An increase in air humidity indoors. How to increase air humidity in the porched apartment

Engineering systems 03.03.2020
Engineering systems

For a natural and healthy microclimate in the house, periodic ventilation and proper moisturizing are extremely important. With the first simple - you can open the window, and access is provided. But how to moisten the air without a humidifier in the room? Devices providing the necessary humidity of the atmosphere are not cheap. Not every family is available such purchase. It turns out that there are simple ways to solve this problem with its own.

High-quality moisturizing device will create a favorable atmosphere in the house

The natural humidity corresponding to the needs of the human body is considered to be at forty-sixty percent. Under such conditions it is easy to breathe, the mucous membranes of respiratory organs do not dry.

If the humidity is higher:

  • in the house "fogging" windows;
  • breathing becomes heavy, as in a steam room;
  • on the walls are formed fungus and mold.

If the air is reheated:

  • there is a sense of constant nasal congestion and deposits in the larynx;
  • the skin of the face is "tightened", crackers are formed on the lips, peeling arises;
  • synthetic fabrics and hair are constantly electrified;
  • the tips of the leaves of domestic flowers dries and yellow.

Moisturizing air in the apartment is especially important if there are children in the house. It is a risen atmosphere that can contribute to the development of allergic reactions and frequent diseases of sharp respiratory infections.

Helpful information! Too dry mucosa is not able to fully protect against viral attacks. As a result, the development of dangerous complications: asthma, bronchitis and angina.

If someone from household suffers from skin disease - the sleeved air in the apartment will exacerbate the problem.

For and against humidifiers

So, on the question: "Does the humidifier need an air humidifier?", The answer is obvious. Now you need to decide whether to buy a finished device or can you do by home?

Manufacturers offer a wide range of moisturizers models. They differ in price and principle of action, but everything is quite effective.

  • Traditional humidifiers evaporate cold water and spray it with a miniature. Such devices are equipped with filters for air purification from dust.
  • Humidifiers with steam heat heat to sixty degrees. Devices are equipped with automatic shutdown when the tank is emptying. They represent a certain danger for small children and room colors.
  • Ultrasound devices are economical and silent. They work on distilled water.
  • The device with the console in the title "Air washing" simultaneously moisturizes and cleans the air. Ionization is carried out using a silver element in the design.

Article on the topic:

Such a device is simply necessary in the nursery, especially in winter. In a special review, you will find recommendations for choosing the best model in your budget.

Any of these devices will help to achieve optimal humidity in the room. All electrical devices require compliance with strict rules of operation, otherwise problems may arise:

  • in the device may form lime tax, which will impede normal operation;
  • in the absence of regular cleaning in the tank, water can bloom or pathogenic microorganisms will develop.
Note! Only the correct care for the humidifier will ensure its functioning and safety of the whole family.

How to moisten the air without a humidifier in the room: Methods and ideas

What if the air is dry in the apartment, but does not seem to buy a moisturizer? There are several simple and effective techniques:

  • The easiest way out is to pour water into a wide plate and install a wet tissue on the hot heating batteries. This is a completely safe, but ineffective method.
  • Moisturizing the atmosphere with a container with boiling water, kettle or bucket. Thus, you can quickly normalize the atmosphere, but should be extremely careful if children or pets are in the apartment.
  • To achieve an increase in air humidity can be breeding colors in pots. Plants with large leaves strongly evaporate moisture. Especially effective Hibiscus, Monster, Diffenbachia and Indoor Citrus. Constantly watering and spraying flowers, you can get excellent results.
  • Aquarium will help to solve the task of moisturizing the atmosphere in the apartment. It requires attention and care, but is one of the most optimal natural moisture methods.

Article on the topic:

For people with pulmonary diseases and allergies, this device is simply necessary. But how to make it competently choose, we will analyze in the relevant publication.

How to make an air humidifier do it yourself at home

Having considered the usual ways to moisten in the room in the room without a humidifier, it is necessary to go to simple devices from undergraduate materials.

The most simple version is a moisturizer from a conventional plastic bottle.

  • Option 1. Materials: gauze bandage, two small wires, a bottle of mineral and lemonade. On the bottles you need to make a lateral incision long in ten centimeters. Wired need to fix the bottle on the pipe leading to the radiator. In the container poured water. One end of the gauze strip is lowered into the liquid, and the second is wound around the pipe. To work the device, do not forget to top up the liquid.
  • Option 2. Materials - small fan, large bottle. The top of the tank is trimmed so that the fan can be consolidated in it. At an altitude of about ten centimeters around the perimeter, you need to make holes for air output. Water is poured so that it does not reach a few centimeters to the ventilation slots. The fan is inserted into the neck of the bottle in and include.

Another technique How to moisten the air in the apartment without a humidifier - make a device based on plastic canister:

Another device created from computer coolers and CDs:

Another simple, but at the same time a surprisingly workable design can be made using conventional wet cleaning sponges. For the device, a plastic container with a lid with a volume of 6-8 liters, about fifteen square flat sponges for wet cleaning and a cooler from the computer. Sponges are fought through two guides. They can be simple wooden wands for kebabs or solid wire segments. Such a "garland" is fixed in the container in such a way that one of its edge falls almost to the bottom. In the container lid, you need to make three slits. Two on the sides for air circulation and one in the center for fixing the cooler. How such a device works visually shown in the following video:


If dry air in the apartment provokes allergies and frequent complications in respiratory diseases, it is worth thinking about installing an atmospheric moisturizing device. If you wish, you can purchase a ready-made device that will quickly solve the problem.

By solving the task, as in the room moisturize the air without a humidifier, you should use accessible methods: make room flowers with large leaves, placing wet towels on the batteries or install aquarium.

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In the cold season, when the heating is included in the house or apartment, the windows shuddered tightly and heating devices are periodically used, air is strongly over. The easiest way is to buy a moisturizer, but why spend money if you can do on your own. How to moisturize the air in the room with remedies? Categories Ektalku and take advantage of our advice.

In winter, air dryness rises by 20%, which is not the best way reflected on human health. Moreover, children and older people suffer to a greater extent.

The absence of the desired humidity leads to numerous problems.

In addition to health problems, excessive dry air leads to irretrievably lost things. Wooden surfaces crack and deform, which means parquet or furniture in danger. Books dry up, paper becomes fragile and breaking.

Musical instruments generally require increased attention, cracks in wooden parts distort the sound, and the deformation leads to complete dissent. Piano recommended all year round tanks with water to provide humidity. But in and the violin is difficult to shove the jar with evaporating fluid, and therefore, you need to do something, and urgently and immediately.

Lack of moisture provokes static electricity accumulation. Did you have such that any object seems to be harmless suddenly beats the current? That's about, it's all because of dryness.

Air humidity rate in the room

As you know, a person by 80% consists of water, which means that it will feel comfortable if the humidity in the apartment will be 40-60%. To maintain the optimal microclimate, the air temperature should vary from 18 to 20-22 degrees.

At home, the humidity is checked using a hygrometer, but many and in the eyes did not see this device, so use the following method. Cool the glass bottle in the refrigerator, and then put it on the table. Five minutes later, appreciate the result.

  1. The glass surface was first dove, but dried over the specified time - the air in the room was lying.
  2. Poverty glass does not dry longer than 5 minutes - the average humidity.
  3. The moisture jets ran around the glass - the right microclimate.

In the first two cases, you should think about how to moisturize the air.

Experimed by you determined that dryness in the room is increased. How to moisten the air in the room without a humidifier, so that you do not harm myself and households? Take advantage of several tips.

Try to ventilate the room several times a day. Why breathe with stuffy air? In the morning, as soon as we got out of bed, open the window and do our morning business. Air from the street will fill your dwelling with humidity and freshness.

Open the window when you are engaged in sports or cleaning. Be sure to ventive well before bedtime. And breathe easier, and sleep will be stronger.

Many believe that frosty air is so too dry, so it will not bring benefits. When he enters the room, then mixing with warm, creates condensate and provides sufficient humidity.

Wet cleaning

Clean - pledge of health! Who does not know this? Regular wet cleaning will only benefit and its inhabitants and its inhabitants.

Wash the floor, wipe the dust with a dust, spray the curtains and curtains from the sprayer. And necessarily with an open window - and you are not hot from physical work, and the stagnant air will destroy.

After cleaning, sit in the chair, inhale full of breasts. Feel freshness and pleasant smell of damp? Wet and clean!

Tanks with water

Sometimes, in severe frosts, the central heating battery is frying just a merciless. Of course, in the house heat, but at the same time unbearably dry. And now the grandfather coughed, and the child stuck. Open the window - no way out, frost will quickly come true.

Take a basin or a wide saucepan with water and put it under the heating system. Wide bandage or gauze fasten with one end on the battery, and then lower it into the water. The wider fabric, the greater the volume of evaporation. Who prevents you from raising whole garlie garlands?

If you do not want to mess with basins and climb them with an apartment, fantasize. Remove transparent vases from the servant and crystal, fill them with water and decor - pebbles, algae, flowers. Beautiful compositions will fit into the interior and will benefit. The main thing is not to forget from time to change the water to fresh and well wash the tank.

Wet fabric on batteries

Water a large terry towel and put it on a hot battery. You will immediately feel how the air is moistened from evaporation from a large surface. A big minus - you constantly have to run in the bathroom to moisten a dry towel. But lose extra calories!

After washing, part of the linen can be dried on the central heating batteries. Here you get double benefits - fast drying and good humidity. In everything you need to look for benefits!

The most ordinary pulverizer spills the smallest droplets of water in your apartment than at least temporarily reduce dryness. Instruct this simple childhood, he is happy and joy sprinkles the apartment, you and the cat. And the air is useful, and you are not hot with a cat now!

And the ordinary modern with the ferry perfectly solves the problem of dry air. If you have a big family or there are children, then you, of course, are often staked. Hot couple will help and clothing, and microclimate.

Drying linen

Not all apartments have loggias and balconies that are so comfortable to hang underwear. In this case, you have to acquire a folding board-dryer and dry in the room. Do not beware, because in this way you provide an additional dose of moisture.

In families where there are children, sports corners are often purchased: Swedish walls, horizontal bar. Cheer after washing baby tanks and blouses on the steps of the stairs, even a little, but the air will definitely moisturize.

The washing powder should not have a strong and sharp smell, otherwise you threaten the saturation of air chemistry.


Do you know how to increase moisture in the room with plants? It is enough to make a small tropical oasis. Orchids, citrus, all sorts of palm trees and ficuses love heat and humidity. Caring for them, you provide regular watering and spray the leaves with water. Exotic plants love the shower of the spray with a pulverizer and boldly respond to it with flowering and growth.

Frequent spraying naturally moisturizes the air in the apartment. After all, the plants also consist of water, which, evaporating through the leaves, gives the necessary humidity, ionizes and cleans the atmosphere of the room.

There is such an amazing plant - cipers (papyrus or venereine grass) - acknowledged green umbrellas on legs, so here, it is able to evaporate to 3 liters of water in a day. It is for it that it loves and is actively bred in children's institutions.


Decorative fountains are beautiful, please the eyes of the water in the water, calm the nerves and serve as beautiful humidifiers. Next to them is always fresh and easily breathing.

Fountains are of different sizes and design, it all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the possibility of the buyer. The principle of operation is simple, water circulates along a closed circle, and when evaporates, it should only be addressed to the required level.

Love fish? Follow the great pleasure. Multicolored pebbles, green algae and bright yurk fish are an excellent relaxator.

Water from the surface of the aquarium evaporates, thereby moisturizing the air. You stay from time to time to pour a new driver, bringing it to the desired volume. However, a small capacity is not able to provide the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room with the desired moisture, and large aquariums cumbersome and not everyone afford.


After you have taken a shower or inserted in hot water, leave the bathroom door open. Thus, couples and evaporation moisturizes the apartment. For some time, it is possible not to descend, waiting for a complete cooling - it will increase the humidity.

Boiling water

A simple way to moisten the kitchen is to leave a boiling kettle on the stove, let it leave. Hot couple mixing with air turns into the smallest droplets of condensate.

And if you add a couple of droplets of essential oils into the water, then the air can be displaced and give it a pleasant fragrance.

Take advantage of eucalyptus or tea tree oil, they have a positive effect on the respiratory system and facilitate colds. Orange oil reduces appetite, and Lavender will relax and calm down. Herbs, cinnamon, mint will also give freshness and "taste."


Air humidifiers are useful, but very expensive acquisition. Therefore, experiment and with the help of prickly means handle dry air. Of course, these ways are temporary, they need to combine and use regularly.

Do not forget about the opposite side. If you stop and bring the humidity more than 70%, then we will be guaranteed to get mold and fungus.

In winter, the level of humidity in the apartment drops to 15-20%. And this is bad. Why?

First, because the dehydrated air overwhelms the skin and mucous membranes, it helps to reduce immunity and the development of diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis. By the way, small children are especially sensitive to its exposure.

The second reason is insufficient humidity harms plants, books, wooden furniture and musical instruments.

The optimal level of humidity in the apartment is about 40-60%.

You can measure air humidity using a special device - a hygrometer. If you do not have it, use the following method. Fill the glass with cold water and leave it in until the fluid temperature drops to 3-5 ° C. Then get the glass and install it in the room away from the batteries. Observe the glass surface for five minutes. Result Rate this way:

  • If the walls of the glass first fucked, and in five minutes he dried, the air in the room is dry.
  • If in five minutes the glass remained swam, the moisture is average.
  • If the streams of water appeared on the glass, the humidity is increased.

Dry air? Then use one of the following techniques to restore the normal level of humidity.

1. Use the bathroom

Probably one of the easiest ways. Each time after taking a shower or bath, leave the door to the room open. Evaporation will penetrate the apartment and moisturize the air.

You can also not immediately drain the water from the bath, but to give it first cool: so the number of steam will increase.

2. Dry things in the room

Another way that does not require any effort. Just put the dryer with postiprated things next to the battery: clothes dry faster, and the air will enjoy moisture.

The main thing is that there are no cleaning products on things. Otherwise, you will breathe chemistry.

A similar way to moisten the air is to hang wet towels on the battery. You can increase the validity of a similar humidifier using a water bottle.

How to build such a design, described in detail.

3. Boil

All you need is a plate and a saucepan or kettle.

  • Option 1. To bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and put it on the table or the windowsill so that the couples moisturize the apartment.
  • Option 2. Boil the kettle and leave it on slow fire for longer evaporation. This technique can be used when you cook food (often air is cut at this time).

You can also add a few drops of tea tree or eucalyptus to the water. Their fragrance calms down, and the pairs kill the microbes and reduce the risk of cold and flu. In addition, cinnamon sticks, herbs or other spices can be thrown into the water, so that the air is bullshit.

4. Establish water capacity

You can do without boiling. Just fill the vases, bottles and other vessels with water and install near heat sources. If you add stones and flowers, it turns out a beautiful composition - guests are most likely not even guess that these are not decorative elements, but self-made moisturizers. Just do not forget to periodically wash the tanks and change the water.

5. Get room plants

Flowers not only moisturize the air, but also ionize it. Some are also perfect and disinfect.

Especially much moisture give the following plants:

  • nefrolypp (home fern);
  • fatsia;
  • cipers;
  • sparmets (bedroom linden);
  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • hibiscus.

6. Install aquarium or fountain

Both of these decorative elements also moisturize the air. Of course, buy them specifically for this purpose is irrational. But if you want to start fish or decorate the house with a small fountain, you should not forget about this additional property.

7. Check and make wet cleaning

Even in winter it is not superfluous 2-3 times a day to air the apartment in order to maintain a comfortable level of humidity. Well, about the fact that from time to time you need to wipe the dust and wash the floors, you probably know themselves.

8. Build an electric humidifier

Option for owners of crazy handles. This humidifier walked around Lifehakra somewhere in 300 rubles. The ultrasonic steam generator can be ordered on Aliexpress for 180 rubles, a fan for 50.

Important to remember

Increased humidity in the apartment (more than 70%) no better air. It contributes to the appearance and emergence of allergies. Yes, and simply creates an unpleasant feeling of dampness. So do not overdo it with moisture - and will be with you strength!

The dry air in the apartment is a small problem that is in itself big trouble, and it is necessary to solve it as quickly as possible. Why humidifiers are not always effective and how to moisten the air at home without them - we will talk about it today in our article.

What is dangerous dry air?

Winter period - the active time of the heaters and batteries in each urban apartment. And, unfortunately, it is these indispensable devices that we owe dry air, dried skin and not allowing to breathe full of breasts. The lack of moisture should not be underestimated, because it may cause a number of serious diseases.

Evidence that the air in your apartment is too dry and needs to be moisturizing, the following symptoms can serve:

  • headaches for no reason;
  • heavy sleep, breaking sleep;
  • fast fatigue, apathy;
  • dry skin, especially on lips and arms;
  • yellowed plants;
  • feeling dryness in the throat and nasal cavity, especially after sleep (this symptom can cause subsequent viral diseases);
  • they hurt, dry eyes annoy (especially those who wears contact lenses).

Dry air can have a detrimental effect on wood furniture, which begins to dry and crack. Special caution should be observed by the owners of wooden musical instruments - the violation of the humidity rate leads to an irreversible heat dissipation.

How to find out the level of moisture in the apartment?

The level of humidity level is an indicator of 40-60% (both for humans and for technology). To find out what level of humidity in your room is recommended to use the following techniques.

Humidifier: Take or not take?

If all the signs indicate that the air in your house lacks moisture, the first advice that you can get is to purchase a moisturizer. It is about the device that sprays the smallest particles of water in the air, thereby moisturizing it. The humidifier takes a little space, it is convenient to use and copes well with his tasks, but he has several disadvantages that can stand on the road to the acquisition of this product:

  • high level of energy consumption that will be tangled in a small city apartment;
  • price;
  • the noise produced by the humidifier during operation can be quite noticeable, especially at night.

If the above minuses are substantial disadvantages for you, it is not necessary to despair: there are several simple and free ways to moisten the air in the room.

Method first. Water!

Arrange the moisturizing containers with water all over the apartment. It is desirable that the container is wide enough, as the greater the area of \u200b\u200bevaporation, the faster the particles of water will fall into the air. That is why it is much more efficient to put in the room plates, albeit shallow than glasses or circles.

Water in such tanks must be changed often, preferably every day, because water is an ideal environment for breeding bacteria and even larvae of some insects (for example, mosquitoes).

At the first method there are several other embodiments in addition to placed water with water apart.

  • If the room is too large or you can't keep in it a lot of different water tanks (for example, a lot of electrical equipment and household appliances in the apartment), then the best solution for you will be aquarium! Especially when it comes to the children's room: in this case, the aquarium will not only moisturize the air, but also entertain and develop children. In the aquarium can be placed underwater plants that double the amount of oxygen and moisture in the air. Please note: the aquarium requires attention and timely care, so before it is worthwhile, it is still worth estimating your strength.
  • The bulky and complex in the care of the aquarium can be replaced with a room fountain film: it is inexpensive, uncomplicable and beautifully revives the interior. Externally, the fountain may have a different form: the shape of the forest, a medieval castle, a Japanese bonsai, an elegant sculpture composition, and so on. Inside the shell is an electric motor, which causes water to circulate.
  • Due to the fact that the water is constantly moving, creates splashes, the air around the font is very quickly saturated with moisture and is markedly refreshing. The fountain is often set to remove stress and fatigue - not only due to melodic murmur, but also due to its ability to give consciousness into clarity. Next to the fountainic can be put on plants, if any: first, so you create a unique composition in the interior, and secondly, the plants will faster to get moisture and allocate oxygen.

The method of the second. Sorshest wet

Surely you paid attention to the fact that the humidity of the air in the room increases markedly if it is left to be dried just wounded underwear. It is usually recommended to dry the linen in the room just because the risk of condensate and mold occurs, but if there is very dry air in the apartment, then the presence of wet things will even benefit.

In order to moisten the air in the room with a battery, it is enough to wet a large towel, slightly squeeze it and hang on the battery. Under the influence of high temperature, the towel will be heated and quickly evaporate moisture, and the moisture, in turn, will saturate air.


Dry things on electrical heaters is prohibited! Specify detailed information in the instructions for the device.

Another folk invention is a wet bandage. Pour in the bank of ordinary water, wet the bandage in it (or just a long strip of fabric) and hang on the battery so that one end to the water is lowered. One end of the bandage will constantly dry, evaporating water, and the other will absorb the contents of the jar. Such a helica invention allows to perfectly moisturize air.

The third way. Get plants

Plants are not only the only inhabitants of the Earth, which produce oxygen, they also saturate the air moisture. In this case, the air is ionized, as well as purified from harmful bacteria, radiation and dust.

What plants contribute as much as possible in the fight against dry air? To do this, we must remember where the highest humidity rate is preserved in the planet. All correctly, we will search for the necessary plants in the jungle. It is there that they sat down the air moisture so that a person is covered with an embryo, staying in the jungle just a couple of minutes.

You should expect the greatest benefit from the following types:

  • fern;
  • fitonia;
  • orchid;
  • hypooetes.

True, the above plants are asked no less moisture than they give, therefore they will be needed quite often.

However, in the middle strip there are decent and usual alternatives:

  • home fern;
  • bedroom linden;
  • ficus;
  • hibiscus;
  • dracaena;
  • cipelus and others.

These plants are really able to change your home!

Method fourth. More air!

More often ventilate the room. Street air in winter, and even more so autumn and in the spring, enough moisture. 15-20 minutes of ventilation several times a day - and you will notice how breathing has become cleaner, and well-being is better.

During ventilation, you can make a wet cleaning or simply spray water in the air with a spray gun. This will significantly increase the efficiency of ventilation.

If the apartment has a fan, then turn it on and direct the pulverizer stream exactly in the direction of the air movement. Thus, water will independently penetrate into all the ends of the room.

The problem of dry air in the apartment is very relevant, since a hot battery or continuously working air conditioning, reduce air humidity from 40 to 60%. Dry air can be a serious problem if there are small children in your house. It is much harder to breathe with reduced moisture, and bacteria and infections are spread faster. That is why the question of how to increase the humidity of the air in the apartment, comes to people increasingly. Of course, it is possible to moisturize the air in the room in a simple way - to ventilating. However, during the cold season, the ventilation of the premises causes problems. In addition, at this moment you need to turn off the batteries and air conditioning, for more effect. To increase air humidity, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment as much as possible. This is especially true of the premises in which children sleep.

Moisturizing with a humidifier

The best way to combat this problem is the use of humidifiers. The principle of operation of the humidifier is not complicated. Over the water passes the air flow, exciting the smallest droplets of water, and the fan spreads the resulting mixture around the room. Humidifiers acting on this principle are the most energy efficient and create very little noise when working. The modern devices have a hydrostat (air humidity meter). Therefore, configuring the device to satisfying the result, it will constantly maintain it.

A good solution will be the installation of the filter to the place of air intake. It will eliminate the room from excess dust and microbes. They are also good for aromotherapy, can be used for inhalation, and completely safe for children.

However, humidifiers have low power, therefore the humidity cannot be lifted above 60%. In the case of absolutely dry air will not be able to get to this level. The cost of such an appliance will cost 5 to 16 thousand rubles.

Significant more advanced, ultrasound humidifiers. The principle of operation is the same, only mixing occurs in a separate chamber by breaking and mixing molecules. Such devices are noticeably more efficient than the analog and allow maintaining any level of humidity. True, it can be used exclusively with distilled water, because any other will leave the white flare, and make it difficult to work the device.

The simplest are steam humidifiers. They act on the principle of a conventional boiling kettle. It constantly boils water and there is a sensor that turns off the device when the supply of water evaporated. He has many minuses. For example, if you leave the device unattended for a long time, it can arrange a full-fledged steam room in the room, since it does not have automatic control of the humidity level. Moreover, hot steam is dangerous for children and animals, and because of the moisture, wallpapers and furniture can suffer.

There are also air washing, which are successfully used when dealing with dry air. The principle of their work is based on a humidifier, only water droplets fall into the air through plates. Special fan drives polluted air through water drops, moisturizing it and collecting dust, which later enters the tank with water. They have an autonomous hydrostat with the ability to set the mode of operation. The maximum achieved humidity of the apparatus is 60%. Universal devices that are not only moisturized, but also will be cleaned with air, quite expensive.

Use humidifiers should be paired with air conditioning. Since only such a system creates favorable living conditions for humans. Especially attentive need to be with respect to humidifiers with ionizers. On the one hand, they attract dust, but on the other, -After changing polarity, this attraction will be ineffective. It is in such cases that the air conditioner will become an excellent addition.

Independent moisturizing rooms

How to increase air humidity without appliances? If your budget does not allow you to purchase an autonomous device, it is necessary to resort to simple and affordable ways to moisten air indoors. For example, put a water container under the battery (basque, vase, jar). You can even add oils to water, for greater usefulness. The main thing is not to forget as often as possible, changing the water.

An excellent way to solve not only the problem of dry air in the room, but also bring the living room to the interior, can a simple aquarium and gardening rooms, such plants as ciprus can evaporate a day to 3 liters of water. True, they require care, careful irrigation and, accordingly, time. If the space in the room and the features of the apartment design, you can install a room fountain. However, it can greatly moisten the room at the expense of small splashes of water, so its dimensions must be commensurate with the size of the room.

Air humidity directly depends on its temperature. The lower the temperature, the less you can raise the maximum humidity and vice versa. That is, if at 15 degrees the humidity is 60%, then at 25 degrees the same composition of the air will be moistened by 35%. It means that the larger the temperature will, the more will have to do moisture.

Simple household situations can also help you with humidifier. Drying of clothes After washing in the apartment will provide sufficient moisture in the premises, especially if you dry it on the batteries.


Depending on your requirements and volume of the room, it is important to choose the way to choose the way you will produce moisturizing. If for small rooms it will be possible to use compact humidifiers or moisturize the air in a natural way, then large rooms will require a more professional approach. Modern climatic equipment can provide not only a given temperature, but also to produce filtering and humidification. The built-in intelligent system may even respond to change in weather, air pollution, operate at certain time intervals.

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