African daisies - Gotanya: Growing a bright flower without problems. How can you grow gasania from seeds and cuttings

Gardening 14.06.2019

If you are interested in how it goes goting from seeds At home, it means, most likely, you had to see this magnificent flower. If you just heard about his beauty, we hurry you to assure that it can become a real decoration of your site, a balcony or terrace. We are available to growing about 50 varieties of shops, the main differences of which is color.

This representative of the kind of astronomic reaches about 30 cm. Flowers are similar to chamomile, only brightly painted. In natural habitats - in Africa - gazania is growing as a perennial. In our latitudes a favorite method of growing a flower - an annual seed landing. Our site will tell you more about this today.

Methods of growing gatzania

Gardeners are different approach to the cultivation of this African plant:

As an annual. This is the most common approach in our latitudes. Seeds sow in winter to seedlings, and then spring plant it at a constant place. So the plant will bloom at the beginning of summer and will delight the eyes with bright colors to the first frosts.
As a perennial. It becomes possible only with the transfer of gotsyania for the winter to the shelter. I dug the plants and putting them into the pots, you can continue to grow them at home. True in the winter they will not bloom. In the spring, the plant is again neatly transferred to the open ground. With roots when transplanting should be extremely neat. With the help of gothic, lined in pots, adorn balconies and terraces, and some devotees of this plant grow them even on the windows. The main condition is a lot of light and temperatures above 10 ° C.

Gotania can be grown in the open ground and in pots on the balcony or at home

SEE seeds - growing gothing at home

In our latitudes, gating growing only at home. Why? The fact is that it develops very long - from sowing seeds before the start of flowering can pass for 4 months. In view of this to see beautiful flowers In the summer, sowing should be carried out in winter.

Gotanyania is not afraid of small frosts (up to -7 ° C), so it can be smelted to the open area in the warm regions to be planted at the end of April. To do this, sow seeds is needed in January. February seedlings can be planted at the end of spring. If you decide to leave gazania to grow at home, place it on the solar window or balcony. In the open air vases move no earlier than April.

Gotania grows for a long time, so they first grow seedlings at home

For landing seeds of gotsyania, it is best to use peat tablets or pots. So it will be possible to avoid damage to the roots and, as a result, slowing down the growth of the plant. If the landing is still decided to exercise in a common container, then the tiny seeds should be positioned at a distance of 3 cm from each other (better in the checkerboard). It is not necessary to plunge the seeds much, it is enough to sprinkle 1 cm of soil. From above the soil, it is necessary to spray with warm water from the spray.

Now the seed seeds need to be covered with airtight transparent material, thus creating a microteplitz. Now it remains to do the following: to ensure that the air temperature does not fall below 18 ° C, regularly moisten the soil, air the guy, remove the resulting condensate and wait.

Care for seedlings

About two weeks later, small green sprouts will seem. Now they need a lot of light, and the temperature on the contrary it is desirable to lower up to 16 ° C so that the seedlings are not fine and high. Be sure to use good artificial lighting, which will help plants to purchase forces in motley winter days.

Picking seedlings (in case of cultivation in a common container), make the first of the present leaflet. Before falling into the open ground, you must set a raptber to the street for hardening or to boost the room.

Sprouts appear two weeks after seeding

Transplanting gotsyania without risks

Gotania has a well-developed root system, so the bushes should not be too close to each other. Leave a distance of at least 20 cm. If you intend to grow flowers in vases, then take care so that the tanks are spacious enough and have drainage holes. The soil must contain a high percentage of peat. Place the drainage layer on the bottom.

Since Moscow does not tolerate severe frosts, it needs to be taken to the room for winter, otherwise the plant will disappear. So that she pleased with the magnificent greens, the temperature should be at least 10 ° C and be sure to provide a shower. Some varieties of plants can be successfully transplanting to open soil after wintering at home.

In winter, the flower does not need any special care. Watering, loosening and abundance of light - everything he needs. Low temperatures and drafts cannot be allowed. Fertilize the plant is not worth it.

Caring for Gozania correctly

The most important conditions for gating are:

Light soil
good lighting,
sufficient moisture
Swimming and weeping.

If the soil is not nutritious enough, then you must additionally take care of feeding. It will be enough to carry them out once a month using special mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. In essence, the care of gatzania is simple enough and for everyone.

In our latitudes, admire the delicious bright "daisies" allows only one way - the cultivation of gating from seeds at home. Since from the moment of planting to flowering passes from 3 to 4 months, sowing must be carried out in winter. Gotanyan is not very good, but very elegant. Her kind always raises the mood. Make it with the subject of the decor of your household plot, the terrace, balcony or at home, and good mood You are provided!

Quite often you can meet this plant from many owners and flowerflowers that grow this unpretentious beauties. Goting is often called the African chamomile. The flower has a pretty bright color that is lemon, yellow, orange, burgundy or red, the middle is often brown color. It is thanks to attractive, original shades, owners of houses and apartments give preference to growing gating.

Quick description of Gotania

This flower He is a representative of the Astrov family. South Africa consider the birthplace of this plant. In about the seventeenth century, Gotania began to grown in European countries, here the flower was called the "midday sun", as the petals were revealed only when the sun was booster.

Nowadays, many years and annual gazania from seeds in the house are grown. This flower is a warm-loving, so it is quite difficult to winter in a cold climate. The height of the plant does not exceed 30 centimeters. Gasania leaflets have a dark green, sometimes gray-green shade, a different form of leaves, depending on the grade of gotsyania. From the bottom of the leaflets are covered with silver darisons, thanks to which moisture is held in summer period time. Single flowers grow on shopping, the diameter of which is from 5 to 10 centimeters.

Goting from seeds

Many gardeners and flowers try to grow gothic from seeds at home, because this flower perfectly decorates household plots. But the jury of Gotanyan is only when the bright sun is in the sky, with cloudy weather, this flower closes and is going to buds. Therefore, in our country, Gotanyania is grown mainly in sunny areas. To successfully grow this plant from seeds, you need to accurately adhere to the following recommendations.

Best time for growing

It is easier to grow gotsyania from seeds in the second half of February, or in the first half of March, it depends on the weather in a particular region. For those who live in warm places, the cultivation of gating from seeds should be started from mid-March. If it is too early to plant seeds, then they will have to create more artificial lighting. However, if the shopping seeds fall out later at home, then the plant will be blossoming later.

What a tank is needed

To successfully grow in seeds from seeds, you need to take the container of deeper. The deep pot or box is necessary for long lack of roots, which grows in these plants. Roots should be in a vertical position if they are running, then the gazania will suffer because of this.

Soil for Goting from Seeds

Some prefer the purchase of soil in specialized stores. And some prefer to prepare soil themselves. Acceptable both options, the main thing - so that the soil was light, loose, passed well to the air and moisture. The substrate is usually prepared from such components:

  • ordinary land from the garden;
  • Vermiculitis, making the ground loose;
  • The ash, which is needed to protect the shop from various microbes and diseases.

How to sow seeds

Gotary seeds are large enough, they need to be soothing evenly and not close to each other. You can make small grooves in the ground and put in them seeds at a distance of about 3 centimeters from each other. Over the seeds need to pour a thin layer of vermiculite. After that, you can sprinkle landed gating seeds with soil mixed with sand. To slightly compact the top layer of the substrate, you need to spray it with a standing water from the spray. To accelerate the germination of gating seeds in liquid, you can breed a fertilizer. After spraying, the seed capacities must be coated from above or a plastic cover or a cellophane film.

Some flower products are recommended after planning the ground covered with snow, which will gradually melt, and the soil will be wet all the time. If snow is used as moisturizing, then it is necessary to spray the soil at a minimum.

Optimal temperature for growing seeds

In order for the seeds of gating germinated as quickly as possible, the container must be put in a warm place where the sun's rays fall. Temperatures for growing at home is enough 18-20 degrees. It is worth not to forget that this flower loves constant moisturizing, however, it is detrimental to the moistening, so that the seeds with the roots are not discharged, the cover or cellophane film is needed in the morning and in the evening to clean up for half an hour so that the soil is ventilated, and the condensate is not formed. Watering the soil is needed from the spraying pulverizer. After about 10-15 days from the soil, the first shoots will appear.

Growing seeds of gothicia in peat tablets

Many flower products give their preference for this convenient and simple method Growing at home. Initially, it is necessary to buy peat tablets in the store, which are a pressed peat, mixed with the ground. In order for the cultivation of gating in these tablets successfully, they must be prepared. For this, they are put in plastic trays and poured with water. After some time, the pills will increase in size, after which they need to be very good again. It is necessary to water several times that peat pills increase about 5 times relative to its original size. Tablets will turn into earthen columns. On the middle of each of them you need to put one seed of gotsyania, deepening about one centimeter into the substrate. Then it is necessary to cover the container with a film or lid.

This method of growing gating at home is quite cheap and convenient. In addition, the likelihood of damage to the young roots during transplantation into the ground is reduced. It is worth remembering that peat columns must often watered and ventilated periodically, removing the lid.

How to dive seeds

Flowers with experience are recommended to dive seeds, but if the seeds were planted from each other at a large distance and the depth of the capacity of more than 10 centimeters, then the shop can not dive. Picking is performed after 15 days from the moment the seeds were sown, or when four sheets appeared on the sprouts. During this period, young shopping plants coming up faster and painlessly, so growing from seeds in the subsequent occurs without problems.

You can transplant in small plastic glasses or a pot. The substrate must be peat earthen. Since the root of this flower is very long, then it is best to transplant in open earth with the old soil, thanks to this, the root damage will be minimal. It is advisable to label each cup if different varieties of gotsyania are grown so that they are not confused.

Initially, it is necessary to fill each cup by the prepared soil. Then each seedling should be abundantly pouring water to soil softening and easily left the cup. Further in the soil, which is in the new capacity you need to make a deepening in which a young seedling with a lump of the earth is transferred. After that, the soil must be slightly sealed, then shove the smoke in the cup. After the transplantation to new containers under each seedling, it is necessary to pour a good water so that the rapid roots in contact with the soil as possible.

When the picking is completed, landed gotsyania is desirable to put in the place where the temperature is not more than 15 degrees. You can take the capacitance to the balcony, but the temperature should be at least 10 degrees. Goting after dive need to be gradually hardening so that the cultivation is as efficient as possible. It is necessary for about 2-3 hours to open the window located next to the shoots, but it is impossible to allow young seedlings to be on the way of direct air flow.

To transplant the grown out of seeds, the young shopping on the open plot of land is necessary about May-June, when the street is already warm enough. Subsequently, it is very easy to care for this flower, the cultivation at home is not much difficult. Most often, from the moment of germination of the seeds of gothing before flowering, it takes about two or three months, however, depending on different conditionsThis period may increase.

In the same place on the site it is better to grow flowers

Most the best way For gazania is an open area of \u200b\u200bland, which is sufficiently illuminated by the Sun. This plant is not afraid of the ingress of direct rays of the sun, so you can not worry that the shop will suffer. This is a very light and drought-resistant flower, whose cultivation does not require much time and strength. The most favorable conditions for the plant are hot summer days. You can land in the garden only when the temperature does not fall below 10 degrees of heat. Soil is preferably pre-preliminarized by any mineral fertilizer.

In the ground you need to make holes of small sizes, which should be approximately the same as the volume of peat pots. Young plants need to be pulled out with the soil very carefully, so as not to damage the root. Get walzania more convenient for the whole garden blade. The distance between the bushes should be at least 20 centimeters, can be more.

What are the bushes of shops grow

Gotania approximately six months forms small bushes, the height and width of which is about 25 centimeters. Flowers from this plant most often large. In the garden of Gotania looks very beautiful when it is decorated with small flower beds, as well as when planted randomly. It is simple to grow enough, as it is not afraid of drying periods, this plant is poorly believed to the abrasiveness of moisture.

Visually looks very beautiful in conjunction with other varieties of colors. At night, flower petals are closed in buds. Not so long ago, the breeders were withdrawn a special grade of gotsyania, who does not need a lot sun rayThanks to which this variety can grow inhabitants of the northern regions of our country. Flowering adults of shops will be before the beginning of autumn.

How to collect seeds

Gatsania seeds can be collected from adult bushes for the subsequent cultivation and reproduction of this flower. Fully ripen seeds only very hot and long summer. If the summer period is issued to cool and rainy, then the seeds will not fully mature completely. If you grow gazania seeds collected at home, then she will lose their varietal signs.

The main problem when collecting seeds - they can fly quickly when the wind bursts. Goting seeds are very similar to dandelion seeds, which are also quite problematic to collect. So that the sowing material does not fly out, it is necessary to wrap in the period of flowering large flowers Marley, which will save all seeds.

Difficulties in growing pests

If you water the flower and to fertilize it on time, then you can not be afraid that the pests will be spoiled, because in Gotania will have enough strength to confront them. But if on a long period Leave a flower without watering and feeding, there may be various diseases and pests, the main of which are:

  • aphid,
  • cobweb tick
  • Gray rot
  • Slug.
  1. Aphid. These pest insects are very common in our country, they may prevent gating growing. The trouble drinks the juice of these colors, so the plants gradually weaken, while they can get infected with other diseases, can stop blossoming, and without proper care, death threatens. Dutch can be destroyed very easily with special insecticides, for example, pyrimifosmethyl, bifenther, and you can use folk methods: Mix liquid soap with tincture of garlic or tobacco, to treat these mortar. And you can simply plant a garlic or onions near this flower, which scare insects.
  2. Cellite ticks. They are not insects, so injecting insecticide to handle insecticide. It is necessary to purchase insectoacaricides, for example, non -one or phytodeneur. In addition, in a specialized store you can buy predatory ticks that are completely destroyed in time custom tickSince they are its natural enemies.
  3. Gray rot. It is a fungus, and water is needed by any fungi for vital activity. Therefore, so that the shops are not infected, you do not need to plant the flowers very close to each other, and during watering the water should not fall on the leaflets. In the event that a gray rot appeared on Gatzania, it is necessary to fight it with fungicides, will help, for example, EUPARA or Fundazol.
  4. Slug. These insects, as well as snails, can damage the gotsyania, coming her sheets and shoots, while the flower will not have time to develop. Now in the store you can buy various insecticidal preparations that will scare up slugs, but it is not necessary to completely destroy these insects, as they are useful for the life of the garden and the garden. In addition to healthy colors, they also eat and destroy dead plants. Better instead of destroying slugs, scare them. This can be done, pouring alongside the gatzia gravel, crushed egg shell or minor shells.

How to grow gatzania in winter

In our country, the winter is usually accompanied by frosts that are incompatible with growing on open area Gotana. Therefore, in the garden, this flower with the onset of cold weather dies. You can save gotsy until next spring, if you transplant it in a pot that will be in the house. For this flower, it is desirable that the temperature does not fall below 8 degrees of heat. In the apartment you can grow shopping on groolted balcony or loggia.

Soil in winter should be the same as always - nutritious, lightweight and ventilated. The pot is desirable to use deep and large, be sure to be drainage, for example, clamzit, foam crumb or brick.

Winter care includes rare watering and the presence of bright light. You can not allow the freezing of the flower, because then the spring will have to grow it again from the seed.

So, it is possible to grow shopping quite simply from seeds at home. To achieve the maximum percentage of seeds and preserving the viability of plants, it is necessary to adhere to the councils and recommendations from this article.

Gotanya is a very beautiful and peculiar, thermo-loving plant that migrated to us from distant and hot Africa. In our latitudes, flower and gardeners are quite successfully grown about 50 varieties of this bright, beautiful and unpretentious flower. In my homeland, it is a perennial flower, but in the conditions of our climate it cannot exist on the flowerbed during the winter cold, winds and frosts.

However, this thermo-loving plant is quite possible to preserve until the next hot season, transplanting it to a pot and placing on the windowsill, loggia and a glazed balcony for the whole winter.

Gathering in the winter at home at home in a pot or a vase will demonstrate all his huge potential, and will bloom even long enough, pleaseing all with its bright sunny inflorescences.

After the flowering period is over, the plant will delight until spring for its greens. How to grow in winter in winter at home so that it keeps your beauty and decorativeness?

How to grow shopping at home

After the last warm autumn days ended, it is necessary to take care of the transplant of Gotania in a pot. A short-term decrease in temperature is not lower than 0 does not cause a plant of substantial damage, but long-term frosts will certainly become the cause of faithful death.

If there is a free floor vanza, you can put gasania to grow at home in it. A deep container is also suitable for this, especially if several flowers are transplanted on the wintering. With this method of planting the plant, it will be possible to save and with landing in the soil in the spring there will be no problems. While cold winds and frosts are rapped outside the window, the flower will delight households with their bright flowering.

In addition, you can transplant the plant for wintering to a greenhouse, in which the temperature does not fall below +10 degrees. It is important to use tanks with drainage holes so that no extra moisture is formed, and the plant did not die or do not begin to root.

Some flower products also practice this beautiful flower In winter on a garden. To do this, they cover the leaves of mulch or dense film, but such a wintering is capable of incurred far from all the varieties of this plant and bushes die.


It is known that the plant cannot be called too demanding, in need of any special care when growing in beds and flower beds. The same statement is true and relative to the plants remained at home. Gotany's houses feels great and still remains as unpretentious. The most important thing to adhere to the main recommendations for the care of it.

Properly organized catering content in the winter in a pot or a vase will allow the plant as quickly and painlessly and painlessly adapt to the conditions of growth after the spring landing in open ground.

The soil for the transplantation of gating a pot should be light and nutritious. From how correctly it will be prepared, the success of the entire event will depend largely. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to place the ceramzite, the fragments of clay pots or vermiculite.

Choosing a place on which the flower will be wintering, it is necessary to take into account the love of gotsyania to sunlight and warmth. Therefore, it is best to place a pot with it on sunny windows and balconies. In order for the conditions for growing shops to be optimal, in cloudy days the flower need to be heated.

In the process of landing in the soil in the spring, it is necessary to try to leave a universal root plant of the plant, since if it accidentally damage it, it will certainly perish.

Do not worry about what winter growing flower can cause difficulties. This only at first glance may seem difficult to fulfill. After performing all the manipulations described once, you will be able to save the flowers to gothic from winter cold in the pot every year. If the plants still did not move the wintering, you will have to resort to the further cultivation of gatzania from seeds at home to seedlings.

An interesting plant - walney, landing and care for which is unneavited for flower, - will delight with its flowers to the first frost. Most of the varieties are perennial, however, there are annuals among these plants. African flower It got well in our country, because this climate is favorable for its development and growth. Despite the simple care for Gazania, he has some features.

Gotanya - Gazania

Reminded a large bright chamomile flower with a small stem striking the variety of color shades. He does not like strongly moistened soil and can withstand the arid period. A feature of this flower is the ability to maintain moisture - this contributes to the leaflets covered on the bottom side of the fluff, which not only delays moisture inside the plant, but also protects against frosts.

Growing from seeds can be produced in decorative tanks anywhere. She may norny with all the plants without having a negative impact on them. For the winter, the vase with a flower can be reached in closed room - Gazania will continue to grow even at home. The variety of varieties is simply affecting the imagination: they differ not only in color, but also some features of growth. For example, most colors with sunset turns out their petals. But there are such species that leave flowers uncovered even at night.


Goting landing as well as subsequent care, requires quite large patience. First pick up a plot with good soil for this plant. It is best grows by this flower in arid areas with a small amount of precipitation.

When choosing a place is also important to consider that:

  • gasania grows well and develops on light, fertile land;
  • it is important that the soil missed moisture well without delaying it;
  • on heavy soils, the gas is poorly growing and most often dies;
  • the flower loves the sun, so it is better to plant it in sunny places.

For reproduction, two methods are used: from seeds and vegetative.

Seed method

Cultivation of seeds at home is produced essential method Due to the long growing season of the plant. For the best germination of seeds, it is important to observe the following stages of sowing:

  1. Prepare the soil. To do this, you need to mix the same amount of humus, fine sand, turf and leaf land.
  2. Seeding seeds are made at the beginning of spring. Time is chosen taking into account the climatic conditions of the area, taking into account the fact that the two-month seedlings are usually planted at a permanent place.
  3. Seeds are laid out in small grooves at a distance of 3 cm. It is better to plant them in a checker order.
  4. When the sowing material was slightly sprinkled with the earth, spray the water with a spray with a pulverizer, so as not to wash the planted seeds.
  5. Then the container is covered with transparent polyethylene and is transported to a light and warm windowsill with a temperature of at least 18 degrees.
  6. Before shoots appear, it is necessary to periodically carry out the resulting greenhouse and remove the condensate appearing on the film.

When the first seedlings appear in a couple of weeks, they need to provide optimal lighting. Due to the small light day, the sprouts need additional backlight, so close to the seed capacities need to be installed lighting. It is also important to maintain the temperature not lower than 15 degrees, otherwise the sprouts will grow weak. Water seedlings need to be sealed.

Important! Gazania seedlings are not subjected to dive to avoid the likelihood of injury to a weak root system.

Before planing for a permanent place, you must first prepare a plot where the flower will grow. Gazania is planted into a deep hole along with a lore land where she grew. It is important to try not to injure the main root of the plant. The distance between future bushes should be at least 20 cm. Already soon after the transplantation, the first flowers will appear - first single and then groups. Cultivation with a seedy of seeds at home is more efficient than harassment.

Tip! For longer and rapid flowering, it is necessary to regularly cut faded buds.

Vegetative way

Used for breeding in summer. To obtain new plants, the following actions are performed in a vegetative way:

  • The main stem is cut off the side escape necessarily with a thickened base no more than 10 cm.
  • For better survival and prevent drying, the processed cutout is treated with a root formation stimulator.
  • Remove all lower sheets at the escape.

Tip! To accelerate the growth of the process, it is possible to soak it overnight in the growth mixture, which derivatives of urea and other drugs can serve.

  • Set the cuttings into a container filled with land. It is important that the container is quite bulky - at least 9 cm with a diameter.
  • Good watered escape.
  • Create conditions for growth and development are the same as in the cultivation of seedlings from seeds. It is important to eliminate the influence of drafts and direct sunlight on weak shoots. It is also necessary to consider that the future bush need good lighting.

After about a month and a half, the root formation occurs, but the gas remains in the tank before the onset of Vesta. Only then you can plant a perennial at a permanent place.

Growing some types of gating is possible only by this method, as they do not give seeds. When choosing a shoot from which a new bush will be formed, it is necessary to give preference to elongated and healthy cuttings. To increase the likelihood of root formation, it is necessary to choose the process with the heel - thickening near the base.


The cultivation and care of the gatzania is simple, the main thing is to accommodively approach the choice of the soil on which the future flower will grow. Do not put a plant on heavy earth, including clay.

  • Watering should be moderate. Otherwise, growing in any way will not make sense. After all, the flower can protect itself from the lack of moisture - its long root is able to get water out of the soil, and the gun on leaves prevents too much evaporation of water. But can not protect against the convergence - it weakens and begins to rot.
  • The feeder is also needed by flowers. On the fertile land, the plants are fed once a month and a half, and on the poor - twice a month with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.
  • Timely removal of weeds and thorough loosening of the soil at least two times a month.
  • Protection against pests. You can land onions or garlic to fight tool, which will scare insects with their specific smell. To prevent the damage to the gray rot, the processing of burgundy liquid will help. The pawless tick is exterminated by special insecticides. When the snail and slippers appear on the plant, they are collected by hand. Sameted garlic, sage or parsley will help get rid of harmful insects.

Proper cultivation allows plants with large bright inflorescences. Despite the fact that most of the shops are a perennial culture, in the open ground in our harsh climatic conditions, it is quite difficult for them. Therefore, for the winter, the perennial is simply transferred to a closed room, and in the spring it returns to its place. In winter, in a room where gas will be wintering, it is better to maintain a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees.

CARE FOR GAZANIA IN winter lies in periodic watering. Growing in pots in pots or kashpo at home allows you to make a plant in a closed room for the winter, where it will continue to rejoice in blooming inflorescences. When spring comes, the tank can be reappeared on the street so that they decorate the plot of bright flowers.

Gardeners, and ordinary inaders adore this flower for the riot of paints. Gotanya, a perennial or annual, really possesses bright sophisticated beauty. And blooms like a multicolored chamomile. These plants come from Africa, apparently, so they like sunny days.

Bright sun, which gives heat, allows us to admire such a creation of nature. And in the cold season, we can also observe such a plant as Gotania. How to save these flowers in winter so that in the summer they decorated the garden plot? Such questions often asked for amateur gardeners.

Types of gatsania

Gotania refers to the Astrov family. Such plants are several forms: annuals or perennial, semi-stabbed or shrub.

They found fame due to the diversity of paints. In fact, the varieties of this flower are quite a lot, they can be counted up to fifty.

The most popular are shiny shiny, or harsh. Our breeders brought flowers a variety of coloring. And now not only a monotonous chamomile, but also the motley shop, whose photo you see in the article pleases us. Major varieties are one-dimensional, shiny, peacock, white, campid, and so on.

Plant Features

This interesting southern copy is felt its difficult character. It manifests itself in the fact that if on the street is cloudy, the petals close, and the middle of the flower becomes invisible.

Initially, these plants, accustomed to warmth and light, could bloom from sunrise and until sunset, but in bad weather they are kept closed. But flowers would like more. And then they, by samples and mistakes, began to experiment on response to weather This plant. And so, thanks to their actions, a hybrid appeared under the title of the talent.

As a result, now colorful shades of the flower can be admired in any weather. So our specialists, despite the capricious mood of the plant, quickly found a way out.

Love African daisies watering. It is desirable to arrange it in the heat systematically. If this is not done in hot days, then the flowers in front of the eyes will become even smaller and smaller. And, of course, they will no longer be able to please us with their beautiful collaving.

Let's talk about hybrid and long-told shops

Floriculture uses in our latitudes mostly gasania hybrid and long-told. Long-title walney come from South Africa. This type of gasia is a perennial. Growing with stems short and fluttering. Flowers from August and before winter. By diameter, these flowers are semi-ntymeter.

Hybrid gazania has a harsh structure, and the flower diameter is 8 cm. It can be set by any tint orange coloras well as white and yellow. Grows a bush in the outlet of the root leaves.

The hybrid flower is distinguished by the decor of the leaves. They have a linear shovel structure. Leaves with a shade of silver from below, to the touch resemble velvet. By the way, such a omission is not random. Thanks to him, the plant is not terrible cold. In addition, the leaves contribute to the preservation of moisture on the flower.

Hybrid varieties are more in demand from our compatriots. The fact is that they perfectly adapted to our climate. They have large flowers and a large number of Polish or terry petals. A lot of hybrids and major varieties are derived. And they bloom with white, raspberry, pink, yellow, bronze-lemon, creamy, orange, striped and spotted flowers.

The names are suitable for the color. For example, there are such names for varieties (as a variety): solar glare, sunny dance, wondrous Divo, sunlight, Sunshine, Big Kiss, Bonzhur, and so on.

How to care

After two weeks of landing, adopt gotsyania with mineral fertilizers. If the site has poor soil or flowers grow in a container, then use complex fertilizers, but after some time, within 14 days.

Be sure at the beginning of the season, make a fantastic of such a plant as gasania. Growing and care, properly organized, these are the actions that will help her constantly delight you with their flowering.

The soil for gotsyania is the most favorable - the sandy. It should not be overwhelmed. And, importantly, there should be a lot of humus in it. When the flowers come to force, the feeding can be canceled. Remove constantly flashing inflorescences and flowers.

How such flowers feel in winter

Such a unique flower, like walney, care, careful and thoughtful, is necessary, however, as all plants. But for you it will not be too burdensome. For the plant you need easy fertile soil with good drainage.

When the flowers are growing, they become cold-resistant, they can be admired almost to the first cold. Although walney, a perennial or annual, is a native of the south, it has almost adapted in our latitudes.

Only when you already feel the offensive of the winter, take carefully your favorite flowers in the pots. If you have a balcony glazed and there is no temperature, the temperature is not lower than +10 degrees, then in this place perfectly peeper in the spring to return to the garden plot again. Do not forget about moderate watering.

Try to transplant the flowers very carefully not to damage the roots. You can also use vases on sites for growing such a plant as gasanya. How to keep such flowers in vases in winter? Do not transplant them from the pots, but just take the flowers home in them.

Can flower get over?

1. B. winter time The flower will be nice and indoors. Only it will be necessary to be good lighting. The plant is unpretentious. If you live in a region with soft, wet winter, without frost, you can not even take a pot home.

Although they love warmth, but, growing up, flowers are adapted to the local climate. You can use special containers so that they grow into them in the garden. And then, with the onset of cold weather after -3 degrees, pick them up, put them on the balcony, so that it was able to get used to the new gating conditions.

Wintering plants can then continue in warm rooms, but only after the flower becomes accustomed to a balcony climate, where 9-11 degrees with a plus sign will be considered the optimal temperature for it.

2. But if you live where in the winter, the frosts are frost, gotzania is best grown as annual plants. To do this, you can sigh of shop seeds in early spring. Try to water the plants in winter, but very rarely. And follow the soil does not drive. Gotanya (Growing and Care In this case, it will be particularly different) can grow up if you or never transplanted it from the pot, or carefully, without damaging the roots, tried to transplanses it.

Gotania-Perennial is a low-spirited corrupt plant, so when you transplant it on the open soil, the bushes are neatrately divided.

About seedlings

Gotania is evisted in the first month of spring. After the seeds are shifted, shoots need to be proper in greenhouses or in earthy pots. And as soon as the spring frosts end, land them into the ground.

We advise you still use peat potsIf you grow a flower of seeds. It is necessary in order to inappropriate not to damage the roots. Yes, and in this case will not need to be picked. So you solve the problem of life in the winter time of such a plant as Gotanyan. How to keep it in winter, and also to grow seeds from seeds, we looked at.

And since April, the weather usually allows you to send seedlings into a cold greenhouse or an open ground. Seedlings must be gradually hardening. This can already be engaged in the fact that Protalyanka disappear.

The shoots will gradually get used to the cold to -3 degrees and to bright sunlight. If you notice that the temperature at night is lower, then use Loutrasil to cover the young piglery. At temperatures on the street more than +17 degrees, you should expect germs across the decade or a little later.

How to propagate a plant with cuttings

Gotzania reproduction can be manufactured using cuttings. The middle of the summer is exactly the period when Gotanya, a perennial or annual, calmly breeds with the help of cuttings, which turned out of side shoots at the base of the stems.

First, treat the cuttings in stimulating root formation by drugs, then drop into the shadow, so that the rays of the sun on them do not fall. It is necessary that they are accustomed to a new place. When you see that the cuttings are rooted, take someone to the ground with a stalk and land the place that chose.

So the shop will always grow on your site. How to keep such a flower in winter, now you already know.

In which places you can squeak shopping?

They are planted on borders, tracks. Next to the stones or low colors are suitable for flower beds. Unique floral compositions with agratums, lobels and other floral creations will not be exactly indifferent. It turns out a wonderful sight, which can not be perpetuated.

Nobody remains indifferent, contemplating such a gift of nature like walney. Photo - proof of this.

Does gazania sick?

She can pick up the disease called gray rot. As you can see, it can get sick, like all alive in the world, and the plant of gothing. Growing (and care for it) during this period is a little more complicated by the fact that it will be necessary to resort to the help of a fungicide.

Its solution to treat the patient flower. Preventive measures will also not be superfluous. They are simple: do so that the flowers grow on unfinished soil.

Also protect them from aphids, snails, slugs, a spider tick.

Performing such simple actions, you will constantly enjoy the bright exotic of the native of Africa, and will delight you at any time of the year of Gotania. Wintering for her is not terrible. So enjoy the look of these beautiful colors!

Gotanya, or Gazania - the low-speed plant of the Astrov family, favorite world for bright flowers And unpretentious. In Europe, it was delivered to mid XVIII century from South Africa, so it is often referred to as an African chamomile. The African name of this plant is translated as a "oil flower", since the petals of taste resemble oil.

Plant Description

Gasania is a bush up to 15-50 cm high. Dense narrow dark green or gray-green leaves are assembled into a root rosette, from which flowerca with single inflorescences - baskets with a diameter of 3-9 cm.

Gasy petals are different colors: pink, red, white, but most often yellow or orange, often with longitudinal strips of more dark and bright shades with a dark spot at the base. The outer surface of the petals is often brilliant. At the same time, there can be up to 30 color seals on shopping. Flowers are revealed only with bright sunlight, and under cloudy weather remain closed. Seeds are hairy seeds with a hokholcom.

Gotanyania is a perennial, however, in the northern latitudes is grown as an annual. The flowering period continues from the beginning of summer to frosts.

Gotazania reproduction

Flowers can buy gazania already rescued seedlings. But it is much more interesting and cheaper to grow seedlings on their own seeds or from cuttings.

Goting from seeds

It is hardly possible to assemble your seeds of Gotania, since we have them all over a very hot summer. But it is not difficult to buy them. Seed seed in February with the calculation that at the end of May or beginning of June, 3 months after the appearance of germs, the gas will begin to bloom.

You can grow seedlings in two ways: with picking and without. In the first case, for planting a sufficiently shallow packaging, in the second the box will need a depth of at least 10 cm, since walzany usually has a long rod root.

The algorithm of action is as follows:

  • in the box pour lung soil mixture, moisturizes, spend grooves;
  • seeds are rare enough, the minimum distance between rows is 3 cm, in a row - 2 cm;
  • after planting, the seeds cover the layer of earth or sand not more than 5 mm,
  • spray from the sprayer,
  • cover with a transparent lid or package and put in a bright place.

Optimal temperature For germination 18-20 ºC. Every day the box with a seedler must be aircraft, removing condensate from the lid. Seeds germinate after 1-2 weeks.

If the seedlings climbed too often or a decomposition box shallow, then when repeated 2-4 real leaves, the seedlings are seedlings and transplanted into separate pots or cassettes. After transplantation, plants need a temperature of 12-16 ºC, with more warm conditions they can stretch out. Watered as the earthen coma is drying, without pouring.

Reproduction of cuttings

Hybrid varieties of gotsyania do not give caused seeds, so they are breeding with stalling. To do this, at the end of the summer, a part of the weed stem is cut off from a well-rated bush and, drinking a cut root, placed in mini-greenhouse. After 1.5-2 months, the cuttings will grow roots, and it will be possible to transplanted it into a pot for wintering, and in the spring it is planted in a flowerbed.

Landing and care

Care for gating is easy, you only need to comply with the basic guidelines for watering, the composition of the soil and placement of plants on the site.

Ready for landing in the garden seedlings of gas

Rules landing

In May - June, when the soil is on garden plot It warms up enough, seedlings can be transferred to open ground at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

This African plant prefers light poor sandy and stony soils. It is necessary to develop normally and plentifully blossoming the gas can only on solar sites, on which water does not cause.

Care for gatzania

The plant is exceptionally drought-resistant, watering is needed only with a long lack of rain. Caring for Gazania is to remove old flowers, as well as a weeding and loosening, which can be replaced with mulching.

On the poor soils, they will not be superfluous to gas jamming with complex mineral fertilizers 1-2 times a month. On fertile soil, you can do without fertilizers or apply them 2-3 times per season.

Diseases and pests

Gotania practically does not hurt and are not amazed by pests. The only one possible problem - Gray rot, causing dip. To save the plant, it is treated with fungicides. To avoid the disease, it is necessary to land shopping only in a lightly drained soil.


As a long-term culture, this African chamomile grows only in warm countries, where the temperature usually does not fall below zero. However, a short-term decrease to -5-7 ºC Gotanya will survive. But in the Russian conditions, the cultivation of this plant in the open soil is impossible.

For wintering, the strongest bushes are taken and in October-November transplanted them into pots, which are in a bright room with a temperature of 8-10 ºC. Occasionally water when the soil will dry out. In the spring, overwhelmed gazeds are planted in an open ground, having trigteled the shoots.

Growing at home

Gasania in the pot

Gotsyania can be kept and how indoor plant. Mandatory condition Successful cultivation is intensive lighting. In summer, the plant will feel better to feel on the balcony.

Popular views of Gotania

In nature, there are 18 types of gazania, most popular of them are grown as decorative.

Gotanya ampelnaya

Highly decorative variety Gazania due to the drop-down beams with silver-sowed leaves and bright yellow flowers of 2.5-4 cm. Color color solid, without spots at the base of petals.

Calcania haired (brilliant)

This is the most famous variety of shops. In nature, it does not occur. Buckets up to 40 cm highs are decorated with bright golden-yellow or orange shiny 4-8 cm flowers with a diameter. The base of petals are dark spots. The leaves are solid, sometimes moderately outcropped, dark green from the top side and white-in-chosen from the bottom.

Distribution linear (long-term toll or pussany)

The bushes of this type of gas height up to 10-15 cm consist of a socket of narrow leaves up to 13 cm long and yellow and orange flowers up to 8 cm with a diameter. The leaves are green and shiny on the outside and white chosen from the inner. On the colors at the base of the petals are often found dark spots.

Krebs's gazania (Pavlinia)

Gazania Pavlinia

The low-length type of shops, forms up to 15 cm highs. The top side of the leaf is dark green shiny, the bottom is the white invented. The root system is quite weak, without a rod root. Flowers in size 5-9 cm, dark red or orange with dark brown spots at the base of petals.

Gibling hybrid

There are many hybrid varieties based on gatzania shiny, digging of linear and other species. The varietal plants have larger flowers with various spectacular coloring, and the newest hybrids bloom even with cloudy weather. The most interesting groups of gating varieties:


With golden-yellow, orange and red-brown inflorescences, some varieties of this group have longitudinal contrasting strips on petals or rings of various colors. In the photo - RED Stripe variety.

Ishim Groo, Zonerenshain, Auslese

Vintage varieties; Buckets high up to 30 cm with large colors of bright colors. In the photo - Easy Grow grade;


Plants up to 20 cm high with yellow, orange and white inflorescences


A series of varieties with silver leaves and flowers that do not close even on cloudy days; On the right - the Talent White variety.

Decorative value

Due to the lowestness, drought-resistant and unpretentiousness of gating perfectly suitable for alpine Gork And rocaries, where perfectly combined with blue lobels and agrators. Popular species can form a solid carpet, and compact varieties Ideal for growing in containers in balconies. Ampelic varieties are very decorative in suspended porridge.


Bright solar walchia (gas) in Germany is called "midday gold", and in Russia gentle by the "African chamomile". For what is so loved by European flowers this typical inhabitant of the "black continent"? For prolonged I. abundant blossom, variety of paints, unpretentiousness and modesty in content. As a rule, gothicia is grown in summer flower beds, but also as a potted room plant Exotic chamomile miracle as good. Compact, abundant flowering bushes look in home interior Exquisitely and unusual. In the color of the inflorescences of the South African guest, warm shades predominate (bronze, yellow, flame-red). There are hybrids with the tongues of pinkish-lilac, blue and white colors.

It is easy to grow gasania from seeds at home. Compliance with the main agrotechnical norms, a little effort - and voila! The real African summer will bloom on your windowsill!

Dates of landing

If you plan to raise shop at home, you can sow seeds at any time of the year, but only if you are ready to provide her high-quality lighting on cloudy days and in the evening. In other cases, work is carried out at the end of March - early April. By the way, spring sowing is very profitable: you will leave several copies for a home collection, and the rest can land on the flowerbed.

Sowing seeds and care for seedlings

For the cultivation of the African chamomile from the seed, you will need a light, well-drained soil and the volumetric deep container, precisely deep, because in the process of growth of gasia forms a long rod root. Sowing is as follows:

  • The prepared mixture is falling asleep into the container, compact and smash.
  • Quite large walding seeds are laid down on the surface of the soil with an interval of 2.5-3 cm.
  • Seeds are tightly pressed to the soil or sprinkle with a thin layer of the nutrient substrate.
  • Sowing spray with warm water from the sprayer and are covered with glass or film.
  • The greenhouse is placed in warm (+ 18 ... + 20 ° C), a bright place and are open daily to ventilating and removing droplets of condensate accumulated on glass (film).

IN favorable conditions Fresh (not older than 2 years) Gotsen seeds will germinate in 8-14 days. In the phase of the fourth real sheet, seedlings are searched by separate flower pots. Do not forget to put a good drainage on the bottom of the pots. If the seed container is spacious enough, the transplant can be postponed for a week-other. In order to avoid pulling bushes, make them after the dive of 7-10 days in the cool room. After the expiration of the rapid plants return to the house and arrange on the southern windowsill. The beauty is not afraid of direct rays, so it is not worth pronunciation. Your daisy will bloom 2-3 months from the moment of sowing seeds.

Care rules

  • Watering an exotic chamomile regularly and moderately, not allowing the long-term drying of the earth coma. After moisturizing the soil under the plant, it is necessary to neatly loose to ensure oxygen access to the root system.
  • Note! Spray shops, like other plants with sowing leaves, do not need!
  • Every 30-45 days, gotsyania is fed by complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.
  • In order for the plant to look neat and fasterly gained new buds, faded baskets should be turned off in a timely manner.

Abundant blossom of room gothicia begins in the second decade of June and lasts until the start of winter, and each basket remains fresh and elegant for 2.5-3 weeks. "Raisin" Solar Guest is an amazing ability to close flowers at night and in cloudy weather. If the long-awaited chamomiles do not hurt to bloom or flowering you seems too scarce, pay attention to the conditions of the pettomician content: perhaps the plant is not enough light or you watered it too hard. Late seeding can also be the cause of the detained flowering.

Zimovka room gazania

After the end of the active flowering of the solar chamomile, it is necessary to provide a long period of rest so that it restores the strength before the new season. At wintering, pots with gatzania are determined in a cool, very bright place: on a glazed balcony or loggia. The optimal temperature of the content is from +7 ° C to +10 ° C. Watering plants infrequently, only so that the soil in the pot does not dry completely. In the feeders, resting bushes do not need.

On the eve of the spring, the wokeered plants return to the "native" windowsill, pre-rooting the shoots half. With the onset of heat, the beauty of the chamomile can be taken out into the garden or decorate her an open terrace.

Pests and diseases

The stability of gothic to pests and diseases is worthy of admiration. Problems with her health are so rare that many flower products are confident that she does not get sick at all. Only sometimes bushes are subjected to the attacks of a web tick and aphids. To destroy insects, use any potent insecticide. Such preparations like "Inta-Vir", "Agravertin", "Akarin" (against Tly), "Klezhevit", "Fufanon", "Aktellik" (against a tick).

High temperature indoors and systematic bay of gating can provoke the development of gray rot. Save the sick plants will be extremely difficult. First, dispose of strongly affected copies. The rest of the bushes are insulating, treat a fungicide preparation ("Phytosporin", "Fundazol") and be sure to adjust the schedule for further care.

Popular species and varieties

Of the 40 types of shops, known in nature, several are grown in culture. All of them are very attractive and externally quite similar:

  • Gotania is a long-stage - a compact ravendice height of 15-20 cm with whole-acne or weakly cut leaves and fluttering shoots. Baskets are large (up to 7 cm in diameter), bright yellow.
  • Goting one-flowered - miniature bush (up to 15 cm in height). Long leaves are published on the bottom. Pale-yellow flowers, up to 5 cm in diameter.
  • Gotana harsh (brilliant) is a very attractive look. The height of the bush is about 25-35 cm. The tongues are painted in bright, warm tones (yellow, orange, red), a middle of tubular flowers purple-black.
  • Pavlinia's gazania is a semi-staple perennial with a short stem and long, narrow leaves. Orange flowers With a yellow core reaches 8 cm diameter.
  • Snego-white gazania is obliged to their name to a soft feet of leaves. From afar of a bustice with a height of 15-20 cm, covered with numerous light hairs, it seems not green, but snow-white.
  • Gotania Celebrate - a short view (up to 20 cm) with half-disseated or blade leaves. Orange flowers-tongues, with black marked at the base.
  • Gotanya Pili - externally, very similar to gazania harsh, but basket-inflorescence is much larger: up to 12 cm in diameter.
  • Gotania is hybrid - the most popular form in flower growing, the numerous varieties of which are derived with the participation of gating long-told and harsh. The colorful popularity of Fisitive, "Ministar", "New Dei", including cultivars with flowers of bright orange, golden-yellow and red-brown color are enjoyed. Superbly look hybrids with striped regional flowers. Music Miza varieties, "Solar Blik", "chansonett" and "talent" please the eyes with lush bulk inflorescences. By the way, the baskets of the last on the night are not closed.

Bright, solar flats of shops are very good in the cut, and if several bushes are growing, without any damage for them external view You can collect a nice bouquet for the holiday.

Gazania, also known as walzany, has about 40 species. In his homeland - in South Africa - Gazania is a perennial plant, but in our conditions moderate climate, it is simply unable to overweight with frost and winds, and it is grown as an annual culture. The adorable inflorescences of gating petals with their outlines resemble a well-known chamomile, so sometimes it is called an "African chamomile."

Varieties and types of shops

It has shoots up to 30 cm and baskets with a diameter of up to 6 cm. The color of its tongue flowers is either yellow, or orange, tubular - purple-black. Near the base are white, brownish or black specks. Usually, the leaves are solid, but can be more separately separate.

Includes varieties of mixed origin in which most often appear hard gazania and gasania Dolnutelkova . The plant can rise in a height of up to 30 cm. Abundant blooming from the middle of the summer before the onset of the coldness of the inflorescences have a diameter of about 8 cm and consist of tongue colorful flowers. It is they who are of particular interest for gardeners for how much allowed to create amazingly colorful mixes, as well as more resistant to unfavorable weather and can bloom early.

One of the most common representatives of gotsyania is based on Kiss which also includes a series Big Kiss . It consists of dozens of beautiful hybrids, such as gotanya Kiss Orange Flame , kiss Kiss Mahagon And others. Grow 20-25 cm and contain inflorescences from 7 to 10 cm in diameter.

Flowers abundantly and long, with the Rannetic Types of Ahead of Others almost 2 weeks. For example, the mixture Frost Kiss It consists of gas with silver foliage and flowers with contrast longitudinal stripes. In especially comfortable conditions, growing the flowers of frost kiss are capable of growing in diameter up to 15 cm!

A mixture of Dabreik

Includes gazania with orange, yellow and brownish-red inflorescences. Recently a new variety called " Dabreyk Red Strayp "Who has inflorescences even with cloudy weather.

Series Talents consists of hazardous gas silver sheet, especially suitable for solar flower and containers. This variety blooms very long - right up to cooling. Large multicolored talents gazan flowers do not twist the petals if there is no sun, as well as the previous series.

Another range of gazania is harsh - " New Dae "- Very unpretentious, compact and saturates the corner with clean and juicy shades of their flowers. Gotania White New Diet - granted to us from Netherlands and refers to the Rannetic Hybrid. In Gatsania New Dei Rose Strap White petals contain pink stripes, giving the flowers a special charm.

- Compact plant, with high up to 20 cm and durable blooms. Basket inflorescences are pretty overall and spectacular - 7-8 cm in diameter, with contrasting strips. This species blooms from the first summer month before the appearance of frosts and is used as a curb, soil plant and in various flower beds.

Gazania landing and care in open soil

Gazan landing in open ground is carried out at the end of April - early May. If the temperature is rising to 20 ° C, then shoots may appear already a week later. Adult plants must have sufficient area for nutrition and ventilate well, so when landing is recommended to withstand the distance at least 15-20 cm.

Quick shoots are a clear advantage of sowing in an open ground associated with the lack of injuries of the root system, characteristic of transplant, but there is a significant drawback that manifests itself that the planted bush will bloom not earlier than the end of July.

Watering Gazania

Gotana is unpretentious in watering. For them, the existence of heat is more important than the sufficient volume of moisture. In this regard, it is worthwhile to water these plants stable in moderate quantities. Moreover, after falling out of precipitation, it is necessary to blame the soil, removing the excess moisture and not giving it to accumulate. Lined in places of water delays of gas can perish.

In his homeland, Gazania grows on desert areas, in conditions of loose, sandy and criticized soils. It consumes water through the rod roots, the lengths of which are enough to extract it from the depth. So in the garden, this plant comes with any, even depleted soils, except for heavy clay. Wetlands and oversaturated places, as noted above, are not suitable for gas.

Transplantation of gatzania in autumn

By analogy with pelargonium, gas can be saved in winter by performing an autumn transplant adult bushes in balcony containers or pots. By placing the plant on the windowsill, it is possible to observe how it continues to bloom, it is even better to leave it in a lit room with a plus cool temperature, for example, on loggias or terrace and periodically water. So the root system will be saved.

In the spring, the bustice should be cut half and planted on the flower. If the only place for storage is a basement, then the above-ground part should be trimmed half and planted on the flower. If the only place for storage is a basement, then the above-ground part should be trimmed in autumn, leaving a small pennies.

Fertilizer for Gazania

For harmony in the growth and rich flowering of gothing requires feeding with mineral fertilizers. In the case of fertile enriched fittings, feeding adult sockets produce once a month and a half. If you plan to shop on poor soils, it is necessary to perform it a little more often - once in 2-4 weeks.

Gazania from seeds at home

Hybrid gazania after reproduction does not acquire parental qualities and get the most different colors. To grow seedlings, sowing is carried out in the greenhouse in the first month of spring. Sing the open soil in April.

Seeded seedlings in a peat-up potted pot, then fuse in a temperature of 12-15⁰s. For transplant gas - a hard-to-carry process, in connection with which it is recommended to keep seedlings in pots.

Splitting of Gotania Cherenca

The reproduction of cuttings is also possible for what you should take them from lateral shoots near the stem in the middle of summer. Next should be processed by their stimulants for formation of roots and land out of the reach of the sun. When rooting occurs, a transplant is made to a plot along with an earthen room.

Diseases and pests

Gotania is resistant to most types of diseases and pests, but in a ridiculous summer shoots of the plant can be rotated. So manifests a mushroom infection "Gray rot". The exit from this situation is to break the flower bed, the blasting of the soil, the cleaning of rot and spraying the remaining plants with antifungal agent.

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