How to properly grow orchids. Transplanting the orchid into a new glass pot, tips from experienced Orchid in a tall glass vase

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

Orchids are famous for a huge variety of shapes and colors of exquisite flowers, conquering the hearts of not only plant lovers, but even people who are indifferent to flowers.
What ?! Everyone knows that these are the most extraordinary, many-sided and beautiful representatives of the Kingdom of Flora.

The orchid is rightfully considered the best flower gift lady for any holiday. Therefore, many women receive an exotic orchid in a bouquet or a pot with a blooming orchid on March 8 or for their birthday.

Immediately I want to warn everyone who could not resist the charm of orchid flowers and bought this plant, or by coincidence accidentally became the owner of an orchid - be patient. Or get rid of this plant right away if you don't want constant worries.

Among the great variety of cultivated orchid species on sale, it is most often found with butterfly-like flowers of various colors. It is this relatively unpretentious and widespread orchid that is the most preferred gift.

Choosing pots for phalaenopsis

You've probably noticed that phalaenopsis are often sold planted in a transparent planter. This is due to the fact that in nature this orchid lives on trees, and the roots of phalaenopsis hang freely and attach to the bark of woody plants.
If possible, this point should be taken into account by placing the pot with the orchid in the house as high as possible (although many flower growers have orchids growing and blooming successfully on the windowsill).

If you don't find a transparent container for transplanting phalaenopsis, it's okay. An ordinary planting pot in the form of an elongated flowerpot is quite suitable, but always with good holes for ventilation of the root system.
Remember that the orchid, although it loves moisture, is not a water lily - it does not tolerate stagnant water. That's why .

There is no drainage in the orchid pot, because the rough orchid substrate in this case itself performs the function of drainage.

Orchid substrate

Problems with growing orchids

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Often, plants in this form are cultivated in Asian countries, where they are already sold in this form. It is important to understand that the narrow glass container in which it is sold cannot be used for a long time, since the plant in this form will not last long. The glass container usually contains no adult plant and seedlings.

ATTENTION: The most common for this type of keeping is the Wanda orchid. Phalaenopsis can also be grown.

But we will talk specifically about the Wanda orchid.

Vanda orchid has a strong root system... The root can be up to 2 meters long. The roots are thickened, grayish-green in color and covered with a thick layer of velamen. The stem of this flower at home stretches up to 1 meter in length, and in nature up to 3 meters.

The leaves of the flower are large and not closely spaced and two-row. They are leathery and fleshy and bright green. The flowers of the plant can have a color:

  • snow-white;
  • cream;
  • lemon yellow;
  • Orange;
  • cherry red;
  • light pink;
  • rich crimson;
  • purple;
  • violet blue.

Capacity requirements

Before you grow a plant, you need to choose the right container in which you "put" the flower. This is one of the most important procedures, since due to improperly selected capacity, the plant may die.

The form

The most suitable is the one with a narrow top and, on the contrary, wide at the bottom. They resemble a glass by their shape.

Avoid using tall cylindrical containers, despite their attractiveness.... In such containers, the leaves are often bent and broken, from which the orchid may die. Do not forget that only the roots of the plant are in the container, while the leaves are located on top.

Glass containers provide roots big amount Sveta. However, their main advantage is their decorative properties... However, the use of such containers requires great experience in the care of orchids. All due to the fact that there are simply no drainage holes in the glass container. Therefore, it is quite easy to get an excess of moisture for the roots, which they do not like very much. This leads to their decay and death of the flower.

IMPORTANT: Also, in such a container, the plant will not receive a sufficient amount of air, and from this, algae will appear on its walls.

If you still decide to use a glass container, then you must take care of a large number drainage and the correct substrate. And it's easier to put a plastic pot with a plant in a glass container of your choice..

But there are also disadvantages of growing an orchid in a glass vessel.:

  • Excess moisture is possible.
  • Small amount of air for the flower.
  • Additional drain holes cannot be made.
  • It is difficult to choose the right shape so as not to harm the flower.


  1. Beautiful vases.
  2. Flasks.
  3. (read about which pot is better to choose - transparent or not).
  4. Glasses (for small orchids).
  5. Glass mugs.

Special Requirements

If you want to grow your flower in a glass pot, then you must:

  1. Choose a healthy plant.
  2. Take care of good drainage in the pot.
  3. Find a good substrate.
  4. Strictly control watering.

The glass flask is far from the best way for growing orchids. They have a narrow cylindrical shape because of this, the leaves of the growing flower bend and break. And the flower dies. Same way in a tall flask, moisture will not go well and a sufficient amount of air will not flow, and this is a direct path to fungal diseases and root decay. Therefore, you should not choose glass flasks for your pet.

ADVICE: As for vases, the best option is a glass-shaped vase, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. When planting in a vase, be sure to remember that there are roots in the vase, and the plant itself is outside.

Watch a video about planting an orchid in a glass planter:

Care features

A flower in such conditions requires thorough care.:

  1. Observe the rules for watering. Submerge root system in warm water for 20-30 minutes. Protect leaves and root collars from prolonged contact with water. The substrate should dry out in 2 days. The best option watering - spraying. In winter, water once a day.
  2. Feed at the stage of active growth. Add top dressing to the water for irrigation. Better to use mineral fertilizers.
  3. Timely fight against diseases and pests.

Possible problems and difficulties

  1. Rotting roots due to improper watering.
  2. The appearance of insects in a container with a flower.
  3. Green bloom on the walls of the container.

Where can you buy?

You can buy glass containers for orchids at any specialty store.... The seller will help you choose the best option. You can also order containers via the Internet. The cost on the Internet is from 190 rubles, and in stores - from 140 rubles.

If you want to have unusual decoration in your home, then definitely choose an orchid in a glass container. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the requirements of the plant and then you will succeed.

Orchid in glass vase, flask or pot is a great addition to the interior and its decoration, which will be appropriate both at home and in the office setting. In addition, this item is often chosen as a gift.

General form

A glass container looks quite aesthetically pleasing, transmits light, and a plant placed in such a container looks very nice and original.

Glass vases, pots and flasks for flowers come in the most shapes and colors: tall and elongated, widening downward, rounded, cup-shaped and cup-shaped, from completely transparent to slightly darkening of color: light blue, light green or light yellow. This variety allows you to choose the most suitable type of container for a particular plant.

As for the flower itself, it can be of all kinds of colors: from bright white, milk and cream to rich purple, red, pink and blue.


We present to your attention a photo of orchids in glass containers.

The importance of container selection

Often, orchids are sold in beautiful tall transparent glass vases, but they are good only for a short period of time - after purchase, the plant should be transplanted into a vessel of a more suitable type: tall and narrow at the top and rather widened at the bottom. Also it is worth making sure that the glass vase is not too narrow, in order to avoid breaking off the leaves.

Can you plant and how to grow?

An orchid can be planted in glass, while observing a few simple rules: it is worth choosing a plant suitable for planting (it must be healthy), a glass container correct shape, and good soil... After that, all that remains is to carefully control the watering.

Orchids are among the most suitable plants for growing them in glass, especially if the room is not too high humidity air.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main positive aspects of using this type of container is, first of all, its decorative function, which serves as a real decoration of this beautiful plant. Besides, glass perfectly transmits light, which is also important.


  • a wide assortment presented in stores allows you to choose a container for every taste and plant size;
  • due to its weight compared to plastic pots, glass is quite stable;
  • the absence of pallets allows you to easily and quickly rearrange the plant;
  • in addition to light, the flower will receive a lot of air.

The main disadvantage of glass vases, a pot and other things is the inability to make additional holes at the bottom for drainage purposes. Accordingly, excessive moisture may appear. If the vessel is too narrow and tall, the plant will receive enough light, but not enough air., which will negatively affect its growth.

Types of containers: vases, pots, flasks

Currently presented great amount all kinds of options for such items, however, the most common and widely used ones can be distinguished:

  • vases of various shapes and heights, including square and spherical;
  • pots;
  • glass flasks;
  • models in the form of small glasses, bowls and glasses.

Such glass containers look very stylish and impressive... They can easily complement any interior and become a highlight of the room.

Features of the choice of packaging

  • For tall plants, it is important to choose a vase according to the growth of the orchid, making sure that its leaves feel more or less free, and the bottom of the vessel is rather, but not excessively wide. It is imperative to arrange ventilation so that there is no stagnation of air.
  • Orchid pots should be medium in size.
  • As in the case of a vase, the flasks should be chosen according to the growth of the plant, and due to the rather narrow shape, plants with weak roots can be planted in it. Ventilation is also necessary.
  • Suitable for miniature, small orchids different types"Glasses" and "glasses".

The type of plant is also important. So, the most suitable for planting in glass are phalaenopsis and wanda... Repotting is best after flowering.

The choice of vessel volume depends on the size of the roots, and the height depends on the growth of the plant. It is possible to plant several orchids in one container in case of sufficient volume and size of the vessel.

It is best to choose such a container option so that the roots of the plant are inside, not too loose, and the leaves and flowers are outside. So it will be more convenient for the flower itself, and it is easy for a person to take care of it.

Step-by-step instruction


Introducing step by step instructions how to plant an orchid in a glass vase, pot or other container. Before the planting procedure, it is necessary to process the container by pouring boiling water over it and thereby disinfecting.

  1. Put a thick layer of gravel on the bottom: expanded clay, small tiled fragments, pebbles, crushed stone, and so on - your choice. This will be the drainage. You can add a layer of sphagnum moss on top.
  2. Then add a good substrate to fill the entire space.
  3. Defend the water, slightly heat it to a warm state and pour it over the contents of a vase, pot or flask.
  4. After half an hour, pour out the water and plant in the ground. Cover the bark surface with a thin layer of moist moss, making sure that the root collar is not filled with it.

We offer you to watch a video about planting an orchid in glass:


The main rule of care in this case will be correct watering, in which the roots should be immersed in pre-settled warm water for half an hour. Protect the flower and leaves from such water procedures.

The orchid can be sprayed. This is the best way to water it. The spraying frequency depends on the humidity in the room. So, for example, in winter time years, when the air is dry, this procedure can be carried out once a day.

No less it is important to feed and feed the plant as it grows by adding mineral fertilizers to the water for irrigation.

If the roots have dried out for some reason, and this problem often occurs with purchased orchids in glass pots, they should be kept in settled warm water for 10-15 minutes once a day, repeating the procedure daily until the dryness is eliminated.

The water level is clearly visible in glassware, therefore, it is not difficult to monitor the degree of humidity, but it is important to remember that the soil dries out from above much faster than inside, especially when it comes to glass containers.

We offer you to watch a video on how to properly water orchids in glass:

Possible growing difficulties

The main difficulty in this matter is associated with watering: overflowing will contribute to decay, and underwatering - dryness of the roots. But still, it is much easier to deal with dried roots, therefore it is recommended not to flood the orchid in any case.

The second common problem is inherent in many plants grown both at home and on the street - this is the appearance of any bugs, spiders and other living creatures. This is not uncommon in glass vases, but it will not be difficult to remove pests.

Well, the third feature is that often a small plaque appears on the walls of beautiful glassware, therefore the container must be thoroughly rinsed from time to time.

Where to buy suitable cookware

A huge assortment of glass vases, pots, flasks and cups for planting and growing flowers can be found in the Ikea network in all cities where this company is represented. Price from 90 rubles for a small pot.

Glass containers for flowers of a slightly higher price category can also be found in Zara Home stores. Here the minimum price is about 2,000 rubles for a medium-sized vase.

Specialty shops also have a variety of beautiful glassware for flowers. and plants. Prices start at 150 rubles.

In addition, there is always the opportunity to purchase the item you like online at flower shops... The cost starts from 200-300 rubles for a small glass glass and from 700-800 rubles for a tall vase.

An exotic orchid flower, enclosed in an elegant glass vase or pot, will become a real decoration at home, and although this plant requires constant care and some experience in growing flowers, it is not at all difficult to provide it with all the conditions for favorable growth and flowering.

Often in flower shops there are vandas of huge sizes, with a lush beard of roots and bright, large flowers behind the glass of a tall vase.

plants in this form have their own subtleties, advantages and disadvantages, which you need to know and take into account.

Otherwise, unknowingly, an inexperienced florist can make a number of mistakes, the consequences of which will contribute to the gradual depletion of the plant and its death. Below we will tell you how to grow in clear vases.

Although it looks very elegant in this form, such content is suitable for him very conditionally... The reason is that in the flask for transparent glass there should be only the roots of the plant, while the beard should be free to be in space.

Tall vases are not suitable for these purposes.- the plant should not be completely contained in the container, otherwise it suffers from stuffiness, there is also an increased risk of decay.

With such a cultivation, the orchid suffers from a lack of air.


As already mentioned, tall, elongated glass for wanda is not suitable, but wide, in the form of glasses are suitable. The size should be large enough for the roots to fit freely inside. The plant itself from the base of the rosette should be on the surface, flush with the edges of the vase, and not buried inward. You can fix it in this position with a wire.

Attention! You can grow vanda in plastic container... A large, cropped bottle will do. The use of plastic eliminates the disadvantages of glass - fragility and low thermal conductivity.

Features of the development and growth of a plant without land

Is monopodial, less often lithophyte, and she feels great with bare roots without soil... Usually it has a powerful system of airy, velamen-covered roots of gray-green color. In nature, it clings to them, holding on to the support.

It should be understood that wands are tropical plants and they live in a very humid climate, extracting moisture and nourishment with all parts of their bodies from precipitation and air.

V indoor conditions the plant should recreate similar conditions. And if about the humid microclimate necessary aerial roots, the flask will take care, then the florist the wanda will have a little more often than other orchids.

Basic principles of care

Even a novice florist will not be bothered with an orchid. It is enough to follow simple rules.


An orchid that grows in a vase is very simple. Neatly, along the wall, like a beer in a glass, pour water into the flask thus, so that all the roots plunge... After 30-45 minutes, the same drain the water gently.

Advice! Make sure no water remains in the vase.

So wands about 2 times a week in warm weather... If cloudy and cool - once a week. On especially hot summer days, watering can be done every other day or daily. The water should be warm, such a temperature that it was pleasant to the hands - about 30-36 ° С.

Watering orchids in a flowerpot (photo of the immersion method).

Use soft water, you can boiled or settled. Plants also respond well to bathing in the shower. need in the morning, so that by the evening the plant can dry out.

Be careful with glassware. The wet surface can slip off and the glass orchid pot will fall out of your hands, breaking.

Top dressing

Wandas are one of those orchids that are most whimsical to. During the period when the plant is gaining green mass and active vegetation feed the vanda once a week with liquid mineral fertilizers for orchids in half or quarter concentration from that indicated on the package or instructions.

Before you dip wanda roots in nutrient solution, they must be moistened with plain water. This must be done so as not to burn the delicate roots. Top dressing on the root can be alternated with top dressing on a leaf from a spray bottle.

Important! When the plant is at rest, fertilizing it is strongly discouraged.

Prevention of possible diseases

The best prevention is maintaining the hygiene of the plant and keeping it in acceptable conditions. Vandas are very light-loving orchids and the lack of light in winter without a dormant period is very depleting for the plant. As a result, fungal infections.

As a result of improper watering Wands often. In the event that the rot has spread to the trunk of the plant, it will no longer be possible to save it. Fungicides and antibiotics will help fight rot. Use insecticides against insects. Sometimes the roots of the vanda stick to the walls of the vase, so be careful when removing the plant from the container.

Improper care can lead to rotting of the leaves and the entire plant.

Influence of the temperature regime on the frequency of watering the plant

As noted above, it is necessary to water the vanda carefully in order to exclude decay:

  • at temperatures below 16-18 ° C, wanda slows down life processes, so you need to water about 1 time per week;
  • if the temperature is higher - up to 25-26 ° С, watered twice a week;
  • if the thermometer shows more than 26-28 ° С, in the heat you need to water every other day, or in small portions every day.

It will be useful for the wanda to be placed on the balcony in summer period when the night temperature is guaranteed not to drop below 15 ° C.

What if the root system is very weak?

You can help the plant grow a lush root system using the instructions root or its analogs.

Ventilation, aeration of the plant

Although wanda is native to the tropics, it prefers fresh air. That's why it is necessary to periodically ventilate the plant.

It is necessary to place it in a flask so that air can freely circulate and get inside.

The size of the container in which the wanda is contained must be large enough to the roots were freely placed inside.

Disinfection of the container

Unfortunately, over time, a glass vase from the inside is covered with a layer of algae or a layer of salt. That's why the flask will have to be washed constantly... You can disinfect with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The plant, of course, should be removed from the vase during this procedure.

Useful videos

Watch a video on caring for orchids in glass vases:

The following video demonstrates how watering orchids in glass is done:

The video below will tell you about planting an orchid in a glass pot:

Video tips for caring for vanda in glass:


There are actually a lot of ways to cultivate orchids, and growing in glass is just one method, not the only applicable... The plant will do well with fully exposed roots. There is already a choice behind the orchid grower. Take proper care and enjoyment of your orchids.

In contact with

Recently, you will no longer be surprised with an ordinary orchid in the house, so more and more lovers of these plants are experimenting with containers in which they grow. Mini-vases sealed with a lid, glass vases, flasks will become a stylish addition to your interior. The Vanda Orchid is most suitable for growing in a glass vase. She attracts the eye with large and bright flowers unusual shape... The most famous is "Vanda blue" with sky-blue flowers.

The growth of the orchid is influenced by the shape of the glass vessel. It is best to use vases that are wide at the bottom and tapered at the top. But often plants can be sold in low but wide vessels and vice versa, tall and narrow. In tall vases or cylinders, plant care must be especially careful for several reasons:

  • leaves are folded, which can damage them;
  • poor ventilation and excessive moisture can promote the development of fungi;

Features of caring for orchids in flasks and vases

If you decide to use just such containers, then you need to water the plant by removing it from the vessel, and then dry it and return it back. It is best when the roots of the orchid are inside the flask or vase, and the peduncles and leaves are outside. In this case, care is much easier to carry out. When Wanda is kept in the substrate, it must be sprayed systemic fungicide, this is due to the fact that the air in the glass vessel stagnates.

It should be emphasized that the frequency of watering (including a hot shower for orchids) Wanda directly depends on the temperature of the room: the lower it is, the less it needs to be watered and, of course, vice versa. Optimum humidity air 60%, therefore, if possible, you should install a humidifier with a timer. If the orchid is without a substrate, then watering is carried out by immersion in warm water, until the roots turn green.

In tall flasks or vases, as already mentioned, there is poor air ventilation, to be more precise, there is none at all. Therefore, the plant must be ventilated, and the vessels themselves must be disinfected with special solutions from fungi and infections.

Blooming Vanda orchid in a glass vase will accentuate or accentuate your interior. Therefore, you can grow orchids in flasks and orchids in vases.

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