What width to make the inspection pit in the garage. Inspection pit - we create comfortable working conditions in the garage

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

In our country, the inspection pit is planned for the first time during the construction of the garage. She is an excellent assistant to any motorist, since it allows you to carry out minor repairs or preventive work, as well as diagnostics, and without special material costs... In this article, you will learn how to make a viewing hole in the garage, what materials are required for this, and also what its general benefits are.

What is an inspection pit for?

The answer is obvious: it is needed in order to make it more convenient to service. vehicle... Some in case of breakdowns go to special technical centers, however most of motorists prefers to carry out the most complex operations with their own hands. And it is much more convenient to do it in a cozy and calm atmosphere.

In addition to practical work, the inspection pit is able to provide unhindered access to:

  • chassis of the car;
  • exhaust pipe;
  • bottom;
  • oil pan;
  • gear box;
  • muffler.

Now, having familiarized yourself with the purpose inspection pit, we proceed directly to work.

How to make an inspection pit yourself

The process consists of several stages, we will consider them.

Stage one. Preliminary markup

First, you must determine the shape and dimensions of the inspection pit in the garage. This extremely important point, since the pit will be settled in an existing garage, which, accordingly, will complicate the task, and the working conditions will be cramped.

When marking, be guided by the fact that the soil that forms the walls of the pit will have a certain slope, while the dimensions of the structure themselves should be such that work in it is as convenient as possible. This is the first thing. And secondly, in the future, you should easily park over the pit, without fear that the vehicle will fall into it. There are certain measures of protection against slipping, but more on them later.

Based on all this, the working width of the pit should be 70 cm - in this case, even the smallest car models will have about 15-20 cm for maneuvers. The width can be increased if necessary.

Note! If you are a happy owner of a Zhiguli with a 1.3 m track width, you can increase the pit width to 80-85 cm.

The length of the structure is also determined for convenience reasons, but the area of ​​the garage itself should also be taken into account. In any case, it should be at least 2 m.

With pegs with rope or not a large number mark the perimeter of the pit on the floor, add wall thickness on each side (depending on the stability of the soil) and make a small margin for the slope. If we are talking, for example, about dense loam, it should be about 25-30 cm. But the depth should be such that about 25 cm remains from the top of your head to the bottom of the car. Let's give a small example.

Example .

For this we use all the same Zhiguli. The clearance of this car is about 16 cm. And if your height is, say, 1.8 m, then the "clean" depth of the hole should fluctuate within 1.7-1.8 m. Although it is better to make it a little larger, because in the future you can always equip the raised floor to the required height or, alternatively, substitute a bench.

Stage two. Preparation of equipment and consumables

In the course of work you will need:

  • rule;
  • concrete mixer;
  • capacity;
  • shovel;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • concrete;
  • boards;
  • bulk building materials;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette.

The amount of this or that material depends on the size of the future structure.

Stage three. Excavation

You have to dig about 9 m³ of earth, which is difficult, especially if the soil is solid and the work will be done by hand. This is the most difficult of the stages, but professional excavators can be involved in the work.

After digging a trench, leave some of the land in the garage or next to it - with its help, you will fill the sinuses at the end of the construction of the walls. Take out the rest. To correctly calculate the equipment required for removal, remember: the volume of the loosened soil will be about ¼ more than the volume of the pit itself.

After that, level the bottom of the trench and compact it using fine gravel. To do this, sprinkle crushed stone in a layer 5-7 cm thick and compact it with a tamper.

Note! It will be much more convenient to work in the inspection pit if you make niches in the walls for materials, tools and spare parts. Provide such niches in advance, even at the stage of excavation.

Stage four. Construction of walls and floors

There are two possible material which in this case can be used:

  • brick;
  • concrete.

We recommend using the second option, as it will be cheaper. In addition, the design will turn out to be more reliable, and the embedded elements will be fixed better. Therefore, we are considering an option with monolithic concrete.

Step 1. First, build a 6-7 cm thick concrete floor on top of the crushed stone.Reinforce it with a reinforcing mesh 3-4 cm thick and a maximum mesh size of 15x15 cm.

Step 2. Prepare concrete in the following proportion (for 1 m³): "four hundredth" cement (300 kg) + crushed stone with a particle size of 0.5 to 2 cm (1210 kg) + water (210 l) + sand (680 kg). If you mix by hand, then you will need a little more water, although it is still recommended to use a concrete mixer - so ready solution will be more mobile.

Step 3. Fill the floor with the resulting solution.

Note! The compressive strength factor of such a surface will be about 200, which in this case is quite sufficient.

Step 4. Prepare wall mortar. The proportions here should be somewhat different: 360 kg of the same cement + 1168 rubble + 670 kg of sand. The volume of water is the same - 210 liters. The walls will be 15 cm thick.

Step 5. Use OSB boards with a thickness of 1-1.2 cm to build a formwork. In the future, these plates may be required for other needs.

Step 6. Reinforce walls. Many neglect this, but it is better not to skimp on quality. For this you can use the same mesh as for the floor.

Step 7... Pour the concrete in layers, the height of each tier should be 30-40 cm. Compact each tier with a bayonet shovel. Arrange "glasses" in the last tier cylindrical, into which you then install the lamps. To do this, place pieces in the holes in the formwork sewer pipe(always at an angle).

Step 8. From pre-welded metal corners, frame the pit; for fastening, use embedded anchors made from pieces of reinforcement. Framing will perform several functions at once:

  • strengthening the corners;
  • "Clip" for planks flooring;
  • a curb for insurance (so that the car does not slip).

Step 9. Backfilling. Fill the resulting gaps with the earth in layers of 15-20 cm, carefully tamping each of them.

Stage five. Waterproofing

If in your area the level of groundwater is high enough, then additionally take care of high-quality insulation. There are several possible options here.

  1. Roofing material... It is laid in two layers on top of bituminous mastic. The overlaps should be 20 cm, all of them are also glued with hot bitumen. The shelf life of such insulation is up to 15 years.
  2. Dry penetrating mixtures... They are diluted with water immediately before use. The mixtures penetrate deep into the structure, but are mainly used as additional insulation.
  3. Polymer membranes... They differ in great operational life(up to 50 years old). Installation involves arranging a reinforced frame and laying a layer of geotextile. The membranes are self-adhesive, the overlap should be 10-30 cm.
  4. Oily clay + waste from the oil refining industry... Practically not used.

What else should you pay attention to?

  1. If the lighting will be provided by the above-mentioned cylindrical recesses, then cable routing and installation of the socket will be required. If the light source is portable, then all this is not needed.
  2. Ventilation may be required to protect the pit from condensation, inflow fresh air and the outflow of various chemicals. The easiest way to do this is with a flexible duct, which should be led out of the pit to a height of 25 cm above the floor.
  3. When carrying out earthworks, fasten the walls of the pit in mandatory! Use planks with spacers for this.
  4. Finally, when performing work, use personal protective equipment (boots, gloves, if necessary, a respirator and goggles).

Do-it-yourself inspection pit in the garage: video


The inspection pit is easy to make yourself. Of course, it is easier to do it even at the stage of building a garage, but it will not be difficult to do it in a finished structure. With such a “bunker” it will be much easier for you to repair and maintain your car.

As a result, we note that it is better to work with an assistant. He will not only help or give tools, but also come to the rescue in an emergency.

The article there will be a speech O inspection pit in the garage. She gives additional features when performing repairs. With its help it is possible to produce light and medium repair car, oil drain / change.

For a car owner with repair skills, equip a garage inspection pit would be a very good solution.

To build it correctly, you should take into account the recommendations for the characteristics of the structure. Recommendations primarily concern dimensions, waterproofing and materials. By observing the rules and regulations, you will get a convenient and safe site for repairs.

Observation pit enhances functionality garage. The car owner can produce complex views repairs, avoid unnecessary trips to service center. Observation pit in the garage often saves a lot of money and time. With the skills, you can independently perform one of the most regular procedures - drain and replace the oil.

You can build the structure yourself, in the process of building a garage and when the garage has already been built.

If you adhere to the regulations and technologies, this design will be safe and comfortable to use. Garage with inspection pit significantly expands the capabilities of the car owner when performing self-repair.

Inspection pit in the garage- Photo:

Design and construction

Lookout pit can be erected at any stage of garage construction. But the best solution will plan the construction from scratch and lay the foundation for the pit garage. Otherwise, you will have to attach more strength and spend large quantity time.

If you are just starting to build a garage, it is highly recommended to immediately create drainage system... The pipes are connected to the manifold. With this, the amount of moisture and fumes can be greatly reduced and damage to the car can be minimized.

To find out what are the requirements for viewing pits in the garage, let's look at the most important questions.

The size of the inspection pit in the garage

Construction size directly depends on the size of the car and the driver. For calculations, you need to know the exact length and width of the machine. In addition, the growth of the car owner should be taken into account.

The length of the inspection hole should be about a meter longer than the length of your car. Additional meter are needed to create a staircase, that is, an entrance / exit.

Thus, the size of the pit in the garage for a standard car:

  • is long- 5 meters;
  • width- 80 centimeters;
  • height / depth- 2 meters.

Scheme inspection pit in the garage - width:


In the garage observation pit often causes concern among car owners. One of them is moisture and its potential harm. There is a deal of truth in it. If the pit under the garage was poorly covered with waterproofing, moisture can condense and form vapors. In this case, the vehicle is exposed dangers.

Constantly staying over a depression from which fumes rise will negatively affect the metal. Corrosion processes accelerate, parts begin to rust... The best solution would be to size the pit garage so that there are two places for your car. First place - normal soil / garage floor, the second is observation pit.

If necessary, the car should be brought to inspection pit, make repairs. The rest of the time the machine stands on the ground and cannot even theoretically be affected by moisture. But this is not always possible to achieve. The garage may simply be too small for two separate parking spaces. In this case, the question waterproofing have to deal with thoroughly.

The most important thing to find out is at what level do groundwater... At high levels- 2.5 meters and smaller pit better not to build. The only possible solution at such groundwater levels would be lying pit... Its depth is much shallower, hence moisture / evaporation will be less of a problem.

In addition to finishing with special materials to ensure waterproofing, you should additionally use shield, with which the pit is closed so that moisture does not spread throughout the room, and thus does not harm the car.

Another useful procedure will be periodic draining the garage... It is best to drain the pit in the summer - for this you need to open it if you left for a day or longer.

Materials and technology

The pit in the garage is made of brick and concrete, if desired, you can plaster or even tile. Before that, the walls are covered with clay and covered with polyethylene. After coating, the formwork is mounted, its thickness is 15 centimeters.

For waterproofing, it is better to take quality material, since the structure is constantly exposed to moisture. One of the standard solutions is polymer membrane ... For a single-layer membrane, the thickness is 1.5-2 millimeters, for a two-layer membrane, about three millimeters. Polymer membranes are durable and resistant material but quite expensive.

A cheaper option is to use bituminous materials(roofing material, bituminous grease). Their service life does not exceed twenty years, after which the waterproofing will become unusable. Pieces of insulation can be glued together by heating or with a bituminous solvent.

In addition to waterproofing, you can use thermal insulation. Heat insulating material should be glued to concrete / brick structures. A common solution is expanded polystyrene.

When building, you need to take care of insurance rail... An insurance rail blocks the vehicle wheels from entering the inspection pit. The second plus is that the water from the wheels collects in the recess and does not fall down. It is necessary to make the rail in the form of the letter T, using metal. It must be firmly constructed to support the weight of the vehicle.


As you can see observation pit will save you from unnecessary trips to the service center. The main condition is the construction in compliance with the rules and regulations. The structure can be built on your own, even if the garage has already been built. Special attention you need to pay attention to waterproofing and dimensions.

If the groundwater is too high (2.5 meters or more), then build a pit Not recommended... The humidity will be too high and the fumes are likely to harm the vehicle. How to do without a hole in the garage? Possible solution will create lying pit... Then the groundwater will not be able to corrode the metal.

Useful video

Watch the video about the inspection pit in the garage:

Do-it-yourself inspection pit in the garage: Dimensions

The inspection pit in the garage must be sized for a specific vehicle and a specific person. In general, there are no standard sizes when making a pit, there are only recommendations that need to be taken into account so that the structure comes out as convenient and durable as possible.

Pit dimensions

The first thing to consider when creating a viewing hole is the height of a person who will spend time in it repairing a car. There is an opinion that the depth of the pit should be done a little more than the growth of the master, but this opinion is erroneous. If the pit is deeper than the height of the person in it, then he will constantly have to keep his hands in the air high above his head, doing the already hard work.

Therefore, it is optimal to make a shallow pit. The distance from the bottom of the pit to the floor surface in the garage should be, on average, 10 centimeters less than the height of the person working in it. So, taking into account the elevation of the bottom of the car body above the floor by the distance of ground clearance, the most comfortable conditions for long-term repairs.

As for the width, the generally accepted minimum in this matter is 0.7 meters. When designing a space with walls placed closer to each other than 70 cm, it should be understood that you can forget about the convenience of moving in such a narrow pit.

At the same time, even 0.7 meters wide does not allow the use of an inspection pit with maximum efficiency... To do this, its width must be calculated in the range from 85 cm to a meter, depending on the distance of setting the wheels in the car. This takes into account the factor of the load created by the car on the edges of the pit by means of the wheels.

If the soil under the garage is not solid enough, then it is better not to risk it and place the edges of the hole away from the wheels. Or, the thickness and strength of the walls should be planned so that no load on the structure would be dangerous.

DIY manufacturing technology

Consider a way self-creation inspection pit on the example of a structure with indicators of length, width and height 4.7x0.8x1.5 meters.

First of all, a pit was dug to the required depth, taking into account the thickness of the concrete screed, which will be laid on the bottom of the pit. The width of the walls was also calculated for the fill concrete walls afterwards.

Dimensions of the inspection pit in the garage

There are several normative documents describing the equipment of inspection pits for servicing cars. They mainly relate to the arrangement of ventilation and lighting schemes at large service stations. Here they are:

  • GOST 12.1.005–88 "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area";
  • VSN 01–89 "Car service enterprises";
  • ONTP-01-91 "Standards for technological design of motor transport enterprises";
  • MGSN 5.01–94 "Parking lots of cars";
  • TCP 45-3.02-241-2011 "Vehicle service stations".

These building codes will be useful to those who want to register a garage with a technical pit for running a car repair business.

For other car owners, these standards are not so important. GOSTs do not regulate the dimensions of inspection holes for passenger cars. You can determine the length, width and depth of niches in private buildings yourself.

The length of the repair niche should be equal to the car itself plus one more meter so that you can go down there when there is a vehicle on top. If the area of ​​the garage allows, it is better to equip a recess with a margin, for your own own comfort... With a sufficient length of the trench, the descent downward can be organized along a stationary strong ladder, and not along an attached one. The pit can also be made L-shaped. Then there will be steps in a short segment. This will complicate the process of constructing the formwork and more concrete will be spent on pouring, but it will be more convenient to work.

Moreover, the location of the niche can be both along and across the course. In the latter case, walkways are useful for crossing the trench. To assemble them, as well as the flooring, use boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm.

These are the "clean" dimensions of the inspection pit in the garage, that is, the parameters of an already finished structure. To them, you still need to add allowances for the installation of hydro and thermal insulation, clay castle and finishing layer. In order not to get confused with these increments, we recommend drawing up a drawing of the inspection pit in the garage.

A safety rail is laid in the formwork along the perimeter at floor level. It can be welded from a 60 mm metal corner. The barrier prevents the wheels from falling into the hole and protects the groove from water on the floor. It also serves as a support for the flooring boards that cover the pit.

Please note that the soil on the walls will have a certain slope, but the dimensions of the inspection hole must be maintained so that it is comfortable to work.

When designing, don't forget to create niches for storing auto parts and tools. And you will have to think about places for fixing lamps and portable lamps, as well as electrical wiring in a protective casing.

To deliver fresh air to the inspection pit, a flexible pipe is laid underground. Its end should come out to the surface by 20 cm.

Do-it-yourself inspection pit in the garage: dimensions, photo

If you want to equip your garage in such a way that it has maximum functionality, then its space must be supplemented with a viewing hole. At the same time, you can not only store your car in it, but also store things, repair and inspect the car.

Features of the inspection pit

If an inspection pit in the garage will be equipped with your own hands, the dimensions must be chosen at the first stage. But it is important to think about whether you really need such a component. Two decades ago, the presence of this element in the garage was not discussed, however, with the development of the service station, a category of car owners appeared who did not see the point in servicing the car on their own. An inspection pit in the garage with your own hands made of iron can be equipped. But if you do not want to waste time and effort on an independent technical inspection, then you will not need it. Some argue that a depression in the garage can negatively affect the elements of the car, because vapors rise from the bottom. This is true only if the work is not done according to technology. After all, it is important to insulate the pit, to make it convenient for your own use. By equipping the underfloor space with a sealed cover, you can be sure that even a poorly insulated pit will not be a source of fumes.

When there is no way to equip a viewing hole

An inspection pit in the garage with your own hands may not be equipped in all cases. This will depend on the groundwater lines. If their level is higher than 2 meters, then such work will be inappropriate, this is due to the fact that the space will be filled with water. But if necessary, even the most critical conditions can be overcome by having a good drainage system as well as high quality waterproofing. An inspection pit in the garage with your own hands from concrete is often built quite often, it also needs to be supplemented with drainage, but this task is quite difficult, it should be dealt with exclusively knowledgeable people at the stage of building a garage. If you have to create this system on existing buildings, this can be accompanied by the application of a large amount of effort and money. Among other things, such manipulations are not always effective.

If the occurrence of groundwater under an existing building indicates that the pit should be abandoned, then this clue must be heeded. An alternative solution may be the equipment of a recumbent pit, which may well replace a full-fledged one in some cases. If an inspection pit in the garage will be equipped with their own hands, then it is necessary to invite the appropriate specialists who will be able to analyze the level of occurrence of groundwater. If you decide to spend the least amount Money to carry out these manipulations, then you can check it yourself, but it will take much more time. To do this, a pit should be dug, but it should not be immediately concreted. It is necessary to wait for the flood season, and heavy rain will do. After that, you will be able to assess its consequences.

Inspection pit dimensions

If you think that a viewing hole is a fairly standard part of a garage, you might be wrong. Such a device can have several options. It can be combined with a cellar and basement, make a narrow recess, which will be operated with ladder, as well as arrange a lying pit, which was mentioned above. The dimensions should be chosen depending on the master who will most often use the pit. It is important to consider the size of the vehicle, as well as its intended location. The width should not be less than 80 centimeters, 1 meter can be chosen as the optimal parameter. In depth, the pit should measure between 1.8 and 2 meters. This parameter is the most important, and it will depend on the height of the person. Most suitable option it is considered a depth that is 15 cm greater than the growth of the master. Most often, a size within 2 meters is used as a length. If an inspection pit in the garage will be equipped with your own hands, then when planning it is necessary to take into account that the mentioned indicators are not given for the pit itself. It is necessary to dig it out with allowances of 50 cm in width and length. As for the depth, you need to increase it by 25 cm. If you plan to insulate the walls, then the size of the pit must be increased by the width of the insulation, most often this figure is 50 millimeters.

Floor arrangement

After the pit has been prepared taking into account the selected dimensions, you can tackle the floor. If you approach the construction correctly, then there will be no issues with dampness during operation. Thus, it must be borne in mind that the inspection pit in the garage, equipped with your own hands, must be equipped with ventilation. To do this, a hole is left in the floor through which it is introduced under the ground and on the surface flexible hose... It is an air duct on which a cover is put on. Initially, it is necessary to backfill the concrete preparation. It will be represented by two layers, the first of which assumes the presence of gravel, while the second - sand. The first layer is covered with a thickness of 10 centimeters, the second - 5 centimeters. Each of them should be watered and well compacted. The surface of the floor should be treated with clay and a layer of waterproofing should be laid. Next, reinforcement is mounted and concreting is performed. As soon as the mortar layer gains its strength, another layer of waterproofing should be put, only after the master can begin finishing.

Alternative floor arrangement

If you do not want to overwork yourself, then you can go the easier way, for this, it is enough to lay out the bottom of the viewing hole with a brick. However, this approach can be considered rational only if The groundwater are located at sufficient depth. This is due to the fact that good waterproofing cannot be achieved.

Selection of materials for waterproofing

If you are going to equip a homemade inspection pit in the garage with your own hands, you can choose its size yourself. However, it is important to consider waterproofing as well. There are a great variety of such materials on the market, but it should be borne in mind that the one you choose must be effective. This is especially important for the reason that the pit will be exposed to heavy loads in terms of excess moisture. However, it is important to exclude the option of overpayment. Guided by the above considerations, from a number of commercially available materials, one can especially distinguish polymer membranes, which are presented in a single-layer version. Their thickness can vary from 1.5 to 2 millimeters. As for two-layer membranes of this type, their maximum thickness can be equal to 3.1 millimeters. This material is characterized by resistance and durability. But he has the most impressive price in comparison with others. Rather, the installation will be expensive, which requires the need for special tools and certain skills.

If you want to save money, then you should choose bituminous materials, these include roofing material and bitumen grease. It is quite easy to install them, but you should not count on a service life that exceeds 20 years. A do-it-yourself inspection pit being constructed in the garage, the dimensions of which were mentioned above, can be waterproofed with bituminous components. The material is sold in rolls, you can cut it to the required dimensions, and then stick it with an overlap of 15 cm. You can gluing by heating or using a bitumen solvent. An alternative solution to the above two methods is considered to be a waterproofing lubricant. It was invented relatively recently and is inexpensive. It is quite simple to apply. The surface must be wet, then the material will completely saturate the concrete and protect it from excess moisture.

Insulation of the inspection pit

An inspection pit in the garage with your own hands (a photo of which is presented in the article) is rarely insulated. Experts say that inexperienced craftsmen needlessly neglect this manipulation.

This is especially true for those garages that are heated. If you make thermal insulation, then you minimize heating costs.

Insulation must be glued to brick or concrete, after the wall and floor can be exposed decorative finishing... If during the waterproofing works you may doubt the choice of a certain material, then experts advise using expanded polystyrene as a heater. However, it is important to consider the labeling. Thus, PSB-S-35 is perfect for the floor, while PSB-S-25 can be used for walls.

Building walls

If a home-made inspection pit is being set up in the garage, then one of the two most common solutions can be chosen for its walls. One of them involves the use of concrete, while the other is the use of bricks. If desired, then both options can be plastered or tiled, as well as fiberglass. Preparation before using concrete or brick looks the same. The surface of the walls is covered with a layer of clay, on which dense polyethylene is covered. At the next stage, the formwork is installed, while the thickness should be equal to fifteen centimeters.

When a self-made inspection pit is performed in the garage with your own hands, the construction of walls must be accompanied by the fulfillment of two conditions. One of them provides for the need for a safety rail. Its task is to prevent the wheel of the machine from falling into the pit. Among other things, it prevents water from the wheels from entering directly into the pit. It should be made in the form of a strip, which resembles the shape of the letter T. It contains metal, and the element must be strengthened to the formwork, placing it flush with the floor surface. This strip will act as a support for the cover. Among the additional components are niches and ledges in the wall, they will become shelves for various tools and necessary things. The master will be able to appreciate the convenience of such protrusions at the first use of the pit for its intended purpose.


If an inspection pit is built in the garage with your own hands, she just needs lighting. Some masters oppose having lighting fixtures inside. A number of car enthusiasts use portable lamps that have a powerful battery. However, if you take into account the level of comfort, then the presence of indoor lighting is worth considering. If there is a desire to equip everything according to the rules, then you should be guided by SNiP, which indicate that the voltage in the outlet inside the pit should not exceed 36 V. For this voltage, you can find special lamps. It is strictly forbidden to use standard 220 volts inside, as they can become a threat to life.

Pit cover

When an inspection pit is being set up in the garage with your own hands, you can create a reliable cover from the boards. To do this, use wood with a thickness of 50 mm. However, a thickness of 35 millimeters will suffice. This is due to the fact that the boards will not experience a constant load. The lid can be made of different materials, it will depend on what the edging of the pit was formed from. If it is a steel corner, then the cover can be made of several shields. Small rollers can be fixed in their lower part. Shields can be formed from wooden planks, the width of which varies from 30 to 35 millimeters. When an inspection pit is made in the garage with your own hands made of bricks, the cover can be formed according to the roller shutter principle. To do this, use boards whose thickness is 40 millimeters, while the length will correspond to the width of the pit. On each board, from both ends, you need to make grooves into which steel rope... Springs should be installed between it and the bar, which will provide mobility. The cable is fixed on the last board, while the handle is installed at the opposite end. It will only be necessary to pull a little on it, which will open the hole as much as necessary for carrying out a certain type of work. In general, almost all materials can be used to make any part of the pit and its components.

Do-it-yourself inspection pit in the garage: how is it done correctly? 78 photos of the arrangement of the pit

Arranging an inspection pit in the garage with your own hands will help speed up and reduce the cost of auto repair, its presence will allow you to conduct regular independent technical inspection. The correct arrangement of the inspection pit gives whole list pluses, and your main task during its construction is to observe all the subtleties of the technology.

How to make an inspection hole on your own will be discussed below.

Calculation of the size of the inspection pit

The size of the inspection pit directly depends on the number of people who are planned to be accommodated there at the same time, as well as on the dimensions of your car and the size of the garage.

When planning the size of the inspection pit, it is also necessary to take into account the features of the building itself, which can affect its size.

First stage

After the pit for the inspection hole is dug, you can proceed to the construction of the floor. To begin with, you will need to equip the ventilation of the inspection pit, as shown in the photo.

Before setting up the floor, take care of the hole through which the duct hose will pass. The hose is closed with a cap and inserted approximately 20 cm.

Then you need to prepare a two-layer concrete pad. The first layer 10 cm thick is poured into gravel, the second, 6 cm thick - sand, such a drainage system will ensure the removal of moisture. Each layer is leveled and rammed, the pit is smeared with clay.

Next, you need to lay the reinforcement and pour the surface with concrete. After the concrete has dried, another waterproofing layer is laid, then it is carried out final finishing and treatment of the pit with materials for thermal insulation.

Waterproofing and insulation

The main requirements for waterproofing materials are their cost-effectiveness and efficiency. Based on these criteria, the following options are possible:

  • single-layer polymer membrane - its thickness is 2 mm, the material is durable and strong, but it has a high cost. In addition, special equipment is required to install the membrane;
  • bitumen-based materials (roofing felt or bituminous grease) - are widely available in terms of cost, very simple to install, their service life will be at least fifteen years;
  • waterproofing lubricant - easy to apply and has a relatively low price.

If you are reading this article, you probably have already decided that you really need a viewing hole in the garage, and we do not need to tell you about what it is for and about all its pros and cons, but all that remains is to illuminate in detail the device of the viewing hole and all its stages construction.

We still consider it necessary to warn you about the main disadvantage of a garage with a pit - high humidity ... In addition, if the groundwater level in your area is higher than 2500 mm, there is a significant risk of constant flooding of the viewing ditch with water, and neither waterproofing nor a large layer of concrete on the walls and bottom of the pit will help.

In this case, only the arrangement of a special drainage system can help, however, this procedure is quite expensive and is unlikely to be comparable to the benefits of using a viewing hole by a motorist to repair his car.

The installation of a viewing hole in the garage is allowed only when the groundwater level is over 2500 mm.

However, even if you do not have problems with groundwater, the pit will still contribute to the appearance of moisture in the bottom of the car if it is located above it. Increased accumulation of condensate on the car observed in the cold season in heated garages.

In order to get rid of the problem described above, we would recommend that you, if space permits, equip a cellar and a viewing hole in a place different from the car park.

What should be the dimensions of the inspection pit in the garage

Before you start building a pit in the garage with your own hands, you need to determine its size, because it is these parameters, together with the recommendations described above, that will help us determine its location.

Let's start to determine what dimensions our inspection pit should have from its length. Usually, length of the inspection pit taken equal to the length of the car + 1000 mm.

Calculations are made in such a way in order to provide the motorist with free access to the observation ditch while the car is above it.

Since the length of the middle passenger car is 4000 - 4500 mm, then the length of the inspection pit in the garage of an average car enthusiast does not exceed 5500 mm.

Of course, the width of the inspection hole should depend on the width of the wheelbase of your car, but you should also take into account the fact that you may have to use it when repairing other cars, so, for example, it is unlikely that a hole made specifically for a huge SUV will be able to without problems call in a small runabout. therefore the width of the inspection pit is usually 700 - 800 mm.

Do you want to know how to build a garage for their cinder blocks with your own hands? Read our detailed instructions.

Are you going to buy concrete blocks 20x20x40, read our recommendations for their selection.

As for the depth, here it is already necessary to "dance" not from the car, but from the car enthusiast, or rather his height. It is necessary to make a ditch so deep that you do not have to work in it in a half-bent state, in constant fear of breaking your head on the bottom of the car. Usually, inspection pit depth it is considered in this way: 100 - 150 mm is added to the height of the person who will work in it. It is the resulting number that should be equal to the final depth of the inspection pit, taking into account the already poured floor.

How to mark and dig a viewing hole in a garage

It should be noted that the dimensions of the inspection pit, with which we determined above, are its dimensions in its pure form, after the erection of the floor walls, etc. Before digging a hole in the garage, we need to mark it with an allowance for the thickness of the walls, etc.

For length and width allowances are taken 400-500 mm each, and 200mm for the floor. after the dimensions of the pit are marked on the ground, you can start excavating.

When digging a hole, pay attention to the stability of the soil so that you are not overwhelmed, if necessary, strengthen the walls of the hole with boards and struts.

We erect the walls of the inspection pit

At this stage, you already need to decide exactly how you are going to make a hole in the garage? To be more precise, the question is in the material that will be used for the walls - brick or concrete... We do not consider the option of a viewing pit made of metal, because in this case, you need an ideal waterproofing, which is not so easy to do, otherwise the walls will quickly be corroded.

Most car enthusiasts build brick walls, but in this case, the same waterproofing has to be neglected since it is not possible to cover the back of the brick through the minimum gap between the wall and the ground.

For example, we have posted a photo of inspection pits in the garage with different performance walls:

If you nevertheless decide to build a viewing pit out of bricks, you can easily do it yourself, because we have already talked about the laying of bricks more than once. Here we will dwell in more detail on the construction of an inspection pit with concrete walls with our own hands.

However, before we start building the walls, we need to “ bring to mind the floor”, First of all we level the ground on it. Next, you should pour and tamp about 100 mm of crushed stone, which is covered with half the layer of river sand, the latter, in turn, is carefully tamped. Next should be laid waterproofing material, however, it is highly advisable to smear the resulting pillow with clay before that, its layer will serve as additional protection from moisture.

The waterproofing of the inspection pit in the garage is very important stage its construction, in any case, do not neglect it when erecting the floor and walls.

Next, our future floor of the inspection pit should be reinforced, this can be done either by laying and tying the reinforcement rods, or using a special reinforcing mesh with a reinforcement section of 40-50 mm. After that, we prepare a solution with the following proportions of the components:

  • 1 part cement;
  • 2 pieces of sand;
  • 4 pieces of rubble.

Fill the floor with this solution, layer thickness from 50 mm... After leveling, we wait for the mortar to set, after which, in the hot season, the concrete must be watered regularly to avoid cracking.

For the construction of the walls, we will use a mortar with the same proportions. However, we will pre-coat them with clay and lay the waterproofing (plastic wrap is suitable).

We will fill the walls in stages in layers 300 - 400 mm high... To do this, we expose the formwork around the entire perimeter of the pit, while focusing on the wall thickness of 150-200 mm.

When mounting shields, you should use the level, because their deviation from the vertical is unacceptable.

After installing the formwork, we produce reinforcement, similar to the reinforcement of the floor, the reinforcement should be done in such a way that the reinforcement protrudes above the poured concrete, thereby the interlayer seams will be additionally strengthened. Next, pour concrete into the resulting formwork, ramming it wooden block to drive out all the air.

After the layer has set, we remove the formwork and proceed to the construction of the next layer. If necessary, we make niches and recesses for the lamps for the inspection pit. The lighting for the inspection pit in the garage is usually mounted in the very top layer poured concrete.

However, flooding last layer, you should take care not only about lighting, but also think about what you can close the pit in the garage... By this you will not only protect yourself from accidental falling into it, but also save your “iron friend” because much less condensation will accumulate on its bottom.

In most cases, boards laid along the width of the pit are used for these purposes. We need to weld and mount rectangular frame from a metal corner. It will be ideal if the frame is protrude several tens of millimeters above the garage floor since this will protect you from falling into an open pit with a car wheel.

Having studied the composition of wood concrete and the proportions of its components, you will be convinced that this material is quite suitable for building a house.

It is necessary to make a strapping screw piles channel, read the instructions.

Detailed guide for the construction of a four-slope hipped roof You will find at this address:

Metal rods are welded to the frame, it can be reinforcement or wire of sufficient thickness, which, when pouring the last concrete layer of the wall of the inspection hole, are immersed in the solution.

Lighting and ventilation of the inspection pit in the garage

I would like to highlight a few more points before you start building a garage with a pit with your own hands. The first of them is the ventilation of the inspection pit, without which, due to high humidity and, possibly, for various reasons of air toxicity, it will simply be unsafe to work.

Ventilation is laid underground and is brought out into the street using special pipes or a hose of the appropriate diameter. Be sure to put protection on the outside hole in the pipe, because otherwise, the ventilation will quickly stop functioning due to blockage.

Now about the lighting, if you plan to equip the pit with stationary lamps and a socket, please note that it is allowed to use electrical appliances operating only from 36 Volts.

The use of 220 volts in the inspection pit is prohibited and life threatening!

A self-made inspection pit in the garage will be needed by all motorists, regardless of car service at the service station. And for a person who is used to repairing everything himself, it is very difficult to do without such a device.

What is the depth of the inspection hole in the garage, how to do it correctly, this article suggests to know. When building a garage, a viewing pit is an integral part of it.

Features of the device in the garage

In a garage, a viewing pit has several advantages:

  • It is necessary for the convenient maintenance of your car.
  • Some motorists can independently, without the help of a master, perform rather complex operations, having in own garage not large sizes HUNDRED. Others turn to specialists working in technical centers, but they do not deny the usefulness of the viewing hole.
  • Often on the roads there are situations when you should inspect the underside of the car upon returning home. Large potholes or stones are found on the roads every day, and after each impact it is not very convenient to visit a car mechanic.
  • In your own garage, where the atmosphere is calm, skip the line and at any convenient time, you can check if the cars have been severely damaged. allows you to inspect the bottom of the car and decide what work will be needed for the repair.

Having such a structure, you can freely inspect:

  • Chassis.
  • The bottom and its protection.
  • Muffler.
  • Transmission.
  • Oil pan.
  • Exhaust pipe.

Its device allows you to change the oil yourself, and the price of such a procedure in the workshop is quite high. The advantages of the inspection pit include the ability to inspect the listed parts of the car, without the help of specialists, which does not require investment of any funds, and the skill of doing the work with your own hands will be very useful.

The spacious pit allows you to store repair tools and spare parts for the machine in it, especially in those rooms where there is little free space.

The disadvantages of this useful design in the garage include:

  • Danger proximity groundwater. With an excess of moisture, with poorly executed waterproofing, even in the absence of flooding, water will accumulate on the walls of the device due to temperature changes in winter.

Tip: You should be aware that any inspection hole leads to the formation of condensation at the bottom of the car. This is due to large temperature differences occurring at different levels structures.

The pit will have disadvantages only in case of violations in the construction technology and the lack of taking into account the features of the site when carrying out engineering work on its study.

How to complete a viewing hole

The construction of the device will be the same when building a future garage and building it in an already finished room.

Work instructions include:

  • Pit preparation and marking.
  • Her finish.
  • Conducting communications.

Moreover, each step requires competent execution with knowledge of several subtleties.

These include:

  • Know the level at which the groundwater lies in the area being developed. For a justified construction, it must be at least 2.5 meters. It is better to check it yourself: a hole is drilled in the ground, as deep as possible in the area where construction is planned.

Tip: If the dimensions of the inspection pit in the garage and the garage itself are large enough, the device can be made with a side entrance. In this case, its proportions will be L-shaped, as shown in the photo, which will shorten the length of the trench and make the descent into it more convenient and easier when the car is being inspected.

  • The width of the device is marked. At the same time, it should be convenient to work here, and not create danger when moving the car. The dimensions of the pit in the garage are usually about 70 centimeters wide in width, you can add up to 10 centimeters to them.
  • It is more difficult to choose the length of the garage inspection pit. It must be at least two meters long. Otherwise, the whole meaning of the device changes, but its increase may at correct use be very helpful. If stationary steps are made, then their length should be added to the minimum value.

The presence of a viewing hole in your own garage is justified if the car owner himself monitors his car, turning to specialists only in extreme cases. The technology of its arrangement may be different, since all such structures differ in size, the presence (or absence) of a cellar, and so on. The decoration of the bottom and walls is at the discretion of the owner.

But there are some general principles construction of such a "technological trench", the observance of which will increase both the quality of car care and the level of convenience in carrying out certain routine operations. Of course, the main parameter that needs to be determined is optimal size inspection pit.


It is chosen arbitrarily and is limited only by the size of the garage. It should be borne in mind that, after all, the pit must be longer than the car (at least 0.5 m on each side). This will make it possible to make a more gentle (stepped) descent and make a thorough inspection of the car both front and rear without additional rearrangement.

From a practical point of view, the arrangement of steps is preferable to the installation for descending into the pit, since it is more convenient to move tools, spare parts and the like along them.


This parameter is determined based on the convenience of the car owner when repairing or servicing the car. It is believed that this is achieved due to the ability to freely raise your arms. The optimum depth is about 15 cm higher than a person's height. In this case, the count should be carried out not from the very bottom of the trench, but from the walkways (flooring), if they cover the bottom of the trench.


First of all, you need to consider the perspective. It is possible that later the owner will want to buy a new car with a wider track. At the same time, the dimensions of the car owner are also taken into account. Too narrow a pit will create a lot of inconvenience and will not allow full maintenance or repair of the car. On average, when arranging it, it is necessary to focus on a width of about 0.8 m.

It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil. If the soil is unstable, easily crumbles, then it is advisable to concrete the walls or close them with brickwork.


Most optimal parameters inspection pits for 1 car are considered:

  • Length - within 5 m.
  • Width - 0.8 m.
  • Depth - from 1.8 to 2 m.

inspection pit diagram

It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of flooding the pit. Therefore, appropriate measures are taken - the bottom with its additional concreting. This is also necessary in order to exclude the seepage of liquid from the pit into the cellar.

It is desirable to equip a drainage canal, but this is a “pleasure” from the expensive ones, since it is rather difficult to implement it in practice.

If the size of the garage is significant, then it is advisable to divide its entire area into zones - a separate inspection pit and a place for staging the car. Then vapors will not fall on its bottom.

To avoid rising humidity levels in the garage, when not in use in this moment the observation hole must be closed at all times (with shields, boards, sheet material etc).

In the inspection pit, there is a fairly intense condensation of moisture. So that the car bottom does not undergo increased corrosion, it is necessary to consider high-quality ventilation garage.

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