Mazanka skating as a home for hermit. Stucco, do it yourself

Landscape design and layout 04.03.2020
Landscape design and layout

Everyone who wants to leave civilization primarily thinks about where he will live, sleep, escape from bad weather and people as a rule afraid that they are not aswil to put a log house for the season and will prepare for winter, as it can be problematic, choose as an option for Accommodation Made Dugout or Slash, but all this temporary housing is not quite suitable for life, but rather as extreme survival, depending, of course, how to build - but still.

Here, for example, it is possible to consider such a compromise option, which can be constructed to people with humble physical capabilities and even women, as there are no heavy, unparalleled logs and for him there is no need to dig a pit, such as for a dugout. This house is a frame with a sacrifice walls of small diameter from it, and the roof of the ceiling and the floor are also made.
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Next about the design of such a house and how to build it

After the location is posted, melted, and cleaned, on advanced labels, you need to pinch the posts. If the house is small, there is enough of four columns, and if more, it is better to add more on the post on each wall to enhance. After the pillars ripped into the ground, you can start the strapping of longitudinal and transverse crossbars, on the floor and the ceiling of the logs under the lags must be skipping more often, step approximately 60cm, and the walls are strengthened when you will log in one to one to one, the logs are needed by It is more densely to each other, which would not be large liquor, customized need to be used as an ax.

Next, when the entire frame and the walls of the house are assembled, including the attic and the roof, we are taken for the insulation of the walls. With the help of a wire or rope on the walls, we bind the cross on the cross of the rod into a few layers with a thickness of 20-30cm, they need us as the armature so that the clay does not fall off the walls after all the clay layer is very thick.

Then with a cooked solution based on clay and sand or a loam or so ground, which is contained under the upper fertile layer of land, applix a protective insulation layer on the walls and then warm the same thick layer of the ceiling, approximately 15-20 cm. Before pokingle the ceiling with soil you need Something to lay for additional sealing, such as a film or runner, but if not, it is possible to straw and grass. After, when the house is almost ready, it remains only to fall asleep in the queen for additional insulation.

And so, after the main work, we still have the most difficult thing in the manufacture, it is the door and window. If there are no special tools or finished boards, then you can collect the door of the door and the door with the help of the ax, the work is certainly painstaking, but it is necessary to adjust everything you can easily go out as much as possible so that the heat does not go out, and then shelter the door than no one - the example of the cloth, or unnecessary clothing.

With the window, everything is exactly the same as with the door, everything will be driven by a hatch, the glass must be put at least double, but if it is not possible, it is possible to film, but it needs to be three four threads, with at least a centimeter distance with each other, to create it Several layers of "airbag". A tree for such a house can be used and freshly serrated, without a pre-drying, as it is a small diameter and therefore quickly dry, and it will not behave, since you already fasten it, and it is already nothing to go. The diameter is too thick optional, the trunks of the trees with a diameter of 10-15 cm will be suitable on the brothers.

It is better for the ligament and fastening of the whole design not nails, but to turn on the wire, or you can ropes. The soil suitable for a solution for applying on the walls can be saved on the spot or directly inside the house, at the same time, and the underground will be deepened, and then at the flooring of the floor, you will make a hatch through it in the subfield and store your reserves there.

As a soil, you can even apply a simple land, but it is better to crack the soil. Connecting such walls will constantly crack, and each year it will be necessary to smear, but it will be warm and dry. Such a skeleton lodge, asked a thick layer of clay for the first time, while the main, more comfortable housing is built, and then the mazanka can be used as a barn, a warehouse, pull the cellar there, or use just as a warehouse.

Everything is more complicated with a log cabin, it is necessary to bric in thicker times in two-days, and each log need to thoroughly treat and fit, alone, a very difficult undertaking, how not to twist, and for the season you can not have time if without the experience of the construction of sorrow houses and knowledge. Alternatively, you can, of course, and a small house to cut down about 3 / 4m, it can be alone, but it will be cramped for long-term, many years of living, although it is probably kama as.

Reinforcement of walls with wooden rods and jerles

Reinforcement gives a thick layer of clay soil to keep firmly on the walls, and not fall out. For reinforcement, the first layer of jelia is nailed on the nails, or is attached to the wire to the walls, and the subsequent strata of the poles are tied to the previous one.

The thickness of the reinforcement layer depends on the intended thickness of the walls, and the thickness of the walls must be done depending on the climate of that region where the house will be erected, it may be 10 cm. and 40cm. Also for insulation of such walls instead of reinforcement and fault, you can use saman blocks.

The sacred or sorate blocks are made in forms, the grass for reinforcement is added to the solution for the fortress of blocks, it makes soil-blocks stronger. The blocks are stacked as a brickwork, that is, the house is simply plated by blocks.

The roof frame should be quite durable to withstand the roof itself along with the roof and snow load in the winter season, especially in those regions where a large amount of precipitation falls. You can overlap the roof and rubberoid, and soft roof, and tin, or just straw, in general it will be available.

Production of soils, clay, saman

Sanes, or sorate blocks are made quite simple and quickly. Clay or clay-containing primer is kneaded directly in the pit, GDI and the ground. It is more convenient to stir the soil beding film or tarpaulin, you can stir in the haze, basin, or not a sheet of tin.

Water is added to the clay, and everything is thoroughly mixed and grumbling down, then a straw, or hay, or grass is added to it, even the rods of shrubs can, in general, everything is suitable for reinforcing the block.

Next, everything is thoroughly mixed again and laid in wooden forms, the solution is rambling and left to dry. When the clay will dry and clutches, the blocks can be removed from the forms and lay out for further drying.

It is necessary to dry about 10-15 days, periodically turning the blocks for uniform drying, that is, a couple of days on one side, a pair on the next and so on to the complete drying. When the blocks are dried, you can begin to lay walls. Blocks are put with dressing, that is, the vertical joints of the blocks did not coincide with each other between the rows so that the top unit covers the seat of the lower blocks.

After laying the walls are plastered and whiten whitewash (haved lime), lime protects against moisture and precipitation, and gives an aesthetic appearance. The saman blocks are well kept warm, they do not like humidity and dampness, because of this, they lose their strength and destroy (crumbling). Such a mazanka needs to be sinking every year, to shook out all the cracks and places of plastering and clay. Plaster walls of ordinary clay with the addition of sand.
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Everyone who wants to leave civilization primarily thinks about where he will live, sleep, escape from bad weather and people as a rule afraid that they are not aswil to put a log house for the season and will prepare for winter, as it can be problematic, choose as an option for Accommodation Made Dugout or Slash, but all this temporary housing is not quite suitable for life, but rather as extreme survival, depending, of course, how to build - but still.

Here, for example, it is possible to consider such a compromise option, which can be constructed to people with humble physical capabilities and even women, as there are no heavy, unparalleled logs and for him there is no need to dig a pit, such as for a dugout. This house is a frame with a sacrifice walls of small diameter from it, and the roof of the ceiling and the floor are also made.

After the location is posted, melted, and cleaned, on advanced labels, you need to pinch the posts. If the house is small, there is enough of four columns, and if more, it is better to add more on the post on each wall to enhance. After the pillars ripped into the ground, you can start the strapping of longitudinal and transverse crossbars, on the floor and the ceiling of the logs under the lags must be skipping more often, step approximately 60cm, and the walls are strengthened when you will log in one to one to one, the logs are needed by It is more densely to each other, which would not be large liquor, customized need to be used as an ax.

Next, when the entire frame and the walls of the house are assembled, including the attic and the roof, we are taken for the insulation of the walls. With the help of a wire or rope on the walls, we bind the cross on the cross of the rod into a few layers with a thickness of 20-30cm, they need us as the armature so that the clay does not fall off the walls after all the clay layer is very thick.

Then with a cooked solution based on clay and sand or a loam or so ground, which is contained under the upper fertile layer of land, applix a protective insulation layer on the walls and then warm the same thick layer of the ceiling, approximately 15-20 cm. Before pokingle the ceiling with soil you need Something to lay for additional sealing, such as a film or runner, but if not, it is possible to straw and grass. After, when the house is almost ready, it remains only to fall asleep in the queen for additional insulation.

And so, after the main work, we still have the most difficult thing in the manufacture, it is the door and window. If there are no special tools or finished boards, then you can collect the door of the door and the door with the help of the ax, the work is certainly painstaking, but it is necessary to adjust everything you can easily go out as much as possible so that the heat does not go out, and then shelter the door than no one - the example of the cloth, or unnecessary clothing.

With the window, everything is exactly the same as with the door, everything will be driven by a hatch, the glass must be put at least double, but if it is not possible, it is possible to film, but it needs to be three four threads, with at least a centimeter distance with each other, to create it Multiple layers of the "airbag". A tree for such a house can be used and freshly serrated, without a pre-drying, as it is a small diameter and therefore quickly dry, and it will not behave, since you already fasten it, and it is already nothing to go. The diameter is too thick optional, the trunks of the trees with a diameter of 10-15 cm will be suitable on the brothers.

It is better for the ligament and fastening of the whole design not nails, but to turn on the wire, or you can ropes. The soil suitable for a solution for applying on the walls can be saved on the spot or directly inside the house, at the same time, and the underground will be deepened, and then at the flooring of the floor, you will make a hatch through it in the subfield and store your reserves there.

As a soil, you can even apply a simple land, but it is better to crack the soil. Connecting such walls will constantly crack, and each year it will be necessary to smear, but it will be warm and dry. Such a skeleton lodge, asked a thick layer of clay for the first time, while the main, more comfortable housing is built, and then the mazanka can be used as a barn, a warehouse, pull the cellar there, or use just as a warehouse.

Everything is more complicated with a log cabin, it is necessary to bric in thicker times in two-days, and each log need to thoroughly treat and fit, alone, a very difficult undertaking, how not to twist, and for the season you can not have time if without the experience of the construction of sorrow houses and knowledge. Alternatively, you can, of course, and a small house to cut down about 3 / 4m, it can be alone, but it will be cramped for long-term, many years of living, although it is probably kama as.

Reinforcement of walls with wooden rods and jerles

Reinforcement gives a thick layer of clay soil to keep firmly on the walls, and not fall out. For reinforcement, the first layer of jelia is nailed on the nails, or is attached to the wire to the walls, and the subsequent strata of the poles are tied to the previous one.

The thickness of the reinforcement layer depends on the intended thickness of the walls, and the thickness of the walls must be done depending on the climate of that region where the house will be erected, it may be 10 cm. and 40cm. Also for insulation of such walls instead of reinforcement and fault, you can use saman blocks.

The sacred or sorate blocks are made in forms, the grass for reinforcement is added to the solution for the fortress of blocks, it makes soil-blocks stronger. The blocks are stacked as a brickwork, that is, the house is simply plated by blocks.

The roof frame should be quite durable to withstand the roof itself along with the roof and snow load in the winter season, especially in those regions where a large amount of precipitation falls. You can overlap the roof and rubberoid, and soft roof, and tin, or just straw, in general it will be available.

Production of soils, clay, saman

Sanes, or sorate blocks are made quite simple and quickly. Clay or clay-containing primer is kneaded directly in the pit, GDI and the ground. It is more convenient to stir the soil beding film or tarpaulin, you can stir in the haze, basin, or not a sheet of tin.

Water is added to the clay, and everything is thoroughly mixed and grumbling down, then a straw, or hay, or grass is added to it, even the rods of shrubs can, in general, everything is suitable for reinforcing the block.

Next, everything is thoroughly mixed again and laid in wooden forms, the solution is rambling and left to dry. When the clay will dry and clutches, the blocks can be removed from the forms and lay out for further drying.

It is necessary to dry about 10-15 days, periodically turning the blocks for uniform drying, that is, a couple of days on one side, a pair on the next and so on to the complete drying. When the blocks are dried, you can begin to lay walls. Blocks are put with dressing, that is, the vertical joints of the blocks did not coincide with each other between the rows so that the top unit covers the seat of the lower blocks.

After laying the walls are plastered and whiten whitewash (haved lime), lime protects against moisture and precipitation, and gives an aesthetic appearance. The saman blocks are well kept warm, they do not like humidity and dampness, because of this, they lose their strength and destroy (crumbling). Such a mazanka needs to be sinking every year, to shook out all the cracks and places of plastering and clay. Plaster walls of ordinary clay with the addition of sand.

In which you live. And we are not only about what household chemicals do you use, what products do you buy or sort the garbage. And actually about the construction of your home. If you are the happy owner of the land and small starting capital, you can build really environmental housing, according to the old and traditional technologies for Ukraine, which will not give up to modern projects. We are talking about a saman house.

First of all, it seems that the Saman is represented - this is a building wall material in the form of an unreleased brick from a mixture of clay, sand and straw (sometimes other ingredients). If we talk about building characteristics, the limit of the compression of the saman brick (at the dried form) ranges from 10 to 50 kgf / cm2 and the stroke of the gas and foam concrete grade 600 (the strength of 25-40 kgf / cm2).

Although this technology is considered to be more inherent in Asian countries, South America and the Caucasus, it is also quite common for Central, Eastern and Southern Ukraine. Ukrainian traditional Mazani huts were built precisely from Saman. From Samana to this build houses and auxiliary facilities. Some of them are preserved in excellent form not only in museums, but still used in the villages. And they live the grandchildren of those who built them.

The advantages of construction from Samana are to:

  • The cost is significantly lower than buildings from ordinary brick. The saman brick can be easily made with your own hands.
  • The durability and strength of the structure from the Saman are equated to traditional buildings.
  • Samama has low thermal conductivity, so in the house it is easier to maintain a comfortable temperature as summer and winter.
  • Thanks to the porosity, Samam provides a normal level of humidity.
  • Samam - fire-resistant material. Even after the fire, the walls, as a rule, remain almost unharmed.

The minuses include the fact that Samama absorbs moisture very well, so under construction, much attention should be paid to waterproofing both the foundation and walls.

Another advantage of such construction is that you are less limited by the form than with traditional construction. Your home can have both classic outlines and unusual forms - round walls, a dome-shaped roof, a deepening in the hill - you can practically not limit your fantasy with clay.

It is clear that in the article it is impossible to set out all the nuances of the construction of the house from Samana. In the end, during the construction of any home you will still need specialist advice, so we will focus on how to make a saman brick with your own hands and note only some of the main stages of this kind of "green" construction.

In order to make a brick from the Samana, first of all, we will need clay (fatty or medium oily), sand (coarse rough, not marine), water, plant residues (the most common variant - Sonych-straw 6-10 cm long . Also to clay you can add clayzit, cement and sawdust. Optionally, you can add to the mixture, various aseptic additives. For fire safety you can add antipiren Additives.

If you take for the production of saman blocks too fatty clay - they will crack, and if it is not fatty, the mixture will be badly clutching, crumbling and affected the strength of the unit. To determine the fatty clay, it is worth consulted with specialists. But there are folk methods for its definition. We give examples of the two simplest things:

How to check fatty clay

Method 1.

With the selected clay we form a ball, the size of a chicken egg. We put it between the two risen boards (plywood) and squeeze the ball, adding it to the top board:

the ball of clay with low fat immediately falls apart;

the ball of medium fatty clay will fall apart when the distance between the boards will be reduced by about a third;

the ball of fatty clay cracks when the distance between the boards reaches half.

Method 2.

A small amount of clay is water to consistency sour cream. Take a dry and smooth wooden wand. Stir the clay solution with a wand. By the amount of clay, which will stick on the wand, determine its fatty:

Fat clay - 3 and more mm;

The average clay is 1-3 mm;

Getting to work. We break down the pit and drain it the bottom of the film. We lay out a layer of clay with a thickness of 10-30 cm on this litter, poured it with water and leave for the night. The next day, add sand, knead, after which add a pre-moistened filler. We leave a lot of 2 days, if necessary, add more liquids. You can mix ingredients with a shovel or stick, and kneading - comfortably legs.

We make shape and make brick. The form can contain at the same time any number of brick cells, but note that you will need to raise it and turn along with the prevailing brick. Therefore, usually for one person make a form with 2 cells, for two - from 4-6.

The form is pre-wetted with water and sprinkle with straw or sawdust. Brick can be made practically any desired size and shape, but typical is the form of parallelepiped, which has dimensions presented below. The form for the production of bricks should take into account the shrinkage when drying, which is approximately 8%.

Brick dimensions, cm Size of the shape taking into account shrinkage

40x19x13 43x20, 5x14

36x17x13 39x18, 5x14

30x14x10 32.5 x15x11

The bricks are dried under the open sky of 2-3 days, then shift the brick on the edge and be born back about the week. Then the saman blocks are stored, for example, in a barn (it is important to protect them from moisture) and withstand for about a week or before the start of construction.

Work should be started in the spring, then you have a chance for the season not only to make a brick, but also to build a house. For 1 day of work, 3-4 people will be able to produce 150-200 bricks.

How to check the quality of saman brick

If the brick from the Samana did right, then:

  • the nail, clogs into the brick tight, and keeps firmly;
  • brick does not twist in water in 1-2 days;
  • brick remains integer when dropping from a height of 2 meters.

Now that you have the necessary amount of bricks for your home, you can begin to its structure. As we noted, a house from Samana can be built in the most different projects, and therefore we will not dwell on the construction process in detail, we note only on some nuances of the construction of structures from a saman brick:

The foundation of a saman building should be very well-insulated.

Over the windows it is worth placing the visors to not register rainwater. The window sills will also be waterproof and protected. Input thresholds of the house also thoroughly hydroize.

The angles and joints of the walls are reinforced by the reinforcement grid.

The beams and overlaps are arranged with the redistribution of the load on the entire wall to avoid point load.

The external walls can be placed and whiten (traditional option) or set up with red or silicate brick, ceramic or cement tiles. Coverings are worth starting after the house gives shrinkage. Preferably, six months after the construction of the house.

Up to the 50s of the last century in the northern and northwestern parts of Ukraine, as well as in some steppe areas of southern Russia, traditionally erected at home, which were called and continue to call mazankami (From the word to smear - plastering with clay solution).

Some technology manufacturing mashed walls

Now there are people who want to build environmental dwellings. Therefore, enthusiasts revive similar grandfathers, guided by the principle - "All new, this is well forgotten old."

Consider some features of the old technology of manufacturing mashed walls.

Walls of Mazanoca are, as well as the walls of the half-timed house, from a wooden frame. The gap between the racks and the rigels, which was previously called the cells, was filled as follows: they installed wooden stakes and stiffs, they pulled them with a brushwater, straw or reed, and then fucked clay.

Depending on the type of sealing cells, the mashed walls can be divided into:

  • wooden;
  • plentine;
  • straw;
  • comanic.

Wooden Mazanka Consist of strapping (bollard) and racks, the gaps between which are filled with thin logs (pumping), wooden plates or feet. The surface of such a wall was first stuck a wooden drancle of thin jerseys, and then fooled by the clay solution.

Plentry Mazanka. With such a constructive design of the carrier cage are filled with vertical wooden stakes and horizontal acresses (pitch of stakes and stakes with each other relative to each other, depending on their thickness of approximately 17 ... 25 cm). After installation, these elements were pulled by a twig and shuffled with a clay solution.

Straw Mazanka It differs from the penetration only by the fact that instead of the twigs, harnesses of long and direct rye straw were used. The step of the stakes from each other was taken by about 17 ... 18 cm.

Canties Mazanka. When the walls are erected in this way to jerles installed in the cables, they were attached to a wire beams of a winter cantham, pre-purified from the husk. Bundles to the upper and lower horizontal elements of the flash (strapping) were nailed.

The coating of the walls was carried out as follows. The surfaces of the outer and inner walls were pre-cleaned and wetted with a wet brush, and the first layer of the solution was thrown onto it, which was then left for drying. Next, the subsequent layers were pounced, until it was possible to smooth out and align all the recesses on the surface of the walls.

When performing plastering, before performing the subsequent plastering layer, in a fresh and still soft coating, as if it was possible, slices of brick rubble.

After plastering and the final drying of the entire plaster outtage, the walls were bleached with lime, chalk or white clay.

The walls of cold auxiliary buildings were erected in a similar way. The vertical side grooves of the stands were set by the ends of horizontal jersey, wrapped with straw, pre-impregnated with liquid clay solution. The adjacent rows of the poles fastened with each other, punching them with straw, or twisted the rows of stories fine wire.

The surface of such walls was equalized by pumping plastering from clay, lime and sand.

It would be interesting to listen to your thoughts about Mazanian houses ...

This article is about traditional hatha The middle strip, a little about the technologies of their construction, about why they are in a bad state now. We continue the cycle of articles "Good House do it yourself" In the future, such articles will be seen as "traditional frameworks", in which we will tell about English oak, German header, Japanese framework. We think, in general terms, in the article "The world experience of folk construction using clay", to tell about how they built in the world where Saman is known and how it was used.

A bit of history

Let's look at the period of the last 50-60 years. In 1945, the Great Patriotic War ended. People returned to normal life.
The villages and the villages were not there, the houses were destroyed and burned. It was necessary to quickly solve the problem with housing. They built quickly and from what is under the legs and falls on the eyes.
In the go there were several options for houses, technologies that took from parents: saman-block hut, samannoy-cast ( grinding) I. mazanka (Types of Mazanoca really a lot). Let me remind you that we consider the steppe and the forest-steppe, where the clay is abundant, and there is not much of the construction forest at all.
If the hut was built on the place of the old burnt, then the clad clay was sorted on the suitable and non-suitable (that was not considered that there was a lot of chips or the one, which baked fire).

Saman-block hut

First method - sane blocks. Why blocks and how did it happen? There are two approaches here. First: old unsuitable grinding hut With strong walls for one reason or another were saw into transportable blocks. Sawed with a string saw from barbed wire with handles. After the material was prepared, the laying was started on the clay solution.
The second option was the manufacture of new blocks. Immediately in the post-war time it was not very popular, as such a way assumed the presence of a place where you can survive the season-two. In the first construction season, the family worked on the manufacture of blocks. It was necessary to get clay (what to dig up the well and cellar or get it in a career, located near the village). It is worth noting that clay has better properties if it is freezing (perhaps it was stored on the plot for the winter). Then the clay was kneaded with straw or hay (sometimes chip), but more often with sexual (waste of grain milking) and molded blocks. They dried up, then they were stored for wintering. They laid the blocks into the stack and necessarily covered from the rain.
In Ukraine, until the collapse of the USSR worked rural production factories samana. Now such factories are units, their products continue to be in demand at the village.
Such a technology is characterized by convenient and rapid construction, it was very easy to operate at an altitude without serious dismisses. From blocks on the clay solution, walls were very quickly erected. But often Selyan forgot to draw the dressing of the seams or the walls did too thin, from this such houses easily decayed to "cubes" with time. But at the same time the walls could and turn into a monolith, which is very difficult to disassemble or destroy. It was possible that there was a quick laying technology when the blocks quickly hit the week (clutching), walked into the walls. (Assumption of authors)

Samanno-cast (global) hut

Another way to build was guliby. To this day, such huts are highly appreciated. Their walls are durable and require a minimum of care. For globolized technology, strong hands, legs and rolling hooves are needed. Clay was soaked and smeared near the house near the future. One or a few holes were rummaged in which there was a clay and sand mix. The kneading could be carried out with the help of horses, oxen (but the animal is not bad and all the time tends to leave), with the help of a wheel from a cart or tractor, or specially suitable. Again, the common phenomenon was to use the help of feet relatives and friends (fat).
It must be said that, in fact, there is a nuissary division into a glind and globbit. What do they differ? Glylitol- This is the technology of laying plastic clay into the formwork, in which the straw is already lying. Guliby - This is a mixture of clay and straw with fewer water, laid in the same formwork. In both cases, the mixture is subjected to a thorough seal.
Hata It was raised according to the principle of lifting rearrangement formwork. This process was pretty heavy and long. It was necessary to prepare the mixture, set the formwork, lay a mixture with a layer-by-layer seal, wait for a set of structural strength after which the formwork was removed, put the scaffold and everything was happening. Fill height at once -300-400mm. Over one house, up to 20 people could work at the same time, and even more.
It is difficult to say how fast the house was erected. Construction at the same time and convenient and problematic. It was difficult to submit a mixture to a height above human growth. With this technology, it was necessary to follow a number of rules on the dressing device. Repeat, at home on such technology is very durable and the simplest time is influenced (if everything is done by the mind).


Mazanka. How many talk about this technology, but few people thought about what she was. Often, when they want to make the fall in the direction of Ukrainian traditional housing, mention that mazankaยป. Mazanka - This is the warmest hata Of all the hut, which are built from clay. It is the fastest in construction, but no less labor. In Europe, Mazanka is known before the Middle Ages. This technology is used by the British, is known as an English oak frame with filling out of clay with straw, the Germans and the French are known as the front, even in Italy and in Spain, economic buildings are performed on such technology. And about the neighbor and the Far East, about the construction in Africa, India, China, the author modestly silent, because Mazanica is erected there today. So, mazanka- It is a wooden frame, usually from white acacia (in Ukraine) filled with clay.
If in glajolitis and saman blocks The foundation was rather an accident, then under the main supports could lay stones or unlightening trunks of trees, and they could simply score supports. The cross-cutting of the frame was served by the branches of a fired acacia, it must be said that they were included in the preceded holes in the racks, the frame was without nails. When chopped a large tree, then one barrel with a diameter of 300-400mm cololo on 2 or 4 parts and used as supports under the corners. If you have used younger trees, then the trunks from 100 to 200mm were shred. Then the branches were in cross, so that the peculiar "basket" turned out. After all these non-cunning operations, the framework fell. The clay-straw mixture was used, the amount of straw ranged from 10 to 70% by weight. It is possible that there were cases when the frame could first walk, and then finished the walls, which makes the construction process more convenient, but requires more qualified work on the framework. The advantage of Mazanica is also that it will dry by a much faster of ordinary globular, it is consumed less than Samana, which facilitates the construction. In more northern versions, a log cabin was made of a diameter of 150-200mm, and then fooled by kaolin clay. Such a method at the same time solved the problem of the cavulus of the seams and attached a traditional white color.


In this article details the technology of adding organic binders, stabilizers, we will not consider the hardenitors. A little dispel a myth of the use of a Kizyak, rather horsepower. Horse manure used as crushed fiber for the "ironing" of walls at the final stages of the finish. For the reinforcement of the clay mixture in the southern regions, the descendants of nomads could use manure instead of straw, as hay and straw still more profitable to first give livestock. Yes, the grains were not very grown in these regions. IN sane mixes Could add dairy serum, blood, keysyak - to improve the properties of the Saman. They not only increased the strength of the Saman, but also increased its moisture resistance, and durability.

Analysis of errors

We allow ourselves to notice that after the war, the Soviet government was actively spread by the tight propaganda, which village is a grave work, the horror of the modern Soviet person, and the city is a bright future and excellent prospects. This subconscious "zombie" led to the outflow of the most intelligent and master people in the city at the factory. And those who stayed drove into the collective farms.
The younger generation in the village needed housing. Therefore, construction from the foothold was still relevant. Used all the same principles. Only increasingly thought about foundations. So, how did they do it? Basically, as you have to, without thinking about the consequences, without spending time on quality (there were many reasons for this, not only preoccupacy). Often, such a laid foundation could have to breathe from a year to twenty before it began to build at least something. To this day, you can see the foundations laid back in the 80s, they are the pride of the owners, and the collapse of their hopes, overgrown with shrubs and trees. Why the foundation was not attached to the value, although on the current experience it was clear that it was necessary. Firstly, few people knew that the technology and design of the simplest foundation and the principle of his work should be present, so the technology was developed by the method of popular experience and on the advice of neighbors and Kumovyev (in each village there was a builder's specialist who led all construction sites, it was traditionally Invited, but at this time it was involved in the construction of cowshes and other collective farm buildings). Secondly, high-quality building materials were not always available. Thirdly, very little time was assigned to the foundation, as it is necessary to keep the economy.
It is worth saying that more older generations had an advantage, the places near the house were more or less carefully selected, and the youth was already built where Dadutroditers were built. So we approached problems and mistakes.

The first error and the key to the problems with the house, this is a construction site with all its characteristics (in detail in the article "Selection of a plot" and "good house with your own hands"). It was rarely selected specifically and according to traditions that were known to our ancestors. From this, perhaps such a problem as a capillary moisture sediment from wet soils. Those houses that were built without foundation on such soils ceased to exist. Other lucky more. The foundation from butt, slag, stumps of piles (Wastes of R / B Products) and other subframe materials solved many problems. In addition, it was possible to get a pair of packs of bricks. But very few examples when bricks were used for masonry base. As a rule, they were laid out the base and the wall (where horizontal waterproofing was not made). But it is in the regions of close to brick factories. The problem of the clocol harvested a lot of hassle to the tenants of such houses. They solved it before this annual repair. But our man is lazy. It was decided to grab the foundation of the house and make a concrete base. This decision was destructive primarily for blockish and glued huts, Mazaniki and in the same poor condition). Most likely there were, because the supports were filled with concrete and did not allow them to disperse. Then the concrete base was deceived by bitumen. In order for the walls not to bleach and not repair every year, cement-sand tiles came up with and they were facing facades. The tiles nailed with a nail 100-150mm per 300-400mm walls. Thereby significantly worsened the heat resistance of the wall. And the cyclic freezing of the sections of the wall does not have the most positive effect on the structure of the walls in general.
Wall over time began to crawl off the grounds, the base began to turn the water, water began to flow there. Tiles, squeeze near the basements. In the emerging emptiness over time, they protruded the road rodent. The clay itself, they do not exactly, but the gaps formed between the frame and the clay were very interested in them, they expanded them and the nests in them. Over time, many walls in homes (especially not residential or where there is no master relationship) turned into a similarity of Swiss cheese. Also, the cracks were formed due to the use of raw wood. For 10-20 years, the trunk was completely dried, a cavity in the finger was formed between the self and support, and then in two. Worse when used dry, as a rule, struck by a jacket. For 20 years from a full-fledged trunk, one pipe remained.
If you carefully look at the monuments of the folk architecture, put in museums in the open sky, then you can see what a big swallow of the roof did our great-grandfathers. Sve as hut built in HC. Rarely more than 300mm. From here and the jet of water, running along the walls, the need for frequent repair and bliss.
Until now, we only concerned the walls. How did the overlaps been performed? The technology was simple. Along the longitudinal axis of the house, the main beam was held - the bastard. The bastard was considered the inhabitant of the house. On this beam led the runs to which clay was thrown out. Where, as a warboard, the ceiling board was used today, there is a view of the bubble hanging into the room (partly because the board lay the plastics). Where there was an unemployed round, it took repairs because the ceiling has long shuffled along with the bark. We also took the load on the eye, therefore the deformations of the ceiling (in part again because of the raw wood) were permanent. The attic has always been used for drying and storage. From the other times the weak overlap in some places could give an uneven shrinkage because of what waves could appear.
In general, quite often, thieves penetrated not through the window or the door, but through a hole bliss in the ceiling. But this is in those regions where the entrance to the attic was from the yard, and not from home.
Wings at home in HC. Asbestosol fiber, bituminous, steel slabs, less often tile. In the West and the north of the shned and board. In other words, the traditional straw and replacement also used (for each region there were their traditional roofs, but in most of them it was straw). Even today, you can, by catching many slate roofs, find a straw or shingle under them. I think it would be possible to say that the heat resistance at the house covered with slate at times less and therefore the ceiling dries in the summer and cracks, and in the winter hut cooled faster.
But the problem of reed and straw roofing, except for the fire hazard in the fact that it needs constant care, and only then she will last long.

So, work on errors

1. House from Samana It needs a good tape foundation (the basis that can even be a cushion from clay). Not excessively powerful, but just high quality. You can use both traditional butt masonry and mounds in trenches and modern railway ribbons.
2. Adobe Must be protected from capillary moisture supply of moisture base and steep germ (it can also be from a gravel with water tap).
3. The walls should have a thickness of at least 500, and better 800mm or have a special design (a combination of various samanov in the saturation of vegetable fillers). Upon completion of the walls, it is necessary to carry out the strapping of walls by any type of belt (wooden or monolithic, but not overdo it with weight). The walls themselves in their design must be repulsed, even monolith.
4. The attic must be insulated. Warm attic - a deposit of warm at home.
5. Svet roof to the height of the floor should be at least 600-800mm. A competent collection and removal of water should be organized.
6. The house needs to be careful. SAMED HOME Only then will serve as good as possible if you follow it, care for it.

It is these conclusions that will help make your home durable and reliable. I would like to add that you can meet glain walls Stone without a roof for more than 10 years. They are still withstanding the structural load. An ordinary red brick after the third of winter is already necessary to shoot, even though it does not represent much work - it crumbs.
Those huts that we see today stood for more than 20-80 years without a doctrine relationship. Despite all the mistakes made, their modest dilapidated look, they stand and remarkably perform their function. No house can boast that "He was built only as" and he stood so long, well, what is the large-poinner.


We do not encourage living in the old model of housing that does not meet the modern requirements of comfort and lifestyle. We try to pay attention to technology and mistakes made, in order to use the experience of ancestors in proven for centuries for the construction of modern comfortable, affordable housing. If you consider and prevent all the listed errors, you can get high-quality, warm, environmentally friendly, human, a durable house that will not be ashamed to leave the right to the Rights.

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