How to grow seedlings in peat pills? How to plant seeds in peat pills? How to sit in peat pills.

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Planting tomatoes in peat tablets - great way Rail seedlings without subsequent dive. Sprouts transplanted without damage to the root system, begin to be fronding for 1-2 weeks before the usual term.

Peat washers are already a ready-made soil substrate with a balanced content of nutrient components. They appeared in our country relatively recently, but have already won considerable popularity among gardeners and dacities thanks to the convenience and ease of use. In addition, with this method of growing high level survival.

Benefits of peat tablets

Peat tablet is a gray-black disc from pressed peat different sizes: from 2 to 7 cm in diameter and 1-1.5 cm in height.

In addition to peat, it can accommodate additional nutrients needed to germinate seeds and active shoots of shoots in the first weeks of cultivation, as well as fungicides and antibacterial drugs. To plant tomatoes, pepper or eggplant in tablets, you can choose the appropriate size and filling.

Peat is used either riding or composite. Peat discs are packed in a protective mesh or a film that can detect in the soil. Protection is necessary in order to preserve their shape when soaked. Therefore, after contact with water, the tablet peat is increased in height, and in the width remains unchanged.

Cultivation of tomato seedlings in peat pills Ensures gardeners and gardens from unnecessary trouble. The method saves space in a greenhouse, greenhouse or on the windowsill. In addition, this method of germination of seedlings has other advantages:

  1. Thanks to the crumb of peat, it is gentle for gentle roots.
  2. The high percentage of germination and survival of plants allows without loss to obtain seedlings from expensive or rare seed material.
  3. Tableled soil absorbs a limited amount of moisture, so in such a substrate you just need to maintain optimal humidity.
  4. Peat itself is organic fertilizer, therefore, on initial stage The extension is not necessary in additional feeding.
  5. The porosity of the substrate provides a good aeration of the root plant of the plant and protects it from posting.
  6. Sprouts are transplanted into open soil with a tablet, which makes it easier for the process and allows you to keep the roots of the shoots.
  7. The use of peat substrate protects the plant from defeat with such diseases as a black leg.
  8. The use of a tablet form allows you to group sections depending on the development stage.
  9. A large selection of sizes allows you to choose the optimal for each culture. So, for growing tomato, pepper and eggplant in tablets, 3,5-5 cm products are suitable in diameter.
  10. The tablet substrate in a dry form is stored without loss of quality for many years.

There are no restrictions for the use of this substrate. In particular, this method is good for thermo-loving and poorly descendible varieties.

At the same time, growing technology differs little from traditional ways. It is important to keep drying peat. Chief flaw Tablets - their cost. It may be unprofitable to grow a large amount of seedlings.

How to choose?

Since tomatoes are large and with a fairly long period of growing season, the tablets require a sufficiently large diameter (at least 3.5 cm). You can combine peat pots and pills. In this case, you can only use half a disk or if the plant has grown quite large, put a tablet into a large-diameter pot.

Choosing a pot and peat tablets. It is important to pay attention to the structure of the peat mixture. It should be loose, shallow and soft. This contributes to the best aeration of the root system and water absorption of the pill itself.

An important factor is the acidity of the substrate. This indicator is often indicated on the packaging, since various cultures need different reaction of the medium. Since the tomatoes prefer neutral soils, and they grow bad on sour, the soil should have a pH of 6-6.5.

The optimal size of tablets for tomatoes is 3.6-4 cm. After swelling, their height will increase from 1.5 to 36 and 38 cm, respectively. The tableted substrate should be quite large enough to make it enough to the end of growing seedlings.

It is important that the discs have a protective shell. It can be a grid, a film or paper impregnated with fungicides or other substances. Although the pills without a shell are cheaper, the form they save are incapable and require premises to the pot. Together, the pots and pills are even more expensive.

There are different ways to grow seedlings. Based on this, you can choose pills placed in miniature greenhouses with different amounts of pucks or without them, in packs.

You can buy peat washers in special stores, hypermarkets or on the Internet.

How to use?

Tomatoes in peat tablets grow different ways - in mini-greenhouses, pallets, cassettes.

Before sowing seeds, the washers must be prepared. First of all, they are drinking with water. For this, the tablets are soaked in tanks with warm water for 15-20 minutes. During this time, they will increase in the height of 5-8 times, and the diameter will remain the same.

Several manganese crystals can be added to the water for additional disinfection and enrichment of potassium substrate. After that, the substrate is placed on a flat surface with a hole up.

To place the tablets in advance, it is necessary to prepare a mini-greenhouse or a container with a transparent lid or without it. The lid contributes to the preservation of moisture and the necessary temperature in torfer until shoots appear.

Tablets are placed in such a way that there is no free space between them. This will ensure the stability and their themselves and future seedlings. You can place each puck in a separate container. In a separate cup of seedlings more mobile - it is easier to transport and move it if necessary.

In addition, high cups are used to grow seedlings of tall varieties of tomatoes. In this case, you can use pills without a shell. On the bottom of the pallet you can position the guboid material to facilitate the control of the humidity of the substrate.

The capacity should be high enough (about 10 cm in height) so that sweeping washers and sprout reliably retained. You can put tablets into special cassettes with individual cups of at least 0.5 ml. In such a capacity of seedlings will be securely fixed.

Seed landing in tablet

There are several simple rulesHow to use using and how to use peat pills for seedlings.

Seeds must be prepared. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Sowing material is soaked for 1-2 days in a mixture of a metering and water juice in a 1: 1 ratio. This will increase the stability of shoots to unfavorable conditions Environments and many diseases will increase yields.
  2. It is soaked in the sowing material for 24 hours in 0.5% solution food Soda. This contributes to early fruit.
  3. Seeds are soaked for 2 hours in water with the addition of stimulants to accelerate germination.
  4. Seed material can be placed for 20 minutes in a weary solution of manganese. Pre-seeds wrap in gauze or bandage.

In each tablet, 1-2 seeds are placed and deeped with a toothpick by 1.5 cm. Draised seeds after the room in the substrate are additionally moistened from the pipette, and the shell is smeared to the toothpick to relieve germination.

From above are covered with a lid or film. Tomatoes sown in this way quickly increase the root system, strong and well branched.

Optimal conditions for growing seedlings

Seeds shoot 5-10 days after they are sowed, sow tomatoes need 55-65 days before disembarking into open ground. Depending on the region, this may be the end of February or the beginning of March. Capacity with tablets put in a bright, warm place. The eastern and western window will fit well. Optimal temperature For seedlings + 25 ... + 30 ºС.

Caring for seedlings is regular watering, feeding, ventilation and lighting. It is necessary to regularly open the tank capacity - at least 1 time a day for 60 minutes.

A sign that plants need to be ventilated, serves the appearance on the condensate lid. After serving shoots, the coating is removed at all. If the windowsill is cold, the greenhouse is installed on a thick layer of foam and closed from drafts.

Seedling care includes providing good lighting. If natural light is not enough, you can install phytolamba. The first 2-3 days after the appearance of the loop, the seedlings are illuminated around the clock, and then go to the 16-hour day day.

The feeder is brought 2-3 weeks after the appearance of sprouts, dissolving fertilizer in water for watering. Before that time in the tablet enough nutrients. And from that time, fertilizers make every 10-14 days.

To do this, it is possible to use nitroposk (1 tbsp. L. 10 liters of water), pouring a 0.5 glat of the solution under each plant. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic. 10 days before landing in the ground, the seedlings are watered with superphosphate.

With this method of cultivation, seedlings do not require dive, but if necessary, each tablet can be placed in a separate capacity of greater volume. In the case of germination of both seeds, one of the sprouts, weaker, delete.

Polishing rules peat tablets

When growing tomatoes in peat tablets, constantly follow the humidity. Before the appearance of germs, it is easier to do this thanks to the lid. Features of growing seedlings in the future are constantly moisturizing. Even short-term drying of the substrate leads to the death of crops.

Capacity with tablets should have holes for drainage. It is placed in a special pallet. Planted tomatoes can be watered in 2 ways: through the pallet or spraying method. Before the appearance of the sedes, the substrate is better moisturized aerosol. It must be done carefully not to damage small sprouts.

After germinals, it is more convenient to water seedlings through the pallet where water is poured. The loose peat due to the capillary structure and high water permeability absorbs so much moisture as needed. Excess water needs to merge. Adult seedlings can be sprayed 1-2 times a day.

It has its own peculiarities of growing seedlings in large quantities. In this case, drip irrigation is practiced.

First achievements

After the appearance of germs, you need to follow the roots. After the appearance of the root from the bottom of the tablet, it is trimmed. The puck itself is cut into 2-4 places and placed in a larger capacity or plant seedlings in open ground.

If plants develop unevenly, the tablet substrate varies places or transferred to a more suitable place. For example, ready-made plants are put on an open air for hardening.

1.5 months after the appearance of shoots, the sprouts appear floral brushes. 10 days after that they are planted into open ground. The first floral brush can be deleted, eating a transplant for a week.

High-quality seedlings should have thick stems, large leaves and well-developed root system.

Secrets of experienced dacniki

Frequent error of gardeners - growing seedlings on an incorrectly composed substrate. The use of tableted peat eliminates this problem. The washers are convenient to use when growing seedlings as for open soiland for greenhouses.

So that the seedlings manage to develop before disembarking, they need to sow no later than March 25. Seeds in front of the immersion in the substrate 5 days are kept on a wet marla to accelerate germination. Another secret - after the appearance of germs, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to +16 ºС for hardening.

Some gardeners remove the protective shell with tablets. It is not necessary to do so, since the landed tomatoes are able to break through the roots through the shell.

Video: how to use peat pills

On the Internet you can find video master classes for the cultivation of tomatoes seedlings and other vegetable crops With peat washers with all secrets and features.

Use peat pills to grow seedlings are unprofitable in terms of savings. One thing costs about 5 rubles, while for the garden may take hundreds of seedlings. For the average gathering, it is an exorbitant luxury, so this method of obtaining seedlings received distribution only among expensive and rare varieties.

The advantages of peat pills in the cultivation of seedlings

Let the cultivation of seedlings in peat pills are not justified when looking at the situation from the position of savings, but the method has plenty of advantages:

  • Peat - valuable nutrient medium for most cultural plantswho prefer acidic soils;
  • In extruded disks, except peat contain additives to help grow seeds and grow healthy shoots (growth stimulants, fungicides);
  • They are good for seedlings, poorly carrying pickup;
  • If the seedlings are uneven, then the emerging shoots can be transferred to suitable conditions, and not separated by seeds to leave under the film;
  • If nothing sat down, then the seeds can still be planted into the same "capacity." You can be sure that the seeds did not go, because they turned out to be nonsense, and not due to the quality of the substrate or infection with his fungus or pests;
  • Landing the seed and simple care for seeders takes a minimum of time.

The use of peat tablets for growing seedlings is suitable for cultivating any crops: berries, vegetables, colors. In the operated disk, you can roam the cuttings of shrubs. The received shoots do not get sick at the expense of the processed substrate and are not pulled from the lack of the Sun: the sprouted seeds immediately come from under the film.

Preparation of peat tablets for landing seeds

Externally peat pills in which the seedlings will have to grow - these are thick discs with a diameter of 25 to 70 mm, consisting of pressed peat. The outer surface is covered with nonwoven material, which does not allow to crumble substrate. For a strong seedlings of vegetable crops, take the maximum diameter, and even 25-millimeter copies are suitable for small berries seeds.

Before planting seedlings in a peat tablet, they need to be prepared:

  • Get discs desired size from packaging;
  • Fold their holes up into high capacity: pelvis, cover from the cake;
  • Fill the container with warm water and wait a while.

You will soon notice how high cylinders with a loose substrate will appear from peat pills. Restriction of the outer edge of nonwoven material Allows you to increase in volume when absorbed liquid only due to growth in height, but not by expansion. As a result, "Cups" are obtained with a hole from above, designed to bookmark the seeds.

Planting seeds in peat pills

When the cylinders rose, pour water out of the tank until it absorbed nutrients from the substrate. After that, landing for seedlings of vegetable crops in tablets based on peat substrate:

  • Prepare seeds. To do this, they are soaked, or even give it to snaps like. But nothing happens if you put them dry;
  • With the help of toothpicks, put the seeds in the hole on top and deepen the seeds;
  • Put them without extra effort so that the seeds are covered with a substrate layer. Or just pour them on top of a pre-prepared peat from the upper layers;
  • If you have granulated seeds, then after the landing do not rush to bury: Speak on them from the syringe with a needle. When the seed shell becomes plastic, with the help of a match or the same toothpicks, smear it on the surface to simplify the germination of seeds.

Fold the sown cylinders in pallets or boxes. Continue the cultivation of seedlings in peat tablets in a warm place, covering a pre-prepared film. Check daily: Do you have any gear? The proceeding instances should be released in a timely manner from the film and transfer them to the window or hang them artificially. Otherwise, shoots will stretch and weaken.

Tip! Do not put tablets from peat when growing seedlings too close to each other: Leave at least 1 cm between them. Otherwise, the roots that overcame the barrier from the mesh can intertear among themselves. As a result of the rearrangement of the cylinders, they are damaged, and the whole point of planting seeds in extruded discs is lost.

Features of growing cucumber seedlings in peat tablets

The advantages of growing cucumbers seedlings in peat pills. This is a culture that does not differ in the root system. And the transplant to a permanent place is a test, the consequences of which are minimized if they plant on the bed together with the untouched shell. It is important only when buying pay attention to the composition of the shell. This should not be a cardboard.

In the peat substrate tablets used for cucumber seedlings, there must be a wide hole for seeds. The fact is that the seedy leaves in the culture are big, and through the small gap it will be difficult for them will be born. Therefore, it is possible to expand the hole in bulk cylinders alone. But the cucumber seeds are not required to be redeemed, although the layer in 1-2 mm will not be superfluous.

After disembarking seeds of cucumbers to seedlings in wet peat briquettes, they must be placed in the container and cover with the film. For the rapid appearance of shoots, follow the following conditions:

  • Comfortable temperature range - 20 ... 25 o C;
  • Do not allow the substrate drying;
  • Watering produce by means of a pulverizer;
  • Open containers for venting for a couple of hours.

When growing cucumbers in peat cylinders, follow the moisture content of the substrate: they love the abundance of water, and open pills are quickly losing it. You can not allow drying, otherwise the shoots will be cleaned, or damage root system. But even overly pour water is not needed that the favorable environment for rot. Good decisionfrequent spraying From the pulverizer.

Features of growing tomatoes seedlings in peat tablets

Since tomatoes are perfectly transferred to a transplant, growing tomato seedlings in a peat substrate in the form of tablets unjustified. Although the method can be used to obtain shoots of tall-duty yields of hybrids for which the exact compliance with the conditions of cultivation is important. And the usual varieties of tomatoes dachacks are compared with the grass, which grows itself, so they do not need peat discs.

If you already decide in pills from a peat substrate, choose a diameter of 4 cm, and better - 7 cm. The wider there will be a cylinder, the better the root system of tomatoes will develop. If the large diameter was not found, then when the pair of real leaves appears, we carry out the transshipment of seedlings in the container wider (packages from milk, cropped bottles, special glasses).

For transshipment, it is best to use liter dairy bags. Previously, they are sweeping exactly half and fall asleep by the soil mixture. After each peat tablet with the seedle, it is necessary to release the shell from the holding shape and put it into the nutrient substrate. As the seedlings of tomatoes grow, the edges of the package are gradually rejected, and free space Filled with soil. Thus, by the time of the landing for a permanent place in plants, a powerful root system is formed.

Grow in peat tablets seedlings of peppers

The main feature that the method of growing pepper seedlings in peat tablets is the need to transplant seedlings in the pots of large diameter. Therefore, it makes no sense to initially choose a large diameter (it is still not enough). Leave the choice on 3-centimeter discs, which will be enough before the appearance of 4 of these leaves.

Squeeze pepper into peat compact tablets is better in advance in advance with crumpled seeds. It remains only to observe care, so as not to damage the roots, and fall asleep from above the thin layer of peat. After which the cylinders are placed in the container to be covered polyethylene film and put in warm dark place With a temperature of about 25 o C.

When shoots appear, the film should be removed and placed a container with peat pills to the illuminated place. IN further care It comes down to periodic moisturizing substrate. At the same time, maintain the temperature regime within the following limits:

  • Daily temperatures within 25 ... 26 o C;
  • Night temperatures within 11 ... 13 o C.

When the pepper seedlings stop the 3rd and 4th real leaf, the plants will need 0.5 liter pots. For normal growth of the root system, remove the mesh with peat cylinders that give them the shape of the tablets and place the seedlings in the pots filled nutrient substrate. At the same time, the stems can be broken a bit for the formation of additional roots.

How to grow eggplant seedlings in peat tablets

As in the case of tomatoes, the cultivation of seedlings eggplant tablets from the peat substrate is justified if you sew expensive hybrids and do not want to lose even one sprout. Until the moment when you have to land into the soil, the cylinders with a diameter of 7 cm are quite enough. When buying a smaller diameter tablets, you will have to move seedlings in the container larger when the present leaves appear.

Tip! If you already decide to save, take pills from peat to grow eggplant with a diameter of 40 mm. Expand the hole in the grid so as to plant 2 seeds around the edges. When they give germs, immediately cut the cylinder in half until the roots have grown, and transplanted into the cups for seedlings. If one seed has not risen, you don't need to cut the cylinder.

Features of transplant seedlings in tablets

The process of transplanting seedlings grown in peat tablets is simplified, and the result is improving. Change of conditions and damage to the root system leave imprints in the state of the culture planted on the permanent place. This is especially affected by cucumbers. But thanks to the pills:

  • The roots are not damaged, since the seedlings are seeded with her. Its surface is made of natural materialsand fear that she will not grow root - it is not worth it;
  • As part of the tablets there are anti-stress drugs that allow making a transplant for plants invisible. This means that they will continue to grow and develop without a slowdown, which is usually inherent in the transplanted culture;
  • Peat filler will feed the seedlome for some time, so in an urgent feeding it will not need.

Tip! If the mesh on the tablet from peat with the seedle was damaged, then when the transplant needs to make a picking root.

For growing seedlings in peat pills, many labor and time costs do not need. But it will have to be embarrassed on extruded discs. Despite this, summer houses are happy to plant colors and vegetables in them. It is very healthy and strong seedlings obtained from tablets filled with peat!

Many people like themselves to grow seedlings. This process fascinates and captures, makes it possible to observe the origin of the sprout and its development.

At the same time, of course, every gardener wants to have a strong seedlings with a strong root system. In short, which will give good harvest And justify the financial and labor costs embedded in it, as well as the time spent.

The benefits of peat for seedlings

The younger plant, the more it is sensitive and demanding regular composition Substrate, sufficient nutrition, temperature and lighting mode.

IN last years Peat pills for seedlings appeared to help gardens, allowing not to spend time and strength to provide plants with suitable soil.

In addition to the substrate itself, composed of elements necessary In the right proportions, they contain food for seeds, which will ensure them all necessary.

Many experienced gardeners Peat mixes are also the best for seedlings with the substrate. Thanks to its air and moisture permeability, as well as saturation large quantity Nutrients, seedlings will receive the necessary meals, which will allow it to develop actively and successfully.

Appearing not for a long time on the market, they won the favor of buyers. There are tablets for planting seedlings, combining the comfortable form and the beneficial effect of peat substrate.

Apply them both professionals and lovers of gardeners. Direct assignment of tablets consists in:

  • cultivation;
  • germination of seeds;
  • rooting Cherenkov
  • application as soil for.
Peat consists of overloading swamp vegetation and mosses, in which nature laid the full composition.

Did you know? Beneficial features peat are used even in the preparation of some drugs for the treatment of eyes, joints, of cardio-vascular system and eczema.

The washers are a dry pressed substance enriched with antibacterial additives, growth stimulants and. Similar in shape to the tablet, they got their name. The product is packed in a mesh holding it from scattering during use.

It can be removed so that the root system felt free and developed better, and you can leave as it is: the roots greatly germinate through it.

The composition of the washer is optimally balanced for the speedy germination of seeds and comfortable well-being of plants.

  1. A mixture of peat and humus saturates the plant with nutrients.
  2. Antibacterial drugs oppress the growth of pathogenic organisms.
  3. Mineral substances stimulate growth.

In the manufacture of tablets, a peat has a different and fraction, information about this should be present on the package.

Before buying tablets, it is necessary to find out which acidity environment is required to plant plants as planted in them.

Neglecting this factor, you can get planning results in the form of a slowdown in growth and development and even the death of seedlings or seeds.

Did you know? About 3% of the entire solid surface of the planet falls on the proportion of peat. Only Scottish lands are 30% composed of peat. Russian peatlands occupy 32%, that is, a third of the entire territory of the state, and is produced annually up to 280 million tons.

You can not buy peat tablets for seedlings of the smelter without packing, on which information is indicated about the characteristics of the substrate and its purpose, as well as detailed descriptionhow to use them.

Instructions for the use of peat tablets

Use does not represent any complexity. It is this simplicity in combination with the benefits for plants and won great amount fans.

Landing seedlings in tablets still requires some skills and compliance with uncomplicated rules, despite the simplicity of their use. Consider step by step, how to use peat pills.

  • First of all, the washer should be released from cellophane packaging that protects it from premature sanding and other damage.
  • Location in the selected in advance container with a transparent lid, which will serve as mini, the right amount Hole tablets for seed up.

It is impossible to remove the kapron mesh - it subsequently retains the form and prevents the substrate scattering.

It is better if the pills are located tightly, in contact with each other. Filming, in this case they will not be deformed and turn over, tightly held by neighbors.

For fixation sometimes use the disinfect sand, fastened to the bottom. It is installed tablets, and it is subsequently watered. This method somewhat makes it difficult to control moisture in the greenhouse, but you can not be afraid of displacement and falling during deformation.

A few words about the container for mini. It must accommodate the number of peat washers you need, so you should try in advance how they will locate.

It should be remembered that after swelling the tablets will grow in an eight of eight, turning into the columns. This circumstance must be taken into account when choosing a container, as not to forget about the place for the future of the proceeding sprout. The sum of these values \u200b\u200bis its height.
It is best for these purposes a disposable container from cake, salad containers and other disposable tableware With transparent lids.

The location of each column in a separate container, for example, plastic cups, is inappropriate with any decent scale: after all, each of them will need to be covered with something transparent, and subsequently create the same microclimate.

It is much more convenient to arrange them under one "roof", where you can easily care and control the process. The role of the "roof" can play even a cellophane package fixed on top of a rubber band.

  • Pour them with warm water to swell.
You do not need to pour water into the tablets yourself, the jet can be deformed. It is better to pour it into the pallet in which they are located, in small portions to avoid pop-ups.

Excess water in half an hour after the pills are swollen and turn into the columns, absorbed with the help of a sponge, without turning the container with the contents.

Important! Cold water will get absorbed longer than warm, you need to take into account for right calculation time.

  • After the swollen columns are ready to take seeds, it's time to suck them into the substrate. In the recess done in the middle of the top of the washer, one or two should be placed, depending on the value and amount of available sowing materialprepared by seeds. They can be dry, clouded, processed and so on.

When sowing, it should be remembered that it is necessary to plunge the seeds in the ground, it should be at a depth equal to two sizes of the seed. Small seeds can be simply postponed to the surface of the soil without closing the substrate layer.

Important! Very small and especially valuable seeds are recommended to scatter a contrasting color on paper and, picking up the seed with a tip of moistened toothpicks, put on a place of future habitat.

  • Seeking suitable way All prepared columns, the container in which they are located, should be covered with a lid with several ventilation holes that need to be done to avoid stressing air and related processes.
  • Mini-greenhouse put in a warm and bright place, on the windowsill, the window of which comes to the south, west or east. If the light is not enough, you need to make a specialty special to provide its biological light day.

Important! Cold is a big enemy of seedlings, so if the windowsill is cold, it follows to the greenhouse heat insulation material: Polyfoam, foam rubber and the like. Drafts should also be avoided.

  • From the moment when condensate appears on the inside of the cover, seedling needs ventilation.
  • After the plants proceed and showed their seedy leaves, the lid should be removed and make sure that they still have enough light.
  • Watering is not carried out in the columns, but on the bottom of the container, the above-ground part of the plants sprinkled with a spray gun.

Important! In no case cannot be allowed to dry the peat - it will seriously hurt, and even destroy the seedlings.

  • After the developed and strengthened root system begins to leave the tablet limits, it is very important to move them away from each other so that the roots of the neighbors do not penetrate. In this case, it will be impossible to separate them, not traumating, and a strong and healthy root is a pledge of a strong plant and a future harvest.

When the last snow comes down and the sun begins to harmon all the stronger, the novice dacnishes have to grow seedlings. By itself, this process is quite time consuming, however, you can do it easier and get rid of yourself from complex workhaving achieved at the same time high quality sprouts. This can be done if you use containers from pressed peat as landing capacities.

A couple of decades ago, many gardeners had to plant seeds in the seedlings in their available materials. Under these goals, they adapted boxes from under the juice, milk, cups from under yogurt, sour cream, often used I. homemade devices . However, all the same characteristics of these devices did not justify the expectations of dachens.

It touched I. peat GorshchkovThat until recently were very popular. Everything changed when pressed peat tablets appeared. Despite the fact that it is very convenient to plant in such containers of seeds, and after sowing almost all seeds germinate, they have one serious plus - these pots have not been decomposed on the ground for many months, since for their manufacture, a dense pressed cardboard is used for their manufacture.

Previously, the process of landing seedlings demanded a lot of strength, because I had to gently cut the edge of the pot with a knife or other acute subject And carefully pull out the seedlings to put it on the bed. Not always everything turned out as he thought. Therefore, if the owner provided the proper care for seedlings throughout the spring, then with its transplant to the ground, it often received damage. As a result of the fact that many of the seedlings were injured, at the end of the season, the harvest turned out to be less than that the dacnik counted.

Peat pills for seedlings are dry containers, having a wash shapemanufactured from fine pressed wood material inside of which there is a pressed peat. To make it easier to use the pots, they are manufactured using the most suitable components that pass the drying and pressing operation. After contact with warm water, the tablets begin to react and swell. As a result, their shape and dimensions change. After that, they can be used for their intended purpose.

Instructions for the use of peat tablets for seedlings

The process of using peat tablets implies the following actions:

  • additives;
  • fungicides;
  • growth accelerators.

Therefore, when using peat tablets for growing seedlings, you can reduce the risk of infection with various diseases and posting.

Features of peat tablets

The cylinder is in a thin mesh material, due to which the peat retains its original form during transportation, as well as when growing and watering seeds. Peat has optimal acidity indicators for most plants. Mean pH ranges from 5.4 to 6.2. These pills, even after 5-10 years, do not lose their original properties. However, for this they need to provide appropriate storage conditions: they need to be kept necessarily in a dry place.

Peat briquettes are presented in stores of different sizes. They may have a diameter of 2.5 cm to 7 cm. However, experts advise you to choose 4 cm briquettes, as they are ideal for garden seedlings.

If you need to raise seedlings from small seeds, it is best to get the discs of a smaller diameter. If you are planning to grow eggplant, pepper and tomato seedlings, then the largest briquettes are suitable for you.

What are the advantages of peat tablets for seedlings?

Peat discs are a universal device For growing seedlings. Therefore, they can be planted all that only you wish, not only garden, but also flower cultures.

Peat pills are perfectly suitable for growing seedlings of gentle sprouts of Petunia, Lobelia, individual species of plants, which are contraindicated by the dive. Considering that additives are present in the composition of the tablets, the high percentage of seed germination is provided. This moment is of particular importance, if you need to raise expensive and rare cultures, as well as seeds placed in the shell.

These briquettes are beneficial to use and because stem and leaf cuttings are perfectly rooted in them. Thanks to peat pills, you can save a lot of space that is used to place landings. This moment is of particular importance for the apartment, where there is not always enough space for seedlings.

Thanks to peat containers, it is possible to arbitrarily choose places for seedling, changing seedlings in places if some rose before others.

Considering the price of briquettes, and one such a pot costs about 5 rubles, they do not suit growing large number seedlings. Peat discs will primarily appreciate the dacms, which are needed to clean the seedlings in a small amount.

How to use pills for seedlings?

Before sowing in peat briquettes seeds must be prepared:

In some cases it may be necessary cover seed seeds. To do this, use a special peat. After sowing, the seeds must be slightly deepened inside, and then the riding peat is placed on them.

For landing, you can use dry or wet seeds. In the latter case, they must be placed for 2 days in water, waiting for their germination. In this case, they must be sowed in tablets with peat very carefully, using a spatula or a thin wooden wand.

When the seeds are in pills, they need to be well picked out of the pipette. When the shell becomes soft, the shell must be distributed over the torph with the toothpicks. Thanks to this reception, the process of seed germination can be accelerated.

Peat pills are perfectly suitable for growing strawberry seedlings. For sowing seeds of this culture, you can use a match. To pick up the seed match, it is necessary to pre-moisten her tip. After that it transfer to the recess of the tablet. After waiting, seedlings will appear from the seeds and they will fix their transplant to a permanent place, putting it in the ground with a peat tablet.

Planting seeds in peat pills

Having completed seeding, take transparent trays in which the pills are placed, after which they are carried to the windowsill or another warm place. You can use a plastic transparent box from under the cake on the role of the pallet. If there was no suitable cover for the container, then the film is put on top of it, creating the optimal level of humidity inside.

It is best to put peat pills in mini-greenhouseswhich contain holes for each tablet. You can avoid accumulating water if the greenhouses are installed on special pallets. At that time, the seedling will grow and fix, the optimal level of humidity should be maintained. In addition, they need regular ventilation, for which it is necessary to open the container cover.

Also get a strong seedlings are impossible without creating optimal temperature mode. It is recommended to keep fit on a western or eastern window. The north side is not very suitable for growing seedlings due to too cold microclimate. At the same time not better decision It will establish it on the south side, because at lunch it starts too warm the sun.

Gradually, condensate drops will form on the walls of the container, at such moments it is necessary to open mini-greenhouses. To effectively withdraw moisture, it is necessary to conduct ventilating at least once a day. Otherwise, you can face such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold, which will subsequently lead to the death of weak plants. When the first shoots appear, the lid is cleaned. At this time, watering should be not very abundant. To do this, cast water into the bottom stand or use the spacing. When growing seedlings in room conditions Conduct feeders will not need.

When using tablets from peat for growing seedlings, the gardener does not have to pitch, so during the transplant it will simply transfer seedlings directly with peat room. This method of growing seedlings is beneficial to the fact that during the transplant you can avoid damage to the root system garden crops. This moment acquires especially great importance In cases where you have to deal with seedlings with small shoots.

During the cultivation of seedlings you need constantly watch the cylinder. Having found that roots appeared on it, know that the plant has come to transplant plants in more spacious containers. It is very important not to miss this moment, because otherwise the roots intertwined with each other and grow. In this case, the plants will no longer grow normally and develop. If peat tablets are used for growing seedlings, placed in the mesh shell, then at the time of transplanting it must be kept to the root, so that the seedlings can be easily rooted. However, in some cases it is not necessary to do this, provided that the peat is not placed in a mesh, but a thin layer of wood cardboard.


Despite the fact that today many methods are available for growing seedlings at home, every year more and more start-up and more experienced daches choose the method of growing them in peat pills. Knowing how to plant in peat pills, gardener gets rid of many difficulties. Its main advantage is that during the transplant reduces to a minimum risk of damage to the root system. This directly affects the future harvest of garden culture.

Tell me how to plant seeds in peat pills? I purchased them back last year, but somehow this season did not reach hands. In addition, a little embarrassed the grid - what to do with it? I remember the seller in the store said that the pills must first soak, and then plant. And this mesh should be removed before soaking or before the transplantation?

With the advent of peat, many gardeners and flowers sighed with relief. And all because these small flat discs largely simplified the cultivation of seedlings. There are many crops that absolutely not tolerate the transplantation. Now the seedlings rose, they grown and came time to dive them. And here are strong, healthy plants after this procedure begin to hurt, because their gentle roots were damaged. But thanks to the peat pills, you can save seedlings and even easily facilitate your work. What you need to know about how to plant seeds in, and what do they represent?

What do peat pills look like?

Its name is interesting device Received for the form. It really resembles a large flat tablet. Make it from the pressed peat, which add growth stimulants, fungicides and other components. In such an improvised plants seedlings, there is almost no chance to get sick and grows well.

Before sowing a tablet should be soaked to peat swelling. Its diameter remains the same, but height grows 5 times. To preserve the form, in most cases peat is placed in a fine mesh. She does not give a wet torf to crumble. There are "models" and without a grid. Such must be put into separate small cups or a pot. Dimensions of tablets are also different. The smallests have a diameter of 2.5 cm, and large - up to 7 cm.

The first use usually for small seeds, for example, petunia. For vegetable seedlings, 4 cm diameter is suitable.

How to plant seeds in peat pills?

The process of growing seedlings in tablets is simple and lies in the following:

Water in the container should periodically pour - peat dries quickly. Also, seedlings need to be tired. When the roots are shown from the tablet, the plants are transplanted into a pot or a bed. The mesh is cut off so that it does not interfere with the evaporation of the root system.

Advantages of pressed peat tablets

Pluses at tablets a lot. They take up little space, which is especially important in the conditions of the apartment. There is no need for picking seedlings, which means that the roots are not damaged. If the seeds rose unevenly, there is an opportunity to remove the sprouted, leaving the rest.

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