Secrets of the correct planting of blackberries. Instructions for the care and cultivation in the autumn in simple words

landscaping 13.06.2019

Discussions about when is the best time to transplant and plant blackberries in spring or fall are ongoing. The choice of planting time depends on many factors: the location of the site, the availability of seedlings and weather conditions region.

Consider why planting blackberries in the fall helps to get the first harvest faster. In addition, the issues of choosing planting material, soil preparation, planting sequence, fertilization will not be left without attention.

Varieties and types of blackberries

The berries of this plant are similar to raspberries, however, they are dark in color and the bushes grow much stronger. Before planting blackberries, you need to learn about the features various kinds, this will help to acquire a variety that matches the wishes.

Semi creeping plants

It has stems without thorns, growing up to 4 m, needs a trellis, insulation in winter period, high-yielding.

  • Asterina,
  • Natchez,
  • Loch Ness.

Bush view

Easily tolerates frosts, picky, with large curved thorns, with long shoots that take root well.

  • abundant,
  • jumbo,
  • Smudstem.

The planting material of the culture must be healthy. Seedlings are purchased in specialized stores, nurseries. Only in this case the shrub grows healthy. It is advisable to choose specimens for planting in pots or containers that protect the root system, since they do not take root well without soil and begin to bear fruit later.

Advice! “Seedlings with the beginnings of a new root system (or layering) are not recommended to be planted in the fall, it is better to purchase such specimens in the spring for the rapid propagation of planting material.”

Rational choice of landing site

Blackberries love water. Therefore, the place is chosen near the water tank, pool, irrigation tap, which will facilitate care. However, wetlands are unsuitable for growing. In the latter case, soil drainage is organized.

This berry loves loamy or clayey heavy soils, which in summer period have a high moisture content. Even in summer, it holds water well and does not dry out. Before planting blackberries, you need to consider the physiology of the plant. Fruiting occurs on one-year-old stems. This means that in the first year the shoot grows, gains strength, and only in the second year it blooms, lays fruit rosettes and gives berries. Then the stem dies.

Gardeners have developed a rational principle of trellis, they are made two-row. In the spring on one row the shoots produce a crop, on the other they grow. This facilitates harvesting and further pruning of old branches annually. The bushes grow very strongly, so you need to place the plants at least 3 meters from one another.

The need for the construction of trellis structures is taken into account. To make it convenient to harvest and care for the plants, the distance between the double rows must be left 2 meters. This method makes it easier to care for in the fall.

Expert advice! “It is necessary to strictly observe the landing scheme! otherwise it will be difficult to approach the trellis. In a few years, blackberry bushes will create continuous impassable thickets with curved sharp thorns.

Depending on which seedlings are used, planting blackberries in the fall begins with planning:

  • it is necessary to think over the layout, taking into account the growth of the bush;
  • mark the location of the supports in the garden;
  • buy planting material or prepare shoots on your own site;
  • prepare fertilizer and materials to improve soil structure and mulching;

Support preparation

Without supports, the bushes turn into solid impassable thickets. When is the best time to install? In order not to damage the seedlings, the supports are dug in before the main planting, metal, wooden or reinforced concrete poles are prepared (wooden ones are cleaned of bark, treated with agents that prevent decay).

The design of the supports must be reliable. Therefore, the optimal distance is chosen - 1.5 meters between the posts (in a row) and 30–40 cm between rows to create a garter of shoots of different ages. They dig in holes 50-60 cm deep between the posts, the wire is stretched, it becomes the support of the shoots.

How to prepare the soil

The soil needs to be fertile with an acidic soil reaction: 6–6.6 pH. If the structure and quality of the soil does not meet the requirements, it must be improved. Add humus, clay, mineral fertilizers to sandy ones.

The site is dug up, weeds are removed ( Special attention to wheatgrass and its rhizomes). Add and mix:

  • phosphate, potash fertilizers (30 gr.) per m 2;
  • humus;
  • manure;
  • ash.

All work must be completed 3 weeks before planting, which makes planting and care easier. After all are done preparatory work seedlings are transferred to a new location.

Preparing seedlings for planting

To properly plant blackberries, you need to inspect the purchased seed: remove it from pots, plastic bags. Examine the spine. Containers made of organic materials should not be removed: in a few years they will rot, turn into fertilizer and become a top dressing for a young bush.

Examine each plant. Rejected with obvious signs of disease, dry or badly damaged roots. Landing dates depend on the region and weather conditions. IN northern regions need to be done in september middle lane until the second decade of October.

Recommendation! “Such advice is relevant for bulk purchases, when it is difficult to control the quality of plants. But neglecting them leads to the death of the berry grower.

Planting technology and types of reproduction

You need to plant in a certain sequence, only in this case there will be no problems with the seedlings and fruiting will come faster.

  1. At the selected places, a hole is dug deep and 10 cm larger than the root system, so that it fits freely and the roots do not “experience discomfort”.
  2. A 10 cm layer of humus is poured into the hole. Thus, a nutrient cushion for the plant is created.
  3. A bush is placed in the hole. It is necessary to hold it with one hand, and humus is poured with the other so that it does not sink into the ground.
  4. All voids are filled, the soil is pressed down a little.
  5. It is watered with water to which potash fertilizers are added.
  6. It is mulched with sawdust, mowed grass (can be weeds without seeds), peat.

If garden blackberry seedlings are used that are not in a pot of natural material, then another method is used. Attention is drawn to the physiology of the spine. fibrous root system it is better located in the hole if a small mound is poured in the center in the shape of the root, which will give it greater stability.

When filling up the ground, it is important to take into account the fact that the beginning of the escape should be on the same level with the ground. Owners of their own blackberry bushes can save a lot and not only plant blackberries in the fall, but also breed them themselves.

by the most in a simple way is reproduction by layering. In autumn (no later than the first decade of October), the ends of the stems bend down to the ground. They must be fixed with a wire flyer so that at least 20 cm of the plant remains above the surface.

During autumn - winter, rooting occurs and already in May, June, a seedling can be planted in a new place. For this, the rooted shoot is separated from the pruner mother bush. After that, transplant the blackberry to the chosen place.

Another way: cuttings, which are cut in August. The length of the cuttings is not more than 20 cm (ideally 15). Planted in prepared trenches with fertilized soil at an angle. Planting is mulched and left until next autumn.

Working with thorny bushes is very difficult. This is not a gooseberry that has small area. Therefore, it is important to wear jackets made of dense material, use gloves, special long-handled pruners or loppers to care for the bush.

In May, it is necessary to tie to the trellis, dividing the lashes into young and fruiting ones. Weeds in the root zone are regularly removed. You can ease the work and cover the soil with mulch.

The time of the year affects the choice of fertilizer: in the spring, feed with organic matter, in the fall, potash fertilizers are used, which help the plant to overwinter and grow healthy bushes. They also promote maturation.

The most relevant recommendation is to keep the physiology of this plant in mind at all times. It can be called aggressive in terms of growth rate, which is to some extent a disadvantage. Blackberries quickly conquer territories, spread over long distances, and can capture part of the garden.

Depending on the region and the goals of the owner, the principles of planting and care differ. For example, for those who want to create a solid insurmountable obstacle at the border of the site, you can do without a double garter on the trellis.

Applying the correct principles of agricultural technology, timely pruning, top dressing - transplanting and care in the fall comes down to protection from frost. The tips given above help grow this useful plant.

A beautiful berry is increasingly chosen by gardeners to grow on their plots.

Where and how to plant blackberries

Almost all blackberry cultivars grow favorably and bear fruit in well-protected areas, in areas with a cool cool climate. If you do not know where and how to plant blackberries, then it is important to ensure that they are in irrigated areas, as this plant is very demanding on soil moisture. The perfect place for planting there will be leveled areas and southern slopes. Avoid uneven terrain, lowlands and depressions.

Very painfully, this culture tolerates cold and dry winds. Therefore, take for it a place well protected from drafts, sown with shrubs or ornamental trees. But, at the same time, protective plants should not interfere with the flow fresh air, this culture is in great need of fresh air flow. Give her fertile alluvial lands.

Favorable predecessors of blackberries are cereals and legumes, and most vegetables (except nightshade).
It also takes root well on chernozem soils, the carbonate layer of which should be at least 1-1.5 meters. The subsoil must be permeable. Very heavy and clay compositions are extremely unfavorable and unsuitable, a neutral or slightly acidic composition is recommended. If the acidity is too high, then it is recommended to carry out liming once every three years (adding slaked lime or dolomite flour.
This is a very light-loving culture. Like any light-loving species, with a lack of light, the shoots begin to stretch unnecessarily, the plant brings less harvest, less resistant to pests and various diseases. Preparations for winter are slow. Therefore, before laying a plantation, it is worthwhile to think carefully about where to do it.

How to plant blackberries. tillage

It is important to know how to plant blackberries. Planting is carried out 1-1.2 meters between rows and approximately 60 centimeters between bushes in a row. On poorer and poorer soils, the distances are reduced. From the earliest spring until the end of August, the land between the rows must be kept in a loose state, as well as constantly cleared of weeds.

how to plant blackberries

The most important processing is autumn plowing, which must be carried out in October:

  1. to a depth of approximately 20 cm.
  2. in the middle between rows
  3. and 10-12 cm near the plants themselves.

From spring until the ripening of the first berries, loosening is carried out:

  1. in the middle between rows
  2. deep by 10 cm.
  3. near the plants themselves to a depth of 6-7 cm.

If, after the crop is harvested, the soil is heavily compacted, it must be plowed and then cultivated.
Since autumn, (since September), processing is stopped. This is done in order to improve the ripening of annual shoots. In the rows they plow to a depth of 5 centimeters.


Blackberries are drought tolerant garden culture. She needs frequent watering only in the first year, when the root system is formed. When transplanting to a permanent place, it is required to water it evenly, 3 times a month, and then, once every 2-3 weeks, for about two months. From the second year of life, watering is required only in drought conditions.
If the annual rainfall was minimal, then additional watering is recommended. If there was a prolonged drought and the minimum amount of precipitation fell, then the berries will become small, and some will fall off before they ripen. It is necessary to water this crop along the furrows.

In each row, furrows are drawn on both sides. On light soils, it is necessary to draw a third furrow, approximately in the center of the row spacing, the furrows should be about 50 centimeters, 10 centimeters deep, if the composition is heavy 60-80 centimeters and a depth of 10-15.
From the beginning of the growing season until the very end of the harvest, 2-3 waterings are done, and then after harvesting, if a steady drought continues, one more.

Only two waterings per season are important. the first when fruit setting occurs and the second, water-charging, in the fall.
Important! Blackberries are afraid of the cold. Therefore, watering with ice water is highly discouraged.

Growing blackberries is not as common among summer residents as growing, for example, raspberries or currants. But this berry deserves attention, but in order to get a decent harvest, you need to know some of the nuances. Blackberry garden planting and care, advice from gardeners on growing this shrub, video and photo materials are useful for everyone. The first thing to say is that in the middle lane, only a few types of blackberries are suitable for growing, for example: gray blackberries, and kumanika. This is usually wild plant, poorly cultivated in European countries, it grows best in North and Central America.

The blackberry is a bushy plant that defends itself with sharp thorns. Fortunately, modern technologies allowed breeders to achieve the emergence of new hybrid varieties without thorns, moreover, more fertile. A remarkable fact will be the fact that these shrubs are practically not amenable to the harmful effects of pests and diseases. With good support, the bushes grow to incredible sizes, at least 190 centimeters high.

Bushes are planted in April or May, the main condition will be the readiness and sufficient warming of the soil. Landing begins with the choice of a site, a place closed from the wind and a bright and even place is well suited. The best soil for blackberries it is considered: loam and sandy loam soil. But still, before planting seedlings, the soil must be prepared, all weeds must be eradicated, and the soil must be disinfected. After that, the weakly fertile soil is enriched with organic fertilizers, and superphosphates, and potassium sulfate is also very carefully and dosed.

Video planting blackberries:

It is best to buy planting material in specialized stores, the choice on the market is always scarce, and they can slip anything on you. It is best to take one-year-old seedlings with a well-developed root system. Also, pay special attention to the stems, they should be quite large (more than 5 mm in diameter). They plant a bush about 1 meter from other plants, the bush will take this space in the future.

There are two main methods of planting this plant:

  • Planting blackberries in a bush way. It is necessary to dig a hole, and place in it a couple - three seedlings, with weak and undeveloped shoots.
  • Ribbons. With such a planting, several seedlings are planted in different holes, at a distance of 1 meter from each other.

Whatever method you choose, but before planting, the roots are straightened, a bush is planted, and the ground is covered with top dressing. Having fallen asleep new bushes, the earth around is watered and compacted. Watering is plentiful, about 5 liters of water is poured onto one blackberry bush. Then we wait until the moisture is absorbed, and we mulch the soil with manure.

How to care for blackberries:

Ha, this plant will have to be constantly looked after, the bush needs regular watering, as well as loosening the soil. It is also necessary to regularly carry out top dressing, and preventive measures. Of course, blackberries need to be trimmed. In the video below, you will see how

Blackberry pruning in spring video diagram:

Care for blackberry bushes in the spring.

After the snow has melted, it's time to start gardening. As we said above, blackberries need support for successful growth and development, and it is in the spring that it is the time to establish this support. If you have several bushes growing in one row, then you need two such trellises, about two meters high, at the beginning of the row and at the end, and a wire is pulled between them, at three levels: 50 cm, 125 cm, and 180 cm.

Please note that if you grow directly tall varieties, then you should not wait for the harvest in the first year. And so that this picture does not repeat itself next season, the young shoots are pinched at a height of 100 - 120 cm, the top is cut off.

The first month and a half, caring for young seedlings is especially important, during this period you need to carefully deal with weeds, and carry out regular watering in case of dry weather.

It is impossible to water blackberries with cold water; they are watered either with rain or standing in the sun.

Top dressing is done at the same time as, or currant, others garden shrubs. Nitrogen is important for blackberries, therefore, those containing this element organic fertilizers should pay attention first.

Blackberry propagation:

  • The top of the bush. Shoots that weave simply bend to the ground, and sprinkle with earth, this is a spring breeding method.
  • The outlet is horizontal. They take a strong enough shoot and put it on the ground completely, and sprinkle it with earth. New bushes are formed in it, they are cut and transplanted, each in a separate place.
  • root method. New formations appear near the bush, they are dug up and transplanted to a new place. The shoots must be at least 10 cm high.

In autumn, blackberries are prepared for winter. To do this, the bushes are cut, and the soil is mulched with peat or sawdust. In order to prevent the plant is sprayed with special preparations.

Shelter of garden blackberries for the winter, video:

Blackberry garden planting and care, it is important, otherwise you will not be able to get a decent harvest of these berries, but you will be content with pure decorative elements. Timely pruning, soil mulching, as well as the correct watering regime, sheltering bushes for the winter will allow you to get all the advantages of this plant in full. We wish you good luck in this hard work, this is not only a pleasure from physical labor, but also getting such nice results at the end of the season!

Increasing attention of gardeners is attracted by an unusually tasty berry - blackberry. Its main advantage is that, with its palatability and usefulness, the culture is surprisingly unpretentious. Just a year after planting, the shrub will delight you with delicious fruits. The plant looks like a vine with prickly thorns, which are practically invisible under the foliage and berries.
Especially popular today varieties: Thornless, Thornfree and Agawam. Despite the characteristics of each of the species, their main differences are in the size of the berries and their taste.

Russian gardeners plant raspberries and strawberries everywhere, which they have long been accustomed to. Blackberries are planted on their plots only by true fans of the berry smelling of the south.

It is best to plant blackberries in the midst of spring, the soil will finally warm up to the required depth.

The plant develops well where there is a lot of light and no drafts. Do not forget that a strong gust of wind can cause irreparable damage to the bush. This can become a major obstacle to future pollination of flower stalks.

It is best to look for a landing site on the southern slope or on the western side of the garden plot.
Blackberries take root very well and quickly, growing on generously drained and nutritious media. To achieve crumbly soil, you can mix it with sand. It is important to create these conditions so that the water does not stagnate in the soil and the plant does not “suffocate”.

If the soil is carbonate, when preparing the planting pit, it must be fertilized with iron and magnesium.

The best guarantee of excellent blackberry yields will be early weed control and disinfection in the area intended for it. These measures will also save the unadapted plant from the invasion of aphids or the formation of destructive mold.

It is important to pre-saturate the earth with organic (manure, compost, ground egg shells) and mineral means: 10 kg of organic matter, 15 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium sulfate. This quantity is provided for processing 1 sq.m.

How to plant blackberries

In order for the blackberry to take root and please the harvest for a long time, it must be planted correctly. Seedlings for planting should be bought in specialized stores or nurseries with a good reputation. The best way- seedlings with a developed rhizome and at least two stems with a thickness of 0.5 cm or more. There must be at least one formed bud on the root system.

In the process of planting agriculture, professional gardeners recommend the following rules:

  1. The correct characterization of the seedling and knowledge of its age are necessary to determine the width and depth of the planting hole. The distance between bushes and buildings or other plants should be at least 1 m.
  2. In determining the distance between shrubs leading role play varietal characteristics and the ability to form shoots, the method of cultivating a plant. For bush planting, several bushes with a low level shoot formation planted in one hole. IN this case the scheme is suitable: 1.8x1.8 m.
  3. If the bushes have a developed shoot formation, they are recommended to be planted in a tape way. Seedlings are distributed in a row at a distance of 1m from each other. Row spacing should be at least 2-2.5 m.

To plant a blackberry in compliance with technological requirements, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Loosen the soil, apply fertilizer and dig a hole or furrow to the required depth.
  2. Gently place the seedling in the hole or row, straightening the rhizome. With one hand, holding the plant vertically, with the other, carefully cover the root and base with earth. The kidney in the lower part of the stem is filled up by 2-3 cm.
  3. Leave a small indentation at the landing site. This will contribute to water retention during irrigation and the penetration of melt water.
  4. Press the soil around the seedling and water abundantly. Use for each 5-6 liters of water.
  5. When the liquid is completely absorbed into the ground, you need to immediately mulch. For these purposes, you need to take compost from peat and chicken or horse manure.
  6. Acting with the utmost care, cut off the tops of the shoots. Should remain no more than 20 cm above the ground. It is also necessary to remove the fruit buds.

How to care for blackberries

In order for the shrub to please with abundant fruiting and gain strength, you should take care of it. Necessary care measures include:

  • regular watering and moistening the soil, to prevent cracking of the earth from drying out;
  • loosening the soil for the respiration of the roots;
  • weeding;
  • preventive and therapeutic feeding and treatment;
  • pruning shoots to give the shrub the desired shape.

Tapestries - the best solution to save especially tall shoots. It is enough only with the arrival of spring warmth to install them in the ground and attach plantings to them. Having installed the supports at the beginning and at the end of the furrow, you need to place them every 10 meters from the middle.

Between the supports you need to stretch the wire in three rows: at a height of half a meter, 1.25 m and 180 m. Bushes are tied to the highest wire in the second year of fruiting. No need to tie young shoots. They themselves, as they grow, will cling to the desired support. Most importantly, control the direction of shoot growth. Otherwise, they will grow at random, getting confused with other plants and acquiring an untidy, even abandoned look. It can also lead to damage to the shrub.

Blackberries that grow straight will not produce a crop in the first year. In order to achieve a good yield for the next year, it is necessary to tweeze the main shoots with a height of 100-120 cm.

Pinching consists in the following manipulations: the tops of the bushes are cut off by 10 cm, and after the branches grow on the sides, you need to shorten them by half a meter. This guarantees the plant a well-groomed appearance without harming the yield.

Within 45 days after planting blackberries, the plant needs increased watering, especially during the heat. Fruiting bushes need additional watering during the growth, development and maturation of flower stalks. It is categorically impossible to take for these purposes not settled tap water. It is better to use rainwater for irrigation or settled for several days in the sun.

Everyone knows the blackberry as a wild berry, which is very inconvenient to pick due to the fact that it grows in thorny dense thickets. But breeders have long turned blackberries into a thornless plant with large sweet fruits. In some countries, hybrid garden blackberries are grown in industrial scale, and few people here know about it, and even fewer gardeners grow it.

This article will fill the gap in knowledge and perhaps, after reading it, you will want to plant this interesting and useful plant in your garden.

Modern garden blackberry is a vine with a perennial rhizome. It is resistant to pests and diseases, bears fruit steadily and has no thorns. Berries ripen in August, very large. They are sourer than, but richer in vitamin C. If you provide a blackberry with a support, then it is able to climb to a height of 2 m, densely braiding everything around, so it can be successfully used for vertical gardening.

There are erect varieties of blackberries, but they do not have the frost resistance necessary for our climate.

Blackberry garden planting begins in the spring, when the earth warms up. In the middle lane, this happens at the end of April. Planting blackberries in the spring allows the plant to take root well and prepare for overwintering.

Planting a blackberry in the fall is fraught with its death, as the plant does not have time to take root. It must be remembered that garden strawberry, unlike its wild forest relative, is a southern plant and requires a special approach in terms of wintering. If the seedlings are purchased in the fall, then they are placed in a dig until spring.

For landing, a sunny place is selected, protected from the winds. Blackberries are pollinated by insects, and wind can interfere with pollination and damage the leaves. An ideal place for a blackberry plantation would be a southwestern slope, protected from east and north winds.

The culture feels good on drained loamy and sandy loamy soil. If there is a lot of calcium in the soil (outwardly, this is expressed in the fact that the earth has a granular structure), then the blackberry will have to be fed annually with iron and magnesium. Optimal acidity soil solution - 6.

In autumn, the area for blackberries is freed from weeds and dug up, introducing 10 kilograms of humus or compost per m2. In the spring, when planting in the wells, add a tablespoon of superphosphate.

Planting a thornless blackberry is no different from planting a regular blackberry, but it is better to buy planting material from a reputable nursery, as there is a great risk of acquiring an ordinary blackberry rather than a modern large-fruited variety.

Thornless blackberries cannot be propagated by roots, as thorns will appear on the seedlings. It is propagated by green cuttings cut from young shoots.

The seedling should be with a strong root system and formed buds on the rhizome. The aerial part should consist of 1-2 stems with a thickness of at least 5 mm.

The size of the blackberry hole depends on the age and size of the seedling. If blackberries are used not for vertical gardening, but as berry culture, then it is planted at a distance of at least 1 m from buildings and other plantings, given that the plant is growing rapidly.

Blackberry planting can be:

  • tape;
  • bush.

The trellises must be installed thoroughly, since the vine, together with the side shoots, will grow to an impressive size. And when the crop begins to ripen on it, its mass will increase many times over. Every two meters of a row, strong supports 180-200 cm high are dug in, between which galvanized wire is pulled at a height of 50, 100 and 170 cm.

In preparation for wintering, the lashes are removed from the trellis, wound into a ring and laid on the ground. From above they are pressed down with a board and covered with non-woven material.

Care for blackberries in the spring consists in getting lashes from under the shelters and throwing them on the trellis. Live green leaves should be preserved on the lashes. It is on these overwintered shoots that berries will appear this year.

Hybrid garden blackberries yield 5 times more yield per unit area than raspberries.

During the summer, when the plant blooms and the crop ripens, the crop needs watering, weeding and top dressing. The plant quickly develops a giant vegetative mass and takes out a lot of nutrients that must be reimbursed.

When blackberries have just been planted on the site, spring care for young plantings consists only in abundant watering. Fruiting bushes are fed with urea in the spring. A tablespoon of fertilizer is dissolved in a bucket of water and poured into each well in a bucket of such a solution.

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