Coreopsis herbaceous plants for open ground. Common Types of Coreopsis

Decor elements 21.05.2019
Decor elements

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow marigolds are irreplaceable. These letniki have long moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, decorated the beds and potted gardens. Marigolds with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas today are able to pleasantly surprise with their diversity. Firstly, among the marigolds there are both tall and miniature plants.

Our grandmothers, growing strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very versatile. Despite the fact that “babies” have always been considered more fashionable, it is worth taking a closer look at the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate a modern interior. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of pricklyness, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will talk about the five most fashionable succulents that surprisingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as far back as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in the open field.

People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses - one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom in late March and early April.

Shchi from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Blueberries - a rare promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. The taste of blueberries resembles a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of varieties of tomatoes, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners he is annoying sometimes! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself”. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of room nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs - "supplier" delicious pieces fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. Mushrooms are lightly fried in olive oil, and then poured with apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of salmon and pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree or a shrub on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers is even better. emerald needles various shades decorates the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils secreted by plants not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. Generally, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and traded lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then the methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Make your family happy and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative and deciduous favorites among tuberous crops. And the caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of the interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, the rumors about the unusual capriciousness of the Caladium never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

These include perennial coreopsis, which, like the sun in the garden, will delight you with its flowering for a long time. This plant is very diverse in its appearance, so you can easily choose your variety and decorate the flower garden with it. At the same time, you will spend very little effort and labor during its landing and care.

In this article, we will consider the features and description of perennial coreopsis, and also note the main characteristics of the main species and varieties of this plant.

Features and description of coreopsis perennial

Coreopsis is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Asteraceae or Compositae family. The entire genus of Coreopsis can be divided into two large subgroups: annual and perennial. However, perennial species of this plant are more popular and numerous. If there are 10 species of yellow chamomile, then 8 are perennial. The natural habitat of this bright flower considered the territory of the South and North America, Africa, sometimes these flowers can be found in the Hawaiian Islands.

Coreopsis perennial can often be grown in gardens as an annual plant, however, even despite this, the flower is golden- yellow color will certainly become the central decoration of the garden or flower garden. In appearance, most varieties of Coreopsis have similar characteristics and are sometimes confused and can be distinguished. Let's take a closer look at the main features appearance this perennial flower.

Coreopsis flower got its name from the Greek word, which in translation means "like a bug." There is a simple explanation for this, because the small seeds of this plant are very similar to ordinary bedbugs. Sometimes coreopsis is called brown-eyed, golden chamomile, "Paris beauty", "girl's eyes".

Description of coreopsis perennial:

  • For the most part, coreopsis is a perennial herbaceous plant, but sometimes there are also species growing in the form of shrubs and semi-shrubs.
  • The stems of the plant are erect and very branched. They can reach a height of 20 cm to 1 m, which allows them to find the optimal place for them on a plot or in a flower bed.
  • The underground part of the flower is represented by fibrous roots. And since it perennial, it is inherent in seed and vegetative reproduction.
  • The whole stem is densely covered with leaves, which differ depending on their location. The basal leaves are quite large, entire, and the stem leaves can be pinnately divided or palmate, they are located oppositely.
  • Foliage color can vary from light green to dark green.
  • All branched stems end in long peduncles with flower baskets.
  • The inflorescences are solitary, have the form of baskets up to 8 cm in diameter.
  • Baskets can be terry or simple, consisting of jagged reed petals and tubular in the center.
  • By color, coreopsis flowers can be all shades of yellow, red, pink, purple or even brown.
  • Flowering begins around the end of June and lasts almost until frost.
  • After the end of flowering, fruits are formed on the tops of the stems - oblong achenes of black color with large quantity very small seeds.
  • Perennial coreopsis seeds remain viable for 2-3 years.

Variety of species and varieties of coreopsis perennial

In total, about 100 varieties of coreopsis are known today, but only 30 species are grown in culture. All of them differ in stem height, inflorescence color and growing conditions, although most of these plants winter well even in our harsh winter. Let us consider in more detail the features of the most popular and common types and varieties of perennial coreopsis.

Coreopsis grandiflora

  • The natural habitat is the territory of the southeastern part of the United States.
  • This species is the most common coreopsis flower in horticulture.
  • Great for inexperienced flower growers, as it is particularly unpretentious.
  • The height of this herbaceous plant can be different. There are tall varieties, but there is a wide variety dwarf plants. On average, the height can be from 30 cm to 100 cm.
  • It has the appearance of a very branched bush, which consists of a large number of stems.
  • The stems are erect and very strong.
  • The foliage completely covers the shoots of the plant. The leaves are arranged oppositely, with little or no root. In the lower part of the plant, the leaves are entire, and in the upper part they are pinnately dissected.
  • The tops of the stems end in rather large inflorescences, which can reach 8 cm in diameter. The inflorescences are presented in the form of baskets.
  • The flower consists of reed toothed yellow petals and tubular dark yellow.
  • This type of coreopsis needs periodic updating. It needs to be repotted about once every 3 years.

Popular varieties of coreopsis grandiflora:

  • Sort "Baden Gold". A tall plant variety that can reach 90 cm in height. Flowering begins already in June, when medium-sized inflorescences up to 6.5 cm in diameter bloom on the shoots.
  • Variety "Mayfield Giant". Also a tall plant, which favorable conditions can reach 90-100 cm. It blooms with large flowers up to 8 cm in diameter with bright golden yellow flowers.
  • Variety "Calypso". Bushes up to 50 cm high. Differ in variegated foliage.
  • Variety "Sandancer". A dwarf variety of perennial coreopsis, which can reach a height of only 20-30 cm. The inflorescences have a terry shape.

Coreopsis perennial whorled

  • A rarer guest in our gardens and flower beds.
  • It can grow in one place for more than 6 years.
  • The erect, strongly branching stems form a small compact bush that can reach a height of 40-60 cm.
  • The leaves are densely located on the shoots, are sessile. Strongly dissected in shape, they are a large number of needle-like leaflets collected whorled. Hence the name of the species.
  • The inflorescences are in the form of baskets in the form of a star up to 3 cm in diameter, consisting of narrow oblong petals.
  • Reed and tubular petals are golden yellow.
  • Flowering begins in June and lasts until the end of August.

Popular varieties of coreopsis whorled:

  • Variety "Zagreb". Low bush up to 40 cm in height. It blooms with small golden flowers with a darker core.
  • Variety "Child of the Sun". A dwarf variety of coreopsis whorled, which grows only 30 cm. The inflorescences are yellow with red splashes in the center on reed petals.

Coreopsis lanceolate

  • In nature, this type of plant grows in the territory Western Europe, the west coast of America and Canada.
  • This plant grows in the form of bushes that can grow up to 60 cm.
  • Bushes are formed by erect, very branched stems.
  • This type of coreopsis is distinguished by the peculiar shape of the leaves - they are oblong or lanceolate.
  • All leaves are mainly located in the basal part of the flower, there are practically none at the top.
  • Inflorescences in the form of bright yellow baskets, which can reach 6-8 cm in diameter.
  • The shape of the inflorescence is terry, slightly drooping.
  • Flowering of Coreopsis lanceolate begins in July.

Popular varieties:

  • Variety "Golden Queen". Bushes up to 60 cm high with bright golden yellow inflorescences.
  • Variety "Goldfink". A dwarf variety of this type of plant, it can grow up to 30 cm in height.

Coreopsis auricularis

  • A rather undersized type of plant that grows most often by 20-30 cm, less often by 50-60 cm.
  • The stems are erect and very branched, which form a dense and compact bush.
  • The leaves are rounded, slightly oblong.
  • All leaves are most often collected in a basal rosette and only a few are located on the stems.
  • The inflorescences are medium in size, can reach about 4.5 cm in diameter.
  • Flowers can be yellow or orange in color.
  • Flowering begins in late spring or early summer.

Popular varieties:

  • Sort "Nana". A low-growing variety of a plant that blooms with bright yellow-orange inflorescences, very similar to daisies.

Coreopsis pink

  • This type of plant is stunted and rarely grows above 30-40 cm.
  • The stems are erect, form a compact and very decorative shrub.
  • All stems are densely dotted with narrow and oblong leaves.
  • Inflorescences are single pink shades.
  • The flowers are small, only 2-2.5 cm in diameter.

Popular varieties:

  • Variety "American Dream". Medium sized plant. in height can reach 40 cm. Single flowers of delicate light pink color.
  • Variety "Sweet Dream". A plant with bright two-color inflorescences. The middle is crimson, and the edges of the petals are white.

Reproduction of perennial coreopsis: the most common methods

Perennial coreopsis can be bred on their own without any problems, for this you only need to know the intricacies of propagation methods. This plant propagates by seeds, division of the bush and cuttings. You just need to decide what is best for you and the variety you have chosen.

Coreopsis perennial. seed propagation

  • Almost all types and varieties of perennial Coreopsis breed in this way. The only exception is hybrid varieties and varieties with terry inflorescences. If you grow coreopsis using seeds, then the plant may lose all its decorative qualities.
  • Seeds can be sown in spring and autumn under the snow, as they tolerate cold very well.
  • There are two options for propagating this plant using seeds: immediately in open ground or in containers for seedlings. Many rare species are best planted in seedlings. In addition, with the help of seedlings, you will quickly get flowering plants.
  • To obtain seedlings, it is imperative to prepare containers.
  • Next, fill them with a suitable soil mixture, which should consist of sand and garden soil.
  • The soil in the boxes should be moist and loose.
  • Seeds are sown in March or April.
  • They need to be sown on the surface of moist soil.
  • Containers must be placed in a bright and warm room. Seedlings need regular care. moistening the soil.
  • After the appearance of two or three leaves, the seedlings should be dived into separate pots. After the appearance of 5-6, they dive again.
  • Seedlings can be planted in open ground as early as May.
  • Growing coreopsis from seeds allows you to get hardened and strong seedlings of the plant.
  • If you decide to sow seeds directly in open ground, then it is best to do this in May.

Coreopsis perennial. Reproduction by dividing the bush

  • This method is the easiest and fastest. It gives almost 100% results.
  • The best time to breed coreopsis perennial is early spring. A more precisely the time when the cold is completely gone.
  • If you have several plants growing on your site, choose the healthiest and strongest bush.
  • Next, gently loosen the soil around the coreopsis and carefully remove the plant. Be careful not to damage the root system.
  • Next, you need to take a sharp knife and carefully divide the mother plant into several parts. Each division should have 2-3 buds and roots.
  • After that, you need to plant coreopsis in pre-prepared holes with moist and fertilized soil.
  • The first time after planting, a young plant needs abundant watering for faster rooting.
  • With the help of dividing the bush, all types of perennial coreopsis must be planted once every 3-4 years. It is during this time that the plant manages to lose all its decorative qualities.

Coreopsis perennial. Propagation by cuttings

  • This method is used much less often than the previous ones.
  • The best time to prepare cuttings is the beginning of summer, and more specifically June.
  • Choose a healthy and strong plant in the area.
  • Young and healthy shoots with leaves are suitable for cuttings.
  • cut into planting material about 10 cm below the place where the knot is located.
  • All leaves must be removed from the bottom of the cuttings.
  • To speed up the rooting process, you can hold the cuttings in a rooting solution.
  • Further, the cuttings are rooted in ordinary pots or in a greenhouse in the soil.
  • For full and rapid rooting, the cuttings need light partial shade and regular watering.
  • After rooting of planting material, coreopsis can be planted in a permanent place in open ground.

Stages of preparation before planting perennial coreopsis

Although coreopsis is unpretentious plant However, for its full growth, it is still necessary to create specific conditions. First of all, it is important to carefully prepare before landing, and for this you need to purchase high-quality and healthy seedlings, choose the optimal place for planting and prepare the soil.

Stage 1. Selection of perennial coreopsis planting material

  • The first step is to determine which planting material you will use: seeds or seedlings. If you want to receive flowering plant before. then seedlings will suit you.
  • Perennial coreopsis seedlings can be grown independently. The whole process has been described above.
  • Alternatively, you can easily purchase planting material at any specialized store or agricultural company that is engaged in professional plant breeding.
  • Before buying seedlings, be sure to think over the future garden composition, which will depend on the specific type and variety of the plant. Choose tall plants for single or group plantings, as well as for planting perennial coreopsis in the background of a flower garden. Dwarf varieties are great for framing garden paths or borders, as well as for flower beds and flower beds.
  • It is also important to carefully check the condition of the plant before buying. It should not be visible damage and signs of diseases and the presence of pests. The leaves should be elastic without yellowing.

Stage 2. Choosing a place for planting perennial coreopsis

The right place for planting coreopsis is the key lush flowering plant and its full growth. No wonder they call this flower a sunny chamomile, because it really requires a sunny and open place. Only in such conditions coreopsis will delight you with bright inflorescences. In a shady area, these plants can bloom very weakly and may even wither.

The choice of a place for planting coreopsis depends primarily on the garden composition you have conceived. Tall plant varieties are planted at the back of the flower garden. As an option, they can be landed in a small group on the lawn or a single chaotic landing can be organized. Lower grades are perfect for a plot along paths or along the edge of flower beds.

Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil for planting perennial coreopsis

These plants prefer to grow on fertile and moderately fertilized soils. Also, for their full growth, good drainage is necessary, since from prolonged stagnation of water root system may start to rot. Before planting, it is important to carefully dig the chosen place. If the soil is heavy and clayey, you need to add some sand to it, as well as compost.

Perennial coreopsis planting technology

  • Depending on the method of planting coreopsis, the time of this process will also vary. Seeds can be sown directly in open ground in spring or autumn under snow. If you use seedlings, then its planting is carried out in the spring, or rather in May. It is at this time that the threat of return frosts recedes.
  • Before planting, you need to prepare a soil mixture that is suitable for this particular plant. It should consist of peat, fertile soil and organic fertilizer at the rate of 35 g per 1 sq. m.
  • Next, prepare the landing holes. Their depth should be slightly more than the root system of seedlings along with a clod of soil.
  • If you plant several plants side by side, be sure to respect the distance between the flowers. For tall varieties - this is about 30 cm, and for dwarf varieties - 15-20 cm.
  • A layer of drainage should be placed at the bottom of each planting hole to prevent prolonged stagnation of water at the roots. Clean river sand or gravel can be used as drainage.
  • Next, add some prepared soil mixture and moisturize it.
  • Moisten also the soil in potted seedlings to get them out without damage.
  • Carefully remove the seedlings and place them in the planting holes, while carefully covering with soil and pressing down with your hands.
  • Water each plant thoroughly after planting.

Agrotechnics for growing perennial coreopsis: secrets and nuances of care

A beautiful and lush bush of perennial coreopsis with bright and sunny flowers requires a little but careful care. The main stages of coreopsis care are timely watering, loosening and fertilizing the soil, as well as pest and disease control.

Watering the plant

Coreopsis is a perennial drought tolerant plant However, for full growth, it needs regular and moderate watering. Watering the plant should be plentiful only during a period of severe summer drought. Try not to flood the plant, as it cannot stand stagnant water at the roots, because this can kill it.

Loosening and support for the plant

Periodically, after watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil around your flowers, as coreopsis perennial prefers to grow on loose and light soil. During loosening, be sure to remove all weeds, they can inhibit the growth and development of the plant. If you grow tall varieties of this crop on your site, then be sure to think about reliable support, since during flowering the bushes can bend under the weight of the inflorescences or any gust of wind can break them.

Also remember that the plant must be repotted every 4-5 years. For a more lush flowering of the plant, wilted buds can be removed, which will contribute to the influx of all the forces of the plant to form new flowers.

top dressing

Coreopsis perennial is very sensitive to fertilizing. With their excess, the plant may stop blooming, but will only increase the green mass. the first top dressing should be applied during planting in the form of organic fertilizers in the proportion of 35 grams per 1 sq. m. The second top dressing should be applied during the flowering of the plant. During this period, you can also use organic matter, and more specifically compost, or complex mineral fertilizers. You can feed the plant with compost in the fall, so that it has time to accumulate strength for wintering.

Disease and pest control

Sometimes you will have to show the plant maximum attention and care, as it can be damaged. various diseases and subject to pest infestation.

  • Rust. With this fungal disease, brown spots may appear on the leaves of the plant. To combat it, they use special preparations fungicides, as well as the removal of damaged leaves.
  • Fusarium. Also a fungal disease that is successfully treated with fungicides.
  • Spotting. This is a more serious disease that belongs to the viral group. Unfortunately. there is no cure for it. Therefore, when curled wilted leaves appear on your plant, be sure to remove the entire plant and burn it. And the place where it grew, treat with drugs.


  • Aphid. It is the most common pest of perennial coreopsis. To fight it, insecticides are used.

Preparing the plant for winter

Before the onset of cold weather, be sure to cut off all the shoots, leaving small stumps. Coreopsis is considered a winter-hardy plant, but it does not hurt to cover the plant with a small layer of foliage.

The use of coreopsis perennial in landscape design

Coreopsis is widely used in modern landscape design and all thanks to its long and bright flowering.

  • Low-growing plant varieties will look great as a kind of borders along the paths or various garden compositions.
  • Low plants are suitable for containers or pots that can be arranged in an original way around the site.
  • Tall flowers are suitable for flower beds and various flower beds, where their location will be determined by height.
  • Coreopsis can be planted singly or in groups against the background of the lawn.
  • Interesting undersized varieties look in rockeries among the stones.

Photo of coreopsis in landscape design

You can more clearly see all the features of the appearance of the plant and the options for its use in decorating the site in the photos below.

Coreopsis perennial - bright and beautiful flower, which will certainly help you transform your site and create a joyful and sunny mood on it.

“Kind of a bug” - this is how it is translated from Greek “ Coreopsis". This is the name of a flower of the Astrov family. Like everyone else in the family, plant Coreopsis differs in inflorescence-basket.

It is named after the shape. In the center is the core-bottom, and on the sides are elongated petals-sides. Suffice it to recall Chamomile. Coreopsis flower similar to her. What about bedbugs then? About this and not only, further.

Description and features of Coreopsis

Seeds look like bedbugs Coreopsis. On the picture they are flat on one side and convex on the other. Thin, brown plates protrude from the sides, like protruding wings. By the way, most bedbugs have wings.

In the photo, coreopsis perennial

In the center of the achene is an ovoid "body". Its point at the top resembles the head of an insect. On it, different types of bedbugs have red or yellow spots. The seeds of Coreopsis also have a golden mark at the point of growth.

Inside the body of the "bug" of Coreopsis, seeds are hidden. They are small and round, formed in September. Prior to this, the plant blooms, starting in June. The opportunity to admire Coreopsis buds all summer attracts gardeners.

Not everyone knows that they are watching the inflorescences. The core of asters is made up of small tubular buds, and the periphery of lobed ones. The latter are mistaken for petals.

In my kind Coreopsis perennial adjacent to an annual. The last one in the flower beds in the majority. Herbaceous perish by winter. In health, Coreopsis are voluminous bushes with straight stems.

Their leaves are dissected, or single. The greenery of the hero of the article is collected in a rosette. Long, thin, but strong peduncles rush upward from it.

In the photo, coreopsis terry

tall Coreopsis annual, like a perennial, reaches 110 centimeters. Consequently, the grass grows rapidly. However, among the Coreopsis there are also undersized species that do not exceed 20 centimeters.

The size also varies. The standard diameter of the "buds" is 3-3.5 centimeters. But, there Coreopsis grandiflora with 5-8 cm wide baskets.

Basket inflorescences of Coreopsis are often fully or partially yellow. The color is bright, like midday rays. Therefore, in the literature there is a concept Coreopsis solar ". The people called Lenkom and Maiden's eyes.

They can look at people not only in the garden, but also at home. As potted Coreopsis are grown rare, but they put it in a vase. After cutting, the flowers do not wither for at least a week. Therefore, the beauty of the hero of the article complements many floral arrangements.

In the photo, coreopsis whorled

Sometimes, Coreopsis complements the wrong thing. Small seeds are loose and light, they are simply carried around the site. This makes it necessary to collect grains, and in several passes, without the need for seed.

Planting and propagation of Coreopsis

The seeds of the hero of the article are so small that 500 pieces fit in 1 gram. Accordingly, in a standard package weighing 0.1 grams, there are approximately 50 grains. They remain viable for 2-3 years. You can determine the quality of seeds by brilliance. In fresh grains, it is pronounced. Over the years, Coreopsis seeds fade.

Planting Coreopsis fresh seeds gives almost 100% germination. It can be applied to the ground before winter, or in spring. The first method of planting Lenka is acceptable in regions with a mild climate.

In places with severe winters, seeds introduced into the soil in autumn will die instead of hardening. Another danger is decay. So that the seeds introduced into the soil in autumn avoid it, they use beds on hills and do not water the plantings.

In the photo, coreopsis grandiflora

Plus planting Coreopsis before winter - early flowering. The buds open by the end of May. Spring sowing is done, at the earliest, in mid-April. Coreopsis germinates by the beginning of May. Flowering starts in June.

In order to achieve early buds, bypassing planting before winter, it is grown coreopsis seedlings. Seeds for her are planted in March. It is enough to pour the grains on the surface of loose earth and cover the container with a film.

No ground cover Coreopsis from seeds grown for reasons of photophilous culture. In the bright sun, the grains hatch faster, there are more seedlings. It is enough to slightly moisten the soil. Do not overdo it, because the homeland is the arid regions of America. The film over the container will retain the necessary moisture in the soil.

From waterlogging, Coreopsis will also save an abundance of drainage. Instead of expanded clay from the store, you can add pebbles or broken bricks to the substrate. Any soil is acceptable.

In nature, Coreopsis grows easily in galim sand. The main thing is that the soil should be without high acidity. It kills nitrogen fixing bacteria. This element provides a set of green mass.

In the photo, coreopsis dye

Nitrogen bacteria live at the roots of Coreopsis, supplying it with food. In acid soil, flowers are deprived of supplies. If the substrate is poor, it is worth adding lime. It neutralizes acidity because it is a natural alkali.

In separate pots, Coreopsis sprouts are planted with the appearance of 3-4 leaves. Outdoor Coreopsis turns out with the advent of the 8th-9th plate of greenery. Between plants leave 20 centimeters. Learn how to care for in adulthood.

Care for Coreopsis

Since the hero of the article is sensitive to nitrogen, in caring for coreopsis included organic. Compost is suitable from improvised. it is given in small portions throughout the flowering period. In the absence of pure organic matter, they are fed with complex mixtures from the store.

Pictured is Coreopsis Amulet

Fertilizers give Coreopsis the strength to long flowering. However, you can not do without pruning. This is the removal of wilted buds along with flower stalks. Cut them off with garden shears. Leave the peduncle, continue to perceive it as an extra mouth, "afraid" to have new "babies".

Blooming almost does not depend on watering Coreopsis. The plant is not accidentally drought-resistant. It has a strong root system. It draws moisture from the depths. However, resistance to moisture deficiency does not mean rejection of it.

Rare watering is needed. An alarm signal is reduced leaf turgor. This refers to intracellular pressure. It gives it a green tone. The drooping foliage is evidence of a lack of moisture, because the pressure is provided precisely due to the volume of fluid in the cells.

"Sunny" corresponds to the title not only by the color of the petals, but by the love of light. A place for Coreopsis is selected open. But you don't have to worry about heat. resistant to cold, easily survives it. Otherwise, grass flowering would not last until the first frost.

In the photo, coreopsis lanceolate

Buds on Coreopsis continue to bloom when the neighbors have already faded. By the way, about the neighbors. The hero of the article gets along well with Sage, and.

Of these, they make up garden compositions. Only 5 names, but hundreds of appearance options, because each plant has a lot of species and even more varieties. Coreopsis is no exception. Let's choose our option.

Types and varieties of Coreopsis

In nature, there are about 70 types of Maiden Eyes. 10 are grown in culture. Basically, these are annuals. In their favor, the choice falls due to the long flowering. Perennial Coreopsis delight with buds 1-2 months less. Therefore, we will dedicate a review to popular annual flower species.

Ranked in demand Coreopsis "Dye". His name, like the name of the whole genus, is associated with seeds. The grains turn the water yellow. This is easy to see when soaking the seeds before planting.

Pictured is Coreopsis Roulette

This helps the grains grow. It will end at the meter mark. So, "Dye" Coreopsis is tall. But, the stems of the plant are so strong that they do not require props.

The leaves of the "Dye" varieties are pinnate. This is the name of many green plates attached to one handle. Such foliage looks decorative. Flowers are also happy. They are large, like the plant itself, reaching a diameter of 6 centimeters. At the same time, the core of the flowers is usually dark, and the reed petals are light.

Miniature varieties of "Dye" Coreopsis are an exception to the rule. The Red Tiger is unique. Its bushes grow only 15-20 centimeters. 10 centimeters taller than the Crimson King and Coreopsis "Amulet".

Variety "Roulette" reaches 35 centimeters in height. However, it "clings" Coreopsis "Roulette" others. The flowers of the variety have 2 rows of reed petals. The undersides are burgundy and wide. The top row of petals is thinned out and painted vanilla.

The second cultivated type of the hero of the article is "Lanceolate". Coreopsis with the name of medium height. Usually, it is 60 centimeters. The name of the varieties of the species is given because of the shape of the foliage. Its plates are extended. Flowers of the same species are distinguished by a tendency to droop. Instead of "looking" at the sky, the grass lowers its heads to the ground.

"Lanceolate" Coreopsis terry. The petals of the buds are covered with villi. In diameter, they reach 5 centimeters. The flowers are painted yellow.

Pictured is coreopsis pink

Of the varieties, Russian gardeners liked Goldfink and Golden Queen. The latter is of typical growth for the species, and the former is a dwarf. Bushes "Goldfink" do not exceed 30 centimeters.

The third type of flower, popular with gardeners, is "Whirled". Coreopsis this one is out of the range of yellow-colored ones. The buds of the varieties of the species are painted in pink, red, cherry. The "Whirl" Coreopsis is distinguished by the shape of the reed petals. They are narrow. Due to this, the flowers of the species resemble stars.

According to the size "Whirl" the appearance is medium. The exception is the "Child of the Sun" variety. Its limit is 30 centimeters. Plants of the variety stand out, as well, with a torn edge of reed petals.

The fourth type of Coreopsis in the list of popular ones is "Pink". Its leaves are similar to leek greens. The typical color of the buds is pink, for which the species is named. Color shades vary.

In some varieties they are almost white, while in others they are raspberry. Minus - the size. Coreopsis "Pink" does not exceed 2 cm in diameter. The bushes themselves stretch up to 40 centimeters.

Pictured is Coreopsis Golden Queen

Popular varieties of Coreopsis "pink" include: "Sweet Dream", "Heaven's Gate" and "American Dream". The latter is characterized by pale lilac flowers.

At "Sweet Dream" the petals of the periphery are white, and the central buds are yellow. Variety "Heaven's Gate" surprises with inflorescences different colors. Pink and white paints are placed on one bush.

"Drummond" is the 5th popular type of the hero of the article. Buy Coreopsis I want a group when looking at the scarlet flowers with a brown "lake" in the center. The Sunrise variety also has terry petals. You can admire them from July to September. By autumn Coreopsis 'Sunrise' grows up to 45 centimeters. Most varieties of the species are drawn to 60.

Diseases and pests of Coreopsis

Lives in the soil. The pest penetrates into the roots of Coreopsis through cracks, breaks. Inside the flower, Fusarium impedes its "blood flow". As a result, the plant turns yellow and wilts. But, it all starts with rotting roots.

In the photo, leaf rust disease

Since Fusarium expects victims in the soil, it is worth neutralizing it. The pot is calcined in microwave oven, and the area is shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. in stores instead of folk remedies offer "Trichodermin".

This drug is also preventive. If the infection has already been fixed, they fight with Fundazol. True, in the later stages of the disease, it is impossible to save Coreopsis. Healthy bushes are processed, and dying ones are uprooted and burned.

Leaf rust is also fungal. The manifestation of the disease is spots on the leaves. The color of the marks resembles rust. It spreads rapidly because Heterobasid mushrooms drink only live juices. Dead organics are not to the invaders' liking. spread to the next plant, leaving the first to rot naturally.

In the photo, Fusarium disease

Leaves become covered with spots in many diseases. Rust is distinguished by the presence of orange spores on the back of the green. They are carried by the wind, easily survive the winter.

A solution in 5 liters of water of a teaspoon of Fairy, a tablespoon of soda and the same amount of oil will help to destroy the insidious mushroom. The affected bushes of Coreopsis are sprayed with a mixture of components once a week.

The sun-loving coreopsis with its bright yellow color itself resembles a luminary that will illuminate the flower garden from mid-July until the frost. Gardeners appreciate this flower for its unpretentiousness in care and reproduction, the ability to grow in open ground and the multicolor varieties. Planting and growing coreopsis will not give you much trouble.

Coreopsis perennial: varieties and varieties

Of the more than 100 varieties of coreopsis, no more than 30 grow in culture.

Coreopsis is a shrub consisting of erect, branched stems crowned with inflorescences of yellow, yellow-brown, and red and pink flowers pinnately dissected or palmately divided. The most common varieties of perennial coreopsis:

  • Lanceolate. Bush up to 60 cm high with yellow inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter. It blooms for two months starting in July.

Coreopsis Lanceolate

  • Whorled. A shrub up to 60 cm high that blooms all summer. It is distinguished by light green thin foliage.

Coreopsis whorled

  • Pink. Low (up to 40 cm) shrub with inflorescences of red tones.

Coreopsis Pink

  • Large-flowered. This type of coreopsis is distinguished by bushes crowned with large flowers of dark golden or lemon color. A powerful bush can reach up to 1 m in height and blooms for two months from the very beginning of summer.

Coreopsis Large-flowered

Planting a plant

It is better to choose a sunny place for planting coreopsis, because in the shade and partial shade this plant does not feel comfortable and can wither. Medium fertile light soils are well suited for this flower.

Advice. For the lush flowering of coreopsis, the soil must be loose.

It is best to plant perennial coreopsis with seeds. In order for the plant to bloom in the first year of planting, seeds can be sown in winter for seedlings in pots or boxes indoors. And at the end of the frost, transfer to plant the grown seedlings in open ground. There are no special requirements for growing coreopsis seedlings. Just provide your plants with enough light and moisture and sprouts will not keep you waiting.

Coreopsis is very easy to grow from seed.

Coreopsis seeds can be sown directly in open ground both in spring and autumn - the seeds of this plant tolerate low temperatures perfectly. After the first shoots appear, it is necessary to thin them out and observe so that weeds do not interfere with the growth of flowers. And also ensure regular watering.

Coreopsis Care

Coreopsis is an unpretentious flower. Frost resistance and drought resistance can be safely attributed to its advantages. V middle lane this flower can not be covered for the winter. For abundant and long flowering, coreopsis needs timely watering. After the plants have faded, it is necessary to prune, for this, a quarter of the plant is cut with garden shears. After pruning, the culture needs to be fed and its flowering will resume.

In summer, protect coreopsis from drying out, and in winter - from exposure to frost.

For the winter, many gardeners advise cutting the stems to the root. If you live in regions where winters are very frosty, then it is better to cover your flowers with a small layer of foliage or spruce branches.

Advice. Remove wilted flowers promptly. This stimulates the appearance of young buds.

Fertilizer and feeding coreopsis

Fertilize coreopsis best organic fertilizers. Compost is ideal. It must be applied in spring, as well as in summer during flowering, which will make it more lush and long-lasting.

After fertilizing with organic matter, Coreopsis blooms more actively.

In the absence of compost, you can use complex fertilizer.

Plant propagation

There are several ways to increase the coreopsis population in your garden.

Diseases and pests

Coreopsis has a fairly strong immune system and is rarely attacked by pests or diseases, however, there is no one hundred percent guarantee. Known diseases include leaf rust and fusarium. In this case, it is enough to cut off the damaged leaves, you can spray the plant with fungicides. If these remedies do not help, then the bush should be completely removed to prevent infection of other plants in the flower garden.

More often than other diseases, coreopsis overcomes fusarium

The same should be done when discovering viral infections. If the plant is delayed in growth, the tops and flowers of it are rolled up into a tube - feel free to remove the bush.

Of the pests, coreopsis can also infect various beetles. Beetles must be removed by hand, while aphids can be treated with specialized preparations or folk remedies.

Coreopsis perennial: combination with other plants

In choosing neighbors in the garden, coreopsis is as unpretentious as in care. Feels good with delphinium and blue sage.

Coreopsis in the flowerbed

Coreopsis perennial in landscape design

Due to the long flowering period, coreopsis is in demand in landscape design. Flowerbeds in which coreopsis and rudbeckia are added to turn your garden into a fragrant paradise.

The low-growing shrubs are great for border decoration, and they also look great in pots and containers hung outside the window and displayed on the terraces.

Together with other perennial flowers, coreopsis is often placed along the perimeter of lawns, and small flower beds are also arranged between paths and sidewalks.

Coreopsis in landscape design

Varieties with tall stems create a bright carpet for the company of annuals. In the flower garden, tall varieties are recommended to be transferred to the background, and also used in group plantings.

Numerous design photos will help you determine the best place for coreopsis in your garden.

Coreopsis is a great flower for those who don't have enough time for more fussy plants. Not inferior to them in beauty and brightness, it will decorate your flower garden until the very cold weather, without requiring special attention.

All about coreopsis: video

Coreopsis: photo

The sun-loving coreopsis with its bright yellow color itself resembles a luminary that will illuminate the flower garden from mid-July until the frost. Gardeners appreciate this flower for its unpretentiousness in care and reproduction, the ability to grow in open ground and the multicolor varieties. Planting and growing coreopsis will not give you much trouble.

Coreopsis perennial: varieties and varieties

Of the more than 100 varieties of coreopsis, no more than 30 grow in culture.

Coreopsis is a shrub consisting of erect, branched stems crowned with inflorescences of yellow, yellow-brown, and red and pink pinnately dissected or palmately divided inflorescences. The most common varieties of perennial coreopsis:

  • Lanceolate. Bush up to 60 cm high with yellow inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter. It blooms for two months starting in July.

Coreopsis Lanceolate

  • Whorled. A shrub up to 60 cm high that blooms all summer. It is distinguished by light green thin foliage.

Coreopsis whorled

  • Pink. Low (up to 40 cm) shrub with inflorescences of red tones.

Coreopsis Pink

  • Large-flowered. This type of coreopsis is distinguished by bushes crowned with large flowers of dark golden or lemon color. A powerful bush can reach up to 1 m in height and blooms for two months from the very beginning of summer.

Coreopsis Large-flowered

Planting a plant

It is better to choose a sunny place for planting coreopsis, because in the shade and partial shade this plant does not feel comfortable and can wither. Medium fertile light soils are well suited for this flower.

Advice. For the lush flowering of coreopsis, the soil must be loose.

It is best to plant perennial coreopsis with seeds. In order for the plant to bloom in the first year of planting, seeds can be sown in winter for seedlings in pots or boxes indoors. And at the end of the frost, transfer to plant the grown seedlings in open ground. There are no special requirements for growing coreopsis seedlings. Just provide your plants with enough light and moisture and sprouts will not keep you waiting.

Coreopsis is very easy to grow from seed.

Coreopsis seeds can be sown directly in open ground both in spring and autumn - the seeds of this plant tolerate low temperatures perfectly. After the first shoots appear, it is necessary to thin them out and observe so that weeds do not interfere with the growth of flowers. And also ensure regular watering.

Coreopsis Care

Coreopsis is an unpretentious flower. Frost resistance and drought resistance can be safely attributed to its advantages. In the middle lane, this flower can not be covered for the winter. For abundant and long flowering, coreopsis needs timely watering. After the plants have faded, it is necessary to prune, for this, a quarter of the plant is cut with garden shears. After pruning, the culture needs to be fed and its flowering will resume.

In summer, protect coreopsis from drying out, and in winter - from exposure to frost.

For the winter, many gardeners advise cutting the stems to the root. If you live in regions where winters are very frosty, then it is better to cover your flowers with a small layer of foliage or spruce branches.

Advice. Remove wilted flowers promptly. This stimulates the appearance of young buds.

Fertilizer and feeding coreopsis

Coreopsis is best fertilized with organic fertilizers. Compost is ideal. It must be applied in spring, as well as in summer during flowering, which will make it more lush and long-lasting.

After fertilizing with organic matter, Coreopsis blooms more actively.

In the absence of compost, you can use complex fertilizer.

Plant propagation

There are several ways to increase the coreopsis population in your garden.

Diseases and pests

Coreopsis has a fairly strong immune system and is rarely attacked by pests or diseases, however, there is no one hundred percent guarantee. Known diseases include leaf rust and fusarium. In this case, it is enough to cut off the damaged leaves, you can spray the plant with fungicides. If these remedies do not help, then the bush should be completely removed to prevent infection of other plants in the flower garden.

More often than other diseases, coreopsis overcomes fusarium

The same should be done when a viral infection is detected. If the plant is delayed in growth, the tops and flowers of it are rolled up into a tube - feel free to remove the bush.

Of the pests, coreopsis can infect aphids and various beetles. Beetles must be removed by hand, while aphids can be treated with specialized preparations or folk remedies.

Coreopsis perennial: combination with other plants

In choosing neighbors in the garden, coreopsis is as unpretentious as in care. Feels good with delphinium and blue sage.

Coreopsis in the flowerbed

Coreopsis perennial in landscape design

Due to the long flowering period, coreopsis is in demand in landscape design. Beds in which roses, lilies and rudbeckias are added to coreopsis turn your garden into a fragrant paradise.

The low-growing shrubs are great for border decoration, and they also look great in pots and containers hung outside the window and displayed on the terraces.

Together with other perennial flowers, coreopsis is often placed along the perimeter of lawns, and small flower beds are also arranged between paths and sidewalks.

Coreopsis in landscape design

Varieties with tall stems create a bright carpet for the company of annuals. In the flower garden, tall varieties are recommended to be transferred to the background, and also used in group plantings.

Numerous design photos will help you determine the best place for coreopsis in your garden.

Coreopsis is a great flower for those who don't have enough time for more fussy plants. Not inferior to them in beauty and brightness, it will decorate your flower garden until the very cold weather, without requiring special attention.

All about coreopsis: video

Coreopsis: photo

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