We reveal the secrets of caring for brugmansia. We grow exotic

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Sofia Filatova 08/26/2014 | 5644

Brugmansia is a whimsical and thermophilic flower, therefore, the question of its wintering must be taken responsibly. There are two ways to preserve the plant until spring and enjoy its beauty and aroma every year.

The first way of wintering brugmansia

1. Prepare the plant for the cold in late August - early September.

2. If the bush is young, before freezing, they dig it out of the ground, place it in a container and bring it into the room.

3. If the age of the bush is more than 2 years old, you can extend the flowering period before digging. To do this, you need to cover the crown with light awnings. Then, before the first frost, the plant will still delight you with fragrant flowers.

4. When digging, the roots are cut off. Since they sometimes reach 1 m in diameter and it is difficult to place such a lump in a container, it is easier to wrap the roots with polyethylene and after that bring the plant into the house.

5. Soft shoots that have not matured are pruned, leaving only 1-2 green buds.

6. The crown of the bush is also carefully cut, while keeping all the forks of the branches. If this is not done, brugmansia will continue to bloom indoors.

7. In the house, the bush is placed in a bright place, with an air temperature of up to 15 ° C (in a winter garden, for example). In such conditions, brugmansia needs more frequent watering and especially careful protection from pests.

8. The bush overwinters well in a dark cool room (up to 5 ° C). He will shed all the leaves, it will look sad, but in the spring it will easily recover. It is not often watered, only maintaining soil moisture.

9. In a whitefly damaged plant, all the leaves are cut off and only then are they brought into the house.

10. In February, brugmansia bushes begin to water more abundantly, put them in a warmer place to bring them out of dormancy. And when the threat of frost has passed, they are planted in open ground.

The advantages of this method are that the entire original bush is preserved. But the brugmansia, taken out of the room, grows foliage for the first months and begins to bloom later.

The second way of wintering brugmansia

This method is more suitable for those who are not able to preserve the entire brugmansia bush as a whole. For example, in city apartments there is simply nowhere to place it.

1. In summer, during flowering, the apical bud is cut off - this is a bifurcation of the trunk at the top of the bush. It indicates that buds have begun to form.

2. Trimmed apical cuttings are placed at home in a regular jar of water. Their peculiarity is that they retain the ability to bloom.

3. When the roots appear, they are transplanted into a pot with soil and placed on a windowsill with additional lighting (two small fluorescent bulbs will be enough).

4. With the onset of winter, miniature brugmansia is practically not watered, not fed, and intensive illumination is used for about 12 hours.

5. In the spring, the plant is transplanted into the ground.

The main rule of this method is to cut off the apical root only in blooming brugmansia. With the second storage method, flowering will come early, but the bush itself will be small, young, and every year it will have to be grown again.

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Do you look with admiration and envy at the brugmansia that blooms profusely in the neighboring garden? So, this tub plant blooms throughout the summer with a lush fountain of huge, slightly drooping tubular-bell-shaped flowers of divine shades, but in order to achieve such excellent flowering, you need to know and skillfully apply some very useful tricks.

Flower pots and earth

In a pot that is too small, brugmansia suffers from drying out of the soil, which its drooping leaves will tell you about. Young plants should be replanted every spring at new pot a diameter of 2-3 cm more than before. For this tree-like shrub, which is also called angelic pipes, plastic pots are best suited than clay or terracotta ones: because the root system in them grows more evenly, and thin roots do not grow to the walls. It is very important to make drainage holes in the bottom of the container through which excess water flows out.

Large leaves of brugmansia evaporate a lot of moisture, and when gusts of wind lose their balance and can easily break off. Therefore, it is worth choosing a tub that is large enough for the plant, which can hold more water and will be quite stable. Large stone tubs are highly prized. At the bottom, in which holes have been made to drain excess water, we pour a layer of expanded clay. When growing brugmansia, they use ordinary soil for tub plants. The further development of the plant is very favorably affected by the addition of some part of the clay granulate to the soil, which preserves moisture and nutrients. If in doubt, enrich the substrate with clay granulate or expanded clay at the rate of 10% of its total volume.

Brugmansia "Feuerwerk" (Brugmansia sanguinea) in a plastic tub imitating the texture of stone casting

Tip: In summer, brugmansia should be planted right in the garden. Thus, your flowering shrub will be more evenly supplied with water. However, before the first frosts, the plant that is sensitive to cold must be carefully dug up and planted in a tub, placing it in a frost-protected place for the winter. Digging up the roots every year does not harm the plant.

Perfect location

In the spring, brugmansia should be left in a slightly shady place for a while (3-4 days) so that it can get used to the intense sunlight. After that, our angel trumpets will be able to withstand even direct sunlight. A place protected from the wind, very bright, but shaded from the midday sun, in a garden or on a terrace is ideal. for a plant, for example, tree crowns or lace umbrellas are created.

Abundant watering

Brugmansia with its large, oval-elongated, slightly pubescent leaves consumes a lot of water. Therefore, in summer period it is necessary to water the plant at least once, and on hot days - even twice a day. Water until excess water comes out of the drain holes and onto the pan.

Fragrant brugmansia "Frosty Pink" (Brugmansia suaveolens). In nature in its homeland, in southeastern Brazil, it reaches up to 5 m in height

Generous feeding

Brugmansia, like almost all representatives of the Solanaceae family (Solanaceae, which include, for example, tomatoes and tobacco) is a strong consumer nutrients... And the key to their long and abundant flowering is regular and generous feeding. Therefore, already in the spring, during transplantation, long-acting fertilizer should be mixed into fresh soil for balcony or tub plants. In addition, during the period from May to August, feed your beauty once or twice a week with liquid fertilizer for flowering plants by adding it to the water for irrigation. And you can be completely calm, in the case of brugmansia, oversaturation with fertilizers is almost impossible! The experience of many amateur gardeners shows that good results can be achieved with conventional mineral fertilizers such as Blaukorn. In 10 liters of water for irrigation, dissolve two tablespoons with a top. At the end of August, any feeding should be stopped, which will stop the growth of the plant and contribute to the lignification of the shoots.

Garden bench framed profusely flowering shrubs brugmansii

Pruning: Pay attention to the shape of the leaves

In the period when brugmansia is in the open air, pruning is, in principle, not necessary for it, since the plant branches well and forms a sufficient number of flower shoots. In a winter apartment, our angel pipes, due to a lack of light, mainly shoot thin, unbranched shoots with small, pale green leaves. Such shoots should be shortened in spring, leaving only 1-2 asymmetrical leaves. The plant forms flowers over Y-shaped branches, the so-called "forks". The blooming zone can be identified by the base of the leaf: the symmetrical leaf indicates the growth zone, and the ledge at the base of the leaf indicates the beginning of the blooming zone. In the fall, brugmansia is cut so that it does not take up too much space in a winter apartment. Attention: cut the plant so that at least one asymmetrical leaf remains on one flower shoot. Pruning the shoots, leaving only symmetrical leaves, will delay flowering into the next season.

Tip: after pruning, in the fall, do not move the plant directly to the wintering room. Leave the cut brugmansia for a few days on a warm terrace to dry the fresh cuts.

Flowering areas of the shoots have asymmetrical leaves (leaf on the left). In an area with symmetrical leaves, that is, leaves correct shape(leaf on the right) no flowers are formed. When pruning a plant, do not leave only symmetrical leaves.

Frequent diseases and pests

Brugmansia is almost not susceptible to diseases, but it can be affected by various, for example, a weevil. Bugs can be very easily recognized by their characteristic, semicircular, eaten away areas along the edges of the foliage. Snails also love to feast on soft, fleshy leaves. In addition, brugmansia is often affected by spider mites. As a rule, plants that are all year round in poorly ventilated areas.


Brugmansia is left to winter in a bright, cool (about 10-15 ° C) room. It could be winter Garden... Under such conditions, the plant completely retains its leaves and continues to bloom for some time - which is not given to everyone due to the flowers that have an intense aroma. Some gardeners put brugmansia for the winter in dark place... In any case, the air temperature should be, if possible, stable at about 5 ° C. In such conditions, the plant sheds almost all of its leaves, but in spring it recovers very quickly. In a dark, cold room, brugmansia is watered in such a way that the roots do not dry out. If the plant hibernates in a bright room, then it should be watered more and more often checked for pest infestation.

Several amazing brugmansia varieties from the private garden of Monika Gottschalk, Germany

Abundantly blooming Brugmansia x cubensi s "Edna" with bell-shaped, drooping, double flowers average size(27 - 29cm), painted in a delicate white-pink color. Charming brugmansia x cubensis "Fandango" strikes with bell-shaped white flowers with a peach bloom. To renew profuse flowering, brugancia should be in partial shade, protected from the winds.
Brugmansia snow-white (Brugmansia x candida) "Marie Stöppler" with large (30 - 33 cm), drooping, double flowers in the form of a bell of pale pink color. Brugmansia snow-white "Brugmansia x candida" "Diebsteinperle" with terry, drooping bells (30 - 33 cm) of a peculiar shape. A profusely blooming hybrid.

Large (30 - 33cm), very beautiful drooping flowers with a wide corolla at Brugmansia x candida "Luise". Flower color - cream with apricot bloom.

Translation: Lesya Vasko
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Planting, care and wintering of brugmansia. Brugmansia: description of the flower, varieties and types of brugmansia, basic flower care Description of brugmansia: Looking at these photos, many will think that this is a dope (having a more euphonious name - datura), and renamed into brugmansia, as it were for beauty. Not at all, and in order to dispel this rather common misconception, let's first see how these really very similar plants differ. brugmansia description of the variety Firstly, in brugmansia flowers are always directed downward like a funnel (hanging), and in dope - up and to the sides. Secondly, brugmansia is a lignified herbaceous perennial, and dope is a herbaceous annual. The seeds and leaves are also different, but the most important thing in brugmansia is its beautiful harmonious appearance with a very impressive size: beautiful leaves up to 30 cm long and, of course, extraordinary flowers, very large (up to 25 cm) and fragrant. Our tourists in Western Europe, the Mediterranean and in South America... For its resemblance to a famous musical instrument and unearthly beauty, it is also called angelic trumpets there. Varieties and types of Brugmansia: The genus Brugmansia from the Solanaceae family includes 5 (sometimes 6) original natural species shrubs or small, up to 5 m tall, trees (B.aurea, B.suaveolens, B. versicolor, as well as B.sanguinea, B.vulcanicola and B.arborea). They are remarkable for their huge drooping, tubular-bell-shaped fragrant flowers with all shades of white, yellow, orange, bright pink. There are also varieties of brugmansia with double flowers. brugmansia variety description In nature, brugmansia are common in tropical and subtropical America, where they grow in a humid forest climate along river banks, in the foothills and hilly terrain at an altitude of 250 to 10OO m.In culture, brugmansia has hundreds of varieties (there are even variegated leaves - for example , B. suaveolens Variegata, Apricot Queen, Wow Verde). However, in Russia their number can be counted on one hand. There are many reasons for this, but the main one lies in the well-established opinion about some mythical difficulties in growing this exotic, but, fortunately, very unpretentious plant. These difficulties are greatly exaggerated. Judge for yourself. Brugmansia description of the variety Brugmansia in the middle lane is a tub plant, i.e. summer should be spent outdoors, and winter - in a cool and bright room at a temperature of + 8-12 degrees, (at least +5 degrees). For the plant, the lower limit of this temperature range is preferable, because illumination in winter, as a rule, is not enough and therefore it is necessary to slow down the growing season by all means - reduce the temperature as much as possible and limit watering. Winter storage of brugmansia (more precisely, finding a room for it) is perhaps the only difficulty, but who said that covering thorny roses is easier? It can be a staircase, and an entrance, and a loggia, and a veranda, and a greenhouse or a heated greenhouse, and an attic, and a basement. brugmansia variety description Finally, keep brugmansia at home - blooming and evening fragrance until the New Year is guaranteed to you. Some argue that it can be stored in a dark cellar by reducing watering almost completely. Such an attempt can be made only in a very dry cellar - the stems are still herbaceous and, if they are rotted during storage, the plant will most likely die. In summer, brugmansia is best placed in a sunny, but no midday heat, protected from drafts - it needs good lighting, prefers direct sunlight or partial shade. In the shade, foliage grows more abundantly than in the sun, to the detriment of flowering. The soil should be well-drained, constantly moist and by no means acidic. Flowers in hot weather last one day, in cloudy and cool - up to two days or longer. The aroma of brugmansia intensifies in the evening and spreads throughout the garden. When the necessary conditions are created, flowering in waves continues almost until December, and in the open field - until October. The most lightweight, in my opinion, way of keeping brugmansia is as follows: wait for the first light autumn frost, which will destroy only the leaves, immediately dig up the plant and, if necessary, cut it off. You need to trim it carefully so as not to damage the flowering zone (or generative), which can be easily identified by the base of the leaf. brugmansia The symmetrical base indicates the growth zone and the ledge at the base of the leaf indicates the flowering zone. If the generative zone is not removed, then the flowers in the next season will appear in June. After that, the root ball must be placed in a suitable container, or you can simply wrap it in plastic wrap, pulling its ends at the butt with tape or rope, and immediately bring the plant into the room. To make it easier to drag this bulky structure, fill the voids between the roots with soil and compact it at the place of winter storage. The frost-beaten leaves will dry out and fall off, the whitefly will have nothing to do, new leaves will grow up somewhere by January-February, and then spring is just around the corner. brugmansia In the spring we plant brugmansia directly into the ground when the threat of frost has passed. When planting, it should be borne in mind: the poorer the soil, the larger the hole should be. In the poor sandy soil, one of my brugmansia grew up to 3 meters when it was planted in compost prepared in a former limestone pit of impressive size. If brugmansia is constantly kept in a container, it needs to be transplanted annually into a larger volume, with fresh, humus-rich soil. Monika Gottschalk (Germany) is simpler. The grown brugmansia is planted in a suitable plastic bucket, in the walls of which holes with a diameter of 3 cm are drilled (even smaller). brugmansia In the summer, this bucket is placed in a spacious tub or in the ground. The roots grow through the holes unhindered into the fresh soil. In the fall, he takes out the bucket, cuts off the protruding roots and puts the plant in a suitable container (you can just put it in a plastic bag). So that the soil with roots in the holes does not dry out, the voids along the walls should be covered with a moisture-absorbing substrate. Evgeny Bredikhin (Russia) places only the lower part of the plant in the bucket. After planting in the ground, the upper roots actively develop the most fertile upper layer soil. In the fall, extra roots are also cut off, stored in the same way. Brugmansia is a very moisture-loving plant that accumulates water in its slightly lignified trunks and branches. Therefore, from spring to autumn, she needs abundant and regular watering and frequent spraying with an air humidity of less than 60-75%. brugmansiya For irrigation brugmansiya it is recommended to use hard water or once a season to spill the near-trunk circle with milk of lime (1 g of slaked lime per 1 liter of water). In winter, watering is reduced, maintaining the soil in a slightly moist state and constantly controlling the turgor of leaves and green stems, preventing them from critical dehydration.

This wonderful flower won my respect as soon as I saw it from my neighbor. In February, it bloomed on her veranda in a large pot. Bloomed profusely, with large fragrant flowers. At that time, nothing in my room bloomed in winter - I really wanted to have the same plant. A neighbor gave three cuttings. Very quickly they put down powerful, even I would say, mighty roots. I planted them first in large disposable glasses, gave one to a good friend who loves unusual flowers, one disappeared (now I know why). The one that remained was planted in June (it's late) in a large container pot, which I put in the sun. In that year, flowering waited for autumn and a weak one - only a few flowers. And all because I acted incorrectly. Now I know the secrets of growing brugmansii, my cuttings no longer die. And each of them in the very first year turns into a beautiful abundantly flowering tree. In this article we will consider all the nuances of growing brugmansii:

At home or on the street?
- why did my stalk disappear or diseases and pests;
-shade or sun;
-air temperature;
- reproduction brugmansii;
-winter content;

At home or on the street?

Brugmansia can be grown both at home and outdoors. If at home, then it is advisable to settle it in a large pot. Then it will be possible to water and fertilize less often. And the larger the pot, the more the plant turns out, the more flowers. The houses can be placed on the windowsill or not far from the window. Good brugmansia will feel like on the balcony. If you grow brugmansia on the street - then your beauty season with her is from April 15 to October 15. That is exactly six months. Six months in the garden - six months at home. On the street, it grows up to 5 meters, but this is not one year. To get such a significant specimen, you need to bring it in for the winter almost entirely, subjecting it to only a small pruning: remove large leaves and thin shoots.

Why did my stalk disappear or diseases and pests.

Diseases on brugmansii are rare. There are mainly three types of pests - whitefly, spider mite, green aphid. It was the spider mite that killed one of my first cuttings. brugmansii... I, so inexperienced, could not understand anything. Grew itself a cutting, grew. Gaining strength, growing leaves. And suddenly it began to deteriorate, the leaves seemed to wither, shrink, fall off. Then it grows back, comes to life. And spoils again. And it grows again. This several times. One disappeared, and the other survived. If you suspect that a spider mite has attacked your plant, take a closer look, look under the leaves - if this is really the case, you will find a thin cobweb.
Also on brugmansia the green aphid and whitefly attack (little white dots on the back of the leaf). If you touch the plant, disturb it a little - they will fly up. For prevention, you can wash the flower once or twice during the winter with warm water and soap. Lather a washcloth well, apply the foam to the leaves and trunk (but so that the soap does not get on the ground), wait fifteen minutes, then rinse gently. In the same way, you can deal with existing pests. Although modern drugs (fitoverm, actellik) allow you to overcome them faster (you can also use it as a prophylaxis).

Top dressing.

Can be fed with any fertilizer for flowering, then flowering brugmansii will be even grander. When growing in a pot, you cannot do without feeding, but when planting in open ground, you can not feed. There are enough nutrients, but if you take the time brugmansia He will certainly thank you. In the spring, nitrogen can be added to quickly build up the green mass. Later, potassium and phosphorus for good flowering.In the period of active development, you can apply top dressing with each watering, only 2 times less than the norm.


Vodicka brugmansia loves. Moreover, the sunnier the growing place, the more it will ask to drink. Pot with brugmansia for the summer, you need to put it in a large tray and add water more often there. And in the garden it is worth digging a round depression first, as is done under the trees, and then planting a cutting inside it. In the very heat, it will be easy for you to drink this waterbridge, the water will not spread, but will fall right under the root. brugmansia at the dacha, where they visit only once a week. It is possible! But you need to observe 3 rules: plant in open ground, in partial shade, in a depression. Also brugmansia loves a shower.

Shade or sun?

In the sun brugmansia exhibit is not worth it. Just "swing" to water. The place should be light, but preferably without direct sunlight. A meter or two from big tree will be just right. The lacy foliage will cover our flower on a sultry afternoon.

Air temperature.

What's her favorite temperature? According to my observations, it is 15 degrees. She feels good even at 10 degrees. In the soil, with a well-developed root system during the season, brugmansia will withstand zero. But I do not risk it if at night, according to the forecast +5, I bring it home. Now consider summer heat... We, in Zaporozhye, have temperatures up to forty degrees Celsius, and we have to water more often. It is also desirable to spray, but, honestly speaking, my hands do not reach this point. Therefore, into the very scorching heat in my garden brugmansia blooms less abundantly or takes a break. Winter warmth. In very warm and dry air brugmansia will lose leaves. A spider mite may start. In winter, it is better to withstand a temperature of 18-20 degrees. It will be useful for us, people too.


Breeds brugmansia predominantly stem cuttings; very lightly thick ripened parts of the stem; slightly more difficult - unripe. It takes root easily and quickly. Then we plant it in pots or soil.

With the onset of cold weather, that is, when the night temperature drops below +5 degrees, brugmansia we bring it into the room for the winter. We keep at a temperature of 10 to 22 degrees, like, in fact, that brugmansia, which was at home before. Depending on your goals, you can either save the whole tree or just the stalk. If you need to start the flower season as soon as possible next year, you can save brugmansia in the same form in which she grew up on the street. Just dig up and transplant into a container. Tear off the huge leaves, leaving only small ones. They will still fall off, since the root system will be damaged and there is not enough moisture for them. It's okay, they will grow back very quickly. In addition, many deliberately pick off the leaves and make preventive treatment fungicides (this simplifies processing) .It is sometimes recommended to preserve brugmansia in the basement. This method is unreliable. Basements are different for everyone, maybe it will work out, but you shouldn't risk it if you have a single copy. In the basement, she does not have enough light. Method for the lazy: Dig up and put in a bag, then into a bucket or large pot. Directly into the bag and pour. In the spring, there will be no need to dig out - just remove the bag and insert it into the same hole. If there is nowhere to put everything big plant, cut off three pieces good cuttings, root and store them on the windowsill.


Indoor plants may also bloom in winter. In garden dwellers, who are only slightly cut off and brought in for the winter almost entirely, flowering will begin in May and will last until the end of September. In annual cuttings, flowering will begin at the end of June and will also last until September-October. It is believed that brugmansia will bloom only after making a "fork" - bifurcated, "y" -shaped stem. Apical cuttings bloom with lightning speed.

Already at first glance, a plant with large foliage and drooping, bizarre, fragrant flowers-bells will fall in love and amaze the imagination. This is brugmansia, planting and care in the open field, which requires attention and time, but all the work will definitely pay off.

Perennial exotic culture, called "angel pipes" for the shape of flowers, in nature looks like a large evergreen shrub or tree. In Russia, because of the frosty winters, which are destructive for the plant, the cultivation of brugmansia in the open field is possible only in the warm season. Leaves begin to fall off even at 5–7 ° C. When the temperature approaches zero and below, the ground part is seriously affected and often dies off. Therefore, from autumn to spring ornamental plant forced to be indoors.

How to grow a brugmansia tree and care for this beautiful South American rainforest dweller?

Planting and caring for brugmansia

Whether it is a seedling or an adult brugmansia, a plant that is about to get to a flower bed in spring has previously been in a state of relative dormancy.

With the arrival of heat, the vegetation processes are activated in the decorative perennial. This means that the brugmansia tree can be prepared for planting in the garden:

  1. If the plant was in a heated room in winter, it needs to be hardened. To do this, brugmansia is gradually taught to fresh air, extending the "procedure" day after day.
  2. When the wintering of brugmansia is organized in a cool basement or other room at a temperature of about +8 ° C, the plant must be taken out into the light, where its development will quickly resume.

Brugmansia is a fast-growing one, therefore, already from April, while the tree is in the tub, they begin to feed it with a mixture with a predominance of nitrogen. This stimulates the growth of new shoots and foliage.

And when to plant brugmansia in open ground? This can be done only when the danger of recurrent cold weather has completely passed. V middle lane For Russia, this time does not come until mid-May or June.

There are two options for planting brugmansia to choose from a summer resident:

  • into open ground, in order to remove the plant again in the fall and mark it in a tub together with an earthen clod;
  • in a large container so that the tree grows like a tub culture.

Both methods have their advantages and weak sides... From the ground large plant difficult to remove without damaging root system and drooping shoots with flowers. And in a tub, brugmansia needs more frequent watering and frequent feeding. In addition, the roots of a flowering tree are growing, and it will soon need to be transplanted into a container even more.

The choice of the most undersized varieties... They are as beautiful as trees up to 3 meters high, but are more compact and require less pruning.

To care for brugmansia after planting in open ground was easy and effective, a sunny area with good protection from the wind is looked for for the plant. This will help create the most suitable microclimate for the tropical guest and provide her with the conditions for constant flowering.

The selection of a suitable soil is equally important. For the growth and formation of many large flowers, the plant requires a nutritious substrate that includes:

  • 1 part loam;
  • 2 parts of low-lying peat;
  • 1 part well-rotted and cleaned of coarse inclusions of humus.

Before planting in a pot, the soil mixture should be disinfected by calcining in the oven or spilling with a thick pink solution of potassium permanganate. It should be borne in mind that brugmansia will require a voluminous pot of 10-30 liters, depending on the size of the root system.

If you have to take care of brugmansia in the open field, before planting, as in the photo, the soil selected from the pit is also enriched with humus and peat is added as a baking powder, and if necessary, then sand.

Caring for brugmansia after planting in open ground

The main conditions for the beauty and long flowering of brugmansia are:

  • availability of food for a powerful fast-growing plant;
  • abundance of water;
  • warm weather, in which temperatures prevail above +23 ° C;
  • lack of gusty cold wind;
  • protection against diseases and pests.

If nothing interferes with the cultivation of brugmansia, caring for it consists in regular abundant watering and feeding.

The rainforest plant reacts sharply to the dryness of the soil and air, therefore, in hot weather, brugmansia can be watered several times a day. But the tree should be sprayed carefully, otherwise the water will damage the appearance of the magnificent flowers.

In cloudy and rainy weather, the irrigation schedule is adjusted so as not to cause foliage and flower rudiments to fall off. Brugmansia in a pot brought out to the garden may suffer from overheating of the soil. To prevent this from happening, it is better to dig in the container or use tubs of porous clay that are not dark in color.

When the plant has grown a crown, it should be nudged to bloom. Top dressing with a high content of phosphorus and potassium will help to do this. However, one should not forget about nitrogen and trace elements. They will support growth and provide vibrant greenery and bell flowers. Top dressing is carried out regularly, from the moment of planting in open ground and until September, alternating between mineral mixtures and organic matter.

The signal by which the florist will determine the need for fertilizers in the brugmansia tree will be:

  • reduction in the size of sheet plates;
  • yellowness or pallor of the leaves;
  • fewer buds than before.

Like all plants of the Solanaceae family, oblong fruits are formed in place of the wilting flowers of the brugmansia. If they are not removed, the ovaries will take a lot of strength, the tree will dramatically slow down the rate of bud formation.

Wintering brugmansia

Low temperatures are dangerous for thermophilic brugmansia, therefore, without waiting for frost, it is removed from the ground and transferred to the room. Wintering of brugmansia takes place:

  • at an air temperature of 5–8 ° C in a dark, even basement room;
  • in a room with air warmed up to 10 ° C, but with lighting and watering.

In the first case, the plant must be prepared for a change in habitat conditions, gradually reducing the intensity of watering.

Until the second decade of March, that is, before planting and caring for brugmansia in the open field, the plant is cut off. Such an operation will make the crown more compact, and will provide splendor and duration to the flowering taking place on young shoots.

Brugmansiya inherited the "habits" of the garden nightshade well-known to summer residents: peppers and eggplants. It does not bud until branching appears on the stem.

Therefore, during pruning, such "forks", as well as small side shoots in the upper part of the crown must be left. Damaged or excessively elongated branches are subject to removal or shortening. If the brugmansia on the site is grown from a stem cutting without an upper point of growth, such a plant can be cut off a year after the first flowering, that is, at the age of 2–4 years.

Reproduction of brugmansia and care of young plants

Brugmansia propagates by seeds and vegetative methods, more often by cuttings. Self-obtaining seeds does not guarantee the preservation of the characteristics of the parent plant.

But such seed is easy to hatch and sprout within 7-10 days after planting. The older the seeds are, the longer it will take to germinate.

Sowing in light nutrient soil is carried out from January. Until shoots appear above the soil, the container is kept in a greenhouse at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. At the time of mass germination, the plants are provided with illumination and high humidity air. The soil is regularly moistened, preventing it from drying out.

Brugmansia seedlings can be dived at the stage of 4 true leaves. Plants are not afraid of deepening and form adventitious roots well, quickly braiding the volume of soil "entrusted" to them. When this happens, the seedling is transferred to the pot. bigger size... First, nitrogen and then complex fertilizing help to stimulate and maintain growth.

Cutting is the easiest and most common way to propagate brugmansia when caring for it in the house and in the open field. Fully or semi-lignified shoots with 2-3 internodes 15 to 20 cm long are suitable for rooting. planting material it is possible from spring, when pruning is carried out, until autumn itself.

For the early emergence of roots, cuttings with removed leaf plates are treated with a stimulating composition, and then dripped into a light sand-peat mixture or dipped into water. In a greenhouse, rooting can take up to three months, then the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots. The seedlings can be transferred to a permanent place when the dormant buds in the sinuses wake up and grow. When caring for brugmansia after planting in open ground, it should be borne in mind that young specimens react sharper than adults to changes in temperature and humidity, and are also more often attacked by pests.

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