Hibiscus garden tree. Garden hibiscus - a beautiful and unpretentious shrub

Garden equipment 14.06.2019
Garden equipment

Syrian hibiscus, or as it is also called, garden - unpretentious and at the same time attractive plant belonging to the malvaceous family.

Despite the fact that the plant is tropical, with proper care for the garden hibiscus, it takes root perfectly in our climatic conditions.

For the winter, the plant is covered like garden roses or they are dug up and moved to the basement or house, where it can even continue to bloom.

Plant varieties

In addition to garden hibiscus, there are more than 200 species in the world. this plant, the main ones from which are:

  1. Hibiscus triple, the flowers of which have a light yellow tint and bloom only 3-4 hours a day. Adult plant reaches a height of about 80 cm, the flowering duration of which is 1 month;
  2. Dissected hibiscus, which gets its name from the shape of the leaves. The size of the flower reaches 8 mm in diameter, the color can be different - from orange or red, to a mixed shade. Blooms from May to November;
  3. Hibiscus Drumonda, which has three-segment leaves dissected along the edges, reaching 5 cm in length.Flowers can be purple or color pink.

Due to its warmth, in temperate climates only got accustomed syrian hibiscus, the shrubs of which can be seen both in the garden and on the terrace or balcony of those who like to decorate their site.

The main features of the shrub

The flowers of this shrub are huge, their diameter ranges from 12 cm. The color range can be very diverse, the most common plants are those with white, red or purple buds.

The shrub does not bloom immediately, you will have to wait 3-4 years after planting, since it is characterized by slow growth.

A feature of this species is the flowering period of one bud. It is only one day. For a day, the bud has time to bloom, please the owners with its consummateness, wither and fall. In its place, literally the next day, a new flower appears.

In summer, the tree is never empty, it blooms for the whole season: from June to early September.

The shrub can grow up to 3 meters in height, up to 1.5 in width. These sizes can be achieved with proper care. Increased branching is achieved by pruning the stems, which must be done at the end of winter.

The average lifespan of a Syrian hibiscus is 20 years.

Growing a plant and taking proper care of it

When choosing a place for planting and subsequent cultivation of garden hibiscus, do not forget that this is a heat-loving southern plant that prefers a sunny place.

Do not place it in the shade, so as not to disturb the abundant and long flowering of the shrub.

Cuttings or seeds are planted in the spring when the ground thaws, the ambient temperature rises and there is no chance of frost.

The soil should be rich in humus, permeable and fertile, as for growing roses. Therefore, if you plant hibiscus in their surroundings, you can create a garden filled with beautiful flowers that harmonize well with each other.

In order not to disrupt the flowering process and prevent the plant from drying out, it is worth maintaining soil moisture. And since drought occurs in most regions in summer, it is necessary to constantly water the shrubs as the land dries up, avoiding a strong bay.

To increase the number of shoots on which flower buds are formed, as well as to give decorative look bush, at the end of winter it is necessary to trim it.

The video tells how to properly plant garden hibiscus and further care behind him.

Rules and features of reproduction

Reproduction of garden hibiscus is possible both by cuttings and by seeds.

Using the cutting

The simplest method of breeding this plant, since by the onset of cold weather, it will have time to take root well and grow a little, which, with proper shelter for the winter, helps to painlessly endure the cold.

The stalk must have several internodes, the cut site must be treated with a growth stimulant, placed in water and waited until it takes root.

This usually occurs over a period of two weeks. After waiting for the roots to appear, planting is carried out in prepared soil to a depth of no more than 10 cm.

In the photo, the propagation of garden hibiscus by cuttings

The recommended soil composition is a mixture of peat and sand in equal amounts... To facilitate the rooting process of the cuttings, greenhouse conditions are created: the plant is covered with a transparent jar or polyethylene.

The hibiscus should finally take root within 20-30 days., during which it is required to maintain the temperature environment within the range of 23-25 ​​degrees and constantly irrigate, preventing the land from drying out. After rooting, the young plant can be planted in a garden or other prepared area.

Seed use

Initially, they must be soaked for 10 hours in a solution of epin, which is a growth stimulant. Landing takes place from January to March.

For this, a soil mixture containing an equal proportion of sand and peat is poured into the vessel. For the fastest germination of seeds, it will be necessary not only to maintain a high temperature in the room (at least 25 degrees), but also to have a lower heating of the soil. Seedlings will need to be periodically ventilated and sprayed.

When the first leaves appear on young shoots, they are seated in separate containers. After the onset of heat, you can plant the plant in an open area.

Without transplantation and care, garden hibiscus can grow and develop normally in one place for about twenty years. But if, nevertheless, there was a need to change his place of stay, then the transplant rules are standard.

Like any other plant, replanting the Syrian hibiscus is necessary in the spring. First of all, it is worth updating the plant by cutting off the branches and removing the dead ones.

Pre-watering the bush, which will prevent damage to the roots, it is dug up and planted in a prepared place. In order for the plant to take well, it is necessary to prevent the earth from drying out by watering the soil abundantly.

Obstacles a grower may face

Unfortunately, the plant can be subject to various diseases and pests.

The most common hibiscus disease is chlorosis, a sign of which is yellowing of shoots and foliage.

There are two types of chlorosis:

  1. Infectious which can be caused by viruses, fungi and other microorganisms. The vectors are sucking pests (aphids, thrips, spider mite). As a prophylaxis and return to normal existence, it is necessary to apply fertilizers, transplant plants, spray with water to get rid of dust and other contaminants;
  2. Non-infectious, main reason which is a violation of the watering regime, shading of the plant. It is necessary to transplant the plant in a sunny place and constantly maintain soil moisture.

When transplanting a plant from a pot that is constantly in the shade into an open area, the leaves can get sunburn, which is evidenced by the appearance of white spots.

This is not a big threat, over time the plant will get used to the sun, new leaves will already develop normally.

To avoid receiving sunburn, initially you need to take the plant outside in a pot for a couple of hours, constantly increasing its time in the sun.

The wilting of leaves indicates a lack of moisture, their fall - an excess of calcium in the water, leading to a decrease in the ability to assimilate nitrogen and iron. The way out of this situation is to apply fertilizers containing the missing elements.

Hibiscus can be attacked by a spider mite that settles under the leaves. The first sign is yellowing of the foliage.

To combat insects, a soap solution is used, which is evenly and thoroughly sprayed on the entire bush. The procedure is repeated if necessary.

Another common pest is aphids, usually attacking immature plants. To combat it, special preparations are purchased for processing the plant.

It can be concluded that garden hibiscus is an unpretentious plant, cultivation, reproduction and care of which will not take much time, as a reward the gardener will receive a magnificent bush that will bloom and delight its owners all summer.

Tropical plants have become unusually popular in temperate areas. climatic conditions... Growing hibiscus, for example, is not a different process special difficulties... It is enough to remember about the basic techniques for caring for a shrub flower, and to know about the main features of the species itself. What is a garden hibiscus plant, how to grow it on own site and how to propagate hibiscus? Read about it below.

Perennial shrub hibiscus is primarily distinguished by the presence of large flowers, the diameter of which can be about 12 cm. The buds have a variety of shades, but among the most common: white, red and purple. Interestingly, the street shrub begins 3-4 years after planting it in the ground, as it grows garden decoration pretty slow.

There is one more nuance regarding the peculiarities of the flowering of hibiscus: its buds bloom literally one day. During this period of time, he manages to open up, and falls by the evening. The next day, a fresh bud takes its place. If the cultivation and care of the shrub is ensured correctly so that it blooms already in early June, then the flowering phase will come to an end not earlier than September.

As a rule, growers prefer bush hibiscus if they want to decorate their area with a lush flowering plant. And all because this plant reaches a height of about 3 m, and a width of 1.5 m. To achieve such parameters, it is necessary to master the basic points of caring for a flower, to study the pruning technology. Exercising it competently, you can make your garden bush much more branchy and lush, as well as stimulate its growth.

Types and varieties

Breeding hibiscus is not a cumbersome process. With proper care, the shrub will decorate even a shady area in the garden. However, you need to choose based on the climatic characteristics in your region. If we are talking about a temperate climate (for example, in Belarus), it is best to give preference to the following varieties of trees:

  • trifoliate;
  • Syrian;
  • swamp;
  • herbaceous;
  • garden.

Interestingly, beginners can confuse a shrub with another variety - a garden one. That is why the first specimen is often called tree-like. His flowers are simple or double. Initially, their shade was either white or purple, but now there are much more varieties of tree-like hibiscus, and the palette of shades has been replenished with pink, red and blue.

What is good about marsh hibiscus is its frost resistance. In open ground, it can be planted calmly, because it tolerates temperatures down to -30 ° C. Among the species of hibiscus, there is also a herbaceous plant. Its flowers are quite large, and the bush reaches a height of about 3 m. This category includes many hybrid hibiscus (at least 1 thousand varieties were bred by breeders). As for the trifoliate species, it is classified as a medicinal annual plant. His flowers are light yellow, and they open only in the morning for several hours.

The optimal environment for this plant is a well-lit and wind-protected area with light fertile soil that allows moisture to pass through. The characteristics of the soil should be similar to the medium in which you usually plant roses. Garden plant it is recommended to plant in spring. Wait until the end of the night frost and then boldly plant the hibiscus. In this case, by the onset of autumn, the shrub will get stronger and will be completely ready for the upcoming wintering.

In order for planting and care to be carried out correctly, try to follow all the recommendations of specialists. For example, if you decide to plant a tree-like plant on the site, the hole dug under the seedling should be twice as large as the rhizome of the flower.

Be sure to worry about the presence of drainage. To do this, you can take a broken brick. Then add a small layer of sand, compost and again sand (each layer should be about 10-15 cm thick). The very same land is recommended to be mixed with peat and sand. In this composition, you will plant hibiscus. Upon completion of planting, be sure to huddle the plant: it will need to be watered often and abundantly, and this procedure will allow the water to go directly under the root of the flower.

It is not difficult to plant a garden hibiscus and ensure cultivation according to the basic recommendations. And in return you get a beautiful flowering plant that will certainly decorate any corner.

Growing and caring

V summer period When the temperature is quite high and the soil dries out too quickly, you can water the hibiscus daily. Spraying is a good option for a garden specimen. Its leaves must be cleaned of dust. Thus, the flower will be saturated with moisture in sufficient volume, and you will prevent the invasion of spider mites.


Exercise for garden hibiscus complete care and reproduction is possible without much difficulty. It is also very important to be able to carry out competent pruning of hibiscus. Since flower buds appear only on young shoots, shaping pruning is recommended annually. It is advisable to start pruning in February, when the process of sap flow has not yet begun.

When the shrub grows well, do not forget to start rejuvenating pruning at least once every three years - remove old and dry branches. You can transplant the bush. It is advisable to start this procedure in early spring when the flower is still dormant. The transplanting technology is no different from the process of planting young seedlings.


Reproduction of garden hibiscus is carried out both by cuttings and by seeds. Knowing how to reproduce herbaceous shrub, you can grow several of these specimens on the site. It is best to propagate hibiscus by cuttings - using this method, you will get a rooted plant faster. Seedlings obtained after grafting are rooted in soil or water. In general, hibiscus reproduces without the use of complex agricultural techniques.

Disease and pest control

To preserve a herbaceous plant for many years, you need to know how to feed it in spring and winter, as well as how to prevent the invasion of pests. Most often, hibiscus is threatened by a spider mite. You can get rid of it by processing the flower special drugs, the main thing is to notice the first signs in time (yellow dots on the leaves and cobwebs).

As for common ailments, these primarily include chlorosis. It manifests itself due to a lack of fertilizers, especially iron. That is why do not neglect feeding the herbaceous plant. The shrub should also be fed in order to avoid the occurrence of fungal diseases. Let the flowering of the grown hibiscus be bright and long-lasting.

Video "Caring for garden hibiscus"

In this video, you will learn how to properly care for garden hibiscus.

A beautiful plant, which, due to its wide species diversity in natural environment can take on a herbaceous form as well as a shrub or tree known as hibiscus. The deciduous and evergreen mallow species grows throughout tropical and subtropical climates. While in temperate latitudes in the open ground, single species are able to grow, united under a single name - garden hibiscus, the care and reproduction of which even a beginner can do.

In nature, the genus of hibiscus has more than 300 varieties, while in Central Russia, only three are cultivated in the garden:

  • Syrian hibiscus- deciduous shrub, the natural height of which ranges from 5-6 m, is a native of China. On shoots covered with ovoid foliage of intense green color, single flowers of various colors bloom during the flowering period. Popular varieties: Diana, Vayelit Ilar Double, Pink Giant, Carneus Plenus.
  • Hibiscus trigeminal Is a highly branching species from Africa, which today can be found in all regions with irrigated agriculture. The variety owes its name to the three-lobed structure of the leaf plates, in the axils of which buds are formed. Flowering, in which only in the morning they bloom yellow flowers with a red core, lasts more than a month.
  • Hybrid hibiscus- herbal perennial, obtained by crossing several North American varieties, stands out large flowers with a wide color palette... Among the most spectacular varieties are "Youth", "Late", "Rose-Porcelain".

Landing in open ground

Landing work planting material hibiscus in open ground held in spring after the threat of return frost disappears. Planting is also allowed in the first half of autumn.

Site selection and soil requirements

The optimal place where hibiscus can grow for about 20 years without experiencing discomfort is a sunny, wind-protected area with light, fertile soil that has excellent air and water permeability.

Landing technology

Planting a garden hibiscus is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. A planting pit is dug, the dimensions of which must exceed root system seedling in half.
  2. A thick layer of drainage material is placed at the bottom of the pit, which is broken brick, crushed stone or expanded clay.
  3. The drainage is covered with 15 cm layers of sand and compost in the following sequence: sand, compost, sand.
  4. Then the seedling is lowered so that the root collar is slightly deepened.
  5. The pit is filling potting soil from garden soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 4: 1.
  6. The planted plant is spud and watered.
  7. After drying, the groove is covered with soil, and the near-trunk circle is leveled.

Attention! If planting is carried out in the fall, then the trunk area is mulched.

Culture care

The hibiscus flower will delight the owner with large flowers while fulfilling the basic agrotechnical requirements.

Watering and mulching

A tropical garden representative needs regular watering, the next portion of which should be poured out after the soil has dried in the trunk circle. During periods of prolonged drought, moistening is carried out daily.

Loosening and removal of weeds

The soil under the hibiscus must be systematically loosened to maintain the required level of aeration and water permeability. Weeds are removed during the procedure.

Top dressing

During the period of intensive growth, hibiscus needs regular feeding:

  • In the summer, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers are included in the top dressing.
  • In the first half of autumn, in order for the plant to fully prepare for winter, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied under the bushes.


In order to preserve the decorativeness of the plant, it is necessary to systematically carry out pruning, with the help of which various goals are achieved:

  • Formative- to form standard form the shoots of the planted plant are shortened to the third bud, keeping only the trunk. Subsequently, all lateral shoots are removed until the trunk reaches the required height, when the formation of skeletal branches of the crown is carried out.
  • Sanitary- before the buds awaken, pruning is carried out, in which old, diseased and developing shoots are removed, and last year's branches are also shortened.
  • Rejuvenating- a haircut, in which dried, old shoots are removed and all other branches are shortened into ⅔ parts.


If necessary, transplanting can be carried out only in early spring after cutting the shoots to half their length.

How to care for in autumn, winter?

Hybrid hibiscus are winter hardy, so they do not need special shelter. It is enough to huddle the cut plant and mulch it well with sawdust or garden foliage.

In the case of tree forms, the situation is more complicated:

  1. In the first case, the plant is dug up and hibernates in a tub indoors.
  2. Or, the hibiscus is provided with a reliable shelter with the help of organic material in the form of spruce branches, which protects the culture well from frost and does not allow podrovanie.

Attention! When hibiscus is sheltered by a garden spruce tree, protective measures are taken aimed at destroying mouse-like rodents that feed on the bark of an exotic representative.

Disease and pest control

Garden hibiscus is not susceptible to damage by harmful organisms. However, if the drought persists for long period the plant can be attacked by aphids, thrips, whitefly and spider mites. If insects are detected on a crop, it is necessary to carry out an insecticide treatment in two stages with an interval of 14 days. Among the diseases that are observed on hibiscus, chlorosis stands out, which occurs due to the poverty of the soil.

Breeding features

Garden hibiscus propagates, most often, by cuttings and seeds.


The procedure is carried out in the summer in this way:

  1. Cuttings with 2-3 internodes are cut.
  2. The cut sites are treated with a growth stimulant.
  3. Cuttings are planted in peat, where bottom heating is organized.
  4. After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted into pots with a substrate, where they are located until lateral shoots are formed.
  5. To stimulate branching, the plant is pinched.
  6. After the formation of the bush, the culture is planted in the garden.

Peculiarity! Subject to all measures, new plants bloom in the same year.

Seed method

Seed propagation is carried out in winter or early spring, when:

  1. Seed material is soaked in a growth stimulator, after which it is sown in a mixture of peat and sand.
  2. The crops are covered with glass and placed in a warm, bright place, where they are ventilated and moistened at short time intervals.
  3. After the formation of two pairs of true leaves, the seedlings dive into individual pots.

Advice! So that the seedlings do not stretch out due to a lack of light in winter time, artificial lighting should be organized.

The main problems when growing in the garden

Compliance with agrotechnical requirements, as a rule, avoids the problems that arise during cultivation.

However, there are situations when the reason is unclear:

  • Yellowing of hibiscus - if the yellowness of the leaves is not associated with a lack of watering during a prolonged drought, then the reason lies in the lack of iron, nitrogen in the soil or trauma to the root system during transplantation.
  • Lack of flowers - if all the requirements for growing hibiscus garden are met, the lack of flowering may be due to the poverty of the soil, which must be systematically enriched.
  • Falling foliage - if the phenomenon is not observed at the end of the growing season, then the determining factors are insufficient or excess watering as well as a damaged root.

Thus, garden hibiscus is an ornamental plant that can decorate the site for many years, while following simple care rules.

The malvaceous family is a shrub or small tree native to Asia and China.

Thanks to the abundant and bright bloom, it is called the "flower of love".

There are several varieties of hibiscus, adapted to grow at home and in the garden. In the natural environment, there are about 300 species, the height of which reaches 3 m.

During the holidays, Hawaiian girls use the hibiscus flower as jewelry on their hair.

In Europe, the flower is endowed with magical powers. By the change in his condition, they predicted the future. Shedding of leaves or drying of a flower indicated possible problems and illness in the family. The premature appearance of flowers testified to imminent death and, in general, the plant symbolized death and misfortune for those who planted it in their home. Of course, much of this legend, hibiscus continues to delight gardeners with its flowering and charm to this day, filling the house with positive energy.

Due to its wonderful aroma, garden hibiscus flowers are used for making tea, under everything famous name"hibiscus tea". Caring for the plant is not difficult and is suitable for growing novice gardeners.

Description: flowering shrub plant of low height with abundant flowering of various colors. Garden hibiscus prefers tropical and subtropical climates with high humidity... This is a representative of the Malvov family, annual and perennial, it all depends on the variety. In our climate, only some frost-resistant varieties can grow outdoors: these include garden hibiscus, Syrian (trifoliate), hybrid (bred in the 50s).

Chinese hibiscus ( Chinese rose) in our latitudes can exist only as an indoor ornamental flowering plant, only occasionally on summer days the pot is taken out into the open air.

There are three forms of the plant: arboreal, shrub or subshrub, herbaceous.

Tree view: Syrian rose up to 1.5 m. Hybrid forms are herbaceous.

Depending on the species, there is a specific arrangement of hibiscus in the garden.

Undersized herbaceous plants perfectly decorate the borders. Bush varieties complemented by bouquets of roses and other decorative flowering shrubs. Treelike hibiscus in combination with standard flowering plants perfectly creates a unique composition.

Leaves are small, oval, dark green, solid color.

Simple and funnel-shaped double flowers reach 12 cm in diameter, there are pink, red, purple, yellow, white, lilac, crimson, purple with big amount shades. In the center of the flower, an eye is clearly visible, contrasting with the petals. There are hybrid forms with two-color branches.

Hibiscus with double flowers less resistant to frost, take into account the peculiarities of your climatic zone when planting on open ground.

Long bloom starts in June and ends in early October. The flowering of one flower lasts 1 day, the long flowering of the bush is achieved by uneven flowering, the flowers bloom alternately, creating an effect for 5-6 months flowering bush... Frost-resistant varieties can withstand frosts down to -20 ° C.

The fruit is a five-leafed capsule with seeds in the middle.

To protect hibiscus from aphids, lavender bushes are planted nearby.

Garden hibiscus - species

Hibiscus - home care

Caring for a plant is not difficult, but in order to obtain positive results and long-term flowering, you need to know the basic concepts and features of planting, care and reproduction. Correct care will extend the life of the plant up to 15 years.

Location: tropical plant prefers a warm climate and a large number of sun. Choose a cozy, well-lit garden spot with partial shelter from the winds.

Watering: during the hot period, regular watering is required, but stagnation of water in the soil is unacceptable. The next watering is carried out after the top layer of the soil has dried. In the hot season, water it every day in the morning or in the evening.

Planting: Hibiscus is planted in early spring when the night temperature rises above 0 ° C. Loosen the soil around it regularly and remove the weed. All new shoots that have appeared are removed.

Soil: Subtropical hibiscus requires a nutritious and permeable soil. Choose fertile soil rich in humus. At home, hibiscus grows well in pots. Choose sod soil (3 hours), leaf land(3 h), with the addition of sand (1 h) and humus (1 h).

Transfer: for young plants, the soil must be regularly renewed. After planting and rooting, after 2 months, the hibiscus is transplanted into a pot. Don't choose a pot that is too large. Previously, a layer of expanded clay is laid on the bottom as drainage, otherwise the roots may begin to rot.

They are transplanted into open ground in the spring in the absence of night frosts. The bush is transplanted in the spring before the buds appear, the young shoots are cut in half beforehand.

During transplantation, hybrid forms are divided into parts, receiving several bushes at once.

Young plants cannot winter on their own, they need additional shelter. Transplanting in the fall includes mulching the soil around the bush and wrapping it in spruce branches.

Previously, a hole of 50-70 cm is dug at the landing site. Drainage and expanded clay are laid on the bottom up to 15 cm, 10 cm of sand on top and the same layer of compost and a layer of sand again.

Place the bush in a hole so that the root collar is at ground level, and cover the roots with prepared soil of sand (1 hour), peat (2 hours), garden soil (4 hours). Around the seedling, the earth is spud and watered abundantly. After absorbing water into the soil, add the missing soil around the seedling, leveling it into a level.

Fertilizers: in the spring, mineral complex fertilizers are applied 2-3 times a month with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus. In the fall, they are fed with potash fertilizer, so the hibiscus will more easily endure frosts.

Reproduction of garden hibiscus

There are three ways to grow hibiscus garden: by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush (for certain species), we will consider each method in detail.

Seed: In February, seeds are sown in a small container. The land is used from peat and sand in the same ratio. Previously, for better germination, the seeds are soaked for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, then placed in a weak solution of a growth stimulator (epin) for a day. Seeds are sown to the surface, lightly sprinkled with earth on top. The container is placed in a mini greenhouse, covered with a plastic bag, or a glass flask. Seeds are carefully watered from a sprayer, avoiding their floatation. The temperature is kept at 25 ° C, the container is ventilated 2 times a day. To accelerate the germination process, use the bottom heating.

So that young shoots do not stretch out, it is necessary to provide a large amount of scattered light. As soon as 3 own leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in bowls (separate containers). Young shoots are transplanted to open ground in May, when the air and soil are well warmed up. The flowering of seedlings grown from seeds will come in the 3rd year.

Cuttings: in spring - early summer, the upper shoots with 3 nodes are cut from the hibiscus bush as a cutting. The lower part of the cuttings is treated in a growth stimulator, leaving for 24 hours, then rooted in a soil consisting of sand and peat, taken in equal proportions.

The stalk can also be rooted in water, but this method requires skill.

The stalk is buried in the ground up to the knot, the container is covered with a film or glass flask on top. Maintain a constant temperature of 24-26 ° C, water it regularly and air it 2 times a day. A month later, the cutting will have its own roots and it is transplanted into the soil from sod and leafy soil, peat and sand in equal proportions and pinched to give the shape of a bush. After the formation of the bush, the cutting is transplanted to open ground at a distance of 0.5 m. If everything is done correctly, the garden hibiscus from the cutting will bloom in the first year.

Dividing rhizomes: During the transplantation period, as a rule, in the spring, the roots are divided into several parts and planted in the ground at a distance of 0.5 m.For this method, they are suitable hybrid varieties... In this way, flowering is obtained in the current year.

Pruning hibiscus garden

Pruning is carried out in the spring, before the buds and leaves appear. To give the shape of a decorative standard tree, the shoots of a young plant are cut off, leaving 3 buds, while the trunk is not touched. After a few years, the trunk is cut to 6 buds, and the branches to 1-2. Upon reaching the desired height, the lower branches on the trunk are removed, and from the upper branches they form a rounded crown.

All pruning is best done before the start of sap flow. All dry branches are completely cut off.

If you don't have a goal, create decorative tree, cut off last year's branches by a third, removing all growing inward, weak and low-quality shoots.

If you do not prune hibiscus, new shoots will not appear in such quantities and flowering becomes smaller and smaller every year.

Wintering hibiscus garden

For the northern and central parts of Russia and in other countries where significant frosts are present in winter, even frost-resistant varieties hibiscus may not hibernate without shelter.

Some varieties, such as the tree-like hibiscus, shed their leaves in the fall.

Species with non-double flowering are considered more resistant to frost.

Before the onset of frost, in the fall, the bush is sprinkled with earth high with the addition of river sand, pre-watered abundantly and let the soil dry well. Then, to a height of 20-30 cm, they are covered with sawdust, moss, rotted manure or spruce branches.

The branches are neatly bent down, and from above they create a frame and cover with a canvas (lutrasil, spunbond or agrotex) and cover everything with coniferous branches. In severe frosts, the whole plant is covered with spruce branches. It is laid in three layers from roots to branches, after having lowered and tied the branches, or by erecting a frame.

If there are a small number of bushes on the site, and you have the opportunity to keep them indoors, the bushes are dug up, transplanted into a pot (bucket) and kept in a cool basement all winter, and in the spring they are re-planted in the garden.

Pests and diseases

Garden hibiscus, despite growing in outdoor garden resistant to pests, but insufficient watering and low humidity can provoke the appearance of such pests as thrips, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies.

To destroy them, drugs Actellik, Inta-vir, Karbofos, Fitoferm, etc. are used. It is necessary to process it several times with an interval of 5-7 days.

In addition to pests, the plant is exposed to various diseases.

  • Chloride. Disease affecting the leaf plate. Young leaves grow already yellow, and old ones turn yellow and fall off. The main reason is the lack of mineral fertilizers, in particular nitrogen and iron. It is necessary to add iron chelate to the water during irrigation and regularly apply mineral fertilizers for flowering ornamental plants with a high nitrogen content.
  • Another cause of yellowed leaves is partial root damage during transplantation.
  • In the hot season, the lack of moisture also leads to yellowing of the foliage.

There is no flowering- there are several reasons, we will consider each of them.

  • Insufficient lighting. In such cases, the hibiscus may not bloom, or the flowering is poor and shallow, the period lasts very little, the shoots are stretched out.
  • Lack of boron and phosphorus. Add missing substances and minerals to watering.
  • Lack of flowering and slowing of the growth of the bush - there is not enough nitrogen in the soil. Remember to fertilize regularly.
  • Leaves fall - natural fall of leaves can only be in the fall, in another period this indicates a violation of care.
  • Hibiscus reacts quite strongly to humidity and a lack or excess of water can affect foliage shedding.
  • Also, falling foliage is associated with mechanical damage to the root system.

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