Warm roof - comfort in your home. Do-it-yourself warm roof: roof construction, detailed description and choice of material

Landscaping and planning 20.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

In a country with a rather harsh climate, a very important point in arranging your own home is the insulation of its main elements - walls, floors and roofs. Properly selected material and well-executed insulation will create a comfortable temperature regime in the house and save significant funds on heating - a well-insulated room stores heat twice as long. In addition, it will save your health and the health of your loved ones, which is much more expensive than money. So this aspect of the improvement of your home should be given serious attention.

What is the best way to insulate

As a heater are used:

  • Fiberglass (glass wool).
  • Izover and mineral plates (mineral wool).
  • Styrofoam.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Foamed glass.
  • Styrofoam.
  • Expanded clay.
  • Foam concrete.

In addition to these, by far the most common heaters, there are others. Traditionally, ceilings were insulated with liquid clay with the addition of sawdust or straw, slag.

When choosing a material, all the main parameters and functional characteristics should be taken into account: weight, thickness (fraction size), resistance to temperature changes, durability. It is also necessary to take into account what the house is built from and the type of roof.

Ideally, the insulation should be bio- and moisture-resistant, non-flammable, resistant to mechanical and chemical stress, with a long service life, environmentally friendly, easy to install and not too expensive.

Ways of thermal insulation of the roof of a private house

From within

It involves the insulation of the ceiling, directly the roof and gables (if any). Integrated thermal insulation will significantly reduce heat loss.

Features of warming the roof of the house from the inside

When installing insulation on any surface, they must first be cleaned of dirt and dust, eliminate existing defects and arrange a waterproofing layer. Perhaps the best option (value for money) would be mineral heaters.

It is important to remember that the waterproofing sheets are overlapped (10-15 cm), the joints are glued.


Roof insulation (roofing pie device) is carried out during its installation. After the rafter system is assembled and securely fixed, a vapor barrier layer is laid on the underside of the rafters. Insulation is tightly laid between the rafters over the entire roof area (if necessary, in two layers, so that the second layer overlaps the joints of the first). A ventilation gap of about 5 cm is left between the vapor barrier and the insulation.

The technology of roof insulation with foam plastic from the outside

After installing the insulation, a counter-lattice is attached to the upper side of the rafters (usually from wooden bars or slats), a waterproofing layer is mounted on the counter-lattice (one more ventilation gap is needed), then the crate and the finishing roofing (slate, metal tile, ondulin, etc.). This method is suitable for plate and roll insulation with high density.

If polyurethane or other polymer mixtures are used as a heater, then a solid boardwalk is made on the rafters from the side of the attic. As a rule, working with polymers requires special equipment, so it is better to entrust it to professional builders.

Flat or shed roofs can also be additionally insulated from the outside..

Do-it-yourself technology for proper insulation

cold roof

Such roofs differ from insulated ones in that there is no heat-insulating layer in their design. In order to prevent large heat losses, the ceilings should be thoroughly insulated. If the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete slabs or concrete, cracks and potholes must be repaired with a cement-sand mixture, thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris and treated with soil.

Insulation of a cold roof with ecowool

After drying, spread the waterproofing (always with an overlap), glue the joints. Then wooden logs are installed from a bar (with a cross section of at least 5 cm) in a strictly horizontal plane and attached to concrete using dowel-nails. The distance between them should correspond to the size of the insulation. After installing the insulation (any type of insulation is suitable, including bulk materials), a boardwalk is arranged - from time to time you need to climb onto the roof, and walking directly on the insulation is not very convenient.

To insulate the ceiling, it is good to use polymer heaters.


Even if the attic is not used as a living space, it should be insulated - this will better keep the heat in the house and increase the life of the roof. A cold or poorly insulated attic contributes to the formation of condensation in the under-roof space, which, in turn, will lead to decay of wooden structures, the appearance of fungus and mold on them, as well as corrosion of metal elements.

The most common heaters for this purpose:

  • glass wool. Available in rolls or slabs. This material is non-toxic, non-flammable, has high thermal conductivity and good sound-absorbing properties. Glass wool is relatively inexpensive. Its disadvantages include low moisture resistance and some complexity of installation - laying glass wool requires strict adherence to safety measures. Small particles of glass in contact with open areas of the body cause itching, allergic reactions and bring a lot of discomfort when it gets into the eyes. Work with glass wool should be done carefully, wearing gloves and goggles.
  • Mineral wool. Lightweight, reliable insulation with low hygroscopicity and excellent vapor permeability. Now a huge amount of mineral wool is produced and you can easily find the option that suits you. Mineral wool is an excellent protection against noise. There are rolled mineral wool, there are tiled ones. Learn more about how below.
  • Styrofoam. A well-proven insulation, which is often used in a variety of building structures. It is produced in plates of different sizes, thicknesses and densities. This material is very easy to cut and install. It has high water-repellent properties, partially restores its shape after deformation.

Having chosen the right material, you need to stock up on the necessary tools. You will need:

  • Stationery knife (wallpaper).
  • stapler.
  • Hacksaw.
  • A hammer.
  • Paint brush.
  • Vacuum cleaner.
  • Construction level.
  • Drill.

A residential attic needs to be thoroughly insulated - walls, floor and ceiling.

You can make complex insulation - use different types of insulation for different surfaces. The floor of the attic (that is, the ceiling of the house) needs a heat-insulating layer to keep the house warm. Usually attic insulation begins with it. The insulation technology is described above. The difference is that in a residential attic you need to make a finishing floor covering. After that, the walls and ceiling of the attic are insulated. Warming is carried out in the same way.

A waterproofing film is attached to the rough flooring (made of boards, chipboard or other materials), the bars are sewn on, and insulation is tightly laid between them. Then another insulating layer is arranged and the walls are ready for fine finishing. If the gables are made of brick or block, it is better to use foam as a heater. The plates should be tightly fitted, and if the gaps still remain, they can be sealed with mounting foam. The insulation is attached to such walls with special plastic dowels "umbrellas", at least 5 pieces per slab.

When the attic ceiling is the roof of the house, then the “roofing cake” is sufficient insulation. It is only necessary to sheathe the rafters with the selected building material.

If the attic will be used as an unheated utility room, then there is no need to insulate the walls. It is important not to forget about the ventilation system, the roof must have an influx of fresh air.

pitched roof

The best way to insulate a pitched roof is to equip a "roofing pie". It consists of a roof, waterproofing, insulation, vapor barrier and two ventilation gaps. To avoid mistakes in its arrangement, you should thoroughly study all the technical characteristics of the materials that you are going to use. Incorrectly selected insulation can lead to condensation. It is necessary to correctly position the films and plates, the working surface in the right direction.

Too much sagging of the insulation film must not be allowed and it must be ensured that the ventilation gaps are at least 2 cm.

flat roof

A flat roof, if necessary, can be insulated both inside and outside. Insulation from the attic is done according to standard technology - the insulation is laid between the lags and sewn up with waterproofing material.

If the roof turned out to be not warm enough or its thermal insulation properties decreased during operation, then the roof surface can be insulated. Previously, the roof must be cleaned of dirt and various layers, remove all sags and eliminate existing defects. Then you need to treat it with soil or a special compound, depending on the type of roof and vapor barrier material.

After a vapor barrier layer is arranged. You can glue membrane sheets, roofing material or use bituminous mastics. A heater is laid on the vapor barrier, a cement-sand screed is made. After its complete drying, a layer of waterproofing is arranged. It is important to maintain the required slope and drainage system.

The cost of installation work

In different regions, the prices for material and the cost of roofing work differ significantly, but if you insulate the roof on your own, you are guaranteed to save from 300 to 500 rubles per square meter.

You are quite capable of insulating your own roof. This work is not the easiest, but if you wish, you can cope with it, the main thing is to have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe technology and at least one assistant.

Such a concept as a warm roof has been known for about ten years. This term refers to the heating of the roofing material of the roof by systems using cable.

Roof insulation

True, many ordinary people who do not often encounter construction processes may not understand the term “warm roof” and mistakenly take a completely different concept for this indicator.

This method of heating was invented in the sixties in the USA. The Western system came to us only at the beginning of 2000. Thanks to the anti-icing system, better known as a warm roof, it is possible to protect the facades of houses, gutters and gutters from the harmful effects of ice.

Consequences of icing


This method of heating was invented in the sixties in the USA. The Western system came to us only at the beginning of 2000.

Thanks to the anti-icing system, better known as a warm or warm roof, it is possible to protect the facades of houses, gutters and gutters from the harmful effects of ice, which, when melted, can cause big trouble.

Consequences of icing

Due to the formation of ice, quite a lot of unpleasant moments happen. One of the most dangerous moments is the formation of icicles.

Icicles can reach simply incredible sizes, as a result of which they cannot support their weight and break off. Such an icicle is able to cause significant harm to a person or equipment that will be in the zone of falling ice.

The second rather unpleasant moment can be considered the glaciation of drains. In such cases, the organization of water runoff through designated channels is disrupted.

Because of this, water can enter the attic and through it into the living rooms. This results in damage to the facing material of the living space and harmful moisture in the attic, which can lead to damage to the roof frame.

In addition, it should be noted that the heat-insulating coating of the floors is also damaged.

Using the anti-icing system, you can achieve:

  • Absence of snow masses and icicles on the roof and auxiliary systems;
  • Proper operation of the drainage system;
  • Lack of leaks and ruptures of pipes for a drain;
  • Elimination of excess moisture in the attic.

Icing on the roof

As practice shows, snow on the roof does not pose any danger, except for additional weight on the roof frame. The danger from snow appears when it begins to melt, as a result of which ice forms.

Do-it-yourself warming

And because of the ice, icicles and ice plugs appear in the drainage systems. In addition, frost adversely affects the quality of the roofing. And this is not the only unpleasant moment for the roof.

The main reason for the formation of ice is the temperature difference between day and night. In parallel, the melting of snow occurs from the transfer of heat from the living quarters to the attic, and from it to the roof.

For this reason, a warm roof warns against all these problems. Although much depends on the material with which the roof is covered.

In cases where the outdoor air temperature does not rise above fifteen degrees Celsius, there is no need to use an anti-icing system.

At this temperature, the air contains a small percentage of moisture, which completely eliminates the possibility of precipitation. And, if there is no precipitation, then there is nothing to form ice from.

Installing the heating cable


Installation of the heating cable is carried out along the entire line of thawed water. This path starts from the gutters and ends at the end of the drainpipes.

In the event that the house is equipped with storm sewers, it is also subject to heating.

In addition to the nuances of installation, one should take into account the technological conditions for distributing power to the individual components of the drainage system. This distribution can be made taking into account the shape and design of the roof.

The principle of operation of the heating system

The cable is laid not only in the roof, but also through the drainage system

The basic principle of operation of the heating cable is to heat the cable itself, attached to the gutter system and the edge of the roof.

Thermal energy is transferred to the surface with which the cable comes into contact, as a result of which there is no possibility of formation of frost and ice plugs.

Given the frequent occurrence of icicle breaks, warm roofs are considered much safer for passers-by and vehicles that may be in the area where the ice falls.

In addition, the presence of such a system protects the roof from deformation and destruction. The appearance of a residential building is also considered important, which looks much more presentable without the presence of snow masses and icicles hanging from the roofs.

Heated roof types

Heated roofs can be divided into several types. The first on this list is the so-called cold roof. This design has a fairly reliable roof insulation, and the air temperature in the attic is much higher than in the open space.

Ice on such structures is formed during the thaw. In this case, it makes no sense to heat the roof itself, and it is enough to lay the cable only in the drainage system. The power of the heating cable does not exceed 60 W/m.

Roofs of a warm plan do not have the required thermal insulation, which leads to heating of the lower layer of snow, which turns into a state of water.

It is this water that, getting into the drainage system, forms congestion and traffic jams. For this option, heating the edge of the roof is required. This will prevent snow from accumulating on the roof.

On pitched roofs, the heating cable is installed both on the drainage system and along the edges of the roof. The option of installing the system in some places of the roof and valleys is provided. By the way, this is directly related to the question of how to make a warm roof. Because it is the correct installation of the cable that will lead to the quality of water drainage.

On flat roofs, the heating system must be placed in all pipes that are in open space. Such roofs need to be heated in two places.

The heating area in the upper part of the roof should be at least four meters, and the area in the lower part should be about two meters. If there are overflows in places of a multi-level roof, it is also necessary to install the cable and also heat it. By the way, in places of overflows in the roof, attention is more serious. Still, it's a junction.

Components of the heating system

The heating system consists of a heating part and electrical appliances, the device of which is provided by specialists. The heating part includes a heating cable and fasteners.

Through these materials, the snow is converted into water, which flows unhindered to the ground.

Electrical appliances consist of junction boxes, fasteners, temperature sensors and power cables. And only the cable is attached to the roofs with fasteners, the rest of the devices are installed in the attic.

Heated roof areas

And, of course, standard roof insulation is used in roof insulation.

The roof is divided into heated and non-heated zones. Heated roof areas include:

  • Trays and gutters for drain;
  • Downspout;
  • Funnels and places around them;
  • The junction of the pipe and gutter;
  • Roof joints;
  • Parapet windows with water cannons;
  • Cornice;
  • drip system;
  • Flat roof surface;
  • Trays for collecting water.

The heating system can be controlled in two ways. The simplest but most expensive is automatic heating control. By the way, its device is more complex. Using external sensors for measuring air and roof temperature, the warm roof system is automatically activated at the right time.

Not so expensive option can be called manual control of the roof heating system. The scheme of warm roofs for attic-type houses in this case will only win, since you, if desired, will both turn on and turn off the heating of additional space.

The disadvantage of the second option is that it is not always possible to be at home to turn on the heating system at the right time. In this case, even if there is a heating cable, the drainage system may freeze.

Roofing cake warm roof

Despite all these difficulties, the technology of a warm roof is quite simple to use. Its use does not require specialized knowledge or skills, and you can install the heating cable on your own.

In order for the house to be not only warm, but also comfortable to live and at the same time significantly save money on heating, it is necessary to organize the insulation and waterproofing of the basement, walls, attic, and roof well. And for this, you need to think over the methods of insulation and waterproofing for each specific section of your home, choose the right materials for this. And in our article, we will talk about how and with what it is possible, qualitatively and with our own hands, to insulate and waterproof the roof of a private house.

Roof insulation: what is it for?

A good house roof is not just a beautiful appearance of any house. A gable, four-slope, hipped or flat roof is also 100% functioning of the house, regardless of the weather, season and wind strength. Thanks to a properly designed and insulated roof, the house will always be dry, warm, there will be additional space for building a room or additional storage space for absolutely any things. And the building itself will last much longer, because. the right roof will not allow the walls of any house to become covered with mold and fungus or the internal ceilings and walls of a wooden house to rot.
Naturally, a properly insulated roof also saves money: after all, up to 40% of all heat and energy the house loses through the roof, in case of improper insulation or its absence.
That is why we will talk about how to make the roof of our house, and with it the attic space .. from such

Into this:

- warm,
- dry,
- durable,
- economical in heating,
- very comfortable, - all with the right materials!

Roof insulation: types of materials and their features

So how to insulate the roof of the house? What types of insulation materials exist, applicable to the insulation of the roof?
And all the same as for the insulation of any frame house. True, everything is not as simple as it might seem, as in the case of insulating the walls of a house, with a roof, you need the right calculation and choice.
You can insulate the roof and attic:
- expanded polystyrene / polyurethane and its derivatives in the form of foam concrete,
- polyurethane foam,
- bulk materials (slag, expanded clay),
- mineral wool or basalt insulation.
- "Ecowool"

Let us consider in more detail each type of insulation and options for how to properly insulate the roof of a house: its slopes and the attic floor itself.

- only attic floor (attic floor): we get a cold attic, but - a warm house.

  • Bulk materials (expanded clay, slag): a plastic film or waterproofing is laid on the surface of the attic floor, a crate is installed that acts as beacons and, at the same time, crates for the future floor of the attic based on plywood. In other words, we perform a dry screed. This type of insulation is quite fast, low cost, although somewhat obsolete in relation to modern private construction of houses.

  • Expanded polystyrene or polyurethane: due to its water and vapor impermeability, this type of insulation does not require additional vapor barrier in case of insulation of the attic floor. But, it requires a floor batten for subsequent flooring or a screed device.
  • Polyurethane foam: waterproofing is not required, but without special equipment and protective equipment, it is simply impossible to work with this type of insulation. So, the cost of work will be impressive.
  • Mineral wool or basalt insulation: the most common and optimal way to insulate an attic floor, requiring floor lathing and waterproofing.
  • "Ecowool": you will need good hydro and vapor barrier, as well as, ideally, special equipment.

- only roof slopes, without insulation of the attic floor: we get a fairly warm attic and a warm house.

  • Mineral wool or basalt insulation: often used to insulate roof slopes, both inside and out, but not very practical in terms of insulation of roof slopes, especially when saving on insulation and hydro-vapor barrier of the roof itself, materials. Their impracticality lies in the fact that the thickness of the required layer of insulation can reach up to 25 cm thick (in 2 layers, in a checkerboard pattern, between the rafters to avoid the formation of cold bridges), but this is often impossible, because. the rafter itself is 20 cm thick, and there must also be an air gap. And mineral wool laid out in one layer is a half-insulated roof - a half-insulated house. And in case of getting wet (and this is still a roof), mineral wool loses its heat-insulating properties. That is why mineral wool is used as a heater from the inside and only by proven manufacturers.

  • Expanded polystyrene or polyurethane: insulation can be done both from the inside and outside, unlike mineral wool, the layer of this material is much smaller, and the expanded polystyrene itself is a moisture resistant material.

  • Polyurethane foam: this is an option on how to insulate the roof from the inside and only from the inside. Because it requires special equipment. The plus is that with such a heater, waterproofing is not needed, because. polyurethane foam is moisture resistant: it does not absorb or let it through.

- both roof slopes and attic floors: we get either a very warm attic, or, after further finishing the walls and floor, an attic: a completely residential and warm room, and such a warm house.
In this case, you can adopt the roof insulation options already proposed above and use each specific type of insulation to your taste and budget.

Waterproofing roofs and roofs: how, what and why

Does everything depend on the insulation in the matter of roof insulation? How to insulate the roof correctly? Naturally, without waterproofing, this is the roof - the first protection of the house from rain and melting snow, when insulating the roof, it is indispensable to avoid leaks. But vapor barrier is also an important matter: it will help to keep the insulation and rafters in working order.
Let's take a closer look:
- waterproofing provides a special roll film, which is overlapped (up to 15 cm), glued with a special adhesive tape. Laying is carried out before the installation of the insulation in case of insulation from the inside and after the insulation, if we insulate the roof from the outside. There is also another roof waterproofing materials for which - liquid cement-polymer mastics. But, this type of waterproofing is more often used in mass standard construction on flat roofs.

- vapor barrier- represented by a vapor-permeable (diffuse) membrane, a special rolled vapor-permeable film made using the spunbond technology, which allows condensate not to accumulate in the insulation layer.

The roof waterproofing device can be well seen in this video

The price of a linear meter of metal tiles starts from 300 rubles. This circumstance makes the roofing material popular and in demand. Among the advantages of metal roofing are durability, resistance to mechanical stress, ease of installation, rich colors and beautiful appearance.

Metal tile - the most economical option for an "expensive-rich" roof for a house

And all the advantages of such a roof can be covered by one drawback - high thermal conductivity: metal tiles and corrugated board can quickly heat up and cool down just as quickly. If the owners of the household want an insulated roof with a metal tile coating, then they will have to take care of the issue of its additional thermal insulation. By itself, a metal tile will not close this issue.

The question of waterproofing and ventilation

The metal has a high thermal conductivity. This means that in the warm season it will heat up like a frying pan, and freeze in winter. You can somehow put up with the high temperature in summer. And in winter, a cold roof will eat up a lot of heat, which is fraught with large bills for heating the house. Due to temperature fluctuations, already in autumn, when it is cold at night and still warm during the day, a huge amount of condensate forms. Smudges are formed that flow under the coating and threaten the thermal insulation material. Even if the roof is insulated, the heat-insulating material may get wet, which will eventually cease to fulfill its functions.

Therefore, the main point in the installation of a warm metal roof is the creation of a waterproofing barrier that will protect the heat insulator from smudges from the inside of the metal coating.

The hydrobarrier is a special reinforced membrane that covers the roof slopes. Its function is to protect the heat-insulating material from accidental leakage of water from rain and snow and from condensate, which is an integral part of a metal roof.

It is not enough just to protect the heat-insulating layer from smudges. It is necessary to provide that the roof structure is provided with good forced ventilation, due to which all condensate will be vented to the outside.

Waterproofing device with polypropylene film

An alternative option for waterproofing a warm roof with a metal tile coating can be a two-layer waterproofing polypropylene membrane. On the one hand, such a coating has a layer of non-woven material that absorbs condensate. On the other hand, there is a hydro-barrier with ventilation pores, through which drops of formed water will come out. Such a membrane is laid with the first layer inside, where the thermal insulation is located, and with a hydrobarrier - to the outer layers of the roof.

Two-layer polypropylene film designed specifically for roof waterproofing

Super diffuse coating

The super diffuse membrane is one of the latest developments in the field of waterproofing and building materials in general. It resembles leather in properties, and the development of such a coating came from the textile light industry - membrane materials in sportswear have been used since the middle of the last century.

They differ from ordinary polypropylene films in the number of layers - there are up to four of them in a superdiffuse membrane! All layers have pores in their structure through which condensate drops are removed. Layering ensures the resistance of the membrane to stretching. The last outer layer of the coating has a UV filter.

Superdiffuse membranes - the latest in roof waterproofing

Superdiffuse coatings are produced in the form of a roll and in the form of mastic. The second type is also called "bulk roof". It is considered more economical than rolled, but loses in vapor barrier properties. And, due to its consistency, its use is allowed only on horizontal surfaces. Additional complexity is created by the surface coating technology - the mastic layer must be uniform, and this task is difficult to cope even with professionals. Therefore, in private construction, they use roll modification more - they can handle its installation on their own.

The advantage of the super-diffuse coating is that it can be used as a temporary roof protection before installation of metal tile sheets on the insulated roof. This greatly facilitates the construction of a roof with other coverings, as is the case with soft tiles.

Insulation technology "Roofing pie"

To insulate a roof made of metal tiles, there is a special scheme for arranging roof layers, called the “Roofing Pie”. Follow the diagram to understand how to properly insulate a metal roof.

Experts recommend insulating a metal roof using the developed Roofing Pie technology

It depends on the observance of the sequence of layers whether the interior will not freeze, how much the insulation will be protected from moisture and whether the latter will be brought out.

The reliability of a roofing pie is determined by five skates:

  • internal vapor barrier;
  • insulation;
  • external waterproofing - removes condensate from the insulation to the outside;
  • an air gap of at least 5 cm - provides room for air circulation, which “dries out” the moisture of the condensate;
  • protective coating of the roof - in our case it is a metal tile.

Roof Air Space Device

The air gap in the roof structure acts as a natural heat insulator: the cold metal tile will not come into contact with the inner layers of the roofing pie. The result is less condensation due to temperature differences.

The assembly of the air space begins with the longitudinal laying of the bars of the counter-lattice along the roof slopes. A layer of transverse lathing is laid on them. The height is chosen, focusing on the ventilation and design miscalculations of the roof. The step between the bars is chosen based on the convenience of attaching sheets of metal tiles to them.

Roof sheathing device

The choice of insulation

For an insulated roof with a metal tile coating, fibrous heat insulators are used - mineral wool and glass wool. These materials are reliable, durable, and an additional bonus is good soundproofing characteristics. For many homeowners, the non-combustibility of these materials is key.

Mineral wool

Why is this material called "mineral"? It is made from silicate melts of rocks. That is, mineral wool is classified as natural, environmentally friendly heat-insulating materials. It is supplied for sale in the form of a roll or already cut slabs of various thicknesses. The maximum density of the material can reach 200 kg / m3, and this figure affects the final price of the product.

Installation and laying of a heat-insulating layer of mineral wool with all the layers associated with it (waterproofing, blowing seams and a protective coating) is within the power of an average private master. Therefore, the material is classified as a budget option for insulation.

Mineral wool - a fiber that retains heat

glass wool

Glass wool is the main competitor to the mineral wool already described above due to similar performance characteristics.

Glass wool can also be called an environmentally friendly material, since it is the result of waste disposal after glass production. It is supplied to the market in the form of rolls and plates of different density and size.

The advantage of the material is absolute incombustibility and relatively higher resistance to moisture.

Compared with the advantages, glass wool has a drawback in the form of installation difficulties. When working on roof insulation, it is better to refrain from laying insulation after the roof. If insulation from the inside cannot be avoided, then a special form will be required, protection of hands and face from glass dust and compliance with the installation technology.

Glass wool is a non-combustible and durable material

Insulation of an already erected roof

If the installation of the roof was urgent, or the owner of the house decided to equip a warm attic or attic floor, then the roof insulation takes place in a mirror sequence:

  • Under the roofing, the air space is brought to technical compliance.
  • A layer of waterproofing is laid.
  • The heater is installed.
  • Thermal insulation is sheathed with a vapor barrier membrane.
  • Roof finishing works (paneling, plastering, etc.)

The use of popular mineral wool and glass wool will already be difficult, so consider alternative materials for thermal insulation work.


An economical option is to use the simplest and most familiar plastic foam product. It is produced in slabs that are light in weight, easy to transport, easy to cut and fit by one person.

Along with the lowest price, compared to other options on the market for heat insulators, foam plastic has another advantage - it practically does not absorb moisture. This becomes a solution for homeowners in high humidity regions.

The only caveat in working with foam is its almost zero vapor permeability. Because of this, it is important to think over the ventilation system in the room, otherwise it will be stuffy in it at any time of the year.

Styrofoam - the most economical heat insulator

Extruded polystyrene foam

"Big brother" of foam. It has a much higher density of cells in its structure. Thanks to this, all the advantages embodied in the younger brother increase at least one and a half times. This results in a higher coverage price level.

The differences also apply to installation: if the foam is laid between the lags of the counter-lattice, then the expanded polystyrene is laid "up". This reduces the risk of gaps, which will definitely appear over time - wooden structures will shrink.

Installation of extruded polystyrene foam - sheets are laid on top of the crate, and not between the slats

Products of some brands have stepped joints for ease of installation and minimization of joints between plates. As a result, an increase in the strength of the final thermal insulation.

Important! Both polystyrene and expanded polystyrene have poor fire resistance. Therefore, installation must be carried out with maximum isolation from sources of ignition, including away from electrical wiring.


A relatively new material, a modification of mounting foam, designed specifically for insulating walls, floors and roofs. Penoizol can be used as an additional layer of roof insulation - they blow out the air space under the outer roof.

Penoizol is easy to apply both outside and inside the roof. But he won his main popularity precisely in the version of warming the already prepared roof. The material is lightweight, and does not require adjustments to the roof structure. Penoizol is used in the insulation of even dilapidated roofs due to its light consistency.

An additional advantage of penoizol is its resistance to moisture. The specific absorption of water by the material does not exceed 6%.

For insulation with penoizol, a film is mounted to the roof rails, forming "pockets" into which the material is poured and then solidified in them. The film is mounted with an overlap on the floor and walls of 20-30 cm.

Roof insulated with penoizol at the stage of material drying

Vapor barrier - the final touch

Like waterproofing, a vapor barrier coating is designed to protect the heat insulator from condensation. The vapor barrier coating is attached to the rafters on the inside of the roof with overlaps on the walls and floor, all possible joints with pipes, windows, beams are glued with construction tape. It is fixed on the roof with a construction stapler and nails. Sealed plugs made of silicone, film or rubber are placed between the nail or staple and the material.

Good roof insulation is an important component for maintaining heat in any home. A common way to insulate a roof, which is not so difficult to do with your own hands, is the “Canadian sandwich”, it is a system of several layers: insulation, vapor barrier layer, wind and moisture protection, ventilation gap. When performing these works, as in any construction, it is important not to violate the laying instructions, so you will avoid leaks during operation. Today we will talk, as you already understood, about how a warm roof is made.

Choosing a heater

According to SNiP, the roof insulation layer must consist of a non-combustible material, have a density of 20-125 kg / m3 and selective water permeability. The material must also have the following characteristics:

  1. Good thermal insulation characteristics.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Resistant to atmospheric moisture.
  4. Good sound insulation performance.
  5. biological stability.
  6. Ecological purity.

The most popular in our time are the following heat insulators:

  1. Extruded polystyrene foam. This material is an effective heat insulator, it is used both for insulation of building parts and for roof insulation in both civil and industrial construction. Due to the homogeneous structure, consisting of closed small cells, the product has good thermal insulation properties. The system provides low thermal conductivity and excellent water vapor resistance. Sheets of extruded polystyrene foam - holders of high compressive strength; they are ideal for places that are subject to heavy traffic. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly and chemically neutral, it is practically not subject to decay. Plates are easily cut even with an ordinary knife. Today you can find extruded polystyrene foam from Ursa and DOW.
  2. Foam boards. This product has a number of advantages that are not available to competitors. Here are some of them: a wide range, relatively low cost, low weight, ease of installation, low water absorption capacity (water does not absorb, but flows off the material), a standard level of thermal conductivity.
  3. Glass wool. Fiberglass insulation - the owner of good performance. Glass wool slabs provide a quality roof structure. Another plus is that their low density seriously reduces the load on the structure. Soft mats fill surface irregularities well; they can be used in structures of any configuration and shape.
  4. Basalt heaters. Basalt fabric slabs are made from basalt fibers, which provide high fire resistance and thermal insulation. The areas of application of this material include sound and heat insulation of light walls, roofs, attics (vertical and inclined), interfloor partitions, attic floors, pipelines, industrial equipment.
  5. Expanded clay. This material has a natural basis. Expanded clay is quite strong and durable. If we compare it with other heat-saving products, for example, with wood, then expanded clay will noticeably benefit in the service life.

For a warm roof, it is preferable to purchase thin heaters with a high degree of thermal insulation. Most often, slabs of basalt fiber or glass wool are used in the work.

Warm roof: features of the "roofing cake"

To avoid, you need to make sure that the roof device excludes the penetration of moisture into its structural elements. Let's get the basics! We all know that moisture occurs in nature in three states, moreover, water and ice exist at certain temperatures, and steam at any. The accumulation of moisture in different materials is called differently. For example, humidity is the accumulation of moisture in the air.

Different types of materials react differently to high humidity.

Fiberglass insulation is hygroscopic, it requires reliable hydro and vapor barrier.

Mineral wool (especially semi-rigid and rigid sheets) resist water well, but require additional protection against water vapor pressure. Extruded polystyrene foam has the highest moisture resistance.

In order to protect our insulation from moisture that gets on the roof of the house, you need to make a vapor barrier layer. For these purposes, an ordinary film is suitable (vapor-proof or “breathable” - to choose from). Install the first one so that there is a gap between the insulation and it, and you can lay the second directly on the insulation. The vapor barrier must meet two requirements:

  1. Be airtight.
  2. Have no damage.

Roof insulation: preparatory stage

Let's get down to business and figure out how to make the roof warm. The roof is the uppermost structural part of any building, it is designed to protect the structure from all kinds of external influences. The device is made taking into account the local climate, the structure of the building. does not depend on the material from which the house is built: the roofs of both brick and wooden buildings are insulated using the same technology. If the premises are residential, then it is recommended to make the roof insulated both from the outside and from the inside, and if the building is used as non-residential, then the last paragraph can be skipped.

Before carrying out work on, it is necessary to inspect and eliminate all malfunctions (if necessary, replace the damaged areas with new ones). In addition, it is necessary to eliminate mold on the entire surface of the roof, treat it with an antiseptic or other special agent that would prevent the appearance and spread of mold and fungi. Eliminate all faults in wiring, plumbing and other communications. Completed? Then it's time to make your roof warm.

Features of insulation of flat and pitched roofs

Let's get down to practice! ! To begin with, you will need to make a hydro-barrier between the roof and the rafters so that the waterproofing material envelops the rafter "legs". The material is fastened with a stapler. The next step is to install the thermal insulation layer. The thickness of the material is not more than the size of the rafter legs, but not less than 10 cm. Start laying from the bottom of the slope, fasten the "insulating" sheets with the help of rails stuffed perpendicular to the rafter "legs". Mineral wool sheets, if you have chosen this particular product, lay without large gaps. Place a layer of vapor barrier over the thermal insulation (perforated building membrane film is an excellent option) and attach it to the rafters.

Now for the flat roof! The technology is somewhat different from the previously described method. The fact is that a flat roof can be processed both from the outside and from the inside. But if you do double work (to insulate both outside and inside), you will spend a lot of money and effort, so it is recommended to first insulate the outside, wait out the winter, if this layer is not enough, then additionally insulate inside. In most cases, no rework is necessary. Most often for

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