How to calculate the square meter of tiles. Calculation of ceramic tiles for a bathroom or toilet

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

Why and how to count the tile in the bathroom? It is necessary for the purchase of the required volume of building materials: you will not overpare for unused material, and saved money can be spent, for example, to buy glue for tile.

Calculation Tiles for Wall Bathroom

  1. Calculate Square. Measure the perimeter of the room and multiply it to the height of the walls. For example, the height of the room is 2.7 m, the width is 2.5 m, the length is 3 m. Find the perimeter: 2.5 + 2.5 + 3 + 3 \u003d 11 m. Perimeter multiply to height: 11 × 2, 7 \u003d 29, 7 m2. From this number, the area of \u200b\u200bthe door and windows are deducted if they are. Suppose, after subtraction, it turned out an area of \u200b\u200b28 m2.
  2. Find area 1 tiles. For example, the dimensions of one tile 0.3 × 0.2 m. Then its area is 0.06 m2.
  3. We learn the number of bathroom tiles. The area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is divided into one tile area: 28 / 0.06 \u003d 467 pieces. 10% stock is 47 pcs. Total number - 514 tiles.

How to calculate the number of tiles on the floor

The mathematical calculation of the number of tiles per floor is similar to the above algorithm:

  1. We find the floor area.
  2. We divide the floor area on the area of \u200b\u200bone tile.

Common questions

  • How to calculate the amount of tiles for the bathroom if it is placed on the diagonal of the floor or wall? In this case, the calculation algorithm is no different.
  • What makes the stock when calculating the tile for the bathroom? The allowable supply of tiles from its calculated amount is 10%. Buy a larger tile volume is unreasonable for reasons of savings, less - risky, because you need to take into account the seams under the grip for the tile.
  • How to calculate how much tiles are in the bathroom, if the floor area is partially blocked by a bathroom or shower? Just deduct it from the total floor area.

As seen, simple calculations Allow to know how much tiles are needed in the bathroom. The principle of calculations is relevant and for

Any work concerning repairs in the apartment begins with the choice of design of the room and selection essential materials To embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife. Next, it is necessary to calculate the required amount of paint, wallpaper and everything else, which can be useful. Sometimes novice masters have a question related to the category of very important - how to calculate the tile on the floor? We will figure it out how it is done.

In construction stores are now on sale different kinds tile. They differ not only by texture and color, but also sizes - there are tiles and large, and small. Among the variety, there will be a variant that will arrange the owner of the apartment and externally, and in quality. But only little to choose a tile in accordance with its decorative data, you need to correctly calculate the quantity required for finishing a quantity.

Previously, the tile was often bought in the future, since it was quite scarce with the material. Now you can safely buy only the quantity that is necessary in this moment. This allows you to save cash And spend them on some other types of materials that can be useful during repairs. Moreover, calculate the number of tiles can even with an accuracy of one thing.

Tip! When buying such a fragile material as a ceramic tile, it is always necessary to provide a small supply. It will be needed in case when transported or directly when conducting repair work Part of the tile will be damaged. Spoiled elements cannot be used to design the room.

Cut the walls with wallpaper, arrange the floors with laminate or bulk floors, much easier than to lay a coating of ceramic tiles. Therefore, the main advice for the novice is that it is necessary to acquire a tile with a small margin. First, the reason for this is that the material is fragile and its one careless movement is easy to break. Secondly, the tile even in one batch may differ in color or texture, have a somewhat non-standard form.

The correct calculation of the number of tiles is the definition necessary number Elements for finishing a particular place in the house under the condition of the minimum error or rounding the desired number in the most side. It is in this case that it will be possible to avoid the fact that the material is not enough and will have to go to the store in search of missing elements. On the eye, the number of tiles is never defined.

Despite the fact that the product of the calculations seems to be a fairly simple procedure, there are also its subtleties. For example, it is important to take into account the size of the room where the repair is maintained, the selected type of laying of the tile, as well as the shape and dimensions. It is still worth remembering that some elements will have to be cut, that is, use not entire.

Tip! Floor area, located under the bath, can not be considered, determining the amount of tiles. It will not be seen there anyway, but it turns out to save good money on the purchase of ceramics, since this material is not cheap.

How to calculate tile on the floor - the main ways

You can determine the required number of tiles using one of several methods. They are applicable in all cases, even if the room where the floor is drawn up has a non-standard geometry. Of these, the one that will seem to the master is most comfortable. We will get acquainted with the methods of calculating the number of ceramic elements.

Important! To carry out calculations, you need to know which dimensions will be placed tile indoors. And it is important to take into account the selected pattern of masonry, as well as whether there is some kind of pattern on the elements of the ceramics.

By area of \u200b\u200bthe room

The most understandable and usual method is determining the tile consumption in square meters, that is, along the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. This method is ideal for laying ceramics of monophonic, some sizes, as well as in case of simple or diagonal styling either with offset.

First the area is determined. It is easiest to identify it if the room has geometrically right shape - Square or rectangle. In this case, the length of the room is simply multiplied by the width value. Measures are removed with sufficient roulet length along the walls of the room.

Next, the value obtained is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room - it should be increased by about 10%. This will make the necessary supply of the material (10% can be added after all calculations). The final value is divided into one tile area (this is also the length and width of the ceramic product, multiplied by each other) - then the number of elements that will be required to work.

If it is necessary to close the base, the base is sufficiently large, then you can count the tile with packs. To do this, you need to know how many square meters will close the coating packed in one box. Then the value of the room with a margin can be divided into a coating area laid in one pack - the result will be the number of tile boxes.

On a note! If the final value in one case is obtained by fraction, then it is always rounded into the most side.

A more accurate calculation on the area can be made if you count the tile is the ply. If the room has a complex geometry, then with the calculations will have to be tinked. For example, it is possible to divide it to the correct geometric figures and find out the area of \u200b\u200beach of them, after which folded the values \u200b\u200band get the digit, equal Square Total floor in the room. You can also use various geometric formulas that have been studied at school.

Calculator calculating area of \u200b\u200ba quadranique room

Side length "A 1" (in centimeters)

Face length "A 2" (in centimeters)


Side Length "B (H)" (in centimeters)


Length of Niche "A" (in centimeters)

Niche width "B" (in centimeters)

Number of protrusions or columns

Length of the protrusion "A" (in centimeters)

Speaker width "B" (in centimeters)

Triangular Room Calculator Calculator

Side length "A", (in centimeters)

Side length "B", (in centimeters)

Side length "C", (in centimeters)


If you need to calculate required amount ceramic tile When laying the floor, then use this calculator.

Counting with diagonal laying

If the tile layout pattern is not ordinary - direct, without shifts, and diagonal, it is important to take into account that the flow rate of the finish elements will increase. Then to the obtained value that is calculated in the same way as described above, another 15% is added. This will make the necessary material stock.

The most economical and simple laying method is the usual direct, without shifts of elements. It is he who is recommended to use beginners in the world of repairs. It is difficult for a mistake here, and therefore, most likely, the work will be able to immediately perform neatly and beautifully.

Important! If the walls are uneven, then it is impossible to put the tile along them. It is better to carry out one smooth horizontal level with a level or ruler, along which the coating will be installed. When the bulk of the tile will be laid, the remaining floor (above horizontal) is closed with separate small pieces of tiles. Moreover, this place should not be in sight of everyone. It is better to start laying the tile from the far from the outlet of the angle.

By number of rows

The calculation of the required number of elements can be produced and using another method. It is based on determining the number of rows of tiles on the floor. In this case, the length and width of the room on large parties is found. Next, the parameters of one floor finishing element are measured. Get the number of rows is simply - you can divide the length of the room for the length of one tile. And the number of ceramics elements in each row is calculated by dividing the width of the room to the width of one element.

The figures obtained are always rounded in the most side. It adds to 10% of the stock. In this way, you can get a more accurate amount of ceramics, as it is easier to take into account the elements that need trimming.


This method is characterized by the smallest error and is often used if expensive coating is acquired to finish the floor or the original unusual figure consisting of different elements from different color or texture will be formed. Also, the method is relevant and when creating complex panels.

On a note! If a ceramic coating It will be laid in diagonal, then this method of calculating the material is not used.

The counting process is painstaking, but simple. First, the lengths of the length and width of the room are found, as well as the dimensions of one tile. The number of rows of elements is calculated, and then the number of tiles in the row. Next, the values \u200b\u200bare variable - the total number of tiles required to cover a particular part of the floor are obtained.

Further, it is best to portray the scheme of laying tiles on millimeter paper and see how many elements of one or another color will be required. Of total Tiles are deducted the values \u200b\u200bof the number of the other, not the main tile. After all counts, there will be several values \u200b\u200bthat will vary depending on the selected pattern. Thus, only the desired number of each type of ceramics is bought.

On a note! When performing calculations on a millimeter tile, which will end up with cut, is considered as a whole. And do not forget about the material of the material.

Combined Calculation of Need

If there are several zones laid out in the room different tiles - For example, a panel will be formed in the center of the room, and the rest of the floor will close with another single-color material, then it is recommended to count the tile using 1-2 methods immediately. That is, for the panel, the number of ceramics will be considered separately from the floor.

Calculator calculating tile

For those who are not friendly with mathematics, there are various calculators for counting tiles, which are presented in the form of computer programs or online on sites. Such calculators are necessarily available in stores selling tiles, as well as at the Masters-designers. But in any case, to produce the required calculations, you need to know the dimensions of the room, that is, measure the length and width of the room. The values \u200b\u200bdefined on the eyes can give a strong error and well if it is in the biggest side, and not less. Otherwise, the material will have to buy in the process of work, which is very uncomfortable.

On a note! The cost of such a Calculator program is large enough, there is no reason to buy its meaning. It is easier to use a simpler online calculator or pay the designer for the ability to use the product.

Calculator for calculating the number of bathroom tiles for finishing

Length "A" Bathroom, meters

Width "B" Bathroom, meters

Calculate for:

Length tile, cm

Tile width, cm

Planned width of intercutric seam, mm

Method of laying tiles:

Height of the wall or separated plot, meters

Will the frieze be cut? If yes, then the height of the frieze, see

Door openings on the finish section

Height of the opening. meters

Width of the opening, meters

It is important to eliminate errors in the event of a lining of a bathroom expensive imported cafeter, as well as additional elements and accessories - cornices, decorative borders, inserts. In this article we will explain how to calculate how much tiles are for the bathroom.

In fact, it is easy, you just need to correctly make room measurements and apply some mathematical calculations. there is various optionsBut here we will consider the easiest way to make the example specified specific parameters.

Laying of different tiles

List of component collection tiles

To calculate, you need to make a list of component collection:

  • outdoor (31x31cm);
  • wall dark (25x30cm);
  • wall light (25x30cm);
  • border horizontal (6x25cm);
  • decor (25x30cm);
  • pencil (2x25cm).

For example, take the bathroom with dimensions with 1.8m x1.9m and 2.7 meters high.

The doorway is 0.7 m x1.95m. Calculation We carry out for smooth walls, excluding possible niches and protrusions. For clarity and for the convenience of calculating, it is notherent to draw a room plan, placing the dimensions of the walls, doorway, as well as other planes that need to be counted.

Calculation of floor tile

Original option laying floor in the bathroom

But more accurate is the calculation of units. We divide the floor width on the size of the tile:

1.8m: 0.31m \u003d 5.8, we make rounding to the biggest, to whole or up to half. We get 6 horizontally.

We divide the length of the floor bathroom on the size of the thing:

1.9m: 0.31m \u003d 6.12. We have 6.5 vertical.

The total number for the floor is: 6 x 6,5pcs \u003d 39 pcs.

As a result, we see that the calculation on the tiles differs from the calculation in the area. The difference in three units compared to the first miscalculation is obtained because the size of the surface of the floor or walls is not multiple sizes of the plates, so they have to cut them. It is necessary to cut in places of protrusions, niches, pipes, etc. We write down the first result - 39 outdoor plates.

Calculation tiles for walls

All components have the same width - 25 cm. We divide the width of the wall to the width of the plate:

1.8m: 0.25m \u003d 7.2 ≈7.5 pcs. .

and the length of the wall on the width of the tile:

1.9m: 0.25m \u003d 7.6≈8 pcs.

Total in the perimeter we obtain: 7,5pc x 2 + 8pcs x 2 \u003d 31 pieces.

Now it is necessary from the total amount of subtracting the facing on the doorway:

0.7 m: 0.25m \u003d 2.8≈ 0.5 (we do rounding to a smaller side to have a better stock than a deficiency.

We subtract out of the total: 31 - 2.5 \u003d 28.5.

A border row throughout the perimeter is 29 pieces. Since the pencil is laid on both sides of the border (from above and below), the required amount of this element is 58.

Laying with decorative borders and pencils

Dark tiles are placed in three rows - it turns out a height of 90 cm. The bathroom height is 60 centimeters, 1 dark row will be held above it. Multiply 3 rows by 28.5 (the number of tiles in the row around the perimeter). We get 86 pieces.

Light will be sealed above the border with a pencil and to the ceiling itself. From the overall height of the room (2.7 m), we subtract the height of the dark (90 cm) and the border with a pencil (6cm + 2 cm + 2 cm \u003d 10 cm):

2.7 m - 0.9m -0.1 m \u003d 1.7 m (the height of the veneer is light material).

We divide 1.7m to the height of one:

1.7 m: 0.3 m \u003d 5.67≈5.5.

In this case, rounded in a smaller side, because when installing a beautiful suspended ceiling You can save some amount.

Decors in the bathroom can be glued at their discretion

Now we multiply 5.5 to a height of 28.5 around the perimeter:

5.5 x 28.5 \u003d 156.75≈157 pieces.

Returning to the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall above the door, which you also need to bind. Here, the number of units in width is:

0.7 m: 0.25m \u003d 2.8≈3pcs (rounded to a whole number).

In the height we get 2,7m-1,95m \u003d 0.75m.

0.75 m: 0.3 m \u003d 2.5 pcs.

We multiply 3 in a width of 2.5 to the height, we get 7.5 (rounded) \u003d 8.

The total number of light equals: 157 +8 \u003d 165 pieces.

Decors are soldering at their discretion and taste: 1 or 2 for each wall, in a chess or other order. The tiles that will be replaced with decors (if, of course, not very much), let them remain just in case in stock (for replacing damaged during operation).

Now you have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe calculations. Carefully completed, they will prevent the situation when when laying the tile may not be enough, and also get rid of the extra money costs.

If you are planning to repair in the bathroom, and the ceramic tiles have chosen as finishes, then you need to know exactly how much material you need. Otherwise, you can get into an unpleasant situation when you have to urgently buy a tile, and just such can not be on sale, or you simply overpay for extra material. To this not happen, it is necessary to calculate the exact amount of tiles, but in order to make the calculation, you first need to find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom. Consider how to do it.

When planning repair, it is important to accurately calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe faced surface

Where to begin

First of all, it is necessary to know the size of the room. In order to measure and calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom, we will need minimum set tools that are in every home:

  • paper;
  • pen or pencil;
  • roulette;
  • calculator.

Before proceeding with the measurements, it is necessary to portray the sketch of the bathroom, to make it easier to write down the results and make the calculation. For maximum convenience, designate each wall in the figure (for example, a wall with a door, with a sink, etc.) and do not forget also about the floor.

For comfortable work, try to remove everything more superfluous from the floor and walls to provide free access to the entire perimeter of the room.

Example of a detailed sketch: Scan of walls with designation of plumbing and tile layouts

Conducting measurements

So, proceed to measurements. With the help of a roulette, first of all, it is necessary to measure the width and length of the room, then the height of the walls. It will also be necessary to measure the width and height of the doorway and other objects that will not be faced with tiles. For example, some prefer not to lay the tile by the bathroom or leave the unlunned surface behind the cabinet. All data obtained is fixed on paper.

When performing measurements, it is necessary to take into account possible irregularities of the room. Therefore, to avoid inaccuracies in the calculations, it is recommended to make measurements of each side, checking the values \u200b\u200bat several points.

Please note: in some rooms of discrepancies in size opposite walls can reach several centimeters, in this case it is recommended to take more importantThis will allow calculating a small margin.

To accuracy measurement calculations should be carried out at several points


Suppose that the premises length is 2.2 m, the width is 1.8 m, and the height of the walls is 2.8 m. By multiplying the length and width, we get the floor area in the bathroom:

2.2 x 1,8 \u003d 3.96 m2

Similarly, we define the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorway, moving it to the width altitude:

2 x 0.6 \u003d 1.2 m2

Then we calculate the area of \u200b\u200ball walls. Initially, we make the calculation of the perimeter of the room.

If it is decided to put the tile on the floor, the first thing begins bypassing all construction stores. Then looks short suitable option. And then many understand that the worst difficulties are still ahead. Rises main question - How to calculate ceramic tiles on the floor and how much to purchase it so that nothing is left extra.

Why it is necessary

The thing is that the process of laying the sexy tile is more complicated than the walls of the walls too. Most people who are very rarely faced with serious repairs are confident that it is enough to purchase such a quantity so that the material is enough in the edge, and if not enough, then acquire the missing number. But professionals do not recommend this approach.

The production technology of such a material as ceramics is quite complex. In different batches of products, the same drawing of the same manufacturer or brand can be different shades. Not far from getting a tile with a necessary tint.

You can easily get out of a similar situation, if you purchase ceramics with a margin, however, the cost of high-quality tile is quite high, and if there will be a lot of material after work, it is unlikely to pass it back. Store her houses is also a bad option. There is only one right output - It is to spend time and make the calculation of the amount of ceramic tiles on the floor.

We begin the calculation

Unique ways and formulas simply do not exist. The thing is that the final amount of materials depends on huge number factors. Many will say that it is enough to know the area of \u200b\u200bthe room - but not everything is so simple. It is very important which configuration has a draft floor which clean floor is planned, what size of one tile is, if the base is ideal for the styling process, and of course, the picture is very important.

Method number 1.

First of all, let's see how you can count the tile in the bathroom to the floor. House - typical multi-storey. Often, B. standard premises The size of the bathroom is approximately 1.75 m x 1.7 m. Imagine that this room has a classic rectangular shape Without any protrusions or niches. Let the tile also be standard size - 333 x 333 mm.

This is read area, 1.75 m is multiplied by 1.7. The result is 2.975 m. This value can be safely rounded up to 3 m2. So, according to preliminary calculations, it turns out that only 27 whole tiles will be needed for finishing. However, there are nuances here - it is necessary to count.

For this, the width of the rectangle is divided into one of the sides of the ceramic tile - 1.7 m / 0.333 mm \u003d 5.1 pcs. This value can also be rounded - the result is 5.5 pcs. Then, the same calculations are performed for the other side. After rounding it turns out the same figure - 5.5 pcs.

Next, multiply the results obtained. So, 5.5 x 5.5 \u003d 30.25 pcs. You can again round the value in the most side. So, the end result is 31 tiles. As can be seen from these calculations, the results differ greatly for the whole 4 pieces. It is not at all necessary that the length of the row in the process of laying was the multiple length of one tile. Using this way, you can calculate the exact amount of tiles on any gender.

In addition, the marriage of production should also be taken into account, as well as various waste, because when laying a tile will have to cut. Worth adding to this also different niches indoors, as well as protrusions. They can be quite complex configurations. As a result, it is worth getting 34 pieces. The most economical way of laying is the seam method in the seam without any shifts. However, and here need tolerance for various expenses.

Do not try when laying to make seams on the lini wall. If the wall is not too smooth, then visually, by a cut, this irregularity will be very visible.

If it is decided to do all the work on your own, and not to use the help of qualified specialists, but there is no experience in this case, it is not necessary to take on complex ornaments and drawings. It is best to start with classic solutions - a joint in the junction.

Method number 2.

The first way is simple. And the second is even simpler and suitable even for lazy masters. In many building supermarkets, as well as on decent online stores, you can calculate the tile on the floor using a special calculator. This is a simple program that can greatly relieve life.

However, the calculator will help only perform required calculations. Anyway, you will have to make accurate measurements of the premises, and otherwise inaccurate dimensions can lead to an incorrect result. And such calculators are needed for accurate calculations. Optimal optionOf course, it's manually to read everything. Then, having received a final figure, you can refer to the program. If there are minor discrepancies, it means that everything is true.

Method number 3.

This method can be applied when the tile laying with a rather complicated pattern is made. It can be a "Christmas tree" or the drawing is diagonally tiles. Also, this method is suitable if the floor does not have the form of any correct geometric shape.

Naturally, it is possible to divide the surface of the floor to simpler figures, and then calculate the first method for each piece separately, and after simply folded the results obtained and with a minimum 15% reserve to calculate the required amount of material. However, this is not accurate and time-consuming option.

Specialists in laying tiles, based on experience, recommend using a sheet into a cell or millimeter paper. It is at a convenient scale, an accurate copy of the floor is drawn. Then, according to the planned figure (observing the scale), it should be drawn out where each tile will be laid.

After that, all solid tiles are calculated, as well as sets on the plan. Tiles, which will then cut less than half, are marked separately, as 1 tile (if you cut it) can be put in two places.

Thus, you can find out exactly how much ceramic tiles will need to finish the floor in any rooms. It is very convenient to know this figure in advance - then you can purchase a strictly necessary amount of material and a little more in case of marriage.

We consider the consumption of glue

When laying ceramic tiles, many factors affect the glue consumption. This is the type of tile, its thickness, the quality of the base and laying technology. Also on consumption significantly affects the type and brand adhesive composition, Weather, Master Qualification.

Tile can be porous, hygroscopic. The base may not be smooth enough. Porous tile can absorb more adhesive solution than glazed. Many manufacturers offer to purchase universal glue that is suitable for different types Ceramics. It should be paid attention not to the product with uneven surface - There is a lot of glue on such a tile.

Ceramic tile of large sizes and weight will increase consumption. So, for the product 10 × 10 cm with a layer of adhesive solution, it must be 2 mm. If the tile has a size of 20 × 30, then will be from 2 to 3 mm. On all products that have largerThe glue layer is from 4 to 5 mm.

The base on which the tile will be laid must be as smooth as possible. If the drops of heights up to 3 mm, then you can apply thin layer laying technology. Here the glue is applied with a thin layer only so that the tile is closed with the base. If the height differences are large, then the layer thickness will be greater. However, modern manufacturers produce special leveling compositions. They are applied with a layer of up to 3 cm. This is a thick-layer technology.

The first method provides for a special calculator that is necessarily on the manufacturer's website. With it, it is easily determined by the amount of adhesive solution per 1 m2 and the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room. It is only necessary to provide the program information about glue brand, surface area and tile type. The result is issued in kilograms.

According to the second option, you will have to be considered manually. If it is necessary to know the amount of glue by 1 m2, it is necessary to take half the thickness of the tile and the average consumption of adhesive composition. These figures must be multiplied and the result will be ready. But it should be borne in mind that the figures obtained are not too accurate.

According to the third method, the consumption of glue on cement based. These compositions are better acquired in bags weighing 1.3 kg. So, its mass of 1,3kg should be multiplied by the thickness of the glue. The number in the end and will be the desired flow.

Average consumption is written on the bag. However, this figure is obtained on the perfect base and the thickness of the glue layer in 3 mm. For example, for 21 square meters. About 76 kg of mixture can be consumed. However, in apartments, ideal draft floors costs yet. Therefore, glue must be purchased in large quantities. But this is not entirely important, because the material can be purchased at any convenient time.

We consider the consumption of Zatirki

Shutdown seams is the last stage of laying. In order to correctly calculate the number of clutter materials, you can use a simple formula.

So, take half the perimeter of one tile and divide this figure to the area of \u200b\u200bthe same tile. After the resulting digit is multiplied by the thickness. The result is multiplied by the width of the seam, and then repeatedly multiplied by the shrinkage ratio. This coefficient is 1.5. As a result, it turns out the necessary mass of materials per 1 m2 in kg. So, if the seam is 2 × 3 mm, the area of \u200b\u200bthe tile is 0.04 m2, then judging by the calculations, 1 kg of a mixture for the grout should be enough for 3.5 square meters. m.

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