Sewerage capacity iron pipe installation inside. We choose a reliable container for sewage according to the advice of professionals

The buildings 20.06.2020
The buildings

The problem of disposal of liquid household waste is faced by developers of private houses. Plastic sewer tanks can be installed by hand. They will serve long and reliably. The range is quite large. These can be ordinary storage tanks, simple septic tanks and autonomous waste-free wastewater treatment systems.

Types of plastic containers

Sewerage tanks are of the following types:

  • accumulative;
  • septic tanks;
  • local treatment facilities.

At first, many simply bury a storage tank in the ground to collect wastewater at home, which is periodically emptied with the help of a sewage truck. Recently, plastic containers for sewage have gained popularity.

Storage capacity is always needed. Even if the owner has built an autonomous treatment plant, additional tanks may be required for salvo discharges.

In the septic tank, liquid household waste is processed. It is made up of compartments. In the first of them, heavy particles are settled and fats float. It occupies 70% of the total volume of the septic tank. In the next compartment, biological decomposition and filtration of partially settled water takes place, and then it goes into the ground through a filtration field or

Local treatment facilities contain devices for biological wastewater treatment. It is necessary to distinguish between anaerobic and aerobic methods of decomposition of bacteria. In the first case, this occurs in the absence of oxygen. The action of most septic tanks is based on this method. Anaerobic bacteria feed on organic matter, which turns into sludge. It settles at the bottom of the tank, and then is collected and used as a quality soil fertilizer.

For the life of aerobic bacteria, oxygen is needed, which is pumped by a compressor from the air in the form of small bubbles. The process is active, and the degree of purification is high. The compressor requires electricity to operate.

Biological products are periodically introduced into plastic treatment containers, where microbes multiply and eat sewage. In this case, it is necessary to constantly mix the drains with air. Devices for aerobic decomposition are called aeration tanks. The process is carried out continuously, otherwise the microbes die within 3 months. Therefore, this technology is used in homes with permanent residence.

Wastewater treatment plants are calculated on the number of people living in the house. Their volume should not be less or more than the calculated one for efficient operation. But reserve capacity is always needed in case of an unexpected influx of guests or unforeseen accidents.

The sewer tank can be metal, reinforced concrete or brick. Plastic sewer tanks have the following advantages:

  • tightness;
  • ease of installation and installation;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • durability.

The disadvantage is a small strength. Therefore, care must be taken during transport and installation. Do not place the container on sharp stones that can push through the walls.

Choosing a plastic container

Their volume depends on many factors and is calculated in different ways. Consider the factors influencing the choice of such tanks.

1. Determining the volume of the storage tank

Plastic containers for sewage are selected based on the frequency of removals, the number of residents and the average water consumption per person. It is recommended to pump out waste no more than 2 times a month. With a daily intake of 150 liters for a family of 3 people. you will need a tank with a volume of 6.75 m 3. In this case, it is necessary to take into account various unforeseen situations, due to which the export may be delayed. They take about 30% of the estimated amount of wastewater. Then the final volume of the tank will be 9 m 3 .

If the manufacturer does not have such a tank, the nearest larger model should be selected. It should be purchased in advance to determine the size of the pit. The height of the technological hatch is about 100 cm. In some models, it can be hermetically extended to increase the depth of the tank in order to prevent the liquid from freezing in winter.

With a periodic visit, you can install plastic sewage tanks in a smaller dacha that can be pumped out at the end of the season. In order to save money, you can use plastic containers of 1-1.5 m 3 that were in use.

2. How to calculate the volume of a septic tank

The volume of the septic tank should be equal to the 3-day water consumption of all users. At a rate of 150 liters for a family of 3 people, the consumption will be 450 liters per day. Then for 3 days a volume of 1350 liters will be required. Estimated consumption is increased by 30% and then the nearest larger standard container is selected. As a result, the required volume of the septic tank will be 2 m 3.

The range of tank volumes is 1-150 m 3 .

3. Which plastic container to choose

Plastic sewage tanks are made in vertical and horizontal cylindrical, rectangular or spherical shapes. The material is plastic or fiberglass. The walls can be single-layer or double-layer.

Plastic tanks are supplied with accessories for determining the level of their filling. This is a float system with a light or sound alarm that notifies you of filling to a predetermined level.

The wall thickness of the barrel for sewerage must be at least 9 mm.

Septic tanks for wastewater treatment can be used as plastic storage tanks for sewage. In the summer, they work reliably for their intended purpose, and the water after cleaning can be used for watering the garden. In winter, the activity of bacteria that eat waste is reduced, and the effluent must be removed by a sewage machine.

Plastic containers for sewerage. Reviews

Objective assessments of plastic tanks are given by reviews of people who have installed them themselves and have also used them for many years.

For summer residents, it turned out to be sufficient to use storage tanks no more than 1 m 3. Even with permanent residence there in the summer, it is enough for the entire period. But on condition: if you connect the tank to the drain from the toilet, and pour the rest of the waste into the compost pit.

It is advisable to purchase a storage capacity for the volume of a sewage machine. Drains will completely fill the barrel, and they will have to be taken out less often.

Industrial plastic septic tanks cope with the work with constant use in a private house. Water is reliably purified and goes into the ground. Usually the owners call the cesspools for periodic once a year.

Autonomous sewerage based on plastic containers is an environmentally friendly and safe system. If you follow the instructions for use, it does its job. Domestic industrial sewage biological treatment plants are often purchased by homeowners and give positive feedback.

How to install plastic sewer tanks

  1. At a distance of about 5 m from the house and with the possibility of a convenient access for a sewage truck, a pit is dug, and a reinforced concrete foundation 20 cm thick is poured at its bottom. Fastening elements should be placed in it.
  2. It is discharged from the house in a trench 1 m deep with a slope of 3-5 mm / m for self-removal of drains. The gasket is made straight so that there are no blockages.
  3. Plastic containers for lowering on ropes or cables into the pit. The tank is installed on the foundation and fastened with anchor straps to a concrete screed so that it does not float further under the action of groundwater.
  4. Holes are cut out in the tank, and sewer and ventilation pipes are connected to it through rubber cuffs.
  5. Then it is wrapped with geotextile and covered with sand, which is periodically moistened and rammed. At the same time, water is poured inside to the level of backfill.


If you choose and install plastic sewer containers correctly, they will allow you to comfortably live in a private house with removal, with partial or complete processing of domestic wastewater. The devices are reliable and durable.

In some cases, the house cannot be connected to a centralized sewerage system, for example, if the cottage is located far from the city. In this case, experts advise using plastic storage tanks for sewage (photo below). Plastic tanks for sewerage are produced in compliance with strict requirements, because. designed to collect contaminated water and store it. Plastic containers for sewage are considered the best for these purposes.

Most of the storage systems for sewage and plastic containers are located underground. For this reason, special requirements are imposed on containers in terms of strength characteristics so that plastic sewer tanks can withstand the weight of the soil. Also, containers must be resistant to aggressive chemicals.

Compliance with all requirements will allow a storage tank made of plastic for sewage to serve in a country house or a suburban area for quite a long time. It is for this reason that plastic sewer tanks are considered the best in collecting polluted water from a private house.

The main purpose

Sewage tanks are used to collect polluted water from cottages and country houses. Also, plastic containers can be used as accumulative for storing chemical waste with their further disposal. Installation of the tank allows you to increase the volume of the central sewer system.

Reasons why it is necessary to use containers for sewage or septic tanks in a country house:

  1. Keeping the environment clean.
  2. Ease of operation of the storage system for sewerage and tanks in the country house.
  3. The ability to purify water from the sewer (applies to septic tanks) and bring it into the ground (see photo). The best specimens allow you to purify water from the sewer from suspensions and impurities up to 65%.
  4. Shallow occurrence of groundwater.
  5. A large number of springs in the suburban area.
  6. The location of underground streams close to the surface.

The latter reasons are an obstacle to the construction of a drain pit in the country, because. groundwater will periodically raise sewage to the surface.

Therefore, plastic containers for sewerage or septic tanks for sewerage are better suited. Tanks will be ideal for installation in the country. In addition, the best containers have increased strength and tightness.

The use of plastic containers for sewerage or septic tanks for sewerage allows you to equip a toilet in the country not on the street, but in the house. Tanks improve the performance of the entire sewerage system.

Using several sewer tanks or septic tanks in a country house allows you to create a complete and better sewer system for filtering sewage. Water purified in a septic tank for sewage with the participation of anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms is discharged into the ground (see photo below).

Allocate plastic and fiberglass storage tanks for sewers and septic tanks. Both options are the best and are durable, light weight compared to metal sewage tanks. Tanks are able to provide complete sealing, excluding the ingress of sewage from the sewer into the soil.

Periodically, such containers for sewage in a country house require cleaning using sewage trucks. The cost of the services of such companies is quite high, so it is economically beneficial to use storage tanks for sewerage in a house in a country house and suburban areas, where the volume of wastewater per day is not very large.

Plastic wells for sewerage are also produced (see photo), which, unlike metal ones, are characterized by a longer service life, are not subject to corrosion and the negative effects of soil and precipitation. Those. They are the best. True, the price for them is slightly higher.

There are several main types of wells for sewage:

  1. Viewing type (photo below). Tanks are used for revision purposes in the process of using sewerage.
  2. Swivel type (photo below). Tanks are used at the corners, at the junction of sewer pipes. They can serve as lookouts.
  3. Differential type (photo below). The tanks are designed for installation in summer cottages, where there is a difference in the depth of the soil, the intersection of communications and structures underground, too much slope. In the latter case, sewage wells of this type make it possible to slow down the flow rate of wastewater.
  4. Filter type (photo below). Tanks are used to treat sewage and sewage from sewers.
  5. Cumulative type (photo below). Tanks are used in country houses as an alternative to cesspools.

Plastic wells for sewerage and containers allow you to inspect and visually control the condition of pipes and the entire sewerage network. It is recommended to install special floats in them to monitor the excess of the permissible level of wastewater in the tank.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plastic storage tanks for sewage have a number of advantages:

  1. The tightness of the plastic tank for sewage, which allows to ensure the safety of the environment.
  2. Strength characteristics of the container. The plastic sewer tank is resistant to corrosion, caustic solutions, cracking, and leaks.
  3. High service life of a plastic tank for sewage. The manufacturer guarantees uninterrupted operation of plastic containers for at least 50 years.
  4. Ease of transportation and installation of plastic containers. Light weight allows you to transport and install storage tanks for sewers in a short time. The video below shows that even large containers can be easily transported on one machine.
  5. The installation of plastic containers for sewage in the country does not require the approval of the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  6. Installation of a plastic tank for sewage can be done on any type of soil.
  7. Relatively low price of a plastic sewer tank.
  8. Availability of sewer tanks made of plastic.

Among the disadvantages of plastic containers are:

  1. Relatively small volume of plastic containers. Therefore, the containers fill up very quickly. It is required to pump out sewage from the tank about once a year, if 2 people permanently live in the country house. For some, this moment is fundamental, because. The cost of sewerage pumping is quite high.
  2. Plastic containers require periodic cleaning.

Plastic septic tanks for private sewers have the following advantages:

  1. They do not require power supply, connection of additional pumping stations, filtering systems.
  2. The tightness of a plastic septic tank for sewerage, i.e. safety for the environment.
  3. The mechanical strength of the septic tank for sewerage, i.e. resistance to corrosion processes, the influence of solvents, cracking.
  4. In a septic tank for sewage, wastewater is treated with the help of anaerobic microorganisms, as a result of which a clean liquid is discharged into the ground. The best specimens are designed to purify water from sewerage from suspended particles and impurities up to 65%.
  5. The long service life of a septic tank for sewage is about 50 years.
  6. Convenience of transporting a septic tank for sewerage to the house to the summer cottage and assembly. The video below shows that even large containers can be easily transported on one machine.
  7. Due to the volume of the tank, they do not require such a frequency of pumping wastewater from the sewer, which significantly reduces the price of septic tank maintenance.

The disadvantages of septic tanks for sewerage are:

  1. Limited installation options - septic tanks cannot be mounted in the country on some types of soil - clays, loams, oily soils.
  2. The cost of a septic tank is slightly higher than that of storage tanks for sewage.
  3. For the installation and installation of a septic tank for sewerage in a country house, prior approval from the sanitary and epidemiological station is required, which increases the price of installation.
  4. Additional costs for installing a septic tank for sewerage and accessories - pouring concrete formwork, installing storage tank clamps for sewerage, etc.
  5. Septic tanks for sewerage require a large adjacent area for installation.

Tank sizes

Plastic is a fairly perfect material, which makes it possible to produce a wide range and size range of sewage containers. Manufacturers offer various options for color solutions, composition, strength characteristics, water resistance, resistance to sudden changes in temperature, etc. Some plastic containers are made for installation right in the house.

For example, the Anion company produces plastic septic tanks for sewers of the following size range.

Septic tank model and volume, l The code Tank height, mm Tank diameter, mm
Septic tank 1700 C1700 1700 1330
Septic tank 3000 S3000 1750 1820
Septic tank 4000 J4002 2125 1520
Septic tank 4000 J4001 2110 1510
Septic tank 5000 J5000 2340 1690

In a country house and suburban areas where about two people live permanently, it is recommended to use plastic storage tanks for sewage with a volume of no more than 1500 liters (see photo). Plastic containers have the following main characteristics:

  • container weight 60 kg,
  • tank width 1.32 m,
  • tank depth 1.62 m,
  • tank height 1.55 m,
  • container walls with a thickness of 9 - 11 mm.

It is recommended to operate storage tanks for sewerage at temperatures from -40 to +40 degrees. A plastic sewer tank of this volume needs to be cleaned about once every six months or a year and a half. It depends on the rate of accumulation of wastewater in the tank.

When living in a house for more than two people, it is recommended to use large storage tanks for sewage over 2000 liters or septic tanks. The video shows what size the containers are.

Plastic septic tanks for sewerage are produced in the form of tanks connected in series. In containers, sewage that has been treated with anaerobic microorganisms is poured.

Bacteria process dirty water, as a result of which the purified liquid is poured into an adjacent container, and the sludge settles. Further, the water passes into a perforated pipe and flows into the soil.

The level of water purification in a septic tank depends on the number of tanks and chambers connected in series, the performance of anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, and the sludge content. The best tank models have the ability to purify wastewater from various kinds of dirt up to 65%.

A 4000 liter septic tank needs to be desilted after about 1 to 2 years, which depends on the amount of wastewater and also affects the cost of maintenance.

According to the shape of the sewage tank, several types are produced:

  • Capacities of rounded vertical type (see photo).
  • Capacities of rounded horizontal type (see photo).
  • Square containers.
  • Rectangular containers.
  • Rounded at the top and tapering at the bottom for stability.

Criteria for the right choice

When choosing a container for sewage, the following points should be analyzed:

  1. Estimated volume of wastewater. The estimated daily amount according to the standard is 200 liters of water per person. At the same time, it should be taken into account that water consumption is three times the volume of the storage tank for sewage. Those. 200 liters must be multiplied by the number of people in the house and by three.
  2. Availability of additional components to ensure uninterrupted operation, for example, alarm floats. It is recommended to buy such sensors that will report a special signal when the plastic tank is full.
  3. The thickness of the walls of the container. Plastic storage tanks may have thin walls. Barrels for a private sewer system must be at least 9 mm thick.
  4. Analyze soil composition. Plastic septic tanks are not recommended to be installed on clay soils, because. they do not pass water well. For such important soils, it is better to use storage plastic containers. Plastic septic tanks on clays and loams can only be installed if a drainage system from a sand and gravel cushion is equipped around the drain pit.

Installation and installation

Installation of the storage tank is carried out in several main stages:

  1. An analysis of the area is being carried out for the location of the storage sewer system and capacity (see photo):
  • the access road to the house and the pumping place for the sewer truck should be well equipped,
  • the distance from the house to the private storage sewerage system is about 10 - 12 m,
  • the degree of freezing of the soil layer. Plastic capacity for sewerage is able to withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees. However, the liquid can freeze in it.
  1. Preparatory. You need to buy all the necessary materials. Then, a hole is excavated in the area next to the house, the dimensions of which exceed the plastic container by 30-40 cm from all sides (see photo). This gap is necessary to create a layer of sand and gravel. From the resulting recess, you must carefully remove all sharp objects - stone fragments, fragments of reinforcement, construction debris. Those. anything that can pierce plastic.
  2. A concrete mortar with a height of about 20 cm is poured at the bottom of the pit (see photo). This will be the basis of the future storage structure and will not allow the system to deform. It will also keep the sewer tank from spontaneous ascent due to its low weight.
  3. The storage tank is fixed to the concrete screed by means of special hooks and metal loops.
  4. If there is groundwater in the soil, it is recommended to sheathe the storage tank for sewage with geotextile, then with a layer of crushed stone and sand. This will create conditions when the water will wash the plastic tank, and not stagnate around it.
  5. The cover and supply pipes are fixed. The storage plastic tank is buried in the ground (see photo).
  6. To reduce the degree of soil pressure on the plastic sewer storage tank, you can line the pit with bricks. As a result, a gap of 30 cm is formed between the walls of the plastic tank and the brick. If it is not possible to fix the plastic container under the sewer on a concrete screed, then metal rails are fixed at the top of the pit, which limit its ascent (see photo).

Prices for sewerage tanks

The price of plastic containers for sewerage depends on the manufacturer, material, volume, size, number of storage sections and chambers in the system. Today, you can choose the best and buy any plastic storage tank that meets all the requirements for installation in a particular area - with any type of soil, with any volume, etc.

tank manufacturer tank material Tank volume, l Tank overall dimensions, mm Number of departments price, rub.
Length, mm Width, mm Height, mm
Anion Polymer composition 1700 1340(d) 1730 1 10974
3000 1590 1770 1820 1 17936
4000 2320 1510 2110 1 25488
5200 2340 1690 2300 1 33394
Germes-Plast-OC Plastic


3000 1700 1550 1800 1 77300
4000 2300 1578 1800 1 87800
5000 2850 1624 1800 1 97500
6000 3400 1624 1800 1 107100
8000 4550 1624 1800 1 129900
UPONOR Polymer composition 1500 1200 1750 2100 2 36000
2000 1200 1750 2800 3 51000
3000 1200 1750 3900 3 66000
4000 1200 1750 5200 3 81000
LIGA-B Polymer composition 5300 1860 1600 1800 1 22000
ELGAD POLYMER Polymer composition 1400 1600 1360 1525 1 11000
2000 1600 1360 2270 1 14000
3000 1600 1360 3100 1 19000
NVR-BIO Polymer composition 2000 1000(d) 2300 2 26000
CALONA-PURFLO Polymer composition 2000 1450(d) 1670 1 18000
3000 1450(d) 2400 1 26000
4000 1800(d) 2080 1 36000
LABKO Polymer composition 2000 1000(d) 2900 1 40000
TOPHOUSE fiberglass 3000 1200(d) 2900 3 53000
4000 1200(d) 3750 3 70000

As you can see, manufacturers offer a huge selection of containers for sewage equipment. Everyone can choose a model that will meet the requirements, circumstances of residence, the climate of the region and the state of the soil on the ground.


For the convenience of using a plastic container, it is recommended to additionally buy and install a special signal float (see photo). The level sensor installed in the sewer system will notify the owner of the degree of filling of the tank and the need to pump it out.

The use of anaerobic or aerobic microorganisms makes it possible to turn water into sludge, and it is much easier to pump it out.

The arrangement of a private sewage system (cesspool) in a suburban area is one of the first tasks for a comfortable stay in the house. So, high-quality drainage of wastewater will eliminate the need to inhale the stench and deal with used water using the method of buckets and watering. Therefore, for the installation of a system for collecting and processing wastewater, it is necessary to carefully select containers for sewage, which will take on the “main impact” of wastewater.

Today, owners of private land choose a wastewater tank for a pit, not only depending on its price, but primarily on the type of material from which the sewage tank is made.

Important: before choosing a tank for collecting wastewater in a pit, it is necessary to carefully analyze the composition and properties of the soil on the site. After all, it is the soil that will exert its influence on the capacity from the outside.

Depending on preferences, the owners of summer cottages and private estates can choose a container for drains from different materials. A brief overview of the advantages of certain types of containers for sewage will help to determine more precisely. So, the modern market offers such tanks.

Metal tanks

These can be either standard barrels or containers with holes for supplying pipes of the receiving pipe, or self-welded tanks. Such a container for a cesspool will do its job perfectly, but no more. That is, a metal tank will be a good storage, but, unfortunately, the metal is not suitable for using it to create biological stations for wastewater treatment. Since the metal is subject to corrosion, which means it will affect the chemical composition of the organic matter in the tank. Thus, the process of biological wastewater treatment will be disrupted.

The advantages of a metal container for sewerage are:

  • Comparative cheapness;
  • Sufficient ease of installation;
  • The ability to create a drive from improvised means.

Of the minuses, we note only the tendency to corrosion, which means a short service life.

Important: after 3-5 years, a metal tank for drains will have to be dismantled and a new one installed.

Concrete storage

For a larger volume of drains and for the purpose of high reliability of the drive, many owners also use concrete rings as a material for creating a sewer tank. Concrete tanks in this case live up to expectations, but require a lot of effort for their installation. So, in addition to attracting special equipment for the installation of concrete rings, it will also be necessary to additionally seal the joints with bituminous mastic, as well as concrete the bottom in the pit.

Important: you can avoid processing joints if you use concrete rings with a euro lock. When connecting such elements, the lock closes, forming a tight joint.

The advantages of concrete tanks for sewerage are:

  • Relative durability. Sewerage tanks made of concrete last up to 50 years with proper care.
  • Solidity and immobility of the reservoir due to the large mass of concrete products. Thus, the ascent of the reservoir made of reinforced concrete is excluded.
  • Resistance to aggressive environment, in which there will always be a concrete tank.

The disadvantages of such tanks include:

  • High hygroscopicity of concrete. And this means that over time, the concrete well will be saturated with moisture from the soil and moisture from the inside, which will lead to the inevitable destruction of the walls of the container, or at least the appearance of cracks in it. As a result, you will have to clean the drive and carry out costly repairs.
  • The need to attract special equipment for the installation of rings. And for this it is necessary to ensure the access of cars to the intended place, which is not always possible without prejudice to landscape design.
  • The risk of shifting the concrete structure over time under the influence of heaving soil. As a result, the tightness of the well for drains will be broken, and significant damage will be caused to nature.

brick tanks

This type of tanks can be created independently if there are excess bricks on the site. This type of sewerage tank can be used if the volume of effluents is minimal and the frequency of sewage use is minimized. The fact is that brick, like concrete, is hygroscopic and will accumulate moisture over time. After that, it will begin to conduct it into the ground, and this threatens to infect the soil.

Important: bricklaying for a sewer tank in a country house must be carried out in two rows in order to strengthen the walls of the sewage pit. In this case, the drive will need to be treated with mastic on both sides.

Advantages of a brick drive:

  • Ease of building a pit in the country;
  • The ability to save the budget and make a drive from improvised means;
  • The ability to independently vary the volume of the sewage tank for the needs of the house / cottage.

The disadvantages of such a tank include:

  • The need for additional concreting of the bottom for the tightness of the sewage tank.
  • Short service life. Such a storage tank will remain airtight for 5-7 years at the most, then the walls will crack and runoff will flow into the ground, which threatens to contaminate water in wells or wells, especially if the groundwater in the area is high.
  • The possibility of destruction of brick walls under the influence of moving and heaving soils.

Plastic containers

Plastic septic tanks are one of the most popular tanks today. Such containers for sewerage are presented on the modern market in a variety of designs and volumes. The special manufacturing technology of such tanks makes it possible to create a polymer whose strength withstands high tensile and compressive loads. Therefore, polymer containers are not afraid of any movement of the soil and its heaving.

Advantages of plastic tanks:

  • Maximum lightness of the product. To transport plastic cesspools, even one car is enough.
  • Based on the low weight of the structure, simplifies the installation of the product. So, you can install plastic containers for sewage into the ground with just four hands, inviting a neighbor.
  • The price of the finished product allows you not to think about the maximum cost of sewerage. The cost of a polymer tank is several times less than all those listed above.
  • In addition, plastic sewer tanks absolutely inert to aggressive environment. Thus, the service life of the reservoir can be calculated in tens of years.

Important: the only condition for the high-quality installation of such a storage tank is its anchoring to a concrete slab and the creation of a concrete / clay backfill around the tank. This will prevent the tank from surfacing, which can feel like a float in the ground.

The disadvantage of plastic tanks is their fragility under the influence of low temperatures. Therefore, during installation, it is also desirable to make a backfill from the insulation.

Polypropylene tanks

This polymer composition is many times stronger than even plastic, since emollients have been added to the composition for plasticity. As a result, polypropylene containers for sewage received a number of advantages:

  • Resistant to temperature changes and non-susceptibility to cracking as a result of their impact.
  • The durability of the service of the sewer structure. Tanks made of polypropylene serve from 100 years.
  • The absolute water resistance of the containers allows you not to worry about the state of the sources in the country house or near the country house.
  • Resistance to aggressive media and steam (during sterilization).
  • The presence of thick tank walls from 0.5 to 2 cm. At the same time, the tanks are equipped with stiffeners, which additionally protects the tanks from floating out of the ground.

Containers made of polyethylene

This is the most durable type of wastewater tanks. Such containers for sewerage are made with the addition of fiberglass threads to the composition of polymers. As a result, the walls of the tank perfectly resist heaving of the soil and its shifts. However, it is worth remembering that smooth compression and stretching of polyethylene containers for sewage is permissible and acceptable for the tank, but a sharp blow can damage the plane and lead to a crack.

The advantages of PET waste tanks are:

  • Light weight of the product;
  • Various tank configurations from square to spherical;
  • Long service life (from 30 to 50 years);
  • Resistance to aggressive environments.

Of the minuses of such tanks, only their fragility relative to a sharp mechanical impact.

Important: PET containers for sewerage must also be anchored and covered with concrete.

Principles for choosing a finished tank for drains

In order for the cesspool to remain airtight for a long time and work efficiently to receive wastewater, it is necessary to carefully choose a sewage tank. So, stick to these principles:

  • The sewer tank must have walls at least 1.5 cm thick.
  • It is desirable that the storage tank for sewerage already has ready-made holes for supplying a receiving pipe and draining wastewater.
  • The presence of an inspection hatch in such a sewer tank is mandatory.
  • The volume of the finished tank for the sewer pit should be calculated at the rate of 1 m3 per family member permanently residing in the country / house.

Important: and do not forget about the rules for high-quality installation of the drive (capacity for sewerage). Such a pit will serve faithfully without a threat to the environment.

Steel is one of the most popular materials; in every private house there can be an old vat for industrial water, several 200-liter barrels, a silo storage tank and other items suitable for sewage. It is a pity to throw them away, but it makes no sense to use them. But is it worth making a sewer tank from such material? Let's evaluate the benefits first.

  1. Increased strength. Even if you drop such a container into the pit, nothing will happen to it. Installation does not require any winches or complex technical devices. Just kick it down and straighten it out.
  2. Relatively light weight. When compared with a brick or concrete structure, the metal can be considered light. It will be easier to work with it during installation, you can handle it even without an auxiliary worker.
  3. Availability. At any metal depot (or at a scrap metal collection point) you can pick up a suitable vessel, buy a kilogram for 15-20 rubles. On average, a vat of 2-3 cubes will cost 5000-7000 rubles.

Of course, there are fewer disadvantages, but they are much more significant than the advantages. One of the most important "against" is the low corrosion resistance. Within a few months, the metal will be covered with shells, and in just a year there will be holes in it.. The fact is that the sewer mixture contains not only water, but also a huge amount of components that accelerate metal corrosion hundreds of times (acids, alkalis, corrosive gases).

The second drawback is the inconvenience of working with such a capacity. You will need to make at least 3 holes in it for pipes (inlet and 2 into a nearby septic tank for cleaning). It is inconvenient to work as a grinder in cramped conditions, the holes do not turn out round, it is bad to close up the introductory places.

Plastic as an alternative to metal

Now plastic containers for sewage for pumping out with a sewer are very popular. They have a lot of advantages over metal. Let's consider them in detail.

  1. A light weight. Plastic is 4-5 times lighter than metal, it is very convenient to transport it, you can even use a car with a trailer. The installation of such a container can be performed by 1 person without an auxiliary worker.
  2. Absolute protection against corrosion. The polymer material is not exposed to moisture, acids, alkalis and any other substances. It will serve you for more than a dozen years, if necessary, this barrel can be removed, moved to some other place.
  3. The convenience of connecting pipes, any other equipment - sawing is very easy, you can burn out the necessary hole for the inlet pipe or connecting pipes with another septic tank.

Plastic containers for sewage have drawbacks, without them in any way. The first and most significant is the price. A storage tank for sewage from such a material will cost you about 15 thousand rubles (calculation for 3-5 cubic meters). The second disadvantage is low strength. May be damaged during installation. Groundwater can lift a plastic barrel, so you need to make a concrete weight or bends.

Reinforced concrete structure

It is a set of standard reinforced concrete rings, which were always installed in wells, or manually made formwork and poured mortar. In the first case, you pay more money (1800-2200 rubles for 1 ring for a septic tank + delivery from 20 rubles / 1 km), but spend less effort, and in the second case, spend a lot of effort, but do everything yourself, long, hard and cheap. Consider the advantages of ZhBK.

  1. Increased strength. It does not deform, does not crack, does not break.
  2. Excellent corrosion resistance. Well-made concrete will serve you for many years, it does not require any treatment with anti-corrosion suspensions. Container for sewerage from reinforced concrete resistant to acids, chemicals, alkalis.
  3. Ease of installation. You can install it with a crane or manually, punch several holes for pipes with a puncher, it will take a minimum of time, effort and financial resources.

Despite the fact that there are practically no drawbacks, nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the concrete will be very heavy, it is more difficult to work with it, the edges of the upper ring can collapse over time, although they do not play any role there, in fact.

Liquid rubber as a coating of the 21st century

Construction does not stand still, today dozens of different innovative ways of waterproofing any surface have already been implemented. Now the sewer barrel is made directly in the pit. All you need is to cover the walls with ordinary silicate brick, then hire a team that works with liquid rubber, process the entire pit with this suspension.

After 2 hours after spraying, you can already see the result of the work. You get a fully insulated container through which water will not pass. Its main advantage is absolute resistance to any kind of corrosion. It easily withstands the effects of alkalis and acids that corrode metal, organic corrosion, caustic substances, and chemicals.

This method is perfect if you are going to pump out frequently with a vacuum truck, since rubber is very easy to clean. It can be stretched by 450%, and the force for stretching will need to be applied considerable. Due to this, when filling the septic tank with sewage, the walls fit perfectly over the entire area. The material does not crack in frost, withstands any high temperatures. You only do the job once and forget about fixing the sewer well for the rest of the time.

The only drawback is the high cost. Not every consumer can afford such treatment of walls, since a septic tank will cost about 25-30 thousand rubles in total.


The main problem of living outside the city is the lack of a central sewerage system. Each of us has long been accustomed to communal benefits, so life without them seems far from comfortable. The most reliable way to equip wastewater disposal in your country house is to install a storage tank for sewage. Such tanks are completely sealed tanks, where sewage flows straight from the house through the sewer pipe. What are the features of the operation of such containers? And how troublesome is their maintenance during operation?

Functions of storage tanks

In general, experts advise dealing with the organization of the sewer system on the site in parallel with the construction of the house. The thing is that you will need a large amount of preparatory earthwork, namely, to dig a foundation pit. It is rational to do this at the stage of laying the foundation of the house. In principle, you can do without a pit. Sewer storage capacity may well be placed on the surface of the earth. However, this will slightly spoil the appearance of your site.
Before digging a pit, you will have to decide on its size, which depends on how much runoff per day will flow into the storage tank (read: ""). Please note that the smaller the pit, the more often you will need to call a sewage machine, which will clean the container from the contents. And these are extra costs.

But, despite all the worries with the maintenance of the tank, there is certainly a point in it.

The following functions of storage tanks can be distinguished:

  1. Collection and storage (until treatment) of all wastewater coming from the house.
  2. Environmental protection from waste water. All thanks to the complete tightness of such containers.
  3. Well, let's not forget that storage sewage for a summer residence or a country house is a necessary condition for a comfortable and cozy life for all members of your family (more: "").

To become a happy owner of communal benefits on your site, it is not necessary to spend a crazy amount of money. It is quite possible to equip the sewerage system in the house on your own. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you carefully study the question posed and show your skill and skills, the result will exceed all your expectations.

Storage sewer options

There are several such options. And each of them, no doubt, has its pros and cons.


This, of course, is the most banal and inexpensive method of organizing sewage. It is resorted to in the case of a small amount of wastewater per day. But there are a lot of shortcomings. Firstly, there is a danger of possible contamination of groundwater and the surrounding area. Secondly, an unpleasant smell is always a companion of cesspools. Thirdly, you can easily turn out to be an offender and incur liability. So, today the law provides for the punishment of the ruble for those who harm the environment.

septic tank

Septic tanks are able not only to accumulate wastewater in themselves, but also to carry out their thorough cleaning. True, for such a luxury you have to pay a tidy sum. And besides, septic tanks are very difficult to install and require a lot of space for their placement.

Local wastewater treatment plant

The price of such a station is no less than that of a septic tank. Although, of course, the quality of wastewater treatment is at a fairly high level. The disadvantages include the fact that the station is powered by the mains. And yet - it makes sense if you have a very large family and a lot of water-consuming appliances in the house, and there is also a bath, shower or even a pool. In other cases, the purchase will not justify itself!

Storage tank for drains

Perhaps, the storage tank for sewage is an ideal price-quality ratio. For quite reasonable costs, you can get a quality way to organize a sewer system (read also: ""). The only thing is that such a container requires cleaning. Therefore, when designing its placement at home, make sure that a sewage truck can easily drive up to it.

Correctly install storage tank

First you need to determine the volume of future capacity. Do not forget that an excessively small storage tank for sewage is unprofitable, in view of the need to empty it frequently. Usually, for a family of four, experts recommend a volume of about 10 cubic meters. This is the optimal container size. By the way, in order to understand that it is time to empty the container, you can not only look into it, but you can also simply buy a tank fullness control sensor in the store. When the tank needs effluent cleaning, the sensor will give an alarm. It is convenient and does not require a lot of money.

Now as for the installation of the container itself.

Here are some tips from experienced professionals:

  1. It is important to choose the right place to place the container. It is better if you dig a pit where the ground is below the level of your house. A sewer truck should easily drive up to the sewer well.
  2. The bottom of the pit must be filled with concrete. Or you can generously pour gravel and rubble there. After all, a filled storage tank weighs a lot. And it may well be unstable on ordinary soft soil. A hard bottom will give it stability.
  3. It is better to make the sewer system multi-chamber. In the first - solid precipitation simply settles to the bottom. In the second chamber, the effluents undergo a more thorough cleaning. After that, such water can easily be used for horticultural purposes.
  4. Elements necessary for the sewer system: tanks, a ventilation pipe (so that odors do not accumulate in containers), a cover with a hatch for pumping out the contents, a sewer pipe that runs from the house to the tank.
  5. And finally, how to make the tanks themselves? You can, of course, use concrete rings or simple tires. However, the tightness of such a design will suffer. Yes, and you will have to tinker fairly. It is much easier to buy ready-made storage tanks for sewage in a country house or in a large country house.

How to choose a storage tank for sewage

On sale you can find storage tanks for sewage plastic or metal. However, the difference between them is serious. Do not forget that metal corrodes easily, especially in such an environment. Therefore, metal containers can quickly become unusable. To prolong their life, you can, of course, cover them from the inside with a special solution. But with plastic containers, the hassle is much less. As you can see in the photo, they are easy to install (even alone), completely sealed and not subject to the aggressive effects of drains and moisture.

So, when dealing with the installation of a sewer system in your area, be attentive to any little things and make the right choice. Then life outside the city will turn into a real fairy tale!

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