Correct the pipe under water. Abyssinian Well: Features, Pros and Cons, Creating Technology With Your Hands

Arrangement of the site 13.06.2019
Arrangement of the site

Sooner or later before any owner country plot The question arises about the fence of his land. The fence performs not only the protective function, but also gives the area with the construction of the finished view.

Naturally, the design of the fence should be strong so that it does not have to correct it every year or rebuild. The reliability of the construction primarily depends on right mounting Fence framework, the basis for which the pillars hold the entire design.

Installation methods

Metal pipes used as reference elements of fence

Supports for fences are made of metal, brick, concrete. The most common option is metal poles that are made of profiled pipes of different diameters and length. Elements made of metal do not require complex installation, and they are easily attached to the fence sections from a wide variety of materials.

The price of such pillars is very democratic, and the durability makes their use rather attractive.

To find out how to score poles for the fence, you need to get acquainted with existing methods, and navigate which one is the most suitable. Supports are installed in three ways: clogging, concreting, stunt. The simplest and affordable is the method of conventional clogging of pipes into the ground.

Driving techniques

Before starting work, you should schedule where the posts of the future fence will be. It should be noted that the distance between the supports should be 2-3 m.

The driving is carried out in three methods:

  1. With the help of a sledgehammer.
  2. Installation using "grandmother".
  3. Installation using a copra.

Regardless of the scoring method, you must comply with the following conditions:

  • the lower part is shuffled into the ground by 1.2-1.4 m;
  • starting the installation is needed from angular reference elements, then tighten the cord between them to set the level of the subsequent support;
  • when driving, trying to strike at the top of the pipe not too much so that it does not go to the ground more than it is required and did not deform. Raise the column scored over the necessary height will be much more complicated than hit again;
  • before installing the supports, they recommend that their part that will be underground, cover by bitumen or anti-corrosion composition. You can also just paint.

The scoring method is used to create lightweight structures. It may be a fence from the grid of challenges, profiled sheet or stakenice. When installing the fence from the professional sheet, you must also take into account the sailboat, and plug the pipes at least 1.5 m.


Low fencing are installed on small columns (up to 1.5 m long). More often for the arrangement of such structures is used for a sledgehammer. For clogging, we use a laying of wood between the pipe and a sledgehammer. A person who scores the support in this way should be located above the top edge of the support in order to be able to scope and strong impact.

Reception, of course, cheap, but at the same time labor-intensive, requiring great physical efforts. When using a sledgehammer, there is a risk of pillars, so it is recommended to perform these works in a pair. One holds the pipe vertically, the second scores. Moreover, the verticality of the driven reference elements should be checked by the level.

Installation using "grandmother"

"Grandma" to clog pipes

The "grandmother" is a simple homemade mechanism for clogging into the ground of pipes and is suitable for mounting the reference elements up to 3 m long. The tool can be made independently:

  1. Take a piece of pipe with a length of 1 m. The pipe diameter should be larger than the diameter of the post. It is necessary so that the pipe freely put on it.
  2. One end of the pipe to weld a metal circle, add extra load (metal trimming, lead). The harder will be "grandma", the easier it will score a post in the ground. The mass of "grandmother" should be from 10 to 30 kg.
  3. The mechanism is pulled by a metal circle, welded not to the very end of the pipe, and with a retreat of several centimeters inside. The resulting container is filled with molten lead.
  4. For the convenience of the process, you need to weld to the pipe on the opposite of the edge of the edge of the edge of two metal handles with a length of about 1.5 m.

The pillar is installed in the outlined place in advance, the grandmother is put on it. The mechanism is raised by the handles by half the meter and lower with the effort. The pipe slides on the post and due to the weighting quickly drives the support to the ground.

For greater convenience and facilitate the work, you can set a tripod to which it is cling to the help of a solid rope or chain and a "grandmother" block (on the "grandmother" for this purpose a hook is welded). For the driving, it is pulled for the free edge of the chain or rope, raising the "grandmother", and then let go.

Due to the fact that the pillar is inside the "grandmother" pipe, the accuracy of the application of blows increases and the possibility of deviating the support from the vertical line is significantly reduced.

Installation using a copra

More expensive but reliable way Installation of support elements - Application of technology. But not to each owner of the site, it can approach, because there is no possibility of free from the technique.

Copher is a special construction equipment that can install pillars in the soil and pull them out. It is used when installing and dismantling fences. It is manual, self-propelled and non-intended. With a copra, you can install and dismantle any fence for a short time.

Pros and cons of the driving method

The fence can be installed in this way independently in relatively short time And for little money due to the fact that:

  • no need to dig a pits to install the supports;
  • the cost of the design is reduced, as there is no need to buy materials for pillars concreting;
  • no application is required for installation. complex technology and equipment.

Therefore, if the groundwater takes place quite deeply, and there is no risk of loosening the support due to the movement of the soil, the fence with the pillars scored to the ground will be quite stable and durable.

When installing the fence by the scoring method, it should be borne in mind that:

  1. If the soil is not sufficiently dense, the poles can squeeze. Exacels the situation increased sailboat. Therefore, before making a decision on the installation method, it should be carefully calculated.
  2. Only light fences are mounted by a clogistic way. If the weight of the fence is high enough, then the whole design can give shrinkage.
  3. Babe poles only in finely stony soil to exclude the pipe entering the barrier in the form of a large stone.
  4. When strikes top part Supports can be deformed.

If the owner of the site decides to install posts for the collection by the hamper by the method, it should clearly determine the type of soil on the site and calculate the sailboat, as it affects the recommended depth and the method of installing the supports.

Scoring Well or Abyssinian Well

This type of wells are distributed in the north of our country in private households. A differently clogged well is called the Abyssinian Well. She received distribution mainly because of the desire of each family to have its own source drinking waterWherever earlier everyone was satisfied with the general.

In the photo - Abyssinian Well with a pumping station


Today, water is vital for each private householder - for a residential building, watering garden-garden, baths, and simply for the reserve of a lifeful moisture. Usually in the courtyard make one well, but in this case you can both two.

Interesting such a tubular well in that it is possible to make it almost in one day if you prepare all the necessary materials. The price of the structure is low, and the process is as simple as possible, so if you have a good aquifer on your site - this option will be the best for the organization of private water supply. And how to score a well on the water will be described in detail below in the article.

Production of an Abyssinian Well in the subfield of the house

When you decided to organize the "Abyssinian Well", you can all preparatory work Do not hurry in winter. It would be nice to also learn before the neighbors depth on which the water mirror is located in the well, and see their decks.


Below is an instruction how to score a well with your own hands:

  1. Buy15 m pipes, preferably stainless Ø 3/4 "or Ø 1".
  2. Make your own hands or order the components:
  • the fear filter is the most important elementwhich is made from the same pipe or from a pipe of a larger diameter. The length of the intake is equal to about aquifer, for good veins, 500 mm is enough, a maximum of 1500 mm;
  • cone for the fence Order a turner, and then weld it the tip of the fence or attach to the thread.
  1. Prepare the P52 stainless grid, not recommended from non-ferrous metals, but it all depends on chemical composition water.

Warming filter with a grid of stainless steel

  1. Drill in the pipe along the entire length of numerous holes Ø 8-10 mm, placing them in chess order, then wrap it with a grid and solder it on the edge using the tin solder. You can also attach it to stainless self-tapping screws with a big hat. To do this, drill holes Ø 2-2.5 mm in the pipe over the entire length.

Tip: Do not wipe the net with wire, it practically will not give anything.

  1. Clean the extension pipes on the segments of 1.5-2 m, which depends on the soil on the site. If he is a loose and pipes go well in it, make them more authentic.

Abyssinian Well Production Scheme

  1. Prepare the couplings of steel, for pipes - a half-muffal. Sit the coupling on the flax with paint, the fuma ribbon is not suitable.
  2. Use the conventional fishing brown for drilling, whose handle needs to be remathed. It consists in the possibility of attaching additional knees, the covotion should also be changed to the T-shaped handle. Remove the bore from the well with your hands, better together, when passing up to 6 m. Stop drilling when signs are floating.
  3. Lower the pipe with a fenceman and clog it with a wooden beast, better than birch. Use the stepladder when the end of the pipe is too high. Paint the fence in water horizon with smooth blows. Check its appearance by pouring water into the pipe when it leaves without delay, it means that you are already in the aquifer.
  4. Take a hand pump, attach a rubber hose to it and start pumping water. It will especially be easy to do when the water mirror is located at a depth of 4-6 m.

The last knee of the Abyssinian Well with a thread for connecting the pump

  1. Explore water on transparency and taste, as well as soap, let it stand and boil. Good water will be clean, tasty, not to form films when defending and not issued precipitation. It is better, of course, to attribute it to the laboratory for conducting chemical analysis.

If the water does not like, continue to score pipes further. At the same time, do not forget to control the depth and periodically check the presence of aquifer, the flooding of water.

When you find water at lower layers, the water mirror is leveled on the first water horizon, and the selection itself will go from 2-3 levels. In this way, you can score a well by almost 14-15 m, but then it will be almost unreal.

When the water mirror was set at a level of 9 m from the surface to get, you can dug on a two-three-meter depth of the kitty. You will get a pit that will not make a frozen well in winter if he was inspired.


When the water is found, it is necessary to move to the next stage - the arrangement of the well. To start its operation in full. Pipe height pigeon under the level that is convenient for you to connect the pump. At the same time, on the last knee there must be a thread, which the hoses are connected and check valve.

If the winter of the well is not operated, the latter must be removed. Waterproof station or pump Connect after the check valve through the hose high pressure or pipe.

Tip: If, after the time, the water pressure will decrease, most likely, the grid was hampered on the fence. Then you pull the pipes from the well to clean it or replace it.

Coupling for a scoring well

Ingoda water in the well may damage due to changes in the waterproof horizon, as this thing is not permanent. In this case, you will have to contact a company that is engaged in deep drilling and the casing will already be needed for the well.

New technologies

Some companies offer interesting solutionsassociated with the device of clogged wells. which can be attributed to one-time. In this case, not a metal pipe, but metal-plastic, the price of which is significantly cheaper.

But, since it is impossible to break the soil due to its softness, apply a composite reusable carbon steel rod for clogging. The fenceman is performed in the usual way, however, at the base of the tip, a conical recess is made to stop the slant rod.

Through the clutch to the fence, metal-plastic knee is attached, the design is lowered into a bored well, a clogged rod is inserted into the tube, resting in the conical deepening of the intake. Then the odor is screwed to it and the fence is clogged through the steel rod.

When the level of the aquifer is reached, the rod is removed, and the pipe attach to the pump. The cost of such a well is less than standard stainless steel pipe.


From the article you learned how to score a well on soft soils without the use of heavy drilling techniques. At the same time, two options are used with a metal pipe and with metal-plastic, but with a steel slant rod. The water produced on the surface should be predetermined to conduct a chemical analysis of its quality.

In this article presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

The lack of own wells and the poor quality of water in the central water systems led to the fact that the scoring well was demanded again. In private houses, this design is often the only option to ensure water. In addition, the well can be done both at home and beyond, near the bath or in the garden. Own autonomous support is always attractive, but you need to know what is a scoring or otherwise well, the Abyssinian Well.

The well is convenient for all its indicators:

  1. Operation of equipment. Abyssinian Wells can be dug in one day, if there is a pipe and other components;
  2. Affordable price . The cost of pipes (the main cost factor) is low, and if the aquifer is close, then the process is accelerated and significantly alleviated;
  3. Preparatory work You can start in winter.

The main thing is to find out from the neighbors how deeply runs the layer of aquifer soil or closer to consider the wells located in the district.

Toolkit and equipment for the well:

  • First you need to buy pipes for water with a length of at least 15 m. An important part of the tubular well is a fear - a filter manufactured from the same material from which the whole design consists.

Important! The length of the filter fence is calculated based on the saturation of the aquifer. With excessive saturation, the length does not exceed 0.5 m, with insufficient can reach up to 1.5 m.

  • Tokary can be entrusted to manufacture the cone of the fenceboard. It is immediately welded to the details of the fence or equipped with threads and fasten.
  • Perforation of pipes is required. For this, the holes are drilled along the entire length of the pipe, a diameter of up to 0.8 cm. The location of the holes is checked, then the pipes are wrapped with a grid, soldering the tin solder from the edge part.
  • Screen Mesh - mandatory elementwhich can also be made with your own hands. A good mesh should hold a small puddle of water and at the same time give fluid freely to drain, the design of the mesh element can be viewed on the video.

Important! A grid made of non-ferrous metal for a fenceman, due to the features of rapid corrosion and deformation.

  • The mesh is fastened with a stainless steel screw, equipped with large hats. For the strength of the attachment, it is better to drill small (2 mm) holes along the entire length of the fear pipes. It's easy and easy to make it yourself. But after the winding and fastening of the grid, protruding and unnecessary parts of the mesh should be trimmed! To brush the wire is incorrectly, it is worth a fence to cling to the ground for something durable, the wire will not help, the grid will immediately break through, and not only small, but also large particles of dirt, soil will begin to get into the water.
  • The lengthening pipes are cut by pieces of 0.5-1.5 m, depending on the ground filling. For soft layers, a little longer pipe length is allowed.
  • Couplings connecting only steel! But for the strength and reliability of fastening, it is better to add a threaded step by taking it to half the coupling. The operation is also simple and easy to make with your own hands, if there is some thread cutting skill. To minimize the leakage in places of compounds, the coupling are embrying on linen threads with paint.

Drilling of a scoring well on water

If all tools and equipment are prepared correctly, you can proceed to the next step - the wellbore. Previously, the whole process is better to look at the video and use our advice:

  • Drilling is produced by a conventional fishing rumble with a converted handle and cornotch. The handle is changed so that extension the extension knees are changed to the boor, the coams change to the T-shaped handle.

Tip! So that the scoring took as much time as possible, work is better to do together. This will facilitate the delivery of the Bura from the Earth and its cleansing.

  • As soon as floating floats, the process must be stopped, lowering the pipe with a fenceman and take a beater. The beater is an ordinary chock, equipped with metal brackets with metal brackets, fixed vertically. The pipe must be scorched by it, it is important only to observe the uniformity of the strikes.

Tip! The presence of water in the layer is checked in pouring fluid into the well, if it is not delayed, and leaves immediately - the drilling place is chosen correctly and the Abyssinian scoring well will be ready soon.

  • After the pipe clogging is completed, you can connect the pump by hose with clamps and pump out water.

Clean and tasty water, without film formations, foam and precipitation - the result is achieved. But for your own calm, it is not bad to make water analysis in the laboratory, as it is impossible to make it yourself to make sure of it. When unpleasant odor Or the appearance of the film, it is better to continue the pavement of pipes into a large depth, checking from time to time the presence of aquifer. It is not worth scoring deeper than 15 meters, it will not be an Abyssinian well, but another design.

It is difficult to pump water pump if the water mirror is at a level below 9 meters. If the operation is necessary, the dripping is shoved, where the pump or the well is lowered with the installation of the waterproof station.

Rarely, but it happens that the aquifer is not located. In this case, the pipes take out if you don't know how, watch the video, the well buried and pierce the Abyssinian Well with your own hands elsewhere.

Preparation of well for use

So, the water is good, groundwater saturated, and therefore, you can begin to arrange the well. For this, a set of pipes are aligned above the soil level for convenience. At the same time, it is possible to replace the last ended knee to a piece of the desired length or simply cut off the excess, slicing on the top of the thread. The thread is required to arrange the valve and connecting the hose part.

Tip! The valve is often breaking, so it is better to install it before the pump (at the top), in case of failure, the valve will be easier to replace. If the well is designed to use in the warm period, the valve is removed until spring. And if the well becomes working year-round, then in strong frosts the valve is also better to dismantle, putting it only for use of the well, and watch the water remains in the pump.

After the valve arrangement, the well pumps the manual pump, and then when the system is filled with water, the pump is connected to an electric or water pump. This will provide a permanent fluid post in the pipe and the Abyssinian Well will work more efficiently.

Cleaning the system of the Abyssinian Well

As you can see, score a well with your own hands is easy, sufficient dialing of pipes, tools and some patience. In the process of work, the fence will be broken by particles, which means it will have to clean or completely replace the tape net or the collected entirely. But there are such cases that the water leaves at all. Causes can be different, from natural phenomena to man-made. Solution: Conduct a deeper forging into the ground and equip the Abyssinian Well, but a well with a casing.

In conclusion and help

Interesting new technologies for scoring "disposable" wells do it yourself. Such wells are made for a short time, for example, to ensure water in summer timeuntil the Abyssinian Well will be ready. For arrangement, a metal-plastic tube is used, clogged with a composite rod. The fence is not different from the usual one, only inside is equipped with a deepening in the form of a cone so that the scoring rod restrained this place. Metal-plastic knee to the chicketer is joined by the coupling and the entire design is lowered into the bored well. As soon as we inserted the rod into the pipe, rested it into the deepening of the fence, the coil was screwed to the top of the rod and the slaughter is clogged to the desired depth. Reached aquifer, rod to remove, join the pipe with the pump and can be pumped up a well to obtain pure water.

Any manor, be something country cottage or a private housemust be provided with water. Without life-giving moisture, they can not grow, glad the gaze of violent blossom, and no fertile fruit cultural plants. The well on the water with its own hands, despite the seeming gradation of the process - a very real possibility of water extraction, which can be carried out independently without the use of heavy drilling equipment. There are several drilling methods that are quite simple in performance and do not provide for the use of expensive equipment and considerable effort.

Water production can be carried out by applying different technologies. The main types of water wells used for the extraction of lively moisture:

  • The arrangement of the well, which, in the presence of a good spring, is quickly filled and, being an excellent water storage, can hold up to 2 cubic meters of water;
  • Filter well on sand, which is a pipe D \u003d 100 mm, immersed with auger to a depth of 20-30 meters. A stainless grid has been fixed at the Bloomred end of the pipe, which serves as a filter, being immersed in the sand of a large fraction. The depth of the well is 10-50 meters, the service life is 5-15 years.
  • Filter-level artesian well used for water extraction from porous limestone breeds. The depth of the well is 20-100 meters, the service life is about 50 years.

The exact depth of the water well can not be determined before. Approximately it will be depth, as well as a similar well, drilled in adjacent areas, or a well located nearby. Since deviations are possible due to the unevenness of the occurrence of soil layers, acquire casing It follows from the parameters of the equipped already on the site of water sources, but taking into account a small adjustment.

The design of the water well is a kind of narrow well

The life of the wells directly depends on the intensity of use: the more often use the design, the longer it will last

Well drilling manual

To perform work, the boring itself is required, drill tower, winch, rods and casing pipes. The drill tower is needed when digging a deep well, with the help of this design, immersion and lift of the boome with rods is carried out.

The easiest way to drill a water well - rotary, which is carried out by rotating the bora

When drilling shallow wells A drill string can be reached by hand, while going around without the use of tower. Drill rods can be made of pipes, products are connected using a key or thread. The lowest rod is additionally equipped with a brown.

Cutting nozzles are made of 3 mm sheet steel. When sharpening the edges of the nozzles should be taken into account that when the drill mechanism is rotated, they must be cut into the soil clockwise.

Drilling technology, familiar to most owners of household plots, applicable for well for water

The tower is installed above the drilling site, its height should exceed the height of the drill rod in order to make it easier to remove the rod. Then two bayonet shovels digs the guide recess for the bora. The first turns of rotation of the Bura can be performed by one person, but as the pipes are immersed, additional help will need. If the drill is not pulled out the first time, you should turn it counterclockwise and repeat the attempt again.

As the Bura is shrouded, the pipe rotation is hampered. Easy work will help softening the soil with water. During the promotion of the borax down every half meter, the drill design should be taken to the surface and release from the soil. The drilling cycle is repeated again. At the stage, when the instrument's handle comes with the level of land, the design is increasing with an additional knee.

Since a considerable part of the time is leaving for the rise and cleaning of the Bura, it is necessary to maximize the possibility of design, capturing and removing the maximum possible portion of the soil layer to the surface.

When working on bulk soils, the casing pipes should be additionally installed in the well, which do not allow grounding of the soil from the walls of the hole and bundles

Drilling continues until entering the aquifer, which is easily determined by the state of the removed land. Passing the aquifer, the boring is divened even deeper until it reaches the following aquifer - the waterproof layer. Immersion to the level of the waterproof layer will ensure maximum water inflow in the well. It is important to note that drilling manually applies only for immersion to the first aquifer, the depth of which does not exceed 10-20 meters.

For pumping dirty water You can apply a manual pump or a submersible type pump. After two-three buckets of dirty water, aquifer was washed and clear water usually appears. If this did not happen - the well should be broken by another 1-2 meters.

You can also apply a manual drilling method based on the use of a conventional drill and hydropompa:

More detail pro manual drilling.

Shock-rope drilling technology

The essence of this method, how to make a well for the water with your own hands, is that the breed is broken using a clogged glass - a heavy tool falling from the height of the equipped tower.

To perform work, a homemade drilling rig, as well as tools for using a shock-rope method and extracting the soil from the well.

A bore tower, externally reminiscent of the usual tripod, can be made of both steel pipes and conventional wooden logs. Design sizes should be proportional to the size of a bottomhole tool.

The optimal ratio is the height of the tower exceeding the length of the bottomhole glass by one and a half meters

The process lies in the alternate lowering of the clogged glass, which breaks and captures the breed, and the rise to the surface with the captured blade of the drilling instrument.

To improve the drilling rig, you can use the steel pipe, the end of which is equipped with a cutting device. Cutting edge resembling appearance Half a revenue turn, will contact directly with the caution. In a half-meter, a hole should be performed from the edge in the steel pipe, through which it is possible to extract the extracted soil, the devastation of the drill glass. A cable is attached to the top of the glass, with which the glass will be lowered and removing its contents to the surface. The glass should be released from the ground as structures shut down for every half meter.

Here is a video example of reconnaissance drilling in this way:

Nuances Installation of casing

The dumped well under the water requires additional chipping, which can be performed both from a solid asbetic pipe and separate sections of asbestos pipes. When working with cuts special attention It is paid to an equal diameter of the pipes in order to ensure that the unimpeded immersion of the entire design is subsequently. Each pipe link holds from sliding and fixed with brackets, which are then hiding under stripes from of stainless steel.

The water well may be "adding" with steel or plastic pipes

"Clipping" pipes needed:

  • to prevent sanding of the walls during drilling;
  • to eliminate the well clogging during operation;
  • for overlapping upper aquifers with poor water.

The bottom of the well is lowered a pipe with a filter made of fine mesh that does not transmit sand and ensuring water filtering. The pipe lowered to the necessary depth is fixed by a clamp. This will prevent spontaneous seating.

With a competent device of the well on the water, the above-ground part of the structure is covered by caisson - the headband that protects the source from contamination.

The tank is a tank with a closing hatch with a hole diameter that allows you to freely have access to the water intake well

Over time, the effect of a minor "extrusion" pipes from the soil can be observed. The natural process of spontaneous lifting pipe to the surface of the soil does not require additional breaking activities.

Video example of the wellbore

The Abyssinian Well refers to the bodies in the sand, the water fence in it is made from the first sandy aquifer. main feature - small depth, simple device and low cost.

Food from the upper groundwater - the so-called rigor. Groundwater The impenetrable layer is not separated from the surface, so a dissolved organic agent from septics and cesspools, pesticides, salts may be present in them. heavy metals.

Artesian wells produce water fence with deeply located pressure sandy or limestone horizons. Water there contains many dissolved mineral salts, there are artesian water with a high content of dissolved bivalent iron. To clean up the quality of drinking water requires a complex filter installation.

Water in the Abyssinian well is distinguished by high quality. Waterproof clay layers reliably protect the first sandy aquifer from the penetration of pollution from upper layers Soil, at the same time, water does not contain excess mineral salts.

The waters of the first sandy horizon are non-pressure, so the pump is necessary for pumping water. For Abyssinian wells use superficial manual or electric pumps, the principle of which is based on vacuum method pumping. This limits the maximum depth to the surface of the aquifer not exceeding 8 m. In this case, the depth of the well can reach 14-15 m.

Electronasus or with a hydroaccumulator is installed in the caisson directly next to the well or in a warm room at a certain distance. The permissible distance to the room, as well as the blocking diagram of the pumping station is shown in the figure.

Manual pump is installed directly above the well. For year-round use it is placed in a warmed caisson or room. The well can be poured inside the house, in the subfield - in this case, the insulation will not need.

The service life of the Abyssinian well is limited to the use of pipes, the pump and the average is 10-30 years in regular use. Galvanized, and even better - stainless steel pipes, not only last much longer, but also do not worsen water quality.

Note! You can make an Abyssinian well in one day in the presence of component elements and babble fixtures.

Preparation of necessary materials

The design of the Abyssinian Well is extremely simple and consists of a set. metal pipes A length of 1-2 m, interconnected by means of a coup, filter pipe at the bottom for the fence of water and the pump on the surface of the soil.

Step 1. Pipes are preferred galvanized or stainless steel to protect against corrosion, pipe diameter - 1-1½ inches (approximately 2.5-3.8 cm). Copper pipes Not suitable due to the softness of the metal, besides, copper is able to give free water ions, poisoning it. On pipes, except the lower, on both sides cut out the external thread.

Step 2. In the lower pipe, which is a filter water intake, perforation. The length of the perforated part is 700-1000 mm. The diameter of the holes is 8-10 mm, the intercentrose distance between the holes is 50 mm. Holes are in a checker order. On top of the perforated part, winding stainless wires are performed according to the scheme.

Instead of wire, you can use a fine-eyed grid of harpoon or linen stainless steel. The grid tight turn around the perforated part of the pipe and solder all the joints.

Note! The soldering is performed by food solder, nomless or with a minimum lead content. Suitable brands of solders: POSE 95-5, POM-1, POM-3.

At the upper end of the pipe cut the threads for connecting to the coupling.

Step 3. At the bottom end of the pipe welded a spear tip made of hardened steel, facilitating the borehole. The diameter of the tip in the scene of the connection with the pipe should be 15-20 mm more than the diameter of the pipe - it facilitates passing through the soil when driving.

Step 4. The number of pipes in the kit depends on the intended well depth. They are connected using a threaded clutch, the threads for strength are filled with flax or fluoroplastic thread. Couplings are preferable to take thick-walled, with a wall thickness of 5 mm - such products are stronger.

Step 5. To clog pipes to the ground, a carbide clogged tip is made. Tip has internal thread and winds up the next section of the pipe.

Step 6. Close pipes with a sledgehammer or grandmother. The grandmother is a steel cylinder, in which the hole is dried slightly larger the diameter of the pipe used. The shock surface inside the cylinder corresponds to the cone-shaped shock tip in order to center the blow. A removable ring on the diameter of the pipe is fastened to the bottom of the studka so that when driving to avoid distortion. The grandmother on both sides is equipped with handles for lifting.

Step 7. Sometimes a grandmother makes a pass-through hole, in this case, instead of a shock tip, a recharge is used, which is attached to the pipe on comfortable height. The blow in this case is not by the end of the pipe, which reduces the chances of moving it when passing the dense layers of the soil.

To facilitate the lifting of grandmothers, they make a clamp with blocks. In this case, the grandmother is raised together from two sides through blocks, it descends under his own weight.

Step 8. For primary borehole pumping and cleaning it from sand, it is recommended to use a hand pump. If you are planning to install in the future pump station, Hand pump can not be bought, but to rent.

Step 9. When the pumping equipment is placed in the caisson, after installing the well, it is necessary to dig a pit for its (caisson) installation. The depth of the non-insulated caisson should be greater than the level of ground freezing.

Note! Kesson can be made with their own hands from concrete rings.

Choosing a place for the Abyssinian Well

The performance of the Abyssinian well is possible only if the distance to the aquifer will be no more than 8 m. Otherwise surface pumps will be ineffective, and for submersible pump The pipe is required of larger diameter and other drilling technology.

To prepare a set of pipes, it is also necessary to know the approximate depth of the well. Excessive blowing of the suction pipe with the filter can lead to its ingress into dense soil layers underlying the level of the veins.

How to choose a suitable place for the well and determine its intended depth?

  1. The most faithful sign of the possibility of arrangement of the Abyssinian well is the presence of the same wells for the nearest neighbors. You can ask them not only depth, but also a flow rate to determine the necessary performance of pumping equipment. The flow rate to measure is simple enough: you need to move 1 minute and determine how much water is capable of giving a well during this time.

Table 1. Required pump performance depending on the well flow rate.

  1. If there are closeness of the wells, you can also find out the depth of the passage of aquifer. Measure with the help of a rope with a load depth of the well to the bottom and to the water mirror, and recognize the approximate thickness of aquifer.
  2. The sign of the close occurrence of inter-plastic aquifers can be exits to the surface of spring and streams. If in your area there are springs with good delicious water, then with a large share of the probability the same water will be in a bored Abyssinian well, and the depth of the latter will be small.
  3. Some plants with a deep root system are an indirect sign of the close passage of aquifer: a coltsfoot, a burdock, horse sorrel, cleanliness and many others. Trees with a rod root also grow in places with a similar location of aquifer.

  4. Fog after sunrise, as well as the rod of the midge over certain areas is also obvious signs pointing to the proximity of aquifer.
  5. Specialists in digging wells are looking for a place with a metal framework. It is believed that for this you need experience, but you can try to do everything yourself. Take two cuts copper wire 35 cm long, bend the frame from them at an angle of 90 degrees with the aspect ratio of 10/25 cm. Take the frames in your hands in the short sides and place in parallel to each other, without compressing. Slowly pass on the site. In a place where the aquifer lives, the free ends of the frames must come together.

    People's way Location on

Note! Several signs pointing to the close location of water, talking about the high probability of finding aquifer with a large flow rate.

Abyssinian - step-by-step instruction

Equipment for driving an Abyssinian well can be leased among firms involved in drilling, buy or make independently according to the finished drawings above.

Step 1. Dern is removed on the site for a well to a depth of 20-30 cm. When driving a well in the subfield, the dend can not be removed. The first 0.5-1.0 m is drilled by a conventional garden brown to pass the fertile soil layers. It will not affect too dry or frozen land, but it will make it easier for drilling.

Step 2. Install the tube with a punching tip into a bored well, exhibit it in terms of the level is strictly vertically and fixed in this position. This can be done using a tripod or boards with a hole, as shown in the figure.

Step 3. Wide the bottom ring for fixing the grandmother. Highway the carbide tip on the upper end to the top end so as not to damage the thread when driving.

Step 4. They put on the tip of the grandmother, screw the locking ring to it below. Raise the grandmother behind the handles until it stops, then let it go. The grandmother hits the tip, under the influence of weight about 25 kg, the pipe goes into the ground for some depth. The scoring rate is highly dependent on the density of the soil. In the sand, the meter tube leaves 5-8 shots, in clay it moves much slower.

Step 5. After the pipe went on a sufficient depth, a grandmother, a tip and the locking ring are removed, screw the clutch with winding linen or Tangit Uni-Lock thread. The compound must be maximally sealed, otherwise during operation through it it will sue air or water from the rovor.

Step 6. Set the next pipe and repeat steps 3, 4 and 5. By reaching the expected well depth, the pipes begin to pour water every half meters. The sandy aquifer is a non-variable, he is capable of not only to give, but also to absorb water. If the tip with the filter is located in the aquifer, water, poured into the pipe, will leave quickly, almost instantly. If there is no information about the depth of the aquifer, the test is performed, starting with 3-4 m.

Step 7. After reaching the aquifer, the pipe is clogged by another 0.5-0.7 m and the constant or temporary pump is fixed to it. Start the borehole. First, the water will go turbid, with sand impurities.

Step 8. After pumping a few hundred liters, the water will be clean, the lens is formed around the intake end with the filter - the area of \u200b\u200bclean water without extraneous inclusions.

Step 9. Around the well perform concrete breakfast: Remove the soil to a depth of 20-30 cm, make a subtle with sand with a thickness of 5-10 cm, then put the reinforcement grid and poured concrete. From the center of the scene to the edges make a bias of 2-3 degrees for water drain. You can also make drainage for water removal, in this case the bias are made towards the drainage hole.

Step 10. Install a permanent pump or connect the pumping station according to the scheme.

Note! In the diagram there must be a check valve, otherwise before turning on the pump, each time you will have to fill the pumping station with water.

Installation of Kesson

The caisson is equipped with a well when its depth does not allow to carry out the pumping equipment into a warmed room with a horizontally laid and insulated tube. TO You can read in our article.

Step 1. When installing the caisson digging the pit around the scoring well. In order not to damage the pipe, it is better to do this manually. Before starting work, the top of the pipe turns into a package or a dense cloth to avoid the ingress of soil particles. The depth of the pit is below the level of loading of the soil by 20-30 cm, the diameter is 20-30 cm more external diameter rings. At the same time dig a trench for laying pipes. The bottom of the pit and trench is equalized and performing sand (the layer thickness is 10 cm).

Step 2. Install Ring Rings in the prepared pita. Perform in the wall hole for a tap pipe at the trench level. The reinforcement grid is placed on the bottom, it is poured with a bottom with a layer of 10-15 cm. Leave for pouring and set minimum strength for 5-7 days.

Step 3. The lid with a hatch is mounted on the well. Luke needs to be positioned so that the pipe of the wells is exactly opposite it - in this case, if necessary, get and replace the pipes do not have to disassemble the caisson. All seams are wicked cement mortar.

Step 4. Mounted in the caisson pump and hydroaccumulator. Shard water pipe Through the hole in the ring, after turning it over with a foamed polyethylene to avoid damage. The hole is shuffled with cement mortar. Connect the pipe to the pump and check the performance of the system.

Step 5. Perform the backstage of the pit. A mixture of sand and cement fall around the walls - gradually gaining moisture from the soil, the latter will grab and reliably fix the caisson. The cover is insulated with polystyrene from the outer side and fall asleep with a layer of sand 0.3-0.5 m. Put the reinforcement grid and poured concrete. After it is frozen, the hatch cover is mounted.

Service of the Abyssinian Well

Abyssinian well will serve longer if used regularly. At the same time, the lens around the filter retains its sizes, the water in it remains clean, and the flow rate does not change. If you plan to use the Abyssinian well seasonally, it is necessary to put it: to drain the water from the feed pipe so that it does not freeze, cover the pump with a waterproof material to protect it from snow and melting water. In the spring, before the start of the season, it is necessary to pump a well, as before first commissioning.

Video - Abyssinian well do it yourself

Abyssinian well does not require a passport, while it can provide your seven clean water drinking quality. With regular use and well maintenance, the problem of water supply will be solved for several decades ahead. "TO You can read in our article. "

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