Cultural and wild field plants. Wild and cultural plants of the world: a variety, human use

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

The world of plants on the planet Earth is very diverse. In the process of centuries-old evolution, they adapted to grow in different conditions: Survive in the northern regions with a cold climate, in the deserts, where there are practically no precipitation. This article we will talk about wild plants that are different. These are herbs, and cereals, and shrubs. Some of them have a beautiful appearance, others benefit a person, and the third represent dangerous weeds that cause harm gardening crops.

What plants are called wild

These are the types that are distributed by self-sow or a pig without the participation and human intervention. These plants do not need to create special conditions. To life in a natural environment, they adapt themselves. Cultural plant species appeared much later wildly. For them a person cares to get good harvest. He sows them, fertilizes, watering, is stolegging, frills the soil in which they grow.

Dorticoros have a great energy value, so currently finding use as additives or as an independent dish. The fact is that they are not afraid of chemicalization of agricultural land, after which the soil contains a large number of poisons and nitrates.

If this is originally a non-union plant, it is impossible to poison them, as many vegetables, for growing elevated doses of various chemical fertilizers. Here is a small list of the names of wild plants that can be eaten:

  • Nettle.
  • Horsetail
  • Sorrel.
  • Oregano
  • St. John's wort
  • Mint.
  • Raspberries.
  • Currant.
  • Thyme.
  • Hop.
  • Plantain.
  • Chicory.
  • Lope.
  • Sick.
  • Lungwort.
  • Clover.
  • Angelica.
  • Blooming Sally.

With the billet, the grasses must be taken care. If for some reason to distinguish useful herbs From others it is impossible, it is better not to collect them, they can harm your health.


All plants are divided into cultural and wild. The species of wild plants are much, for example:

  • Herbs: nettle, mochal, cornflower, dandelion, plantain and many others.
  • Shrubs: Raspberries, grapes of forest, currant, blackberry, etc.
  • Trees: apple tree, pear, rowan, plum, oak, pine, birch, Iva, etc.

There are wilderos that grow in the garden: onions, garlic, watermelons. In addition, plants are divided into medicinal, useful, edible and poisonous.


In nature, there is a huge set of plants that are conventionally divided into groups with similar properties, a structure, appearance. Most of all on the planet of flowering plants, which are single-dollar and dicatular. Each of these classes is divided into families depending on the structure of the flower. The most numerous and common species belong to the following families:

  • Lilynyh are herbs with a perennial cycle of life. They form bulbs, clubnelaukovitsa, rhizomes. Differ in the form and conditions of growth. For example, lilies, tulips, goose onions.
  • Matlikovaya (cerebral) is a family of plants (wild and alturized) with a different cycle of life. For example, bamboo, reed, millet, kobyl, etc.
  • Polenic. Representatives of this family are mainly herbs or creeping shrubs and much less often trees. Among them are many poisonous species, such as Belen.
  • Rosicious - this family includes trees, shrubs and herbate plants. For example, pear, allycha, apple tree, raspberry, currant, blackberry, strawberries, hemp, nettle, fig.
  • Cruciferous is herbs, less often - half-workers, as an exception - shrubs. Examples of wild plants of this family: a shepherd bag, a row, left, mustard, horseradish, cauldron.
  • Cost-colored - the family has 25 thousand species of grassy plants, shrubs, half-workers, lian, low-spirited trees. Example: Nather, meadow Vasilek, Bodyak, Dandelion, Sunflower, Yarrow.
  • Umbrella - this family includes herbaceous plants. The most famous species - Borshevik Siberian, Refrodnik, Krap-shaped Boligols.

Many wild representatives of the flora are edible all parts, and some can only eat fruits, such as acorns. They can be collected after the first autumn frosts. Acorns are suitable for food, if they are correctly prepared. But it is necessary to beware of unworthy fruits of wild plants, they are poisonous. It is easy to distinguish them in green.

Favorite delicacy of children are wild apples. Especially they are good in winter timeWhen you are frozen. Lesteries do not pass by wild raspberries and currants. The berries of these plants are much smaller, but they possess a unique taste and aroma.

Edible wild plants

They are often found on our way, but many people do not know that they can be eaten, although they are often used to treat various diseases. About what wild plants can replenish our diet with vitamins, read below in the article.

Shepherd bag

Medicinal properties This plant has long been known, but about the fact that it is eaten, a few know. Nevertheless, in China, this grass is vegetable. Here the shepherd bag is used to prepare first courses, salads, salted for the winter. Best time To use the plant in food - spring.


This plant is the most common. The place of growth is meadows, fields, gardens, pastures. All useful enclosed in the leaves. But they need to collect them until the plant blooms. This grass has a bitter taste, so it is mixed with other types of greenery when they are preparing a salad. Delicious and useful are pancakes from flowers, but completely blurred. However, people with diseases of the stomach and intestines are a wild plant is contraindicated.

Bolotnaya purity

This is an edible plant with unpleasant odor. But you should not immediately reject it. The smell will disappear as soon as you start cooking a dish. Food is suitable ripening tubers that should be collected at the end of summer. They are fried, boiled, dried, sued for the winter. The purity has a property quickly faded, so you need to collect as many plants as needed for cooking.


it unpretentious plant It grows in nature as an annual and long-term grass with flowers of white, red, pink shade. Clover is known for its useful qualities. It contains vitamins and trace elements in which our body needs. Many nations use grass in multiple video. It is dried for the manufacture of seasonings, additives to flour. In the fresh form, clover is used for the preparation of salads. In the Caucasus eating sauer flowers of the plant. This grass is an excellent honey, flowers pollinate bees and bumblebees. Honey produced by bees of nectar and pollen clover has a magnificent taste. This grass is an important component of the feed base of livestock.


This representative of flora refers to wild grassy plants. In nature, it grows around the reservoirs, on the swamps and the places adjacent to them. In this grass, the roots are edible. They can be baked, cooking, dried, marinate, as well as grind on flour. The leaves located at the rhizomes are suitable for salads.

Blooming Sally

This plant is also known as Creeps. All of its parts come in food. Wild plant Many people are used to brew tea, but not everyone knows that from it you can cook flour, salad. Leaves and flowers go to the production of wine, and roots - for casserole.

Orly ordinary fern

Plants stuffed, until they blossomed, remind snails. It is them that is used in food. From the ferns prepare vegetable stew, it is sued for the winter. If the leaves bloomed, such plants are not suitable for use. Fern collection time is the end of spring or early summer.

Draveling wild plants

These plants in the period of flowering in most cases are beautiful. About colors are generally accepted as something special and elevated. But in nature there are many wild plants, the flowers of which will make a worthy competition of garden hybrids and varieties. And there is another category of plants. Putting them once for beauty deliberately, you risk never getting rid of them. In the garden and garden, they constitute competition of cultural plants, as they consume 1/3 of everyone nutrientscontained in the soil and moisture. Weeds are very lively plants, they adapt even to herbicides with which they are treated. But many wild, herbaceous plants are so beautiful that they are difficult to consider weeds. These include:

  • Mayweed.
  • The bell is bored.
  • Lilia Kokured (locust).
  • Lily of Maysky.
  • Lichnis Chalcedony.
  • Day-lily.
  • Couping fragrant.
  • Chemacher black.
  • Pijma and many others.


These plants are considered the most common urban weeds. They are very unpretentious, grow everywhere, the exception is the Arctic, alpine areas and Antarctica. This flower refers to many years of wild plants. The dandelion race has more than 2000 apomics, but in our country the most common is a medicinal (field or ordinary).


The genus of wild plants, numbering 500 species, of which about twenty are found on the European part of Russia.

Violets are annual, two-year and perennial. They are most common in the northern hemisphere, regions where dominates temperate climate. Violets of many types of fortifications, they are grown as decorative plants, and in one place, without any transfers. But in abandoned gardens and parks, they again are celebrating.

Flora of our planet is amazing and diverse. Among numerous families there are poisonous and edible plants, there are those that benefit for agriculture and other industries. But wild-growing medicinal plants, helping the person to cope with the disease or to warn it. Some of them are listed below in the article.

Mother and stepmother

This wild plant blooms in April, as soon as the gentle sun warms the ground. Flowers painted in yellow tint appear on well-lit areas, similar to small sun. This is a coltsfoot. The plant is medicinal, it is used in medicine. For example, the flowering and deciduous informas are used to treat cough. The plant is an excellent honeymoon for spring collection of pollen and nectar bees.

AIR ordinary

Refers to perennial wild plants. The height reaches 10 cm. Grows next to lakes, rivers, swamps, streams, on flooded meadows. It is believed that there are always clean water next to Air. Medicinal value have roots roots. It is necessary to harvest them early in spring or late in the fall. They are dried, used with nervous disorders, fever.

Dormon medicinal

This plant reaches a height of one meter. Growing places - meadows, fields, roadside roads. The leaves and flowers of the plant are appreciated, which should be harvested in June-August. The dried leaves go to the preparation of the tincture, which is taken to treat gout, rheumatism, insomnia. The plant also has diuretic properties. It can not be used in pregnancy and non-blank blood.

Lophch (burdock) felt

This plant is easy to distinguish large leaves and characteristic flowers and fruits. As a rule, the burdock grows on wasteland, roadside strip, in the forest. This is a famous and common representative of the Flora. Rhizomes should be harvested before the winter on the onset or early spring. Fresh roots prepare ointment for the treatment of wounds and burns. The leaves are used to protect against bacteria, they relieve heat well. They must be applied to the wounds. The decoction prepared on the basis of the roots helps in the treatment of intestines and stomach, it is used as a diuretic. The benefits of burdock in the treatment various diseases It has long been known, but the fact that the leaves and the roots of the young plant eat, know a few. The roots of young plants are in food. But if the reurenik is wrong to cook, he will be pattering. It is better to fry it or cook.


This plant with a perennial life cycle, powerful, has large dimensions: two meters in height. Distributed everywhere. Place of growth - meadows, fields, coniferous forests, gardens, reservoirs. IN folk medicine The rhizomes and leaves are used, from which soothing infusions are preparing to relieve convulsions, prevention and treatment of skin diseases (for example, scabies), digestion disorders. Fresh leaves are used as rheumatism. Borschevik is edible plant. His grass in dried marinated or salty form is added to the first dishes.


The plant has a small height (up to 10 cm) and creeping shoots. Places of growing - forests, shores of lakes, rivers. Acredice prefers to grow in a wet soil and in the shade. Based on the plant prepare herbal infusion. It is used in the treatment of liver diseases, kidneys. The grass has a diuretic and anesthetic effect. Using it and externally, it particularly helps in the treatment of mentioned wounds. In addition, the acid is suitable for eating. Soups prepare from it.


There are two types of medicinal herbs that use official and traditional medicine: the nettle is burning and netwoman. This plant has diuretic and expectorant, laxative and anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing, painkillers and hemostatic effects. In pregnant women taking closers from nettle, the level of iron in the blood is normalized. In folk medicine, nettle is treated:

  • Cold.
  • Water
  • Constipation.
  • Dysentery.
  • Gout.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Liver.
  • Bronchi and lungs.
  • Rheumatism and much more.


Rod has about 42 species, and this is not taking into account garden hybrids. It is valued as a medicinal plant containing in large quantities Menthol with anesthetic effect. This substance is part of the drugs for the treatment of heart disease, vessels: "Valokordin", "Validol", Drops of Zelenina. Mint has the following useful properties:

  • Normalizes the work of the intestine.
  • Conducts in order nervous system.
  • Eliminates insomnia.
  • Removes nausea.
  • Helps with diarrhea.
  • Reduces puffiness, relieves pain with inflammatory respiratory processes.
  • Strengthens gums, destroys microbes. It is used to rinse the oral cavity.


IN therapeutic purposes Use two types of this plant: plantain flea and plantain Indian. They contain ascorbic acid, carotene, phytoncides. Plant Extracts obtained from plant leaves are used to treat ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Juice is taken with gastritis, enteritis. It improves digestion. Deciduous infusions help the withdrawal of sputum with bronchitis, pleurrites, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma. In addition, the plantain is used in the following cases:

  • For blood purification.
  • Tightening wounds.
  • Removing inflammation.
  • Anesthesia.


This plant is used in gastroenterology. Its leaves are rich in the human body with substances. The benefits of nettle as follows:

  • It has a stimulating effect on the reflex function of the pancreas.
  • Normalizes the activity of the gallbladder.
  • Removes inflammation.
  • The essential oil contained in the plant excites the nervous system.
  • Present in the grass bitterness excites appetite, normalizes digestion.


This grass is well known to the older generation. In the military, as well as the lack of laws, the seeds of the Swan were ground, added to rye flour And baked bread. He, of course, did not have an attractive species and was tasteless, but helped survive. The winch is valued for his chemical composition. It contains potassium and rutin in large quantities. Thanks to this, medicinal grass is widely used in cardiology. In addition, it is useful for treating diseases:

  • Breath organs.
  • Stomach.
  • Skin.
  • Inflamed wounds.

The winch has a wound-healing and soothing, cleansing and expectorant, choleretic and diuretic effect. This grass is suitable for food. From it prepare soup, soups, cutlets, puree and even bake bread. Swan dishes are very satisfying.

The translation of the term "culture" from Latin means "to cultivate, process". It was a persistent and attentive work on the cultivation of wild plants led to the emergence of cultures.

New Cultures B. modern world They appear due to the biological discoveries and achievements of genetics.

About cultural plants

The first samples of the enveloping plant took place in the Stone Age. Primitive, collecting edible fruits, roots, berries, seeds, etc., drew attention to the possibility of growing plants you need near the housing.

Throwing the seeds in the loose wet land and having received the first fruits of agriculture, he gradually learned how to control the process of growing cultivated plants.

Timely irrigation, the destruction of weeds, the protection of the sudden extermination of crop animals and insects, the selection of the best in quality, taste and the size of the plants led to an unconscious artificial selection. After time, the selection marked the appearance of the first cultivated plants.

And the experience of growing, the care of plants was accumulated and was transmitted to the next generations. The development of agriculture has formed geographical foci of growing certain cultures. Wars, trade, movement and traveling were promoted by the spread of alignment plants.

The predominant part of cultivated plants was grown for a long time, but separate copies are unforgettable relatively recently. An example serves sugar bumps, cultivate steel in early XIX. Century, while wheat was grown already in the VII millennium BC.

How cultivated plants differ from wild

The composition of the soil, the presence of precipitation, the level of temperature indicators, the speed of movement of the air masses does not depend on the person, and are created by nature and the regulation is not subject to (at least at this stage of the development of mankind).

Such conditions referred to the natural environment. Warranty plants adapted to the habitat and obey natural selection and reproduction.

Video: wild and cultural plants

Did you know? There is an interesting relative of the tomato familiar to us - the Parkupinsky Tomato: its leaves are covered with sharp bright spikes containing poisonous substances, the fruits are reminded of the size and color of the familiar cherry tomatoes, but they should not be tasting, because they are also rich in toxic alkaloids. Fortunately, it is found mainly in Madagascar.

The cultural is in the power of man. Their growth, reproduction, development, harvest, place of growth, landing time depend on people. Without due attention and care from their side, a good harvest is not received.

What plants are called cultural

Plants grown by man to fulfill their goals are called cultural. Objectives can be the most different. Among them are the acquisition of food, filling the forage base of animal husbandry, the manufacture of drugs from vegetable raw materials and others.
Selection, hybridization, genetic engineering are the main ways to transform wild plant in cultural. The latter are divided into 11 groups.


Plants used for landscaping settlements, garden design, parks, alleys, streets, decoration of residential premises and individual buildings, are called decorative. There are more than 10 thousand species of decorative crops.


  • park trees;
  • floral;
  • decorative deciduous;
  • lawn;
  • soil protective;
  • meliorative plants.

When choosing decorative culture, take into account color gamut Leaves or needles, dimensions and flavor of flowers, duration and timing of flowering, as well as appearance after flowering. A special value is plants that preserve decorativeness (attractiveness) of the whole year.
Floral decorative plantations are the most common and varied applications, compositions and care.

Flower types - a great set, some of them are derived exclusively for growing at home (decorative, some species), others grow perfectly under open sky. There are species that can delight you both on the windowsill and on panstoneFor example, various.

Park decorative calculates deciduous and coniferous, evergreen and with fallen leaves trees and shrubs. High, medium and low plants are highlighted in height.

Among the lowered, sharpening and dwarf species (,) are appreciated, which are most beautiful in stone gardens, alpine Gorki, slopes. No less important crown form.

Among them are distinguished:

  • pyramidal (,);
  • spheroid (,);
  • conical (,);
  • splashing (,);
  • umbrella (silky acacia);
  • mobble (, birch wrapped);
  • current (,).

The reservoirs are decorated with plants with a molding of the crown shape, and the streets, squares, parks - with a conical, spheroid, pyramidal. In landings of a single type, culture of a spread and umbrella configuration prevail. Curly plants create vertical decorative structures.

Living hedges from the soil-protective plants perform the function of protection against wind, marking the boundaries of land plots, landscape decoration. Meliorative plantations are capable of drying the soil (), delay the landslides (,), fasten the sandy soil (Iva-Shelyuga). The best lawn plants refers to the field of giant, do not inferior and.

Grain and cereals

Plants grown for the use of grain belong to Zlakov. Grain of grain crops are used in brewing, animal husbandry, in the cereal, bread industry and other industries.

The first place to collect gross product and the number of sowing areas belongs to growing grain crops:

  • wheat;
  • rice;
  • barley;

Not all cereals belong to Zlatkov, for example, there are so-called gentle-born crops that are representatives of the legume family, they include soybeans, beans and peas. And the buckwheat mentioned above comes from the preching family.

Did you know? Many centuries wealthy people used white bread, And the poor is black (rye). However, in the past century, the situation began to change: everything more peopleCarrying about their health, began to prefer bread from dark flour due to its richest mineral composition.


Plants grown for agricultural purposes and eating in the form of beans (soy, lentils) and green Stalls (Podkhai pea,), Male bean.

They are conventionally divided into:

  • vegetable, cultivate delicious beans and pods (in addition to the above, can also be called, Mash, Urd,);
  • feed, present in the feed of agricultural cattle (,).

Also, this group includes and, which is usually counted for nuts.

For the technical purposes, vegetable and feed legumes are grown to obtain medicinal raw materials, seeding (enrichment of the soil layer with organic matter and nitrogen by panning the green mass), joint landing (for example, Bob garden and potatoes) to increase the germination of both crops, combating some pests (for example,). Separate beans decorate decorative compositions ( , ).


Plants in the tissues of which contains a significant proportion of starch, referred to as starchy. Potatoes - the main starchy culture of the agricultural zones of the planet. Here are some varieties of corn with an increased starch content.

Among other representatives of this species can be allocated:

  • yam (found mainly in African lands);
  • (grown in regions with warm climate);
  • , or sweet potatoes (It is also cultivated in the tropics and subtropics).

Starchhalona serves food for people, animal feed, raw materials for flour, starch, alcohol, food and technical molasses.

Among these cultures there are endemic species that are not so widespread in world agriculture, but since ancient times is cultivated by some countries. These are languid cultures South America:, Oka, Uluko and Anna.

Did you know? La Bonnotte Potatoes, cultivated on Naurmity Island (France), gained the fame of the most expensive in the world. A kilogram of a gentle and delicious product costs about 500 euros.


Plants capable of accumulating sucrose in tissues in significant quantities, and used for the production of sugar are called sugar. Chief Cultures this type are sugar cane and sugar bumps.
Perennial culture of the Matlikovy family - sugar cane - grows in tropical and subtropical zones (India, China, on the African continent, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Central and South America).

Plant stems contain 18-20% sugar. The main source of sugar temperate latitudes is served. Sugar sargo, sugar and wine palm, sugar can also be distinguished, (produce), horn wood (the fleet of fruit contains 50% sugar).


Plants grown for oily oils are defined as oilseeds.

Among them can be allocated:

  • (cabbage family). The economic role of rapeseed in the 20th century has grown significantly due to the possibility of obtaining rapeseed biodiesel;
  • oil palm (palm family), It serves to produce high-quality food and technical oil. The West Africa is considered the birthplace of the leading world oilseed;
  • peanuts (Bob Family). Peanut butter spread the world from the USA, like a delicious peanut paste, in which oil, of course, includes oil;

    Did you know? The sesame oil since sincerversion was valued in the east. It is widely used in Ayurvedic practices, and the famous Persian doctor Avicene had about a hundred recipes of healing agents based on it.

  • (Astrov family) known for a very long time, its cultivation began in North America, occupies 87% of oilseed areas;
  • olive European (Maslin family). In the wild, the tree is not found long ago, cultivated to obtain oil from antiquity;
  • lyona ordinary (family of flax) serves to obtain valuable nutrient and medicinal oil;
  • (Bob family), got the name "miracle plant" for good yield and nutritious composition of the product, known from the III millennium BC. (Motherland - East Asia).
  • Also, it will be useful to mention the plants whose oils are used primarily in cosmetics: it is coconut ,.


    Plants whose structure allows you to get fibrous material for the manufacture of fabrics, paper, some of the items.

    Divided by the nature of use on:

    The most common fibrous culture is cotton. It is used in the tissues, oil is isolated from seeds, and waste goes to the feed of a cattle. China, Uzbekistan, India, USA, Pakistan, Australia, Brazil - the largest suppliers And producers of cotton in the world.

    Copying (clinging) plants related to the pumpkin family and grown on the "Bahce" are referred to as Bakhchev. The prevailing amount of Bakhchyeva has strong roots lengthened with clinging stems, overall leaves and large inflorescences, but there are also busy plants.

    The birthplace of Bakhchy cultures consider tropical and subtropical states. Use fresh fruits into food and as raw materials in the medical industry is added to the fodder of the agricultural animals.
    TO bakhchev cultures relate:

    Important! The fascination of the Bakhchev can move the sand and stones in the kidneys and the horizontal bubble, which often ends with surgery. Watermelon and Melush are desirable to eat once a day and in moderate quantities.If you do not eat an outcred fetus for 24 hours, you can get intoxication and meteorism, as pathogenic organisms are quickly multiplied in the residues of Bakhchyev.


    Agricultural plants whose productive bodies are grown for eating and combined general concept "Vegetable" is called vegetable. About 120 cultures of this type grows on the planet, about 55 of them are grown in all regions of the world.

    The main direction of the use of vegetable crops is as food as in its original form and in the recycled (drying, exhaust juice, salting, heat treatment). There is also feed crops intended for agricultural livestock.
    The productive organ, called vegetable, defines such sections of vegetable crops:

    • fruit and vegetable cultures (, vegetable);
    • leafy vegetable crops ();
    • bulbous cultures (,);
    • root crops (, radish).

    Each vegetable culture There are a large number of varieties, spread through different continents, cultivated on open soil And in the greenhouses.

) Extremely diverse. Currently, more than 300 families of flowering plants are known. Plants are combined into families on similar features. Each family in turn is divided into separate bodies and species. All plants belonging to one appearance are common ancestors. The plants that are included in one family have more distant kinship. There are certain reference benefits for which it is possible to find out what is called this or that plant and determine what kind of, genus and family it belongs (groups of plants).

You can accurately determine the plant, knowing general signs Family. This will help to establish what value in environment And for people. Thanks to these knowledge, it is possible to use plants with a practical purpose, for example, collecting medicinal herbs for pharmacies, to enter wild decorative plants into the culture.

It is equally important to study cultural plants - their life and development. Cultural plants are used for various needs of people. It is important to use them as a forage, food, technical, ornamental. Grain crops are of great importance, and in the first place of them corn and wheat. After the grains, sugar beets, feed beans, peas and potatoes follow their importance in the economy. Predecessors of all cultivated plants are wild. They began to cultivate after the "resettlement" from countries with different climatic conditions. Therefore, depending on the climate of the area, from where cultivated plants come, they need different conditions of life (moisture, temperature, nutrients, light).

Man applies various organs of plants for its purposes: roots, stems, leaves, inflorescences, seeds, fruits. With plant cultivation for a long time by a person, they strongly changed. Moreover, it was the bodies that have been needed by a person have changed more than others. These plants have become larger and changed their properties. For example, the fruits of cultivated strawberry and apple trees have become more in size and with the best taste properties, and potato tubers began to contain more starch and larger, the grains of cultural cereals also began to include more organic substancesthan their predecessors.

Cultural plants need larger quantities nutrients than their wild "counterparts". A large number of cultivated plants, in particular, vegetable and individual types of technical plants require a large amount of moisture. To get big crops, you need to study the needs of each particular plant and satisfy them in full.

Many plants do not form flowers, fruits and seeds. Many plants are not even green. Some plants have no chlorophyll, like mushrooms. In size, plants are also very different from each other. Some representatives of the kingdom of plants have microscopic sizes. Therefore, they can be seen only with a large increase in the microscope. These smallest plants have no roots, no stems or leaves. The body of many plants is one cage alone. All plants on certain features are divided into groups.

The world of plants on the planet Earth is very diverse. In the process of centuries-old evolution, they adapted to grow in different conditions: survive in the northern regions with a cold climate, in the deserts, where there are practically no precipitation. This article we will talk about wild plants that are different. These are herbs, and cereals, and shrubs. Some of them have a beautiful appearance, others benefit to a person, and others are hazardous weeds that cause harm to gardening crops.

What plants are called wild

These are the types that are distributed by self-sow or a pig without the participation and human intervention. These plants do not need to create special conditions. To life in a natural environment, they adapt themselves. Cultural plant species appeared much later wildly. For them, a person is cautious to get a good harvest. He sows them, fertilizes, watering, is stolegging, frills the soil in which they grow.

Dorticoros have a great energy value, so currently finding use as additives or as an independent dish. The fact is that they are not afraid of chemicalization of agricultural land, after which the soil contains a large number of poisons and nitrates.

If this is originally a non-union plant, it is impossible to poison them, as many vegetables, for the cultivation of which increased doses of various chemical fertilizers are used. Here is a small list of the names of wild plants that can be eaten:

  • Nettle.
  • Horsetail
  • Sorrel.
  • Oregano
  • St. John's wort
  • Mint.
  • Raspberries.
  • Currant.
  • Thyme.
  • Hop.
  • Plantain.
  • Chicory.
  • Lope.
  • Sick.
  • Lungwort.
  • Clover.
  • Angelica.
  • Blooming Sally.

With the billet, the grasses must be taken care. If for some reason it is impossible to distinguish the useful herbs from others, it is better not to collect them, they can harm your health.


All plants are divided into cultural and wild. The species of wild plants are much, for example:

  • Herbs: nettle, mochal, cornflower, dandelion, plantain and many others.
  • Shrubs: Raspberries, grapes of forest, currant, blackberry, etc.
  • Trees: apple tree, pear, rowan, plum, oak, pine, birch, Iva, etc.

There are wilderos that grow in the garden: onions, garlic, watermelons. In addition, plants are divided into medicinal, useful, edible and poisonous.


In nature, there is a huge set of plants that are conventionally divided into groups with similar properties, a structure, appearance. Most of all on the planet of flowering plants, which are single-dollar and dicatular. Each of these classes is divided into families depending on the structure of the flower. The most numerous and common species belong to the following families:

  • Lilynyh are herbs with a perennial cycle of life. They form bulbs, clubnelaukovitsa, rhizomes. Differ in the form and conditions of growth. For example, lilies, tulips, goose onions.
  • Matlikovaya (cerebral) is a family of plants (wild and alturized) with a different cycle of life. For example, bamboo, reed, millet, kobyl, etc.
  • Polenic. Representatives of this family are mainly herbs or creeping shrubs and much less often trees. Among them are many poisonous species, such as Belen.
  • Rosicular - this family includes trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. For example, pear, allycha, apple tree, raspberry, currant, blackberry, strawberries, hemp, nettle, fig.
  • Cruciferous is herbs, less often - half-workers, as an exception - shrubs. Examples of wild plants of this family: a shepherd bag, a row, left, mustard, horseradish, cauldron.
  • Cost-colored - the family has 25 thousand species of grassy plants, shrubs, half-workers, lian, low-spirited trees. Example: Nather, meadow Vasilek, Bodyak, Dandelion, Sunflower, Yarrow.
  • Umbrella - this family includes herbaceous plants. The most famous species - Borshevik Siberian, Refrodnik, Krap-shaped Boligols.

Many wild representatives of the flora are edible all parts, and some can only eat fruits, such as acorns. They can be collected after the first autumn frosts. Acorns are suitable for food, if they are correctly prepared. But it is necessary to beware of unworthy fruits of wild plants, they are poisonous. It is easy to distinguish them in green.

Favorite delicacy of children are wild apples. Especially they are good in winter when they are frozen. Lesteries do not pass by wild raspberries and currants. The berries of these plants are much smaller, but they possess a unique taste and aroma.

Edible wild plants

They are often found on our way, but many people do not know that they can be eaten, although they are often used to treat various diseases. About what wild plants can replenish our diet with vitamins, read below in the article.

Shepherd bag

The drug properties of this plant have long been known, but the fact that it is eaten, a few know. Nevertheless, in China, this grass is vegetable. Here the shepherd bag is used to prepare first courses, salads, salted for the winter. The best time to use the plant in food - Spring.


This plant is the most common. The place of growth is meadows, fields, gardens, pastures. All useful enclosed in the leaves. But they need to collect them until the plant blooms. This grass has a bitter taste, so it is mixed with other types of greenery when they are preparing a salad. Delicious and useful are pancakes from flowers, but completely blurred. However, people with diseases of the stomach and intestines are a wild plant is contraindicated.

Bolotnaya purity

This is an edible plant with an unpleasant smell. But you should not immediately reject it. The smell will disappear as soon as you start cooking a dish. Food is suitable ripening tubers that should be collected at the end of summer. They are fried, boiled, dried, sued for the winter. The purity has a property quickly faded, so you need to collect as many plants as needed for cooking.


This unpretentious plant grows in nature as an annual and long-term grass with flowers of white, red, pink shade. Clover is known for its useful qualities. It contains vitamins and trace elements in which our body needs. Many nations use grass in different ways. It is dried for the manufacture of seasonings, additives to flour. In the fresh form, clover is used for the preparation of salads. In the Caucasus eating sauer flowers of the plant. This grass is an excellent honey, flowers pollinate bees and bumblebees. Honey produced by bees of nectar and pollen clover has a magnificent taste. This grass is an important component of the feed base of livestock.


This representative of flora refers to wild grassy plants. In nature, it grows around the reservoirs, on the swamps and the places adjacent to them. In this grass, the roots are edible. They can be baked, cooking, dried, marinate, as well as grind on flour. The leaves located at the rhizomes are suitable for salads.

Blooming Sally

This plant is also known as Creeps. All of its parts come in food. Wild plant Many people are used to brew tea, but not everyone knows that from it you can cook flour, salad. Leaves and flowers go to the production of wine, and roots - for casserole.

Orly ordinary fern

Plants stuffed, until they blossomed, remind snails. It is them that is used in food. From the ferns prepare vegetable stew, it is sued for the winter. If the leaves bloomed, such plants are not suitable for use. Fern collection time is the end of spring or early summer.

Draveling wild plants

These plants in the period of flowering in most cases are beautiful. About colors are generally accepted as something special and elevated. But in nature there are many wild plants, the flowers of which will make a worthy competition of garden hybrids and varieties. And there is another category of plants. Putting them once for beauty deliberately, you risk never getting rid of them. In the garden and garden, they constitute competition to cultural plants, as they consume 1/3 of all nutrients contained in the soil and moisture. Weeds are very lively plants, they adapt even to herbicides with which they are treated. But many wild, herbaceous plants are so beautiful that they are difficult to consider weeds. These include:

  • Mayweed.
  • The bell is bored.
  • Lilia Kokured (locust).
  • Lily of Maysky.
  • Lichnis Chalcedony.
  • Day-lily.
  • Couping fragrant.
  • Chemacher black.
  • Pijma and many others.


These plants are considered the most common urban weeds. They are very unpretentious, grow everywhere, the exception is the Arctic, alpine areas and Antarctica. This flower refers to many years of wild plants. The dandelion race has more than 2000 apomics, but in our country the most common is a medicinal (field or ordinary).


The genus of wild plants, numbering 500 species, of which about twenty are found on the European part of Russia.

Violets are annual, two-year and perennial. They are most common in the northern hemisphere, regions where moderate climate is dominated. The violets of many species are evilored, they are grown as decorative plants, and in one place, without any transplants. But in abandoned gardens and parks, they again are celebrating.

Wild-growing medicinal plants

Flora of our planet is amazing and diverse. Among the numerous families there are poisonous and edible plants, there are also those that benefit for agriculture and other industries. But wild-growing medicinal plants, helping the person to cope with the disease or to warn it. Some of them are listed below in the article.

Mother and stepmother

This wild plant blooms in April, as soon as the gentle sun warms the ground. Flowers painted in yellow tint appear on well-lit areas, similar to small sun. This is a coltsfoot. The plant is medicinal, it is used in medicine. For example, the flowering and deciduous informas are used to treat cough. The plant is an excellent honeymoon for spring collection of pollen and nectar bees.

AIR ordinary

Refers to perennial wild plants. The height reaches 10 cm. Grows next to lakes, rivers, swamps, streams, on flooded meadows. It is believed that there are always clean water next to Air. Medicinal value have roots roots. It is necessary to harvest them early in spring or late in the fall. They are dried, used with nervous disorders, fever.

Dormon medicinal

This plant reaches a height of one meter. Growing places - meadows, fields, roadside roads. The leaves and flowers of the plant are appreciated, which should be harvested in June-August. The dried leaves go to the preparation of the tincture, which is taken to treat gout, rheumatism, insomnia. The plant also has diuretic properties. It can not be used in pregnancy and non-blank blood.

Lophch (burdock) felt

This plant is easy to distinguish on large leaves and characteristic flowers and fruits. As a rule, the burdock grows on wasteland, roadside strip, in the forest. This is a famous and common representative of the Flora. Rhizomes should be harvested before the winter on the onset or early spring. Fresh roots prepare ointment for the treatment of wounds and burns. The leaves are used to protect against bacteria, they relieve heat well. They must be applied to the wounds. The decoction prepared on the basis of the roots helps in the treatment of intestines and stomach, it is used as a diuretic. The benefits of burdock in the treatment of various diseases has long been known, and the fact that the leaves and roots of the young plant eat, know a few. The roots of young plants are in food. But if the reurenik is wrong to cook, he will be pattering. It is better to fry it or cook.


This plant with a perennial life cycle, powerful, has large dimensions: two meters in height. Distributed everywhere. Place of growth - meadows, fields, coniferous forests, gardens, reservoirs. In folk medicine, the rhizomes and leaves are used, which are preparing soothing infusions for relieving seizures, prevention and treatment of skin diseases (for example, scabies), digestion disorders. Fresh leaves are used as rheumatism. Borshevik is an edible plant. His grass in dried marinated or salty form is added to the first dishes.


The plant has a small height (up to 10 cm) and creeping shoots. Places of growing - forests, shores of lakes, rivers. Acredice prefers to grow in a wet soil and in the shade. Based on the plant prepare herbal infusion. It is used in the treatment of liver diseases, kidneys. The grass has a diuretic and anesthetic effect. Using it and externally, it particularly helps in the treatment of mentioned wounds. In addition, the acid is suitable for eating. Soups prepare from it.


There are two types of medicinal herbs that use official and traditional medicine: the nettle is burning and netwoman. This plant has diuretic and expectorant, laxative and anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing, painkillers and hemostatic effects. In pregnant women taking closers from nettle, the level of iron in the blood is normalized. In folk medicine, nettle is treated:

  • Cold.
  • Water
  • Constipation.
  • Dysentery.
  • Gout.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Liver.
  • Bronchi and lungs.
  • Rheumatism and much more.


Rod has about 42 species, and this is not taking into account garden hybrids. It is valued as a medicinal plant containing a large amount of menthol with anesthetic effect. This substance is part of the drugs for the treatment of heart disease, vessels: "Valokordin", "Validol", Drops of Zelenina. Mint has the following beneficial properties:

  • Normalizes the work of the intestine.
  • Put in order the nervous system.
  • Eliminates insomnia.
  • Removes nausea.
  • Helps with diarrhea.
  • Reduces puffiness, relieves pain with inflammatory respiratory processes.
  • Strengthens gums, destroys microbes. It is used to rinse the oral cavity.


For medicinal purposes, two types of this plant are used: the plantain flea and plantain Indian. They contain ascorbic acid, carotene, phytoncides. Plant Extracts obtained from plant leaves are used to treat ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Juice is taken with gastritis, enteritis. It improves digestion. Deciduous infusions help the withdrawal of sputum with bronchitis, pleurrites, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma. In addition, the plantain is used in the following cases:

  • For blood purification.
  • Tightening wounds.
  • Removing inflammation.
  • Anesthesia.


This plant is used in gastroenterology. Its leaves are rich in the human body with substances. The benefits of nettle as follows:

  • It has a stimulating effect on the reflex function of the pancreas.
  • Normalizes the activity of the gallbladder.
  • Removes inflammation.
  • The essential oil contained in the plant excites the nervous system.
  • Present in the grass bitterness excites appetite, normalizes digestion.


This grass is well known to the older generation. In the military, as well as the faulty years, the seeds of the Swan was ground, added to rye flour and baked bread. He, of course, did not have an attractive species and was tasteless, but helped survive. The winch is valued for its chemical composition. It contains potassium and rutin in large quantities. Thanks to this, medicinal grass is widely used in cardiology. In addition, it is useful for treating diseases:

  • Breath organs.
  • Stomach.
  • Skin.
  • Inflamed wounds.

The winch has a wound-healing and soothing, cleansing and expectorant, choleretic and diuretic effect. This grass is suitable for food. From it prepare soup, soups, cutlets, puree and even bake bread. Swan dishes are very satisfying.

In the school program at the lessons to familiarize themselves with the surrounding world, environmental education, biology provides for the study of wildlife objects. As part of familiarization with the life of flora, children will learn what cultural and wild plants are. The name of groups becomes understandable after children are reported on the conditions of growing species. The deepening and expansion of the concept occurs due to familiarization with how the plants belonging to a particular group are used.

Cultural and wild plants. Names

The 2 class of the secondary school is the period when children begin to receive systematic knowledge about objects of living and inanimate nature. An earlier study of the subject is properedificate. But in the second grade, such concepts as cultural and wild-growing plants are introduced, for example.

The name of groups becomes clear to children after performing exercises, where it is proposed to compare plant pairs. For example, fir and apple trees, birch and plum, gooseberry and juniper, tomatoes and mother and mazehu, peas and chicory. The teacher offers children to draw attention to where the compared species grow, what conditions are needed for them, who are cautious of them.

After the work done, the children easily conclude that all plants are divided into two large groups. Those who are causing a person are called cultural. Wild plants got their name due to the fact that they grow everywhere. For their development, ripening, fruiting does not require human intervention.

The main differences between wild plants from cultural

For the growth and development of plants, certain conditions are necessary. Cultural species such conditions creates a person. He is looking for a favorable place for plant landing, produces their feeding, removes weeds, collects a crop, protects from pests and diseases.

Wild plants whose name can be found in numerous reference books do not need to be created special conditions. They themselves adapt to life in the wild.

Basis for classification

Wild-growing plants, titles and photos of which are so familiar to us, appeared on Earth much earlier cultural species. In other words, initially the planet was populated only by wild plants. They were given ancient man Food, shelter, clothes, tools of labor.

By collecting, people accumulated the experience, thanks to which they appreciated the positive properties of the roots, leaves, stems, fruits of some plants. Gradually, a person learned the most useful views to grow close to his own housing and use the results of his work for a longer period of time than it was when collecting. So the cultural varieties of plants began to appear, as a result of which their taste and other qualities were improved.

Natural zones and plant distribution

The species diversity, which is presented by wild plants, names and the value of them are directly related to the region of the Earth, where they grow.

The abundance of food and medicinal wild plant species is celebrated in a tropical and subtropical wet climate. In the zone of tundra and forest tundra species more scanty, but large reserves can be focused here, for example, moss, lichens used in different industries national economy. Herbaceous and shrub plants, giving a good harvest of berries, are also not uncommon for harsh northern regions.

Warming plants: Value for man

The names of which are given in school textbooks and additional reference books, have a lot of substances useful for the human body. Today, the study of this group continues to keep proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, vegetable oils in them.

The man has long been looking for ways to eat wild plants in food. Since ancient times, strawberry, blueberries, blueberries, cranberries and many others are common since the ancient times. Fruits, leaves, stems are used both in fresh and processed.

Medical properties

Among the medicinal raw materials, wild plants occupy a special place. Names and meanings medical preparationsMade on the basis of herbs, parts of trees and shrubs growing in wildlife, recently are actively created and studied, and their list has significantly expanded. The rich experience of using wild plants as medicines is available from folk healers.

However, the number of Flora representatives used by the person in the composition of drugs is only 4% of total species that are wild plants. The names of new species regularly replenish this list.

It should be noted that more than half of the raw materials intended for pharmaceutical production is supplied by collecting medicinal plants in nature. Only small part of them is cultivated.

Rules for collecting raw materials

When collecting medicinal and food wild plants, it is necessary to comply with the rules, thanks to which you can eliminate the facts of poisoning or other negative impact on the body. It is allowed to collect only well famous species Plants. Those of them that cause doubt appearance, the rules of use, the collection is not subject to. Overhead parts of plants are usually collected before flowering. At this time, shoots and leaves are more tender, do not contain dangerous connections. Plant collection is recommended to produce in clear weather in the afternoon, when the dew is excluded.

It is forbidden to collect plants along the roads, near the dumps, waste canvas or industrial facilities. In their parts, combustion products are collected, dust containing a substance dangerous to human health.

The collected raw materials should not be laid too tight. This can lead to plant damage. It usually manifests itself in the darkening of their parts. Spiky and burning plants, such as nettle, bodiage, better to collect in gloves. And the rigid stems of others are more convenient to cut off with a knife.

Parts of plants having visible damage, such as highlights, rust, rot, is not recommended to collect. They may contain substances that are harmful to human health.

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