still remain a mystery.

6. Rongorongo

On the mysterious island of Easter, where the famous MOAIs stand, a set of hieroglyphs was discovered, which was named Rongorong. These symbols have never been decrypted, although they may contain tips as to whom and why huge stone heads are scattered throughout the island.

7. Lohneskoy monster

For centuries, people heard about the monster of Lake Loch Ness and how it does not look like any other creature. Over the years, there were many observations of Nessi, and a number of photos and videos were removed. Even today, as some argue, the monster exists and floats under water.

8. Stonehenge.

Stonehenge is one of the most famous and fascinating ancient structures in the world. The biggest riddle in it lies not in how it was created, but in the fact that.

9. Disappeared Atlantis

There was still an atlantis, disputes go still. But Plato was firmly confident in its existence and mentioned the Atlantis in his writings. But, according to a number of historians, today a mysterious island, together with a magnificent city, plunged into the ocean puchins and nobody found them so far.

10. Aliens

UFOs are observed around the world. People are already asking for centuries that humanity cannot be lonely in the infinite universe. Although some argued that they were abducted, there is no confirmation.

11. Signal "Wow!"

When Jerry Eman worked on the SETI project on a radio telescope at the University of Ohio, he did not expect that it would be able to catch a real signal emanating from a deep cosmos. Its instrument recorded a 72-second signal from the Sagittar constellation. But since then, no one could catch him again.

12. D.B. Cooper

When D.B. Cooper in 1971 hijacked Boeing 727, he received a redemption of $ 200,000. After that, he jumped out of the aircraft with a parachute. He was never found.

13. Geoglyphs of Nask

Naska civilization has created some of the most exciting geoglyphs on Earth. On the desert plateau depicts giant lines that depict spiders, monkeys, sharks, tales, flowers and simply abstract patterns. Their accuracy is incredible, especially considering that the drawings can only be seen from the plane, which could not do Naska.


The case with a Dutch cargo ship Ouranang Medan or "Man from Med" in Malaysia is perhaps one of the most exciting and stunning secrets that ever existed in the history of navigation. It all started with the SOS message in 1947, in which it was said "Captain and all officers lie dead in Kubrick and on the bridge. Perhaps the whole team is dead. " Next, the telegraph passed that he also dies. When the Silver Star ship arrived at the help, it turned out that the entire team is dead without a single visible reason.

15. Aluminum Wedge from Ayuda

Back in 1974, a group of workers in Romania discovered three different objects during the excavation of the trench at a depth of 10 meters. Two objects were prehistoric elephant bones of 2.5 million years. The third object stolen all - it was an aluminum wedge, which was found along with the ancient bones.

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