Why does the Chinese rose shed its leaves what to do. Reasons why hibiscus leaves turn yellow

Plant encyclopedia 12.06.2019
Plant encyclopedia

Hibiscus is a large genus of plant that is great for growing in greenhouses. For home cultivation fits Chinese rose... Although hibiscus is unpretentious to care for, beginners often wonder why hibiscus leaves turn yellow. Consultation with a specialist in this matter will be relevant. Reasons why hibiscus leaves turn yellow? What to do? Ways to solve the problem with a photo from specialists.

Hibiscus leaves turn yellow: causes, effective treatment

Not sure what to do when hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off? Expert advice on how to diagnose the problem and effectively fix it will help you more than ever.

The hibiscus stands by the window. His leaves turn yellow. The leaf plate first changes color - brightens, then turns yellow. The hibiscus leaf falls off. Cause: a large number of direct sunlight that lead to leaf burns. Hibiscus needs diffused light, especially variegated varieties, but direct Sun rays for its leaves are destructive. Control measures: shade the plant.

Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off? This is due to the drying out of the earthen coma in the pot.
... Even if you regularly water the plant (in the morning or in the evening every 2 days), especially in summer period, hibiscus may lack moisture due to the small volume of the pot. Adult plant planted in a pot, the diameter of which is fully consistent with the size of the root system. How do you know if a pot is suitable for hibiscus? To do this, water the plant in the morning. By evening, you need to check if the earth in the middle of the pot is dry. If so, then the bowl is small for hibiscus. His leaves will turn yellow, as the plant tries to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the foliage, shedding excess leaves. In this case, the plant is transplanted into a new container, the size of which is larger than the previous one, by transshipment, without violating the integrity of the earthen coma. Watering is carried out only on the third day after transshipment, taking into account the fact that the transplant was carried out in moist soil.

Hibiscus leaves turn yellow if it gets too much moisture... Several factors are visible here:

  • overflow of plants. Although hibiscus is very water-consuming, especially on hot days, due to its ability to accumulate moisture in the roots, it is not difficult to pour over. Harmful to the plant and the accumulation of liquid in the pan. In both the first and second cases, the root system of the plant begins to rot, which is reflected in the leaves of the hibiscus. They turn yellow and fall off. Control measures: moderate watering, make sure that water does not accumulate in the pan. Remove the plant from the pot along with the earthy clod. Examine roots for rot. If there are any, they are removed, and the hibiscus is transplanted into a pot of less volume than the previous one. Good drainage is essential;
  • large pot volume. In this case, a large amount of moisture accumulates in the soil, which the hibiscus root system is not able to absorb. As a result, the roots rot and the leaves of the hibiscus turn yellow. In this case, you need to reduce the size of the pot and normalize watering.

Why do the leaves of indoor hibiscus turn yellow? Hibiscus leaves may turn yellow from a lack nutrients
... It is often necessary to feed the plant during intensive growth and development (spring, summer). But for this, liquid complex fertilizers are used for not flowering plants... Fertilizer for hibiscus should not contain a lot of phosphorus, which is harmful to the flower. Top dressing is best applied on cloudy days, when the earthen lump in the pot is well saturated with water. Optimal chemical composition fertilizer for hibiscus: N: P: K (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) 9: 3: 13 or 10: 4: 12 or 12: 4: 18. Fertilizing with the following chemical composition N: P: K 16:20:27 or 15:21:25 can harm the plant. Hibiscus leaves can also turn yellow from an excess of phosphorus.

The leaf of the hibiscus turned yellow, but the veins remained bright green.
... Hibiscus has chlorosis, that is, the leaf does not produce enough chloroform, so the hibiscus leaves turn yellow. Control measures: to make up for the lack of micronutrients. This is magnesium, which in small quantities is included in complex fertilizers. Chlorosis of hibiscus leaves occurs as a result of watering the plant with unsettled, untreated water.

Does not apply to plants that are difficult to care for. They usually require a minimum of maintenance and acceptable growing conditions. But there are also unpleasant moments. In particular, hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off. This happens most often with indoor hibiscus. There are many reasons for this annoying phenomenon. Therefore, in order to fix the problem, it is necessary to establish the cause as soon as possible and begin to eliminate it.

Indoor hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall: reasons and what to do

Natural reason

It often happens that there is simply no reason for alarm and panic. If hibiscus leaves for the most part remain green and nothing happens to them, but one or two leaves have turned yellow and fallen off, then this is a normal phenomenon. Hibiscus is a plant with intensive growth that does not stop even in winter. So there is a natural replacement of leaves - new ones grow, old ones die off.

Incorrect content temperature

For this reason, the massive fall of hibiscus leaves occurs mainly in winter. This happens if the temperature of the plant is kept. If many houseplants calmly tolerate the temperature of +12 degrees, then it is not suitable for hibiscus. Minimum temperature, in which he will feel normal in winter and subsequently bloom profusely +15 - 16 degrees. But at such a low temperature, a number of other rules must be observed: optimal watering, air humidity, protection from drafts, and avoid hypothermia of the earthen coma. Even a slight deviation from this set of rules will lead to yellowing and falling of hibiscus leaves. Therefore, novice growers who do not have sufficient experience in providing optimal ones should refrain from it and move the hibiscus to a warmer room with a temperature of at least +18 degrees.

Improper watering

The reason that u indoor hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off, it can become both insufficient and excessive. At normal room temperature, the soil in the pot should always be moist. But only slightly damp! Damp, swampy land can cause the death of the root system and the entire plant as a whole. In such a soil, the active development of putrefactive bacteria and harmful fungi begins, the supply of nutrients to the plant is suspended. As a result, the plant begins to wither and if you do not take action, it will almost certainly die. The first signal is that the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Young plants are especially susceptible to this. In young hibiscus, the root system is not yet sufficiently developed, and it is difficult for it to cope with a large amount of moisture, especially if the pot was chosen too large when planting, "for growth." In this case, you must immediately transplant the flower. First, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the hibiscus roots from the remnants of the earth, remove all rotten and damaged roots, treat the roots with a fungicide solution. Before planting, it is advisable to sprinkle the roots with Kornevin powder. After planting in fresh soil, spray the entire ground part of the flower with Zircon or Epin

Drying of the earth is no less dangerous. Prolonged overdrying will almost certainly destroy the plant irrevocably. In this case, nothing can help the plant. But if you notice that the leaves of the hibiscus have begun to fade and turn yellow, and the soil in the pot is dry, then you should immediately water the plant.

Incorrect lighting

Lack of light alone cannot harm indoor hibiscus. This plant grows normally in both bright light and shaded areas. The danger is a sudden change in illumination. This usually happens when moving hibiscus from indoors to outdoors in the spring, and back again in the fall. This does not lead to fatal consequences, but it affects the decorativeness of the plant, the leaves of the hibiscus begin to turn yellow and fall off. After a while, the plant adapts and grows new leaves, but first it will give the owner a lot of unpleasant minutes. To avoid this, teach the plant to change the light gradually, do not place it directly in the bright sun after the shade and vice versa.

Incorrect feeding

An unbalanced can also lead to yellowing and dropping of hibiscus leaves. Essential components for its nutrition are magnesium and potassium, they are in mandatory must be present in the composition of fertilizers. An excess of phosphorus and, in particular, nitrogen can cause particular harm to the flower. An overabundance of this element can cause nitrogen burns. Therefore, when choosing a fertilizer for indoor hibiscus, give preference to potash fertilizers containing magnesium. Phosphorus and nitrogen can also be contained in them, but in insignificant concentrations.


Enough common reason on which hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off. This applies not only to indoor hibiscus. Almost all plants can be exposed to this scourge. Too hard water, high concentration of alkali in water and soil, lack of fertilizers can serve as the cause of leaf chlorosis. But the main cause of leaf chlorosis is iron deficiency. If the above reasons are eliminated or absent, then it is necessary to treat the plant with the preparation "Iron Chelate" or a specialized antichlorosis preparation. Processing is carried out both by watering and according to the sheet (according to the instructions for the preparation). If the process has gone far, then the hibiscus should also be transplanted into fresh ground.


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Hibiscus - evergreen shrub with shiny glossy leaves and large attractive flowers. A plant native to the south of China does not lose its decorative effect if observed the necessary conditions content. Hibiscus leaves are the first to react to temperature drops, irrigation and illumination irregularities, attacks by pests and diseases - they turn yellow and fall off.

It is impossible to say with confidence the reason for the loss of an attractive plant species without analyzing many factors. To find out why the leaves turn yellow will help a thorough examination and analysis of all parts of the plant, soil, location of the bush, and recent conditions.

Natural factors

Do not pay attention to single yellowing and falling leaves. If these are not massive manifestations, then the natural process of plant rejuvenation is not a cause for alarm.


Hibiscus is undemanding to lighting conditions. But direct sunlight will burn the leaves, which will turn yellow and fall off. The flower will also respond to the lack of light and being in the shade by dropping foliage - this will help it save energy for further development.

The best solution would be to place young plants in the western or eastern windows. Diffused light will ensure that the leaves are in good shape, but there will be no flowering if the sun is low. An adult shrub is placed near southern windows to stimulate the emergence of flowers. In summer, hibiscus thrives on the balcony and in the garden if not exposed to the sun.


Hibiscus - tropical plant therefore prefers high temperature. Optimal conditions+20, + 25 ° C. V summer time with the onset of heat over + 30 ° C, the bush will shed some of the leaves in order to avoid strong evaporation of moisture.

In winter, the plant will withstand +16, + 18 ° C, but if the pot is placed on the window, then the cold glass will cause yellowing of the leaves located closest to it. Hibiscus will not die even at +12, + 14 ° С, but it will drop foliage in order to survive in a cool room, to save vital energy.

Drafts, moisture

Hibiscus does not tolerate drafts. Constant movement of air, especially cold air, from open in winter windows, will destroy the plant. When ventilating the room, the pot is removed from the windowsill, since gusts of wind in the heat dry the surface of the leaves, and in winter they are strongly cooled with icy air.

Dry air is a common cause of yellowness and leaf fall. In the tropics, in the homeland of the plant, high humidity atmosphere is the norm. Therefore, at home, it is important to maintain a microclimate that is comfortable for indoor hibiscus.

Care errors

If the bush receives enough light and does not suffer from cold weather, but still loses leaves, they reconsider the methods of care. One routine, incorrectly performed procedure can cause buds and leaves to fall off.

Improper watering, small pot volume

Hibiscus is a tropical plant that requires a lot of moisture only in the hot season. During the cold season, the water stagnates if you water it too often. Because of this, the root system begins to rot, growth stops, the leaves fly around due to a lack of nutrients.

In the summer season, watering is sometimes carried out daily, but under the wrong conditions, the plant still suffers from a lack of moisture and reacts by reducing the evaporation area - it sheds its leaves. This happens when the bush has grown from a small pot or the soil is not picked up correctly and does not store moisture. Stagnant water in the pan also indicates a violation of the conditions.

It is easy to check the correctness of the chosen pot and the soil in it - a few hours after morning watering, they examine how wet the soil is in the middle. If the soil is already dry, it's time to buy a larger container, purchase a suitable soil mixture. Adding compost from fallen leaves to the soil will increase the ability to retain moisture, drainage at the bottom of the pot will prevent stagnant water.

A small test will help determine the need to moisten the earth: the soil is raked to a depth of 2-3 cm, its dryness is a sign that the hibiscus needs water. Abundant watering is required in spring, in summer - during growth and flowering, moderate - in winter, when a short daylight hours affects the condition of the shrub.

Excess or lack of nutrients

In the spring of intensive growth and preparation for flowering, the plant is fed with mineral complexes containing nitrogen and potassium once a month. Too frequent fertilization leads to yellowing of the leaves, since the root system receives chemical burns from an excess of substances. In winter, organic preparations are introduced - Humisol, Vermisol (2% solution).

The lack of trace elements inhibits the development and growth of hibiscus. Falling leaves, along with yellowness, is a lack of iron. The plant reacts to a deficiency of nitrogen and magnesium by the appearance of spots on the leaf plates, and their weakness and thinning of the stems and leaves is a sign that the bush needs to be fed with potassium. If the plant lacks phosphorus, the tips of the foliage dry out and wither. Chlorosis is non-infectious - nutritional deficiencies are treated by watering and spraying with Ferovit solution (1.5 ml per 2 liters of water).


Hibiscus reacts painfully to a change of residence. Even turning it with the other side to the window on the windowsill causes Negative consequences... Severe stress for a flower - moving to a new room, often adaptation begins with yellowing and shedding of leaves.

Transferring to another pot is also not an easy ordeal. The plant is sick and flies around when it was violated during transshipment root system, damaged its integrity. It will take time to restore and grow new roots, so the hibiscus sheds foliage, does not waste energy on it.

Pests, diseases

Buying new flowers in the store, finding plants on the balcony or in the garden in the summer often leads to the appearance of pests and infectious diseases.

The cause of infection is soil that has not been disinfected, contact with diseased plants.

Pest Action Disposal method
Spiderweb Cobwebs the leaves, stems, provokes the death of the whole plant Spraying with soapy water

Preparations Lightning, Akarin, Vertimek

Aphid Destroys young leaves, buds Treatment with soapy water, tobacco infusion

Preparations Decis, Intra-Vir, Anabizin

Gallica Midge larvae eat the contents of the buds, unopened leaves Collection and destruction of damaged buds and leaves

Soil disinfection

Shield Sucks the juices from the leaves Spraying with insecticides


Greenhouse whitefly Damages leaves, causes yellowing Potassium soap solution

Preparations Karbofos, Aktara, Bison

Scorms They settle in the axils of the sheets

Suck out juices

Treatment with mineral oil, alcohol solution

Preparations Confidor, Aktara


It is difficult to treat viral and fungal diseases; too quickly, the infection ends in the death of the plant. Prevent the appearance of infections by increasing the immunity of the shrub. It is transplanted on time, fed, and the leaves are cleaned of dust. Hibiscus Treatment:

  1. The flower is removed from other plants, contact with them is limited.
  2. Collect and destroy all damaged parts. Cut off yellowed leaves, buds, dry shoots.
  3. The bush is sprayed with an antifungal drug. Apply Domotsvet, Desavid, Cytovit. From folk remedies use Trichopolum treatment (2 tablets per 1 liter of water).

Hibiscus is unpretentious, will not die after a complete drop of foliage and will grow new shoots instead of cut ones. But proper care and compliance with the conditions of maintenance will allow the plant to look attractive even without flowers, always delight with healthy glossy foliage.

Hibiscus is a generic name for a wide variety of flowering plants suitable for growing in greenhouses. At home, one of the varieties, the so-called Chinese rose, is often cultivated. Despite the unpretentiousness, flowers can react sharply to some errors in care. Usually, beginner growers encounter problems who do not understand why the leaves of hibiscus fall and turn yellow. To fix the problem, you should understand possible reasons similar behavior.

About the plant

The genus Hibiscus is part of the Malvov family. There are more than 200 species. V natural environment flowers grow in countries with tropical climates: India, China, Asia. For indoor cultivation, only Chinese hibiscus or Chinese rose is suitable..

In addition to decorative purpose, flowers are used in medicinal purposes and for the manufacture of fabric dyes. It is added as a flavoring agent to various drinks.

Hibiscus is not particularly capricious. The growth of the rose is quite intense - 6 months after planting the cuttings, budding is already observed. It blooms with bell-shaped inflorescences, of different colors: white, red, yellow, pink. In the natural environment, there are much more colors.

Growing problems

While the beauty of hibiscus is noteworthy, it is worth dwelling on the common troubles with growing it. The Chinese rose is not unique and gets sick from time to time. If, even with proper care, it dries up, turns yellow and leaves crumble from it, it is important to understand the reason and take appropriate measures.

Leaf fall can occur in connection with the preparation of the plant for the dormant period, which is quite acceptable. After flowering, rest is required to recuperate for the next bud setting and dissolution. If the flower does not stop shedding its leaves, and this happens regularly, most likely the matter is in the conditions of detention. Yellowing is also a warning sign that the rose is stressed.

The most common causes of yellowing and shedding of foliage are:

Cause Remedies
Excess sun rays. Can cause burns. The hibiscus should be kept in a place where there is diffused light, without its direct rays. Variegated varieties are especially dependent on this condition.

Move the pot to another place or shade the plant

Lack of moisture. Leads to overdrying of the earth. Sometimes hibiscus is thirsty even with systematic watering in the morning and evening. This problem is especially relevant in the summer. Perhaps this is due to the too small size of the pot: for an adult plant, the capacity is selected in accordance with the root system. To understand whether the hibiscus feels comfortable, the soil in which the plant is located is moistened in the morning, and the degree of drying of the soil is checked in the evening. If it is too dry in the center, then there is not enough space. In a situation like this, the hibiscus will try to reduce moisture evaporation by shedding leaves.Transplanting into a larger pot is required using the transhipment method. Water only after 3 days
Excess moisture. Yellowing occurs if watered frequently and abundantly. This often happens, as the plant is hygrophilous and eagerly absorbs water, especially on hot days. Water accumulating in the sump causes damage. In both cases, the roots begin to rot, which negatively affects the ground part.

It is necessary to adjust the humidification mode. The plant is completely removed from the soil, the roots are examined for rot and removed, if any. Then they are transplanted into a new container of smaller volume. There must be a drainage layer at the bottom.

Spider mite. This pest is always on the plant, but it is activated only in a microclimate favorable for it, that is, when the air in the room is dry. In addition to yellowness, cobwebs and whitish bloom are observed on the plant.The flower is rinsed under a warm shower if it is winter. In the summer, they are systematically sprayed with soapy water and taken out to Fresh air... After that, they are treated with systemic insecticides - 3-4 days in a row. Suitable drugs: Actellik, Fufan, Agravertin
Lack of nutrients. During the period of active growth (spring and summer), top dressing is applied regularly. Liquid complex formulations are used for non-flowering representatives. Those that contain large amounts of phosphorus are not suitable: it is harmful to flowers. It is recommended to fertilize in cloudy weather and after the next wateringThe optimal ratio of mineral components in the composition (phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium) is 3: 9: 12 or 3:11:12. According to these indicators, a suitable fertilizer is selected.

Chlorosis. If the leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain the same green color, then this is evidence of this disease. It occurs due to the plant's inability to produce chlorophyll. This happens when using water from a water supply for irrigation,

The lack of trace elements is eliminated by introducing complex additives. Irrigation water is pre-defended
The lower leaves crumble, and the new ones grow yellow - the irrigation water is oversaturated with chlorine and calcium. This is possible with a lack of nitrogen or iron.They act as in the previous case: they additionally add special prophylactic agents for chlorosis

It is vital for the plant to be in comfortable conditions, otherwise there will be only one reaction - the dropping of leaves and subsequent death. Mandatory conditions for healthy growth and development the following:

  • Being in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
  • Lack of drafts.
  • Removal to fresh air in summer.
  • Moderate watering: once every 4–5 days. There should be no water remaining in the pan.
  • Systematic spraying and humidification of the surrounding area throughout the summer and until late autumn.
  • Location sufficiently remote from heating devices.
  • Application of liquid fertilizers in the summer season.
  • Pruning is required at the end of winter for abundant branching.

Optimal temperature regime from spring to early autumn - 17-23 ° C. In October, the degree is lowered to 15-18 ° C, and in winter - 13-15 ° C in the presence of artificial lighting. When the temperature drops to 10 ° C, there is a high risk of yellowing and leaf fall.

When applying fertilizers, you should be careful to find the optimal middle. Both a deficiency and an overabundance entail a negative reaction in the plant. With nitrogen starvation, only the veins turn yellow, with potassium starvation, the entire plate is completely. Too many of these elements cause darkening of the tips of the leaves, which is a consequence of burns. Even with abundant flowering it is not recommended to relax and leave the leaves unattended. At this time, the plant gives all its strength to the buds and their dissolution to the detriment of the leafy part.

Any feeding is stopped immediately as soon as the first alarming symptoms began to appear.

Further steps to resuscitate the flower:

  1. 1. Hibiscus is moistened with extremely clean and settled water.
  2. 2. The plant is left alone for at least two weeks. This time is quite enough for rest and recovery.
  3. 3. At the next application of fertilizers, the concentration is reduced, determining the acceptable dosage by samples. Each time, the reaction of the hibiscus is monitored. Stop at the one when the burns stop showing through.

If the cause of disruptions in the health of hibiscus is established and eliminated, leaf fall immediately stops and the growth of green mass occurs in an enhanced mode. It is recommended during this period to make a rejuvenating pruning of strongly regrown branches. Then the bush will grow thicker and even more beautiful.

Why does hibiscus (Chinese rose) turn yellow?

Yellow hibiscus leaves- a signal to the owner that the plant is unhappy with something, that it is under stress. It can be difficult to figure out what is the cause of stress, because hibiscus reacts to any cause in the same way - with yellowing and falling leaves. And, nevertheless, having information about probable reasons stress and analyzing your case, you can most likely determine why your hibiscus turns yellow.

1. Insufficient watering

In the hot season, hibiscus needs constant watering. The earth ball should not dry out, and if you need to water the hibiscus every day to avoid this, water it. In addition, daily spraying of the leaves in summer and weekly in winter is necessary, since the presence of heating devices in the room reduces the air humidity required for the plant. For both irrigation and spraying, use only settled water.

2. Excessive watering

During cooler seasons, make sure that the potted soil does not turn into a liquid mess. Hibiscus loves water, but does not tolerate cold swamps in the root area.

3. Abundant sun

Direct sunlight can cause not only yellowness of the leaves, but also the appearance of burns on them, so let the plant get its norm of harmless morning rays, but it is better to shade it from the scorching midday sun.

4. Lack of light

Hibiscus, like any plant, produces chlorophyll only when exposed to light. If there is not enough light, it will turn yellow and shed the leaves until a few leaves remain, for which the meager amount of chlorophyll produced by the plant under insufficient light is sufficient.

5. Too low or too high temperature

The Chinese rose is a tropical plant, therefore it does not tolerate hypothermia. And overheating is not good for her. A comfortable temperature for her is + 18 + 30. When she is cold or hot, she reacts by shedding yellowed leaves.

6. Pests

Hibiscus suffers greatly at home from spider mites. If you find traces of their vital activity on your plant (dirty spots on withered leaves, thin web between the leaves), take a magnifying glass and take a closer look: the small ticks are like crabs. Getting rid of them is not easy, so do not add insecticide to the plant or spray it with soapy water several times a day. It will take a very, very long time to restore a plant destroyed by ticks.

7. Soil chlorosis

The soil in which hibiscus grows can sometimes become too acidic or too alkaline. This usually comes from watering the plant with unstable tough tap water... The leaves in such cases do not turn yellow completely, but in patches. Sometimes a lack or excess of certain nutrients in the soil leads to the yellowness of the leaves. In such cases, the necessary fertilizers are applied or the acidity of the soil is corrected.

8. Fertilizers

The leaves turn yellow with frequent pesticide use, so try to treat the plant with the same pesticide at the same (minimum) consistency in the early morning or evening. Phosphate fertilizers added to the irrigation water increase the flowering of hibiscus. But do not use high-phosphate fertilizers in the care of your hibiscus: this will kill the plant. When feeding a plant with nitrogen fertilizers, show a sense of proportion. As soon as you notice that the leaves have brown edges, know that this is a nitrogen burn, which means that you need to stop adding nitrogen fertilizers to the water for irrigation for two weeks. When you start fertilizing again, reduce the dose in half and increase it gradually, observing the leaves, until you find the optimal dose.

We have considered all the reasons from which hibiscus turns yellow. You just have to use the method of observation and experiment to reveal your own. If you are not mistaken and have time to save the plant, you can enjoy its dense foliage and lush flowering for a long time.

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