Japanese Maple Plant Description. Dwarf Male

Encyclopedia plants 07.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Speaking "Japanese maples", as a rule, imply two types of trees From the family of maple, or aceraceae. The name of the genus comes from the Latin word "Acer" - means "sharp". The leaves of most species maple are sharp edges.

Maple Japanese dlanoid (Acer Palmatum.) - Slowly growing shrub that can decorate both small and extensive garden. He is miniature and tolerates haircut. So, you can maintain the gabaris of shrub on a very modest level for many years. The gardeners of the southern regions were lucky - in warm edges, this maple grows without problems. IN middle lane Maple Dlanoid can be grown only in a container, enjoying in the fall in winter Garden Or another cool room.

Japanese Maple (Acer Japonicum) No less capricient in relation to Russian winters. IN natural conditions It is not a large tree, but in culture reaches 8-10 m in height. The branches are reddish-ash. Sea bark, smooth, not cracking.

Those who are fascinated by the beauty of Japanese maplesBut they are mighty to go to the Russian climate, you can advise other scarlet beauties.

Maple Manchursky (Acer Mandshuricum) Right from the Far Eastern forests of Russia. The very first of the "autumn" is painted in bright red tones. Height reaches 20 m.

Maple red, or swamp (Acer Rubrum.) Right from Canada. Winter, reaches up to 30 m in height. A free-growing tree has a shape of the ash-gray crown in the form of a tent. The foliage is painted in bright red color with a raspberry, pink tint.

Kingdom: Plants
The Department: Flower
Class: Dichomotic
Order: SapindoColovo
Family: Sapinda
Rod: Maple
View: Kleon Japanese - Acerjaponicum Thunb.

A brief description of.

Klyona Yap. - Fall tree 7-10 m high, with openwork crown, dark red year-old shoots and almost rounded 7-11-blade leaves. Flowers in June.


Kleon Japanese - a very rare species, in Russia only from two locations in the south of the Kunashir of the South Kuril district of Sakhalin region. It occurs fragmented by hand. Border and in r-non r. Dark, Troytheye to Okhotorskaya, warmer and sunny side O-Wa (1, 2). The main part of the range is located in Japan (O-Va Hokkaido and Honshu), where the species is found both in natural conditions and is widely cultivated (3).

Features of ecology and phytocenology.

Japanese male grows in mixed forests on mountain slopes, more often by single small trees.


The approximate population number is about a dozen individuals. The state of local populations. The population is extremely small. The seed renewal on O-ve Kunashir was not noted, however, in October 1999 one fruit-lawing plant was found.

Limit factors


Small number of individuals in the population. Lack of seed renewal (4). Accepted security measures. It was included in (1988). The view is listed in the Red Book of the Sakhalin region. (2005). Guards in the Kurilsky Reserve.

Required protection measures.

Search for new locations of the species and accounting of the number of island population. Control over the state of the population of the species. Cultivation opportunities. Cultivated in the Botanical Gardens of Russia: Moscow (GBS RAS, MAUDSHA), Samara, St. Petersburg (GLT), Selivanovo (b). Due to the decorativeness (large purple flowers and beautiful foliage) deserves wider introduction in green construction (4), including in the south of the Russian Far East.

Information sources. Red Book Russian Federation. 1. Alexseeva, 1983; 2. DATA N.A. Yerosmenko; 3. Lady, 1987; 4. Harkevich, 1988; 5. Barcals, Yeremenko, 2003; b. Red Book Plants ..., 2005. Compilers: V.Yu. Barcals, N.A. Yremenko. Red Book of the Russian Federation (and Mushrooms)

Cream Japanese - Perennial decorative treegrown in the country of the rising sun. Large padded leaves in the summer have green color, and the fall of their coloring changes to an unusual red. It is infrequently visited in our latitudes. But seeing this tree, you do not resolve before the temptation to have it in my garden or in the country area.

Clane draws attention to his unique species. In order for him for a long time he pleased you, it is necessary to carefully examine the recommendations for the cultivation and caring for the tree.

Exterior tree view

At this time there are about a hundred species japanese Clena. A huge variety of this plant will allow you to choose you like the appearance perfect for your landscape design. The height of the tree fluctuates from two to ten meters. The leaves are different colors: purple, green, pink, yellow, you can meet more unusual colors. For example, Chinese Klyon, he is bonsai, has a blue, white, blue coloring of the leaves.

The tree has a big wide crown, a bit similar to palm. It is to surprise beautiful tree. With his bright foliage, it raises the mood and inspires creativity to occupy.

To great unfortunately in the northern regions, the cultivation of Japanese Clean on the street will be difficult, but if you land the tree into a large container, which winter time can be added to the house or utility roomYou will have the opportunity to grow a gorgeous plant.

By purchasing a seedlove, it should be remembered that the landing and care for it will require careful preparation. It depends on this process whether the tree will have the desired color of the leaves.

Landing and care must strictly comply with the cultivation instructions. Otherwise, you can hardly grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

An ideal place for Japanese Clena is a half, as under the bright rays of the sun leaves can get burns. Soil for disembarking should be drained.

The Japanese plant loves the weakly indulgent soil filled with humus. So that it becomes strong, the land around it needs to fertilize once a month in the spring and summer, in winter it is not doing feeding.

In the case when the seedlock was planted into fertile land - one feeding will be enough for a whole year. If the soil is scanty, the tree must be fired for the second time in the summer and only until August; After that, fertilizer cannot be made to the soil, as the plant requires preparation for winter.

Japanese tree loves water. A young seedling should not only water, but also provide him with a large amount of water. In the summer he dispersed every seven days, in the cold season - once a month. Having finished watering, pull all weed grass And undercute the land around the tree so that the soil is not strongly compacted. With poor watering, the tree is very slowly growing.

Method of planting a cabin seedling is simple, it is only necessary to remember some rules. For proper landing japanese tree need to prepare in advance:

  • healthy sapling;
  • peat and compost for soil fertilizer.

The dimensions of the pits should be twice the scope of the roots of the seedling. Before planting a tree, carefully dismantle the roots. Peat and compost omit into the dummy pit, after which it is immersed carefully a seedling and plunge the earth from above, slightly tamping.

Make around the seedling of flights, it will delay moisture. Fill with water well so that the root system becomes faster. With hot weather, the kenns water more often and abundantly. It is very important that the roots of Clean get moisture in full quantity, and otherwise the leaves from her shortage will have an unattractive brown color. The tree does not like lime: if the roots come into contact with her, the marsh will throw off the foliage.

From above, spread the mulching layer of soil, mixed with heavy leaves. This is excellent protection from weeds, and the moisture will be well linger in the root circle.

Care and landing are individual for each type of plant. Many of them give preference to the Sun, but at the same time do not like direct hot rays. This does not apply to the trees that have a double color on the leaves - they prefer the shadow. Need to keep in mind:

In the case when Krona Tree becomes very thick and her appearance It is not so attractive, you need to pruning. It is done as soon as the tree will reset the foliage. This will return the Crown transparency and save the plant from the disease of the fungal infection.

Seed collection and landing

Japanese male breeds seeds that are going in the month of October. They are stated, preparing to landing. Then lay in sandy dry soil, stored in a cool room.

In early spring planting material Proceed with growth stimulant and sieve into special containers. For summer, the seedlings grow well, after which they are sorted, leaving high and strong sprouts. Grown from seeds seedlings their first winter should remain indoors, in their containers. Then they are transplanted into pots, each separately. When the plants grow up, they are planted into the open ground.

Amazing and delight causes the audience this is an elegant tiny tree with the mysterious name of the bonsai, the translation of which sounds like "grown on a tray." An unusual type of art appeared in China at the end of the 7th century. The miniature plants served as the main decoration of the Palace and the Emperor's Garden.

The art of bonsai developed, new forms and styles appeared, people learned how to create miniatures with various build crowns and trunks, from different plants: Deciduous and coniferous, blooming and fruiting trees. A mansion in a row of leaf fall trees is worth bonsai from Clane, which changes the color of the leaves when changing the season.

Breeded Clean varieties with thom color, like blue, blue, red, purple, increased the possibilities of fantasy authors' fantasy when creating colorful miniature plantscapable of reviving and give the unique charm to any interior.

Grow Bonsai Blue Clane at home from seeds is not easy, it takes time and painstaking work. But the result will pay off costs and rewards the contemplation of a miracle created with their own hands.

What seeds to use

Of paramount importance is the choice of high-quality seeds. For cultivation, the bonsai of the blue cabin uses seeds from specially removed plants. They can be bought in specialized stores or order via the Internet in China.

Preparation of seeds

For normal germination, seeds must be prepared by exposing their stratification. This tree in nature resets the seeds in the fall, and they are subject to natural stratification. Her time for Clean Seeds is 120 days.

At home, people use methods of cold, warm and combined stratification. Cold - need seeds for ripening. Seeds are placed in warm water for soaking, and then removed in the refrigerator. Thus, imitate natural temperature difference.

Warm - used for "awakening" seeds. Sowing material for several days withstand wet fabric or other wet substrate at a temperature of 30-35 ° C. Clean seeds use combined stratification at which the seeds are left in a cold room, and before sowing it is placed in warm water. Then they are disinfected with a solution of mangalls of weakly-pink color so that fungal formations do not arise. The disinfection process takes 10-15 minutes.

Soil and capacity

To grow japanese Clane From seeds, you need to prepare soil and choose the right capacity.

For growing, a nutritious substrate is used, which is called Akagam (in nature such a soil is found in one of the Japanese prefectures). Substrate for bonsai should:

  • well hold moisture;
  • to be loose, not to prevent the access of oxygen to protect the soil and reinforce the roots;
  • contain a sufficient amount of nutrients.

It is prepared by mixing humid, alumina and sand in the ratio of 1: 1: 1. Second option better suitable For leaf falling trees, which include Blue Clyon: Sherry Earth and Sand in proportion 7: 3.

  1. Sand take coarse-grained river.
  2. The soil for cleaning is passed through a large sieve.
  3. Prepared mixture should be disinfected by heat treatmentWere warm in a frying pan or water bath. An alternative to this is freezing the substrate with its subsequent thawing, which will also provide disinfection. Then the substrate must be dried and once again sift through the sieve.
    Purchased biologically active drugs "Phytosporin", "Barrier", the processing of the soil mixture that will destroy eggs insects and fungal disputes will be used.
  4. After the procedure, the disinfection is added fertilizers. For seed landing, a wide capacity of a small depth (up to 5 cm) is used with the mandatory presence of drainage holes.
  5. Capacity should be thoroughly washed with non-aggressive components. To scream with boiling water, destroying the possible presence of a rift of fungus and bacteria. Let go well.

Landing technology seeds

For landing on the bottom of the prepared container, the fine mesh is placed so that the dry land is not poured through the drainage holes. The substrate with large particles are poured onto the grid, and then the layer with smaller soil so that 3 cm remains to the upper edge of the container.

  1. On the surface, seeds unfold, if there are many of them, withstand the distance between them in 1 cm.
  2. Then each seed is pressed by rounded wooden plate, topped with a small layer of sand or land. Upper layer Also compacted.
  3. The soil should be moistened, cover with glass or film before shooting and put in a darkened place.
  4. It is necessary to constantly maintain the wet state of the soil and optimum temperature Not higher than 15 ° C.
  5. When sprouts begin to appear, the glass slightly shifted, holes cut into the film. fresh air.


The seedman grows poorly and is ill:

  • when direct sunlight getting
  • on drafts;
  • under a dense shadow.

Does not tolerate a large temperature difference. All this should be considered when choosing a location for the installation of containers. As they grow, they gradually teach the plant to the sunlight, which makes it possible to get smaller leaves with bright color.

Care rules

Capacity with sprouts are transferred to a light place, removing the glass, and install, excluding the direct sunlight. The best way - Halfing. Soil periodically water and fertilize 1 time per month in small portions. When seedlings are fixed and grow up to 10 cm, they are seated into separate containers - bonsinies (usually ceramic). The form and size of the bonsinet depend on the desired form of the crown of the future tree. Ovyl, rectangular is suitable, round shape, in the form of a polyhedron. It all depends on the chosen styles of the bonsai:

  • cascade crown view - high narrow pot;
  • inclined crown is stable wide;
  • thick crown - flat wide;
  • crown considerable height - Neusoir and deep.

The main requirement for the dishes in which the tree will grow is good stability. The color of the container is chosen calm, neuropy, it will emphasize the sophistication and beauty of the plant. Care for Clean is constantly. Strong humidity under reduced temperature and a weak influx of fresh air will be damaged by fungi. It should be very careful about watering. A small volume of the bonsinet leads to a distortion of the shape of the roots, which reduces the effectiveness of watering. When growing the bonsai, it is used by irrigating (from a special kettle) or immersion (on a short time The flame is installed in water tank). For irrigation, it is advisable to use rainwater or a stuffed plumbing for two days.

Without proper and timely care and irrigation, fast fastening the roots and the death of the entire plant occurs.

The second condition for successful cultivation of the bonsai is feeding, especially when Croon is formed. Once every twenty days make fertilizers with the presence of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen is needed for the growth of leaves and branches. Potassium struggles with harmful microorganisms. Phosphorus contributes to the formation of kidneys, the development of the root system, acts as protection against infections. For cooling it is necessary for iron, it is not necessary to forget about it, preparing the nutritional soil. Mandatory additive is a clay substrate for bonsai, firming root system. Room bonsai fertilize throughout the year.

Formation of the tree

At the age of 2-3 months, the formation of seedlings, two-thirds shortening the central root. The young plant is recommended to trim throughout the year, choosing certain branches and parts of the crown. Small branches and shoots appended cut round year, regardless of the season. Ripe thicker branches are cut in autumn, when the intensity of the growth of the treet is reduced.

Spring trimming is not made due to energetic deputies. Before the winter, the escape is cut to the nearest branch. All sections are necessarily treated, in order to avoid the occurrence of fungal infections. Only for the fourth year cut branches according to the chosen form of the crown. Each year, male transplanted, replacing the capacity and substrate, simultaneously conduct cropping the roots, removing the damaged and forming the root system.

For blue cock, the transplant is made in spring during the period of active growth.

We hope that the information provided will help those who want to grow in the home by the Japanese Kleon from seeds, creating a wonderful copy in the miniature. Significantly facilitates the task of following the rules and advice on how to plant Bonsai Kleon, care for the plant, feed, form the crown and the trunk of the intended form.

For connoisseurs of bonsai maple, Sakura and mountain pine are real symbols of this ancient art. But if the evergreen pine needles makes the appearance of a tree unchanged throughout the year, Sakura is especially attractive in spring, during flowering, then Maple is a bright fall palette on an extraordinary openwork foliage.

Maples are common throughout the northern hemisphere. In the bonsai culture, Far Eastern, Chinese and Japanese varieties are traditionally dominated, but the growth of the popularity of this crop production has allowed to include a variety of varieties from Europe, from the Caucasus and the North American continent.

Types of maple for growing bonsai

Plants with shallow foliage and short interstices, which allow you to create unique in shape and harmonious, natural output miniatures are particularly valued.

Among the species suitable for growing bonsai Maple Japanese and Ostroland, Montpelife, Field and Rocky. Special demand is used by the maple of the maple of the adhesive maple with fancy-rugged sheet plates. The leaves of this species remain red, contrastingly edged, light yellow or purple, not only in the fall, but also throughout the year. Do not confuse this view with also grown as bonsai maple red. Its five-plated leaves only by autumn gradually change their outfit and type of crown as a whole. From the USA and Canada, the Klena Yasenenetic, who is easy to form the formation, unpretentious and also having varieties with motley or silver foliage, fell into the sphere of interests of connoisseurs of Bonsai.

It is not surprising that small trees with red, yellow or any other bright foliage most attractive for flower flowers. Therefore, unclean vendors often "play" on this, offering blue maple seeds for bonsai. No need to believe empty promises. If seeds of such seeds are shown, at best, they will be ordinary maple with green leaves. And although it is impossible to grow blue maple, bonsai with purple, carmine, red or orange leaves - reality.

Examples of varieties used for red maple bonsai satisfied a lot, however, due to the small content of chlorophyll, supporting the food of the village, such plants are weaker than their green fellow and need special attention.

Decorative forms more often suffer from sun burns, frost and cold wind, and their brightness directly depends on the location selection. In the shade of red, burgundy and raspberry shades may disappear.

Another highlight of the Japanese Maple Bonsai - plants with strongly dissected, resembling palm branches with leaves. Such species look great in cascading falling compositions, but are not suitable for beginners due to quite capricious ingredients and pain.

But the dwarf varieties of maple in bonsai is unpretentious and how itselves helps a person with their formation. He does not seek Rati up, and form a thick crown, covered with small, preserving the natural appearance of foliage.

Conditions for growing bonsai maple

Males feel good in the middle lane of Russia, but in the form of bonsai, this tree suffers more from external influences and needs a thorough choice of residence.

The most common maples in bonsai male and fans can sick and experience difficulties in growth:

  • by straight sunny rays, especially in the southern regions;
  • in the wind or drafts;
  • in a thick shadow.

However, if we are talking about the choice between light and shadow, it is better to put a pot in the sun, which in the central part of the country will not cause serious harm. In the sun, the tree forms smaller leaves, which makes it possible to abandon the removal of the kidneys and not to loosen the plant. In addition, the paints of foliage in full sun brighter and more attractive.

If in summer timeAs in the photo, Maple Bonsai, put on an open air, it needs to be protected from the wind, otherwise the plant with a cropped root system risks losing the balance and falling out and shallow pot.

Maples, both in nature and at home at low temperatures, poorly carry excessive humidity and insufficient inflow of fresh air. In such conditions, Bonsai is amazed by malicious mushrooms causing martherny Dew and anthracnose.

Watering is a mandatory and very important part of the Clente Bonsai care. In summer, the intensity and frequency increase, if necessary, use neat sprinkhes. In winter, when the leaves fall out, and the plant falls into the hibernation, the need for moisture drops sharply.

In the spring with the awakening of the maple feed, and the presence in the mixture of iron is important for maple. This is also taken into account when compiling substrate. The soil for the Bonsai maple should be nutritious, aerated, with a neutral or weakly acidic reaction. In addition to traditional components, a clay substrate is added to the soil for bonsai, providing the root system mount and the structuring earth mixture.

The transplantation and replacement of the container during the cultivation of bonsai from the maple coincides with the cropping of the roots, which is carried out with a periodicity of 2-3 years. In parallel with the formation, dead or damaged rhizomes are removed, whose nagwed soil.

Maple breeding for bonsai

All kinds of this plant are easily multiplied with cuttings and rooted gods. For growing from maple bonsai, seeds are suitable and seeds that before sowing should be subjected to stratification.

For this, the sowing material is cheered into the wet sphagnum, sand or, after which the container with seeds is sent to the refrigerator. For the preparation of seeds of the adhesive maple, for example, 3-4 months of stay in the department for vegetables. The field of this during warming the shell necessarily opens, and friendly shoots will seem to the light.

The crumpled maple seeds for bonsai are transferred to the sandy-peat mixture or planted in well moisturized peat tablets. In the conditions of greenhouse in the light, but not under the right rays of the sun, the raptberry is already given a couple of real leaves.

When their number reaches 4-5, it's time to translate young maples to our own pots and start the formation of bonsai.

Methods of forming crown bonsai from maple

How to grow bonsai made of maple without trimming and crooked chips? It's impossible. These techniques, along with the formation of stems with wires, are an integral part of ancient art.

The trimming of the branches is carried out when up to five pairs of full leaves are revealed on the shoot. Usually shortening by 2-4 sheets, and large sheet plates are separated separately, leaving their cuttings.

Over time, the cuttings will fade and disappear, but too large leaves Will be replaced with small, more relevant to bonsai. In the middle of summer, healthy trees with green foliage are subject to defoliation or pulling out growth kidney, which will lead:

  • to growth delay;
  • to the gradual formation of shorter shoots;
  • to an increase in crown thickness.

On red maples for bonsai, such an operation is not carried out, because it can weaken the already sensitive plant.

All procedures associated with trimming, it is better not to spend in the spring when it actively flows down, and in summer or in the fall. The same applies to artificial aging grown for bonsai maples. In the second half or on the outcome of the vegetation, the infused wounds will be overgrown, and the tree is better restored.

Bonsai from the Japanese palmal maple - video

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